deathdoesntkillyou · 25 days
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Grancy - Gyee
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gifsanroll · 5 months
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━━ ✧ CLICK ON THE SOURCE LINK to find about #62 medium-sized gifs featuring MIDORI FRANCIS in various interviews. i made these gifs from scratch, please do NOT claim them as your own, turn them into gif icons, or use them in other gif collections without asking for permission. do NOT to use them for portraying minors, in problematic/taboo roleplays, to misrepresent the LGBTQ+ community or race. if you think this pack is handy in any way, feel free to give it a thumbs-up or reblog!
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federer7 · 2 years
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Shanghaï, China. 1984
Photo: Christine de Grancy
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teamdoofus · 10 days
knee-deep in my grancy feels, send help
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nancypullen · 9 months
The Word
I have thought way too much about what word I want to use for inspiration in 2024. I narrowed it down to two words that spoke to me on many levels.
The first word was freedom. It means a million different things to me - freedom from the expectations of others, freedom from roles I have played for decades, freedom to choose differently, freedom to pursue dreams, financial freedom, freedom to speak my mind, etc. As much as I like the idea behind it, it just wasn't the right fit. I mean, honestly, I already have the freedom to do any of those things, but I've held myself back in so many areas. I'm sixty and the clock is ticking, which led me to the word I eventually chose...
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Power is my word for 2024. Oh, I'm the last person you'd look at and think of the word power. I'm a pink, fluffy, Grancy-looking, girly sort. I'm big-eyed and round-cheeked and I giggle. But every single one of us has power. Do we always use it? Nope. Should we? Absolutely. This year I am going to call upon the power of my life experience, the power of my meager talents, the power of my own voice, the power of what I know to be right for me, and improve my life. I'm the only one who can. I've used inner strength so often in the past, it has gotten me through some very tough times - but I was always doing it for my boys. It was the thought of improving their lives that drove me. When you're 30-ish it feels like you have all the time in the world to chase your dreams and get things right. Sixty hits differently. I'm probably in the last third of my life, and any dreams I still have had better be addressed sooner rather than later. Someday is now, and I'm the only person on Earth with the power to make it happen. No one is going to knock on the door and offer to grant my wishes. I have to use the power of my intellect, the power of my talents, and the power of the pioneer DNA humming in my body to make this life what I want. Does that sound overly dramatic? It's not mean to. I should probably have provided background on my lifetime of people pleasing and compromising to explain why the word power is meaningful. Oh, don't get me wrong, I still want to make people happy, and I'm still a huge fan of compromise and finding common ground. I was the baby in my family and my role was peacemaker, pleaser, and jester - keep it happy! Then I became a young bride and mother and my role immediately became a supporting one. I don't regret one minute of any of it. Look at the wonderful people that I get to love! But a lifetime of never using your power for your own benefit becomes a habit that is hard to break. I'm not reclaiming it, I've never used it! I don't even know how to use it. I do have some ideas though. I think it starts with honesty, with myself and others. There is power in truth. I think you can be honest and kind at the same time. Another factor in using my power is being my own friend. I'm a huge cheerleader where my friends are concerned, I'd never let them belittle their talents or accomplishments. I would encourage them to dream big. When others compliment me I tend to brush it off as something they feel obligated to say. In other words, I never believe it (I know, not very nice of me). But if I start saying it to myself, if I admit when I think a piece of art is good, or a story is well written - not boastfully, but in more of a I-think-I-got-it-right way, there's a seed of power in that and it just might grow into confidence. I could go on and on, but this is starting to feel like a therapy session that you didn't request. Hopefully you understand what I mean when I say that I'm choosing POWER in 2024. I'm hoping to feel like I've never felt before. I'm hoping to realize what I'm capable of, and maybe even see a dream or two come true. If not now, when??
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I'm slapping that picture on my desk as a reminder that I'm the only one with the power to make any of it happen. I hope that this time next year I'm writing about what a wonderful year it was and how much I learned. Here's to you, dear friends. I hope that you're entering this new year ready to decorate it with your best efforts. Be good to yourselves. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“I really think Empress Maria Alexandrovna and his brother Alexander of Hesse were the children of her mother's lover, Baron August von Senarclens de Grancy. It's just so evident; the 12 year difference between siblings, the correspondence of ministers on the matter (even Queen Victoria was well aware of the rumors), the fact that Grancy married only after the death of Marie's mother, the close relation of the Grancys with Marie and her descendants (Marie's supposed aunt was her governess and there's a correspondence between them) it's very telling. Also, Alexander looks quite a lot like his uncle Adolph von Senarclens de Grancy. I'm just hoping this rumor might be confirmed some day.” - Submitted by stupidgirl2003
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beadyeyes · 2 years
the drawing of the cat in the blood corner is francis right? I just wanted to make sure i didnt just spread misinformation because my friend posted that pic but it was an anime girl instead of the cat and i wqas like Haha wow thats grancis
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Le restaurant le Café de Grancy à Lausanne est situé juste en dessous de la gare CFF de Lausanne sur le boulevard du même nom. Cette brasserie est une référence de la vie gourmande lausannoise depuis de nombreuses années.
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deathdoesntkillyou · 1 year
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lamilanomagazine · 5 months
Maida, Catanzaro. Rinvenuta nelle campagne una granata della 2° Guerra Mondiale: intervento degli Artificieri dei Carabinieri
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Maida, Catanzaro. Rinvenuta nelle campagne una granata della 2° Guerra Mondiale: intervento degli Artificieri dei Carabinieri. I Carabinieri della Stazione di Maida, su segnalazione di privati cittadini, in località "Fialà" hanno rinvenuto tra la vegetazione una granata d'artiglieria cal. 75 mm HE di nazionalità italiana risalente al secondo conflitto mondiale. La granata si presentava completa di spoletta e di carica esplosiva. Dopo aver messo in sicurezza la zona sul posto veniva richiesto l'intervento degli artificieri del Comando Provinciale di Catanzaro ed informata l'autorità giudiziaria che disponeva il sequestro e la contestuale distruzione in sicurezza della granata. Nell'imminenza la stessa con le dovute cautele è stata messa in sicurezza, rimossa trasportata presso una vicina cava in località Granci di Maida e fatta brillare dal personale specializzato. L'episodio odierno oltre a confermare la costante presenza sul territorio delle pattuglie dell'Arma, sottolinea ulteriormente la grande tempestività di risposta in situazioni di potenziale pericolo per l'incolumità della popolazione evidenziando la costante sinergia tra le diverse articolazioni dell'Istituzione.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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benzinazero · 6 months
Trent'anni di esperienza del limite a 30 km/h nella città di Graz, in Austria: meno incidenti, popolazione contenta
Il centro strorico di Graz. Foto di Gerald Senarclens de Grancy Graz, città austriaca di 280.000 abitanti capoluogo della provincia della Stiria, ha introdotto il limite a 30 nel lontanissimo 1992, quando molti italiani non ne avevano nemmeno mai sentito parlare. Il limite fu applicato a tutte le strade urbane eccetto le vie di scorrimento, per un totale di circa 800 km di percorsi frequentati…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"FAMED GRASSY LAKE MOOSE SLAIN AT LAST," Cobalt Daily Nugget. October 24, 1913. Page 1. ---- Animal Bore a Charmed Life Until Milton Carr Appeared on The Scene ---- The big moose of the Timagami has been shot at last. The giant animal, whose impunity from the bullets of the hunters' rifles had be come almost a proverb in that district, will no longer roam the woods, and only its memory remains to form the basis of legendary tales for the benefit of future travellers. In the days to come, round the camp fires at night, stories will be told by the veteran hunters to their younger brethren of the famous moose of the Tinagami, and its numerous miraculous escapes from their usually reliable rifles.
By popular report the animal bore a charmed life. Hunters and Indians have known of its existence for years past. Yet never was a shot fired at it that took effect, though many have tried to end its career. Often has it been seen, in places where escape seemed impossible, but al ways it got away. Little wonder that it's fame became known far and wide, and people came to believe that the moose was under the special protection of the spirits of the woods.
But now is gone, and it's career was terminated by a Cobalt hunter. Milton Carr was the man who at last brought down the famous moose of the Tinagami. And a magnificent animal it proved to be. Eight feet in height it stood, and it's horns measured from tip to tip fifty-one inches. The spread would have been still greater had not the bore turned upwards. It's captor has sent the head to his home in Hamilton, to be mounted and preserved as a visible tribute to the monarch of the bush.
The moose was shot on Grancy Lake, about fifteen miles from Timagami Lake. In journeying from one place to another the hunting party made nine portages. It was when the sportsmen were proceeding down Grammy Lake in their canoe that the animal was sighted in the bush surrounding the lake. Proceeding cautiously to within two hundred and fifty yards of the moose without it suspecting the presence of danger, Mr. Carr took steady aim and fired. Straight through it's heart went the messenger of death and over toppled the giant beast. The famous moose of the Timagami had succumbed at last.
Photo caption: Mr. Milton Carr Explaining How He Shot the Moose
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grank. grankie. grancis. grançois. grancisco. granklin. this has got to be a record
yeah. yeah what EVERRRRR
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nancypullen · 8 months
Another Sunday
Welp, I made it through another week without killing or being killed, so...success! I have the Sunday night dreads, remember that feeling as a kid? I haven't posted about work or much of anything because I feel like I've been negative lately. No one likes that. I'm usually the seeker of silver linings and cheerleader for the team/family, so I don't like being a downer. I know my role, and until I get back in the groove, I'll shut up about all of it, mmmkay? Today we drove to Easton for an author talk and it was absolutely fascinating. David George Haskell, an evolutionary biologist and winner of all sorts of awards for his writings (two time Pulitzer finalist!) was speaking at The Avalon Theater about his book, Sounds Wild and Broken.
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Biologist and nature writer David George Haskell has spent his career reminding us to pay closer attention to nature. In his latest book, Sounds Wild and Broken, which was nominated for a 2022 Pulitzer Prize in general nonfiction, Haskell turns his considerable perceptive powers to “Earth’s fraying soundtrack”—the planet’s orchestral richness, which is being increasingly blocked out by human noise. Haskell will deliver a book talk and play some recordings of nature’s most wondrous sounds in the Avalon Theatre.
It was so, so good. I took notes and now I want to read all of his books. He is an absolute artist with words, and managed to make some very scientific topics digestible for us common folks. His phrasing made me swoon, he could make insects seem magical. Even Mickey admitted to getting a little choked up a couple of times when he spoke of "primal sounds" - sounds that are unchanged from millions of years ago. We hear the ocean or a waterfall the same way that our Neanderthal ancestors did. I think you had to be there to hear and feel the impact. I'm not doing any of it justice. We had a lot to talk about on the way home and I'll be thinking of this for a long, long time. I've been reading rave reviews about his book The Songs of Trees, I may have to grab that one too. Don't judge his work by my poor attempt at sharing here - check it out! Another big (and important!!) event coming up is the grandgirl's SIXTH birthday. Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday I was passing out pink tootsie pops and telling everyone I met, "It's a girl!" Now she's her own little person with friends, report cards, and a desire to see Disney on Ice. That's where she's going next weekend with her bestie that lives two houses down from her. I would not be at all surprised if they attend in full princess regalia, tiaras and all. Grancy has her birthday surprises ready and I think I covered all of the bases - dress-up, books, a little magic (Magic Mixie Pixlings), clothes,etc. If she didn't already have two cats I'd get her a kitten too. Think they'd notice a pony in the back yard? I should stop. After we celebrate Little Miss turning six, we'll celebrate my first baby turning thirty-nine. Thirty-nine. How did that happen? Matthew has been a joy to me every day of his life. That isn't an exaggeration. Thirty-nine years of being a mother went really fast. My youngest baby is thirty-five. Same level of joy. Those two made my whole life worthwhile. There's not a single day I'd give back. We were always sort of the Three Musketeers, we've been poor together, laughed until we cried together, had adventures - some even on purpose. Okay, I got sidetracked. I was talking about Matt's birthday. Since he's in Minneapolis we rarely get to celebrate with him and that makes me really sad. I hate the idea of him working all day and then heading home to an empty house on his birthday. Oh, he's got wonderful friends, but it's not the same. Before I started at the library we'd talked about flying out to see him and have some birthday fun. Of course that isn't possible for me now, but Mickey is going to zip out to Minneapolis for a guy's weekend and I couldn't be happier. They'll probably fill the hours with weird stuff that wouldn't interest me - like watching a bunch of war movies and eating a lot of beef. As long as Matt has a happy birthday, that's a win. Gosh, it's almost 9 o'clock. We're watching the Grammy Awards and I'm quite pleased that we recognize so many performers. That's not always the case. When we were young we swore that we'd never be those old folks who didn't listen to popular music, but here we are. I listen to about a third of what's new, maybe not even that much. You get to an age where you just don't care - you like what you like and you don't care what else is out there. Kind of like my fashion choices at work - everyone else still wears gray, black, somber clothing. I show up daily in my pink and ruffled nonsense. It's February so tomorrow I'm adding big ol' heart earrings to the mix. I. DON'T. CARE. I'm the granny in the building anyway, might as well write my reputation in stone.
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I have the biggest hair in the building, the brightest clothes, and the loudest laugh. I gotta' be me.
I'll end this scatterbrained post with a bit of good news. The mister and I have made a decision about our anniversary trip. It'll likely be in October and we'll head to the Alsace region of France. It's a stunningly beautiful area where France, Germany, and Switzerland bump noses. After bouncing around a lot of idea and doing a bit of research it's a place we're both excited to see. We'll likely fly into Paris and take a train to either Colmar of Strasbourg as a base for our explorations. That means that we'll probably spend a couple of days at the end of the trip back in Paris. That thrills me. I need to see the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night again and make another trek up to Montmartre. Isn't that a whole bunch of wonderful to look forward to? It certainly is in my world. Alright, I've let you all know that I'm still alive. I'll try to blog more often (looong week ahead, no promises) and to make it lighter than it's been recently. No more whining. Well, not as much anyway. Sending out lots of love tonight, take as much as you need. Heck, take a little extra and spread it around. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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chrisgraves09 · 4 years
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Project Readjusted. a.k.a. MY HELL
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