#grady travis one shot
fmpnalogirlypop · 6 months
Silent Hill researching part 3
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Silent Hill: Origins
A port for the PlayStation 2 was released worldwide in early 2008, beginning in March with North America. The fifth installment in the Silent Hill series, Origins is a prequel to the first game (1999). Set in the series' eponymous, fictional American town, Origins follows trucker Travis Grady as he searches for information about a girl whom he rescued from a fire. Along the way, he unlocks his repressed childhood memories. Gameplay uses a third-person perspective, and emphasizes combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving, similar to the previous installments.
Origins was developed by the Portsmouth branch of the Climax Group, which was known as Climax Action at the time. It was transferred from the Los Angeles Climax branch, who closed down after facing issues with the game engine and the vision of the game; the script, monsters, and level design were redone, and aspects of Origins' atmosphere and gameplay intentionally replicated those of the first Silent Hill game.
Following the gameplay formula of previous Silent Hill games, Origins primarily revolves around combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving. Typical gameplay of Origins consists of alternating between reality and its darker and dilapidated counterpart, the "Other World", to obtain keys and objects needed to solve a riddle. Travis carries a flashlight and indicates the direction of a nearby usable item, while his portable radio alerts the player to the presence of nearby monsters by emitting static.
Often, actions performed in one dimension will affect the other; for example, raising a prop on the stage in the theater results in a similar reaction in the Other World. Once solved, the riddle leads to an encounter with a boss, whose defeat unlocks a new area. Completion of the game results in unlocking special items or alternative outfits for Travis depending on various accomplishments.
For combat, in addition to using his fists (marking the first time unarmed combat is possible in a Silent Hill game), Travis accumulates a range of weapons throughout the town: firearms, melee weapons, and one-shot items usable in close combat; the latter two are breakable.
Origins also introduces the "grapple" system, a quick time event activated when a monster grabs him. Should he escape, no damage is done to either him or the monster.
Setting and characters
A prequel to the first Silent Hill installment, Silent Hill: Origins takes place several years before the events of the first game. Origins is set in the eponymous, foggy, and rural small town located in the northeastern United States.
Origins introduces Travis Grady, a trucker with a troubled past who suffers from nightmares. Returning characters from the first installment are Alessa Gilespie, a young girl who possesses supernatural powers; licensed practical nurse Lisa Garland, who has a drug addiction and dreams of being an actress instead of a nurse; physician Michael Kaufmann, who supplies Lisa with illegal drugs; and Alessa's mother, Dahlia Gillespie, a member of the town's cult which plans to bring its malevolent god into this world.
Driving past Silent Hill as a shortcut, Travis swerves his truck to avoid hitting a spirit manifestation of Alessa. While following the spirit manifestation, he stumbles upon a burning house and rescues the real Alessa, who was immolated in a ritual to impregnate her with the cult's god. Losing consciousness outside the house, he awakens in the town and resolves to learn if she survived. During his journey, Travis unlocks his repressed childhood memories and defeats monstrous forms of his parents: his mother had been committed to a local mental institution after attempting to kill him, and his father had killed himself, unable to live with the guilt of having his wife condemned. Additionally, Travis kills the Butcher, a monster that has been slaughtering other monsters.
Travis continues following Alessa's spirit manifestation, which refuses to speak to him, and gradually collects pieces of an unknown pyramid-shaped object; after collecting all of the pieces, he assembles them to form the Flauros, an artifact which contains a trapped demon and can be used to amplify thought. Alessa's spirit manifestation uses the completed Flauros to increase her powers and free herself from Dahlia's spell, which had inhibited her abilities. Dahlia reveals that the cult plans to use Alessa to give birth to its god, before leaving to take part in the ritual. Travis heads to the cult's ritual grounds, and sees members of the cult, including Kaufmann, surrounding Alessa's burned body. Incapacitated by Kaufmann, Travis defeats and imprisons the demon within the Flauros in a dream-like state.
Three endings are available.
In the "Good" ending, Alessa uses the Flauros to manifest a baby with half of her soul, stopping the ritual, and her spirit manifestation carries the baby to the outskirts of the town, seeing Travis off as he returns to his truck and cheerfully drives away from Silent Hill. Dialogue follows to reveal that the protagonist of the first game, Harry Mason, and his wife find and adopt the baby, naming her Cheryl, while Dahlia and Kaufmann plan to cast a spell to draw the other half of Alessa's soul back to the town, setting the events of the first Silent Hill game in motion.
In the "Bad" ending, Travis awakens strapped to a gurney and is injected with an unknown substance: he starts convulsing and has a series of visions in which he kills two people and his form is briefly replaced by that of the Butcher.
The joke ending sees Travis leave with an alien and a dog in an unidentified flying object.
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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Shattered Memories is a reimagination of the first game and retains the premise—Harry Mason's quest to find his missing daughter in the fictitious American town of Silent Hill—but is set in a different fictional universe and has a different plot, and altered characters, alongside new ones. Five endings are available. Gameplay takes place in two parts: a framing, first-person psychotherapy session, and an over-the-shoulder perspective of Harry's journey through Silent Hill, which is periodically interrupted by the occurrence of a shift to a more dangerous environment. Answers given to the psychological tests in the therapy session affect various gameplay elements in Harry's journey.
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories divides its gameplay between two different settings. The first section is set in a psychotherapist's office and the second in a town called Silent Hill. In the first section, the player interacts with Dr. Michael Kaufmann, who is a therapist NPC, from a first-person perspective. The player responds to Kaufmann's questions and completes a psychological test, fills in a questionnaire or colors pictures.
The player's responses to these tests alters aspects of gameplay in the second setting, including the available areas, the physical appearance and behavior of characters encountered, and the physical appearance of the monsters. Shattered Memories returns to Kaufmann's office periodically throughout the game.
In the second setting, the player guides Harry Mason in an over-the-shoulder view as he searches for his missing daughter Cheryl in the snowy town of Silent Hill. Harry is equipped with a smartphone and flashlight: he can use the phone to check his location on a GPS map, take photographs, and make telephone calls. Moving to certain spots with high interference, represented by a lot of radio noise, or by taking pictures of spots where shadowy figures can be seen, unlock various text and voicemail messages that expand the story and occasionally provide clues. To view the details of various documents, the player can zoom in on objects.
The game also alters details of gameplay based on what the player views. Throughout his journey, Harry encounters puzzles such as mechanisms, which reward either a key required to progress or a bonus memento. In the Wii version, the Wii Remote is used for puzzle solving and to control the flashlight and cell phone.
The game begins with a psychotherapy session conducted by Dr. Kaufmann, which acts as a frame story for Harry's quest. Suffering from issues with his memory, Harry travels home to search for his seven-year-old daughter Cheryl, hoping that she is already there. His consciousness moves between the in-game real world and Nightmare—a frozen version of the town in which monsters chase him—and finds that another family lives in his house. Police officer Cybil Bennett arrives and decides to take him to the police station, but they become caught in a blizzard, and Harry eventually leaves her car to continue his search.
Eventually, Harry finds his way to the local high school, where he learns from a woman named Michelle Valdez that a Cheryl Mason attended school there previously, but then moved. She offers to drive Harry to Cheryl's new address, but after briefly stepping away, he returns to find Michelle has been replaced by Dahlia Mason, who claims to be Harry's lover and acts as if she has been with him the whole time. He accepts the ride, although during another shift to the Nightmare, the car falls into a river. Harry escapes but loses consciousness.
He awakens in a wheelchair pushed by Cybil in the town's hospital. Before Cybil can tell him about his file at the station, the town transitions to the Nightmare. Harry escapes and meets Lisa Garland, a nurse injured in a crash, and escorts her to her home. At her request, Harry gives Lisa pills for her headache, and returns to find her either dead or dying, depending on in-game actions taken by the player. Finding him next to Lisa's corpse, Cybil attempts to arrest him, but is frozen as the Nightmare emerges around them. Harry escapes to Cheryl's home, where he finds an older Dahlia who claims to be his wife and tells him that Cheryl is at the lighthouse.
As Harry proceeds, he finds "the lighthouse" is the name of Dr. Kaufmann's counseling clinic: the patient in the therapy session is an adult Cheryl, who is in denial over her father's death. Harry enters the office and Cheryl either reconciles herself to his death or continues to cling to her fantasy father.
At the end of the game, an old video clip from Cheryl's camcorder is played. Four variations of this clip are available depending upon the player's actions as Harry.
In "Love Lost", Harry packs his luggage in a car and tells Cheryl not to blame herself for her parents' separation.
In "Drunk Dad", a drunken Harry yells at Cheryl, demands a beer and blames his drinking on his family.
In "Sleaze and Sirens", Harry flirts on his bed with Lisa and Michelle.
In "Wicked and Weak", Dahlia verbally abuses Harry and slaps him.
In the "UFO" joke ending, Cheryl tells Dr. Kaufmann that she believes Harry was kidnapped by aliens and that Silent Hill is a spaceship. After James Sunderland interrupts, the therapy session continues, revealing Cheryl to be a dog and Dr. Kaufmann to be an alien.
Regardless of the ending, the final scene shows Cheryl packing away mementos that the player can collect throughout the game. An additional scene the player can obtain shows her reconciling with Dahlia outside the clinic.
0 notes
Grady's Homecoming
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“Grady! You always talk about bein’ fucked. Fuckin’ all ‘ese German women, you got a woman waitin’ for you?” Bible’s voice crackles through the headset.
Grady’s mind travels to you. You were at home in Arkansas, probably keeping the farm afloat while he fought for your safety. He played the ladies’ man role well these days, because he never wanted anyone to know about you; to hurt you.
“Grady Paul Travis! Git over here!” you shouted as you chased him through the yard. He remembered this memory well; you chasing him around with a wooden spoon in your hand.
“That’s a mighty fine pie, ma’am!” He shouted to egg you on, begging you to keep chasing him. His path lead you through the yard, over a couple fences into muddy, sloppy pens and finally into the barn where he hid from you.
“Grady, hunny, come on out. I ain’t gonna hurt ya.” You called, looking over the hay bales. He had watched you creep through that barn with that spoon at the ready. When he finally could land, he dropped from the hay loft and rolled you into a straw bale. You screeched and smacked his back with that wooden spoon, but he just roared with laughter.
“You make the best pecan pies, my beautiful lady. You also make the best wife.” He smiled, kissed your cheek with a loving smile.
“Yer damn right I do, Grady Paul Travis. You had to stick your grubby little paws into my pie.” You had hissed, letting him pepper your face with kisses as he rolled to keep you from being stabbed with straw. “Hunny? I love you.” You drawled, putting down the spoon on the bench and laying across his body fully.
“I love you too, baby.” He cooed, kissing your face and hugging you against him as his lips got lost with yours on a grand adventure that lead to his dirty, oil covered hands sliding up into your work gown and massaging your breasts. You careened into him and gripped his curls tight in your fists.
“Grady! Grady get down! Jesus christ!” Bible’s voice brings back from his daydream and he ducks hard into the tank.
“Grady are you with us now?” Don shouts, grabbing his coat collar.
“Ye-yeah. Yeah sorry.” He coughs, tears almost spilling over his cheeks.
“Grady, you okay buddy?” Norman calls, looking up at the Coon-Ass with a sad, sorry look in his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine, dammit.” He barks, scrubbing away the tears.
Once they get into the crossroads, Grady and Norman head into the building near there and search for parts.
“Grady, listen. Whatever happened back there--” he grabs Norman around the neck and drives him against the wall.
“Nothing happened.” He spits through his clenched teeth. Raising his hands up, Grady lets go and heads to keep looking. “I do got a lady back home. I try not to think about her because she fucks me up. But yeah, she’s my world. I’m sorry you lost your German girl back there, I really am. If I could 'a saved her I woulda. But I couldn’t.” He offers, toeing at the dirt.
“Thanks Grady.” He huffs, deflating the breath he’d been holding.
“Don’t thanks me. I ain’t do nothin’.” He shakes his head as he turns and starts out the door.
After the dust and blood settled, troops came to the Fury team’s rescue. Not single Fury member was dead, wounded, yes. But dead? No. It was a miracle and Bible babbled about it the whole way back as the troopers told them they were heroes. Grady didn’t care to feel like a hero, he hurt and he was ready to see his lady. It’d been a long four years, a few letters, but a long time since he’d seen your face.
“You guys are gettin’ patched up and sent home. You can’t fight in the shape you’re in.” The man had said. Tears filled Grady’s eyes then, as he knew he’d get to see you.
“A broke wing and pure heart, Mister Ass, you get to go home and find you some American ass, aye?” Don cheers, and Grady just nods, giving a wave to him.
“I’mma go home an’ kiss my woman hard and fuck ‘er hard too.” The three men from the Fury, Don, Bible, and Gordo, all looked to Grady with wide eyes.
“Your woman?” Bible asks, looking to his best friend with shock.
“Yeah. I’m a taken man, Boyd.” He chuckles, patting the man on the knee.
“So all this talk about fuckin’ these German women, and you never fucked one did ya?” He asks, punching him in the shoulder. Grady only shakes his head.
The men board the air carrier that flew them into the depths hell and they all hoop and holler as they lift into the air.
“They say the war’s all but done anymore. You boys did a hell of a job out there.” The pilot talks over the intercom as they fly over open water.
“I can’t wait to take a fuckin’ shower.”
“I can’t wait to sleep in a bed.”
“I can’t wait to find me a woman.”
“I can’t wait to see my woman.”
Each man had a different dream, but all the same, they all were excited to go home.
“Wardaddy, Gordo, Coon-Ass, War Machine, I never wanna hear those names again.” Bible cheers as the plane gets close to landing. Women, children, and even men waited cheering as the plane dropped to the ground. The five Fury survivors of war hug tightly, and go their separate ways.
“Grady Paul Travis? Have you seen him? He’s tall, busted up crooked nose, cute, dumb smile, have you seen him? They told me he’d be on this flight.” Bible’s head whips around and his eyes lock with Grady’s as the woman shoves a photo into Bible’s face. He’s sees Bible’s finger point to him and he ducks, his heart racing. He hadn’t seen you in four years, he didn’t even think you’d be here, but he heard you calling for him. When you come around the corner where Bible had pointed you, you don’t see anyone you recognize until you see the man of your dreams rise to his feet above the crowd and you give a screech, letting into a dead run through the crowd, across the lot and springing into his arms.
“Even with a busted wing, he caught her.” Don chuckles to the crew, watching on for a moment as Mister Ass himself sinks to the ground holding this petite little woman against his big, blocky frame like she was the last ass he’d ever see.
“Wow, crazy huh?” Gordo states, his hispanic accent poking through. “Mister Ass had a girlfriend this whole time. They watch a moment longer as she slides a ring from her neck onto his finger.
“I’ll be damned. Mister Ass is a married man.” Bible laughs.
No closer as you got in the door, Grady was driving you into the couch, tugging off your dress as fast as he could.
“I promise, slow later, baby. But fast now.” He grunts, shimmying from his pants. Grabbing his throbbing cock, he gives you a sweet smile and you nod, nails digging into his shoulders as you wiggle your hips closer to him. He slides into you and and rams in deep.
“Grady!” You shriek, nails digging harder into his shoulders as he fucks you hard against the sofa.
“Yes baby. I love you. I love you. I love you. I mis’d ya so much. Shit baby, yes.” He grunts, feeling himself twitch inside you as your walls constrict around his cock.
“Grady. Grady, yes. Please.. I’m so close. C’mon baby.” You encourage, ramming your hips up to meet his in sloppy thrusts. He leans down, hugging you tight against him as his thrusts get sloppier.
“I love you.” He sobs, cumming as you roll your hips into his once more, orgasming blissfully in his cock. He grabs you tight, holding you against him as he sobs hard against you. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’ll never leave you again.” He assures, his cock still in you as his arms grip tight against you so hard you gasp for breath. You love every minute of him holding you, pressing infinite kisses to your bare skin as he holds you.
“I love you too, Grady. I love you, baby. I love you.” You whisper, gripping his arms.
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omegangrins · 3 years
Universal took Tremors from its creators after 30 years of work.
TL;DR After 25-30 years making the series, Brent Maddock, Michael Gross, Nancy Roberts, Ron Underwood and S.S. Wilson were kicked out so Universal Studios could make more money off the merchandising before the Tremors copyright expires in 2025.
*****MAJOR SPOILERS**** This will make you sad, angry and frustrated. But there is hope. #StampedeTremors
Soooooo, ever since I blew up and sidetracked a post about David Fincher's Queen Biopic with Sacha Baron Cohen as Freddie Mercury discussing the Tremors 7 ending, I've done some more research on the whole thing. The Graboid hole for this goes deep.
Michael Gross didn't want it.
“There’s a part of me that feels that Universal Home Entertainment might’ve had enough of Tremors. The suggestions that were made in the course of this [movie] made me think maybe they’ve had enough. They came to me and said, ‘What if we ended it at 7?’ and I said, ‘Whatever you choose to do, I’m good with that.'” “That being said, The door is still open for an eighth Tremors. It may seem unlikely by what people see on the screen, but it is possible. There could be an eighth. And if there were, and if it were an interesting story, I would be up for it because Burt is always a great deal of fun. It would depend on his physicality. How much they want me to do. If it’s in another two years, I’ll be 75 years old. So I will continue to hope and pray that I stay in shape, to do what is asked of me – if it is asked of me.”
AND Universal even killed off any ambiguity that he fought for.
"We shot it both ways, where everybody's mourning Burt, and he climbs up over the cliff and looks at all of them in mourning and goes, 'Jesus, God, I'm not dead. And he's really pissed off at them. It's like, 'How would you possibly think...?' But he's bloodied, just he's a mess. He looks like he's been through an earthquake, crushed by a house, but he's alive. And he says, 'You idiots. Of course, I'm alive.'" "They decided it just had this punch. Frankly, I thought to myself -- I didn't express it to them, but I thought to myself -- 'Maybe Universal's getting a little tired of this franchise.' Because this wasn't my idea." "I said, 'I can live with this. Because they came to me. They said, 'Look, you've been doing this so long. What do you think?' And I said, 'Well, as long as we kind of leave the door open.' I mean, I can kind of see an eighth film where it opens with Burt in a hospital bed, in a full body cast and saying, 'I survived.' He could hardly move a muscle. And maybe eight is...if I had a concept for eight, it would be Burt horribly injured, but in a motorized, weaponized wheelchair that has rocket mounts on the side and can leave an oil slick behind like James Bond's car. So nobody can chase him." "I always said, if Kevin Bacon or Fred [Ward] or Reba [McIntire] or anybody [wanted to return], I'd be there in a minute. Just because one, I love Burt, but I always thought of him as this guy kind of on the fringes, and I just came to the fore because everybody else walked away."
While Universal ignored how Michael Gross was setting up his son Travis Welker to pick up his torch (Which I'm give or take on Jamie Kennedy yet he brought a Grady-like optimism to the shittier of the series.)
"My reaction was disappointment, as I had planned an entire storyline around his participation."
Even Jamie Kennedy tried to but they wouldn't let him.
"Lot of people have been asking me, so I might as well spill it. I will NOT be in the upcoming TREMORS 7. I had a great time making the last two. But no TRAVIS this time around. But hey you neva’ know what can happen in the future.... have a great time boys! Tdawg out!!!"
After 7 movies and a TV show, nothing more than a spit in the face for the man who carried a franchise. Then when they do the montage at the end, we get clips of Hiram Gummer but NOTHING of Burt Gummer from the TV show. It's 13 episodes of Burt in Tremors that's longer than all the movies combined but yet they don't even include it in the ending montage while including his dead grandpa.
Same with the original creators. Did you know Stampede Entertainment (Brent Maddock, Nancy Roberts, Ron Underwood, and S.S. Wilson) were working on Tremors for 25 years and even had the 5th one written, "Thunder/Gummer Down Under".
Then were told to sit on it for 10 years before Universal eventually told them to eat dirt? That's gotta hurt. It hurts me and I'm not even connected to these movies. All that work down the drain just because of someone's say so. And for no reason. Well not exactly....
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Universal knows fans want Tremors merch. I mean, look at how they took #BurtGummerDay from @BabyFarkMcGeeZax. And they want ALLLLLL of that merchandising money. With none of it going to Stampede because it would give them leverage. Not to mention they don't want anyone else getting the idea to make cute monster toys before they can roll out their own line.
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Don't believe me? See Universal pull some Hollywood Accounting with Tremors already.
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Half a billion dollars... completely untraceable. I've tried. Emailed the numbers people and they can't tell me anything unless you pay $50 a film to see the numbers. Which makes me ask, who paid for the numbers on 1,5, 6, & 7? And why only what they made? Not their cost. Same for the numbers on 2, 3, & 4. Why numbers on the cost, but nothing on what it made? It seems weirdly targeted to make it look like the Stampede Entertainment ones only cost money but made nothing.
Then when you find out that the copyright to Tremors will revert to its creators after the 35 year mark, which makes that date 2024-2025 since Tremors was filmed in '88-'89 but released in '90.....
Wellllllll some things start to add up. Especially when you consider it's Universal. They already know about owning copyrights for things long out of due. Ask Dracula, Frankenstein and the Wolfman. Or Nintendo when Universal tried to sue them because Donkey Kong was too similar to King Kong.
Ask Stampede (S.S. Wilson) yourself. They have a Question and Answer page right on their site.
Like did you know you can't find ANY official Tremors merch? But you CAN find tons of fan-made creations. Give it a Google. They don't even list Tremors on the Universal website. Go ahead. Ask them. I try weekly. No responses ever.
Even with a longer history, more money made, and amount of sequel potential in comparison to their other films?
Fans are clamoring for more but Universal says no?
Hell, you can watch the TV show for free on the NBC site.
But before my investigating, the episodes were so jumbled and missing it would ruin people's enjoyment.
What about how they made a Tremors series pilot with Kevin Bacon? The only bad thing about it is that they need to pull a Sonic redo on the Graboid at the end but who knows, I suspect it's like that for plot reasons after reading the unaired script.
That Universal/NBC/SyFy has proceeded to hide deeper than a Graboid burrows. https://wegotthiscovered.com/movies/tremors-star-kevin-bacon-confused-sequel-series-picked/
Despite no one knowing why. http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ
Read the script for yourself if you don't believe me. They've already hidden it for two years. Andrew Miller worked too hard for it to be hidden. And it plays. It works and plays with what's already there while being new and old. Quite good.
Have you seen the Kevin Bacon/Michael Gross commercial featuring them in Perfection Valley? The whole commercial is a sly way to use Tremors WITHOUT actually saying anything Universal would have claim to call copyright on. "Sandworms" "My old co-star" "Trevors". It's a great big middle finger to Universal.
How about the original script for Tremors 2: Aftershocks. The creators have wanted it seen for 20 years but it took a crazy Larry like me to get it out there. It's got Val, Earl, Burt and Heather in it too. Pretty good too. So good they reused the ending in the TV show episode "Shriek and Destroy".
All these things swirl together and make me wonder more and more. For the plethora of Tremors fandom goes deeper than even me... Like Imgur user @BabyFarkMcGeeZax. They created Burt Gummer Day five years ago through sweat and love alone.
Yet what does Universal do? Take the day, plaster it over the end of their hero's death, and not even give a line credit or thank you to @BabyFarkMcGeeZax or a mention on Twitter as they blurb it everywhere.
Ever seen the gif battles about Tremors at r/HighQualityGifs?
How about The Everything Sequel podcast where they discuss how amazing all of The Tremors Saga is after discovering it for the first time. Even going so far as to pitch their own sequels.
https://share.transistor.fm/s/e24901de https://share.transistor.fm/s/bdea7b5e https://share.transistor.fm/s/cf79bbc1 https://share.transistor.fm/s/fac66438 https://share.transistor.fm/s/a90415cd https://share.transistor.fm/s/c0e8153e https://share.transistor.fm/s/6b6572f9
There's so much fan content and people screaming for more Tremors! Like "Perfection, NV", a fan film.
Or this collection of alt Tremors posters.
Including the thousands of pieces of fanart.
The story behind Tremors comics. http://www.enemyofpeanuts.com/2013/03/09/the-short-story-behind-tremors-comics/
Even the new Tremors game. OR games.
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Look at all this love.
And this isn't even an officially licensed game.
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"A fortune", you say? Interesting....
So let's make Tremors 8 Ouroboros with the OG creators back on board.
We restart the TV show and end the movies for a while. Just like The Librarians. If Marvel can switch between movies and TV, Tremors can too.
If you think I'm crazy too, just see and know how I've been in this position before. I'm well aware of how this "story" plays out.
I mean, Tremors *does* foreshadows its ending with a sleeping bag. https://imgur.com/gallery/5HexQ
Notice too how you can find little Behind the Scenes for Tremors 5-7 despite a smorgasbord of material for 1-4 and both TV shows.
http://imgur.com/gallery/b4STAkl http://imgur.com/gallery/gSlZ1fC http://imgur.com/gallery/fnFt9MD http://imgur.com/gallery/6mDHTtg http://imgur.com/gallery/4M28quW http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ http://imgur.com/gallery/6l0Dogl
And it's not like Universal isn't known for shady business practices. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Pictures
What about how they own the rights to damn near every monster except for Godzilla. And not just the classics like Frankenstein, Dracula, the Wolfman, Mummy and Invisible Man. They have Kong, Hulk, Jaws, Michael Myers, The Thing, all the Jurassic Park dinos, all the Romero zombies, Chucky, Casper, Riddick beasts, Hellboy, and Jaegers/Kaiju. These dudes know merchandising rights and they're looking to score the next Poke'Mon franchise.
Take a gander at all these articles gushing with love for Tremors:
Why the 'Tremors' Franchise Is Better Than the 'Alien' Movies https://collider.com/why-the-tremors-franchise-is-better-than-the-alien-movies/
As Kevin Bacon's Tremors returns to TV, we explain the entire franchise ​It's way more complicated than you think. https://www.digitalspy.com/movies/a807140/tremors-franchise-series-guide-kevin-bacon/
20 Fun Facts About Tremors https://ew.com/article/1990/07/13/tremors/
Thirty Years After Tremors, Reba McEntire Tells Us Why She's Absolutely Down to Return For a Reboot https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a30457996/tremors-30-anniversary-reba-mcentire-interview/
30 years ago, Tremors became perhaps the most perfect bad movie https://www.thv11.com/mobile/article/entertainment/movies/film-on-11/getting-reel/30-years-ago-tremors-became-perhaps-the-most-perfect-bad-movie/91-8f6854df-9dcc-4870-ab3a-4f91a658ac3f
How Tremors 7 Succeeds Where Other Horror Movie Franchises Failhttps://screenrant.com/tremors-7-movie-succeeds-better-horror-movie-franchises-reason/
A Complete Rundown of the Entire Tremors Saga https://www.dreadcentral.com/editorials/363290/beneath-perfection-thoughts-on-the-entire-tremors-franchise/
Kevin Bacon Wants to Revisit His Only Film He Ever Re-Watched https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/kevin-bacon-tremors-1234956657/
Look at all this #BurtGummerDay love. That adds up to thousands of people watching Tremors for the first or fiftieth time. And this is only the first "official" year. It'll only grow.
Can you see the Tremors? Can you feel them? Fans want Tremors and they want it from Stampede. http://imgur.com/gallery/ZaVL7Mc http://imgur.com/gallery/f37bEV7 http://imgur.com/gallery/De6DlqQ
After all this time, and all this love, and all this greed, it's time we break Hollywood tradition and give power back to the people. When people can #RestoreTheSnyderVerse or #SaveTheVentureBros, we can #StampedeTremors for #BurtGummerDay.
Take this hope and fly!
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BTS, gifs, and videos of The Tremors Saga. Tremors: The Lost Tapes from S.S. Wilson's personal collection https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1EA9246EF966DDA2
Monster Makers https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tmm-tremors/ https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tmm-tremors2/
ADI's creation documentaries https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR9WUo3tIVnb4CyMR1SLVsxPyBwz1Met_ BTS gallery of Tremors http://imgur.com/gallery/b4STAkl
The making of Tremors https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m-HUUt21tRA
Inside the Graboid workshop https://youtu.be/YgPuC2tNBpM
Stampede Entertainment's video archive for Tremors https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/category/videos/tremors/
Tremors opening https://youtu.be/gnqPYTOzc38
BTS gallery of Tremors 2: Aftershocks http://imgur.com/gallery/gSlZ1fC
Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 2 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors2/
The making of Tremors 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fAlqzM0CyPI
Tremors 2 original script with Val, Earl, Burt and Heather. http://imgur.com/gallery/8QaHPRy
Tremors 2: Aftershocks opening https://youtu.be/pVi24Gc0KdQ)
BTS gallery of Tremors 3: Back to Perfection http://imgur.com/gallery/fnFt9MD Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 3 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors3/
On the set of Tremors 3 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZhrvkB5nKs
Stampede Entertainment's video archive of Tremors 3 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/category/videos/tremors3/
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection opening https://youtu.be/UXjdZitldB4
BTS gallery of Tremors the Series http://imgur.com/gallery/6mDHTtg
Stamede Entertainment's https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors-series/
Behind the scenes of Tremors the Series lost monsters. https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors-series-lost/
Cold opens for Tremors the Series https://youtu.be/srB6rZgv_Po https://youtu.be/v3ZkC08rKtg
BTS gallery of Tremors 4: The Legend Begins http://imgur.com/gallery/4M28quW Stampede Entertainment's behind the scenes of Tremors 4 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/tremors4-2/
On the set of Tremors 4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bppXVxldTqU The weapons of Tremors 4 https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/photos/weapons-of-tremors-4/
Tremors 4: The Legend Begins opening https://youtu.be/3gDlAEUBesg
BTS gallery of Tremors 5: Bloodlines http://imgur.com/gallery/6l0Dogl
Tremors 5: Bloodlines opening https://youtu.be/t8jrCVI676Y
BTS gallery of the unaired Kevin Bacon Tremors pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/w7rbUvZ
Script for the unaired Tremors pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/UbtTvyf
Trailer for the unreleased Tremors pilot https://youtu.be/hWU3GpKmIvw
Kevin Bacon talks Tremors. https://youtu.be/TAGOlEIR7mA
Interviews with Alec Gillis, Brent Maddock, Nancy Roberts, and Ron Underwood https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjmUAAK3guQ8t6dKzwH9V0RzerkdLr0d1
S.S. Wilson talks his Tremors career. https://youtu.be/ZJhZmty_dKs Making Perfection https://youtu.be/hpCSCQJEmnk
Have a question about Tremors? Find it here and if you can't find it, ask S.S. Wilson yourself! https://stampede-entertainment.com/site/fan-extras/tremors-faq/?include_category=general
And if you love Tremors enough to have made it this far, enjoy a collection of gifs for you to use at your pleasure.
Tremors http://imgur.com/gallery/kPiEe3d http://imgur.com/gallery/5Sb4Vpg http://imgur.com/gallery/1uZxiue http://imgur.com/gallery/NX5r2
Tremors 2 Aftershocks http://imgur.com/gallery/i1IZZf8 http://imgur.com/gallery/krcmrgQ http://imgur.com/gallery/GjTxAg1 http://imgur.com/gallery/DabFZTt http://imgur.com/gallery/QLTStyx http://imgur.com/gallery/P92e1ri http://imgur.com/gallery/IUAvd http://imgur.com/gallery/h8BZ0qN http://imgur.com/gallery/ZQi2KOb http://imgur.com/gallery/WDZdM
Tremors 3 Back to Perfection http://imgur.com/gallery/5ebddmR http://imgur.com/gallery/Rj9fqIy http://imgur.com/gallery/ikzXFbd
Tremors the Series http://imgur.com/gallery/cqSMk40
Tremors 4 The Legend Begins
http://imgur.com/gallery/ufV3of1 http://imgur.com/gallery/zPGBOW3 http://imgur.com/gallery/ri5jLRd http://imgur.com/gallery/y7A3l5D
Tremors 5 Bloodlines
http://imgur.com/gallery/Pmunxjo http://imgur.com/gallery/0yazNVG
Tremors 6 A Cold Day In Hell http://imgur.com/gallery/S4qlPCI http://imgur.com/gallery/Xa2mUsS
Tremors Pilot http://imgur.com/gallery/RXXjbKr http://imgur.com/gallery/kCErQyF
Tremors 7 Shrieker Island
http://imgur.com/gallery/FzpJllb http://imgur.com/gallery/JGweZjH
22 notes · View notes
galadrieljones · 3 years
I started watching Fear the Walking Dead...
I started watching Fear the Walking Dead last night, and I fully expected it to be a letdown, but the first two episodes were VERY GOOD. It is extremely different from The Walking Dead, which is something I did not expect.
Here are my first impressions, a few episodes in, comparing to TWD, and comparing the two heroes, Rick and Maddy:
Prior to the outbreak, Rick lives in bucolic, fictional King County where he is a Sheriff’s deputy. He is shot on the job, a “local hero,” and wakes up from a coma after the outbreak has already decimated much of civilization. He SLEEPS THROUGH the end of the world, causing him to greatly underestimate its devastating effects for a LONG TIME, fostering within him a deep, unsettled naivete. The world he knew, which was idyllic in many ways on the surface is GONE. His pretty wife and his son are GONE. Everything he thought he knew is SHATTERED, and he must be rescued almost IMMEDIATELY. As a sheriff this is ironic, since he is used to being the classic hero, the one who rescues. His initial journey then revolves around learning to adapt to a malfunctioning, broken world, all whilst struggling to protect and preserve his FAILING FAMILY. Rick’s personal life FALLS APART when the world goes to shit, and it’s actually NOT because of the apocalypse. We see how idealized relationships can become, and how extra pressures can fully crumble a seemingly stable foundation with even small cracks in the surface.
Maddy is already part of a malfunctioning, broken world, hence the setting of LA. Los Angeles, in every facet of its existence, from the freeways to public health to law enforcement and public education, is a HOUSE OF CARDS that collapses at the slightest disturbance, and its residents KNOW IT, which is why they think nothing of what’s going on with increased police shootings in the city. Maddy’s life is likewise far from idealized, but in stark opposition to Rick’s, while it may appear shabby on the surface and in desperate need of maintenance, it is built upon a STRONG FOUNDATION OF LOVE AND LOYALTY. She has two fully grown children, one of whom struggles with a heroin addiction, and the other of which, while a star student, struggles with her own kind of youthful rebellion and ennuis. Maddy’s family is shockingly FUNCTIONAL and LOVING in its core, shown especially by Alicia’s actioned devotion to her brother, even as she openly proclaims that she “hates” him. Despite being “broken” per society’s standards, Maddy’s life is FUNCTIONAL. Travis is EXCEEDINGLY STRONG and supports her and her children, providing Maddy with a needed sense of perspective on her life. Maddy does not believe her son when he explains what he saw in the church, but Travis DOES, and it is because of Travis that Maddy eventually finds a way to believe Nick, which leads to them being OUT AHEAD of the pandemic, and able to secure their children out of harm’s way before it’s too late.
I like that Maddy and Travis were public school faculty, a highly mundane but also harrowing existence in Los Angeles. I’m not sure where they are supposed to be in the city, but maybe near Venice Beach, as that is where Alicia goes to meet her boyfriend. That can mean a lot of different things, but no matter what, the thing about LA is even if you live in a lovely little neighborhood like Maddy, you are never far from the bigness of it all, because there are literally just PEOPLE EVERYWHERE at ALL TIMES, like there will be random gridlock on the 10 on a Saturday afternoon. Even if you live in Belair you are, to some extent, TRAPPED. Unless you own a yacht in Malibu and can promptly sail away at a moment’s notice and self-sustain for a while, you are NOT SAFE from a public health emergency, or the effects of some other disaster situation, like a major earthquake. So while The Walking Dead is, in many ways, about safety in nature, and most of the settings take place in rural places, Fear the Walking Dead, at least in its first episodes, is TRAPPING US IN THE CITY. And the thing about LA is that, you are trapped within layers and layers and layers of humans and dense urban infrastructure on three sides, and the DEADLY MAW OF THE PACIFIC on the fourth.
So anyway, while I know the trajectory of the show will change in three seasons, and I’m only a few episodes in, I am actually super surprised by how good Fear the Walking Dead actually is in the beginning. It is so different from the original, taking on entirely new themes and problems, and yet its characters are all VERY SYMPATHETIC, and I already care about them a lot. The actor who plays Nick is also VERY AWESOME, like a 90s era Johnny Depp, and I am so glad to see his form of method acting, as reminiscent of Jon Bernthal’s in The Walking Dead as a hardcore anchor for the show. The suspense and how hard the spin-off riffs on  dramatic irony is also super well-utilized, ie: they do not waste the fact that we already know what’s going to happen, and they capitalize on it in unexpected ways. For example, the fact that the burgeoning pandemic situation is off-set by public distrust in law enforcement, feels way too timely, ie: we can’t trust the cops, and we have no way of knowing whether they’re acting in our best interest or the villains.
The cops stashing gallons of water and seeming to have some sort of insider knowledge also draws a strong connection back to “Slabtown,” and I think it can’t be a coincidence that Fear chooses to focus on the broken, corrupt state of law enforcement in its beginnings, not even a full season after what happens at Grady.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Fear 4x15: Analysis
Okay, who watched Fear last night? I really loved this episode. I totally freaked out about three different times. Let's just dive right in.
 **As always, spoilers abound for FTWD 4x15. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!**
In the opening credits, we saw a car with flashing lights. This is because we had several instances of walkers or people falling onto cars from great heights, making the alarms went off. Just having the car symbol makes me side-eye it, though.
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So, just as we suspected, Alica and Charlie found Strand and John. They had to go looking for some way to get them off the island.
John told Strand that he had symbolically relegated himself to an island before, but that "someone else took me off that island." I thought that was a really cool way to explain it and it definitely parallels to Beth and Daryl. We all know Daryl goes into survival mode intends to emotionally maroon himself on an island. It was Beth who brought him out of that, just as June brought John out of it. Yet another parallel between the two story lines.
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Searching for a boat to help John and Strand, Alicia and Charlie first look at a bathtub. It's one of those things they don't use and has no relevance to the story, so it must be symbolic. 
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There haven’t been tons of bathtubs in the show, but there've been a few. The one that first occurred to me was with the governor in 4x06. In the same scene where he gets the backgammon game and sees a wheelchair, he finds a legless walker in a bathtub. A bathtub, by definition, could also be part of the Bathroom/Toilet Paper Theme.
Alicia and Charlie meet up with Martha (Filthy Lady). She tries to kill them, but then passes out from blood loss. They end up taking Al’s truck back from her and use it to go rescue John and Strand. I noticed they did actually find a canoe on top of the car, but didn't use it. So, the symbolism here was very strong.
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They see a bathtub and then a boat, both of which have major connections to water. (Beth = water)
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The other thing that occurred to me is that we saw the boat, and we all know that ocean/boat/sailor stuff is reminiscent of Beth. And right after that, Martha started shooting at Alicia. She didn't hit her, but she hit the car window and the glass broke. (Broken Glass Theme) It reminded me of 5x16 where Sasha fights with FG over the gun and shoots the glass picture. I'm just pointing out that we have an instance of water-related objects, followed by a gunshot that breaks glass.
Eventually, they do manage to rescue Strand and John from the island and reunite with all the others.
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Morgan's group is still stranded at hospital. First off, Jim pees off the side of the building, onto the walkers. He had reasons for doing so, but I couldn't help but be reminded of Daryl peeing in the moonshine shack. And remember, Jim is the one who makes his own homemade alcohol. So, we have a person associated with that peeing, just like there Daryl did.
Morgan's group (sans Jim) decides to go back down to the hospital and look for Al. She got out her own way and has disappeared. They don't find her in this episode. But all the walkers that were clustered at the doors of the elevator are gone. Something drew them away. And why did they not come back when Morgan tapped his stick on the ground? Because the roof had caved in and trapped them all.
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Guys, that is EXACTLY what happened in TWD 4B, when Glenn was looking for Maggie. Remember in that case, they were in a tunnel and the roof caved in, trapping all the walkers. In both cases, we didn't see the actual cave-in, just the aftermath. In both cases, a couple (Glaggie and John/June) reunited directly after.
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Morgan decides he will stay behind and distract the walkers so the group can get away. This whole situation was very much like S1. The rooftop even looked a whole lot like the one they left Merle on. Some people people (Morgan in this case) created a distraction so the others could get out, just like Rick and Glenn created a distraction so that they could rescue the others from the mall in S1.
Morgan ends up throwing a walker onto a car, setting off a blaring alarm to lure walkers away from the hospital’s entrance. That's very much like the car alarm Glenn used in S1 to distract walkers away from the entrance of the mall.
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Now, at this point it's obvious that this hospital is not Grady. Remember we wondered before if the hospital scenes in FTWD could possibly have been shot at the same location as Grady. At this point, it's obvious that is the case. Even if it didn't look the same in the show, I think they would've told us on TTD that it was the same location. They always do that.
They actually named the hospital this episode. It’s called St. Luke's, and we see a Travis County ambulance. I checked and there is more than one St. Luke’s Hospital in Texas, and Travis County is real as well. But at this point, it really doesn't matter. This parallels to Grady are crazy-strong.
Morgan decides to stay on the rooftop with Jim, mostly because the generator is out of juice in the elevators not working. So, he really has no way down because walkers are filling the stairwells. He tells June that “at least, I got you on your way back to John." That struck me as something that could be Beth-ish. Maybe he'll help her on her way back to Daryl and TF.
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I noticed they use the phrase “class A asshole” twice. I wondered if perhaps we could relate that to the A theme. Not only because of the “class A” part, but because remember that during S7, tptb said the A on the back of Daryl’s shirt at the Sanctuary stood for “asshole.” We knew that couldn't be all the A stood for because it wouldn't go with other instances, but obviously they’re repeating the same patterns.
The entire group comes back for Morgan because they need him. He's become their leader. (Which is interesting because I remember a lot of people asking who the new leader would be when Madison died. (“Died.”) People speculated either Alicia or Strand, although neither seem quite up to par. It's obvious now that Morgan has become the leader, rather than one of them. This gives him a lot of parallels to Rick because in S1, Rick was trying to make it back to his family ended up leading a group of people he didn't know. Morgan has now done the exact same thing. And of course, by extension, this gives Morgan parallels to Beth as well.
Here's the part that made me pretty much split water out of my nose. When Team Fear Family comes to rescue Morgan from the hospital, what do they show up in but a FIRE TRUCK!!!
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I mean, we have this hospital, and Morgan is trapped in it (technically on top) and all these different parallels with Grady. And then the group shows up in a fire truck? I seriously choked on my water when I saw that fire truck. I had to go rant to my group about how we don’t have to work for these parallels. They’re practically rubbing our noses in it. You don't get any closer to Grady than hospital with a fire truck in it.
 (Yes, I know there were spoilers about this some time ago, but I’d completely forgotten about them and my jaw still dropped when I saw it.)
Interestingly, they leave the fire truck behind and just take Al's truck. So, just like in TWD, the fire truck doesn't go with the group or show up again. We don't know exactly what happened with that fire truck in TWD. Obviously it was left behind at some point too. But keep in mind that they used it to rescue Morgan in this episode. I don't know how or why, but somehow that fire truck had something to do with rescuing Beth.
(P.S. I have more to say concerning this hospital and the generators and how they relate to the Battery Theory, based on a conversation I had with @boltthrutheheart right after watching this episode, but I’m gonna make that it’s own theory later in the week.)
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We saw the Breaking Glass Theme here when Morgan is trying to get down to the fire truck. He jumps down to a different level of the hospital and immediately a walker breaks through some glass and attacks him. I love that John Dorie shot the thing in the head all the way from the ground. That just makes him more freaking awesome than he already is.
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Jim gives his recipe for alcohol to Sarah before sacrificing himself so the group can live. He tells her to put the walkie to her ear so he can tell her that something only she can hear. That, too, is a parallel to S1. Remember that Dr. Jenner whispered something in Rick's ear that no one else heard. We now know it was that they were all infected. The rest of the group didn't learn that until the end of S2. Sarah seemed happy about whatever Jim told her, so I don't think it's a doom-and-gloom message. Even so, the parallel is there.
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Martha gets away. She writes the recipe on Jim's face and takes him as her new pet walker. (Does she strike anyone else as Michonne’s evil twin? Just wondering.)
What I predicted at the beginning of 4B is what exactly what has happened and is happening in terms of the plot of the show. (That it would probably take the entire back half of the season for them to all reunite and get back on the road to Virginia.)
At the end of this episode, Morgan stated that they were find Al (obviously what next week’s finale will be about), and then they will go to Virginia together. So, things are on track as far as I'm concerned. I'm honestly not thinking we’ll probably see Beth next episode. It's possible we might see her as a final cliffhanger sort of thing, but I just don't feel like we’re quite there yet in story. If they meet her, chances it will be on the road back to Virginia. But still, everything we predicted so far for Morgan’s group has happened.
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I’m very happy about that. ;D (Really not saying this to call myself a genius or anything. Just saying that if you read the signs and symbolism, the direction of the show becomes quite obvious.)
To close, just a couple of notes about things that were sent on TTD.
Aaron Stanford (who played Jim) pointed out that Jim had dialogue foreshadowing. Before they went to the hospital, he complained, saying they shouldn't go because they’d become trapped or separated and die. Everything he said came true. They did become trapped, got separated from Al, and he died.
On the one hand, it's sort of karmic justice because he was the one being negative about it, and therefore he was the one who died. That's just literature 101. The point is that they used a dialogue foreshadow, and then it was fulfilled. Remember how many dialogue foreshadows around Beth pointed to her living.
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Jenna Elfman point out something very similar. Talking about Morgan's arc, she said in the first episode of FTWD S4, Morgan ran away from Alexandria and ended up in Texas. Before he left, Rick told Morgan that would he find his way back to people. That eventually he would find people want to be with them again. That happened. In fact, that's what Morgan's entire arc has been about in Fear. But again, my point is that dialogue foreshadows happen and then are fulfilled on the show. Beth’s will be too.
Aaron Stanford also mentioned Cartman from South Park. I won’t go into this too much, but it’s not the first South Park reference people outside the show have made. It’s not even the first one connected with Beth. You can read the other post I did about this HERE and make up your own mind.
So, I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode of Fear. Anything catch anything I missed?
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ihatesriptwriting · 6 years
nothing to do with maths I swear
The 180° rule refers to an imaginary line which runs through two characters face to face, usually having a conversation. It is normally drawn 90° to the camera’s viewpoint in the establishing shot of the scene.
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The rule is that the camera should remain on one side of the line.
-The Wolf of Wall Street (2013).
Jordan and Mark money song
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-Taxi Driver (1976).
Travis talking to Iris
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Following this rule insures the continuity of action and correct geography, ignoring it however creates instability.
-The Dark Knight (2008).
Batman interrogating the Joker
The Joker is trying to convince Batman that they are the same, breaking the rule makes their faces overlap, confirming what the Joker is saying.
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-The Shining (1980).
Jack talking to Grady
Jack Torrance is talking to the ghost of Delbert Grady, in this case, breaking the rule is used to make the audience feel uneasy and show Jack’s mental instability.
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-The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) Dir. Martin Scorcese.
-Taxi Driver (1976) Dir. Martin Scorcese.
-The Dark Knight (2008) Dir. Christopher Nolan.
-The Shining (1980) Dir. Stanley Kubrick.
what the fuck is composition ?
what the fuck are shot sizes ?
what the fuck are shapes within the frame ?
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ao3feed-ds9 · 7 years
by TombRomance
These are a series of One-shots I'll be making when writers block occurs. It has many fandoms and many subjects, Please Enjoy.
Words: 1756, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Gotham (TV), Sherlock (TV), Justified, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Being Human (UK), The Unit (US TV), Supernatural, Reign (TV), Angel: the Series, The Walking Dead (TV), Fear the Walking Dead (TV), Into the Badlands (TV), American Horror Story: Murder House, American Horror Story: Asylum, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Freak Show, American Horror Story: Hotel, American Horror Story: Roanoke, American Horror Story: Cult, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Firefly, Z-Nation, Helix, The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), iZombie (TV), Grantchester (TV), Bates Motel (2013), Containment (TV), Lethal Weapon (TV), Outlander (TV), Terra Nova (TV), Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Law and Order: SVU, Preacher (TV), The Orville (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Jurassic World (2015), Prometheus - Fandom, The Chronicles of Riddick Series, Kingsmen - Fandom, 300 (2006) RPF, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Resident Evil - All Media Types, Agora (2009), Transformers - All Media Types, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The L Word, Divergent Series - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Character, Robb Stark/Original Character, Jamie Lannister/Original Character, Daenerys Targaryen/Original Character, Melisandre/Original Character, Margaeru Turell/Original Character, Ramsay Bolton/Original Character, Oberyn Martell/Original Character, Jojen Reed/Original Character, Podrick Payne/Original Character, Jim Gordon/Original Character, Edward Nygma/Original Character, Victor Zsasz/Original Character, Jerome Valeska/Original Character, Barbra Keen/Original Character, Tabitha Galavan/Original Character, Bruce Wayne/Original Character, Alfred Pennyworth/Original Character, Sherlock Holms/Original Character, John Watson/Original Character, Raylan Givens/Original Character, Boyd Crowder/Original Character, Tim Gutterson/original character, Charles “Trip” Tucker III/Original Character, Travis Mayweather/Original character, Hoshi Sado/Original character, Ensign Tanner/Original Character, Dr. Phlox/Original Character, James T Kirk/Original Character, Leonard McCoy/Original Character, Spock/Original Character, Pavel Chekov/Original Character, Data/Original Character, Wesley Crusher/Original Character, William Riker/Original Character, Tasha Yar/Original Character, Deanna Troi/Original Character, Jadzia Dax/Original Character, Julian Bashir/Original Character, Gul Dukat/Original Character, Weyoun/Original Character, Seven of Nine/Original Character, Harry Kim/Original Character, Icheb/Original Character, Annie Sawyer/Original Character, John Mitchell/Original Character, Jonas Blane/Original Character, Bob Brown/Original character, Hector Williams/Original Character, Dean Winchester/Original Character. Castiel/Original Character, Queen Mary Stuart/Original character, Greer Noorwood/Original character, Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers/Original Character, Angel/Original Character, Spike/Original Character, Cordelia/Original character, Shane Walsh/Original Character, Daryl Dixon/Original Character, Rosita Espinosa/Original character, Negan/original character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe/Original Character, Nick Clark/Original Character, Alicia Clark/Original Character, Chris Manawa/Original Character, Jake Otto/Original Character, Troy Otto/Original Character, Sunny/Original Character, Tilda/Original character, The Widow/Original Character, Quinn/Original Character, Waldo/Original Character, Tate Langdon/Original Character, Dr. Oliver Thredson/Original Character, Kit Walker/Original Character, Mary Eunice McKee/Original Character, Kyle Spencer/Original Character, Misty Day/Original Character, Jimmy Darling/Original Character, Dandy Mott/original character, Mr. March/Original Character, Donovan/Original Character, Rory Monahan/Original Character, Edward Mott/Original Character, Kelly Severide/Original Character, Gabriel Dawson/Original Character, Brian “Otis” Zvonecek/Original Character, Peter Mills/Original character, Antonio Dawson/Original Character, Jimmy Borelli/Original Character, Dr. Connor Rhodes/Original Character, Dr.Ethan Choi/Original Character, Dr. William Halstead/Original Character, Sarah Reese/Original Character, Maggie Lockwood/Original Character, Jeff Clarke/Original Character, Malcom Reynolds/Original Character, Kaylee Frye/Original Character, Inara Serra/Original Character, Jayne Cobb/Original Character, Simon Tam/Original character, Zoe/Original Character, 10k/Original Character, Sergio Balleseros/Original Character, Dr. Sarah Jordan/Original Character, Dr. Hiroshi Hataka/Original Character, Dr. Kyle Sommer/Original Character, Scythe/Original Character, Dr. Kato/Original character, Barry “Flash” Allen/Original Character, Leonard “Captain Cold” Snart/Original Character, Harrison “Reverse Flash” Wells/Original Character, Harry Wells/Original Character, Mick “Heatwave” Rory/Original Character, Rip Hunter/Original Character, Felicity Smoak/Original Character, Oliver “Arrow” Queen/Original Character, Roy “Arsenal” Harper/Original Character, John Diggle/Original Character, Tommy Merlyn/Original Character, Slade “Death Stroke” Wilson/Original Character, Malcom Merlyn/Original Character, Thea “Speedy” Queen/Original Character, Ravi Chakrabarti/Original Character, Clive Babineaux/Original character, Sydney Chambers/Original Character, Norman Bates/Original Series, Dylan Massett/Original Character, Alex Romero/Original Character, Ethan Chang/Original Character, Zack Shellby/Original Character, Jake Riley/Original Character, Victor Cannerts/Original Character, Martin Riggs/Original Character, Jamie Fraser/Original Character, Mark Reynold/Original Character, Crixus/Original Character, Nick Amaro/Original Character, Rafael Barba/Original Character, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi/Original Character, Jesse Custer/Original Character, Proinsias Cassidy/Original Character, Eugene Root/Original Character, John “Thunderbird” Proudstar/Original Character, Clarice “Blink” Fong/Original Character, Marcos “Eclipse” Diez/Original Character, Capt. Ed Mercer/Original Character, Lt. Alara Kitan/Original Character, Lt. John Lamar/Original Character, Newt Scamander/Original Character, Thranduil/Original Character, Bard/Original Character, Fíli/Original Character, Kíli/Original Character, Legolas/Original Character, Boromir/Original Character, Tony “Iron Man” Stark/Original Character, Steven “Captain America” Rodgers/Original Character, Thor/Original Characters, Clinton “Hawkeye” Barton/Original Character, Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff/Original Character, Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff/Original Character, Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff/Original Character, Loki/Original Character, Vision/Original Character, Black Panther/Original Character, Bruce “Batman” Wayne/Original character, Clark “Superman” Kent/Original Character, Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince/Original Character, Richard “Dick” Grayson/Original Character, Tim Drake/Original Character, Jason Todd/Original Character, Damian Wayne/Original Character, Joker/Original Character, Dr. Stephen Strange/Original Character, Mordo/Original Character, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson/Original Character, Newt/Original Character, Minho/Original Character, Thomas/Original Character, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Character, Darth Maul/Original Character, Kylo Ren/Original Character, phasma/original character, Armitage Hux/Original Character, Poe Dameron/Original Character, Peter Quill/Original Character, Owen Grady/Original Character, David 8/Original Character, Richard B. Riddick/Original Character, Johns/Original character, Vaako/Original Character, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Original Character, Asstinos/Original Character, Gorgo/Original Character, Leonidas/Original Character, Draco Malfoy/Original Character, Charlie Weasely/Original Character, Oliver Wood/Original Character, Albert Wesker/Original Character, Chris Redfield/Original Character, Leon S. Kennedy/Original Character, Hypatia/Original character, Orestes/Original Character, Davus/Original Character, Bumblebee/Original Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character, Hound/Original Character, Enoch O’Connor/Original Character, Alma Peregrine/Original Character, Charles “Professor X” Xavier/Original Character, Ororo “Storm” Iqadi/Original Character, Piotr “Colossi” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Original character, Remy “Gambit” LeBeau/Original character, James “Warpath” Proudstar/Original Character, Regan “Lady Mastermind” Wyngarde, Neena “Domino” Therman/Original character, Erik Lehnsherr/Original Character, Tobias "Four" Eaton/Original Character, Eric/Original Character, Kai Parker/Original Character
from AO3 works tagged 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 7 years
Literary One-shots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
by TombRomance
These are a series of One-shots I'll be making when writers block occurs. It has many fandoms and many subjects, Please Enjoy.
Words: 1756, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Gotham (TV), Sherlock (TV), Justified, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Being Human (UK), The Unit (US TV), Supernatural, Reign (TV), Angel: the Series, The Walking Dead (TV), Fear the Walking Dead (TV), Into the Badlands (TV), American Horror Story: Murder House, American Horror Story: Asylum, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Freak Show, American Horror Story: Hotel, American Horror Story: Roanoke, American Horror Story: Cult, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Firefly, Z-Nation, Helix, The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), iZombie (TV), Grantchester (TV), Bates Motel (2013), Containment (TV), Lethal Weapon (TV), Outlander (TV), Terra Nova (TV), Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Law and Order: SVU, Preacher (TV), The Orville (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Jurassic World (2015), Prometheus - Fandom, The Chronicles of Riddick Series, Kingsmen - Fandom, 300 (2006) RPF, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Resident Evil - All Media Types, Agora (2009), Transformers - All Media Types, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The L Word, Divergent Series - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Character, Robb Stark/Original Character, Jamie Lannister/Original Character, Daenerys Targaryen/Original Character, Melisandre/Original Character, Margaeru Turell/Original Character, Ramsay Bolton/Original Character, Oberyn Martell/Original Character, Jojen Reed/Original Character, Podrick Payne/Original Character, Jim Gordon/Original Character, Edward Nygma/Original Character, Victor Zsasz/Original Character, Jerome Valeska/Original Character, Barbra Keen/Original Character, Tabitha Galavan/Original Character, Bruce Wayne/Original Character, Alfred Pennyworth/Original Character, Sherlock Holms/Original Character, John Watson/Original Character, Raylan Givens/Original Character, Boyd Crowder/Original Character, Tim Gutterson/original character, Charles “Trip” Tucker III/Original Character, Travis Mayweather/Original character, Hoshi Sado/Original character, Ensign Tanner/Original Character, Dr. Phlox/Original Character, James T Kirk/Original Character, Leonard McCoy/Original Character, Spock/Original Character, Pavel Chekov/Original Character, Data/Original Character, Wesley Crusher/Original Character, William Riker/Original Character, Tasha Yar/Original Character, Deanna Troi/Original Character, Jadzia Dax/Original Character, Julian Bashir/Original Character, Gul Dukat/Original Character, Weyoun/Original Character, Seven of Nine/Original Character, Harry Kim/Original Character, Icheb/Original Character, Annie Sawyer/Original Character, John Mitchell/Original Character, Jonas Blane/Original Character, Bob Brown/Original character, Hector Williams/Original Character, Dean Winchester/Original Character. Castiel/Original Character, Queen Mary Stuart/Original character, Greer Noorwood/Original character, Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers/Original Character, Angel/Original Character, Spike/Original Character, Cordelia/Original character, Shane Walsh/Original Character, Daryl Dixon/Original Character, Rosita Espinosa/Original character, Negan/original character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe/Original Character, Nick Clark/Original Character, Alicia Clark/Original Character, Chris Manawa/Original Character, Jake Otto/Original Character, Troy Otto/Original Character, Sunny/Original Character, Tilda/Original character, The Widow/Original Character, Quinn/Original Character, Waldo/Original Character, Tate Langdon/Original Character, Dr. Oliver Thredson/Original Character, Kit Walker/Original Character, Mary Eunice McKee/Original Character, Kyle Spencer/Original Character, Misty Day/Original Character, Jimmy Darling/Original Character, Dandy Mott/original character, Mr. March/Original Character, Donovan/Original Character, Rory Monahan/Original Character, Edward Mott/Original Character, Kelly Severide/Original Character, Gabriel Dawson/Original Character, Brian “Otis” Zvonecek/Original Character, Peter Mills/Original character, Antonio Dawson/Original Character, Jimmy Borelli/Original Character, Dr. Connor Rhodes/Original Character, Dr.Ethan Choi/Original Character, Dr. William Halstead/Original Character, Sarah Reese/Original Character, Maggie Lockwood/Original Character, Jeff Clarke/Original Character, Malcom Reynolds/Original Character, Kaylee Frye/Original Character, Inara Serra/Original Character, Jayne Cobb/Original Character, Simon Tam/Original character, Zoe/Original Character, 10k/Original Character, Sergio Balleseros/Original Character, Dr. Sarah Jordan/Original Character, Dr. Hiroshi Hataka/Original Character, Dr. Kyle Sommer/Original Character, Scythe/Original Character, Dr. Kato/Original character, Barry “Flash” Allen/Original Character, Leonard “Captain Cold” Snart/Original Character, Harrison “Reverse Flash” Wells/Original Character, Harry Wells/Original Character, Mick “Heatwave” Rory/Original Character, Rip Hunter/Original Character, Felicity Smoak/Original Character, Oliver “Arrow” Queen/Original Character, Roy “Arsenal” Harper/Original Character, John Diggle/Original Character, Tommy Merlyn/Original Character, Slade “Death Stroke” Wilson/Original Character, Malcom Merlyn/Original Character, Thea “Speedy” Queen/Original Character, Ravi Chakrabarti/Original Character, Clive Babineaux/Original character, Sydney Chambers/Original Character, Norman Bates/Original Series, Dylan Massett/Original Character, Alex Romero/Original Character, Ethan Chang/Original Character, Zack Shellby/Original Character, Jake Riley/Original Character, Victor Cannerts/Original Character, Martin Riggs/Original Character, Jamie Fraser/Original Character, Mark Reynold/Original Character, Crixus/Original Character, Nick Amaro/Original Character, Rafael Barba/Original Character, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi/Original Character, Jesse Custer/Original Character, Proinsias Cassidy/Original Character, Eugene Root/Original Character, John “Thunderbird” Proudstar/Original Character, Clarice “Blink” Fong/Original Character, Marcos “Eclipse” Diez/Original Character, Capt. Ed Mercer/Original Character, Lt. Alara Kitan/Original Character, Lt. John Lamar/Original Character, Newt Scamander/Original Character, Thranduil/Original Character, Bard/Original Character, Fíli/Original Character, Kíli/Original Character, Legolas/Original Character, Boromir/Original Character, Tony “Iron Man” Stark/Original Character, Steven “Captain America” Rodgers/Original Character, Thor/Original Characters, Clinton “Hawkeye” Barton/Original Character, Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff/Original Character, Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff/Original Character, Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff/Original Character, Loki/Original Character, Vision/Original Character, Black Panther/Original Character, Bruce “Batman” Wayne/Original character, Clark “Superman” Kent/Original Character, Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince/Original Character, Richard “Dick” Grayson/Original Character, Tim Drake/Original Character, Jason Todd/Original Character, Damian Wayne/Original Character, Joker/Original Character, Dr. Stephen Strange/Original Character, Mordo/Original Character, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson/Original Character, Newt/Original Character, Minho/Original Character, Thomas/Original Character, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Character, Darth Maul/Original Character, Kylo Ren/Original Character, phasma/original character, Armitage Hux/Original Character, Poe Dameron/Original Character, Peter Quill/Original Character, Owen Grady/Original Character, David 8/Original Character, Richard B. Riddick/Original Character, Johns/Original character, Vaako/Original Character, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Original Character, Asstinos/Original Character, Gorgo/Original Character, Leonidas/Original Character, Draco Malfoy/Original Character, Charlie Weasely/Original Character, Oliver Wood/Original Character, Albert Wesker/Original Character, Chris Redfield/Original Character, Leon S. Kennedy/Original Character, Hypatia/Original character, Orestes/Original Character, Davus/Original Character, Bumblebee/Original Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character, Hound/Original Character, Enoch O’Connor/Original Character, Alma Peregrine/Original Character, Charles “Professor X” Xavier/Original Character, Ororo “Storm” Iqadi/Original Character, Piotr “Colossi” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Original character, Remy “Gambit” LeBeau/Original character, James “Warpath” Proudstar/Original Character, Regan “Lady Mastermind” Wyngarde, Neena “Domino” Therman/Original character, Erik Lehnsherr/Original Character, Tobias "Four" Eaton/Original Character, Eric/Original Character, Kai Parker/Original Character
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
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Fury: Letters Home
Anon:  Can you HCs or like mini one shots for the boys from Fury Writing home to their wives or girlfriends?
(So this is going to be a little bit different from the other stuff I write, but take into account that these are letters so there’ll probably be a few misspellings and those will be on purpose to make it more authentic. I loves writing these, by the way.)
Don “Wardaddy” Collier:
My girl,
       You know, I think about you all the time. It’s too damn loud out here, and Coon’s getting on my nerves again. It’s only a matter of time before I lose it. Anyway, like I said, I think about you a lot, and I dream about you even more. Remember back in grade school when we first met and you threw mud in my face? Got mud flung into my face by an explosion today, but all I could think about was that first day. That day changed my life, and I can’t help but go back to it whenever things go to hell over here.
       I hope you’re alright, and you’re keeping everyone in check. I know the Anderson’s dog kept digging holes under the fence. I hope you got that fixed up.
I love you so much baby.
       Your warrior,
Grady “Coon-Ass” Travis:
I been thinking bout you, and I hope you’re gonna send me a picture of yourself soon, cause the last one I had got burned up. I don’t got much time to write this. Wardaddy’s moving us out in a few minutes an thisll be my last chance to right you a letter for a while, I think.
Listen, I know I ain’t that good at words, but I love you, babygirl, and as soon as I get home, I’m marrying you. So you best be ready, cause ain’t nothing going to change that.
Boyd “Bible” Swan:
My angel,
     Do you know how lonely it is here without you? I can’t stand it, but thankfully it looks like the war is winding down, so I should be back home soon. I look forward to holding you in my arms, just like our wedding night. Sadly I can’t get into too much detail, because I know Gordo’s somewhere around here just waiting to get his hands on something smutty. Still, I’m so happy you agreed to marry me, and just before I left. You are such a brave, strong woman, and I’ so happy to have you in my life. I can’t wait to grow old with you.
Please wait for me, my love. I’ll be home soon.
Yours truly,
Norman Ellison:
          It’s horrifying out here. I never thought it would be like this. I just want to be home, in bed with you. Instead I’m out here, praying that the next explosion isn’t my last. I’m sorry to be so down, but I hate it out here. I’m so sick of th war and I want it to be over. I need you and I mis you. Just please stay safe and stay happy, this’ll all be over soon.
Trini “Gordo” Garcia:
               I know you hate that nickname, but I’m out fighting a war so I think I’ve earned the right to call you that. It’s not too bad out here. Peiople oversentionalize it. I think it’s kind of fun to be honest. I mean, baby, I’m driving a tank! How can it get any better. I mean, the war could end and I could have you in this tank instead of a bunch of other guys. I’ve already got a couple ideas for good lovemaking spots in here when you finally visit. And I’ve paid Coon to keep everyone away for at least an hour, so be preopared.
               Got to go now, Bible’s making me help him give the tank a wash. It’s gonna suck, but I’ll be fine. I hope you’re doing good, honeypie. I love you very very much.
Happy Birthday honeypie,
P.S. I hope you get this in time for your birthday. I put a picture in here, too. I know how much you love seeing me in my uniform.
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jaygonzalez22 · 5 years
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I N T U I T I O N - Travis Grady. Edit 1!
Being the only protagonist trusted by “Alessa Gillespie” it’s a must that I bring him into the spotlight. Unlike prior protagonists Travis doesn’t go to silent hill due to crime nor greed. He’s simply chosen by Alessa. The inspiration for I N T U I T O N was primarily based on Travis’s success at carrying out Alessa’s deed. While questioning why he was chosen it all soon became clear. Alessa & Travis have been failed by their parents. They both endured years of emotional distress and pain and have yet to gain redemption. With this being shown to Travis through numerous night terrors and falling outs. It hit him as he held the Flauros. This is what he was chosen for. This was his quest, his duty, his one shot at defeating the wrath of the unborn GOD that traps her. While creating this edit i wanted to bring out a fierce energy of confidence and assurance. Bright Orange, Pink & dark purple dust splatter surround Travis. While capturing the perfect pose holding the Flauros he indeed steals the scene. While conquering his long journey and making the most powerful spiritual friend. Its no doubt that he’ll never second guess his I N T U I T I O N.
Originally released June 11th, 2019
0 notes
Literary One-shots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
by TombRomance
These are a series of One-shots I'll be making when writers block occurs. It has many fandoms and many subjects, Please Enjoy.
Words: 1756, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Gotham (TV), Sherlock (TV), Justified, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Being Human (UK), The Unit (US TV), Supernatural, Reign (TV), Angel: the Series, The Walking Dead (TV), Fear the Walking Dead (TV), Into the Badlands (TV), American Horror Story: Murder House, American Horror Story: Asylum, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Freak Show, American Horror Story: Hotel, American Horror Story: Roanoke, American Horror Story: Cult, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Firefly, Z-Nation, Helix, The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), iZombie (TV), Grantchester (TV), Bates Motel (2013), Containment (TV), Lethal Weapon (TV), Outlander (TV), Terra Nova (TV), Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Law and Order: SVU, Preacher (TV), The Orville (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Jurassic World (2015), Prometheus - Fandom, The Chronicles of Riddick Series, Kingsmen - Fandom, 300 (2006) RPF, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Resident Evil - All Media Types, Agora (2009), Transformers - All Media Types, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The L Word, Divergent Series - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Character, Robb Stark/Original Character, Jamie Lannister/Original Character, Daenerys Targaryen/Original Character, Melisandre/Original Character, Margaeru Turell/Original Character, Ramsay Bolton/Original Character, Oberyn Martell/Original Character, Jojen Reed/Original Character, Podrick Payne/Original Character, Jim Gordon/Original Character, Edward Nygma/Original Character, Victor Zsasz/Original Character, Jerome Valeska/Original Character, Barbra Keen/Original Character, Tabitha Galavan/Original Character, Bruce Wayne/Original Character, Alfred Pennyworth/Original Character, Sherlock Holms/Original Character, John Watson/Original Character, Raylan Givens/Original Character, Boyd Crowder/Original Character, Tim Gutterson/original character, Charles “Trip” Tucker III/Original Character, Travis Mayweather/Original character, Hoshi Sado/Original character, Ensign Tanner/Original Character, Dr. Phlox/Original Character, James T Kirk/Original Character, Leonard McCoy/Original Character, Spock/Original Character, Pavel Chekov/Original Character, Data/Original Character, Wesley Crusher/Original Character, William Riker/Original Character, Tasha Yar/Original Character, Deanna Troi/Original Character, Jadzia Dax/Original Character, Julian Bashir/Original Character, Gul Dukat/Original Character, Weyoun/Original Character, Seven of Nine/Original Character, Harry Kim/Original Character, Icheb/Original Character, Annie Sawyer/Original Character, John Mitchell/Original Character, Jonas Blane/Original Character, Bob Brown/Original character, Hector Williams/Original Character, Dean Winchester/Original Character. Castiel/Original Character, Queen Mary Stuart/Original character, Greer Noorwood/Original character, Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers/Original Character, Angel/Original Character, Spike/Original Character, Cordelia/Original character, Shane Walsh/Original Character, Daryl Dixon/Original Character, Rosita Espinosa/Original character, Negan/original character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe/Original Character, Nick Clark/Original Character, Alicia Clark/Original Character, Chris Manawa/Original Character, Jake Otto/Original Character, Troy Otto/Original Character, Sunny/Original Character, Tilda/Original character, The Widow/Original Character, Quinn/Original Character, Waldo/Original Character, Tate Langdon/Original Character, Dr. Oliver Thredson/Original Character, Kit Walker/Original Character, Mary Eunice McKee/Original Character, Kyle Spencer/Original Character, Misty Day/Original Character, Jimmy Darling/Original Character, Dandy Mott/original character, Mr. March/Original Character, Donovan/Original Character, Rory Monahan/Original Character, Edward Mott/Original Character, Kelly Severide/Original Character, Gabriel Dawson/Original Character, Brian “Otis” Zvonecek/Original Character, Peter Mills/Original character, Antonio Dawson/Original Character, Jimmy Borelli/Original Character, Dr. Connor Rhodes/Original Character, Dr.Ethan Choi/Original Character, Dr. William Halstead/Original Character, Sarah Reese/Original Character, Maggie Lockwood/Original Character, Jeff Clarke/Original Character, Malcom Reynolds/Original Character, Kaylee Frye/Original Character, Inara Serra/Original Character, Jayne Cobb/Original Character, Simon Tam/Original character, Zoe/Original Character, 10k/Original Character, Sergio Balleseros/Original Character, Dr. Sarah Jordan/Original Character, Dr. Hiroshi Hataka/Original Character, Dr. Kyle Sommer/Original Character, Scythe/Original Character, Dr. Kato/Original character, Barry “Flash” Allen/Original Character, Leonard “Captain Cold” Snart/Original Character, Harrison “Reverse Flash” Wells/Original Character, Harry Wells/Original Character, Mick “Heatwave” Rory/Original Character, Rip Hunter/Original Character, Felicity Smoak/Original Character, Oliver “Arrow” Queen/Original Character, Roy “Arsenal” Harper/Original Character, John Diggle/Original Character, Tommy Merlyn/Original Character, Slade “Death Stroke” Wilson/Original Character, Malcom Merlyn/Original Character, Thea “Speedy” Queen/Original Character, Ravi Chakrabarti/Original Character, Clive Babineaux/Original character, Sydney Chambers/Original Character, Norman Bates/Original Series, Dylan Massett/Original Character, Alex Romero/Original Character, Ethan Chang/Original Character, Zack Shellby/Original Character, Jake Riley/Original Character, Victor Cannerts/Original Character, Martin Riggs/Original Character, Jamie Fraser/Original Character, Mark Reynold/Original Character, Crixus/Original Character, Nick Amaro/Original Character, Rafael Barba/Original Character, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi/Original Character, Jesse Custer/Original Character, Proinsias Cassidy/Original Character, Eugene Root/Original Character, John “Thunderbird” Proudstar/Original Character, Clarice “Blink” Fong/Original Character, Marcos “Eclipse” Diez/Original Character, Capt. Ed Mercer/Original Character, Lt. Alara Kitan/Original Character, Lt. John Lamar/Original Character, Newt Scamander/Original Character, Thranduil/Original Character, Bard/Original Character, Fíli/Original Character, Kíli/Original Character, Legolas/Original Character, Boromir/Original Character, Tony “Iron Man” Stark/Original Character, Steven “Captain America” Rodgers/Original Character, Thor/Original Characters, Clinton “Hawkeye” Barton/Original Character, Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff/Original Character, Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff/Original Character, Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff/Original Character, Loki/Original Character, Vision/Original Character, Black Panther/Original Character, Bruce “Batman” Wayne/Original character, Clark “Superman” Kent/Original Character, Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince/Original Character, Richard “Dick” Grayson/Original Character, Tim Drake/Original Character, Jason Todd/Original Character, Damian Wayne/Original Character, Joker/Original Character, Dr. Stephen Strange/Original Character, Mordo/Original Character, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson/Original Character, Newt/Original Character, Minho/Original Character, Thomas/Original Character, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Character, Darth Maul/Original Character, Kylo Ren/Original Character, phasma/original character, Armitage Hux/Original Character, Poe Dameron/Original Character, Peter Quill/Original Character, Owen Grady/Original Character, David 8/Original Character, Richard B. Riddick/Original Character, Johns/Original character, Vaako/Original Character, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Original Character, Asstinos/Original Character, Gorgo/Original Character, Leonidas/Original Character, Draco Malfoy/Original Character, Charlie Weasely/Original Character, Oliver Wood/Original Character, Albert Wesker/Original Character, Chris Redfield/Original Character, Leon S. Kennedy/Original Character, Hypatia/Original character, Orestes/Original Character, Davus/Original Character, Bumblebee/Original Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character, Hound/Original Character, Enoch O’Connor/Original Character, Alma Peregrine/Original Character, Charles “Professor X” Xavier/Original Character, Ororo “Storm” Iqadi/Original Character, Piotr “Colossi” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Original character, Remy “Gambit” LeBeau/Original character, James “Warpath” Proudstar/Original Character, Regan “Lady Mastermind” Wyngarde, Neena “Domino” Therman/Original character, Erik Lehnsherr/Original Character, Tobias "Four" Eaton/Original Character, Eric/Original Character, Kai Parker/Original Character
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 7 years
Literary One-shots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
by TombRomance
These are a series of One-shots I'll be making when writers block occurs. It has many fandoms and many subjects, Please Enjoy.
Words: 1756, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Gotham (TV), Sherlock (TV), Justified, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Being Human (UK), The Unit (US TV), Supernatural, Reign (TV), Angel: the Series, The Walking Dead (TV), Fear the Walking Dead (TV), Into the Badlands (TV), American Horror Story: Murder House, American Horror Story: Asylum, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Freak Show, American Horror Story: Hotel, American Horror Story: Roanoke, American Horror Story: Cult, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Firefly, Z-Nation, Helix, The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), iZombie (TV), Grantchester (TV), Bates Motel (2013), Containment (TV), Lethal Weapon (TV), Outlander (TV), Terra Nova (TV), Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Law and Order: SVU, Preacher (TV), The Orville (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Jurassic World (2015), Prometheus - Fandom, The Chronicles of Riddick Series, Kingsmen - Fandom, 300 (2006) RPF, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Resident Evil - All Media Types, Agora (2009), Transformers - All Media Types, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The L Word, Divergent Series - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Character, Robb Stark/Original Character, Jamie Lannister/Original Character, Daenerys Targaryen/Original Character, Melisandre/Original Character, Margaeru Turell/Original Character, Ramsay Bolton/Original Character, Oberyn Martell/Original Character, Jojen Reed/Original Character, Podrick Payne/Original Character, Jim Gordon/Original Character, Edward Nygma/Original Character, Victor Zsasz/Original Character, Jerome Valeska/Original Character, Barbra Keen/Original Character, Tabitha Galavan/Original Character, Bruce Wayne/Original Character, Alfred Pennyworth/Original Character, Sherlock Holms/Original Character, John Watson/Original Character, Raylan Givens/Original Character, Boyd Crowder/Original Character, Tim Gutterson/original character, Charles “Trip” Tucker III/Original Character, Travis Mayweather/Original character, Hoshi Sado/Original character, Ensign Tanner/Original Character, Dr. Phlox/Original Character, James T Kirk/Original Character, Leonard McCoy/Original Character, Spock/Original Character, Pavel Chekov/Original Character, Data/Original Character, Wesley Crusher/Original Character, William Riker/Original Character, Tasha Yar/Original Character, Deanna Troi/Original Character, Jadzia Dax/Original Character, Julian Bashir/Original Character, Gul Dukat/Original Character, Weyoun/Original Character, Seven of Nine/Original Character, Harry Kim/Original Character, Icheb/Original Character, Annie Sawyer/Original Character, John Mitchell/Original Character, Jonas Blane/Original Character, Bob Brown/Original character, Hector Williams/Original Character, Dean Winchester/Original Character. Castiel/Original Character, Queen Mary Stuart/Original character, Greer Noorwood/Original character, Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers/Original Character, Angel/Original Character, Spike/Original Character, Cordelia/Original character, Shane Walsh/Original Character, Daryl Dixon/Original Character, Rosita Espinosa/Original character, Negan/original character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe/Original Character, Nick Clark/Original Character, Alicia Clark/Original Character, Chris Manawa/Original Character, Jake Otto/Original Character, Troy Otto/Original Character, Sunny/Original Character, Tilda/Original character, The Widow/Original Character, Quinn/Original Character, Waldo/Original Character, Tate Langdon/Original Character, Dr. Oliver Thredson/Original Character, Kit Walker/Original Character, Mary Eunice McKee/Original Character, Kyle Spencer/Original Character, Misty Day/Original Character, Jimmy Darling/Original Character, Dandy Mott/original character, Mr. March/Original Character, Donovan/Original Character, Rory Monahan/Original Character, Edward Mott/Original Character, Kelly Severide/Original Character, Gabriel Dawson/Original Character, Brian “Otis” Zvonecek/Original Character, Peter Mills/Original character, Antonio Dawson/Original Character, Jimmy Borelli/Original Character, Dr. Connor Rhodes/Original Character, Dr.Ethan Choi/Original Character, Dr. William Halstead/Original Character, Sarah Reese/Original Character, Maggie Lockwood/Original Character, Jeff Clarke/Original Character, Malcom Reynolds/Original Character, Kaylee Frye/Original Character, Inara Serra/Original Character, Jayne Cobb/Original Character, Simon Tam/Original character, Zoe/Original Character, 10k/Original Character, Sergio Balleseros/Original Character, Dr. Sarah Jordan/Original Character, Dr. Hiroshi Hataka/Original Character, Dr. Kyle Sommer/Original Character, Scythe/Original Character, Dr. Kato/Original character, Barry “Flash” Allen/Original Character, Leonard “Captain Cold” Snart/Original Character, Harrison “Reverse Flash” Wells/Original Character, Harry Wells/Original Character, Mick “Heatwave” Rory/Original Character, Rip Hunter/Original Character, Felicity Smoak/Original Character, Oliver “Arrow” Queen/Original Character, Roy “Arsenal” Harper/Original Character, John Diggle/Original Character, Tommy Merlyn/Original Character, Slade “Death Stroke” Wilson/Original Character, Malcom Merlyn/Original Character, Thea “Speedy” Queen/Original Character, Ravi Chakrabarti/Original Character, Clive Babineaux/Original character, Sydney Chambers/Original Character, Norman Bates/Original Series, Dylan Massett/Original Character, Alex Romero/Original Character, Ethan Chang/Original Character, Zack Shellby/Original Character, Jake Riley/Original Character, Victor Cannerts/Original Character, Martin Riggs/Original Character, Jamie Fraser/Original Character, Mark Reynold/Original Character, Crixus/Original Character, Nick Amaro/Original Character, Rafael Barba/Original Character, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi/Original Character, Jesse Custer/Original Character, Proinsias Cassidy/Original Character, Eugene Root/Original Character, John “Thunderbird” Proudstar/Original Character, Clarice “Blink” Fong/Original Character, Marcos “Eclipse” Diez/Original Character, Capt. Ed Mercer/Original Character, Lt. Alara Kitan/Original Character, Lt. John Lamar/Original Character, Newt Scamander/Original Character, Thranduil/Original Character, Bard/Original Character, Fíli/Original Character, Kíli/Original Character, Legolas/Original Character, Boromir/Original Character, Tony “Iron Man” Stark/Original Character, Steven “Captain America” Rodgers/Original Character, Thor/Original Characters, Clinton “Hawkeye” Barton/Original Character, Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff/Original Character, Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff/Original Character, Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff/Original Character, Loki/Original Character, Vision/Original Character, Black Panther/Original Character, Bruce “Batman” Wayne/Original character, Clark “Superman” Kent/Original Character, Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince/Original Character, Richard “Dick” Grayson/Original Character, Tim Drake/Original Character, Jason Todd/Original Character, Damian Wayne/Original Character, Joker/Original Character, Dr. Stephen Strange/Original Character, Mordo/Original Character, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson/Original Character, Newt/Original Character, Minho/Original Character, Thomas/Original Character, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Character, Darth Maul/Original Character, Kylo Ren/Original Character, phasma/original character, Armitage Hux/Original Character, Poe Dameron/Original Character, Peter Quill/Original Character, Owen Grady/Original Character, David 8/Original Character, Richard B. Riddick/Original Character, Johns/Original character, Vaako/Original Character, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Original Character, Asstinos/Original Character, Gorgo/Original Character, Leonidas/Original Character, Draco Malfoy/Original Character, Charlie Weasely/Original Character, Oliver Wood/Original Character, Albert Wesker/Original Character, Chris Redfield/Original Character, Leon S. Kennedy/Original Character, Hypatia/Original character, Orestes/Original Character, Davus/Original Character, Bumblebee/Original Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character, Hound/Original Character, Enoch O’Connor/Original Character, Alma Peregrine/Original Character, Charles “Professor X” Xavier/Original Character, Ororo “Storm” Iqadi/Original Character, Piotr “Colossi” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Original character, Remy “Gambit” LeBeau/Original character, James “Warpath” Proudstar/Original Character, Regan “Lady Mastermind” Wyngarde, Neena “Domino” Therman/Original character, Erik Lehnsherr/Original Character, Tobias "Four" Eaton/Original Character, Eric/Original Character, Kai Parker/Original Character
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
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ao3feed-mcufemslash · 7 years
Literary One-shots
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
by TombRomance
These are a series of One-shots I'll be making when writers block occurs. It has many fandoms and many subjects, Please Enjoy.
Words: 1756, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), Gotham (TV), Sherlock (TV), Justified, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Being Human (UK), The Unit (US TV), Supernatural, Reign (TV), Angel: the Series, The Walking Dead (TV), Fear the Walking Dead (TV), Into the Badlands (TV), American Horror Story: Murder House, American Horror Story: Asylum, American Horror Story: Coven, American Horror Story: Freak Show, American Horror Story: Hotel, American Horror Story: Roanoke, American Horror Story: Cult, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med, Firefly, Z-Nation, Helix, The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), iZombie (TV), Grantchester (TV), Bates Motel (2013), Containment (TV), Lethal Weapon (TV), Outlander (TV), Terra Nova (TV), Spartacus: Vengeance, Spartacus: War of the Damned, Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Law and Order: SVU, Preacher (TV), The Orville (TV), The Gifted (TV 2017), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies), The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Doctor Strange (2016), Deadpool - All Media Types, The Maze Runner Series - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Jurassic World (2015), Prometheus - Fandom, The Chronicles of Riddick Series, Kingsmen - Fandom, 300 (2006) RPF, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Resident Evil - All Media Types, Agora (2009), Transformers - All Media Types, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016), X-Men - All Media Types, The Vampire Diaries (TV), The L Word, Divergent Series - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Character, Robb Stark/Original Character, Jamie Lannister/Original Character, Daenerys Targaryen/Original Character, Melisandre/Original Character, Margaeru Turell/Original Character, Ramsay Bolton/Original Character, Oberyn Martell/Original Character, Jojen Reed/Original Character, Podrick Payne/Original Character, Jim Gordon/Original Character, Edward Nygma/Original Character, Victor Zsasz/Original Character, Jerome Valeska/Original Character, Barbra Keen/Original Character, Tabitha Galavan/Original Character, Bruce Wayne/Original Character, Alfred Pennyworth/Original Character, Sherlock Holms/Original Character, John Watson/Original Character, Raylan Givens/Original Character, Boyd Crowder/Original Character, Tim Gutterson/original character, Charles “Trip” Tucker III/Original Character, Travis Mayweather/Original character, Hoshi Sado/Original character, Ensign Tanner/Original Character, Dr. Phlox/Original Character, James T Kirk/Original Character, Leonard McCoy/Original Character, Spock/Original Character, Pavel Chekov/Original Character, Data/Original Character, Wesley Crusher/Original Character, William Riker/Original Character, Tasha Yar/Original Character, Deanna Troi/Original Character, Jadzia Dax/Original Character, Julian Bashir/Original Character, Gul Dukat/Original Character, Weyoun/Original Character, Seven of Nine/Original Character, Harry Kim/Original Character, Icheb/Original Character, Annie Sawyer/Original Character, John Mitchell/Original Character, Jonas Blane/Original Character, Bob Brown/Original character, Hector Williams/Original Character, Dean Winchester/Original Character. Castiel/Original Character, Queen Mary Stuart/Original character, Greer Noorwood/Original character, Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers/Original Character, Angel/Original Character, Spike/Original Character, Cordelia/Original character, Shane Walsh/Original Character, Daryl Dixon/Original Character, Rosita Espinosa/Original character, Negan/original character, Paul “Jesus” Monroe/Original Character, Nick Clark/Original Character, Alicia Clark/Original Character, Chris Manawa/Original Character, Jake Otto/Original Character, Troy Otto/Original Character, Sunny/Original Character, Tilda/Original character, The Widow/Original Character, Quinn/Original Character, Waldo/Original Character, Tate Langdon/Original Character, Dr. Oliver Thredson/Original Character, Kit Walker/Original Character, Mary Eunice McKee/Original Character, Kyle Spencer/Original Character, Misty Day/Original Character, Jimmy Darling/Original Character, Dandy Mott/original character, Mr. March/Original Character, Donovan/Original Character, Rory Monahan/Original Character, Edward Mott/Original Character, Kelly Severide/Original Character, Gabriel Dawson/Original Character, Brian “Otis” Zvonecek/Original Character, Peter Mills/Original character, Antonio Dawson/Original Character, Jimmy Borelli/Original Character, Dr. Connor Rhodes/Original Character, Dr.Ethan Choi/Original Character, Dr. William Halstead/Original Character, Sarah Reese/Original Character, Maggie Lockwood/Original Character, Jeff Clarke/Original Character, Malcom Reynolds/Original Character, Kaylee Frye/Original Character, Inara Serra/Original Character, Jayne Cobb/Original Character, Simon Tam/Original character, Zoe/Original Character, 10k/Original Character, Sergio Balleseros/Original Character, Dr. Sarah Jordan/Original Character, Dr. Hiroshi Hataka/Original Character, Dr. Kyle Sommer/Original Character, Scythe/Original Character, Dr. Kato/Original character, Barry “Flash” Allen/Original Character, Leonard “Captain Cold” Snart/Original Character, Harrison “Reverse Flash” Wells/Original Character, Harry Wells/Original Character, Mick “Heatwave” Rory/Original Character, Rip Hunter/Original Character, Felicity Smoak/Original Character, Oliver “Arrow” Queen/Original Character, Roy “Arsenal” Harper/Original Character, John Diggle/Original Character, Tommy Merlyn/Original Character, Slade “Death Stroke” Wilson/Original Character, Malcom Merlyn/Original Character, Thea “Speedy” Queen/Original Character, Ravi Chakrabarti/Original Character, Clive Babineaux/Original character, Sydney Chambers/Original Character, Norman Bates/Original Series, Dylan Massett/Original Character, Alex Romero/Original Character, Ethan Chang/Original Character, Zack Shellby/Original Character, Jake Riley/Original Character, Victor Cannerts/Original Character, Martin Riggs/Original Character, Jamie Fraser/Original Character, Mark Reynold/Original Character, Crixus/Original Character, Nick Amaro/Original Character, Rafael Barba/Original Character, Dominick "Sonny" Carisi/Original Character, Jesse Custer/Original Character, Proinsias Cassidy/Original Character, Eugene Root/Original Character, John “Thunderbird” Proudstar/Original Character, Clarice “Blink” Fong/Original Character, Marcos “Eclipse” Diez/Original Character, Capt. Ed Mercer/Original Character, Lt. Alara Kitan/Original Character, Lt. John Lamar/Original Character, Newt Scamander/Original Character, Thranduil/Original Character, Bard/Original Character, Fíli/Original Character, Kíli/Original Character, Legolas/Original Character, Boromir/Original Character, Tony “Iron Man” Stark/Original Character, Steven “Captain America” Rodgers/Original Character, Thor/Original Characters, Clinton “Hawkeye” Barton/Original Character, Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff/Original Character, Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff/Original Character, Wanda “Scarlet Witch” Maximoff/Original Character, Loki/Original Character, Vision/Original Character, Black Panther/Original Character, Bruce “Batman” Wayne/Original character, Clark “Superman” Kent/Original Character, Diana “Wonder Woman” Prince/Original Character, Richard “Dick” Grayson/Original Character, Tim Drake/Original Character, Jason Todd/Original Character, Damian Wayne/Original Character, Joker/Original Character, Dr. Stephen Strange/Original Character, Mordo/Original Character, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson/Original Character, Newt/Original Character, Minho/Original Character, Thomas/Original Character, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Original Character, Darth Maul/Original Character, Kylo Ren/Original Character, phasma/original character, Armitage Hux/Original Character, Poe Dameron/Original Character, Peter Quill/Original Character, Owen Grady/Original Character, David 8/Original Character, Richard B. Riddick/Original Character, Johns/Original character, Vaako/Original Character, Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Original Character, Asstinos/Original Character, Gorgo/Original Character, Leonidas/Original Character, Draco Malfoy/Original Character, Charlie Weasely/Original Character, Oliver Wood/Original Character, Albert Wesker/Original Character, Chris Redfield/Original Character, Leon S. Kennedy/Original Character, Hypatia/Original character, Orestes/Original Character, Davus/Original Character, Bumblebee/Original Character, Optimus Prime/Original Character, Hound/Original Character, Enoch O’Connor/Original Character, Alma Peregrine/Original Character, Charles “Professor X” Xavier/Original Character, Ororo “Storm” Iqadi/Original Character, Piotr “Colossi” Nikolaievitch Rasputin/Original character, Remy “Gambit” LeBeau/Original character, James “Warpath” Proudstar/Original Character, Regan “Lady Mastermind” Wyngarde, Neena “Domino” Therman/Original character, Erik Lehnsherr/Original Character, Tobias "Four" Eaton/Original Character, Eric/Original Character, Kai Parker/Original Character
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ldLaGP
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Fear 4x10: Analysis
Good morning! Who watched Fear last night? I have to say, I'm really enjoying this season, still. I thought last night’s episode was excellent! And, as a bonus, it had tons of relevant symbolism in it.
***Spoilers abound for Fear 4x10. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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Let's first talk about the broad stuff. Alicia ends up at the cabin or house. It's very much like a lot of the places we've seen before. There are a lot of things that reminded me of the moonshine shack, and also the cabin Carol, Tyreese and the girls went to in 4x14.
Remember last week when I said it seemed like the group would be split up for the B part of the season and we’d have individual episodes about each group? Did I call that or what? This episode was about Alicia and Charlie, and the next episode will (based on the trailer for next week) be about Morgan.
If you want to see this as a repeat of Beth and Daryl at the moonshine shack (and you probably will as I go along) then Alicia would be Daryl and Charlie would be Beth. My reasoning on that is just that Alicia is the more angry, surly one, and Charlie is the more sad, weepy one. Between the two, Alicia is also the stronger and more capable. In a minute I'll show some dialogue but also supports this.
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So, when she gets there, Alicia finds four walkers in the house. Two men and two women. This was meant to be the family that lived there. Father, mother, son, daughter. The son and daughter were at least teenagers, if not adult age. So, the family all died in the house together.
In terms of Alicia, that would've reminded her of her family a lot. Before the apocalypse happened, it was Madison, Travis, Alicia, and Nick. I think that's why she threw the pictures out. She couldn't stand the reminders of a family she once had and no longer does. But everything about this is symbolism we've seen before. There is a very obvious example of the Bethyl side-by-side walker theme.
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In this case, there were two men and two women. I'm not sure what to make of that exactly, but it's interesting. I don't think we've ever seen an example of two men and two women side-by-side like this in regular TWD. But I'm wondering if the other couple (besides Bethyl) could be John Dorey and June. So maybe they're doing to show there are now two couples, one on each show, that are following the same symbolism? Just an idea.
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The photos themselves reminded me of Sasha in 5B. Remember, she used the photographs as target practice? Even though what happened was a little different, in both cases these women (Sasha and Alicia) were in pain and couldn't stand to see pictures of happy families around them. Even what was in the pictures was mildly suspicious to me. A lot of them were taken at the beach, which plays into the beach theme of this episode. But I noticed one was the little boy playing baseball (Negan?) And there is also one at an amusement park, kinda like one Rick and Michonne went to in S7. And there were other ones that had water in them.
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I will also say that there were several things in this that made me think Alicia was being somewhat paralleled with Rick as well. There was a part where she looked at herself in the mirror, which reminded me of Rick getting to Alexandria in 5B. We also saw her silhouette against the light several times, which they did with Rick S8.
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Later in the episode, Alicia goes out to look at the four walkers she dragged out and Charlie has wrapped them in shrouds. I noticed that three of them were dark and one was white. I'm not sure exactly how to interpret that, but it's the black/white theme that we see around Beth and Daryl a lot (X). I wonder if it's something like three deaths and one resurrection? Or could be connected to the St. Nicholas/pickle story which is three resurrections. I'm not sure. But I thought it was super-interesting.
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At one point, there's something dead in the fireplace. It had been stuck in the chimney and fell when Alicia was cleaning it out. I couldn’t tell what it was at first, but I’m fairly sure it was a dead bird. That’s kinda huge! 1) It’s literally a bird surrounded by ashes. So, Phoenix theme. 2) Even more than that, remember that in 4x11, Carl saw a dead bird in the pudding house. 
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I’ve ALWAYS thought that was a foreshadow of Beth. Dead bird = Beth before she’s resurrected. If that dead bird had just been about Carl’s death, it wouldn’t still be a thing now. (This shot from S4 also includes a bird cage. Remember the bird cage in Beth’s cell in 4x01.)
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Alicia apologizes to it and says, "I'm trying." The trying theme was especially big in TWD S5. I’m not sure what to make of the fact that she’s apologizing to it, but I’m sure it’s symbolic in some way.
On TTD, they said the family was supposed to have asphyxiated because the fireplace was clocked. So the dead bird actually killed the family. Also highly symbolic. Think of it this way: Beth’s death “killed” Daryl emotionally. In other instances of the side-by-side theme, Karen’s death “killed” Tyreese emotionally. So it’s very interesting that this bird literally killed the family in this case
In TTD, they also talked about  the bird Madison talked about in 4x08. That’s what it was about for Alicia. But it all goes back to the bird symbolism from S4. And remember, who is the song bird?
This is probably the thing that made my jaw dropped the most. When she's trying to start a fire, she burns something that says "Rottweiler" on it. 
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Remember that Emily was rumored to be filming scenes at that white cabin with a Rottweiler. Wouldn’t it be crazy if those missing scenes from season five showed up in fear instead of in TWD? That would be insane! But this does seem to be foreshadowing something with a Rottweiler on Fear and having to do with Alicia.
While we’re on the subject, there were at least two other dog symbols that I saw in the house. (Sirius/Dog Star theme). When Alicia first enters the house, there's this plaque that has a dog and a paw on it. 
It was also featured on TTD. The fat that it says “Rotty” made me think of the fact that at Grady, they called walkers “Rotters.” Perhaps another rottweiller clue we totally missed?
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Then here in the background, I think this might actually be a picture of two Rottweilers. It's unclear, so I can't be sure, but that's what it looks like to me. See why I’m excited?
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This house also had a lot of canned food in it. That's similar to both the funeral home from Alone and also from Carol and Tyreese's cabin in the Grove. It also reminds me a lot of the cabin we saw on the Red Machete miniseries. 
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Just cans of food out on the counter. 
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Alicia picks a green one and a blue one. It doesn't show us the labels on either one of them, so obviously what’s in the cans isn’t terribly important for us to know. But the color scheme is there. I also noticed that in this part, there's a water bottle on the left that says Green Valley Springs.
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When Alicia finds Charlie in the house, she tries to leave because she doesn't want to end up hurting Charlie. 
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The sequence with the car was really strange. Alicia had the keys and tried to open the car door, but for some reason, the door stuck. I watched it several times and I'm still unclear on why the door wouldn't open. There is what looks like some sort of strap on the inside of the door, and I thought maybe it was some sort of bungee cord holding the door shut. Looking more closely, I honestly think that might just be decoration on the door. The door randomly wouldn't open and as a result, Alicia ended up with a mild head injury.
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It just smacks of Beth to me. I'm not sure if we should be interpreting it literally—like something about Beth being left behind in the car had to do with the door not opening—or if it's more just the "please associate cars with head injuries" kind of thing. I don't know, but that seemed really suspicious to me.
Of course the cabin has the Grady lighting, where the inside is dark but light is coming in from the outside. We also see pictures of plants in the laws, which I think we seen before in a few different places in TWD. (Btw, on TTD, Chris Hardwick said we should be looking at the lighting, the pictures and things in the background, the shots, etc. So we’re totally justified in reading into this stuff. ;D)
Onto the dialogue. Charlie wants to save the pictures. Alicia is against it. I thought this was a really interesting way to do this theme. Alicia keeps telling her that the people are gone. (“Just gone” theme) and saving the pictures won’t bring them back. To which Charlie replies, "You don't know that!" 
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Exactly what Beth said. So once again, Charlie equals Beth and Alicia equals Daryl. The Alicia later says, "No one's gone until they're gone. And "When they're gone, they're just gone." Another Daryl line.
Remember that the “just gone” line specifically means that someone is not dead, but just missing. Daryl said it about Beth in 4x16. Also, 4x08 of Fear where Madison “died” is called “No One’s Gone.” So we’re seeing this a lot and to me it always means that someone who is presumed dead is not truly dead and will return.
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The candlelight dinner Alicia and Charlie share reminded me of both Beth and Daryl’s in Alone and Carol and Tyreese in 4x14. We’ve seen other similar candlelight dinners as well, but none quite as potent as those two.
The basement was flooded, which reminded me a lot of the food bank in 5x02. At one point, Alicia has flashbacks to Nick and Madison's deaths. 
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That reminds me a lot of Sasha in 5x13, when she flashed back to Bob, Tyreese, and Beth's deaths. But it occurred to me that we actually have kind of an opposite thing going on here from Sasha. I found this episode to be very powerful. Charlie and Alicia, much like Beth and Daryl, came out of it in a much healthier emotional place. They found forgiveness and healing. 
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That was not the case for Sasha. At least not when she had her flashbacks. She was a great deal of pain and having the flashbacks did not heal her. So, kind of an antiparallel there, but still similar to S5.
The walker in the tree. This is pretty huge too. There's a walker impaled on a tree outside the upper window of the house, which Charlie keeps looking at. We can only assume it got there because the wind picked it up and flew through the air and it ended up being impaled on the branches of the tree. I wondered while watching it, if perhaps we could relate that to Beth in some way. It occurred to me that this was a type of crucifixion. The walker was up on the tree, just hanging there. It's not uncommon for Christ's cross to be referred to simply as a tree because it was made of wood. But I also wondered if I was reaching. Looking at something that wasn't there.
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Then, near the end of the episode, that walker fell out of the tree and onto the basement door. Apparently, that made it possible for Alicia to push the door open and for them to get out. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how that was supposed to work. The door was chained from the outside, and I'm not sure how the walker falling on it actually freed them. It could be that it's weight, and possibly the weight of a tree branch simply broke the chain. Still a little unlikely if you ask me, bordering on unrealistic. It doesn't actually bother me, though. I think the whole point is the symbolism. 
Because Christ is seen as the Christian savior, I think it's important that this walker was hanging on a tree, and then ended up being the thing that saved them. There are some major Christian themes in this episode. And does this point it Beth? I don't know. It might. We have the Rottweiler references and now a reference to someone who was crucified. (Remember that Beth wore the cross bracelet at Grady to show that it was her crucifixion and Father Gabriel talked about how one of their own was “sacrificed”) will save them. I hope it refers to Beth. It may be more of a Christian theme than anything else, but Beth has also been set up as the Christ figure in TWD. So either way, it makes me pretty excited.
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It's also worth noting that when Alicia shot the crucifixion walker, she shot it exactly where Beth was shot.
A look! A bunch of burials. Alicia buried a bunch of walkers that nobody actually knew or cared about. And who that we did know and care about didn't get the burial?
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This brings me to another theme that we saw both in 4x13 and 4x14. Charlie said she wanted to leave the photos for anyone who might come later. That theme really came together for me at the end. After burying the walkers, Alicia said she done it for the people who might come later. I mean, this cabin could BE the cabin that Carol and Tyreese went to. It's not, but in that case someone else came before them and buried the people they found there. So when Ty and Carol got there, there were already graves on the property. Alicia’s set up was like a prequel to that. She stayed in the house, and ended up bearing the people she found there
This theme was also in 4x13 because Beth wanted to leave the thank you note in case anyone came back. It's a theme about doing something, leaving a message for anyone who might come after them. 
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I think it's a really interesting and powerful theme. Oh, and there's the “friends and family” sign behind the graves. Almost as if to show that friends and family always get burials.(Sorry this pic is a little blurry. My internet connection was being a chump at the time.)
Alicia passes the weapon her signature weapon to Charlie. Kind of reminded me of Daryl giving Beth his crossbow.
Alicia and Charlie are now looking for the others. Just as Beth and Daryl did in 4B.
I’m not going to say too much about the beach theme. It does suggest something about the coast, and possibly Oceanside, but I'll leave it at that.
Alicia drives back to Strand’s mansion but everybody is gone. I did notice one thing that I didn't notice last week. I don't know if we never got this angle or if I just missed it, but there is a black and white horse artwork over the mantle.
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The school bus is now on its side. We know from last episode that nobody was actually there when that happened. John and Strand are out looking for someone and Luciana went chasing after Charlie. Meanwhile June and Al are in Al’s truck. But the overturned truck reminded me a lot of 5x05 when the short bus crashes. Even in 4x10, Inmates, the bus wasn't on its side, but Maggie, Sasha, and Bob did find the bus wrecked on the side of the road.
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And back to the “just gone” theory. At the end, Alicia tells Charlie that the others are “gone.” Once again, this is an example where we (the audience) KNOW the other characters are still alive. Alicia and Charlie don’t know it, but we do. And they’re being described as “gone.”
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I think that's all I have for now. This is structurally REALLY feeling like a mirror of TWD 4b, and that’s where Bethyl first happened, so it gives me tons of hope. I really loved this episode and Fear is really given me the TD tingles lately. How did everyone else like the episode?
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