#grace x freddie OTP
battlecouplesoulmates · 10 months
Freddie and Grace are paralleled with Asterion and Hecate
Freddie is in love with Grace but was scared to tell her.
Asterion is in love with Hecate but was scared to tell her.
Grace finds out how Freddie feels and reveals she feels the same way.
Hecate finds out how Asterion feels and reveals she feels the same way.
Both couples have been friends for years before the confession. Both couples mention how they should have revealed their feelings sooner.
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littlescribbs · 8 months
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I just wanted to draw them snuggling 🥺
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Can I ask for multiple character break downs?👀
Well if I can, then would you please do one for Ada and one for Tommy and one for John
But if only one has to be done, then you can choose any one of these.
Thanks! <3
Thanks for the ask! 💞
Ada Thorne nee Shelby
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How I feel about this character
Just love for her! She is adorable, strong, fierce, absolutely amazing! Ada and Polly are the best developed female character on the show. Mainly, because Tommy can’t fuck them, so they can’t be reduced to his love interest, which is such a good thing, because I love strong women. Makes me weak in my knees.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Freddie Thorne, Ben Younger, Jessie Eden, because Ada is bi, she just gives off that vibe, u know.
Somehow I prefer to read stuff with a female reader for her, more than a male reader for her. Because it’s either Freddie x Ada for me or Ada x female reader.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Lizzie, Polly, Ada and Linda are an amazing combination! She and Tommy have an interesting dynamic as well! I would have loved to see more John and Ada interactions, because they have not such a big age gap inbetween, so I think they are close. Especially after Ada got her child and John got married with Esme. Oh, Ada and Esme would have sooo much fun together. Esme would be like the sister Ada never had.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think her character changed a lot between season 1 and 2, because of Freddie’s death and also after she joined the business again. Sometimes when I make memes or the alignment charts, I have two icons for her, one from first season and one from third season, because I think she is one of the characters who changed the most through the series. First season Ada would do a lot of things different and more naive than third season Ada. Mainly, because she still believed in communism in season 1 and she somehow lost her faith after losing Freddie. Which is super understandable tho.
She acutally becomes wiser with age... unlike her brothers, who just do the same shit over and over again.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wished Ben hadn’t died, because they kill her lovers even fast than Tommys. WTF, right?
On the other hand I wished Ada talked some sense into Jessie, to NOT SLEEP WITH TOMMY THE WHORE SHELBY! Because Ada knows her brother very well and I think she genuinely liked Jessie, or she liked her enough to save her from the pain of being Tommy’s toy or pleasure doll.
And I’m still bitter about the way they killed of Freddie... but more about that later...
Tommy Shelby
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How I feel about this character
Relationship status: It’s complicated!
Yes, well, I ramble about Tommy’s shit a lot. I know! He is still an intersting character and it’s so tempting to think about his actions in certain situations, but if I would meet him as a person- I would hate him from the bottom of my heart! <3
He is such an asshole all the time and when I first watched the show, I forgave him a lot he did to his siblings, because I was caught up with his good looks and the presentation of him being the good guy who does bad things to survive. But I spend some time to think about his actions and I noticed, he is an awful human being... to Polly, to his siblings, to his lover and actually to everyone. He might think he does all those mean things to archive a bigger goal, but he is just a gambling addict who can’t stop taking risks he isn’t even prepared for.
Shitty things Tommy has done over time:
Forcing his brother to marry somebody, John didn’t even know at that time, to end a feud, Tommy had started himself and only when it was in his favour to end it, he used John as pawn, so he could archive his plan. HOW FUCKED UP WAS THAT? Nobody seems to talk about this. It was fucking awful! And the way he did it was horrible to! Tommy said nothing to John until the very last moment, when they were already surrounded by enemies, so John couldn’t said no. It also shows, that Tommy thinks he is above his siblings. Tommy thought John wasn’t capable of chosing a wife for himself, so Tommy did that for him too. Even when John didn’t ask for this at all!
Destroying Ada’s relationship with Freddie and chasing his best friend out of town, just because... TOMMY WAS AGAINGST HIS SISTER HAVING A RELATIONSHIP. and yet he proclaimes to listen to woman and to give them a fair change. Maybe just not for our dear Ada!
Destroying Arthur’s marriage, because he kept dragging Arthur into shit, he wasn’t mentally stable enough for. Putting thoughts of rejecting Linda into Arthur’s head, by talking bad about Linda and making jokes about her any given time.
Sleeping with Lizzie over and over again, even when he knew she loved him and when she tried to get over him by dating someone new, he made the order to burn down the pub of Angel, humilated his family, and have him killed later.
Sleeping with Jessie, so he could use her
Humiliate Polly, when she was at her lowest, after Rueben had left her
Drag Michael into the illegal business after Polly begged him not to
Dragging Finn into all this shit after John died, because John wasn’t avaiable anymore
Calling Grace a whore, when they first met
Paying Lizzie in his head, even after she stopped being a sex worker
Helping a fascist
I could go on for a while, but you see my point here!
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Nobody! I want to see him miserable and alone! Honestly I’m never going to read all these soft!Tommy fics or whatever, because they really don’t interest me. I don’t want to see him happy.
But go have fun people and write and read whatever you want!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Tommy and Lizzie, because they have a sexual relationship, which is not based on romance and I love this sad and depressing dynamic between them. It’s so interesting to write and read about.
Tommy and Ada are great in the show. I love their talks and Ada actually points out when Tommy is acting like a douche again.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I have a lot... where should I start?
I get so annoyed, when I see Tommy shown as a twink, because the actor is just 1,70m... which is not small to me. I know a lot of men around that height and I think they are average and not small. Also a lot of men feel bad for not being tall enough, because everywhere in our society it’s normal to have a tall man and a small woman. And the way tall man or small man are sexualized in this alpha/omega thing or in a top/bottom dynamic is so... meh. It’s really uncomfortable to see how people try to push the patriarchal man-woman dynamic into same-sex relationships.
Tommy is a class traitor and a horrible husband.
Man, I could rant for hours, but I stop right here. Just remember, please don’t feel attacked, I don’t mean to attack you. Even if you write or draw... whatever with Tommy, I would never say something bad about this. Enjoy creating Tommy content, I will love to ignore it!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I was so disappointed when they killed Freddie, because those two could have had an interesting and compelling relationship. Freddie could have been a great frenemie. I put this here and on on Ada, because their marriage wouldn’t changed the plot as much as Freddies and Tommys friendship. Tommy would have been a way better person, if Freddie was around.
John Shelby
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How I feel about this character
MY HUSBAND! I love him and he has never done anything wrong in his life.
Nah, John has many faults, but I still adore him as a character, because his faults are actually making the plot more interesting. I also read, that he and Tommy fight a lot, because John is more moral and has way more integrity than his older brother. It was just hinted in the show, but I love this side fact and I will base my whole characterisation this.
I love to write, draw and read stuff with him. He is my favorite character from Peaky blinders and my love will never die, even though he did.
Funny tho, when I first watched PB, I adored Tommy and was annoyed by John, but as I rewatched it I changed my mind about those two.
He had so much potential and I would spend all my money, which is not much, but the devotions counts, to see a spin-off with just John and his army of children.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Esme, because they are sooo cute together!
My OFC, because I love writing them.
Any reader, because I’m a sucker for John.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
All kinds of interactions with other characters and John are great! My favorite is John and Ada to be honest. But here are other dynamics I adore as well:
John & Polly, (she would help him a lot with the kids)
John & Arthur (they come to the garrison to drink and play cards, they talk a lot about their problems, deep bond here)
John & Tommy (in my head they are always fighting)
John & Lizzie, because they have a great friendship, and they helped each other a lot. She spend time with the kids and he gave her financial support, so she would quit her job, which she didn’t do, because she feared being all alone again, and she has trust issues) (I’m actually writing a fic about these two)
John & his kids (I’m soft for dad!John)
John & Michael (especially in season three, because John seems to be jealous of Michael)
My unpopular opinion about this character
John is not completely stupid. Well, he is certainly not smart, but he works in the betting shop, and Arthur does not, or not really, because Arthur is bad at math... John at least knows his numbers. And also Tommy chose him to be the legal bookie over the others, so John must do a good job there. He just never got a degree or something similar like Michael. Which is also a reason, why John seems to be bitter about Michael joining the business. Michael was put in a higher position than he did.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
This one is obvious... John should have survived.
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vostokovasmelina · 4 years
001 Peaky Blinders
oof this shitshow owns my whole life by now
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: ada shelby and arthur shelby (i also miss my boy freddie every day :’(( )
Least Favorite character: grace,,,,
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ada x freddie, tommy x alfie, john x esme, polly x aberama, arthur x happiness
Character I find most attractive: thomas may carleton :)
Character I would marry: ada or john
Character I would be best friends with: lizzie stark (won’t ever call her a shelby, she doesn’t deserve to be disrespected like that)
a random thought: how did finn grow so much in two years,,,,?
An unpopular opinion: linda is kinda overhated by y’all ://
my canon OTP: ada x freddie
Non-canon OTP: tommy x alfie
most badass character: tatiana petrovna
pairing I am not a fan of: tommy x grace soz i was cringing the whole time
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): all the women but especially grace and JESSIE EDEN MY GIRL DOESN’T DESERVE THIS BS
favourite friendship: alfie and cyril
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: i would like to adopt karl and teach him how NOT to be a racist prick; would very much love to be adopted by alfie cos i want to collect all those bear hugs :’))
spare me an ask?
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rhacnyras · 5 years
Peaky blinders
the first character i ever fell in love with: arthur hehe
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: alfie
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: none
my ultimate favorite character™: polly
prettiest character: grace and ada
my most hated character: inspector campbell, father john
my OTP: tommy x grace
my NOTP: tommy x literally any other woman lol
favorite episode: each season’s finales are amazing af
saddest death: JOHN, freddie, danny
favorite season: the first and the last one i think
least favorite season: 3
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: hmmm none
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: ARTHUR MY LOVE
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: polly, grace, my baby john ;-;
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: none
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: polly and the painter, arthur and his wife
send me a fandom
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faintedincoils · 6 years
A, M, L, T
A - Your current OTP: Most recent is probably Jon/Gerry from The Magnus Archives. For a classic OTP I've been craving lately even after all these years, it's Parker/Hardison/Eliot from Leverage.
L - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for: I'd ask @emungere for some Hannibal sugardaddy hannigram fic. I am a weak creature.
M - Your favorite fanart or fanartist: I have so many favorite, it's impossible to choose! I've been super into @focsle 's art lately though. 
T - If you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships: I do, and I do! Het ships are the minority in my brain, but some random favorites are Jake/Amy (Brooklyn Nine Nine); Chilton/Freddie (Hannibal); Tony/Pepper (Iron Man); Hubert/Pascal (Takes of Graces f); and Rogue/Gambit (X-Men). (As the middle ground, just realizing all my OT3's are bi.)
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so-very-small · 7 years
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
HOO BOI. im trash and i kinda hav a gt au going on with sister location characters so im PUMPED abt this ask thank u anon(also spoilers for sister location obviously lmao)Baby1: sexuality headcanon: SAPPHIC ace2: otp: her and Ballora honestly3: brotp: she's best buds with Eggs4: notp: her and Ennard tbh? her and anyone tho. except for Ballora5: first headcanon that pops into my head: she's super disapointed her hair is metal because she thinks that being able to play with it and style it differently would be fun. she wants a braid or ponytail or anythiNg besides pigtails she wants something NEW6: one way in which I relate to this character: we both have a penchant for metaphors and a hate for our dads (afton in her case)7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing shes perfect8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematic fav9: bonus g/t headcanon: shes a tad clumsy, so if she was tiny youd be able to tell where she is by THUNK her hard metal body hitting the floor followed by a "FELL OFF THE BOOKSHELF BUT IM FINE". she just. thunk. falls so often. shes metal its fineBallora1: sexuality headcanon: grey aro and ace, with sapphic preferences when she does like someone2: otp: her and Baby3: brotp: the minireenas are her Bad Bitch Squad they will drink slushies and talk shit abt u4: notp: p much anyone besides Baby5: first headcanon that pops into my head: probably has accidentally punted a minireena across the room before. grace takes work ok she wasnt always a perfect dancer. plus: when shes not dancing, shes clumsy as shit6: one way in which I relate to this character: uh so. fun fact. i used to dance. and i had to give it up. and its my biggest regret. and i cant go back to it. but for a while i did ballet and i adored it. so. that. 7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothin g8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon problematic roll9: bonus g/t headcanon: when she's smol she's like one of those dancing figurines in music boxes, so pretty. also she loves to dance with partners, so she'll either dance with other small friendos, or set up a flash light and use her shadow to 'dance' with eggsFuntime Freddy / BonBon1: sexuality headcanon: both ace, freddys gay and bons aro2: otp: no one3: brotp: them and foxy let them be Friends4: notp: anyone p much5: first headcanon that pops into my head: freddy and bonbon fite a lot and its always awkward bc when theyre mad they literally cant get away from each other. they make up fast tho. 6: one way in which I relate to this character: nah7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the voice t b h8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinamon roll9: bonus g/t headcanon: freddys a sub par borrower due to having only one functional hand, but the others help him out so its okFuntime Foxy1: sexuality headcanon: pan and genderblind, ace2: otp: nah3: brotp: freddy and bon4: notp: anyone5: first headcanon that pops into my head: valentines day is their fav bc of all the pink and red. they like getting lil gifts for their friends all the time too6: one way in which I relate to this character: i too, hav no clu abt gender7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nah8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon9: bonus g/t headcanon: can shimmy up walls like no ones buisness. also gets stuck in the most randomest of placesEnnard1: sexuality headcanon: ace aro2: otp: n a h3: brotp: EGGS 4: notp : him x eggs or baby or ballora or anyone tbh5: first headcanon that pops into my head: sometimes shimmies around on the ground like a snake. why? bc they can thats why6: one way in which I relate to this character: i too sometimes feel like a weird robot stuck in a human body forced to pretend im Normal™7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: STOP MURDERING PEOPLE THATS BAD FOR THEIR HEALTH8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? problematique9: bonus g/t headcanon: i can see him being a bean. gentle with smols surprisingly. so GoodEggs1: sexuality headcanon: ace and gay2: otp: nah3: brotp: all the bots. also him and Mike Shmidt get drunk together on the weekends while talking shit abt the anamatronics. 4: notp: any of the bots5: first headcanon that pops into my head: makes a mean cherry cobbler and is mad that the anamatronics cant eat it and appreciate his skillz6: one way in which I relate to this character: our burning disdain for life and love for exotic butters7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nah8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? v tired cinnamon roll9: bonus g/t headcanon: the Most Tired Bean ever. probably the type to just lock the smol bots in a drawer to get some PEACE. hes so tired
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ronanlysnch · 7 years
skam and skins
fav character: isak and sana and eskild
least favourite character: william’s brother, i dont even give myself the trouble of remembering his name
otp: E V A K, sana and yousef are also hella cute JULIE GIMME THEIR HAPPY ENDING
brotp: girls squad, boys squad, boys & girls all together I LOVE MY KIDS
notp: isak x any girl my baby looked so sad and fake with them):
fav character: cassie
least favourite character: matty and nick
otp: cassie x sid, effy x freddie, rich x grace, naomi x emily, alo x mini, jal x chris
brotp: sid x tony, rich x alo
notp: so many………….
send me a fandom
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skins !
my all-time ultimate fave character: *looks  @  smudged  writing  on  hand*  emmeline  fetch ? idk her ?
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: michelle  richardson !!!  gods  they  could  have  done  so  much  with  her  @  writers  tf
a character I used to like but now don’t: idk,  skins  was  always  really  good  at  making  me  hate  a  character  but  then  love  them  after  their  centric  episode  so  ?? idk ? no  one,  tbh.  
a character I’m indifferent about:  rich,  tony,  sid,  liv.
a character who deserved better: dude  so  many,  man.  naomi  because  what  the  fuck  what  skins : fire  but  NON CANON THANKS  !  ;  emily  because  the  whole  of  season  4  is  bullshit,  didn’t  she  go  through  enough  shit  in  season  3  ??? ;  jal  because  damn  man,  she  lost  chris  &  had  to  bring  up  his  baby  by  herself  &  it’s  been  almost  10  years  &  i’m  still  not  over  it.  also  grace  bc  what  a  gem !
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: michelle x sid  was  fucked  up  ;  whatever  that  katie x  freddie  thing  was  ;  emily  x  mandy  (  thought  does  that  count  idk  lmao.  )
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: naomily  owns  my  fucking  heart.  reason  i  first  ever  cried  over  a  tv  show.  i  was  literally  16  -  17  when  seasons 3  &  4  aired  so  their  storyline  really  meant  a  lot  to  me  as  someone  going  through  a  same-sex  relationship  at  the  same  time
a cute, low-key ship: look  i loved  maxxie x anwar  &  their  platonic  otp-ness  so  much  okay.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: idk ?
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: uh,  any  of  the  ones  i  couldn’t  get  into  ?
my favourite storyline/moment:  okay  but  I’M  KATIE  FUCKING  FITCH  is  #iconique  !!!  &  the  lake  scene  !!!  because  poor  kat  was  going  into  hypothermic  shock  all  for  the  sake  of  our  ship !  &  also  AND I’M REALLY  SORRY  FOR  BEING  A  SLUT  is  also  #iconique !  &  I  BROUGHT A  FUCKING  GATEAUX  &  anthea’s  just  like  ‘.  .  .  cool’
a storyline that never should have been written: um  do  u  mean  chris’  death  but  also  skins  :  fire  like  burn  that  shit  in  hell  what  the  fucking  fuck  i’m  still  so  fucking  mad
my first thoughts on the show: oooooooh  this  looks  interesting  !!!!
my thoughts now: my  chILD REN  !!!
send  me  a  tv  series .  .  .  !
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rachel-bloom · 5 years
Two fandoms, ships, and characters of your choice for the ask meme BUT it has to be one you haven't done before
Favorite character: ben stone
Least Favorite character: grace
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ben x saanvi, and ben x the kids other than that there’s not much that is shippable bc honestly who even likes grace and ben lmao
Character I find most attractive:i’m a biased bitch so ben
Character I would marry: ben
Character I would be best friends with: olive or saanvi
a random thought: i want ginny to guest star
An unpopular opinion: i hate grace but don’t we all 
My Canon OTP: /
My Non-canon OTP: ben x saanvi
Most Badass Character: cal 
Most Epic Villain: i mean there’s not much of a villian yet? 
Pairing I am not a fan of: ben x grace
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i mean sometimes i’m kind of ??? about olive especially how she’s dealing with danny/ben but then again she’s a fucking kid
Favourite Friendship: olive x cal
Character I most identify with: sort of olive 
Character I wish I could be: ben 
The Good Doctor
Favorite character: shaun, glassman and claire
Least Favorite character: melendez
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): shaun x claire, shaun x lea, shaun x aaron, melendez x lim
Character I find most attractive: claire
Character I would marry: claire
Character I would be best friends with: claire, lea
a random thought: i never want this show to end, gr*ys anatomy who
An unpopular opinion: idk but i’m starting to hate morgan less
My Canon OTP: no one really i enjoy the platonic ships more, i mean i’d be open to exploring either lea x shaun or shaun x claire romantically
My Non-canon OTP: shaun x lea, shaun x claire
Most Badass Character: shaun
Most Epic Villain: /
Pairing I am not a fan of: morgan x shaun do people really ship this? no honey
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): melendez but then again i’ve always disliked him
Favourite Friendship: shaun x lea, shaun x glassman
Character I most identify with: claire
Character I wish I could be: a mix of lea, claire and shaun lol___________
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: susan x mike (desperate housewives)
when of if I started shipping it: it’s been forever since i watched this so i’m not sure but i think i pretty much shipped it right away!
my thoughts: they deserved better i’m fucking emo
What makes me happy about them: their shy awkwardness when they first got to know each other like they had some sort of comedic vibe about them in the beginning but them being lovey dovey made me happy too!
What makes me sad about them: well.....him dying obviously lmao and the constant forth and back when they broke up and all the angst ugh
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i don’t really read fanfic
things I look for in fanfic: /
My wishlist: revive him and make a reboot with them ending up together lmao ok jk
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one
My happily ever after for them: just ??? let him be alive ??? pls ?? 
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you: ted x robin (himym) yall gonna judge me but idc
when of if I started shipping it: it’s been forever since i watched this so i’m not sure but i think i pretty much shipped it right away!
my thoughts: i really fucking loved them idc what yall say. it was the first show i started watching i think (bc of some shitty guy) and some elements of their relationship really reminded me of a guy i had feelings for and it was just sort of nostalgia i guess seeing myself in that relationship idk im a hopeless romantic
What makes me happy about them: i just loved them so much ok its hard to say anything in detail bc its been awhile but..... theyre v important to me
What makes me sad about them: when they broke up and robin’s fright of comitting and all the angst :/ “you stole a blue french horn for me “ “i would’ve stolen you a whole orchestra” :(((((((
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i don’t really read fanfic
things I look for in fanfic: /
My wishlist: /
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one
My happily ever after for them: i wish we wouldve seen more of them actually ending up together i guess the last scene was kind of a nice parallel but it was so little and i just..sad
_____________________________________________________________003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: freddie mercury (bohemian rhapsody)
How I feel about this character: i love him ................so much he’s my entire life  rami really did such an amazing job
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: jim / mary
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: the queen squad, also him and his dad??? i teared up when he visited him after a while and they hugged i so emo
My unpopular opinion about this character: literally nothing?????? okay he was a little drama queen sometimes and arriving too late sometimes but i.....dont care i would die for him anyways
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: not dying??? but i guess .... its just what happened in rl so :/
Favorite friendship for this character: the band :))
My crossover ship: / 
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:   helena (orphan black)
How I feel about this character: i love her i was LEGIT scared of her the first couple of seasons but my love for her grew over the next couple of seasons
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: she never really had any meaningful romantic relationships did she? but who cares i still love her
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: sarah x helena
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don’t have anything bad to say about her so idk!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i’m happy with how her story ended!
Favorite friendship for this character: sarah x helena, and helena x all the other twins
My crossover ship: /
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battlecouplesoulmates · 10 months
I played 8 playthroughs of Stray Gods the Roleplaying Musical back to back. I finished one playthrough would go to the main menu and start a new game. The only reason I stopped was cause I had a convention to go to. But all I wanna do rn is play my 9th playthrough.
Freddie is the ultimate romance option and Persephone is second best.
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battlecouplesoulmates · 10 months
I'm going through every single choice in I Can Teach You and this song is way gayer than I thought on my first 8 playthroughs! You can really see how much Grace and Freddie love each other. Pan has just met them and can tell there's romantic feelings there.
If you choose the right options you can see they have romantic feelings no matter who/what colour you choose.
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battlecouplesoulmates · 9 months
I think a good ship name for Grace x Freddie is Frace.
It sounds like Thrace which is from Ancient Greece and is included in Greek mythology which I think fits the game well. So that's what I'll be calling them from now on.
I also hate the name Greddie as it's one letter difference to a notp. It also sounds stupid.
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battlecouplesoulmates · 10 months
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Grace and Freddie are similar to my other ships and I love it.
Grace x Freddie | Avalance - Ava/Grace watched the woman she loves die in front of her, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Catradora - childhood friends to lovers, defeat their enemies together, Grace/Catra begging Freddie/Adora to stay. Grace x Freddie | Chlodine - Grace/Nadine voiced by Laura Bailey, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Imodna - Grace/Imogen brings Freddie/Laudna back to life, Grace/Imogen voiced by Laura Bailey, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Malvie - side hug + clasped hands, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | WarriorBard - height difference, Freddie/Xena sacrifices herself to save Grace/Gabrielle, Grace/Gabrielle brings Freddie/Xena back to life, Grace/Xena goes to Hades/Hell to save Freddie/Gabrielle, greek mythology, sing love songs to each other, soulmates, end up together after years of pining, defeat their enemies together.
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littlescribbs · 9 months
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A soft and hot moment between Grace and Freddie that was heavily inspired by the snippet @foibles-fables posted on their Twitter 💚🖤
Thank you for it!! I'm obsessed
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battlecouplesoulmates · 9 months
Freddie is the person Grace would end up with if Stray Gods wasn't a choice based game. Here's why:
Frace are paralleled with Asterion/Hecate. Both are best friends that fall in love. Freddie and Grace sing during Asterion/Hecate's love song. If you choose Freddie to help Asterion she alludes to being in love with Grace
If you don't choose the heart options for Apollo, Pan and Persephone you don't get a heart choice in the confession scene. But if you don't choose the heart options for Freddie you do get a heart choice in her confession scene.
If you flirt with all of them and choose one of the others in the confession scene, you can still choose Freddie. But if you choose Freddie then try to choose one of the others it won't work. So Freddie's romance overrides the other romances.
If you don't flirt with Freddie, Grace will still look at Freddie like she's in love with her through out the game. If you flirt with Freddie, Grace does the same thing.
The romantic love between Frace is mentioned in the second song, I Can Teach You.
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