#granted this is early on in book 4 and i dont remember what happens in the rest of the book
Prince Wu is like obsessed with Mako. And Mako doesn't give a shit. I feel for him lmao
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kookie211071 · 1 year
A life without smartphones?
I was wondering what my life would be without a smartphone or any other advanced technology. I am 19 rn, in the year 2023. I wonder what would my life look like if I was 19 in the year 2008? Idk why I thought of this random year. But it makes me nostalgic about things which I experienced in the early 2000s. I was 4 year old in the year 2008 but I remember a lot of things.
My mother’s youngest brother, my uncle, he was 20 years old in the year 2008 and I remember spending a lot of time with him. When I remember his behavior at age 20 and compare it with my present 19 year old self, I don’t really see a huge difference. That means that although he doesn’t represent the entire youth of that time, it still does make me realize that young adults are more or less the same; with technology and without technology.
I remember sitting in his room when he used to call one of his best friends and they used to talk about different stuff and vibe and chill and make fun of each other and what not. I was just 4, but I remember it all and its kinda saved in my subconscious mind. There are times when you dont understand something at the time it happens, but you make sense of it later when you grow up. That’s exactly what happened with me.
Now, back to my imagination. As someone who gets fascinated by the old school retro stuff, I really feel like going back to that time. I wonder how my life would be without these social media platforms, fast internet, etc. (and now we have chatgpt!) Lol. Technology has doubt made our lives much easier and these social media platforms made us feel that the world is big yet small, by connecting us together, but I feel like it made us get it all so easily that we fail to understand the value of it all. We now take it for granted. We easily get connected to each other by a few clicks and fast internet that now we have the choice to be connected with people. We choose to reply or not, we choose to respond, we choose to initiate digital conversations.
If the year 2023 was like the year 2008, I would be careful to try to tell everything to my close friends in a single sms as possible. Using a few words, because tying on nokia wouldn’t be that easy, and the fact that it isn’t free to send an sms lol. I need to use my phone balance carefully. Instead of texting, I would have to call my friends to ask them about something important. These conversations would be meaningful because I’d try to talk about many things in that single call. I would have to ask them to dictate me the assignments or notes that i missed by being absent in school or college.
I would have a camera, to click pictures and try to click the best shots in the first go because reels come at a cost too. Then I would go to the printing shop to get them printed to be placed safely in the albums. Those hardcopy albums would be worth opening later to revisit the memories and feel it by touching them.
I would have to buy cds to download music on my windows laptop. The laptop with the least storage and a few pre installed games. Placing cds and watching movies or songs. I would also keep my cds safe in a file. (I remember going through my uncle’s cd collection which was soooo cool!)
I would also have torch because I lowkey loved it when the electricity used to go down in the evening and we used to switch on torches and candles.
The big fat tv, the used to take up a lot of space! Omg. The music stereo system! The mario video games! I would have it all.
I would spend my time reading books, playing guitar, solving a Rubik’s cube, sketching or crafting origami pieces. Making dresses for my barbie dolls, playing with the other toys or doing my makeup. I would spend time doing it all.
There would be no social media, no smart phone addiction. Only good vibes.
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Series Reviews (2020)
4. Itaewon Class
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Follow your heart and be yourself. A life without regrets regardless of consequences. Everything is all about timing. When you get the timing right, all is well.
This drama has taught me so much. Right now, I am in a state where just like Yi-Seo, I don't know what I want and wondering if life is really worth living.
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It is truly great to feel acknowledge by someone. Saeroyi kept that in mind and always do it to his employees. He is a true leader by being with them and helping each other. I didn't know Park Seo Joon can have this inspiring aside from being handsome and funny in romantic comedy dramas. He can also be a role model and inspiring actor. It's nice to know that there are  dramas like this who want to inspire everyone to believe in the power of their dreams and desire. The only bad thing (for me) about this is that some desire was ignite with revenge. It's not a healthy way of living to be honest.
Being fueled by anger and wanting to take revenge is not healthy to someone but by Saeroyi's case, that ignition of avenging his father's death made him stronger in a good way. He wanted to make his father's dream come true as well but also want to people who make his life miserable pay for what they've done.
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Itaewon Class is truly an amazing drama to watch. It will surely give you lessons in life that you eventually want to do.
They also have interesting set of cast. All have different stories to tell and I think their stories also make it more inspiring to watch.
I want to talk about Chairman Jang first. His power and manipulation really irritates me at first. He said he build Jangga Co. for his family but I guess he did not. He build it for himself. For his pride and status. He lived his early years being poor and having to be at other people mercy so when he got the chance to have power, he easily grabbed it and never let go.
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He's just like everybody else. Afraid to be powerless. Also, even though he want to look like a manipulator who doesn't have a heart, he still want warmth. He's human anyway.
To the actor who portray Chairman Jang, I knew him in another drama, I was shocked when I first saw him because his role in the other drama which he started in was way different from his role here.
If you watched Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and remembered his father. Here he is now. He's not a walnut and a battered husband anymore. He's the Chairman and a cunning strong tiger.
I wanted to get angry with him but I can still see the father of Do Bong Soon. He was a great father there and even though this was a different role, I still see him as a softie. I get irritated by him.
After Chairman Jang, let's move on to his sons. The Jang Brothers.
First off, the legitimate one. Jang Geun-won. The black sheep heir. The trouble maker and good for nothing son. He's the reason why the whole revenge thing happen. It's all because of him. And if not because of him, there wouldn't be any story. So, even though he's a pain, he is also the main reason we have this drama. Let's give him that credit.
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Jang Geun-won also has this habit of being undeniable stupid for some reason in this drama. He cant stand up for himself and always hide in his father's back. But behind all of that, he is just a son who clearly doesn't know what to do with his life. Ever since he was young, he was entitled to be the next chairman of their company. Everything was easy for him so when shit occurs, he doesn't know what to do.
He was like a lost child. I feel sorry for him. And all those years, all he wants was Oh Soo-ah to notice him even for a bit. Even if he was the next chairman and all the attention was on him, the attention from a specific he needed the most was not given to him. So, he acted crazy.
Why do we have to accept the love we think we deserve and not the love given to us? Or simply, why do we like someone who doesn't like us back? Poor Jang Geun-won. You'll get your happy ending. But first, be good.
After the elder one, next is the baby brother. Baby half brother. Jang Geun-soo. Yi-Seo's pushover but turned cunning and irritating antagonist.
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He was cute really. Until he wanted to take over Jangga Co. Okay, he wanted Yi-Seo but all the things he did just to make her like him. That is not the way to make a girl fall in love dude! How can you make her yours if you're destroying her?
He's smart, I'll give him that but he's also stupid for doing such things.
 How can someone be trustworthy end up betraying you?
Jang Geun-soo wanted to be loved just like his brother and just like him, he acted crazy. I feel sad for this father and sons.
Okay, so up next is Oh Soo-ah. The competent and beautiful Oh Soo-ah. The 15-year love of Saeroyi.
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She is competent. But her values in life is want irritates me. She doesn't want to end up like Mr. Park (dad of Saeroyi) so she studied hard and eventually because successful by entering the company who destroyed the life of someone she cherish.
At first it was a slick move. Maybe she has something in her sleeves. Maybe she'll get revenge. But no. In the end, she was used to be torture Saeroyi.
She was manipulated because all she wanted was a relax life. She was an orphan. She wanted to live a life where she can never feel being sympathize again.
Also being confident about Saeroyi's feelings for her was a little annoying. She knew about his feelings but always took it for granted and when she had the chance to say hers, it was too late.
Soo-ah just wanted to stop her life of misery. She just wants to be happy but now, the only person who she want to be happy with no longer feel the way he felt before.
Timing is everything.
This review is getting longer than I thought and I still want to include all the members here. My mind is in fire right now. I think this is the longest review I've done. I dont think anyone would read this shit post. Hahahaha! It's so long! But, hey. It's my blog anyway.
Let's move on to the main cast!
Itaewon Class or IC Co is the company name of DanBam. DanBam is a pub located at Itaewon. A place in Korea where you can see the world. Different nationalities are gathered in Itaewon.
I should be saying this to the beginning but anyway! DanBam consist of 5 employees turned into shareholders. 4 of them are now shareholders and of course, the fifth member is Saeroyi himself. He's the CEO.
Let's talk about Toni. The foreign looking dude who happened to end up working to DanBam while looking for his korean father. I was surprised to see an african guy in a korean drama not that I don't expected but it was surprising and he was so fluent in hangul. I was in awe.
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I can say Toni was the type of guy with compassion and sensitivity. For a foreign looking guy to claim hes korean was brave of him. No one can tell you who and what you are. You are the one who thinks of yourself. You know yourself better than others.
Wow. I should tell that to myself.
Next is Seung-Woo, the hard headed, oldie, classic style Seung-kwon.
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He is literally hard headed because at some scene, he was hit by a bottle of bear but I guess it didn't hurt him. He looks old and his moves are waaaay funny but what I like about him is that even though he was from a bad past, he left that all behind him and started a new life with Saeroyi. He was also inspired by what he said and wanted to live just like him. He devoted his life for him. Having someone loyal like him will make you at ease all the time. Even if he sometimes annoy you.
He can be really annoying but when you need him to cheer you up, he'll be there.
Ma Hyun-Yi. You all know her right? Do you also know Seon Ok from Weightlifting Fairy Kim Book Joo? Yup. It is her. The mighty Seon Ok. She changed her career from weightlifting to cooking. Hahahaha! Just kidding.
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I knew Seon Ok will be a very promising actress after WFKBJ. I was also waiting for this break for her.
She portray a very special role. Stating that you should not be afraid to be who you are. You don't also need to explain yourself to others or get their approval.
Just like what Saeroyi's principles, follow your heart and be yourself.
Hyun-yi became true to herself and end up being happy and successful by the way.
After that, we now got the most powerful woman in Itaewon. The one who made a small pub became big. Featured in one of the businesswomen in Forbes Magazine. The one and only, Jo Yi-Seo.
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Who would have the thought? The crazy party girl would be a most competent businesswomen in Korea at the age of 24? Yup. I think it can happen in real life 
Anyways, Yi-Seo. She's like someone I want to be. Full of confidence. Smart and slightly cunning and determined. At the first part of the drama, I can see myself to her. Literally. The words she said and how she felt about living.
And the everything changed. When she met him.
I don't want to think that I really need to meet a certain someone to be really determined in life but...maybe...maybe I needed that. But how? I don't want to go out of my room. Hahahaha.
Anyway, Yi-seo was on the verge of giving up then he met Saeroyi. Her life changed as she wanted to help him. Not going to college and working at the age of 20 was like the greatest decision she made (and she never regret it).
Again. Timing is everything.
Yi-seo was right on time when Saeroyi needed someone the most.
She love him with all her heart and willing to help him even if he likes somebody else. If its not love then I don't know anymore. And I felt sad to know that she want to be competent for Saeroyi to need him. She badly needed to become someone he needed so she can stay with him. She don't want to leave him.
They say that behind every man success is a competent and understandable woman. And that is Yi-seo. She's the woman in Saeroyi's success. And if her feelings still don't reach him, she will do everything she can to reach him.
You see, Itaewon Class is not an ordinary korean drama. Some of you might liked Crash Landing on You. I recommend you watch this drama too. You'll never regret.
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camcantarella · 6 years
20 Questions Tag Game - Writers Edition
I was tagged by the ever so amazing @alanakusumastan. Thanks Julia! 💗💗💗 (this is really late lol I kept forgetting about it in my drafts)
Respond to the following writing questions and tag me in your response! I look forward to hearing your answers as I’ve always been curious about these!
1) When/what age did you start writing?
I started writing during the twitter fic era! What was the actual name of that site? It was an extension (basically) of twitter. Not twitlonger but? idk I dont remember lol
2) What inspired you to start?
I was in my Justin Bieber phase and saw a bunch of people writing fics about him on that site and decided to give it a shot lol
3) Where and when does inspiration usually strike you?
Watching a lifetime movie, sleeping, seeing a picture, my nonexistent love life, etc lol so like literally anything
4) Where and when do you usually write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed?
At night, but like early early in the morning is when I write my best content! So like 1-4 am I can write an AMAZING fluff piece.
5) Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what genre/playlist?
ALWAYS. I don’t think I can actually write without it? I create a playlist for every fic occasion. Each song is usually a love song but t create my playlists according to the vibe. Like if it was created as a love song but if I find a slow, slightly creepy cover of it you better believe it’s going into my stalker fic playlists
6) Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other?
FLUFF. It’s the easiest thing for me to write despite the fact that I’m 100% inexperienced in the subject lmao
7) Which category do you find most challenging to write?
Angst, okay wait no... NSFW. Definitely. Like I can write a fight scene and “kill” my fave OC, but sex? How does one even gain enough courage or words to write that??? (big props to nsfw writers like i have so much respect for yall)
8) If you had to pick your favorite Choices book, which one would it be and why?
Um.... I have no idea honestly? I’m pretty neutral to all the books at this point. But I’ll always be a sucker for ILITW bc I was proven wrong in canon about some aspects of the book and i eat that kind of thing up. I love being proven wrong! Sometimes.
9) If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one) would you personally want to be with?
Well shit lol um irl I’d probs say Liam bc hot af, royal af, sweet af, generous af, protective af, lovable af
10) Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/Selfies optional 😊
Nope! none. um... dark hair?
11) Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?
None, not really. Like... I’d say TF mc but I’m not much of a fan of her so like lol no
12) Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality?
I’d probs say Flynn but I’m not totally sure until I try to write him. Or Liam bc I feel like in some aspects I AM Liam
13) What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for?
I don’t write for any actual choices pairings! In each of the 2 fics I’m working on I’m pairing canon characters with original characters
14) What is a pairing(s) you hope to start writing for?
I’d like to FINALLY write flynn x mc. ALSO. my oc Kaden Cantarella (he’s set in the VOS universe) with ya know... me lol bc I’m in love with him
15) What do you hope to improve in your writing?
I need to be a lot more descriptive. I’m not good with like proper use of adjectives or anything. Like in chapter 1 of my stalker grant fic I said that grant threw a picture frame at Walsh. But I didn’t explain what had actually happened ya know, so like initially it wasn’t clear whether Walsh had actually been hit or where grant threw it, stuff like that.
16) Any pet peeves related to writing?
Everything, like I like writing, but I hate writing. Does that even make sense?
17) Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share?
YES!!! Back in the marrish fandom sometimes I used to write based on things that had actually happened in my life or things I’d witnessed. Or like I’d take little bits of myself and insert them into the OCs
18) Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope one day you’ll be up to that standard?
Ugh my unpublished, unnamed royal marrish au. I didn’t finish that one but it was coming along amaaaaazing. Also Thinking Out Loud (also marrish bc all my fics outside of this fandom have been marrish), like that was the first fic I wrote that I LOVED. I’d never liked my writing before then (still dont, not really, but I do it anyway)
19) Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones?
marrish!! (teen wolf, who?) once i feel comfortable enough with my writing again I’m gonna finish all those unpublished fics I was working on before my extreme case writer’s block started early last year (literally couldn’t write a paragraph again til a couple months ago)
20) In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?
what even are hobbies anymore. All I’ve been doing lately has been fighting off anxiety attacks. um I love discovering new music though like that’s always been a fave!! oh and shipping myself with people I have no chance with lol that’s always fun
Tagging: okay so tbh idk about [m]any writers in this fandom and anyone I’m following has probs already been tagged so if you’re a writer and havent been yet, consider this official notice of me tagging you! 💗
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fortunatowrites · 5 years
The Reddit Unresolved Plot List and my Rebuttal
A not-comprehensive list of ongoing or abandoned* plotline:
Uldren Sov
Mara Sov
Dul Incaru and the Dreaming City Curse
Eris Morn and the Pyramid Ships
Mithrax and the House of Light
The Traveler being awake/alive again
The Iron Lords (Remember when we became the Young Wolf and started a new tradition of Iron Lords, theoretically?)
Drifter and his gambit
Shin Malphur and his gambit
The entire fucking Cabal Empire. We beheaded them, remember?
Calus and his plans
The Nine and their plans to try and get some hawt bodies
Savathun and whateverthefuck she's up to
Xivu Arath and whateverthefuck she's up to
No Speaker anymore
Cayde's dead and the Hunters don't have a Vanguard
Petra Venj and the Awoken
The Exo Stranger
And many more...
*abandoned as in apparently abandoned, as in haven't been mentioned, progressed or what have you in some time
So this is where I’m typing now. We’re going to assume that “some time” refers to at least two expansions ago. We’re going to count Season of the Forge, Joker’s Wild, and Opulence as one expansion and Season of the Undying will count as part of Shadowkeep’s expansion. So we’ve got several points of talk. Pre-Destiny 2, Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken, Seasons, and Undying.
Now let’s crack through that list with what has been the most recent update in these plot lines.
Be warned. Everything below will be a spoiler. So if you’re not caught up in the current Season of the Undying, you run the risk of being spoiled.
1. Uldren Sov. This is by far the easiest of the bunch. During the Season of the Forge, we actually got an update on this guy. Personally, I thought we had reached the end of his story when he died at the end of the Forsaken Campaign. I’ve got plenty more to say on this but will wait for the post dedicated to this one.
2. Mara Sov. Forsaken’s post campaign content was almost entirely about this lady. We’re not sure what she’s currently up to, but it’s been 2 seasons since we’ve heard from her.
3. Dul Incanu and the Dreaming City Curse. Same as Mara Sov.
4. Eris Morn and the Pyramid Ships. This is ridiculous to even be on this list. The pyramid ships were seen at the end of D2 and now we’ve finally gotten a definite answer on that they are part of the darkness. Eris Morn and her moon fireteam have gotten a lot of lore updates from Shadowkeep.
5. Mithrax and the House of Light. I’m not sure anyone even knew Mithrax was important after our first encounter with him on Titan in D2 as part of a side mission. In forsaken, we get lore about him working with guardians and in Seasons (Season of Joker’s Wild) we got this big mission involving him and some more lore. In Shadowkeep we’ve heard more talk of his House of Light from Toland, but not much else. Wouldn’t call it abandoned just yet.
6. The Traveler’s Awakening. To be fair, this has been an over-hyped subject. They made it seem like there was going to be serious change or fallout due to this happening, but we haven’t seen much of what it means. In Curse, we learned it’s messed with the Vex’s Infinite Forest, but other than that, it’s implied that it awoke the Pyramid Ships. So maybe Shadowkeep is the last update we’ve had since it involves the pyramid ships, but overall I feel like there isn’t much more to gain from the awakening. Here’s hoping I’m wrong though.
7. Rasputin. This feels a little abandoned, but also doesn’t feel like there’s more to be explored here. Since Warmind, he’s been awake and apparently launching more satellites to deal with threats and help guardians, but that is a little in the air. There’s stuff about all his protocols that we could learn more about, but otherwise, I don’t agree that there is a hanging plotline here.
8. The Iron Lords. Again, this one feels like reaching. While it would be nice to get an update on the new Iron Lords since there’s apparently guardians taking up the mantle, there isn’t really a hanging plot line either. Nothing foreshadowed to be followed up on.
9. Drifter and his gambit. Season of Joker’s Wild aka Season of the Drifter gave us a lot of info about him. The last update we had was in Season of Opulence (Seasons) where we know he met with Calus and he seems to be against the darkness. There’s more to learn here for sure, but I don’t feel it’s been abandoned yet.
10. Shin Malphur and his gambit. In Season of Opulence we get the Lumina quest and resolution to his and the Shadows of Yor story.
11. Praedyth. We literally just lore books featuring him in Season of the Undying.
12. Cabal Empire. In Forsaken we learn a lot of them are in the Prison of Elders and the rest are scattered like the Fallen’s House of Dusk. Furthermore, in the next season, Season of Dawn, we’re going to get some Cabal plot as they’re trying to use the Infinite Forest to rewrite their loss of the Red War.
13. The Nine. These guys have been a big mystery for sometime and we’ve still got a lot to learn about them I believe. The last big thing we heard about them was Season of Joker’s Wild (Seasons).
14. Savathun. Shadowkeep has stuff in it about her, though not much. We know she’s connected to the Red Keep and trying to become the new Oryx essentially.
15. Xivu Arath. The last we’ve heard about her is Forsaken with her forces being sent into the Dreaming City and an Ogre of hers being within the Prison of Elders.
16. No Speaker. This is one I will agree with. We get lore entries that reference the fact we’re missing one, but no actual plot progressing information. This feels a bit abandoned.
17. Cayde’s Death and the Empty Vanguard position. We’ve actually gotten some updates on these. Cayde’s Death feels done by now but in Season of Joker’s Wild we got updates about how others are reacting to it. Such as the Praxic Order thinking our guardian being a potential suspect in the involvement of such. As for the Empty Vanguard position, it’s almost like the No Speaker position but we have gotten updates about it. Ikora speaks of it in lore in that same Season and mentions viable candidates fled the city. 
18. Petra Venj and the Awoken. Once more, Forsaken handled a good bit of this. I would even say that Petra is just synonymous with the Dreaming City curse plot line at this point. As for the Awoken themselves, we definitely learned a ton about them from Forsaken lore and the fate of the Dispensary seems to tie in to this as well. Definitely seems a bit early to call it an abandoned/forgotten plot or one that’s been going for too long without resolution or update.
19. The Exo Stranger. The last update about the Exo Stranger was in Warmind, but granted that is allegedly. There’s a lot of lore that implies her identity, but there are certainly more questions to be answered about her and the fact she seemed to be working with a group in Destiny’s campaign. Yet, I don’t feel there’s an open plot on the subject. Her main mystery was just who she was.
If there’s anything else you’d like me to speak on or look into, please feel free to send a message. Expect some write ups on these subjects that go more into detail about what we know so far in the coming days. (If i dont decide against it or just get too caught up in playing games)
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whiteibis1899 · 7 years
Because Sherlock has probably always loved Molly.
Okay so it’s a given throughout the series that MOLLY is infatuated, attracted and very much in love with Sherlock. But she is an intelligent woman and soon like most of us she realises/assumes that Sherlock does not even notice her, other than her usefulness for his work. She is a strong woman and hence doesn’t keep pining for Sherlock. She attempts other relationships whether successful or unsuccessful. After the Christmas debacle, she never tries to get his attention purposely and that shows her strength of character. She has accepted the fact that he is never going to see her as anything other than Molly from the morgue, coz he never is going to right? Wrong.
My theory is that Sherlock always noticed Molly. He took her affections for granted. Maybe her super huge crush on him made him feel special even without him realising it. He notices her hair, remembers the way it’s usually parted (of course he’s Sherlock homes and he’s trying to be smooth to get his way) if she’s wearing lipstick or not, whether she has gained weight and in some way always meddling with her love life.
A noticeable change in the way sherlock looks at Molly occurs as early as the great game where Jim Moriarty poses as Molly’s boyfriend. When Molly walks alone into the lab Sherlock looks cheerful but the second Jim walks in and talks to Molly, Sherlock looks distracted. Molly looks very like she adores Jim. Now, if you watch closely it’s when Sherlock looks at Molly looking at Jim, he does a double take. He doesn’t look happy at all, looks almost jealous. And so, because of Molly, Sherlock ignores Moriarty! The great detective fails to recognise his nemesis. Why? Emotional context, obviously. When Sherlock sees Molly looking at Jim with adoration, he doesn’t like it coz that’s how she used to look at HIM. So without him actually realising it, his deductions about Jim are based on his feelings or shift in the situation between him and Molly and that’s the reason why he can see only what Jim Moriarty wants him to see, not beyond that. He’s gets his mojo back when he thinks Moriarty is gay and even thinks he is being kind to Molly when he asks her to break it off with Jim. Molly dominantes his reasoning and hence Sherlock holmes fails to see what’s right in front of his eyes.
Season 2, episode 1, ASIB. Even the dreadful Christmas scene where Sherlock is absolutely awful to Molly says something. He’s obviously not happy to see her at first. Ignores her royally up til the moment he spots the gift packed in red and deduces in his head that Molly has a new boyfriend. His interest is piqued. Why?? Why must Sherlock Holmes be so utterly interested in who Molly Hooper is dating? He is extremely curious and while continuously rambling on about his musings he picks up the gift from her bag without her permission and reads the name on the gift card. He wants to know WHO IT IS? Not just if he is correct. Well, we all know what happens after that. She gets a never seen before apology from Mr. Holmes which clearly shocks John.
Season 2, episode 3, TRF. The ‘I dont count’ scene in the lab between molly and sherlock. We learn two things here. One, Molly can see what JOHN can’t. It surprises Sherlock. It’s a huge development for the Sherlock - Molly relationship. Second, Sherlock realises for the first time how ‘Molly’ feels about their equation. When she says “I don’t count” he’s shocked (expression is priceless!!). He’s actually going to take up on her offer to eat some crips or probably have lunch with her who knows but she dismisses him doesn’t she? And he doesn’t like it one bit. His eyes follow her out of the room.
And so we get the cutest scene ever. ‘Your wrong. You do count. You’ve always counted and I’ve always trusted you’. God! It’s the first time we’ve seen Sherlock confess so much of what he’s feeling to anyone. He’s not just confessing to Molly that he actually cares about her in so many words but he also admits to her that her earlier deduction about him, that he’s not okay, was absolutely right. The unemotional Sherlock gets all the right words suddenly to say he cares, the arrogant Sherlock admits to someone else having read him better and if this was not enough he is worried about her opinion of him. “Even if you thought I’m not the man I was…. …. would you still help me?” And then … “What do you need?” He answers “you”(swoon) This was shot most definitely like a romantic scene. No smooth talking, no flirting with her to get her to do what he wants. Nothing. This was heart to heart communication. I care about you, I trust you, I need you. He said it all, didn’t he?
Season 3, TEH. Why does the only kiss that Sherlock shares with someone in the entire series have to be with Molly even if it was a dream sequence? Hmm mm I wonder.
Anyway, in Sherlock’s scheme of things it looks like after after John the one he turns to is Molly. Why does he ask Molly ‘to solve crimes’ with him? With a bit of awkwardness that too. I guess he’s basically asking her to hang out with him. He also asks her out in a sense when he asks her ‘Fancy some chips?’ Wait! Isn’t that what Molly suggested in the first place? (Have dinner?)By the way, I’m pretty sure Sherlock noticed the engagement ring way back, C'mon he’s Sherlock Holmes! But he asks her anyway.
“What was today about?” Molly asks. “Saying Thank you” Sherlock replies. Molly did what she did for Sherlock without expecting anything in return and Sherlock knows that. However what’s important to note is how easily he’s again able to tell her that ‘Moriarty slipped up. Because the one person he thought didn’t matter to me at all, was the person who mattered the most.“ He’s able to express his emotions to her, it just comes tumbling out. Somehow with her, its easier for him talk about his feelings. He truly believes that she deserves to be happy. And when he sees that she has probably got that in life, he steps back, doesn’t make his deductions even when he meets Tom. Best not to say anything! He doesn’t even insult him after the meat dagger comment, for Molly’s sake. How unlike Sherlock!
Season 3, the sign of three. I love how he goes to Molly again for drinking advice and I love how she’s able to complete his thoughts for him. Every street where you found a corpse together. Shows how well she understands him. She also the only one who understands how difficult it’s going to be for him to make the best man’s speech and anticipates the situation with the telegrams. She truly understands him and cares about him. It is so sweet! She sees him leaving early, she comprehends his state of mind. Well, she’s clearly in love with him isn’t she?
Season 3, episode 3. Molly slaps Sherlock! What a scene that was!! This was really an impressive development in her character. She’s not trying to be in his good books anymore. She cares about him deeply and is unafraid to stand up to him. It also talks a lot about their relationship. They’ve definitely become more comfortable with each other. (He uses her bedroom as a bolt hole for crying out loud! Okay more about the bolt holes later.) There’s a sense of familiarity when she slaps him, which takes every one by surprise, other than the fact that Molly Hooper just slapped Sherlock Holmes, not once but thrice.
It’s interesting to note Sherlock’s reaction though. He doesn’t stop her from slapping him, doesn’t even get angry. And though him telling her ‘I’m sorry your engagement broke though I’m fairly grateful for the lack of a ring’ seems like he’s lashing out at her, I don’t believe it. Why would Sherlock be grateful for the lack of a ring on Molly’s finger? One, Maybe he thought Tom was not good for her. So he’s happy that they are not together. Or Second he’s just happy that Tom is out of the picture now which means Molly is not in a serious relationship anymore which further means him and Molly can go back to having their previous equation, whatever that was in his complicated mind. Moral, he is ‘grateful’ that she is single again. Hmm mm
It’s important to note that in the few seconds that he thinks he’s going to die, Molly dominates his mind palace. He sees almost everything from her eyes (maybe conversations, discussions they’ve had in the past). She guides him to safety, which saves his life. He thinks of her in a life and death situation. I think it speaks volumes.
Okay so the thing with the bolt holes now. As I can remember Parliament Hill, Camden locks, Dagmar court, Blind Greenhouse at Kew gardens, leaning tomb at hamstead cemetery, behind Big Ben’s clock face, Linester gardens and MOLLY’S bedroom. What?? All his other bolt holes are places where he can be alone or where he is surrounded by unfamiliar people except Molly’s bedroom. One usually assumes that a you go to a bolt hole when you are agitated, not in your sphere. Which means Sherlock doesn’t mind being around Molly when he is in that state of mind. Maybe it even makes him feel better. And she is the only person amongst all his friends whose house he uses as a bolt hole. He takes liberties with her, uses her bedroom. A bedroom is someone’s personal space. It is filled with items that belong to someone. It’s private. Sherlock invades Molly’s personal space and privacy by using her bedroom as his bolt hole and is comfortable not just being there but apparently has no qualms having her around. He was fairly grateful for the lack of a ring, wasn’t he? He can now use her house as his bolt hole again.
Season 4: Épisode one. It’s cute how she tells him off at the christening and he at least pretends to listen to her. They are both God parents to Rosie along with Mrs H. In the lying detective, there’s this conversation between John and Sherlock.
SHERLOCK: Well, you’re a doctor. Examine me.
JOHN: No, I need a second opinion.
SHERLOCK (exasperated): Oh, John, calm down. When have you ever managed two opinions? You’d fall over.
JOHN: I need the one person who – unlike me – learned to see through your bullshit long ago.
SHERLOCK: Who’s that, then? I’m sure I would have noticed.
JOHN: The last person you’d think of. (Sherlock looks up at him silently.)
JOHN: I want you to be examined by Molly Hooper. (Sherlock looks down, biting his lip.)
JOHN: D’you hear me? I said Molly Hooper.
SHERLOCK (cringing a little): You’re really not gonna like this.
And Molly rings the doorbell. So Molly’s not the last person Sherlock thinks of is she! She may have been the first. Even though Mrs. H doesn’t feel Molly is the right person to test Sherlock, Sherlock trusts her doesn’t he? And John’s admission:
I need the one person who – unlike me – learned to see through your bullshit long ago.
That Molly understood Sherlock better than John did too. And John’s Sherlock’s best friend.
SHERLOCK: Who’s that, then? I’m sure I would have noticed.
Even now Sherlock doesn’t fully understand his feelings for Molly. Not until the final problem.
Season 4: The final problem. Well what do I say about the I love you scene. We have reached the grand finale. This scene is not about Molly saying those three words. What would be the point of that? We all know she’s in love with him. The whole point of this scene, in my opinion, was Sherlock telling Molly that he loves her and realising that IT’S TRUE. IT’S ALWAYS BEEN TRUE. Like MYCROFT says This is all about you. Everything here.
EURUS: Coffin. Problem: someone is about to die. It will be – as I understand it – a tragedy.
A tragedy! Obviously for Sherlock. The death of Molly Hooper will break him, which he most definitely is yet to realise.
EURUS: So many days not lived, so many words unsaid.
I think this is a very important statement that EURUS makes. She’s not talking about Molly. She’s talking about Sherlock. What he has not fully realised and hence obviously never said.
SHERLOCK: A child’s coffin would be more expensive. This is in the lower price range, although still best available in that bracket.
Maybe I’m wrong about this one. But I feel the above is more a description of Molly than the coffin. She is not in the beautiful, seductively sexy category. She’s different but she’s the best, in her own way.
SHERLOCK: What’s she doing? MYCROFT: She’s making tea. SHERLOCK: Yes, but why isn’t she answering her phone? JOHN : You never answer your phone. SHERLOCK (looking at the screen again): Yes, but it’s ME calling.
You know for me this was as important as the scene in which he actually says I love you. The above conversation shows us why Sherlock never realised the true depth of his feelings for Molly. In his relationship with Molly, HE was always the focul point. She’s always there for him, whenever he needs her. She cares for him, looks out for him even, places his feelings and needs above her own. Sherlock naturally assumes this unsaid right over her hence doesn’t understand how much he has come to truly rely upon her, how much he depends on her. He doesn’t really see or understand the depth of his feelings for her, not until he thinks that he is about to lose her for good.
He does everything we’ve never seen him do. He is desperate, panicked, unbalanced, uncontrolled, begs (not twice, many times), pleads, looks like he is praying. The amount on relief on Sherlock’s face when Molly says I love you is far more in comparison to John’s (Molly is John’s friend too. She’s his daughter’s godmother. Molly is literally helping him raise Rosie.)
When Sherlock says I love you the second time, it’s because he realises it’s true. There are many arguments which say that he loves her but not romantically. I disagree. He’s always known that he loves her as a friend. He says as much, across so many seasons. No, He loves her as a man loves a woman. He looks like he has just solved a great puzzle that he has always loved her. Only he sees it now. And that’s why HE LOST.
EURUS: Look what you did to her. Look what you did to yourself.
He realised his love for Molly and it destroyed him. That’s what he did to himself.
Then he goes on his coffin destroying rampage. No. No. It can’t be true. But it is. IT’S ALWAYS BEEN TRUE.
And EURUS, intelligent, cunning, EURUS knew what Sherlock didn’t. That’s why she chose Molly and not Irene Adler. Sherlock was attracted to Irene, physically yes, mentally yes, she was the woman who beat him at his game. He is facinated even by her. But beyond that she doesn’t add any value to his life as far as I can see. She’s not his confidant but Molly Hooper is, she’s not his friend but Molly is, she doesn’t know him very well like Molly does, she’s never there for him like Molly is, sherlock doesn’t trust her like he trusts Molly. Molly he trusts, with his life. She’s the one who matters. EURUS knows this and therefore chooses her. What’s also amazing is she doesn’t finish Molly off! She wants to break all his walls, wants him to embrace his true feelings, so that he could remember who he was, who she was and save her.
It’s been there, right from the start. Little hints, clues beautifully woven into the script. Molly, the girl he never noticed, the girl whom he took for granted, the girl who became his friend, the girl he trusted, the girl who mattered the most, the girl he admired and respected and finally the girl he loved. Slow burn, at its best, subtlest. The I love you scene in the final problem was not about Molly confessing her love for Sherlock. It was infact about Sherlock confronting his love for Molly!!
I wonder what MYCROFT was about to say to Sherlock after that scene is over though.
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neopuff · 7 years
how come? granted I'm strictly cartoons so I don't know what all's out there, but those things are pretty high up in my book.      
atla definitely is not the best animated show ever though I do enjoy it a lot. But Zuko....one of my loves.......he ranks as in the top 5 redemption arcs for me...
Yeah? I am curious on your feels
its not like i think its BAD but i just dont think theyre super-amazing-the-best-in-the-world or whatever.
1. i find azulas writing to be ableist as hell and its just a string of “shes crazy, who cares about her” over and over again and i still dont rly know if the writers wanted us to feel bad for her or not, it seemed like not but her ending scenes were traumatic and sad and kind of hard to watch
2. katara/aang is a sexist ship! ill stand by that forever. katara was aang’s prize by the end of the show, “good job saving the world now we can make out” lmao every time they kissed felt uncomfortable and weird and unappealing in general. i didnt used to hate it but then...their scene in ember island players? killed it for me. that scene didnt need to happen lmao
3. toph got totally shelved at the end of the series. i still dont get why they didnt address any of her plot points, the show felt like it was written in its entirety from the start and its like her stuff didnt even matter. wheres her closure?? im sure she wasnt the only character to not get closure but i remember 14-year-old me being very annoyed at her treatment in the finale (also toph’s crush on sokka is still stupid and hard to watch, we get it, everyone is straight and her crush makes so much sense considering how much she seems to enjoy his personality???? thats a joke. she doesnt. great writing)
4. when it comes to zukos redemption i felt like it went toooooo slow and then very SUDDEN at the end. his drama in s2 and early s3 was not interesting to me cuz it just....kept going and going and going and then he was only on the good side for like 9 episodes and it just went by so fast. all his episodes on the good side were fun so its fine but everything felt rly rushed after he joined so i didnt find it as super amazing perfect as everyone else did i guess (i think it wouldve been better if crossroads of destiny had gone differently but whatevs)
also this isnt from the show but the thing from the comics about ursa actually being a terrible fucking person who hated ozai so much she decided to leave her children with him and then erase her memories of them so she wouldnt feel guilty about it? thats fucked up. not in a good way or an interesting way or anything its just fucked up when she was portrayed in such a sad/kind light the whole series and im bitter about it
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yenneferw · 7 years
For the character thing: Oswald (Gotham), Max, Anne, Jack, Thomas, John, James, and Billy (Black Sails), and the Doctor :D (il your blog)
tAww thank you! :-D And thank you for all the characters! Sorry for answering this so late lol
Also I didn’t even realize I wasn’t doing it in order I just saw James’s name and I fuckin went for it lol oops
Aaaalso sorry it’s so long I have a lot of feelings
Oswald Cobblepot:
Why I like them: Oswald’s such a cute little fuck and he’s very devious and the underdog so I latched onto him early on and he’s one of the only things left about Gotham that doesn’t make me sad after all the queerbaiting 
Why I don’t: I really didn’t care for when they always had his teeth dirty that was,,,,,,,,,,, too much. Also some of his hairstyles have been a bit more questionable than others. Also the fact that he was made canonically gay just to queerbait like yay a gay guy but,,,,,,, meh 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): It’s been a bit since I watched it but the episode where he was pining over Ed and trying to tell him he loved him was a good one for him he looked cute and I liked his plight 
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise to power in season 1 and if I remember correctly he finally ended up somewhere in the end after all the shit with the gangs so that was really cool 
Favorite line: I can’t think of one right now but I’ll make up for it with my favorite Look ™ which is how he’s always able to look like he’s kind of on the verge of tears
Favorite outfit: Idk anytime he’s wearing a suit is good
OTP: Os and Ed obvs 
Brotp: Mmmmmm idk him and Ivy seem cool as friends even tho I haven’t watched in a while
Head Canon: don’t ask me headcanons,,,,,, i’m so bad at headcanons a lot of the time
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know the fandom well enough lol i’m bad at his
A wish: Nygmobblepot,,,,,, alas,,,,, which isn’t to say it’s bad to hold out hope but i’m so cynical and bitter :-/
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Death, heterosexuality
5 words to best describe them: clever, manipulative, ambitious, cowardly (but shh it’s okay he’s not always cowardly), vengeful 
My nickname for them: Os I love when ppl call him Os lol
James Flint:
Why I like them: do you want me to write a book,,,,, I love him so goddamn much it hurts…….. He’s just so smart and he deserves so many hugs, he’s a gay icon, he tries so hard to do right even tho he’s a fuckin murderous pirate, he’s a murderous pirate that likes his books and his tea and gardening with his best friend, his eyes are the prettiest things on god’s green earth….. love him 
Why I don’t: not applicable I refuse to insult my boy lmao
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably the one where Miranda died or the one right after bc Toby Stephens is such a good actor and also he fuckin burned the town down for hurting his best friend and??? goals. Or the last couple of episodes bc that shit iwth John………… and then the reuniting with Thomas………… wow
Favorite season/movie: I really liked his rise back to the top from season 2 bc it makes me sad to see him failing and he starts going on a mad and grieving downward spiral after season 2
Favorite line: “This ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around” I’m sure there are more bc his speeches are all beautiful (like the “there be dragons one”……. kill me) 
Favorite outfit: Everything he wears is perfect 
OTP: flinthamilton is literally the only thing that waters my crops anymore, although silverflint gives them a nice solid rain every once in a while and is hella valid too
Brotp: James and Miranda is so beautiful that I regularly cry about them but I also liked when James and Madi were teaming up
Head Canon: He and Thomas break out of the plantation and become feared pirates again, also he was dating John and Gates lmao
Unpopular opinion: He’s gay and not bi like not for bi erasure or anything but like he just gives me such a gay feel you know what I mean. And also I don’t think what he had with Miranda was really anything 
A wish: for him and Thomas to be happy 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him and thomas to be sad lmao
5 words to best describe them: Intelligent, vengeful, loving, sad, amazing,,,,
My nickname for them: idk I don’t have nicknames I guess I always call him James and not Flint and it seems like a lot of people just call him Flint lol (also “lvoe of my life” does that count)
Why I like them: oh my god. oh dear i love her. When will your fave. She’s so brave and smart and loving??? like I called James loving but Max is on another level. She’s so protective of the people and the things she cares abotu and loves, and she’s so fucking smart. And she’s so brave to pursue everything she wants to pursue, like she’s a wlw of color in the 1700s and yet she still rules Nassau without giving any fucks about conventions and shit
Why I don’t: oh man is there a reason. I don’t like that she went to Woodes Rogers’s side for a while and betrayed Anne and Jack but I understand why she did so I’m not angry with her for it
Favorite episode (scene if movie): whenever she walks on screen,,,, but idk I can’t think of anything specifically but I liked it when she took over Nassau from Eleanor 
Favorite season/movie: I liked her arc in season 4 even if I really didn’t like all the decisions she made, and I really liked how she ended up in the end so probably season 4
Favorite line: she’s so smart and wise so like everything she says but also I really like her speech to Anne “I am so sorry for working so hard to protect the wrong things, for failing to see that there is nothing important that does not include you” 
Favorite outfit: that yellow dress oh my god! does anyone else remember that yellow dress! it was so pretty she looked so pretty! She has really good style in general but I love that yellow dress 
OTP: Maxanne
Brotp: Her friendship with Idelle is nice and also I like her friendship with Jack
Head Canon: again I’m so bad at headcanons
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I do
A wish: For her to rule Nassau and continue dating the love of her life Anne Bonny and support her piracy and have her position in Nassau fully supported by everyone alive 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death? sadness? she deserves literally the best all the time
5 words to best describe them: compassionate, perceptive, brave, honest, wonderfulbeautifulgorgeous i love her
My nickname for them:I don’t have one for her
Anne Bonny:
Why I like them: She’s amazing honestly I love her sailor’s mouth and I love her bravery and her principles and how logical she is. And I love how kickass she is and how she’ll do anything for the people she loves and I love when she stops being guarded around people and her face Softens, I’m gay for how she looks out from under the brim of her hat 
Why I don’t: I honestly can’t think of a reason……. ok I guess I don’t like that she got violent with Max in the beginning when she was having her gay crisis and like killed Idelle’s friend…….. but honestly reblog if you get murderously violent while having a gay crisis
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I can’t think of something specifically but like when she was with Max and they were just soft and dating that is my reason for waking up in the morning, AND when she saved the ship with the glass and all god wow i died
Favorite season/movie: Mmmm season 2 was prime maxanne season wasn’t it…….. good shit
Favorite line: I can’t think of any rn but wow every time she opens her mouth it’s a gift
Favorite outfit: idk generally her pirate outfit? and her hat is amazing
OTP: Maxanneeeee
Brotp: her friendship with Jack is something I would die for they make me so happy
Head Canon: I don’t know that I have any idk maybe that she and Max are still dating after the show ends?
Unpopular opinion: I don’t know that I have one about Anne
A wish: That she’s happy with Max and potentially Mark/Mary too if she wants to be
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Being unhappy,,, not being with Max or Jack,,
5 words to best describe them: strong, logical, angry, devoted, the world “fuck” 
My nickname for them: I don’t have one for her
Jack Rackham:
Why I like them: he’s so funny and I really like his goals and his arc like he starts out as this guy who just wants his name remembered and that’s still him in the end and I like that that goal doesn’t change, but he finally gets to be the single pirate captain in Nassau which is really cool for him, and he’s also super smart I love him
Why I don’t: I didn’t like his first reactions to Anne and Max, he was kind of a dick about it, but I’m glad that he eventually accepted them and got closer to Max and all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked his scenes with Blackbeard and I also like his earlier scenes where he’s more comic relief-y and I really like when he gets to be a Pirate Captain Dude, that’s not an episode but I just like these particular moments with him. I really liked when that one girl at the Guthries’ was like “Do you know Captain Jack Rackham????” and he was like…………………….. i’ve made it guys
Favorite season/movie: Mmmmm honestly Jack is really consistently awesome throughout like so is everyone else but he’s really well-characterized and grows a lot throughout and I can’t really pick which season of him I like the best
Favorite line: there are so many “if you’re all going to act like children, then I will be your daddy” it’s not my favorite but it plagues me every waking moment of my life and I can’t ever escape it, to rogers: “you and I were neck and neck in this race til the end. But, jesus, did I make up a lot of ground to catch you,” and I really like his speech to Teach about Vane but I can’t find it for the life of me
Favorite outfit: man all of them, Jack Rackham is the most extra well-dressed man in Nassau
OTP: Jack and happiness…….. 
Brotp: if anyone answers this with anything other than Jack and Anne then I’m not sure they watched the same show like to each their own but I can’t imagine a life where their friendship isn’t my fuel
Head Canon: he had a major crush on Charles Vane. I don’t always love Charles Vane so I think he could’ve done better but he definitely had a crush on him
Unpopular opinion: again I don’t think I have one I”m not good at this
A wish: for him to be the most feared pirate around just like he wants to be i’m so proud of him
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to be hanged or something especially if it was in front of anne or for him to have to watch anne die
5 words to best describe them: cunning, ambitious, sarcastic, idealist, stubborn
My nickname for them: i don’t have one but like….. another love of my life….. actually everyone that anon asked me about is one of the lvoes of my life anon must know me well
Thomas Hamilton:
Why I like them: oh my heck he’s beautiful. He has such a good heart and such a good vision of the world. He wants things to be so good and the world doesn’t deserve him at all. He’s so caring and loving and gentle and understanding and he just wants to see a world where people aren’t afraid of him and his sexuality and people aren’t afraid of pirates because he understands that a lot of them are just people who society has really hurt like James turned out to be, he’s such a good leader and if England didn’t suck he could’ve done so much
Why I don’t: the wig that’s all that wig killed me like I don’t even like regular wigs but that big ass brown wig haunts me
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the flashback scenes even tho it’s very short they kill me. His smile as he looks at James. I too would go to war with society over that smile 
Favorite season/movie: lol i mean he’s really only in season 2 unfortunately for us all. That little bit in season 4 is revolutionary but season 2
Favorite line: I feel like I’m not gay enough if I don’t say “Know no shame” bc god can you get a better gay line than that I’m in love
Favorite outfit: anything but the fucking brown wig I’m sickened by that wig
OTP: flinthamilton is unbury your gays, straightbait, and overall beautiful so like………. gay icons
Brotp: his and Miranda’s relationship was not as characterized as James and Miranda obviously so I’m not as undyingly in love with them but they were super good and I’m sure they were just as good as James and Miranda but for obvious reasons that wasn’t onscreen as much
Head Canon: he becomes a pirate dude with James after escaping the plantation no one can convicne me otherwise
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think so 
A wish: for him to just live in peace and for him in another universe to actually get everything he wants out of life
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: what if he had actually died. my heart hurts. why did i type those disgusting words
5 words to best describe them: visionary, optimistic, sympathetic, intelligent, twink extraordinaire. that’s six words you say? how can you counter twink extraordinaire 
My nickname for them: my boy james’s SOULMATE
John Silver:
Why I like them: He’s so…………. like I like his self preservation and I fucking LOVE his characterization and his journey from selfish coward to selfless leader, he might be the best characterized character in this show like the show is really really good at characterization but John Silver obviously had a long way to go to become Long John Silver and He Did That. He’s also so sweet and soft sometimes and I love his curly hair
Why I don’t: I just………. my heart is always with James so when he sort of went the opposite ways I couldn’t help but be on James’s side….. like I still love him and understand his view……. but i’m sad
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I really like the episode where he starts talking shit at dinner to the entire crew and outing that guy for fucking a goat and I also really like the episode where he loses his leg and I really liek the last couple of episodes. I just like a lot of him ok he’s great
Favorite season/movie: I like the beginning of his Long John Silver story when he redeems himself to the crew in season 2 but I also like his coming into Long John Silver in season 4
Favorite line: oh my god he says a lot of good things but I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t say “I will stand here with you, for an hour, a day, a year while you find a way to accept this outcome so we might leave here together” and then the parallel speech to Madi…….. I’m alive and living and this is going to kill me
Favorite outfit: anything but his beginning blue jacket that jacket is the worst lol
OTP: silverflint or him and Madi
Brotp: before Billy…… was cancelled, him and Billy were good buds and I liked it
Head Canon: that he dated that one guy who drowned with the goat Muldoon or something 
Unpopular opinion: do people like his blue jacket? I hate it
A wish: that he can at least be happy with Madi at the end and their relationship is eventually fixed which I think the thing on the cliff alludes to
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: death…… sadness…….
5 words to best describe them: manipulative, secretive, loving, enduring, perceptive as fuck
My nickname for them: none but what if everybody called him Johnny
Billy Bones:
Why I like them: ok have you seen him. he’s so handsome CHRIST. But also he’s always like the voice of reason which is really nice up until season 4. I think I latched onto him bc I already really liked Tom Hopper because of Merlin but he’s also pretty strong in the face of torture and everything he stands for being turned against on his ship, even if it’s not always what I stand for
Why I don’t: season 4? I don’t know her. Also he doesn’t like James and I. would die for James
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I liked it when he was quartermaster for a bit he was a p good quartermaster in season 1 and I also liked the episodes where he “made” Long John Silver and Captain Flint
Favorite season/movie: Idk probably season 1 bc that is when things are still gentle…… innocent…….. good…..
Favorite line: the fuck tent line is iconic. “perhaps we can all agree to forgo, you know, just this once, a fuck tent” when will your fave
Favorite outfit: shirtless 
OTP: idk he definitely dated Ben Gunn js
Brotp: him and Gates
Head Canon: he is asexual as fuck have you ever met him? asexual biromantic. sorry i make the rules and I stick by them 
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t an unpopular opinion i’m sure but billy after s3 can choke. before s3 he’s fine. after…… don’t talk to me about that 
A wish:for him to come to his fucking senses and stop being a horrible idiot
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for him to stay a fuck lik ehe was at the end fo s4
5 words to best describe them: headstrong, loyal, sentimental, ideological, determined
My nickname for them: i dont’ have one but can you imagine if ppl called him bilbo 
The Doctor:
Why I like them: I mean this really depends on which Doctor you know? this one’s probably going to be long bc I’m gonna do a bit about all the new whos. So 9 I like because he’s very brave and determined in the face of everything he just lost and because he has such a good heart when he easily could have been so cold. And when he is faced with how he has hardened some, he always works on getting better and being a better person. also idfk but like christopher eccleston is all of our uncles who brings us the cool like $20 iTunes cards. 10 I like because he’s so loving that it kind of ruins him. Like that kind of is the way of the Doctor but he just keeps on loving and loving and loving until he’s traveling alone desperately looking for some fun and some companionship so he doesn’t have to feel the hurt of Rose and Donna and doesn’t have to feel how badly he misses Martha. He’s like. He’s like the guy that goes and gives you a giant bag full of shit that would suck if you just got it alone but in bulk like deodorant and tissues and socks and shit. 11 I like because he’s very fierce and fiercely protective but also silly and fun like I like how he can be bouncy and stuff and then the next moment he’s been quiet and scary or loud and scary or gentle and wise. 11 forgot to get everyone anything but he’s the main source of laughter so everybody pretends they’re not disappointed bc his gifts are usually cool. 12 I like because. Eyebrows. But also because he’s a lot different than other Doctors like hte Doctor tends to do morally ambiguous things sometimes but it feels like 12 is so much more morally ambiguous than others. He’s angry about everything that’s been done to him and he feels grief from things he hasn’t thought about in a while and it’s an interesting and different twist on him. 12 intentionally got everyone nothing and ate all the vegetables and left. why am i relating them to christmas? i’m materialistic 
Why I don’t: I don’t feel like going that in depth again but I’ll just say I don’t like how Moffat’s Doctors become what the story is about. The story I feel like is supposed to be about not only the Doctor, but the story and the companions, but Moffat’s Doctors are so much the centerpoint of the story that it loses some of the really really cool things from RTD’s era and some of the spirit of the Doctor. moffat is why my farm animals have all run away 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): this is really hard lmao. I’m gonna pick an episode a Doctor. 9- The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances. I like “Everybody lives!” that’s the best. 10- Midnight. That acting tho and really seeing 10 scared and helpless is something different and really cool. Also The End of Time bc it’s literally the best episode of anything in existence. 11- Idk I can’t really decide. Maybe “The Big Bang.” I love 11 but for the life of me I can’t ermember a fave ep. 12- I’ve onyl seen s8 and part of s9 but I like that one episode where the Doctor thinks he’s dying with Missy I can’t remember what it’s called
Favorite season/movie: 9 lol he only has one. 10- 2 or 3 I really can’t decide. 11- 5. 12- I’ve only seen 8 fully lol
Favorite line: that requires…… so much thought and so much work. They say a lot of cool things. The Doctor is all about speeches and one-liners lol
Favorite outfit: 11 has the best outfit ngl but 10′s is a close second
OTP: Rose and 10 obvs who doesn’t love them, I mean River and the Doctor have always been good, idk my otps for Doctor Who usually involve companions and their partners
Brotp: all the companions every single one of them I’m alive. have you ever met amy pond. have you ever met martha jones or donna noble. have you ever MET jack harkness 
Head Canon: I have……���.. a lot I feel like i couldn’t type all of them up first of all the doctor is gay so jot that down
Unpopular opinion: mmmmmm I’m sure i have some but I can’tt think of them 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: for 13 to be a straight white man or for Chibnall to be as bad as Moffat :-/
5 words to best describe them: genius, kind, hopeful, loving, vengeful
My nickname for them: I don’t know that I have any but I might that I’m not remembering
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ensorcellogical · 7 years
Tag Meme Thing
Thanks @pincurlsandpixiedust for tagging me!
1) Coke or Pepsi? Coke
2) Disney or Dreamworks? hrr thats hard. I like them for different reasons.
3) Coffee or Tea? tea
4) Books or movies? movies
5) Windows or mac? mac 
6) D.C. or Marvel? i dont really have a preference
7) Xbox or PlayStation? xbox
8) Dragon age or mass effect? Idk im not familiar with these
9) Night owl or early riser? night owl, ive screwed up my sleep schedule so bad.
10) Cards or chess? hm.. chess
11) Chocolate or vanilla? usually chocolate
12) Vans or converse? vans
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? ????... idk
14) Fluff or angst? its close, but i can’t resist some good angst
15) Beach or forest? i love the forest
16) Dogs or cats? im more of a dog person, but why cant I have both?
17) Clear skies or rain? definitely rain
18) Cooking or eating out? just depends on my mood
19) Spicy or mild food? spicy
20) Halloween/Samhain or solstice/yule/Christmas? the hardest question ive ever been asked. I could never choose
21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? lil too cold, I love the cold and bundling up.
22) If you could have a superpower what would it be? I bring a wave of drama in my wake but never actually get involved. Everyone around me is having a melt down but i just sit back with my popcorn. ok no for real Id want transformation, because that comes with other perks like turning into a bird to fly and also its just super rad.
23) Animation or live action? animation, but im majoring in it so im biased
24) Paragon or renegade? what are all these questions i dont understand.
25) Bath or shower? shower, i only ever take showers.
26) Team Cap or team Ironman? Cap
27) Fantasy or sci-fi? hhrg i cant decide.
28) Do you have 3 or 4 favorite quotes if so what are they? gosh probably but i cant think of them now that im being asked. the only thing coming to mind is that one Gandalf quote. 
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
29) YouTube or Netflix? Netflix
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Harry Potter. Classic. My childhood.
31) When do you feel accomplished? not often but im feeling pretty freakin good about life right now. The animation program here is really hard to get into and Ive been working super hard and I think I have a good chance.
32) Star Wars or Star Trek? star wars
33) Paperback books or hardcover books? hardcover makes me feel fancy
34) Fantastic beasts or Cursed child? definitely fantastic beasts. Not a fan of cursed child
35) Rock or pop music? probably rock
36) What is the most important thing in your life? my family and friends and being happy
37) Mountains or sea/ocean? I love both but i have to say mountains. Ive lived by mountains most of my life and I love hiking and camping. Theyre majestic and beautiful.
38) How do you express yourself? mostly through my sketchbook. Im pretty individualistic but not very expressive about it
39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? harry potter is the first thing I can remember being really invested in. It was the first time I experienced a work of fiction really personally and intensely.
40) What’s your element (air, water, etc.)? air
41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? hm, i went to paris and florence and rome last summer but it went way too quickly. Id like to go back but with a lot of time to explore and experience everything. Or id like to rent an rv and roadtrip across the US, i love roadtrips.
42) If you had any job in the world, what would it be? Ideally a concept artist or animator for like dreamworks or disney or something. 
43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? 1) every dog; pet 2) i can shoot cookies out of my hands 3) a fairy godmother ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?    mocha icecream
45) If you could only have one, which social media platform would you use for the rest of your life? tumblr : / i hate it but i love it
46) Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor? Ravenclaw
47) What’s your favorite food discourse guilty pleasure? pineapple on pizza is great you filthy heathens
48) (Ash’s question) is there something that you regret not doing, or a chance you regret not taking? what is it and why do you regret it? I really like this question, i guess i regret a lot of my high school experience. I fell into the trap of thinking that my grades and how i measured up to others influenced my self worth. I was kind of caught in a limbo state where i really cared about how successful I was but also didnt care or try at all because I could never measure up no matter how hard I tried. Moral of the story; you do your own thing and achieve your own personal best.
49) Andrea’s question: what’s something that never fails to make you nostalgic? certain scents I cant quite describe. usually seasonal, like fall leaves or sunscreen and chlorine
My question: what does your favorite clothing item or outfit look like?
I tag @astral-mechanical @larimonium @nostradamus-was-right and really anyone who wants to do this!
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dajoezenone · 7 years
REVIEW of The Devil Is A Part Timer! Vol 5 (novel)
I feel like I just posted my review of Vol 4 but I flew through this one I couldn’t put it down. Its hands down my favorite of all five volumes so far. Let me tell you why it is so good.
First off, its funny. The writing in this book makes fun of so much stuff. From cell phones to the death of TV in favor of the internet, to Pokemon, to anything else. The series always satirizes the life of the average Japanese person, but for whatever reason, this book does it in a way thats funnier than I think its ever done before, and its always relevant to the story and mixed in with humor making fun of the characters as well. Its perfect.
Second, I think this might be the most balanced book in terms of which characters get represented the most. Granted, the character that does get the MOST coverage is my favorite character, so of course I’d say that, but nobody feels extraneous or left out in this book. Other than Emeralda and Albert, of course. Eme shows up in a single conversation as always to drop some exposition and then never shows up again.
ANYWAYS though, without getting spoiler heavy (yet), there’s a lot more plot in this novel than usual. This book really gets back to the way the first book had a threat slowly creeping up throughout the duration of the story, not just for five minutes at the end. The climax is really long too. These books are always split into thirds, but the third act of this book seriously takes up about half of the pages. And those pages are filled too. There’s like 3 different twists and reveals that happen, plus multiple epic fight scenes. Its GRAND.
Overall, the writing is better. Smarter. More emotional. The illustrations are better. The epilogue is followed by bonus goodies again. Read it.
The story picks up roughly where the last book left off, with the Devil and his cohorts moving back into Villa Rosa Sasazuka apartment 201.They discover that in addition to fixing the gaping hole Gabriel left in the wall back in Book 3, their landlord had an HDTV hookup installed. So now they can get TV channels. If they had a TV of course. Maou convinces Ashiya that they have room in the budget, and Suzuno decides to go with them and get one of their own. Ashiya invites Rika Suzuki, as he had previously asked her for help in the task of purchasing himself a cell phone (and to give her a souvenir he got her in Choshi during the previous book). 
As the book progresses, they slowly discover a plot by Gabriel (returning after his unsuccessful attempt to take Alas Ramus and the Better Half from our heroes in book 3) and a less powerful, but higher ranking Angel whos name I cant remember for the life of me, to find the rogue Angel Lailah (Emi’s mother, also implied to be the angel who inadvertently started Maou on his quest, as well as gifted him with the Yesod fragment that eventually grew into Alas Ramus) so they can punish her for crimes against Heaven. In the process, they end up hurting Chiho, which of course provokes the ire of the Devil, the Hero, and their underpaid comrades in arms. 
The first half of the book focuses a LOT on Alciel, which as I said in my last review, was something greatly needed, expected, and totally as good as I hoped it would be. He doesn’t exactly get much of a character arc, as he largely just goes from being totally unwilling to buy a TV, to getting one for as cheap as possible. But he gets development in other ways. In Vol 3, he seemed largely oblivious to Rika’s clear attraction to him, and his interactions with her seemed to largely just be because of his overly-polite personality. But, as their totally-not-a-date goes on, his politeness is revealed to have a bit of mutual feeling behind it, and he even tells her he may sometime tell her the truth about him and the others, something she doesn’t really question, as she never totally believed the story given to her anyways. Sadly, once the danger raises its head, she’s rushed out of harm’s way, and Ashiya stays largely quiet from that point on. 
Maou, as always, is in the forefront, but at the same time kept mysterious. He mentions early on that a TV could be helpful in knowing what is going on in the world, and being able to predict and fight any Heavenly (or Demonic) things that come to threaten the Earth. And after the threat is resolved, mentions that its not like they’ll try the same thing again, so the TV is less useful now than it was. So, did he know they’d try to use the TVs in some way? Probably not, but its not beyond reason. As always, then, he treads the line between being a silly character, and being the most serious, as he can flippantly ask Rika if she likes Ashiya to her face, and can very earnestly out-debate Suzuno (who, reminder, is the closest thing Ente Isla has to a lawyer) when the two discuss whether or not Rika ought to be made aware of who and what they all really are. 
She isn’t, by the way. I suppose we must wait for another book for that. 
Emi and Suzuno, seemingly unaware that their fates were bound in with that of the Devil King a long long time ago, have learned, through Emeralda, that Ente Isla is now engulfed in a Civil War, which was seemingly instigated by Heaven, Olba, and the Demons that seek the Better Half at his suggestion. They decide that, at all costs, Maou must not be allowed to join in this war, as he would likely reuite the Demons, and crush the un-unified countries of Ente Isla, particularly because Emi is unable to join, as siding with any part of humanity over another wouldn’t be proper as the Hero. Hence, Suzuno continues her surveilance of the demons, now with the renewed purpose of making sure no Demons come with the intention of pulling their King into their war. Emi, assured that Eme and Suzuno are capable of the tasks before them, goes looking for her mother, unaware of the two Angels out doing the same thing...
Emi’s story is an emotional one, as it often is. Everything she knows is slowly crumbling around her, and as her mother is unable (or unwilling) to reveal herself and speak to her directly, and the other main characters all either preoccupied or still enemies in her mind, she is left only with Alas Ramus by her side to help her to understand what she must do and where she must go. I dont want to spoil specifics of Emi’s story in this book, but its very good. I didn’t cry as much as she did, maybe, but I at least teared up a bit. 
Crestia Bell, meanwhile, has a lot more time in the limelight after last book forcing her to make sandcastles and do little else. She has slowly grown to be one of my favorite characters in the series. She’s far more multilayered than anyone else, with her background so steeped in religion and politics, combined with a fascination with Japanese culture, particularly the old pre-WW2 stuff, from when Japan was still traditional and religious itself. Plus, she really likes Udon for reasons nobody really understands. She’s funny, quirky, serious, and strong. And she gets a lot of time to show off all sides of herself in this book, and she manages to be awesome at every aspect of it, all with the calm serenity of a person of her religious station. There’s a reason she’s on the cover of this book. Heck, she’s more of the book’s standout character than Ashiya, I just was more happy about him getting focus so thats who I talked about more at first. 
Hanzo Urushihara, after a surprising amount of character development in the previous novel, returns to heaven on earth (the inside of apartment 201 of Villa Rosa Sasazuka) with great enthusiasm. He too wants a TV, but obviously he isn’t going to go outside the apartment to get it, nor is he at all going to be helping pay for it, so he doesn’t help Maou convince Ashiya of its usefulness as that would not help the case. He instead stays home through much of the book. Gabriel stops by about halfway through, and they have a great interaction, where we get an inside look on exactly how Urushihara thinks, and how he justifies his existence to himself. While he seems unaware of it, he really has evolved as a character; He does a lot to help during the climax, and at one point expresses great pride in the work he was able to do at the Beach House in Choshi. Overall, he’s written much better now than he was prior to book 4 as well, as he still feels like a fusion or extension of the disparate parts of himself that seemed kinda incongruous in the first books. In fact, he’s more bad*ss now, humming “Amazing Grace” as he shoos one of the series’ primary villains out of his personal space, than he did menacingly levitating Chiho above Hatagaya in the first book. 
I guess I should also talk about Gabriel, because he comes back, and he’s better now than he was. A nice effort is made to make him and the other Angel distinct characters, rather than Gabe feeling like a tamer, but more powerful version of Sariel like he did when he first showed up. He’s still not as good as Olba, or even Lucifer were as villains, but he’s still cool, and the threats he’s a part of feel really legitimate this time around, which is a really nice change of pace from both the previous books. 
Finally, Chiho. At first, I was kind of dissappointed that her injury was basically keeping her from actually helping with the plot at all, despite being its whole inciting incident. 
Without spoiling it, lets just say that uh, dont count Chiho out because she has a bigger role here than, like ever. I mean, she’s been damsel in distress, she’s inspired the others, and convinced Gabriel to delay his attack in Book 3. In this book, she basically saves the day. 
How does it make any sense when she’s just a normal girl? Um read the book ya dummy. 
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ninatodita · 6 years
1. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid. Being in the present 2. What was your favorite musical group when you were a kid? probably the black eyed peas or smth 3. When was the first time that you had alcohol? like 10  4. What is your worst dating experience? a guy showed me a picture of himself on a motorcycle as a way to “impress” me. i got like second hand embarrassment  5. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? if i ever told my mom that i smoked cigarettes in my room when i was younger she would hit me. so probably that 6. Name one thing that not many people know about you. i’m scared my ass is starting to sag 7. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? being quietly powerful 8. Do you have any phobias? heights  9. Name three countries you would like to visit. greece, peru, and india 10. If your house was on fire and you could grab only 3 things before leaving, what would they be? id, credit card, a sweater for later 11. Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? ya 12. Do you believe in the paranormal? ya 13. What would be your dream job? having a desk in an office and i just do paperwork and input data in a computer. i get an hour for lunch and there’s parking right outside the building.                                               
14. If you could have 3 wishes granted, what would they be? money, the desire to work out, and better natural eyebrows/ eyelashes
15. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to? i like my first name but i would drop my dad’s last name and take my great-grandmas 16. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? new orleans 17. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. eat, cry, listen to haydn 18. What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday? adopting a baby
19. If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go? i would choose prince and we would go where ever he would want to go 20. Any tattoos or pierced body parts? piercings on my face 21. What’s your favorite color? like that 70s mustard color and pastel purple 22. What is your favorite flower? plumeria 23. What is on your bedside table? lamp, glasses case, hand lotion, mouth guard, sleep mask, headphones, vicks, and 2 stuffed animals  24. What was your best Halloween costume for Halloween? dressed up as lydia from beetlejuice 25. If you could be any cartoon character, who would you be? gene belcher 26. Are you a morning or night person? neither 27. Name a singer whose voice you can’t stand. iggy azealia or however u spell that bitchs name
28. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do? trapeze 29. What do you remember about your high school prom? my pretty dress and how there was no food  30. What’s your favorite holiday? halloween  31. Have you ever been mentioned in a newspaper? yes actually  32. Have you ever gone skinny dipping or streaking? no 33. What body part do you get caught staring at? asses and boobs ..the usual 34. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? boringly, the latter  35. What is your most treasured possession? my car 36. Adult Beverage of choice? cider 37. What is your favorite food? pasta the way i make it tho 38. Can you fake any accents? thick irish but only for like 30 secs  39. What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their ugly ass faces 40. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? eat ass..im sorry im not brave enough 41. If you had to live under the sea what kind of an animal would you be? starfish 42. Most hated chore on the household chore list? buying groceries 43. In life who has had the most influence on you? my grandma 44. If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do?  45. If you could be one kind of beer which one would you be and why? i dont know beer  46. What extremely difficult life situation have you overcome and how did you do it? uhhh pass 47. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? i didnt wear underwear one time and then wore a dress like a fucking moron. it was windy...etc 48. If you could choose, how would you want to die? laying in bed with clean sheets 49. If you could change the world what would you do? lmao 50. Name 1 thing you love about being an adult i take better care of myself now than when i was younger obv 51. Which would you rather have, $50,000 or true love? my instinct is to go for the money  52. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no not always 53. What song always makes you happy when you hear it? heart love -albert ayler 54. Who’s the funniest person you know? my old coworker  55. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? the voicemail at my dentist office 56. How big is your bed? its literally 2 military cots pushed together and held in place with 2 mattress toppers 57. What is the wallpaper on your cellphone? a painting of a dog gnawing at the cork of a wine bottle 58. What’s the first thing you thought about this morning? will i be forced to do errands with others 59. Are you afraid of the dark? sometimes 60. 3 things you cannot live without? this list is making me realize how boring i am. i cant think of anything besides the obvious: credit card, headphones, clean underwear etc 61. Favorite song? if i cant have you -etta james and harvey fuqua 62. Are you a giver or a taker? a lil bit a both  63. Virgin or not? no  64. Are you very sarcastic? sometimes 65. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? pfft no i slide those mf right off 66. Which you favorite icecream flavor? coffee  67. What was the last drink you drank? water 68. Do you prefer hugs or kisses? uhh by who? in general, none. 69. Have you ever gone cow-tipping? no im not a total loser 70. Do you like to sing in the shower? always 71. What’s your favorite midnight snack? captain crunch cereal 72. Whats your favorite movie? the first thing that came to mind was waynes world  73. Have you ever gambled at a casino? no and i never will 74. Have you thrown up in a car? no? 75. Do you scream on roller coasters? no 76. When did you go to your first funeral? 7 yrs old 77. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? 6 yrs old 78. Whats your favorite season? fall 79. Who was your imaginary friend? no one 80. Date someone older or younger? older 81. If you don’t know the words to a song do you improvise? usually 82. What turns you on about the opposite sex? chris hemsworth & winston duke 83. What turns you off about the opposite sex? arrogance and lack of self reflection 84. What scares you the most and why? dying and knowing im dead cuz its scary yo 85. What do you do in your free time? lay in bed and waste time 86. Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful? birds chirping early in the morning, fog, and when sunlight peaks through thick canopies in the rainforest 87. Tell me about something you really regret? oh god so many little things  88. Tell me about your favorite book, magazine or comic? calvin and hobbes is nostalgic  89. Something or someone you miss the most from childhood? does myself count 90. Your best friend dies, what would you do? mourn  91. What is your zodiac sign? cancer 92. Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot? the office, jane the virgin, the nanny, living single 93. Name a movie or movies you can watch over and over? beverly hills cop, zodiac, contagion, the princess and the frog 94. Would you ever go skinny dipping? if the water is warm 95. Have you been told you can sing well more than once? no lol  96. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had? ballerinas were sitting on the banister and then one jumped on my back and tried to murder me 97. What were you doing the last time you really had a good laugh? teaching kids origami 98. What is your happiest childhood memory? the summer in mexico 99. If you could take a one month trip anywhere and money was not a consideration, where would you go? new york  100. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? consistency 
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