#gree event
commander-gree-week · 2 years
Gree has an interest in xenoanthropology, as evidenced by his name, which he took from the extinct Gree species. We've chosen all prompts for this week based on parts of society & culture. Feel free to use one or both halves of the prompt as the mood strikes you.
Day One (Wednes., 10/04) - Knowledge & Stories
Day Two (Thurs., 10/05) - Traditions & Rituals
Day Three (Fri., 10/06) - Children & Family
Day Four (Satur., 10/07) - Food & Drink
Day Five (Sun., 10/08) - Faith & Beliefs
Day Six (Mon., 10/09) - Community & Celebration
Day Seven (Tues., 10/10) - Art & Literature (Bonus Prompt: Commander Fox)
All works must focus on Commander Gree.
Cloneshipping is allowed.
OCs and shipping them with canon characters are allowed.
All kinds of fanworks are allowed - fic, podfic, art, playlists, video skits, etc.
There is no minimum length for fics or playlists.
Everything must be tagged appropriately.
If you want your work shared, tag this blog! We will also be following the tag #commander gree week 2023 but that does not guarantee we'll see everything in it.
There is no AO3 collection, but you can use the freeform tag Commander Gree Week 2023 to make entries easier for readers to sort and find.
Since this week is for Gree appreciation, making fun of his hair will disqualify a work. The only exception to this rule is if making fun of his hair is shown as bigotry. How you show it is up to you, but examples include: other characters are clearly uncomfortable or embarrassed, other characters come to his defense, or the character making fun is pointedly ignored. (See this post for more information on why we have this rule.)
tagging @swfandomevents
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SWTOR Secret Junior Research Project Gree Event Achievement Guide by Swtorista
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gdmoversea · 5 months
greedaikin precision mold
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wantonlywindswept · 1 month
so like, fox is a busy guy, right? he's marshal commander of the coruscant guard, he deals with senators and separatists and palpatine on a daily basis, he runs on spite and like two hours of sleep every night, he does not have TIME for anything else
and his batchers know this and love him but they also MISS him, so they try to get news on him from outside sources, just to make sure he's still okay, y'know?
cody checks reports on how the guard's doing, bly tracks big senate events, rex wheedles his general to ask Amidala to get updates on the boys in red. gree sets up a program that will ping him anytime fox pops up in public records. wolffe, somehow, manages to make friends with some of the corries and has an In with thorn, who tattles on fox's health with great relish. the batch has an entire separate group chat solely for keeping track of fox, with informants spread across the GAR and Guard.
they call it the fox news network
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theemporium · 8 months
i saw this friends to lovers prompt that reminded me of nico:
“cuddling for comfort in a Very Platonic manner”
like they’re pretending it’s totally platonic and doesn’t mean anything, no, but also, like, come closer
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It felt like an inside joke whenever you and Nico would insist you were just friends—a joke that everyone except the two of you were in on.
Because you weren’t dating. And you totally didn’t have feelings for each other. And Nico definitely didn’t look at you like you had hung the damn moon. And you definitely didn’t become the personification of the heart eyes emoji the second he was in your vicinity. 
You were just friends—very close friends. And colleagues too. 
There was absolutely and positively nothing remotely romantic going on between you, the Devils’ social media manager, and Nico Hischier.
Not in a million years. 
Except there was, it was just a goddamn tragedy—and painful watch for the team—that neither you nor the captain had the balls to do something about it. Truthfully, it had just never crossed your mind that Nico would even look at you in that way. 
Hockey had been a constant in your life. At every major event in your life, every single milestone, you could remember a hockey game being played in the background. You could remember watching games with your family, you could remember the way your parents cheered when your family’s favourite team won, you could remember the first time you attended a playoff game. 
It had always been a part of your life, and you knew you wanted it to be a part of your future too. 
Your father had been the one to send you the application form. You were fresh out of university, a degree in hand you weren’t totally sure what to do with and a resume that most people turned down due to a lack of experience. When he had sent you the intern application form for the New Jersey Devils, you laughed and joked that it would at least be a good story to tell years down the line. 
You hadn’t expected to actually get the position. 
And you definitely hadn’t expected to befriend the newly appointed captain of the team but the universe worked in funny ways. 
And despite your best attempts to remind yourself these boys were your colleagues—that you were just a part of the social media team, just a part of the bigger Devils team that they bantered with—you found your friendship with Nico bubbling into something akin to a crush. 
You thought you hid it well, but the teasing remarks from Jack said otherwise.
What you failed to realise—or believe when Jack started talking your ear off about acting upon your crush—was that Nico felt the exact same way. 
But even if a small part of you yearned to believe as much, you knew you would never risk your friendship with Nico. Never in a million years. Not even if your friendship was hardly a friendship these days, now something far more. 
“And oh! That looks like a broken stick from Hischier who doesn’t look happy at the final score.” 
You winced as you watched him hit his stick across the goal post, as it snapped in half before he skated towards the tunnel without even a second glance. His head was down, but you could see the frown and furrow in his brows in your head clear enough. 
You knew he would be beating himself up for the loss. You knew he would be blaming himself for the last goal slipping through. But unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t be able to see him until long after the post-game interviews and debriefs were over. 
You didn’t get the chance to actually see the boy until the team found themselves huddled in the bar fifteen minutes from the stadium, each player eager to drink away the memory and pain of their freshest loss in what seemed to be a streak of losses. 
It was almost like your body was pulled towards him the second he stepped into the bar, looking as though he had a heavy weight on his shoulders. His eyes found yours in an instant and he was moving through the bar before anyone could even greet him. 
It was like an unspoken language shared between you when you saw the look in his eyes, when you opened your arms and let him just fall into your embrace and hide his face in your neck. 
“You played the best you could,” you whispered to him, your fingers threading through his hair before you felt him sink further into you. 
“But it wasn’t enough,” he muttered, and you could hear the self-loathing in his voice. “Nothing seems to be enough these days.”
“You’ll break the streak soon,” you assured him, nothing but confidence in your voice because maybe that was just what he needed to hear. To know that someone still believed in him and the team when he didn’t. 
“I’m just sick of being asked the same question, of being asked what I can do to help the team win,” Nico whispered, a hint of vulnerability and doubt in his voice that he would never let the boys hear. “I feel like I’m disappointing them.”
“You’re not,” you said to him, your voice a little stern as you clung onto him tighter. “Nobody blames you, Nico, except maybe yourself.”
He huffed out a laugh, though it felt a bit self-deprecating and bitter.
“You’re in no mood to drink,” you murmured as you tugged his head back, letting his red-rimmed eyes meet yours. “Do you wanna go?”
He nodded. 
You paused for a moment before continuing. “Do…do you want me to come with?”
“Please,” he whispered softly, his voice cracking a little when he did. 
You gave him a shy smile, and something in his chest eased a little at the sight. “Let’s go then.”
His hand fell down to take yours, intertwining your fingers together without a second thought—almost like it was a bodily instinct more than a choice. He pulled you behind him as he made his way towards the exit, pushing through the crowd and glancing over his shoulder to make sure you were okay. And just before you reached the door, your eyes found Jack’s from across the bar, that knowing look in his eyes. 
But tonight wasn’t the night to test his theory or let your feelings take over, so you pushed them down like you always did and followed Nico out of the bar.
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panther-os · 2 years
Brief Guide for Star Wars Writers
DC-15A Rifle:
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Used for formal events and ceremonies, and as a sniper rifle in the field.
DC-15A Carbine:
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A short rifle used in most combat situations during the early days of the Clone Wars.
DC-15S Rifle Carbine:
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A stretched out version of the '15A Carbine, easier to hold and to aim. Patented in the middle of the clone wars and afterwards saw widespread distribution throughout the GAR.
DC-17 Hand Blaster:
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Small pistols, typically dual-wielded, but some clones (like Commander Gree) carried only one. Versatile and lighter and better suited to small spaces than the DC-15 series weaponry, at the cost of a shorter range of fire.
Z-6 Rotary Cannon:
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A Big Fucking Gun (TM), heavy and unwieldy, especially unsuited for close range. Best for large scale battles in wide open areas, such as Umbara before the jungle. Used by clone heavy gunners like Hevy and Hardcase (pictured above). Does not have a stun setting like the DC series weapons do.
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neppednep · 5 months
It's not about what I would do but about what I wouldn't do to get some first date headcanons with Mami and a reader who is slightly intimidated by her beauty.
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HCs w/ Mami and a reader intimidated by her beauty.
Sorry if this was kind of cheeks. I couldn't think of much for the date itself so I tried to around it. Hope that's okay.
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》 Mami is less than approachable, to say the least. She had it all. Great grades, looks, she was kind, popular, and was one of the most confident girls you knew.
》 You two had a few classes together and with being around her so much, like many, it was inevitable you fell for her. While it wasn't impossible to go up and talk to her, it was still far harder than talking to some random background character. Unfortunately, going up to start a conversation was only the beginning of everything to come.
“H- hey, Mami.” You approach her at lunch, internally cursing yourself for stuttering like a bozo.
She turned her head to look at you, her usual smile present on her face as she greets you. “Ah, Y/N, right. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Uh…” You can't help but blush, entranced by her smile and pretty yellow eyes. “Nice shirt. Where’d you get it?”
She tilts her head, giving you a confused look. Just as she opens her mouth to speak you give a nod before turning around and quickly marching away.
》 Well, that was the moment everyone knew who you had a crush on. As far as first impressions go, it couldn't have gone much worse. You tried to avoid her for a while, dying on the inside every time you saw her.
》 It's not like you wanted to avoid her but you're also not a huge idiot. Many people have tried to get with her, you won't be the first and probably wouldn't be the last. In your mind you already kind of screwed your chance the minute you practically ran away. She has rejected everyone else, so what chance do you have?
》 You weren't given much of a choice though. Your friends, either trying to terrorize you or help you get over this, encouraged you to talk with her again. Be confident, they said. Tell her how you feel, they said. The worst she can say is no, they said.
“Mami.” You stiffly approach her desk, glancing back at your friends who decided to watch and get a good show.
You have to mentally prepare yourself as she turns to look at you again. However, this time she didn't even get to speak before you got too nervous and started to talk.
“I love you and I want to be by your side. Marry me.”
The only thing you see before turning on your heel and trying to walk away is another confused expression, though before you take a step you feel a gentle hand grab your wrist. You turn your head back at the blonde as she offers an amused smile. “While I'm not sure about marriage, I'd be happy to go on a date with you, Y/N. How does Sunday morning sound?”
“Yes.” You choke out, internally smacking yourself and regaining your bearing. “I mean, yes. That sounds good to me.”
》 After she gives you her phone number, you quickly scramble back to your friend group who are both amused and surprised by the turn of events. Sunday doesn't come fast enough. The rest of the week is spent not so subtly glancing at her in class and mentally preparing yourself until the day finally comes. She never really accepted any confessions before so, not only were you going on a date with one of the most beautiful girls in school, but this was a rare opportunity no one else had. You were making history!
》 Sunday finally came and you were less nervous than you thought you'd be. You were dressed in your best clothes and after almost a week of planning, it's not like it could go horribly. You wanted to make sure to get there early, and the walk itself felt like it took hours, but by the time you arrived Mami was already there, waiting for you. You never really saw her outside of her school uniform and were taken aback when you saw her. If you were nervous before… oh boy.
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》 After taking a deep breath, you approach Mami and exchange greetings. It started out awkward but Mami being Mami fixed that relatively fast. It still felt off being with such a pretty girl for a bit but then you just came to realize that she's still just a person at the end of the day.
》 You were quick to figure out you weren't the only one trying to make plans. Mami happily took the lead and began to bring you around to all the places she wanted to go. First, she decided she wanted to go to a small cafe just outside the park. You didn't really object, you wanted her to have a good time and she seemed like she knew what she wanted. That was an understatement. She was some kind expert when it came to cake and tea. Weird flex but she seemed passionate enough about it, even if some of it went over your head. Her recommendations were good, at least.
》 After leaving the cafe, the rest of the day was spent walking around the city getting to know each other. She still seemed a bit distant but you just wrote it off as this being the first date. Apparently she wasn't as popular as you thought. While she was well liked by many of the students, she didn't really have many friends according to her. She may have just been being humble, but thinking back on it you never really saw her hanging out with anyone. Ever, really.
》 She was a bit clingy though, which came as a surprise. She was subtle about it, but she tried to touch you or have any sort of contact whenever she could. She seemed sort of stiff while doing it though, as if she wasn't really used to that sort of thing at all.
》 The date went on and the day flew by, before you know it the sun was going down, but Mami was getting a bit more restless as time went on, regardless, it was going well, at least you thought. Until…
“I am sorry, Y/N.” Mami apologizes, her hands brushing over the floral pin keeping her hair up.
You were a bit put off, raising an eyebrow as you replied. “Huh? Is something wrong?”
Mami shakes her head. “It's nothing wrong with you if that's what you're worried about. Something came up and I need to take care of it.”
Oh… you may or may not have fumbled this. Hard. It seemed like it was going well. No use in arguing. “O- Oh, that's fine. I understand.”
You feel yourself jump as she takes her hand into hers, you look up into her eyes, feeling heat rush to your face. She offers you a small smile before continuing. “Sorry, it's very urgent. You will be at school tomorrow, right?” You give a stiff nod, unable to tear your eyes away from her. She lets out a cute laugh before pulling her hand away. “Good. See you then?”
“Y- Yeah.” You nod, watching her turn on her heel and watch her walk away. You had one job…
》 Until the next day in class…
“Y/N?” You look up from your desk, seeing Mami staring down at you. “May I have a moment?”
You look at the friends you were sitting with, none of them being much help in getting you out of the invention rejection you're about to face, only offering half hearted shrugs. You internally sigh as you nod, standing up from your seat. “Of course. What do you need?”
“I just wanted to talk. Outside, if we could.”
The two of you step out of the classroom into the empty hallway. She faces away from you for a moment, and you use it to prepare yourself for whatever she's about to say. She takes a deep breath before turning around to look at you.
“Listen, about yesterday-”
“No, I understand. If you don't-” Your self doubt comes back full force. What the hell would she want to do with you? You don't really need to listen to a whole lecture about how it won't work out.
“Please let me finish.” Mami sighs. “I did have a good time yesterday, and I would very much like to do it again.” You have to stop yourself from blurting anything out, a sense of excitement rushing over you. “Unfortunately, my personal life is quite hectic. I may not always have time for this. I know it may not be fair to you, but if you're willing to put up with me, I'd be happy to go on a date with you again sometime.”
You freeze.
Put up with her?
Are you being punked?!
You guess she'd be pretty busy, you don't want to assume anything but going off her grades and how she carries herself…
However, you push all that aside, relieved that she didn't just tell you off and ruin any sense of confidence you had before. “Yes.” You blurted out, your very intelligent answer slipping through your lips before you can stop yourself.
She covers her mouth, letting out a giggle as her yellow eyes glance up at you once again. “I'm glad. Call me later tonight, Y/N. I'd love to talk to you more.”
She doesn't give you a chance to respond before turning on her heel and walking back Into the classroom. The heat never fully leaves your face until her retreating form is through the door and you finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
》 Honestly, you don't even know what you would call your relationship with her, but you're definitely not complaining. Maybe with time this will become something more than just the occasional date.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
Rules - please read me if you're new!
Click HERE to be added to my taglist!
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Writing Prompts
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OC x Canon Characters Masterlist
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo, Maze (Alpha-26)
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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TBB Masterlist - consists of Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Howzer, and CX-2
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Multi-Character List
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives, Hunter, Ordo Skirata, Dogma, Prudii Skirata, Crosshair, Alpha-17, Tech
800 Followers Event: September - October 2024 - Consisting of Commander Bacara, Commander Fox
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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greedislandchallenge · 3 months
The Greed Island Server Summer Exchange is here! Please find the reveals included by many talented writers and artists ✨️✨️✨️
@mangetsuame -> @persejin
@persejin -> @anautumnskyblog
@anautumnskyblog -> Mangofruitteaz
Mangofruitteaz -> @ladycrescentvenus
@Ladycrescentvenus -> @hydraphrenic
@hydraphrenic -> @appleciderdonut
@appleciderdonut -> @turtledotjpeg
@turtledotjpeg -> @flowerofthewave
@flowerofthewave -> @hurtinghabits
@hurtinghabits -> @mangetsuame
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Summary: After a successful battle against the Separatists, Gree gets the chance to sit for a portrait. Many years later, a new piece gets added to a museum’s collection.
Written for @commander-gree-week: Day 7 - Art & Literature.
Many thanks to the organizers of the Gree appreciation week for running the event <3
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Commander Gree Week is officially over! Thank you to all who participated.
We'll be accepting late submissions for the next week, and we also have this interest check for next year. Please reblog, even if you decide not to vote, so we can get as much feedback as possible.
If you'd like a different kind of prompts next year or if you'd only be able to participate if it took place on different dates, please say so in the tags, in reblogs, or in the replies.
Vor'e bal k'oyacyi!
tagging @swfandomevents
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SWTOR Ancient Gree Relays Event Quest Guide by Swtorista
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darishima · 24 days
i actually love the feeling of getting whacked with a tail it's so silly like. -1hp -1hp -1hp. and it's so worth it.
cat smell is so divine youre so correct for that..... i love it too but I'm secretly lowkey allergic to cats so it's a little treat i only sometimes afford myself
are there any historical periods or events that interest you? what's your roman empire?
um um um ohh answering these qeustions while im drunk is so difficult.. yet its makes it more fun.. like a challenge or perhaps a video game quest. im thinking so har.d uh fuc i like nuclear reactor meltdowns like um i cant remember the name right now but the one where the guy was pinned to the ceiling by rubble uh where they were manually lifting the reactr up and down and the pin slipped or wtv. wasso cool. also that ummm the oil line that broke and trapped the guys. what ewas htat. the uh fuck. the underground oil pipe that broke and sucked the guys in and they had t o like crawl in the sludge i cant remmebr that name either it was horroifing though. oh but what i really love is cave diving deaths like i eat that shit up if someone dies horrifically in a cramped tiny cave space thats my SHIT. i like historical events where people die in awful ways apparenly. um as for like Bigger Events.. i dontk now. nothing. im a little.. stupid... about history... greece i like ancient grreeece a lot... th gree mepire is my roman mepire
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owlhead650 · 2 months
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"The Sibling Gathering"
This is an Artfight mass attack focusing on pokemon ocs. In real life I have two siblings and my relationship with both of them is very different to each other. Having a sibling can mean many different things and with all the potential differences between ages and gender, there are probably innumerable ways two siblings can feel about each other. Brother, sister, whatever else, it's special. This scenario is meant to be all the characters at a fancy event or party or ball or whatever occaision makes people dress like this. I hope you all liked the choice of outfits for your characters. Jazzkitty doesn't fit the theme but it wanted to join in anyway so it busted open the door. The kitty is crashing the party, just because.
The owners of the ocs include:
@kiroonsmoon @gree-gon @pokemonsillysys @jazz-kitty @percephilous as well as myself and ram_horns.
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holmesillustrations · 9 months
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Vote for your favourite, the top 9 will proceed in the bracket. Since theyre all different shapes and sizes, make sure to click into the full views!
Paget Eliminations
Other Artist Eliminations
Full captions and details for each illustration below the cut:
All Sidney Paget illustrations are for the Strand Jul 1891 - Dec 1904
"At the Gasfitter's Ball." Case of Identity Characters: Mary Sutherland, 'Hosmer Angel'
"He took out a very large bath sponge." Twisted Lip Characters: Bradstreet, Watson, Holmes
"The gentleman in the pew handed it up to her." Noble Bachelor Characters: Lord St Simon, Hatty Doran, Francis Moulton
"He laid his hand upon the glossy neck." Silver Blaze Characters: Watson, Col Ross, Holmes, Jockey
"We pulled him aboard the boat." Gloria Scott Characters: Gloria Scott convicts, Hudson
"He drew up the windows." Greek Interpreter Characters: Mr Melas, Harold Latimer
Frontispiece, Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Hugo Baskerville, Hound
"Sir Henry put his hand upon my shoulder." Hound of the Baskervilles Characters: Watson, Sir Henry
"I knocked down several books which he was carrying." Empty House Characters: Holmes, Watson
"Beside him stood a very young man." Priory School Characters: James Wilder, Duke of Holdernesse
"How came you to leave the key in the door?" Three Students Characters: Holmes, Watson, Hilton Soames, Bannister
"No, my dear Watson, the two events are connected–must be connected." Second Stain Characters: Watson, Holmes
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firewoodwander · 1 year
Hello! If you’re still trying to fill the empty prompts, maybe 23 for Wolffe/Fox?
Have a great day!
23. “Are you trying to flirt with me?” / “Yes. Is it working?”
Wolffe has, gradually, subtly, been leaning farther and farther into Fox’s space the whole evening. Fox hadn’t noticed right away.
Having his friend, rival and brother on home soil was enough of an event for Fox to delegate much more than usual to clear a good portion of his evening to meet him. If Thorn and Stone had rather forcefully reassigned his own tasks to themselves to make a point out of it, well. He wasn’t going to start examining a free ship for dings and scratches.
And now they’re in this Hutt bar, the one the 41st first came to on their first rotation for shore leave. Gree had recommended they be nothing but polite to the twi’lek waitress and not to ask what’s in the food, and so far Fox has found it a reasonable enough establishment. If one forgets it’s owned by a Hutt.
Regardless—Wolffe, in his space. Slightly intoxicated and grinning like he hasn’t since before deployment. Eyes shining with glee as Fox cracks jokes like he hasn’t been able to since their distant postings.
Drink sloshes dangerously in Fox’s cup as he comes to his realisation. Belated, maybe, but entirely by himself.
“Hold on,” he says, “are you flirting with me?”
Wolffe takes his narrowed-eyes stare with even more glee, emboldened, no doubt, by the paint stripper he’s been knocking back. He props one elbow more firmly on the bar and rests his cheek against his fist, eyes gleaming under the shitty lights.
“Yeah,” he admits. “Thanks for catching on. Is it working?”
“Kriff off,” Fox mumbles, but he’s smiling and he can’t make it stop even when he tries to hide behind his drink. “You’ll need to try a little harder than that.”
“Oh?” Wolffe shifts his weight on his feet and his hip bumps Fox’s. “Where will it get me, if I do?”
The bar is almost seventy-five percent GAR at this point. No one is paying attention to who’s trying to get with who, but the blatant forwardness still makes Fox feel like they’re doing something forbidden—like they’re cadets again, creeping out of bed after lights out.
He finishes his drink and sets it at arm’s length away on the bartop.
“I guess you’ll have to find out,” he teases. Then he gives Wolffe a look from beneath his lashes, just to be a dick about it. “But you know I’ll make it worth your while.”
Wolffe’s thigh presses against his a little more firmly, a comfortable weight and a promise, and so stable, as if he’s not thrumming with the excitement of knowing that this is where they’ve been headed since the beginning.
“Of course,” he replies. A new drink appears next to Fox’s hand and they clink over it, gazes too knowing and too young and full of anticipation. “I know you always do.”
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