#great 2 am post hershel! go to sleep
hershelwidget · 5 months
guys idk i think this might be the captain
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hey side note has barnacles seemed happier lately? yeah i think he’s just smiling a lot more. good for him
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closeup of his big ol grin because he put a lot of effort in. he brushed his teeth and flossed just for this photo guys look at that award winning smile. hey does anyone else feel dizzy and li
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jodiereedus22 · 4 years
A/N: Here I am, posting! I don't even want to know how long its been since I posted anything, I am so sorry, motivati9on has been hard to com by. but I have a piece for you now! thank you @crossbowking for the amazing support and I want to thank @fxlminare she got me motivated to do this piece, she is amazing!!!! 
I hope you enjoy!!! <3
Word Count: 2165
You awoke suddenly to the sound of your alarm going off, you rubbed your tired eyes as you rolled over to switch it off.
You rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling, for some reason you were confused, and you didn’t know why - maybe you had a dream last night and couldn't remember it.
You shrugged it off, turning your head to the side, seeing a soundly sleeping Daryl. His chest rising and falling gently, his hair draped over his face making his closed eyes hard to see, you smiled to yourself, the alarm clock had always been for you, Daryl could sleep through anything.
You gently got out of bed, putting on a robe and headed downstairs, you had a lot to get ready for today – but first, it was time to get breakfast started.
You started with the bacon, then some eggs, then got started on the pancake batter when you heard footsteps behind you and suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around your waist, placing kisses on your neck.
“Hmm, somethin’ smells good,” Daryl said in a sleepy gruff voice, you groaned as he kissed your neck some more, holding you more tightly.
“Why did I wake up to a cold bed?” Daryl asked, whispering in your ear as you tried to concentrate on cooking the breakfast.
“Well someone has to get up around here, or nothing would get done,” you joked, laughing as Daryl went over the top kissing you more.
“Eww, that’s gross!”
“Do you have to do that over breakfast?” Your son said as he and your daughter walk into the kitchen.
“Lucas, Mia, you want us to stop? Go set the table,” you bribed your kids as you laughed, and Daryl let go of you to help.
You finished cooking the breakfast and served it up. Sitting and eating, laughing with your family.
You took a moment to look at your families smiling faces, realising how lucky you were to have such a perfect family.
As everyone finished up their food you got to cleaning as everyone else went to go get ready, giving your children kisses as they headed up the stairs.
Daryl came down first, dressed in a blue button-down shirt that hugged his broad shoulders, black jeans and nice black shoes.
“Looking good Mr Dixon,” you admired, your eyes travelling up and down his body as you bit your lip in approval.
Even after all his time and 2 children together, Daryl getting embarrassed was always the sweetest and endearing thing, as he looked at you with a blush upon his cheeks.
You walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
“I'm gonna get ready. Will you get everything into the car? Everything is in the fridge.”
Just then Mia and Lucas came bounding down the stairs.
“Well look at you both, all dressed up and clean,” you smiled walking up to them, placing a kiss on both their foreheads.
“Can you both help daddy put everything in the car while mummy gets ready please?” you asked as they got to helping Daryl load the car.
You headed to your room to get ready, you put on a simple floral dress that landed just above your knees, you put on some flat sandals knowing you were going to have to play with the kids at some point. You put on some simple light makeup, knowing anymore would make you melt in the Georgian heat.
Coming down the stairs you could see the hustle and bustle of everyone getting everything in the car, popping in and out of the house, picking up random items to pack into the car when Daryl stopped dead in his tracks, staring directly at you.
Daryl stood there in silence, in awe at your beauty as a blush came across your cheeks at the look in his eyes.
“You look pretty mommy,” Mia exclaimed coming up to you, wrapping her arms around your middle giving you a nice big hug.
“Thank you sweetheart,” you thanked her, hugging her back and leaning down to place a kiss on the top of her head.
“You really do Mrs Dixon,” Daryl walked towards you, the same look of awe in his eyes as he took you into his arms. You placed your arms around his neck, your hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck, smiling and staring back into his beautiful Georgian blue eyes.
“Oh really?” you teased.
“Really,” Daryl leaned down and captured your lips with his, closing your eyes, getting lost in his kiss, Daryl’s kisses, no matter the reason for them, were always perfect, they were a balm for your soul.
You got interrupted by Lucas making disgusted noises behind you.
You and Daryl looked at each other with smirks on your faces, finding your sons embarrassment amusing.
“Alright. Come on. Let’s get going?” you called out to everyone as you call clambered into the car.
The journey was short, sharing laughs and admiring the countryside, you were there in no time.
As soon as you stopped the kids jumped out of the car, heading to the garden where they could hear the other kids having fun, as you went to the trunk to grab all the food to take inside.
“Here, take this, give it to Rick,” you handed him a bottle of wine, knowing he was eager to see his best friend.
He took the bottle of wine, placing a kiss on your cheek as he made his way into the party.
You and Daryl had been friends with Rick Grimes for a very long time, and every year he hosted a BBQ for everyone with his wife Lori who was now pregnant, and their son Carl.
Carol always came with her daughter Sophia. Maggie and Glenn came with Maggie’s sister Beth and their father Hershel. T-Dog and Andrea also joined.
Everyone had a great time at these, everyone brought food and drink, some brought things for the kids to play with, it was a great catch-up session for adults and a fun time for the kids.
You made multiple trips from the car to the kitchen until everything you brought was set up. you then made your way outside to greet with everyone, finding Daryl with Rick you walked over to join them.
Standing next to Daryl he placed an arm around your waist as you looked around the party seeing your kids playing with Carl and Sophia, being so close in age, it was always lovely to see them having such fun together.
You did your rounds, catching up with everyone, having a laugh, sharing food, drinks and stories, enjoying yourself.
You thought to yourself how lucky you were to have such an amazing family in Daryl and your kids, but also an amazing extended family in everyone else who was at the party.
With the party in full swing, you went inside the house to grab some more food, looking out the window onto the beautiful fields and trees that surrounded Ricks house, when you saw a figure from afar, he was walking funny, like he was drunk. It filled you with a sense of dread, but you had no idea why when gunfire in the house drew your attention in panic.
Running in the house, you saw all the kids sitting on the couch.
“What are you doing? You asked, slightly panicked.
“Watching a movie,” Carl answered. You looked at the tv to see them watching some kind of zombie movie with guns going off every minute.
“Come on guys, its summer, go out and play,” you said with a sigh of relief, your dread dissipating slightly.
“You can watch it another day,” you said as you walked up the tv set and turned it off, herding the kids back outside to play.
But that man outside, stumbling around, still set you on edge.
You went back to the window to see where he was, but he was nowhere to be found, it's like he had just vanished in thin air, considering the space around Ricks house is fairly open.
You took a minute to pause, taking in a breath, you decided to shake it off and go back into the party and enjoy yourself.
So, you tried to do just that, you carried on your afternoon with everyone but in the back of your mind there was still this creeping feeling, it felt like you were being buried alive, the weight slowly getting heavier on your chest.
You tried to concentrate on the here and now and what was happening around you, knowing there was no rational reason for you to be feeling this way when Daryl calling your name pulled you out of your thoughts.
You turned your head from the group of people you had spaced out on, having a glance around the party trying to pinpoint Daryl, when you saw him talking to Carol.
You broke away from your little group and headed in Daryl's direction.
“Did you call me?” you asked Daryl as you reached him and Carol.
“No, why?” Daryl answered, causing you to furrow your brow.
“Ya a’right?” Daryl asked placing a hand on your arm in a gentle, loving way.
“Yh, I'm just … I’m,” you stuttered not knowing what to say, confused at the chain of events, confused at your feelings.
You started walking backwards away from Daryl when a wave of heat came over you, starting to make you panic.
You turned away from everyone for a minute, trying to catch your breath.
When you turned back around everyone was staring at you. Everyone was silent, no one said anything as they stood motionless, staring without blinking in a disturbing manner.
You then realised they weren’t wearing the same clothes, they were dirty, covered in blood, holding weapons. Rick looked as though he had a colt python, glancing over at Daryl as he held a crossbow.
The more you looked the more familiar it felt, but it still didn’t make any sense. It didn’t fit.
You tried to blink away the feeling, taking a second to close your eyes, steading yourself, but when you opened your eyes it was like nothing has happened and just like that the party went on, all back in their own clothes, no weapons in sight.
The confusion sent you dizzy, the colour drained from your face. What was happening?
“(Y/N) … (Y/N),” you heard Daryl calling out your name, but as you looked over to him, his lips weren’t moving.
“(Y/N), (Y/N)! Wake up!” you heard Daryl again when a huge wave of dizziness came over you as you stumbled backwards.
Your body started falling to the floor, but you never felt yourself meet the floor instead you found yourself sitting up, gasping for breath in a bed that you recognised and a face you recognised as Daryl's, but you weren’t in a lovely clean, bright house.
You were in the prison, you remember now, everything came flooding back. You had gotten ill; you must have fallen unconscious.
“Hey, hey, you’re back, you’re okay,” Daryl reassured you, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Yh, I'm fine, it’s just, I had the weirdest dream,” you told Daryl.
Even though you were still alive, and Daryl was right by your side, you couldn’t help the feeling of disappointment that your dream wasn’t real. Remembering the world how it was now, the dead rising, the hunger, the death, you would have given anything for your dream to be real.
Daryl climbed in bed with you as you told him all about your dream in as much detail as you remembered.
“Two kids huh?” Daryl asked, raising an eyebrow with a grin.
“Yh, Mia and Lucas. It’s so weird to talk about them, they’re not real, they don’t exist. But they felt so real,” you said with sadness in your voice.
“Hey,” Daryl got your attention, placing a finger on your chin to turn you towards him.
“Just because it ain’t real now, don’t mean it won’t be one day,” Daryl revealed, making you smile.
“You think so?”
“Yh, in the future, maybe we’ll find a better place than this. It could happen,” Daryl revealed.
This was a complete surprise to you. You knew Daryl's past, you knew his childhood, children were something you thought Daryl would never be able to bring himself to have - out of fear he’d turn into his father.
“You want kids?” you asked surprised.
“I didn’t’ think I did, ‘til I met ya,” Daryl confessed.
“I love you so much Daryl,” you told him, snuggling deeper into him, enjoying his warmth, his scent.
“I love ya too (Y/N),” Daryl reciprocated, holding you tight in his arms, placing a kiss on the top of your head as you both drifted into a peaceful deep sleep, both dreaming of the future you hoped one day you could both have together.
 Taglist: @fxlminare @crossbowking @viraloutbreakcontrol @coffee-obsessed-writer @bluesfortheredj @shutupimtryin2write @fearthewalkingbitch @selenedixon @cbarter @cole-winchester@alyisdead @hopplessdreamer @infinitewcr @blogsporadicartist @mtngirlforever @sassi-luna  @twdsunshine @momc95 @emo-potato-virgil @sourwolf-sterek32 @tatertot1097 @wilhelmjfink @coffeebooksandfandom @twdeadfanfic @cutiepiemimi13 @kickin-with-dixon @feartheendlesssummer @twdeadlysins @apocalypse-haven @baseballbitch116 @trashcanband4 @mblaqgi @addiction-survivor25 @mel-2a @spaghettyrogers @xxboesefrauxx  @sapphire1727 @little-miss-mischief1 @wontlookaway @bunnymother93 @auntiebyn @saintsisterwriter @theunofficialduke @lilo-1988 @imaginecrushes 
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glowysweetfab · 7 years
Your Love For All Of Time Pt 3
So I don’t know if anyone one remembers this but a several weeks ago or months ago I posted that I had accidentally deleted a story update that was over 9000 words. I immediately began rewriting the story before I could forget anything. I have OCD or I suspect I do because when I tried to write anything I had a panic attack over this story. Well this chapter is done and I think its actually better than the first one. Its over 10,000 words so for those of you who were reading this story, I hope you enjoy and I eagerly await your feedback. I will have other fics coming up soon. My 50 Reasons contribution and some other stuff and updates. Thanks for reading 
Part 1
Part 2
 “Rick, I do not control the world!” Andrew Grimes shouted at his son. What should have been a pleasant dinner between father and son had now deteriorated into a heated argument. Andrew could only blame himself. He loved his 1st born son with his entire being and to watch their once close relationship fall apart pained him more than he could ever imagine. Since the events at the Walsh estate Rick avoided him and Andrew’s sister Carol, like the plague. Whenever Rick was conversing with his father, his responses while polite were curt, as though speaking with his father was a chore he detested. It vexxed Andrew a great deal.  
   Rick had always been ambivalent about wedding Lady Lori Grimes but eventually Andrew along with Rick’s aunt, mother, and godfather had persuaded him it was indeed a good match. “But I am not in love with her.” Rick had told them. “Love comes with time. Love is not like in books, Rick. It does not happen at first sight.” Andrew had said.  
   “Just my world is that right!” Rick retorted bitterly, angrily wiping his mouth with his napkin. The rest of the Grimes family was gone to a dinner party so Andrew and Rick dined alone. Andrew tried in vain to make amends with his son but to no avail. Rick revealed he felt incredibly betrayed by his father, by the people who claimed to have loved him. “I am afraid I have lost my appetite. I am going to bed.” He said, standing up from the dining table and striding away briskly.  
   Andrew Grimes found that he no longer had an appetite either and began his way up to bed. As he passed the parlor he saw Rick standing in front of the grand fireplace. A glass of brandy clutched in his hand as he glared with angry, blue eyes into the fire. Andrew thought of leaving his child be but something propelled him into the room.  
   “Rick, you may not understand why I made the decision I made, but one’s position this world, is paramount. I couldn’t bear to think of the life you would lead without the social standing you have become accustom too. I was merely trying to protect you, my son.” Rick made no move to acknowledge his father, he just glared into the fire before him. Andrew signed heavily and began to make his way out of the parlor.  
   “Hearing you speak about my life, makes me pine for Michonne even more.” Rick said softly, but just loud enough for his father to hear. Andrew Grimes stopped in the doorway and turned to look at Rick. Rick kept his eyes on the fire burning before him, watching as the flames danced.  
   “Michonne is a brilliant woman who took a maid’s position to help her father. I have fallen, hopelessly in love, with her and you want me to take comfort in my life, when the woman I love lives the very life you fear.”  
   Rick threw back his brandy, swallowing the remaining libation in one qulp. He sat the glass on the mantle and turned to look at his father finally. “The family, who dare say that I can not marry her, because it would in some way ruin my life, is absolutely absurd.” Rick walked closer to his father. “This was about not receiving dinner invites from Lord Reddington or Aunt Carol possibly being shunned from her women’s luncheon with those pretentious snobs.”
   Andrew swallowed nervously, his son was correct, but only partially. He genuinely wanted to spare his life of unnecessary hardship. “Son, I wish there was something, anything I could do to prove that what I did was out of wanting to protect you.”  
   Rick averted his eyes, deep in thought, for a moment before looking at his father. “Perhaps there is a way, father.” Rick said, as he stood staring into his father’s eyes. “Perhaps there is.”  
“You can not sleep here.”
“Why not?”
Michonne giggled against his chest.
“You know perfectly well why not, Rick Grimes.” She said, looking up at him, smiling.
Rick gazed down at his love, snuggled against him. Their skin slick with perspiration, glistening under the shine of the moonlight. Her deep umber eyes, sparkling with exuberance, her hair a disheveled forest of ebony coils. Rick thought she never looked more beautiful. He felt a familiar stirring in loins.
Rick reached his arms around her, his fingers grazing her sides, tickling her as he pulled her up, closer to him. Michonne laughed trying to escape him. It was no use as soon Michonne found herself beneath her love, his lips found hers, silencing her joyous cries. Michonne melted under his body weight, unable to resist this man. She could feel his arousal against her thigh, anxiously seeking her womanly place.
Rick kissed her ravenously, his lips suckled at hers while his tongue caressed hers, coaxing her into returning his attentions. Moaning against his lips, Michonne moved her legs apart, allowing him closer, gasping as once again that evening they became one.
Rick pulled his lips from hers to gaze down at his love. Michonne moaned and shifted her hips impatiently. Rick groaned and buried his face in her neck as he began to move inside his love. Michonne sighed, wrapping her arms and legs around him, holding him tight against her.
  I love this man so much. Please God, do not let this be a dream.  
“I am no dream, darling. I am right here.” Rick said, looking down at again his love.
Michonne could only moan, she couldn’t recall speaking her thoughts aloud. Her back arched as her hips lifting as Rick moved steadily against her, she needed him deeper inside her. The sensations drove her closer to that place of bliss.
  “I am no dream.”  
Rick had uttered those words just as his lips descended on Michonne’s lips again. He pulled her close kissing her deeply. Michonne’s hands were fisted in his shirt as she held on to him. Rick pulled away and Michonne huffed impatiently, almost indignant, wondering why he had stopped. Rick smiled at her and gave a subtle toward the entrance of the sitting room.
Michonne turned around to see two pairs of eyes watching from the doorway. Michonne pulled away from Rick as if he were a burning fire.
“Good evening, ladies. I am Rick Grimes.” He said reaching his hand out toward Beth, who shook it with a huge smile on her face.
“My apologies for not properly introducing myself earlier. I wanted to surprise Michonne.” He said as she shook hands with Maggie.
“It appears to have worked.” Maggie said looking at Michonne who stood awestruck watching Rick greet the girls.
“Michonne, why didn’t you tell us you had a suitor?!” Beth asked, excitedly.
“Oh, I…well…” Michonne sputtered nervously, wringing her hands together.
“Beth! We are being poor hosts indeed. We should invite Mr. Grimes to dine with us.” Maggie said, smiling at Michonne. Michonne smiled gratefully at the 15-year-old for the distraction.
“I would be delighted to dine with you all this evening, if Michonne agrees with it.” Rick replied, turning to his love, a grin on his face.
Michonne smiled, nodding at her love. Rick insisted on assisting with dinner preparations. It became obvious fairly quickly that he had never cooked for himself. Instead of being embarrassed he delighted in amusing the girls with his antics. He was just as charming as Michonne remembered.
Still, Michonne worried over what Hershel would say. No matter how charming Rick is, he is still a married man and she was not his wife.
Rick and Michonne cried out together as waves of euphoria swept over the lovers. Rick lay gingerly on top of his love, panting, struggling to catch his breath before moving off of Michonne. He moved beside her, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her back against his chest, his lips at the back of her neck. Michonne lay exhausted in his arms, positively drained.
Dining with Hershel earlier that evening hadn’t been as stressful as Michonne had anticipated. Hershel asked little to no questions during the meal. Rick revealed to the girls that it was he who had arranged for their father to tend to Michonne’s father. Hershel was stoic as he ate his meal but he nodded in agreement.
“That is very romantic.” Beth cooed, her big, blue eyes sparkling as she looked Rick and Michonne.
“Beth, it’s not romantic to help others.” Hershel said, frowning at his youngest child.
“Well, it is if Michonne did not know such preparations were in place.” Beth said, matter-of-factly. “Remember father, we were here before Michonne arrived and if she had been made aware the arrangements for her father wouldn’t she have known who we were she arrived?”
Hershel, Rick, and Michonne simply stared at the child in awe of her perceptiveness.
“I’d wager my best hair ribbon that is what happened. Isn’t it, Mr. Grimes?” Beth asked excitedly.
“Beth, you are such a nosey parker!” Maggie exclaimed, giggling loudly.
“I am not! You take that back at once, Maggie!”
“Nosey Parker!”
“Girls!” Hershel shouted, his voice stern.
Maggie and Beth quickly quieted, heads bowed, their eyes falling to their plates.
“Sorry father.” They said in unison.
Maggie and Beth stayed focused on their dishes for a moment before looking at each other. They burst into giggles.
After dinner, everything was cleaned and put away. Hershel and the girls headed for bed, bidding Rick and Michonne a good night. They were alone again, standing across from one another in the parlor, the only light was from the fireplace.
“Would you like anything before bed?” Michonne asked, coyly looking up at Rick. The shift in his demeanor was felt the second they were alone.
Rick stood staring at her, the light from the fire casting his Shadow against the walls. He answered after a long pause.
“After such a long journey, I think perhaps we should adjourn for the evening.” Rick said, slowly, a smile on his face. His blue eyes danced with mischief in the light.
Michonne smiled at her love. “Very well then.” She said as she walked passed him, Michonne lit a lamp and waited for Rick to extinguish the flames in the fireplace. “Allow me to show you to your room.”
Rick dutifully followed Michonne up a flight of stairs. “Everyone else occupies the first floor but I occupy the second floor.” Michonne informed Rick. Michonne could feel Rick’s eyes boring into her back. However, she felt the need to keep him at arm’s length. “This room is yours.” Michonne said, as they reached the second floor, going into a room at the top of the stairs, continuing to avoid Rick’s gaze. She placed the lamp down on a nightstand by the bed and proceeded to turn down his bed. All the while she could feel Rick’s watching her, the way an animal would watch prey. She could feel her pulse quickening.
Suddenly Rick was behind her, his arms about her waist, pulling her against him. Michonne stifled a giggle as Rick kissed the sensitive part of her neck. “Where is it that you sleep, Ms. Knighten?”
Rick closed the door to Michonne’s room with a soft thud. Michonne laughed watching him place the lamp on a table near the door, extinguishing the flame hastily. Moonlight spilled into the room, washing over the pair.
“How dare you tease me?” Rick said, mock indignation.
“Pretending to be all bashful. Keeping me in a room away from you.” He said as he advanced toward Michonne.
Michonne struggled to keep from laughing. “I assure you sir that, I am not pretending at all. That is where you will be sleeping.” Rick’s arms were around her now. Her hands against his chest, her heart pounding.
“I was referring to being bashful of me.” Rick whispered, holding her tight to him.
“Ah, I am not pretending there either. It’s been so long.” Michonne said softly, looking deep into his blue eyes alit by the moonlight. “Are you not a dream?”
“I’m no dream.” Rick whispered, against his love’s soft lips before he captured her lips with his own, kissing his love deeply. The kiss became frenzied immediately, wanting, needing to feel one another intimately. Michonne made quick work of unbuttoning Rick’s shirt, her palms against his chest had a cooling affect on his heated skin. Rick needed to feel her just as badly.
Michonne wore a beautiful lavender dress with delicate pearl buttons that ran up and down the front of it. It was a painstaking task to undo each one and that quickly lost it’s charm as Rick needed to touch the skin of the woman adorned in it. With a low growl, Rick ripped the dress apart, the little buttons scattered across the floor, the dress pooling at her feet.
“Rick, I -”
Michonne tore her mouth away from his to protest but he lowered her chemise, the silky fabric quickly joined her dress. Rick moaned in lust as he beheld his love’s bare skin and his lips found the aroused hardened tip of her ample breast, suckling tenderly. The sensation snatches Michonne’s breath away and her hands fly into his hair, her fingers intertwining through his soft, brown curls as she held him against her.
Michonne smiled to herself, as exhaustion settled into her limbs. She had been well exhausted after the two times that she and Rick ravished each other. He, however, was insatiable. Rick had always known what ways to touch her, he had trained her body to crave him, to respond to him, so that her skin was ablaze and she yearned for him so greatly that nothing would matter but sating the need he created.
Cradled in his arms now, Michonne was truly exhausted, her thoughts on the morning chores that needed to be done, and Rick certainly couldn’t stay the night in her room. Michonne yawned as Rick rained kisses on her shoulders, she began to drift to sleep when she felt his hand that was about her waist, travel over her breasts, caressing them, squeezing them gently. Michonne was too tired to stop him but her body stirred immediately. His hand traveled still, caressing her breasts, stomach, making her shiver. Across the curve of her hip and reaching lower to the womanly part of her, all the while he kissed at her neck.
Michonne could feel the flames inside her being ignited. She giggled softly and pulled herself free of his grasp, moving to the other side of the bed.
Michonne settled across from him in time to see the look of befuddlement on his face. She laughed at his expression.
“Where are you going?” He whispered moving closer to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her nearer to him.
Michonne didn’t try to escape him this time. “Are you not tired, darling?” Michonne asked with a yawn.
“Tire of you? That’s impossible.” Rick said, with a kiss to her forehead. “Are you tired of me?”
“Of course not, my love. It’s just that I have much do in the mornings.” She replied, with a kiss to his chest.
“Silly me, I thought with the funds I provided in your letter you would employ some assistance.” Rick said.
Michonne giggled into his chest. “Do you know I had no idea what that was for? I thought perhaps it was for furniture but I found the home more than properly furnished.” She said, yawning again. “I still have quite a lot of it left. I had the carriage repaired and the chimney swept, but we get by quite well here.”
“Do you think I would send you and your father to a home in the middle of nowhere, with no furnishing?” he asked, incredulously. Feigning hurt feelings as he began to lightly tickle her sides. Michonne giggled but was too exhausted to escape him. Rick relented and pulled Michonne close to him.
She snuggled next to him, placing another soft kiss to his chest. “Oh darling, I had no idea you would even do what you have done for my father and I. I couldn’t have dreamt it.” Michonne said, yawning, her eyes falling shut.
“I wish I could give you the world.” Rick whispered, watching his love drift off to sleep.
“Just yourself will suffice, my darling. Just you.” Michonne said, as sleep finally overtook her.
   Knock ,knock  
Michonne jolted awake in bed, blinking wildly, taking in her surroundings. The sun poured in through the windows of her room, it was clearly later in the day then Michonne usually awoke. She was alone in her bed, had Rick really been there? Michonne sat up in bed. Her muscles and limbs were sore from strenuous activity the night before. A dull, but strangely pleasant ache had settled into her womanly place.
  “I am no dream.”  
  Knock, knock      
“Michonne! It’s Maggie!”
Michonne scrambled out of the bed. “Just a moment, Maggie!” she called out. Michonne reached for her robe to quickly cover her nude body. Michonne wasn’t certain if Maggie would be able to tell she hadn’t spent the evening alone but she quickly made her bed. Michonne looked on the floor to get the torn dress from last night but it and the buttons were gone.
“You can come in now, Maggie!” Michonne said, as she sat at her vanity table. Michonne grimaced at the sight of her disheveled hair, she looked like a woman who had given herself wantonly to her lover. Michonne smiled and as she began to comb through her hair.
Maggie entered the room carrying a ceramic pitcher and matching basin. “Good morning, Ms.Michonne.” Maggie said cheerfully.
“Good morning, dear. Thank you so much. I seemed to have over slept today.” Michonne said, as she continued to comb through her hair, glancing nervously in the mirror at the smiling brunette.
“Oh, Mr. Grimes said that you and he spoke at great length last night, that most likely you were very tired.” Maggie explained, placing the items she brought with her on a table. “He performed all of your usual morning chores. My father tended to Mr. Knighten for you.”
Maggie turned to look at Michonne in the mirror. “Oh, well yes. We did talk a great deal, I suppose.” she said, smiling at Maggie, as she plaited her coils.
“Beth and I should have breakfast ready shortly.” Maggie said, pulling a clean washcloth and fresh soap from her apron.
“Thank you so much, Maggie. I will be down soon.”
Maggie placed the items next to the pitcher and basin as she headed to the door. Once Maggie had gone, Michonne exhaled in relief. “Rick must sleep in his own room from now on.” Michonne said to herself as she finished her plaits. “I will never get any work done if we continue this way.” Michonne stood, washed and dressed quickly.
As she descended the stairs the scent of breakfast wafted through the house. It was so pleasant Michonne’s tummy rumbled, she smiled.   Rick certainly conjures up an appetite.
She headed toward the kitchen when she spotted Rick and Hershel deep in conversation in the parlor. “Good morning, gentlemen.” Michonne said, as she stepped into the room. The men stood immediately as she entered. “Good morning, Ms. Knighten.” Hershel said politely.
Rick stepped forward toward Michonne and she nearly panicked when his arms encircled hers, he gave her chaste kiss on her cheek. “Good morning, darling.” He said softly, smile on his face and his captivating, blue eyes, sparkling, mischievously.
“Well I am going to see to your father’s breakfast.” Hershel said, moving toward the door. “After breakfast we can further discuss Rick’s treatment plans for your father.”
“Thank you so much, Dr. Greene.” Michonne said, smiling at him. Hershel gave a polite nod and left the two alone in the parlor.
As soon as he was gone, Michonne turned around in Rick’s arms “How could you do that in front of Hershel!?” She asked him, her big brown eyes large and bright.
Rick chuckled as he kissed her nose. “Darling, Hershel knows everything and he said he is no position to render judgement.” He said, pulling her closer. “He actually thinks of you as one of his own. We have no need to hide here.” Rick leaned his forehead against hers.
Michonne smiled, as her fingers idly ran along the crisp, pressed fabric of his vest. Rick ran his finger along her jaw, tilting her head up, gently so that he could look into the eyes of his love. “No more hiding.” He whispered, as he pressed lips against hers, kissing her softly before he deepened their kiss, devouring her lips. The kiss left the couple breathless, panting in each other’s arms.
Rick’s eyes searched her own, seeking an understanding. Michonne sighed. “Very well, my love. No more hiding.” She whispered, giving Rick a small reassuring smile.
“Wonderful. Very, very good indeed.” Rick said softly, bending his head to capture her lips with his own again. Kissing her again deeply, his tongue finding hers, dancing together, tasting her sweetness. He began to pull her closer but Michonne halted his actions, moving away from him.
Michonne smiled as Rick reluctantly released her. “What is it that Dr. Greene spoke of regarding my father?” Michonne asked, as she sat on the sette.
“I traveled to Paris about a month ago. Whilst there I visited a sanatorium,” Rick said, joining Michonne on the sette. “I met a Dr. Carson, who has an American colleague who had tuberculosis, Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau. He was certain he was destined to perish. He forgoed standard medical practices, a change in his diet, exercise, and plenty of time in the outdoors; he has made a full recovery. I think the process would be beneficial to your father.”
Rick reached for the documents sat on the table in front of them and handed them to Michonne. Articles from various medical journals and newspaper profiles of the American doctor’s success. Michonne devoured the data, the testimonials from recovered patients.
Michonne could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she looked back at Rick. Her breathing became labored, her chest beginning to rise rapidly.
“Oh darling, I did not mean to distress you.” Rick said noticing her upset. He moved closer to his love, placing his arm about her; his hand in hers. “If you are opposed to the notion, we will not-”
“Rick…I…” Michonne pauesd to take deep, shuddering breaths. “Sanatoriums are…such dreadful, frightful places, the thought of you…venturing into one…for my father…-” Michonne said, incredulously. One with wealth and a station like Rick’s never visited such places.
“I would do anything for you.” Rick said, resolutely. He placed a hand on her cheek, wiping away the tears that fell from her deep brown eyes. Michonne leaned into his hand, before grasping it in hers, placing a soft kiss on the underside of his wrist.
Michonne took a deep breath as she held Rick’s hand in hers. Her composure returning.
“Thank you, my love. I will do absolutely anything to restore my father’s health; bring him back to who he once was.”
“Well Dr. Greene is hesitant. I am certain he believes that he is merely preparing your father for an inevitable demise.”
Michonne pursed her lips together, determinedly. “Then we shall convince him otherwise.” she said, giving Rick a small smile. Leaning towards her love, Michonne gave him a chaste kiss on his lips. The small kiss ignited Rick like kindling meeting a flame and he pulled her against him, kissed Michonne deeply.
Michonne melted against him, her body well trained to respond to the man she loved. Thank goodness she remembered that it was morning, and she was about to succumb to him in the middle of the parlor where any member of the home could see.
Michonne pulled away and detangled herself from Rick’s grasp. Rick watched her stand and smooth away any wrinkles in her dress. Her eyes were averted just so he could not see how close he had come to unraveling her sensibilities. When she did dare glance at him, Rick couldn’t hide the longing in his eyes. Nor could he hide his amusement at having nearly revealed her own.
“Come along now, Mr.Grimes. It’s time for breakfast and I am positively famished.” Michonne said, as she sauntered toward the entryway. Turning to look back at Rick. “That would be your doing as it is, keeping me up all night.”
Rick stood up, straightening his jacket. “I suppose it is.” he said, with a sly grin. “Then we better get you properly nourished. I have feeling you shall need your strength later.” Rick winked at his love as he joined her by her side.
“You are an absolute scoundrel, Mr. Grimes.” Michonne said, giggling, as they walked to the kitchen.
“Would you like some more tea, Dr.Greene?” Michonne asked as she poured tea for Rick.
“Yes, thank you.”
Michonne poured tea for Hershel and herself before sitting back down at the dining room table. Once breakfast had been eaten, Michonne, Rick, and Dr. Green remained at the table whilst his daughters cleaned the dishes.
“I would like my father to begin a regimen such as the one that cured the American physician and his patients.” Michonne said in one breath, as Dr. Greene placed his tea cup back in it’s saucer.
“Your father’s condition is very delicate, these changes could worsen his condition.”
“Or they could make him better.” Rick supplied softly. ��You have seen the paperwork from the physician in Paris. All the articles regarding the American physician and the patients who have experienced successful recoveries.”
“We would be remiss not try everything we can for my father. If there is any chance at all…I can have him well…I want to try.” Michonne said imploringly, as she looked at Hershel. “We need you. My father trusts you and I want you to help us. Please.”
Hershel sighed, as he looked at Rick and Michonne. “You do not need my blessing, I work for you.”
“I need it.” Michonne said sincerely. “My father will need it.”
“Then you both shall have it.” Hershel said with a small smile. “However, if I suspect this course of treatment is worsening his condition, then we end it at once; is that understood?”
“Of course.” Rick and Michonne said in unison.
“Now, there is the matter of how we will be taking him into the outdoors everyday. Are we to carry him?” Hershel said, reaching for his lukewarm tea.
“Ah, leave that to me.” Rick said, standing, giving Michonne’s hand reassuring squeeze. “It is in my automobile along with-,”
A thud of someone’s shoes moving quickly across the wooden floors and the whoosh of a door flying open startled them, as Beth flew through the kitchen doors into the dining room.
Beth’s eyes were wide with excitement. Maggie was just behind her laughing heartily.
“You have an automobile? May we see it?” Beth asked, hands clasped in front of her.
“Nosey Parker.”
“Maggie, you take that back-,”
“Girls! Beth you know perfectly well not to barge into a room that way.” Hershel said, clutching his tea cup.
“It is quite alright, Dr. Greene.” Rick said smiling at the girls. “I was hoping they would be so kind as to assist to me with the parcels I brought.”
“Yes!” The girls said in unison.
“Perhaps once we’ve unpacked everything we could go for a drive.” Maggie said hopefully. Beth nodded vigorously, her big blue eyes even bigger if you could imagine. Michonne couldn’t help her amusement at their behavior, she tried in vain to her hide her smile.
“Another day, girls; we have a quite a lot to do today.” Rick said “In the meantime, I have a suspicion you will be pleased with what I have brought along.”
Michonne leaned against the doorway of her home, watching Rick bring the very last item from his shiny black and silver automobile. She was no stranger to the machine. A present from his Godfather, Sir John Walsh, Rick and she would often have late night rendezvous in the country. She could still feel Rick’s warmth as he would pull her close against him, while they sat watching the night sky, alight with the sparkling lights of the stars.
The seemingly tiny motorcar had been packed in every crevice with things for the house. Michonne wondered to herself how Rick managed such a drive. There were at least four crates filled with books. He had also brought paper, pens, chalk, a chess set, an elaborate China tea set, and a globe of the world.
Rick walked up the stairs with the final item he had brought; a wheelchair. “This will help us get your father around and about, until he is able to walk again.” Rick said, smiling at Michonne.
Michonne smiled back, head resting briefly on her shoulder as she gazed adoringly up at her love. She ran her fingers underneath the lapels of his jacket, gripping them, using them to pull her up on her tippy toes to plant a chaste, quick kiss on his lips. His arms went around her trim waist even as she pulled back to look at him.
“I love you, Rick Grimes.”
“Aww, how romantic.” swooned Beth, leaning on a crate of books watching the couple. Rick and Michonne separated immediately. They had momentarily forgotten they were not alone.
“Quite the romantic are we, Ms. Beth?” Rick said, rolling the wheelchair into the foyer as Michonne shut the door.
“What could be better than falling in love?” Beth said, dreamily as she looked at Rick and Michonne.
“Chocolate?” Maggie deadpanned, whilst perusing through the various book titles.
“Ugh! Maggie you’re such-,” Beth began as she whirled around to look at her sibling.
“Girls.” Michonne said quickly. “What do you say we forgo our duties for the day? If you two would be so kind to put everything away, the day is yours. What do you say?”
“That would be splendid.”
“Sounds marvelous.”
“Magnificent. Mr. Grimes and I will be tending to Mr. Knighten if you need anything.” Michonne said smiling at the girls.
“I am quite certain there are a few romance novels in there.” Rick said to Beth as he followed Michonne out of the room.
“Thank you, Mr. Grimes!” Beth called after him.
“Aren’t you the romantic.” Michonne teased, glancing at Rick over her shoulder.
“As I am sure you have not forgotten, I am very fond of romantic literature.” Rick said. He delighted in her little laugh. Delighted in the sway of her hips as he followed her, pushing the wheelchair. Delighted in being with her finally.
Michonne led him to a room located down a narrow corridor. They could hear faint laughter just beyond the door. Michonne turned to Rick.
“This is where my father sleeps.” Michonne said, her hand on the doorknob. “Are you ready to meet him?”
Rick gave a small nod. The couple held each other’s gaze a moment longer before Michonne turned and gave the door a knock before turning the knob.
“Father, Good morning.” Michonne said brightly walking into the room. The curtains were pulled closed and a large oil lamp was the only light provided. The room contained only a wardrobe, table, and a trunk sat at the end of an iron framed bed.
Upon the bed lay a tall man; his umber skin, ashen, his frame frail, his dark hair grey at the temples. Hershel sat beside him, administering the antibiotic that kept the disease at bay. Michonne stood beside his bed.
“Well look whose finally come to see me.” Ezekiel Knighten said, looking at his daughter. The timbre of his voice surprised Rick. How deceptive looks can be. Despite his illness he sounded strong and held himself proud, even propped up upon the bed.
“Forgive me, father. I am here now.” Michonne said, kissing her father on the cheek.
“I thought you had forgotten about me in favor of another.” Ezekiel teased, humor in his voice. As he glanced at Rick, however, the good nature did not reach his eyes. Hershel chuckled and Ezekiel joined him but a coughing fit befell him.
Next to the bed, on the table, sat a pitcher with water next to a glass cup. Michonne filled the glass with water and sat beside her father on the bed. Hershel gave his back vigorous pats as Ezekiel coughed into a handkerchief.
Ezekiel lay back, his breathing labored as the fit passed. “Here father, drink this.” Michonne said, as she sat beside him on the bed, holding the cup against his lips. “You know perfectly well…you are indisputably, the most important man in my life.”
Michonne smiled at her father as he managed to swallow a few sips of water. “That is good to know, my child.” He said, pulling away from the cup, resting against his pillows. “I worry.” He winked at her, before his gaze settled on Rick.
“Oh father, my I introduce you to, Rick Grimes.” Michonne said, looking at Rick over her shoulder. “Rick, this is my father, Ezekiel Knighten.” Michonne turned back to look at her father, a small smile on his face that did not reach his eyes.
Michonne, of course, had confessed to her father that she had fallen in love with a nobleman, revealing as little detail of their sordid affair as possible. Despite her ommisons, Ezekiel deduced what had happened and felt great ambivalence toward Lord Richard “Rick” Grimes. The man had arranged his removal from an overcrowded, chaotic London sanatorium to a home in the country with a private doctor. In turn, Michonne no longer had to work for his cruel family and he was able to see her everyday.
Still, Ezekiel could not reconcile that his daughter had not been properly courted. That Rick made declarations of devotion to Michonne, whilst being betrothed to another. Also, certainly now the man was married. These were not the behaviors of a proper gentleman.
“Greetings, Mr Grimes.”
“Good morning, Mr. Knighten.” Rick said, stepping forward to quickly shake Ezekiel’s hand. “It is wonderful to finally make your acquaintance.”
“I understand this new course of treatment was your idea.” Ezekiel said, ignoring pleasantries for the time being. “Are you a physician?”
“No sir. I am a barrister. I am employed at Walsh & Horvath in London.” Rick said, quietly.
“A barrister. Why should I take medical advice from a bloody barrister?” Ezekiel spewed, each word laced with venom.
“Father, please. Rick visited a sanatorium, he spoke with doctors and this course of treatment is saving lives.” Michonne pleaded with her father. “He has newspaper articles and documents from physicians all the way from the states.”
“Why? Why would you do something like that for a man you don’t even know?” Ezekiel asked, his eyes never leaving Rick.
“Because I love your daughter and she loves you. She needs you well.” Rick said, standing taller, looking Ezekiel directly in the eye.
Ezekiel shrank back against his pillows, exhausted in his attempt to appear stronger than he really was. He looked at his daughter. Michonne was now turned to Rick, smiling at him as she held tight to her father’s hand. Ezekiel signed loudly.
“My daughter seems to have put her faith in you and so shall I.” Ezekiel said softly. “I am in no position to decline your generosity.”
The two men simply looked at each other, regarding one another in silence. Rick nodded and an understanding was formed between them. They both loved Michonne and would do anything for her.
“Well now that’s settled. Rick, please help me.” Hershel said, standing from his seat. He gave Ezekiel an understanding nod and a reassuring squeeze of his shoulder. Michonne kissed her father’s hand and stood from the bed.
Rick and Hershel gingerly moved Ezekiel into the wheelchair. Michonne stood nearby, placing a blanket over his lap when he was safely seated. The group moved quietly through the house and out unto the veranda.
Ezekiel blinked against the mid morning sunlight, turning his face away. So he kept his eyes closed, laid his head back, and allowed the sun rays to cover his skin. He breathed in the fresh air, scented with flowers and newly chopped wood. He felt himself smiling. It had been so long since he had known the outdoors.
“Father, are you alright?” Michonne standing near him, peering into his face.
“I am fine for now, child. You’re the blocking the sunlight, however.”
“Oh. I am sorry father.” Michonne moved away, wringing her hands nervously.
Hershel sat beside Ezekiel on wrought iron bench. “I will keep an eye on him, dear.” Hershel said winking at Michonne. Michonne nodded, smiling as she observed her father. He looked relaxed and the most at peace she had seen him in quite some time. Michonne kissed her father on the cheek and waved good bye.
Rick stood near the rear entryway watching Michonne fuss about her about father. She adjusted his blanket, fluffed the pillow that rested at the nape of his neck, observed him closely, and appeared to be asking him questions. Rick watched as she made her way to him at last, the minute their eyes connected, smiles instantly donned their faces.
“I have been cast off. They have no use for me it seems.” Michonne said, as she approached Rick. “Care to take a walk with me?”
Rick smiled, nodding yes. He offered his arm to her and Michonne hooked hers through his. She led him across the grassy yard beyond the house and over a green hill through a thicket of trees to a meadow filled with wildflowers. The grass, tall and wild.
“Most mornings I come here and pick wildflowers for the house.” Michonne said, pulling from Rick’s arm to pick a honeysuckle.
“I am very pleased you are enjoying the property.” Rick said. He smiled as Michonne inhaled in the scent of her flower.
“Oh my darling, I love it. My father loves it as well even if he is reluctant to voice it to you.”
“Good.” Rick said, he wrapped his arm around Michonne, resting his forehead against her. His lips seeking hers and Michonne gave him what he wanted. Rick gently nipped at her soft lips with his own, pressing his against hers, moaning when Michonne snuck her tongue out, teasingly caressing his lips before kissing him hard.
Rick moaned and his own tongue seeking hers. Again Michonne obliged, their tongues danced in harmony, before she pulled away.
“What’s the matter?” Rick whispered, as Michonne pulled from his arms.
“Do you want to kiss me some more?” Michonne asked, slowly backing away from Rick.
“You know that I do.” Rick said, watching Michonne as she continued to back away. He began to smile. He knew exactly where this was heading.
“Hmmmm.” Michonne mused thoughtfully, subtly backing away from Rick who was moving forward just as subtly. “Then you will just have to catch me.”
Michonne smiled and leaped away, just as Rick broke out into a devilish grin, made move to grab her. She squealed and ran away. Rick following behind. During their time at the Walsh estate, when Rick managed to get Michonne alone he discovered the stern little kitchen maid was delightfully playful, more mischievous then even himself.
Just beyond the massive estate the woods stood tall, dense, and green. Rick and Michonne would hide amidst the trees, spend hours talking in a grassy clearing, listen to the birds sing, and they would run. Chasing each other like small children, around the tall trees. Free.
Michonne squealed as Rick grabbed her about the waist. She would have gotten away longer but a creek at the edge of the meadow hindered her escape. Laughing they fell against the earth, cushioned by the soft grass. Rick turned Michonne over in his arms, he lay her gently against the earth, raising above her, encasing her in between his arms.
“It would appear that I have caught you, madam.” He panted.
“So you have.” Michonne said softly, panting as well, staring up at Rick, lost in the hue of his eyes. She reached up to caress the damp curls of his hair.
“You are so beautiful.” Rick whispered to her as he bent down to kiss her full lips. So soft and so sweet. He kissed her deeper still and Michonne eagerly returned his affections.
“I love you.” Rick whispered, as his lips kissed along her jaw. Laying his full weight against, his hand began to slowly pull her dress upward toward her waist.
Michonne wirthed and moaned beneath him, one hand tangled in the curls of his hair. The other clutching his shoulder, as his fingers found the tender, aching center of her being. His mere kisses aroused her so much, she could feel Rick smile against her skin, he loved knowing his affect on her.
He reared back, pulling away from her softness, quickly shrugging out of his jacket. Michonne deftly undid the buttons of his vest, which Rick flung away with his jacket.
“I want to see you.”
Michonne quickly unbuttoned the top portion of her dress, gracefully pulling her arms from the garment. Rick slid the straps of her chemise down her shoulders revealing her luscious bosom to him.
Rick moaned and gently eased his love back against the earth. He kissed her all over, suckling and tasting her sweet skin. The scent of her arousal mingling with the smell of flowers in the meadow, drove him mad. He needed her desperately.
Michonne was equally as anxious, tugging at the fastenings of his slacks. Her need for him was overwhelming her senses. Rick chuckled at her eagerness, delighted the woman who occupied his every brain cell felt the same way, and assisted Michonne with disrobing him. He placed his hand over hers, guiding her movements until she freed his manhood, all the while they never broke eye contact.
Then with all the care he possessed, Rick eased into Michonne. She was still quite tender from their love making the night before but Michonne urged him on. Hard and deep in the soft warm places, the feeling euphoric. Intoxicating. There in the meadow they made love while the tall grass and flowers blew around them in the breeze.
Afterwards, Rick and Michonne held one another close. Half dressed and for the time being, sated. Limbs intertwined. Rick watched the clouds drift across the sky as he caressed Michonne’s shoulder. Michonne’s head rested on his chest, her arm resting over his chest, embracing him.
This is Perfect, Rick thinks to himself. It’s quiet in the meadow, just the running water from the creek, the chirping birds, and little insects buzzing about. Perfect. He thinks just as he feels Michonne’s body going tense beside him.
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Rick asks, looking down at the top of her head.
However, Michonne doesn’t immediately answer. Rick sits up, pulling her up with him. “Michonne what’s the matter?” He questions again, he put his hand under her chin, tilting her head up so she would look at him.
Michonne swallowed. The beautiful brown eyes he loved filled with unshed tears.
Michonne sniffled. “I was thinking about how perfect this moment was. It feels wonderful to be in your arms again.”
“It is perfect. Isn’t it?” Rick asked smiling, amused at how similar their thoughts were.
“How are you here?” Michonne asked looking up at him. “How long do we have?”
“You and I are going to spend our lives together.” Rick said, gently caressing her cheek. “I have devised a plan, darling.”
“Yes, darling. You see, your father’s medicine is quite expensive. I couldn’t afford it and to get you out of my godfather’s house.”
“Oh Rick, I am so sorry.” Michonne said, holding his hand in hers.
“No. I couldn’t leave you there. Not after they…they put you through that humiliating interrogation in my godfather’s study.” Rick said, his voice trembled with anger, his eyes fell to their intertwined hands.
“Sleep alluded me ever since the night they took you from me.” Rick looked at Michonne then. “That’s why when the opportunity arose, I took it.”
Michonne shook her head, still confused. Rick smiled, picking a blade of grass from her hair.
“My father, as you know, served in the war when my brother and I were young. The war had a debilitating affect on him, he was unable to be a father to us when we were young.” Rick sighed. “I was much closer to my godfather than him as a child. When I got older that changed. My father found a way through his pain.”
“I say all that to say, he’s devastated I have no interest in the camaraderie we once shared. It devastated him so much he’s willing to do anything to remedy it.”
“He’s paying for your father’s medicine and all I had to do was no longer disregard him. As well as appear to happily accept my marriage to Lori.” Rick states, caressing Michonne’s hand. “More importantly your father gets better…and he will no longer need the antibiotics.”
Michonne was putting the pieces of his plan together in her head.
“Your father recovers and I leave that life behind. I leave London high society, I leave these people who claimed to love me, I leave my arranged marriage, and I come back to you. To us.” Rick firmly states, leaning his forehead against Michonne.
“Oh Rick.” Michonne swooned as she leaned over and kissed him hard, pushing him back against the earth. Rick held her tight as they kissed one another deeply.
Michonne pulled away to gaze into his eyes, brushing the dampened curls of his hair from his forehead. Rick watched her, breathed in her scent, the elegant way her fingers moved against his skin, through his hair.
“Are you certain you want to do this?” She asked, leaning on his chest. “They are your family. They believe their actions protect you.”
“No, they don’t. Their practices only serve themselves.” He moved his hand against her cheek and over her neck, fingers tracing over her delicate collar bone. “I shall never forgive them for how they treated you.”
Michonne lay her head against his chest. She could hear Rick’s heart beating, feel the sun against her back, as well as Rick’s gentle caresses. They would need to get back soon, it was nearly time for luncheon. Unfortunately, Michonne was still thinking of someone else.
“What about Lori?”
Rick sighed. “Your heart is so big I fear it shall rupture one day.”
“Rick.” Michonne responded, despondently.
Rick sat up again pulling Michonne along with him. “Darling, Lori does not love me, nor I her.” Rick said sternly, looking deeply into Michonne’s eyes. “She married my name and name only. The marriage will be dissolved. Lori will find another. She and I have not consummated the marriage.”
Michonne’s shoulder rose and fell as she exhaled in relief. “I must admit, I wondered. I have no cause to be cross or envious, she is your wife in the eyes of God.”
Rick looked at Michonne, deep in thought. “My love, do you believe that God knows what’s in our hearts?” He asked, earnestly.
“I do.”
Rick gently cradled Michonne’s face in his hands. “Then in my heart, you are my one true mate. You are my wife. I want no one else but you.” He graced the soft pillows of her lips with a deep kiss. Michonne melted against him.
Rick held her close, he knew his words were a temporary salve but he would continue to prove his devotion to Michonne, and his plan will come into fruition.
“No more talk of Lori. You needn’t worry about her, my love.” Rick held Michonne close, gently stroking her back.
  “The Grand old Duke of York. He had ten thousand men. He marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again. When they were up, they were up and when they were down, they were down and when they were only halfway up. They were neither up nor down.”  
Applause rang out as the 4-year old who just recited his beloved nursery rhyme, took a bow.
“Oh Jessie, Ronald is so precious!”
“Bravo, Ronald!”
“Ronald, poppet, what do you say when someone gives you a compliment?”
The 4-year-old looked at his mother and then around the large dining room, tables filled with his mother’s friends.
“Thank you all very much.” Ronald said, his hands behind his back, rocking back and forth on his heels.
A collective “Awwww” reverberated around the large room as the ladies cooed over their hostess’s child.
“Mummy, may I have a cake please?”
“No, no poppet you will spoil your supper.” The hostess of today’s annual ladies of London luncheon, looked at the entryway of the door. “Olivia, please will take Ronald to play.”
“Right away, Madam.” A young woman rushed forward and escorted the young boy away.
“Can you believe he’s four already?” Jessie asked her best friend seated next to her, watching as the au pair led him away.
Lady Lori Grimes smiled brightly at her friend. “It seems like just yesterday we were all attending his christening.” She said, taking a sip of her tea, it was far too hot to drink but she barely noticed the scalding sensation on her tongue.
“Jessie, these petit fours are heavenly. You must share your cook with me for the Highbury charity luncheon next month.”
Lori was grateful for the distraction as her best friend turned to chat with someone at their table. She was in no mood for today’s festivities.
The night prior, Lori attended a charity dinner to raise funds for the catholic hospitals. As charity dinners went, it was lovely, up until she was seated next to a colleague from her husband’s law practice.
Spencer Monroe always held a candle for Lori, flirting with her at every opportune moment. Lori simply dismissed his attentions in past encounters. Last night, however, Spencer’s flirtations would have been most welcome if he had only choosen to focus on her. Not her husband.
Six months of marriage to Rick Grimes and Lori felt as if she rarely saw him. Away on business every two weeks, that was tolerable. At least he would accompany her on various social outings; he had no reservations about spending weekends with her beloved mother and stepfather.
Jessie had warned that men become quite apathetic once they were wed. “Peter always complains that we are in the company of others more than with one another.” She had told Lori during a ball at Rick’s godfather’s estate, months before she and Rick had wed. Jessie and Peter have been married five years. Lori eagerly heeded her advice.
Rick is never vexxing. Always a gentleman. Perhaps to a fault. They have never been together intimately. Lori wanted to discuss the matter with Rick but she felt foolish doing so. “It’s one thing to make a request to preserve one’s virtue but it’s better to let the man make his intentions known. You don’t want to appear promiscuous.” Jessie advised.
   Why did I ever listen to Jessie?  
Dr. Peter Anderson had an infamous reputation in London for being a man about town before wedding Jessie.
   At least he’s home more than two weeks at a time. At least he touches his wife.  
Lori held on to the belief her husband was simply a considerate and compassionate soul. After all, it was she who expressed a desire to halt consummating their marriage. Even with the subtle encouragements Lori provided her husband, perhaps he just needed more time.
Well two months away from her was certainly enough time. Rick informed her that his latest case would need his undivided attention. Lori would never dream of protesting. There’s already talks of Rick being Prime Minister one day.
“Rick will be Prime Minister and I will be the wife of one the most powerful men in the world.” Lori used to think on nights alone in their home, on nights attending social engagements by herself. An illusion Lori was content to live with, until Spencer Monroe was seated next to her last night.
“Lori, my heavens you look positively ravishing, this fine evening.” He said, as he took his place beside her at the dining table.
Lori gave Spencer a small smile. “Thank you, Spencer. Such an endearing sentiment to bestow upon an old, married woman.”
Spencer laughed heartily. “Old married woman.” He scoffed, emptying his glass of scotch. “You are the epitome of youth and radiance.”
“Oh, honestly Spencer…” Lori laughed softly, shaking her head, feigning disapproval of his praise. It felt good to have man’s appraisal of her beauty again.
Spencer smiled lasciviously at Lori, baring his teeth. “I shall never understand how your husband could want work that keeps him from all of your beauty.”
“My husband does not desire work that keeps us apart, but he is a man of service. It’s very noble.” Lori smiled, reciting her personal mantra for her loneliness.
“Mmmph.” Spencer made the little sound, as the first course of their meal was placed in front them. “Well surely you know Rick has his choice of assignment.”
“Rick’s position at his godfather’s law practice garners him no preferential treatment.” Lori said, softly, watching as the sommelier poured port into her crystal wine glass.
“Of course not.” Spencer agreed, pausing to deftly swirl the port in his glass, inhaling it’s rich notes before taking a sip.
“Your husband is not forced to take certain assignments either.”
Lori’s eyes burned as tears stung at them. She blinked them away and reached for her silverware.
Spencer observed her, noting it appeared she had no further plans to speak with him again. Spencer smiled and leaned over slightly to whisper to her.
“You know-”
“Mr. Monroe, I must insist that you no longer direct your misplaced flirtations toward me.” Lori said, whispering harshly. Her hazel eyes shooting daggers at him as she stared into his. “I am a married woman. Married to your superior colleague. I must ask you to refrain from any further communications with myself beyond pleasantries; Have I made myself perfectly clear?”
Spencer was stunned. His mouth ajar, expression befuddled, blinking his eyes rapidly. No one ever spoke to him, the son of a member of parliament, in that way. Lady Lori Grimes was one of the rare exceptions.
“My sincerest apol-”
“No need for That, Spencer. Enjoy your supper.” Lori said, proceeding to ignore him the rest of the evening.
Lori was jolted into the present by Jessie.
“Lori is everything alright?” Jessie said, gently touching Lori’s arm. “You seem most preoccupied.”
“My nephew is returning home tonight. I dare say someone is in a state of anticipation.” Rick’s aunt Carol chimed in merrily. She was Lori’s companion for the day and seated next to Lori at today’s luncheon.
“Why that is splendid news. Good heavens, it’s simply been ages since we have seen Rick.” Jessie said, while buttering a scone. “You simply must persuade him to not take such long trips.”
“Rick desires to be Prime Minister one day and a strong work ethic like his is an essential asset.” Lori said quickly, she drank her tea which was now cold.
Jessie squealed. “Oh Lori, we truly married the men of our dreams. My Peter is one of the finest surgeons in London. Rick will be the Prime Minister of England.” Jessie clapped her hands together excitedly, unaware of the dread her friend was feeling. “Speaking of our brilliant futures I have an announcement to make.”
Jessie stood up then. “Ladies, ladies.” Jessie fluttered her hands about, gaining everyone’s attention. Once everyone was quiet she continued. “Thank you, ladies. I wanted to express how tremendously pleased I am with the number of women I see here today.”
“These monthly gatherings may seem trivial to some, but together, we accomplish extraordinary work. The charity dinner last night for the Catholic hospital raised enough funds for a new surgical ward at St. George’s Hospital. An event organized by many of the women in attendance today.”
The women applauded. Lori’s stomach lurched in repulsion.
   Curse that wretched dinner.  
Lori knew the days of lying to herself about her marriage, her husband, were over.
“And…another bit of happy news…the good Dr. Anderson are expecting another baby!” Jessie said, giggling as the women collectively exclaimed in excitement.
Lori smiled and stood, embracing her friend. Lori watched as Jessie was hugged and applauded. She had known Jessie was pregnant the second she saw her today. Jessie was very slight, always very slender and when she got pregnant with Ron it showed, even in the early stage of her pregnancy.
  “The next time I am with child, you and I shall be expecting together.” Jessie declared, rubbing her barely there baby bump. Lori looked at her then fiancé as he spoke with Jessie’s husband.
  Looking back at her friend. “It shall be so.” Smiling, unaware of how far she would be from that reality one day.
“Ladies!” Lori raised her voice above the excited chatter, holding her glass of water in the air, waiting as the room grew silent. “I would just like to congratulate my dearest and oldest friend on her ever growing family.”
Lori took Jessie’s hand in hers. “We are more like sisters than friends and I am so happy for you.” Lori lied, as tears relating to her own misery were mistaken for tears of joy, as they flowed down her face. Jessie embraced her, driven to tears herself.
The toast was expected and Lori did her duty. As she sat, Jessie still held her hand. “That was lovely, Lori.” Jessie used her napkin to wipe her eyes. “I have always thought of you as a sister. Oh, I had so hoped that this time we would be experiencing our pregnancies together, like our mothers.”
Lori smiled again. “One day.” She said softly, internally wishing she could shove Jessie’s face into a plate of pastry. Someone needed Jessie’s attention and again Lori was left to her thoughts.
The luncheon ended and good-byes were bid. Carol, Rick’s aunt had traveled to the event with her. Daryl Dixon stood near their car with the door open assisting each woman inside before climbing into the drivers seat.
“I must admit, Jessie’s hosting duties have improved considerably. Although, perhaps the petit fours were a tad too sweet. That won’t be a problem when I host next month.”
Lori stared out the window as Carol prattled on and on about the luncheon.
Lori took a deep breath. “I am sorry to interrupt you, Mrs. Peletier but I need…console desperately…I can’t talk to my mother about this.” Lori said, her voice hushed, she didn’t want Daryl to overhear.
“Lori dear, whatever is the matter?” Carol said, turning to look at Lori, hot tears were spilling down the young woman’s face.
“My marriage is a fraud. My husband desires to be away from me. The two week intervals I could understand… but two months.” Lori sobbed quietly.
“I have lied to myself, convinced myself that his absences were for the betterment of our lives. He’s deliberately kept me at a distance.” Lori looked at Carol, her eyes growing red, she leaned closer, wanting to be certain only Carol could hear what she was going to say next. “Our marriage…has not been consummated. I, at first, asked for some time but I have tried in vain to make myself available to him…as a wife and nothing.”
“I don’t understand…” Lori sobbed, violently. Unable to contain the pent up frustration that has been building for months.
“Lori, please calm down. You will make yourself sick.” Carol said, handing a handkerchief to Lori. Lori took the fabric and pressed it against her mouth. Carol cradled her close, rubbing her shoulders.
“There, there dear.” Carol said, soothingly. “Rick is working like he says.”
“We were engaged for so long and how can -”
“Hush now, child.” Carol said sternly, gently pushing Lori away so she could look her in the eye.
“Listen to me. Rick loves you. He just needs a bit of seducing…to be frank about it.” Carol said, her eyebrows flying up, briefly. “You will have Rick’s favorite dish prepared tonight, you will make yourself beguiling, wear your hair up, wear your best dress, and finest perfume.”
Lori listened intently, sniffling, as tears slowly rolled down her puffy cheeks.
“Wash your face in cold water, I am afraid your tears have marred your lovely face.”
Lori nodded numbly as Daryl pulled their automobile in front of her home. He got out of the car and helped Lori out. Carol followed after her, embracing her.
“Do everything I’ve said and report to me everything that happens when my nephew returns home. Now go and have a little rest before you begin preparations.”
Lori nodded again. “Thank you so much, Carol.”
Carol gave Lori a reassuring smile, gently squeezing her shoulder.
“Go on, dear.”
Lori turned, walking stiffly up the stairs of her house and into her home.
Carol waited until Lori disappeared inside the home. Then she spun around to face Daryl Dixon.
“Where the bloody hell is my nephew?” Carol asked, spewing the question at him.
“I’m ’orry,’adam but I alls I ’now is he’s ’orking.” Daryl said, his tone sincere, holding her gaze.
Carol shifted uncomfortably under his unrelentingly stare.
“Take me home.”
Daryl moved swiftly to open the automobile door for her. As she made her way up into the car Daryl held her hand. Carol tried not to react to the heat of his hand in hers. As she settled in, her eyes found his.
A flicker of something that Carol once knew shone in them before he averted his eyes, closing the door, making a hasty retreat to the driver’s seat.
The car sped along a bumpy road, rocking softly back and forth. Carol watched the people in the busy streets and the delivery trucks. London was especially gray and dreary today.
Carol glanced down at the wedding band adorning her finger before looking at Daryl. He was focused on his task, navigating the busy streets, frowning when another automobile cut in front of him. If she wasn’t present Carol was quite certain he would be far less polite.
Carol smiled at the back of his head, before dropping her eyes back to her ring, memories of her youth played like a film in her head. Carol closed her eyes, willing the past away.
Rick will have to understand that this life comes with sacrifices. We’ve all had to make them.  
Carol sat up straighter as Daryl drew closer to her flat.
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Georgia on my Mind Part 11. All my Secrets
Note: I do not own any of The Walking Dead characters, but I do own Georgia May Grimes. Please leave comments and enjoy.
Summary: AU. Georgia is Rick’s oldest daughter from a previous relationship. This is the story of how she survives the zombie apocalypse, fight walkers, bonds with her new family, and finds love. (Is that too cheesy?)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10
From now on I shall be called Rapunzel. Dad caught me out of bed the moment I stepped into the kitchen and he freaked out, scooping me up and running me back into the room, tucking me into bed before going back into the kitchen to grab me some food. That was three hours ago and everyone in the farm house was starting to go to sleep. There was a knock on the door and I looked over to see Carl poke his head in, I noticed that he had dad’s sheriff hat on.
“Hey! What are you doing up? The apocalypse doesn’t mean there’s no bedtime.” I joked.
Carl scrambled up onto the bed, “You sound like Mom.”
“Ew! That makes me sound old.” I joked and Carl laughed, “So, are you, Dad, and I going to join the Bullet-Hole-Grimes Club.”
“Does it hurt?” Carl asked.
“Not as bad as yours does. Are you staying here tonight?” I asked.
“No. Hershel says I’m okay to stay in the tent, but I think Dad is going to sleep in here. He told Mom he wasn’t, but I don’t believe him.” Carl explained.
“Yeah, I don’t either. Now, give me a hug.” I demanded and Carl carefully gave me a side hug, “Good night, little man.”
“Night, JoJo.” He whispered before he climbed off the bed and walked out of the room. I leaned over and turned off the bedside light before falling asleep.
“Morning, Peaches.” Dad whispered, gently waking me up.
“Good morning.” I answered rubbing my eyes before remembering that I was shot in the shoulder and groaned.
“Take it easy JoJo. I’m going to go work on laying out today’s grid. I’ll be back later.” My dad said.
“You’re continuing the search since Daryl got hurt, lost a horse, Jimmy lied about being allowed to go out, and I got shot!” I said.
“I know, but that little girl is still missing and Daryl found her doll in the river.” Dad explained.
I sighed, “Okay, just be careful and keep me posted.”
He stood up and walked out of the room as Glenn walked in.
“Good morning. I bring peaches.” Glenn said, tossing me a peach.
“Morning Glenn.” I said sitting up in bed, “What’s up? You look like you have something on your mind.”
“Everything’s fine!” He said too quickly.
“Glenn, I know you are lying, you suck at lying. You can’t even play poker because it’s too much like lying.” I said.
“Hershelhasasecretbarnfullofwalkers.” Glenn spat out.
“I’m sorry?”
“The barn we aren’t suppose to go into, it’s not about the dangerous farming equipment, there are walkers in the barn!” Glenn whispered, “What do we do?”
I threw the blankets off of me and started getting out of bed, “We have to tell my dad. He’s planning the search for Sophia, we might still catch him.”
“No! We can’t!” He argued shoving me back down onto the mattress.
“What!? There’s a barn full of walkers and you just want to sit around with that information and do nothing?” I snapped.
“Hershel thinks they’re sick, that he can save them. I promised Maggie I wouldn’t tell anyone and you know how bad I am about lying. I had to spill to someone.” He explained.
“So, out of everyone in our group, you chose Sheriff Grimes kid?” I questioned.
“I knew I could trust you to keep this a secret until we figure out what to do.” He said.
“Anything else you would like to share?” I snapped.
“Lori still hasn’t told your dad about the baby.” Glenn said and I rolled my eyes.
“This is ridiculous! I’m going out there!” I said throwing the blanket off and not even bothering to put my shoes on before stomping outside as Glenn called after me. I walked straight to the campsite we had set up and overheard the adults arguing about a gun and shooting lessons
“He wanted to learn how to shoot. He asked me to teach him.” I heard Shane say as I walked into the circle they had formed.
“What’s going on?” I asked.
“What are you doing out here!?” Dad yelled.
“I need to talk to you and Lori, but more importantly, what’s this about a gun?” I reemphasized.
Lori walked over and grabbed my arm, “Come on. Let’s go talk.”  We walked back to the farm house in silence and Lori closed the door as soon as we were in the room, “Glenn told you.”
“Yeah. He also said that you haven’t told Dad and we’ve placed bets on who’s baby it is.” I sassed crossing my arms as best as I could without causing my injury to throb more than it already was.
Lori buried her face in her hands for a moment and then I noticed that her shoulders were shaking.
“Lori?” i asked gently.
“Georgia, I messed up. I know I messed up. But I also know, that you are aware that your father and I didn’t have the best marriage before this. You have to promise me that you won’t tell anyone about this.” She begged.
“Why would I keep this from Dad? He deserves to know. And as much as I hate him, since Shane is most likely the father you should probably tell him, too.” I argued.
“What are you talking about? Why would you accuse me of being with Shane?” She asked.
“Because you two were sleeping together since the apocalypse started to the moment Dad came back. It was pretty obvious.” I explained.
“Look, I thought your dad was dead and I felt like a part of me died with him. I just wanted to feel something again, anything.” She tried to justify.
“Oh and Carl and I weren’t in pain, feeling like we had died inside over leaving Dad behind in a hospital full of walkers?” I sassed.
“Alright, how about this? You let me handle telling your dad and you don’t tell anyone, I’ll lay off your relationship with Daryl and get your dad to be okay with it as well.” She suggested.
I thought for a minute, “Daryl and I aren’t a forsure thing, this baby is.”
“...No it’s not.” Lori confessed and my eyes widened as she lowered hers.
“...You’re getting rid of it?” I whispered.
“I don’t know yet and I need to figure things out. And I need you to keep this a secret so that I can get my head straight.” She said. I didn’t even realize that I had started crying until my shoulders start heaving causing pain to shoot through my arm. Lori led me to sit on the bed and wrapped me in a hug before standing and walking out of the room.
The next visitors were Hershel and Maggie, coming to check my stitches and change my bandages.
“Hey Maggie. Hello Hershel. How are you?” I asked.
“Great, your dad and Shane gave a shooting lesson today, I went down for a bit. Your brothers pretty good.” Maggie said sitting down next to me.
“He better be, he’s been watching me and dad since the moment he could focus his eyes.” I smiled.
“Well, Miss.Georgia, your wound is healing nicely. A few days and you should be good to go, but you’ll need to rest your shoulder still. No strenuous lifting and no archery.” Hershel instructed.
“Yes, Doctor Greene.” I said.
“Your brothers almost healed as well. I imagine you’ll be on your way soon. Fort Benning, I hear.” He said.
I looked up at him in shock, no one had mentioned leaving the farm anytime soon. I looked over at Maggie who was staring at her dad in shock.
“Daddy, can’t we talk about this.” She begged.
“I need to check on my other patient.” He said standing up and walking out of the room.
Maggie and I sat in silence for a moment, “So...you know about the barn?” She asked.
“Yeah, little heads up, I know you and Glenn have something going on, but don’t trust him with your secrets. He’s a terrible liar.” I said and she laughed, “I’m not going to tell anyone, yet. But I make no promises about the others.”
“I understand. Thank you.” She said and I nodded, “Daddy doesn’t really have another patient, just so you know. Daryl threw a fit so he’s letting him sleep in his own tent outside as long as he takes it easy. I saw him walking around earlier, wearing the bracelet you made him.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“I put it on last night when I snuck out of bed. He was pretty out of it and he got all grumpy when I gave him a kiss on the forehead.” I confessed.
“Why did you get out of bed?” She asked.
“I was hungry! I’m still hungry!” I said. She grabbed my good arm and helped me out of bed.
“Come on, I’ll help smuggle you into the kitchen.” She said and we quietly walked across the hall and I sat down at the kitchen table while Maggie brought left overs from last night’s feast to the table. We stayed and talked for a while until she had to go back to her chores so I went back to my room where Dad was waiting in the chair next to the bed.
“How much do you know?” He asked leaning forward in the chair.
I froze, not sure if he was talking about the baby, the barn, or us leaving the farm, “How much do I know about what?” I asked slowly.
“About Hershel wanting us to leave the farm. What else would I be talking about?” He explained.
“Oh, that, he just briefly mentioned it too me. Something about us being on our way to Fort Benning in a few days.” I said.
“Carl’s barely on his feet, T-Dogs still healing, you and Daryl hurt, Sophia still missing. We’re in no shape to move. We might not have a choice in leaving, but I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure, you, your brother, and Lori are safe.” He promised.
“Hershel says I can get my stitches out in two days, then one more day of rest. After that I need to take it easy, no heavy lifting, no using my bow, but I’ll be okay.” I relayed.
“Good. I’m glad you’ll be okay. We’ll have you back to state champion status in no time.” He said. “We’re cooking outside. I know you just had a snack, but do you want to come sit with everyone?”
“Yes! I’m going crazy in here!” I said.
We walked outside and I sat down in the camping chair next to Glenn, “Maggie knows I know about the barn.”
“Dale knows about the barn and the pregnancy.”
I groaned, “You are the worst, Rhee.”
“Shut up, Grimes.” He snapped.
“Okay so the pregnancy is Lori, Dale, you, and me and the barn is Maggie, Dale, you, and me.” I summarized not adding the part about leaving the farm which was Hershel, Maggie, Dad, and I.
“Yes.” He confirmed.
I shook my head, “I feel like I’m in high school.”
“Same. Oh, you, Maggie, and I are the only ones who knew that Maggie and I slept together and I’d like to keep it that way.” He said.
Lori walked over to us and looked between us for a moment, “I’m sorry for putting you in this position. Glenn, I have a favor to ask, can you come with me?” She asked and Glenn followed her off to the other side of camp and Daryl came and sat in empty chair.
“Nice to see you up and about.” I said.
He grunted, “Glad yer alright.”
I smiled and sat back, closing my eyes, “What is this crap?” He suddenly asked. I cracked my eyes open and saw that he was holding out his wrist that had the bracelet on it.
“It’s called a friendship bracelet. I made one with Maggie, Glenn, and Carl yesterday and decided to give it to you as a thank you for the flower. I tried to make it look as manly as possible.” I explained, he looked down at the bracelet in confusion, “You don’t have to keep it if you don’t want to.” He nodded then stood up and walked away.
Glenn and Maggie went on a run together to grab something for Lori and had just come back, at the same time Shane and Andrea came back from their run up to the housing development a few miles away to look for Sophia and Shane and Dale were having a fight on the other side of camp that I could vaguely hear. Dad had been walking in the fields with Lori when he came storming back over to the tents, but before he went in he turned and looked at me.
“How long have you known?” He asked.
“About what?” I asked, but I was fairly certain I knew what he was talking about.
“You know what.” He snapped.
“The baby. I’ve known for a day or so.” I confessed.
He nodded, “And the pills?”
I scrunched my face in confusion, “I don’t know anything about pills.”
For the rest of the day there was obvious tension in the air and even the next morning as we all sat down to breakfast outside around the fire I could see Andrea and Shane shooting each other looks and when he wasn’t looking at Andrea, Shane was shooting daggers at Dale, Maggie glaring at Glenn, and Lori and Dad refusing to look at each other. So far Carol, Daryl, and I were the calmest, most collected people in the group today.
Suddenly Glenn stood up, “Um...guys...so...the barn is full of walkers.”
I dropped my head into my hands as everyone stared at him in silence and I waited for it to sink in and for everyone to lose it. We all went over to the barn and just stared at the outside of the building, hearing the moans and growls inside.
“Y’all can’t tell me we’re just going to be okay with this. I realise we’re on Hershel farm and we have to do as he says, but it’s just stupid to keep these things alive.” I said breaking the silence.
“JoJo’s right.” Dad agreed.
“This is our life's at stake!” Shane shouted.
“Lower your voices!” Glenn warned.
“We can’t just sweep this under the rug.” Andrea said and as much as I hated her and the fact that she hadn’t said sorry for shooting me, but had apologized profusely to Daryl, I agreed with her.
“It ain’t right. Not rometly.” Shane said pacing, “Okay, we either got to go in there, we’ve got to make things right or we got to go. Now, we’ve been talking about Fort Benning for a long time.”
“Hershel expecting us to leave for there in a few days. I don’t agree with it, but I think everyone deserves a chance to know.” I confessed.
“We can’t!” Dad said
“My daughter is still out there1” Carol said.
“Okay, I think it is time we all start to just consider the other possibility.” Shane said.
“No!” I yelled.
“We are not leaving Sophia behind!” Daryl snapped, “I’m close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago.”
“You found her doll, Daryl. That’s what you did. You found a doll.” Shane argued.
“You don’t know what the Hell yer talkin’ about?” Daryl yelled and he started to lunge for Shane, so I stepped in the way and blocked him, throwing my arms up ten immediately grabbing my injured shoulder and whimpering in pain.
“Wow, wow, you okay, sunshine.” Daryl said quiety, reaching for me and I smiled through the pain as I heard him call me “sunshine” as Dad and Shane continue arguing. I was so wrapped up in my thought, I didn’t hear Shane insult Daryl and was suddenly holding back a very angry Daryl from punching the guy I hate in the face. Finally he stopped and pulled him to his side, not holding me there, but keeping me close to him while glowering at Shane. I felt someone staring at me and turned my head over my shoulder to see Carol with her arms crossed and her hip cocked. This was getting to be too much like high school.
“Let me talk to Hershel, figure this out. If we gonna stay, if we’re gonna clean out this barn, I have to talk to him. This is his land!” Dad yelled.
“But Hershel thinks they’re just sick.” I said.
“She’s right, he thinks those things in there are people, sick people, his wife, his step-son.” Dale said.
“You knew?” Dad asked.
“Since yesterday. Glenn told me.” Dale said.
“I found it, but Maggie told me not to tell anyone, so I told JoJo and Dale.” Glenn said.
“Jimmy told me he thought they were just sick and Glenn told me about the barn, but I was sworn to secrecy on the barn and leaving the farm along with several other things. Y’all can’t be mad! I’m a kid who just got shot!” I yelled.
“This is crazy, Rick! If Hershel thinks those things are alive or not...” Shane yelled, but was cut off by the chains holding the barn doors closed started rattling.
@magical-spit  @theartisticasshole
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