#greymoor spoilers
feykrorovaan · 8 months
You all know Darien is probably going to show up again at some point, correct? It's not just hope. ZoS has been sprinkling breadcrumbs (pun intended) since Summerset. They wouldn't do that for no reason or to tease us (unless they're somehow legitimately evil,which say what you want, but that isn't the case).
Spoilers galore for elder scrolls in general under the cut (Main plot, Wrothgar,Elsweyr,Greymoor,Summerset
Blackwood,High Isle, and Necrom.)
Just look at Coldharbor. What happened after we "lost" Darien. We found clues that he was still alive. Including a letter written by him in Wrothgar. So it only makes sense to me that they would do so again.
Darien and/or the events of Summerset have also been referenced in every.single.chapter since Summerset.
That, to my knowledge, hasn't happened with any other characters, especially not consecutively.
In Elsweyr, you can find a deceased khajiit, and nearby there is a note,describing how Meridia was looking for a new vessel that wouldn't betray her.
In Greymoor, Gabrielle Benele says she still believes that Darien is still out there somewhere and she is determined to find him. Not only that, but there is a Meridia quest where she has apparently turned her gaze from her faithful. Now Daedric princes' attention and favor can come and go, and I don't like Meridia, believe me, but she doesn't seem like the kind of prince that would turn her back if something bigger didn't have her attention.
In Blackwood, there is a random event when you talk to a wizard and he can summon a lost spirit. One of those spirits can be an Auroran Knight with Dawnbreaker in his hilt. It's not confirmed to be Darien. But...come on. It's him.
In High Isle, Lady Arabelle references his father specifically. Not Darien specifically, but there are other generals, and captains they could have referenced.They chose him because they knew our ears would perk up at the name "Gautier". His father had a pretty forgettable role,Darien,did not.
In Necrom, if you played through the Summerset plot, you can speak to Naryu about the events of Summerset.
I don't feel like they would talk about him (or the events of Summerset) this much if he wasn't coming back at some point or at least confirmed to be alive in some way. Not to mention whenever he's brought up in streams, they are pretty tight-lipped about him, and they've never specifically said he' won't return.
Summerset was a big event. So if we do see Darien again, it's going to be big.
Experience and
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Just a little drabble. Takes place during the Greymoor chapter. Lila knows what it's like to go through hell, and she's not about to let Fenn face it alone.
It took some doing to convince Fenn to join them in Solitude, but after a bit of persuasion, he agreed. Svana welcomed him readily, a fact he had clearly not been expecting, and when Lila returned they got back to making plans.
When Lila noticed Fenn slink away and find a quiet spot to sit in the corner of the room, she excused herself from the conversation and went to join him. He stood as she approached.
“I’m ready to help. I … I know what you need me to do. Put my … experience behind me. Focus on the mission. Just like Verandis taught me.”
“No.” Lila dropped to the floor herself, gesturing for him to retake his seat beside her. “Sit with me for a few minutes.”
“But the mission-”
“The mission can wait. Just a few minutes. Please.”
He still looked torn, but finally he conceded and took his seat again.
“The mission isn’t everything. It’s important, yes, but so are you. I know it’s easy to bury yourself in your work - believe me, I know - but it’s not healthy. Far be it for me to lecture you on healthy coping mechanisms, but it’s okay to take time to yourself. Not everything is about the mission, the next world-ending crisis. You’ve been through hell, and it’s okay to need time.”
Fenn didn’t respond for a long moment, and Lila wasn’t sure he was going to at all, but finally he put his head in his hands with a sigh.
“They did whatever they wanted. I… I couldn’t stop them. That device they strapped me in… it was horrible.”
Lila laid a hand on Fenn’s shoulder, watching carefully for a reaction. She wasn’t sure if he’d want physical comfort after what he’d been through, and she didn’t want to make things worse. When he didn’t rebuff her or recoil, she rubbed his back gently. He leaned into the touch ever so slightly, and Lila took that as a good sign.
After a few minutes he lifted his head. He didn’t look at Lila, instead choosing to glance about the room. Lila took the moment to do the same, and was surprised to find that everyone had left. She could guess they hadn’t gone far, that they were probably just outside, but she appreciated that they gave Fenn some privacy, intentional or otherwise.
Fenn seemed to come to the same conclusion, and after a thorough visual sweep of the space he leaned back against the wall, slouching over just enough that his shoulder rested against Lila’s.
“Thank you, my friend.”
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floweroflaurelin · 2 months
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How do you want to do this?
Goodbye, Faithful Caregiver.
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The Emperor of Fire & The Empress of Earth
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olessan · 10 days
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Dorian, Imogen, and Ashton:
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simplysparrow14 · 17 days
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otterlyart · 8 months
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New Intro!
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vethbrenatto · 2 months
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You are were the best of us. Sleep well.
Bonus Matt:
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it's the little details
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counterspelling · 23 days
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Endless Bells Hells
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undead-knick-knack · 7 months
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And of course he fucking loved it 😭🖤💜
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