nowadais · 6 months
Nvidia's Project GR00T
Nvidia's Project GR00T: Generalist Robots are here, and they're ready to change the game!
All you need to know about Project GR00T:
#Robotics #AI #Nvidia #ArtificialIntelligence #airobot #news #TechNews
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teknolojihaber · 6 months
NVIDIA yapay zeka destekli 'insansı robotlarını' tanıttı
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ABD merkezli şirket, Project GR00T'nin robotların dili anlamasını ve görevleri çözmek için insan eylemlerini taklit etmesini sağlamayı amaçladığını söyledi. NVIDIA , insan davranışını inceleyerek yeni beceriler öğrenebilen ve karmaşık görevleri çözebilen "insansı robotlar" yaratmayı amaçlayan yapay zeka alanında yeni bir proje duyurdu . Pazartesi günü yapılan bir basın açıklamasında şirket, özellikle insansı robotlar tarafından kullanılmak üzere tasarlanan Jetson Thor adlı son teknoloji ürünü bilgi işlem platformunu da tanıttı. Üretken yapay zeka temel modelleri ve yapay zeka iş akışına yönelik araçlar da dahil olmak üzere Isaac robot platformuna yönelik birçok önemli yükseltme de duyuruldu. Yeni projenin adı Generalist Robot 00 Technology anlamına gelen GR00T'dir. ABD merkezli şirket, robotların "doğal dili anlamasına ve insan eylemlerini gözlemleyerek hareketleri taklit etmesine - gerçek dünyada gezinmek, uyum sağlamak ve onunla etkileşime geçmek için hızlı bir şekilde koordinasyonu, el becerisini ve diğer becerileri öğrenmesini" sağlayan bir platform olarak hizmet etmesi amaçlanıyor.  Açılış sunumunda, NVIDIA kurucusu ve CEO'su Jensen Huang, çeşitli görevleri tamamlamak için halihazırda GR00T platformunu kullanan  gerçek hayattaki birkaç robotu gösterdi ve robotların, yeni duyurulan Isaac Lab sanal ortamındaki bir dijital ikiz aracılığıyla becerilerini de geliştirebileceklerini gösterdi. gerçeklik simülasyonu. Huang , "Genel insansı robotlar için temel modeller oluşturmak, bugün yapay zekada çözülmesi gereken en heyecan verici sorunlardan biri" dedi. "Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki önde gelen robot bilimcilerin yapay genel robot bilimine doğru dev adımlar atmasını sağlayan  teknolojiler bir araya geliyor" diye ekledi . Agility Robotics'in kurucu ortağı ve baş robot sorumlusu Jonathan Hurst de NVIDIA ile bir ortaklık yaptıklarını duyurdu ve yapay zeka alanındaki bu tür ilerlemelerin, şirketinin Digit gibi robotların insanlara "günlük yaşamın her alanında" yardımcı olmasının önünü açacağını söyledi . ” Geçen yıl Huang, yapay zekanın kurumsal manzarayı değiştireceğini ve insan işlerini sonsuza dek değiştireceğini belirtmiş ve bu teknolojiyi benimsemede başarısız olanların geride kalacağı konusunda uyarmıştı. Bu arada, Washington Eyalet Üniversitesi'nde yakın zamanda yapılan bir araştırma, Amerikalı çalışanların yaklaşık üçte birinin yapay zekanın bazı işleri yakında geçersiz kılacağından endişe duyduğunu, neredeyse yarısının ise işlerin nasıl yapılacağına ayak uyduramazlarsa kariyerlerinde geride bırakılabileceklerinden korktuğunu ortaya çıkardı.  Yapay zekanın tehlikeleri, Tesla CEO'su Elon Musk ve Apple'ın kurucu ortağı Steve Wozniak gibi bir dizi araştırmacı ve teknoloji yıldızı tarafından da vurgulandı;  geçen yıl "Teknolojinin kötüye kullanımını önlemek için yönergelerin oluşturulması ve devasa yapay zeka deneyleri" konusunda geçici bir moratoryum talep eden açık bir mektup imzaladılar.  Read the full article
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fightwing · 1 year
" i am groot. " / @housep1ant
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" hello groot! " dick smiles in welcoming, artfully tampering down his surprise. dick's met swamp thing. he's fought killer croc, his girlfriend is literally the princess of a distant, inter-galactic planet and one time, dick's best friend ran so fast he broke both time & space. AND YET, still, dick finds himself a little marveled at groot. he has to look up when he speaks, " i'm nightwing. looks like we're teamed up for this next part. " from the scope of this alone, they'd had to break off into smaller, mismatched teams, with each grouping only really informed on their own parts. it's with that thought that dick's turning to look at their location target, asking: " any idea what kind of signal we're looking for? "
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pc7ooo · 2 months
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Nvidia тренирует роботов-гуманоидов с помощью гарнитуры Apple Vision Pro
Компания Nvidia использует гарнитуру дополненной реальности Apple Vision Pro для разработки человекоподобного робота, пишет ресурс 9to5Mac. Разработчики обучают ИИ-модель Project GR00T для робота-гуманоида с помощью реальных и синтетических данных, что позволяет им экономить время и снизить расходы. Источник изображения: 9to5Mac
Подробнее на https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/06/761-nvidia-treniruet-robotov-gumanoidov-s-pomoschyu-garnituryapple-vision-pro-grss-330533005.html
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govindhtech · 2 months
OSMO NVIDIA By NIM Microservices For Robotics Simulation
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NVIDIA Launches New NIM Microservices for Robotics Simulation in Isaac Lab and Isaac Sim, OSMO NVIDIA Robot Cloud Compute Orchestration Service, Teleoperated Data Capture Workflow, and More, Advancing the Development of NVIDIA Humanoid Robotics.
Humanoid Robot
NVIDIA today announced that in an effort to spur worldwide progress in humanoid robots, it is offering a range of services, models, and computing platforms to the top robot makers, AI model developers, and software developers in the world. These resources will be used to design, develop, and construct the next generation of humanoid robotics.
Among the products are the OSMO NVIDIA orchestration service for managing multi-stage robotics workloads, the new NVIDIA NIM microservices and frameworks for robot simulation and learning, and an AI- and simulation-enabled teleportation workflow that enables developers to train robots with minimal human demonstration data.
Humanoid Robot Development
Quickening the Process of Development NVIDIA NIM and OSMO NVIDIA NIM microservices enable developers to cut down on deployment times from weeks to minutes by offering pre-built containers that are driven by NVIDIA inference software. NVIDIA Isaac Sim is a reference application for robotics simulation based on the NVIDIA Omniverse platform. With the help of two new AI microservices, robotics will be able to improve simulation processes for generative physical AI.
Synthetic motion data is produced by the MimicGen NIM microservice using teleoperated data that has been captured by spatial computing devices such as Apple Vision Pro. The Robocasa NIM microservice in OpenUSD, a general-purpose framework for creating and interacting in 3D environments, creates robot tasks and simulation-ready environments.
With the help of distributed computing resources, either on-premises or in the cloud, customers can coordinate and scale complicated robotics development workflows with OSMO NVIDIA, a managed service that is currently accessible in the cloud.
Robot training and simulation workflows are greatly streamlined by OSMO NVIDIA, which reduces deployment and development cycle duration’s from several months to a few days. A variety of tasks, such as creating synthetic data, training models, performing reinforcement learning, and putting software-in-the-loop testing into practice at scale for industrial manipulators, autonomous mobile robots, and humanoids, may be visualised and managed by users.
Humanoid Robots
Enhancing Data Capture Processes for Developers of Humanoid Robots
The amount of data needed to train foundation models for humanoid robots is enormous. Teleportation is one method of gathering data about human demonstration, but it’s getting more and more expensive.
At the SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference, an NVIDIA AI– and Omniverse-enabled teleportation reference workflow was presented. It enables academics and AI developers to produce vast quantities of synthetic motion and perception data from a small number of remotely recorded human demonstrations.
First, a limited number of teleoperated demonstrations are recorded by developers using Apple Vision Pro. Next, they use NVIDIA Isaac Sim to simulate the recordings, and the MimicGen NIM microservice is used to create synthetic datasets from the recordings.
By using both synthetic and actual data to train the Project GR00T humanoid foundation model, developers are able to minimise expenses and time. They then create experiences to retrain the robot model using the Robocasa NIM microservice in Isaac Lab, a robot learning platform. OSMO NVIDIA sends computing jobs to various resources in a smooth manner throughout the workflow, sparing the developer weeks’ worth of administrative effort.
The business Fourier, which makes all-purpose robot platforms, recognises the advantages of creating artificial training data through simulation technology.
NVIDIA Humanoid Robots
Increasing NVIDIA Humanoid Developer Technologies’ Access
To facilitate the development of humanoid robotics, NVIDIA offers three computing platforms: NVIDIA Jetson Thor humanoid robot processors, which are used to run the models; NVIDIA AI supercomputers for training the models; and NVIDIA Isaac Sim, which is based on Omniverse and allows robots to learn and hone their skills in virtual environments. For their unique requirements, developers have access to and can use all or any portion of the platforms.
Developers can get early access to the new products as well as the most recent iterations of NVIDIA Isaac Sim, NVIDIA Isaac Lab, Jetson Thor, and Project GR00T general-purpose humanoid foundation models through a new NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program.
Among the first companies to sign up for the early-access program are 1x, Boston Dynamics, ByteDance Research, Field AI, Figure, Fourier, Galbot, LimX Dynamics, Mentee, Neura Robotics, RobotEra, and Skild AI.
Developers will soon get access to NVIDIA NIM microservices and can access OSMO NVIDIA and Isaac Lab by enrolling in the NVIDIA Humanoid Robot Developer Program.
Project GR00T
Early Access to Models of the Humanoid Foundation: A collection of foundation models for humanoid robots is called Project GR00T. These models allow robots to mimic human gestures, comprehend natural language, and learn new skills quickly thanks to NVIDIA-accelerated training and mult-modal learning.
Utilise OSMO NVIDIA Managed Service for Free: For scaling complicated, multi-stage, and multi-container robotics workloads across on-premises, private, and public clouds, OSMO NVIDIA is a cloud-native orchestration platform.
First Access to the New ROS Libraries for NVIDIA Isaac: A collection of NVIDIA GPU-accelerated ROS 2 libraries called Isaac ROS helps to speed up the creation and functionality of AI robots.
Early Access to Simulation and Learning Frameworks for Robots: Robots can learn through imitation and reinforcement using the simulation program Isaac Lab.
NVIDIA’s Generalist Robot 00 Technology
NVIDIA GR00T Project
The goal of Project GR00T is to provide a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots that may be used to generate robot actions based on past interactions and multimodal instructions. This sophisticated model is modular, containing systems for low-level quick, precise, and responsive motion as well as high-level planning and reasoning.
Research on Project GROOT is currently underway. To receive updates and availability information, please sign up below.
NVIDIA-Powered Next-Gen Robots: Creating Robotic Systems Using Three Computers
Every component of NVIDIA’s three-computer robotics stack is used in Project GR00T.
This incorporates NVIDIA Jetson Thor and Isaac ROS for rapid robot runtime, NVIDIA AI and DGX for model training, and NVIDIA Isaac Lab for reinforcement learning.
NVIDIA DGX Cloud is a comprehensive AI platform designed for developers that offers scalable capacity based on the most recent NVIDIA architecture, co-engineered with top cloud service providers globally.
Isaac ROS
NVIDIA Isaac Laboratory
This small reference application is essential for training robot foundation models and is based on the NVIDIA Omniverse platform, which is specifically optimised for robot learning. It can train any kind of robot embodiment and optimises for imitation, transfer learning, and reinforcement.
NVIDIA Isaac ROS on Jetson Thor is a set of AI models and accelerated computation packages intended to simplify and accelerate the creation of cutting-edge AI robotics applications. Isaac ROS, which is designed for quick humanoid thought and movement, is used on Jetson Thor for humanoids.
How It Operates
Function of the Model
Humanoid embodiment’s may execute commands from multi-modal instructions and respond to their surroundings in real time by self-observing thanks to Project GR00T.
Growth and Instruction
The methodology speeds up the development of humanoid robots by using multi-modal learning from a range of data sources, such as instructions, videos, demonstrations, and imitation learning.
For large-scale Project GR00T training, NVIDIA Isaac Lab is the best choice. Moreover, NVIDIA OVX systems for simulation, NVIDIA IGX systems for hardware-in-the-loop validation, and NVIDIA DGX systems for training can all have their workflows coordinated by using the OSMO NVIDIA robot cloud computing orchestration service.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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craigbrownphd · 6 months
Nvidia Announces Robotics-Oriented AI Foundation Model
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blackholerobots · 6 months
A Once-in-a-Generation Investment Opportunity: Nvidia Believes Humanoid Robotics Is the Next Big Thing for Artificial Intelligence (AI) https://finance.yahoo.com/news/once-generation-investment-opportunity-nvidia-144846352.html
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allsyntex · 6 months
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jcmarchi · 6 months
NVIDIA’s GTC in Four Headlines
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nvidias-gtc-in-four-headlines/
NVIDIA’s GTC in Four Headlines
Impressive AI hardware innovations and interesting software moves.
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Edge 381: We start a new series about autonomous agents! We introdice the main concepts in agents and review the AGENTS framework from ETH Zurich. Additionally, we provide an overview of BabyAGI.
Edge 382: We review PromptBreeder, Google Deemind’s self-improving prompt technique.
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📝 Editorial: NVIDIA’s GTC in Four Headlines
I tried to resist making this weekend’s editorial about NVIDIA because I think you might have been inundated with headlines from the GTC conference. Unable to resist, I instead decided to present the four most impactful announcements in terms of ambition and market impact. If I have to summarize two key takeaways from NVIDIA’s AI announcements this week, they would be these:
NVIDIA is not only outgrowing but also out-innovating everyone else in AI compute hardware by a large margin.
NVIDIA’s software ambitions should be taken seriously.
To put that in context, here are four key announcements from this week’s GTC:
Blackwell GPU Series: NVIDIA unveiled the Blackwell B200 GPU, optimized for trillion-parameter models. The chip can improve LLM inference by up to 30x, which is quite remarkable.
NIM Microservices: My favorite announcement of GTC was the NIM platform, which delivers models optimized for inference and packaged as containers. NIM speeds up inference by using the Triton Inference Server, TensorRT, and TensorRT-LLM.
Project GR00T: I think the coolest and most ambitious announcement was Project GR00T, which focuses on developing foundation models for humanoid robots. The stack is based on multimodal models for video, audio, and language.
Distribution: An overlooked announcement during GTC was the impressive list of strategic alliances with top software companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Dell, Oracle, and many others. NVIDIA is simply everywhere.
There were many additional announcements at GTC, but the aforementioned four are incredibly impactful. NVIDIA’s AI hardware dominance is unquestionable, but it’s quickly making inroads in the software space.
🔎 ML Research
Amazon Science published a paper introducing Chronos, a family of pretrained foundation models for time series forecasting. Chronos models time-series data using the same techniques used by LLMs —> Read more.
Salesforce Research also got into time series forecasting with foundation models with the publication of a paper detailing Moirai. The new model follows the paradigm of a universal forecasting model that can issues predictions across many domains and time scales —> Read more.
Google DeepMind published a paper detailing TacticAI, a model that can provide technical insights in football( soccer) plays, particularly corner kicks. The model uses geometric deep learning by generating possible reflections of a game situation including the player’s relationships —> Read more.
Researcers from UC Berkely published a paper introducing retrieval-augmented fine-tuning(RAFT), a training technique that improves the ability of models to answer questions based on external data. Given a question, RAFT ignores the documents that are not relevant to formulagte the answer leading to more accurate outputs —> Read more.
Evolutionary Optimization and FM Model Merging
Researchers from Sakana AI published a paper that uses evolutionary optimization to merge foundation models. The technique attempts to harness the collective intelligence of different models to create more powerful foundation models —> Read more.
Meta AI Research published a paper detailing SceneScript, a method for reconstructing layouts of physical spaces. The technique can have profound implications in augmented reality scenarios that merge physical and virtual spaces —> Read more.
🤖 Cool AI Tech Releases
NVIDIA announced NIM, its cloud microservices endpoints for pretrained foundation models —> Read more.
Elon Musk’s xAI open sourced a version of its marque model Grok —> Read more.
Stable Video 3D
Stability AI released Stable Video 3D, an improved model that can generate 3D objects from text descriptions —> Read more.
🛠 Real World ML
AI Training Logging at Meta
Meta discusses Logarithm, their solution for AI training logging —> Read more.
GNNs at Pinterest
Pinterest details their use of graph neural networks(GNNs) for content understanding —> Read more.
RL at Lyft
Lyft discusses the architecture powering their internal reinforcement learning workloads —> Read more.
Cloud Monitoring at Microsoft
Microsoft discusses the AI used to monitor its Azure cloud services —> Read more.
📡AI Radar
NVIDIA unveiled plenty of AI hardware and software innovations at its GTC conference.
Reddit had a strong IPO debut fueled by AI data demands.
Apple is reportedly in conversations with Google to power IPhone AI features using Gemini.
On a surprising move, Microsoft hired Inflection co-founder Mustafa Suleyman and part of his team to lead its Copilot efforts.
After loosing several key people, Inflection announced a pivot into AI for business.
NVIDIA announced a series of AI partnerships with the world’s largest tech companies.
Databricks announced the acquisition of Lilac to improves its unstructure data preparation and analysis capabilities.
Astera Labs shares popped 70% in its IPO pushed by the demand of its AI data transfer features.
Roblox introduced new AI features for Avatar creation and texturing.
Anthropic, AWS and Accenture announced a strategic alliance to bring generative AI to enterprises.
ServiceNow released a new version of its Now platform for AI workflow automation.
Amazon and Snowflake announced a partnership to modernize data streaming pipelines.
TheSequence is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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gretaicom · 6 months
Project GR00T: Video Friday-Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your friends at IEEE Spectrum robotics. We also post a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months. Please send us your events for inclusion. Eurobot Open...
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softrobotcritics · 6 months
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nawapon17 · 6 months
NVIDIA aims to speed up humanoid development with Project GR00T
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DAILY DOSE: Neuralink Debuts Implant in Paralyzed Gamer; Nvidia Launches Humanoid Robot Project GR00T.
NEURALINK UNVEILS HUMAN BRAIN IMPLANT, ARBAUGH PLAYS GAMES. Neuralink introduced its first human brain implant recipient, Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old paralyzed after a diving accident, showcasing his ability to play online games using his thoughts. Co-founded by Elon Musk, Neuralink aims to enable paralyzed individuals to control devices through brain-computer interfaces, interpreting…
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y2fear · 6 months
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NVIDIA aims to speed up humanoid development with Project GR00T
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ujjinatd · 6 months
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NVIDIA pretende acelerar el desarrollo humanoide con el Proyecto GR00T NVIDIA ha anunciado que está constru... https://ujjina.com/nvidia-pretende-acelerar-el-desarrollo-humanoide-con-el-proyecto-gr00t/?feed_id=565953&_unique_id=65fafab3931ce
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haridha5 · 6 months
NVIDIA project GR00T will bring AI into the real world. possible?
Nvidia's latest release about the project GR00T that will bring AI into the real world might bring the age of humanoid robots closer.
The business said at Nvidia GTC 2024 that its new launch would allow robots to be smarter and more useful than ever before - and they'll do it by studying people.
Learn more: https://www.mindstick.com/articles/335492/nvidia-project-gr00t-will-bring-ai-into-the-real-world-possible
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