#yes i know her hands should be coated in blood but that doesnt look as cool
synelven · 1 year
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lazarusrisingx · 24 days
Alright so this’ll be my first official one shot for this account yippee!! Im starting off with something fluffy cause ya boi hasn’t written fan fics in quite a while (yes i was a fan fic writer before but i wanted to start over cause i abandoned that account tee hee)
summary: A fluffy one shot where sylus teaches you to ride his motorcycle and you..kinda fail at it
also for one shots i think im gonna use MC instead of Y/n as the name? if yall want me to change it for the next one just lmk.
this story also diverges from the actual lore of LADS, its mentioned theyve already had some past ‘romantic’ moments tee hee.
triggers: mentions of scrapes and blood, no serious injuries, motorcycle incident without helmet, uhhhh there isnt really anything triggering so yeah! just pure fluff and scared sylus
might be a bit ooc sylus but im tryna stay true him, also excuse my bad spelling im gonna autocorrect everything but im writing on my phone so don’t judge.
okay lets get it peoples!!
It was a relatively nice day in the N109 zone. Crime seemed to hold itself for the crisp cool weather that decided to roll in over night. The sky was less murky grey than usual and a few patches of blue peeked through fluffy white clouds. The sun was near setting as MC and a certain silver haired man sat in his office.
“..you want to what?” Sylus asked, not looking away from a manila folder in his hands.
“I want you to show me to ride your motorcycle.” MC repeated.
The tick of the grandfather clock was the only sound that could be heard for a few moments. MC felt for a moment she might want to take back her recquest, but Sylus silently set down the folder he held and leaned back in his chair with a sigh.
He rubbed his eyes, and folded his arms, studying the girl without expression.
“If you do-“
“Your telling me the great wanderer huntress doesnt know how to ride a simple motorcycle?” Sylus interrupted. the edge of his lip quirked up in a slight smirk.
MC narrowed her eyes at him.
“Its not in the training for us to be taught to ride or drive.”
Sylus tilted his head, before speaking again.
“You mean you dont even know how to drive?” It sounded as if he was holding back a laugh.
“Will you teach me to ride or not! I can hire an instructor if you wont.” MC said, purposefully dodging the question of her driving skills.
She had thought about asking Sylus before, but lately the two of them hadnt had a single afternoon to do anything besides… questionably legal missions. It was so nice out that she thought itd be a shame to spend it in this dark and dreary office.
Sylus stood up without a word, dragging his coat off his chair and picking up the manila folder. He punched a code into one of his many safes and placed it inside for safe keeping, and went for the door.
“Are you coming? Or should i roll out a red carpet for you sweetie?”
MC stood up quickly, a smile sliding across her face as she followed him out of the room.
The two walked down the hall of his house quietly. She felt excited, and slightly nervous. Sylus didnt seem like the most compassionate teacher she couldve found. however spending money on an instructor was something she never intended to do in the first place.
Sylus glanced down at her as the two stopped by his room.
“you cant wear shorts, and I cant wear dress pants nor this shirt. Go get changed.” Sylus said as he opened the door.
MC gave him a questioning look as he opened the door for her, leaning against the wall waiting for her to enter.
“I dont have clothes here.” MC stated.
Sylus shook his head, his hand twitched and an invisible force pushed MC forward.
“I had the twins pick something up for you in case you needed to stay here for a while, itll be the third drawer from the bottom sweetie.”
the surprise on MC’s face mustve been obvious, because a quiet chuckle left Sylus.
“Dont look so surprised kitten, we work together enough that if you end up injured under my watch I’m not going to send you home to recover alone.”
“How do you even know my size in pants?” MC asked as she lifted out a pair of jeans. surprisingly they looked as if they would fit quite nicely.
Sylus leaned over her, his chest brushing over MC’s back. He was much warmer than she thought he might be, and the contact sent a slight spark of electric through her. He opened the top drawer of the dresser and produced a pair of black pants and a nice fitted black shirt for himself. MC glanced up to find Sylus peering down at her with a curious expression. Was that a smile she saw? If only for a split second. Sylus lingered against her for a few moments, pretending to look for soemthing else before taking a step back.
“I told them to look in the kids section.” He said.
MC turned to scold him, and found him unbuttoning his dress shirt, his silver hair dangled in front of his eyes as he looked down, the shirt parting just enough to expose a strong muscular chest, before MC promptly turned around her face turning bright red.
“Ill find a bathroom.” She said quietly.
“Straight ahead sweetie.”
She made a bee-line towards it, not looking back to see how Sylus’s eyes followed her, or the smirk on his face as he pulled his shirt off.
MC shut the door behind her, heart pounding in her ears. It was an odd reaction since she had seen him shirtless before. although it was different because this was unexpected.
She wiped the image from her mind and quickly got changed. Sadly, the pants fit her perfectly. MC was truly curious as to how Sylus or the twins figured out her size but it wasnt something she was ready to look into.
MC walked out from the bathroom, Sylus was dressed in all black his shirt was tight enough to show the outline of his abs, and make his arms look incredibly huge.
Sylus was finishing a message to someone on his phone. He glanced up at MC once before he finished the message.
“letting the twins know we will be out for a bit. I expect youd like to go to dinner after we are finished?” Sylus asked.
“mmm sure, I saw a hot po-“
“im picking where we eat. I dont feel like going to linkon tonight.” Sylus interrupted
He stood up and opened the door for the two, motioning for MC to walk out before him. She obliged, and the two walked in silence to his garage. Sitting in a parking spot was his usual black and red bike. The paint shiny from being newly washed, not a speck of rust nor dust decorated the expensive equipment.
“do you atleast know the basics of controls?” Sylus asked.
“theres the clutch, throttle and break. i know that much.” MC responded.
Sylus nodded, he pulled the kickstand up on the bike and began to slowly walk it towards the exit.
“Mine has some.. enhancements, so youll have to go easy on the gas. turning is fairly self explanatory. but as i said before take it very gentle. I dont want a scratch on this bike.”
MC nodded and followed behind him. She was getting nervous now, but she knew Sylus had a decent driveway that she would be able to drive around, that way she could avoid any extra cars or pedestrians. the few times she had driven a car, she had done fairly well, although went a little slower than the speed limit… by ten miles.
If anything, her only worry was annoying sylus with how careful she was!
The two walked out of the small garage and into the cool outside. wind rustled the small trees and birds chirped quietly around them.
“Get on here.”
Sylus held out his hand as he kept the bike steady. MC carefully got into the drivers seat and set her feet on the rests.
“put a foot on the ground so the bike can tilt when i let go.” Sylus said
“like this?”
MC put one foot on the ground, and Sylus let its weight rest on her. It was heavier than expected but nothing she couldnt handle. He took a step back and folded his arms.
“Turn the keys in the ignition, let it roll forward a bit so you know how itll feel.”
MC fumbled with the key for a moment and the engine roared to life. She smiled proudly, and looked to Sylus who was to focused on watching her slowly roll forward.
“Turn the gas a bit, and ride to the edge there, you dont need-“
MC thought she had pressed the gas lightly. she really did. Instead, the bike shot forward across the driveway, pointed not towards the grass, but the exit to the driveway. A scream escaped her as she pulled her foot onto the rests.
The wind ripples through her hair as she sped towards the entrance to the street, the handles wobbled in her hands, and within a second she was flung from the bike.
Metal screeched awfully on concrete as the bike was sent skidding towards her. Her body tumbled over the driveway, the rip of jeans and the feel of gravel driving into her arms didnt feel like much as she watched the bikes path heading straight for her.
MC threw up her hands, curling up expecting to be hit by the skidding motorcycle, but the impact never came.
The sound of heavy footsteps and muffled yelling made her open her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and her ears rang slightly. In front of her was a barrier of black and red smoke, instead of hitting her, the bike had been stopped not a second to soon.
“MC! For fucks sake!” Sylus yelled.
MC began to shake a bit, not from the pain in her arms and legs, nor the throbbing headache from hitting her head. She scrambled to her hands and knees. Sylus was running towards her, an unfamiliar expression on his face. His crimson eyes glowed brightly from using his evol.
“Sylus i-i didnt think itd be so sensitive!”
the barrier dissipated and MCs heart lept into her throat. the bikes previously shiny paint was nearly fully scraped clean, the seat had a few tears in it, the handles previously rubber grip was now worn down to the metal on one side. there was a bend in the rim of one of the wheels.
Tears filled MCs eyes as a mix of anxiety and fear pierced her heart. His bike was ruined! the one thing he had told her not to do was crash this, and less than a minute on it she had!
MC’s hands brushed over the ruined paint job, she barely noticed the blood dripping from her arm or down her hands, nor the pain of dirt being gritted into her badly scraped knees.
“What are you doing, what are you doing?” Sylus asked.
he had dropped to his knees beside her, grabbing a firm hold of both arms, that same unrecognizable expression written all over his face. his grip was firm, but MC didnt look away from the bike.
“Your bike! Sylus is swear i didnt mean to do that! I was gentle l-like you said I didnt think-“
“the bike? the fuck are you on about sweetie look at you!”
His voice was harsh and demanding. his eyes were still glowing crimson as MC finally looked at him. She was trembling badly. finally she noticed the blood now coating his hand and her arm. her lip was also split down the middle, and a cut on her cheek.
“I-ill pay for the bike Sy-“
“the bike? you think i give a fuck about the bike i have ten more just like it.”
He dragged the two of them to their feet.
“but you said-“
“your hurt.” Sylus said plainly.
His eyes scanned her wounds as if he was looking for something.
“Its nothing-“
“we are going back in.” Sylus stated.
in one swift motion he lifted MC off her feet, carrying her like a princess. MC was speechless as he stepped over the bike, walking quickly to get the two of them back into the house.
“You dont care about the bike?” MC asked.
Sylus glanced down at her.
“Why the fuck would i care about a damn object right now.”
MC paused for a moment, she stared up at his face, now noticing a thin layer of sweat over his forehead, his eyes darting back and forth and he looked… pale. was he scared? panicked?
the last thing MC expected from him was concern over a few scrapes and bruises. Well, maybe they werent scrapes. with each step her adrenaline wore off, and throbbing pain came over her entire body.
Sylus brought the two of them to his room, slamming the door open. The twins stood there together, talking back and forth.
“Boss- wait is she-“
“get out.” Sylus said gruffly.
“Boss are you alright? you look-“
“I told you both to get!” Sylus yelled.
The twins looked at the both of them for a moment, before scurrying out of the room.
“They could patch me up sylus you dont have to do this.” MC said quietly. he ignored her as he gingerly set her on the plush comforter.
“sylus the blood, i cant ruin more of your things.”
“why do you think i care about ‘things’ MC. sit down and wait for me. if you can get into your shorts put those on or im taking your jeans off myself.” Sylus said.
MC watched him enter the bathroom and rummage around. She didnt know what to think. of course her first thought was that he would be more concerned for his bike, he had seen her get hurt by wanderers before and hadnt seemed so… upset by it.
She found her shorts on the floor and slowly peeled the ripped jeans off herself and tugged on her shorts. her leg was definatley sore and bruises already began to blossom over her thigh. the concrete had rubbed away quite a bit of skin, blood dripped down her leg and onto the floor now.
without a word sylus came back in, his eyes had finally stopped glowing, and in his arms he held rolls of bandages antiseptics, tape, and cobain.
“i can do this myself Sylus.” MC said
“no.” Was all Sylus had to offer.
a wave of black and red smoke pushed MC back onto his bed. it wasnt as rough as usual, almost like a cushion pressing her into place.
Sylus knelt down in front of her. eyes narrowing as they scanned over her leg.
“shouldve been more careful.” Sylus mumbled.
“i know im sorry.” MC replied
“no, not you. I shouldve been more careful. that bike has enhancements on it, its to much for a beginner i didnt think about it.” He said.
MC grew quiet for a moment.
“well i wont die.” MC said, trying to lighten the mood.
Sylus didnt seem impressed. he hesitated his hands hovering over her leg before he grabbed a damp cloth and began wiping blood from her leg. His hands were calloused from boxing and fighting, but he was much gentler than MC expected.
“you wont die, but you still got hurt.” Sylus said after a moment.
he folded the cloth over itself and cleaned the edges of her wound. He gently brushed one of her scrapes, causing MC to grimace.
“sorry.” he mumbled quietly.
his free hand left the bed where it was planted, and gingerly took hold of hers.
“squeeze when it hurts, you wont harm me sweetie.” He said. His crimson eyes flicked to hers making a bolt of electric shoot through MC’s heart. she hesitated, before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
sylus’ shoulders relaxed a bit after this. he picked up a new cloth, and doused it in antiseptic.
“it has lidocaine in it, but it might sting a bit.” Sylus said
Thankfully, he didnt try to clean the wound in sections. he paused for a moment and pressed the cloth firmly to her scrapes. MC grunted and squeezed his hand. When she looked back at him he was gently rubbing his thumb against the uninjured portion of her leg, looking at her with that oddly concerned expression.
“better?” he asked.
MC nodded her head letting out a breath. He lifted the cloth, now that the area was numb he was able to thoroughly clean the bits of dirt out. the process was repeated over the second patch of scrapes on her calf. Sylus slowly wrapped her leg in cobain and gauze, before sitting on the bed beside MC.
“are you alright sylus?” MC asked.
He had kept his usual snarky comments to himself the past few minutes and it was slightly worrying. Sylus turned his head to her and looked her up and down.
“you shouldve worn a helmet.” He said quietly
“well i wasnt intending to drive more than five feet.” MC replied.
a small smirk came across Sylus’ face.
“five feet? I thought youd have more confidence in yourself sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC laughed quietly and shook her head.
“my teacher didnt seem to have much confidence ‘ride to the grass’ i beileive you said.” MC replied.
Sylus quirked up an eyebrow.
“it seems i was right doesnt it?”
He gestured to her still injured arm, and held up a clean cloth.
“still got another spot to take care of sweetie.” He said.
MC groaned quietly, but turned so he would have a better angle for it. She looked away and waited for him to begin cleaning the wound. instead he leaned towards her, his hand slipping around to the back of her head and pulling her forward. MC nearly protested, but Sylus placed his hand on her back after resting her head to his chest.
She could hear his heart, beating extremely fast for someone so fit.
“just… a moment.” Sylus said quietly.
MC practically held her breath for a moment, before taking in air. his cologne smelled nice, a mix of fresh spices and expensive cigars. the muscles under her head her soft but firm. his arm resting around her body in a hug. Sylus was hugging her.
tentatively, MC put her good arm around him. it felt right, her anxiety and worry began to slowly melt away the longer they stayed like this. her eyes grew heavy, and she began to relax more and more against him. he was so solid, his chest rose and fell under her, slowing down after a moment or so.
“dont worry about the bike sweetie. really. im more concerned about the fact you were… injured.”
MC smiled slightly.
“The great leader of onychinus is concerned for me?” MC asked
a chuckle vibrated through Sylus’ chest. he almost sounded releived.
“more than youd know MC.” Sylus said quietly.
MC’s heart fluttered slightly. she closed her eyes as Sylus began to move again, his free hand found the back of her head, beginning to rub her hair gently as he pressed the cloth to the side of her arm. It wasnt long before the two had to seperate to allow sylus to wrap her arm.
“Why dont we order food tonight. I dont really feel like going out again.” MC said.
Sylus cleaned up the bloody cloths and nodded his head. he began to make his way towards the bedroom door.
“you pick the spot, ill pay.” Sylus said.
“absolutely not, i just trashed your bike-“
Sylus stood up and in a few strides crossed the room to stand in front of her, he leaned down and tilted her chin up to make MC look at him.
“how many times do i have to say that i dont care about the bike, just that you dont have a damn head injury?” He asked.
MC stared up at him for a moment, Sylus brought her face a little closer, speaking quietly now.
“I got you hurt today MC. The least i can do is pay for a damn meal.” He said.
MC couldnt help but look between his eyes and lips. was she insane to think about kissing him now? they were so close, and it wouldn’t be the first time one of them had made an attempt like that. Sylus scanned her face. did he just lean in more?
There was a knock at the door.
“Boss? we were just wondering if you needed us to get the bike out of the driveway.” One of the twins said.
Sylus looked dissapointed, and slightly annoyed. he released MC and turned away from her, going to the door and opening it.
“Ill come out and help you, one if you dispose of these. MC, you might want to change your shirt. Ill be in the living room when your done, sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC was left alone in his room. bright red blush creeped over her face as she slumped back on his bed. She was cursing herself slightly. Part of her was angry she even thought of kissing him, the other half was angry she didnt.
She flopped over onto her stomach groaning loudly before she sat up again.
Another uneventful night of eating in.
maybe ill make a smutty part 2 to this one? maybe not straight smut but some good steamy kisses and things like that idk.
uhhhhh yeah! i havent written in a little while so i dont know how good this is or isnt!
if yall have any ideas for other oneshots then just lmk. im currently working on the storyline for a yandere!sylus x reader fic so i might drop some teasers for that when i can.
in the meantime ill alternate between fluff and smut, i can do some sad stories to but they gotta have good endings cause i cant stand my mans to be sad like that.
also gonna work on some zayne material because i love my mans zayne just as much as sylus if not a bit more. i feel like he doesnt get enough love fr.
okay byyyyyee hopefully this was good.
please credit me if you share this story
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Episode 8 thoughts
Omg I’m almost done
Honestly loving all these intros, although my favourites still the crow one
Ohhh wait no nikolais gonna get attacked in the chapel isn’t he
my man! I mean we haven’t actually put a label on that have we? GOD I LOVE THEM JESPERS SUCH A DISASTER BI I CANT
Ding dong mals dead
Darkling shut up. No one cares and I mean that literally
Lol look at him talking about how he’s gonna live while he’s dying
Slay Alina you will in fact save yourself
Inej save her life rn
Are they seriously tryna push the darklina agenda rn?
Why’s his blood black?
Kick him zoya he deserves it
Also there’s still 49 minutes left I’m not entirely sure I want to watch them
Who’s body?
God Nikolais best mates dead and he’s so heartbroken
Kaz go to Inej challenge
Does Alina not lose her powers?
Not Kaz watching Inej
Nikolai and zoya in the same sentence….that it. Is that all we’re getting?!
Tamar and Nadia holding hands!
Nina and Kaz being besties
Nina talking about clawing her way to a happily ever after and KAZ LOOKING AT INEJ
Zoya and Nikolai finally in the same place and they’re not even gonna flirt
Ngl them having this conversation over the darkling burning corpse is a power play
Yeah but if your paths are that you both decide not to see each other again that’s not really proving anything is it?
Bestie Alina don’t cry he’s really not worth it
Is that Kaz brekker? Yes it is!
Off topic but Inej looks so gorgeous
It’s giving pirates of the Caribbean theme song
Oh shit Nina the letter!!
Aaaaaa slay Nikolai
Nooooo Nikolai
Zoya and genya are also looking gorgeous
Omg so is the triumvirate gonna be zoya genya and Alina rather than David?!
But I look amazing in blue YES YOU DO
OMG ZOYA CALLED THEM A TRIUMVIRATE (which is also not how I thought it was pronounced like at all)
Ayyyy nikolais officially king
Are divorces a thing? If Nikolai and Alina get married then they just get divorced and Nikolai can end up with zoya right??
Oh god turn nikolais coronation into a bloodbath why don’t you
Slay Alina
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Robbed (Request)
Jake Gyllenhaal x gn!teen!co-star!reader, Tom Holland x gn!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: hi! I'm absolutely IN LOVE with your work and was wondering if you could write a Tom Holland x teen!costar!reader and Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!costar!reader. Whilst hanging out together, the reader chooses to go out alone at night to buy food and ends up getting mugged. She doesn't come back for a while, so Tom and Jake leave the hotel to find her crying on the side walk. They take care of her and are super protective and there's just a lot of fluff. Tysm!
Warnings: robbing, violence, threatening, language
(A/N): hey so reader doesnt buy food but rather pads for their friend :) 
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“Come on, Harley! Whaddya doing?” 
Yes, not even two minutes into the mobster movie you were watching, had Jake decided to put on his Italian accent and yell hopelessly at the character. Thirty minutes later and he was, unsurprisingly, still doing it. You and Tom exchanged glances and laughed at him, because although it was mildly annoying, it was also viciously funny. 
“Wait, no! They can’t kill Harley?” Tom complained, looking up from his phone to realise Harley was, in fact, dying. 
“I know. I’m so bummed out,” You sighed and stuck your hand in your bag of sour gummies. 
You, Jake and Tom, being the leads for a new movie, had been working together for several months. Over the course of filming, you’d gotten into the habit of hanging out every Friday (which was originally a way to stop you from going out and being irresponsible).
It was one of those hangouts you now found yourself in. Just relaxing after a hard day of work with your pals. 
“Man, this movie sucks, dude,” Jake said, this time uncloaking his voice of the Italian mobster accent. You and Tom both nodded. You were about to suggest playing some board games, when your alarm, that traumatising and reality crushing tune that woke you up every morning, blared throughout the room. 
Your brows furrowed and you picked it up. The message that was displayed on the screen, was put so eloquently: ‘you need to go buy pads for lily. im like 100% sure you fucking forgot, you idiot’
“Nya, shit,” you mumbled and quickly turned off the alarm. 
“What’s up?” Jake asked, shuffling in his chair. You sighed and started gathering your things and your jacket. 
“I’ve gotta go buy stuff for my friend,” you said vaguely. You never thought of periods as embarrassing, but you knew Lily, your best friend, was a very private person, and she probably wouldn’t appreciate you telling two of the biggest Hollywood stars on the planet, that she was at home bleeding to her death. 
“Buy stuff?” 
You rolled your eyes, “It’s female-friend stuff. It’ll take me, like, 20 minutes to buy it and bring it to her. Don’t worry about it.” 
Jake and Tom exchanged glances, chewing on the idea. “Alright, but be back quick, because I think we should play Monopoly instead of watching the only good character in this movie die.”
“Done deal!” you said and with that you were out the door. 
At first, everything went just as you expected it to. You went to the store that was 5 minutes away and bought some pads (and some chocolate because you’re a nice person) for Lily. You exited the store, and decided to walk behind the store to get Lily’s house faster. 
“Don’t fucking move, dipshit.” 
Admittedly, a pathetic opening line of a robbery. That didn’t make the knife you felt being pressed into your side any less scary. Looking to your right, a man, your attacker, was standing. 
He was pale and skinny and had a long beard. His eyes were crazy, wide open and twitching. He was smiling, too. He pressed the knife a little harder, causing a whimper to escape your lips. 
“I just want your money. That’s all I want,” he was trying very hard to look into your eyes, but you couldn’t stand his. You chewed your lip, wondering what to say. 
“I- I don’t have any-”
Given the situation you found yourself in, maybe you shouldn’t have been so shocked at this, but the slap and the sound and the rippling pain that all came at once, sent a gasp and tears spilling over your eyes. 
“Wrong, bitch! Give me your fucking money!” he pressed the knife harder, you swore it was drawing blood. You tried shying away from it, but he had a firm grip on your shoulder. 
“Okay,” you whispered, shaking hands reaching into your pockets to pull out your wallet. “Okay, okay, here.. Here..”
You pulled out any and all cash you had, probably all summing up to be about 35 dollars. 
“Good, kid,” he patted your head like he was your uncle, like you were old friends, and then removed the knife from your side. You heard him running away, but you couldn’t be bothered to look where. Your legs wobbled and you collapsed right there on the side walk, doubling over and starting to cry.
Meanwhile in the Gyllenhaal household, Jake and Tom were growing pretty impatient. 20 minutes had passed. They’d set up the Monopoly game and even picked the characters. Now, they just sat and waited.
21, 22, 23, 24, 25 minutes passed, and they just waited. 
“This isn’t like them,” Tom finally spoke up. He’d been resting his head on the wooden table and blowing air on his shoe-character, trying to make it fall over. 
“I know! I’m trying to text them, but they’re not answering. Should I call?” 
They looked at each other. Then the time. 30 minutes had passed. “Yeah, call them.”
Unsurprisingly, you didn’t answer (seeing as you were crying on the sidewalk with a small cut in your side and a slapped face). 
“Something’s wrong,” Jake decided. Tom nodded too. 
That was how they decided to go out and look for you, going to the nearest grocery store in their coats and sunglasses and scarves. You were nowhere to be seen inside the store (although, Tom did confuse you for an old lady for a moment). They went outside. 
An unnerved feeling churned in their stomachs. Tom led them to the path near the road, but the crunch of their steps on the asphalt was halted. Jake heard a sniffle. It was so faint, he wasn’t sure he was right, so he grabbed Tom’s shoulder harshly and halted him. 
Sure enough. Sniffles and sobs. And so the boys jogged behind the building, and heart beating nervously, they saw you there on the side walk, crying and shaking alone. 
You snapped your head up. Your face was puffy and eyes shiny. You wiped them furiously, but only making yourself cry even more.
“What happened, holy shit, are you okay?” 
And you fell into Tom’s arms, whilst Jake rubbed your back comfortingly. You retold the shaky story of how this man had mugged you, and how he’d had the knife in your side, and hit you. And how scared you were.
When you first said you’d been mugged, Tom’s eyes widened in shock. He leaned back to look at you. His arms tightened and his jaw clenched. You felt Jake stop rubbing your back for a moment. You turned your head and saw him pulling out his phone. 
“It’s okay now, N/n. It’s okay. You’re safe now, we got you. He can’t hurt you, alright?” Tom whispered lovingly. Jake had left your side to call the police. You had calmed down then, terror still roaming you skull hauntingly, but you were no longer crying, and your heartbeat was steadying. 
“I was just so scared. He could’ve done anything..” You whispered and shook your head. Trying to shake the feeling. 
“I know, I know. It’s okay to feel scared. But I’ll protect you now, Jake too. He won’t hurt you. He can’t.”
You nodded. 
The police arrived shortly after and you told them exactly what had happened. Jake, being the oldest and most responsible of the two, helped you with each question and each part of the process. 
Turns out, the police knew the guy. It wasn’t the first time he’d done something like that to teenagers. He was caught pretty quickly. 
Still, even though the fucker was in jail, you couldn’t help but feel scared. Tom and Jake never let you go to the store alone anymore. Not even in the daytime. But you liked that. You were pretty sure if they weren’t constantly going with you, you wouldn’t have gone at all. 
You had nightmares every once in a while. But Jake always came to your hotel room to comfort you. And when you felt like you were being overdramatic, he’d always convince you, you weren’t. 
You got over it (mostly) eventually, but you knew you wouldn’t have been able to without Tom and Jake. It felt good to know that they were willing to do so much for you without getting nothing in return. It felt good to have friends. And you’d return the favour any day for them. 
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun @deephideoutmilkshake @rae-is-typing @sophs-library @herecomesthewriterwitch @alicedanganh @eviemarvel @idk123906​ @xiumin-girl99​ @frostedgiant
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iaminlovewithtrr · 4 years
Christmas with a stranger
This is my submission for 'gift of cheer' by @cordonianroyalty and @texaskitten30. This is the fluff one shot requested by @anjanettaexcordonia.
Characters belong to pixelberry
A/N: this is the first fic I have ever written, so i apologize for any mistakes. Criticism is openly accepted, negative or otherwise. Feel free to say anything!
Tags: @texaskitten30 @cordonianroyalty
@kat-tia801 @eadanga @xxrainbow-princessxx @knightthunderis @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @stuti-singh @queenrileyrose @bbrandy2002 @twinkleallnight @bebepac @ladyrileyrussel @hopelessromanticsposts @dcbbw
Summary: Two strangers spend Christmas day with which each other, which changes the rest of their lives.....
Song inspiration: All I want for Christmas is you
Word count:2683
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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
Don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day
I just want you for my own
It was the morning of Christmas, and Riley was overly excited. She always waited for this time of the year, especially Christmas. Nothing is more enjoyable than sipping cider in the presence of her beloved and enjoying the Christmas meal, she always thoughts. Orphaned at 4 ,she didn't had a blood family to celebrate with , but was blessed with a great deal of foster family and friends. Every year, during Christmas, as a sort of tribute, she spends the entire day celebrating with the children of her previous foster care. Watching those kids playing merrily reminded her of her own good days in the past.
She quickly ate her breakfast and made her way out of her NY apartment, whistling and softly humming to the tune of All I want for Christmas is you, her favorite song.
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
She was so engrossed in her little singing gig that she barely registered the stranger coming towards her, and crashed right into his broad chest, spilling her reticule's content on the sidewalk.
"Oof"she yelped, rubbing her forhead.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me help with those! " the stranger apologized.
Riley and the stranger kneeled down at the same moment to collect her scattered belonging, and for the first time the two glanced into each others eyes. Ocean blue eyes locking onto dark ones. Damn... Those eyes.. Riley swallowed.
"Ahem" she softy cleared her thought, quickly collected her belongings, and stood up.
"Sorry for that. Should've watched my steps. " then she quickly disappeared into the crowd, not noticing the stranger eyes on her from behind.
Riley finally arrived at the foster care. Loving hearts. A bit strange name, but filling her chest with warmth nonetheless. She rummaged through her reticule for her Digital key card, but it was not there.
"Uh...?"she muttered. "Where the hell is my keycard? "
After a few moment of searching she gave up. "Im not going to get in there without my key card...."
"Excuse me Miss.... But I belive this is yours. " a voice behind her startled her.
Riley turned around and found herself staring at the pair of those same dark eyes she encountered earlier. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere, even though I had stared at his eyes for less than 5 seconds. The (cute) guy i bumped with!
"Ahem" the stranger let out a exaggerated cough and riley realised that she has been staring at his face for a solid 10 seconds.
"Right.. Ahem... Sorry... I mean... Thank you for returning this. You totally saved my ass--, i mean my...my...job". Way to make a fool of yourself Riley.
The stranger laughed quitly. "Well then I am glad I could save your job. But I should get going."
Just as he turned, a little voice in the back of her head called out to her, and instinctively she reached out and grabbed his sleeve.
"Er... Sir... I know this is extremly forward of me... But if you would be kind enough to spend the day with volunteering at the orphanage I work at? We are kinda short-staffed tonight, and there aren't much volunteers. Those children at the orphanage will be quite happy to see a new face. You could spend the with them. And me. If you are free, that is?
Crap. Crap. Crap. This i really asked a random hot stranger to volunteer?! Snap the hell out of it Riley!
Plz say yes. Plz say yes. The little voice inside her screamed.
To her surprise, he gave her a smile. "Id be happy to. I don't have any special plans for today. Btw. "
He smiled, and stuck out her hand to shake hers.
"Liam Rys"
"Riley Brooks". She said she she shook his hand. A familiar electric tinge sparked through her veins as she held his hand. His hand impossibly smooth underneath her. Woah! Are guys even supposed to have this soft hands? I wonder what kind of moisturiser he uses....
"Miss Brooks --"
"Call me Riley. "
"Well ahem, Riley.. it is rather cold outside. What say we make it inside? "
"Oh right."
She quickly swiped her keycard and stepped inside, sighing contentedly as the warm air from the heaters enveloped her. She melted a little inside as she felt Liam's warm body alongside her. Brushing this aside, she focused her attention on the scenario in front of her. Numerous gift boxes piled beneath the Christmas tree... Children merrily running and there... Volunteers mingling with each other and the children... The aroma of the food... And the Christmas songs softly playing in the background. A wide smile played on her lips.
While Riley was busy observing the surroundings, Liam found his sight stuck on the beautiful women he had known for not more than 15 minutes. She was beautiful, in a way that the noble ladies back at home in Cordonia arn't. And seeing her here in here element, smiling widely without giving a damn about public decorum or whatsoever, he found himself attracted to her. And without a second thought, he agreed to volunteer. We'll see how the day goes...
Liam cleared his throat, claiming her attention. "So what needs to be done? "
"As you can see this is a orphanage, so the children here dont have any families to celebrate the holidays with. So each year, myself and many other gather here to celebrate the celebrate with them. Thats what we have to do. Mingle with the children, play with them... And make them feel loved. "
"Sure. I can definately do that. I actually volunteered too at orphanages back home."
"If I may ask, Where are you from?
Liam immediately stiffened at the question. When he asked his father for a quiet getaway before the beginning of the social season, meeting Riley was not on the itinerary. And the fact that he was leaving Tommorow didnt helped either. The last thing he wanted to do was to lie with her, but he wasn't going to destroy these good moments he had with her by revealing that he was the crown prince of cordonia.
"I'm actually from one of the small islands surrounding Greece. "
Before she could open her mouth to ask more, Liam immediately turned away to play with one of the children.
The day went on quite peacefully and quite enjoyable for Liam. Holidays back home were anything besides spending with families. It was all about press conferences and photo ops and disguised motives hidden away in gifts. But here I was a lot more different, the sight of children playfully jostling each other without giving a damn made him smile, as that was the part of childhood he missed.
He suddenly felt a small hand on his shoulder and his pulse quickened at the feel of skin over his clothes. Behind her was Riley, holding a eggnog mug in her hands.
"Not to ruin your volunteering gig, but I got you something. "She said as she handed him the mug. Their fingers brushed, and lingered for just a moment longer.
"Ahem. Thank you. " Liam blushed, his ears turning pink.
Riley chucked softly at his antics. He is already so cute, and looks extra cute while he blushes.
Night came quickly. After winding up all the activities for the day including the gift exchanging and christmas dinner, all the children were put to bed and the volunteers were bidding their goodbyes. Only the foster care staff plus liam was left behind.
Riley glanced around. All the staff were mingling on the rooftop, with only her and Liam left in the main hall.
"Hey.... " she softly asked Liam, who was lounging in a chair beside her.
"Yeah? "
"Will you accompany me for a little walk around the times square? I just wanna clear my head a bit. " And hopefully spend some time with you...
He smiled. "Sure! Just let me get my coats. "
The pair walker out of the building and into the cold, brisk night. Celebrations were in full swing outside. Its called the city who never sleeps for Nothing.
Outside was really cold, and with the softly falling snow Riley barely suppressed the shiver that ran up het spine. Suddenly she felt strong arms around her shoulders and a moment later a coat was wrapped around them.
"I would be a terrible gentleman if a let a beautiful lady like you freeze to death. "
"Beautiful, huh? " she teased.
He blushed. That blush.
They both arrived at the square, staring at the enormous Christmas tree situated in the very middle. The glow of the lights and mini bulbs bathing them both in a gentle bluish light.
"Its really beautiful, isnt it? Riley asked. Just as she turned her head towards him liam's eyes quickly found their ways towards the decoration. Was he really admiring me than the beautiful decoration in front of him? Was it possible that he was feeling the same fluttering in his heart that she felt whenever they interacted? No, it can't be. I am reading onto this too much. We are strangers. Strangers.
"Indeed it is. " Liam quitly whispered, hiding the blush in his cheeks. Crap, she caught him staring at her. I hope she doesnt think i am creep or something. To Liam even the most beautiful decorations paled in front of her, she was more beautiful than any sights he had laid his eyes on. Don't get too attached, Liam. Its temporary. You are going to leave tomorrow. There can nothing be between you and her. You have a duty back home. This is just a little escape from reality. They are strangers. Strangers.
Just then the local band striked up a a waltz. All around them peoples paired up, with Riley watching the couples with a hopeful gleam in her eyes... which didnt went unnoticed by Liam. And in that moment, he knew what he had to do.
Liam bowed a little in front of her, and held out his hand, his other arm draped around his back. "May I have this dance? "
She smiled as she put her hand into his, her pulse quickning, "It would be my pleasure. "
She awkwardly bowed, earning a chuckle from Liam as he sweeped her in his arms, her one hand on his shoulder, his on her waist, their free hand twined together. They elegantly twirled together on the makeswift dance floor, stepping in time to each rhythm. As they glided together, liam couldnt help but gaze down at her angelic face, illuminated by the surroundings. His gaze strayed to her lips just as Riley glanced at him, they met each other halfway as their lips come together in a magnetic kiss. Time seemed to stopped when his lips met hers, and the flutter in their chest intensified. Riley's finger gently curled in his coat as liam tangled his hands in her soft brown curls. She smelled like jasmine, a scent that liam is all too familiar with. Their hands tighten around each other, almost desperately, refusing to let go, their lips moving against each other in perfect harmony. Liam tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest, and Riley softly sighed as she breathed in the scent of him.
For that moment it was only the two of them in the entire world, all the surroundings fading into nothing. Their little bubble of heaven was broken as the pair heard the the sound of clapping and soft cheering. Flustered, Liam grasped her hand and led both of them out of the dance floor and into the streets, grinning all the way.
The two of them found themselves at the threshold of a quint restaurant, and they both collapsed onto the stairs, still holding each other while wearing goofy smiles.
"So... That was.... Something else.. " Riley chuckled.
"Indeed it was. " Liam snickered.
As he glanced down at the lady in his arms, Liam felt a sudden tinge of guilt in his chest. I still haven't told her who I am. I have to tell her.
After her laughter had subsided, Liam gently took her shoulders in his hands and looked square in her eyes. "Riley, can I have a word with you? "
"Yeah... What happened? "
"I haven't told you where I am from, or what I am doing alone in a unknown city without my family. The truth is I am the Crown Prince of a small country called Cordonia. "
Riley stared at him, then burst into laughter. "Haha, Liam, nice joke. If you are a crown prince then i'm Kate Middleton." She stopped laughing when she saw the look on his face. "Oh, you are serious?"
Liam nodded. "Of course. I have no reason to lie to you. I just wanted to let you know that....that...." He struggled to move forward. "That i'll be leaving for Cordonia Tommorow morning. My social season will commence once I get back. I have to choose a bride from all the noble ladies presented to me as suitors. "
Her face fell. "You... You are really going back... I just thought we.... " She trailed off.
"I knew Riley, and I am sorry that I didn't told you sooner. I understand if you are mad--"
"Of course im not mad Liam. You did what you thought was the best. You just wanted a nice time without wandering about your duties."
"I... I wished we had more time together Riley." He whispered.
"Then lets make the most of it. We just have this night tonight, Liam. And I want to make it count. For just this one night let's just be Riley and Liam, two peoples without any obligations.
Riley pointed to the mistletoe over their head, then leaned forward to capture his lips in a heated kiss. He immediately responded, his hand cupping the side of her neck tenderly as she ran her hair through his dark hair. They pulled apart, staring into each others eyes, then their lips came together again, more passionately this time.
"Merry Christmas, Riley."
"Merry Christmas, Liam."
The night was spend together in Liam's suite, tangled in the sheets and in each other's arms.
The next morning
Liam woke up in his room.... Alone. He glanced around, none of Riley's belongings were in sight. A single note was on the coffee table beside the bed.
I want you to know that the short time I have spend with you more to me than I could describe. You gave me the one thing I wanted most for Christmas...Family. I'm grateful for that. I'm sorry that I had to convey this to you by a letter, but i thought it would be better for both of us. Perhaps we will meet again.
Liam reached and wiped the lone tear that has escaped on his cheek. "I'm grateful for our time together too, Riley.
It was the evening of the masquerade ball in the palace. Liam was dressed in his usual black regalia with a matching ornate mask. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts managed to make their way back to Riley. Be a good prince, Liam. She's gone.
Liam stood in the huge elegant ballroom, a queue of noble ladies in front of him. Each lady he encountered, whether it was the poodle loving lady Penelope, the diplomat's daughter Kiara, or his best friend Olivia, made him realize that none of them were her.
The next lady approached, who was adorned in a white angel costume, with a literal halo above her head, her blue eyes peeking out of the glittering mask. Why are those eyes familiar...
"Hello..." Liam greeted her politely. "I don't believe we have met... Have we?"
The women smiled, then reached behind the back of her head to loosen the mask strings, Liam caught a glimpse of a familiar face as she removed her mask.
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
Circles; Harry Styles
a/n: welcome to a new mini-series! Probably wont be more than 3 parts, but we’ll see! I watched This is Us and got major inspiration. Enjoy!
description: in which your visit the bakery you frequented as a child and run into an old face to stir up forgotten flirtations.
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It was a bitterly cold day in Holmes Chapel, the wind whipping wildly across the fields and through the small town streets. You were dressed for the weather, peacoat collar flicked upwards to protect your neck from the chill. Sure, you probably looked like a psychopath with your eyes and part of your forehead the only bits of skin visible to any passerby. But, you didn’t care.
You were used to the cold weather, having just flown home from London, where it was already pouring buckets of freezing rain. At least here the air was dry. However normalized cold weather was, however, your body was obviously still affected thanks to being a warm-blooded mammal with thin layers of skin, easily frost bitten and frozen.
You licked your lips, having gone chapped from the chill, as you turned a street corner. Up ahead was your favorite bakery, one you frequented a lot before you moved to London for university. It had been two years since youd been home, having left as soon as you graduated secondary school. Of course, a certain someone had worked there whenever it began to be your favorite place, but after he left, it was simply because of the sweet elderly women and the delicious treats.
Now, you were back in town for two weeks, on winter break, before heading over to New York to visit a friend from university. You had been aching for a chocolate chip muffin from your favorite bakers for nearly two years now. When you walked in, the smell of the baked goods made your knees weak. A grin indented your face as you began to take off your scarf, earmuffs, hat, and mittens.
Sharon, the loveliest of them all, spotted you from her spot behind the counter, where she was counting cash. “Oh, my Lord! [Y/N]?!”
You stuffed your things into either pocket of your coat, feeling the warmth of the store when the door shut softly. “Hiya!” You waved as you stepped towards the glass displays.
“Laurie! Sue! [Y/N]’s here!” She rounded the counter, arms open for you. She was much shorter than you, so you bent at the waist slightly to hug her shoulders. It was the same routine with Laurie and Sue. They gushed over you, your hair, you smile, your height!
“You look so grown! So old! My heart!” Sue twirled a lock of your hair around her fingers, eyeing the color. “Did you dye it?”
“No, Sue, dont worry,” you sat at your table, in the back by the window. “It’s just damp because I got a shower this morning.”
“Oh,” Sue nodded firmly.
They took seats around you, ready to question you all about your life for the past two years. Laurie began with, “How’s uni?”
You smiled, reminiscing the good times youd made in London, “So wonderful. I absolutely love the city. Its busy and it rains a lot, but I love it.”
“Have you made any friends?” Sharon held lightly to your hand, her wrinkled skin soft and warm against your frozen fingers. “I know you expressed your concern with that whenever you left us.”
“Yeah, actually,” you squeezed, “I’m here for two weeks then heading over to New York to visit her. She was my roommate my first year, and now were renting an apartment together.”
“Oh, lovely,” Sue commented.
This continued for a few minutes, the questions and answers rolling back and forth between the four of you like waves. That was until a loud beep and holler came from the kitchen area. Sue stood quickly, muttering someone’s name and shuffling back to the kitchen.
“You hire somebody else?” It was your turn to ask, giggling lightly at her silly run.
Laurie shook her head, “No, love, it’s Harry.”
You blushed deeply, the name like a trigger to set off leftover butterflies from pubsecent you. “What?”
Sharon flinched, throwing her hands up, “Oh! Of course! We forgot to tell you!”
Laurie sighed, “Oh, yes! Harry’s here, love! He has a break from tour and he decided to visit us! Imagine, us being prioritized by a superstar!”
Sharon set a hand over her heart, smiling so sweetly, you wondered if the baked goods were seasoned with sugar or her love. “Whatta sweetheart.”
Your hands became clammy, and you removed them from the table to run them down your jeans. Laurie stood, noticing you running your hands through your hair and over your face. “Pretty,” she winked before moving to the counter, “How’s a vanilla hot cocoa and muffin sound, love?”
“G-good,” you choked, eyes flickering between her, Sharon, and the door that led to the kitchen.
Sue’s voice came into the room, louder as she came into view. “I’m sure you two would like to get acquainted again. Consider it a ten minute break like how you used to! When you’d insist I let you go when she came in. Aw!”
She grinned over at you, your eyes moving from hers to- Harry. Taller, handsome, older, curlier hair that was more controlled than it used to be. His face noticeably flushed, pupils dilated from the light- you- and his lips quirked open. You grinned, facial features experiencing the same flirts.
You stood from your chair, feeling the girl’s eyes on you although they tried to make themselves look busy. He took a few steps towards you, fingers raking through his dark brown curls.
“Wow,” he breathed, eyes widening once he realized he voiced his thoughts. “I mean, uh, hi?”
“Hey,” you chomped onto your bottom lip, withholding giggles at his maneurisms. Your hands stretched out in front of you, unsure of whether you should hug him or shake hands. You waved, “How are you?”
“I’m...okay,” he hesitated, and as your eyes let themselves flicker over his face, you noticed the bags under his eyes. “You?”
“Yeah, okay, um,” you stepped to the side and gestured to your table, “wanna sit? Catch up?”
“Sure, yeah, apparently I have a break, so,” Harry tugged his apron over his neck and balled it up. He sat down across from you as Laurie placed your muffin and drink down in front of you.
You shakily grabbed the fork, nervous under his watch, “So, how’s the superstar life?”
He chuckled, “Oh! Can’t I just be Harry for a day.”
You knew his joke held underlying meaning, so you shrugged and chided, “I never said I was a fan. Just curious as to how it’s going.”
“So, you’re not a fan?” Harry propped an elbow on the table and cradled his chin in it.
You swallowed bits of the muffin, “I dont listen often. I know your singles, of course, and that one- uh, what’s it called, ‘Same Mistakes.” Gotta admit I cried over a boy to that song once.”
“Ah, so there’s boys in your life?” Harry quirked a brow.
You blushed lightly, taking a chance as you held eye contact, “Not presently, no. But, over the past few years, yes, Ive seen a few lads.”
“Are London boys better than what we’ve got to offer?” He continued.
“Nah, I prefer homegrown boys,” you giggled before asking, “Are there any girls chasing after your heart?”
“Oh, millions,” he urged a laugh from you. “But, like you said, I’m single as of right now.”
You sipped some of your cocoa, face scrunching when your tongue faced the immense heat, “Ah. Uh, sorry-“
Harry giggled at the expression on your face, causing you to grin in return. He bit his lip and leaned back in his chair, “How long are you in town for?”
“Two weeks, you?”
“The same.”
“Nice,” you nodded. “So, since we both have a lot of time on our hands, do you maybe wanna-?”
“Lunch tomorrow? We always such a blossoming friendship within these walls, but never really saw each other outside of ‘em. I never liked it,” Harry admitted.
You pursed your lips, thinking back to your high school years, “Well, you were pretty popular, Harry. The cute, curly-headed boy who could sing, had nice teeth, and baked? Gosh, you were like the boy who killed girls.”
He chortled at the reference, “Cute, huh? You were pretty popular. Straight-A’s, sickly sweet, a gorgeous smile even with your braces and awfully done eyeliner.”
“Harry Styles, are you backhandedly flirting with me?” You pressed a hand to your chest in mock shock, “Just because youre famous doesnt mean your suddenly able to walk all over me!”
“I’m just glad youre finally able to call out my flirting.” He glanced at the watch on his wrist and noticed his ten-minutes were up. Of course, he could have stayed, but where’s the drama in that? “Ill swing by at noon to get you. See ya.”
Your mouth fell open in genuine shock as he turned into the kitchen. “Finally able...? What?”
“Shut your mouth, you’ll catch flies,” Sharon slid into the seat across from you.
Laurie stood behind her, “Two years, sweetie, two years of relentless flirting and neither of you ever made a move.”
“If something doesnt happen within the next two weeks, I might just drop dead from exhaustion, love,” Sue admitted, swinging a dish towel over her shoulder.
“Well, I guess I better get home and find an outfit.”
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Tony the Teddy
Ship: None. Platonic (parental/paternal) relationship between Peter Parker and Tony Stark
Summary: Peter loses his teddy bear, and gains something more.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 10, Teddy Bears, Peter Has a Teddy Bear, His name is Tony, But Tony and Tony Stark are not the same thing/person, Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Aunt May is a good aunt whos just trying her best, Mentions of uncle ben - Freeform, Light Angst, Peter is a sad boy for a bit in this, But Tony Stark makes it better, Fluff, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Gets a Hug, Tony Stark is a Good Dad, Tony Stark Has A Heart
Day ten of Febufluff: "Teddy Bear"! (From the platonic list)
There was one constant in Peter's life growing up. When everything around him was swirled into chaos at the age of 7, when his parents got onto a plane and never came home, his uncle ben knelt down in front of him, told him the heartbreaking news, and gave him something.
A stuffie. A plush teddy bear with soft fabric in the shape of Iron Man's armour, apparently a gift his mother had planned to give him for his birthday but never got the chance to. Ben had given it to him, and had reassured him that he was so strong, as strong as a real life superhero, as strong as Iron Man, and that they'd get through this, the pain, the grief, the loss, together.
And Peter had held onto it tight, tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks, and had promised to his parents, to his uncle Ben and his Aunt May, and to himself that he would never let it go, no matter what. Later that month, Peter would be sat in front of the tv, eyes glued to the screen and holding the teddy close as Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man. From that point on, the bear was named Tony.
Tony stayed by his side throughout his roller coaster of a life. Dragged behind him during the few childhood years he had left, as a shoulder to cry on whenever the bullies got too much and a buddy to talk to while he had no friends. Then, when he found Ned and grew out of the age where bringing around a Teddy bear was acceptable, Tony stayed home, but he was always on Peter's bed, always there, a constant presence and reminder of warmth, comfort and love, of security and safety, and home.
Then Ben died, right in front of his eyes, in his arms, and Peter's life was flipped upside down again, but still, Tony was there. He remembers coming home from the hospital, still coated in dried up blood, his uncles blood, blood that was split because of him, it was all because of him, all his fault-, and grabbing the bear as soon as he hits his bed, burying his face into it and sobbing loudly, his river of tears soaking into the matted fur. But he had remembered his uncle's words, "With great power comes great responsibility", had remembered that he was strong, that he had to be strong for his aunt and had pulled himself together, and had pushed forward, even as he longed to give up.
Everything after that was a blur, becoming Spider-Man on a whim, meeting the real Tony Stark, fighting in Germany, the 'internship', the vulture, homecoming, the real internship. It all happened so fast, and yet, there Tony was, still sat on his bed like all those years ago, looking worn and torn from good use, but still there, still kicking, still around.
But now, Peter couldnt find him. He couldnt find him, and he was freaking out.
Peter was searching his room, practically tearing it apart trying to find the precious stuffie. Where could he be? He was on the bed this morning, Peter knows, he remembers him being in his normal spot before he left for school, but now hes not there, hes not anywhere, and he knows Happy is going to be there soon, and he cant find Tony-
"Peter? Are you ready?" His aunt calls out from the living room, and Peter shakes his head violently, anxiously, still checking under his bed and around his drawers for any sign of the Iron Man plushie.
"I can't find Tony." He calls back, his actions getting more frantic as he searches places hes already checked again and again, his chest tighten and stomach dropping more and more as time goes on. He needs to find him, he has to-
"Tony?" Aunt May sounds amused but her show show her concern as he rounds the corner to his room, not even flinching at the scattered mess of it. "Isn't he who you're going to see?"
Peter groans, stopping momentarily to run his hands through his hair. "No! I mean, yes, but not the same one!" At his aunt's puzzled look, Peter expands on his explanation. "You know, the teddy bear? Iron man costume, kinda- kinda frizzy looking?"
His aunt's eyes brighten with recognition, but also with confusion, and a hint of guilt. "Ohhh, that guy? I thought you weren't into stuffies anymore, so I gave him away."
Peter chokes on his spit, his heart breaking, eyes widening. "You- you did?! May! Uncle Ben gave him to me, and he was from my parents!" His voice is high pitched, shaky and loud as tears burning his eyes, feeling ripples of loss rushing through his body. It feels like losing his parents, losing Ben all over again.
Aunt May makes a noise of sympathy and her face scrunches up with guilt, a downward tilt to her lips. She reaches forward and places a hand onto his cheek, rubbing her thumb back and forth soothingly. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry, I thought it would be fine, I didn't think it would hurt you-"
"It-its okay." He sniffles, blinking back his tears and forcing a smile on to his face as he stands, swallowing back the lump in his through. "You're right, I should be over it by now."
His aunt's face scrunches even more, her face turning even more gut wrenchingly guilty. "No, baby, that's not-"
Peter feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, and, knowing it was from Happy, takes his escape as soon as physically possible. "I think Happy's here, I gotta go." He hears Aunt May call after him as he pushes past her and out the door, getting into the awaiting convertible quickly.
He isn't mad at his aunt, or blame her for getting rid of the teddy, she didnt know any better. She didnt know how important he was to Peter, but it still hurts, even though Peter knows it shouldn't. Its just a teddy bear, but he still finds himself wiping away stubborn tears the entire drive to the compound, feeling one small inconvenience away from sobbing his heart out.
He says a small thank you to Happy once they finally arrive, not noticing the man's worries stare as he takes a deep breath and makes his way to his mentor's lab, the doors opening immediately for him.
As soon as he walks into the room, Mr. Stark is already on his case, looking up from his project with a concerned frown, eyebrows furrowed. "Hey kid, everything alright? Happy said you were quiet on the way over."
Peter shakes his head and reinforces the fake smile on his face, hating the way his cheeks twitch with the effort. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." His voice is quiet, subdued even to his own ears as he walks to his station, picking up a pair of tweezers even if he has no plan to use them.
Mr. Stark snorts at him, giving him a look. "Yeeeeah, you see, Happy also told me that you were crying the entire way up here too, and that little act you're trying to pull isn't sitting so well with me right now, bud." Peter just stares down at his table and shrugs, watching as the tools get blurrier and blurrier as wetness fills his eyes again. Mr. Starks tone softens significantly as he places a hand on to Peter's shoulder. "Come on, Pete, what's going on in the head of yours, hm?"
Peter sniffs and wipes his eyes with his sleeve, mumbling. "It's stupid."
Mr. Stark rubs a thumb against his shoulder reassuringly. "If its upsetting you, it isn't stupid, kid."
"It is. It's just a teddy bear." Even as hard as he tries to keep his composure, his voice cracks at the end of his sentence, his eyes fill up again and he breaks as soon as the words are out of his mouth, placing a hand up to his lips as the first loud sobs echoes in the room.
Mr. Stark makes a small noise, before pulling him into his chest, holding him tightly as Peter sobs, soaking his old, ratty tshirt with his tears, hand curled into the fabric as he spills everything, how his uncle gave him the bear when it was little, how it came from his parents, all they've been through together, and mostly how much it meant to him. It takes a few minutes for Peter to calm back down again, and as much as he hates to admit it, he feels quite a bit better now that the tightness in his chest has ceased, the grip on his lungs loosening slightly as he got everything off his chest.
"See?" Peter chuckles wetly, sniffling. "Stupid."
"Look at me, bud." Mr. Stark pulls away, and thumbs away the wetness still littering his cheeks, tilting his head up to make sure he's looking him in the eye. "Just because it's a stuffed teddy bear doesnt mean it didnt mean a lot to you," Peter goes to rebuttal, but Mr. Stark blows over him. "And just because you know your aunt didn't mean to, its allowed to hurt. You're allowed to feel this way, Pete, it shows that you care." He smiles gently at the boy, who smiles back shakily.
"Yeah, I-I guess so."
"I know so." Mr. Stark states like it's a fact, patting Peter's cheeks and causing him to giggle, the sound making Mr. Starks entire face soften. "Feel better now?"
Peter nods firmly, smiling easily now. "Yeah, think so... thank you, Tony."
"Of course." The older man gives his shoulders one last squeeze before letting go completely and stepping back, walking back towards his project, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Now that we're done with all that emotional shit, wanna help me on this?"
Peter just grins back at him. "Hell yeah."
A few days later, when Peter comes back for his internship again, a stuffed Iron Man teddy bear is sat at his station. Theres no note or anything attached to it, and Mr. Stark never brings it up, but Peter knows it's from him. And, as he watches the man working in the corner of his eye, he smiles softly down at the teddy bear, his heart warm. He may have lost Tony the teddy, and one of his last connections to his parents and his uncle, but maybe, just maybe, he can make some new memories with this little guy by his side. New memories with his friends, with his new father figure, and his new family as a whole.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
STOMPIN ON A DREAM *erotic Arthur Fleck short story *
Arthur Fleck and Reader
Involves: mental hospital, mental illness, sex
It was a quiet night in Arkham state hospital.
The only noise that was quietly floathing through the air was someone humming a song. Not loud, but still noticeable from the other side of the door. Doctor Finn didnt payed much attention to it. The patient with the case number 064823 did it since he came here 7 months ago. He always seemed to live in his own world. Most days it doesnt even seem to bother him that he is locked up in here. Thats how it seemed. But you knever know how it looks like on the inside of the patients heads. Especially when it came to Arthur Fleck.
He was very nice most of the time, not paying much attention to the other patients. Unless he wants to tell some jokes he just wrote down in his messy looking journal he carried with him everywhere he goes. Even to the bathroom. The doctors checked the diary daily, to make sure its fine for him to have it with him.  All in all he was one of the most quiet patients, which doesnt mean that the doctors felt comfortable around him. He was still an unsolved mysterie to them. Even to himself. Always in his own world but still observing. Always daydreaming, talking to himself but still having the presence  of someone who can change not only his but your own reality within a second. Some new doctor even left weeks ago because she was so drawn in by his presence, she was afraid to fall in love with him. Even though he never even talked to her or even noticed her. The intense look in his green eyes, the smirk on his face and the scar on his upper lip which made him look unpredictable and vulnerable at the same time was too much for her to handle. He was in his mid 30ies, his face slightly weathered but insanly attractive. You could hear him dancing through the hallways some nights, always playing a song in his head. His slim body moving graceful, light as a feather. Always an undefinable  expression on his face. A very beautiful but somehow broken man with a traumatic childhood. And alone. Always alone.
Arthur was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling in his white room. White exept for the red , big, messy written letters at which he was staring at.
"I thought of quitting baby, but my heart just ain`t gonna buy it"
He was closing his eyes. The red letters were still there. Now with a black background.
"Quitting" stood out now. The letters started to vibrate in his head. He got nerveaus, so he tried to calm himself down by humming the words. "I thought of quitting baby..." his voice as soft as his hands. His lips shaking a bit while trying to concentrate "...but my heart just aint gonna buy it...." his hands checking his chest, if he still had a heartbeat "...and if I´d think it was worth one single try..." he felt his heart beating, so he must have been still alive. "I`d ride on a big bird and then i´d fly". He opened his eyes. The letters were still there on the ceiling. Bt they stopped moving. He wasnt sure if it was a good thing that his heart was still beating. So many times he wished for it to stop. Just to  get rid of all the darkness around him. Of all the blood. Like the blood onthe ceiling which stared down at him. Judging him.
He tried to remember why he even came here. Why he spent the last months in this room. But nothing came to mind.  He looked at his wrists and noticed some cigarette burns. Maybe he tried to hurt himself. Maybe thats why he got locked up. He checked his wrists for more. No scars. "Who knows" he whispered to himself as the door suddenly opened and Dr Finn came in.
"Good morning Mr. Fleck. Could you please starting to get ready? Today is your day, remember? You can go home."
Arthur kept staring at the ceiling "Maám?"
"Yes Mr. Fleck?"
"Why havent you cleaned the ceiling? The bloody letters made me nerveaus all night"
The young doctor with her long, black hair smiled "Thats no blood, Mr. Fleck. You took a lipstick and wrote it two days ago. We cleaned it so many times but you still keep writing it again"
"I see. Its...its my fave song, you know?"
"Mr. Fleck did you hear what I told you? You can now pack your stuff and go home. But no hurry, just take your time, okay?"
The door closed as Arthurs mind wandered again.
He closed his eyes.
"Hey Arthur, how is it going? Did you missed me?"
He saw you standing there on other side of the room.
"I think I did (YN) ... oh yes.. I did !"
"Good to hear, Arthur. I missed you, too. Its been so long."
He kept staring at the corner of the room. You were beautiful, smiling at him.
"I cant wait to touch you again, Artie. To kiss you"
Arthurs hand was still  lying on his chest, now making its way down. He felt his ribs popping out. His skinny body looking starved. He wasnt eating like he should. All the meds stopped his appetite. His hands sliding over his hollow belly, further down and stopped between his legs.
He could hear your voice from across the room.
"Touch yourself for me, Arthur. I am watching you"
He nodded and grinned at you. Then focused on his own body again.
He was in his underwear only and stuck his left hand in it.
The letters on the wall now a lighter red. Lipstick. Obviously.
"You know this is my lipstick right there" he could hear you say.
"The same lipstick I kissed you with, remember?"
He softly started to play with his dick.
"I`m ...not sure (YN) "
He closed his eyes again. He thought it was the lipstick he owned by himself back from the days when he used to put clown make up on. He was a great party clown. With a huge painted on smile. But maybe that was just a story someone told him.
"Oh sure it is mine, Arthur. And I will kiss you again  with it. Till you`re out of breath. I will smear the red all over your face"
"Yeah?" a smirk on the left side of his lips which lifted up his scar. Made him look even more attractive. His almost shoulder long, brown hair  messy pressed against the pillow.
"Sure. And I wouldnt kiss you on your lips only."
Your voice echoed through his head.
"Where else?"
"Keep on touching youself, Arthur. Its my hand doing it."
"Its your hand (YN). Yeah I....I can feel it"
He softly squeezed and caressed the part between his slender legs, biting his lips.
He imagined you, lying on top of him, petting his sweaty curls. Calling him beautiful. It was your hand between his thighs as he felt waves of lust beginning to floath allthrough his body.
He now got rid of his underwear, his gentle hands around his dick which is getting harder as he imagines you rubbing yourself against his shaking body.
"Arthur, I can feel you all the way inside of me. Pull me closer. Please Arthur! Its could be never close enough!"
His hands up and down faster now.A silent moan coming from his thin lips.
He wanted to come closer. Entering your body, wearing you like a coat that keeps him warm in this cold, dark world.
He wanted to get closer to you, so he pushed himself into you. So gently but with an  almost unbearable intensivity. Just like when he was dancing. His face expression somewhere between pain and bliss.
"Arthur. You`re everywhere"
So were you. Your voice was everywhere. It wasnt only whispering in his ear. It filled the room, echoed from the walls. Your voice was a vibration between his legs, telling him to love you till you can`t breathe anymore.
"Do you love me (YN) he whispered.
All he wanted was to be loved. To be touched. he was graving it all through his life.
All this lonelyness was laying heavy on him, like a straight jacket. Holding him back from dancing with the ones he loved.
"I love you more than anything." your voice came from the letters on the ceiling.
"You have so many different sides. And I love every single one of them"
He masturbated harder now, humming.
"I`ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate a poet"
Your moans echoing through his head.
"...a poet, a pawn and a king"
"No matter how many ups and downs you may have, Arthur. I will never leave your side. We are one! Can`t you feel it? We are one body, one mind"
""I`ve been up and down and over and out..."
His eyes twitching from excitement. He is breathing heavier now, his long, dark eyelashes fluttering like butterflies.
He can almost taste your tongue in his mouth. Feel your hands touching the sweaty curls in his neck.
His voice still  whispering "I have waited so long for this".
He could feel the blood pulsing in his sensitive parts.
You were the girl of his dreams.
The one he thought about in his darkest hours.
All of his sexual fantasies he wrote in his journal were written about you.
His only light in a world of white walls and darkness.
He felt  the weight of your body on his fragile pelvis.
Arthur pressed his head into the white pillows as he was about to cum.
He couldnt take it anymore.
"(YN) *moaning* Oh my god, this is just....fuck me. Please (YN). Love me!"
Red lettering  blurring his vision.
He couldnt read what it says cuz the feeling of being able to cum this hard overwhelms him.
Black out.
So many melodies which don`t fit to each other.
So many colors blurring his mind.
Arthur presses his hands against his ears.
The sound won`t go away.
"(YN) ? "
No answer.
His hands are touching the sheets, so he could check if he was still lying in bed.
He was. Wet sheets.
His eyes wandered across the room.
He was alone.
Arthur touched his forehead to check if he had a fever dream.
He was unsure.
His greasy curls hanging in his tired eyes.
He felt a bit ashamed while he was putting his white underwear back on.
He crawled back under the sheets which he wished smelled like him but they didnt.
Another stare to the ceiling.
Red letters.
Lipstick. Blood maybe.
Someone was knocking at the door.
"Knock knock" he said as the door opened.
"Mr. Fleck, time to wake up. Maybe you will try to eat a bit more today?! You lost some weight again"
Arthur closed his eyes.
"You came earlier and  told me I can go home now"
Dr. Finn picked up the diary from the floor.
Taking a close look through the new written pages.
"More song lyrics, huh Mr. Fleck? I am afraid you can`t go home. Its the first time I visited you today. Have you took your medication?"
"Mhhh hhmmm"
"Did you had some visions again, Mr Fleck?"
The melodies got more quitet now.
The walls looked  bright and shiney.
Even the lettering on the ceiling was gone.
All cleaned up.
He put his finger upon his lips, looking in the doctors eyes. Humming. Silently. But you could still hear the words coming out of his mouth.
"..some people get their kicks, stompin on a dream"
Arthur smiled.
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astranne · 4 years
ROYAL - Bruce Wayne
I've never seen a diamond in the flesh 
I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies 
And I'm not proud of my address, in the torn up town
No post code envy
I looked up. My gaze caught every little detail. The beautiful but fake-looking women, the handsome men, smoking expensive cigars and talking about money and their big houses. Houses like the Wayne Manor. I felt the glances of the rich men trying to undress me with their mere eyes. But it didn't really bother me, I always liked the attention of men. I always loved the way how I affected men. But this was different. They had women by their side and fucked me with their eyes.
Slowly, I made my way upstairs. My long, black coat hid my dress. Everyone wore pastel colors, it was the dress code after all. The butler of the family Wayne smiled pleasantly and nodded in my direction.
„Miss Jackson, it's a pleasure to see you at the gala. May I have your coat?"
„Alfred, please, call me Lara. You've known me for many years."
„Indeed, Lara." I smiled and took off my coat. Alfred raised an eyebrow at my dress but didn't say a thing.
„You look like your mother, Lara. She would be very proud of you."
„Thank you, Alfred. But I couldn't have done it without you." He reached his arm to me, I smiled and took it.
„I'm afraid, but Master Bruce wouldn't approve that," he made reference to the dress. It was scandalous. Scandalous red.
„Well Alfred, you should know, I don't care about the opinion of a rich man. I never did."
„I know, dear. I know." Our way led us to the big saloon, full of laughter and rich people. It wasn't my world, it will never be and still, I'm here.
But every song's like gold teeth, 
Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom 
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room 
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams 
But everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash 
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
I inspected every woman and every man. There were models, actors, politicians, businessmen... rich people. Before I could do my way to a waiter serving the champagne, a young man stopped next to me. Another followed him and flashed a flirtatious smile towards me. Both had black hair, blue eyes and were muscular. They were handsome men. But too young for me.
„Good evening, my lady. You look beautiful." The one with the longer hair took my hand and kissed it.
„I must say, red fits you well, beautiful lady. May I know your name?"
„Lara Jackson. With whom do I have the pleasure?" Before any of them could answer, a little boy stepped between us, he looked like ten, but his hard look didn't belong to a child.
„Grayson, Todd. If I find this woman in anyone's room tonight, I will kill you. We don’t have time for this."
„What do you want, demon spawn?" The child huffed and crossed his arms.
„Father wants to speak with you. Both of you." Both rolled their eyes.
„I'm sorry, beautiful lady. The old man can’t have a fun night. We will see us again." The one with the white streak in his black hair kissed my cheek, the other my hand.
„Idiots. Please forgive my brothers, they don't have any respect for a good looking lady."
„It's okay. And thank you."
„You're familiar", he noticed. I just raised an eyebrow. This child was odd. Just like his father.
„Well, I know your father, Damian." His head shoots up and he frowned.
„How do you know me? Or him?"
„It was many years ago, but your father and I had a great friendship. One day he went missing and the day he came back, he wasn't the same anymore. Still, I stayed in contact with Alfred, he was a great friend and like a father to me."
„Why did my father abandon you?"
„I'm not rich." He looked confused but didn’t say anything.
„He never said something about you. Why not?"
„Again Damian. I'm not rich. I will never be like these models or actresses. I'm just a simple girl, that lived alone with her mother. It was a coincidence, that your father and I met."
And we'll never be royals 
It don't run in our blood 
That kind of lux just ain't for us 
We crave a different kind of buzz
„Then why are you here, Jackson?"
„I wanted to see Alfred. I wanted to see the house since it was my second home. And for the last time, I wanted to feel the atmosphere at a gala."
„It sounds like a goodbye. Why? What did my father do that you are such full of hate?" I looked surprised at him.
„How?", I just asked.
„I know that look. You don't hate my father, you hate that rich life, you hate his behavior. I'm also like this. I hate my mother, well, if you can call her a mother. And I hate my stupid brothers, who get more attention from my father then I do. I know they spend more time with him and know him better, but it’s..."
„Frustrating", I finished his sentence.
„I like you." I smiled and sipped at my champagne.
„Well Damian, I like you too."
„More than your brothers." He smiled smugly and I snorted silently.
Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen B 
And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule) 
Let me live that fantasy
„If you see them, could you clarify for me, that I'm definitely not interested? They are too young. Goodlooking, but too young."
„With pleasure, Lara."
I stayed the whole evening with Damian. He was a cute child, but he would never allow anyone to say that out loud. And he looked like his father. Well, almost. His eyes were green, they must be from his mother. But I didn't ask since he made clear, that his mother was a forbidden topic.
After that evening, I spent the night with Oliver Queen. We were both drunk and afterward, I found out that he had a girlfriend. So I did the one most logical thing, I ran away and swore, I will never be just a woman for a night. These times are now past, I want to be someone special, someone, that my mother can be proud of. So I began to search for my father. I never knew or saw him. But I wanted to find him.
My friends and I we've cracked the code 
We count our dollars on the train to the party 
And everyone who knows us knows that we're fine with this 
We didn't come from money
After months of searching and traveling around the world, I found him. Well, he found me. He didn't know he had a daughter. My mother never told him about me. But he didn't abandon me like other people. He gave me a new home, a new task. He gave me a new family. I began to train, train to defend myself, train to defend others, train to kill. Especially rich people who were assholes. I just followed my father's footsteps. You may ask now, who my father is. Im a Wilson now. My father is called Slade Wilson but feared as Deathstroke.
I was educated by the League of the Shadows also called the League of Assassins. Ra's al Guhl himself trained me and let me fight against his daughter, who is the mother of Damian. Talia al Guhl, or whatever they call her. I hate her. I hate her for manipulating Bruce and abandon her son. I hate her for her behavior, I just hate her presence. And everybody knows that. Because I almost killed her. Well, I killed her, but she was brought back with the Lazarus Pit. My father was really proud of me since nobody can stand her. I mean, she is a fucking bitch, she betrayed the League just for a son of Batman. And did so many other awful things. But that's not my problem anymore. Ra's send me to protect his grandson, the heritage of the League. The fact, Damian liked me, made my job so much easier. But I had no idea, how to become one of the Wayne family members. So we built a plan. My father as Deathstroke, would try to kill Robin and Batman, and I would save them both. After all the planning, it worked perfectly.
„Who are you?"
„Your pseud, deep voice doesnt scare me, Batman. You've just could thank me."
„Hello, Damian. Its nice to see you again"
„I thought you would never come back to Gotham." I fake sighed and crossed my arms.
„Well... I was all around the world. I met your mother and I must say, she is a bitch. Sadly she survived our meeting." Batman huffed.
„And how did you know about the whole hero thing?"
„Talia is a really shitty secret keeper. She told me all about it, in the hope, I would show some mercy. Its nice to see you, Bruce."
„Who are you?"
„Its a shame, you dont recognize me, Brucie." I took my black hood off, also my mask, that hid the lower half of my face. I could feel the confusion of my childhood crush.
„Lara Jackson?"
„What a welcome." I was surprised after he hugged me. Awkwardly, I tapped his back.
„Im so sorry." That was easier than I thought.
„It’s okay, Brucie. It’s okay." Damian coughed and crossed his arms.
„Umm... can I have a bed for tonight?", I asked silently.
„You can have a bed as long as you want, Lara."
„Thank you, Bruce."
„Lets go home." He jumped off the roof, Damian followed him. I turned around and saw my father in the shadows. With a smirk, I followed the Waynes.
But every song's like gold teeth, 
Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom 
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room 
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams 
But everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash 
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair
I was now a month at Wayne Manor. Bruce acted a little bit strange but I didn't mind. But what I minded was his big family. He has five sons and two daughters and other family members. They didn't trust me. Richard and Jason always flirted with me, the other women in the house hated me for that. Until one day.
„Hey, beautiful. What are you doin’?" I just rose an eyebrow, a move I would do every day.
„Do you have eyes, Jason?"
„Yes, why?"
„Well, then you can see, I’m reading." He sat aside me and wiggled his eyebrows.
„Mind, if I take this book and we do something?" I tried to ignore him.
„Darlin', I know you would take me. Don't act so heartless even though its hot as fuck." And then I had enough.
„Okay, listen, Jason. I'm not interested to fuck you or Richard. I'm so much older than you, I could be your fucking mother! And if you don't stop, I’m gonna kick your fucking ass so hard, that the pit wont help you come back to life! So shut the fuck up and just let me live my fucking life! Without you or Richard or any playboy." He just blinked.
„How old are you?", he asked bluntly. I slapped him with the book. Jason yelled and ran away from the couch.
„Jason Peter Todd! Come back, you fucking asshole! I'm going to fucking killing you, you dipshit! You don't ask a woman about her age! COME BACK!" I ran after him, passing next to Richard and Tim.
„Jason!", I yelled. „Come back, you motherfucking bastard!" He sprinted downwards, trying to escape. With the speed I had gained, I jumped down and rolled off.
„What the fuck! That woman! Help! Anyone!"
„Shut up!" I tackled him down and began to punch him. Blood spattered out of his nose, ruining the expensive carpet.
„What the fuck?! Lara? Jason?" Dick tried to separate us but he also collected a punch in his nose.
„Don't touch me, you pervert!" Jason managed to escape out of my hold and we began to fight, Richard joined, after I kicked him in his stomach.
„Bruce? Alfred? Anyone? Lara is going crazy!", Tim shouted. He was smart enough to stay out of our fight. I swiped the blood out of my face, not knowing to whom it belonged.
„Still imagining how to fuck me?" Both men grunted, trying to punch me, which I easily caught. My hands gripped Richard's shoulders and I let his nose met my head. He groaned and held his nose, trying to kick me.
„Enough!" I heard Bruce's voice and stepped a little back. Jason didn't stop and punched right in my jaw. I growled and rushed forward, my legs slung around his neck, and threw him on the ground.
„Lara! Enough!" It took Bruce, Tim, and Alfred to keep me away from the second oldest.
And we'll never be royals It don't run in our blood That kind of lux just ain't for us We crave a different kind of buzz
Bruce himself stitched me up, doesn't allow anyone to come too near towards me. He forbid everyone, even Alfred, to come to the Batcave.
„Why?", he just asked. I huffed and crossed my arms.
„Why? Both were flirting with me! Its disgusting! I could be their fucking mother!"
„They are kids, Lara", he sighed and sat across me. I rolled my eyes.
„Kids don’t fight the Joker, Bruce." It was silent, we just sat there.
„Why are you like this?"
„What do you mean?" I frowned.
„You're cold. Towards me. I have the feeling, you only like Alfred and Damian", he almost whispered. I swallowed and tried to avoid his gaze.
„Bruce, I...I had a hard childhood. I just had my mother and you. You were my best friend, my first love. And when my mother passed, I was alone. I know, you were there for me, but not like the way I wanted. I changed Bruce, I'm not the glamorous girl anymore."
„Why you didn't say anything?"
„You were Bruce Wayne, the son of millionaires, the heritage of Wayne Enterprises. I was madly in love with you, I never said something because I was so scared. Scared, that you wouldnt love me back, scared you would see me just like as a friend. So I started to date other boys, boys who gave me attention in a way, who filled the gap my mother left. It was like a drug. I loved the way I affected every man. They gave me love, physically." At the end of my speech, I'd met Bruces eyes. They were soft and full of love.
„Im so sorry, Lara. I never- If I ever would know that...Do you remember your first boyfriend?" He didn't wait for an answer.
„I was so jealous and I saw you at his side it made me clear, you weren't the little girl anymore, who I met at my parents funeral. In my eyes, you were a grown, beautiful and independent woman. That day I realized, I loved you from the first day and still do." My eyes grew big. How?
„You still love me?", I whispered.
„I do." I almost melted at these words. My fucking childhood crush, my first love, loves me. He smiled and leaned towards me. Our noses touched, my eyes fluttered. He stopped, obviously waiting for me. I sighed when our lips finally met. We kissed slowly, without any tongue. It was a romantic kiss, heck, he would top every Hollywood movie. We parted, his lips brushed against mine. Bruce cupped my face with his hands and kissed me again. Roughly. A light moan escaped my lips, my hands tugged his black hair. He groaned deeply and heat rushed downwards all around my body. His arms pulled me nearer to him. Slowly, while kissing him, I climbed on his lap. But before it could go any farther, Alfred cleared his throat. I blushed and tried to hide my face in Bruce's neck while he just chuckled.
Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen B 
And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule)
Let me live that fantasy
Everything was perfect. As perfect as it could be in such a chaotic family. Since I beat up Jason and Richard, everyone tries to not piss me off. I warmed up to the girls and also Tim. Everything was perfect until Talia showed up. She and some traitors of the league managed to break into the Manor and tied the whole Wayne Family up.
„Hello, Lara. Its nice to see you again." A mad smile graced her face. I didn't respond and gripped the handle of my sword harder.
„Why are you here, Talia?"
„Oh I don’t know, maybe to kill you?" I rolled my eyes.
„Besides that." She grinned widely at me.
„I want my son back."
„No." She frowned, the Waynes behind me began to protest.
„No? Who do you think you are? I’m the mother of him!"
„Well, I don't care who you are Talia. You're a traitor and I don't listen to traitors."
„Wilson", she growled.
„Al Guhl."
„My son."
„I want my son! And I will kill you to get him!"
„Try me, bitch. I killed you once and I will do it again."
„Why are you here?", she asked out of nowhere.
„Really, Wilson?"
„Why is mother naming her Wilson?", whispered Damian to his father. Before Bruce could answer, Talia rushed with a war cry forward raising her sword. I easily dodged, spinning around and kicking her in her stomach.
„You have a deathwish, Al Guhl. Stop it and I will let you go."
„Never, Wilson", she spat and rammed her sword in my leg. I gritted my teeth but fought on. I felt, how my wound slowly stopped bleeding until it closed completely. But the pain was still there.
„How-?", she stuttered.
„You should've known, dear Talia. The reason, why Im a better fighter than you, the reason, why I could kill you. All because of my fathers powers."
„Your father has powers? But he is no metahuman."
„Who said he is a mutant? He's an experiment, he's an improved human. So am I."
„That's why you could learn so fast to fight", she realized.
„Yes. And now, get out of here, or I kill you and your friends."
We're bigger than we ever dreamed, and I'm in love with being queen (Ooh ooh oh) 
Life is great without a care 
We aren't caught up in your love affair
„Who is your father, Lara?" I sighed at Damian's question.
„Does it really matter right now?"
„Hell yes it does!", shouted Jason. „I want some awesome powers too!" I rolled my eyes.
„I never knew my father, Bruce knows that. And my mother never told him, that she was pregnant. After I met Damian, I began to search for my father. Without any results. Then, he found me. He's a member of the league of the assassins, so he brought me there and I was trained."
„You didn't answer Damians question”, Bruce noticed. I sighed again and shouldered my backpack.
„Because I knew, you all wouldn't like it. Damian, your grandfather send me to protect you. My job is done, I will go back to Nanda Parbat."
„No!", they cried out.
„Why? I thought you-", I interrupted Bruce.
„Bruce, I love you. I really do. But I know, when you learn, who my father is, you will abandon me. So I better go by myself."
„Wait, what? Are you and Bruce a thing?" Jason's eyes switched between us.
„We were."
And we'll never be royals 
It don't run in our blood 
That kind of lux just ain't for us 
We crave a different kind of buzz 
Let me be your ruler, you can call me Queen B 
And baby I'll rule (I'll rule I'll rule I'll rule) 
This was my first oneshot in english, I hope you like it. You can also find it on Wattpad, there I have the same username like on Tumblr. 
I’m aware, that not everything I wrote matches with the personalities of the batfam, I have more knowledge of the MCU and MARVEL. And if something is wrong with my english (my first language is german) please tell me. :) 
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therewasatale · 5 years
not fine
Based on this art: https://julientel.tumblr.com/post/180250715701/gavin-isnt-fine-at-all-he-doesnt-even-realize
On Ao3. 
The snow was slowly covering Detroit. The snowflakes drifted into every alleyway, and smothered the world in a thick white blanket. Even in the gloom of the evening, the white mass reflected the flashing red and blue of the police car. There was also a street light nearby illuminating the crime scene with a dim glow. The snow melted around the woman's body, and as the process of coagulation began, her bright red blood began to turn into a dark crimson, mimicking the color of her coat.
Lieutenant Hank Anderson sighed a sigh filled with pure exhaustion, his throat was scraping from shouting, and he could hardly wait to freshen it up with something strong and bitter. He did his best to keep his back towards the alley, keeping his eyes on the two criminals. Both of them were caught, thanks to the fact that they were out of their minds from Red-Ice.
Unfortunately for the innocent girl, they had just enough mind between them not to drown in their own vomit in a gutter.
She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She tried to protect herself, but when the knife came into play, her fate was sealed. She was maybe in her late twenties, but they were unable to find out her exact age, or name yet.
Hank turned his gaze away from the two stalwart murderers and turned his attention towards his partner. Reed sit on few feet away a couple of steps leading into one of the buildings. Even from this far away, he could see as that the young detectives held a lighter in his shaking hands, trying to ineffectually lite it, cursing under his breath. Finally, a small quivering flame blossomed.
Anderson shook his head slowly. He knew, that they couldn't have saved her life. Both of them were aware that they had done everything. They followed up on the report that someone heard a scream in the alley. And by the time the police car arrived to the alley, it was already too late-
He didn't have to glance towards the girl's lifeless body. It was more than enough to close his eyes to see again what had happened in the last 20 minutes.
He stopped the car and Reed was already out on sidewalk with his weapon drawn. But the blade was already inside her stomach. There was nothing they could have done. And yet, Reed tried. That's why his hands were dripping with slowly drying blood-
An officer called his name, yanking Hank's back to the present. He hesitated for a moment and turned towards his colleague, answering the questions he had been asked.
Detective Reed's cigarette burnt to ash remarkably fast. He took turns from grinding the falling ash into the snow with his booth, and staring at the shimmering light of the street lamp. But what he saw in it, was the scene from before, playing inside his head over and over again.
He tried to help the woman, but the wound was too serious for the she needed immediate and professional medical care. Hank called for ambulance and reinforcements while he turned his attention to the attackers. He almost lost control of his emotions due to a sudden flare of rage. Despite having a gun in his hand, the two perpetrators still lounged at him. A lapse of concentration from his rage was enough for him to receive a blow to his head, and Hank fired a warning shot. The attackers stopped, mostly out of instinct, maybe their brains got yanked backed to the ground for a moment.
The reinforcements arrived soon enough, and they were both handcuffed and shut into the patrol car. Then a sudden hunger for nicotine rushed him.
It's not fair.
His inner voice bubbled up like sulfur in black acid.
These two should be dead.
His legs started to tremble as the adrenaline left him. He hadn't even noticed that Hank put his coat on his back before he left to brief the new arrivals.
His folded fingers started to twitch into fists, his feet were still thumping from the aftermath of the adrenaline rush. He had to lean forward and bury his face in his hands to try to compose himself. But her face, he could still see it. At first he didn’t even notice that Hank was talking to him.
"Hey, Gavin, the ambulance is here, let them check-"
Reed's voice came from the back of his throat, crackling.
"Fuck off, old man. I'm fine." He felt as if his whole body was falling apart.
"Don't make me drag you there, cause I can totally do that" Hank waited for a few seconds, then sighed and started walk towards him. "Kid, they have to look at you."
"I already said I am fine." He lied.
"Yeah, sure. That's why you are smoking your second cigarette within five minutes." Hank shook his head and gestured towards the paramedics. "Then at least come with me, I'll take you somewhere where you can pull yourself together. After that…you can write down your report at the station," then almost just to himself, he added quietly "there's nothing we can do here after all."
Reed was about to reject the offer, but when their gaze met he just threw the half smoked cigarette to the ground and grinded it into the pavement.
"All right."
It wasn't even three minutes before they were on the road. None of them spoke, and although the phone vibrated in Reed's pocket, he didn't bother to pick it up. He could still see the eyes of the victim in his mind, two brown eyes, the life fading behind them. Nobody could have saved her, and yet, his anger still didn't subside. He looked out toward the half-sleeping city of Detroit, the glittering lights, the huge projectors. His eyes began to water, but he dared not close them.
The car stopped and Gavin glanced around puzzled.
"This is your house, Anderson."
"Very perceptive, detective." Hank stopped the engine and got out. Gavin unrolled the window, and leaned out.
"You said you'd take me to the station."
"No, I said I'll take you somewhere where you can pull yourself together.  Come on, get out, I'll take you to the station, but we have to wash the blood off first." Hank was already in the process of opening the door.
Sumo's deep warm barking welcomed them from the inside. Hank was grateful that the dog's warm body brushed, and leaned against him.
"Good dog. Well, let me in" He patted the dog's side and walked into the house beside him. He glanced back over his shoulder. "Take off your shoes and hang that soaked jacket on the hanger. The second door to the left is the bathroom. I'll whip up some food."
The big St. Bernard carefully sniffed around the newcomer, then went back to his owner. Reed took off the jacket that Hank gave him, only now he realized that he was wearing it all the way here. He was emotionally exhausted to even acknowledge this fact, but the anger still simmered within him. He felt a moment of gratitude, and a tiny ease of tension, which let him feel his fingers and toes again.
It was only a moment though, until he had to wash of the blood. His stomach churned, and his throat became dry and rough like a desert. He shook his head, trying to stop his eyes from stinging. He dipped a tower into a little bit of water, and washed his face, stepping out from the bathroom, only after he managed to get his heartbeat and breathing under control.
Hank gestured for him from the kitchen and put two plates and two glasses on the table.
"Have a seat" There was a quite ding from the microwave and soon the dinner was on the table. "Pizza, its pre-made, but hey, at least it's got some meat on it."
"Thanks." Reed took a slice and started to eat with a monotone motion.
"Enjoy your meal."
Sumo also got a cool slice, then settled down with the two men.
"Quite a big dog."
"Yes, he has grown a lot." Hank smiled a half-smile.
"Now I understand why all of your clothes have dog hair on them."
"Use your mouth to eat instead." There was no real anger in his voice, so Reed allowed himself a half smile too.
They continued to eat quietly until the phone rang. Hank wiped his hands and picked up the cellphone. He was silent for a moment and slowly walked towards his bedroom. Gavin tried to concentrate on the eating, and the small noises like the slowly breathing dog under the table. It didn't take five minutes for Anderson to return and sit back, but when he did, he didn’t touch his food.
Silence descended into the room, Reed were resting his hands on his lap and glanced at Anderson with a questioning eye.
"The girl's name was Susan Nass."
"What does it matter?" Reed's fingernails dug into his own hands. He regretted the words as soon as they came out. Hank however did not argue with him, nor did he raise his voice as he responded.
"It matters. It always matters. Because as long as one person remembers their name, a small part of that person is still alive."
For the next half hour they barely spoke. They ate the rest of the dinner and chased it down with whiskey and beer. It was around midnight when Reed reached down beside himself and pet the dog's head standing up from the kitchen table.
"Thanks for the dinner."
Hank nodded slightly, "At least somebody ate it before it got spoiled. But I can't drive you home, the whiskey, you know." He raised his glass, still half full.
"I wouldn't have asked for it. I'll find my way home." Reed put on his coat. He could feel the warmth of alcohol buzzing in his head along with the weight of things that happened that day. Still he managed to force the words out.
"Thanks for everything, old man." He walked to the door then stopped turning back. " Try not to get piss drunk, at least not today."
The door closed behind him with a clack.
Hank lowered his glass and sighed slightly at Sumo.
"I hope the kid will be okay." With a sleepy smile, he reached down and scratched the dog's ear. "Come on, Sumo." Leaving the kitchen and the whiskey bottle behind him, he went to his room, to finally have a resting sleep.
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mariesunflowerchild · 4 years
♥ 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 ♥
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"𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢"
  ⋆┄┄┄✦┄┄┄┄ ⋆ ✧ ⋆ ✧ ⋆
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was written in bold letters, she glanced softly to her left. demons were fighting, the usual. “meh,” she walked towards dorothy dvořák’s inn now hiring !, the inn looked like a mansion, it has a worn-down pink coat, and it looked quite cozy. daisy deadpanned and entered the inn, “hello, welcome to dorothy dvořák’s inn, how may i help-” the ravenette woman stopped in her tracks. she gasped “cut the bullshit dorothy.” daisy said  her gaze tilted; revealing her sky blue eyes which were tainted by a blood-red hue. “it's been a while. hasn't it..” dorothy trailed off. “i'll call the gang…” she offered, stammering as looked at daisy for approval. daisy sighs, “alright.”  
“long time no see.” the drunken demon said, barely awake, “daisy! it has been a while hasn't it!” the communist said reaching in for a hug. daisy moved herself back. “don't touch me.” she ordered tord looked at her. his fake smile dropping slightly, “oh don't be like that old friend!” he said smiling. “yeah. okay.” daisy deadpanned. “are you even daisy? you act nothing like her.” tom said drunkenly, “i think blowing up would change my outlook on life too.” edd said, “alright so, why were we all asked here? i have things to do-” he was interrupted. “yeah! and i have..bars to visit!” tom chimed in. “you disgust me.” tord said, cringing at the site of tom. “same goes for you...you damn commie!” tom insulted, “you wound me.” tord said dramatically, matt hugged daisy, she hugged back, “long time no see! woah, your eyes!” “yeah..i know” daisy sighed “i’m in the limbo between demon and angel, considering my actions killed and hurt hundreds but my actions also saved billions.” she glanced at tord and dorothy. dorothy sighed, “yeah. we know,” dorothy futily attempted to end this part of the conversation, daisy took notice of this and ended her statement, tom however, spoke up. “you’re not daisy!” he said, ya know..drunkenly. daisy looked at him boredly. “for the love of god thomas, i am daisy,” she groaned, “just..less stupid.” she added, a bit too soft for her liking. “well my daisy doesnt look like she just got out of hot topic!” “lol hypocrite.” tord chimed in, “lol yah.” door agrees with her h u s b a n d “whatever!”  tommie the drunkie drunkie said, “i’m leaving! i got places to see anyway!” he yelled, daisy looked at him, her head tilting slightly. “please do.” she waved him off  and turned her attention to tord,edd,dorothy, and matt. tom felt quite hurt by her statement so he reluctantly left, out of spite.
“my god she hates you.” dorothy snorted, tom deadpanned and scowled. “shut up..” he mumbled, sinking into the couch looking for a bit of warmth or comfort. “you look so pathetic...uggghhhhhh.” dorothy complained, “i need to get you two together again.” she complained, once again. “how though?” he asked. For once putting down his remedy to sadness, alcohol.  “i dunno man..how’d ya get together the first time?” dorothy asked, wiping one of her inn’s bar glass cups. “i mean..i really don’t know..” he chuckled, smiling at the memory. “Well that’s corny..” dorothy snorted once again. tom snapped out of his fantasy. “shut up..” “i genuinely feel bad for you two..you guys made such a cute couple..” dorothy sighed, “you two need couple therapy. That’ll help-no, hell’s therapy is absolute shit- wait! i do have a couple associates in heaven i’ll ring them up.” dorothy offered, trying her best to not be a shitty friend “i appreciate your help dorothy..but it’s no use, she really hates me.” “don't say thaaaaattt, she just loathes your existance.” “well that makes it so much better.” he said sarcastically, “yeah yeah, hey she’s warming up to you..last time we meet..what was it? 30, 300..maybe 350 years ago? Yeah..that. she wouldn’t talk to you, sad, really. tord and i..fixed things, and things have been good, you two should try that.” she handed him diet smirnoff. “Thanks.” he took the cup, and immediately spat that shit out. “what the- is this diet!? dorothy! are you trying to poison me!?” “yes, i am. snap out of itttt! where’s that edgy asshole from 400 years ago at? Hell has softened you my guy.” “i’m..! i’m..still me! just..not as much of a prick.” “oh trust me, you’re still a prick.” “hey!” he defended. “i heard you’re having relationship problems, dear friend.” the communist demon spoke. “what do you want.” tom spat, tord wrapped his arm around dorothy’s waist. “oh. nothing, just wanted to see how my dear old friend was holding up.” “get out of here commie, you’re the last person i want to see.” tom cringed, tord put his hand on tom’s shoulder, squeezing it, “oh but..we’re friends now..aren’t we?” he asked, grinning devilishly, showing his shark like teeth. “like hell we are!” Tom shot up, forcefully removing Tord’s hands from his shoulder. “dorothy, i appreciate your attempt to help but this is something i need to do by myself. i’ll talk to you later.” Tom said, apologizing with his hands and then leaving. “did you really have to do that..” Dorothy told her husband, Tord however grinned. “but he was stealing time away from us!” he defended himself, “you do realize that we were talking for 30 minutes, right?” dorothy chuckled,  “blah blah, 30 minutos more like 30 years!” tord exclaimed, “yeah yeah.” dorothy replied, sinking into tord.
you know shit is bad when you consult your enemy’s closest friends, “lemme guess. trouble on cloud 9?” the man with the thicc eyebrows asked, also known as pau. “yeah..i guess you could say that.” Tom replied, taking a sip of his smirnoff, lol alcoholic loser. “i’m having some issues with daisy? i’m sure you’ve met her.” “ah yes, daisy. lovely girl, how is she holding up?” pat asked, “fine..i guess, we don’t talk much.” “so trouble on the cloud it is then.” pau sipped his tea, pat put his arm on pau’s shoulder. “tell us, what’s going on?” pat said, “alright so, ya know how..the commie pretty much doomed england and daisy died to save the damn country?” both pau and pat’s faces darkened. “yes we know, it was quite the tragedy. seeing her die so young,” “tell me about it. if it wasn’t for that stupid commie we’d still be alive..and together..” tom mumbled, “ah well, we’re both guilty too to an extent.” pau replied, sipping his tea, furrowing his eyebrows. “We, as you most likely know; followed tord around, serving along with Dorothy as his companions.” pat nodded. “Great so you two helped that piece of shit..”tom muttered sarcastically. “Yeah, we regret helping him and following him blindly. We have made amends, and can only move on.” pau said, “alright, so. How do i win back a girl?” “i’m homosexual, so i have no clue.” pau answered, pat spoke up: “flowers. Flowers work, from my experiences flowers are a good start, then you’ll have to go a bit deeper and be creative,what does she like?” pat asked, suddenly toms ‘eyes’ widened, a smile grew and plastered onto his pale face. “I know what i have to do!” he stood up, shook both pau and pat’s hands, slammed a 20 dollar bill on the table and started running out, “thank you!” he yelled as he drifted away.
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glowstickhaloboy · 5 years
you’ve heard of lazy bookshop snake, now get ready for ALERT 1941 SNAKE SPY
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admittedly, crowley forgets to set an alarm. well, he doesn’t forget. he intentionally doesn’t set one because he means not to get up until he’s good and ready. he just forgets to make sure that ‘good and ready’ doesn’t mean ‘after around one hundred years.’ it’s embarrassing. and, if aziraphale ever puts two and two together, it’ll be more than a little bit telling.
anyway, when he wakes up, he’s twistier than he remembers being when he fell asleep. and he has more scales.
oh. he’s a snake again. he could just…
well, he doesn’t quite remember how to switch back. he’s groggy. last night, the people outside his window wore bulky coats and fancy hats, and now they’ve got fewer layers, cleaner trims to what they have got on, and the hats are way smaller. and carriages found a way to go without horses. those look dangerous, he thinks, and decides that he likes the look of them.
he also decides that staying in this form and slithering about for awhile is way easier than trying to blend in right away. no one will question a snake. snakes are still around, aren’t they? must be. can’t go extinct in a century.
(they certainly could, if humans puts their minds to it. he just has to hope.)
it’s rainy outside, which is god’s way of saying, don’t worry. it is still london. crowley keeps close to the edges of buildings and projects a shield to make sure ordinary, dull eyes don’t notice him. the people walk on, chattering.
“she’s certain he’s going to ask her to marry him, and her parents couldn’t be more thrilled…”
“look out for the car, dear.”
“…heard it this morning on the radio, just as charlie was heading off to work…”
“…never get over it, the way he looked when she opened the door and he handed her the telegram. keep expecting him to walk…”
crowley halts and circles back at that last one. two women stand at a corner lamppost, smoking small pipes that aren’t pipes, one of them constantly looking up to keep tears from leaking out her eyes.
“it’s just the same with my aunt sarah,” says the girl who really isn’t crying, the one with her back to a great, eavesdropping snake. “she hasn’t heard from our cousin timothy in probably months now.”
“they’re stealing all our bloody men,” says the girl who is crying, but would certainly deny it if you pointed it out. “how did it get this bad? how did the entire world let it get this bad, again?”
“let’s head inside, huh? get something hot to eat.”
the girls walk away, leaving crowley with all the hints he needs to surmise the obvious: war.
really, there’s too much about the world that never changes.
just like that, though he’s been trying not to think about it, he knows where he needs to go. (okay, not where he needs to go. actually, where he definitely shouldn’t go. but he wants to go there, so he does.)
he heads to the bookshop.
it’s closed at the moment, but if crowley closes his eyes and concentrates, he can feel aziraphale’s aura inside. the same as ever. oh. sure, crowley’s been unconscious, drifting, for most of the last century, but it’s like his body understand how long it’s actually been since he felt that presence nearby.
aziraphale... he’s nearby again. like nothing’s changed.
 it’s not a perfect way to say, ‘hey, i’m back’ but it’s as good as anything else crowley can come up with. besides, why should he pull all the stops? aziraphale is the one who should be making the gesture, considering he all but–
not what matters, not what matters. he’s getting way too distracted.
big snakes don’t belong in bookshops, crowley thinks, and he focuses all of his energy on changing. and… well… he gets it a little right. a genie in a lamp would call this change exactly 100% correct.
he’s no longer a big snake.
he’s a little one.
which still isn’t human, but, come to think of it, it’ll all that’s necessary for crowley to slip through the mail slot on the door, so he rolls with it (because now that he thinks about it, he still is quite too tetchy to talk to aziraphale face to face. but maybe just stopping in to see how the angel is doing will be enough to stay crowley for a week while he gets his legs back under him.)
even as he’s sliding up the door, a woman walks right up to it and knocks. it swings open for her, taking crowley with it, a living squiggle who would have been instantly caught, were it not for the fact that aziraphale is actually not on the other side controlling the swing. no one is. the woman enters and shuts it behind her, but not before crowley can drop to the floor and race for a dark corner.
“you ought to get that door looked at,” says the woman. “wind blew it right open.”
“of course,” says a new voice, one that, had crowley not already been cold-blooded, would have made his blood go cold. (or, at least, appropriately nippy.)
it’s aziraphale. looking cleaner, and pretty casual, and… good. he looks good.
even as he whispers to the door, “quit acting so eager. i know it’s exciting, but this is just a business transaction.”
he hasn’t seemed to notice crowley, who can hardly believe he’s looking at aziraphale again. he... has to admit that, at the moment, he can’t quite remember why he’s been angry.
“have they agreed to meet at the... place i specified?” aziraphale asks the woman tentatively. she smiles at him.
“the church. yes. we can speak freely here, mr. fell, i assure you. unless there’s something you’re not telling me.”
he laughs at the thought, and she laughs with him. at him? it’s hard to tell. it’s hard to get a read on her at all. what is the angel up to?
“and you have all the books they requested?” the woman continues.
“oh, yes. well. all the ones it is possible to get. tell me, these, um... nazis--��� (he whispers the word like its something he doesnt want his parents to hear) “--they aren’t expecting our little trick? at all?”
“no, mr. fell. rest assured. the real plan is a complete secret.”
oh. so while crowley’s been sleeping, aziraphale has been cavorting with humans doing important work during a war. that’s a boost to the self-esteem.
aziraphale and the woman--named rose, crowley eventually learns--speak a little more at length about how to catch these “nazis,” and crowley learns a few more unpleasant facts about the truly gruesome nature of this war (and the one before it, which he apparently also missed.) then, as rose leaves, he notices something small, something that aziraphale doesn’t even blink at.
a small lilt. an extra hard consonant on a word ending with a ‘g’ and crowley thinks was that right? that wasn’t right.
he decides that maybe tailing her for a day or so wouldn’t hurt. just to see what’s really going on. and, if he happens to figure out how to stop being a snake before this meeting he now knows the exact time and location of, he just might be able to pull out all the stops when aziraphale sees him again.
ask me if i care AT ALL if this follows the established canon timeline!! i sure don’t!! it’s for the tropes babey!!!!!
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beckzorz · 6 years
or, Adventures in Pursuit of a Seven-Year-Old Seer
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Words: 1662 Summary: It’s been over a year since you met Bucky, and you couldn’t be happier. If only you could figure out why your precognitive niece is burying you in abstract crayon art… A/N: Happy new year!
Part 1
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Your phone slips out of your hand and clatters on the ground at your feet. Blood rushes in your ears. You run to the front door, pull on your coat and boots, and yank open your door. Before you lock up, you remember your phone. You run back in and grab it. In another thirty seconds you’re in the street, trying to flag down a taxi. The freezing air stings your cheeks, your legs, but nothing compares to the terror flaring in your chest.
What the hell is happening? What was that call? Where is Gemma? Is Matt okay? What about Sarah?
Where is Gemma?
A taxi finally pulls over for you. You rattle off Matt’s address. “Hurry,” you add, voice catching. “It’s an emergency!”
The driver peels away from the curb. You can’t relax; you lean forward, breathing down your driver’s neck, not even buckled until he nervously asks you to sit back. Even then, you’re trembling, your blood pounding. You stuff your hands between your knees, but they’re shaking too.
Ten minutes never have never gone by by so slow.
The second he pulls up to Matt’s house, you open the door. You’re half out of the cab before you remember you need to pay. “Shit shit shit,” you mumble. Your purse is still hanging on its hook by the door back home.
You stare up at Gemma’s open window as you dig through your coat pockets. By some miracle, you find a twenty.
“Here, take it, keep the change,” you blurt, throwing the bill at the driver. You slam the car door shut and squeeze between the parked cars in front of Matt’s house.
The front door is unlocked. You burst inside, heart in your throat.
You freeze.
Half the stair runners are askew, and Gemma’s winter gear is strewn haphazardly across the living room. One of the couch pillows is in the kitchen doorway. You inch forward, barely breathing. The slow cooker is on the floor, and Sarah’s mulled cider is in a brown puddle across the floor, soaking into the pillow. A strangled sob escapes your throat.
You run upstairs to Gemma’s room. It’s empty, cold… The window is still open. Scribbled-upon papers litter the floor, covered in crayon and pen. Gemma’s bed isn’t made—but then again, it never is. You fall to your knees and press your hands to her bare sheets, willing them to reveal your niece. What’s happened to her? What’s happened to your brother?
In your pocket, your phone starts buzzing.
You flinch in surprise. Damn it, you should have called the cops by now! You pull your phone out and stare blankly at the screen before registering that it’s Bucky calling.
Thank god.
“Hey darlin’, how are y—”
“Matt and Gemma are missing!” you cry.
You collapse onto Gemma’s bed. “Matt called and he said Gemma was missing and then someone else was there and the line went dead and now they’re gone and—”
“Woah, woah, hey, calm down,” Bucky interrupts. “Where are you?”
“Their house.” You sniff. “I haven’t even called the police, I just… ran over.”
“Okay. Okay.” Bucky is quiet for a moment, but you can hear his breathing accelerating. “I’m on my way there now. I’m going to call Steve, okay? If this is about what I think it’s about, we’ll be able to do more than the police. Okay?”
You bite your lip to keep your crying quiet. Instincts from the days before Bucky—most of your life, really—all want you to hang up and call the police. But Bucky’s not wrong. The Winter Soldier and Captain America have more resources at the arsenal than every police force in America. Probably.
“Y-yeah. Okay,” you tell him. “When will you be here?”
“Soon,” he says. “Where’s Sarah?”
“I—I don’t know. Her cider’s all over the kitchen floor…”
“Can you call her?”
“Um, okay. Yeah.” You sit up slowly. Your head is spinning, but you nod. “I can do that.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Bucky promises. “Call Sarah, and I’ll be there before you know it.” He pauses. “We’ll figure it out. It’ll be okay, darlin’. I promise.”
You hang up. What else is there to say?
When you call Sarah’s phone, it rings from their bedroom next door. Your heart drops.
No one answers.
“Hello?” you call.
No one answers.
If Sarah is with her phone, why didn’t she answer it? Why would she ignore you?
She wouldn’t. She never has. The only options that come to mind are that she’s missing too—or she’s lying prone in her bedroom. Dead or unconscious.
You bolt to your feet and fly into the other bedroom.
An ounce of tension lifts from your shoulders. The bedroom’s empty; Sarah’s not here. At least she’s not dead—not that you can see. You still have no idea what’s going on, but at least you haven’t seen any dead bodies today.
You jump. It’s Bucky. “Up here!”
Two sets of footsteps pound up the stairs. Two? You spin to face Bucky, who buries you in his arms without preamble. Over his shoulder, you see Steve going straight into Gemma’s room, his face drawn and focused. You close your eyes and let yourself relax into Bucky’s hold, burying your face in his chest.
“I’ve got you,” he murmurs. His metal hand is secure across your back; the other is on your neck, warm and grounding.
“Oh god, thank god you’re here,” you whisper. You pull back. There are wet spot on Bucky’s shirt, and you lift your hands to your cheeks in surprise. Oh. You’re crying.
Bucky brushes your tears away, his eyes soft but his mouth set. “We’re going to find them. And then we’re going to make sure nothing like this every happens again.”
Bucky and Steve go through the upstairs one room at a time. You hover along behind them, trying not to get in their way, but the house isn’t big and those two aren’t exactly small. Every other minute, you’re in their way. But they never send you away. Bucky’s focused on studying the rooms, looking for clues, but he says nothing.
When they move downstairs, you linger in Gemma’s room. You kneel at her bedside again, tracing the empty indent on her pillow. God, what’s happened to her? Your sweet niece, with her happy laugh and her stubborn determination and her ominous certainty—
You put your head against the spot where she sleeps, wishing you could close your eyes and hear her breathing, hear her heartbeat, hear anything that would reassure you she’s alive.
Downstairs, Steve and Bucky start to talk. You sit up and listen hard.
“This has to be about her powers,” Bucky says.
“I agree.” Steve sighs. “What’s the plan?”
“What’re you askin’ me for?”
“She’s your… dammit, I’ve never even been here before, Buck! You know these people.”
A thump—did Bucky punch something? You hope he didn’t leave a dent.
“Keep it together, Buck,” Steve hisses. “Your girl’s upstairs!”
Before Steve finishes, you can hear Bucky stomping up to you. By the time he reaches you, you’re sitting on Gemma’s bed, your hands between your knees. You can’t imagine what you look like, what with the crying and the terror, but Bucky doesn’t comment. All he does is kneel at your feet and take your hands in his. He stares up at you with tender concern.
“How are you doing?” he murmurs. You shake your head, unable to meet his eyes.
“I don’t know. I keep wishing her damn bed would tell me where she is.” You force a laugh. “Crazy, right?”
Bucky joins you on the bed and pulls you into his arms. “No,” he says. “Not crazy.” He settles his chin on your head. “I’m sorry to do this, but can you tell me about the phone call?”
You tell him as much as you can. The phone call, your harried trip over, your exploration of the abandoned house. He listens in silence.
“—and to think, I was going to have a nice night,” you finish with a sniff, thinking of the unlit candles and the pie no doubt setting off fire alarms in your oven and the new lingerie. What was all of that against your brother, his wife, your niece? “God. That sounds so selfish.”
“Trust me,” Bucky says, pulling back, “it’s not.” He kisses away the tears clinging to your cheeks, then tugs you back against him for a last, brief hug. When he pulls back, the dismay is clear on his face. “I don’t want to leave you. But I—we, Steve and me, need to get to the bottom of this.”
“I’ll be okay,” you say. You’re pretty sure it’s a lie, but what does that matter? “Go. Find them. Save them, and then come home safe.”
Bucky squeezed your hands. He studies your face, his blue eyes intent as if he were memorizing you. “Yes, ma’am.”
After Bucky and Steve leave, you call the police as instructed. It’s easier to tell the story this time. Or maybe you’re just numb.
Either way, you let them take your statement. You let them root around your brother’s empty house. You let them bring you out of Gemma’s room, downstairs, outsi—
“Wait,” you blurt.
You turn and rush back inside, back upstairs, and into Gemma’s room.
“This is a crime scene!” one of the officers says, running after you. She tries to grab your arm, but misses as you kneel on the floor and pick up a piece of paper.
Your heart pounds. It’s one of Gemma’s drawings. All the other pages on the floor are pictures of people, of animals, of houses or rocks or flowers. This one, though?
This one is abstract.
You stare at the paper clutched in your hands as the officer leads you back outside. Her lecture goes in one ear and out the other.
Gemma, you think, what are you trying to say?
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Read Part 3 here!
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doseofheroes · 6 years
Summary: When Bucky is injured in the woods, he comes across a small cabin.
Words: 4072 (wtf)
Pair: bucky x reader
Warnings: violence, swearing
A/n: it is literally my first time writing anything besides a paper for school so sorry for how terrible it is but I had the idea and wanted to try! Also learnt the hard way about formatting so hopefully its somewhat coherent. Also also I wrote it in a night on my phone... Idk if literally anyone will read this but im kinda happy with how it turned out so enjoy!
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When you moved out to the middle of nowhere a couple of months ago you knew you were just stalling. After graduating university four quick years later you were no more sure of what you wanted to do now then when you started. So yes, time off to be alone and think for yourself was a stall tactic, but doesn’t mean it was the wrong move right?
The first couple of weeks were peaceful. You were in a small cabin you rented off airbnb located somewhere on the outer edge of the ** forest. Snow fell as slowly creating a fresh layer as you sat inside cozied up with a blanket and some tea reading by the fire. A clichè but still nice.
You made yourself some pasta for dinner and listened to some old Amy Whinehouse tunes. Cleaning up the dishes you decided to call it an early night and went to bed. Little did you know what or rather who would show up at your door that night.
Bucky and Natasha had set out on mission to the depths of the ** forest where a known hydra base was located. Their job was to only collect intel for now so they could make a proper plan and bring back the group for execution. The base had turned out to be much larger than they had anticipated counting over 250 hydra agents working on the base so far.
“How the hell are we just getting wind of this now?” Bucky stared at the base in confusion.
“Somethings not right. We should’ve heard about this one when we took out the others.” Nat said sharing a concerned look with Bucky.
“We shouldn’t go any further until we get the others” Nat said as she started to pack up.
“We need to figure out what the deal is here” Bucky started “we can’t leave yet.”
“Bucky, there are 250 of them and 2 of us. I know we’re a little above average but thats a bit overkill. No pun intended.”
Bucky smirked at her attempt at humour but there was no way he was leaving just yet. He felt something was off and he wanted to know what. “I’ll do a quick look around. In and out. No contact”
“Bucky, no. Dont be stupid. I get it, but lets not do something we’ll regret. I’m calling this in, i’ll let them know were heading back.”
Bucky sits silently for a second and notices she’s looking for his agreement. He nods.
As Nat trails back to get a signal Bucky turns back to look at the base. “What are you up to...” he says to himself as he looks around. Thats when he sees it. The ever so familiar blue liquid. Fuck he thinks to himself. Theyre trying again...more super soldiers...more....me. His mind flashes back to his hydra days and all the stuff they made him do. This can’t happen.
Against all better judgement he looks back at Nat who is still facing away and starts to descend down the rocks towards the base. He just needs to get the suitcase filled with the serum and get out.
Reaching the outer gates he looks around to make his plan. Thats when all hell brakes loose. A guard patrolling the fence line spots him and starts to yell. Bucky runs over to take him out before anyone notices but it’s too late. Next thing he knows hes taking on an army of hydra agents, shots flying. Nat hears the commotion and turns around. “I don’t believe this.” She says into her comms. She’s about to start the descent when she realizes its too late. Bucky’s down. They’ve got him. This just became a rescue mission.
Bucky slowly comes to and tries to rub his face but soon realizes he is restrained. Taking in his surroundings he tries not to let panic set in as he looks around the room of the hydra base. Everyone is silently staring at him now that he’s awake. One of the men mutters something to a nurse and she leaves the room. The door bursts open a minute later and in comes a tall thin man with a lab coat. “Hello Mr Barnes. This is a pleasant surprise.” Bucky says nothing but gives the man a blank stare. “I see, the strong but silent type. Well your timing is opportune for us Mr Barnes. you see, we are finally creating our own little army of, well, you to be blunt, and I think you can give me the answers to the questions that remain.” Bucky stays silent not letting his panic show. The doctor doesn’t say much more telling the nurses to start the work up. They start collecting blood samples.
Bucky knows he doesn’t have long before this gets real bad so he starts to form his escape plan in his head. The restraints do not feel like they will be too difficult to break out of, its the building he is unsure of, having been unconscious when they brought him in. I guess we’re gonna wing it he thinks to himself.
Once the nurses clear and all the guards leave except the two at the door, Bucky knows its time. He breaks out of the restraints easily, as he suspected. He knocks on the door and the two guards turn around, eyes widening with realization. They start yelling as he bursts through the door knocking them both out.
As he makes his way through the building things are getting worse and worse. Thats when he sees the doctor, face not of fear, but perhaps interest? Bucky keeps making his way out when he sees a guy blocking the door. He takes a good look at him and he realizes. Shit. This is no regular soldier.
He starts swinging and while he is holding his own, he is still taking quite the beating. I just have to get out he thinks. The soldier now has a rifle. great. Using his arm to deflect the shots he runs full force to take him down but takes a hit in his side. Bucky grunts as the shot stings but the soldier pulls out a knife and Bucky rolls in a near miss.
Ducking and dodging Bucky reminds himself he’s not here to fight, he just needs to get out. He turns and makes a run for it, and is almost home free when he feels a sharp pain in his shoulder and is knocked down. He turns his head to see the knife sticking out of his back. Pulling it out slowly Bucky cringes at the pain but the soldier is already walking back to him.
A knife fight ensues as Bucky desperately tries to stave him off. A realization comes to Bucky. I gotta take the hit to leave. Bucky slows his movements and he feels the knife go straight into his chest. Screaming in pain bucky pulls out the knife almost regretting that, but now, with both knives in his hand he is able to make a run for it throwing the final two knives hitting the soldier twice as he makes his escape.
Bucky is out of breath and losing feeling as his body tries to recover from the two stab wounds and the shot. He needs to find a safe place to get the bullet out.
After wandering for a few miles Bucky smells smoke. That’s when he sees it. A house...out here? He checks the perimeter for any signs of hyrda or that someone is living there. There is a car in the driveway but no signs point to hydra. He takes the risk and starts to bang on the door.
What the fuck? You think to yourself as you slowly wake up to a loud noise. Fear sets in when you realize someone is banging on your door. You sit in bed waiting for a few minutes hoping they will go away. When the knocking doesn’t subside you decide to go down and check out who it is. God this is stupid, you’ve seen horror movies y/n!!
You look through the doors peephole and thats when you see him. Its dark out so you can’t make out much but you can tell he is handsome. Really y/n? A stranger is knocking on your door in the middle of nowhere at 2 am and you think ‘ooh he’s handsome’?! You mentally scold yourself. Thats when you notice he is clutching his chest.
“Please. I know you’re there. I can hear you. I just need some help and I will leave. I mean you no harm” please for the love of god let me in Bucky thinks to himself.
You are terrified but he looks really hurt. This is a bad idea...you think to yourself but unlock the door anyway.
Bucky perks up at the noise and the door opens slowly. Buckys eyes look up to you and he stares for a second. “Can I come in, please?” He says softly.
“Oh yes sorry!” You say as you let him in, adrenaline rushing. He walks inside slowly looking around before heading to the kitchen. You go to turn on the lights and flick them on before he has time to yell “Dont!” But its too late. You gasp as you take in his injuries and blood soaked clothes.
You look up to his face. “Please, turn them off” he says firmly but quietly. You do as he says. He has the most beautiful blue eyes you think before being kicked back to reality.
“Are you- are you o-okay?” You ask voice shaky. He stays silent. “Well you’re obviously not okay...but do you need...how can I help you? Should I call the police? You should really-“
“Im fine, no need to call anyone” he says cutting you off. “Do you have a towel or something?” You sit there frozen for a few seconds before you spring into action. You disappear upstairs for a few minutes. Bucky takes a deep breath after you leave trying to reorganize his thoughts. The moment he saw your face he forgot, even just for a moment, why he was there in the first place. You had such a calming presence even though you were clearly panicked. You came back arms full with anything you thought could be remotely useful. First aid kit, towels, and a sewing kit you didn’t know you had until now among other things. As you head back to the kitchen you almost drop everything as the man stands shirtless in front of you. You regain composure placing everything on the counter pretending not to see the man smirk.
“I’m going to need you to take the bullet out.” He deadpans. “What?!” You choke out almost laughing at the thought. “I can’t reach it with my other injuries....” he trails off seeing the panicked look on your face “you know what don’t worry about it I think I can manage” A wave of relief floods over you at his words but as he goes to sit you see him wince and you know he was lying for your benefit. Be strong y/n you can do this, you are a strong independent woman “ I can do it. I can take it out. You’re clearly not okay.” Bucky is about to protest but stops when he feels another wave of pain. He nods at you and sterilizes the tweezers before handing them to you. You grab them reluctantly but give him a small smile. He doesn’t know why but that small action gives him enough comfort he thinks he might just be ok. “Okay here goes nothing” you say as he exhale deeply and stick the tweezers in. Bucky grips the counter top and groans. “Im so sorry!” You quickly retreat from your real life game of operation. “No I’m fine keep going” he says and gives you a reassuring smile. “So..” you try to think of some conversation to keep his mind elsewhere. “Do you like cats?” Oh my god bitch are you for real, you are gonna die alone. You clear your throat awkwardly, too late to back out of this conversation. He cracks a smile at your clear embarrassment but answers your question. “Um Ive never had one but I dont mind them I guess. More of a dog person I think” she nods. “Are you...a cat person?” Yikes this is awkward Bucky thinks to himself. But he kind of likes awkward with you. “ Im in animal person in general. Love them all.” You say half focused on the conversation half focused on his side. You try not to let your eyes wander to his abs...and that chest.. ugh is this a man or a god and thats when you realized you had stopped moving and he was staring at you....staring at him. Your eyes quickly dart away and your face heats up at being so blatantly caught enjoying the view. He chuckles and you quickly change the subject. “So care to explain any of this or are you just going to bleed all over my kitchen?” You say almost defensively trying to hide your embarrassment. Bucky stiffens a little. “Are you going to find the bullet or just stare at me all night?” He says half joking, avoiding the question. “I think” you say before grabbing onto the bullet finally and pulling it out quickly. Bucky winces. “that you are avoiding the question” you finish. “You know me so well already!” He states pouring some alcohol over the wound, wincing again. “Here. Stay still.” You say ready to stitch it up. “You’ve really accepted the nurse role” he says smirking “I appreciate it.” He finished more seriously. You smile back. God he loved that smile. Get yourself together barnes, it’s just a pretty girl. “Wait you’re not actually a nurse are you?” He asks suspiciously.You laugh at the accusation. “No. I’m nothing.” Wow way to spill all you life problems in one depressing sentence y/n!! Ughhh why can’t I talk to men. Well when they look this good...”What do you mean?” He asks ignoring the pain of your amateur stitches. Definitely not a nurse...“I just meant I haven’t decided what I am going to do, or be yet...thats all” you give him a weak smile and he nods in understanding. “You want me to do the others?” You point to his stab wounds. casual. “Uh sure, if you dont mind. Thanks” You nod again and begin working. You sit in silence for a bit before something occurs to Bucky. He didn’t kill that solider...they’ll be looking for him...and he may have led them right here to you. You feel Bucky tense and he begins to look around. “Whats wrong?” You ask suddenly nervous again. Wait when did you stop being nervous? “Nothing” he said quickly. “Well sit still im almost done” you say and he nods. You finish the last stitch and sit up.
“There all done! I cannot believe I just did that” You begin to smile but it quickly fades as Bucky immediately stands up and puts his shirt back on. A confused look grows on your face which quickly turns to fear as Bucky starts pulling out your kitchen knives and shoving them in his belt. He grabs your hand and starts to drag you upstairs “come with me”. You follow.
Once upstairs he looks around before opening the closet door. “Uhhh what are you doing” you say ignoring the feeling you get when he grabs your hips and moves you into the closet. “They must have followed me. Stay in here and don’t make a noise. Dont leave until I come get you.” You stare at him waiting for your brain to catch up. “Do you understand? Not a word.” You nod slowly. “You will be okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you I promise.” He turns to leave then pauses. “Im Bucky by the way.” “Y/n” you reply weakly. With that he smiles then closes the door and you hear his footsteps walk back downstairs. You sit in silence the only noise being your heavy breaths for a few minutes before you hear glass smash. Bucky takes in his surroundings, five agents, all heavily armed but no super solider. That can’t be good. He takes them down one by one with ease mentally apologizing for everything he’s breaking in your home. Once the last agent is down he steps outside and listens for more. He can hear them every so slightly which means they can’t be more than a mile away. He needs to get you out of there, you’re sitting ducks.
He runs back inside and grabs your car keys before heading upstairs to retrieve you. He swings open the closet door and you let out a scream and start kicking. “Hey hey its me!” You look up and realize your safe. “Sorry...wh-what happened?” “We need to leave. I got your keys, leave everything here, stay behind me” You get up slowly and nod sticking closely behind him. He walks slowly and quietly down the stairs then pauses. Oh fu- Buckys thoughts get cut off as he ducks to avoid the super soldiers hand swinging at his head. Ho. Ly. Shit. You think watching Bucky expertly fight what looks like a man but appears to have the strength of an elephant. You hide behind a wall peering around to watch when it hits you. Super strong men...bullets...bucky...im in an airbnb with the winter soldier. The realization hits you like a truck and you turn around stunned. You catch your breath and begin to watch again. Fear settles in all over when you see the soldier choking the life out of Bucky. Without thinking you grab a knife from the floor run over and stab him in the back. The soldier loosens his grip just enough for Bucky to break free and snaps the guys neck before he has a chance to grab you. “Thanks...” he huffs out holding his neck “we have to move” He grabs your arm and takes you out to the car. You both get inside and Bucky just starts driving.
The drive is mostly silence as you try and process what is happening and Bucky tries to figure out what to say. “You don’t have a phone on you do you?” He asks. “No..uh you told me not to grab anything” “Right” More silence. I have to say something Bucky decides. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I wasn’t thinking straight and I-“ “You’re the winter soldier aren’t you?” You cut him off. Oh god. Bucky thought this couldn’t get worse, she called me the winter soldier, shes afraid. “I am- or was” He doesn’t know how else to say it without going off. You sit there for a minute in silence. “Ok” is all you say. Bucky looks at you in surprise. “Ok?” “Yeah, ok” you repeat. With that you shift in your seat and nod off. Ok...Bucky repeats this over and over in his head as he drives back to the compound.
“So..they’re going to be angry with me...just as a heads up.” Bucky says to you as you arrive at the compound. “What? Aren’t you the one who is injured and missing?” “Well, yes, but it’s my fault. I was reckless and I put everyone in danger. Including you. Im sorry.” Bucky suddenly felt even more guilty in remembering that you were now dragged into this too. “It’s okay, honestly, I’m just glad your okay” you said with a smile. It was true. Yes, you were scared shitless at the time but you’re not going to pretend you weren’t psyched to have met Bucky and soon the avengers! Plus..you were going stir crazy in that cabin... oh the cabin...there goes my deposit. Bucky smiled back and got out of the car. You followed him all the way through the front doors to the elevator and down the hall admiring the building around you. This is a Stark building all right...
Bucky slowed and you could hear the avengers in on the other side of the door discussing. He steps inside and stops. “Hey guys” they all whip their heads around to stare at Bucky. Smooth. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU IDIOT!” You hear a female voice. They all proceed to start yelling at him over one another. “Guys....guys...GUYS” Bucky yells finally prompting them to stop. He steps aside and you figure thats your cue so you enter the room. “Hello” you say awkwardly waving to everyone. They all stare at you then back at him. “Who is this?” Tony friggen stark asks Bucky. “When I escaped i was injured and I came across her house. She stitched me up but they followed me so we took her car and well... here we are!” “Buck, we went in to get you and you weren’t there. What happened?” Oh my goddddd captain america!!!! Neutral face y/n, neutral face, be cool. “I broke out about 30 minutes after I was...taken in... but they had a super soldier of their own. Barely got out of there with a bullet hole and two stab wounds.” Bucky says nonchalantly. Your eyes widen at the implications of his story. For some reason your brain forgot something happened before he showed up at your door. Dude was shot and stabbed twice! What the fuck! “And you coincidentally live up in a cabin in the woods alone near a hydra base?” Tony says to you receiving a glare from Bucky. “Wha- hydra base?- no, I rented that cabin, its an airbnb, I was just staying there for a few months” you say, looking around for confirmation that they believe you. They look at each other skeptically. “She stabbed the super soldier to save me- do I really have to say this?” Bucky tries to defend you. “Hey, look, I should just go home, I don’t mean to cause any trouble” you say suddenly feeling how tired you were. “I’m sorry, but they might have seen you, I can’t let you go home until this is cleared up.” Bucky says sympathetically. Your eyes widen at this statement. You look around at the other faces and your fears are confirmed. “He’s right. We need to figure out what their plan is...and no offence..but who you are.” Steve says earning another glare from bucky. You think about this for a moment. I guess I would be skeptical too... plus staying here wouldn’t be so bad...“Alright. Fair enough.” You say shrugging. Buckys face looks surprised but then relieved. In fact they all look relieved.“Well all right sergeant, show the lady to her room” Tony says grinning at Bucky. With that you follow Bucky through the building.
When you and Bucky finally reach your new room you can tell he wants to say something. “Im so so-“ “thanks f-“ You both speak at the same time. “You first” you say, giggling.Buckys heart clenches at the sound. ”Look, im just really sorry about all of this, I don’t know how to make it up to you.” You can see the guilt on his face. You want to wipe it away with your hands..mouth... god y/n, you sad little daydreamer. “Really truly, its okay. If it were to be anyone I’m glad its me, I was literally in the middle of doing nothing” you say laughing. “But I know how you can make it up to me” you say smiling. “How, anything” he says, face lighting up, not letting his mind go to the places her statement suggested. My first choice would be to for you to push me up against this door and make out with me buuuut... “give me a tour of this place tomorrow?” You say, the confidence of your subconscious not quite reaching your mouth. “Deal” he says nodding. His eyes linger over you for too long before he notices you stifling a yawn. “Sorry, youve had a long night, I’ll let you sleep. See you tomorrow.” “Tomorrow” you say smiling as he leaves the room. Left alone in this strange place, your thoughts swirl on only one thing, or should you say only one man.
To be continued?
Comments appreciated :)
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emilyjunk · 5 years
Hey, I was wondering if you were working on HGAu part 19?
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7) (part 8)(part 9) (part 10) (part 11) (part 11.5) (part 12) (part 13) (part 14)(part 15) (part 16) (part 17) (part 18) (moodboards) (playlists)
somewhere in the back of beca’s mind, it registers that there are only 4 of them left. beca, amy, this monster of a boy and his partner from district 1
in the front of her mind, she just sees benji’s lifeless form on the ground, his neck hanging at an awkward angle, the puddle of blood growing around him
the beast inside her snarls with a fury, an anger, pulsing red and hot
“poor district 12. so puny” grins the boy from district 1, his hands coated with liquid crimson. beca and amy glare at him, panting from exertion
“it’s 2 on 1, beefcake” amy says. “maybe you should run, or else prepare to perish”
beca hesitates, trying to seem tough and larger than she is, but fear is holding hands with her heart. “yeah... uh. what she said.”
the boy laughs, a psychotically carefree thing that causes goosebumps to break across beca’s skin. “you two didnt honestly think we were alone?” he quirks his head, and that’s when beca hears it
the echoing snarl of beasts - many of them - just as the girl from district 1 jumps out of the second story window of the skyscraper next to them, landing in a crouch
beca’s heart gets caught in her throat as terror seizes her
the district 1 girl smirks “well well well, a tiny mouse and her bodyguard. this is about to get interesting”
something about the words infuriates beca. she reacts without thinking. she throws her axe in the direction of the girl
she ducks and it whizzes over her head
“feisty,” she laughs. “but enough chit chat... we’ve got company.”
the sound of claws scratching over the concrete of the cityscape grows to a terrifying volume as a group of mutts - at least 5 of them from what beca can see - bound around the corner
beca doesnt stop to think -- she runs, weaponless and afraid. a beast leaps at her and she throws herself on the ground. it overshoots and lands to her left, circling back around. she scrambles to her feet and dives into the nearest building, not daring to look back
the inside of the building is cool tile, slippery and smooth. beca slides across it, barely registering the decor, a minimalist black and white that had at one point been popular before the Dark Days
she makes a beeline for another door, throwing herself through it - only to stop... it’s a dead end, an old closet, clearly recently picked clean by the careers who’d been camping out in the city. it’s completely empty
she can hear the growling of at least one beast behind her, can smell the foul stench of its breath. she holds completely still, not daring to breathe
it takes everything in her not to make a sound when it pokes its snout into the closet, its nose just a foot from beca’s torso
she covers her mouth with her hand, her breathing ragged
the beast sniffs, its large line of nostrils flexing with the motion, its head tilting toward beca. it opens its mouth, revealing its razorlike teeth... 
the moment seems to stretch in slow motion, beca quivering in her bones, waiting for the sharp jaw of the mutt to close around her
and then... miraculously, the mutt huffs, its mouth closing with a snap. it turns away from beca, pushing off on its hind legs to run back the way it came
beca whimpers, her feet giving out as she slides down to the floor, her head in her hands. she gasps in several lungfulls of air, her cheeks wet
get up, the monster in her urges. time to go home, beca
trembling, she manages to push up on her knees and crawl out of the closet, back into the lobby of the skyscraper
that’s when she sees it -- piled in the corner, all of the careers’ supplies. weapons, food, clothing. she can’t believe her eyes. numbly she crawls over to the pile. finally... something to help her survive
“i dont think so,” sneers the familiar voice of the boy from district 1
beca hears movement as he dives at her
she grabs the nearest weapon off the pile, a small knife, and manages to flip on her back just as the boy lunges toward her, his hands held out to grab her by the neck
she feels the knife pierce into his soft skin, just under his ribcage, as his hands outstretch
she pulls her neck away from him, the knife twisting in further
hot liquid spreads on her hands, thick and red. she gags, but can’t think about it
the boy is still reaching for her, his eyes dark and twisted, even with the knife jutting into his body
beca doesn’t know how she does it, doesnt think about it, just angles the knife upward
the boy lets out another gasp, blood gurgling from his lips, and stops his efforts to get his hands around her neck
he looks at beca in shock, gravity pulling him further down on the knife as his body slumps on top of her
finally, he crushes down, his full weight falling on her body, her hand between them on the cold silver of the knife
a cannon booms, but beca cant find it in her to react to it
it takes all her strength to push the boy’s lifeless body off of her, her fingers still curled around the weapon that killed him
yes, she finally answers the beast in her mind, the one that sounds frighteningly like her own voice, time to go home
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sightofsea · 7 years
rating all of the doctors outfits based on how gay they are
first doctor:
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i can tell this was once something gayer. it gives off the vibe of a brideshead revisited cover if u aged everyone up 70 yrs. the plaid pants mean something, the coat but its just not...cohesive. 5/10
second doctor:
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see, this is very much like ones, but the bow tie adds the nutty professor vibe. it very much gives off the vibe of someone who is the town eccentric who has a very straightlaced husband. the haircut might be a dealbreaker but its the same shape of one belonging to a lesbian living in 1982. 7/10 for the solidarity working here in this outfit
third doctor:
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this is a gay person. this is sincerely just the gayest of people. the ruffle shirt, the coat? whatevers on his shoulders?? the STANCE?? yes, pose is everything here too. and god does it bring this full circle. 10/10
fourth doctor:
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now see i love four as much as anyone but this distinctly reminds me of a straight guy i knew freshman year of college who dressed almost exactly like this, with no knowledge of the show itself, and i cant disconnect these two people now. sorry, dude. 2/10 bc of the rainbow scarf, thank you for showing your support
fifth doctor:
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this is the haircut ive only seen on gay women, and the squat + that jacket is making me dysphoric. good job five only gay outfits can make me hate my body like this. 9/10
sixth doctor:
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this irritates me, but only a gay person would go to this level of carefully coordinated outfit disasterhood and i have to respect it. 8/10
seventh doctor:
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the stance, the vest, the umbrella, the scarf.....this outfit would be up there if it werent for the hat. it reminds of every straight guy i know from comic book clubs. you were so close but like icarus you flew too close to the sun. 6/10
eighth doctor (move): 
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this is gay in the fact its super victorian and the repression is just coming off in waves, an inherently gay act i know well from my childhood. the long hair rly solidifies the cohesiveness and vibe this look creates, but it doesnt hold the iconicness it needs to get rly up there. 5/10
eighth doctor (short):
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NOW THIS IS THE ICONICNESS I NEEDED! the outfits basically the same vibe wise but the loosening of everything? the blood? the haircut. this is the look of not just an icon, but a bicon. 9/10
war doctor: 
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aaaand here’s the same outfit again, but its......i dont know. i cant get into it. maybe its the weird fauxhawk. ill give props to the scarf, and whatevers going w the calf area. 4/10
ninth doctor:
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leather jackets inherently give off the gay vibe, and that’s my second choice in hair if i didn’t have the worlds lumpiest head. the v neck deters me slightly but i feel it could go either way. 8/10
tenth doctor: 
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i know so many butch lesbians that dress like this, and i love it. everything just works so well here. the suit, the hair, the sneakers, the coat....every piece is so unneccessary and just adds to the look of it all. 10/10
eleventh doctor: 
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this outfit is accompanied w the inherent vibe and premonitions of the twirling and hand gestures, and that should make this super gay. anybody who decides to look like a schoolboy from 1958 is gay. and i want it to be, but again straight guys have adopted this and made the connection in my head to the point where it detracts a little. so, 7/10
twelfth doctor: 
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twelve has like six different outfits but this one is my favorite, and i wanted to add bill in here because i love here and want to rate her outfit. like, honestly the bomber jacket? the patches?? the hair bow?? i love her so much. 10/10 always.
anyways, twelves outfit. this is peak emo. the shirt, the hoodie, the velvet jacket.....its hot topic chic, but in a good way. he looks like your cool gay uncle whose not rly ur uncle but teaches you how to skateboard. i want this exact outfit. i want both of their outfits, right now. 10/10 for the both of them honestly
thirteenth doctor:
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do i even need to say it. id say harold and leave it at that but i want to talk about this so bad. the boots n socks. the suspenders. the haircut, and let us just look at that rainbow shirt. this is the outfit i see all the popular tumblr lesbians wearing. this is what a gay person wears, and i have never felt so called out for my fashion choices until i saw this and knew i could probably recreate it with whats in my closet right now. 500/10. gay rights personified. i love women
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