#grace x jackson
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Which percabeth do you prefer?
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From the Spring Break Update Article
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"oh yeah annabeth is the top of my class, i just manage through school😁🥰" WHAT THE ACTUAL--
(obligatory beep boop percy being called smart alert)
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mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
*At Camp Half-Blood*
Percy: I love my hot girlfriend and I like kissing her a lot and looking at her beautiful face lalalalala
*In Tartarus*
Percy: I will literally choke you with your own blood if you even think of touching my Annabeth
*At Camp Jupiter*
Percy: My girlfriend is so hot when she Judo flips me lalalalala
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hermemescabin · 3 months
*Percy shaking his fist at a tree circa lightning thief/sea of monsters*
Annabeth is MY best friend now
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verlierer-is-lost · 5 months
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You cannot tell me Nico and Leo wouldn’t have been besties
Leo definitely goes on lovesick rants to him 24/7 (because Nico is also a Valgrace shipper)
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waitingonher · 6 months
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because i love you — [hoo boys headcanons]
summary: your "thing" with the hoo boys!
author's note: in honor of the pjo series coming out today,,have this rlly rlly short draft from earlier this year! xoxo
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percy jackson — doodling on him
“give me your hand.”
“yes ma’am.”
minutes pass as you doodle gods know what onto percy’s hand. you always resort to this whenever the camp head counselor's meeting begins late—which seems to be every meeting—and giving percy "tattoos" certainly kills time. last meeting, you drew a can of beans and the time before that, was a bouquet of tulips. so honestly his guess being a pair of socks this time isn’t too far of a reach.
“okay, done,” you release his hand, a proud smile gracing your features, “cute right?”
he quirks a brow upon seeing the drawing, “is that…” percy turns his head to the side, gaining better perspective, “is that a flying fish?” 
“wow, you’re good,” you say, giving him a nod of approval, “although, last time you did say that my can of beans looked like a roll of toilet paper…” 
your boyfriend throws his hands in the air, “in my defense, you used a shitty pen so it was hard to tell.” 
jason grace — sewing your initials on his clothes
“hi love,” jason says, plopping down beside you on the couch. you give him a bright smile as he places a gentle kiss on your head, “almost done?” 
nodding proudly, you hold up his pair of jeans to show him your work: your initials sewn onto a corner of his back pocket, “yup, just finished actually! what do you think of the color? i think you bought the thread for me on our second date. but i totally forgot i had it until i went digging in my supply box.” 
a grin plasters itself on jason’s face as he nods his head in realization, “i knew the color seemed familiar. i remember wondering why a tiny spool of thread was so expensive. but it’s perfect, i love it,” he kisses your cheek, “all my friends are gonna be so jealous that they don’t have their girlfriends’ initials sewn onto their clothes.” 
you laugh as you imagine jason vehemently bragging about his jeans to all his friends, “tell them i’m charging $50 if they want me to do theirs,” you wink. 
“we’d make more than the stolls’ and their smuggling business if we did that,” he laughs, admiring your work once more. who knew that having your initials on his pants would have such an affect on him, “also, can you do my sweaters and my other jeans?"
you raise a brow, "i might have to start charging you at this point."
leo valdez — impromptu fashion shows
“wow!” you clap enthusiastically, “your outfit even puts paris fashion week outfits to shame!” yes, because a rainbow checkered crop top with a humongous green tutu and a pink boa paired with insanely skinny stilettos beats any and all high fashion runway outfits, “now, leo valdez, can you give us a few words about your new clothing line? and possibly a bit about what it’s like to be so amazingly talented?” you inquire, raising an invisible microphone to his mouth. 
leo oh-so humbly bows and rises with a proud grin, “thank you, thank you, but i honestly must give all credit towards my beautiful muse, y/n, she’s the inspiration behind my new line. and about being so talented, it really is such hard work to be this naturally gifted.”
“ooh, do tell about this ‘y/n.’ i’ve never heard of her but she does sound absolutely gorgeous!” you exclaim, keeping up with the act. 
your boyfriend nods firmly, “oh yes, she’s very, very, very beautiful,” adding a playful wink, “but i must say, she has the worst morning breath i’ve ever encountered!” 
your smile drops and you squint your eyes, “i’m going to choke you with that stupid ugly boa if you don’t take that back right now.” 
“uh ma’am,” leo backs up nervously, clutching his boa, “i’m going to have to call security if you threaten me again.” 
"i'm seriously going to kill you."
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heartss4val · 2 months
thinking about the small ways the pjo boys instinctively show their love for you..
the way percy jackson's sword fighting naturally slows to a hesitant crawl whenever he's sparring with you. his once swift and fluid motions seem to falter, as if he's unsure of how much force to use. his sword moves in hesitant, awkward jabs, accompanied by a small, sheepish smile that seems to say, "i don't want to hurt you, but i also don't want to lose."
the way jason grace covers the sharp corner of the table when you reach under to get something, ensuring that your head wouldn't accidentally collide with the unforgiving edge. you feel the warmth of his hand hovering just inches above your head, and the faint smile on his lips reveals his satisfaction in keeping you safe. he's a protector, that one.
the way leo valdez taps three times on the dinner table whenever he wants to catch your attention. perhaps it's his way of saying, 'i'm thinking of you.' or, i can't wait to see you after this.' you're never quite certain of the exact meaning, but regardless, you often find yourself twirling your daggers three times before going into battle, a sweet tribute to leo.
the way luke castellan's lip twitches ever so slightly every time you enter into the room. it's a subtle movement, almost imperceptible, but you're certain it's there by the way he catches your eye, and tilts his head to the door, a silent invitation for you to join him.
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yendts · 2 months
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some little sketches and factoids for this pjo x atla au that’s been brewing in my brain for weeks now. lmk what other characters you want to see. part two
also i should mention my story for this is original but i was inspired by @jiilll and their au here as well as @ awww.nutts’ au on instagram who were both posting first and you should definitely check theirs out to <3
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sunsburns · 4 months
tweets with pjo characters (iii.)
content summary: reader is literally insane, luke x reader, clarisse x reader, percabeth crumbs, luke being an idiot and chris being his number one supporter, thalia being an icon, sex jokes, PERSASSY, swearing, teenagers being teenagers lol
note: i think i have an obsession with making these actually lmao i cannot stop
part one / part two
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moncuries · 3 months
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i was angry, you're forgiven and does it get too hard being a good person every day of your life??
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The lover boys ( Percy, Leo, Jason, Conner, Luke , Frank) overhearing reader talking about them and afterwards realising that reader is THE ONE for them
Mhuaw Mhuaw 💋
⋆⭒˚.⋆ can't have a conversation if it's not all about you! hcs
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content: hcs for leo valdez, frank zhang, luke castellan, percy jackson & jason grace warning: some language but that's it!! author's note: ta daaaaa! i like doing matching stories to one's ive already written!! and love love love how these match the other group hcs i did, probs gonna put it as a part two on the masterlist even tho i kinda isn't, ya know??? whatever it's my blog lmao-
𝜗𝜚 leo valdez
leo had no shame
originally, he had no intentions of eavesdropping
but then he heard you talking as he passed by the window of your cabin and couldn't help but stand nearby
and, boy, was he glad that he did
his smile was a mile wide as he heard you talk so passionately about him
that's right, you've been yapping away about leo for at least an hour
"and you should see the way he looks at me when he makes me laugh. it's just- it's just this wide smile and he can't seem to take his eyes off me."
leo blushed slightly at that comment, completely unaware that you had caught onto that look, the one he only reserved for you
"and he's the sweetest, always looking out for me. oh! and the gifts are never ending and he's the best cuddler i've like ever met. and, so, so funny."
leo was certain he was short circuiting, the wires of his heart fraying and twisting in unnatural ways. in ways that would make his mechanic father disappointed
"you must really love him," one of your siblings mused and leo waited with baited breath, leaning slightly closer to the window to hear you better
"more than i could put into words. i'm...i'm lucky the fates gave him to me - more than lucky."
that was the day leo started working on your engagement ring, determined to never spend another day without you by his side
𝜗𝜚 frank zhang
frank was a good boy, be it either his roman bones or his canadian heritage, he made sure to always follow rules and respect peoples privacy
...except for today
he allowed himself this exception as he stood in one of the many hallways new rome had to offer, leaning against the wall as he heard your voice drift through the corridor
you couldn't have been more than a few yards away, your voice easily carrying to frank's ears
"he gives the best hugs!"
"bear hugs?" your friend laughed and frank's lips twitched upwards at the comment
"shut up! he's sweet, too! so, so sweet! and gentle. for a son of mars, he holds me so softly."
frank stood a little taller at the comments, pride filling his body in a way it never had before
sure, lots of people have told him similar things, but something about it coming from you left the boy reeling with pride
"cmon, be honest. is he, ya know, the one?" your friend whispered but frank still heard it
he paled at the connotation, his fingers crossed as he counted the seconds in between your response.
"honestly? he's the other half of my soul. we're tied together and he's not getting rid of me anytime soon."
that afternoon, frank signed up for a wedding magazine subscription, wanting to keep up to date on the wedding scene, as he figured it would become very important to him and you in the near future
𝜗𝜚 luke castellan
luke had taken a break from practice with his sword, laying on the ground all sweaty and grimy
his water bottle had long since been emptied but he was far too tired to get up and refill it
after a few minutes of rest, he'd finally decided the water would be worth the pain of his taunt muscles
as he made his way to the water fountain, he paused as his eyes caught sight of you and a wood nymph talking
he smirked to himself, moving closer with the full intentions of stealing a kiss but he paused as your words started to reach his ears
he then hid behind a tree, only peeking out every now and then when he knew you weren't looking
"gods, i've never met a guy so romantic. did i tell you that he stole all of my favorite bags of chips from the camp store? and you wanna know why? mind you, this is a direct quote, he said 'because no one but my girl deserves these chips to grace her lips.' like...bro."
the wood nymph cooed, the flowers in her hair brightening in color at the romantic thoughts
in fact, the red tulips were matching the shade of luke's cheeks pretty well
and that's quite the feat as the boy wasn't a big blusher
"and watching him train will always leave me drooling. you hear that olivia rodrigo leaked song, prison for life?? like, that's literally him!! he's so protective but in a good way, ya know??"
luke shook his head despite knowing the fact you couldn't see him
you've brought that song up so many times since you heard it, telling luke that it always reminded you of him
and luke would never admit it, but he listened to the song on his own time
and he couldn't help but agree with you
he'd kill for you and you didn't even need to ask him to
he'd just do it because you were worth any consequence he'd face after
"so, you love him?" the wood nymph questioned eagerly
and luke was just as eager to hear the answer
"...i'd kill for him, too. i'd do anything to keep him close, hurt anyone. hell, i'd tear down olympus for that boy."
and that you would, eventually.
all with a shiny ring on your finger, put there by the boy who'd lost his way
and you were more than happy to get lost with him, too, as long as it meant his hand in yours
𝜗𝜚 percy jackson
percy knew better than to listen to rumors
especially from sea flora and fauna
but, when the shark swam up to him with naiads in tow, percy couldn't help but listen
"lord! lord! you'll never believe what we just heard!" the shark cried, swimming circles around percy in his excitement
"go on," percy encouraged, briefly passing his hand over the shark's fin before the shark was mentally gasping in a big breath to do a long ramble
"okay okay okay! so, your lady in waiting had been talking with a few of the river naiads up stream. and she was talking about you, my lord!"
percy was silently waiting for the new information to come
he was well aware of the fact that you struggled to have conversations that didn't revolve around him
and he would know as he struggled with a similar issue when it came to you
"and she was talking about your hair and your eyes and your smile! oh, and she also mentioned that she thought you were the funniest boy she'd ever met, my lord! then she was talking about how good you looked in some shirt the other day-"
"wait, wait, which shirt??? did she say, like, a color or something??" percy cut in, leaning forwards as this information was important to him
"umm, i think she said navy blue?"
"yes! alright, go on," percy cheered, making a mental note to wear that shirt more
anything to keep her eyes on him
not that he had to try super hard but still
"and she talked about rings! ones made of diamonds or something!! oh, and your mother being at some ceremony and something about father's giving away their daughters?? and white dresses. does she like white dresses? the story get's a little confusing here, i'll admit, my lord."
percy could have drown right then and there from excitement
you were talking about weddings while talking about percy
he took that as a good sign
and he'd go home later that summer and shyly ask his mother to walk him through the process of getting married
for, uh, unrelated reasons, of course
𝜗𝜚 jason grace
jason was a nervous fella, not one to eavesdrop or listen to conversations that didn't involve him
nonetheless, he couldn't seem to pull himself from the cracked doorway
every alarm was ringing in his roman mind, telling him that it was wrong and that he shouldn't be listening in on your conversation
but you were saying such lovely things!
"he treats me like im gold, like im something to be valued and taken care of. gods, he's so good to me."
it was like a little benchmark report on how he was as a boyfriend
and you know this guy loves reports and numbers and spreadsheets lmao
pros and cons list's best friend
but at the moment, you were struggling to list even a single con
"and he's such a gentleman. i don't think i've touched a door handle the whole time that we've been dating. or opened my car door, let alone drove."
jason smirked, pride oozing from him at the comments
he worked hard to make sure that you never saw another cloudy day in your life and he couldn't help but be a little proud that you took notice of those things
"what would you do if he asked you to marry him right now?" your sibling asked, with a wiggle of their eyebrows and a taunt in their voice
jason's muscles tightened at the comment and they jolted to run off, but his need to know kept him right where he was
"i'd say yes without a second of hesitation. i'm sure we've been married in past lives and we will be in future ones. so why delay the inevitable?"
jason was shocked, a rare feeling for the son of jupiter
but, once he recovered, he went running to piper, desperately asking her what the best way to find out your ring size would be
and not for just any finger, if you know what i mean.
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It’s actually pretty comedic how Percy views himself as this average guy whose sword fighting skills aren’t up to par.
Meanwhile, the rest of Camp Half-Blood watches as he goes on life threatening quests every single year and comes back having fought and defeated multiple gods. Like, you just know they’re terrified of him. They completely understand that he could kill every single one of them with no trouble, and that he could probably overthrow Mount Olympus if he wanted to. Whenever he gets mad or sees something unjust, he goes psycho and demonstrates just how much devastation he can cause. Especially around water. And most of the time, the other campers don’t even see how truly powerful Percy is. I feel like Annabeth is the only person who has seen him pop off so she’s knows she has to keep him in check.
The other campers just watch him eat blue cupcakes and follow around his girlfriend all day.
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mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
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Cr: @/hburgyy on Instagram
Give me Percabeth pre-HoO. Give me Percy driving after school to go see Annabeth, and staying in her dorm way too late. Give me Annabeth being genuinely happy for one of the first times in her life, all because this seaweed brain stole her hat and made her kiss him three times to get in. Give me Percabeth having a weekend sleepover at Sally Jackson’s apartment watching movies and stealing kisses that last a little too long. Give me Percy taking Annabeth out on their first proper date where he’s super nervous and slightly awkward, but it’s perfect because they’re together. Give me promises under the night sky that they’ll be together forever, and kisses that make their hearts ache in a way they’ve never felt before. And then give me Annabeth crying with Sally because Percy’s been gone for two whole weeks without a single word.
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arte-rose · 10 months
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Annabeth Chase multiverse ☺️
Hope you like it ☺️Don’t forget to come back to see Percy and Grover multiverse too
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verlierer-is-lost · 3 months
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Jason and Leo taking a nap
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waitingonher · 4 months
NIGHTS LIKE THESE — [hoo boys drabbles]
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summary: how they react to your bad dreams.
author's note: i wrote leo's + jason's part imagining that the cabins/barracks have individual rooms sooo...also ik this trope is so ran through in the pjo fandom but it's just toooo good i couldn't help myself
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percy jackson
percy has always been the type of person to pick up the phone no matter the time. even as he’s on a lone movie marathon and the scene reaches its long-anticipated climax, he’s reaching for his buzzing phone that’s lost beneath the sheets. having found it after the third ring, percy checks the time and the caller id. why are you calling him so late? he answers, “hi babe. i thought you had to wake up early this morning, why are you awake?” 
“hi percy,” your voice was shaky and congested, as if you’d been crying. percy immediately sits up, alarmed at the state of your voice, “did i wake you up?” 
“no, no, i was up watching movies. what’s wrong? is everything okay?” he’s seated at the edge of his bed now, anxiously awaiting your response. 
you force him to sit in silence as you think of an excuse, “yeah, um…i’m okay. i just wanted to hear your voice. but i’ll see you on thursday, okay? goodni-” 
“(y/n), what’s going on?” percy runs a hand through his hair as he heads out of his room to his kitchen. he rips off a napkin from the roll and snatches a pen from the drawer. on the napkin, he writes a brief message to sally, saying that he’d be over at your place and not to worry. 
“nothing. i’m fine, percy,” you mutter. but your boyfriend knows you too well. the way your voice quivers makes it sound as though you were trying to convince yourself that everything was okay, and you were failing miserably. 
percy places his phone between his ear and shoulder as he ties his shoes, “don’t leave me in the dark, (y/n).” 
“don’t worry about me. i’m fine it was just-” 
“babe, i’m coming over, okay?” and with that, percy hangs up. 
he’s walked this path over a hundred times, usually for dropping you off after dates or simply for hanging out with you. but this time, all percy can think about is how you sounded over the phone and that he needs to seriously pick up the pace. 
upon arrival, percy climbs up the fire escape ladder as quickly and quietly as possible. it’s only now that he’s grateful for his experience from all of those laborious quests. reaching your floor, he knocks delicately on the glass. 
“percy, what are you doing here?” you ask after he closes your window, “i’m sorry, you really didn’t need to come all this way. it’s like three in the morning and you-” 
your boyfriend silences you with a gentle kiss, “i’m okay. it’s you i’m worried about. what’s wrong?” 
“it was just a dream.” 
“just a dream?”
“yes, it was just a stupid dream.” 
percy grabs your shoulders, forcing you to look at him, “(y/n), you’re one of the strongest people i know. so if you were crying over it, then it really must be something.” 
you slump on your bed, and percy joins beside you. it's no use hiding it from percy, so with a sigh, you confess, “well, you’re here now. but it just felt so real,” your eyes begin to prick with tears again, “you were laying on the floor…and there was just so much blood, and i tried to stop it—i really did try—but it just kept coming and there was nothing else i could do.” 
honestly, percy didn’t know what to say. but he did know that if your dream was anything like the ones he had about you, they were emotionally and physically crushing. so, he decides that if he can’t say anything, he’d rather show you. percy gently guides your body, until the both of you are laying down. with a strong arm wrapped around your figure and the other rubbing slow circles on your back, he can only hope you understand the message he’s trying to convey. 
“i’m here, (y/n). everything’s going to be okay,” percy continues to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. slowly but surely, your crying mellows into only soft sniffles. 
as you lay on his chest, you can feel the rise and fall of his breathing body. it wasn’t at all like that dream of yours; his cold body eerily still on the floor. not at all like that. you allow yourself to slowly drift off with the rise and fall of his chest, strangely as if it were its own lullaby, “thank you, percy,” you manage to whisper. 
“i love you, (y/n). i’m not leaving you, ever. i promise,” percy whispers back. 
leo valdez
leo’s used to waking up several times in the middle of the night. considering the demigod dreams, he hasn’t remembered the last time he’s gotten a full night's rest, which is why he’s not surprised to be awake at the crisp hour of two a.m. he can’t even remember the dream this time, but leo bets it was another dream foreseeing his imminent death or the end of the world. 
as he stares at the pipes and wires running along the ceiling of bunker 9, a familiar ringtone sounds from his phone. leo quickly wipes the sleep from his eyes and picks up the phone from his nightstand, “(y/n)? are you okay? it’s so late.” 
there’s a silence, followed up by quiet sniffles. were you crying? “hi leo, i’m sorry i probably woke you up didn’t i? go back to sleep, i was-” 
“no i was already awake, what’s wrong?” the moment your boyfriend noticed your shaky voice, his attitude completely changed. suddenly awake and full of energy, he tears off his blanket and reaches for his hoodie and shoes.
considering the fact that you never really call so late alarms him. you calling either meant that you had a nightmare or you were hurt…and leo prayed it was the dream. 
“i’m sorry…” you take a deep breath, “i just had a bad dream, like one of those dreams, you know?” leo knows all too well what you’re talking about, and if it’s anything close to the dreams he has, he can only imagine what you’re feeling, “but i swear i’m okay now. i’ll see you later?” 
but leo’s already out the door as you finish your explanation, “i’m coming over, stay there.” 
“wait leo-” 
he hung up. 
the trek through the forest was usually something one would avoid, especially at this hour, but leo couldn't give less of a shit as he thinks about you crying in your room. a few minutes later after practically sprinting to your cabin, he arrives. locating the window to your room was easy, he’d done this several times before for your sleepovers. leo knocks as quietly as he can on the glass, hoping he doesn’t disturb any of your other siblings. 
surprised, you pull your curtain aside and are face to face with none other than your boyfriend. he looks sweaty and out of breath. leo ran all this way? pushing your question to the side, you rush to open the window and let him in. 
for the first time, leo really gets a good look at you. your eyes are red and puffy; you look at him with such desperation and he can’t help but pull you into a rib-cracking hug. 
“you actually came.” 
“what? of course i did, (y/n),” he takes your face into his hands, rubbing soft circles on each cheek. suddenly, tears begin to flow freely down your face. was it something he said? was he not supposed to come? 
you pick up on his confusion, “i’m sorry, i’m just…glad you’re alive,” leo sits you on your bed, and continues to wipe away the tears, his concern growing with each passing second. your boyfriend urges you to go on, “it’s just the same thing every night. i’m at your grave on the hill, and i’m all alone and it’s raining and i just-” 
“(y/n), breathe,” leo pulls you into his chest once more. he holds you so impossibly tight, ensuring that you know he’s there and he doesn’t plan to ever leave. his sacrifice during the final battle against gaia will forever be amongst one of leo’s biggest regrets. not because he had saved the world, but because of how hard it impacted you. without a doubt, you could easily say that those months where leo was gone were the hardest times of your life. and not a day goes by where leo thinks he can ever forgive himself for it, “i’m here. i’m alive.” 
you nod, your sobs turning into quiet hiccups. leo moves the two of you guys to be laying down, and as final reassurance, he gently guides your hand under his hoodie, allowing you to feel his steady heartbeat. your boyfriend’s skin is warm to the touch and you count his heartbeat…one…two…three. and that was proof enough, “you’re alive.” 
“i am,” leo soothes. he places a gentle kiss atop your head and pulls the covers over your bodies. his arms wrap tightly around your figure, holding you close, “sleep, (y/n). i’ll be here in the morning.”
jason grace
it’s late nights like these that jason has slowly come to appreciate. these scarce nights where he’s completed his praetor duties for the night and he allows himself to indulge in some self-care, which usually consists of a cup of hot herbal tea and a good book. 
usually, jason prefers historical books, oftentimes concerning roman myths or the occasional diary of some war general. what can he say? he likes to be all-knowing when it comes to these things. but this time, as he’s curled up in his bed, he reaches for the book that you had recommended to him: a classic romance novel. jason laughs to himself as he recalls you teasing him about his taste in literature. if he remembers correctly, you called him a “history-loving freak?” 
just as jason’s about to open the book, an unexpected ringing sounds from his phone. he huffs, momentarily disapointed. that is, until he sees who’s calling, “(y/n)? hi, are you okay?” 
“oh, hi,” jason noticed the way your voice sounded off, like you’d been crying, “i didn’t think you’d actually answer.” 
confused, he puts the book back on his nightstand, “of course i would, my love. what’s going on? you sound like you’ve been crying.” 
“no, everything’s okay i just…” you pause, “had a bad dream, so i wanted to listen to your voicemail.”
jason’s heart squeezes at the thought of you going so far as to listen to his own ten second voicemail as a method of comfort. but the feeling goes away just as quickly as it came upon hearing you had a nightmare, “oh i’m sorry, my love. do you want me to come over?” 
“no,” you reply, “it’s okay. i’m better now that i’ve heard your voice. you can go back to bed, jason.” 
despite you declining his offer, jason’s already up and putting his shoes on, “i’ll be there in a few, okay? i love you,” and he hangs up. 
within a handful of minutes, jason reaches your cohort’s barracks. the square windows look impossibly similar, but it’s all thanks to practice that he recognizes yours. even as praetor, he still has to enforce the rules and sneak around. with a quiet knock on your window, he waits in the dark for you. 
“you’re here. you’re alive, jason,” is all you can muster up as your boyfriend stands tall inside your room. his expression is clearly written with worry as he closes the gap between you with a hug. as hard as you tried to fight it, the tears came again in a fresh wave. 
“yeah, i’m here, (y/n). i’m not leaving,” he replies, concern laced in his words. jason notices your tears and gently wipes them away, “c’mere, tell me about your dream,” he beckons, guiding you towards the bed. with a gentle plop, he settles down and opens his arms, inviting you to join him.
settling against jason’s chest, you take a shaky breath as he places kisses on your temple, “i was at your funeral, and you looked so peaceful, like you were sleeping. i just can’t stop thinking about how you looked asleep. and then they expected me to, you know, give a speech in front of the entire camp about you, and i just…i can’t imagine a world without you, so please, you can’t leave me like that.” 
“woah, woah, (y/n) i’m okay, breathe,” jason hushes you, rubbing soft circles on your arm. to be frank, he’s pretty shocked about what you had just said. he can’t get over how shaken up you are by this. but jason can’t even blame you, because if it were him who had the dream, he bets he would also be like this, “i’m here and i have no plan of ever leaving, okay? i’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the rest of your life,” he jokes, hoping to get at least a smile from you. 
jason’s joke succeeds as he feels your body shake with a quiet giggle, “good. i wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
your boyfriend checks your face once more, ensuring that you’ve stopped crying. seeing that you have, he places delicate kisses on each cheek, “hey, how about we go to sleep now? i’ll read you that book,” jason motions to the book on your nightstand, which happens to be the same one you recommended him. 
you nod tiredly, “only if you do different voices for each character.” 
“of course, only for you,” jason quips. 
after adjusting your bodies, jason reaches for the book and opens it to chapter one. but before he begins, he pulls the covers completely over your body and places a chaste kiss on your forehead, “i love you so much, (y/n). and i hope you know that i’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
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