#chlodine otp
battlecouplesoulmates · 10 months
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Grace and Freddie are similar to my other ships and I love it.
Grace x Freddie | Avalance - Ava/Grace watched the woman she loves die in front of her, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Catradora - childhood friends to lovers, defeat their enemies together, Grace/Catra begging Freddie/Adora to stay. Grace x Freddie | Chlodine - Grace/Nadine voiced by Laura Bailey, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Imodna - Grace/Imogen brings Freddie/Laudna back to life, Grace/Imogen voiced by Laura Bailey, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | Malvie - side hug + clasped hands, defeat their enemies together. Grace x Freddie | WarriorBard - height difference, Freddie/Xena sacrifices herself to save Grace/Gabrielle, Grace/Gabrielle brings Freddie/Xena back to life, Grace/Xena goes to Hades/Hell to save Freddie/Gabrielle, greek mythology, sing love songs to each other, soulmates, end up together after years of pining, defeat their enemies together.
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contrivedchaos · 1 year
Fic writers' 2022 roundup:
I've never done one of these before, but I was tagged by @pikapeppa, so I'll give it a shot!
Words written: 54,050. It's not a lot, but other than the year I wrote my master's thesis, it's the most actual writing I've done in a long time, fanfic or otherwise. I'll count it as an accomplishment!
Smut scenes: Oof. Let's see. 6? We'll go with 6. Across four different fics.
New things I tried: Within the last 12 months, I've dipped my toes into the Arcane fandom and finished/posted 3 parts for my (ongoing?) three-part CaitVi series: Every Small Disaster, Say My Name (Like an Elegy), and It's Psychosomatic. It's been so much fun! Hopefully I'll find another opportunity to do more for this pairing. I definitely want to write more of them in the future!
Fic I spent the most time on: My longest fic was Where The Time Goes. I started Chlodine Week 5 years ago for this tiny, desperately-hanging-on fandom, but never wrote anything substantial for it beyond a few oneshots. This year I spent 2-3 months working on a labor of love that I never expected to go anywhere. It was a fic almost entirely for myself, and so far it's my favorite thing I've ever written. I was so happy when it was finished.
Fic I spent the least time on: The first fic for my CaitVi series, Every Small Disaster. (This was technically posted Christmas of 2021, but I'll count it) It was my first time dipping my toes into the Arcane fandom, and I think it came out swimmingly!
Favorite thing I wrote: Definitely Where The Time Goes. Chlodine will always have a special place in my heart. I can't think of a fandom that's more dear to me than the Uncharted fandom. It's been a light through the toughest years of my life so far. I owe a lot to it, and particularly the Chlodine ship. I don't see it being outranked as my OTP any time soon.
Favorite fic(s) I read: I've read so many AMAZING things this year. This list will be DIFFICULT to narrow down. Here goes:
Violence and Variations by Thisisatree (@dancing-b0nes): The Locked Tomb has made up the majority of my fic and book re-reading in 2022, and this one is no exception. Technically started this one in 2021, but it's still ongoing, so I'll count it. While it's like 60% a Griddlehark fic, and sort of a re-imagining of their lives post-TLT, practically every ship, in all their wonderful configurations, gets their dirty day in the sun. I have been on the edge of my seat for more than a year with this one, and it shows no signs of stopping. Also extremely spicy! I'm so hooked!
Twice by BonesforTime: Another TLT fic, this one's a re-imagining of the events at Canaan House in Gideon the Ninth, with such a unique take on what it means to be a Lyctor and on the dynamics of the cavalier/necromancer relationship. And lore and world-building! Another Griddlehark-focused fic, this one constantly has me in stitches, combined with such a raw, intimate writing style for the smut scenes. Bones has such a way with words, and they continue to amaze me with each new installment. Definitely continuing this one into 2023!
Table Manners by Armengard (@armengard): Y'all know I go absolutely feral for anything by Armengard. Their first contribution to the CaitVi space is no exception. They took me out with a one-shot earlier this year that will undoubtedly be on my fic re-read rotation for years to come. Can't say enough positive things about their entire catalog, so this one is also definitely worth a read. And sooooooo spicy! Whew!
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms Need to Get Wet Sometimes by Pikapeppa (@pikapeppa): Literally the only writer of MLW ships this lesbian will read these days. Their writing style is just that good. It's so refreshing and engaging that if they decided to author a dictionary, I'd probably read it. I jumped back into the Horizon fandom (extremely late, forgive me) after a major surgery over the summer, and the first thing I did upon playing Forbidden West was dive back into their fics. This one is a Drakkaloy fic, and is not only entertaining, but also extremely spicy. Definitely a must-read!
Your Mouth and Its Flowers by driluth (@driluth): Technically late 2021, but I'll count it. This is a CaitVi AU based on one of my favorite books of 2022, This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. The symbolism! The way Red and Blue are literally Vi and Caitlyn, and are so amazingly portrayed in this AU! Definitely a hidden gem for me to find in 2022! But I'm so glad I did!
Writing goals for next year: I don't have any particular writing goals for 2023. I'm looking forward to the Horizon Forbidden West DLC, so if I can get my hands on a PS VR 2, maybe I'll get inspired to dip a toe into the Horizon fandom. I'm definitely tempted by all the WLW potential for this series. Also more TLT...Alecto is coming in September, so there is still more to work with. We'll see!
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thebliznet · 2 years
I know it’s been a bit since you’ve likely thought about this particular ship but can I say how happy I am that someone else likes the Sam x Nadine ship? I know most of the fandom ships Nadine and Chloe (and I guess ND likes them together to since they repost a ton of art??) which is all fine and good but I don’t know I like the appeal of Sam and Nadine. It feels like I’m doing something wrong though, shipping them when most ship Chlodine 😆
It’s really sad there isn’t more fics of them and the ones that I find are from back in 2018, honestly the Uncharted fandom over on Ao3 is kinda dead at this point which is a bummer. But I just wanted to say thank you, I’m glad I’m not the only one who ships them despite them not being very popular
Hello! 😊
I know, it's been a while since I did anything on Nadine x Sam, but it's still my #1 OTP still to this day! I agree though, it seems Chloe x Nadine has a higher possibility to become canon, but I don't mind either. Uncharted is my favorite game even if I wasn't shipping anyone from it. Perhaps we might get some Nadine x Sam in the Uncharted movies... 👀
Also, don't feel bad that you're into Sam x Nadine. I always fall for the unpopular or rarepairs all the time, so don't feel bad about loving what you love. 😁
I'm guilty though with the fanfics as well lol. I have a lot of unfinished fanfics hovering around. (My fanfic readers will agree 😅) I'm trying to focus more on my original work, but when there is a fanfic idea that peaked my interest, I go for it. If you have a request, I can happily write it up for you though! 😊
And, you're welcome! ☺️ It's good hearing from the Uncharted community from time to time because we are pretty dead now and apparently a lot of people didn't enjoy the Uncharted movie, which I can understand. It's not the same as the original, but I loved it.
Happy shipping! 😊
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i have been falling the entire game and listening to Nadine scream “Frazer!” at the game over screen but near the end when I did a stupid little jump and bombed it and I heard her say “Chloe!” i just. I couldn’t. my heart. THIS GAME
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vaduart · 4 years
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Is it good enough?
(based on this post. I thought about them the sec after seeing this meme. thanks @snuffysbox you’re the best)
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luviebear · 5 years
Me: writes a book that began 8 years ago but can’t go past chapter 2
Also me: sees Chlodine and writes 4 chapters in a span of a few weeks, draws the art for it, replays the games for the accurate research, spends hours on tumblr looking at fan art
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yoursaltytears · 6 years
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Chloe: “You may be one person to the whole world, but to me you are the whole world.”
Nadine: "I fall in love with you each and everyday, Chloe. Remember that always."
Chloe: “I will, Nadine. My partner.”
Chloe and Nadine, Chlodine!!! OTP that strikes my soul down to my bones and flesh.
P.S. I love you sweetie, my baby hope you like it. This for you.
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sogytits · 6 years
Red String of Fate
It felt like something smacked me in the face, just full on full force hit me. Of course I reacted because something just hit me in the face, but no one seemed to have noticed all of them were still just walking along like nothing happened. The only thing off was they all has little red strings around their left pinky fingers, many of them extended through and beyond walls, some even seemed to extend into the sky. There even seemed to be some strings that were just passing through and not connected to anyone around.
“What the fuck” I whisper to myself, people starting to catch on to my freak out, considering I just stopped in the middle of a busy sidewalk. I had to get out of there, I needed to calm down and either get this hallucination to go away or figure out what was happening. I practically ran away. Luckily my apartment was only about a block and a half. As soon I got home I slammed my door and tried to calm down. After about 5 minutes of closed eyes and just breathing I was ready to see if it was still happening. It was. I rubbed my eyes and as I pulled my hands I noticed the string tied around my finger wasn’t the same red as everybody it was darker.
“Okay one thing at a time. I know this story, I’ve heard it before.” I walk myself through it still staring at my left pinky with the dark red string tied around it, that I couldn’t feel. “The red string of fate?” I whisper as if it’s going to answer if I was correct. “They’re a myth aren’t they? soulmates aren’t real.” I quickly turn to find by purse I threw off in my panic, to find my phone, there had to be something on this somewhere.
“You can see them now can’t you? I really hope they are real, otherwise this might be awkward. ” My roommate and best friend walked in and held his left hand up, so as soon as I turn around I saw that his string was the same blood red color as mine and was very much connected to mine.
“oh. Oh. OH” I said as it dawned on me what exactly that meant. “ I mean if they are I guess I couldn’t ask for a better one” I say a small smile on my face because I would be lying if I hadn’t thought about dating him, he was pretty much exactly my type, except not an asshole, so my type but good for me.
“They aren’t all romantic” he quickly said “we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want” he took a couple steps closer looking a little panicked like he was worried I was going to freak out.
“I mean it wouldn’t hurt to try would it. I mean we are soulmates after all” I explain waving my left arm to emphasize the tie we had. “you already know everything about me and I’m pretty sure I know just about everything about you” I slowly walked forward to meet him, no need to be shy about it with my soulmate I guess.
“Well not everything because I’ve never known you to be this bold. Ever.” He had a slowly growing smirk as he took couple steps closing the distance in our apartment.
The closeness was nothing new we had cuddled before but this was something different, new and just a little scary. Like standing on the edge of a cliff ready to jump. “ well it’s you, why would I be scared?” I tell him turning my head up so I could see him better.
“Now that’s a very good philosophy” he said cupping my face and leaning to close the space between us, kissing me.
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medleyofswag · 6 years
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don't even need no ship with no canon for my otp I'll fucking drown with them if I have to
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blazingsaza · 6 years
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When you still suck at digital but Chlodine gives you life xD
(I’ve been listening to Chvrches and Purity Ring lately, and idk this is the result lol)
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 years
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ignisgayentia · 7 years
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tigerstark · 6 years
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OTP AESTHETIC // Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross
-you know that treasure hunting is not for the risk averse, right? -neither is being a mercenary.
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asaile · 7 years
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This is bad guys, I’m loving this too much.
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aaliyahkitsune1994 · 7 years
Paperplanes dance by Chloe and Nadine! Found it on YouTube 😆!
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ahhhsami · 3 years
Ao3 Fic Meme
@electricbluebutterflies had created this list of questions and I thought it'd be fun to answer them! Anyone else who wants to do this, feel free to. I'd love to see responses from others.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
91 works, but that's not counting the individual stories in Imagine Your OTP which has 30 other one shots or short stories...
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
Oh good lord... 820,134
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Avatar: Legend of Korra (68) [Korrasami][Wuko][Kyalin]
Uncharted (Video Games) (8) [Chlodine]
Overwatch (Video Game) (6) [Pharmercy]
Wynonna Earp (TV) (4) {Wayhaught]
Women's Association Football | Women's Soccer RPF (4) [Preath]
Supergirl (TV 2015) (3) [Supercorp]
RWBY (1) [Bumbleby]
Arcane: League of Legends (Cartoon 2021) (1) [Piltover's Finest]
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rio 2016
Start Again
Chef's Table
Tinderella -_-
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I sometimes respond.... Honestly I read them all and often times just forget to reply. I try to make sure to respond to the longer, more in depth comments though.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I actually have a couple in mind; Rich, This is all that I can say., and Take Me Home.
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yeah. I've gotten some homophobic comments and other hate.
9. Do you write smut? If you do, what kind of smut do you write?
Yes... all kinds
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once... unless it's happened more without my knowledge.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yep. I've had the pleasure to collaborate with two different writers in the past.
12. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Korrasami, but honestly depending on how Piltover's Finest goes.... they have potential to be right next to them.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Legend Of Korra
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Roommates and Start Again
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