#gqp insurrectionists
tehjleck · 3 months
RepubliKKKans defunded public education for 40yrs and now we're here
Like most horrible things happening in this country right now - it started in 1983 with Reagan and like-minded republicans (note the "c" there). They felt that an educated population was a bad thing and started working against it.
Fast forward to 2002 and we have Dubya Bush and "No Child left behind" which absolutely left many children behind - notably, the children of anyone who wasn't wealthy and white.
Fast forward again to 2016 when republican candidates all opposed "Common core"... the following year, Betsy DeVos does her part to trash public education, and in the years since, republiKKKans (three K's at this point) have done everything they can to disrupt, defund and destroy our public education system.
Why? Because EDUCATED voters DO NOT VOTE for republiKKKans.
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Plain and fucking simple.
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porterdavis · 3 months
Who you gonna call?
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It seems that fate and time have rendered one of the best Presidents the US has ever had unelectable for a second term. My fervent wish is that weren't so, but the parts of the debate the GQP will have on loop from now to November are excruciating.
The prospect of Trump getting back into power with his declared fascist intentions (just read a precis of Project 2025) is chilling. Perhaps it's too late to save American democracy -- all empires die and 250-odd years is a long run historically speaking. It could be the frog is well and truly boiled and we just don't realize it yet.
But we owe it to ourselves and our children to try to fight the darkness. If Biden can't right the ship in the next few weeks, well...drastic times require drastic actions. Perhaps only Obama can deliver the message forcefully enough to make Joe bow out.
Fairness would dictate that Kamala Harris be given the mantle, but that seems unlikely and imprudent. I like and respect her but she appears to lack the gravitas required. The Democrats probably need to buck tradition to get back in the game by going outside the normal channels.
I humbly nominate Tom Hanks. I don't know his politics but I would be astonished if he is a right-wing nutjob. He has enormous name recognition, he's been married to the same woman for decades without a whiff of scandal, he's well-spoken, and best of all -- he probably really, really doesn't want to be President. He would only have to do it for four years while the country regains its sanity and clears out the insurrectionists.
I welcome your suggestions for VP. For me, it's Hanks for President!
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whosurisold · 8 months
Insurrection Day - Jan 6th
President Joe Biden should declare
Jan 6th gQp maga Insurrection Day - a national Holiday
remembering those who lost their lives defending our Nations' Democracy against those traitorous maga Domestic terrorist insurrectionist attack to overthrow our Government and democracy
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GQP scumbag insurrectionist coward.
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holmantx · 3 years
So i take it tumblr has finally succumbed to the religious right / GQP / insurrectionists - ??
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apartyofone · 3 years
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How braindead are these executives for supporting the #GQP Insurrectionists?
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peachy-queen · 3 years
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Reposted from @liberalmajority GQP leader and democracy-hating insurrectionist. 🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺 #TheBigLie #GQP #RepublicansHateDemocracy #TraitorTrump #EnemyOfThePeople #RepublicanCancer #GreatestFraudEver #MostCorruptPresidentEver #WorstPresidentEver #Trump #LockHimUp #ChristianConservativesAreAFraud •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• What is Fascism: Important to most fascists is the idea that the nation’s “patriots” have been let down, that “good people” are humiliated while “bad people” do better. These grievances cannot be answered, fascists say, if things remain under the status quo. There needs to be revolutionary change allowing the “real people” to break free from the restraints of democracy or existing law and get even. For fascists, might makes right. Since for them the law should be subservient to the needs of the people and the need to crush socialism or liberalism, fascists encourage party militias. These enforce the fascist will, break unions, distort elections and intimidate or co-opt the police. - John Broich, Case Western Reserve University February 25, 2021 8.27am EST •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🇺🇸@liberalmajority 🇺🇸 #LiberalMajority ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Credit @sistahsofine2 ~~ This slime ball. 🐍💩🖕🏽 https://www.instagram.com/p/CPTIg0RjbHWSMVDQN7jeWQcUPfli_haeAy4diU0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tehjleck · 5 months
I love it when a MAGAt says some dumb shit and blocks me before I can respond, it really drives home the idea that they've got nothing. No legs to stand on, nothing but problems and grievances mostly of their making.
The world has been watching since your mango messiah first defiled the oval. But the most important thing to be aware of is that the internet remembers everything.
You can post your bullshit about x, y, and z... but you'd better be ready when people do a little internet search and find that it was more like z made x do y ... it's right there. easily proven, with factual evidence.
Without blinking, MAGAts will be like they reported it on fox... because they don't know what came out in the Dominion lawsuit, they don't know that fox news execs think they're "dumb, cousin fucking terrorists".
(heres the fun part, you guys) we get to tell them!
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porterdavis · 3 years
Well, that settles that. Toyota is doubling down on its campaign contributions to Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election.
You know what to do...
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whosurisold · 9 months
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criminal insurrectionist sex-predator OrangeCheesus and gQp repigliKans want voters to decide criminal fate of grifting traitor Don Chump,
Voters decided in 2020 by 8 million + votes and Cheesus LIED about going away and we would probably never hear from him again,
nothing the #orangeMenace says can be trusted!
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superman-2050 · 4 years
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#Democtats #Republicans #Republikkkans #RepublikkkanParty #PartyOfQAnon #WhatAboutism #GQP #GOPKilledACop #TaxCuts #TaxCutsForTheRich #BrianSicknick #AnthineGionet #BakedAlaska #JosephGionet #TimGionet #GOPChristians #GOPFamily #GOPFamilyValues #CapitolHillRiots #CapitolHillRioters #Insurrectionists #KuKluxKlan #WhiteRioters #WhiteSupremacists #WhiteSupremacy #WhiteSupremacistRiots #Racism #RacismIsTaught #StopRacism #RacismIsAVirus https://www.instagram.com/p/CMVi6O2Ftz-/?igshid=p0p45pagnbx3
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tehjleck · 4 months
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tehjleck · 4 months
Some jackass from pennsylvania on cspan just now: "I think it should be the way it used to be, you know, from the constitution." Me, growling to myself: "You mean when the slave owners said black people are 3/5ths of a person, you fucking ignorant bigot?"
Come on, MAGAts... it's not like we don't know what you actually mean... but you don't have the balls to face the consequences of saying that shit out loud, do you?
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tehjleck · 4 months
That's a great exposure story about how lies from trump gained ground and trumpeters believed it and still do. trump and guiliani hatched around 100 lies about election fraud. After trump had said about the fraud once his advisors said not to repeat it again but as you know he still hasn't stopped. If he had let the Stormy story run and not pay anything he wouldn't have to falsify anything but he might not have been president so it is all his fault. trumpeters don't realise especially the ones where you put the link in the comments that trump has been doing rascist things according to people working in the apartment buildings and so many things even for people to commit suicide through trump not paying for work done. trumpeter just believe the opinions rolled out and trump vomit and don't research real facts. trumps advisors also told him there was no validity in fraudulent voting machines and don't say anything. Sorry to take up room on your ask, you can always delete it. Good post. Let's hope golf bag donny gets jail. He should be there already for what he has done.
MAGAts are fact repellent by nature, but we can use the same over-saturation methods with the facts instead.
My thoughts are let them see over and over again their go to for conspiracy updates referred to them as dumb, cousin fucking terrorists...
let them see how very little these people think of them...
be safe out there, fellow human
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tehjleck · 4 months
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behold... another butthurt MAGAt... upset that his mango messiah was found guilty on 34 felonies... but Kawaiinutkingdom will keep sucking that tiny mushroom...
here's what a fox news producer thought of you.
“Like negotiating with terrorists,” former producer Alex Pfeiffer said in a text, “but especially dumb ones. Cousin fucking types, not saudi [sic] royalty.”
Good job proving them right, cousin fucker
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tehjleck · 1 year
wow, there are a LOT of ignorant motherfuckers on this site. What the actual fuck is wrong with some of these people? It's almost like roughly 30% of the country got taken by a misogynistic, bigoted conman and they're so fucking stupid they STILL can't see it.
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These fuckwits are going to refuse to wear masks, and deny reality because they're so butthurt about being conned - but they'll never admit it.
I'd say rot, but with a deadly respiratory virus, they'll kill their friends and family too.
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If only there were a word that perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon...
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