#fox news execs
tehjleck · 1 month
I love it when a MAGAt says some dumb shit and blocks me before I can respond, it really drives home the idea that they've got nothing. No legs to stand on, nothing but problems and grievances mostly of their making.
The world has been watching since your mango messiah first defiled the oval. But the most important thing to be aware of is that the internet remembers everything.
You can post your bullshit about x, y, and z... but you'd better be ready when people do a little internet search and find that it was more like z made x do y ... it's right there. easily proven, with factual evidence.
Without blinking, MAGAts will be like they reported it on fox... because they don't know what came out in the Dominion lawsuit, they don't know that fox news execs think they're "dumb, cousin fucking terrorists".
(heres the fun part, you guys) we get to tell them!
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knightsickness · 1 year
acceptable jobs for modern au jaime lannister
secret service (closest to canon)
nepo baby pro athlete
politician/corporate exec with absolutely no ambition (tywin’s company)
controversial famous-for-being-famous reality tv star
accessory to cersei’s wildly unsuccessful presidential campaign
pro wrestling heel everyone assumes is just really committed to an insane rich guy persona
fox news anchor
guy catelyn (widowed) is fucking who robb is desperately trying to get rid of before he becomes his evil stepdad (hit bran with his porsche)
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One America News is a Fox wannabe. Right-wing propagandists trying to be more Fox than Fox. Criminals, traitors, and domestic terrorists. Hopefully Smartmatic will sue them into oblivion.
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I know a lot of people are panicking over this Deadline article from today but remember that this is not new information! The article today says pretty much exactly what this article from April 19 said. The only reason it's being repeated again is that today is the Fox Upfronts and so the question was asked again. It does not concern me in the slightest that the Fox execs gave the same answer as they did 3 weeks ago!
I've also seen people concerned about Lone Star being referred to as a "launchpad" for Fox's new show, but I don't think this is a bad thing at all! First, Fox has been saying this would be the case ever since last November when season 5 was delayed. It was given as the reason behind the delay. But most importantly, this shows that Fox has confidence in Lone Star to bring in viewers!
The unfortunate thing is that this is Lone Star's main value to Fox because of the tricky financial situation. I think that's why they keep focusing on this "launchpad" thing when they talk about the show. Just like with 911, Fox has to pay a licensing fee to air Lone Star, which means that the show is probably not going to turn a profit (through no fault of its own--I'm not sure even the best ratings for season 5 will help this specific situation). But the show still performs very well! That's why it still has value to Fox because it helps bring in viewers for other shows.
The financial situation is a bit concerning, but Fox knew about this situation when it renewed Lone Star for season 5 and it wasn't a dealbreaker then. I don't think cancellation is anywhere close to a sure thing at this point.
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nonyayo2 · 1 year
Fuck fox!
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a-frog-in-a-bog · 4 months
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this post is blatant misinformation, op is straight up lying about both the article and video to scare people, neither is true. here's some links so you can see for yourself.
stupid matt walsh video
stupid fox news article
tldr: the article is essentially calling out washington post for being a cringe liberal newspaper, summarizing an article about what aromantic people are doing for valentine's day, and also an article that's a review of a play where the main characters are sex offenders. they do not compare the two or imply that aces/aros are pedophiles. the matt walsh video complains about disney going woke bc a new exec is openly biromanitc asexual. he doesn't mention depression or teenagers at all. btw the comments on the article and video are literally all "this doesn't affect me, i don't care".
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snalsupremacy · 6 months
2024 Events (So far!)
2022 list
2023 list
And once again, these are not all the events, just the ones I come across with :)
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Mickey Mouse is now public domain baby
Tom Scott retires from weekly uploads
MatPat retires
Duolingo bad?!
Toby Fox drew Reigen and Sans for Valentine's day.. A bit early? Eh, maybe it's another country's VD. Also birdie and Spamtom were there
OFMD cancelled
SAG-AFRA signed contract to allow AI voices in video games
Haha! Tumbrl live to be GONE in jan 24th! yahoo!
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King charles diagnosed with cancer (we dont know which one) and, wouldn't you know it, Trysha Paytas announces her second pregnancy
Nicki Minaj spirals after Megan Thee Stalion disses her in response to Nicki's constant & blatand shade for her...
Kristen Stewart causing mass gay panic with her roling stone magazine photoshoot
Vtuber agency Nijisanji under fire after mistreatment of employee almost cost their life
Nimona whole movie FREE on youtube!! with captions!!
Popular transwoman tumbrl user gets banned for posting transition pics, causing discussions of tumbrl CEO's incopetence and the porn ban targetting trans people more than actual porn
Nonbinary 16 year-old american teenager Nex Benedict dies a day after getting beat up by students in their school. While the autopsy claims the death isn't because of the injuries, they might be lying. There's also the possibility of suicide, which would still be linked with the bullying and transphobia they suffered. Rest in peace Nex Benedict.
ATLA live action not that good, but from what I hear could be worse!
Minecraft youtuber Wilboor Soot revealed to have abused his ex-gf Shelby, posts terrible "apology"
James somerton posts ANOTHER apology video and I kid you not it's called "A Measured Response" in reference to HBomb's series of the same name
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Willy Wonka event is a total scam and it looks awful and there a new character called the unknown that is terrifing also the whole thing was made by a guy using AI
Legendary Mangaka Akira Toriyama passes away at 68, The amount of people in this world that'll miss him... It's over 8000! Rest in Peace Toriyama <3
Stardrew Valley major update
Nickelodion docu about how Dan Shneyder is a total creep and Spencer goated with the sauce
Red v Blue queerbait was acutally going to be canon?!
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Tumbrl's april fool's joke this year was the ability to "boop" other users, fun!
guy from firefighter show confirmed bi, yay!
Ziraldo morre aos 91 anos ;-;
Solar eclipse yay yay yay!!
Iran attckas Israel (no bombs reach bc of israel's iron thingy i forgot the name)
Jojo siwa new song turns the internet over. Breaking news: child who grew up in the entertainment industry is a mal-adjusted adult?!?!
Watcher moving from youtube to a inscription program which is a terrible idea in all ways
New Taylor Swift album. Public consensus: Mid-to-not-good. Swiftie consensus: MASTERPIECE OMG ITS PERFECT
Columbia college taken over by palestinian protests
Dan and Phill girlies going insane bc one of them tweeted a orange heart?
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May the 4th be with you!
Kendrick Lamar and Drake drama summary here
Eurovision commences
Welp, this year's Eurovision was a shitshow. Same time next year?
Nintendo to announce the new console "this fiscal year"
James Somerton fakes his death then uses an alt to post pics of his private parts TOT
SPN actors Ty olson and DJ qualls are engaged! Mazal Tov to them and to this gay ass fandom!!
(jjk soilers) the brain thing took over gojo's body LMAOOO
qsmp coming to an end thank G-d
I'm severely depressed and can't keep up with anything
that being said, congratulations Thailand for being the first SEA country to legalize Same-sex marriage!!
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matan4il · 1 year
I'm not saying this as an insider or someone who is actually predicting anything, mostly I just want to point out some things that may make people feel better. I do know a bit about this and have observed Networks taking other shows.
First, casting... they wouldn't dare cut the major cast plus Karen, (let's not forget the purchase was for existing contracts most likely). Also why would anyone leave they aren't leaving locations. I could however see them sadly cutting Albert and Lucy. Probably keep Ravi because he had a following and history. The goods news, I really don't see them bringing Marisol and Natalia.
They didn't start those origin stories and they were already past the will they or won't they phase. There is no story to tell if you will. Eddie, Buck and the call center are the ways they can create new stories.
Also since it's now cool to "care about" queer story telling, I don't really know why they wouldn't be investing in a popular queer story. Look at Last of us and Carnival Row.
I don't know maybe it's good ABC is taking over. Fox seemed to have run out of ideas just in my opinion and had no idea what to do with Buddie.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for sharing.
I agree, I can't see them changing the basic cast of the show. Ravi was given a permanent spot on the team, but he was given that at a moment where (as far as we can tell) Fox's execs thought it would be either canceled or would be come ABC's problem. So I tend to think / hope Ravi stays, but I wouldn't be shocked if the new management decide to cut down a little on expenses by not bringing him back.
Natalia and Marisol BOTH disappearing between seasons seems unlikely from a storytelling POV. They might decide to reveal at the start of s7 that one of them is a r/s that fell apart, so that gf wouldn't return, while the other would. Or they'd both be brought back. But I can't see them both being dismissed on screen.
I do think that if ABC have any sense, they would let Buddie go canon, and hey, I actually think this is the time for the fandom and viewers who want Buddie to be louder than ever about it! Not in any obnoxious, entitled way, but in letting ABC know that they have an untapped treasure in the form of canon Buddie.
Have a great day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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jheselbraum · 6 months
I'm still not over Book of Bill being targeted towards adults apparently. To my knowledge, this isn't really something that Disney (even Disney publishing) has ever really engaged with directly, at least not for any Disney originals. Yeah hulu fox and marvel all make media targeted towards adults, but despite being owned and influenced by the mouse, Disney's, like. Like they don't put the mouse *on* 911 or The Simpsons or The Mill. I can see them redirecting Gravity Falls stuff towards mid to late teens though, they're old enough to have watched the show, young enough for an exec to think they're still interested in it, and also have money to buy new books about it. But I would've never guessed that Disney Publishing, which has also published such titles as "Five Minute Spiderman Stories" and "50 States 5000 Ideas" has apparently decided that the number of adults willing to shell out a hundred bucks for the special edition journal 3 was high enough to make a gravity falls book directly aimed at them. Which like, yeah sure adults do have the money to spend but like.
Since I know most of tumblr is in their 20s-30s and may need a refresher, The Hunger Games is a book series written for and targeted towards mid to late teens. The Hunger Games is YA dystopian fiction, and fans of the book were at the time of the movie's release, genuinely shocked that they were able to release a PG-13 cut of the fucking Hunger Games. And that's roughly the vibe I'd expect out of a Gravity Falls book targeted towards "older readers" (read: teenagers).
I have no idea what The Book of Bill will hold.
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emptymanuscript · 2 years
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You know, I generally simply assume FOX is lying. But this I could believe. So I checked. It's actually a regurgitation of this article by Insider.
In interviews with Insider, founders and investors acknowledge privately that they are looking to Twitter as a case study of efficiency. (All spoke on the condition of anonymity, to avoid a backlash from their employees.) If Musk can run his social network on half of its previous staff, they say, perhaps their companies can, too. "It's not a bad look to make the tough call, because everyone is making the tough call," says the founder of a large startup whose investors are urging him to cut the fat and slow hiring. "Elon is the most extreme example of that so far, but this is what a lot of smart companies are doing."
And that's pretty much why you need to unionize in a nutshell. Execs can watch someone have one of the most epic meltdowns into entitled man-child in history and ask, 'but is he right, though?'
When how good you have it depends on one person's whims, one person's whims, however stupid and unreasonable become the floor you stand on.
Plus, reasonableness is a very movable target these days.
It's also not like the execs aren't pooling their work.
The founder who is pushing to increase output, for instance, says he couldn't pull off Musk's brutal tactics without inciting a revolt. 
But the good news, he adds, is that he may not have to. The reason? As long as his employees see what Musk is doing at Twitter, they'll be too afraid to push back against more work and fewer benefits. Musk's boldness, the founder says, "just creates a higher bar." Which is another way of saying that the kind of sweeping reset that Musk is implementing at Twitter could soon be the new normal for the rest of Silicon Valley.
Just ugh.
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leothil · 1 year
actually the rating is very bad. As someone that is a ratings guru I can tell you the ins and outs of how ratings works for specific networks. You listed WWE Raw on the USA network that is cable my friend which is a whole different monster, also a sports telecast. 911 on the other hand is a procedural drama on one of the big 4 networks. The Big 4 consist of Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. The Big 4 will cancel shows if they're not performing up to par and I think Fox is at the point with 911
Listen, dude (gn). You sent me five asks telling me things I already know about tv ratings saying I asked for it, which I absolutely did not, and trying to argue that Fox is disappointed and on the verge of cancelling 9-1-1, which is definitely not true.
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As you can see here, 9-1-1 is at the top of the 2022-2023 average for FOX's scripted shows. Even adding in the non-scripted shows, it's doing quite well:
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Reality tv is a big ratings draw, this is a well-known fact, but networks will not want to bind themselves to only one kind of show either.
Let's take a look at ratings over all networks:
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Huh, would you look at that. Not too shabby by our little weewoo show! Note also the overall big dips in viewers year over year - this is not a problem isolated to 9-1-1, it's happening all across the board.
None of these ratings hold a candle to what news shows and stuff like MLB, NFL and NBA can draw for big games, but network execs are well aware of this, and trying to compare those are like comparing apples to oranges. But I did take a look at how the NBA game last Monday did on ESPN anyway: 0.59 in the key demo.
And I did compare it to RAW, for the simple reason that RAW also airs on Mondays at 8PM. We can compare it with the other big wrestling show too (as their ratings is a topic I'm more than familiar with), if you like: Smackdown on FOX on Fridays, latest numbers are a 0.63 rating, while nothing else on tv (not just cable or network, all of tv) was above 0.43.
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Saying FOX is anywhere near cancelling 9-1-1 for their ratings is a ridiculous statement. Now, you are right in saying (in another of your messages) that procedural shows are at risk of the original actors wanting to move on and/or dragging out the story far longer than would be ideal, but I don't think we're at that point yet with 9-1-1. We'll know more come May when show renewals take place (and I think some of the main actors' contracts as well), but it's no use speculating about anyone leaving as there's been no indication of that yet.
Also no offense, but calling yourself a ratings guru is hilarious and makes you sound like a pro wrestling twitter user that whines in Bryan Alvarez's mentions every week when he posts the WWE and AEW ratings.
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Murdoch needs to be stripped of the citizenship that Reagan sketchily granted him and deported back to Australia, where he resides anyway. Law prevents foreigners from operating a news service in the U.S.
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disneytva · 1 year
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FOX Scraps 20th Television Animation’s Adult Animated Comedy The X-Files Albuquerque
The X-Files Albuquerque a animated take on The X-Files by 20th Television Animation didn't move foward at FOX after it's development order on 2020.
News of the adult animated series demise comes amid buzz that a new iteration of The X-Files, shepherded by Ryan Coogler (Marvel Studios “Black Panther” Franchise), is in the works
The X-Files: Albuquerque, of which original series creator Chris Carter was attached to exec-produce, was not slated to revolve around David Duchovny‘s Mulder and  Gillian Anderson‘s Scully. Rather, the ill-fated series would have centered on a an office full of misfit agents who investigate X-Files cases too wacky, ridiculous or downright dopey for Mulder and Scully to bother with.
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maswartz · 1 month
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runningwriteon · 1 year
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Daniel Spellbound is back in the Top Ten at Netflix! And hopefully, many of you will watch it so we can keep it in the Top Ten for a good long while. We worked very hard to make a fun show and I am proud of how it came out! It has become increasingly rare in animation to work on a brand-new IP that you can build from the ground up, ESPECIALLY in the comedy-action space. Daniel Spellbound gave me a golden opportunity to try out all the theories and thoughts I collected after years of working with amazing showrunners and creative mentors. I will always be grateful to this series for the chance to help build a new world populated with funny and diverse characters. The road to get here has been very long (I’ve been working on Daniel Spellbound since late 2019!), and I want to thank a few people:  The show creator and creative mastermind of Daniel Spellbound, Matt Fernandes. Thanks for believing in me. My fantastic team of writers:  Doc Wyatt & Kevin Burke, Anne Mortensen-Agnew, Mark Fujita, Chris Gentile, Roni Brown, Anne Toole, Evan Narcisse and Jake Fox.  Exec Producers, Tammy Semen and my true brother, Chapman Maddox.  Trevor, Sonya, Mike and Alan at Industrial Brothers. Megan, Julian and Prince at Netflix. And most importantly, my wife, Kristen, who heard the name Daniel Spellbound more than one person who never worked on the show should have. I love this team and this world and I hope we get to show you more of it. It all comes down to how this season does! Don’t you want to know what Burden is up to?!?  Let’s goooo!
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