#republikkkans are trash
tehjleck · 3 months
RepubliKKKans defunded public education for 40yrs and now we're here
Like most horrible things happening in this country right now - it started in 1983 with Reagan and like-minded republicans (note the "c" there). They felt that an educated population was a bad thing and started working against it.
Fast forward to 2002 and we have Dubya Bush and "No Child left behind" which absolutely left many children behind - notably, the children of anyone who wasn't wealthy and white.
Fast forward again to 2016 when republican candidates all opposed "Common core"... the following year, Betsy DeVos does her part to trash public education, and in the years since, republiKKKans (three K's at this point) have done everything they can to disrupt, defund and destroy our public education system.
Why? Because EDUCATED voters DO NOT VOTE for republiKKKans.
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Plain and fucking simple.
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“Ultimately, parents and kids will decide if they want to work or not,” Reynolds has said favorably about the bill. “It teaches the kids a lot. And if they have the time to do it and they want to earn some additional money, I don’t think we should discourage that.”
You heard it here first, folks, child labor "teaches the kids a lot." She's got three kids and eleven grandkids and I doubt any of them have or ever will go near a factory. Probably won't have to go into the service industry or an unpaid internship, either.
At this point I almost wish these people would just say "I hate poor and/or BIPOC kids and I sold my morals to child abusers to buy a reelection." It might be less nauseating.
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About 75% of veterans and active military vote blue. The armed forces are primarily staffed by people of color, urbanites, recent immigrants, Catholics, and various white & non-white ethnic “minorities”.
In other words only about 1 in 4 are white evangelical crackers. Don’t be fooled, southerners and other rural types are, and always have been, the numerical minority in the military.
The Dems need to change the false perception that RepubliKKKans have created of being more pro-military. We also need to change the false perception that RepubliKKKlans are more patriotic. We need to also take back the iconic symbolism that goes with that.
We are the ones that defend true democracy and the American way. We are the ones helping our neighbors and trying to make America a better place for everyone. These are the true American ideals. Republikkkans are the traitor trash that tried to overthrow the government to install a dictator for life, trampling the Constitution along the way.
Some of you may recall “Tricky Dick” Nixon, the demon who spawned the modern RepubliKKKlan party was a villain in both the Marvel and D.C. comics.
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The RepubliKKKans offer nothing but cruelty and the southern/rural trash eat it like ice cream.
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mallgothchloe97 · 2 months
Bands I cannot Stand
*Staind(lead singer is a doucebag and republikkkan)
*Falling In Reverse(lead singer is a pos)
*Five Finger Death Punch(trash and once again republikkkan)
*All Time Low(terrible people)
*Nickelback(No the internet didn’t tell me to hate them, I have always hated them from getgo, the lead singer is douchebag as well)
*Creed(Scott Stapp is a prick and you can see it in his music though they had some bangers)
*Blood on the Dance Floor(I think this one is a given)
*Limp Bizkit(Trash music with a trash garbage lead singer)
Definitely gonna make a part 2
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republikkkanorcs · 1 year
Remember this. Republikkkans lie, cheat, steal, impersonate, and deceive. Everything originates with an oligarch and then gets passed to their political operatives who convince MAGA trash to act against us.
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wyrmfedgrave · 28 days
A Republikkkan aide leaked that the Rump has no idea on how to handle his campaign.
I'd like to add that he doesn't know much about anything!
tRump is actually the least educated out of all presidents!!
(That's why he doesn't allow anyone to see his school grades.)
Rump's got no real business leading any country - much less the US...
Let's give him a heave ho(!!) & toss his sorry rump out with the trash he came to the office with.
This November, Vote Blue & help in this necessary effort...
You won't be sorry.
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guam-671-dv8 · 1 year
Revealed: Senate investigation into Brett Kavanaugh assault claims contained serious omissions
The "shadow government" that republikkkans scream about are unelected groups like the Federalist Society: white trash in fancy clothes.
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personal-blog243 · 4 years
Dear republicans:
Your record with POC is shaky at best
You shit on lgbt people
You ignore women who aren’t married and don’t look like barbies
You shit on athletes
You shit on scientists
You shit on young people
You shit on artists and entertainers (a very profitable industry full of people who vote)
You shit on people who aren’t judeo-Christian or Mormon
You shit on the two most populous states in the union with the most voters (NY & CA)
You shit on every major city
You don’t offer any policies that would actually reduce the need for abortion
You shit on every major respectable media outlet (the people who could be making you look good)
You made it as hard as possible for people to vote (for you)
Your red states are meth infested shitholes of child rape pregnancies, incest, opioids, alcoholism, child abuse, shitty schools, poverty, crime, gun violence, wife beating, and shitty healthcare
Your only solution to crime is brutality and authoritarianism
This is not a winning strategy
Come up with a better pitch than making people think the transgender Mexican Muslims are going to rape their white daughters and you might win the popular vote fair and square
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tehjleck · 5 months
I love it when a MAGAt says some dumb shit and blocks me before I can respond, it really drives home the idea that they've got nothing. No legs to stand on, nothing but problems and grievances mostly of their making.
The world has been watching since your mango messiah first defiled the oval. But the most important thing to be aware of is that the internet remembers everything.
You can post your bullshit about x, y, and z... but you'd better be ready when people do a little internet search and find that it was more like z made x do y ... it's right there. easily proven, with factual evidence.
Without blinking, MAGAts will be like they reported it on fox... because they don't know what came out in the Dominion lawsuit, they don't know that fox news execs think they're "dumb, cousin fucking terrorists".
(heres the fun part, you guys) we get to tell them!
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Republikkkan America. The Grinch who stole July 4th.
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People been sending me this like I was going to be impressed. I like the visual of the klan being taken out, but the commentary was trash. This man is clearly a republikkkan acting like the demokkkrats are the only ones in klan robes. As much as I appreciate people trying to convince me that there is hope in politics, this aint it. This man is using republikkkans love for guns and hate of demokkkrats to get some votes. Im not hating on the strategy, but Im not fooled into believing this man is a freedom fighter either...and he a pastor 😅🤣😅 @jerone4congress https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwLyvWOq2t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eeveedel · 4 years
So I live in a shit redneck ignorant state where it already reopened and I had to go to Walmart to get insulin syringes and most of these shits are not wearing masks and they kept getting too close to me. This lady glared at me cause she got too close and I stepped away. Part of me thinks I’m being too paranoid cause my skin was crawling but I don’t want to catch it. Watch the state of Oklahoma report a rise in covid-19 cases bc our governor and citizens are fucking republikkkan trash.
oh, babe, I’m so sorry. Ohio’s been handling things pretty well but, like, the new party line in our state government are who’s wearing a mask bc the republicans refuse to and all the dems are wearing them and it’s just such a fucking mess. I hate this situation but I hate these bullshit politics more. I hope you’re staying safe and healthy in all the ways you can but I know it’s so fuckin hard when people around you are being super obtuse 
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This is heinous. “Women for Trump” are occupying the bench used by Montana trans lawmaker after she was banned from the chamber by Republikkkan lawmakers. She is now forced to stand at a counter all day to work while these deplorable whores jeer her all day!
I’m effing pissed at the unchristian meanness displayed by this Trump trash. Why isn’t anyone challenging this in court? Why isn’t anyone going there to challenge these MAGAt bitches and protect this lawmaker.
We have to have mass coast to coast protests for ALL our causes from now on. Boomers, that many unfairly criticize, occupied Washington DC for years to protest Republikkkan Nixon and the Vietnam War. We are letting Republikkkans steal our country right in front of our eyes and all we do is share snarky tweets.
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I could say a lot about him, his hometown, his family, his “cultural” community, and his military unit but I’d give away too much about myself. I get constant threats from MAGAts across many different platforms so I have to avoid giving too much away. Not even my partner is aware of my online personas.
But I can tell you that even in Southeastern Massachusetts, once midnight blue union country, MAGAts have established a foothold. There was even a Trump store (during the reign of terror) two towns over from this shithead. To see the son of blue collar union immigrants aligned with a racist anti-immigrant harpie from Georgia Klan country is absolutely nauseating.
The poor rural (non-union) redneck trash from the towns are behind Trump and Sporkfoot Greene. Also backing them are the non-academic wealthy (and those that think they are wealthy) from the towns and cities, pretty much the same as everywhere else. Fortunately this trash is the minority in the Southern New England states. “Swamp Yankees” ie; New England rednecks and “Old Yankees” ie; literal WASPS (white Anglo-Saxon Protestants) who can trace their heritage back to colonial times.
I’ve personally witnessed the militarization of police several times. Three times it was close to home. The first was seeing the Boston Marathon Bomber’s dorm raided at UMASS Dartmouth. The second time was when I was living in a depressed old mill city and someone was shot at the edge of my driveway. The third was this buffoon being taken into custody at his mother’s house. I’ve seen militarized police actions many, many more times while traveling.
It sickens me that Republikkkans have made this country so dangerous that nearly everyone of us have witnessed once in a lifetime tragedies, sometimes more than once.
Nixon lit the fire. Reagan poured gasoline on it. Bush 1 fanned the flames. Bush 2 created a firestorm that engulfed the world. Trump caused a virtual nuclear meltdown at home. Now his Republikkkan minions are launching tactical nukes against us daily.
This country can not continue under the onslaught of right-wing Republikkkan fascist oligarchs. We are consuming ourselves while oligarchs spend billions to overturn our democracy. Russia and China are also chiming in with asymmetric warfare designed to destabilize us so we won’t be a threat to their hostile geo-political ambitions on the world stage. We have reached the breaking point.
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