#grapefruit slander
filecabinetsystem · 2 years
First of all, excuse my language, fuck grapefruit.
I spend all this times for the hopes and dreams of finally having a taste of a grape fruit, just for it to taste like literally used dog water? No thanks.
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i’m so fucking bored right now, might bother Tim but then again he has a grapefruit
i hate grapefruit.
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littlequeenies · 4 months
‘I’ve been called a witch, slut, murderer’: the ultra-creative women dismissed as rock star girlfriends
Despite their artistic skill, Anita Pallenberg, Suzi Ronson and Yoko Ono were cast as mere lovers or muses. They're now being allowed to tell their own stories – even if it's after death-Annie ZaleskiTue 21 May 2024 11.46 CEST
In a 2008 interview, Anita Pallenberg swore she would never write her autobiography. The artist, model and actor was weary of publishers who only wanted to read about her intimate dealings with the Rolling Stones – she dated both Brian Jones and Keith Richards, and had an affair with Mick Jagger. “They all wanted salacious,” she said then. “And everybody is writing autobiographies and that’s one reason why I’m not going to do it.”
Yet when Pallenberg died in 2017, she left behind pages of a neatly typed manuscript, titled Black Magic, that contained her life story. True to form, she characterised these memoirs as “memory images, a traveller’s tale through a landscape of dreams and shadows” rather than an autobiography. But she held little back while chronicling her spirited and frequently tumultuous life, quipping: “I don’t think the lawyers will like it very much.”Read in a narration by Scarlett Johansson, her unpublished words are the backbone of a compelling new documentary, Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg. Kate Moss celebrates her as “the original bohemian rock chick that people still aspire to today” but more valuable is Pallenberg reframing her legacy on her own terms from beyond the grave. “I’ve been called a witch, a slut, a murderer. I’ve been hounded by the police and slandered in the press,” she wrote, before adding, “But I don’t need to settle scores. I’m reclaiming my soul.”Given how much ink has been spilt on the Stones over the years, it’s refreshing to hear Pallenberg share her own perspective on her experiences. She’s not the only high-profile rock girlfriend now getting a chance to tell their own story, asserting their place in, and influence on, male-dominated music culture.
Suzi Ronson, who was married to the guitarist Mick Ronson, just released a candid memoir, Me and Mr Jones: My Life with David Bowie and the Spiders from Mars, that’s a clear-eyed look at rock star mythology. Pattie Boyd, married to both George Harrison and Eric Clapton, was interviewed in 2018 by Taylor Swift for Harper’s Bazaar (“George and Eric had an inability to communicate their feelings through normal conversation,” Boyd said, “I became a reflection for them”) and this year she eloquently reminisced as she auctioned her memorabilia, including love letters from Clapton and handwritten Harrison lyrics, for a staggering £2,818,184. “The letters from Eric – they’re so desperate and passionate, a passion that blooms once in a lifetime,” she said. “They’re too painful in their beauty.”
Tate Modern, in London, is meanwhile celebrating Yoko Ono with a career-spanning exhibition, Yoko Ono: Music of the Mind – a pointed reminder that Ono’s artistic collaboration with John Lennon was only a relatively brief part of her career. It shows how her artistry spans theatre, writing and music, but also how it makes space for her story to change over time – for example, the various performances of Cut Piece across the decades – and for others’ perspectives. Take Ono’s 1964 artist’s book Grapefruit, which uses short, abstract action items (“Imagine the clouds dripping. Dig a hole in your garden to put it in”) to generate a huge potential variety of creative responses.
Among those was Lennon’s Imagine. In a 1980 BBC interview, Lennon said Grapefruit provided “the lyric and the concept” of the song, but Ono didn’t receive a songwriting credit until 2017 even though Lennon was aware of the oversight in his lifetime. “But those days I was a bit more selfish, a bit more macho,” he told the BBC, “and I sort of omitted to mention her contribution.”
Pallenberg, too, served as inspiration for Rolling Stones songs such as Gimme Shelter. But Catching Fire reinforces the idea that even if sexism meant she was underestimated by the public, she wasn’t a passive presence or muse. “Neither Anita nor I wanted to be with them because we wanted some of their power,” Marianne Faithfull says in voiceover – she was in the band’s orbit alongside Pallenberg owing to a relationship with Jagger. “We had our own power.”
Faithfull’s power was her own music career; Pallenberg, who spoke several languages and worked as a model, influenced the Stones’ look. (“I started to become a fashion icon for wearing my old lady’s clothes,” Richards quipped in his bookLife.) And she refused to rearrange her life for the Stones. “No girls were allowed in the studio when they were recording,” she said. “You weren’t allowed even to ring. I did other things; I didn’t sit at home.” She maintained an acting career, notably in 1968’s movie Barbarella and 1970’s Performance – though her voice was dubbed out in the former: you wonder whether her “muse” tag meant casting directors underestimated her.
Suzi Ronson, a colour-loving hair wizard who brought David Bowie’s tomato-red Ziggy Stardust coif to life, also took a different path from other women of her time. She left a steady job and went on the road, steering the Ziggy Stardust tour aesthetic by handling hair, makeup, and other tasks.
Me and Mr Jones illuminates her part in helping Bowie crystallise his vision – and shows how fame and rock stardom corrupt. On a Mott the Hoople tour, she seethes while Mick, cozying up to a baroness, orders Suzi to find his hairbrush, treating her like an assistant rather than a girlfriend. It wasn’t the only time she was underestimated. “I’m now the pathetic girlfriend, clinging on to my man, a position I never thought I’d find myself in,” she writes after joining Mick on tour with Bob Dylan for a few days, after not being invited. “I try to be understanding, but truthfully I’m infuriated at being left out.”
These new works also highlight how each woman, at a time when women struggled to “have it all”, cultivated agency through one of the only paths open to them: motherhood. Rather than being something limiting, becoming mothers allowed them to reinvent their lives. Suzi Ronson, long out of Bowie’s orbit and living in England with her parents after giving birth, reflects that “the life I created for myself has disappeared, and my career with it,” she writes, but her daughter brings joy and solace – and encourages her to stay optimistic and keep striving for a unique path. “As I push her around the same streets my mother used to push me, I swear to her: this isn’t going to be it, and I pray I’m right.” Ronson closes the loop by noting that she and Mick return to the US, living in the singer Maria Muldaur’s house and finding equilibrium.
Ono confronted motherhood’s messiness. Her installation My Mommy Was Beautiful used photos of breasts and vaginas to demystify birth and celebrate the strength of the body, and the 1969 song Don’t Worry Kyoko (Mummy’s Only Looking for a Hand in the Snow) – which Yoko wrote for her young daughter Kyoko – conveys primal agony and frustration. “Society’s myth is that all women are supposed to love having children,” Ono said in 1981. “But that was a myth. So there was Kyoko, and I did become attached to her and had great love for her, but at the same time, I was still struggling to get my own space in the world. I felt that if l didn’t have room for myself, how could I give room to another human being?”
Pallenberg also navigates this conundrum. Jake Weber, the actor son of notorious Stones associate Tommy Weber, becomes visibly emotional when talking about how “generous and funny” Pallenberg was to him after his mother died in 1971, during the Stones’ debauched French summer. “She filled a vacuum of a surrogate parent,” he said. “She was lovely like that. Her thing was trying to give us joy.” Catching Fire also visits the agonising fallout of the sudden June 1976 death of Pallenberg’s 10-week-old son Tara.
Pallenberg has the last word in Catching Fire, and her conclusion illustrates the importance of women directing their own narratives. “Writing this has helped me emerge in my own eyes,” she noted. “Reading over what I’ve written, I get a lump in my throat. But it doesn’t need to be a doom and gloom kind of story.” The film makes it clear that Pallenberg’s chief power was, ultimately, resilience, which she needed during an often-challenging life (she lived with various addictions, including to heroin and alcohol) and several tragic events, such as when a 17-year-old shot and killed himself in Richards’ bed.
“I felt like some nasty person who caused death and destruction around her,” Pallenberg said after the 1979 incident, but Catching Fire refuses to let Pallenberg become a tragic figure or cautionary tale. The film ends noting that she got sober, graduated from college, and aged with iconoclastic gusto. The lessons are clear – redemption is possible and we are not our worst moments – while also reinforcing what we miss when women’s voices are silenced or ignored. Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg, directed by Alexis Bloom and Svetlana Zill is in UK and Irish cinemas now
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01-05-2001 · 12 days
honest opinion on limes ? are you a fan ? do you too believe that they are the inferior green brother of their glorious golden counterparts … i await your response
i freaking LOVE LIMES so much i add them to every meal i can i buy them constantly they are the superior citrus* and i will not stand for their slander
*aside from grapefruit
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
take back the grapefruit slander
im sorry im speaking my truth now. im a grapefruit hater
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v-0w0-v · 2 years
words that are good:
aioli, parasaurolophus, sternocleidomastoid, green, pickled, dipstick, horseradish, sixteen, bacteriophage, handheld, potpourri, dimple, preen, electricity, elderberry, chapstick, grapefruit, jettison, alleviate, dopamine, psychosomatic, elf, egg, plethora, octopus, banana, squid, squad, beefsteak, laminate, beanstalk, gondola, pig, hog, swine, conglomerate, potato, squalor, blastocyst, because, dingbat, molecule, particle, grass, anemone, pragmatic, crone, doghouse, pustule, boardwalk, mermaid, raspberry, balderdash, enjoy, lightswitch, scrotum, platter, capricious, petrichor, manticore, beast, grapes, cry, beanbag, lighthouse, carriage, doctor, pocket, charge, animal, bladder, skin, delight, podiatrist, pediatrician, glamor, dragoon, schizm, fandangle, whump, funky, puzzle, assortment, nomination, denomination, feather, bingo, lard, asinine, greed, pottery, eleven, trouble, biscuit, cemetery, platter, befouled, plucky, disco, freewheeling, dogma, bunker, plow, glassblown, handcrafted, unique, listicle, testicle, barrel, wedge, gleam, frotting, deluxe, ugly, lipstick, fraternity, eternity, broad, board, puppy, glutton, shifting, bottomless, organ, plaster, alabaster, grafted, ascot, popcorn, graveyard, alpine, modest, untoward, fleece, lungful, startled, mottled, dappled, atrocious, bodacious, figurehead, masterful, glamorous, snaggletoothed, humpback, ubiquitous, sleet, bandage, official, three, beehive, slander, doctorate, boob, number, upwards, classic, dug, blunt, scarfing, poppers, batty, catty, nightly, frontal, juggernaut, tightrope, bloat, goggles, flogging, popemobile, jester, festering, whinny, fickle, dopamine, garbled, gargled, gargoyle, gnarled, freakshow, deity, agony, fiddle, limpid, demure, juggler, anvil, cobbler, ungodly, sticky, pink, dipping, gruff, billygoat, thunderstorm, lopsided, spoonerism, dookie, discombobulated, preferential, pregnant, landslide, dumpster, bumpkin, crone, boner, flowing, boggled, flatulence, mattress, poop, dirt, five, bungalow, flattery, grabbing, formula, dork, glovebox, tunnel, mountain, dwarves, orangutan, tripwire, movie, fleeting, baby, teacup, oblong, oblivious, darting, plop, foppish, argument, dingaling, ringtone, marketplace, apple, delight, hand, weiner, wobble, bobblehead, granular, eighteen, unstoppable, possibility, freakish, leap, liposuction, briefcase, dingleberry, alimony, frankenstein, pothead, dracula, graduation, likeness, rhythm, clade, mercurial, dolphin, pervert
words that are bad:
except for “podcast“
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kat-katharsis · 2 years
I have been seeing far too much grapefruit slander on the internet recently and I WILL NOT STAND FOR IT.
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grimoire2020aa · 4 years
Herbs and Others for Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes
coffee/dark cocoa - causes target bitterness
Chili Powder ~ for discord, bane, curses
Mustard Seed ~ the seed of strife and discord. Leave it at one’s doorstep, particularly black mustard seed. This seed sprinkled around the trunk of a fruit tree on the first evening of the full moon will cause the tree to bear no fruit.
Onion ~ can cause strife in an enemy’s life. 
Poppy Seed ~ Causes couples to argue.
Sumac ~ for curses, hexing, bringing bad luck
Grapefruit - causes enemy sour start, but leaves a good ending
peppers - great for those spreading lies and talking general shit.  The hotter the pepper (vegetable or spice) the more intense the curse.
salt - to repel someone from reentering your life and home.
vinegar - to make someone eat their words or to stop running their mouth.
basil - for someone who owes you money.
mint - to cool someone’s anger or hatred toward you.
potato - for someone standing in your way.  carve someone’s name into the potato (or initials) and then cut it up/cook as normal.
having a wooden spoon you use ONLY for cursing magic within the kitchen.  You can inscribe/woodburn sigils and words to your liking. This is VERY useful.  Just be sure you ONLY use it for cursing and hexing for foods.
lemon/lime/any tart fruit - to stop someone’s slander, lies, and general cursing
Black pepper or ginger - add in baking mix if you want to cause the target anger.
Grated lemon - add in baking mix if you want to cause the target to be sour to others.
Black icing - colour correspondence for hexes and curses.
Stirring counter clockwise is good for undoing the actions or intent of the person you are cursing.
Stirring clockwise is for sealing/bringing to fruition.
You can do cursing/hexing in your kitchen.  Write someone’s name on a slip of paper (or take their picture) and put it in your pot and add vinegar, oils, needles/nails and herbs on the stove, intending your hex on that person.  Toss out like (preferably off your property) when done.  
Most kitchen witches, myself included, keep glass jars and bottles around.  You can take a piece of paper with the person’s name or their picture, put in a jar with oil and herbs and shake it up each time you focus your hexing intent. Obviously the more shaking you do the more intense.  Do till you feel the hexing is done and they’ve stopped their shit.
When cursing/hexing food (or doing the pot trick like I mentioned above), you can also say (from Dorothy Morrison’s Utterly Wicked, pg. 66):
The magic that’s within this dish is meant for (name of target), as is my wish.
On others who may hear its call it shall not have any effect at all.
Pure delight is all they’ll feel as they fill their plates and eat this meal.
But (name of target) it will hit magically
As I will, so mote it be.
@breelandwalker and @diary-of-demosthenes
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babo0shka · 3 years
I just saw someone else do this so I introduce: Dead Poets Society as things my friends have said
Neil: “…it could just be the daddy issues!”
Todd: “I have never been more intimidated by a goose”
Cameron, complaining to Neil: “…and then [Charlie] put hand sanitizer in the queso!” Charlie, overhearing: “It made it better!” Cameron: “In what world??”
Pitts: “Your skin is a nice, healthy shade of…of skin color”
Meeks: “I don’t know if we could breed a snail and a bear together”
Knox: “Your cat looks like a butch lesbian”
Charlie: “Babies are inherently capitalist”
Charlie, studying Latin with Meeks: “The gate is a she?” Meeks: “Yes, the gate is a she”
Todd: “My moon is in aquarius” Charlie: “Oh, so you’re weird” (CHARLIE WOULD BE AN ASTRONOMY BITCH DONT @ ME)
Meeks: “My crocs are in ACTION mode”
The poets in the cave: *chanting* “HUMAN SHREK, HUMAN SHREK”
Todd: “Interestingly enough, this is a horrible marker”
Pitts: “Soft rocks are suspicious”
Cameron: “I will not stand for this Beethoven slander” Charlie: “I will slander Beethoven as much as I want”
Cameron: “My hair is a mess and I have the personality of a grapefruit”
Neil: “Have you considered murder?”
Knox: “Wow, look at that classy trash pile”
Meeks: “Where’s your packet of ranch?” Pitts: “Oh, I drank it”
Charlie, flirting: “Trom-bone me”
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tobacconist · 3 years
i dont actually have a specific recipe for my illegal homebrew vaccines each batch is unique so as to be impervious to the scientific method, but essentially the protocol is to take infectious matter from a diseased person (you can focus on one disease or mix-and-match) and expose it to sudden extreme environmental fluctuations (temperature, acidity, pressure, etc) you must do this as the moon wanes culminating on the new moon (were talking pints of blood/phlegm/lymph here along with reagent) and you must continually scold the germ as you do this, telling it how wicked and evil it is. on the new moon, you must let it sit in a dark place undisturbed to think about what it has done. in the next stage you  add very strong spirits, or ether; and a fair splash on vinegar in an equal volume to the already prepared matter. at this point we may introduce the botanical extracts to the mix - this is largely a matter of taste, but i like to use a reliable blend of opiates and cannabis extracts, along with the juices of the grapefruit, ginger, and garlic, and also maybe some crushed up aspirins and a special chinese tea blend; anything you have in really. you can also add legitimately produced vaccines to the brew if you have access, which will increase its power, especially the expired doses which the hospitals throw away. some people like to test it on some foetal cell cultures at this point. dont do it. the vaccine may be administered intravenously in three doses or just one for the childrens and it will ferment and improve with age kept in a household refrigerator. this preparation will protect you from all variants of the covid19, as well as influenza, measles, gunshots, ebola, tuberculosis, lightning, aids, depression, autism, impotence, the plots of your enemies, slander against your name, the witches of the night, and diverse other things also.
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pistolslinger · 2 years
PERSONALITY: funny, supportive, hilarious, clever, creative, humourous, original, comedic, understanding, welcoming, engaging LIKES: mangos & gun-wielding hooligans DISLIKES: lemons & grapefruits & other delicious things COMPANIONS: comet (a cat)
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how would u explain me if i was ur oc 😗❓
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first of all this is slander, i LOVE delicious things & citrus should be put in an ‘enemy’ category’
second of all: where is the section dedicated to g? where is it? where is the wiki synopsis of our friendship? where is the timeline of the reg/jes 90s war? where is the Great Tater Debate? 😟
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noir-psi · 3 years
This is a pineapple, tomato, and grapefruit slander account.
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agarycus-arc · 4 years
some octavo notes off the top of my head bc i want to be writing him rn:
was never rly liked much by his family Before being disowned, except for by his younger twin sisters and older brother, the incident was just kind of. the last nail in the coffin
the ‘rumors’ his ex shared about him were basically slandering him and calling him easy, which his parents took as true once he forfeited the duel :(
they all pretend he was never even born, now, while he assumes they’ll let him come home one day :(
he has a daughter with his ex-betrothed he doesnt know about, but she’s since remarried and convinced the girl that this new husband is her dad
no fighting skills whatsoever, too lazy, too baby, fighting too icky n gross
has fruit trees in all verses, always in a color scheme; oranges, golden pears, grapefruit, lemons, peaches, etc
has saved up enough via stealing to have a nice house in the rift, decently sized for one man, decorated of Course in golden objects and gold-trimmed draperies 
wears glasses in modern but hates them, so Only when he’s home alone or at work 
speaking of, has a secret job in modern as a necessity; he’s a library assistant, in a different county and city entirely, just so no one he ever meets locally will ever know that he, god forbid, Works, 
secretly likes the library job 
dresses exactly how u think a pretentious “rich” librarian would
plays sdv and ac with most of his free time
eats honey on, like, Everything
still lives with his family and off their money in victorian verses for their ~image~ and good conscience, but he shamed them terribly so they moved cities and Basically told him he’s a separate entity from the family
and therefore ignore him and pretend he doesn’t exist 
shortest in his family, even at 5′10
puts what hair he can up in tiny buns and ponytails when he’s home alone in modern
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punchingyou · 3 years
this is a grapefruit slander account
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deco-devolution · 7 years
Rapture food headcanons? Everybody just learned to love sushi?
Rapture Food Headcanons
(This is a huge, multifaceted answer so forgive me if I ramble. )
Food production in Rapture is super intriguing. Let’s begin:
Sushi isn’t the most popular dish, but fish is definitely a huge cornerstone in the food of Rapture. Seafood, especially the local species like cod, haddock, and redfish- are now considered the poor man’s chicken, simply because of how inexpensive and plentiful they are. 
Kelp is the new wheat substitute- grows easily in the area, relatively easy to maintain, and also filling, it’s also a meal staple for the lower-class, and kelp bread is a common affordable bakery dish (While it still uses wheat, the kelp acts like filler to stretch the dough, making it much cheaper) Flour is still used and sold, and is slightly less then on the surface, because the process of filling it out with kelp and therefore using less had reduced demand. Potatoes are also pretty inexpensive, as they’re easy to buy and ship from the surface.
In contrast to the surface world, crab is a LOT cheaper. This is because the location of the city is much closer to in proximity to their habitat, and so is much easier to collect for sale. Although it’s much more affordable in the city, old habits die hard, and the elite still enjoys crabmeat on the regular. As such the price is inflated in most fancy bistros, to appeal to the wealthy citizens’ sense of exclusiveness and make a bit more profit. However, smugglers make a fast dollar selling incredibly cheap crab at basement price to the poorer populations. ‘Bargain crab’ is the receiver of much slander by Rapture’s elite, though it’s essentially the same. 
In the city, the cost of bulky livestock meats- like pork and beef, have exploded, due to the fact that raising cows or pigs in an underwater city is nigh impossible, so all meat must be imported from outside sources. While current average cost of a pound of beef is $3.70 (USD), in Rapture the same amount could easily go for $10 (Rapture Dollars). Pork is about $12 (RD) a pound, as well. Dairy is equally expensive, as it is very temperature sensitive and must be kept consistently cool during shipping.
The vegetable and fruit sales are different in their status because the city can actually support some forms of plant life- you can see in Julie Langford’s office, she has plant incubators and in Arcadia, you can see trees, flowers, and insect life in the garden. While most of these plant species are ambiguous, we are given a specific species of plant in game- the rosa gallica, or French rose. With that, we can make a safe guess as to what kind of climate Arcadia emulates. As rosa gallica is predominant in Southern and parts of Central Europe, we can safely guess that the natural environment in Arcadia (and by extension, the organic environment of Rapture) is decidedly Mediterranean. This says that some specific kinds of vegetation, including olive, mandarin, fig, pomegranate, lemon, walnut, and grapefruit trees can be raised in this environment. The merchants of Rapture likely knew this, so the marketplace would have been rife with Mediterranean produce. It wouldn’t be unusual to find a fruit merchant with a private fruit grove. 
While plans for other regional nurseries are in the making, the Arcadia/Mediterranean vegetation is the most popular because of the accessibility of suitable environment
Produce from other regions is a bit more expensive because of this. Fruits and vegetables from cooler regions are a bit more expensive: for example, while the average pound of apples is $1 (USD) in Rapture the same amount goes for $2.50.
Coffee is still pretty cheap, though! This is because the beans are small enough to be shipping en masse, and don’t expire as quickly as fresh fruits like raspberries or bananas. 
Luxuries like chocolate are much more expensive- while not quite the tripled price of pork or beef, it is quite a jump in costs. While the current average price of for a pound of chocolate is roughly $15, in Rapture it’s $21 for the same weight. 
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flightrisingreviews · 7 years
Negative review: Thunderstruck1, #322224
Who: Thunderstruck1, #322224
What: Poor behavior
Why: Harassment both on FR and dA, public blacklisting on both sites, art theft, negative behavior towards artists, multiaccounting, lying/making claims without proof.
When: I don’t know when it actually started, but I got involved around June 6th, 2017 and is currently ongoing.
Explain: There’s a WHOLE lot of stuff going on with this user, but I’ll start from the beginning.
Let’s start off by saying that me, LadyAaron and another deviantART user are all involved. LadyAaron was kind enough to help me gather the evidence for a report on both FlightRising and DeviantART.
I first noticed this on a certain tumblr. This user, bloomvaltor, was uploading FR dragons, claiming that they owned the dragons. They gave no credit whatsoever, and lashed out when people told them to give credit. (link to deviantart account)
Many, myself included, jumped in to politely ask to give credit. The comments have since been hidden, but they are all polite; they ranged from “hey can you please give FR credit? thanks!” to in-depth explanations of FR’s ToS, as well as deviantart’s.
And Bloomvaltor lashed out at every one of them, claiming that the commenter was being rude, and that they were bullying Bloom.
Here is a screencap grabbed off tumblr of how they act towards others: https://i.imgur.com/Mfqf1NN.png
Following are some more screenshots that I thought would be worth showing.
https://imgur.com/QD9A3Wu (Stating that someone was blocked on; not related to this, but shows their callout tenancies.)
https://imgur.com/2fEmsLK (imo it sounds like they’re playing victim here. Explains why they don’t give out their FR username anymore.)
https://imgur.com/FgXOiwF (lashing out and claiming a “snitch” is up against bloom and their friends.)
https://imgur.com/iDS8psZ (an attempt to cover up the above)
https://imgur.com/SxXXu0x (You can see they hide comments a lot. They get mad at someone who appears confused. Admits to not making the art, links to FR.)
https://imgur.com/u37JXrB (Claiming FR staff personally gave them permission, and that they “will figure out a way to post the letter”)
Now that we’re passed that, onto the next part: multiaccounting.
It’s not really hard to track them: https://bloomvaltor.deviantart.com/art/Unnamed-Baby-Dragon-706304918 This dragon is Mist Vipera, Shamrock Butterfly, Mint Contour. Inputting that into dragon search brings up this dragon, which is in Thunderstruck1’s lair: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=view&tab=dragon&id=322224&did=36166642
Now, taking another dragon from the same account: https://bloomvaltor.deviantart.com/art/Unnamed-Adult-705441030 This dragon is Black Cherub, Heather Spinner, Cantaloupe Opal. Searching for that dragon brings up this dragon, which is in fireheart999’s lair: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=view&tab=dragon&id=327765&did=35331614
This dragon, from the same account: https://bloomvaltor.deviantart.com/art/Unnamed-Adult-705285469 This dragon is Antique Basic, Blackberry Freckle, Blackberry Opal. Searching for that dragon brings up this dragon, which is in Guardian101’s lair: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=view&tab=dragon&id=339755&did=35888912
Once again, from the same account: https://bloomvaltor.deviantart.com/art/Stella-699756879 This dragon is Grapefruit Tiger, Platinum Basic, and a basic tert, and is also named Stella. Searching brings up this dragon, which is is Granddragon’s lair: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=322202&tab=dragon&did=35136535
Finally, from the same account: https://bloomvaltor.deviantart.com/art/Unnamed-Baby-Dragon-696040164 This dragon is Radioactive basic, Algae basic, and a basic tert, and has water eyes. This brings up this dragon, which is in skyrimmaster’s lair: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=327743&tab=dragon&did=34824686
Up to this point, all of these accounts have the same thing in common: exalted progens, Guardian-only lairs, all befriended each other. This is too convenient, and is pretty shady. While there’s no actual confession, I’m confident enough to believe that this is an extreme case of multiaccounting. 
Onto art theft: Of course, the dragons. They’ve recently started putting a link to FR in the description of the dragons, but according to ToS that’s still not enough, as they must put “© FlightRising” somewhere, which they fail to do. (That I’ve seen so far)
Here, you can see that an artist has been notified of Bloom uploading dragons with accents without credit. I can personally confirm:
This is just some of the dragons they’ve posted with skins and accents.
Their attitude towards artists is also pretty bad as well:
As you can see, Thunderstruck1 offers a measly 60 gems for a 500 gem skin, and then gets upset when the artist refuses the offer, stating that “no one is going to buy that skin for that much gems.” Which, by itself, is a pretty big red flag. 
Blacklisting and harassment:
Here, you can see where they call out LadyAaron, claiming to only have one account and not wanting to start drama. HOWEVER…
They have also begun to slander mine and Lady Aaron’s name by lying and making claims without proof. All of this is happening offsite on DeviantART:
(Imgur in case it gets deleted: https://imgur.com/3OzLAFy)
In this journal, they call out me, KuraiPokemon066 and Gothica-The-eevee, claiming the three of us have been cyber bullying them. They make a ridiculous claim that I made a fake account to send them a childish message. Keep in mind that I haven’t interacted with them since June, and have since forgotten about the entire thing. 
This account is called BloomvaltorTheif, and I have proof that we are not the same person.
I currently live in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The IP of my computer is 
You can see here that the owner of this account lives in Seattle, Washington. 
They have no proof whatsoever; it is entirely possible that this is an account they made themselves to make me look bad. I am not this person. 
Mod note: archive here http://web.archive.org/web/20170927030431/https://comments.deviantart.com/4/28894509/4477045831
KuraiPokemon066’s comment, alerting me to this new journal. 
Mod note: archive here http://web.archive.org/web/20170927030437/https://dekidour.deviantart.com/journal/Report-and-block-706509506
This is my defense against bloom’s accusations. In it is every screenshot you see above, as well as some that show that Bloom stalks the pages of those they’ve called out. 
Their accounts are:
Fireheart999 - #327765 Thunderstruck1 - #322224 Guardian101 - #339755 Granddragon - #322202 skyrimmaster - #327743
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