#gradiant lip
nefarrilou · 1 year
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Lypso 🦪🩸🎹 Playing: Piano, Organ, Backing Vocalist
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Genetics Hair | Skintone + Gradiant + Overlay | Eyes | Ears | Tongue | Teeth | Lips | Hand Fins | Arm Fins | Scales | Gills | Tail | Face Structure | Tattoos Clothes Top | Corset | Skirt | Tights | Shoes Accessories Hat | Necklace
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punsmaster69 · 7 months
frisk splayed their limbs haphazardly across my lap as they constantly rotated to new positions, sketchbook in hands.
ending up partially upside down was surprisingly un-hindering of their ability to draw.
i tapped the spine of the sketchbook to get their attention.
they raised it up slightly to look at me from under the book.
i patted the couch once beside them.
readjusting off my lap so i could fit next to them, frisk gave me a thumbs up.
flop. they leaned their head into my shoulder slightly. whether affectionately or because i was hogging all the space on the couch cushion, i responded with a pat on their head.
they shoved the open page of their sketchbook into my face. pushing back what was shoved into my face slightly so i could actually see, it was a full doodle page of some funky lookin' dogs.
matching frisk's current nonverbalness, i gave them a silent thumbs up.
hours of silence watching this kid fill pages with random stuff were pretty relaxing.
flowey and papyrus burst through the front door interrupting the silence momentarily, but the door to frisk and flowey's room muffled the excited shouting fairly well.
i caught vague pieces of a conversation about dinosaur types, and which would win.
undyne sends a photo to the group chat of her, alphys, and toriel pointing at a gorgeous afternoon sky.
she's captioned it with:
"It's that GRADIANT SKY time!!!
alphys corrects her.
undyne responds with a picture of alphys texting the response.
toriel responds with a picture of undyne taking that picture.
...and alphys sends one of toriel taking a picture of undyne.....
i shrug and pull up my camera app. putting up two bunny-ear fingers behind frisk's head (as well as i can while they're laying on my arm,) i take a picture of me and frisk to send.
it goes quiet in the other room, and a moment later there's an image of a toy dinosaur war he and flowey have set up sent.
the photo-of-a-photo chain from the girls continues.
i turn off my phone for now.
tori got home just shortly after i'd already made everyone some disfigured grilled cheeses for dinner.
she discovered us on the couch asleep, papyrus and flowey having joined us.
tori only realized i wasn't actually asleep when she flicked off the lights and my two stayed on.
jumping with quiet surprise, she quickly recovers and waves to me.
i wave back and free my arm from the monster pile (plus human) to wave and try mimicking a blown kiss with my non-lips.
the dark made it hard to see exactly how she reacted, but i heard a quiet giggle and something that i'm pretty sure was a reciprocating air-kiss.
in the dark, shuffling is heard before suddenly there's a blanket draped over us all. a shift in weight on my right side, and a fluffy lady joins the pile on her sofa.
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Chapters: 2/?
Fandom: Elder Scrolls
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Sheogorath (Elder Scrolls)/Reader
Characters: Sheogorath (Elder Scrolls), Reader
Additional Tags: Fluff, Prison, Caretaking
─✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ─
Next thing you knew is that you were in a completely different place. No longer were you in the dimly lit dungeon, but within a room with large stone walls and a few stained-glass windows.
How did you get there so quickl-
Your savior carefully put you on a wooden table. Out of nowhere, you were in a room with a small crowd.
Sheogorath turned to his servants, "I need water to clean the wound."
A few of them spun around hastily and fetched some water while the Daedric Prince was inspecting your leg.
Yes, one of the guards had slashed your leg... though you do not even know what crimes you have committed.
"Let us hope it is not infected yet.... I should have listened to your prayers sooner, apologies."
Your chest tightened and you spoke, "I did not intend on summoning you, My Lord."
"Well, but you still called for someone. And I answered."
The Madgod smiled at you.
"You have gone through so much, little mortal, but no worries. I am here."
For a second, it felt like time stopped as those golden eyes gazed upon you with softness and pure intention. That was not a thing that you thought would come from a Daedric Prince, yet... there they were.
You could now see them clearly with the light coming through the large windows unlike when you both were in the prison.
The Madgod's face seemed soft, but also very sharp. Their cheekbones were chiseled. Thanks to her beard, their face looked more masculine even though all of his features were the peak of androgyny. They had slightly pointed ears which were shorter than those of a normal mer. Their grey, but close to white hair was slicked back and mostly tucked between their ears.... although a rowdy strand got loose and was hanging in his face. Sheogorath's face and ears were adorned with golden piercings. There was a stud in their right nostril, a golden ring in their bottom lip and a few mismatched piercings on their ears.
While you were distracted by the absurdity of the Daedric Prince's beauty, the servants returned with a bucket of clean water and a rag. Your staring did not stop.
"I will clean their wound," Sheogorath mumbled to his servants after they try to help you.
Any other Daedric Prince would have ordered someone to do this for them, but the Madgod really was unlike his kind, huh?
Sheogorath calmly inspected your exposed wound. The blade had cut through your pants and your flesh. The Daedric Prince frowned at the thought of ripping your pantleg, but it had to be done. Even then they were careful.
"Does not seem infected... and trust me, I know what an infected wound looks like."
After the inspection, you gripped the table as the Madgod cleaned your wound.
The Daedric Prince looked up from your wound and asked, "Do you know any healing spells, darling?"
You nodded and Sheogorath stopped cleaning your wound.
"All right, I will intensify the spell by using my energy. I would love to heal you, but that is sadly out my abilities."
Once you looked down, you saw the claw-like hand enter your view. Their nails were long and black. A gradiant ran up to their elbows were it slowly ended in their natural skin color.
You took their hand carefully. A bright light emerged from the Madgod's veins and travelled towards you until it reached your finger tips.
The energy that hit you nearly electrified you.
The urge to pull away was strong, but you felt safe among the Daedric Prince.
"Try a healing spell!"
Looking down at your trembling hand, you raised slightly before you turned your energy into magic, or in this case a familiar healing spell. A golden light gleamed in your hands and you started to feel the energy of the Daedric Prince as your own energy got weaker. You took a look at your leg to see the gash heal rapidly.
"Incredible. Well done, darling. Now... onto more pressing matters..."
The Madgod grabbed you quickly and without any remorse of scaring you. They were now inches away from your face.
"I cannot let you leave until I know that you are safe and well. I want to make sure that you are safe after leaving the isles and that you can live freely on Nirn. This is... a standard procedure."
You look past Sheogorath. The servants were nodding eagerly.
The Madgod's voice had a cynical kick to it as he spoke, "Oh and... I will also bring you new clothes to wear... your poor pants payed the price of being worn. Apologies."
You did have to say that for servants of Sheogorath... they were incredibly well-dressed.
The grip around your arm loosened and the Daedric Prince stood up straight before brushing some dust off their fancy suit.
"All right. My servants will do the rest."
Sheogorath tried to remain serious, mysterious and well... Daedric, but they smiled at you. It was a kind smile.
After the master left, the servants basically ambushed you with kindness and assistance of any kind. They helped you get dressed and you looked at yourself in the mirror.
The colorful spectrum of fabric fit you well and the golden adornments only lightened up the entire outfit. The jacket you liked especially, with its embroidery of fantastical flowers that you had never seen before.
You noticed how the lighting got dimmer and you made your way to a little balcony.
Of course, it was natural to be shocked and amazed at such a landscape. You had read of the Shivering isles, but you never would have imagined it to see it with your own eyes.
"So the bright side is Mania and the gloomy side is Dementia.... interesting," you thought out loud.
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astarab1aze · 7 months
❛ you taste like heaven. ❜ Gure for Furie
smutty starters
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Shigure's enthusiasm burned so deeply in his gut, malforming delicate constitution, taking it between his wolfish jaws and cradling it - as though a dog would an egg, trained to treat even the most wild and vicious of beings with utmost care, with love and respect in spite of himself. Furie hated that, couldn't help but flinch when Shigure's mouth popped wetly in his retreat, noticing all yet incapable of saying anything.
He felt used, in this, pinned down and down and eaten in ways he only wished he could describe, a violet glow washing over his groin - where Shigure's thorough, invasive licks came upon him, zealously drinking in purplish-white fluid as though his very life depended on it. He felt fouler still, a vile interloper, hips tightly secure in dogged grasp. All he could manage was a tight grasp to the silk over his collar, hips taking on a mind of their own and guiding their buck into Shigure's hungry mouth, body writhing, too sensitive, too receptive to the flattening of his tongue and the nip to his glans.
Fingertips flew into Shigure's hair, anchoring him to the desperate work he'd done - to the violet glow dribbling down the aching girth of purplish gradiant, the misery of curled toes and wincing embarrassment. Legs pried apart, gray eyes hunting, searching for more than a few moans and a glint or two of iridiescent scales. No doubt, Shigure expected, wanted, craved the buck of Furie's hips despite his succumbing to the throes of maddened arousal and curiosity, lifting his hips, crying out without a voice, fingers tangling into the dog wolf's hair, clenching his teeth, tears forming at the corners of his eyes--
Silly, he felt silly for thinking this mattered beyond a few swipes of the Sohma's tongue, foolish and idiotic for thinking he could ever move beyond her memory; Think of her, the harpy Yule, and find bits and pieces of her in others. He felt stupid and naive, accepting Shigure into him like this, lips and teeth followed up by the attentive thrust of his hips, the needy moan he pulled from Furie's doubtful mouth. He wanted, desperately, to take Shigure further into his arms, but all he got was the hungry, greedy suckle of his mouth, tongue still lapping up ropes of indelicate violet where fingers would soon enter and displace, push and press against the painful heat of his prostate. Under any other circumstance, Furie would've liked to have thought he'd handled it all with dignity and grace, but the reality was not lost on him.
If he'd ever had a voice to behind with, he was absolutely certain he wouldn't have had one then. Drawn in by expert tongue flicks and a few manipulatively considerate phrases, yet still too blinded by the fact to draw away and fight, to throw his fists and cry out with sound his displasure, his pain, his fear, his bashfulness, his inexperience, his... Toes curling in the darkness between them, silence accentuating his lack of breath, such a desperate, needy, greedy buck of his hips, burying himself down his throat to the hilt without a second thought - impulsivity guiding his acheful sway--
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newtcallsmetommy · 3 years
Hey, how about for the color pallette prompt some newtmas with a green gradiant palette. Like just different shades of green 💖💚
Thank you for sending something! 💖
The green was just everywhere. All different kinds of shades. Fern green, lime green, pear green, the list went on. There were specks of other colours in between them but the green was the overwhelming colour.
"Do you like it?" Thomas asked, stepping up beside him, almost shy smile residing on his face.
"Like it?"
Newt looked back at the approximately thousands of plants inside the greenhouse. He looked at the almost impossible beauty of it all. Especially in contrast with being used to the Scorch.
He looked at the greenhouse that Thomas had left for last on their tour of the Safe Haven now that the doc had finally cleared Newt for being allowed to walk around.
"Tommy, I love it!"
Thomas' smile transformed into a beautiful proud thing.
Thomas didn't fall out of the colour palette either. His shirt was emerald green and his shorts almost moss coloured. There was a swipe of bright green on his cheek from where Brenda had briefly attacked him with her paint brush when they had stopped by her to watch what she was painting. A leaf that had somehow made it's new home in his hair completed the colour palette.
Newt chuckled and moved his hand up to pluck the leaf from Thomas' hair. The blush that spread over his cheeks contrasted nicely with the green of their surroundings.
"Thank you for bringing me here," Newt whispered, taking a step closer to Thomas. He wasn't sure why he was whispering suddenly.
"It's no problem," Thomas said, whispering right back, like they were sharing a secret and maybe they were.
For a moment everything was silent apart from the wind coming in from the open door and rustling through all kinds of leaves.
Thomas looked into Newt's eyes as if he was seeing everything precious in the universe at once and Newt looked right back in the same way. The light was bright enough to bring out the slightest specks of green that resided in Thomas' eyes.
Newt felt alive, alive, alive. Just like the plants surrounding them.
When Thomas leaned in, slowly, carefully, and Newt met him in the middle, hand coming up to cradle Thomas' cheek as he pressed their lips together gently, Newt decided they should go to the greenhouse more often.
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tulimond · 7 years
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♔Rainbow Dream♔
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gurkken · 7 years
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nefarrilou · 3 months
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Last Minute Entry: Death Parade 💀📣 @aniraklova edgewave festival!
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Bruce 🥁 Genetics Hair | Skintone | Eyes | Tattoo Clothes Top | Pants | Shoes Accessories Stitches + Screws | Goggles | Bracelet | Drumsticks
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Slyth 🎻 Genetics Hair + Strand + Ombre + Overlay | Skintone | Eyes | Claws | Wings | Blossoms Clothes Coat | Chain Top | Skirt | Garter Tights | Boots Accessories Lip Piercing | Violin
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Ghoulia 🎸 Genetics Hair | Skintone | Eyes | Skull + Skeleton Tattoo | Tattoos Clothes Jacket | Pants | Boots Accessories Glasses | Claws | Piercings | Belly Piercing | Guitar | Case | Nails | Dirt
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Lypso 🎹 Genetics Hair | Skintone + Gradiant + Overlay | Eyes | Ears | Tongue | Teeth | Lips | Hand Fins | Arm Fins | Scales | Gills | Face Structure | Tattoos Clothes Top | Corset | Skirt | Tights | Shoes Accessories Hat | Necklace
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Nikki 📣 Genetics Hair + Ombre | Teeth Clothes Shirt + Graphic Overlay | Pants | Sandals Accessories Capybara | Claws | Nails | Mic | Coffin
💀 🎺 by @destruam
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Bruce @aler-ii @cerberus-cc @aniraklova @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @gothoffspring
Slyth @daylifesims @simbience @dansimsfantasy @sewersims @saruin
@ts4eve @bluerose-sims @simcelebrity00 @trillyke @natalia-auditore
@tricoufamily @abysschildd-sims
Ghoulia @sheabuttyr @blahberry-pancake @ashwwa @solistair @stamsim
@arethabee @suzuesims @pralinesims @madlensims @kiwitrait-sims
Lypso @stamsim @northernsiberiawinds @dansimsfantasy @rustys-cc @grafity-cc
@pyxiidis @saruin @hauntedtrait @taty86 @ts4eve
@lixeeos @belaloallure3 @magic-bot @bluecravingcc @coloresurbanos
Nikki @thekunstwollen @ashwwa @wyattssims @saurussims @ceeproductions
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lechatartisant · 4 years
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Finally got around to paint this (picture description in the readmore)
[picture description :
1st pic : painting of two doll creatures on a purple to blue gradiant background.The first doll creature have long blue hair, white eyes, big ears, a piercing on her lips, and wear a white dress with pink spots. The second doll creature have short yellowish gray hair, white eyes, big ears with earings and wears a white t-shirt, a pant with suspenders and a green coat with pink spots. They are positionned in mirror to each other, the blue haired one in the bottom right and the gray haired one at the top left. They both are looking to the center where a galaxy is is represented in an orb.
2nd pic : same picture as before but with a 180° rotation. The blue haired doll is now on top left corner and the gray haired one in the bottom left corner
End description ]
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tweedsims-moved · 5 years
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Alien Sim Dump
So I decided my game needs more Aliens. They're not aliens in the Get To Work Sense, but rather sims designed to look more like various species of aliens. They're listed with their cc as they appear in the picture. They have names and basic personalities but no clothing and are free to use.
BIKINI (Optional) 
(Successful Lineage | Loner | Romantic | Family-Oriented)
CLORA ACACIA ( Freelance Botanist | Self Assured | Outgoing )
EXPEIRIMENT 09 - ( Bodybuilder | Athletic | Paranoid | Hotheaded ) HAIR  | SKIN OVERLAY  | NOSEMASK  | EYEBROWS  | BLUSH  | EYELINER | EYESHADOW  | LIPS ILLANA . ( Ren. Sim | Genius | Perfectionist | Bookworm )
ILUNA ISCENT ( Soulmate | Creative | Cheerful | Childish )
HAIR  | EYEBROWS | SKIN OVERLAY  | NOSEMASK  | LIPS AND EYESHADOW  | BLUSH (Get to Work) | Faux Eyelashes  You can find them under the family name “Pretty Alien Sim Dump” on tweedlebug123 on the gallery or under the hashtag #tweedsims don’t forget to check that cc box.
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snailbonch-blog · 6 years
K-beauty inspired lip look♡
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✖️essence lip stain
✖️Burt’s Bees tinted lip balm in ‘rose’
✖️Kylie Cosmetics matte liquid lipstick in ‘Kristen’
✖️NYX Cosmetics soft matte lip cream in ‘Sydney’
✖️Covergirl lipstick in ‘tempt’
✖️tarte cosmetics maracuja creaseless concealer
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In this photo I topped it with Fenty Beauty gloss bomb in ‘Fenty Glow’
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ezarelz · 5 years
No lie Candy’s gradiant lipstick is high-key ugly
It makes her already small lips look almost inexistant, they should just give her regular fully-colored lips???
Also her infamous “O” face in every sex related illustration is embarrassing???
A lot to think about, am I right.
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GRUNGE GLAM MAKEUP LOOK | GLOSSY, VAMPY | BeautybyV - http://healthandbeautology.org/grunge-glam-makeup-look-glossy-vampy-beautybyv/
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beautybyjulia · 6 years
what do you guys think about this look? do you love seeing creative looks like this?! 😘🎨💄tag your fav “A” brands below!! ~~~ Illuminate Primer Highlighter @AnastasiaBeverlyHills Brow Pencil Dark Brown #AmazingCosmetics Concealer Fair Golden #AnastasiaBeverlyHills Stick Foundation Warm Natural @AmberFritzHair Lashes Bayla @Alamarcosmetics Palette Reina Del Caribe #ABH @norvina Contour Kit Light to Medium, Prism Palette, Modern Renaissance Palette, Subculture Palette, dainty lip gloss @ArtistCouture Diamond Glow Powder Conceited @alexapersicocosmetics HD Pigment Snow Angel, HD Pigment Pixi Dust @ardellbeauty Wispies Mascara @absnyproducts Cotton Candy Liquid Liner Lemon Drop, Starry Eyed Liquid Liner Solar, Starry Eyed Liquid Liner Dark Side, Perfect Pair Gradiant Lip @AmbreeshCosmetics Liquid Lipstick Hey Doll! @aqualagooncosmetics Glitter Gold @love_amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo, un.done Volume and Matte Texture Spray, Show Off Gold Finishing Dust ~~~ 🌴🐯🌺 #makeuptutorials #makeupartists #makeuptutorialsx0x #artistcouture #ardelllashes #amika #alexapersicocosmetics #peachyqueenblog (at Connecticut)
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hayleeanise · 7 years
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Spearmint Baby 🧜🏾‍♀️ ______________________________________ @xanbeautyxo Spearmint Wig @ttd_eye Contacts in Polar Lights Blue Grey, use HAYLEEANISE for $$$ off 🍭 @kweencosmetics Brow Pomade in Ebony (DC) and @eyeko Brow Gel 🍭 @anastasiabeverlyhills @norvina Gradiant Blush Kit on my eyes and face 🍭 @beccacosmetics Topaz and Champagne pop Highlighter 🍭 @featherella Lashes in Starla 🍭 @anastasiabeverlyhills @norvina Liquid Lipsticks in Bittersweet and Starfish, @honeykissedco Six Inch Heels Lip Gloss
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((Mun: Phew finally finished it. A cute little Richie/Eddie one shot that I’ll probably write a following to. Also a warning here for disturbing sexual themes in this one. Gonna put this in a read more considering that it’s so long. Enjoy!! ))
Everybody had gone back to the hotel to turn in for the night. It was a heavy blow after the death of Stan Uris. The Loser’s Club was no longer lucky seven, but a miserable six now. They were all exhausted and heart broken. They’ve had their fair share of grief and just wanted to sleep on it. Give themselves more time in the morning.
Eddie was in his own room, just blantaly fiddling with his inhaler as he sits on the edge of the bed. Sighing deep, he lets his body weight sink into the mattress. Letting his mind become static. To release himself from reality, even just a bit.
Complete isolation.
Not something he was particularly used to. His mother walking around the house back at home always gave him the reassurance that he needed to know that he was alone. The sounds of the ceilings creaking from above. The pipes clanking from the inside of the walls. The house settling down at night. It was oddly comforting. Now, …. It was complete silence. The hotel walls are thick for reasons. No sounds of human activity were present. It made him feel small and vulnerable. Like a small animal just out on an open field. Potential dangers  lurking around at any given time. The sickening feeling in the pit of stomach made him go into a cold sweat. Poor Stan. It wasn’t fair, he thought. It just wasn’t fair.
Hey, there, chum. Why so glum?
Eddie’s body jolted up, dropping his inhaler onto the carpet below. The sickly sweet voice that he had forgotten so long ago until he had received the call from Mike a while back. The same voice that taunted him so many times before. Of all things, why couldn’t it just stay dead? If it was even dead to begin with when they had their last encounter all those years ago. They were just kids, but now …. He’s felt even more of a coward than ever.
God, what were they going to do?
A couple of faint knocks came from the door, making Eddie jolt once more. He was going to have a heart attack by the age of forty if this keeps up.
“W-who is it?” Eddie spoke, his voice clearly nervous.
“Hey, Ed’s. It’s just me.” The person responded behind the door.
It was Richie.
“May I come in?”
A rush of relief came to Eddie. Happy to hear a voice familiar to him that was warm and welcoming if not obnoxious and what not. He got up from the bed and walked on over to the door diligently. With his eager hand turning the knob and opening the piss-colored door, Eddie’s skin ran cold.
Nobody was there.
Eddie stuck his head out of the doorway. Looking to his left and right to see nothing but darkness. Did the building lose power? Couldn’t have been if there was still light in his room. Maybe the fluorescent lights gave out. Yeah. That has to be it. Even if they seemed fine earlier ago. It’s just a coincidence. That’s all.
Before Eddie could go back inside his room and shut the door, a muffled sound was coming from the darkness on his left. It almost sounded like a raspy whisper that was getting more clearer as the seconds passed by.
Oh god no.
It would’ve been a good time to slam the door shut and hide under the covers, but he was frozen stiff. His body wouldn’t let him go unless he saw of what was lurking about beyond the dark abyss in front of him. The gurgling drowning sounds were coming from the ground. Whatever was coming was as if it was crawling to him. Slowly. It’s stomach chafing through the tough carpet. Hard enough to cause rug burns. A hand started to show into the gradiant light that was being illuminated from Eddie’s room. It looked … rotted. Skeleton clearly showing from the greyish-green flesh that was sliding off and onto the carpet. The smell of summer pollution and years of rotting flesh hit Eddie’s nose hard. He used his backhand to cover his nose from the intense stench.
“Ghh …. Gghh …….. hh ……” A figure crawled closer into the light.
It was The Leper.
Flesh completely decayed with maggots eating it away. Crawling deep into the rest of the remaining moist pus-filled meat as some of them fell off, wriggling in all directions on the carpet. Eyes were no longer intact leaving two empty black holes with more maggots inhabiting inside. The closer he was coming, the more unbearable the smell was becoming. He looked at him. The light completely shining on the corpse's face. It looked desperate. The tiny bits of flesh peeling off of his cheekbones every time the leper would slither closer.
“Let me suck your dick, kid. For a dime, I’ll suck you dry.”
Eddie stepped back, wanting to vomit. He couldn’t scream but just watch. There wasn’t anywhere that he could run.
Close the door. Close the goddamn door, Eddie.
The leper was a few inches now of grabbing Eddie’s ankle. So many diseases that he was possibly carrying. Syphilis. AIDS maybe. Everything that he didn’t want to get. If he were to grab ahold of him, it would be been over. The grotesque image of maggots crawling all over his penis. Crawling inside the foreskin spreading the diseases. His flesh falling off painfully. The faint buzzing of bugs feasting on him until there was nothing but bones. Just like The Leper.
“Suck you dry, kid. Let me taste your cock.”
A snivel escaped Eddie’s mouth with eyes burning of tears. Clenching his jaw tightly, he grabbed hold of the door and screamed.
“No!!!” He cried, slamming the door tightly and leaning against it.
He pressed his entire weight against the door, hearing quick shifting on the other side. The Leper was now scratching the door with his brittle phalanges.
“I want it, Eddie. Just for a dime. I’ll swallow you whole. Swallow every last drop.”
Eddie clasp his hands over his ears. His knees huddling very close to his chest.
“Eddddiiiieeeeeeeeee …..”
“P--Please stop. P-please go away!”
“Eddie …… Eddie ….”
“Eddie ….”
“Eddie ….?”
Richie’s voice came from the other side of the door again, but Eddie wasn’t fidgeting to answer it this time. He had only cried harder as to questioning why it keeps taunting him like this. Eddie wanted to go home. He wanted his mother.
“Hey, Ed’s! Are you alright? I heard shouting from my room and it sounded like it was coming from you. Eddie?” Richie said, his voice clearly showed concern as he knocked on the door.
“G-Go away!! J-Just go away!!” Eddie lowered his hands from his ears, trembling like a leaf.
“The hell is the matter with ya? It’s just me. Y’know, Richie? Beep Beep Richie? Eddie, c’mon, just answer the door. Please?” Richie said, almost sounded like he was begging.
“No! H-how would I know it’s really you? How would I know that i--it’s really you and not the clown or …. S-something else?” Eddie shivered, unable to say it.
“We really doin’ this right now? Jesus H. Christ, Eddie Spaghetti.” Richie sighed, running his fingers through his hair impatiently. “Just take a good look at me and see what YOU think. I promise not to lunge at ya or whatever you think I’m POSSIBLY gonna do. A’right? Sounds like a deal?”
Extensive talking as Richie was always known for. Running his mouth going on about god knows what. But what if it was a trick again? He knew that’s what the monster was known for. To take shape into the figure you’re either familiar with or most afraid of. Bill with his brother and Beverly with her father. It was completely making Eddie question everybody and everything. What was real and what wasn’t? He should know, but in all fairness, they all don’t. They are just as scared as he is. Damn, no use just sitting around and hoping to get an answer by morning.
“Alright, alright. Just …. Give me a second, please.” Eddie bit his lower lip, using the door to slowly lift himself up.
He turned to face the door, reluctant to touch the knob.  
Just do it. If worse comes to worse, just lock yourself in until morning. Then it’s going back home.
Taking deep breaths and mentally preparing himself, he finally opens the door but only just a couple of inches. Enough for him to see and to close it immediately if anything happens.
Richie was there. In the flesh and practically seeming to be either really confused or concerned. One or the other, he wasn’t liking of what he was seeing. It gave Eddie some reassurance that at least The Leper was gone. The hallways were back to being completely brightened up and the carpet was clean of any pieces of flesh or maggots. With that, he opened the door a little wider.
“Jesus, Eddie, what happened to ya?” Richie wanted to step closer, but knew it was best to keep his distance. “Seriously, talk to me.”
Shifting his eyes towards the door and Richie, Eddie finally gave in and opened the door for Richie to come inside. His heart was thumping out of his chest out of fear. Eddie had kept his eyes close on him which made Richie slightly nervous, but he understood why.
Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed with Richie standing right by the door. He didn’t know where to start or how to say it. Guess whatever comes to mind needs to be said.
“A few … minutes ago …. I saw the leper. C-crawling on the floor to me. S-saying such l-lewd things to me. At first I thought it was you behind the door. I heard your voice, but … when I opened the door. You weren’t there. Then, … I saw him …” Eddie said, his body trembling all over again. “His body all rotted …. M-Maggots everywhere. Oh my god.”  Eddie sighed heavily and cupped his face with both of his hands, wanting to go to sleep and forget everything.
Richie frowned, recognizing that this was very serious. As much as he would like to crack a joke to lighten up the mood, Eddie wouldn’t be too thrilled about it. He would’ve probably go off on him and possibly give him the cold shoulder for a while.
“The Leper? That crazed guy with the syphilis? Are you sure?” Richie says calmly, taking a couple cautious steps forward.
“Y-Yes I’m sure! The smell and just …. It was all too real, Richie. It was all real.” Eddie shivered, “He … wanted t--to ……… H--he …..”
“Okay, Okay. You don’t have to say anymore, Ed’s. I get it.” Richie interrupted Eddie.
Richie had to stop Eddie before he could set himself to go under an asthma attack. He was surprised that he wasn’t nearly wheezing when he was in the hallway. Perhaps he has gotten his asthma more under control in the past years that he’s seen him. Eddie always has been so strong even when he was scared. For christ sake, he had Bowers breaking his arm and shoving dirt in his mouth as a youngin’. Even faced his own mother to continue to be with his friends. That was his Eddie. Precious little Eddie.
Richie picked up Eddie’s inhaler off the floor and sat next to him, placing his free hand on his back.
“If it really helps, I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff too. But y’know, only here in Derry where anything crazy happens. More than usual anyways.” Richie softly scoffed, slightly gripping Eddie’s inhaler.
Eddie lifted his head, turning his head towards Richie.
“What did you see?”
Richie shrugged, fiddling his lower lip with his canines.
“Just things.”
Eddie frowned, really wanting to hear of what Richie had seen. Was it the clown? The werewolf he saw long time ago? What was it?
“Richie …..”
“Don’t worry about it, Eddie Spaghetti.” Richie’s enthusiastic glow returned, pulling Eddie into a hug. “Right now, I’m worried about you.”
“Richie, please, don’t call me that. You KNOW I hate that.” Eddie groaned, shifting himself closer to Richie while gently nuzzling against the side of his neck. “Besides, I’m fine now.”
The comedian smiled, burying his nose into Eddie’s hair. The faint clean smell of hotel soap filled his nose. The nostalgic scent was also there too. It made his heart flutter. The reminder of just how much he loved Eddie. His little Eddie.
“It … didn’t hurt you, did it?” Richie whispered, huddling him closer.
Eddie hummed shaking his head.
“No, j-just really scared me. That’s all.” He said, closing his eyes.
“Good.” Richie nods, impulsively gives Eddie a peck on the head. “Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?”
Eddie’s eyes shot open, his entire face flushing into a light pink hue. Of course, Richie was far from a stranger to him. A dear friend, but it’s been so long since they’ve ever shared a room together.
Never share your bed, Eddie. You could catch their germs.
His mother’s words echoed in his head. Eddie knew it was all a lie. Al though because of the current outbreak of AIDS, it has been very difficult for him to really trust other people. It was ignorant of him to think, but it was true. Cleanliness and common sense has kept him a peaceful mind along with the pounding advice from his mother.
But just this once he can disobey the rules. Eddie needed the company tonight, just in case The Leper comes back.
“Mmm, I don’t know, Richie. Mother wouldn’t approve of that.” A little grin appears on Eddie’s face.
“Well, she isn’t here now is she?” Richie chuckles, “I take it that’s a yes?”
“Yeah. For old times sake.”
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