#green peas and carrots and corn do not count as vegetables to me
daringdo · 4 months
It bothers me when a meat dish has just one vegetable served with it and it’s green peas.
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cascadedkiwi · 10 months
A Grand Soup [Comfortember 2023]
Characters: Micah Yujin x “Angel” Visual Novel/Game: Error 143 Genre: Comfort (more fluff, I’m feeling) Summary: Because Micah shall not settle for any old simple soup. Word Count: 822
Prompt: 27. Soup
Micah’s happy voice sounds through the front of the house. “Angel~ I'm home!”
“In the kitchen!” she calls back. 
Micah practically trots into the kitchen with his nose in the air, dropping the shopping bags onto the island countertop. “Oh, you brought out the big pot!”
She giggles, turning from her stirring. “What did you bring home?”
She can almost see imaginary ears popping up from his hair as he lights up.
“Angel, I went down that market street you told me about? There was produce EVERYWHERE!” He starts pulling out ingredients from the various cloth and straw bags. “I got carrots… sweet potatoes… bok choy - I hope I said that right - tomatoes, corn, red and white onions…” 
Micah separates a smaller amount and pushes the pile across the counter to where Angel is waiting with her sharpened knife. She transfers all she can carry to the sink to wash and peel as necessary.
“Don't think I'm done!” He says excitedly, although there's no way she possibly could've when he came in with four large bags stuffed to capacity. She listens as he continues unloading his haul like a proud gatherer. 
“I didn't even know cauliflower came in yellow! I got the regular white, too. I got all four colours of sweet peppers, white and purple cabbage - why do they call it red? Red onions aren't even red, either!”
Angel chuckles at his tone, bringing over bowls to separate the prepped ingredients. Her husband’s insistence at an excessively wide countertop was currently much appreciated. They could host a full family reunion to this thing.
“I got a bunch of beans and stuff, too! I found those ‘lentils’ you kept asking about, and Lima beans, and black beans, red beans, split peas…”
“Micah Yujin, who are we feeding with all this?” She asks with a laugh. The carrots had been diced and she was on to the broccoli he had purposely not announced. Her eyes roamed over the various mushrooms and pumpkin, lighting up at the butternut squash.
“Me and you, my love,” he answers in a posh tone. “You told me to bring home veggies for soup. This will ensure we execute only the grandest soup possible.”
“It'll be healthy, that's for sure,” she murmurs as Micah pushes the bags to the opposite end of the counter. 
He goes over to the sink, washing his hands before returning with his apron hanging from his neck and a knife and cutting board in his arms. “You didn't think I was leaving you to prep all this alone, did you?” He gasps dramatically. “I'm hurt, my angel, that you think so little of me after living as my sweet wife all this time.”
“We've been married for three months, Yujin.”
“And clearly I haven't demonstrated myself enough in those 90 days, Mrs. Yujin.” He makes quick work of the onions, using the excuse to have tears accompany his exaggerated sniffling.
Cassie shakes her head as she sets aside a bowl of greens, clearing her cutting board for the cabbage. “My apologies, my sweet.”
“No!” Micah huffs with a pout, leaving the tears as he moves on to the bell peppers. “This is my failure as a husband. I am more than just a provider, a bringer of raw materials for sustenance. I must prove myself!”
Cassie raises an eyebrow as he pushes away the peppers, dutifully wiping his knife before smacking down a sweet potato. God bless him because as much as she loved the things, cutting them was a workout. She would gladly watch him strongarm that vegetable into submission for their pot.
Micah turned everything into a performance or a good time. Even with his antics he was an efficient kitchen assistant, and pretty soon everything they wanted was in the pot and bubbling away. 
He sniffs the air, a confused look on his face. “Angel, is the oven on?” He bent to look but couldn't tell.
“Should be,” she responds as she rinses the dishes. “I've got bread rising in there.”
She squeaks into a laugh as she's suddenly hugged from behind, dropping a - thankfully plastic - bowl. She squirms as Micah peppers her cheek with kisses. “It's just bread, babe, relax!”
“My Angel made bread from scratch with this timing and I must relax?” He asks incredulously. “I shall not!”
“I'm assuming that informing you that my first attempt at a garlic confit is also in there will earn me more physical affect- Wah!” She squawks as she's raised clean off her feet and walked out of the kitchen.
“Mm-mm, mm-mm” Her husband repeats in her ear. “You're not allowed to do this to me. You're showing me up.”
“ I'm the giver in this relationship, missy. Stop stealing my love language!” They topple onto the large sofa where he smothers her and her protesting laughter in kisses. 
It's a good thing they have a rather loud and intrusive kitchen timer.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
top five best and worst vegetables?
Most disagree with me sadly, but I love potatoes if those count. Broccoli, carrots, asparagus, baby salad greens, and celery (can't eat it tho). Sweet peppers in the right context are nice. I like many squashes, even zucchini, when prepared right. Green beans, snap peas, green peas, corn. I do like a lot. Much of it upsets my tummy because insoluble fiber. :(
Most other greens are horrible, especially cooked. I fucking loathe that onions are as popular as they are because they get into everything and for whatever reason my body clears the stinky onion breath taste incredibly slowly so I can taste them for like 12+ hours. Also they are a tremendous IBS trigger unless powdered or chopped VERY fine. Putting raw onion on my food is a way someone says they do not love me or care if I die. If it touches my food, however briefly, that onion stuff gets on there and then boom, no matter how little, I'm tasting it for hours. Horrible. Horrible. The taste itself isn't bad, but I cannot handle how it lasts forever. Nobody else I know has this problem. :( Cabbage is the worst of god's inventions, vegetably, being flavorless except for the vague bouquet of distant farts, and highly provocative of IBS as well. It makes its way into a lot of dishes as cheap filler and I resent it. It is also the prime culprit of both sauerkraut and kimchi. Both of those are crimes. Artichokes are gaslighting you into thinking they're food. Brussels sprouts need to be prepared carefully or they taste awful.
I have tried all of these things prepared many ways, so it isn't a naive palate. I just don't like many vegetables very much. And when something causes you terrible pain, you VERY quickly learn to dislike it even more.
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steele-soulmate · 2 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 14
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
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STORY WARNINGS: talk of body dysmorphia (nothing graphic)
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
I leaned in the open doorway of Aria’s bedroom, where the room has been cleared out and a giant painter’s tarp covered the floor. The king was showing the girls where best to paint on the walls so that the colors could be viewed under different lights. Aria translated for her sister, pausing from time to time to teach him sign language.
“Daddy, can me and Evie sleep with you and mommy tonight?” Aria asked innocently.
“Sweetheart?” The king turned to face me and the two of us had a silent conversation using our eyebrows and nose crinkles to talk.
“I don’t see why not,” I answered after a minute of this.
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY…” cheered Aria as she and her sister began a war dance in the middle of her bedroom.
“But you two need to be on your best behavior,” I told them both with a firm voice and firm hands. “Understand?”
“Yes mommy!” Aria chirped as she and her twin went into their shared Jack and Jill bathrooms to get changed into their pajamas for bed later that night after dinner.
“Come on down to the kitchen when you’re done!” I called out as the king led me downstairs.
“Hey sweetheart, I stopped by the palace on the way home from the library earlier today and I grabbed this…” He pulled his wallet out from the back of his pants and took out a ring, which he held out to me. I took the pretty bauble from him and examined it closely- a simple rose gold band that was inscribed with the words, A STRONG FAMILY, A STRONG FOUNDATION. I recognized it as coming from his mother’s personal collection, and found myself smiling at his thoughtfulness.
“Can I wear it on a chain around my neck?” I asked him as I fitted the ring onto my finger and discovering that the band was huge on my finger. “I have a history of always losing my rings.”
“Of course,” he stood up to his full height, watching me as I began to pounder over what to make for dinner that night. “I’ll look into getting one for you tomorrow, alright?”
“Alright.” I came to a decision and started to pulled a giant soup pot out. “How does vegetable soup sound to you?”
“Uh…” I paused at the tone in his voice. “Yeah, sure. That sounds delicious.”
“Or I can make something else and serve a vegetable side,” I contested with a shrug. “The girls didn’t have any greens for lunch, and I don’t like having an unbalanced diet.”
“Just no turnips,” he begged me as I reached for the vegetable drawer. “My mom loves turnips and would try to sneak them into every meal when I was little.”
“Okay, fair enough,” I told him, taking out carrots, green beans, corn, peas and celery. “No turnips. I promise.”
I felt his eyes supervising me as I chopped everything before setting off to the side as I waited for the soup pot to come to a rolling boil. Next, I grabbed tomatoes, potatoes, a yellow onion and garlic.
“This is a recipe by my mom.” The smile slid off my face. “I always wondered what she and daddy did with my hope chest.”
“What exactly is a hope chest?” I could feel the king’s puzzled facial expression through the back of my head as I fussed about, getting ready to serve up dinner to the king and my daughters.
“A hope chest is something that single woman pack household necessities into in preparations of moving out from their parents’ and starting a family,” I explained. “Bed quilts, dishes, bath towels, kitchen utensils… little things that I would either buy or make. I would really like to have access to that stuff now, make your house more at home to live in.”
“Sweetheart, no,” he protested. “This house isn’t just my house anymore- it’s your house now, yours and the girls.”
“Okay,” I muttered as I dumped everything into the pot before closing the lid. “Your majesty, do you want a big wedding?” Anxiety gripped onto my throat with iron tight claws.
“No, I don’t really fancy the idea of a big, fancy wedding,” he reassured me. “I’m just as happy having a simple chapel wedding, just the two of us, the girls and my sisters as the witnesses.”
“Will your other sisters like me?” I asked, my voice tight with worry.
“Cathy likes you,” he pointed out in a dry voice, leaning his hip against the refrigerator. “She told everyone that you are a sweet soul, a kind and devoted mother, and overall, a good being.”
I scooped up some bubbling soup into a spoon and motioned him down to taste. A small smile crossed over my face as he smacked his lips.
“Delicious,” he snarled as soft little pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pats to sound out, signaling the twins approaching the kitchen quickly, on the hunt for dinner. “I wonder what you taste like, pretty sweetheart of mine.”
“You want to have sex with me?” My anxiety fit me once more, making me feel self-conscious of myself. Since I had carried the twins and given birth to them, my figure had become lumpy and flabby in all the wrong places and I had developed ugly stretch marks on my tummy and thighs.
“When you’re ready, sweetheart,” he reassured me in a soft voice, reaching over ma and grabbing some bowls for me to scoop the food into. “And not a moment before.”
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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ultrastarbee · 2 years
Hello! I just wanna say I LOVE your writing SO MUCH!!! Please keep doing what you’re doing. You’re so good 🥺
Anyways, I have a request for you 😄 idk why but rindou strikes me as the kind of person that HATES eating his vegetables. So, can you write a fluffy story with bonten rindou where he and reader are having dinner together? The reader tries to put veggies in his plate and he gets all whiney and straight up refuses. Then, the reader spends all evening trying to get him to eat the vegetables with no luck. At the end the reader tells ran about this. 😂 Thank you so much!!!!
Hello, honey! Sorry for the wait! Thank you so much for your sweet words ❤️. I don't know how or why, but I lost so many requests while I was away and I'm so happy yours wasn't one of them! This is too adorable! Loved it.
Title: CUTEcumber Request: yes Couple: Rindou x gn!reder Category: funny! fluffy! Content Warning: cursing Word Count: 633 Summary: Rindou hates his vegetables! It's a normal thing for kids, you know, but he's almost 30 now! Ain't a kid! A/N: THIS IS TOO SILLY LOVED IT
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You have been watching Rindou eating all week. He isn't messy, yet there are times when he "accidentally" spills his food. The funny part about it is: it's always the greens. Peas, broccoli, cucumber, spinch… at this point you have tried everything. His odd behavior extends to others veggies as well, so it's not just about colors: carrots, eggplants, pumpkin, corn… Rin looks at them like they are his enemies. Lucky for them, they don't have joints for Rin to go after.
Rindou is not just your boyfriend, now he is a whole science subject. He eats potatoes, mushrooms and onion when he can't pick them off his food. It's the same when he can't see them. Maybe that's why Ran suggested his baby brother to stop using the glasses. Oh, that's right! You should ask Ran about Rindou's hate for vegetables. But later. Now you are with your eyes on your subject again.
"Can I help you with it?" you asked watching him carefully choosing the meat that is not touching the green things.
"Sure" Rindou knows you are a normal adult and eat your food like so, but he thinks you don't know about his preferences. How could he deny your help when you smile so sweet? Rin regrets as soon as you put some food on his plate "I don't want the green shits. Who eats that? I'm no rabbit. And they look like poison. And they smell like farts. Don't want this green-alien-shit-plant on my plate. They are even touching the meat. Disgusting. Creepy greeny-farty leaves".
You look at him. This man almost on his 30's, Bonten's executive, famous on the underworld, a fucking criminal and one of the famous Haitani brothers from Roppongi. This man is now all whiney and pouty complaining about some veggies. Take a deep breath. This is the man you choose.
"Rin, don't say my food smell like farts"
"Sorry" he tries to hide his evem bigger pout and starts moving the veggies to the corner away from the rest of his food.
"Ain't gonna eat them!"
"Veggetables aren't that bad, you know?"
"If you want to poison me, do it with good food and not fart-tasting shit like that!"
"I will tell Ran" Rindou doesn't seem bothered by your threat, so you have a better idea "I WILL TELL SANZU!"
There's fear on his eyes. He isn't scared of Sanzu, of course, but Rin knows that if the bubblegum haired bitch knew about his veggies hate, he won't heart the end of it. Sanzu will tease the shit out of him. Rin fears for his sanity, so he looks at his plate, takes a deep breath, chooses the one who looks not so evil and… Rin fails and keeps looking at you with furrowed eyebrows and trembling lips.
"You can do it. Just a bite".
"Now I know how Snow White felt".
"At least she could do it".
"Yeah, look what happened then. The wolf ate her".
"Not the same story" taking a deep breath, you chose not to tell him what really happens with Snow White on the story. Wait, if he is her, are you the evil stepmother? "It's okay, Rin. We try veggies another day".
"No way".
After dinner you hurry to your brother-in-law's contact to ask him about it. Ran tells you Rin's old rage history with vegetables. According to Ran, Rindou was still a very small kid when it happened. Trying to see what was on the table, Rin pulled the table's towel and was attacked by a big falling pumpking right on the head. That day Rindou swore revenge and hatred to all veggies.
Maybe it's a good idea to invite Rin to carve some pumpkins this year. You know, for the revenge and hatred shit.
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sincerelyciarra · 3 years
A Brief Vegetable Ranking
by someone who doesn’t really like vegetables, and especially not raw ones (the wet kronch is Bad)
Artichoke: Not really sure what these taste like. Not a fan of spinach and artichoke dip because I can’t get past the idea that something Suspicious is going on in there. I know people eat artichoke hearts but, ngl, seems like a lot of work with little reward. 3/10
Asparagus: Far too expensive for such a little dude. Looks and tastes the most like what I imagine the first branch off a young, spring sapling tastes like. Smells like you did something wrong when you cooked it, even if you did not. If I ever had to make a Scarecrow-Medusa, this is what I would make her hair out of. 2/10
Broccoli: Roasted broccoli is fucking delicious, and I’ll hear nothing to the contrary. Also very good in soup! 10/10
Carrots: Not my favorite. Fine in small amounts, but too much becomes Too Much a lot quicker than you’d expect. Good in curry. Not as good for your eyes or as popular with rabbits as Looney Tunes would have you believe. 5/10
Cauliflower: (Please see, Broccoli.) Bonus points for also coming in purple. 11/10
Celery: Looks and tastes like the color green, but in the worst possible way. When you learned about chlorophyll in the fifth grade, this is the smell you imagined. Gets points back for being delicious in chicken soup, but ultimately not worth the pain of having to dodge around it while you’re eating because. Ew. 3/10
Corn: An objectively superior vegetable in almost all ways. Would eat in every form except as cornbread. 15/10
Cucumbers: Whoever started the idea that adding slices of cucumber to water would make it Crisp and Refreshing is Wrong and A Liar™ and Should Be Punished For Their Crimes. Water is already on thin ice, taste wise, and the addition of cucumber ruins the experience entirely. However, you can place the slices over your eyelids for a little at-home spa day like Ashley Tisdale in HSM 2. 1/10
Eggplant: Full points for inspiring the word Aubergine, which rolls off the tongue in such a delightfully pretentious way. Also, eggplant parmesan is good, maybe? (hearsay, unsourced.) 10/10
Green Beans: A favorite, but only when they come from a can, otherwise they’re too crunchy. (Fresh green beans are acceptable roasted.) 9/10
Lettuce: BIG HATE. All of the bad qualities of celery with none of the good. An evil leaf that sits limply on top of your food, dripping its horrible juices all over everything. My personal hell-food. Irredeemable. Abhorrent. -10,000/10
Onions: I don’t personally fuck with onions, but only a fool would deny how much onions have done for us as a society. Truly the backbone of modern cuisine. Just wish they didn’t look and feel Like That when cooked. 20/10
Peas: Do people still eat peas? Who decided that peas were going to be the Frozen Vegetable Staple™ for multiple generations of americans?? I’m pretty sure I’ve only had peas in chicken pot pie and so-so vegetable soup, and they’re nothing to write home about. Genuinely would not know how to cook them if asked. Points for always being tucked in the back of your freezer for when you need something to ice your knee. 2/10
Potatoes: GOD TIER. Fantastic in all forms. Also, to those of you saying that potatoes don’t count as a vegetable because they’re mostly starch: learn from NASA’s mistakes and stop trying to pluto my boy off the food pyramid. Respect your elders. 100/10.
Spinach: It’s fine I guess?? Feel like it could be doing more for itself. 5/10
Tomatoes: Do Not understand the appeal. Uncomfortably wet and full of seeds. The thought of biting into a cherry tomato and having it squish in my mouth fills me with dread. Delicious in soup (sometimes) but I could and would live without it. 4/10
Zucchini: Someone brought in a loaf of zucchini bread to an elementary school pot luck and I never got over the betrayal. 0/10
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adhdanalogbrain · 4 years
Do you have any tips for healthy eating with adhd? I've seen suggestions in the past for microwave meals, but I'm weird with the textures of those and often times the thought of cooking, especially if its just for me, sounds like too much effort
OP, i have been sitting on this ask for weeks because i wanted to give you a really really good all-encompassing answer (with photos etc) that would solve all your food problems....
...but that obviously isn't happening any time soon. so instead I've reblogged several other fooding-while-ADHD posts (and will continue to do so when I find good ones!). And I'm going to give you the short, short version of the beautiful answer that lives only in my head:
Ok so let me explain. Microwave meals are vile because: 1) lots of different textured food cooked for the same amount of time creates bad textures, 2) ridiculous amounts of sodium and preservatives taste gross and hurt your stomach, 3) heckin' expensive, and 4) full of germs, don't look this fact up, you really dont want to know, just trust me on this.
HOWEVER! You can make your own easy, balanced microwave meals for super cheap by combining absolutely normal frozen vegetables, quick-cooking grains, and your own seasonings.
As a quick reminder, a well-balanced meal is comprised of:
50% non-starchy vegetables (aka, 1/2 of your plate)
25% carbs / starches (1/4 of your plate)
25% protein (1/4 of your plate)
1 serving of dairy
1 serving of good fats
Here's each of those categories broken down further (bold items are readily and cheaply available frozen):
Non-Starchy Vegetables: Artichoke, asparagus, baby corn, bamboo shoots, green beans, wax beans, bean sprouts, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, leafy greens, jicama, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, peppers, radishes, rutabaga, tomato, turnips, water chestnuts, zucchini, summer squash.
Starchy Vegetables: Corn, hominy, parsnips, green peas, plantain, potato, pumpkin, winter squash, sweet potato.
Grains: Bagel, bread, pita, tortilla, barley, bulgur, oatmeal, kasha, millet, quinoa, rice, pasta, couscous, green peas, beans, lentils, black-eyed peas.
Proteins: Meat, eggs, fish, beans, black-eyed peas, edamame, falafel, hummus, lentils, nut butter, tofu, cheese, cottage cheese.
Dairy: Milk, soymilk, yogurt
Good Fats: Avocado, peanut butter, nuts, canola oil, olive oil, olives, margarine, mayo, corn/cottonseed/flaxseed/safflower/soybean/sunflower oil, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.
FUN FACT ABOUT FATS: Many of the vitamins in vegetables are fat-soluble, which means your body can absorb them much better if they are eaten with fats. I hereby give you permission to add oil/butter/whatever to your meal, to eat your broccoli with ranch dressing, etc etc. (Also, eating good fats is good for your LDL cholesterol, and helps you feel full longer)
You'll notice that some items are on more than one list! That's because plant-based proteins also count as carbs/starches. Don't fret too much over this-- just know that if you've got beans in your microwave-safe bowl, you don't need to go hunting down a separate protein, you can just add more beans.
What to do with all the information i just dumped on you:
1. Grab a microwave-safe bowl and add 1/4 cup water
2. Add half a meal's worth of non-starchy veggies
3. Add your carb/starch (3/4 of your bowl is now full)
4. Add your protein (bowl is 100% filled)
5. Add oil of your choice
6. Add spices and seasonings -- spice mixes are your friend. ADD A DASH OF SALT. Salt helps dissolve flavors on your tongue, making your veggies extra delicious.
7. Cover and nuke until cooked.
You're done at this point, but I'm going to add some extra info/ideas below:
Quick-cook grains such as oatmeal, couscous, quick rice, and quinoa can be added along with the frozen veggies and cooked until soft
Some veggies cook faster than others, so you may need to add the slower veggies first, nuke for 4 minutes alone, then add the rest of your meal and continue cooking
You can freeze your own veggies! 1) Wash, peel, and chop just about any cook-able vegetable, 2) place in microwave-safe bowl with 1/4 to 1/2 cup water and cover, 3) microwave until veggies are soft, but not full cooked, 4) drain, set aside to cool, 5) Place in plastic freezer bag and add to freezer. NOTE: Unlike storebought veggies (which are flash-frozen at -40° F), home-frozen vegetables are good for about a month, so write your own "best by:" date on the bag with a sharpie.
You can also do the above with any dried beans. Cook the beans per the instructions until almost fully cooked, then FULLY DRAIN and freeze. If you hate the texture of canned beans, this may be a good solution for you. Dried beans, when cooked, are much less mushy than canned beans.
Add frozen veggies to canned soup to both stretch it out further and to make it 10x more delicious and satisfying.
Cook grains in bone broth for both protein and deliciousness
Frozen, pre-cooked meat and meat substitutes are also widely available and can be added to the mix.
You can pre-mix your meals (including the grains) and store them in individual plastic bags in the freezer at home or at work until you're hungry. DO NOT LET THEM THAW IN THE FRIDGE. Frozen foods do NOT go in the fridge, they go straight from freezer to microwave. The reason is germs.
Tofu and cheese cannot be frozen, sadly.
That's all i have at this time! Now I'm going to start eating my microwave bowl of leftover takeout + frozen peas.
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
Self-Shipping Reference.
I have been debating on creating a self-shipping reference for these two, but since I am certain of our dynamic at this point, I wanted to delve right in; I love Will and Jakob so very much and I wanted to create a little collection of our relationship like I’ve done before in the past. Most of all, this is for me so that I can have it as a reference, so there is absolutely no obligation to interact with this post. If you do, thank you for showing us so much love and care, I really appreciate it more than anything. This community is so welcoming of self-shipping and that means a lot to me<3.
last updated: June 17, 2021
please do not read if you are not interested in or comfortable with self-shipping.
word count: 2,908
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Ship name?
Our collective ship name is Grimmrose, for obvious reasons (my poly heart can hardly take it😭✨💛) 
I do not feel I should need to say this (as it should already be implied), but since I do not want angry anons in my ask box about this, I will state: Will and Jakob are not romantically involved in our dynamic; the love they have for each other is familial only. They both share me, but that is as far as it goes. There is absolutely no incestuous aspects of our relationship. 
Date you got together?
Jakob: May 26, 2021. The open honesty and security within our vulnerabilities were what prompted Jakob and I to jump in headfirst. We knew how we felt almost immediately; Jakob believes in love at first sight and I value that sentiment. It was a mutual understanding that the two of us were meant to be together (even if I hadn’t already known, the darling would have convinced me - he is extremely persuasive and given to a dreamer’s mindset.) The two of us easily came to an agreement on beginning a relationship because of how similar we have found ourselves to be. It was not difficult to access what each other was thinking and how we chose to approach those thoughts and feelings. Jakob is driven by those, after all, and his bright spirit and general interest in the things that cannot be so easily explained drew me to him. 
Platonic:  May 26, 2021.
 Romantic: June 14, 2021. 
Will was, to my surprise, not as difficult to access as I expected. He has a much different personality to Jakob’s; the two are near opposite ends of the spectrum. Will’s mission has been to protect Jakob, mostly from himself, but Jakob does not understand that the reason Will is so hard on him is because Will feels helpless around him. Jakob’s mind is so bright and open, while Will does not understand how to compete with that nor how to understand or fit into Jakob’s world of folklore and mythical, magical beings. He feels weak in comparison to Jakob’s spirit; Will values my ability to cross those lines and connect with both him and Jakob. Will has never known another to be so well-suited for his brother and he is respectful of how we interact, since until now he has been the only one who has been able to reach Jakob. We were platonic for several weeks out of respect for Jakob, but soon entered into a mutual agreement to share the love that we all have for each other; the brothers agreed to share me since they have both developed such strong feelings. 
Favorite personality trait?
Jakob: His sense of security within vulnerabilities. Jakob is more given to childlike excitement and the thrill of action whenever it is of a magical quality. He fidgets, has a distinct nervous energy/uncomfortable body language, a clear mind but one that fancies fiction over reality. Whenever he drinks, he’s giddy and excited; the only one who can get through to him in these moments are Will and I. The thing is, Jakob has never tried to be anybody but himself. He is aware that these qualities are not valued by the vast majority and are perhaps seen as weaknesses or even are simply frowned upon (much of this he experienced as a result of the way Will treated him over the years), but even all of that has never caused his personality to shift or made him close himself off. Jakob has always found security within who he is, regardless of whether those around like it or not.
Will: His protective commitment to those who he loves. Even though Will canonically admitted his frustrations over Jakob and how he “hates” his younger bother, stating how Jakob “drives him mad”, he is fiercely protective of him and committed to maintaining their relationship in spite of any disagreements or arguments. Will does not give up on those he loves. Even though it would have made sense for him to toss Jakob into the streets and leave him if he truly hates him, but Will does not. Despite his confession, he has never actually hated his brother; Jakob makes him feel weak, helpless and inferior because Jakob’s comprehension of things beyond Will’s understanding or compulsion to understand or look beyond what is right in front of him is too different and unusual to him. 
Favorite physical trait?
Jakob: His eyes. Jakob’s eyes are so expressive; they sparkle in the light and his irises twinkle. His soul appears as if it were made from stardust and every bit of him glows. His eyes reflect the innocence and playful mischief bound within him; he is a dreamer at heart and his eyes mirror that. 
Will: His smile. There is a scene when Jakob and Will first arrive at Marbaden and they are confronted by the townspeople with weapons, uncertain of who these two strangers are, and when Will tries to explain who they are his smile is simply dazzling. I believe that was the moment I found myself in love with him; I have not seen a smile so bright in a long time. Here’s a screenshot of his smile (Jakob’s expression in the background is so funny😂):
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Couple song
We do not have a couple song yet; we have couple albums. 
Taylor Swift’s albums Folklore and Evermore are sister albums, so it only makes sense that they are representative of the two brothers respectively: Folklore for Jakob and Evermore for Will. 
Both albums are suited to the three of us; the feelings provoked from both establish the tone of our relationship. 
Pet peeves…
There is only one: their constant bickering/arguing and fights. It is natural for siblings to fight, but the longer I spend with these two, the more consistently they seem to fight in front of me. I do not believe the fighting affects their relationship as perhaps it did in the past; they seem very content, even after they’ve been fighting a while, and neither of them holds a grudge anymore. 
Favorite outfit on them?
I will share photos since it would take some time to explain in enough detail; I am a sucker for older/medieval clothing (perhaps this is why this movie spoke to me in such a way?)
These are my favorite outfits of theirs:
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their armor is a close second, because it really makes me laugh:
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Favorite meal?
Jakob: This bit is indicative of all of us and I was the one who introduced the brothers to this meal - vegetable soup; beef/broth, noodles, peas, carrots, tomatoes, corn, green beans, potatoes. The brothers are used to eating whatever is being served them at the pubs they visit and the inns at each town they stay and, needless to say, are not often prepared a meal especially one to their specific tastes. The first time I made this for them, they ate heartily and it has been their favorite since. 
Will: This is less of a specific meal and more of a eating habit of his, but Will is partial to sweet treats and desserts of all kind. His favorite treat is soft bread with a sticky, sugary glaze (wait until I tell him about glazed donuts😂) 
Early bird or night owl?
Neither of the Grimms are particularly one or the other. They both have been known to stay awake all hours of the night for one reason or another; Jakob stays up writing most nights when brand new ideas flood his mind and prevent sleep. He works whenever inspiration strikes and if that is the middle of the night, then Will or I will find him hunched over his desk, pen scratching away across the page as he squints to read what he has written under the low candlelight. 
Will stays awake late born out of a habit he has yet to change. He does not like to sleep very soundly until he knows that Jakob and I are either asleep or keeping each other company; Will takes responsibility of us quite seriously. Since we’ve begun a relationship, they do not go out as much as they once had and when we do, they are awake nearly the entire night and whenever they crash, they are both out cold. 
If I wake up throughout the night, Jakob sleeps so soundly that he would not know (he wears earplugs if we’re staying at an inn because the noise bothers him.) Will always wakes up whenever I do; the shifting around wakes him, but he does not usually open his eyes or speak to me until I come back to bed and he settles me back into my spot. 
Snorer or sleep talker?
Jakob: SLEEP TALKER! Jakob talks in his sleep nearly every night, most especially if he has had something to drink beforehand or if Will has gotten under his skin about something. Stress/anxiety also trigger it; I don’t hear him often, because he only does it in a deep sleep which is usually whenever I’ve already fallen asleep. 
Will: Will does not snore or talk in his sleep; he is unusually quiet, however, he will groan or mumble softly if he’s turning over or something like that. He does not move a lot when he’s sleeping either. 
Do you have any pets together?
No, our lifestyle is not suited to pets, unless horses used for transportation count. 
Pet names! (Both from them and yours for them)
Will’s for me: little one/little girl, peanut
Jakob’s for me: sweetheart, darling, lover
Mine for Jakob: Jakey, Beanstalk (turning Will’s mean comments into something sweet💕), Dreamer, Sweetie/Sweet One/Sweet Baby
Mine for Will: Blondie, Prince Charming (only in certain scenarios)
Ones Jakob and Will use collectively for me: Briar Rose, Rosebud, Unicorn, Beauty/Belle (a play off my favorite fairytale), Princess
Ones I use collectively for Jakob & Will: Grimmy
How often do you fight? What starts fights?
I have yet to have any fights with either of the brothers (though I have had mild disagreements with Will over the way he speaks to Jakob.)
Jakob and Will fight often and about everything, but more often than not, the source of the argument is their personality difference. Their interests clash significantly and they find it difficult to coexist at times because Will feels he must fill the role of Jakob’s caretaker, while Jakob simply wants Will to be his brother and believe in him. 
I usually do not get involved in their squabbles unless Will speaks out of turn. He can be somewhat hateful in the remarks he makes to his brother and I am not afraid to set the record straight. Jakob has gotten much better at standing up for himself; he is not afraid to get physical if things escalate to that point, though I have yet to see them lay a hand on each other. Jakob knows that one swift punch is all that he needs to deliver for Will to fall in line and understand that he is serious; he saves them for when he needs them and has only punched Will outright one time, that I am aware of. 
Who apologizes first?
This depends on who feels they are “wrong”. Will does not like to apologize, so usually it is Jakob who initiates the apology. Occasionally, neither will apologize and it is implied that they both have and things will continue on like normal as if nothing ever happened (this is best case scenario.) 
I have not known them to simply not apologize to each other for wrongdoing; Will has apologized to Jakob on a number of occasions where I have been present. If Will apologizes, it is usually for speaking too harshly to Jakob or bringing up the “magic beans” he has terrorized Jakob with for years. 
Big spoon or little spoon?
Jakob: Jakob adores being the little spoon. Even though he likes to hold onto me at night, nothing seems to compare to being held. Jakob has gone the majority of his life without being shown affection and tender love; he is so touch-starved that he asks to be held almost every night. 
Will: Will is the only F/O (aside from J) who I allow to be the big spoon on a regular basis. I trust him implicitly and know that he will keep me safe; he likes to hold onto me while we sleep so that he knows and can feel he isn’t alone. He does not like to sleep whenever it is too cold and he wants a warm body pressed against him. 
Dom or sub?
Jakob: Submissive.
Will: Dominant.
Will has had his misgivings over Jakob and I, both being submissives, entering into a relationship together, but it has not presented an issue so far. Most of the time, Jakob and I love all over each other so it doesn’t matter one way or another😂 It is rare for Jakob and I to be sexually intimate. 
Will takes on the more dominant role, since he has been so with Jakob over the years of their lives before they’d met me. Will is the nurturer and takes care of us both; he remains protective of us despite certain insecurities and fears. Will takes on more of the sexual responsibilities of their relationship with me because of his experience with women.
What are their kisses like?
Jakob: Jakob’s kisses begin as achingly shy, reverential ones that develop into slowly sensual, spontaneous or exploratory ones. Jakob likes to hold my hands when we kiss and I like the way his facial hair pleasantly scratches my face; he is always extremely gentle and never oversteps. I especially love when he kisses me with such eager impulsivity that our cheeks turn red and we laugh when it’s over. 
Will: Will’s kisses can either be covetous and greedy, fervent, and deeply passionate or chaste and flirtatious. He always cups my cheeks, chin or tangles his fingers in my hair at the back of my head while kissing me; his lips often taste sweet or sugary from how often he indulges on sweets. My favorite of Will’s kisses are the languid, open-mouthed ones when he uses his tongue. 
What do they smell like?
Jakob: Parchment, books and ink, candlewax, earth just after it has rained, sweet basil, a vaguely sweet musk, warm skin.
Will: Warm sugar, sweat/spicy musk, pine, flame. 
What are their hugs like?
Jakob: Bear-like, full-bodied, fiercely affectionate and warm. 
Will: Long, tight, unexpectedly powerful and almost needy. 
Who is more protective?
Both brothers are fiercely protective of me and I know that, in spite of their differences, neither would ever let anything happen to me. As long as they are facing danger together, they would willingly take on any enemy (Jakob would never let Will face danger alone and vice versa.)
Interested in children?
No. Will says that Jakob and I are enough like children as it stands😂
Who needs the most TLC when sick?
Will AND Jakob. They are both huge babies whenever they are sick and all they want is to be taken care of. Surprisingly, they bicker a lot more whenever they’re sick; mainly, they fight over who gets to cuddle me first.
Whenever I am sick, I tend to react the same way and the brothers are more than obliged to take care of me in any way they are able. Will takes the more ‘hands-on’ work like fetching me a drink, food, blankets, etc. and helping me move about as I need. Jakob does not like to leave my side and he will not do so unless instructed by Will and he will fetch me whatever is needed and then return to cuddle with me. 
Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I was the first one to say ‘I love you’ to either of the brothers. I told Jakob first; we nearly admitted it at the same time. We knew how we both felt upon the first of our meetings. 
It took me a while to say ‘I love you’ to Will. Our relationship began platonically; I did not feel comfortable saying so to him until I spoke with Jakob about it first. Intuitive of human emotions is he and he was already well-aware of how we felt about each other and, with his blessing and consent, the brothers agreed to share the love and, well, me. 
Which of you is more accident prone?
I bet you’re thinking either me or Jakob. WRONG! It’s Will. Jakob and I are very steady on our feet because we are full of rambunctious energy; Will is more laid back than either of us and he gets more indignant whenever he does accidentally hurt himself. 
Bed hog?
Jakob is more of a bed hog than Will or I. He is consistently moving around in his sleep, talking, etc. There is one unspoken rule: Jakob sleeps on the left side of the mattress, I am in the middle and Will is on the right. Both use me as a barrier and do not cross to the other’s side of the bed at any point and they each take turns cuddling with me until we all fall asleep. 
Who loves the other the most?
As if it even needs to be said, we all love each other equally, but in different ways. Jakob’s and Will’s relationship and love for each other is strictly familial, while the brothers’ relationships with me are both romantic. 
Will understands and accepts that my relationship with Jakob takes priority, as we began ours first and I am unspokenly Jakob’s above all else. Any and all major decisions are made between Jakob and I; we of course always consider Will’s emotions, well-being, etc. but Jakob prefers to take the reins in terms of calling the shots, in spite of Will being the dominant and more protective one. He feels like Will owes him this and Will is happy to allow his brother this courtesy, considering this is Jakob’s first true relationship. 
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saiyanshewolf · 5 years
I have a legit genuine question so like feel free to reblog this so I can get answers.
How the HELL do I teach myself to like vegetables?
And/or leafy greens?
I was very picky as a child, and although I’ve gotten better as I’ve gotten older, vegetables/greens are the one thing that I’m still unable to make myself eat in almost any capacity. I like certain beans/peas, raw carrots, corn, cucumber, fried okra (which probably doesn’t count), and potatoes. That’s uh...that’s kinda it.
This isn’t a question of the veggies being badly cooked, either. I’ve tried them a myriad of different ways: steamed, boiled, braised, baked, grilled, spiralized, fresh, etc., all with seasoning, and yet when I put them in my mouth and chew them up and taste them it’s just...not great. Sometimes it’s the texture, sometimes it’s the flavor, sometimes it’s both. Granted, I haven’t tried Every Single Vegetable in the World, but I’ve tried the basics. (I’m very good about Trying Things, even when I can tell I probably won’t like them based on appearance or smell.)
As for leafy greens, it’s the same problem, with a bigger emphasis on texture. I hate the feeling of having a leaf in my mouth. It’s weird. It chews up into weird piecey little flecks and I feel like I can’t get all of it out of my mouth (which is also why I don’t like broccoli). Spinach actually tastes okay, but bc of the weird texture it’s hard for me to incorporate it. Texture is also the reason I don’t eat mushrooms. It’s just...weird in my mouth. Like, it grosses me out to the point that it makes me nauseated.
There are things I’ll eat if they are part of other things. For example, I’ll eat salsa all day. My current favorite snack is tortilla chips + corn & black bean salsa (which is just Tostino’s chunky salsa with a can of corn and a can of black beans added). It has bits of tomato, pepper, and onion, but it’s all mixed up in a salsa with other stuff I’ll eat (corn and black beans), so I like it. I don’t, however, like slices of raw tomato or large chunks of cooked tomato; I don’t like onions in literally anything else; whether or not I eat peppers just...depends. I also eat vegetable soup, although my liking of it varies depending on the cook and which vegetables are used.
My favorite foods are mostly meat and carbs. Pastas, pizza (god I love pizza), steak, chicken, fish, cheese, some combo of those. I’d like to expand my palate a little, because I do feel like I’m kind of missing out on a lot, and also bc it’d be a lot friggin easier to get to a ~healthy~ weight if I could, y’know, eat vegetables.
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fitnesstale · 6 years
Clean Eating: How Good Is It For You
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#cleaneating is the newest trend in the diet and nutrition industry. The working principle of clean eating is that eating natural, whole foods and avoiding processed ones can help promote your overall health. But, many health experts are suspicious about the big claims of clean eating because this might be just another fad.
What is Clean Eating?
Clean eating is a simple diet approach to eating nutritious and whole foods and dodging processed foods. Clean eating is not just a diet. It is also a way of living.
You will eat foods in their natural state, without chemicals, and packed with nutrients – like fruits, veggies, protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. And you will completely avoid processed or refined grains, salty and sugary foods, foods with preservatives and additives, and unhealthy fats and proteins.
Follow this eating habit repeatedly and cleanse your system. It will have a positive effect on your mind and body.
Clean Eating Benefits
Here’s why you should practice eating clean:
Get an overload of dietary fiber (good carbs), lean protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals.
No more frantically counting calories.
Improve your gut function.
Alleviate constipation.
Strengthen your immunity.
You will feel revived and energetic.
Weight loss.
Your mental stress levels will reduce.
Your mind will be calm.
No bloating.
You will be proactive at whatever you do.
Improve the health of your skin, hair, and nails.
Reduced risk of various lifestyle-related diseases.
You will sleep better.
Clean Eating Strategies That Work
1. Consume Unprocessed Whole Grains
Compared with refined grains, whole grains are naturally richer in dietary fiber, containing ∼80% more dietary fiber than refined grains. Hence, it is best to eat nutritious, unprocessed whole grains as they help to decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer and aid weight loss.
Consume 3 servings (1 serving = 16 g) of whole grains per day. Include oats, red rice, quinoa, brown rice, wheat, barley, black rice, and corn in your diet.
2. Consume Lean Protein
Lean proteins like wild-caught fish, mushrooms, free-range eggs, skinless chicken breast, and lentils are ideal.
Proteins are the building blocks, and you must eat a serving of protein with every meal. Also, proteins from plant and animal sources will prevent muscle loss.
3. Include Healthy Fats
Healthy fats like nuts, melon seeds, avocado, flax seeds, and sunflower seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats. You may also add homemade nut butter and virgin olive oil and rice bran oil for cooking.
Healthy fats are chiefly unsaturated fats that help decrease inflammation in the body. And that, in turn, helps lessen inflammation-induced obesity.
4. Consume Fruits And Veggies
The WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommend eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Eating fruits and veggies has also been linked with reduced weight and lesser health problems.
So, start consuming at least 5 servings of mixed veggies and 3 servings of 3 different fruits per day.
5. Limit Added Sugar Consumption
Limiting added sugar in several processed and packaged foods will take care of many health issues like diabetes, reduced brain function, non-alcoholic fatty liver, obesity, and a few cancers.
While you are supposed to eat no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, bad food habits can make you eat as many as 25 teaspoons of sugar per day! Avoid foods (including sauces and salad dressings) that contain ingredients like fructose, corn syrup, high fructose, dextrose, concentrated fruit juice, molasses, invert sugar, etc..
6. Read The Label
Always read the label. Not to see the calories but to see what ingredients are being thrown into the canned or packaged food that you are picking to eat. You will find that most of these foods are packed with preservatives and additives that are possibly toxic to your health in the long run.
7. Avoid All Kinds Of Processed Foods
Processed foods like frozen foods, instant noodles, sausage, salami, and ready-to-eat foods are a strict no-no. You should also bypass processed foods like packaged milk, readymade flatbreads/pita bread, baby spinach, chopped veggies, yogurt, cheese, and whole wheat pasta.
Maximum processed foods are low in nutrients and filled with chemicals and preservatives.
8. Shop Along The Perimeter
The margin of any supermarket is where you get all the whole grains, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats. If you want to eat clean but get easily attracted to packaged food, it is best to avoid moving around those shelves until you develop clean eating as your new lifestyle.
9. More Than 10 Ingredients, Put It Back!
The more the number of ingredients in a food, the more harmful it is. Trust you me! Processed foods have a number of ingredients to enhance their shelf life, increase their taste, and stop them from getting spoiled.
So, while seeing the label, if you find more than 10 ingredients, it is best to put it back and choose for a substitute that has a lesser number of ingredients. Eat whole and pure foods.
10. Take Care Of The Environment
By eating more plant-based foods, decreasing meat intake, and bypassing processed foods, you will help reduce the carbon print. You will help decrease the use of herbicides and pesticides, decrease the practice of injecting hormones into fish and other meats and reduce the level of air, water, and soil pollution.
Can Clean Eating Help in Losing Weight?
Yes, you will lose weight if you eat clean. Because you will eat:
a lot of dietary fiber from whole grains, fruits, veggies, and nuts
lean proteins that will help you build muscle and increase your metabolism
healthy fats that will help match the omega-6 and omega-3 ratio and reduce inflammation and stress in your body.
You will also avoid a lot of foods that have more unknown calories (like added sugar) and salt (causes water retention in the body), which will help in weight loss even if you don’t work out regularly.
Clean Eating Grocery List
Foods To Eat
Veggies – Broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, sweet potato, carrot, beetroot, radish, radish greens, kale, chard, beet greens, scallions, lettuce, cabbage, bell peppers, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, arugula, ginger, garlic, fennel, celery, asparagus, onion, Brussels sprouts, and peas.
Fruits – Apple, blackberries, strawberries, apple, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, plum, peach, avocado, kiwi, apricot, watermelon, honeydew melons, raspberries, papaya, banana, and pineapple.
Non-Dairy Milk – Almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, and rice milk.
Animal Protein – Whole eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, trout, mackerel, shrimp, clam, mussels, skinless chicken breast, and lean cuts of beef and pork.
Plant Protein – Mushroom, dried lentils, tofu, edamame, soybeans, quinoa, mixed nuts, nut butter, navy beans, hummus, and soba noodles.
Whole Grains – Quinoa, whole barley, wheat, oat bran, buckwheat, Ezekiel bread, wild rice, brown rice, red rice, and black rice.
Fats And Oils – Tahini, almond butter, olive oil, flax seed oil, avocado oil, walnut oil, grapeseed oil, sesame seed oil, sunflower butter, and cashew butter.
Nuts And Seeds – Walnut, almond, chia, macadamia, pistachio, hazelnuts, pepita, flax seeds, and melon seeds.
Natural Sweeteners – Maple syrup, agave nectar, organic honey, and palm sugar.
Beverages – Water, coconut water, freshly pressed juices, and green tea/oolong tea.
Herbs And Spices – Cilantro, dill, sage, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, cumin, coriander, parsley, nutmeg, mustard, paprika, chili powder, and Himalayan pink salt.
Others – Apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, and Dijon mustard.
Foods To Avoid
Whole wheat pasta
Packaged drinks
Carbonated beverages
Diet soda
Packaged ready-to-eat foods
Frozen foods
Fried chicken
Packaged chopped veggies
Is Clean Eating Backed By Science?
No, the advantages of clean eating are not backed by science.
Yes, eating veggies, fruits, and other whole foods will help you lose weight and decrease the risk of various diseases. But many scientists think that the concept of clean eating should be linked to “healthy eating” and not “eating pure foods” or “avoiding dirty foods.”
Many others consider that the concept of clean eating may give rise to eating disorders.
Treat clean eating as “healthy eating” and incorporate all food groups in your diet to get balanced nutrition.
Do not get controlled with eating only organic, raw, gluten-free, dairy-free foods. The more you treat food as your opponent, the worse it becomes.
Do not let clean eating make you zealous or depressed if you couldn’t stick to it.
Clean eating is a healthy eating and lifestyle theory that we support you to take up. But, with it comes to the responsibility of eating mindfully. Choose good food, local fruits, and veggies, and avoid trans fats, and you will be all good. Today’s clean eating idea might get wiped away by a new nutrition revolution tomorrow. So, try and see if clean eating is something that you really enjoy and if it works for you.
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soft-sarcasm · 7 years
xu minghao: solace in mutual suffering I.
Pairing: xu minghao x reader.
Summary: your roommate Minjae and Minghao’s roommate have a lot of sex, and you find solace in each other and your mutual suffering. (or alternatively, you and Minghao meet on the rooftop of your building while your roommates have sex and there’s not much else.)
Genre: college!au, there isn’t much to this, but I kinda like it, weed use, also a strong hatred for mango juice.
Word Count: 3+k
a/n: so they smoke weed in this, if you’re not comfortable with this, I don’t really know what to say. This isn’t really substantial but I wrote it on a whim, so, yeah.
part ii.
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“It’s like poison that burns everything good and pure in this world until there’s nothing left but a blackened husk of disgust and despair.”
“Fine then, we won’t get any fucking mango juice.” Your roommate of nearly two years, Minjae, scoffed, setting down the bottle before pushing the half-filled cart further away from the juice aisle. “You know, you could have just said you don’t like mango juice, you didn’t have to break out into a sonnet on death.”
“Simply saying I don’t like mango juice would be a dreadful understatement and I cannot stand privy to such a misconception.” Was your reply, the overtly overdramatic proclamation puffed out on fogged breath as you stooped low in front of the frozen vegetables freezer so that you could have better access to scrutinise the seemingly endless variety of mixed veg packets. “Now do we want peas, carrots and corn, or just peas and corn?”
Minjae took a moment contemplate, as she always did when questioned over the specifics of a purchase during your weekly shop and while the gravity of her expression could cause some to question if she was rather making the decision whether or not to go to war with a small nation, when in fact it typically was a more a-typical problem that more likely than not had something to do with noodles. “Get the one with all three; might as well if we’re paying for it.”
“Farm Fresh Medley it is,” You declared while retrieving the petrified packet before tossing it into the trolley so that it landed amongst the numerous bags of ramen. “Are you home for dinner tonight?”
“Not tonight,” Minjae clarified, mindlessly reaching for a bottle of fat-free milk as you glide past the dairy section. “Jun invited me over for a movie and sweet and sour pork.”
You sent her a questioning look of severe scrutiny, “I thought you were finally going vegetarian? Isn’t that why I wasn’t allowed chicken 5 seconds ago?”
 “It’s a process,” She retorted, feeling around the crate of onions before giving you three that she deemed of decent quality for you to bag, “I’m weaning myself off of the stuff which means we can’t have it in the house.”
You scoffed, tying the plastic with a practised amount of ease, “You’re just saying that so you can justify eating meat for the sole purpose of getting some of Jun’s meat.”
“Firstly, I don’t have to do anything to get some of Jun’s meat,” Minjae’s flaunt was hastily followed by the wrinkling her nose in obvious disgust, “And secondly; EW. Why do you have to make everything so gross?”
“I make everything gross?” You repeated, though your tone mimicked less of Minjae’s and more of one that clearly clarified that you were most definitely not in agreement, you placed a bag of chillies along with the rest of your chosen items before grabbing back onto the trolley’s handle. “You know what’s gross Minjae; seeing you and Jun go at it on our couch, even after we had both promised to keep the living room a sex free zone.”
“Oh gosh, will you give that a rest, I aired out the cushions afterwards.” She tsked, using her grip on the front of the cart to direct you towards the spices aisle.
You blanched, going still amongst the shelves filled to the brim with condiments. “You said you scrubbed them with bleach! And now you’re telling me all you did was air them out?”
“Yup; they weren’t even out there for very long.”
“I don’t know why you’re actually proud of this; you’ve also been sitting on the same cushions.”
“Oh I know,” She replied, shoulders rolling in a casual shrug. “But unlike you, I’m not neurotic when it comes to cleanliness.”
“If not wanting to sit in my roommate and her boyfriend’s sex stains makes me neurotic, I’ll gladly take that title.” You deadpanned, ignoring the pointed look your words earned you from a mother who made quick work of shuttling her toddler in the opposite direction.
Minjae was too busy musing over hot sauces to pay your outrage any mind, weighing two bottles that were near identical if it weren’t for the colour of their warning stickers. “Extra hot or extra, extra melt your face off hot?”
“The second one, obviously.”
“You should actually join us,” Minjae proposed while handing you a pack of tampons for you to put on the conveyor belt. “We’re going to match some weird alien film and Jun’s roommate will be there, apparently he’s single.”
You ignored the suggestive waggle of her eyebrows, favouring to focus on setting down the weighted bag of rice down for the cashier to scan. “Yeah, because that sounds like an appealing way of spending my precious Thursday night; watching some sci-fi flick with a complete stranger while we both pretend we can’t tell you and Jun are getting frisky under the blankets. I think I’ll stick with my own plans.”
“34 on this and then the rest on hers,” Minjae took a small pause to address the expectant middle-aged women behind the till before sending a polite smile and turning back to face you. “Can eating popcorn and watching Prison Playbook, or whatever that show is called, really be counted as plans?”
“Thank you; enjoy the rest of your day.” You bumbled as politely as possible to the disinterested cashier who had completely disengaged with you the second your card was back in your hand.  You took the time to carefully slip the engineered piece of glorified plastic back into your painfully light wallet before reclaiming the reins of the trolley. “Of course they’re plans, they also happen to be the only ones I need.”
“Wow,” Minjae drawled, “You sure do live a dangerous life.”
“What can I say,” You crooned, batting your eyelashes in mock flattery. “I like to live on the wild side from time to time.”
You had only ever fully spoken more than a greeting to Wen Junhui twice during the near four months during which he had not only co-inhabited the same building as you but also dated your friend, which was slightly odd seeing as how much of him you had been exposed to.
The first had been the day he and his roommates moved in, a brief welcoming that had progressed while his roommate had continued to singlehandedly struggle to carry an armchair due to Jun abandoning his share of the weight in favour of flirting with Minjae. The second had been the rather awkward small talk that had transpired over the coffee table in your living room that’s surface you had refused to tear your eyes from during the painful phatic conversation that took place while Minjae scampered off to retrieve their clothes, complete with Jun attempting to joke while clutching a pillow you made a mental note to never touch again so that he could conceal his naked crotch.
So while you were painfully familiar with the image of his dick as it was now branded fully to your brain no matter how many times you attempted to expel it, you were not as well acquainted with the rest of. But if you were to take Minjae’s mood during the months that had been seeing each other as anything to go on he was a decent person, or he was just that good at sex. Whatever the case, you had yet to be given any cause for reservation concerning their relationship and instead wished her off for her ‘movie night’ with a supportive thumbs up due to your mouth being thoroughly occupied by freshly popped popcorn during that precise moment.
If you wished, you could summon up some sort of sympathy for the poor bastard that haunted the apartment a floor up from yours alongside Jun seeing as the couple spent an exceptionally great percentage of their time up there compared to the amount they spent in your own, even more so since the incident. But you would probably never feel quite guilty enough that you weren’t the one being subjected to the rather piercing sounds of their sexcapades. You were given the freedom to stroll about your living space opposed to tip-toeing about in fear of disturbing anything. Also, with Minjae gone, you could blast your flowery girl group tracks without the worry of being shunned for enjoying the overtly bubblegum music that you counted closer to art while she saw it more as a cause of noise pollution, not that she was one to talk. You could also do all of this without being constricted by the social convention that was pants. You loved Minjae, but there was power in having your shared apartment solely to yourself and you were currently revelling in it.
An hour and almost an entire episode down, you were struck with an epiphany that would surely fully solidify your night of relaxation. You were bounding up from your bed in the direction of your desk in work to retrieve a certain metal case that rattled with the contents that you knew to be a black sleek, portable size pipe that had been a gift from Minjae herself and a small bag of something happily green. One of the many perks of living off campus was the lack of room checks which allowed more choice when it came to where you stored you weed, everyone had their preference, Minjae kept hers under her bed, you liked to keep yours blended in alongside your makeup caddy.
You hastily shimmied into a pair of shorts and slipped the case into one of the back pockets before you were exiting your apartment in pursuit of the thankfully accessible roof of your building. You scampered up the stairs, bare feet padding lightly against the cement until you reached the landing and punched in the familiar code that you had long ago memorised. Once through the door you were instantly introduced to the brisk evening air and couldn’t help but shudder at the sudden drop in temperature, cursing yourself for not pulling on a jumper over your flimsy t-shirt.
In efforts to be able to return to the source of warmth that was your apartment, you crowded yourself behind one of the broken dressers that had evidently found its grave on the roof of your building. Crouching down in hopes of shielding yourself from the current breeze, you used little flare to shove the needed amount of green into the designated compartment on your pipe, giving your past high self a little pat of gratitude for mulling the entirety of your weed so that the process was made much more efficient.
Finally having everything where it was supposed to be, you balanced the pipe in your mouth as you pulled yourself back into a standing position, flicking up the lighter and bringing down the flame. You inhaled the fumes that came rushing down the pipe, hopping slightly in an attempt to stay warm as you exhaled.
“I was right; weed.”
You all but left your skin behind with the force of your abrupt jump at the sound of the poignant statement. Half-way through a drag, you twisted in the direction of the intrusion only to be met with a rather expectant, all-knowing expression. Only slightly taller then you thanks to the inherited height of your father was a young man that you liked to think you recognised as Jun’s roommate from the few brief occasions you had caught sight of him. He was undoubtedly good looking, sandy brown hair that suspiciously resembled the style of a mullet though you could overlook that in favour of the overall attractive package.
It was only when you started to become lightheaded did you realise that you had been holding your breath causing you to instantly release it, coming out more of a choked cough as you spluttered on smoke all while under the scrutiny of your neighbour. He watched as you all but expelled a lung from your body with mild concern.
“You alright over there?”
You held up a finger in way of conveying the moment you needed as you beat a fist at your chest, finally being able to speak after the raw burn slightly dissipated from your airways. “Fine, thanks. You just surprised me is all.”
“Sorry,” He mused though he seemed less apologetic and more amused which caused your gaze to narrow. “Though I guess it’s only natural for someone who’s doing something illegal to be jumpy.”
“Illegal my ass,” You scoffed and definitely lifted the apparatus back up to your lips. “No one’s ever overdosed on marijuana and it does more good than harm and that’s a fucking fact.”
“Not arguing with you on that,” He reasoned while raising his hands in mock surrender, the rather coy twist of his lips amplifying into a near smirk.
You rolled your eyes, lifting your lighter back up so that you could take another drag, retaining the smoke for a moment before exhaling and speaking again. “You’re Jun’s roommate right?”
“Minghao,” He clarified, “And you’re Minjae’s roommate right? The one who likes Pristin?”
“Wee Woo is a work of fucking art and I will fight you on that,” You stated pointedly over a puff of fumes, “But yes, I’m ____.”
“Nice.” Was his simple reply, his gaze now trained on the lit device that dangled in your grasp.
“You want?” You questioned, raising the piece and lighter in his direction. He nodded before gratefully grabbing for the items. You watched as he brought them both up, oddly fascinated by the way his inarguably attractive lips wrapped around the small cylinder, and he relit the end before inhaling deeply, silence whipping around you like the wind as he slowly exhaled. “Why are you up here?”
“It started getting a bit too much for me when I couldn’t even hear the movie over the sound of them.” He stated and no further explanation was needed for you to understand.
You wrinkled your nose in disgust, taking the pipe when he offered. “They must really just have a thing for living rooms.”
Minghao choked out a laugh at the severe distaste laced in your voice that made it easy to assume that there was some further implication of your words. “Right, Jun told me about the incident.”
“Yeah,” You snorted while handing back the pipe, “That thing.”
“I can relate it’s happened to me more than once.” He sympathised, shuddering in a way that had you all but grinning.
“How far are they into it?” You questioned after a few more sessions of passing back in forth, your mind becoming increasingly tinged with a warm fog though it did little to combat the cold against your skin.
“Well, the movie’s only half way so I guess another hour, maybe two just to be safe.” He estimated sending you a side glance as you shivered. “You should probably think about going inside.”
Your next expire came out chill shaken further contributing to the fact that yes, you probably should think about going inside. “But I so enjoy feeling like a frozen icicle.”
“Do you really need to specify being a frozen icicle? Wouldn’t being an icicle in turn mean that you are already frozen?” He mused, caramel brown eyes reading pondering as they flickered under the depleted light of the sole bulb that hung dangerously from a half-broken lamp.
Your stare directed at his defined profile that faced you was blatant and blank in its lack of approval to his comment, “I could be a fucking melted icicle if I bloody wanted to be, you don’t know me.”
“Wouldn’t that mean you were a puddle?”
“Fuck you,” Was you curt reply, brain a mesh of muddled and tangled cords that weren’t locking into the correct fuses that would have usually powered a more eloquent response. “Do you want to come in before I become more of a frozen fucking icicle?”
There was a shrug, then a smirk that you had noticed seemed to be Minghao’s infuriatingly attractive trademark, “Sure.”
You hastily yanked back your foot that the toe Minghao had just finished pulling was attached to, “Don’t touch.”
“Then don’t put your feet on my lap,” He retorted from his side of the couch that you had both taken resident on though while he was crowded to the far end, you had languidly stretched your body across as a lazy fog continued to set in and warm your once iced bones.
You poked him in the side with aforementioned foot, “My couch, my rules.”
Minghao sent you a look of amusement as you continued to then wedge your toes out of sight in between the plush of the sofa and his thigh, his gaze switching to your contended face that you were currently stuffing with popcorn. “Cute.”
“No,” You giggled, polluted brain far easier to flatter than it normally would.
“Why have we never hung out before?” Minghao questioned absentmindedly, sending a wink to combat the glare you sent him as he reached over to shove a hand into the bowl that balanced on your stomach. “Seeing as our roommates are always hanging out.”
You scoffed and munched on another handful of butter flavoured kernels, “I don’t think I know you well enough to hang out with you like Minjae and Jun hang out.”
Minghao swatted your extended thigh in retaliation to your insolence, “You know that’s not what I meant,” And then he spoke quieter, “Not that I would be entirely opposed.”
“Oi!” You exclaimed, stabbing your toes upwards into his thigh. “I ain’t the kind of girl who smokes with a boy and then goes down on him; I at least have to get a meal out of it first.”
“I have that pizza place down the road on speed dial,” He mentioned offhandedly, already moving to extract his phone from his pocket. “They deliver in less than 15 minutes.”
“Haha,” You snarked, “You’re so fucking funny.”
He shrugged, “Well I do have this plan that if the whole photography thing doesn’t work out that I may dabble in stand up comedy.”
“And I would be in front row at every single show, cheering you on.” You crooned, batting your eyelashes far too spastically to be attractive.
“Does this mean we’re dating now? I thought we weren’t even hanging out.”
“Fuck no! I haven’t even gotten my pizza yet!”
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The expert counsel with respect to weight reduction/upkeep of the previous 30 years has made a HUGE and GROWING level of first-worlders fat and wiped out. That reality should adequately be to persuade you to disregard much BUT NOT ALL of what has been said in the appropriate responses up until this point… And I read all of them cautiously.
I rehash: ONLY the counsel that suggests not devouring starches was truly right on the money… But an exceptionally huge part of low-carb counting calories was forgotten about… It torments me to be the one to disclose to you all that those "sound" complex carbs are similarly as insidious as sugar and white flour… YES this signifies: "entire grains" cereal, potatoes, corn, carrots, yams, white AND earthy colored rice, peas, beans, onions… IF you are somebody who puts on weight effectively your body is particularly acceptable at changing over those "solid" complex carbs into BLOOD SUGAR. Your body doesn't have the foggiest idea about the distinction between a bowl of "solid" cereal or potato or rice and a bit of white bread or a cupcake.
What's more, grant me to advise you that such brilliant leafy foods natural product squeeze and skim milk are as loaded with sugar as a sweet pop. No, you needn't bother with any of it despite the fact that organic product, squeeze and skim milk have loads of extraordinary nutrients and minerals. Take any nutrients and minerals you need in a pill in the event that you don't believe you're eating enough supplement thick nourishments like meat and serving of mixed greens and LOW-carb veg.
Also, it gives me incredible fulfillment to illuminate the weight-inclined that the guidance suggesting separating your calories into numerous little feedings daily was similarly as dead-off-base as the counsel about low-fat/complex sugar eats less carbs. THE OPPOSITE is valid. In the event that you need to get thinner or keep a weight reduction you eat on more than one occasion per day; NO tidbits. The "shrewdness" was that on the off chance that you had a ton of little suppers as opposed to a couple of bigger dinners, you would not get eager and you would keep your digestion running at a more elevated level. Nonetheless, in the event that you eat anything by any stretch of the imagination, you body spurts out insulin. What's more, IT IS NOT METABOLICALLY POSSIBLE TO BURN STORED FAT IN THE PRESENCE OF INSULIN. … So, hell, every one of those little feedings spread out throughout the day entirely permitted insulin levels to drop to where put away fat (those wiggling protuberances on your butt/gut) to be scorched… .Learning this irritated me. Truly. I had the "regular little feedings" strategy dominated.
The macronutrient (fat, sugar and protein are "macronutrients") that is most drastically averse to incite an insulin flood is FAT. That is the reason "fat fasting" consumes weight off so quick no one who attempts it can even trust it.
Fat methods: margarine, fat, olive oil, coconut oil, nut oils, bacon fat, greasy meat, sharp cream, full-fat cheddar, cream cheddar, whipping cream (not creamer). Since counterfeit fats like margarine and Crisco and some seed oils like corn oil are accepted to be unfortunate, avoid them.
SO on the off chance that you need to get more fit at a fair rate here is your main event:
1. You sort out what your own caloric need is day by day. (This is interesting on the grounds that an incredible enormous tall YOUNG and ACTIVE man who is overweight may truly require 3000 calories to keep up his weight and can get in shape proficiently on 2,500 calories for each day. Then again individuals like me who are more established, female, short, not especially dynamic can GAIN weight (gradually) on as meager as 1,000 cal./day particularly if those calories are too high in carbs and separated into numerous little feedings for the duration of the day. ) You take away 500 calories and that is the quantity of calories you eat every day except NOT the creation of those calories.
2. The structure of those calories you eat each day should be, on the off chance that you are fat-inclined, 70% FAT. NOT heaps of protein and without a doubt no type of sugar. Your serving of mixed greens and low-carb vegetables will presumably give approx. 5–7 grams of starch. It is practically difficult to eat NO sugars except if your eating regimen is made out of 100% fat.
3. You eat once and at most double a day. No 'small scale dinners" no "solid" snacks. None. Zero. Being in a "fasting" state limits insulin and grants the consuming of put away fat.
But then THERE'S MORE: Losing weight gradually is not any more prone to be fruitful in either the short or long haul than getting thinner all the more rapidly. IMO losing quick aides keep me propelled. Nothing is more discouraging and dampening than the feared weight reduction "level" and in the event that you follow the three directors I gave you, you most likely won't hit that level.
Significantly all the more shocking, neither high-impact practice nor strength preparing or stretch preparing is a lot of help for very weight-inclined individuals to get in shape… HOWEVER, practice keeps you sound and DOES assist with keeping up weight reduction and makes you look all hot.
I need to communicate my absolute stun and not-immaterial rage at how each and every one of the chiefs of weight reduction/the executives that I accepted for as long as 30 years were completely off-base as well as the OPPOSITE of what is correct. I remain to some degree dazed however my own advancement and achievement is declaration.
Google these themes: Intermittent fasting. One Meal A Day. Fat fasting. Ketogenic counting calories. … it's for the most part present.
No exercise No dieting only 1month 7 to8 kg weight reduce "say yess" I will send you course
NOTE: Do not endeavor a "fat quick" without investigating the idea completely. You should be perfectly reliable about supplanting electrolytes or you could pass on. No poop.
The Cappuccino MCT Coffee supplement is based on 8 ingredients, which naturally contribute to the loss of excess weight. The supplement accelerates the speed of burning calories, inhibits the process of fat storage, increases the feeling of being full and stimulates you to act. BEST WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE HERE
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New Post has been published on Caroline's Plant Based Diet
Dr Greger's Daily Dozen on https://carolinesplantbaseddiet.com/dr-gregers-daily-dozen/
Dr Greger's Daily Dozen
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I’m a huge fan of Dr Greger and watch a lot of his videos and read many of his blog posts.
His Daily Dozen is a great resource and in his book How Not to Die, he suggests we try to center our diets around whole plant foods.
Here is an excerpt from the audio from his video on the Daily Dozen.
“The more I’ve researched over the years, the more I’ve come to realize that healthy foods are not necessarily interchangeable.
Some foods and food groups have special nutrients not found in abundance elsewhere. For example, sulforaphane, the amazing liver-enzyme detox-boosting compound, is derived nearly exclusively from cruciferous vegetables. You could eat tons of other kinds of greens and vegetables on a given day, and get no appreciable sulforaphane if you didn’t eat something cruciferous.
It’s the same with flax seeds, and the anticancer lignan compounds. Flax may average a hundred times more lignans than other foods.
And, mushrooms aren’t even plants at all; they belong to an entirely different biological classification, and may contain nutrients (like ergothioneine) not made anywhere in the plant kingdom. (So technically, maybe I should be referring to a whole food, plant- and fungus-based diet, but that just sounds kind of gross.)
It seems like every time I come home from the medical library buzzing with some exciting new data, my family rolls their eyes, sighs, and asks, “What can’t we eat now?” Or they’ll say, “Wait a second. Why does everything seem to have parsley in it all of a sudden, or something?” They’re very tolerant.
As the list of foods I tried to fit into my daily diet grew, I made a checklist and had it up on a little dry-erase board on the fridge, and we’d make a game out of ticking off the boxes. This evolved into my Daily Dozen: the checklist of all the things I try to fit into my daily routine. 
By beans, I mean legumes, which also includes split peas, chickpeas, and lentils. You know, while eating a bowl of pea soup or dipping carrots into hummus may not seem like eating beans, it certainly counts. We should try to get three servings a day.
A serving is defined as a quarter-cup of hummus or bean dip, a half-cup of cooked beans, split peas, lentils, tofu, or tempeh, or a full cup of fresh peas or sprouted lentils. Though peanuts are technically legumes, nutritionally, I’ve grouped them in the Nuts category, just as I would shunt green beans, snap peas, and string beans into the Other Vegetables category.
A serving of berries is a half-cup fresh or frozen, or a quarter-cup of dried. While, biologically speaking, avocados, bananas, and even watermelons are technically berries, I’m using the colloquial term for any small edible fruit—which is why I include kumquats and grapes and raisins, as well as fruits that are typically thought of as berries, but actually technically aren’t, such as blackberries, cherries, mulberries, raspberries, and strawberries.
For other fruits, a serving is a medium-sized fruit, a cup of cut-up fruit, or a quarter-cup of dried fruit. Again, I’m using the colloquial, rather than the botanical, definition. So, I place tomatoes in the Other Vegetables group.
Common cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, collards, and kale. I recommend at least one serving a day (typically a half-cup) and at least two additional servings of greens a day—cruciferous or otherwise. Serving sizes for other greens and vegetables are a cup for raw leafy vegetables, a half-cup for other raw or cooked non-leafy vegetables, and a quarter-cup for dried mushrooms.
Flax seeds
Everyone should try to incorporate one tablespoon of ground flax seeds into their daily diet, in addition to a serving of nuts or other seeds. A quarter-cup of nuts is considered a serving, or two tablespoons of nut or seed butters, including peanut butter. (Chestnuts and coconuts, though, don’t nutritionally count as nuts.)
I also recommend one-quarter teaspoon a day of the spice turmeric, along with any other (salt-free) herbs and spices you may enjoy.
Whole grains
A serving of whole grains can be considered a half-cup of hot cereal, such as oatmeal, cooked whole grains, or so-called “pseudograins,” like amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa, or a half-cup of cooked pasta or corn kernels, a cup of ready-to-eat (cold) cereal, one tortilla or slice of bread, half a bagel or English muffin, or three cups of air-popped popcorn.
The serving size in the beverage category is one glass (twelve ounces), and the recommended five glasses a day is in addition to the water you get naturally from the foods in your diet. I explain my rationale in my video How Many Glasses of Water Should We Drink a Day?
Finally, I advise one daily “serving” of exercise, which can be split up over the day. I recommend ninety minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day, such as brisk (four miles per hour) walking or, forty minutes of vigorous activity (such as jogging or active sports) each day. I explain my reasoning for that in my video How Much Should You Exercise?
Fitting it all in
This may all sound like a lot of boxes to check, but it’s easy to knock off a bunch at a time.
One simple peanut butter-banana sandwich, and you just checked off four boxes.
Or, imagine sitting down to a big salad.
Two cups of spinach, a handful of arugula, a handful of walnuts, a half-cup of chickpeas, a half-cup of red bell pepper, and a small tomato.
You just knocked out seven boxes in one dish. Sprinkle on your flax, add a handful of goji berries, and enjoy it with a glass of water and fruit for dessert, and you just wiped out nearly half your daily check boxes in a single meal! And then, if you just eat it on your treadmill—just kidding!
Do I check off each glass of water I drink?
No. In fact, I don’t even use the checklist anymore. I just used it initially as a tool to get me into a routine.
You know, whenever I was sitting down to a meal, I would ask myself: Could I add greens to this? Could I add beans to this? (I always have an open can of beans in the fridge.) Can I sprinkle on some flax or pumpkin seeds, or maybe some dried fruit? The checklist just got me into the habit of thinking, How can I make this meal even healthier?
I also found the checklist helped with grocery shopping. Although I always keep bags of frozen berries and greens in the freezer, if I’m at the store and want to buy fresh produce for the week, it helps me figure out how much kale or blueberries I need.
The checklist
The checklist also helps me picture what a meal might look like.
Looking over the checklist, you’ll see that there are three servings each of beans, fruits, and whole grains, and about twice as many vegetables in total than any other component.
So, glancing at my plate, I can imagine one quarter of it filled with grains, one quarter with legumes, and a half a plate filled with vegetables, along with maybe a side salad and fruit for dessert.
I happen to like one-bowl meals, where everything’s mixed together, but the checklist still helps me to visualize. Instead of a big bowl of spaghetti with some veggies and lentils on top, I think of a big bowl of vegetables with some pasta and lentils mixed in. Instead of a big plate of quinoa with some stir-fried vegetables on top, I picture a meal that’s mostly vegetables—and oh, look! There’s some quinoa and beans in there too.
But, there’s no need to be obsessive about the Daily Dozen. You know, on hectic travel days, when I’ve burned through my snacks and get stuck in some airport food court, sometimes I’m lucky if I even hit a quarter of my goals. If you eat poorly one day, just try to eat better the next.
To help track your progress, volunteers created Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen apps for both iPhone and Android. You can download and use them both for free: no ads, no cost.
My hope is that the checklist will just serve as a helpful reminder to try to eat a variety of some the healthiest foods every day.”
You can download Dr Greger’s checklist in metric or imperial from his blog.
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yourlifefun · 4 years
20 Weight Loss Tips for Busy Moms
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If you’re trying to seek out simple ways to CRUSH your weight loss goal this year, you’re in luck!
Three months ago I made a choice I won’t to be finally going to get healthy, reduce and be the happier, more energetic Mom I knew I'd be.
I made the selection once I started my weight loss journey, that I wanted this to be a lifestyle change, not another diet.
So after careful research, I made a choice I won’t to be going to meet my weight loss goal by implementing a coffee carbohydrate (carb) lifestyle.
A low carb lifestyle is where you reduce the number of carbs you consume during a day, which primarily comes from pasta, bread, starchy vegetables, and sugary food and drinks.
Instead of eating many carbs, you consume more protein, low carb vegetables, low carb fruit, and healthy fats.
Once you start reducing the number of carbs your body consumes, your body will start burning fat instead of carbs for energy.
When your body starts to burn fat instead of carbs for energy, you’ll start to scale back.
So what percentage carbs do I need to consume during a day to lose weight?
I’ve found that I even have how a better chance of losing weight if I keep my net carb consumption at or under 20 grams per day.
You may be able to keep your net carb consumption between 20 and 30 grams per day and still reduce.
You’ll get to experiment in conjunction together with your net carb consumption to figure out the internet carb count that works best for you.
You might be wondering, what are net carbs?
When you inspect the nutrition label on food and drinks, the nutrition label gives you the whole carbs in grams and thus the dietary fiber in grams per serving.
To calculate the grams of net carbs, you subtract the grams of dietary fiber from the grams of total carbs.
Some foods contain sugar alcohols.
When you eat something that contains sugar alcohol, you’re able to subtract the grams of sugar alcohol from the whole carbs also.
So if your favorite protein bar contains 15 grams of total carbs per serving and it contains 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving, then internet carbs per serving are 9 grams. The 9 grams of net carbs is what you'd wish to stay track of.
Once I started counting net carbs and commenced keeping track of what I want to be eating, I started seeing the extra pounds shed right off.
To help you begin on your weight loss journey, here are my 20 weight loss tips that I used to lose twenty pounds over the last three months.
Drinks like pop, sweet tea, sports drinks, and juices contain any sugar.
If you inspect the nutrition label, you’ll see that these kinds of drinks contain many net carbs.
Don’t waste your net carbs per day on one can of pop, once you'll save them for something you want.
A good rule of thumb – Don’t drink all of your net carbs away!
Healthy alternatives to sugary drinks are water, coffee, diet tea, and crystal light.
Potato chips, tortilla chips, Cheez-Its, and crackers are filled with carbs.
Instead of consuming those unhealthy snacks, try making your snacks.
You can easily make your chips by using deli cheese slices.
To make your chips out of deli cheese slices:
• Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
• Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
• Use a pizza cutter to cut your cheese slices into 6 equal rectangles
• Lay your rectangles on your lined baking sheet ensuring they’re spaced about 1/2 inch apart
• Bake them within the oven for about 13-14 minutes (ovens may vary so you'll get to regulate your baking time)
Once your cheese chips are cool, remove them from your baking sheet and eat them by themselves or in conjunction together with your favorite low carb dip.
Make sure you store your extra cheese chips in an airtight container within the refrigerator so as that they keep.
I find that when the cheese chips have sat within the refrigerator for every day, they become stiffer, therefore, making it easier to use them as chips when eating my low carb dips.
Since regular pasta is made from flour and wheat contains many net carbs, you'd wish to remain away from traditional pasta.
Instead of eating traditional pasta, make your noodles out of either cabbage or zucchini.
To make your noodles out of cabbage:
• Cut 1/2 a head of cabbage into noodle strips
• Melt 4 tablespoons of butter during a skillet
• Add your cabbage strips and a tablespoon of minced garlic to the skillet
• Cover and cook your cabbage noodles for about 8-10 minutes or until they’re cooked to your liking
To make your noodles out of zucchini:
• Use a spiralizer to cut your zucchini into noodles
• Then cut your zucchini noodles into spaghetti length pieces
• During a skillet bring oil and garlic to a simmer
• Add your zucchini noodles and cook them for about 5-7 minutes or until they’re cook to your liking
If you’re making low carb spaghetti, cook your sausage or hamburger, add your low carb sauce, then add the meat mixture on top of your cabbage or zucchini noodles for a delicious low carb meal.
Instead of baking with flour, start using almond flour and coconut flour to make your bread, pizza crust, pancakes, muffins, and desserts.
Many low carb recipes involve either almond flour or coconut flour and a couple of involving both.
There are many low carb breads, pizza crust, pancake and muffin recipes that call for almond flour.
Many low carb dessert recipes call for coconut flour.
I make these Awesome Keto Low Carb Pancakes that taste delicious and help me stay track of my weight loss.
I make this Awesome 90 Second Keto Bread that you simply can easily make within the microwave in 90 seconds to dine in conjunction together with your eggs for breakfast.
Whole Milk, 2% Reduced-Fat Milk, and 1% milk contain around 12-13 grams of net carbs per 1 cup of milk.
Unsweetened Almond Milk contains but 1 gram of net carbs per 1 cup of milk.
Remember, if you'd wish to reduce by following a coffee carb diet, you don’t want to drink away the net carbs you've for the day.
Unsweetened Almond Milk could even be how better option and much of low carb recipes involve Almond Milk instead of milk, 2% Reduced-Fat Milk or 1% milk.
Pure sugar is high in carbs with 8 grams of net carbs for each 2 teaspoon serving.
No calorie sweeteners contain but 1 gram of net carbs for each 1 teaspoon serving.
No calorie sweeteners are a healthy alternative to pure sugar with many no-calorie sweeteners cup for cup to pure sugar.
You can also use confectioners with no-calorie sweetener in place of confectioners’ sugar for your low carb dessert recipes.
  14. EAT semi-sweet chocolate
When you get an appetite, instead of reaching for your favorite candy eat some semi-sweet chocolate instead.
Dark chocolate with a high percentage of cacao could even be an outstanding option when you’re following a coffee carb lifestyle because it's fewer net carbs per serving.
These semi-sweet chocolate chips have a lower percentage of cacao, however, they're sweetened with a no-calorie sweetener. The only part is, you'll eat 60 chocolate chips per serving at only 3 grams of net carbs!
To incorporate fruit into your low carb lifestyle, you’ll want to make sure you’re only eating fruit that's low in carbs.
Fruit with higher amounts of present sugars has higher carb content.
Fruit like grapes, oranges, apples, and blueberries have higher net carbs per serving. These are the fruits you'd wish to avoid.
Fruit like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and avocados have fewer net carbs per serving. These are the fruits you'll eat in moderation, just confirm you don’t over appear the hay.
12. EAT vegetable LOW IN CARBS
Vegetables contain less natural sugars and fewer carbs than fruit, however, there are still some vegetables you'd wish to avoid for your low carb lifestyle.
Vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, onions, carrots, and peas all contain higher net carbs per serving. These are the vegetables you'd wish to avoid.
To keep your carb intake low, only eat vegetables that are low in net carbs, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, white mushrooms, spinach, green leaf lettuce, radishes, kale, asparagus, zucchini, and bell peppers.
Make sure you always keep fresh fruit and vegetables available for a healthy snack. The only thanks to storing them in your refrigerator, is by keeping them in these Tupperware Fridge smart Containers so your fruit and vegetables keep longer.
Meat, fish, eggs, and cheese are all excellent high-quality protein sources.
Higher protein consumption boosts your metabolism and reduces your appetite.
By consuming higher amounts of protein, you reduce your hunger levels which cause you to eat fewer calories.
High amounts of protein consumption also help fuel fat burning in your body.
There are many benefits to drinking more water.
Drinking water increases your metabolism, provides you with more energy, boosts your system, helps you burn more calories, and acts as a suppressant when consumed before meals.
Many times once you think that that that you’re hungry, you’re just thirsty, so keep a bottle with you throughout the day, so you refill on water instead of extra carbs.
Eating smaller portion sizes will assist you to consume fewer calories.
To scale back, your body must burn more calories than it’s consuming during a day.
One way to help you eat smaller portion sizes is to drink an outsized glass of water before each meal.
By drinking an outsized glass of water before each meal, you’ll be less likely to overeat.
Eating more often helps you reduce.
When you eat large meals only a few times each day, your metabolism slows down.
If you eat small meals or snacks throughout the day, you’ll keep your metabolism up, and successively you’ll burn more calories.
Intermittent fasting is once you favor refraining from eating food for a specific period of a short time.
So basically anytime you’re not eating food (by choice) you’re fasting.
Intermittent fasting is safe and has been around for a very while.
It simply allows your body to burn off excess body fat which is food energy that has been stored away.
When your body burns off excess body fat, you reduce.
Many processed foods contain added sugars and other additives that aren’t healthy for you.
Next time you attend the grocery, devour a box of pasta, and skim the ingredient label.
You’ll find that it takes several different ingredients to make one box of pasta.
Then attend the produce aisle and devour a head of cabbage. You’ll notice it doesn’t have an ingredient label simply because the only ingredient in real food is that the important food itself.
If you want to scale back, avoid processed foods all directly, and stick with real food.
To help you reduce, confirm you’re exercising a minimum of a few of times hebdomadally.
Exercise stimulates your metabolism and helps you burn calories and body fat which accelerates your weight loss.
If you don’t have time to go to the gym, take a walk on your lunch break to urge some exercise in. You’ll feel much better, plus it'll assist you to meet with your weight loss goal.
Believe it or not, the amount of sleep you get each night affects your ability to scale back.
Not accessing least 7 hours of sleep each night can increase your appetite making your stomach think it’s hungrier than it is.
This often causes you to make poor choices like consuming more calories from convenience foods like food or other unhealthy snacks.
  3. MAKE THIS a life-style CHANGE
If you'd wish to reduce and keep it off, you'd wish to start out with the mindset that this is often a lifestyle change instead of another diet.
Too repeatedly we continue diets to scale back, only to put all of the load back on once we’ve hit our weight loss goal.
If you’re going to exerting to make the specified changes to the food you eat to satisfy your weight loss goal, then you'd wish to form sure you’re during this for absolutely the better of the day.
There are a couple of Apps I exploit that are great for helping you stay track in conjunction in conjunction with your weight loss.
The MyFitnessPal App helps you keep track of your daily weight, exercise, food intake, and water intake. It shows you your progress over a specific timeframe and congratulates you once you meet certain weight loss milestones.
The Carb Manager App helps you keep track of the food you eat in a day. You’ll easily use the App to look up internet carbs and nutritional information for nearly anything you eat, which helps you stay within your net carbs for the day. It even features a barcode scanner so you'll scan the barcode on your favorite food and drinks to urge internet carb count and nutritional information before you even purchase them at the shop.
There are numerous low carb snacks, meals, and dessert ideas on Pinterest.
Create a coffee carb board on Pinterest, then search for low carb recipes and pin away!
By reducing the number of net carbs you consume each day and by increasing the amount of healthy fat, protein, low carb vegetables and low carb fruit you consume, you’ll get on your due to losing weight in no time.
Once you reduce the number of net carbs your body consumes, your body will start burning stored fat instead of carbs, so you’ll start losing weight.
When you reduce the number of net carbs your body possesses to burn for energy, the only option your body has is to start out burning fat.
To help you steel oneself against your weight loss journey, here are some low carb kitchen staples that you’ll want to remain available, and so you'll make your low carb snacks, meals and desserts.
Low Carb Kitchen Staples:
• Almond Flour
• Coconut Flour
• Almond Milk
• No Calorie Sweetener
• Confectioners No Calorie Sweetener
• Copra oil
• Xanthan Gum
• Unsweetened chocolate
• Eggs
• Cheese
• Powdered spread
By keeping these kitchen staples available, it makes it very easy to make low carb snacks, meals and desserts that you simply won’t feel guilty about eating.
To give you slightly motivation to urge started on your weight loss journey, confirm you read my post on how I’m on track to urge purchased my weight loss. This small incentive is strictly what I needed to urge started on my weight loss journey and it'd just be the motivatio
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steele-soulmate · 2 months
Princess of Candy Coated Lies, Modern Royalty AU- King Peter Steele & Single Mother OFC, Soulmate AU
Chapter 14
SUMMARY: Single mother Molly Anne Harper does the best she can do, given her circumstances- since she broke up with her ex-boyfriend by sending him to jail, she’s been struggling to be the best mother to twin daughters while working barely minimum waged jobs. But when she meets her soulmate- King Peter Thomas Ratajczyk of Brooklyn- she quickly finds herself falling heads over heels in love with the guarded, battle damaged ruler. Likewise, Peter finds himself with a family of a women and two little girls who call him daddy. But what happens when their father gets out from behind bars and starts to cause mayhem?
A Soulmate AU where you never know what the first words your soulmate says to you until they say it
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CHAPTER WARNINGS: talk of body dysmorphia (nothing graphic)
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORESS: This fic is dedicated to SkullWoggle on AO3 and @rock-a-noodle on Tumblr.
I leaned in the open doorway of Aria’s bedroom, where the room has been cleared out and a giant painter’s tarp covered the floor. The king was showing the girls where best to paint on the walls so that the colors could be viewed under different lights. Aria translated for her sister, pausing from time to time to teach him sign language.
“Daddy, can me and Evie sleep with you and mommy tonight?” Aria asked innocently.
“Sweetheart?” The king turned to face me and the two of us had a silent conversation using our eyebrows and nose crinkles to talk.
“I don’t see why not,” I answered after a minute of this.
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY…” cheered Aria as she and her sister began a war dance in the middle of her bedroom.
“But you two need to be on your best behavior,” I told them both with a firm voice and firm hands. “Understand?”
“Yes mommy!” Aria chirped as she and her twin went into their shared Jack and Jill bathrooms to get changed into their pajamas for bed later that night after dinner.
“Come on down to the kitchen when you’re done!” I called out as the king led me downstairs.
“Hey sweetheart, I stopped by the palace on the way home from the library earlier today and I grabbed this…” He pulled his wallet out from the back of his pants and took out a ring, which he held out to me. I took the pretty bauble from him and examined it closely- a simple rose gold band that was inscribed with the words, A STRONG FAMILY, A STRONG FOUNDATION. I recognized it as coming from his mother’s personal collection, and found myself smiling at his thoughtfulness.
“Can I wear it on a chain around my neck?” I asked him as I fitted the ring onto my finger and discovering that the band was huge on my finger. “I have a history of always losing my rings.”
“Of course,” he stood up to his full height, watching me as I began to pounder over what to make for dinner that night. “I’ll look into getting one for you tomorrow, alright?”
“Alright.” I came to a decision and started to pulled a giant soup pot out. “How does vegetable soup sound to you?”
“Uh…” I paused at the tone in his voice. “Yeah, sure. That sounds delicious.”
“Or I can make something else and serve a vegetable side,” I contested with a shrug. “The girls didn’t have any greens for lunch, and I don’t like having an unbalanced diet.”
“Just no turnips,” he begged me as I reached for the vegetable drawer. “My mom loves turnips and would try to sneak them into every meal when I was little.”
“Okay, fair enough,” I told him, taking out carrots, green beans, corn, peas and celery. “No turnips. I promise.”
I felt his eyes supervising me as I chopped everything before setting off to the side as I waited for the soup pot to come to a rolling boil. Next, I grabbed tomatoes, potatoes, a yellow onion and garlic.
“This is a recipe by my mom.” The smile slid off my face. “I always wondered what she and daddy did with my hope chest.”
“What exactly is a hope chest?” I could feel the king’s puzzled facial expression through the back of my head as I fussed about, getting ready to serve up dinner to the king and my daughters.
“A hope chest is something that single woman pack household necessities into in preparations of moving out from their parents’ and starting a family,” I explained. “Bed quilts, dishes, bath towels, kitchen utensils… little things that I would either buy or make. I would really like to have access to that stuff now, make your house more at home to live in.”
“Sweetheart, no,” he protested. “This house isn’t just my house anymore- it’s your house now, yours and the girls.”
“Okay,” I muttered as I dumped everything into the pot before closing the lid. “Your majesty, do you want a big wedding?” Anxiety gripped onto my throat with iron tight claws.
“No, I don’t really fancy the idea of a big, fancy wedding,” he reassured me. “I’m just as happy having a simple chapel wedding, just the two of us, the girls and my sisters as the witnesses.”
“Will your other sisters like me?” I asked, my voice tight with worry.
“Cathy likes you,” he pointed out in a dry voice, leaning his hip against the refrigerator. “She told everyone that you are a sweet soul, a kind and devoted mother, and overall, a good being.”
I scooped up some bubbling soup into a spoon and motioned him down to taste. A small smile crossed over my face as he smacked his lips.
“Delicious,” he snarled as soft little pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pat-pats to sound out, signaling the twins approaching the kitchen quickly, on the hunt for dinner. “I wonder what you taste like, pretty sweetheart of mine.”
“You want to have sex with me?” My anxiety fit me once more, making me feel self-conscious of myself. Since I had carried the twins and given birth to them, my figure had become lumpy and flabby in all the wrong places and I had developed ugly stretch marks on my tummy and thighs.
“When you’re ready, sweetheart,” he reassured me in a soft voice, reaching over ma and grabbing some bowls for me to scoop the food into. “And not a moment before.”
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thisallbearsrepeating · 13 years
Diet Plan!
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1. Find Motivation!! Surround yourself with people who support healthy eating!
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2. Relate Exercise with relaxation. (always change your workout up) I pods and music help too.
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4. Most of your daily carbs and calories should come from fruits and vegetables but of course not all.
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5. Protein Source : egg whites and white fish….(Try to avoid red meat most of the time)
When red meat is cooked its myoglobin turns to metmyoglobins and got grey color as well. According to thinking red meat is obtained from mammals unlike white meat. Red meat contains more fat and grease in it. If we compare red and white meat with respect to their nutrition, we come to know that red meat is full of zinc, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamins B6 and B12, amino acids and iron. Red beef meat is enriched with 11 times more zinc as compared with tuna and 3 time more iron than raw spinach. Seafood - from fish, you get essential fatty acids like Omega 3.  This brain food helps to keep the cells youthful, the mind clear and the body’s salts stabilized.  As your body uses these nutrients, it better metabolizes the fats in your system, so that weight loss is an effect.
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6. Never cook your food in oil, salts, or butter. Try to keep it fresh. ( I use Pam or I can’t believe it’s not butter)
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7. I always stay within 1000 to 1200 calories a day when I’m trying to lose weight…I shift my calories a lot. (Go use a weight loss calculator online to figure out how many calories your body needs to consume a day and subtract it by 550 calories) I use sparkspeople.com and calorie count to track my nutrition and fitness.
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8. To prevent from having any bloating I stay between 800mg to 15mg of sodium a day.
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9. I Only Drink skim milk or unsweetened Almond Breeze
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10.Fat Free Cottage Cheese and (non fat)Chobani yogurt are good in protein and calcium.
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13. Dont eat after 6pm or before 9am. Stay occupied all day. (not there there is anything wrong with eating after or before those hours, and you should if you are hungry. I just don’t because it keeps me from mindfully snacking on food) It also helps me burn the food calories before I sleep.
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14. To stay full throughout the day by drinking lots of water, coffee, and tea. or no calorie low sodium fluids.
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16. Cut out the unnecessary calories ( Ketchup, creamer, mayo, BBQ sauce, salts, condiments etc.)
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18. Starting the day with a half of grapefruit
Citrus Fruits - The vitamin C in oranges is what helps to burn body fats.  Antioxidant C is also a major contributor to a healthy immune system.
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19. When you are having a horrible sweet tooth and you feel like you are going to binge try “Nestle fat free hot coco” its only 20 calories.
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20. Keep Sugar free Gum with you at all times.
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21.ALWAYS track what you put in your mouth, you’ll be surprised what foods are preventing you from losing weight.
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22. Always shoot for one lb to lose, not twenty at a time it helps from being discouraged.
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23.weigh yourself every other day. Remember weight fluncuates.
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24. Also dont deprive yourself give your self a treat once a week ( , whether its your favorite candy bar or a slice of pizza this might even cause you to lose more weight because you will be giving your metabolism something new to break down causing it to work harder and faster.
I used to deprive myself and I formed a period of binge eating which I’m thankful that I am over that period. So believe me do not deprive yourself!
If you are going to eat something bad make sure it stays within your calorie intake for that day!
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25. If it’s past 6pm or you have already reached your calorie count for the day and you are absolutely hungry here are my safe foods to have during those times: * 2 cups of Original Air popped pop corn * Strawberries, Cucumber, Green Beans, Celery, Sugar Free/Fat Free Jello, Lettuce, Green Pepper, Blueberries, Radishes, Broccoli, Egg whites.
apples ~ apricots ~ artichokes ~ asparagus ~ beet greens ~ beets ~ blackberries ~ blueberries ~ broccoli ~ Brussels sprouts ~ buffalo fish ~ cabbage ~ cantaloupe ~ carrots ~ cauliflower  ~ Chinese cabbage ~ chives ~ clams ~ cod ~ cranberries ~ cucumbers ~  Damson plum ~ dandelion greens ~ eggplant ~ endive ~flounder ~ frogs legs ~ garlic ~ grapefruit ~ grapes ~ green beans ~ honeydew ~  lemons ~ lettuce ~ limes ~ loganberries ~ mangoes ~ mushrooms ~ muskmelons ~ mussels ~ mustard greens ~ nectarines ~ okra ~ onions ~ oranges  ~ parsley leaves ~ parsnips ~ peaches ~ pears ~ peas ~ peppers ~ pineapple ~ pomegranates ~ prunes ~ pumpkin ~ quince ~ radishes ~ raspberries ~ red cabbage ~ rhubarb ~ rutabagas ~ spinach ~ squash ~ strawberries ~ string beans ~ tangerines ~ terrapin ~ tomato ~ turnips ~ watercress ~ watermelon
xdiet xfood xadvice
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