firewoodwander · 9 months
Today, Someday — Grey/Depa/Styles
Modern au. First/surprise date, requited love, married Depa/Grey, valentines fic (don’t @ me I know it’s summer).
Read on ao3
Some years ago, not long after Depa’s sister died, Caleb had pronounced him the Best Uncle Ever.
“Really?” Styles had asked. “What about Grey, hm? Surely he’s really the best.”
“Grey makes me go to bed at seven o’clock,” Caleb pouts, nose wrinkling very sweetly. “And he doesn’t let me have any biscuits before dinner.”
“That’s because he wants you to eat your dinner. His cooking is very good, it would be a shame to waste any.” Caleb had sat up and flopped back onto the sofa with a huff that made Styles laugh. “And anyway, I’m not a very good cook and I’m not feeding you every day. I’m allowed to give you treats and let you stay up late, yeah? Our secret.”
Caleb seemed to accept this answer, but he’d been insistent. “You’re still the coolest uncle. You love auntie and Grey very much, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” Styles had assured him despite the knot in his throat. “I love them even more than you do.”
“Not true!” Caleb had protested vehemently. Styles smiled and let him win that argument.
Len’s bingo card from @starwarsrarepairbingo
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antianakin · 4 months
I like the idea of Kanan at some point opening up to Rex about the clones he'd known in Depa's battalion. He's mourned Depa and the Jedi, he's learned the truth about the chips, he's started to build a better relationship with Rex, but he's never truly allowed himself to mourn the men he'd considered friends and lost during Order 66.
Rex didn't know them, of course, the clones wouldn't all have known each other or anything, but it doesn't really matter. He listens as Kanan talks about Grey, the commander who took him under his wing, or Styles, the captain who liked to tease him. Kanan talks about how different the four survivors of Depa's original battalion had been from the rest of the men, the way that history with each other had defined a part of their relationship to each other that just wasn't there with the rest of the battalion, but how protective they were of the men who'd joined afterwards (including Kanan himself).
Kanan expresses his regret that he never realized the truth or went back to try to find any of the men, and Rex assures him that this would have been a death sentence and not a single one of those men would've wanted him to make that sacrifice for them any more than Depa would've. His men couldn't tell him to run the way Depa did, but if they could've spoken to him, that's what they'd have told him, to run and not look back. Rex says that while he hadn't known Kanan's battalion, he had met other clones who'd ended up with younger padawan commanders and the one thing all of them (including Rex) were able to agree on was how proud they'd been of the padawans and how lucky they all felt to be able to serve alongside them. So he KNOWS Kanan's men loved him and would've wanted him to be safe, even if it meant leaving them behind.
And Kanan finally allows himself to shed tears for his men, for the loss of the friends he'd only just started to get to know. Rex holds him and stays until Kanan cries himself to sleep on Rex's shoulder and that's how Hera finds them hours later.
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gildeddlily · 9 months
no thoughts, just kanan as a little commander messing with his big brothers (why did i read this it's not like I needed more clone angst)
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legomocfodder · 5 months
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Captain Styles, Caleb Dume, Depa Billaba, and Commander Grey
Grey and Styles aren't perfect, but I tried my best to get close to their appearance in the Kanan comics as I could
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carrinth · 1 year
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BOOM! Force Powers may have been slightly exaggerated for Dramatic Effect~! Caleb flashbacks to his old squad! And Gregor calls it like it is >:3
Hello guys! We begin 2023 with the long awaited continuation of Finding Fulcrum AU! As a special bonus to celebrate, ye shall receive THREE new pages at once. WOO! Thank you all for continuing to follow this crazy, meandering story! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ 💖
Read the first page: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/tagged/finding+fulcrum+au/chrono
Read the latest pages: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/tagged/finding+fulcrum+au
Thumbnail overview: https://carrinth.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/finding%20fulcrum%20au
(Note: If you’re having trouble with the links on mobile/app, try clicking the ‘Finding Fulcrum AU’ tag. Or view in a web browser)
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
Guess who’s sick and sketching LOUD!Depa being badass and reverse-gripping her lightsaber? MOI.
Who’s outfitting her with more armor after Haruun Kal? Corporal Big-Mouth.
Who’s cheering Big-Mouth on? Anakin. And Soot.
Who’s taking Depa aside to help her fit on all that armor and make it comfortable for her? Captain Styles.
Who’s getting a mild case of constipation over all of this but really, well done, boys, keep it up? Commander Grey. Who’s having a small print-out of a video feed from his bucket camera that depicts Depa standing on Anakin’s shoulders and rummaging through thick tree foliage because someone threw away his lightsaber while falling through said thick tree foliage in an attempt to do… something.
“Dear Padawan of mine,” Depa had griped, hissing at the thorns sprouting from the ends of the leafs, and had looked down at her miserable, patched up, humongous Padawan. “While the rule Don’t form attachments does not exempt lightsabers, I would - ow - most greatly appreciate—“
“Oh, ouch,” Styles had murmured next to Grey, “she’s hitting the high point of the Coruscant accent.”
“— so if you were so inclined to keep —“
“She’s pissed,” Grey agreed, subtly turning on the recording.
“Commander Grey,” Depa pointed at him and he straightened automatically, “I know your video feed was on while Anakin’s plan went as common logic dictated. I want you to make a copy for my precious Padawan—“
“— and play it on loop in his quarters.”
“Yes, Sir!”
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I was inspired to do my own Moth au, so here's what I got.
Kanan - Alexandra's birdwing butterfly (green and black)
Stance - celery looper moth (brown)
Depa - dragonfly
Grey - rosy maple moth (pink and yellow)
Styles - red underwing moth (black and red)
Ezra - monarch butterfly
Zeb - red kneed tarantula
- Caleb is left in the care of his mother's friends, Zeb Orrelios and his husband, Alexsandr Kallus when his mom leaves for a mission. They regularly chat when suddenly, Depa stops coming to the house for several months.
Caleb thinks that she’s probably just busy. 
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Whelp, I am writing a quick outline of this Post-Order 66 Grey-Depa-Caleb fic and am re-watching TBB ep1 as well as planning on re-reading the Kanan comics.
I guess this fic really is gonna happen now. Pffft. I rarely write actual outlines for fanfics, I'm more of a fly by the seat of my pants and go with the vague string of scenes I have circling around in my head sort of writer.
I want to be more organized as a writer but my brain really doesn't work that way most of the time. So we'll see how this goes, I guess.
I kinda lowkey want to slip some of my pro Depa/Grey bias in there cause I do love that pairing but the evil part of my brain is like "'But what if Grey and Styles are both in love with her from afar but don't think they don't stand a chance because she is a Jedi and therefore as far beyond their reach as the moon is in the sky and they settle on a two sad clowns afair where their longing for Depa draws them together. And then Grey has to kill Styles to protect her?"
And I am finding it difficult to come up with a counterargument for this and very-well may lose to my own evil side. I've never actually written clonecest though and I'm high-key unsure if I want to deal with the potential flammers that inevitably come from that.
I have always been pretty neutral on it but have never really written it unless you cound Waxer and Boil in my modern AU where they are definitely not relatec thing. Of course I feel like Waxer/Boil is the gateway cloneship pairing. Pffft. We all love our gay clone dads who adopt their adorable twi'lek kiddo and love to say fuck canon they get to live happily ever after. So I've definitely always espoused a sorta 'do whatever you want' mentality when it comes to clonecest pairings but actually writing it is a little fraught with anxiety for me.
Of course, I'm also a grown-ass woman who has zero problems with telling people they can kindly fuck off if someone does come at me for writing it. But man the shit I've seen in this fandom at times it can be so horribly toxic and wrapped up in pearl-clutching where they are willing to demonize other people just for writing a pairing they don't like.
It's fucking wild. I don't put up with that shit and don't engage with people who do that but even I see it in my little bubble and it blows my mind cause it's fucking pixels and fictional characters. Ya'll do know that, right?
So I dunno, do I go for the painful gut punch here? I guess I'll see when I'm writing this.
I also need to edit the next chapter of Seeds For the Future but uggggggggh I don't wanna.
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calebdumes · 3 years
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gffa · 3 years
May I ask what the differences between Kanan's comic backstory and the new depiction are? I've seen a lot of (usually vague on details) talk about it but no comparisons. I really want to know why people are upset about it, but it's hard to understand without knowing what changed.
Hi!  I would say there are two avenues in which things were changed. 1.  The Kanan comics had a lot of backstory that was never touched on in TBB, where we see a young Caleb and his friends wanted to be apprenticed, we see them in classes, we see them meditating, etc.  We get some of the story about Depa having been in a coma after a nasty battle going wrong, she wakes up, she meets Caleb and eventually asks him to be her Padawan. There’s more conversations between them on Kaller than TBB had, a lot about Caleb being the kind of kid who asks like a thousand questions an hour, Depa and two clones (Grey and Styles) gently arguing about the Jedi’s role in the war (with no real easy answers to be found), a bunch of scenes of Depa teaching Caleb about Jedi philosophy, etc. We get some of our best looks at Jedi philosophy and Jedi teachings and the Jedi temple itself in this comic--much of which can still easily be canon, because TBB just doesn’t address this at all. 2.  The comic depicts an Order 66 scene where the clones we’ve spent some time getting to know, Styles and Grey, being shown they have a great, friendly relationship with both Depa and Caleb, they’re shown laughing together and bonding, are the ones to enact Order 66, making the betrayal really heartwrenching. Caleb spends a lot of pages on the run from them, the heartbreaking of Order 66 made even worse by how he knew these clones that continue to hunt him down.  In theory, this could still sort of happen--except, Grey and Styles are nowhere to be found in The Bad Batch, we don’t know the name of the clone that was working with Depa, the story is really more about Hunter and the bad batch reacting to Order 66, rather than the comic telling it as Kanan’s story. (I’d paste in some of the panels, but honestly you kind of need to read the entire first two issues of the series to understand the emphasis and focus for what I’m getting at here.) Basically, while most of what happens in the Kanan comic can still happen off-screen in the animated series, the way Order 66 goes down, the taking out of Styles and Grey, the way it shifts the focus to Clone Force 99, shows that the shape of the story between the two are quite different and cannot entirely overlap in some pretty significant ways.  It’s not a minor detail like the color of Ahsoka’s sabers, but instead the entire scene of how Depa died and Caleb went on the run are different.
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kanerallels · 3 years
I'd Follow You To The Great Unknown
(for Kanera Week, based on the prompt "found family/believing")
Read on AO3 here!
Word Count: 3,299
Tags/Warnings: rated T for allusions to torture and serious injury
Summary: Nothing lasts forever. Kanan and Hera are made painfully aware of that after a slipup during a mission
Kanan had known this would happen someday. It had been inevitable from the start. Even the Spectre could only avoid the Empire for so long.
And he had, since he was twenty years old. For the past eight years, he’d fought against the Empire, side by side with the Rebel cell he’d helped to form-- Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, Ryder Azadi. And eventually, Ezra Bridger and Hera Syndulla. They worked well together. Kanan couldn’t imagine working without them.
But then he’d gone on a mission. Just a routine op, nothing they hadn’t done a million times before. It was a milk run-- what was the worst that could happen?
Typically enough, the Empire had seemed to take that as a challenge. The literal worst possible thing had happened-- an Inquisitor had showed up. And Kanan had known, right then and there, that there was only one possible outcome. Ahsoka hadn’t been anywhere near them, and the Inquisitor had been heading straight for Ezra.
So Kanan had dropped his katana and called on the Force, throwing Ezra as far away from the Inquisitor as possible. And as the Inquisitor had turned towards him with devious delight in his eyes, Kanan had pulled out his lightsaber and ignited it, blue light blazing to life.
They’d gotten away by some miracle. Kanan had managed to hold back the Inquisitor long enough for Hera to bring the Ghost in and pick them up. And now they were on their way back, and Kanan knew what had to happen next.
“Kanan, what are we gonna do?”
Ezra’s question snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked at the kid, who’s eyes were wide with fear. “The Inquisitor-- he saw you. He saw your lightsaber.”
“I know, kid,” Kanan said, keeping his voice calm. And he felt calm, strangely enough. Maybe it was the total certainty he held in his heart about their next move. Putting a hand on Ezra’s shoulder, he told him, “It’s gonna be okay.”
Some of the fear faded from Ezra’s face, and he nodded. “But-- how?”
For the first time, Kanan found himself hesitating. He didn’t want to lie to Ezra about this. But he knew there was no way the boy would let him make the next move, not if he could help it. “We’ll talk when we get home,” he told Ezra. “For now, stay calm, and be ready.”
“Ready for what?”
“Whatever path is set before you.”
Frowning, Ezra started, “What does that--”
The intercom crackled, and Hera’s voice came over it. “We’re landing. Everyone off, fast.”
The crew piled off, Ezra in the lead. As Kanan headed off, Hera joined him. She caught his gaze, her eyes concerned. “Kanan--”
“We’ll talk when we get to Mace and Depa,” Kanan promised quietly. He started to move out of the ship, but Hera grabbed him by the arm.
“No,” she said flatly. “Now.”
Kriff. Kanan winced, but reluctantly stayed behind as the others filed off the ship. Once they were gone, he slowly turned to Hera, meeting her gaze.
“Kanan,” she said, her voice steady. “Tell me you’re not going to do what I think you’re going to do.”
Kanan met her gaze, feeling a stab of pain go through him. He thought about their engagement party, the moment when he’d first kissed her and knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he loved her. “I’ll never lie to you,” he said.
“No.” Hera shook her head. “You can’t do this-- there are other ways.”
Resting his hands on her shoulders, Kanan just took her in for a moment. She was beautiful even in her anger, and incredibly strong, and he’d never stop wondering how he’d gotten so lucky. “We both know there’s not. Hera--”
“Don’t do this,” she said, her voice unsteady. “Don’t-- we need you, Kanan. I need you.”
“You’ll be fine without me,” Kanan said. “You’ve always been strong enough on your own.”
Stepping away from him, Hera shook her head. “That’s not the point, and you know it. Please, don’t--” she stopped, her voice breaking, and Kanan’s heart broke with it.
He moved forward and pulled her into his arms, and Hera went willingly, burying her face in his chest, her hands fisting in his shirt. “I can’t lose you,” she whispered, and Kanan felt her shudder.
“You won’t,” Kanan responded, stroking her back soothingly. “You’ll get me back. There’s no one else I’d trust to save me than this team. But I need you to stay strong for them, just for now.”
“It feels like I’ll break without you,” Hera choked out, a sob cracking her voice. “If you’re gone, everything’s going to fall apart.”
“It won’t. They have you, Ezra, and Ahsoka. Together, you’ll protect our family.” Kanan was silent for a moment, then said, “Please, Hera. I can’t do this if I don’t know that you’re safe.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t help, then,” Hera muttered. “To keep you safe.”
“We both know you’re not going to do that,” Kanan said. “This Rebellion has always been important to you, and you need to keep the beginnings of it safe. We both will be, just… in different places.”
Hera didn’t speak, simply clung to Kanan as she cried, and Kanan held her close, feeling tears prickle at his own eyes. But he couldn’t indulge them, not now.
Finally, Hera took a shaky breath. She pulled back, and Kanan was relieved to see determination and resolve glinting in her eyes. “I’ll keep them safe,” she told him. “And then I’m coming back for you.”
“I know,” Kanan said simply.
They made their way back into the Jedi residence, where the others were waiting. Depa was the first to see them, and her eyes narrowed as they approached. “What’s going on?” she demanded. “Ezra told us about the Inquisitor. What’s your plan?”
Kanan hesitated. This was the last news he wanted to bring them. He knew it was going to be hard on them, especially Ezra. But there was no getting away from it. “Everyone’s packing up and getting out of here,” he told them calmly. “We’re getting on the Ghost and heading for Alderaan. Hera’s ship can’t be tracked, so the Empire won’t know where you’re going. You’ll be able to slip out quickly and easily, as long as--”
“Wait, you?” Sabine broke in. “What do you mean? Aren’t you coming with us?”
Oh, Force. Kanan met Ezra’s eyes as he responded, forcing himself to maintain eye contact. “No. I’m not.”
Ezra’s eyes went wide, horror flashing through them. “No. Kanan, you can’t stay--”
“The Empire knows that it’s me they’re looking for,” Kanan said quietly. “I’m the only official Jedi here that has a blue lightsaber. Pryce will jump on this chance to get rid of one of us. If I cause enough of a ruckus when they come for me, it’ll cause the distraction you need to get out of here. And if I don’t go with you, the Empire won’t be so eager to follow.”
“I’m not leaving you,” Ezra protested, panic cracking his voice. “There’s no way I’m letting you go. Kanan, please--”
“Ezra,” Kanan cut in. “This is my choice. I need you with the others, to keep them safe.” Crossing the space between them, he rested a hand on Ezra’s shoulder. “I need you to do this for me.”
Jerking away, Ezra shook his head, angry tears glittering in his eyes. “NO. We can’t just leave you behind-- you can’t just give up!”
He started to back away, but Kanan caught hold of him, pulling him closer. Ezra started to struggle, but slumped against Kanan, weeping into his shirt. “Please don’t go. Please, Kanan.”
Taking a shaky breath, Kanan cleared his throat quickly. “I’m sorry, kid. I don’t want to leave you, trust me.”
“Then don’t,” Ezra whimpered. “You don’t have to leave us.”
Swallowing against the lump in his throat with difficulty, Kanan said, “What I have to do is keep you-- keep everyone safe.” Looking up at Mace, who stood nearby with an unreadable expression on his face, he added, “Sometimes, to protect the people you care about, you have to make sacrifices. This is one of those times.”
Mace’s expression softened slightly, and he nodded. “I’ll stay with you.”
“No,” Kanan said firmly. “You’ve suffered enough at the Empire’s hand, and I need you with everyone else. Besides, the Empire can’t get its hands on more Jedi.”
Reluctantly, Mace nodded as Ezra pulled away from Kanan. Looking at Kanan, he said, “We’re gonna get you back.”
“I expect you to,” Kanan responded, giving him a smile. “I’m proud of you, kid. Keep on fighting, and keep everyone safe for me.”
Looking at the others, he said, “I know you don’t like this. But it’s my choice, and it’s the best move to keep the Rebellion safe. So you need to go now.”
Ahsoka was the first one to move. Stepping forward, she put a hand on Kanan’s shoulder, her gaze compassionate. “May the Force be with you,” she said simply.
Kanan found himself smiling. “And with you,” he said.
Depa was next, and she gave him a soft smile. “I’m proud of you, apprentice,” she said softly. “If this is the path the Force has given you… I’ll admit, I’m hesitant to let you walk it. But I doubt this is the last time we’ll be together.”
“I agree,” Kanan said. “Keep the others safe.”
As Depa moved on, Sabine moved up to him, her expression tight. “I hate this,” she said, her voice flat.
“You’re not the only one,” Kanan admitted. “But this has to happen. Listen-- keep an eye on the others for me, okay? Look out for Ezra.”
Nodding, Sabine said, “Okay. Just-- we’re coming back for you, okay?”
“I’m counting on it,” Kanan said, giving her a grin.
His next goodbyes were to Grey, Styles and Stance, all of whom bid him good luck. Clasping Kanan’s shoulder, Grey said, “Take care of yourself, kid.”
“Take care of my master,” Kanan said, lifting an eyebrow. “And don’t call me kid.”
As Grey moved away from him to Depa’s side, Kanan faced Ezra. Squaring his shoulders, Ezra said, “I won’t say goodbye, because it’s not. We’re gonna come back for you. Just be careful, okay? Don’t make the Empire too mad.”
“Me? Never.” Kanan’s grin faded away, and he said, “I’m proud of you, Ezra.”
“Proud of you, too,” Ezra said, his voice wavering slightly. Taking a deep breath, he said, “May the Force be with you.”
Kanan felt tears in his eyes as he responded, his own voice miraculously steady. “And with you, apprentice.”
With that, Ezra headed onto the Ghost with the others, and Kanan only had two goodbyes left. Hera and Zeb were standing next to each other, and Kanan knew this was going to be hard. But he had to keep it together.
Stepping forward, he opened his mouth, but Zeb beat him to it. “I’m staying,” the Lasat said, his tone brooking no argument.
“What?” Kanan said. “Zeb, no. The only people the Empire hates more than Jedi--”
“Are aliens, especially the ones they’ve tried and failed to wipe out, yeah, I know,” Zeb said, waving a hand dismissively. “But they’ll be coming for you in force, and if you want a real distraction, you’ll need help. So I’m staying. Besides, I told Hera I’d keep an eye on you.”
“Oh, so you’re in on this?” Kanan said, lifting an eyebrow at Hera.
“Humor us, love,” Hera said, folding her arms. “This is hard enough as it is. I want someone with you to watch your back.”
Kanan sighed. “This-- you know what you’re about to walk into,” he told Zeb.
“Yep. So stop warning me about it and finish your goodbyes,” Zeb said. “I’m ready to knock together some Imperial heads.”
Somehow, Kanan felt a smile across his face, and he nodded. “Okay. Give me a minute, though.”
Zeb nodded, and moved just out of earshot, which Kanan appreciated. Turning to Hera, he just looked at her for a moment, drinking her in. “I’m going to miss you,” he said softly.
“Not as much as I’ll miss you.” Hesitating, Hera said, “What if this goes wrong? What if we can’t get back to you, or--”
“Hey.” Kanan moved closer to her, pulling her into a hug. “We’ll see each other again,” he said quietly. “I promise.”
“How can you be so sure?” Hera asked, her voice small.
“Well, there’s a certain question I haven’t actually asked you yet,” Kanan said, and felt Hera stiffen in surprise. “And there’s no way the Empire or Pryce or anyone else can keep me from getting back to you to ask it.”
Hera pulled back, gazing at his face. “I-- Kanan,” she whispered, her expression stunned.
“I won’t ask yet,” Kanan said, running a gentle thumb along her jawline. “But when you bring me home… no promises.” He paused, then added, “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” Hera said, and Kanan couldn’t resist bending down to steal one last kiss, his lips lingering on hers for only a moment.
But then he stepped back, and she was moving onto the Ghost, and then Hera Syndulla was gone. Kanan watched the ship start to rise in the air, then turned to Zeb. “Are you ready for this?”
“The real question is, is the Empire ready for this?” Zeb shot back, and Kanan couldn’t help but laugh.
He had no idea what would happen next. But he knew he’d have one of his best friends fighting with him, and the rest of his family was safe. Pulling the two pieces of his lightsaber from his belt, Kanan twisted them together. “Let’s go make a mess,” he said.
~ ~ ~
Six months later
Hera felt the Ghost humming underneath her as they made the jump to hyperspace, and she let out a sigh of relief.
It had been a long past six months. Shortly after Hera and the others had escaped from Lothal, thanks to Kanan’s sacrifice, it had been completely blockaded by the Empire, making it all but impossible to get in. They’d done anything they could to get news about Kanan and Zeb, although it had been scarce.
It had taken the Empire weeks to actually catch the two of them. They’d taken out the squad that came to arrest Kanan, and then gone on the run. But eventually, they’d been caught, and transported off of Lothal.
The last months had been long and hard, spent trying to find out where Kanan and Zeb had been taken, all the while working with the Rebellion. They’d found Zeb first-- the two of them had been separated. Zeb had been sent to a prison camp called Wobani. Once there, he’d promptly started a small rebellion with some of the prisoners, including a seventeen-year-old girl named Jyn, an ISB agent named Kallus, and a dark-haired man named Ferus Olin. Who happened to be a Jedi.
When Hera and the others had rescued Zeb and his new friends, they’d asked Ferus if he knew where Kanan might be held. The man’s face had gone dark as he said, “I can only think of one place-- Mustafar. But if your friend is on Mustafar, he’s as good as dead.”
“Not Kanan,” Ezra had told him. “He’s not going anywhere anytime soon. And if he does die, Hera and I will go to the afterlife to forcibly drag him back.”
Unfortunately, they soon discovered that Ferus’s theory had been right. Kanan had been imprisoned on Mustafar by the Inquisitors and the Emperor’s Hand.
So Hera had organized an assault on a stronghold full of Sith. And somehow, impossibly, they’d done it. They’d gotten in, and Ezra and the others had found Kanan and brought him home. And now, with the blue lights of hyperspace flickering through the front viewport, they’d escaped.
Getting up from her seat, Hera glanced at Chopper. “Keep an eye on things up here, Chop.”
Just go find him, Chopper said, and for once Hera didn’t stop to argue with her droid. Turning, she headed out of the cockpit and down towards the cargo bay, where the rescue team had entered the ship.
As she arrived on the balcony area above it, her gaze swept across those below her-- Grey and Depa, who were standing close together, holding hands. Mace, who was talking with Ferus, the scar across his eyes obvious in the light. Zeb, joking with Styles and Kallus, and nearby him Sabine and Ahsoka, standing with their arms crossed and their eyes fixed on the three men in the middle of the room.
Stance had been the team medic for a while now-- apparently he’d learned to take care of Kanan when he came back from one too many missions with injuries. Hence why he was currently arguing with Kanan as Ezra hovered near his master, clearly unwilling to let him get too far away.
“For kriff’s sake, Kanan, will you let me--”
“Not yet,” Kanan snapped, his voice vehement. “I need to talk to--”
“Kanan?” Hera said, and she wasn’t sure why her voice was so soft and shaken. Until Kanan looked up, and then she knew.
He looked terrible. Bruises darkened his skin, and blood stained his clothing here and there. It was clear he hadn’t bathed in a while, nor had he shaved-- his beard had grown considerably fuller and scruffier since she’d last seen him. His hair was long and loose-- but Hera wasn’t looking at any of that. Her gaze was fixed on the somewhat dirty bandage wrapped around his eyes.
She was down the ladder before she knew what was happening, and Kanan moved forward to meet her, his steps uncertain as Ezra gently pushed him in the right direction. His voice, on the other hand, was anything but, as he whispered, “Hera. You’re here.”
“I’m here,” Hera said, gently reaching up and touching his cheek. Kanan leaned into the touch, a half-smile twitching across his face.
“I know. The Empire could never trick me with you. I always knew when it was a fake.” He caught hold of her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, and pressed a kiss against the back. “I’d know your voice anywhere.”
Hera felt tears prickling in her eyes. Keeping her voice steady, she asked, “What happened, love?”
“The Empire likes to make people vulnerable,” Kanan said matter of factly. “So they did that in the best ways they could think of. When none of them worked, they decided to try this.” A somewhat bitter smile twitched across his face. “So I guess I was wrong when I said I’d see you again.”
“You could always see me,” Hera told him, and pulled him into a hug. Kanan wrapped his arms around her, and Hera felt him take in a quick, shuddering breath. “I’m so glad you’re home,” she whispered.
“Me, too,” Kanan said, his voice shaking slightly.
He sounded fragile, off center, hurt, and Hera’s heart ached for him. For what he’d gone through. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner, love,” she murmured.
Moving hesitantly, Kanan lifted a hand to her face, and bent to press a kiss against her forehead. “It’s okay. I knew you would come, and you did. And I’m back with you again. That’s the important thing.”
Hera knew that wasn’t all, and she knew Kanan was still hurting, from both physical and mental wounds. But that could wait until another day. For now, what he needed was to rest and heal, with his family around him.
“Welcome home, Kanan,” she said.
A soft smile curled Kanan’s mouth. “Glad to be here, Captain Hera.”
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books-and-cats-26 · 3 years
Warning: Character Death, not gonna lie it's a bit sad so if you don't like that kind of thing, please keep scrolling, loves. Please let me know if I'm missing warnings in the tags
Summary: Kanan Jarrus' last thoughts before becoming one with the Force and what came after.
The last thing Kanan remembered was the Force giving him back his sight just in time to see Hera, the twi’lek woman that became the love of his life, suspended in the Force as he held her away from him and the explosion he was trying to hold back. Behind her he could see Ezra, his padawan, still holding out his hand to Hera when he had tried to stop her, though now his eyes locked with Kanan’s. He could see horror in his student’s eyes as Ezra understood what his master’s plan was.
Kannan had turned his eyes to Hera one last time, her beautiful eyes were full of fear and confusion. He took a deep breath and he tried to convey through the force the love and pride he had for the both of them.
He released his hold on the inferno and used the last of his strength to push Hera into the arms of his padawan. Just as the flames rushed to consume him, memories flooded forward:
The memory of his padawan’s crushing hug after a hard mission, and his grin as Kanan showed him how to feel life through the Force.
The memory of Sabine teasing him about his obvious crush on Hera, and her excitement when he had given her paint for her Life Day.
The memory of Zeb awkwardly admitting to accidentally recruiting Kallus into the Rebellion, and his wild grin when Kanan allowed him to attack the stormtroopers first.
Memories of Rex, Ahsoka, Kallus, and the other members of the Rebellion flashed by like all the others.
Even the memories of Chopper as the little murder droid threatened to kill him, only to be quieted into reluctant approval when Kanan offered credits to him to pick out a new upgrade.
But the memories that resided closest to his heart and the last ones to cross his mind were the memories of Hera. Her determined glare as she piloted the Ghost through Imperial blockades and through the chaos of battle. Her soft voice as she offered advice when he felt insificent in the role of master to his new student. Her touch when she held him tightly before and after every mission. His favorite memory, however, was the look of wonder and pure joy her face often held as she touched the controls of Ghost as if, no matter how often she flew or how many worlds she saw, she still couldn't believe she was bringing her dream to life.
A smile touched his lips as his vision filled with fire before everything went dark.
He opened his eyes, confused, only to choke back tears as he was met with the sight of the Temple. It looked just as he remembered it, spires reaching for the skies of Coruscant and the feeling of home rushed over him.
Kanan turned to the voice and his eyes met with the sight of Stance, the man who saved his life and was like a brother to him. He didn’t realize he was running until he collided with Stance, his arms wrapped tightly around the other man’s neck. For a moment he buried his face in his brother’s shoulder.
He finally looked up when he heard footsteps getting closer and grinned when he saw Captain Styles and Captain Grey and other members of his former battalion.
Kanan released Stance and moved towards the voice. His brothers moving aside to clear the way to a figure who stood at the entrance of the Temple.
“Master Billaba.”
Kanan sobbed as he ran into the arms of his master, once more feeling her arms wrap tightly around him.
“You have done well, Caleb.”
He could feel her love and pride for him as she tightened her hold before stepping back slightly to smile at her padawan, her hand resting on his cheek.
“It’s time to rest now.”
Caleb closed his eyes as he leaned into her touch. He knew in his heart that one day the Spectres, his padawan, and Hera would join him in the Force, but for now he would take his master’s advice and rest.
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gildeddlily · 10 months
Rebels has become something so precious to me!! while I will always prefer Clone Wars to it (cause duh in CW there are the clones) Rebels is so much more enjoyable to watch. even the filler episodes are useful to the plot in adding more characterization to everyone involved, helping to build the big episodes, the ones with the real deal- and they're so entertaining! I watched the first season in one day and it was so easy to watch, so well written and full of interesting twists and yk character growth, and for now (i'm mid season three even tho I got the s4 finale all spoiled lucky me) (fuck you ao3 I was only looking for some kanan&ezra bonding fic to satisfy my urge to find found family fics!) the first season's my favourite. even tho the second one has Maul and Vader and Ahsoka (words aren't enough to explain how I love her) and the third Thrawn the first is so fresh and sad and comforting and such a good start for yk entroducing new characters! The ! overuse is translating my excitement at having discovered something so beautiful!!!!! (every time I procrastinate watching something it ends up being mind blowing) (still not gonna stop reading ff before finishing the show!!!!)
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kanaima · 3 years
I haven’t posted this much in a long, long time but I have a lot of things to say so here we go again. 
This one is about Commander Grey, and why I think he is the same clone who is with Depa in TBB. The design of his armor is the same that the one in the comics, the paint in his helmet and everything else is just the same, but it is green, not red. TBB armor color is red, so of course they couldn’t made Grey’s armor red too. 
I do not have any good image of the Commander in TBB and I didn’t want to steal one, so I will post the comic one as example:
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Grey my beloved
Also his sickass sword is missing
So, I get why they couldn’t just paint all of their armors red, and if they had to sacrifice one, of course it was going to be Grey’s because he isn’t the main character here but he is in my heart.
Anyway, there are two clones in Depa’s Battalion who wears green armor, Big-Mouth and Stance.
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The other ones wear white armor, because this battalion was pretty, pretty new. By fact, the only ones who wear red in the comics were Grey and Styles. 
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blackkatmagic · 4 years
The 7 Habits update
Chapter 3 is now up!
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star-wars-comics · 4 years
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Kanan: The Last Padawan #9 - "First Blood III" (2015)
written by Greg Weisman art by Pepe Larraz & David Curiel
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