#gow freya x kratos
whackk-kermitt · 9 months
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Confessing Your Love
Genre: Headconons
Warnings: Cursing(Brok..)
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“Hmm,” followed by a slow nod.
He wouldn't say anything immediately.
He will just kind of look at you, studying your eyes.
He doesn't want to take chances.
Man has trust issues!
Telling him you love him will make him so happy yet so scared.
You wouldn't be able to tell.
Eventually you'd hear, “I love you, as well.”
He'd immediately ask you to move your things to his home if you haven't already.
He loves you, so you need to stay close so he can protect and provide for you!
He'd start to find more excuses to touch you and you'd laugh telling him he doesn't need them.
Eventually, he will be comfortable enough to walk up to you just for an embrace or smooch.
Before his head got..you know.. His first instinct you be to turn to you completely.
“Really, Las? An old man like me?” He'd laugh but he'd offer to do something romantic.
Smartest man alive, but he never saw that coming.
Either way he’d swear his loyalty and heart to you.
Anything you want, he's on it.
After his head…
He'd probably hesitate to return the sentiment, no matter how genuine it is.
“I- I can't offer you much, Las.” He’d frown.
He'd feel inadequate, and undeserving- he's just a head after all!
What could he give you in terms of love and affection?
After telling him his company is all you desire then he'd probably think you've gone mad.
But after a while of talking about it he'd smile and say it back.
You'd carry his head on your belt during travels throughout the realms after.
Giving him kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
It's simple and innocent devotion and its loves that he's enough for you.
Telling Arteus you've got a crush on him would probably make him completely freeze and go red.
I'm talking his fathers tattoo red!
Lots of stuttering and blushing while you guys talked about it.
He wouldn't really know what to do or say afterwards.
But no doubt he'd eventually be able to get it out that he likes you too.
He's never done any of this before, so he'd probably go to Mimir or Freya for advice.
If and when you ever hold his hand or hug him his palms get sweaty and he gets nervous.
But he's happy to oblige!
He thinks your so cute.
Talks to his dad about it.
He's shy, but after a while of spending more time hanging out with you he’d get cocky and try to show off and impress you more.
Half of the time he’ll be trying so hard he just ends up looking silly or just straight up stupid.
But you laugh it off and tell him how cute and sweet he is.
He's whipped.
No matter how comfortable she is around you, no matter how safe you make her feel, she'll hesitate.
As soon as you tell her you're in love with her, she'll need room away from you.
In every relationship so far, she's been to much or not enough.
The woman is hurt and healing.
She's scared its not the truth, like with Odin.
Or if it is, and you truly love her, then what if she messes it up?
What is her love is to much for you and you leave her?
Or what if, out of fear of being too much, she’s not enough- and you leave her? 
Freya can't take another heartbreak.
But after seeing how understanding you are of her past, and reassuring her worries that you're not going anywhere she's willing to listen.
You'd tell her that it doesn't matter if she loves you the same way, or another, as long as your with her its enough for you.
And hearing that would be enough for her.
You'd have to take things slowand steady with her.
But she is so very much in love with you.
She will make sure you both set boundaries to keep her from going to far and pushing you away.
She doesn't wanna lose you too.
“Well it's about fucking time!”
He's so cool and sure of himself on the outside, so he'll play it off like he know you loved him.
But really he's surprised.
He's not the most romantic man, but he'll give it an honest try for your sake.
He’ll get flowers and sweets for his lady.
Most definitely start bringing about you to everyone he meets every chance he gets.
He's very standoffish when it comes to affection.
So any time you give it to him he'll stutter just slightly and awkwardly reciprocate it while he gets used to someone being infatuated with him.
Very defensive and protective is anyone makes comments about you two.
“Mind your business, you unfuckable drauger-looking bastard!” 
Very confident on the outside, very unsure on the inside.
He's worried he's not doing it right but all he needs is you smiling at him the way you do and he'll be just fine. 
Congratulations, you broke him.
His initial reaction is giving O.O
Wide eyes, red cheeks, mouth open.
He'd stutter for a response and get frustrated with himself for losing his voice for a moment.
Give him some time and words will just start spilling out.
He loves you, that was no secret to anyone!
He’ll tell you all about it when the air come back into his lungs.
He’ll go on and on about how pretty you are, and amazing, and how much he likes your smile.
Lots of nervous chuckles and shy grins from this man.
He hates when people touch him, sorry to say you're no exception.
But you figured you wouldnt be; at least for now.
However he is willing to hook his pink finger to yours every now and then as a very small step in the direction of hugging you.
Having you love him really makes him frustrated with his thing with germs and dirt.
He’s never had a problem with it before.
But now he wants to hold you and be held by you and the thought of it makes him shiver in disgust.
It's a fear he's willing to conquer if it means one day he'll get to see the smile on your face when he holds you with out gagging for the first time.
You know better then to take offense; it's nothing personal.
He gags at everyone. 
He didn't see it coming.
But he had hoped..
It was a happy surprise when you blurted it out while spending time with him while reading.
He gave you a soft smile after the shock settled and returned the sentiment .
Not much had to be said between you two after that.
The only thing that really changed in the relationship were beginning to sit closer together and a lot more gentle touches.
He'd rest against you while you braid his hair, and he'll braid yours.
His eyes have always laid on you softly, but there's something more in them when he looks at you now.
He’s happy to share any moment a with you that he can. 
He knew.
He knew you loved him for a while.
He knew you wanted to say it.
The cooky little shit just waited and waited until you did.
He wanted to hear it.
But when you approached him and said you loved him it felt different then he imagined it would.
He knew you, and he saw in your head that you truly meant it.
He knew you loved the good, the bad, and the ugly in him.
He knew that unlike the other people who have claimed to love him, you didn't think ‘i can change him.’
He saw the unsure insecurities in your head and body language that he wouldn't feel the same way.
After all, he reads minds, and he knew what you felt all this time and never addressed it so clearly he wasn't interested, right?
To be honest, up until that point he hadn't really considered your feelings despite knowing them.
You had told him you loved him, but you had only said it so he would tell you what you believed he would- that he doesn't care.
You had only said it so he could break your heart, and you could get closure, and hopefully move on.
It twisted his gut that you were walking into this fully believing you would be turned away.
He saw in your head that you had already been crying over it.
But that's not what he wanted, so instead being sarcastic or rude like he would be with literally anyone else he smiled at you.
“I know.” He said softly.
“Good for you.”
He's not really interested.
Plus he's still married.
So piss off.
Not proof read.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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tomatinart · 2 months
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sketch dump of my favourite old gods
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enjinia000 · 9 months
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The Goddess Freya. Another favorite of mine, ironically I love her and her brother. They’re my favorite characters in the game!🙂
So, I’m going to be going on Hiatus for awhile since my college courses begin this week and I really need to focus.
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wkqxkdwlro · 7 months
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F:She was extraordinary…
K:Hrn, agree
M:The HELL is this situation…..
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thanekrios · 2 years
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        we must be better.
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ghibliwatcher · 2 years
If Kratos had a child who mostly draws | Kratos x teen reader (platonic)
God of War 4
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He would always be curious to what you’re drawing, especially Mimir
Peers over your shoulder to see what you’re drawing this time (he’s praying that it would be him)
You would occasionally draw your family members every now and then, but you would mostly draw the environment surrounding you wherever you’re in
You and Atreus spend time with each other by drawing! (Literally just chilling at home and draw by the fire)
Atreus would try to draw you while you tried to do the same (he made you look goofy)
Whenever Kratos enters he would sometimes sees you and Atreus draw in silence
“[Name], Atreus, time for hunt—” Sees you and your brother drawing in your journals silently and looking focused
You would also draw Sindri, Brok, Mimir, and Freya too!
Sindri and Freya absolutely loves your work, while Brok huffs in pride that you drew him
Mimir will always be your number one model, since he can’t move around at all (it’s easy to sketch him too)
You also tried to draw your father smiling (which is a thing you can never look at ever again)
In short, Kratos enjoys seeing you draw. It brought comfort to him that you like to grasp the environment you’re in and settling that in your journal.
Whenever you’re sleeping, he sometimes steals your journal and looks at the sketches you’ve made
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arvolna · 5 months
So my friend and I were thinking about a headcanon where GOWR characters saw that I draw "anatomically focused" drawings of them. How would they react?
Kratos--would probably be used to people making statues of him? So he would say "Hmph."
Mimir-- "OOH... UHH... THANKS... LASSIE? UHH... Can you give this to... Sigrún?"
Freya--"Oh... Uhm... Pretty uhh... Accurate... Maybe try giving me some clothes?" would blushing red.
Freyr-- "OMG I'M A MUSE??? AM I YOUR MUSE??? oh and BTW you drew it small. Make it bigger" have you seen the statues of him? His uhh sword big.
Tyr--"Perhaps some meditation to... Uhh... Nevermind. But uh... You are good at what you do..." he would give a pat on the shoulder and leave
Heimdall--"You can't get behind the lie of 'anatomy focused' you know you like me. So tonight. Me. You. Himinbjörg. Don't be late."
Thor--"... I should lose some weight huh..." I would probably hug him and say that he doesn't need to.
Sif-- already killed me with her hair
Hildisvini-- "well... I appreciate the uhh imagination... Thank you. But uh... I prefer clothes" then respectfully leave
Also... The Huldra brothers + Lunda seeing the drawings
Lunda: OH AREN'T YOU A SMALL POCKETFUL OF TALENT! GOOD JOB! Hm. Kratos looks good and oh...freya..
Sindri: *vomiting in a corner* good drawing!
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conkeybong · 2 years
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i’m going to bed now
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nyxisaway · 2 years
GOW: A subtle realization
Kratos \ reader fic
Fem companion reader fic about GOW
SFW all fluff
Just a small idea I had while laying awake this morning :)
You looked up from your position at the fire only to be met with a curious stare from Mimir.
“Is there something on your mind mimir?” You said softly so as to not disturb Atreus sleeping across from you. “Aye lass just something the boy said of late”
“Oh?” You replied encouraging him to continue
“You see, I think he, well uh, oh how do I put this plainly sister” “I think he wishes for you and his father too, well I think he’s started seeing you as quite motherly”
You laughed and small bit, of course he did, you mended his things and gave him an open ear when his father was being to rough on him and you taught him some albeit fairly basic magic but it was enough to remind him of how caring his own mother was for him.
“And is that such a bad thing mimir?” You asked, bringing your chin to rest on your knuckles. Truth be told it was more than just Atreus you had bonded with. The stoic god who was absent from our hearth at the moment had also captured your heart. You weren’t fully sure how much of his you had but you did notice you never ran out of arrows, and you’ve never gone a night without food since meeting him.
Kratos was not over Faye and nor would he ever be. You never expected him to be either, instead you helped him move forward with the grief and helped him know that love is never ending and comes in all shapes and sizes, from anywhere and everywhere and that it’s ok to be vulnerable if only for a moment out of time.
Just as mimir was about to respond the very god in question made his way back to the fire, with a large buck strung across his shoulders, as impressive as always you noted mentally
“Ah welcome back brother!” Mimir boasted cheerfully. “Hmn” was all he got in response.
With all the noise and excitement Atreus had sat fully up, as alert as he could be while half asleep. You smiled and reached over to ruffle his short auburn hair, a detail of Faye’s that you loved as well as anyone did.
You mused to yourself about what mimir had said, and smiled looking down. If Atreus sees you as a caretaker of sorts then I suppose that’s a good thing, it just means that the only barrier I have left to get through is the one built so high around a man who needs the least protection.
You smile at Kratos after a moment and he blankly looks back although you can see a softness in his eyes as he stares back at you, he broke the moment by plopping the large buck beside you all and seating himself as well all too quickly. Your focus broke as mimir shouted some forgotten language’s curse words while tumbling to the ground from the sudden *ThWUMP* that accompanied the large animals body being dropped on the cold frozen ground.
You giggled and picked him up tenderly, brushing snow from his beard and sitting him beside you gently.
“no, no not a bad thing at all lass” he said quietly to you as the fire crackled and Atreus laughed quietly in the background, in fact you think you might have just almost heard a slight “humph.” from kratos, maybe just barely.
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hereforreadandwrite · 10 months
Abandoned Part 2
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Your mother always knew what was best for you.
She always saw through the intentions of others, warning you against people who were malicious or who simply wanted to take advantage of you, and she encouraged you to go towards those she liked. When you told him about Kratos and he came to give you your wedding ring. Your mother disapproved of him as soon as he walked through the door, but you were too in love to actually listen.
Your mother knew better, you wish you would have listened to her and stayed away, but no. You listened to your heart and went with Kratos, becoming his "wife."
Why did you think he loved you?
“One way or another, something is going to go wrong,” she said. "He's only here because you're young and he's lonely. As soon as he finds a woman he's interested in, he won't stay. All he does is lie and fool you 'illusion. A man like him has an ego. You deserve much more (Y/N)."
Your mother tried to protect you from this pain, but you didn't listen to her. You were so happy that a man like Kratos was interested in you.
You left your mother.
You left your loving home for a man who didn't care about you.
Now you stood in front of your childhood home. You were terrified of facing your mother. You were sure and certain that she wouldn't want you anymore, especially when you told her that you were pregnant. Speki and Svanna moaned beside you, licking your hands. You smile at the wolves, finally gathering your courage to go and knock on the door. When the door opened, your courage melted like snow in the sun. Your mother looked at you in surprise. You jabbered incomprehensible words. To your surprise, your mother hugged you.
“I missed you so much,” she said, hugging you.
You cried with all the tears in your body, of relief, of anger, of sorrow. It was probably the hormones that were causing you to have this whirlwind of emotions, but you were happy to be back home.
Your mother allowed you and the two she-wolves to go inside. You explained to her what had happened and why you were back home. Your mother had listened to you patiently without interrupting you or judging you. When you told her about your pregnancy, she hugged you, reassuring you, saying that she would do everything to help you with your child.
A weight lifted from your shoulders.
You finally felt welcome and loved.
Your mother also loved Speki and Svanna.
She has always loved animals.
Your pregnancy was going wonderfully. Your belly grew bigger day after day. Six moons had just passed and in all that time, Kratos never came. You would have thought he would have come, at least to pick up Speki and Svanna, but no. He probably never bothered to look for you. Had he even returned? It wouldn't surprise you if that wasn't the case.
Even during Ragnarok, Kratos was always out of the house.
At first, you understood that he had to train Atreus and hunt. There were times when you were alone for days at a time, taking care of Fenri when he was sick. When Kratos came home, he barely spoke to you. He preferred to take care of his weapons and other tasks. Whenever you tried to approach him, he pushed you away.
The only reasons that kept you going were Mimir and Atreus. The two had welcomed you into the home with open arms. Then Atreus left. Mimir was still with Kratos.
You have always been alone.
“I’m sorry mother,” you say, stroking your belly.
“Why are you apologizing?” your mother asked, looking at you perplexed.
"Because... I didn't listen to you... and I left with this man who never cared about me. I was stupid."
"Child. You're not stupid," she said, leaving her work to come and sit next to you. "You were in love. How could I blame you for that? I also had this bad judgment when I fell in love with the man I dreamed of spending the rest of my life with."
“Were you in love before you met father?”
"Yes, I found this man kind and caring. But... he loved me just for my beauty. He didn't hesitate to dump me when he found a more beautiful woman. Then I met your father. He helped me. He consoled me and I agreed to marry him. And before he died, he gave me the greatest gift. You."
You would never have believed your mother had the same experience. That was why he was so harsh towards Kratos. You hugged your mother, crying your eyes out. Your mother always knew what was best for you.
Why did you think Kratos loved you?
He who said he hated the Gods. He was worse than Odin.
Three new moons passed, the baby was ready to come into the world. The day he was born had become the longest day you had to live. The pain that tore through your stomach was horrible. You screamed, cried, begged your mother for this pain to finally stop. Your mother helped you as best she could, telling you to take deep breaths and push. The pain will stop when the baby is out. Speki and Svanna squealed as they heard you scream in pure pain.
Your mother couldn't help but be worried. The birth was long. Too long even. The baby should already be out. But it wasn't just that. You were bleeding profusely. She tried to stop the bleeding, without success. It didn't bode well. After one last painful push, your child finally came out of your body, finally coming into the world. Her tears invaded the little cabin. Strangely, your mother was silent, staring at the horrified child.
"How...what is that?"
"Mother... my baby..."
Your mother showed you your child. You understood why she was so horrified when she saw the baby, her left side was perfectly formed, but her right side was devoid of skin, revealing her muscles and bones as black as darkness.
“It’s a girl,” you said under your breath.
“She’s perfect,” you said, sobbing and hugging your daughter to your chest. “My daugther... you are the best thing that ever happened to me!!”
Your mother looked at you without knowing what to think about this situation. This child should be dead. It was impossible for her to survive with such a deformation. She was brought out of her thoughts by feeling a warm liquid spilling onto her knees. Her gaze rested on the bed. The furs were soaked with your blood. The bleeding had become more severe. Your mother tried to stop the bleeding as best she could, but her attempts were in vain.
Your mother's throat tightened as she noticed that you had just taken your last breath, holding your daughter to your chest.
“No…,” she whispered, shaking you. "(Y/N)! No! Daugther! Open your eyes!"
From outside the cabin, anyone could hear Speki, Svanna, the baby and your mother crying over your death.
It was only at sunrise that your mother had the courage to prepare your pyre. She wrapped the baby in thick furs, placing her granddaughter in a basket. She placed the basket on the table as she went outside to take from her supply of logs. You were never going to be able to see your child grow up, become a woman. You were never going to be able to know all his joys and sorrows. You should never have left first. You should never have died this way. You didn't have time to give your daughter a name. She was going to have to decide for you. It wasn't her role to name your daughter and raise her.
The sun was now high in the sky when your mother placed your body on your pyre and set it on fire. She will be your daughter in her arms, watching your body turn to ash.
How could things have gotten so bad for you?
Why were the Gods so cruel to you?
But now you could finally be at peace. Your mother looked intently at your daughter, her granddaughter.
Neither alive nor dead.
Your mother didn't know how that was possible, but the facts were before her. The night had passed and the child was perfectly well. She slept peacefully in her arms.
"We need to find a name for you, little one. What do you think of Hel? This name suits you perfectly."
Your mother went back inside her house. The Gods have truly been cruel to you. Your mother knew she couldn't allow your daughter to see the outside world. Your mother placed Hel in her basket to close the windows and the front door. Your mother knew she had to hide her granddaughter from the outside world. Other mortals were not going to welcome a different child with open arms.
Your mother didn't know how to protect you as she wanted to do.
She was going to protect Hel as best she could.
tag: @pookiesnatcher
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admdiamond · 2 years
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he want his drip back
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whackk-kermitt · 5 months
Can I ask a request? How would the god of war characters confess their feeling the reader, please🥺
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Confessing Their Love
Genre: Headcanons
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Kratos is a man of few words.
Emotions are hard.
When the day came he fully realized and accepted his growing love for you he struggled to come up with the right words to tell you.
You never knew it, but there were so many moments where he nearly said it but chickened out.
Moments while hunting, fishing, and tending to the wolves and land.
Moments when you two were alone, just talking, or saying nothing at all.
Moments spent watching you laugh and smile.
He wanted you to know but wasn't sure how to say it.
When he finally told you he loved you he didn't actually say it.
But you knew.
You knew by how he looked at you.
By how he held you.
And he knew you loved him just the same.
Awkward and cute.
The king of stuttering and stumbling.
He'd asked his father how he and his mother took that step, hoping to glean some inspiration and courage from it.
Kratos wasn't much help.
Mimir didn't have advice suitable for a kid his age.
He planned to get you alone and basically serenade you.
But when you were face to face the adrenalin hit and he forgot everything he planned to say and do.
So he awkwardly handed you a flower and told you how nice you looked.
He was so nervous about messing it up that he was messing it up.
After a while, he realized you seemed just as nervous and you two had been dancing around it.
So he told you then that he loved you.
And when you reciprocated it he felt like he would throw up from the butterflies in his stomach.
He pitched himself.
Before losing his body, he would've been shameless in chasing you down and swooning over you.
He'd court you and serenade you, showing you with gifts of flowers, wine, and treats so sweet.
He'd brag to anyone you had an ear about how he adored you so, even if you hadn't accepted him yet.
Afterwards. . .
The man is insecure.
How could he be your lover if he had nothing to give.
He'd wait his time until there was a moment when you two were alone.
A moment where he would confess his heart, despite not actually having one anymore.
His confession would almost feel like an apology.
Like he was becoming a burden to you like you would now have a weight on your shoulders.
But it was a weight he needed off his chest. . . metaphorically.
But then you smiled so sweetly and returned the gesture.
He thought you were making a fool of him for a moment, but only a moment.
The way you held him and pressed a kiss to his cheek told him you were honest.
He'd never been happier.
He wouldn't.
Not directly at least.
Not at first.
He's got an ego that won't sway even for the majesty that is you.
Instead of saying that he loves you, he'd confront that you love him first.
Teasing you for it and poking the subject until you catch on.
The first time he'd ever actually say it is after you'd begin to doubt it.
I mean, he never says it, so. . . maybe it's just pity?
How could you think that? Even if it is just a passing thought!
How could you ever think he wouldn't absolutely adore you?
Are you stupid?
So he said it.
And then again.
And again.
And every time you're alone because PDA is for losers.
If you're good enough for his picky tastes then you are worth more than anything.
You need to understand that or else.
The man doesn't feel.
Driven mad but the numbness.
He just wants to feel the breeze in his hair, the sun on his skin.
He wants to feel the cold of the snow, and the pain of a cut.
But nothing.
His body is numb and he lives forever in agony.
Yet when he met you and knew you. . .
He can not feel his heart, even if you took a knife carved it out, and put it in his hands.
But something about you eased the madness and made him feel something again.
He wasted no time holding onto you and keeping you by him at all times.
It may not be to its fullest potential, not until the curse is broken, but he feels for you so deeply that it's borderline obsessive.
You are his and he adors you, worships you.
He will tell you he loves you just to see that smile, to feel that almost real warmth.
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I might come back and add more characters later. I got bored. NOT PROOF-READ
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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tomatinart · 2 months
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enjinia000 · 3 months
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A funny thing I did for pride month.
I saw some people pairing Kratos and Tyr. I think it’s cute.
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wkqxkdwlro · 1 month
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puppeteerpoet · 9 months
Watching these two silly kids fall in love and just thinking “awww one day she’ll die and he will keep on living and grieve her for the rest of entirety<3”
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