#grandma babies actually
simphic · 1 year
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Date night, last night...
Nani surprised Yas with a somewhat "casual" date night in disguse of well..YES. Clearly Nani is sooooo in love with Yas, word to Al Green. However, we can't say that she wasn't a little scared of being met with multiple outcomes like just being only a 'thing' and merely just that, rejection, and just added pressure of what's to come. What Nani's sure of is that her love runs deep for Yassah. Nothing in the world matters when it comes down to them, and in the moment none of those outcomes did when Yas said YES!
More memories to make for grandma babies!
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seabeck · 5 months
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Band of sisters
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veveisveryuncool · 7 months
dahlia and daffodil post!!!!!! no way!!!!
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i found these in the files from months ago but i think it still hold up
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spawksstuff · 8 months
The De Completionist Checklist Part 2/?
Note on the dates: I will mostly be going by when a show/movie was shot (or when De was signed to do it) rather than it's release date.
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My score: 4 / 9
Need To Find: Taxi, Danger, Plainsclothesman, Armstrong Circle Theatre - Breakaway, The Web
Favorite Movie: N/A
Favorite TV Show: The Lone Ranger Death in the Forest
Favorite Quotes:
"(Chuckling) Why you healthy old hypochondriac..." (The Lone Ranger)
"Well what do you know, I can't even afford to die!" (Little Theatre)
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the “supernatural or no” debate about yellowjackets is funny to me because…… hm how to put this. not a lot of the Weird Shit that has happened on yellowjackets goes beyond a level of weirdness that would make it feel out of place in my family lore.
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robinsnest2111 · 16 days
promised my aunt not to think about the information she revealed about my parents to me today too much
but I am only a simple creature trying to understand everything that went into me turning out the way I did
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babisawyer · 1 month
I got home yesterday and cut most of my hair off within like ten minutes of being home.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
trying to balance jaheira being a terrible mom but an excellent grandmother
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cherry-shipping · 9 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY AWESOME COOL LITTLE SIBLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heres us watching sunday morning cartoons Except Um i couldnt be bothered to draw a background. lol
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simphic · 10 months
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This small interaction kills me like...dfjgjgj. I love it
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offorestsongs · 1 month
me: im going to leave lysander's backstory vague on purpose
also me: im going to flesh out his backstory and make it SAD
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mudcasper · 1 year
For all Cypher’s worth, he’s probably rich af. Like no joke, this man is LOAADED. Probably second richest to Chamber (and Chamber must have acknowledged it, and they go on to compete with one another to see how much they would invest and win). He did grow up poor so he probably have saved a lot of money back then and work really hard by doing.. AHEM AHEM, legal marketing 😀👍 his bank has far exceed from a million bucks already. He never spends it on himself however but when he married Nora, he wanted to spend it all on her. Yet the humble and kind queen always refuses so he never persisted although HE wish he does (he wishes he could have spent it all on her)
After her death, he never used the money at all and rarely have ever taken something out of it, he created multiple bank accounts just so he couldn’t use it until he joined Valorant. Sova came in being all pretty doe-eyed gorgeous perfect specimen of a man. He reminded him of Nora and suddenly he has the urge to splurge his money on him
After or maybe before they dated, he wanted to spend some money on him except Sova is also a humble and kind queen and Cypher wanted to gauge his eyeballs out. So what he did is like leave some expensive gifts lying around for him to spot and accept without him noticing it was from him, like tiny little trinkets to golden bracelets JUST SO he can accept 😭
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righteous-pines · 2 months
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The last living relative of the great Pinestar. As his granddaughter, and as an extremely talented young warrior, in her own right, great things are expected of Alpineknoll. Only time will tell if she will fulfill this presumed destiny, but thanks to the careful rearing and training of her grandmother, Graypelt, she shows great promise towards her destiny.
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red-hemlock · 2 months
Headcanon: Hometown
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River is not a native Gothamite, instead hailing from a small coastal town called Juttica, in the pacific northwest state of Oregon. Once a semi-successful logging town, it enjoyed prosperity for a little over 100 years before falling into a nosediving decline when the surrounding timber reserves began drying-up. Its fate was effectively sealed, when a portion of the huge sawmill on the town outskirts caught fire... That mill was the beating heart of the place, and the permanent closing of its doors condemned it to the slowest of deaths.
Even in its booming heyday Juttica wasn't particularly large, but currently it is effectively a ghost town, boasting a population of only 15 and gradually shrinking... Most of the remaining are aged individuals, the last of their family lines or those just too plain stubborn to leave. River herself wouldn't be able to recall seeing more than a few spatterings of people here and there, on those odd outings she and her siblings and cousins would take into the town; at the time when she was young, the population was probably 35 at best.
River's family is older than Juttica. They were there, watching from the woods as the town was born, and were there to witness its downfall; and will be there when the rest of the townsfolk become a distant memory. The Lockes never interacted with the town back then, but now that they outnumber the populous, some of the younger members like to wander down and use the rotting buildings for exploratory purposes, and to practice their free-running skills on dangerous surfaces. Juttica's inhabitants likewise ignore them, and are unaware of what the Locke children are really up to: believing the occasional visitors to be the kids of tourists simply interested in exploring a ghost town.
The old sawmill and the town's derelict lighthouse were River's favorite spots as a child.
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jewfrogs · 11 months
before i was born there was a family-wide fight over what to name me because I am greek and it’s a cultural tradition to name a child after their grandparent, but my mother wasn’t a fan of her mother in law’s name and hates being told what to do. she won the battle but my grandmother won the war because i came out and immediately started using her name since it’s vaguely gender neutral lol
incredible. good for grandma!
i’m not greek but greek-adjacent (mom was raised there), and out of my group of 5 grandchildren 4 of us got middle names from our grandmas! when i changed my name i made my new middle my late grandpa’s name :’)
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every time i think the "staff can do no wrong and any form of complaining or expressing literally anything other than "yaaay love it <3" with no further comments is bashing and literally evil we should never say anything that could even potentially be interpreted as mildly critical ever because ~some artist who worked hard on this is probably reading the forums and might feel bad if we ever express anything but praise~ also we must be constantly positive at all times unless we're passive-aggressively shaming someone for having an extremely polite and apologetically worded criticism and if you ask the staff for literally anything you had better be prepared to preface it with 3 paragraphs of apologizing for breathing air" attitude is bad on tumblr, i take one look at the forums, and holy fucking hell is it SO much worse on site
#i go for years at a time without ever bothering to look at fr forums#and then every time i do i remember why i stopped#it feels like a goddamned cult on there and every time i dip my toes i come out feeling slimy and sick#as if i just spent an hour being aggressively gaslit by my extremely manipulative grandmother#what the fuck is wrong with everyone#i'm glad i decided to keep this creepy fucking fandom at arm's length and mostly just lurk years ago#that place is not a healthy environment for anyone to be in#flight rising#legitimately the single worst fandom i've ever had the misfortune of being adjacent to#and in such a creepy and insidious way too#they'll call you an entitled whiny baby to your face and then convince you it's your fault and you're a horrible person for feeling offende#it feels like being neck deep in the absolute worst kind of preformative sj spaces#you know the ones where everyone interacts primarily via callout posts and there's discourse over if crossdressing is cultural appropriatio#that kind of toxic sj space type energy#but somehow combined with like this weird feeling of being in a mormon church in a deep south town#where all the “nice grandmas” will try to put poison in your food if they find out you're gay or voted blue even one time#and it's somehow gotten SO much worse since the last time i looked on there#they've got people literally apologizing for existing what the fuck how is this normal to any of you people#this is so far beyond toxic positivity it's like. crossbred with passive-aggression and shaming and metastatized into something new entirel#it's terrifying. i hope flight rising never shuts down just so that whatever the fuck this is can stay semi-contained.#pro tip: the more a fandom is universally convinced it's Wonderful and Welcoming the faster you should run the other way#actually good fandoms don't have to constantly reassure themselves and everyone that they're great and perfect and toxicity-free#nor do they react with immediate borderline violence to the slightest suggestion there might be anything wrong with the fandom culture#anything wrong other than “people like you who think there's something wrong with our perfect community” anyway#on that note also any fandom that insistently calls itself a “community” just. yeah. no.#get out while you still can.#fandoms work on corporate logic if they're trying to convince you they're your family or friend that's not just a red flag#that's a whole damn red fabric store
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