#roman charles
abstractpyschopomp · 5 months
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pineeappletree · 22 days
the way charles’ and arthur’s relationship carries throughout the game fascinates me.
in late chapter four, charles notifies arthur that he’s leaving to help rain’s fall. when arthur asks to help, charles declines because it’s personal.
but then, in chapter six, charles asks arthur to help because it’s personal.
the fact that charles, the most reserved and suppressed character, trusts arthur enough with something he knows is none of his business—there’s something so tender about that.
whether romantic love or platonic love, arthur and charles loved each other dearly.
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exactlaptime · 3 months
a cinematic experience
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cr. getty images
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rockrosethistle · 8 months
my roman empire:
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the day I meet Donna Tartt this will be the first thing I ask her
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 10 months
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Charles-Amable Lenoir (French, 1860-1926) Pandora, 1902
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inchidentalmeowmeow · 7 months
lestappen parallels feat. skyfall
the predestined and the inevitable
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countingstars-17 · 7 months
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max and charles blowing a kiss
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scdria · 13 days
where are my fellow bryan bozzi stans? bozzi hive?
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Ok so the yapping is getting too much now. But don't stop. Please. The way I tripped for a second at 2016 Max and 2024 Charles😭😭😭
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illustratus · 9 months
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Arch of Titus, Rome by Charles-Louis Clérisseau
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thankstothe · 8 months
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593 notes · View notes
tomyloversiwrite · 1 year
Venus: What's the worst thing you guys have done?
Rory: Rickrolled my teacher in 4th grade.
Roman: I kicked Noble in the shin-
Noble: -So I kicked Roman between the legs.
Austin: I burned a town down.
Venus: What?!
Noble: What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Austin: A lot of things.
Roman: No shit.
0 notes
lionofchaeronea · 14 days
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Romans Passing Under the Yoke, Charles Gleyre, 1858
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7pleiades7 · 19 days
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Pandora (1902) by Charles Amable Lenoir (French, 1861–1940), oil on canvas, signed C.A. Lenoir and dated (lower right); titled in Greek (upper left), 69 1/4 x 35 1/4 inches, Property from Linden House, Indianapolis, Indiana
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dolcepuccino · 19 days
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did i move on? absolutely not
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blessedbygookim · 24 days
The Queen Of Busan.
Part one: the meeting.
Part two: defeated.
Part three: ?
16 year old Gun and Goo getting they asses whooped.
It must be done by someone. Sorry, not sorry.
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That meeting happened one week ago.
Since then, they did some digging, although not finding out much. Her last name is unknown, so is where she is from originally and so her fighting prowess, which wasn't just a pain in the ass, but also unfortunate, adding to the mystery of the girl.
All they found out, is that she’s is 19 years old, same age as Sinu Han, meaning she is a part of the first generation.
Now they both sit in front of Charles Choi, in the rundown shack that he has been hiding at for a good while now. Gun is sitting in a pretzel, back straightened with his usual seriousness, and Goo is slightly slouched over in a more relaxed manner.
"So the strongest person in Busan is a woman... and she refused to join the Four Major Crews?"
Charles asks as his eyes dart between both younger man.
Gun sighs, finally speaking up as he rubs his temples, the memory of the meeting still giving him a headache.
"Not only that: she outright refused to help us in any way, shape, or form. I guess we're gonna have to try and find another business to extort."
Goo nods his head, remembering how his shot was shut down so fast.
Yes, that was his biggest concern.
His eyes dart between Charles and his partner as they speak. There is a tinge of disappointment stirring up in his chest, she could've been a fantastic asset to the crew with her smarts and charm.
And money, of course.
"Might I add, she seems to have taken some of Big Deal's territory under her control as well in the meantime. She seems surprisingly influential in the country as a whole, like scattered bubbles rising on surface, popping up everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she started taking over more businesses in the meanwhile."
Gun continues his train of thought.
"Jake Kim, and her have made an alliance and she's helping Big Deal and its street... so in a sense she is working for us... Not directly, but she is of help... she seems to have a soft spot for Big Deal, you can't deny her abilities and influence."
Goo thinks over Gun's words as he speaks, unable to argue with his logic in that regard. He sighs as he places a hand on his hip, his other hand pushing his glasses up slightly.
Maybe the reason why she gets along so well with Jake and the Big Deal members...well, with most; because eventually her goals and their goals are the same.
Big Deal is the epitome of being a family, filled with passion. No wonder how well she gets along with them, and took it upon herself out of the goodness of her own heart to help them run their businesses on Big Deal's street.
"If her soft spot gives us a loophole from which we can exploit, I don't have a problem with her having a soft spot for Big Deal. That just makes it easier for us to take advantage of.”
Gun concludes, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he speaks, looking over at Charles expectantly.
Still, Charles lets out a small grunt.
"Even if she's in an alliance with Big Deal, and as much as their sales went up, one single business of hers in Busan makes 3 times more than Big Deal alone. We need her businesses."
When Charles says his thoughts out loud, Gun can't help but have his eye twitch slightly, his eyebrow raising at his words. Both knowing exactly what Charles is saying but still having the same thoughts they've had before: this Nova woman is not making their job easy by any means.
"As beneficial as having her businesses for you would be, you've heard how quickly she shut us down. The woman said herself that she wanted to remain uninvolved in anything relating to either or any of us. It would take a miracle if she is somehow convinced to cooperate with us in any way."
Goo lets out an agreeing groan, nodding in agreement with his partner.
"Before I make a decision, tell me more about this woman."
Charles utters as he looks off, pondering, ready to hear what they know so far of Nova.
Both of them sigh and cross their arms, their faces giving off an air of disappointment and irritation.
"All we were able to get from what research we did and since the brief meeting we had with her was her age: 19, her place of birth: unknown, and so is her last name."
Gun lists off as he closes his eyes momentarily, his voice carrying an irritated tone to it as he speaks.
“She's literally running dozens of businesses with a perfect 0% corruption rate. She's also incredibly smart and charismatic, her charisma and kindness alone is already enough to make anyone obey her immediately."
Goo continues with a tone more carefree, perhaps a little more boastful than intended.
"Zero corruption, no shady business practices... a kind person in a world of grime..."
Charles repeats his words, trailing off as he visibly ponders, rubbing his bearded chin.
"A gentle heart like hers won't survive for too long in this world. We should teach her that lesson sooner rather than later."
Gun can't help the small, sadistic chuckle he lets out at Charles' words, his mood instantly shifting into amusement as soon as he hears the other man's plans. He always admired when Charles had his ruthless tendencies come out, it always was interesting to see.
"Especially since she's the Queen of Busan. Who would've thought someone her age would be able to take over such a large city on their own? It's both hilarious and admirable at the same time really."
Goo immediately frowns again as he hears Charles and Gun say such things, he's not afraid to admit it but he genuinely feels protective of this woman now.
"I don't know how you plan to teach a woman like that a lesson in this world, she's like an absolute angel of light. You can see in her eyes just how kind she truly is, we should really be careful before she shows us how dark she can be behind that bright exterior.”
To his words, Charles sends Goo an empty stare, and Gun nudges him softly with his shoulder.
"Joongoo, you should drop your personal feelings towards the girl. This is only business."
They were both all about business and raking in the money, empathy had no place in their plans. In the world of HNH group, there is no such thing as kindness, there isn't any place for a soft soul here. Even though from a moral standpoint Gun also happened to take a liking to the girl, his loyalty towards Charles Choi was still far greater.
But Goo will make sure to keep her in his thoughts regarding his own future.
Charles' words and the way both he and Gun look at him make him let out a defeated sigh, a hand rubbing his hair in frustration.
"Fine... you guys win, I'll try to keep my thoughts on her to a minimum. Doesn't change the fact that she's absolutely perfect though, the way she could've easily won that fight in the restaurant, the way she stood up to both of us... I guess it's hard for me to not be slightly entranced by her."
Goo admits with a slight shrug.
This was expected from him, all Gun can do is mentally roll his eyes.
"Enlighten me on her fighting prowess then.”
As that question slips from the man's mouth, both of the boys glance at each other.
Even as Gun remembers back at how taken aback he felt when she managed to throw a fork perfectly aimed at his eye and how it pierced his sunglasses, he cannot help but shiver at the sheer agility she displayed out of nowhere in that moment. But other than her terrifying aura in that moment and her precision, and speed, not much else is known. It's really a mystery how this 19 year old woman became who she is.
Goo’s eyes light up the very second Charles asks what her fighting prowess is, smile widening with excitement as he really has been itching to start talking about just how insanely talented Nova really is. He starts off almost before Charles had even finished in asking his question.
"Her precision, agility, and speed are on a whole other level. A normal human shouldn't even be able to accomplish a fraction of what she's capable of. It’s safe to say to admit that she might be on the same level as Gun and I."
Goo was nothing further than ecstatic, having a free opportunity to flap his guns.
“She whipped a fork at him and it pierced right through his sunglasses, but just enough to not actually pierce his eyes. She seems to have the speed and agility of a cheetah while having the precision of a sniper. She's a true, perfect masterpiece in a woman's body."
Charles ponders for another minute, humming once to himself as he shifts his eyes back on the two in front of him.
"So she's quick... but speed is nothing if she doesn't have the power. I will send a crew to ransack some of her businesses."
Goo can't help but feel iffy about the situation, he felt a strange feeling welling inside him as Charles says that. But ultimately, he isn't surprised by his plan. He had been a part of so many of Charles' plans over time, so it was no surprise to him that his plan to get Nova to cooperate involved violence. His face immediately goes neutral again as he remembers that there is no place for empathy here. It was all about business and profits for this organization and they couldn't let this woman get in their way of that. Or is how he tried to soothe his nerves with.
While Gun's face hardens, he nods his head. They both know what the outcome of all this will be in that regard.
"That would be wise, her businesses would be completely defenseless. Even if fast, speed is nothing if it doesn't have the power backing it."
So sending a few men he did. An hour and a half passed since then, and there was still no update about how it all has progressed.
Goo fiddles with his thumb with his lips pursed as he sits on a bench. Eyes casted on the pavement as they're now outside of the house, as Gun smoked a cigarette.
"I've never been so conflicted about something like such before...”
Goo mutters out, glancing at Gun who seemed as unbothered as ever.
Though Goo's words made him wonder what was really going on here. Was Goo getting soft on them? Or was his loyalty to the organization getting less and less? He didn't have the answer to that but one thing was for sure, he needed to shut Goo up before he started acting too soft.
"What kind of nonsense are you spouting now? I can literally hear you overthinking it. You aren't actually soft for her, right?"
Gun questions with a slight tone of menace, taking another exhale of his cigarette as he gives him a hard look, his eyebrow rising just slightly.
"... I don't know...or at least I don't think so." Goo shrugs, his mind for sure running marathons. "I know we've also done the same with countless businesses all throughout South-Korea without any remorse and whatsoever... this is the first time I feel like we wronged the nicest person in the worst way possible."
Gun was starting to get a little worried now, Goo was beginning to let his feelings influence him. It was only natural since this woman was so kind and empathetic, but that kind of quality was not welcome in the world of gangs. If he let this get to him anymore, he could very well turn against them. He didn't want to have to deal with dealing with Goo's betrayal as well. This is honestly starting to get ridiculous to him, he's never seen his partner get so upset over something like this before.
"It was inevitable that we were going to have to do that. You already know that her kindness wouldn't keep her alive in this world, so I don't know what you're so worried about. It's nothing we haven't done to anyone else before."
Goo lets out an exhausted sigh as he leans back on the bench, staring up at the sky.
"I just have a bad feeling about this, is all..."
Gun's eyebrow raises slightly, slowly raising a hand and rubbing the bridge of his nose as he just lets out a groan of frustration.
"Listen, I've been working with you long enough now to know when you get these ‘bad feelings’ about stuff. If you're worried then we'll just go over there ourselves, how about that? If we deal with some of the trouble on our own, it might get that bad feeling out of your system and get you to calm down again."
The blonde mutters out with a slight pout, sitting up slowly.
As soon as Gun finished his tangent, is the same moment he gets a message to get back in. His expression lights up as he hears that they finally have an update, him reaching down and stomping his cigarette into oblivion with his hand as he looks over at Goo with a confident look on his face.
"We have updates on the situation. Come on."
As he speaks, Gun looks over at Goo for just a small moment before he turns back around and starts walking and Goo follows with a crease between his eyebrows..
The crease between his eyebrows deepen even more when they step foot into the office. Gun is getting a little worried, he has never seen his boss so puzzled and taken aback in a good while. They could tell by his facial expressions, and the uneasy atmosphere as well with the tension now rising up in the room.
"The men I have sent have been defeated in every bar, store and establishment of hers. None of my men could return."
Once they hear those words from Charles, their eyes both widen in disbelief and shock. Both of them stare at the older man in disbelief as the two of them stand with dumbfounded looks on their faces.
"You're saying... nobody came back?"
Gun questions slowly, blinking slowly at Charles as he lets what he had just said sink in, his eyebrow raising in complete bewilderment as does Goo's, hardly able to suppress the smirk that was threatening to stretch out on his face.
"Her men has single handedly defeated all and everyone... and apparently it was her alone who took out my most skilled men by herself... Not only her men are skilled, but so is she. I did not expect that at all."
Charles mutters out with a groan. Eyes closing with his brows knitted together, clearly frustrated at the turn of events, and the smirk now fully lifted both corners of his lips when he hears the news that it was Nova that did all that, but Gun's expression looks much less enthusiastic.
"That’s sounds unbelievable.."
Gun mumbles out with a baffled look on his face, his shoulders rising as he gives Charles a look of shock, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"Either way, desperate times call for desperate measures." Charles responds, eyes opening with a furious glint in them. "I will send the two of you and a few more men to dissect the whole of her businesses in the city. Attacking from all and every angles. Your main target is Nova. Finish the job for me, and make sure to break that woman in so she has no other choice but to oblige."
The two boys were monsters for a reason. The best of the best, if not the best, among all of the Ten Geniuses as of yet. The two of them should have no problem taking down one single person so she has no choice to bend to their will at the end.
As soon as Charles's words finish, Goo's face pales slightly as he looks over at Gun beside him, the two of them staring at each other for just a moment as they absorb the message that Charles had just given them.
"We got it, we won't let you down, Sir..."
Goo replies calmly, the two of them giving Charles a calm, collected look, his words sounding far too calm for the situation that they had been handed.
"Go now. I believe the two of you should be able to handle her. The other men I have sent are already in Busan. If everything goes as planned this time, it will only be her left.”
Both of the boys give a single nod of understanding to the instructions, and with that they both walk out of the room without another word, leaving Charles alone as they go get prepared for their trip to Busan.
"Alright, looks like we're headed back to Busan."
Goo comments as he looks over at Gun, a slight smirk on his face.
"You seem way too excited to see her even under these circumstances..."
Gun comments, eyeing him suspiciously, but shakes his head softly at the end.
Even though Goo is somewhat excited, he can't help but feel a ripple of fear run through him. As much as he had some personal feelings for the girl, her skills were still unknown.
The blonde just grins even more when Gun remarks about how excited he looks to see Nova again, him just giving the other a playful roll of the eyes in response.
"Hey, you know me, I like strong women. And a woman like her? Well, she's a whole other level of powerful... and a whole lot sexier too-"
"Whatever, just make sure you focus. Idiot."
He lets out a laugh, the tension melting away as they begin to focus on what they need to do instead of their emotions.
Maybe an hour later as they arrive in Busan, the atmosphere certainly doesn't feel as welcoming as the last time.
There is a certain tension in the air all around, the clouds are more gray, and the streets are eerily empty.
"Why did you bring a katana...?"
Gun asks Goo, spotting the weapon on his back in its sheath.
The latter just smiles when the questions is thrown his way, a smug look on his face.
"What? I wanted to make sure I'm extremely well equipped. Plus, I'm a man of style, and what's even more stylish than a Katana, right?”
He says in his usual, laid-back tone, his eyes filled with glee and excitement as they approach Nova's buildings.
"You're annoying.." Gun rolls his eyes at that as they keep walking through the streets, muttering under his breath.- "It's just a girl going on a rampage anyway... nothing more, nothing less."
Perhaps his own delusions will also calm his own discomfort as well about the situation. If only he knew what they were really in for, he'd have probably been much less dismissive.
"You said it, White Ghost. Just a simple girl on a rampage, nothing to worry about, right?~"
Goo chuckles out, his pace remaining steady as he walks along beside Gun, giving him a laid-back look as the two of them approach Nova's buildings. Gun's words actually got his nerves to calm down a little bit, if he started to think of her as just a woman then it would be easier to deal with her…But that woman is far from just a normal woman, even if Gun doesn't believe that she is, he did.
They remain mostly silent for the rest of the walk, as they approach their first location. The bars and establishments were all filled with all Charles' men taken out. Bodies upon bodies, the eerie smell of blood a little too strong for their likings. Goo noticed a pattern with all of the locations they went to so far, it was the same thing everywhere. The whole location would look trashed, bodies lying around, and yet the woman herself was no where to be found.
"God damn... this isn't just rampage, but a straight up massacre..."
Goo exclaims softly, nose pinched together as he nudges a body with his foot
"It's a damn bloodbath..."
Gun mutters out, looking around the room at all the men sprawled on the ground, their bodies looking beaten into a pulp as his expression darkens slightly at the sight of it all.
"It might be a good idea if we stick together, this chick isn't someone to mess with alone. We need to stay together at all times if we don't wanna end up like these guys are."
"Yeah, let's leave now, it smells like straight up death in here..."
Goo mutters out a response, leaving the establishment first.
Until nothing else but the restaurant where they first met a week ago remain.
The moment they enter the street, is the moment it all becomes so real.
Trails of blood scattered all around the road and pavement. Bodies mutelated, mauled, Goo swears he just saw a body torn in half from the jaw down. A cold shiver creeps up their necks, especially when their eyes land on the person they have been looking for all along.
Standing in the sea of bodies is Nova. White dress stained with blood, hands covered in the same crimson substance up to her elbows, skin and flesh under her nails. Hair disheveled, an eerily blank face paired with a blood thirsty gaze as her eyes glow luminously white. Barefoot as she stands, emitting nothing but a pressuring aura.
"Well... isn't she beautiful?"
Goo remarks, his eyes locked onto her just a few feet away, a smirk forming on his face as he looks at her blank expression combined with the blood- thirsty look in her glowing white eyes.
...is he dumb?
"You did... all of this?"
Gun aims his question towards the woman, who slowly turns her head towards their direction.
Goo's heart almost drops right out of his asshole, smirk faltering lightly.
She definitely wasn’t as happy to see them again as he was..
She lets out a long exhale, breath so warm the fog of it filters visibility into the frigid air... and it wasn't even winter time.
“So it was you two behind this all along... huh?..”
She asks, tone empty. Monotone, no hint of emotions in her words, but the way she was practically staring at Gun like he was a prey about to be hunted down, told them more than enough
"Guilty as charged.~"
Goo replies with a chuckle, his smirk still plastered on his face as he looks at the girl, a gleeful tone in his voice. Gun looks just as confident, staring at Nova.
"Don't take this personally, it's nothing but business."
Gun states firmly, his eyebrow raising slightly as he keeps his expression calm, his hand slowly moving to grab a pack of cigarettes.
He could barely take the pack out of his pocket, his eyes widening. As the last syllable leaves his lips is the same moment she lunges towards him like a catapult. Arms extended, nails looking like they're about to tear him into shreds.
Gun barely manages to dive away just as she reaches him, rolling over the ground before he looks up at her once again, his eyes flashing with both surprise and amusement as she skids away slightly, nails digging into the concrete, ploughing it up.
"Oh, that was fast..."
He mutters under his breath as he pushes himself up to his feet, his eyes locked on her with a determined gaze.
"Fast?? It was like she teleported the fuck??"
Goo was horrified by the speed she moved with and it almost got him shocked into not knowing what to do next.
While still on the ground, she digs her limbs into the pavement to use as leverage to catapult a flying split kick used in Kyokushin Karate to send a heavy blow towards Goo this time as she flips with her leg extended.
Taken aback by the sheer velocity that simple kick had, he manages to block it above his head with his arms crossed, making him grimace, he for sure hasn't felt a blow this heavy, in a long while.
He for sure felt and heard his bones crack, a hiss of pain escaping his lips while he grimaces slightly, giving Nova a look of disbelief.
"That actually hurt..."
He mutters softly to himself, his eyes remaining locked on her even as he takes a step back, trying to ignore the pain in his arms as Gun suddenly takes a step towards Nova, trying to land a punch at her from behind.
While foot still printed hard against the blonde's arm, the other top of her feet lock behind Gun's head after he is in closer proximity, she now uses them as a lunch pad to push herself away, not just dodging his punch, but in the mean time making them headbutt each other. Hard.
Letting out a shout of pain in unison as they both smash their heads into each other, their faces colliding in a brutal collision as they both stagger back, a pained look on both of their faces.
"God damn it...."
Goo mutters under his breath as he holds his head in his hands, Gun doing the same as he slowly wipes the small trickle of blood flowing from his nose.
Charging at her the same time, their fight continues.
Unfortunately to them, one sidedly for the most duration of the time.
Neither of them seen someone who has so many martial arts abilities, skills and techniques under their belts. Some they haven't even experienced before.
Sheer power and skills blending perfectly. Speed almost teleportational, countless times disappearing out of their peripheral visions just to appear right behind them, and send such blows that stung like needles, or were heavy like tons of weight were just dropped on them. Every move is impossible to expect and predict, every move she makes sends shivers down their spine.
It was like she was the perfect mix of all the fighters they have since met, be it in the second or first generation.
Goo exclaims in a hastily manner, in the midst of throwing his own heavy blow, only for his wrist to be grabbed, his own flow of power be turned against him as she makes him eat hard concrete, the pavement denting under him, almost swallowing him up whole.
"I'm trying!!"
Gun shouts loudly, his voice filled with a mix of both impatience and frustration, his expression desperate as he tries to come up with some sort of a plan.
Deciding to just straight up go for it, at this time not really having even a second to spare, and throws a straight blow her way, it was scary, with how much ease she evades it, almost like flowing with the air.
She speaks as takes a very firm hold of them both, flipping them in the air and slam them back down into the pavement by their throats.
“Leave Busan and never return.”
Hoisting them up in the air in the midst of their concussion, not even giving them a chance to recover, kicking them both down once again like a soccer ball, Gun flying right into a brick wall, and Goo eats concrete once again a few feet away.
“This is my city.”
Both men lay motionless on the ground, clearly beaten, still for several moments, trying to process and recover from the beating they've just received, before eventually Gun lifts his head up a bit, a pained but satisfied expression on his face as he pushes himself up onto his knees.
"Damn... I don't think... I've ever been beaten like that..."
He mutters softly, his breath coming out in labored puffs with a wide smile, the pain making it hard for him to form a coherent thought, other than knowing it felt exhilarating.
She's far beyond human at this point, she isn't someone to be underestimated at all.
While taking steps closer to Gun specifically, the only thing he can do at this point is just to watch her near, and attack when the time is right.
“I will not let you destroy what I have created.”
She utters out flatly, a hand inching towards Gun's face slowly.
“Cool eyes... mind if I take them as souvenirs?”
A look of disbelief and horror appear on Gun's face the moment he hears those words, his eyes widening slightly as he hears Nova's intentions. It's clear that both of them have never met someone stronger than them until now, never even considered such a possibility before this moment. Without much time to react, Gun tries to dodge back, but she's too fast, her hand grabbing his face in one quick, swift, almost instantaneous move.
He sits knees on the ground, jaw almost breaking in her grasp,looking at her like she's some kind of otherworldly monster, as he starts to wonder if he will even be able to hold out any longer.
This was a feeling neither of them were used to at all. Gun had never truly experienced fear like this before from a fight with someone, he always knew that no matter what he could always win. He always had such confidence that he would always win, but this time he was genuinely afraid. She didn't just overpower them. This time, they were completely outmatched. They were the prey and she was the predator in this situation. In that moment, all the cockiness and arrogance he usually possessed was gone, replaced with pure dread. This wasn't just a girl on a rampage, she was a monster.
Meanwhile, Goo, although going in an out of consciousness, and through gritted teeth as he already feels all and every bone in his body broken, the moment he notices the woman standing above Gun's body, is the same moment in a blink of an eye, he rushes forward.
Katana pulled out of its case, a deadly glint in his eyes as he makes one swift moment, stabbing the girl right through her abdomen from the front as he now suddenly stands behind Gun.
Perhaps his katana and swordsmanship actually came into good use.
For a moment, it looked as though Goo had managed to land a decisive blow...
But her expression made it clear. She wasn't even phased by it, her face remaining as blank and expressionless as ever as she simply turns her head to look back down at Goo, who was now staring back up at her in shock and disbelief.
"Oh... I am so fucked."
Are his only words as she takes a step forward.
Yes, forward.
While the blade still piercing right through her, discarding Gun aside like a measly ragdoll as she walks even deeper into the blade, and grips the sharp edge with her hand so he can't even think about moving the blade any way.
Of course nothing budges. Every time he tries to push her, or lever her off the blade, she doesn't even move at all. Not with her holding the shaft of it with such grip it was denting the metal. She doesn't look in any pain, or even show any reaction at all. She just keeps moving forward slowly despite the huge blade piercing into her stomach.
In fact, as she slowly pushes forward, the sound of the katana tearing through flesh can be heard in the empty city street, making both Goo and Gun tense up as a look of realization passes through their expressions.
What the hell was this woman made of...??
Blade broken by the tight grip of her hand after it had enough of warping and twisting her other hand is already up in the air. Hands flat like a spear, extended, ready to strike.
What happened after that is unclear.
After several moments, it was over. Goo and Gun both lay on the ground motionless, both of them completely unconscious and completely beaten for the first time in their lives. Everything hurt, and the shock from the whole ordeal was weighing heavy on them.
It went against everything they believed had ever known in their lives, the belief that no matter what, they would always win. But she changed that belief forever. Now, they would live the rest of their lives knowing someone more powerful and stronger than them was out there somewhere.
It is a story no one really talks about, since how unbelievable it sounds.
Two of the best, most powerful fighters in SK getting taken down by none other than a woman, in mere minutes.
Perhaps that was a good choice, that no one mentioned it since then, and did their best to keep it a secret. At least some of their ego stayed in tact, but couldn't help how bruised, and a broken they both felt after that.
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