#graham: micah
dolcegallery · 4 months
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just finished these violent delights by micah nemerever, and the whole thing is vaguely reminiscent of hannigram, but these parts especially made me think of them…
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forensicated · 6 months
Smiffina Episodes: Appropriate Force
Gina leads a briefing that targets youths gathering on the high street. The relief know the youths will return as soon as they leave. Gina suggests using stop and search as a deterrent "Isn't that like using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut?" Roger asks. "Maybe it is but we have certain powers at our disposal and it would be silly not not to use them." She replies before telling Smithy and Callum that they're to be paired together for the afternoon - they're... delighted. They follow Gina to discuss them being paired together for a shift.
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They tell Gina that it 'isolates them from the team' who should feel their Sergeants are working with them and pairing them together sends the wrong message. Gina tells them they need to set an example. "Don't think I haven't seen you butting heads." She sends them out of her office and back to work. All completely normal. No tension whatsoever. Definitely no glaring involved.
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Heaton pays Smithy a surprise visit to talk about his concerns for Gina. He asks how things are within uniform and Smithy tells him things are fine and Inspector Gold is running a tight ship. "She can be... uncompromising." Smithy cuts to the chase. "Is there something I should know?" Heaton tells him Gina threatened to leave. (Funny Money). "She offered her resignation? (His face! My heart!)
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Heaton explains it was about the gun trouble yesterday and he doesn't think she was serious but thought Smithy should know as her closest friend. He asks if there's anything he should be worried about and Smithy assures him not. He's not being honest.
Millie and Rachel attend a disturbance at a bank where a customer is behaving out of character and demanding access to her safety deposit box. She knew she'd need to make an appointment but jumped the queue and attacked security when he intervened. As the manager describes what happened she's pacing the floor. Sandra literally begs for access and then switches and wants to go home. Rachel is forced to arrest her because of her behaviour.
At the station Rachel explains to Smithy and Callum that Sandra is manic and hyper focused on getting her box and then that focus switched to going home when the police arrived. Callum's interest is piqued when he hears about Millie smelling petrol on Sandra. He goes to speak to her in her cell and is very gentle. He tells her she's safe now and asks if she or anyone in her family is in danger or has been threatened. She immediately tells him she doesn't know what he is talking about but he takes hold of her arm and rolls her sleeve up to reveal a burn. Rachel asks if someone did it to her but Sandra insists it was an accident from the hob. Callum knows it's from a lighter. He tells her it's ok, gets the FME to see her and then rushes with Smithy to her house, telling Smithy that her husband and children will be being held hostage by whoever burnt her.
The door is open when they get there with evidence of the family being disturbed suddenly. Leon calls out from upstairs as he finds Sandra's husband. Smithy and Callum go to the children's bedroom and brace themselves as they see two very still bodies covered with a blanket. Smithy lifts the blanket and thankfully both children are alive but they've been doused in petrol and threatened with being set on fire. Smithy's never seen anything like this before but Callum has.
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Callum leads a mixed CID and Uniform briefing and explains when he was a PC at Stafford Row 5 years ago they dealt with a series of aggravated burglaries where two men in ski masks and gloves would burst into a house and take the occupants hostage. They would tie the parents up in front of the children, brand the mother with a searingly hot petrol lighter and then they'd pour petrol over the children and make demands of the parents. The parents were so terrified they'd never testify but despite this they caught the ringleader, Martin Donovan through an anonymous tip and he's serving a 25 year sentence in Longmarsh. His son, Glen Donovan was known to be involved but they never got the proof to put him away. Callum is adamant that it's Glen who took the family hostage now he's back in Sun Hill after 5 years in Birmingham. Callum wants to arrest him. "On what grounds?" "He's guilty." Nice try Callum but that's not proof. Callum thinks if they act now they'll get forensic evidence like the ski masks/gloves etc.
Max rings the bell and Donovan opens the door in his dressing gown to see a mix of CID and uniform staring back at him. "Officers... what seems to be the problem?" "You." His focus is immediately on Callum.
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"Sergeant now I see? Haven't we moved up in the world." Callum angers Donovan by asking where his wife is. "You have a nerve." Callum arrests him for suspicion of aggravated burglary and they search the house. Max asks him if there's anything he should know about and Callum tells him to keep him talking long enough for them to nail him to the wall. Max takes Donovan back to the station.
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Rachel and Millie watch over the Marks family as they try to come to terms with what has happened in a private room. Gina arrives for an update and Millie is concerned as all have remained silent and are just holding hands - deeply traumatised by what has happened. Sandra's husband, Nathan, asks them to leave them alone and insists they don't want to talk to the police. Gina tells them they've arrested a suspect and that she needs their help. Nathan says there were two of them so there's one out there still and either way - what if they have the wrong man or what if they have the right one and have to let him go? He fears retaliation and does not want to be involved. Gina agrees they've suffered enough but asks them to give it some thought and speak to them if they change their mind.
Donovan sticks to the story that he's been home with his wife the entire morning but she's gone shopping so isn't there now. He insists he's not his father and that Callum is a corrupt scumbag. He tells Stevie and Max that he's trying to fit him up and not for the first time 'Callum has a sleeping problem. A sleeping around problem. He likes other peoples wives. Five years ago he had an affair with my wife. I put an end to it. Callum didn't like that so he tried to frame me for my father's crimes. That's the kind of person Callum Stone is."
Gina goes back to the house to check how uniform are going on their search. Unfortunately nothing has been found, Callum suspects that he got rid of it because he knew they'd come knocking. They've sent his clothes off in case there's any residue left on them from the petrol. Megan 'Meg' Donovan, Glen's wife, returns home and it's a toss up for which she's more surprised about - police searching her home or seeing Callum. He tells her Glen has been arrested and taken to Sun Hill. "It's been 5 years Callum, why can't you let it go?"
Meg backs up Glen's story that he was at home with her in bed all morning until she went shopping at 10.30am. She didn't let him out of her sight - not even at 5.30am because 'she's an early riser'.
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She insists Donovan was wrongly suspected the last time and that it's simply a coincidence that this has happened again when they moved back. She insists she'd know if her husband was involved and that the real criminal that Stafford Row ignored moved boroughs.
Max confronts Callum about his relationship with Meg in the middle of the CID briefing room in front of Stuart, Smithy, Stevie and Gina. Callum admits they were friends. Stevie tells them Glen is accusing Callum of having a vendetta against him after he had an affair with his wife. His solicitor is claiming it is harassment and that Donovan needs to be released immediately. Max doesn't think they can avoid releasing him given there's no evidence, the victims are too traumatised to talk and Meg's given him an alibi. Callum insists if he is bailed now then they'll never get him. Gina and Smithy suggest checking out his associates to see if any are Canley based, if they have any similar history and if there has been any contact between father and son recently incase his dad has given him any advice on who to contact and who to work with.
Smithy and Callum try to get the family to testify. Callum tells them he knows how they operate - that they knew personal things about the family like where the kids went to school, where their parents live and made them feel like those closest to them as well as their children were vulnerable to being assaulted or killed if they didn't give them what they wanted. They told them they'd find them wherever they went and that they'd never be safe if they informed on them. He explains he worked with families that it had happened to and 5 years ago they caught the ringleader but his accomplice is at it again and he needs their help to catch him. Mark insists that once the children are discharged they're going to move far far away. Rachel asks if they don't get them... will they ever truly feel safe again? Sandra tells Callum to look her in the eye and promise her that he'll get them. Callum promises her - much to Smithy's concern.
Sandra tells them there were 2 dressed in black with gloves and ski masks. One was approx 6ft and the other shorter. The taller was the one with the petrol and the threats. She came down to find them in the house having already tied up her children. Then they made her shout for her husband. The shorter one said nothing the entire time. Nathan thrust £200 at them from the safe but they were after a diamond necklace that was an anniversary gift that is worth £15K. It normally was stored in the safe but she moved it to their safety deposit box as she was about to have it valued because money is tight and she was considering selling it. Smithy points out to Callum that they were talking a lot of risk for a relatively small payment. £15K is a lot of money but in the grand scheme of things it's a huge risk for a payout that isn't worth it as she could have gone to the police. Sandra tells them that the shorter guy was following her to the bank which means hopefully he - or the car - will show up on CCTV.
Gina arranges to speak to Martin Donovan, Glen's father, at Longmarsh prison. He tells her it's nothing to do with him but Gina tells him he knows who did do it. Martin claims if she's asking about Glen she'll be disappointed as he hasn't seen him since he was convicted because Meghan doesn't approve of him.
Max and Stevie hear back from Birmingham Police that Glen not known to be criminally active whilst he was living there. Donovan has had no contact with any known associates of his or his fathers and there's no irregularities in his FIU check. Maxc is wondering if there's something to what Donovan said about Callum having a grudge.
Gina has been delaying the solicitor for as long as she can but as nothing new has come forward then she has to let Donovan get bail. Before she can, Nathan comes in to do a voice ID. He listens to several men with similar accents repeating the same line and fails to pick Donovan out. Callum is furious but Donovan is released. Smithy and Max have a look through the CCTV footage that Roger and Leon have found showing someone following Sandra to the bank. There's a lot of cars double parking but there's a red Honda that keeps driving round the block and only drives off for good when Millie and Rachel appear. The car is registered to a Alan Duncan with form for armed robbery and violence. He's also only 5ft 6".
Gina asks Callum about his anonymous source that lead to Martin Donovan being caught in the act. Gina asks if it was his daughter in law - Meg - that told him. That tip off helped break the case and earnt Callum a promotion to Sgt. Gina has looked back through Donovan's record and found that Callum has also arrested him for domestic violence against Meg in the past. The charges were dropped as Meg wouldn't go to court so he couldn't take any further action. He brings it back round, telling Gina they want the same things. Gina tells him she only wants to get whoever it was who terrified the family and Callum insists that's exactly what he wants too, only he's adamant that can only be Donovan. She trusts his word but reminds him, he needs to find the proof, ordering him not to let her down.
Stuart returns to CID after working with the FIU department over the Marks' finances. He tells them that they're heavily in debt and that he knows what it was that the burglars were after. "The necklace?" Smithy asks. The wind has been well and truly knocked out of Stuart's sails as he's told that Sandra already told them both pieces of news. He does however have some new information, the necklace is insured for £30K and Nathan renewed the policy two weeks previously. Smithy frowns and tells him that Sandra told them it was only worth £15K.
Callum assures the Mark's family he knows that he has the right man and that Donovan might be out for now but it won't last long. Nathan tells him that if he really wants to help he'll leave them alone. Smithy interrupts, Callum over to him, and telling him they've got a name for the short man. Smithy, Max and Callum rush to Duncan's address with Stevie, Leon and Roger, however they just miss him with the TV and lights left on and a hot cup of tea. He must have been warned. They call 1471 on his telephone and see that he's had a call from the last few minutes and it came from a pay phone in the front office.
The Sergeants update Gina that someone phoned from the station to warn the Duncan the police were on the way. Smithy suggests Nathan Marks and suspects he was in on it from the start given how desperate he is for cash and that he took a £30K policy out on a necklace worth only £15K. Could he really do that to his own wife and children? Leon has watched the CCTV footage of the front office back. Nathan Mark's is seen making a telephone at the exact time Duncan received a call. Thankfully they know exactly where he is - at the hospital waiting for his kids to be discharged. Gina orders Millie and Rachel to bring him in and agrees with Callum that it's likely Marks failed the voice ID on purpose. Glen Donovan is back in the frame but Gina urges them to get Marks to confess in interview rather than hurry straight to arresting Donovan again.
Marks acts offended that they'd even consider him to be involved. Max and Stevie tell him they know how much debt he's in, that he's insured the necklace for twice what it's worth and that he has been seen on CCTV making the telephone call to Duncan. He plays dumb when asked how he met Glen Donovan and Max reminds him that he's the man who burnt his wife and poured petrol over his children. They know he rang Duncan, they know Duncan spent time in prison with Donovan. What they don't know is his connection to them.
Marks breaks and tells them that he met Duncan a few years ago when he did some building work for him on the cheap because he wanted to build a business after qualifying in prison. He met him again recently in a pub and they got talking. He told him how much debt he was in and Duncan told him he knew someone who might be able to help and that it would be a win win situation. He can't name the second man because he knows everyone that Marks cares about and he won't be afraid to hurt them. It wasn't supposed to happen like it did. The necklace was supposed to be in the safe as he didn't know Sandra had moved it. When it wasn't there he lost it - and that's why Sandra got burnt. Max tells him the only way he can make amends now is to tell them who the second man is. It's Donovan.
Uniform rush to Donovan's house to arrest him. They check the downstairs as Callum and Smithy run upstairs. Callum goes to the bedroom to find a battered and beaten Meg laying on the bed. He rushes to her aid but Donovan is waiting for him. He blames Callum for trying to take Meg away and for getting in her head. 'it wasn't enough for you taking my father away you had to take her too." Smithy runs in and sees Callum and Meg and arrests Donovan. Donovan takes advantage of the distraction to attack Smithy, knocking him out for a few seconds. Callum drags him away and the two men have a violent fight. When Smithy comes round he calls on the radio for the others to come upstairs (Seriously? How could they not have heard it all!) He has to literally pounce on Callum's back and drag him off to stop Callum relentlessly punching Donovan. Both men slump to the floor, gasping for air.
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Max tells Heaton it was an insurance fraud gone wrong and that Marks has been very helpful with information now he's been caught out. Donovan's solicitor has made an allegation of police brutality and Heaton asks how they think he should proceed. Stevie says Callum should have a medal considering what Donovan did and that it's a bogus allegation. Max reckons he likely assaulted his wife knowing Callum would be riled and waited for the reaction.
Gina tells Heaton that Smithy witnessed what happened and that she will speak to them. Heaton tells her that he doesn't want the allegation to overshadow a fantastic result and she promises she'll sort it. "I don't want Sun Hill getting a reputation." he tells her. "... For getting results?" she asks. "For the means not justifying the results." "As I said sir, I'll take care of it." Smithy is adorably standing to attention when Gina enters and Callum pulls himself up to standing from a filing cabinet. She asks what happened with the air of an exasperated mother. Smithy says Callum was under a lot of pressure. Callum said he knew what he was doing and can't see what the fuss is about. Callum's recollection is that "Donovan assaulted Smithy, resisted arrest and needed to be ...subdued." Smithy hesitates and Gina asks him if Callum used excessive force. "Not that I saw." says Smithy. Callum tells her it was appropriate force considering what was happening and he'll face the consequences if people feel differently. Gina reassures him that they believe it's a baseless complaint that has been born out of spite and that she doesn't think it'll go the distance and she excuses him. She can tell Smithy isn't happy with that and asks him what the problem is. "Is that it?" he asks, telling her that the DPS will expect more of an inquiry. Gina tells him there won't be any DPS involvement because she'll 'have a word' and make him an offer he can't refuse.
Gina goes to see Donovan and tells him to drop the allegation or she'll make sure he spends remand on the same wing as his dad who will be told who grassed him up. She tells him she knows that Meg told Callum that he and his father were about to terrorise another family and as his victim, Meg was used to making excuses for him so she told him what she'd done and that he had to choose between her and his dad because she'd protect him but not his father and Donovan let his dad walk straight into the trap without a warning. Glen fears his father will kill him so she reminds him what he has to do to prevent it.
Smithy catches up with Callum and asks if he's heard from the hospital. Meg will likely lose the sight in her right eye. Smithy asks him why he went looking for a fight. Callum reminds him that he was beating him as he intervened to restrain him. "Restrain him? Looked to me like you were going to do a bit more than that." He asks if it's worth losing his job over and Gina appears and tells them that won't be happening because Donovan has dropped the allegation.
Callum goes home and Smithy follows Gina up the ramp. "And how did that happen?" Gina tells him he realised it was in his best interests to drop it. "You threatened him?" "I did what I had to do. Most people would think Glen Donovan got what he deserved. " "Most people weren't there, I was." Smithy snaps back. He tells her it's not as simple as she thinks and that he doesn't know what Callum would have done to Donovan if he hadn't been there to stop him. Gina points out Smithy told her that Callum had used appropriate force. "What's going on with you Gina? The Gina I know wouldn't believe something this black and white?" "Maybe I've changed." "For the better?" he asks before sighing and telling her he's worried that if they start turning a blind eye then they'll start setting the wrong example. Gina responds that she's fed up of watching coppers rather than the streets. "We're supposed to protect!" "And that's exactly what Callum did!" Gina replies. Smithy argues back that part of Gina's job is to protect her officers and keep them in line. "If you don't understand that then maybe you should resign!" he snaps, instantly regretting it. Gina freezes then turns slowly. Smithy apologises and says he didn't mean to say it. "Didn't you? This conversation is over, Sergeant." she says, walking away from him.
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spctlights · 1 year
𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙎𝙎𝘼𝙂𝙀 ➶ Micah Kennedy
Graham: Hey, are you not coming to the gala tonight?
Graham: I'm back in the country, I thought we could catch up.
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icedfae · 1 year
( micah + graham )
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Having Graham back around was going to be a great thing for Micah. For years, he had been close to his once uncle, feeling as though he could speak to the mild natured man about nearly anything and while Micah knew he had others to talk to about things, it felt good having someone who understood him just a little bit. “Hey, you made it back. No Reid? He could have come along,” Micah slid into the seat across from his uncle at the table, the two deciding to get lunch together upon returning to LA. @spctlights​ 
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robynsassenmyview · 3 months
Learned friends; true rotters
"Learned friends; true rotters", a review of 'Witness for the Prosecution', directed by Alan Swerdlow, until 30 June in Johannesburg, and 4 July - 10 August in Cape Town.
VERDICT under consideration, with (from left) Sir Wilfred Robarts QC (Graham Hopkins), Mr John Mayhew (Craig Jackson), defence solicitor Mr Myers QC (Mike Huff) and Inspector Hearne (Micah Stojakovic) with Mr Justice Wainwright (Peter Terry) residing. Photograph by Keaton Ditchfield. THE COURT DRAMA in the wake of a murder of passion is arguably the most enthralling context for a thrilling story…
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NEUTRAL LEANING MASC NAMES ⌇ abner.  abram.  adam.  adrian.  alex.  alistair.  andreas.  ariel.  arlen.  arley.  arlo.  ash.  atlas.  auden.  august.  austin.  avery.  bailey.  baron.  barrett.  baylor.  beauden.  bee.  bellamy.  bennett.  blair.  blaise.  bowen.  brayden.  brendan.  bronson.  bryce.  byron.  caius.  caleb.  callahan.  callan.  calloway.  callum.  camden.  cameron.  carlin.  carson.  casey.  cassian.  chandler.  chase.  cody.  cole.  connolly.  corban.  corwin.  cyrus.  dallas.  damion.  damon.  daniel.  darius.  davis.  dawson.  daylon.  denver.  desmond.  devin.  doran.  dorian.  drew.  elian.  elias.  ellery.  ellison.  emery.  ethan.  evan.  ezra.  fallen.  farren.  finley.  ford.  foster.  gabriel.  gannon.  garner.  gavin.  gentry.  graham.  greer.  griffin.  guthrie.  harley.  harlow.  hartley.  hayden.  henley.  henry.  heron.  hollis.  hunter.  ian.  irving.  isaiah.  jace.  james.  jameson.  jared.  jeremiah.  joel.  jonah.  joran.  jordan.  jory.  josiah.  jovian.  jude.  julian.  juno.  justus.  kalen.  kamden.  kay.  kayden.  keaton.  kellan.  keller.  kelly.  kendon.  kieran.  kit.  kylan.  landry.  lane.  lennon.  leslie.  levi.  leyton.  liam.  linden.  lowell.  luca.  madden.  marley.  marlow.  marshall.  martin.  mason.  mathias.  mercer.  merritt.  micah.  miles.  miller.  milo.  morgan.  morrie.  morrison.  nate.  nevin.  nick.  nicky.  nico.  nicolas.  noah.  noel.  nolan.  oren.  orion.  owen.  parker.  percy.  perrin.  peyton.  pierce.  porter.  preston.  quincy.  quinn.  reece.  reid.  reign.  rein.  remi.  remington.  renley.  riley.  river.  robin.  rollins.  ronan.  rory.  rowan.  russell.  ryan.  rylan.  sam.  samuel.  sawyer.  saylor.  seth.  shiloh.  soren.  spencer.  stellan.  sterling.  talon.  taylor.  thaddeus.  thane.  theo.  toni.  tracy.  tristan.  tyrus.  valor.  warner.  wells.  wesley.  whitten.  william.  willis.  wylie. 
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NEUTRAL LEANING FEM NAMES ⌇ abigaël.  abilene.  addison.  adrian.  ainsley.  alexis.  and.  andrea.  arden.  aria.  ashley.  aspen.  aubrey.  autumn.  avery.  avian.  ayla.  bailey.  beryl.  blair.  blaire.  blake.  briar.  brooklyn.  brooks.  bryce.  cameron.  camille.  casey.  celeste.  channing.  charlie.  chase.  collins.  cordelia.  courtney.  daisy.  dakota.  dana.  darby.  darcy.  delaney.  delilah.  devin.  dylan.  eden.  eisley.  elia.  ellerie.  ellery.  ellie.  elliot.  elliott.  ellis.  ellory.  ember.  emelin.  emerson.  emery.  evelyn.  ezra.  fallon.  finley.  fiore.  florence.  floris.  frances.  greer.  gwenaël.  hadley.  harley.  harper.  haven.  hayden.  heike.  hollis.  hunter.  ivy.  jade.  jamie.  jocelyn.  jordan.  jude.  juno.  kelly.  kelsey.  kendall.  kennedy.  koda.  kyrie.  lacey.  lane.  leighton.  lennon.  lennox.  lesley.  leslie.  lilian.  lindsay.  loden.  logan.  lou.  lyric.  madison.  mallory.  marinell.  marley.  mckenzie.  melody.  mercede.  meredith.  mio.  misha.  monroe.  montana.  morgan.  nico.  nova.  oakley.  olympia.  owen.  page.  palmer.  parker.  pat.  paulie.  perri.  petyon.  peyton.  phoenix.  piper.  priscilla.  quinn.  raven.  ray.  reagan.  reece.  reese.  remi.  remy.  riley.  rio.  river.  robin.  rory.  rosario.  rowan.  ryan.  rylie.  sacha.  sage.  sam.  sammy.  santana.  sasha.  sawyer.  saylor.  severin.  shannon.  shelby.  shiloh.  skye.  skylar.  sloane.  sol.  soleil.  sterling.  stevie.  sutton.  swan.  swann.  sydney.  tatum.  taylo.  taylor.  tracey.  valentine.  vanya.  vivendel.  vivian.  vivien.  wren.  wynn.  yael.
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tomyloversiwrite · 2 years
Pronoun list for as many of my characters as I can possibly list in alphabetical order by last name:
Aidan Abaddon - he/him (okay with they/them)
Ryan Alexander - he/him
James Atlas Anderson - he/him
Noble Athanas - he/they
Jamie Beau - she/her
Callum Lynx Bennett - he/him
Alex Caxton - he/him
Roman Charles - he/him
Carmilla Eve Eden - she/her
Ezra Emerson - he/him
Angel Foster - he/they
Asher Graham - he/they
Austin Graham - he/him but comfortable with all
Elijah Hayes - he/him
Kasey Jackson - he/him
Ezekiel “Zeke” James - he/him
Nova Jansen - she/her
Xavier Jansen - he/him
North Landry - they/them unless otherwise stated
Micah Lashae - he/him
Shiane Lashae - she/they
Whitley Lashae - they/them
Matthias Moore - he/him
Venus Nightingale - she/her
Lux Rouge - she/her
Aurora “Rory” Williams - she/her
Azalea “Izzy” Singh - she/her
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abominating · 3 months
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old-fashioned short masc and androgynous names.
orson , jago , alf / alfie , finn , amos , cliff , oli / ollie , eli , lucas / luke , theo , wyatt , ezra , ashe / asher , archie , eli / elias , beau , gil , felix , lou , hugh , silas , otto , cecil , tobi / toby , micah , dorian , claude , marcel , august / auggie , cass / casper , jude , milo , caius , jasper / jass , leo / leon , noa , cyrus , remy , graham , asa , brooks , wes / wesley , griff , luci , amos , ansel , reu / reuben , rue , abel , seth , spence , vic / victor.
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requested by : anon.
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gvtted-ratz · 7 months
>request/idea rules<
requests: open
anthony "tony" stark/iron man, peter benjamin parker/spider-man, wade wilson/deadpool, helmut zemo, james "bucky" barnes/winter soldier, matthew "matt" murdock/daredevil, franklin "foggy" nelson, frank castle/the punisher, william "billy" russo/jigsaw, miguel o'hara, spider-punk/hobart "hobie" brown (smatsv)
billy lenz (black christmas 1974), brahms heelshire, martin mathias (martin 1977), harry warden/the miner (og and remake), asa emory (the collector), jason voorhees (og and 2009 remake), michael myers (og and rz remake), lester sinclair (house of wax), vincent sinclair (house of wax), mark hoffman (saw 4/5), lawrance gordan (saw 2004), hannibal lecter (nbc hannibal), will graham (nbc hannibal)
final/”good” guys
arkin o'brien (the collector/the collection), nicholas "nick" henry jones (house of wax), peter strahm (saw 4/5), adam faulkner stanheight (saw 2004), david radford (saw 0.5)
error 143
micah yujin
john doe +
john doe
richy rogers, phil hawkins, jake "hakermen", thomas, daniel "dan" anderson
killer frequency
forrest nash, henry barrow
the price of flesh
machaete, thomas (tom), jackal (jack/dean), derek goffard, matt goffard, mason heiral, dragon (jace/jason), komodo (mike/michael), the announcer (fox/ren hana)
that's not my neighbour 
physicist/dr. w. afton, milkman/francis mosses, hoon (milkman doppelganger), scarlet milk (milkman doppleganger), pilot/steven rudboys, d.d.d agent (hazmat guy), teutates taranis, abducius morail, yog sothoth
studio investigrave games
rody lamoree, vincent charbonneau, protagonist, co-worker, normal guy, fake protag, fake co-worker
call of duty (+modern warfare 2)
könig, simon "ghost" riley, kyle "gaz" garrick, john "soap" mactavish, alejandro vargas, rodolfo "rudy" parra, gary "roach" sanderson
the batman (2022)
the riddler/edward nashton
 there will be blood (2007)
eli sunday
marble hornets (2009-2014)
masky/timothy "tim" wright, skully/jay merrick, alexander "alex" kralie, hoody/brian thomas
>will not do<
• incest
• suicide
• ddlg/ddlb
• scat/urine
• pregnancy
• heavy angst
• age regression
• teacher/student
• sa/rape/non-con
• full smut/sex scenes
• illnesses/issues we're unfamiliar with (ask)
• underage/child anything (papa, uncle, child, etc. reader &/or character) - this includes childhood friend AUs
• fem reader (including pronouns/detailed anatomy due to high discomfort) - anything else is fine
> can/will do<
• fics (1k+)
• past abuse
• headcanons
• past self-harm
• drabbles (100-1k)
• alpha/beta/omega
• polyamory relationships
• blood, gore, violence, etc.
• anything soft, comfort, fluff
• aus (soulmate, cafe, bookstore, etc.)
• some ships/otps/rarepairs (feel free to ask)
• death of character/reader (character/reader kills the other)
• nearly any pronouns (including neos, just provide pronouns)
• male/masc, gender-neutral, nonbinary, trans male reader, inhuman reader (this includes monster, alien, divine etc.)
• "steamy" scenes/dub-con <- will be posted on ao3 ONLY (link will be provided for requests)
19 notes · View notes
any chance of an updated list?
Of course!!
Also, this is the NEW and FUCKING IMPROVED LIST, I alphabetized it so it’s even better than before >:3
Currently, we have 340 unique characters (if I counted right) and 487 total submissions. The top three most submitted fandoms are Homestuck, Danganronpa, and One Piece, excluding submissions that were spelt wrong or spelt differently. The top three submitted characters are Haiji Towa, Vriska Serket, and Stella Goeta (stella has so many submissions it’s funny)!
Finally, this is the raw, unedited list of characters submitted so far. Just because they are here doesn’t mean they’ll be in the tournament; it just means they’ve been submitted, regardless of media or what character they are!
as always, list under the cut!
This first list is for characters with two or more submissions. Characters who have three or more submissions will get first dibs in the tournament!
Akechi Goro
Akio Ohtori / Himemiya
Anakin Skywalker
Ansem the Wise
April O’Neil (2012)
Ardyn Izunia
Bill Cipher
Buzz McCallister
Cullen Rutherford
Dazai Osamu
Dio (Zero Escape)
Donald Trump
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Eichi Tenshouin
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Eridan Ampora
Evan Hansen
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Glenn Quagmire
George Wickham
Greg Heffley
Haiji Towa
Her Imperious Condescension
Higashikata Josuke
Huey Emmerich
Ibara Saegusa
Izzy Hands
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Jin Guangyao
John Gaius
Julia Mazzone
Junko Enoshima
Jurgen Leitner
Katsuki Bakugo
Kokichi Ouma
Kristoph Gavin
Kusaka Masato
Kylo Ren
Lance Dubois
Live Action Buggy
Marvin Falsettos
Meenah Peixes
Micah Bell
Minoru Mineta
Mr. Bungee
Pierce Hawthorne
Princess Daisy
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Regal Farseer
Rose Quartz
Santa Claus
Sasuke Uchiha
Scrappy Doo
Sentinel Prime
Shou Tucker
Simon Laurent
Sosuke Aizen
Stella Goetia
Teddy / Kuma
The Maverick
The Metatron 
The Once-Ler
Tony Stark
Tsumugi Aoba
Ty Betteridge
Val Velocity
Vriska Serkat
William Afton
Ōchi Fukuchi
The next list is for characters only submitted once. If you want these characters to have a higher chance of being added to the tournament, feel free to submit more propaganda for them!
Abyss Sibling
Akito Shinonome
Akito Sohma
Alexander Hamilton
Ali Lectric
All For One
Aloise Trancy
Anatole Kuragin
Angel Dust
Anne Hathaway
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Aranea Serkat
Bella Swan
Ben Jackson Walker
Betsy Wolfe
Billy Hargrove
Black Pete
Blitzo Buckzo
Buck Cluck
Buzz (cheerios)
Byakuya Togami
Caesar Clown
Caliborn / Lord English
Captain Kuro
Cersei Iannister
Chloe Bourgeois
Chris McClain
Chrollo Lucifer
Clara Oswald
Cozy Glow
Damian Wayne
Dan Moroboshi
Dean Venture
Dean Winchester
Detective Saracusa
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Disembodied Voice
Don Flamenco
Dr. Henry Miller
Elias Ainsworth
Elias Ainsworth
Elon Musk
Equius Zahhak
Eric Cartman
Erlina and Brugaves
Eugene Coli
Every Single Country In 1993
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Feferi Peixes
Five Pebbles
Foreman Oyun
France (Hetalia)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gamzee Makara
Georg Weissmann
Goeffry St. John
Gordon Blackwall
Graham Spector
Gra’ha Tia
Haiji Senri
Heath cliff
Henry Miller (OC)
Henry the Eighth
Himiko Toga
Hiyoko Saionji
Holly Blue Agate
Huey Laforet
Ianthe Tridentarius
Il Dottore
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Itsuki Shu
Izumi Sena
Jacopo Bearzatti
James T. Kirk
Jayne Cobb
Joe Destefano
Jonah Magnus
Jonathan Groff 
Judith Ford / Natalie Cook
Kusunoki Muu
Kyouichi Saionji
Ladd Russo
Lady Catherine de Bourgh 
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque
Light Yagami
Mahiru Koizumi
Makoto Itou
Mary Keay
Master Crown
Matou Shinji
Medusa Gorgon
Meredith Rodney McKay
Michael Scott
Miguel O’Hara
Millions Knives
Moeka Kiryuu
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Mori Ougai
Mr. Collins
Ms. Valentine
Muu Kusunoki
Muzan Kibutsuji
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Nagito Komaeda
Nanami Kiryuu
Natsumi Sakasaki
Nefera DeNile
Nikola Tesla
Noor Pradesh
Ogai Mori
Otto Apocalypse
Paul Von Oberstein
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Prince Louis
Queen Scarlet
Quill Kipps
Rafal (FEE)
Rafal (SGE)
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Rebecca Costwolds
Redd White
Riley Finn
Rohan Kishibe
Ruruka Ando
Sakazuki Akainu
Sebastian Mechaelis
Sheldon Cooper
Shen Jiu
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Shinonomes (both)
Sigma Klim
Silver Spoon
Solf J. Kimblee
So Sejima
Stark Sands
Steven Universe
Subara Akehoshi
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Teruhashi Makoto
The Eleventh Doctor
The Entirety Of Homestuck
The Groke
The Little Palace Mistress
The Mage
The New Ninja
The Old Palace Master
The Operator
The Pale King
Tim Drake
Tom Wambsgans
Tomaru Sawagoe
Touichiro Suzuki
Tumblr Staff
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
Victor Frankenstein
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Wen Chao
Whiteout, Clearsight, and Benjamin
Will Shuester
Willy Stampler
Woodes Rogers
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Yu Ziyuan
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Yuri Briar
Zeke Jaeger
Zenos Galvus
Zhou Zishu
31 notes · View notes
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Michael de Adder, Washington Post :: [Robert Scott Horton]
* * * *
Letters From An American
Tonight, just before midnight, the state of Georgia indicted former president Donald J. Trump and 18 others for multiple crimes committed in that state as they tried to steal the 2020 presidential election. A special-purpose grand jury made up of citizens in Fulton County, Georgia, examined evidence and heard from 75 witnesses in the case, and issued a report in January that recommended indictments. A regular grand jury took the final report of the special grand jury into consideration and brought an indictment.  
“Trump and the other Defendants charged in this Indictment refused to accept that Trump lost” the 2020 presidential election, the indictment reads, ”and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump. That conspiracy contained a common plan and purpose to commit two or more acts of racketeering activity in Fulton County, Georgia, elsewhere in the State of Georgia, and in other states.” 
The indictment alleges that those involved in the “criminal enterprise” “constituted a criminal organization whose members and associates engaged in various related criminal activities including, but not limited to, false statements and writings, impersonating a public officer, forgery, filing false documents, influencing witnesses, computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, conspiracy to defraud the state, acts involving theft, and perjury.” 
That is, while claiming to investigate voter fraud, they allegedly committed election fraud. 
And that effort has run them afoul of a number of laws, including the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, which is broader than federal anti-racketeering laws and carries a mandatory five-year prison term. 
Those charged fall into several categories. Trump allies who operated out of the White House include lawyers Rudy Giuliani (who recently conceded in a lawsuit that he lied about Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss having stuffed ballot boxes),  John Eastman, Kenneth Chesebro, Jeffrey Clark, Jenna Ellis, and Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. 
Those operating in Georgia to push the scheme to manufacture a false slate of Trump electors to challenge the real Biden electors include lawyer Ray Stallings Smith III, who tried to sell the idea to legislators; Philadelphia political operative Michael Roman; former Georgia Republican chair David James Shafer, who led the fake elector meeting; and Shawn Micah Tresher Still, currently a state senator, who was the secretary of the fake elector meeting. 
Those trying to intimidate election worker and witness Ruby Freeman include Stephen Cliffgard Lee, a police chaplain from Illinois; Harrison William Prescott Floyd, executive director of Black Voices for Trump; and Trevian C. Kutti, a publicist for the rapper formerly known as Kanye West. 
Those allegedly stealing data from the voting systems in Coffee County, Georgia, and spreading it across the country in an attempt to find weaknesses in the systems that might have opened the way to fraud include Trump lawyer Sidney Powell; former Coffee County Republican Committee chair Cathleen Alston Latham; businessman Scott Graham Hall; and Coffee County election director Misty Hampton, also known as Emily Misty Hayes.  
The document also referred to 30 unindicted co-conspirators.
Trump has called the case against him in Georgia partisan and launched a series of attacks on Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Today, Willis told a reporter who asked about Trump’s accusations of partisanship: “I make decisions in this office based on the facts and the law. The law is completely nonpartisan. That's how decisions are made in every case. To date, this office has indicted, since I’ve been sitting as the district attorney, over 12,000 cases. This is the eleventh RICO indictment. We follow the same process. We look at the facts. We look at the law. And we bring charges."
The defendants have until noon on August 25 to surrender themselves to authorities.
Letters From An American
Heather Cox Richardson
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katanadepapel · 1 year
Voice actors 🇺🇲 and 🇧🇷 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
TMNT (1987)
🇺🇲Cam Clarke
🇧🇷Manolo Rey
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Mike Sinterniklaas
🇧🇷Mauro Eduardo Lima
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲Jason Biggs
Dominic Catrambone
Seth Green
🇧🇷Antônio Akira
(1° voz)
Bruno Camargo
ROTTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Ben Schwartz
🇧🇷Fabrício Rinaldi
🇺🇲Nicolas Cantu
����🇷Rodrigo Ribeiro
TMNT (1987)
🇺🇲Rob Paulsen
Thom Pinto
Hal Rayle
🇧🇷Marco Ribeiro
Duda Ribeiro
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Frank Frankson
🇧🇷Renato Soares
Wendell Bezerra
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲Sean Astin
🇧🇷Hermes Baroli
Felipe Zilse
ROTTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Omar Benson Miller
🇧🇷Glauco Marques
🇺🇲Brady Noon
🇧🇷Victor Hugo Fernandes
TMNT (1987)
🇺🇲Barry Gordon
(1° voice)
Greg Berg
🇧🇷Márcio Simões
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Sam Riegel
🇧🇷Márcio Araújo
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲Rob Paulsen
🇧🇷 Wendell Bezerra
ROTTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Josh Brener
🇧🇷Marco Aurélio Campos
🇺🇲Micah Abbey
🇧🇷Arthur Carneiro
TMNT (1987)
🇺🇲Townsend Coleman
🇧🇷Marcelo Meirelles
(1° voz)
Mário Jorge Andrade
(2° voz)
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Wayne Grayson
🇧🇷Yuri Chesman
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲Greg Cipes
🇧🇷Daniel Figueira
ROTTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Brandon Mychal Smith
🇧🇷Caio Guarnieri
🇺🇲Shamon Brown Jr.
🇧🇷Enzo Dannemann
TMNT (1987)
🇺🇲Renae Jacobs
🇧🇷Dolores Machado
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Veronica Taylor
🇧🇷Márcia Regina
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲Mae Whitman
🇧🇷Tatiane Keplmair
Fernanda Bullara
ROTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Kat Graham
🇧🇷Maíra Paris
🇺🇲Ayo Edebiri
🇧🇷Any Gabrielly
TMNT 1987
🇺🇲Peter Renaday
Townsend Coleman
🇧🇷Dario Lourenço
Miguel Rosenberg (2°voz)
Orlando Drummond
TMNT (2003)
🇺🇲Darren Dunstan
🇧🇷Válter Santos
Renato Márcio
TMNT (2012)
🇺🇲 Hoon Lee
🇧🇷Nestor Chiesse
ROTTMNT (2018/2022)
🇺🇲Eric Bauza
🇧🇷Raul Rosa
🇺🇲Jackie Chan
🇧🇷Tatá Guarnieri
33 notes · View notes
forensicated · 7 months
Smiffina Episodes: Over The Limit
Ben hurries round to the scene of the crash that happened in Demolition Girl and is horrified to see Sally's car involved. The suspected other driver is on the ground and unconscious, bleeding from a head wound after staggering out of the car. He checks her over before hurrying to Sally. He asks Sally what he thought she was doing, she explains she was scared and tried to get away. Ben gets her coat and bag out and leads her away from the car. Sally spots the unconscious woman and runs over to her, asking if she's going to be alright. Ben tells the paramedic he doesn't know what happened, he just found the scene after he left the club. He pulls Sally's hood up, tells the paramedics that she's called Julia Jacobs needs to go to the hospital as she's in shock. He then rings Callum and tells him that Sally's had a crash, admitting he's given a false name. Callum tells him to get her in the ambulance fast before their colleagues arrive and that he'll deal with her at the hospital. She begs Ben to come with her and he reassures her he'll see her soon and walks off, posting Sally's car keys down a nearby drain.
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A paramedic tells Tony he suspects the unconscious person of having taken drugs and that the second driver is in shock but fine. Millie calls the registrations in and finds one is Sally's car and that the club she and Ben went to is just around the corner. Ben tells Sally not to answer the phone to Tony when he calls and to wait for Callum.
Sally tells Callum that she'd had a drink and tried to drive. Callum tells her how stupid she is for putting herself and others at risk and that he doesn't yet know if the other woman is going to be alright. He tells her she's kissed her job goodbye. Ben asks who benefits if Sally loses her job because they'd 'lose a good copper'. (I'm seeing less good copper and more fucking idiot only interested in big acts of bravery, who has to be the only one righteously fighting for her victim against everyone, who can't be told no and to back off, who can't be objective or reasonable and who gets too entwined in other people's lives to be a 'good copper' personally but there you go.) Callum asks if Ben is so sober (he doesn't drink) why did he let her drive? He admits he wasn't with her and he asks why not. Ben looks awkward but Sally interrupts and asks 'What am I going to do?'
At the station Smithy and Gina discuss Sally's car being involved in the crash. Smithy points out Sally likes a drink and it's not the first time she's gotten herself into scrapes. (Not the first time she's drunk driven either - see Shadow Stalker where she goes undercover as a barmaid, has three strong drinks as part of her role and then drives to pursue a suspect. Callum's possé of moral vigilantes got old quick - and he's still paying for it now with this bollocks.) "Yeah, it happens to the best of us." Gina points out. Sally's mobile keeps going to voicemail so Gina sends someone round to the house under the assumption she's had too much to drink at the start of a couple of days off, left her car and gone home and someone has stolen it.
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The other driver has a ruptured spleen and is in theatre. Tony asks to speak to Julia Jacobs and finds she's left the hospital. Tony and Millie hear that 'Julia' is blonde and slim in a green anorak and left with a tall, slim, attractive black guy in his 20's. "Ring any bells?" "The size of Notre Dame." "I guess it could be anyone, hey..." Millie sighs. "Yeah, and I'm Quasimodo." The mother of the injured girl tells them her daughter can't have been driving as she's only 15 and is 'a good girl'.
Callum tells Sally to cancel her cards and remove them and cash from her purse as he's going to dump her bag containing phone, ID and purse to make it look like it was stolen. Sally tries to refuse and wants to tell the truth but he tells her it's non debatable now he's involved in the cover up and sends her and Ben to his with a warning not to touch anything, or answer the door or phone and to lay low.
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Smithy still can't get in touch with Sally or Ben so leaves Ben a voicemail asking him to ring him. He asks Stevie if she went out with them last night but she tells him no because Sally was in a weird mood so she swerved it and left Ben to deal as he's the only one who can deal with Sally when she's like that. Stevie suggests they've probably gone AWOL together because they fancy each other.
Callum tells Smithy that he's late because there's a road closure after an RTC and he got stuck in traffic. Smithy tells him the RTC involved Sally's car. Callum asks Will to meet him in the yard later. Gina updates uniform and admits they don't know if Sally was the driver. Smithy tells them the woman driving Sally's car called herself Julia Jacobs and left the hospital before anyone got a look at her. "Except for her being blonde, slim, wearing a green anorak covered in blood with a black guy in toe." "Stick to the facts, please..." There's no CCTV yet and three Julia Jacobs' are listed in Sun Hill. Neither car was hotwired and the crash happened near a bend so one could have been going too fast and the other taking it wide to miss a park car. To add to the confusion, Miranda Roscoe, the suspected other driver is not the registered keeper, is only 15 and collapsed at the side of the car so may not have been in the driving seat after all. Callum muddies the waters by suggesting knocking on Ben's door if they're trying to find Sally to eliminate her from their enquiries. At Callum's, Sally wants to ring the hospital instead but Ben manages to stop her.
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"I can't believe Sally would be so stupid." Will sighs. There's no CCTV at the hospital to identify Sally having been there. Callum asks Will to keep an ear out at the station whilst he's out and about trying to find out who was behind the wheel of the other car and stopping them from identifying Sally. "I thought we [the little possé of Callum, Will, Sally and Ben who bent rules to make sure those who couldn't be prosecuted legally got their comeuppances another way. But like Gabriel did but less serial-snipery] were laying low after what happened to Emma?" Callum tells him that Sally is a gutsy copper who doesn't deserve to lose her job for a mistake. A mistake that keeps happening! [This possé nonsense is such a waste of Ben!]
Sally lets herself into Callum's bedroom after a shower and takes one of his shirts to wear instead of her blooded clothes. She spots a picture of Callum and a brunette and wonders who she is and Ben respectfully tells her they shouldn't be in there and hurries her out.
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At the home of the registered driver, Callum finds she doesn't live there anymore after leaving the year before and that they say they don't know anyone by Miranda Roscoe's name. The father takes Callum out to see the car but it's not where he says he left it the night before. Gina's having the car checked for fingerprints so they'll have more information soon. Smithy's tracked one of the Julia Jacobs down - she's 83 "So I'm guessing her joyriding days are behind her don't you?" "Never say never." Gina doesn't think think that Sally and Ben not answering their phones is suspicious just yet...
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They've tracked down another Julia Jacobs in the time it takes Callum to return. "Two of them are older than I am!" She looks at Smithy. "... Yeah alright!" she says at his cheeky reaction.
Callum suggests it might be an alias or someone just passing through. Millie suggests checking the CCTV of the club to work out when Sally left in relation to the RTC. Callum says he'll do it but Smithy tells him Roger already is. Callum is sent with Millie to interview Miranda Roscoe at St Hughes.
There's a nice bit of continuity for longer term viewers (Episode 139 Smithy cheated during a drinking competition the night before and bought Gina doubles to his singles causing her to unknowingly drink drive the next morning. She ended up having a little prang after she's cut up by a white van driver. Gary and Cameron are called to the scene and Gary has to breathalyse her and then arrest her when she's over the limit.) Smithy asks Gina if she remembers the crash 'that I covered for you?' He asks if she suspects Sally and Ben are doing something similar and she insists she doesn't.
Miranda tells her mum that she lies and was at a concert rather than a sleepover. Callum asks her if she knows anyone by the surname Richardson and she looks at her mother. Millie asks if she'd taken drugs and her mother says instantly no. Miranda admits she'd been drinking and had taken coke and that's why she can't remember what happened. She got the drugs from 'a guy at the gig' and she doesn't know why she was in the car because she was walking home.
The club CCTV cuts between areas so doesn't give a continual view but it does show Sally leaving, without her coat and kissing a man (the courier from Demolition Girl). She pulls away, drops her handbag and won't let the guy help her. She heads towards the carpark and the CCTV flits back to inside the club. When it returns to show outside Sally is nowhere to be seen. Gina tells the relief to track down CCTV from the areas surrounding the carpark to try and find Sally leaving on foot. Callum returns and tells them that Miranda doesn't remember anything from the night before and had taken drugs. He spots the CCTV showing Sally kissing a man playing on the screen.
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The CCTV proves that she went to the carpark but not that she drove the car. Callum suggests she's bang to rights to read the reactions of the others. Smithy suggests the club could be full of opportunist thieves. Stevie suggest that the guy she knocked back or anyone else who saw her could have taken the keys when she dropped her handbag and pressed the fob to work out which is her car. To be sure they need to find Sally and Ben. Callum suggests running a picture of the man that Sally was kissing through facial ID or asking at the club if anyone knows him and offers to do it - Smithy says he'll do it. Rachel tells him that there was a lot of cocaine found in the other cars glovebox. Definitely more than Miranda suggested and it doesn't fit with her 'getting it off a bloke at the gig.
New Sgt Rachel Weston is surprised at Callum for being hard on Sally. She asks 'what that's all about?' Smithy says he doesn't know but he hopes he's wrong.
Callum who has been so careful about hiding Sally then has a loud argument on the phone in the corridor outside IBO where he SHOUTS at Sally to ask why she didn't mention her kiss that is caught on CCTV RIGHT AFTER he'd been talking to the group in the picture above about said CCTV. How did no one hear him given the voices heard nearby? Sally looks through her pockets and finds the mans name and number and gives it to Callum. At the same time Smithy and Arun get his name from the manager who recognises him as a regular. Callum spots wedding pictures and uses them to keep Damian quiet after he admits seeing Sally getting into her car, if he tells his colleagues that he didn't see Sally drink driving, he won't tell his wife that he cheated on her. He agrees to play ball. He later tells Arun and Smithy that she walked off towards the carpark and met the "6ft black guy" she was with earlier and he drove them home.
Stevie asks Will if he thinks Sally did it. He says no and asks if she does. She doesn't think anyone would be that stupid. The eldest Tomlinson son lies that his father isn't in, but before they leave the man collapses. They run in to help and calli for an ambulance. Joey said he wasn't in because the police being around is stressing his dad out and he has angina. Before they can talk to him in the hospital, Joey begs them not to and says it was him driving the car. Will updates Callum who tells him to sit in on the interview as he knows what the priority is. Joey says his friends taught him to drive and they'd been using his dad's car for ages because his dad sleeps like a log. He admits he didn't see who was driving the other car and that he goes looking for girls because the car makes him look older and like he has cash. He picked Miranda up as she was walking home and she was pretty out of it after she'd been at a gig. He doesn't know what happened after as he lost control of the car, panicked and ran home and smashed the back window so it looked like a burglary.
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Sally and Ben sit at Callum's waiting it out. Ben admits Julia Jacobs is the name of his first real girlfriend who dumped him to move to France. "Oh do me a favour!" Callum sighs as he walks in to find them cuddling. "I'm out there spinning plates whilst you two are getting cosy!" "She just needed a hug, Sarge." Callum isn't impressed to find Sally wearing his shirt and he starts to clear up after them (seriously for two people he's helping out they - Sally in particular for entering his bedroom and going through his stuff) have been pretty rude leaving mess around! He tells them Sally wasn't seen by the other driver and he's squared everything else so they're to go to the station and make out that they'd copped off with each other after Ben played the big knight in shining armour outside the club and that they've just got the messages of people trying to get in touch on Ben's phone and have come in to find out what's going on. Sally doesn't think that she can lie and he tells her to blag it as it's not too big a price to pay for drink driving after all(!!). Ben tells her gently that he'll come with her and all she has to do is say she was with him. "I wish I was." she sighs, walking towards the front door. "So do I." Ben sighs quietly.
Will tells Gina that he thinks Joey was telling the truth as he knew Miranda's name and where she'd been that night but said he didn't know anything about the drugs. Stevie suggests he was really keen to keep them away from his dad so she's not quite so sure. Callum asks if Joey thinks the accident was his fault and Will says yes and that he didn't see the other driver. Rachel arrives with Sally's bag in an evidence bag saying it was found near to St Hugh's. It has her phone and purse but no cash, cards or car keys. All eyes are on Ben and Sally as they enter the briefing room.
Gina takes them into her office with Smithy. Sally tells them she slept at Ben's house and that she knows nothing about the car being stolen or any car crash. She says she lost her phone and bag so she didn't get any messages they've left for her but she has cancelled her cards. Smithy points out how easy it is to find a car with a car fob but she insists she didn't think as she'd had a bit to drink. Gina tells her they found her bag a short distance from the hospital and that a woman called Julia Jacob's is suspected of taking it but she did a runner before she could be questioned. Smithy and Gina clearly seem to be a little suspicious but can't question it because Sally had an answer that was logical for every part!
Sally wants to come clean when she realises that the other driver was a 14 year old. Callum takes her into his office and points out that if she coughs she loses her job and gets a conviction and then so do he, Will and Ben for covering up for her and perverting the course of justice. "It's not just about you anymore!" He points out he's lied to more people than he cares to think about for her "People I like, people I respect!" "I'm not soft enough to think you actually care that much about 'Uncle Stoney' but you think about Will, Ben. You've enough on your plate. Don't add to it." He tells her to keep her apologies and to prove he hasn't risked his career for a waste of space and that she owes him that.
Stevie finds that Joey has likely lied to them because there's blood and fibres from Miranda's head and clothes that have been found to show she was sat in the back. Why would she be sat in the back? Especially as her handbag was found in the front and Joey implied that was where she was too. Will suspects that Roy might be working as a cabby and Stevie asks him to check if he has a license. They reinterview Joey and he realises they've caught him in a lie and that they know he is covering for someone. He insists he doesn't know what they're on about and clams up.
Will finds Callum and tells him Joey's story has fallen apart and that Roy's injuries are consistent with a crash. Sally says she might have caught a glimpse of him and Callum insists if she did it's likely he saw her. Stevie appears and tells them that Roy has handed himself in after he heard Joey was in custody and that if he was picking up people as a taxi then he did it illegally. Smithy is going in to interview him and Callum asks if he can come too in Stevie's place.
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Roy admits Joey is lying and covering for him. He says he was the driver and that he had Miranda in the car because he was illegally mini-cabbing. The drugs were Miranda's. She was bragging about it as she'd been the one in charge of getting them. When she fell asleep he took them and put them in the glovebox. He told Joey what happened and Joey lied to protect him. He'd been doing it because his wife had left and cut all of them off including the kids and money is tight and doesn't go far enough. Callum asks if he saw the other driver and he remembers she was a blonde woman but insists it was his fault not hers. He was tired and fell asleep behind the wheel. He's angry with himself for leaving the girl laying there. Callum asks if he'd recognise the other driver again with Smithy side eyeing him. He says no and that he wouldn't even want to as it's his fault not hers.
Stevie tells Smithy that Miranda admitted the coke is hers, she sampled some and ended up getting lost. "I'd say that was job done." Smithy says, putting money into the vending machine. "Well, we still need to find Julia Jacobs." "We're hardly going to find her..." he says to Callum ominously. "She's one lucky girl." Sally asks Smithy what happened in the interview and he tells her that Tomlinson took full responsibility. He then tells her to 'get out of here before anyone else starts pointing anymore fingers'.
Bits of this are written weirdly. It's not clear 100% whether Smithy or Gina do definitely suspect Sally is guilty or not. There's little clues to say they do and then Smithy tells Sally that last bit in a tone of voice like he isn't but the words sound like he is! I don't think the director knew what he wanted to impart which is weird cos Reza is usually one of the better directors! (He was the director for the last 2 eps)
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Uniform tease Ben as he waits outside for Sally, asking him what happened. He says he took Sally home but put her to bed and slept on the sofa. "You're no fun!" Millie tuts playfully. "The youth of today, far too well behaved!" Tony smirks. Sally tells Ben she'll do whatever it takes to never be in that situation again. Ben gently tells her not to do it to him again and she says she could say the same to him "I'm not worth the effort." She pauses. "...We friends?" "I wouldn't go that far. Come on, Trouble!" Ben smiles, leading her out the station.
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spctlights · 2 years
–– closed  starter  for  @dispersisfabulis​ ;  graham’s garden  ’  9pm.
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graham  had  definitely  forgotten  that  he'd  invited  micah  over. so  when  he  suddenly  heard  the  sliding  door  make  its  high  - pitched  whine  that  it  always  made  ,  there  was  an  second  of panic.  he  sat  against  the  little  wall  next  to  the  pool  , watching  the  sun  slowly  fading  between  the  trees  ,  cigarette pinched  between  his  fingers.  "  oh  ,  micah  ,  hi  ,  "  he greeted,  pushing  himself  up  with  a  groan  and  pressing  the cigarette  out  against  the  wall.  he  checked  his  watch  and  – in  a  stroke  of  luck  –  realised  it  was  earlier  than  they'd planned.  "  i  didn't  expect  you  yet.  how  are  you  ?  "
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
names masterlist.
here’s a masterlist of popular names from each state in the united states. names will be separated by state and by gender, and there will be 5 of the most popular names from each state. i put all of the names on one line to avoid having this end up being too long, and i also included district of columbia. thus, there’s a total of 510 names. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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male.  /  william.  john.  james.  noah.  elijah.  female.  /   olivia.  ava.  amelia.  charlotte.  emma.
male.  /   oliver.  liam.  wyatt.  lucas.  theodore. female.  /   hazel.  aurora.  eleanor.  evelyn.  isla.
male.  /   mateo.  sebastian.  benjamin.  julian.  santiago. female.  /   sophia.  camila.  isabella.  mia.  luna.
male.  /   asher.  hudson.  grayson.  luke.  waylon. female.  /   paisley.  harper.  ella.  elizabeth.  willow.
male.  /   alexander.  daniel.  ethan.  ezekiel.  aiden. female.  /   gianna.  emily.  mila.  aria.  natalia.
male.  /   henry.  jack.  owen.  jackson.  ezra. female.  /   avery.  abigail.  scarlett.  nora.  lily.
male.  /   joseph.  luca.  jacob.  logan.  mason. female.  /   madison.  grace.  penelope.  riley.  hailey.
male.  /   michael.  levi.  david.  cameron.  caleb. female.  /   layla.  leilani.  nova.  hannah.  kinsley.
male.  /   charles.  leo.  samuel.  dylan.  miles. female.  /   maya.  zoe.  naomi.  chloe.  margaret.
male.  /   matthew.  gabriel.  jayden.  anthony.  josiah. female.  /  victoria.  valentina.  leah.  ellie.  gabriella.
male.  /   carter.  christopher.  thomas.  legend.  joshua.
female.  /  serenity.  skylar.  caroline.  autumn.  willow.
male.  /   kai.  isaac.  maverick.  isaiah.  elias. female.  /   kaia.  kiana.  elena.  ayla.  leia.
male.  /   lincoln.  declan.  everett.  calvin.  brooks. female.  /   violet.  oakley.  ruby.  alice.  claire.
male.  /   nolan.  leonardo.  nathan.  ryan.  adam. female.  /   eliana.  lilian.  lucy.  addison.  delilah.
male.  /   easton.  cooper.  colton.  weston.  emmett. female.  /   everleigh.  ivy.  josephine.  lydia.  stella.
male.  /   ryker.  bennett.  beau.  beckett.  harrison. female.  /   cora.  quinn.  clara.  hadley.  vivian.
male.  /   silas.  jameson.  andrew.  rhett.  eli. female.  /   emery.  kennedy.  piper.  eloise.  sloane.
male.  /   carson.  sawyer.  kingston.  braxton.  hunter. female.  /   raelynn.  audrey.  emersyn.  sadie.  josie.
male.  /   christian.  wesley.  jace.  amir.  brennan. female.  /   aubree.  demi.  londyn.  remi.  mary.
male.  /   parker.  bentley.  river.  connor.  robert. female.  /   maeve.  magnolia.  freya.  adeline.  madelyn.
male.  /   axel.  aaron.  chase.  kayden.  austin. female.  /   genesis.  bella.  brielle.  mackenzie.  ariana.
male.  /   maxwell.  landon.  cole.  rowan.  george. female.  /   sophie.  anna.  julia.  cecilia.  eva.
male.  /   roman.  ali.  blake.  milo.  august. female.  /   brooklyn.  peyton.  savannah.  nevaeh.  melody.
male.  /   arlo.  graham.  louis.  archer.  otto. female.  /   amira.  elsie.  lennon.  wren.  june.
male.  /   bryson.  walker.  kyrie.  dawson.  kash. female.  /   harmony.  journee.  summer.  oaklynn.  kylie.
male.  /   jeremiah.  dean.  tucker.  jasper.  xavier. female.  /   reagan.  ember.  brynlee.  iris.  amara.
male.  /   bodhi.  colt.  stetson.  knox.  arthur. female.  /   finley.  aspen.  eliza.  harlow.  jane.
male.  /   barrett.  lane.  ian.  camden.  hayes. female.  /   maria.  eden.  reese.  sutton.  jade.
male.  /   gael.  emiliano.  ivan.  lorenzo.  ace. female.  /   athena.  ximena.  selena.  alaia.  allison.
male.  /   evan.  finnegan.  brayden.  gavin.  max. female.  /   fiona.  rose.  genevieve.  vera.  rosalie.
male.  /   nicholas.  dominic.  vincent.  zachary.  thiago. female.  /   esther.  sara.  miriam.  rachel.  rivka.
male.  /   jose.  giovanni.  damian.  angel.  diego. female.  /   ariella.  xiomara.  kaylani.  catalina.  andrea.
male.  /   moshe.  abraham.  jonathan.  chaim.  jordan. female.  /   chaya.  alaia.  chana.  sienna.  juliette.
male.  /   micah.  brantley.  tristan.  tyler.  nathaniel. female.  /   kaylee.  alexa.  taylor.  katherine.  bailey.
male.  /   bridger.  daxton.  briggs.  cohen.  paul. female.  /   sylvie.  presley.  alivia.  brynlee.  ada.
male.  /   kevin.  timothy.  brody.  brandon.  grant. female.  /   morgan.  paige.  jenna.  annabelle.  lyla.
male.  /   malachi.  ryder.  zayden.  maddox.  abel. female.  /   faith.  samantha.  jasmine.  trinity.  alexis.
male.  /   elliot.  jude.  leon.  atlas.  travis. female.  /   juniper.  sydney.  melanie.  charlie.  daisy.
male.  /   sean.  brady.  jason.  colin.  hayden. female.  /   callie.  molly.  teagan.  brianna.  lauren.
male.  /   zion.  nico.  enzo.  amari.  theo. female.  /   vivienne.  anastasia.  melody.  valerie.  sage.
male.  /   kyrie.  king.  ashton.  jayceon.  jaden. female.  /   kendall.  paris.  mariah.  makayla.  saylor.
male.  /   beckham.  finn.  nash.  holden.  knox. female.  /   thea.  hattie.  octavia.  haisley.  mckenna.
male.  /   justin.  seth.  steven.  kenneth.  mark. female.  /   arabella.  alexandria.  amber.  laura.  amanda.
male.  /   andres.  matias.  adriel.  victor.  alan. female.  /   arabella.  lucia.  alina.  kimberly.  ariel.
male.  /   nixon.  jett.  peter.  victor.  jonah. female.  /   navy.  adelaide.  millie.  olive.  holland.
male.  /   griffin.  eric.  felix.  forrest.  spencer. female.  /   aurelia.  bristol.  lila.  phoebe.  mae.
male.  /   bryce.  patrick.  brian.  richard.  kyle. female.  /   katelyn.  cheyenne.  jessica.  aniyah.  michelle.
male.  /   dakota.  jeremy.  derek.  garrett.  jeffrey. female.  /   georgia.  stephanie.  nicole.  alyssa.  jocelyn.
male.  /   trenton.  chandler.  drew.  clayton.  scott. female.  /   destiny.  rebecca.  angelina.  caitlyn.  chelsea.
male.  /   jared.  mitchell.  alec.  brett.  douglas. female.  /   meghan.  christina.  marissa.  danielle.  cassandra.
male.  /   odin.  zane.  agustus.  talon.  porter. female.  /   maggie.  gracelynn.  willa.  adelina.  tatum.
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bcolfanfic · 1 month
Frequent r/namenerd reader and you don’t have to answer this if it’s too much but would love to hear more about the young vets AU 2nd gen kids names. Did you think of middle names for them too? (ALSO need you to know the joke you made about making crosby’s boy jj bc Jeffery sounded weird in modern au lives rent free in my brain)
as a former child who used to sit and read *baby name books* in barnes and noble instead of actual books we might be the same person LMAO. from my notes app
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ev/helen and the crosbys have so many damn kids that not all of them have interesting loreTM lmfao but they’re chilling! (rebecca’s only lore rn is that she was a menace to wyatt when they were little, josie let her smoke with her once and got her so high she greened out and thought she was going to die- and on a completely different sober occasion she drove her car into the blakely’s backyard and ran over their trash can lmfao. love her.) please don’t ask me everyone’s exact age gaps or ill start hyperventilating lmfao rachel and i joked a while ago that their ages gaps are whatever the headcanons needs them to be (:
obv josie was already josie when the bucks adopted her but i hc that her birth mom didn’t give her a middle name so they got to pick that (: went with belle bc they took up calling her josie belle as a cute lil nickname and it stuck. micah is a twist on michael the archangel. gale’s idea that john loved immediately. john is who suggested middle naming him after curt. <3
graham was nash’s middle name that him and helen gave baby wyatt too <3
douglass did not choose what his sister named her baby lmao. he gets custody of him when he’s around 4, then he goes back to his sister (not their choice, it’s complicated) and then him and benny get final custody of him again when he’s a teenager. called him owl when he was liddol, but he goes by ollie for the most part.
ive said this before but curt and ken each named a twin. meadow was after the sopranos (curts choice) and ken decided to stick w/ the nature theme by picking bry. and meadow’s middle name ages perfectly bc helen is very much a mom figure to her. esp when everything goes haywire w/ jj and she gets pregnant at not much older than helen was when she had wyatt.
rosie got to name naomi bc he adopted her as a bby. naomi bc he always liked that name and mavis bc (: bird related <3
mostly stuck with the actual crosby kid names except for simon bc the thought of a lil baby named simon just spoke to me 🧘🏼‍♀️ the boys middle names are yes both after the archangels.
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