#graveyard keeper corpse
junglethegamer · 9 months
Graveyard Keeper Best Corpse
This guide will show you how to obtain the best corpse in Graveyard Keeper with the greatest white skull grade. This skull rating is vital for maintaining the graveyard's overall rating, which influences quests and donations donated at the Church following sermons.
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nyxshadowhawk · 9 months
Hellenic Gods Fact Sheets and Hymns: Hecate
Other Names: Trivia, Brimo
Epithets: Anassa eneroi  (queen of those below), Aidonaia (lady of the Underworld), Amibousa (she who changes), Atalus (tender, delicate), Borborophorba (she who feeds on filth), Brimo (angry, terrifying), Despoina (mistress), Eileithyia (of childbirth), Enodia (of the roads), Epaine (dread), Euplokamos (bright-tressed), Khthonia (of the Underworld), Kleidouchos (keeper of the keys), Kourotrophos (protector of children), Krokopelos (saffron-robed), Liparokredemnos (bright-coiffed), Nycteria (nocturnal; of the night), Nyctipolos (night-wandering), Perseis (destroyer/ daughter of Perses), Phosphoros (light bearer), Propolos (guide), Propylaia (the one before the gate), Scylacagetis (leader of dogs), Soteira (savior), Trikephalos (three-headed/of the crossroads), Trimorphos (three-formed), Trioditis (of the three ways), Trivia (of the three ways).
Domains: Witchcraft, magic, necromancy, ghosts, nightmares, death, initiation, the crossroads, gateways, passage between worlds, and the night.
Appearance: [My UPG] A tall (over 6’) woman, neither young nor old, with waist-length black hair, pale skin, prominent cheekbones, a heavy jaw, and intense green eyes. She is usually dressed in black folds molded into a simple dress or robes. She has a severe expression and an intimidating presence. She speaks with a low voice.
Sacred Days and Festivals: Eleusinia (22 Metageitnion). Nemoralia (August 13th-15th). Deipnon, last day of each (lunar) month.
Symbols/Attributes: Torches, keys, daggers, strophalos (iynx wheel)
Sacred Animals: Dog, polecat, serpent, horse, frog.
Sacred Plants: Yew, cypress, garlic, willow, hazel, black poplar, aconite, belladonna, dittany, mandrake, hemlock, asphodel
Elemental Affinity: Darkness, light, fire
Planet: Moon
Colors: Black, saffron, silver.
Crystals: Black onyx, hematite, obsidian, black tourmaline, moonstone, smoky quartz, agate, amethyst.
Incense: Myrrh, almond, cypress, camphor, saffron, mugwort, pomegranate.
Tarot Cards: The High Priestess, The Moon, Death
Retinue: Empousai, ghosts of the dead, dogs, Lampades (torch-bearing underworld nymphs)
Associated People: Witches (and other magic-users), the dead
Offerings: Bread, eggs, honey, garlic, menstrual blood, graveyard dirt.
Syncretized With: Artemis, Diana, Persephone, Eileithyia, Selene, Nephthys, Ereshkigal, Nicnevin, Heqet
Hymns to Hecate
Orphic Hymn to Hecate
Hekate Enodia, Trivia, lovely dame, Of earthly, watery, and celestial frame, Sepulchral, in a saffron veil arrayed, Pleased with dark ghosts that wander through the shade; Daughter of Perses, solitary goddess, hail! The world’s key-bearer, never doomed to fail; In stags rejoicing, huntress, nightly seen, And drawn by bulls, unconquerable, monstrous queen; Leader, Nymphe, nurse, on mountains wandering, Hear the suppliants who with holy rites thy power revere, And to the herdsman with a favoring mind draw near.
Hecate’s Hymn to Herself
I come, a virgin of varied forms, wandering through the heavens, bull-faced, three-headed, ruthless, with golden arrows; chaste Phoebe bringing light to mortals, Eileithyia; bearing the three synthemata [sacred signs] of a triple nature.  In the Aether I appear in fiery forms and in the air I sit in a silver chariot, Earth reins in my black brood of puppies.
(From Porphyry’s lost commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, preserved by Eusebius of Caesaria in Praeparatio Evangelica. According to Porphyry, this hymn was composed by Hecate herself.)
Magical Invocation to Hecate
Approach, you of the netherworld, of earth, of heaven, Bombo! You by the wayside, at the crossroads, light-bearer, night-wanderer, Enemy of light, friend and companion of night, Rejoicing in the howl of dogs and in crimson gore, Lurking among the corpses and the tombs of lifeless dust, Lusting for blood, bringing terror to mortals, Grim one, Ogress [Mormo], Moon – you of many forms, May you come gracious to our sacrificial rites!
(Preserved in Refutation to All Heresies by Hippolytus)
Invocation to Hecate from PGM IV 2708-84
Come, giant Hecate, Dione’s guard, O Persia [daughter of Perses], Baubo Phroune, dart-shooter, Unconquered Lydian, the one untamed, Sired nobly, torch-bearing, guide, who bends down Proud necks, Kore, hear, you who’ve parted / gates Of steel unbreakable. O Artemis, Who, too, were once protectress, mighty one, Mistress, who burst forth from the earth, dog-leader, All-tamer, crossroad goddess, triple-headed, Bringer of light, august / virgin, I call you Fawn-slayer, crafty, O infernal one, And many-formed. Come, Hekate, goddess Of three ways, who with your fire-breathing phantoms Have been allotted dreaded roads and harsh / Enchantments, Hekate I call you
O Hekate of many names, O Virgin, Kore, Goddess, come, I ask, O guard and shelter of the threshing floor Persephone, O triple-headed goddess, Who walk on fire, cow-eyed BOUORPHORBE PANPHORBA PHORBARA AKITOPHI ERESHKIGAL / NEBOUTOSOUALETH Beside the doors, PYPYLEDEDEZO And gate-breaker; Come Hekate, of firey Counsel, I call you to my sacred chants.
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pininghermit · 6 months
Founder of Death, Keeper of Life
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Pairing: Alucard x M. Reader
Summary: You looked at the spiked corpses in front of you with a spark of fury in your eyes. How dare someone disrespect death in this manner? Who dared to do so?
AN: idk what i'm doing. I haven't written in a while so a rough start.
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What ailment made the God of death bawl like a child? What grief has lingered in his heart like an unplucked thorn?
Dressed in fleeting black robes, the creator of death was a solemn existence. Untouched by the misery yet bound by a sorrow unknown to any.
You looked at the spiked corpses in front of you with a spark of fury in your eyes. How dare someone disrespect death in this manner? Who dared to do so?
Cupping the decaying faces crawling with maggots you pulse your energy into the remaining pieces of flesh. In blink of an eye both the corpses are gone. Guided to your court where afterlife would be granted to them.
Surrounded by the stench of rot, urine, and blood you stare at the castle. Burdened by the air of unrest everything surrounding it felt heavy with despair.
Untouched by the grime surrounding you, your gown trails behind you as you step into the castle. Dracula was dead. You had seen to it years ago.
Could it be him? Son of Dracula. Could there be even a slightest chance of him being the one?
Perhaps years of ruling death had caught up. Made you into a weakling blinded by false hopes.
The one you looked for was gone. And you were the reason. You, the God of Death, had killed him with your own two hands. You had dimmed his life with your powers. Carried his cooling body to your halls and disintegrated his soul into the empty world.
Made him into the world. Started the cycle of life with your only lover.
Long ago when the world was young. The God of Death did not exist. The purpose and knowledge existed but not the way to get to that purpose.
In a world where you were next to him. Maybe it was what humans now know as living in bliss.
You knew him from your first moment. He was next to you in the void of nothingness. Your companion. His existence was the catalyst for your path as a deity.
He existed for you to understand love, understand loving, and for you to grapple with grief that you would bring to million others.
And so it came to be.
To initiate the cycle of life and death, the God of Death was tasked to sacrifice his joy. To pay for the grief of infinite, who would die, the God of Death was tasked to bear the grief unbound by the world.
So, the God gathered his lover in his arms and kissed him. Caressed his hair and memorized every pore of his existence in his heart. Cupped his face and with a dimming heart watched his joy leave him.
The precious soul of his beloved was broken into infinite pieces, blended into the world of living where the God of Death could not venture. Broken into pieces he could not combine even with his divinity.
Doomed to be separated for eternity, the God of Death came to be at the price of his heart.
But that tale belongs to a past long gone. Times have changed.
Surely your impulse of wandering in an unkempt mess of a castle was purely to punish the mortal who had dared to disrespect death in his own little graveyard.
A racing heart, irrational hopes were just a figment of your imagination you had come to live with.
Encased with a heavy silence, the castle rings with the echoing hoots of a wayward owl.
Would you remember him after years of separation. He won't look the same either way. The soul would be incomplete. Fates would never allow it.
All the excuses of your conscience fail to stop you. Your heart has already sensed him. A part of what you once remembers. Incomplete but yours.
Perched on a creaking chair he stares back at you. Alucard son of Dracula, as many know him as.
They look nothing alike. The past trapped in your soul seems to have been erased to have rewritten by him. The one you find most familiar in the wide world of your creation.
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freddys-kineria · 4 months
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names : grave , morgan , morganna , victor , edward , morticia , ambrosia , priscill , valentine , kilian , nox , casper , plague , myrtle , bones , perseus , mara , damion , ciaran , grim , thorn , lurk , maggot , vamp , brains , angel , marion(nette) , claud(ia)
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pronouns : gore / goreself , grave / graveself , zomb / zombself , fang / fangself , brain / brainself , rot / rotten , morbid / morbidself , death / deathself , vamp / vampself , holy / holyself , decay / decayself , reap / reapers , thy / thyself
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titles : rotting (zombie/corpse) , (prns) who is rotting , graveyard keeper , risen from the grave , #1 bloodsucker , #1 brain eater , morgue dweller , (prns) who lives in a coffin , the undead , ghost of ____
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identities : felimortic , ghouldogial , royalvampic , vampfem , vampneu , vampmasc , zombin , aldercormangic , genderverval
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faefaye · 8 months
Trick or Treat (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
(the ask game, for context)
Hey there~! (^w^) I've been working on a LOTM fic recently, hopefully its first scene will be enough of a treat ^^.
It had rained in the evening.
Though a few hours had passed since then, the soil still sank under every step, capturing trails of footprints. The wild grass swayed to the wind and, under the crimson moonlight, the water droplets on their leaves sparkled like embers.
All throughout the graveyard, only the tombstones stayed as they always were.
Daly liked to sneak in here past midnight and lie next to the graves. It was quiet and cold, so cold that she could forget she was the one lacking warmth.
Since that incident a week ago, she had never felt warm.
Beyonder, Pathway, Sequence… during the day, she heard all these words and nodded along to them. At night, she looked at the starry sky and wished she knew nothing.
What did any of it matter? Her mother and father were gone, killed by monsters. The magical liquid she had drank in her haste, hoping for help, was more of a curse than anything else.
Corpse Collector... A terribly named curse.
Tomorrow, she had to be with the Nighthawks and pretend that everything was fine. That she hadn’t gone mad.
That she was still human.
But here, surrounded by the best secret-keepers, she could whisper how she didn’t feel that way at all.
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snailparty1 · 4 months
i made an album abt gay vampire sex (ft. mpreg and subsequent mbortion)
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i rap on one of them so thats pretty embarrassing that im a soundcloud rapper now but uhh yeah (rap lyrics below the cut because i think they are funny)
yeah so idk i havent been posting much art bc ive been doing this. please let me know if u enjoy. also sorry its not on spotify it cost money to put it there
link to the album: https://on.soundcloud.com/gCYgU
lyrics to Count Fagula does Sex Acts with Your Father (Blood Flow)
[Verse 1] Ice on my neck make my corpse feel colder Hear the clock tick but i aint getting older Call me sisyphus cuz im pushin a boulder Up. the hill. To fetch a pail of water
[Bridge (?) 1] Holy shit, im lit, get bit (yo) Garlic, makes me, feel sick (yo) Give yo daddy worm down his throat like a chick Yeah ima suck his blood and ima suck his dick!
[Stupid Shit] A tisket a tasket, lay me in a casket Ima gob his peenie until he blow a gasket
[Verse 2] Ice on my teeth make my bite go deeper Thats what he beg for, he know im a keeper Suckin out his soul, yeah he call me the reaper And i dont stop til I blow up like a creeper
[Bridge (?) 1] KABOOM!!, I coomed, hes doomed (yuh) I lure, him to, my tomb (yuh) Breedin that bitch red, renesmee in the womb Bend that ho in half, his abortion, I consume???
[Verse 3] Ice on my wrist makes the time pass slower But i dont mind cuz yo daddy over Kissin on his lips but u know i gotta tell him Lowe, lower, lower, lower…..
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bluecoolr · 1 year
For Life or Until Fault
Alt Timeline 2.0 - Darrell x Odile Part 4
Warnings: MINORS DNI! Main characters are slasher ocs! Dead body mention and cannibalism
Darrell is mine ♡
Odile belongs to @solmints-messyocdiary
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It had been two weeks since Darrell set up the bell traps, and still he had no luck. He had overestimated his own intelligence, invested too much time camping out between tombstones and lying in wait for someone with intentions of stealing bodies.
Ilya had made sure to rub it in his face. "No luck?" he inquired everytime he passed by.
Darrell did his best to ignore him. Ilya just seemed like the type of person to want the worst for others, and it gave him great joy to see Darrell frustrated.
There wasn't much to distract him while he waited. He refrained from using his portable stereo. As dull as graveyard noise was, he had to keep his ears peeled.
But his thoughts often wandered back to the broken down manor house; To the night he had felt a weight on his stomach and a ticklish sensation on his ribs. He conjured up her face again, the way he had a hundred times before.
He had never felt so comforted, had never felt such a warm flutter in his heart. He'd cursed the room for being so dark. He wished he had seen more of her, more of the love drunk expression that had made her soft features glow.
She was startled when he stirred, and he was so happy that she had calmed down when he soothed her. The night she lay sleeping in his embrace was by far the calmest night he passed. It was part of what little precious memory he now had, and he had begged God to let it stick. For sanity's sake.
He'd seen only beauty like hers on a grainy television screen, borrowed by a princess. Princess Aurora; Briar Rose - stepping blithely through a clearing.
How did that song go?
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream…
Each time he saw her felt like a dream, but it was all quite real. He was sure. It was a hard, bloody truth and it bit.
Where had she come from? Why did she do it? What was her name? These and a thousand more questions went through his mind, but the answers, like the girl, proved ever elusive.
He heaved an exasperated sigh and gathered his belongings.
"Come on, girl." Isabelle stood in attention. "Let's go home."
Fog had crept down from the distant hills, stretching over the cemetery like a thousand miserly fingers to count tombstones like coins. It was so thick that Darrell could barely see more than four feet ahead at all sides.
Isabelle froze. She wheeled around and stopped. Her ears pricked up and twisted forward like funny little dishes trying to catch a signal. Heart racing in excitement, Darrell listened hard. His breath rose up in puffs of vapor.
The tinkling of the bells was faint but unmistakable.
Isabelle and Darrell broke into a sprint in pursuit of the sound, like racehorses bursting out of the gate.
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Odile was so hungry.
She'd forced herself to stay in the forest, living on nuts and berries. She'd even braved bee stings to have a mouthful of honey. But It was never enough to keep her full.
Her hunger grew claws and hurt her.
There was only one thing she could do.
"I can't," she told herself, trembling at the thought. "It's not safe."
She'd watched the graveyard keeper. He was looking for her. Every hour that passed without her turning up made him incredibly sad.
She'd seriously considered revealing herself, just so she could glimpse his smile again. At night, she would take out his picture from her little box and hold it to her cheek as she lay in bed. Someday, she promised. Someday.
How, though, could that day come if she perished at the turn of the season? She had to eat.
Odile chose a newly covered grave at the very edge of the graveyard, just at the mouth of the forest. She broke the coffin with her shovel, sending splinters into the air. There was another sound - frantic tinkling - that she had never heard at a grave before.
Odile made quick work of the corpse, turning it over and over to find a place free from rot. There came the tinkling again. It seemed to come from the body itself and, panicking now, Odile clawed at the clothes to try and get rid of it.
When she heard Belle barking, her blood grew cold. They were coming.
She grabbed her shovel and drove the blade straight down, chopping a forearm clean off. She picked up her prize and took off, the cold air bruising her lungs.
Nimble bare feet bore her safely into the forest. She knew she had to go further in, but she was so hungry. Her limbs trembled and her footing grew shaky.
She clung to a low branch, which snapped as her taxed body finally gave in. Knowing how her life depended on it, Odile sank her teeth into the purple-gray flesh.
He stumbled upon her that way: On her knees, hunched over, and smeared with gore.
He said nothing as he stared, the rifle still in his hands. Odile felt the sour tang climbing up her throat - horror making her gag.
Belle came trotting up to her, licking her cheeks excitedly, but she sat as still as stone. Her eyes were locked with the graveyard keeper's, trying to read his expression.
Oh, God. Oh, God, he hates me!
He held up his hand to pacify her, the other slowly set down his rifle. "It's okay," he told her.
Odile's lip trembled.
"Shhh… it's okay," said the graveyard keeper. She had begun to sob and he scooped her into a comforting hug.
She had wanted him to see her, but not like this.
She broke down, her shoulders rattling against his as she drew convulsive gasps.
"No, no… please, don't cry. It's okay."
Odile stubbornly shook her head. It was not okay! She'd ruined everything.
She pushed him away. He landed on his bottom with a surprised oof! She ignored his pleas for her to stay, and he watched her disappear into the wilderness beyond.
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boozybadgeresq · 1 year
Episode 28 of Boozy’s Legal Funhouse, “Distress of the Dead” is out on your podcast service of choice to discuss the evolution of mental and emotional anguish damages in law using examples from cases where undertakers and graveyard keepers just absolutely desecrated corpses.
Find it HERE or on the podcast service of your choice.
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secondwhisper · 8 months
Some thoughts on Cultural Christianity; things I don't often see discussed.
To note upfront: I have lived my whole life surrounded by (English-speaking white) Midwestern US Protestantism. Some of these points will be addressing religious/cultural hegemony broadly, most should address manifestations of cultural & hegemonic christianity in particular, and some may be specific to the flavor of christianity local to me.
Funerary practices // Is it normal procedure to have a memorial event with viewing, songs, and speeches after someone has died? Is it normal procedure to have the interment of an embalmed body, in a coffin, in a graveyard? Is it normal to have little or no private/personal mourning practices (eg no changes in dress, socializing, meals, housekeeping), even for close family? Is it normal to have little or no standard practices for anniversaries of a death, even for close family? // Is it illegal in your area to bury an unenbalmed corpse in the earth? Is it illegal in your area to have sky or sea burials? Is it illegal in your area to create a funeral pyre? Is it illegal in your area to cremate a corpse in a crematorium? If no, have these practices always been legal? Are they normal? // What funerary practices followed the death of your grandparents? What funerary practices will follow your death? Would each of these be considered acceptable to your friends, family, and broader community? Are each of these considered normal?
What religion is // Is it normal for "religious" to mean "believing in (the existence of) a deity"? Is it normal for a religious person to venerate one god, which is probably an anthropomorphic personal male creator god? Is it normal for prayer to just be a way to say "please" and "thank you" to that god? Is it normal for a religious person to want to increase the number of people in their religion? Is it normal for a religious person to think that there is only one "correct" or "true" religion (or subtype thereof)? Is it normal for a religious person to be awaiting a messiah/savior? Is it normal for a religion to have a specific canonical "core set" of written teachings/scriptures? Is it normal for religious teachings/scriptures to present themselves as god-given literally-true recountings of history -- and be considered such by members of that religion? What is the legal definition of "religion" or "religious" in your area? // Did your grandparents identify with any religion? Would you, your family, friends, and broader community describe your grandparents as religious? Do you identify with any religion? Do you consider yourself to be religious? (Are these the same question to you?) Do your family, friends, and/or broader community consider you religious, even if you don't see yourself that way?
Literature & language // Are you familiar with phrases such as "o ye of little faith," "(am I) my brother's keeper?," "fire and brimstone," "doubting Thomas," "an eye for an eye," "man does not live on bread alone," "prodigal son," and "the writing is on the wall"? Did you encounter these phrases from friends and family, before or outside of encountering them in popular media or school? Did your schooling emphasize Greek and Roman/Latin foundations of language and/or literature, maybe even to the extent that it obscured/marginalized/erased other sources and influences? In literature classes, were you expected to understand references to heaven and hell, crucifixion and resurrection, virgin birth, a trickster devil, an innocent walled garden and fruit that transmits knowledge/evil, witch trials, walking on water, crusades, anointing, baptizing, and the general concept of a savior/messiah? Do you use these references and themes when/if you write? Are "goliath," "nimrod," "Jesus (Christ)!" as a profanity, "bedlam," and "pharisee/pharisaical" in your vocabulary? Would you expect that your grandparents' answers to these questions would be the same as yours?
These questions are intended to help you identify whether, and to what extent, your culture & the culture around you are consistent with (US protestant) christian culture. This isn't an exhaustive list, these are just three big topics I think people usually leave out of cultural christianity discussions.
Do note: I am not saying that if you aren't christian, you need to change your end-of-life plans, abandon your literary tradition, limit your vocabulary, and get a degree in religious studies/world religions. I am also not saying that every norm above is unique or exclusive to christianity, nor are all of these norms present in all varieties of christianity. I am not saying that it's bad to be religiously christian or culturally christian! I am saying that many people are unaware of the legal, social, and academic advantages they gain for every degree of similarity with their local religious/cultural hegemony. And I am saying that you should consider the ways in which you may be privileged on this axis, whether or not you are religiously christian.
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graveyard-grace · 2 years
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POV: Grace Time: Morning Day: 9 Status: Open
Grace woke up under her warm blankets once again. So warm. So cozy. That place was truly heavenly, though today it seemed a bit too quiet. She had already learned that there wasn’t too much noise in those apartments. The walls were thick and not many sounds slipped through, but she felt alone. It could be that the artist was still asleep and if that was the case she didn’t want to bother him either. He was sick just the day before, he ought to rest. Grace could handle the rest of the housekeeping on her own, surely.
Once she got out of bed her eyes scoured to try and find just what housekeeping entailed. She straightened her bedsheets but beyond that she wasn’t quite sure what to do. Maybe breakfast would be a good idea, but if the artist was still asleep she probably shouldn’t take too much food from his storage. Grace could do without breakfast too. She could eat once they were both awake, it might even be better to wait for what he even has for breakfast too.
After pondering for what seemed like too long, she finally settled on going outside to at least get some water. Water was always a good thing to have, she could do that while the artist slept. She gathered some empty bottles that were laying around and made her way to the nearest keg. Luckily the water didn’t seem too gray, yet in that moment it wasn’t the water itself that alarmed her. Just as she was filling the second bottle she heard passerbies comment on how they were finally... Finally burning the corpses.
Grace’s heart sunk and everything else she had planned to do faded away in an instant. They couldn’t be burning the corpses. They couldn’t burn them! They mustn’t burn! Ever! Who could ever order, or even do such a thing?!
Her feet raced down the tangled streets until she finally found her home. Her real home. Her home that was now in flames! They had truly done it. They were burning them! She could smell the burnt flesh and it made her gag through panicked screams.
“Stop! You can’t! Stop! Stop!”
Grace screamed from the top of her lungs at the beakheads that were surrounding the bonfires. There wasn’t even any wood fueling the fires, just bodies on top of bodies on top of more bodies.
“Stop! Stop burning them! Stop!”
She continued to cry out despite getting no response from the towering figures. Her voice didn’t even seem to reach them. But they had to stop. Her eyes desperately sought to find something, anything, to make the beakheads leave yet around here was only dry grass. Grace hadn’t any time to spare. With only dry herbs surrounding her, she dashed to her small hut and grabbed her shovel.
“Get away from them!”
At least those monsters were slow in their outfits. Try as they did, they couldn’t get close to Grace as she swung her shovel at them.
Damned, cursed people!
Grace was panting by the time the beakheads finally decided that going against the graveyard keeper was too much of a hassle to deal with that morning. She just had to stop the fires after. She had to...
But how did one stop a fire? She had to act, they were in pain and she could feel their silent screams tear at her heart.
She swung her shovel at the fires, though as expected, it did little to stop the flame’s all-consuming rage. Her thoughts then strayed to water. Normally water would fight fire and yet in her panic, she had left her bottles by the keg on the other side of town. There was no water near her. There was no way for her to stop the fires. There was nothing she could do but watch. Watch as they cried for help, cried in agony and pain for anyone to stop that torment.
“I’m sorry...” Grace’s voice whispered back to darkened dead. Her trembling hands still tried to reach to the corpses as the flames eventually died out, yet it was too hot for her cold fingers to handle. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry... I won’t leave. I won’t leave again, I won’t...” let this happen again; she thought to herself as her voice gave out amidst her tearful sobs.
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yellowgnomeboots · 1 year
Lol Graveyard Keeper game outfit
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There's a lot more corpse autopsies and canabalism than I had expected.
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windlion · 2 years
Malevolent podcast scream-along part 2, let's go!
Roll out of hospital bed, defeat a demon, stagger out into the morning streets with a complete lack of medical discharge-- yep this fits the genre
Ep title: "The Hill." Could it, perhaps, be a Silent Hill?
Let's just assume John-the-Passenger is providing some convenient CON boosts
And either John gave him control of the hand back or this impromptu jam session is a lot more impressive than it first seems
This hits me every time but you guys did not look into the currency value for the supposed time period and I'm just all ". . . well it's already an AU anyways"
(Otherwise SOMEONE lost a hat with like several years' wages in it and I hope those were smaller bills or Arthur is going to be one even-more-conspicuous MFer)
Speaking of: did you really just waltz into a store and ask for a big ass gun, ammo, flashlights, and a crowbar. Did you. Really.
Could you *at least* have presented that in a less suspicious way!
Jon from TMA and Arthur solidarity in being absolute shit at telling lies
Actually they probably had f' all ID requirements in the time period
And then *everyone* is shady/eldritch as fuck! Woo!
You might mention the murder as a reason to be buying a gun?!
Writer nitpick: this is just personal opinion but I like my bullshit to feel grounded, so there's a solid baseline of reality vs Everything Else. . . but it could also be an entirely valid approach to have the narrator being increasingly unreliable and detached from reality because: Cthulhu.
OH delightful it's Creepy Old Lady, round two
*sounds of distant death* Arthur, "Time to be a good Samaritan and die horribly!"
This clearly is going to end well!
"Everyone is *wrong*" YOU DON'T SAY, JOHN
I am waiting for the partner to Come Back Wrong and for that to be why he's not being charged with murder yet because there was not actually a corpse - aside from the possibly-possessed janitor
Arthur: "This is not fast-forwarding fast enough for me!"
John: "You can only trust me, Arthur."
Time to go find your boat with a head in it!
Okay, fine, any boat can have a severed head in it, just give it time. I believe in you, boys
Just two bros. In a boat. Singing love tunes. Chilling 0 ft apart, because one's possessing the other.
John. Eldritch Buddy. You want to sound a little less like a sociopath there, dude
"This is fucked up, clearly we're in the right place."
*squints* ancient graveyard . . . in the US. . . there for centuries . . . why is it European. . .
did you just get suckered into being the new lighthouse keeper
Rude to go tearing up someone's floorboards!
*facepalm* you are not final girl material, Arthur
just got the job and quit again that quickly, for shame
I hope you're prepared for a long swim
Eldritch entity you swing wildly between anger management issues and "Deep breaths, try not to panic"
"Ohhhh Arthur" that's alarmingly sensual
"No part of you is lost to me" *side-eyes*
One thing that's noteworthy to me is that they're not comfortable with silence, that everything has to happen back-to-back, no pauses. Be more confident, linger uncomfortably in your
"I wonder if the voice he heard is this" OR JOHN YOU DIPSHIT
Time for the next cult hideout!
So the mansion was the Black Goat's, who's in residence here?
Oh that's who, howdy, ma'am
and then they find the homemade porn!
Is no one else concerned with the quantity of A names
. . . are you about to become a triple occupancy?
Tentacles! For everyone!
Good times when your eldritch beastie bestie has a mental time out
"Or we could kill her"
You actually took a surprisingly long time to get to the murder plan, you okay?
Uh, eldritch bestie, you should have raised your alarm earlier if you had concerns
Trading off murder sociopath duties, good times
My dude you are definitely not coming across as the most hinged of individuals
. . . this would be an interesting time to just panic and let Satan take the wheel now that Satan doesn't want to drive
exactly 0 people surprised who was responsible for the first death
"Oh this is going to end well" Glad we're on the same page again, bestie
"You must be this much bitch to get admittance" "WELL I GUESS WE'RE BOTH GOING AREN'T WE"
I will be more surprised if any of these people live than the obvious alternative
*looks up from filing nails* Oh, they're dead? Smeared across every surface in the room? You don't say
"Maybe someone's still alive" Do we need to go through this again? Not genre savvy, are we?
Eldritch bestie you are extremely inconsistent, which I suppose ties in well to insanity and gaslighting
"This is our life now" look at that, commitment!
Meat puppet does not enjoy the meaty aspect v much
. . . Why was it so heavy if it was only half?
Ewwwwwww. That will be all.
"did you see it" "DID YOU FORGET I AM BLIND"
Oh, we're doing this again are we
Eldritch bestie you better be paying your rent
Hand in unlovable hand~~~
No really, Lovecraft, what was with all the tentacles
Oh, someone else paid their rent!
I am somewhat amused that everything swears by Christianity aside from the favored F bombs
Right, so this is definitely someone else's playground, eldritch #. . .4?
"We lose guns more than anything else" XD
"It sounded like you" *waving lighter*
And that's Eldritch #5 on the horizon
Time for a screaming head or leviathan maggots?
Eeeeeeey old friend!
Why you lying, why you always be lying
. . . Okay I was worried that was going to be even worse than it was
Aw bestie with domestic daydreams
What's some B&E after a spot of murder?
John did you just make Arthur piss himself over an opossum
A mole-faced possum, you act like you haven't seen one before!
Why you gotta be running from snuffles, what did snuffles ever do to you but SCREEEEEEE
Oh it's you again! Great unhinged minds think alike
And then we're done with ep 10 and time to stop again~
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eifiedm · 1 year
🦋RPG Maker Horror development blog!
Lyssa was left alone at the graveyard to serve her legacy as a grave keeper. Although her father remarried and moved into an estate, Lyssa remains stoic and obedient to the orders her father sent her... One day, her pampered step-brother visited the graveyard and heard something he should have ignored...
This game is inspired by a fever dream I had. The theme for this game is loosely based on Alice in Wonderland X Zombies and fairytale vibes!
The gameplay I am designing will be similar to Angles of Death, Aria's Story, Mad Father, Ib, Corpse Party, etc.
I've always wanted to be a game dev. And this is my first step... I hope you enjoy this journey with me!
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ADBK: Mammoth Graveyard
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Epithet: The Keeper of the Lost Graveyard
Voice Actor: Kevin Michael Richardson
Tribe: The Deep Valley of the Lost World
Biography: This reanimated mammoth skeleton has an interesting history behind his origins. He was originally a portion of the equally dead Mammoth of Goldfine, a reanimated corpse made by Pumpking himself.
During a battle in the Deep Valley, Megazowler managed to charge into and chip off a piece of Goldfine, and gave it to his close friend, the Ancient Sorcerer. They managed to restore the mammoth's full form and spirit, siphoning it from Goldfine so the two could become separate beings.
As thanks for restoring the mind of this deceased pachyderm, Mammoth Graveyard became a protector of the Lost Graveyard, where all dead Dinosaurs are buried as their spirits are taken by the Reaper of the Cards.
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𝕸alkavian's 𝕮obweb (NSFT)
PT: Malkavian's Cobweb (NSFT)
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𝕰zekiel, The Fallen Angel.
PT: Ezekiel, The Fallen Angel.
A lowly 𝕷unatic who has made a blog to help archive my genders, as I've noticed some blogs just happen to disappear without any archive, or even archives disappear. And considering that Pronouns Page can just delete flags (as it has before), this would be a decent alternative to such.
PT: Lunatic. (I can reclaim this slur.)
I am, as a human, AFAB And intersex. I identify best with Masculine-aligned genders. However, I was assigned both Female at Creation and Angel at Creation.
I do not feel human, and feel closest to demons, fallen angels, and reapers.
I am diagnosed with DID, PTSD, NPD, BPD, MDD, ADHD, Autism, Tourettes, and Psychosis. I suspect I also suffer from Cotard's Syndrome.
Pronouns, Titles, Honorifics, Tags, and DNI below.
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PT: Pronouns
He/Him/His •
Dae/Daem/Daes/Daems/Daemself ♪
Grave/Grave/Graves/Graves/Graveself ♪
🪦/🪦/🪦s/🪦s/🪦self ♪
• = Main Standard
♪ = Favorite
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PT: Titles
(No Title) •
(Pronoun) with a Broken Halo ♪
The Angel with a Broken Halo ♪
The Undead Demon
The Grave Keeper
The Graveborn
(Pronoun) Blood-Splattered Dream ♪
(Pronoun) Who Rejects Humanity
(Pronoun) Who is Buried
The Angel with Ebony Wings
The Rotting Angel
The Unholy Angel
The One Shunned from Purity
(Pronoun) with Featherless Wings
The Angel from The Grave ♪
• = Main Standard
♪ = Favorite
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PT: Honorifics
Mister - Mr. •
Sir. •
Reaper - Rpr. ♪
Mortem - Mrm. ♪
Yandere - Yre. ♪ (I can reclaim Yandere.)
Darling - Dng. ♪
Rot - Rot./Rt.
Gore - Gor./Gr.
Guro - Gur./Gr.
Blood - Bld.
• = Main Standard
♪ = Favorite
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PT: Tags
Gender - Anything pertaining to genders
Identity - Anything pertaining to identities (Nonhuman, etc)
BPD - Genders and/or Identities tied to BPD
Autism - Genders and/or Identities tied to Autism
Hypersexual - Genders or Identities tied to Hypersexuality
Death - Anything with themes of Death
Decay - Anything with themes of decay and/or rot
Cemetery - Anything with themes of cemetery/graveyards
Gore - Anything with themes of blood, guts, organs, etc.
Cannibal - Anything with themes of cannibalism
Medical - Anything with themes of medicine and hospitals
Zombie - Anything with themes of zombies
Vampire - Anything with themes of vampires
Angel - Anything with themes of angels
Fallen Angel - Anything with themes of fallen angels
Demon - Anything with themes of demons
Undead - Anything with themes of anything undead
Corpse - Anything with themes of corpses
Halloween - Anything with themes of Halloween
Yandere - Anything with themes of Yandere
CNC - Anything with themes of CNC (Consensual Non-Consent)
Kinkic - Any Kinkic genders or has themes of Kink
Omegaverse - Anything with Alpha/Beta/Omega themes
Whore - Anything with themes of Whore
Slut - Anything with themes of Slut
Other - Anything that does not fit any of the above tags
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Anti-MOGAI, Anti-Xenogender, Anti-LGBT+, TERF/TEHM
Discourse (LGBT, Syscourse, Shipcorse, Para, or otherwise)
Ableist, Fakeclaimer, Anti Self-DX
Send harassment or suicide baits
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drewsaturday · 5 months
for a game called graveyard keeper i am rly not keeping any graveyards. like that is somewhat by choice. but that's also because you can't advance in any way toward any goal without doing 102 other things first in other parts of the game and it all takes so long that by the time you're ready to harvest meat from another corpse it's the specific day the astrologer is back in town and you need to go buy some ink so you can make flyers to promote your vegetable business that you need to now maintain so you can afford to upgrade the church you also preach at to get faith points to make zombies to automate every other time consuming part of the game so you can maybe finally focus on the graveyard.
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