#grace's ramblings
nbwriteschaos · 1 year
i've come baring book rambles!
**spoilers? for wolfsong by tj klune even tho it's like 8 years old...**
i finished wolfsong in four days! i switched between the audio book and a kindle copy and it truly soothed my lack of motivation to read (maybe kindles aren't so bad?)
i got the vibe that it was very clearly self indulgent tumblr 2014-esque; with the writing style, the characters, and the a/b/o dynamic which i never have had much interest in before. but, honestly? i loved it. it satisfied my Adhd Brain™️ and my longing for more explicitly (and explicit😉) clear queer characters. it was really fun and easy to read, and i think the looseness of it helped push along the angst and slow burn.
which, btw, the childhood friends to lovers trope absolutely destroyed me and made me adore joe as a character. i wish there was more about him!!!
anyways, i love love LOVE joe and ox, but i'll admit i'm a little critical of the age gap their romance started in and it wasn't really of my interest to indulge in that, but later on i was more comfortable with it and found their relationship sweet. a little blood boiling, but sweet. i'll be thinking about them for too long.
i'm kind of hesitant about starting ravensong since i wasn't too interested in the side characters (besides rico, loved him sm), but i got the audiobook anyway and i'm gonna give it a chance!! excited to see how this plays out :)
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yonemurishiroku · 3 months
thinking about if somehow Jason meets Luke in Elysium and Luke sees this kid with a scar on hip lips, only 16-17, calling himself Thalia's brother, still have so much to live for, and asks "Why did you die?"
"For the gods."
And Luke realizes that, oh, so the gods never change, after all.
his death means nothing.
how disappointing is that?
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I should change my url lol my main doesn’t fit the theme my sideblogs have and it throws me off, plus I legit usually don’t use this username anymore
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angelwiththeblue-box · 8 months
the most unrealistic part of nerdy prudes must die was not that max died and became a ghost it was that steph, grace, and peter were able to pronounce the lords in blacks true names on the first try
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saph-nic · 2 months
headcannon that jason just kind of knows what the weather is gonna be like 24/7
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shuutingstar · 23 days
You know how cool it would’ve been if Jason fell into Tartarus? As much as I love the Percabeth “I’d walk the ends of the world for you” I think Jason falling into Tartarus would’ve helped his character. Since Tartarus focuses mainly on memories, don’t you think it would’ve been an interesting way for Jason to relearn who he was? We’d see his memories and past achievements and hardships and figure out how he turned the way he did. Basically, Jason’s character would benefit from it and it could’ve been a challenge he had to face—like does he really want to know who he used to be? Sure he wants his memories back, but there’s a slight chance that he doesn’t like what he sees. Imagine the emotional turmoil he’d go through. Oh and also we’d get dark!Jason and that’s cool in of itself.
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kidspawn · 5 months
Jason Grace's lack of personality is an intentional choice on Rick's part to deconstruct what makes the "perfect hero" or the "ideal guy."
Jason's entire character revolves around having everything but still feeling incomplete. Being the golden child and still unfulfilled. Being revered by all but not intimately knowing anyone. No one really knows him.
He's never gotten to chose for himself. Juno plays with his life from day one. His name has already determined his fate. His future is set in stone and it isn't until the end of Heroes of Olympus he makes the choice to veer away from the path he was given - that of praetor, of hero, of the leader.
Jason is intriguing because of his relation to others. Thalia's brother. Nico's friend. Percy's foil. Piper's (comphet) boyfriend. He provides padding for others. His introduction into the universe is meant to help the reader feel Percy's absence. He was never meant to replace Percy, but he constantly feels like he has to.
Jason Grace, who forms connections with the people around him. Who inspires Hazel, befriends and protects Nico, supports Leo, aids Piper in her progression. Jason, who refuses to chose a single camp to stand with. Jason who is constantly held to perfection. Jason who carves his own path despite being consistently stripped of his humanity and agency.
Jason Grace, who died a hero.
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okiankeno · 2 months
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obsessed w how pretty grace is here and how evil she looks
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larkspurglove · 3 months
It’s always struck me as weird that NPMD ends with homecoming and not prom, because as a non-American, isn’t prom the quintessential American high school end trope thing??
Because of this I looked up what the actual difference is and holy shit homecoming takes place at the end of the first semester of the school year????? (Correction: turns out it’s actually around September/October which is roughly the end of the FIRST TERM)
So you’re telling me that not only do Steph, Grace and Pete have to process their trauma but also deal with SCHOOL????? FOR ANOTHER HALF A YEAR??????? AS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS?????
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flightlessaugury · 3 months
Just started Mark of Athena, and I'm holding Leo and Jason so tenderly in my hands. Someone give my boys a break. Jason needs to stop having head trauma, and leo needs to stop having trauma period.
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chronicowboy · 6 months
i love that andy weir never kills his protagonists. it would be so easy to. at so many points. by all means they Should be dead. mark gets stranded on mars and the planet works against him at every turn. jazz's suit fails on the surface of the moon and she feels herself begin to die. ryland is sent on a suicide mission then gives up his chance at return for his friend. they should all have died. multiple times in some cases. but they don't!!! because weir isn't writing tragedies, he's writing stories of hope and humanity. they survive even when it should be impossible for them to because of connection. simple as that.
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yonemurishiroku · 4 months
The Cupid scene but it’s Leo’s crush on Jason getting outed with Nico as the witness. and then they bond over unrequited crushes on heroes with perfect girlfriends.
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the hunger games and everlark brainrot here we go again, the hold this trilogy and Katniss and Peeta have over me still to this day.
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She has a plan. Shes keeping her beans cool. She eats the souls of pervs. Shes a two bagger. She burried the bully. Shes making dirty girl soup. She called god a son of a b word. Shes insane shes crazy shes unhinged
I didnt say any names but she popped into your head didnt she?
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scorndotexe · 11 months
you guys ever think about the eroticism in violence?
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