#graham dunne (OC)
thesixenthusiast · 1 year
ruby – eddie roundtree
part one (part two, part three, part four)
pairing: eddie rountree x fem!oc (may change to x reader) warnings: drinking/drugs (billy/daisy's addictions) word count: 1.6k author's note: please bear with me in this, if there's a few time mix ups just with the order of things, please do let me know but i'm trying to find an equal balance between the book and show and it's a little difficult lol
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On October 4, 1977, Daisy Jones & The Six performed to a sold out crowd at Soldier Field in Chicago, Illinois. They were one of the biggest bands in the world at the time, fresh off their award-winning, multi-platinum selling album “Aurora.” It would be their final performance. 
In the 20 years since, members of the band and their inner circle have refused to speak on the record about what happened… Until now.
THE RISE OF THE SIX (1966-1972)
The Six started out as a blues-rock band called the Dunne Brothers in the mid-sixties out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Billy and Graham Dunne were raised by single mother, Marlene Dunne, after their father, William Dunne Sr., left in 1954.
BILLY DUNNE (lead singer, The Six): I always dreamed of something different than the typical laid out career paths. When Graham first got the idea to start a band, I assumed it was just to win back his girlfriend. He was, what fourteen? The kid thought his life was over. [Laughs] I guess in retrospect, maybe it was a good idea. 
WARREN ROJAS (drummer, The Six): He was definitely trying to get his girlfriend back.
GRAHAM DUNNE (lead guitar, The Six): We were solid, fine for a while. When Chuck quit, we were out a bassist, which isn’t really something you can do without in a band. Billy originally wanted Eddie to switch to bass, but he wasn’t too keen on that. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE (rhythmic guitar, The Six): I was so sick of Billy trying to run the band, it wasn’t his band, or at least, it wasn’t supposed to be. 
WARREN ROJAS: There was this girl in my math class, her uncle owned a music store downtown, and she used to give lessons to kids on weekends, it was mostly just some scheme by her uncle to get people to buy guitars. 
BILLY DUNNE: She was a sophomore, a young sophomore at that, she wasn’t even 16 by the time she joined, I was a year out of high school and the rest of the boys are creeping on 17 and 18, she just didn’t fit. Warren gets all the boys on board before bringing the idea up to me so I look like the asshole if I say no, I wanted to say no too, but she was good and I didn’t have another option. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: She didn’t even show an interest in being in the band, she wasn’t begging us to give her a chance, we were near-stalking her at the music store, waiting for the perfect opportunity to hear her play and casually bring up that we happened to need a bassist.
JULIET OPAL (bassist/singer, The Six): They weren’t nearly as sly as they thought they were. I originally thought it was some attempt at stealing records or 8-tracks, y’know waiting until I wasn’t looking, but they kept coming back, seemingly just waiting for me to do something, what it was I didn’t know, but something. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: [Sighs] They decided I would be the one to talk to her. 
The shop’s bell rang, signaling the door had been opened, which swung Juliet’s attention away from the magazine she was skimming and up to the front of the store, peering through the aisles to see who entered. A boy, one she recognized from the creeping on her from the previous weeks, made himself visible and she was immediately on high alert. He approached the counter, swallowing nerves as he did, and cleared his throat. 
“Hi,” his voice was hoarse, she took the awkward silence as a moment to study him, he wore a striped shirt, loose jeans, and brown shoes, his hair could use a comb through. He extended his hand, “I’m Eddie, I think we go to school together.”
“Juliet,” she met his hand, “is that why you’re here, to tell me that we might go to school together? Or is there an ulterior motive, one that may explain why you and your friends have been spying on me the past week,” any speck of confidence Eddie had going into this was entirely gone. 
“I’m in a band with some friends and our bassist bailed on us pretty recently. My friend, Warren, he’s a junior like me, I think he’s in your math class, said he saw you play bass and that you were good. We just wanted to see you play before we formally asked.”
“Formally asked what?” She leaned up from her elbows that she had been propped on.
“Oh, to, uh, like,” he stopped himself, licking his lips and sighing, “would you want to maybe play bass for us?” His eyes instantly went to his shoes and he stuffed his hands inside his pockets. 
“Can I have a little more info maybe? It’s not personal, I just don’t know you, like at all and you could be the worst players for all I know.”
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: That one hurt, something about a younger kid who you have a solid five inches on insinuating that she’s better than you are, especially when you’re practically on your knees begging for her to help you out can feel like salt being rubbed into a fresh wound. 
JULIET OPAL: What else was I supposed to do? [Laughs] Just blindly follow the older boy who had been spying on me for a week to the alleged garage that he practices in with his alleged band and hope for the best? I paid attention in the stranger-danger assemblies, I knew better. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I invited her back to Billy and Graham’s but she said she had to close up for her uncle. Once we were out in L.A. she told me she actually just didn’t wanna leave with me and in hindsight, I can’t say I blame her.
The following morning Juliet and the Dunne Brothers skipped their first period and met in the Dunne’s garage. Juliet studied the wads of scribbled sheet music Billy had handed to her without looking her in the eye and she didn’t miss the way Eddie rolled his eyes at his hostility, and Eddie didn’t miss the way her upper lip curled into a smile as she saw his reaction. 
After rifling through the stack of papers, she picked out one at random, and set it down on the table in front of her, leaning over to scan in a few times before pulling the strap of her guitar over her head. She looked over to the group of boys, standing huddled together with Billy noticeably further away and Warren nodded fervently at her with a grin overtaking her face. 
After she played through the song, Billy made her play another, and another, and two more after that ‘for safety.’ Once he had run out of excuses for her to keep playing, he asked her to step out of the garage so they could confer with each other. After seven minutes and two overheard “c’mon man”s from Warren, Juliet was invited back into the garage and to serve as a temporary bass for the band, just until Billy could come to his final decision. 
JULIET OPAL: He was stubborn even then, I’m honestly surprised he let me in.
BILLY DUNNE: I didn’t want to let her in the band. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: I wanted her in the band, I made sure Billy knew that.
JULIET OPAL: A week after I joined, we were playing a gig with​​ the Winters. 
The group stood backstage, listening to the music that was permeating into every corner of the room. Juliet stood sandwiched between Warren and Camila, listening to the band. They had a keyboardist, she caught Juliet’s eye once they had got backstage, when they finished playing and she got offstage, Juliet made a beeline for her, introducing herself. 
“I’m Karen,” she introduced herself, “you play with these guys?”
“Mhm, I’m on bass right now, but in an ideal world I’d steal Eddie over there’s job,” she pointed to him and he smiled back, nodding his head up at her, unknowingly, “I won’t though, kinda like him, at least more than I do Billy,” Karen nodded, opening her mouth to excuse herself from the conversation, “y’know I’ve been saying we need a keyboardist.”
“Have you now?” That piqued her interest she stopped in her tracks and smirked over her shoulder. 
“No,” she admitted, “but I’ve been thinking it.” Billy hollered her name, gesturing her over to the group, who were making their way onstage. She pulled a receipt with a phone number scribbled across it in black ink and handed it to Karen, “If you ever get sick of them, give me a call, I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“Do you always carry around drug store receipts with your phone number on them?”
“You never know who you might meet,” she shrugged and started sprinting towards the stage before calling out over her shoulder, “worked out this time. Wish me luck!”
KAREN SIRKO (keyboardist, The Six): She was so.. vivacious, so full of life. She apoke about a million miles a minute, if I wasn’t fully interested in what she was saying, I don’t think I would’ve caught a word of it. You have this young girl talking your ear off, she seems entirely sure of herself, but also still feels a need to prove to you that she deserves to be there.
JULIET OPAL: I liked Karen, how could I not? And based on the way events would play out, clearly I wasn’t the only one. 
WARREN ROJAS: It was a great gig, Julie did great, not that we weren’t expecting her to, we were just worried about her, she had never done anything in front of a crowd before, but she did everything that actually counted right. 
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: On the drive home she sat next to me and she told me I played well, then she leaned in and kinda whispered and she thanked me. She thanked me for being the one to ask her to join because she would’ve said no to anyone else. [Smiles]
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meropegaaunt · 2 years
Roleplay Casting . . .
Olivia Cooke as Frances Loving
Guitarist and Resident Mom Friend of The Six. Half-sister of Eddie Roundtree.
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Fandom: Daisy Jones and The Six
Potential Love Interests: Billy Dunne, Graham Dunne, Warren Rojas, Daisy Jones, Karen Sirko, or Camila Alvarez
If interested in a DJATS roleplay, please give this a like and I’ll reach out!
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porkchop200324 · 4 months
DJATS families as Halloween Costumes (my fic verse)
Eddie, Daisy, Jane, Evan- Fred,Daphne,Velma,and Shaggy from Scooby Doo
Karen, Graham, Billie- Sleeping Beauty,Prince Philip,Flora
Warren, Lisa,Rachel, Marina- Gomez,Morticia, and Wednesday (both twins) from The Addams Family
Camila,Billy,Julia, Susana,Maria- Wonder Woman,Steve Trevor, Supergirl, Catwoman,and Batgirl from DC
Costumes in my Hellcheer au (unwritten)
Eddie,Chrissy,Evie- Cinderella, Prince Charming,Fairy Godmother
Jonathan, Nancy, Kerry- The Beast,Belle,Chip
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stcrpetals · 4 months
hii i am again back asking for a new rp, i’m in search of a bridgerton or a daisy jones & the six roleplay and for someone to play as anthony or benedict in bridgerton or graham dunne in daisy jones! i am very open to doing doubles and will do so as any character though i am only on season one of bridgerton at this time but i don’t mind spoilers if it goes with plot!! i have almost finished daisy jones and the six, like this and ill reach out!! platforms i use are either here or discord !!
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trashbag-baby666 · 10 months
Babe and His K-Pop Albums-Baberoe/OC
Summary: Babe is in desperate need of the new Stray Kids album.
WC: 605.
C/W: None
BofB Masterlist!
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It was a Friday, school had just ended and Babe was skipping through the student parking lot.
As he saw the familiar small, old, green SUV that he adored so much he got in.
"Hey guys." Babe set his backpack next to him and his tote bag with all his K-pop binders next to it before giving Graham and Gene both a kiss on the cheek.
"How was your day, Mon Amour's?" Gene asked as he put the car in reverse and began their drive out of the school.
"Good, what about you Babe?" Graham said turning to look at the red head.
"Well it was good actually, I got payed my over time today from Little Caesar's. I know I already told you both a 100 times today already but the new Stray Kids album is so good." Babe buzzed with excitement.
If there was anything that made Babe weak in the knees besides Gene and Graham, it was Stray Kids. Babe had been a devoted K-pop stan since he was in middle school. While it was only progressing.
Because, of how his mom is about being Catholic and all Babe had his K-pop shelf at Genes and it was ever growing.
Every night the members of Stray Kids, Blackpink. (G)I-dle, and TXT  watched him sleep.
But, hey Gene was okay with that as long as Babe had somewhere to nerd out and feel safe about his interests.
"Are we going to Barnes and Noble, or Target first?" Gene asked as they turned onto the road infront of the school.
"Barnes and Noble they have the album with exclusive photo cards and I know they have the Felix digipack in stock too." Babe smiled. He was so excited to buy the new album and see who he pulled.
Everyday, though Graham and Gene were still fighting in the trenches for Babes attention over his bias's.
Babe held both of the boys hands as he led them straight to the music section at Barnes and Noble. As he saw the small cardboard display of the new album. Babe let go of their hands running over and picking up two albums and the Felix digipack.
"Isn't he so pretty!?" Babe giggled as he held the Felix album next to him and pretended to kiss it.
"One day, Babe will love us as much as he loves Felix." Graham teased him as he started flipping through some vinyls.
"But I do," Babe smiled kissing the curly haired boys cheek and giving Gene a hug, "if you guys were in Stray Kids I'd buy all the digipack's and photo cards in the world."
"Do you remember when George and Daisy made everyone photo cards of themselves." Gene giggled as they walked to the checkout.
"Never forget," Graham held up the phone with the picture of Babe, Gene and himself behind his clear phone case.
When they were back in the car Babe set the albums on the armrest. Then he rubbed his hands together and shut his eyes.
He always did this before he opened his albums, a way to manifest to himself to pull his bias.
"Okay, moment of truth." Babe opened the album and flipped through the pages before he saw the three photo cards. One Felix, one Lee Know, and Changbin.
"Dang I don't collect Lee Know. I'll just trade with George tomorrow when I go to hangout with Daisy." Babe smiled as he put them in card sleeves and opened up his binder setting them on the front page before he opened the rest of the albums.
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cardibgans · 2 years
SMILES AND LOOKS | eddie roundtree
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. ˖࣪ ⚝ cute (none warning)
. ˖࣪ ⚝ eddie roundtree x fem!oc
. ˖࣪ ⚝ 965 words . .
Y/N: Well, how I met Eddie... It's kind of funny.
EDDIE: She was still working as a waitress in a restaurant that we all went to frequently.
Y/N: And he never looked away from me, sometimes it was a little weird, because he never took any action. Until I started talking to him and found out that he had just moved to LA and was in a band.
EDDIE: Who can blame me? Have you guys looked at Y/N?
Y/N: That was right before I was working as a songwriter for the new band Teddy was creating.
EDDIE: But one day I decided to try my luck.
It was the hottest day Los Angeles had seen in years. And as it turned out, all the Californians were on the beaches to cool off. On the other hand, the Six were in the coffee shop next to the record label where they were supposed to be writing songs at that very moment, but it was too hot to think about anything.
── Here are the lemonades. ── The waitress in the vibrant blue and yellow apron took the glasses off the tray and left them on the table in front of her for all six friends.
── Thank you, Y/N. ── Eddie smiled. Of course they had talked several times, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it was funny when Y/N catches him looking at her.
── What are you guys doing today? ── S/N asked as he was tucking the huge metal tray under his arm.
── We don't know yet. ── Camila replied, shaking the straw in her glass.
── We should be working on a song, but in this heat it's almost impossible. ── Graham said.
── I'm going to have to agree. ── She gave a low laugh. ── Don't worry, folks. Soon a melody and some cool lyrics will appear for you.
── Hey. Don't you want to go to the beach with us after your shift? ── Eddie asked.
── Sure! That would be great. ── The blonde gave a big smile.
── Right!
EDDIE: It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't a real date, but it was a good start, right?
Y/N: What he didn't know was that I had a little crush on him at that time.
EDDIE: Wait, she said that?
After the end of his workday, which on weekends was shortened to after noon, Y/N was already heading down to the beach. His house was not that far from there, so it was easy to leave to change and not take so long to do so.
Karen was the first to see Y/N, he waved for her to see them and she returned the greeting. Camila pulled Eddie close to her and before the woman could reach her, she managed to whisper in his ear.
── You better act today.
EDDIE: It sounded like a threat to me... But what matters is that in the end I got the girl. Thanks, Camila, for the little push.
Y/N: Cam has always been there to take care of everyone.
After a few beers and cigarettes, Eddie and Y/N were left alone by their Roundtree band mates. Just the two of them enjoying the beach breeze hitting their faces and hair.
── And that's how he ended up with the hotel bathroom. ── Y/N gave a loud laugh. Eddie should be telling about their idiocy on The Dunne Brothers tour. ── It was good while it lasted.
── I'm sorry about that, Ed. ──── He shook his head and took the last sip of his beer.
── On the bright side, I never would have met him if the band had worked out. ── The level of alcohol in Eddie's veins was having an effect on his behavior and his attitude.
Y/N smiled watching Eddie gazing at the sunset. She gave him a slight nudge with her arm. Roundtree looked at her with a smile on his face.
── What? ── He asked, confused. Now she was looking at him in that strange way.
EDDIE: I could only think of one thing.... "Who's looking in a strange way now?"
INTERVIEWER: Is that where you knew you loved him?
Y/N: I knew the first time I saw him… Despite the strange looks we were giving each other.
EDDIE: That is still the case today, as incredible as it seems.
── Nothing. Just let it go. ── Y/N turned her gaze to the sea. But Eddie asked with his eyes that she say something. ── Thank you for inviting me, Eddie. I really needed that. ── She smiles again, looking at his face.
── God, stop doing that. ── Eddie brushes his hair back, receiving a confused look from the woman beside him. ── Every time you smile at me like that, my mind locks up and I don't know what to say. ── Y/N felt her heart racing so fast she couldn't hear anything but him. She let out a low laugh and moved closer to him.
── So you don't want me to smile closer to you? ── She whispered, looking into Eddie's eyes and then into his mouth.
── Please don't. ── He answered in a whisper, before he glued his lips to hers.
EDDIE: I kissed her. And if it were only up to me, we'd be married the next day.
Y/N: Eddie is exaggerating. He still took a long time to propose and even longer to get engaged.
EDDIE: What can I do? I wanted to keep her with me as long as possible. And it worked.
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Melodies in the Shadows
Billy Dunne x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — Hi, can you do one where the oc is the lead singer along with Billy and her feelings for him are totally platonic and about the music but his feelings for her are unrequited romantic? This prompt is stuck in my head lol. Thanks!
✧.* summary — The connection and fire between you and Billy onstage was undeniable, but when it starts messing with Billy's feelings things get difficult.
✧.* warnings — angst, unrequited romance.
✧.* word count — 5.5k
✧.* 🎤 — Billy's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — Yes, I put Carrie Soto's character as her husband, I couldn't resist hahahaha. Good reading 🫶🏾
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"Oh come on Y/N, you never agree to hang out with us." Karen says leaning over the keyboard, and you grimace trying to maintain your starting position.
Warren walks over to you, putting one of his arms around your shoulder. "Dale niña, not even on my birthday?"
You hold the smile, he was one of your favorites there. "Alright alright, but don't get used to it, huh."
Eddie opens a big smile upon his confirmation, Rojas jumps around you excitedly, Karen winks at you proudly and out of the corner of your eye you can see Billy smiling at you. You guys drive to the bar in Warren's van, he's babbling the whole way about the girl he's into and asking you lots of questions about what you thought of the situation, you do your best to help him but it's been so long since you've dated someone that you probably weren't very helpful.
As you step into the bar, you find yourself in a lively and bustling setting. The air is filled with the familiar aromas of alcohol and the chatter of patrons, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere. The lighting is warm and ambient, casting a soft glow that accentuates the cozy ambiance of the space.
The clientele reflects the diverse tapestry of the era, with individuals from all walks of life coming together to unwind and enjoy a night out. You see groups of friends huddled around tables, engaged in animated conversations and laughter. Couples share intimate moments, stealing glances and exchanging affectionate gestures. The bar is a place where people seek solace and connection, a respite from the demands of their daily lives.
Behind the bar, the staff exude a sense of professionalism and efficiency. Bartenders skillfully mix drinks, their movements fluid and precise. They engage in friendly banter with customers, effortlessly balancing their tasks while providing attentive service. The bar staff's commitment to their craft and the satisfaction of their patrons is evident in the way they navigate the space with confidence and expertise.
The music fills the air at just the right volume, setting the mood without overpowering conversations. The playlist features a mix of popular hits and timeless classics, catering to a wide range of tastes. The melodies create a backdrop of familiarity and comfort, evoking a sense of ease and enjoyment for those gathered.
Warren didn't take long, as soon as he arrived he went straight towards a waitress (probably the girl he kept talking about in the van) Eddie rolls his eyes and follows him, Karen takes Graham's hand and takes him to a place you decided not to look. So you had been alone with Billy Dunne, you never exchanged many words other than stuff about the album so an awkward silence settles over you
You decide to sit at the most secluded empty table, avoiding the curious gazes that were cast upon you as you were recognized. The older Dunne seemed to want to talk but didn't know how to start the conversation.
It had been a few months since he and Camila had decided to break up, and whether he wanted to or not, he felt a great absence of her and little Julia's presence at home. He still didn't know how to identify how his feelings were about all of this, he suffered a lot with the departure of his first love, but they weren't getting along and separating would be the best for their daughter.
During these months he had let a lot go on paper, writing several songs to express his frustrations and desires. You admired the way he knew how to express himself through the lyrics, you knew it wasn't easy sharing a piece of yourself with the world, making yourself vulnerable in front of several people, accessing those wounds that haven't fully healed yet, you've been there.
"How's little Jules doing?" You question, trying to break the awkward silence.
Billy takes a sip of his beer, mentally thanking you for taking the initiative in the conversation. "She 's great. Spending the week with her mom."
You take your first sip of the cold beer, the refreshing liquid soothing your parched throat. Sitting beside Billy, you feel a tinge of nervousness dissipating as you embark on this newfound closeness. The conversation flows effortlessly, and together, you explore the meanings behind your songs—stories and emotions you've never shared with anyone else. With each sip, your comfort grows, allowing you to reveal a vulnerable side of yourself.
As you take another sip, the beer dances on your tongue, further easing your inhibitions. You start sharing bits of your personal life—the place of your birth, cherished memories from your childhood, and even your first crush. Laughter fills the air as you exchange jokes and humorous anecdotes, forming a bond that deepens with every passing sip. The warmth in your heart matches the warmth of the bar, as you find solace in Billy's presence.
Sip after sip, the beer becomes a conduit for the growing connection between you and Billy. The alcohol begins to take hold, and you notice a shift in his demeanor as well. He starts confiding in you, sharing his own life stories and insecurities. His words spill forth, guided by the liquid courage flowing through his veins. You listen intently, holding space for him without judgment, offering advice and understanding. It's a moment of vulnerability and trust, as you both find comfort in this shared conversation.
The glasses clink and the sips continue, blurring the lines between sober and tipsy. You and Billy have created a sanctuary within the bar, a space where honesty and acceptance reign. The weight of your personal histories melds with the intoxicating allure of the night, forging a connection that transcends the boundaries of mere acquaintances. With each sip, you venture deeper into uncharted emotional territory, weaving a tapestry of understanding and friendship that is both intoxicating and liberating.
For Billy, the night at the bar was a revelation. As he watched you take the first sips of your beer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He had long admired your talent and respected your professionalism, but he yearned for something more—a connection that transcended the confines of their shared band. He wanted to know who you were behind this professional structure, who was Y/N?
With every passing sip, he witnessed a transformation in you. As you opened up about the meanings behind your songs and shared personal anecdotes, he felt a growing sense of awe and admiration. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a side of you he had longed to discover. He marveled at your vulnerability, appreciating the trust you placed in him to hear your innermost thoughts.
But it wasn't just about you sharing your stories. It was the way you listened—the way you leaned in, your eyes fixed on him, your words comforting and devoid of judgment. As the conversation progressed, fueled by the sips of your beer, he found himself confiding in you, revealing parts of his life that he had kept hidden for so long.
With each sip, a weight was lifted from his shoulders. The alcohol acted as a gentle catalyst, emboldening him to speak his truth and confront his insecurities. And you, with your genuine understanding and empathy, created a space where he felt seen and accepted.
Billy hadn't experienced such genuine connection in a long time. The band had always been focused on the music, the performances, and the business side of things. Personal conversations were rare, and he often felt like an island adrift in a sea of acquaintances. But that night, in the warmth and intimacy of the bar, he realized he had found a kindred spirit in you.
Being heard and welcomed by you awakened a sense of belonging within Billy. It was a reminder that music wasn't the only language that could bridge the gap between two souls. In your presence, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration—a newfound energy that would infuse his artistry.
As the night wore on and the beers continued to be consumed, the shared conversation and connection solidified. The walls he had built around himself started to crumble, making way for authentic connections to be forged. And in you, he found a confidante and friend—one who embraced his vulnerabilities and nurtured his dreams.
Billy hoped that this newfound connection would extend beyond the boundaries of that one night. The sips of your beer had unveiled a door to a deeper connection, one that held the promise of more shared moments, more conversations, and perhaps even a love that blossomed in the most unexpected of places. And after a long time he felt butterflies in his stomach, that need to be close to someone. He knew that from now on he would be facing something unknown but it felt so good.
You wake up with a manifestation in your head, the pain was so intense that it felt like several monkeys were banging cymbals there. The hangover hit hard, and it took you a while to remember what the hell happened last night. The clock next to your bed indicated you were late, but knowing your bandmates probably none of them had woken up yet so you take your time to get ready.
When you park your car in Sound City the movement was calm, you question if in fact you had recording today, but when you notice Billy approaching you calm down. Your bandmate opens your car door and offers you a cigarette, you accept.
You smoke in silence for a while, until you decide to ask a question about last night. "So I bothered you a lot last night? I'm an insufferable drunk." You deeply inhale the cigarette.
"Not really, I enjoyed your company." Billy smiles, not taking his eyes off you.
You decide to face him but regret it when you see the intense way his gaze penetrates you. "Really? I didn't even do anything embarrassing... How boring."
Billy laughs at your comment, you are surprised to see him so loose in your presence. "Well, if Bowe is an embarrassing subject for you." He squirms and you immediately turn away at the name, Billy laughs.
"Oh please tell me I didn't talk about him..." You feel your body freezing, you didn't want to touch such personal matters.
"No big deal… just" He starts to say before quoting you. "The best sex I've ever had."
"Oh my fucking god." You hide your face in your hands, Billy takes his hand to your shoulder.
You step back a little, trying to take your space in a discreet way. "Don't worry, I won't say anything."
"You better not Billy Dunne." You laugh, taking another drag on your cigarette, taking your gaze back to the horizon."Alright, time to work." You put out your cigarette on your tongue, throwing it away before getting out of the car.
Billy watches you get out of the car, still shocked by the way you put out the legal narcotic, he feels his heart miss a beat.He frowns, a vain way of trying to push the thoughts away, and chases after you.
As you made your way towards the recording studio, a sense of apprehension filled your heart. While you cherished the camaraderie and professional dynamic you shared with the band, a part of you longed for something more. You were tired of keeping your personal life strictly professional, of holding back and shielding yourself from vulnerability.
Deep down, you yearned to let the band members into your life, to share more than just the stage. They had become an integral part of your world, and you wanted to invite them into the depths of your being. But the intensity that had grown between you and Billy frightened you, for it had the power to disrupt the delicate balance you had established.
The connection you shared with Billy was undeniable, and it stirred emotions within you that you had not anticipated. There was a magnetic pull, a yearning for deeper understanding, and it both thrilled and terrified you. You couldn't deny the electricity that crackled in the air whenever you were near each other, but you feared the consequences of letting it ignite into something more.
You were torn between the desire to break free from the constraints of professionalism and the fear of losing the stability and harmony within the band. The thought of exploring the uncharted territory of personal connection with Billy made your heart race, but it also made you question the potential risks and complications it could bring.
As you entered the recording studio, the weight of these conflicting emotions settled upon your shoulders. The longing to let the band members see the real you warred with the fear of opening Pandora's box. You knew that the intensity between you and Billy could either strengthen the bond you shared or shatter it into irreparable pieces.
And so, as you prepared to immerse yourself in the music once again, you made a conscious choice. You would remain committed to your professional persona, maintaining the boundaries that had kept the band strong. The temptation to let your guard down, to let the intensity between you and Billy take over, would have to be quelled.
Deep down, however, a flicker of hope remained. Perhaps, one day, when the timing was right and the stars aligned, you would find the courage to let the band into the depths of your heart. For now, though, you would continue to treasure the unique connection you shared on stage, nurturing it with every note, and keeping the flames of your personal desires at bay.
As the days turned into weeks and the band continued to create music together, you couldn't help but notice Billy's unwavering presence in your life. His friendship and professional dedication resonated deeply within you, even though you saw him purely as a friend and co-worker.
Every interaction with Billy held a special significance, each moment leaving an indelible mark on your heart. His unwavering support, his infectious laughter, and his genuine care for your well-being stirred a warmth within you that you cherished. He had become a trusted confidant, a pillar of strength amidst the chaos of the music industry.
But as time went on, you began to sense a subtle shift in Billy's demeanor. There was an undercurrent of something more, an unspoken depth that you couldn't quite pinpoint. His gaze lingered a little longer, his touch carried a gentle tenderness that sent shivers down your spine.
It became increasingly clear that Billy's feelings were evolving into something beyond friendship. You felt a twinge of guilt knowing that your own emotions didn't mirror his, that the connection you shared remained purely on a professional level. It pained you to think that you might unwittingly be leading him on, that your friendship might be giving him false hope.
The moon bathed the beach in a gentle radiance, casting a dreamlike glow on the sand. You and Billy found yourselves seated side by side, the rhythmic lullaby of the waves creating an atmosphere of calmness and intimacy.
As the conversation unfolded, Billy couldn't help but be captivated by your presence, his gaze filled with admiration and a growing affection. The unspoken connection between you whispered softly, yet you felt the weight of his emotions pressing against your heart.
With a hesitant smile, Billy broke the comfortable silence. "You know, Y/N, your voice is like a siren's call, enchanting everyone who hears it," he murmured, his voice tinged with sincerity.
You felt a warmth spread through your cheeks, a mix of pleasure and trepidation. Your eyes searched the shoreline, trying to find a way to steer the conversation away from the unspoken tension. "Thank you, Billy," you replied softly, your voice carrying a hint of restraint. "It's getting late, though. I should probably head home."
Billy's expression faltered for a moment, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. He understood the subtle deflection in your response, the unspoken message that you wished to avoid discussing the depths of his feelings. Respecting your boundaries, he nodded, concealing his emotions behind a wistful smile.
"Of course, Y/N," he replied, his voice filled with understanding. "Take care on your way home."
As you stood up, brushing the sand off your clothes, you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. You cherished the friendship you shared with Billy and dreaded the possibility of hurting him. The unspoken truth hung heavy in the air, a delicate dance of unrequited emotions that you wished to protect, even at the cost of your own happiness.
With a final glance toward Billy, you turned away, the sound of the waves providing solace as you walked into the night. The unspoken longing between you lingered, carried away by the sea breeze, leaving you to navigate the delicate balance of preserving your friendship while guarding against the depths of his affection.
As you observed Billy's interactions with you, his gestures filled with care and affection, you couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. You questioned whether it was fair to allow him to nurture these feelings, to let them grow in a one-sided dance of emotions. The thought of inadvertently causing him pain made your heart ache.
Yet, despite your reservations, you found yourself cherishing the moments you spent with Billy even more. His presence became a source of comfort and solace, a safe haven where you could be yourself without fear of judgment. You admired his unwavering support and the way he celebrated your victories with genuine enthusiasm.
In the quiet moments when the band took a break, you caught glimpses of longing in Billy's eyes, a depth of emotion that mirrored your own but in a different context. You noticed the subtle apologies he made within his own heart, seeking solace in the knowledge that love could be both beautiful and painful.
You became acutely aware of the unrequited love that bloomed within Billy's heart. It weighed heavily on your conscience, as you questioned whether your friendship could ever be the same once his true feelings were revealed. You grappled with the complexities of unrequited affection, yearning for a way to preserve the bond you had while simultaneously alleviating the burden he carried.
And so, with a mix of compassion and hope, you navigated the delicate balance of friendship and unrequited love. You treasured the moments you shared, seeking to maintain the authenticity and trust that defined your connection. You hoped that one day, whether through a change of heart or a mutual understanding, the path you walked alongside Billy would find its harmony, even if it veered away from the realms of romantic love.
Until then, you remained committed to preserving the precious bond you shared, appreciating the unique friendship that had blossomed amidst the music. You vowed to navigate this delicate dance with grace and understanding, offering solace and support to the friend who held your heart, even if you couldn't return his affections in the same way.
As you step into the venue for the album release party, a wave of excitement washes over you. The record company has pulled out all the stops, creating a glamorous and vibrant atmosphere that envelopes the space. The room is adorned with sparkling lights, cascading down from the ceiling and casting a shimmering glow upon the crowd.
A soft haze of colorful smoke drifts through the air, adding an ethereal touch to the ambiance. The walls are adorned with larger-than-life posters of your band, showcasing the album cover and capturing the essence of your music. The sound of lively chatter mingles with the upbeat tunes playing in the background, creating an energetic buzz.
The venue itself is grand, with high ceilings and ornate decorations. Glittering chandeliers dangle overhead, casting a warm glow upon the dance floor where guests sway to the rhythm of the music. The space is filled with a diverse mix of people, from music industry professionals to passionate fans, all sharing in the anticipation of the album's release.
Colorful cocktail bars line the periphery, manned by skillful bartenders crafting signature drinks that add a touch of sophistication to the festivities. Servers weave through the crowd, offering trays of delectable hors d'oeuvres and bite-sized delicacies.
As your gaze sweeps across the room, you catch sight of familiar faces. Band members mingle with guests, exuding an air of excitement and pride. The collective energy is contagious, and you can't help but feel a swell of pride and gratitude for the journey that has led you all to this moment.
Your eyes meet Bowe's, your husband's, and a surge of warmth fills your heart. He stands by your side, his presence comforting and supportive. Bowe, always curious about the band and eager to finally meet them, takes in the surroundings with a mix of awe and genuine interest.
Bowe, your husband, is an intriguing blend of athleticism and charm. A professional tennis player, he carries himself with an effortless grace, much like the fluid movements he displays on the court. Tall and lean, his presence exudes a quiet confidence that draws people in.
You first met Bowe at a memorable soirée in Malibu, known as the famed Riva's party. It was a star-studded affair, filled with dazzling lights, pulsating music, and a guest list that read like a who's who of the entertainment industry. The air crackled with excitement, and the scent of salty ocean breeze mingled with the laughter of the crowd.
Bowe stood out amidst the sea of glamorous guests, his athletic frame and tousled hair making him resemble a god of sport emerging from the waves. There was an air of intrigue about him, a magnetic energy that captured your attention from across the room. Sparks flew as your eyes met, and a conversation sparked between you that felt effortless and natural.
Since that fateful night, you and Bowe have embarked on a journey together, creating a life built on mutual support and understanding. The passage of time has only deepened your connection, weaving threads of shared experiences, laughter, and unwavering devotion.
In the realm of professional tennis, Bowe has carved a name for himself, weaving his way through intense competitions and capturing the hearts of fans with his skillful play. Off the court, he carries himself with a quiet humility, his easy smile and genuine interest in others setting him apart.
Just like his powerful serve that leaves opponents in awe, Bowe possesses an innate ability to make you feel seen and cherished. His unwavering support for your musical pursuits is a testament to his belief in your talent and the strength of your bond.
As the two of you navigate the glimmering world of the album release party, his presence by your side brings a sense of calm and stability. Confusion and surprise mingle with a tinge of unease as you notice the curious glances exchanged between Billy and the man by your side. You become acutely aware of the unspoken questions hanging in the air.
Seeking some clarification, Billy turns to Warren, his brows furrowed in confusion. He leans in, his voice tinged with disbelief,
"Who 's that guy? Do you know him?" He whispers, not wanting to draw attention.
Warren, momentarily taken aback by the question, raises an eyebrow. He starts to laugh thinking that the older Dunne wasn't being serious, but when he notices that he was serious he closes his face, "What do you mean, Billy? That's Y/N's husband."
Billy's expression shifts from confusion to shock, his eyes widening as he struggles to process the revelation. The realization dawns on him, and he finds himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. It's as if a veil has been lifted, exposing a truth he had been unaware of, and the impact ripples through his thoughts and feelings.
Billy's mind races as he isolates himself for a moment, his gaze fixated on you and Bowe engaged in conversation with the rest of the band. He tries to recall if you had ever mentioned this significant connection before, searching his memory for any missed cues or hints.
As he stands there, a flicker of recognition sparks in his mind. It's like a fragment of a forgotten puzzle piece slowly resurfacing. The memory of that night at the bar begins to take shape, where you had shared more intimate details about your life. And then it hits him—the words you had spoken, slightly slurred with the effects of alcohol, but undoubtedly impactful.
In a vivid flashback, he remembers the moment when the two of you were deep in conversation, the atmosphere charged with a mix of vulnerability and camaraderie. You had mentioned, almost in passing, that Bowe was the best sex you had ever had. The confession had hung in the air, a statement that had briefly captivated Billy's attention but didn't fully register at the time.
You drink the rest of your bottle in one gulp, smiling at him when you're done. "You know, Bowe is the best sex I've ever had, that's probably a big reason for this." You chuckle pointing to the ring on your hand.
Now, with the realization crashing over him, he starts to understand the significance of those words. The memory plays like a bittersweet melody, reminding him of the invisible thread that connects you to someone else—a thread that he unknowingly tugged on, unaware of the depth of your connection with Bowe.
A mix of emotions floods through Billy—a combination of surprise, longing, and a hint of self-doubt. The weight of the unrequited feelings he had developed for you presses upon his chest, and the knowledge that your connection with Bowe goes far deeper than he had initially perceived creates a sense of distance between you.
Billy finds himself lost in a sea of emotions, grappling with the newfound understanding and the realization that the boundaries he had inadvertently crossed were much more intricate than he had imagined. He wonders if he should confront you, ask for clarification, or if it's best to keep his own feelings tucked away, locked in a box marked "unattainable."
In that moment of solitude, he watches you and Bowe, observing the easy camaraderie between you and the genuine happiness that radiates from your interactions. The thought lingers in his mind—a constant reminder of the invisible wall that separates him from the love he yearns for.
With a heavy sigh, Billy musters a half-hearted smile, masking the turmoil within. He decides to keep his discovery to himself, silently acknowledging that some secrets are best left untouched. Resigned to the reality of the situation, he rejoins the group, knowing that he must navigate the complex dynamics of friendship and unrequited love with care, preserving the fragile balance between them all.
The party begins to wind down, and you notice Billy standing alone, his gaze fixed on Bowe, your husband. Concern fills your heart, and you decide to approach him, hoping to understand the mix of emotions that seem to have taken hold of him.
Taking a deep breath, you walk up to Billy and offer a warm smile. "Hey, Dunne. You seem a little lost in thought. Is everything okay?"
"Yeah." He smiles weakly, avoiding looking directly at you. "I'm just thinking."
You can follow his gaze, he is looking directly at your husband and the rest of the band talking and laughing, you found yourself in a complicated situation that squeezed your heart.
He sighs rubbing his hands over his face in frustration, you can see tears welling up in his eyes. "I think I misunderstood a lot of things here." He gestures between you two.
A mixture of sadness and guilt washes over you, understanding the pain he's experiencing. You take a deep breath, searching for the right words to convey your thoughts while being careful not to shatter the bond you've built.
"I've been grappling with these feelings, Y/N," he continues, his voice a delicate whisper. "Feelings that go beyond our friendship. I've tried to suppress them, to pretend they don't exist, but seeing you with him, it's made me realize how deeply I care for you."
Your breath catches in your throat as you try to gauge the depth of his words, a sense of heaviness settling upon your shoulders. You instinctively lean in closer, eager to understand his perspective while being mindful of the fragile balance between friendship and unrequited love.
"I don't know what to say to make you feel better." You confess, grabbing the man's shoulder. "I never meant to hurt you... I hope you know that."
Billy nods, still staring at the horizon. He feels butterflies in his stomach at the touch of her hand on his shoulder. "I know." He assures in a whisper. "It's just... Fuck, I really fucking like you."
You remain silent, listening calmly and attentively. He continues, "I don't expect you to leave him for me, in fact I understand you. It's just that I've never felt anything so intense before."
"You and I have a great connection Billy." You tell him, not daring to meet his eyes. "We really work together and we have a perfect bond, and really don't want to lose that." You take in air, and let it out slowly. "I wish I could make it easier for both of us."
"I would never lose you princess." He says fondly, turning to look at you, you feel butterflies in your stomach from the tension."Believe me, nothing will change." He assures you.
"Thank you Billy." You open a grateful smile, and he smiles back. "Wanna join us?"
"Give me some time, I still need to get used to all this." He says playfully, offering you a cigarette. You take it and he lights it up for you.
"I'll leave you alone." You say getting up to leave. "Take care, huh. We have a tour to do."
As you rise to your feet, a mix of emotions swirls within you. The unspoken tension hangs in the air, leaving both of you uncertain about what lies ahead. Yet, there is a mutual understanding that the bond you share is too valuable to risk.
Billy takes a final drag from his cigarette before flicking it away, his eyes tracing your figure as you prepare to rejoin the celebration. "I'll be right behind you," he says softly, his voice filled with a blend of hope and apprehension.
With a bittersweet smile, you turn away, making your way back into the lively crowd. The music beckons, filling your ears with its rhythm, and you allow yourself to be swept up in the joyous atmosphere. The night continues, a crescendo of laughter, music, and celebration.
As the party reaches its peak, you steal glances in Billy's direction, catching glimpses of his familiar smile and the shared moments you've treasured over time. There is a sense of comfort in knowing that despite the complexity of emotions, your connection remains intact.
Days turn into weeks, and the band embarks on the highly anticipated tour, carrying the weight of their new album and the memories of that transformative night at the release party. As you stand on stage, pouring your heart into each performance, there is an unspoken understanding between you and Billy—an acknowledgment of the uncharted territory, yet a commitment to preserving the essence of what you've built together.
In the realm of music, where emotions intertwine and lyrics capture the human experience, you find solace and inspiration. The journey ahead is uncertain, but with each note played and each lyric sung, you navigate the uncharted waters, drawing strength from the bond that has defined your musical partnership.
And so, the story continues, with melodies echoing and hearts entwined, as you embark on a new chapter where friendship, love, and music intertwine in harmonious complexity. As the tour unfolds, you carry the memories of that intimate conversation, forever etched in the depths of your shared history—a testament to the power of connection, even in the face of unrequited love.
Together, you navigate the intricacies of friendship and passion, striving to strike a delicate balance, all while cherishing the music that brought you together in the first place. And as you take the stage night after night, the unspoken understanding between you and Billy permeates every song, weaving a tale of love, loss, and the beauty found within the complexities of the human heart.
The journey is far from over, and as you step into the spotlight once more, you find solace in the music, in the bond you share, and in the unwavering support that emanates from your bandmates and fans alike. In this realm of creativity and connection, you embrace the unknown, ready to face whatever melodies and harmonies lie ahead, guided by the power of friendship, and the undeniable magic of music.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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Daisy Jones x (implied) fem!reader
Slight* Graham Dunne x reader
Warnings: reader experiences impulsive hetero sexuality, profanities (duh), implied sex, and daisy kinda being an ass.
A/N: I don't know why I wrote this and I hate it. it doesn't really make sense but I think I'm going to write a oc story with daisy jones and I might add it in there.
As I slowly got out of his bed I tried not to disturb his sleeping form. 
        As I stood there above his bed looking at him, it made my heart ache as I realized I do not feel the same way for him as he does for me and as I probably should feel for him. 
      Graham Dunne. There was nothing physical or mentally wrong with Graham Dunne, he was a sweet guy and oh lord he was a good kisser. But it was me and as I stood there in his bedroom thinking that I realized it was true and not like the other times I used that excuse to get out of stupid situations with douchebag guys, but it was actually true. I just wasn't good enough for a guy as sweet and charming as Graham Dunne. 
       I know girls who would give up their tits for a guy like Graham Dunne. 
      But I wasn't that girl. 
      I wasn't kind enough like Camila 
      I wasn't smart enough like Karen 
      And I wasn't pretty enough like….
Oh Daisy, Daisy was gorgeous everything about her. I loved it, I loved it all. 
But I didn't take it as love I took as jealousy. 
I thought it was jealousy. 
I thought It was just jealousy.
Jealousy of how Daisy Jones could capture the attention of any guy in the room, and I thought I just wanted that attention from those guys. But I didn't. I wanted to be those guys. 
As I got dressed and picked up my stuff Graham started to stir awake. 
        "Oh, morning?" It said more as a question, in that attractive morning voice.        "Leaving already?"
"Oh yeah, I have to get to work, you know?
"Oh but I thought you didn't have to be there until like 11:00?" 
"Yeah, but I just wanna get a head start, like take a shower and get some breakfast." 
"Oh well you can do all of that here." 
"Graham I gotta go." 
"Y/N please for me?" 
"Uhh okay fine I'll stay whatever." 
"Thank youuu." He said while pulling me into his bare body.
"Okay come on pretty lady." 
When we walked over to the kitchen where the rest of the band and Camila were sitting at the dining room table. 
"Oh good morning Y/N!" Camila said with that sweet sultry voice. "I didn't know you were gonna join us this morning." 
"Yeah me either, Graham convinced me" as i finished my sentence I saw a familiar fire colored haired girl passed me by. 
"Hey Y/N." Daisy. Why was Daisy here? She doesn't leave here. 
"Oh hi daisy didn't think you would ever be here." 
"Oh yes, because of the party last night Daisy ended up staying here last night." Cami said being as nice as she always is. 
"And I see you did too Y/N…" why'd she say it like that? Why'd Daisy have to say it like that? 
"Um yeah… they did." Graham said in the most sassiest, sarcastic tone I've heard come from that mouth of his. 
"Okay calm down." Daisy said, jumping on the counter. Billy turned his head to give her a look to tell to get down. The fire head girl obliged but not without the quick of an eye roll. "It was just a question, mini Dunne." Her beautiful ocean colored ones met mine for what felt like a century. I looked into them to maybe find some sort of security, but all I saw was a sort of darkness, covered by dilated pupils, low eyelids, and dark eye bags. I knew something was wrong. I didn't need her appearance to tell me that. All I needed was to see her at Billy and Camila's house and I immediately knew something was off.
Sure, we were all at Billy and Camila's house because the party that took place last night and with all of us being to fucked up to get back to our respected "homes" or whatever you would call a bunch of 20-somethings trying to keep a roof over our heads.
She moved away from the kitchen to where I was standing in the hallway talking to Graham. She pushed past me bumping my shoulder as a snarky remark that nobody would ever not expect Daisy Jones not to do. 
But instead of just bumping my shoulder and leaving it be she grabbed my shoulder and brought me into some room in the house but I was way to focus on her to notice anything expect her dragging me into that room and pressing me against that wall.
      "Really a Dunne? A DUNNE?! You're dating a Dunne?"
      "It's not like Daisy. He's not like daisy." 
      "Really Y/N? He's Dunne. He's related to THE Billy Dunne." The way she emphasized his name made me sick to my stomach. "He has to be at least a little bit like him." 
       "No." I didn't know what to say, so all I said was no 
      "Really Y/N?! Are you really naive-" 
      "HE DOESNT CARE!" 
      "Daisy stop." 
      "You're high." 
It all happend in a blink of an eye.
One minute she was yelling at me telling me that nobody is ever going to love me.
And the next she's holding her red swollen face from me slapping her out of angry and fear. 
And then the minute after that she's plunging her body towards mine trying to connect our lips together.
It was sweet and warm, and some how awfully familiar. Like something we've done many times before. Like something that's happend so many times in a past life. 
The kiss felt like soul mates trying to find there way back to each other. 
Daisy pulled away resting her head on my chest.
          "I'm sorry." 
          "Y/N, please let me finish." I stared at her right in those ocean colored orbs of hers.
          "I care about you okay? I love you. I need you." 
          "Watching you be with all this dumb, DUMB men as me sick to my mother fucking stomach"
         "Daisy." I said irritated.
If anyone knew Daisy Jones they would know the only way to get daisy jones to shut up is to physical stop her and sometimes that doesn't even work. 
         I grabbed Daisy's face and pressed her lips against mine. 
Daisy was an amazing kisser, even though I just found out I have always assumed. 
I pulled apart still holding her face in my hands.
"I love you Daisy Jones." 
She didn't need to say anything, her sweet, sweet smile was enough. 
I quickly pulled my hands off her face as I heard the door creak open. It was Graham. 
"Is everything alright? We heard screaming." He said pointing to the kitchen where everybody else was pretending to mind their own business.
"Yeah I'm alright, sorry. Give me a second, okay?" I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
As he left the room I turned back to Daisy and whispered in her ear: "I love you Daisy, but you need help." 
As I walked out the room, Daisy grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"You can't keep pretending Y/N." 
"What?" I said pretending that I didn't slightly know what she was referring to. 
"You can't keep pretending that you like him." She said, referring to Graham. "Or men in general."
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imogenkol · 1 year
Was tagged by the lovely @corvosattano to take this quiz and share some results that fit my ocs! Thank you, I had a lot of fun with this one 💕
Tagging: @chuckhansen @jendoe @jackiesarch @shellibisshe @marivenah @minaharkers @inafieldofdaisies @queennymeria @socially-awkward-skeleton @detectivelokis @risingsh0t @phillipsgraves @simonxriley @jinfromyarikawa @aceghosts @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @unholymilf @roofgeese @jacobseed + anyone else who wants to!
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Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)
Ava (Ex Machina)
Magneto (X-Men)
Lena Luthor (Supergirl)
Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada)
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Vi (Arcane)
Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Ygritte (Game of Thrones)
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Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre)
Will Graham (Hannibal)
Needy (Jennifer’s Body)
Carol Peletier (The Walking Dead)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
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So OC introduction time!
So last time i posted about if someone wanted to see/ hear about an OC of my and i thought i would introduce you guys to her!
This is Margaret “Daisy” Liebgott
She played by Riley Keogh (i probably spelt her last name wrong forgive me)
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OK so!
This is Daisy!
She Jewish and lives above a jewish deil
She has two dads(David and Joe Liebgott)
She has a best friend/Brother Named Edward (his Nickname is Babe) they’ve been friends since forever grade and he comes from an abusive Home but at age 13 he started living with Daisy and her Dads.(he becomes like a big YouTuber when he grows up and he lives next to Daisy whenever they’re older)
Daisy likes writing music and whenever she grows up she kinda becomes a big star like Taylor swift
Daisy has a boyfriend Named Billy Dunne who is a year older then her and loves her to bits and is so supportive of everything she does.(whenever they grow up they have a daughter Named Ruby together) and Billy becomes a producer as well
Babe (Edward) has two boyfriends
Eugene Roe and Graham Dunne (Billy Younger Brother) , Both are obsessed and so In love with babe. Graham whenever there older plays Gutair for Daisy whenever she on tour and Gene becomes a doctor
A plot twist though
Daisy Dad Joe is a serial killer and this whole story is being told through a interview like format and what it was like growing up with Joe. Joe was a great Dad David and Joe had Daisy whenever they were teenagers and it was tough but they did it and Joe and David Adored her. That’s why Joe was so strict growing up. But not Bad strict but protective Strict and Daisy and Babe learned how to work around that to where they never got in trouble but also could still have fun
Another plot twist
Billy and Gene are also Serial killers
Gene is jigsaw
And Billy is bad at being a killer he almost gets caught every time
Daisy also has diabetes
She also has a cat and the cat is employee of the month every month at the deil.
(The next character I’m about to introduce you to Will have the same Names has in the shows there from please note I don’t own these characters they just come from the idea)
This is Daisy best friend/Brother Edward “Babe “ heffron
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These are Daisy two dads (Joesph and David Liebgott David original last name is Webster)
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This is Daisy Boyfriend Billy Dunne.
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Last but not least is Babe two boyfriends Eugene Roe and Graham Dunne( Billy brother)
Also fun fact about Gene (in this Au he is from France but moved to New Orleans with his grandma before moving to New Jersey in the same apartment complex as Graham and Billy that’s how he met Graham)
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Couple things you should know about the backstory of the characters
Billy and gene do kill bad people actually Like Joe does. Gene being Jigsaw he has these traps that he calls “Games “ and puts bad people in them too give them a “second chance” chance sometimes those traps are unbeatable!
The cats name is whiskers!
And Daisy having diabetes also comes from David (one of her dads) he has a heart condition where under to much stress could cause him to have a heart attack again
Babe and Daisy sometimes get confused for twins cause they’re both red heads😭 I’ll send you photos of everyone to.
And everyone loves Daisy and Billy and their little family i even made Daisy eras tour set list 😭
Cause i was so deep into this(if anyone wants to see the set list let me know)
(How Daisy and Babe met there boyfriends)
Daisy was teaching babe to Roller skate while they were going to the coner store next to the deil and Billy and Graham were there. So technically they met Billy and Graham first then Babe was introduced to Gene through Graham. Graham and gene were already dating at this point and daisy and Billy had met again at a record store that Billy works at just around the corner from the deil as well
Also joe doesn’t necessarily like Billy cause A he doesn’t want Daisy to get hurt and B because Billy is like a year older the Daisy and has a whole bad boy thing going on. But Billy would never dream of hurting Daisy he loves her to much for that.
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thesixenthusiast · 1 year
ruby – eddie roundtree
part two (part one, part three, part four)
pairing: eddie rountree x fem!oc (may change to x reader) warnings: drinking/drugs (billy/daisy's addictions) word count: 1.5k author's note: please bear with me in this, if there's a few time mix ups just with the order of things, please do let me know but i'm trying to find an equal balance between the book and show and it's a little difficult lol
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BILLY DUNNE: At one of our gigs we were talking to Rod Reyes, he gave us some pointers, told us what to do and what not to do, and then he told us to go west. We were all out of school by then and decided maybe it was the best option for us.
ROD REYES (tour manager, The Six): The band had the look they needed, Billy was a natural born rockstar, the long hair, the deep voice, that deadpan look when he doesn’t get his way. Juliet had the rockstar look down, she had this long hair, big hair too, and dark makeup that she never really learned how to use properly.​​ The girls wanted to be her and the guys wanted to sleep with her. And her voice.. she had this raspy voice that she never seemed to tire out. I told Billy, I told him, get her out from behind you, get her out of singing back up, sing a song or two with her, mix things up, people’ll get bored of just hearing you. Most importantly, I told them to get the fuck out of Pittsburgh.
GRAHAM DUNNE: The six of us decided to move out to L.A..
The Six settled into life in Los Angeles, renting a house in the hills of Topanga Canyon. They prepared to begin recording their debut album. Teddy, along with a team of technicians, including lead engineer Artie Snyder, set up shop at Sound City Studios, a recording studio in Van Nuys, California.
The band, Camila alongside, started getting their name out there. They played gigs at clubs and bars, doing near-anything to make a name for themselves on the Sunset Strip. Not too long after, they decided to record an album.
“I feel fully content with my decision to not take your bedroom, Warren,” Juliet hummed in response to Warren’s bragging over having the only bedroom with a bathroom, “Very few people would consider a stray toilet in the corner of your room to be a bathroom, I am proudly not one of those people.” Eddie waltzed into the kitchen, where the group was situated getting ready for the day.
“I’ve been thinking,” he started, taking a seat next to Juliet, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, “We need a new name, The Dunne Brothers isn’t cutting it for us.”
“Thank you!” Karen yelled, propping herself up against the counter to face the rest of the group.
“I agree, but let’s be realistic,” Juliet reasoned, “you’re never going to get six people to agree on a name.” She leaned against Warren’s shoulder, who was contributing little to the conversation due to how stoned he was.
“We could take the easy way out,” Graham piped in, “The Six.”
“The Six,” Warren hummed, nodding blissfully at the suggestion.
JULIET OPAL: The Six. [Smiles] Warren admitted later that he only liked it because it sounded similar to “The Sex,” I don’t think that was a big part of it for anyone else.
EDDIE ROUNDTREE: Julie really liked the name, that was a big part of it for me.
GRAHAM DUNNE: We finished the album, we were going on tour, we needed a real name, it felt right. Plus it was kinda my idea. [Smiles]
Karen and Juliet were draped across the living room carpet, attempting to escape the California heat as the fan that was weakly shackled to the ceiling rotated above them. The girls were taken out of their silent daze with a yelling and laughter radiating from the porch as the rest of the group made their way inside mumbling something about a wedding.
The girls sat up, exhaustion dissipating from their bodies when Camila announced that she was pregnant and her and Billy were getting married that night. They jumped up, Juliet hoisting Karen up from the rug and her sleep deprivation-ridden state, and ran over to congratulate the couple, pulling Camila away from the group and to her closet to pick out her dress.
Later that afternoon, Juliet stood in the dimly-lit backyard, and strung pieces of aluminum foil through the various trees and rosemary bushes speckled across the yard. Eddie crept up behind her, grabbing her wrist, which ultimately led to her dropping the wad of foil into the grass, and spinning her around to face him.
“Eddie!” She looked down at her spilt decorations with a lackluster expression, though a grin was pulling on the corners of her mouth, Eddie made sure not to miss that.
“No, eyes up here,” he lifted up her chin with his other hand and smiled at her, grabbing her other hand and intertwining their fingers as he started to dance with her, “I need practice for tonight, don’t want to make a fool of myself on the dance floor. What time is the minister getting here?”
“I’d hardly call it a dance floor, it’s the same bed of grass you passed out on last week and Warren puked on yesterday,” he laughed, spinning her and then pulling her closer as they continued to dance, “He’s supposed to be here in 40 minutes, but it’s L.A., no one is ever on time, it’s anyone’s guess.”
“Well,” he licked his lips and cleared his throat before continuing to speak, “then you have plenty of time to finish decorating once we’re finished.”
“Nuh uh, I need to help get Camila ready too, pre-wedding jitters. You’ll understand someday,” she leaned her face in closer to his before whispering, “that poor woman.”
“You wound me, Julie, you really do. But alas, a woman’s job is never done,” he stopped moving and let go of her hands, “I’ll finish up here, make her feel real pretty.” He smiled, she quickly ducked down and scooped up the mass of foil and handed it to him, before scurrying inside.
INTERVIEWER: What can you tell me about that night?
JULIET OPAL: Oh, I don’t know. What’s the maturity rating on this?
“Smile for me,” Warren teased, positioning himself for the perfect shot of Camila and Billy, “I need a nice big smile, Billy, knock off the frown, it’s the happiest day of your life!”
“Your lens cap is on!” Camila leaned forward, pulling it off and tossing it to Juliet, who caught it with one hand and handed it to Warren, who stuffed it inside of his pocket and immediately returned to trying to get the couple to pose.
WARREN ROJAS: Mescaline is a powerful drug.
Juliet laughed as she watched the numerous failed attempts at photographing the wedding and muttered something about how maybe Warren should stick to music, before she was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around and was greeted with Eddie smiling at her, his hand extended towards her.
“May I have this dance?” He smirked, raising one eyebrow at her.
“Oh, of course,” she took his hand, tilting her head to the side and smiling, “if not all of your practice will have been for nothing.”
He pulled her away and the two of them found a position only a few dozen feet away from the rest of the group, who was still struggling to take photos. They danced, her head resting on his right shoulder and his hands around her waist, before one of them got the courage to break the comfortable silence.
“I can’t believe they’re gonna be parents,” she marveled, “I still feel like I’m new here and my biggest concern is trying to make him like me. When did we stop being little asshole kids who bummed garages off our parents for practicing space?”
“I’d like to think when we left Pittsburgh, but I think we still are,” she laughed, leaning her head into him.
“Do you think you’ll ever be like that?” He raised an eyebrow at her, “I mean like, ready to settle down? If we get to where we want to be, if we’re as big as we came out here hoping to be, is it even in the cards for us?”
“I think it’ll be tricky, but it always is, whether you’re leaving for a 30 city tour the morning after you get married, or if you just don’t know if you can do it with the kid staying in one piece.”
“I guess so,” she got quiet, swaying to the humming of the music until Eddie eventually decided it was time to rejoin everyone else.
The next morning, Juliet loaded her bag into the van, crawling into the passenger seat next to Eddie behind the wheel. After finalizing her spot, she climbed out and walked over to Camila, throwing her arms around her and leaning into her ear.
“Don’t be a stranger,” she looked at the tears welling up in her eyes before continuing to speak, “I’ll watch out for him for you. Call me if you need anything, I’m serious. I’ll drive back to California from Boston to bring you orange juice if you run out, I’m here.”
Camila hugged her back and Juliet shielded her from the group as she wiped the tears from her eyes, then she climbed back into the van, a stoic expression taking over her face. Eddie noticed and placed his hand over hers on the console, bringing her attention to his face. He nodded and gave her a weak lipped smile. As the group piled into the car, the energy lightened and Eddie let out a “alright, let’s get out of here,” before pulling onto the road.
JULIET OPAL: And then we were off.
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meropegaaunt · 2 years
Anybody 18+ and literate want to do a Daisy Jones and the Six rp? We can double ofc
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porkchop200324 · 4 months
My DJATS Ocs,and my Faceclaims for canon next gen characters
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Jane and Evan Roundtree- Emily Rudd and Ross Lynch. Eddie and Daisy's twins.
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Billie Dunne-Sirko- Grace Van Dien. Karen and Graham's daughter
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Thea Dunne- Natalia Dyer. Billy and Graham's younger sister
The canon next gen characters
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Marina and Rachel Rojas - Sofia Carson and Samantha Boscarino. Warrenlisa's twins. Rachel comes from Warren and Lisa's daughter in the book,Marina is a headcanon.
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Susana and Maria Dunne - Tini and Maia Reficco.
@andreabaideas @jesstasticvoyage @mzannthropy
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magickcandie · 1 year
You can request anything from this list!
The Great
The Pacific
*Generation Kill
Bohemian Rhapsody
Brian May
John Deacon
Freddie Mercury
Roger Taylor
Mary Austin
Daisy Jones & The Six
Graham Dunne
Warren Rhodes
Eddie Roundtree
Music Groups
Brian May
John Deacon
Freddie Mercury
Roger Taylor
Skid Row
Sebastian Bach
Rob Affuso
Dave Sabo
Kelly Johnson
Kim McAuliffe
Gil Weston
David Bowie
King Jareth (Labryinth)
Thomas Jerome Newton (The Man Who Fell To Earth)
Suzi Quatro
Mitch Marner (Toronto Maple Leafs)
Auston Matthews (Toronto Maple Leafs)
Luke Hughes (New Jersey Devils)
Rami Malek Characters
Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
Tom Cruise Characters
Steve Randle (Outsiders)
Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (Top Gun)
Joe Mazzello Characters
Gardner Langway (Dear Sidewalk)
Pat Murray (Undrafted)
*Joe Wentworth (Simon Birch)
Charles (Wooly Boys)
No smut
No incest, rape, pedophilia
Are allowed to request with specific gifs or dialogue quotes
If sending in an OC, please send me a character profile
I’m not really good at head-cannons so please don’t really request
Any one with a * please be hesitant to request specific moments/people/fandom in general because I do not have access to watch the show (or have not done complete research on fandom/people) and will be going off what information that YouTube or Wikipedia provides
(Unrelated to fanfic) I make wallpapers
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trashbag-baby666 · 10 months
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Request from a friend on Discord 🫶🏻🫶🏻 for the prompts list!
Long Roads Ahead-Baberoe/OC
Summary: Babe accepting his life is balanced and perfect after running from something his whole life.
WC: 375
C/W: None?
BofB Masterlist!
Prompt List Masterlist!
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Babe always felt like he was running from something and now he felt like his running could stop.
He finally had found a permanent happiness, between four walls of a comfortable suburban neighborhood. His two husbands and their dog.
Babe sat in the backseat of Gene's new Subaru as they were driving up to Vermont for just a small trip.
Graham wanted to go visit his parents grave site, they had decided to make a small trip of it.
They had reservations at a nicer restaurant and got a honeymoon sweet at a nice hotel for the night. Then some planned sight seeing the next day.
Babe was content with his life, squished in the back of said Subaru. Graham and Gene bickering in the front over which gas station they're going to stop at. The golden retriever rested on Babe’s legs asleep.
They weren't perfect, near from it. But all those bad days were outweighed by the good ones.
Instead of thinking about the days Gene is too tired to function and his blood sugar is so low he might as well be dead. Or the days Graham couldn’t move his hands and his whole body ached. When Babe would go nonverbal after a bout with his ptsd from his mom.
They’d think about how proud they were the day Gene graduated with his doctorate in medicine. Or the day Graham finally was hired on by the FBI as a profiler. The days where Babe was now a proud stay at home mom to his goat children and dog.
“We’re almost here,” Graham smiled, turning to look at Babe, “Look at this town name. Mosquittoville, this place sucks!”
Babe found himself with his head thrown back laughing at Graham's stupidest joke of this trip.
This is what kept him grounded and content. Graham's stupid jokes, Gene's soft touches and his way he’s quick to rationalize everything.
This is how it was supposed to be, Babe had no want in life to run from it.
Instead he wanted to run face first into a pool of the unknown with the two people he loved most.
They had taught each other what love really meant and for that Babe could say he was healed.
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svvy2003 · 7 months
Oc info- Thea Dunne
Full name: Thea Hope Dunne
Birthday- June 9th,1951
Parents- Marlene and Hank Dunne
Siblings- Billy and Graham Dunne
Other family- Camila Dunne, Julia Dunne,Susana and Maria Dunne, Billie Dunne-Sirko
Job- Artist
Faceclaim- Natalia Dyer
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