#great multitude
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The Sealed of Israel
1 After (with) these things I saw four angels standing upon the four corners (quarters, angles, latin-angulos-corners root is angle) of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow upon the earth, nor upon the sea, nor upon any tree. 2 And I saw another angel, having ascended away from the rising of the sun (the east), having the seal of the living God; and he cried (latin-clamavit-cried possibly like clamored=shout loudly) with a great voice to the four angels to whom had been given them to harm (this word has to do with committing injustice, latin-nocere-hurt) the earth and the sea, 3 Saying, Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we shall have sealed the bond-slaves of our God upon their foreheads (latin-frontibus-foreheads, greek-metopon which is meta-ops, ops is eye and meta is with/after thus with or after the eyes). 4 And I heard the number of the ones having been sealed, a hundred forty four thousand (144, 000), having been sealed from out of every tribe (tribe here is feminine) of the sons of Israel;
5 From out of the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand (12, 000) having been sealed; from out of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand (12, 000); 6 From out of the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand (12, 000); 7 From out of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand (12, 000); 8 From out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand (12, 000); from out of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand (12, 000) having been sealed.
9 After (with) these things I looked, and behold, a great (much, many) multitude, which no one was able to number it; from out of every ethnicity, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues (glosson), standing in the sight of the throne and in the sight of the Lamb, having been clothed with white robes and palm branches (greek-phoinikes, latin-palmae) in their hands; 10 And crying with a great voice, saying, Salvation to our God sitting upon the throne and to the Lamb! 11 And all the angels stood around the throne, and the elders (latin-seniorum) and the four living creatures, and they fell in the sight of the throne upon their faces and worshipped God, 12 Saying, Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and value (honor) and power and strength to our God unto the ages of the ages! Amen.
13 And one from out of the elders answered, saying to me, These having been clothed with the white robes, who are they? And from where have they come? 14 And I said to him, my lord, you know. And he said to me, These are those coming from out of the great tribulation and they washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Because of this, they are in the sight of the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple; and He sitting upon the throne will tabernacle (encamp, dwell as in a tent) upon them. 16 They will not hunger any more, neither will they thirst anymore, nor shall the sun fall upon them, nor any scorching (burning) heat; 17 Because the Lamb who is in the midst (middle) of the throne will shepherd them, and He will guide them upon living fountains of waters, and God will wipe away every tear from out of their eyes. — Revelation 7 | Literal Emphasis Translation (LET) The Literal Emphasis Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 12:23; Exodus 28:21; Leviticus 23:40; Numbers 1:5; Numbers 1:36; Numbers 26:20; Psalm 3:8; Psalm 23:1-2; Psalm 121:5-6; Isaiah 1:18; Isaiah 11:12; Isaiah 25:8; Isaiah 41:2; Isaiah 49:10; Jeremiah 49:36; Ezekiel 9:4; Ezekiel 9:6; Ezekiel 37:27; Daniel 7:16; Daniel 11:35; Zechariah 10:8; John 1:14; Acts 3:12; Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 14:16; Revelation 4:4; Revelation 4:6; Revelation 9:16; Revelation 12:10
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Revelation 7: Meaning of the Multitude
After so many disturbing images from the breaking of the seals, John was now swept up in a rapturous time of praise and thanksgiving, as the mighty multitude, the elders, all the angels, and the four living creatures exalted God, singing. #Revelation7
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thresholdbb · 6 months
In the spirit of First Contact Day (and in the aftermath of boop-stravaganza), please interact with this if you post about Star Trek and/or we should be mutuals. LLAP I love you all
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altschmerzes · 1 year
like representation is a concept that is highly complicated and nuanced and people tend to boil down to an incredibly oversimplified and insufficient distillation of what it actually is - a vast network of intersecting and not really clearly defined aspects of how identity and experience is depicted and discussed in narrative media, and the creators behind that narrative media and what experiences and identities they bring to the table and how that affects what is written about etc - but also at some point in my damn life i would like to hear the word ‘aromantic’ on prime time television.
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specialagentartemis · 7 months
hey Artemis can you say a little more about Best Sci-Fi Book Of 2020 The Vanished Birds because that sure is a compelling pitch 👀
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez is a book about Nia Imani, a spaceship pilot who travels at relativistic speeds through the "pocket" dimension across space; years pass on the outside during month-long travels on her ship. She's running from her past and in the process has left people and places and home behind, as time moves on outside without her as she makes her cargo runs across space.
During one of these, she accidentally discovers a teen boy, who fell from the sky out of nowhere, who doesn't talk and seems nervous about everything. She takes him on to bring him back to the galactic hub station... but is unwilling to leave him behind. She ends up adopting him into her crew-as-family.
It's also about Fumiko Nakajima, the brilliant engineer who designed the space stations for (a select subset of) humanity to leave a dying Earth. It's a thousand years since then, which Fumiko mostly spends in cryo-stasis, but she gets pulled out of it every time people discover something interesting that she wants to see herself. And this boy is interesting.
It's a beautiful, beautiful book, and the prose has such lyricism and character. It's also a tragedy. It is not a happy book. Fumiko is a tragic character, trying to recapture something she left behind on Earth and has regretted ever since; Nia's crew-as-family aren't perpetual, and her crew comes and goes on different runs, and when someone leaves that's pretty much it, they will age and Nia won't the next time they're in the same place, if ever. It's about the people who are important in our lives even if those relationships don't last forever. Sometimes you never see somebody again, and you have to keep living and forming new relationships anyway. It's about knowing that someone is more important to you than you are to them. It's about how time doesn't stand still when you're gone - other people move on without you. It's about everyone having their own life and interiority apart from yours, and it never feels trite about it. It's about trying to find a place in the universe you can belong, even as the universe keeps changing and you don't belong where you used to anymore. It's very much about found family, in the most bittersweet of ways. It's slow and meandering, and you have to be along for the ride.
It's REALLY good and I loved it. It hits for a very specific mood, though.
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what does aziraphale know?
i wanted to have another look through the pre-fall scene because there was something that wasn't feeling Quite Right to me about it, and honestly the below is just a stream of consciousness rather than any coherent theory, analysis or otherwise - so read at your own peril.
so the school of thought for many reasons has been that the Angel Who Crowley Was (AWCW) was a powerful angel, and i don't think that can be argued sufficiently given what we have seen so far from s1 and s2. but after rewatching the pre-fall scene i do wonder if crowley's importance in the Grand Scheme of Things has been overestimated, possibly by noone more than AWCW/crowley himself, and if aziraphale was actually the one with status, however quiet and modest.
when we open with the pre-fall scene, we see crowley alone, and he calls at a passing angel for some help with the map/plan. now this angel seems to rocketing past at the literal speed of light, and i cant help but feel that they were actually intending on going somewhere. and at the below specific angle, that angel looks like they were heading in a downward trajectory.
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given that AWCW points up when referencing "Upstairs", we can infer that whilst heaven may not be bound by concepts like upstairs or downstairs, it does seem to have a concept of a higher placement for a higher being (ie god). this is also going on the assumption that in this scene, AWCW and the angel are even in heaven-space (which arguably, they're not), but regardless the angel seems to be heading down, indicating that they've just come down from the Up.
in any case, when aziraphale arrives, has helped AWCW with the cranking, he then says, "was that it?". and the way he says it, his body language, indicates to me that he is being polite, but in a perfunctory way. to me, it almost feels like he has things he needs to get on with - not in any frustrated or impatient manner, but just simply, 'is there anything else you need from me?', because he has things To Do.
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(gif quality does not display this lmao but it's the impression i got anyway)
but AWCW puts out there that that was just the starting the ignition, and gleefully says that the next bit is where the true magic happens. which, i think is obvious, is where aziraphale actually reacts in any of the same manner - he begins to really smile, and offers up his name, even going so far as to say hi for the first time in the conversation. and i do think this is because he's just gotten a slam dunk of 'oh shit this angel is cute', but that's almost immaterial.
the part of the dialogue that struck me however is that AWCW says, "ive been waiting for this since... well, always!". it's not particularly revelatory, but to me basically says that AWCW has literally been working on this since he was formed from the firmament, having concept and design meetings with god, but this has been his entire "life"'s work, and he has never known anything else. he could just be being hyperbolic and i could be reading into it, but it would make sense for this starmaker to have only ever been a starmaker.
and heaven is certainly portrayed as being the most desolate place ever conceived, whether its in the dreaded High Rise Penthouse office building or in this vast, empty, dark space (presuming of course that the latter is in fact part of heaven, which it may well not be - and instead be in the space between planes before the universe was actually created)
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regardless it gives the distinct impression of being very Lonely. so can we surmise from this that AWCW is not only a starmaker, but The Starmaker? working entirely in a team of one (thinking about the ep6 line of a "team... of the two of us") to create this nebula, possibly even most of the universe? crowley is described as being the only demon with an imagination, and his weapon of choice is literally the same instrument with which he cranked up this nebula... was his imagination in heaven also that revered and that's why he was entrusted with this project? and other similar ones? possibly.
but that spells for loneliness - single genius can be lonely. so it stands to reason that AWCW would be eager to have someone around to get dizzy with him about the wonder that is this new nebula and appreciate him for his creation. but it's not out of it being aziraphale being the one to appreciate it - we can surmise that in the way AWCW brushes him off. is this a case of self-importance? feeling he has status and should be recognised for this achievement? i feel like this is potentially a likely scenario.
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in any case, AWCW seems pretty set on creating not only for himself, which he evidently finds fun and self-rewarding - going so far as to preen at the heartfelt but small praise that aziraphale gives him, but because its part of gods plan, and he's doing it for her.
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he's even given perhaps one of the most famous lines from the bible, "let there be light". do we even trust that in GO it was god that originally said it - was it in fact AWCW? well either way, he completely believes in her vision, as far as he understands her vision to be.
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so imagine how it must have felt then, in this instance, to have this stranger angel tell him that hes fairly certain that god is planning to destroy it in the next few millennia. AWCW, who is entrusted with creating parts if not all of her universe, isn't even clued in on the full facts, but aziraphale seems to be.
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aziraphale is even seemingly part of the team (or is the whole team?) that seems to be entrusted with the plan of god's ultimate creation - earth and people built in her own image... but in kind doesn't seem to quite understand the true purpose of the nebula AWCW has built, at least according to him.
do we take this as an indication that god doesn't readily share her plans between angels, or that the nebula doesn't actually have as much importance as AWCW believed it to have? in any case, aziraphale seems to have been entrusted with god's plan, and AWCW - a creator whose creation the plan directly threatens - isn't.
aziraphale then goes on to describe the people they are currently designing; if we went with the notion (ie not sure how true this is in GO!verse) that humanity is god's ultimate creation, aziraphale has been trusted to help with that. i can't imagine just any angel would be, so there must be something in aziraphale that god sees as being fundamental in helping her with building them. from what we know of aziraphale's characteristics even this early on in his arc, he seems to be a kind and selfless person, and these may be the qualities that in building humanity god considers instrumental.
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when we further consider that aziraphale then ends up being guardian of the eastern gate, and seems to have gone unpunished in giving away his sword (spelling its own implications for humanity as concerns war, cruelty, and death) and lying to her about it, this really does indicate to me that aziraphale is literally one of - if not the - favourite. given his qualities that it seems the other angels seem to lack (yes, even AWCW to a certain extent), it might just be that aziraphale was god's perfect angel. that would make sense.
the other thing that struck me is that aziraphale warns crowley against questioning god. the fall hasn't happened yet, so what gives aziraphale the foreboding sense of doom if crowley were to directly question her and her motives? "if i was the one running it all, id like it if..." strikes me as being the foreshadowing that it's this exact phraseology that AWCW puts before god and spells for disaster; that crowley intimates that if he were in charge, he would do things better. which is eerie when you again take into consideration the bookend that is aziraphale, "if im in charge, i could make a difference".
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i would take the context of this being set pre-fall to indicate that there isn't any concept of actual punishment in heaven just yet (other than what a supervisory angel might order another angel to do, or a general reprimand). so what exactly is aziraphale afraid of? why is he scared for AWCW? doesn't he trust god to be understanding and kind if AWCW were to ask questions? what is it that aziraphale knows that AWCW doesn't?
so this is where i come to wondering if crowley was indeed prince of hell (okay yeah, fuck it, this is now a theory). what if it was actually aziraphale? god's perfect angel, entrusted with creating and guarding her ultimate creation? would it really be implausible that aziraphale went back to god and mused on what AWCW had said to him?
that it would perhaps be beneficial to have further input on how things were being created, especially when all the hard work, the creativity and genius, that was going into making her plans a reality, was just going to be wiped out in a snap? AWCW had 'friends' that fanned the flames of questioning god, doubled down on his resolve, and aziraphale tried to forestall the punishment that would inevitably come for him... but in doing so was punished himself?
but because aziraphale is her Favourite, instead of making him fall, she wiped his memory of it? he evidently remembers crowley as an angel, but beyond that? especially his remark that he's never killed anything (when, even if indirectly, aziraphale actually has? s1 with the french guard and the airfield soldier (perhaps not taking book canon into account here re: soldier) and the demons in s2) - does aziraphale not remember being a soldier? had a hard factory reset and is back to the unblemished, untainted angel he was before?
what if crowley did indeed bargain for aziraphale to be spared? that it was his fault that god was going to make him fall, it was his questions not aziraphale's? i think narratively it could make sense in the way that aziraphale and crowley are put as two halves of the same whole; that crowley did a selfless thing and was damned for it, whereas aziraphale wanted something selfish for crowley but was spared from the consequences. it would also go some way to explaining why crowley always has to protect aziraphale - its literally been his way since the beginning, in recompense for what happened to aziraphale?
i realise that this is completely batshit, but i do like the idea (im a huge fan of a bait and switch), and poetically speaking i think it could work - that instead of crowley being the original fallen angel, it was actually aziraphale? borne out of kindness and fondness for his new friend, the friend that actively seemed to welcome his company and wanted to show him the stars, and wanting to make heaven and the world a better place?✨
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heikeee · 7 months
no but i need to scream into the void or i'll go mad. listen. kikyo wasn't a bitch. i don't think the way she was written did her any justice; it just makes her easy to hate. and don't get me wrong, this isn't about her relationship with inuyasha or kagome at all, i just want to talk about her as a character because she is one of the most complex of them and she needs to be looked at with more empathy.
i've said it before and i'll say it again: her whole thing is that she is tragedy personified. think about it. everything, and i mean every single thing that could have gone wrong in her life, HAS gone wrong. she had a difficult upbringing, having to raise her little sister and having to shoulder the burden of being the sole purifier of the shikon jewel (which constantly put her and her village under threat). she was never dealt an easy hand to begin with. then, she finds solace in love, tries her best to think of a way of unraveling herself from her duties to live a free life, while still caring for others selflessly: she took in onigumo, and he betrayed her. by pretending to be inuyasha, he had her think that her lover had betrayed her as well, and succumbed to wounds inflicted by him (or so she thought), while sealing him to the goshinboku.
the last wish she spoke of was to take the shikon jewel to the beyond with herself. later, kagome finds a way to actually destroy the jewel, which was what kikyo had intended to do but couldn't. in her heart, her last wish was to see inuyasha again. the jewel corrupts this wish and grants it in the most fucked up way possible.
her remains are robbed from her grave and she is brought back to life with NO agency on the matter, by someone who wanted only to exploit her powers. now, untethered from from her past duties, she is finally free to experience emotion. and that includes bad emotions. so anger, resentment, jealousy, contempt, loneliness, selfishness (and that's part of being human). every unfulfilled wish, the unfairness of it all. she spends the rest of the series navigating this undead existence, the duality of not belonging anywhere, constantly torn between doing what is right and what needs to be done to reach her goal, having no choice but to consume souls of recently departed girls to have the energy to fight her only fight (destroying naraku), all the while helping villagers and kids, and even the inugang, despite not wanting to align with their agenda at first. she contemplates sacrificing kohaku, yes, but ultimately her redemption is that she chose to save him instead of purifying the jewel in the end. she showed that she trusted the inugang to finish what she couldn't, and chose to spare another life, if possible (she says so herself in ch441)
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it is very difficult to relate to someone that doesn't give access to her vulnerable side very often. her and sango are the two characters who had it the hardest and were forced to make the most difficult decisions out of everyone. but we love sango, even when she chose to sacrifice rin, even when she contemplated killing kohaku then herself, because we know where sango's heart lies and how torn she is about all of it. kikyo, on the other hand, is stoic and hardened by her life (and also post-life), but ultimately her biggest trait was kindness. we don't get to see her cry and be like woe is me about it, something that could've made us more empathetic towards her like we are with sango.
my point is kikyo deserves to be looked at through kinder eyes. she is a complex character, and she requires a bit more analysis and compassion to actually see who she really is. my tragic girl
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missholloween · 4 months
Until the Langs give me more information, I will be thinking of Wilbur Cross in a tma avatar logic.
He wasn't driven mad in the Black and White, he was charmed (and frigthened) by the Lords in Black and decided to work for them. There must have been a choice there, some sort of deal that he wilingly took. He believes in what he's doing, and probably was compelled way before he crossed the portal. He's not completely human yet, but what does human mean for him anymore? If he's not human, nor is Holloway. Few people would judge them as the same, and he does not care. There's a bigger picture for him. Maybe one day others will see it too.
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liyazaki · 1 year
I’m an established professional, I’ve written for industry publications & I bought 84 tiny resin ducks to randomly leave for my employees & coworkers to find because- I mean, look at them.
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edit: to the person who tagged this “random quackts of kindness”- we don’t know each other, but I ducking love you.
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Where Shall We Buy Bread?
Therefore Jesus, lifting up His eyes and seeing that a large crowd was coming to Him, said to Philip, “Where should we buy bread, so that these people may eat?” — John 6:5 | Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) Legacy Standard Bible Copyright ©2021 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. Cross References: Numbers 11:13; mark 6:32; Luke 9:10; John 1:43,44,45 and 46
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synelven · 1 year
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introspectivememories · 5 months
walki with me... tommy kinard calling buck "baby"..... tommy kinard kissing buck..... tommy kinard gently holding buck's waist.... tommy kinard making buck laugh.... tommy kinard listening to buck ramble with stars in his eyes.... tommy kinard peppering kisses all over buck's face as buck blushes..... tommy kinard letting buck set the pace for their relationship..... tommy kinard calling buck "evan".... buck learning to love his own name because how can he not when tommy says it so gently..... buck sitting in tommy kinard's lap..... buck getting hurt on a call and tommy is there right away taking care of him.... buck waking up in the morning with his head pillowed on tommy kinard's chest as the sunlight streams in through the window and casts tommy in a sort of halo and his breath catches and buck is so happy he made it through his twenties and the tsunami and truck falling on him and the embolism and the lightning strike and any of other myriad of ways the universe has had it out for him because he gets to wake up to tommy motherfucking kinard in his bed as the sunlight gently cradles them in her embrace
("baby," tommy says, eyes still closed, less than two seconds later, hand brushing along buck's spine to card his fingers through buck's hair, "you're thinking too loud. go back to sleep."
buck honest to god flushes at the endearment. because that's what he is, tommy's baby. he's tommy's baby. jesus fucking christ, he feels like combusting. burying his head in his boyfriend's (boyfriend!!!) chest, buck tries not to whine.
"don't wanna," he whispers, peeking up at tommy, "wanna look at you."
tommy's other arm comes up to settle along his waist and buck wants to, fuckin', purr or whatever with how right it feels. tommy cracks open his eyelids to peer down at him.
"evan," his boyfriend (boyfriend!!!) says fondly.
and that's another thing he never knew about himself until he started dating tommy. he loves his name. not his nickname or his last name or buckaroo or any variant of that but his first name. he fuckin' loves the name "evan" or maybe he just likes the way tommy says it. and tommy has so many ways he says buck's name.
there's a soft, whispered "evan" in the mornings, and fond "evan" in the afternoons. there's an "evan" that tommy says like he's holding 3 tons of solid gold in his hands. there's an "evan" that he can barely get out through his laughs when buck bursts out with a fun fact at a wrong time. there's a choked-off, bitten, "ev-" when they're in bed at night and tommy can't believe buck is under him, gorgeous and panting. and there's the panicked "EVAN!" on a call gone wrong and there's an angry "evan" when buck doesn't take care of himself and there's a worried, two-syllable "ev-an" when he comes home with more bruises than he left with and there's-,
well the point is that there's a lot of different "evan"s that tommy says these day. he's going to catalogue them all one day. like his very own personal auditory archive. something to pull out on his off days.
"evan," tommy says fondly, "i'm not goin' anywhere sweetheart. i'll be here when you wake up. so go back to sleep, i'll be right where you left me."
and well-, buck forgets sometimes that this is a two-way street. that he may be tommy's baby but tommy's his boyfriend too. that tommy's practically required by law to be here when he wakes up. (oh by law?, he can almost hear his boyfriend snark. buck's bites the inside if his cheek to stop himself from giggling.) and more than some vague, ephemeral, Boyfriend Laws™️, tommy wants to be here when he wakes up. this is something tommy is actively choosing to do.
so when tommy says, "go back to sleep sweetheart" and "i'm not going anywhere, evan", well, who is buck to question that? he burrows deeper into the warm cocoon tommy has made, and let's his boyfriend's heartbeat lull him back to sleep.)
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justlarkin · 7 months
GOOD BOY!! Gurangatch gives them a iridescent pearl he found on the ocean floor and had turned into an accessory because the way it looked like a rainbow reminded him of their eyes. He also noted how brightly it shined like the sun that rises again day after day. Which I find interesting since the Rainbow Serpent is aquatic in nature, so it's not that they've never sank. It's just that, while everything else sinks forever, they'll rise again and again like the sun.
Both interestingly and frustratingly, Gurangatch does know of the exile and chooses not to directly name them. Only referencing them as a hero of legend, similar to a pearl. Also slipping in that though civilizations may sink into the abyss forever, one day the land will rise from the depths of the sea again.
The Rainbow Serpent terraformed the earth and created humanity, so it might've been able to drag the continents (and whoever/whatever else sank) back up and begin the era of a new civilization- Getting them promptly exiled.
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To clarify, all the pearl imagery is due to the fact that the Rainbow Serpent is likened to and associated with pearls and pearl shells due to their rainbow appearance.
I wonder if they're just going to go with Julunggul since she's a pretty popular version of the Rainbow Serpent.
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trickster-kat · 4 months
Does anyone else imagine themselves/OCs and their F/O in different fandoms? I like to think about what it would be like if Dabi and I were together someplace else, like dealing with zombies and keeping our abilities to ourselves, until the ultimate badass moment, in The Walking Dead or causing havoc for the Republic in Star Wars or becoming street racers in the fast and the furious franchise, etc...
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lavender-gayz · 1 month
I know Dulcie’s having a terrible time throughout, but episode 6 of Deadloch might be my favourite
“Well, I would say to them, Jeremy, that the killer is only targeting cis-het white men, and our market research shows that that's a far cry from our Feastival patron demographic. In fact, given that the victim demographic is usually responsible for the perpetration of violence, Deadloch may well be the safest place to be right now for many members of our Feastival community.”
“Imagine if you'd arrested Skye! I'd have divorced you on the spot.” (Promise?)
“And I know this because my wife told me because I am blended into this situation like an onion in a soup.”
“Who is taking notes? This is just numbers!”
“Ma'ams, sorry I'm late. I got poisoned.”
“It [the voice-to-text software] doesn't understand our accents.”
“Killer dyke! Not you; your mum!”
“Why does Margaret Carruthers get to decide who deserves what?” :(
“Ever since Trent got murdered, you and your mum have been creeping around like you're the fucking Hamburglar twins.”
“I’m pregnant and I can't be committed to this relationship if you're a serial killer.”
That shot of Margaret Carruthers in front of the antlers doubling as devil horns. That's the stuff, baby!!!
Cath blithely missing that Dulcie had been miserable for five years :(
“Maybe you'd have remembered the date better, Dulcie, if you were at home babysitting Tom with me that weekend instead of FUCKING SOME OTHER WOMAN IN A WORK SHOWER.”
“Right now, my job's more important than us, Cath. It's more important than you.” OOH.
Bobbing bodies at the Cinema Aquatica, or Floating Flicks. They’re both good names!
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ladybeug · 1 year
MAN THE MUSICAL NUMBERS CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD I HAD TO PAUSE AND STARE FROWNING okok!!! so the thing was that one time agessss ago you said liking ml fanfics is just wanting to read the same story over and over again and after that textbook 2016 post reveal final kiss that sentence just flashed in my mind and everything that happened in the movie (the ladynoir patrol fighting in the rooftops, the adrien snapping at his dad, gabriel being actually decent) just shifted in context for me and the realization of how fanfic coded the movie is and how that directly related to my enjoyment was so clear i couldnt stop laughing hdhshsjs
i remember saying that and its STILL TRUE!! And honestly you're putting it in perspective for me, thats why i liked the things i liked about the movie. like the ladynoir patrol fighting on the roofs also did lowkey make my dreams come true they could have done whatever they wanted in the rest of the movie, that scene is what i live for.
And that last scene really did feel like it was out of a fanfic, A 2016 FANFIC, its OLD FANDOM VIBES. back when we were still chewing up the concept of a reveal and not picking apart the bones of adrien's identity like mad scientists.
I remember thinking im sure ive read this scene somewhere. idk where but i have. all of it in different pieces a million times.
Anyways thank you for sharing this i love it?? good take
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