#High Isle spoilers
feykrorovaan · 11 months
You all know Darien is probably going to show up again at some point, correct? It's not just hope. ZoS has been sprinkling breadcrumbs (pun intended) since Summerset. They wouldn't do that for no reason or to tease us (unless they're somehow legitimately evil,which say what you want, but that isn't the case).
Spoilers galore for elder scrolls in general under the cut (Main plot, Wrothgar,Elsweyr,Greymoor,Summerset
Blackwood,High Isle, and Necrom.)
Just look at Coldharbor. What happened after we "lost" Darien. We found clues that he was still alive. Including a letter written by him in Wrothgar. So it only makes sense to me that they would do so again.
Darien and/or the events of Summerset have also been referenced in every.single.chapter since Summerset.
That, to my knowledge, hasn't happened with any other characters, especially not consecutively.
In Elsweyr, you can find a deceased khajiit, and nearby there is a note,describing how Meridia was looking for a new vessel that wouldn't betray her.
In Greymoor, Gabrielle Benele says she still believes that Darien is still out there somewhere and she is determined to find him. Not only that, but there is a Meridia quest where she has apparently turned her gaze from her faithful. Now Daedric princes' attention and favor can come and go, and I don't like Meridia, believe me, but she doesn't seem like the kind of prince that would turn her back if something bigger didn't have her attention.
In Blackwood, there is a random event when you talk to a wizard and he can summon a lost spirit. One of those spirits can be an Auroran Knight with Dawnbreaker in his hilt. It's not confirmed to be Darien. But...come on. It's him.
In High Isle, Lady Arabelle references his father specifically. Not Darien specifically, but there are other generals, and captains they could have referenced.They chose him because they knew our ears would perk up at the name "Gautier". His father had a pretty forgettable role,Darien,did not.
In Necrom, if you played through the Summerset plot, you can speak to Naryu about the events of Summerset.
I don't feel like they would talk about him (or the events of Summerset) this much if he wasn't coming back at some point or at least confirmed to be alive in some way. Not to mention whenever he's brought up in streams, they are pretty tight-lipped about him, and they've never specifically said he' won't return.
Summerset was a big event. So if we do see Darien again, it's going to be big.
Experience and
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buttonsthenerdy · 2 years
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Bisexual Raz #CONFIRMED
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pentacass · 2 years
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ffuan · 2 years
I finished the Bretons epilogue and it rlly was as dumb as ppl said it’d be 🤡
I kinda wish the peace talks were the conflict, or at least focus, of the epilogue. We know metatextually that the talks cannot succeed without breaking PvP, so give us an in-universe reason.
The alliance leaders are charismatic but each one has their issues. All 3 of the alliances commit *cough* crimes in the others countries and we’re just supposed to believe that it’s a few rotten apples??? I would have LOVED to see Irnskar address the attempted Argonian genocide from the base game. Even if you’ve only played High Isle, Emeric’s lack of accountability or oversight for the Isles could be a sticking point. Last but not least, Ayrenn is notoriously bad w racism and IIRC, did not send aid when dragons appeared…
Messy thoughts but ugh, the writing was so bad, I needed to vent.
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copper-ice-cube · 4 months
of fucking course the sugar plum fairy's lair is the FREEZER
the rest of calorum is the fridge and when people die its food getting eaten by the hungry one
but the sugar plum fairy steals spirits away to her mountain lair so they don't get eaten!
aka putting them in the freezer so they're dead but not eaten yet!!
and when she dies lapin says all the spirits have to go to the hungry one!!!
and there is imagery of the heat of the old dragon's lair melting lapin and all the sugar plum fairy's treasures away!!!!
aka frozen food being defrosted/reheated to be eaten!!!!!
fuck fuck fuck of fucking COURSE!!!!!!
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bam-monsterhospital · 2 years
jeez, firesong’s main questline was terrible; so much contrived idiot-ball-holding from absolutely everyone.  
The most ridiculously terrible decisions that are obvious attempts to sabotage and no one questions it.  Should we put all the civilians in the temple for safekeeping?  The temple jutting out into the sea?  While we’re being attacked from sea?
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oh the temple was obliterated by the sea-bound attackers almost intstantly. WHO COULD HAVE FORSEEN THIS TRAGEDY?!?  Certainly not the fucker who deMANDED all the important people be stuffed inside it for ‘safe keeping’.
Moving on to the epilogue of the high isle/firesong ‘legacy of the bretons’ shit, we have the fact the two separate druid characters, from two separate dlcs and questlines, who are both characters you interact with quite a bit and are supposed to be important...
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these two. they are not related. they are not the same person.
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 I forgot they were not the same person.
You’re given the most tedious runaround of all runarounds for obvious things that could have been taken care of by other characters and changed nothing.  They absolutely waste your time and run you around just to draw the nothingness out. 
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Characters who are supposed to be intelligent and/or competent are the most braindead fuckers around.
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“i used to be a spy in my youth, and just then when i received a package from an anonymous ‘admirer’ congratulating me on my win against this secret order who btw is still at large, i decided to shlorp up the wine offered inside.  I mean, wHO WOULDN’T HAVE, RIGHT?”
The evil fire druids who almost burnt down tamriel twice? They’re fiiiiiiine, they say they’re sorrryyyyyyy and were just doing what they were told, so obviously they’re forgiven and given part of the all-powerful artifact they previously sought and used, to safeguard.  Totally trustworthy friends.  All is forgiven.
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laurel, that’s a bad idea.
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“no shaddup, it’s totally fine, if we TRUST the firesong druids, then they’ll tooooootally not be evil anymore. That’s how trust works, right?” That’s not how trust works, zos.
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this questline made me sick.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 2 years
why does every person in galen have to refer to the player as “mercenary” i don’t like it
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kyri45 · 4 months
ISAT Sky Cotl AU Headcanons Masterlist
Here's the masterpost of the AU with all the comic! Feel free to suggest more if you want!! The list will be updated as the story goes to avoid major spoilers
About the Light /Wishcraft
Everything that is triggered originally in SKy in the AU is triggered by wish craft, which is a power that comes directly from the stars.
The island is filled with mechanism that recognize wish craft users and are modelled based on constellations
Most emotes are the equivalent of different forms of advanced craft hand signs, and each can be used like in Sky to activate certain doors (or to be able to call for creatures, or do other stuff like floating etc...)
There's a high concentration of star (wish) magic at the highest point of the Kingdom (where the eye of eden is currently) and if the habitant get's too far away from the island they wont be able to use some of their original abilities derivated from them (like for example they can't regenerate their wing levels)
About the habitant of the Island
Everyone is born naturally, but they all come from a line of people who were moslty made of stardust
The different seasons are periods of time like the chinese years, and are used as a reference for when people were born or even occurred.
People wear pendants with the season symbol they were born in. The season you were born in doesn't necessarily reflect your personality but can influence your passion
Every year, on the birthday of each sky kid, they meditate at the temple of the prince to visit Orbit and gain more power from the stars. They then come back with new "wings" every time. All kids do it with their parents or guardians until the age of 17th, which is the mark of them gaining their 6th wing wedge. From then on, they are officially considered an adult and can fly to orbit by themself. (I'm dividing the sky levels in half, since no one could live up to 200 years, so 4 wings is 5 y/o, 5 wings is 10 y/o, 6 wings is 17/18 y/o, 7 wings is 27 y/o, etc…)
People can decide to follow one of the Elders based on what they want to do in life/ which elder they are closer to (Dawn elder teaches navigation throught the stars, Forest elder teaches creativity and architecture, Valley twins trains your phisical ability and the Vault elder teaches you about the more advanced crafts). After they succeded in all the quests and finished their studies, they are blessed by the elders (which is the equivalent of finish one of the constellations, so you get the same gifts. Yes, the Valley Twin gift is literally them just allowing you to copy their haircut)
Moths are the equivalent of very young kids who still haven’t figured out which kind of person they want to be, which Elder they prefer to follow.
Elders are as big as they are for the same reason of the King in ISAT, the abnormal amount of craft they use is reflected in a collateral effect in their body
About their colture
Paper boats are rituals they used to send messages and wish anonimously, and are crafted so they can't get wet in the water
All capes are crafted so that you are always not too cold or too hot regardless of the climate
Creatures such butterflies, manta, fish and bird all are made of stardust as well, and recognize sky people as one of them and are able to charge them like in Sky
Their language is written with an alphabeth based on constellation shapes
SInce constellations are seasonal you would end up having different events based on the constellation they are under at the moment (days of nature, days of color, days of love, days of fortune)
About Siffrin
lived on the more outside part of the island, in the towns over the black sand beach (isle of dawn) which is the only part of the Kingdom open to visitors, travellers, traders, merchants.
Siffrin was born during the season of Performance and the Performance Guide was one of their first childhood presence during his first years. He continued to be passionated by acting even though he didn't live in Valley, but he and their parent still visited the Village Theather occasionaly to see some of their spectacle.
Had their cape made by his mother as custom, and before coming back to the island could never understand why it was so important that he should always wear it.
Siffrin before the events in the game always felt weird when it rained, was like slowed down and tired and sleepy. (by @forwonderfulpeople)
His call is the bird one (by @lone-owl-s-nest )
About The Wish (AKA The Eye of Eden)
The wish created a cataclysm so big people, not even Elders, can rememeber which was the original wish that caused it.
it made dissapear all people who were on the island, leaving only a spark of their memory
The Wish make you both forget and lose your wish craft power.
Krills are very big sadness
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feykrorovaan · 11 months
The last two plots have had characters secretly in love, when is it the Vestige's turn?
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blindbeta · 7 months
Hello! I have two questions, so I'll send two asks in case you want to answer them separately. First, a lot of your posts suggest writing multiple blind characters into your story to help avoid tokenism. However, when I try to write multiple blind characters, they always stand out or feel shoehorned in. Do you have any advice for writing multiple blind characters more "casually" so they don't feel as out of place?
Examples of How to Write Multiple Blind Characters Using The Owl House
Hello. Thank you for your questions! I actually started on this months ago and returned to it answering this question here.
I suspect this is what stops many writers, although they aren’t aware of it. This feeling of forcing representation is the result of society’s ableism and it can be difficult to recognize or deal with.
It might help to think about the reverse- isn’t it strange that so many characters in books and shows are abled? Isn’t it strange that so many disabled characters have no community?
When you write multiple blind characters, you are giving your blind character a community.
Another thing that might help is to show different characters having different conditions and different ways of dealing with their blindness. This is a technique I use all the time. You can even list all the blind characters and their characteristics so you can consider them all at once. For fun, we’ll use The Owl House. I feel that using all-ages examples might help writers feel comfortable engaging with the material.
The following will contain discussions of external and internalized ableism. It will also contain heavy spoilers for The Owl House up to the show’s finale.
Here is an example I came up with:
Main character, Luz, has a low vision in both eyes. She uses a cane for nighttime, mostly, but she feels like more of an outcast when she uses it at school, compared to the enthusiasm with which she used it and showed it to her classmates when she was a child. She stopped using a cane before entering high school. She packs it for camp just in case and uses it all the time on The Boiling Isles. There, she feels more comfortable using it every day. She is eventually able to use her cane and other assistive devices, whether magical or non-magical, whenever she needs to. Growing up, she struggled in school due to neurodivergence and not always getting her accommodations or maybe even struggling to ask for accommodations. She is happy to find that Eda and Hexside are able to accommodate her without making her feel othered. Although she has felt rejected in the past, she is able to fully embrace her blindness once more, celebrating a part of her in a way she was able to as a child. Also, she has several copies of The Good Witch Azura books in regular print, large print, and audiobook forms.
Eda, her mentor, had total enucleation in one eye and wears a prosthetic. How did she lose her eye? She doesn’t remember, now stop bugging her. Due to macular degeneration, her vision isn’t so good in the other eye and is decreasing over time. She doesn’t use a cane after struggling against her mother in childhood. She can use her Palisman or King as guides if she needs help. (King appointed himself her unofficial guide demon.) Her visually impaired partner, Raine, has gently and jokingly encouraged her to do what helps, including using assistive devices. After they started dating again, Eda feels comfortable using Raine as a guide, which also gives her an excuse to cozy up to them. Eda eventually comes to terms with her blindness much like her chronic illness. When she and Raine go on walks, she jokingly makes them carry things, stating if they want her to use a guide demon or a cane so bad, they can lend her a hand considering she only has one. She switches between the cane and guide depending on what suits her that day. Raine also supports her in her times of vulnerability. She can also have her phone or use spells to read, but reading is for nerds so she would rather have someone else read to her, such as her sister, Luz, Raine, or King.
Principal Bump is blind with residual vision and uses a guide Paliman to help him navigate and magnify things if he needs it. When he had Eda as a student, he was excited to help a student with similar experiences, but he quickly learned she was a troublemaker.
Willow is totally blind and uses a fluffy guide demon. She also has a cane decorated with flowering vines, which she enjoys using because she can have interesting tactile feedback. She was born blind and doesn’t struggle with her blindness beyond the occasional frustration with ableism or lack of accessibility. Her dads are very supportive and helpful. They sent her to Hexside hoping having a blind principal would assure she would get accommodations. She enjoys using magic with physical and textural elements, which is why she tried the magical school tracks she chose.
Gus is also blind with a bit of remaining vision. He enjoys looking at colors and lights. Gus chose to focus on illusions because they make interesting shapes and colors, providing his brain with a lot of sweet, sweet stimulation. Gus also enjoys that a track that is very visual is something he can excel at. He met Willow when complimenting her on how pretty her plants looked, describing to her what looked like a colorful blossom on a vine. He uses a cane to navigate, finding it more helpful for stairs and general independence even if canes aren’t quite as popular on the Boiling Isles as magically assisted options such as Palismans and guide demons. He also enjoys using something more similar to what humans use, as he is very interested in humans. He feels very comfortable with his blindness, finding a similar outlook in his friend Willow. Together, the two feel more understood. Willow and Gus pass Braille notes to each other in class. Gus prefers to have his spelled books or illusions read to him, though.
Amity deals with internalized ableism stemming from a need to be perfect, as well as many terrible implications from her parents that she doesn’t let on hurt her. She concentrates on not letting her disability stop her, as that’s what a Blight does. She has low vision, similar to Luz, and progressive vision loss. Unlike the other characters, she does not have much positive support. Principal Bump tries to encourage her to use the many aids and accommodations provided by the school, surprised that she knows the Boiling Isles equivalent of Braille, but only because her parents thought it would give their child an edge and because she attended the same early childhood classes as Willow. Amity politely rejects his help and goes on the be the top student just to prove a point to everyone (a.k.a her parents). She grows up being friends with other kids who say ableist things, leading to Amity feeling even more pressured to rely on her remaining vision. Eventually, her relationships with Luz and Willow help her to accept herself. She is able to act more authentically. This includes confronting her former friends, apologizing to the people she bullied, and attempting to use a cane at school. She is surprised to find that nothing really changes and a few people, including her siblings, even comment on her cane use positively. Willow also shows her how to get her phone to read to her, as well as use the spelled books you can buy that read out loud, which helps reduce eye strain. The similarities between her and Luz helps to strengthen their bond, but otherwise their relationship is unchanged from canon. Amity also has another troublesome barrier to asking Luz to Grom, such as how to make the note accessible. She ends up going with large print and high contrast ink. If she can read it, she knows Luz will be able to.
Hunter has an inherited retinal disorder, such as LCA or Stargardt disease. All of his predecessors have had a similar experience and Hunter takes pride in being part of that line. Each Golden Guard has decreased vision compared to the last, it seems. Hunter views his blindness as a part of him. His blindness allows him to adapt in ways others may not have a chance to explore. He becomes aware of advantages he has over the many sighted people he works with. He is known for his talent, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Hunter struggles with photophobia, which his mask helps with. For navigation, he has a cane, as well as his staff, which he prefers to adapt for navigating. It is about chest height and acts similarly to a WeWalk cane. He can use it to teleport and use magic, but it is mostly for identification and navigating if needed. Eventually, he considers switching to a guide demon like Willow’s, which can also offer companionship along with his new Palisman. Hunter can read the Boiling Isles equivalent of Braille, which he uses for labeling, personal note-keeping, and reading when his eyes are tired. He can keep working longer this way, although he does occasionally read or write for fun if he has a spare few minutes. Hunter also makes tactile maps.
There we go. I provided examples of several blind characters in the same place. Many of them know each other and maybe even meet because of their blindness. They all have different types of blindness and different experiences with their blindness, even when compared to characters who are on similar places on the blindness spectrum. I explored how they navigate, how they view their blindness, and ways in which they relate to others. Some struggle with internalized ableism, but not all of them. They have their own arcs related to their blindness, although they have the same arcs and interests as in canon.
Rather than seeing multiple blind characters as an obstacle, view it as an opportunity for characterization. For example, Amity’s experience with ableism is heavily rooted in how she was raised, in how her parents treated her blindness as a defect or something to be ignored. Meanwhile, Luz’s experience with ableism originated in childhood rejection. Compared to them, Willow, Gus, Principle Bump, and Hunter are all thriving. Even Eda is mostly cool with everything, only having a confusing and uncertain relationship with mobility aids. Additionally, Luz is able to let go of and unlearn her internalized ableism as soon as she finds people who accept her. Amity, in comparison, takes much longer to accept herself.
I know that some writers who aren’t blind may feel unequipped to write internalized ableism. It isn’t necessary, but instead something I thought fit Amity’s original character arc. Internalized ableism can be a lot more subtle than this or not feature in your story at all. Luz and Eda might struggle with this as well, but to a lesser degree. It would also be similar to their arcs in canon.
Here are additional character breakdowns because I thought they were fun:
Who uses Braille?
Willow, Hunter, and to some extent, Gus
Braille literacy is declining, so not everyone knows it in this A.U, which is similar to real life. However, I prefer to have at least some of my characters use Braille to push back against that.
Who uses audio to read, primarily or some of the time?
Gus, Amity, Luz, Eda
Who uses regular or large print?
Luz, Amity, Principal Bump
Who uses magnification?
Principal Bump and probably Luz in childhood
Who uses a cane?
Luz, Amity, Hunter, Willow, Eda
However, Luz, Amity, and Eda all struggled to get there to some degree. In real life, few blind people actually use canes despite possibly benefiting from them.
Who uses an animal guide?
Eda, Willow, and, later, Hunter
On the Boiling Isles, creatures participate in training schools and are matched with potential handlers. They are mostly given to adults, although some schools allow kids to apply, such as those in their upper teens. I have a post on guide animals here.
Who has some residual vision?
Luz, Eda, Bump, Gus, Amity, Hunter
Who is totally blind?
In real life, 85 to 90% of people who are blind have some residual vision, depending on what source you draw from. Most of the cast can still see something, even if only colors, light, and shadow.
I hope this helps. This is my first time sharing something like this. Readers, feel free to use this however you like, for stories or fan art.
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pentacass · 2 years
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there is no way Ayrenn (or the rest) would hide behind the wards-
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emilystheories · 9 months
The Bryce and Azriel theory.
Matching weapons, ancient prophecies, dusk, and true equals.
Before you scroll away or block (which I totally understand if you do anyway - you are entitled to curate your own experience on here!), please note that I am not trying to convert anyone to this ship. I am fully aware that most people in the fandom are in favour of Gwynriel, Elriel, Elucien, and/or Quinlar, and I 100% respect those preferences.
I am also not saying this is canon, or will be canon - it's a theory. However, I very rarely (if ever) see people correctly talk about the actual evidence for the Bryce x Az pairing, especially when they're mocking it as nothing more than a 'crackship.' Given the sheer size of this post (and the fact that it took me weeks to put together), it's no surprise that I disagree with such a sentiment.
Feel free to form your own opinion on the matter; I only ask that you keep an open mind. And if that's not possible, then at the very least, I hope this is still an entertaining read, as it breaks down a sizeable chunk of the SJM multiverse.
(So, evidently: SJM universe spoilers ahead).
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[art by Gabrielle Ragusi].
To begin: Bryce's connections to dusk.
Throughout both Crescent City books, Bryce is repeatedly connected to dusk. For example:
Bryce's scent is of dusk.
One of the first things Hunt notices about Bryce is that her scent is of the "first stars at nightfall." Nightfall is another word for dusk. This is important, as SJM often uses scent to foreshadow a character's true home (e.g. Rowan's scent being of Terrasen).
"She's here," Hunt said. The scent of her still lingering on the sidewalk, lilac and nutmeg and something he couldn't quite place - like the gleam of the first stars at nightfall."
Bryce is repeatedly associated with dusk imagery.
For example, Bryce often has her nails painted in "twilight" colours (again, another word for dusk), and even her damn nipples are described as being "dusk rose."
"She examined her nails, now painted in some sort of color gradient that went from pink to periwinkle tips. Like the sky at twilight."
Bryce is obsessed with pegasuses and unicorns (which originated from the Dusk Court).
Bryce has been obsessed with pegasus dolls (i.e. Jelly Jubilee!) since book 1; they are iconic to her character. In fact, there is a unicorn-pegasus hidden on the cover of every Crescent City book (see image below).
It's then no coincidence that the pegasuses in Prythian came from the Prison Island... the Dusk Court.
"According to legend, the pegasuses had come from the island the Prison sat upon—"
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"Dusk's Truth"
The entirety of Crescent City 2 centred around "Dusk's Truth," which was confirmed to be about the Dusk Court. This logically implies that dusk (and the Dusk Court) is a pivotal aspect of Bryce's storyline.
This is also why I believe that Bryce's entrance into Prythian isn't just a fun cameo, nor a brief, temporary visit (as many seem to believe) -- instead, all roads point to dusk.
"An isle of near-permanent twilight, the home world of her breed of Fae … A land of Dusk." “Dusk’s Truth,” Bryce breathed. It wasn’t just the name of this room that Danika had been talking about with Sofie."
Bryce is also connected to Prythian.
As much as people try to deny this (for reasons I still don't understand), Bryce is strongly connected to the ACOTAR world, and this has been heavily foreshadowed all along. For example:
Bryce is the true owner of Gwydion; the High King of Prythian's sword.
Crescent City 2 makes clear that Bryce is the true owner of the Starsword (or Gwydion, as it is known in the ACOTAR world).
"He snarled. "The sword belongs to Theia's female heir. Not the male offspring who corrupted her line."
But, this isn't just any sword - it's the sword of the first and only High King of Prythian.
In ACOSF, Amren states that Rhys could use Nesta's "made" swords to set himself up as High King. So, what does that mean for Bryce, who owns the real deal?
“But you, Rhysand, are not.” Amren nodded to the still-rotating weapons. “With these three blades, you could make yourself High King.”
Bryce literally glows for Prythian.
Bryce possesses a star on her chest that is a "beacon" to Prythian; its purpose is to guide people home to the ACOTAR world.
As such, Bryce literally glows and lights up for Prythian. Not Midgard. Prythian.
"The star on your chest - do you know what that is?" "Let's assume I know nothing," Bryce said grimly. Rigelus inclined his head. "It's a beacon to the world from which the Fae originally came."
Bryce possesses the exact starlight of Theia; the rightful queen of the Starborn fae in Prythian.
The star inside of Bryce's chest is that of Queen Theia's. Bryce's starlight is Theia's starlight. It's even suggested that Bryce possesses the same powers that Theia once did (though, she hasn't yet accessed said powers). It's for this reason that many believe that Bryce is the reincarnation of Queen Theia.
“I thought Theia’s light was forever extinguished.” “So did I. I thought they’d made sure she and her power died on that last battlefield under Prince Pelias’s blade.” His eyes glowed with ancient rage. “But Bryce Quinlan bears her light.”
But Theia wasn't just any old queen. Instead, she was the queen of the Starborn fae in Prythian (with it being hinted that she once ruled the Dusk Court).
As such, I find it hard to believe that the land (and the Cauldron) won't recognise this; that Theia (Bryce) has come home at last.
“I remember the last Starborn Queen, Theia, and her powers.” He seemed to shudder."
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[art by AnaSebag].
Putting two and two together; Bryce is likely the future High Lady of the Dusk Court.
At the end of CC2, Rigelus confirmed that Bryce's bloodline - the Starborn fae - not only originated from Prythian, but specifically lived in a "land of dusk."
"An isle of near-permanent twilight, the home world of her breed of Fae... A land of Dusk."
Putting all the clues together across both the ACOTAR and CC books, this is likely in reference to the Dusk Court. ACOTAR readers will know this as the Prison Island (which was suggested to be the "eighth court").
"Rhys told me once that this island might have even been an eighth court.”
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In linking with this, when Nesta visits the Prison Island (Dusk Court) in ACOSF, she senses that "something great" had once existed here, but seemingly vanished. However, she then states that the land "still waited for it to return." Many agree that this is in reference to Bryce and the Starborn fae.
"The very land seemed abandoned. Like something great had once existed here and then vanished. Like the land still waited for it to return."
However, now that Bryce has indeed returned to the Dusk Court (or is about to in CC3); I believe that her presence will awaken the Dusk Court once more, and what was vanished, will return.
As foreshadowing of this, recall this scene in CC1:
"The gentle illumination danced on Bryce’s hair as she ambled down the stone path, night-blooming flowers opening around her. Jasmine lay heavy in the twilight air, sweet and beckoning." "Bryce didn’t flinch as he dropped into step beside her. “I wanted some fresh air.” She admired an unfurling fern, its fronds lit from within to illuminate every vein." "She continued past beds of night crocuses, their purple petals shimmering amid the vibrant moss. The garden seemed to awaken for her, welcome her."
Bryce is walking through a garden. As she continues walking, flowers open around her, and ferns unfurl in her presence. Hunt remarks that it's as if the garden "seemed to awaken" for Bryce.
And the kicker is; as this was happening, Bryce was walking though the "twilight air." This scene occurred during dusk.
Let's also not forget that the star on Bryce's chest is that of an eight-pointed star; the symbol of the Starborn fae (the same symbol engraved on the Prison Island floor, as shown in ACOSF). As a comparison, that's like Rhys having the Night Court insignia branded on his chest... it's rather overt foreshadowing.
“Well,” she said with a sigh, “that’s new.” Indeed, just visible down the V-neck of her T-shirt, a white splotch—an eight-pointed star—now scarred the place between her breasts."
Combined with the fact that Bryce is the heir to the Starborn fae, that she possesses Queen Theia's starlight, that she glows for Prythian, and that even her scent is of dusk... there's no one better suited (and heavily foreshadowed) to rule the Dusk Court, than Bryce Quinlan.
As we know, Bryce has now just arrived in the true home world of her people: Prythian.
"An isle of near-permanent twilight, the home world of her breed of Fae... A land of Dusk."
The instance of returning back home is known as a "homecoming."
"Homecoming" [noun]: an instance of returning home. (e.g. "she spent most of the day preparing for her husband's homecoming.")
And, that's exactly what SJM (curiously) labelled this image on her Pinterest board for Bryce.
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Many believe this image to look like Bryce and Azriel (especially when SJM could have labelled it "Bryce and Hunt," which she happily did for the other photos on her CC Pinterest board...), and thus, the Bryce x Azriel theory begins.
The knife and the sword.
In the first Crescent City book, we are told of an ancient fae prophecy; "when knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be."
"It's another of the Fae's countless inane prophecies," Bryce muttered. "When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be." "It's literally carved above the Fae Archives entrance - whatever the fuck it means," Ruhn said."
We now know that this prophecy is referring to Azriel's knife (Truth-Teller) and Bryce's sword (the Starsword). Keep in mind that SJM could have connected this prophecy to any number of characters, but she specifically chose Bryce and Azriel.
Additionally, we are also told that the knife and sword need to stay together in order to activate their full powers. Given the importance of these weapons in defeating the Asteri/Daglan, this suggests that Bryce and Azriel will also need to stay together in some capacity.
"Ruhn shook his head. "The sword doesn't work like that. Aside from being picky about who draws it, the sword has no power without the knife."
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[art by itswibell_art]
Azriel as Starborn.
The Starsword (Gwydion) is a Starborn weapon, as only those with enough Starborn blood can wield it.
"Ruhn shook his head. "The sword doesn't work like that. Aside from being picky about who draws it, the sword has no power without the knife."
Given that Truth-Teller is the twin to the Starsword, this suggests that the knife is also a Starborn weapon. And, the fact that Azriel can wield it, implies that he too is Starborn (or at least connected in some capacity).
This is further substantiated in CC2, in which we learn that the Starborn fae aren't just those with starlight powers, but shadow powers too. This was confirmed by Cormac, who stated that the ability to wield shadows (and teleport through them) was once a gift of the Starborn fae.
"But Hunt didn't so much as sniff as he asked Cormac, "Where did you inherit the ability from?" Cormac squared his shoulders, ever inch the proud prince as he said, "It was once a gift of the Starborn. It was the reason I became so... focused on attaining the Starsword."
In fact, Cormac believed that because he could teleport using his shadows, this was an indication that the Starborn bloodline had resurfaced in him. However, this wasn't true; he had "some Starborn blood," but not enough to be "worthy of the blade."
"I thought my ability to teleport meant that the bloodline had resurfaced in me, as I've never met anyone else who can do it." His eyes guttered as he added, "As you know, I was wrong. Some Starborn blood, apparently, but not enough to be worthy of the blade."
But, do you know who can also use their shadows to teleport...? Azriel.
And, do you know who else has been "deemed worthy" and can wield a "Starborn blade" (i.e. Truth-Teller)? Azriel.
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[art by cludi_a_]
Bryce + Azriel = Dusk Court.
The crux of this theory is that with their matching weapons and connections to the Starborn narrative, Bryce and Azriel represent the two halves of the Dusk Court.
This is because dusk is the crossover between the light and the dark.
This is further exemplified by SJM's own definition of dusk, as seen in Throne of Glass:
"Nightfall. That was when Maeve had told Erawan to meet. That liminal space between light and dark, when one force yielded to another."
As such, Bryce is light, and Azriel is dark. This is evidenced by their powers:
Bryce's power is pure starlight.
Azriel's power is pure shadows (in comparison to other characters, who have shadow powers + something else).
Further, and perhaps most importantly; Bryce and Azriel's weapons also symbolise this same dusk imagery:
Bryce's sword (the Starsword), glows with a GLITTERING, WHITE LIGHT (as if symbolising starlight).
Azriel's knife (Truth-Teller), glows with a DARK LIGHT (as if symbolising shadows).
"It was its twin. The Starsword began to hum within its sheath, glittering white light leaking from where leather met the dark hilt. The dagger - The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light."
Bryce (starlight) + Azriel (shadows) = Dusk.
And I mean, look at that dusk imagery on the CC3 cover (when the previous two covers were just solid red and black...).
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(I'll also point out that the sword and knife are featured on this cover, with the knife right over the woman's heart...)
Alpha and Omega.
Further, Bryce's sword and Azriel's knife - together - is described as "Alpha and Omega."
"The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light, as if in answer. Alpha and Omega."
This term means "the beginning and the end."
"Alpha and Omega" [noun]: "the beginning and ending."
Which, is also a term that SJM often uses to describe love, or mated couples. For example, Feyre and Rhys:
"and saw and smelled that bond between us, until our scents merged, and I was his and he was mine, and we were the beginning and the middle and the end."
And this quote here, from Throne of Glass:
"She would find that love again—one day. And it would be deep and unrelenting and unexpected, the beginning and the end and eternity, the kind that could change history, change the world."
Additionally, when the weapons are finally together at the end of CC2, it's said that Azriel's knife glowed "in answer" to Bryce's sword.
"The male dropped the dagger to the plush carpet. All of them retreated as it flared with dark light, as if in answer."
They are matching halves.
Bryce and Azriel as rulers.
Given everything mentioned thus far, I believe that Bryce and Azriel are destined to become the High Lady and High Lord of the Dusk Court.
But, I actually think it goes one step further than this, and it has to do with Bryce's likely rule as High Queen of Prythian. As proof of this:
SJM is drawing from Arthurian mythology, and Bryce is King Arthur.
Throughout both Crescent City books, there are a number of nods to Arthurian mythology. Most obviously is Avallen Island (where Cormac lives), which is likely inspired by the renowned Avalon Island.
In fact, Ruhn retrieving the Starsword from the Avallen caves (and being "deemed worthy" to "pull the sword from its sheath") seemingly parallels King Arthur being deemed worthy of the famous sword, Excalibur, and thus being able to pull the sword from the stone.
"That your son, not you, stood among the long-dead Starborn Princes asleep in their sarcophagi and was deemed worthy to pull the sword from its sheath."
However, as mentioned previously; CC2 makes very clear that the Starsword belongs to Theia's "female heir." The Starsword belongs to Bryce.
As such, I believe that in this series, King Arthur is actually represented by Bryce. And, as further proof of this, consider Rigelus's words at the end of CC2; that Bryce's star glows for those she chooses as her "knights."
"It also glows for those who you choose as your loyal companions. Knights."
Just like King Arthur's own knights; the famed Knights of the Round Table.
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King Arthur was the High King of Great Britain. And, Prythian is in the shape of Great Britain.
Putting two and two together, could this suggest that Bryce will become the High Queen of Prythian?
2. Bryce has the High King's sword.
As mentioned previously, Bryce is the true owner of the Starsword (Gwydion). The same sword that the High King of Prythian once wielded long ago. That alone is heavy foreshadowing.
3. Bryce is repeatedly foreshadowed as a queen.
For example, Hunt often notices Bryce's queenly demeanour:
"She spoke with the imperiousness of a queen. Hunt could only rise with her."
And even the contact name for Bryce in Hunt's phone is "Bryce Is a Queen."
Ruhn also implores Bryce to become queen:
"But you have to live, Bryce. You have to be queen."
To which Cormac agrees, stating that the decision to lead their people forward, will be up to Bryce:
"But after today..." Cormac's words grew heavy. Weary. "I think the choice about whether to lead our people forward will be up to you now."
Additionally, SJM often uses the phrase "lifted their chin" when someone is signifying their authority (e.g. "she lifted her chin, every inch the queen"). Then when Bryce meets Feyre and Rhys, the same term is used:
"So Bryce addressed the two of them as she lifted her chin. “My name is Bryce Quinlan.”
And most of all, is Ruhn's final words to Bryce:
"Her brother pulled away. And Ruhn said, shining with pride, “Long live the queen.”
(Speaking of Ruhn, recall his prophecy from the Oracle; that the royal bloodline ends with him. Considering that he is connected to both the Valbaran and Avallen royal houses, this suggests that there won't be any 'queen positions' left for Bryce to take in Midgard. But, there might be in Prythian...)
4. Bryce has Queen Theia's starlight (and likely her same powers).
Again, as mentioned previously, Theia ruled in Prythian (with some even believing that she was High Queen).
If it's bloodline alone that determines who would be High King/Queen (as Amren appears to suggest in ACOSF), then again, as Bryce is the true heir to the Starborn fae, placing her at spot #1.
5. Bryce glows for the ACOTAR world.
The star in Bryce's chest glows for Prythian. She is a beacon for Prythian. That's queen symbolism right there.
6. Bryce is a main character.
It is a well-known fact that all of SJM's leading ladies rise to power; Aelin as Queen of Terrasen, and Feyre as High Lady of the Night Court.
And, although I have heard some solid theories suggesting that Rhys or Lucien may become High King... it's also a well-known fact that SJM loves a female ruler (especially when Prythian is already so overly patriarchal).
Bryce, however, would be perfect.
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[art by Gabrielle Ragusi]
7. Lastly, and perhaps the most important of all: Bryce is foreshadowed to unite the worlds.
Notably, the last High King (Fionn) rose to power because he united the people of Prythian.
"A millennium of peace followed, and the lands were divided into rough territories that were the precursors to the courts—but at the end of those thousand years, they were at each other’s throats, on the brink of war.” His face tightened. “Fionn unified them and set himself above them as High King. The first and only High King this land has ever had.”
Bryce is foreshadowed to do the same, as per that same ancient fae prophecy; "when knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be" (and, this is where Azriel comes in).
Although this prophecy can be interpreted in a variety of ways, I believe it to mean that Bryce and Azriel will reunite the Starborn fae, lost across two worlds (Midgard and Prythian). A unification of people... just as Fionn once achieved.
Now, it is theorised that Bryce and Azriel will continue this legacy, as High Queen and High King. In doing so:
Bryce will represent the Midgardian fae, Azriel will represent the Prythian fae.
Bryce will represent starlight, Azriel will represent shadows. Light and dark. Dusk.
Together, Bryce and Azriel are two halves of whole. Alongside their weapons - which are also matching halves - you can't get anymore equal than that.
As mates are supposed to be.
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A common rebuttal to this theory, however, is the belief that Azriel "doesn't have what it takes" to become a High Lord or a High King -- that he is inferior to other contenders (such as the likes of Feyre and Rhys).
Yet, I'd argue that the one character who could match up to Feyre and Rhys (and has foreshadowing hinting as such; power-wise)... would be Azriel. For example:
With Feyre (ACOSF):
“Give me some credit, Feyre,” Az said. “I can keep hidden well enough.” “We take no risks,” Feyre said, voice flat with command. “Pull all your spies out.” “Like hell I will.”
With Rhys (ACOFAS):
“And what would you have me do, then? Disband the largest army in Prythian?” Az didn’t answer. I held his gaze, though. Held that ice-cold stare that still sometimes scared the shit out of me."
“You sure about that?” I asked quietly. Azriel’s Siphons guttered, the stones turning as dark and foreboding as the deepest sea. “Where did Lucien go.” I straightened at the pure order in the words."
Az nodded knowingly. He’d always understood me best—more than the others. Save my mate. Whether it was his gifts that allowed him to do so, or merely the fact that he and I were more similar than most realized, I’d never learned.
With Rhys (ACOSF; the bonus chapter):
"Azriel stiffened. Let his cold rage rise to the surface, the rage he only ever let Rhysand see, because he knew his brother could match it."
Similarly, it is also argued that Azriel would "never leave the Night Court." Yet, take it from Azriel himself; that he too is not sure where he truly fits in.
"I don’t really know where I fit in anymore,” I admitted, perhaps only because the wind was screeching around us and Rhys had already winnowed ahead to where Cassian’s dark form flew—beyond the wall. “I’ve been alive almost five and a half centuries, and I’m not sure of that, either,” Azriel said."
Combined with Azriel's disdain for the Illyrians and their culture (and the fact that when Az refers to the Illyrians, he will often say "they/them" as opposed to "we/us"...) could it be that something else is in store for Azriel's future?
Especially when we know Azriel has always been so curious about what lies beyond...
"At the far end of the room, a little dais led into a broad raised alcove flanked by more books—and in its center, a massive, working model of their world, the stars and planets around it, and some other fancy things that had been explained to Cassian once before he deemed them boring and proceeded to ignore them completely. Az, of course, had been fascinated."
Bryce and Azriel's beast forms.
If Bryce and Azriel are indeed set to become High Lady and High Lord of the Dusk Court, then they will presumably possess beast forms.
To expand on this, in a recent Marie Claire interview (August 2023), SJM stated that her favourite place to write is her desk, where she's surrounded by the things that remind her of the current book she's writing.
SJM: "I like to write at my desk, where I'm surrounded by lots of little items that remind me of either the book I'm writing, or things that just make me happy."
SJM then mentioned that when writing House of Flame and Shadow, she kept a vintage My Little Pony pegasus figure that was the inspiration for Jelly Jubilee.
SJM: "While writing House of Flame and Shadow, for instance, I had a vintage My Little Pony figure with me that was the inspiration for Bryce's beloved Jelly Jubilee!"
Then, when SJM announced the title of Crescent City 3, we were offered a glimpse of her desk, and sure enough - that vintage My Little Pony figure is right there.
But most importantly, this tells us that the items featured in this video aren't just random, but are instead (part of) the inspiration for House of Flame and Shadow.
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Which then begs the question; what is the Godzilla toy hinting at? Well, the only connection I have been able to make... is to Azriel.
As proof of this, recall that in ACOMAF, Azriel's Siphon is described as being the "great eye" of a "half-slumbering beast" from a "frozen wasteland."
"I watched the light shift inside the sapphire Siphon instead, as if it were the great eye of some half-slumbering beast from a frozen wasteland."
This description matches Godzilla almost perfectly; who is an ancient monster, often slumbering at the bottom of the ocean, and also often frozen within ice.
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And, if Azriel's Siphons are supposed to be reminiscent of the "great eye" of this beast, then it's perhaps no coincidence that Godzilla is famed for his blue, glowing eyes.
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Similarly, Godzilla's atomic breath manifests as blue fire (which is what you can see coming out of the mouth of SJM's own Godzilla toy).
Coincidentally (or perhaps not), Azriel - and specifically his Siphons - are repeatedly described as blue flame.
"The shadows deepened around Ariel, his Siphons gleaming like cobalt fire."
"Azriel caught his eye. Rhys nodded. The Siphons atop his scarred hands flickered like rippling blue fire as he reached for the Attor."
"Illyrian lines buckled. Azriel sailed closer and closer to them, Siphons trailing tendrils of blue flame in his wake."
In linking with this, I have also theorised that Bryce has a beast form, and that hers will be a unicorn-pegasus (as outlandish as that may sound, it's one of my most well-received theories; link here).
Thus, I believe that the pegasus and Godzilla toys on SJM's desk in the CC3 reveal video, are symbolic of Bryce and Azriel.
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Bryce and Azriel meeting for the first time.
When CC2 first came out, people started shipping Bryce and Azriel based on their first interaction alone. Some even noted that Azriel acted in a particularly uncharacteristic manner towards Bryce; he touched her repeatedly, and seemingly showed more emotion (or rather, a lack of composure) than what is usual. For example:
"He hissed, and then a strong hand clamped on her shoulder, hauling her up and twisting her to face him."
"The male’s hands were gentle but thorough as he fitted it tightly over her eyes."
"He set her down, taking her by the hand."
"He caught her, and sighed. She could have sworn he sounded … exasperated. He gave no warning as he hauled her over a shoulder and tromped down a set of stairs."
(It is argued that this is because Bryce is a danger/threat; but if that was true, then why would Azriel take Bryce to the townhouse?)
To me, the last line is the most significant. Azriel is usually calm and collected. He is polite and respectful towards women. Yet within only a couple of minutes, he is already frustrated and "exasperated" with Bryce, and he immediately chucks her over his shoulder.
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[art by Paint Faery]
And speaking of parallels to other couples, Azriel and Bryce meeting for the first time seemingly shares many parallels with Feyre and Rhys meeting for this first time:
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As well as parallels to Elide and Lorcan meeting for the first time:
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And although this is more of a fun tidbit (one I acknowledge is definitely a reach), it's interesting that in ACOSF, we are told that mating ceremonies are commemorated using black ribbons.
"But all that mattered, she realized, was the male who would be standing with her, first as they swore their vows, then as they offered each other food, and then as their friends and family bound their hands together with a length of black ribbon, to remain until the mating was consummated.
Then, this is what Azriel does as soon as he meets Bryce...
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[art by witchlingsart]
It's also interesting to note that when SJM was asked about her "favourite part" of HOSAB (in an interview with Entertainment Today), she answered the "penultimate chapter," where "a lot of major things come together for Bryce."
Interviewer: "What is your favorite part of House of Sky and Breath?" SJM: "The penultimate chapter - where a lot of major things come together for Bryce!"
SJM is referring to the very chapter mentioned above; when Bryce meets Azriel and the Inner Circle.
Bryce was "yanked" into Prythian.
Speaking of the penultimate chapter of HOSAB (and the events leading up to it), we know that Bryce originally intended to travel to Hel. However, her journey to the underworld was interrupted, as Bryce was instead "yank[ed]" into Prythian.
"It was the last sound Bryce heard as the darkness within the Gate swallowed her whole. She fell, slowly and without end—and sideways. Not a plunge down, but a yank across."
The definition of "yank," is pull, or tug. And, it is a word frequently used when SJM is describing the mating bond. For example, with Feyre and Rhys:
"No sign of him. No pound of beating wings. But the tug yanked again in my mind, my gut - a summoning. Like some servant's bell."
As such, fans of the Bryce x Az ship often speculate that Bryce was "yanked" into Prythian, right at Azriel's feet, because of their (yet to be discovered) mating bond.
Mor and Azriel = Bryce and Azriel.
It is widely accepted in the fandom that SJM initially intended for Mor and Azriel to be endgame (before changing this in ACOWAR). Not only is this because of the way Mor and Azriel interact in ACOMAF, but SJM's Pinterest board also strongly hinted at their pairing, for example:
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With this in mind, consider that whenever Azriel's shadows were around Mor in ACOMAF (when they were likely supposed to be endgame), they lightened and faded in her presence.
"It was almost enough to distract me from noticing Azriel as those shadows lightened, and his gaze slid over Mor's body."
"Azriel, who kept a step away, whose shadows trailed him and seemed to fade in her presence."
Curiously, in the final chapter of CC2, Bryce doesn't mention Azriel's shadows once (when in comparison, she always noticed Ruhn and Cormac's shadows...). As such, could it be that Azriel's shadows lighten and fade in Bryce's presence?
Consider also these points connecting Mor/Azriel to Bryce/Azriel:
In ACOMAF, it's mentioned that Mor's family once ruled the Prison Island. However, we now know that the Prison Island is most strongly connected to Bryce; the Dusk Court.
In ACOMAF, we learn that Azriel's knife is called "Truth-Teller." Many speculate that this was also evidence of Mor and Azriel being endgame (as his knife was "Truth-Teller," and Mor has the power of "Truth"). However, now Truth-Teller is connected to Bryce and the Starsword.
Additionally, if we know that SJM once believed Mor and Azriel to be compatible, then it's worth noting how similar Mor and Bryce are:
Both Mor and Bryce have very similar personalities. In fact, if you're into MBTI (and are familiar with Personality Database), you'll note that both Mor and Bryce are said have the ESFP personality type.
Both Mor and Bryce are physically described in the exact same way. An example of this is outlined below:
"[Mor] wore a gown of pure white, little more than a slip of silk that showed off her generous curves. Indeed, a glance over her shoulder revealed Azriel staring blatantly at the back view of it, Cassian and the stranger already too deep in conversation to notice what had drawn the spymaster's attention. For a moment, the ravenous hunger on Azriel's face made my stomach tighten."
"Bryce Quinlan leaned against the large ironwood desk in the center of the space, her snow-white dress clinging to every generous curve and dip."
Although these comparisons in itself aren't a slam dunk of any sort (as evidently, Azriel is attracted to lots of different body types/people/personalities), I just can't help but wonder if SJM did a copy + paste with Mor and Bryce for this very reason...?
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[art by mftfernandez and wictorian_art]
Speaking of personalities...
Although Bryce and Azriel have only interacted for a single chapter (yet are already causing waves with that alone!), some readers have been contemplating their (potential) compatibility.
More specifically, it appears that Bryce frequently mirrors Azriel's dark and cold demeanour. For example:
"The sprite crawled off her arm and floated in front of her, arms wrapping across her round belly. "You can be cold as a Reaper, Bryce."
"Bryce said quietly, her amber eyes full of cold fire, "I'll find them." She met the Archangel's gaze. "And then I want you to wipe them off the fucking planet."
"Bryce's face remained cold as stone. Colder. Males approached, saw that expression, and didn't venture closer."
"The last gift of the synth before it destroyed her. Yet in her eyes. ... he saw no haze of insanity, of self-destructive frenzy. Only cold, glittering vengeance."
"That icy look—their father’s look—passed over her face. The sort of look that told him there was a wild, wicked storm raging beneath that cold exterior. And the power and thrill for both father and daughter lay not in sheer force, but in the control over the self, over those impulses. The outside world saw his sister as reckless, unchecked—but he knew she’d been the master of her fate since before he’d met her."
In line with this, there have been frequent discussions within the fandom that Azriel needs "healing" or "curing" from his darkness; that he needs to "change his ways." But, what if instead, Azriel needs someone who can match, and embrace his darkness?
And what if that person is Bryce?
(Speaking of 'embracing the darkness,' I find it interesting that Azriel "is a freak," as confirmed by SJM herself. With that in mind, let me remind you that upon first meeting Bryce, Azriel put a knife to her throat and then blindfolded her...).
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[art by brielyasmin]
The Little Mermaid: a hint to Bryce and Az?
I know this is a popular Gwynriel theory (with extremely valid evidence to support it!), which is exactly why I haven't spoken about this connection before, as I don't want to offend anyone.
However, I am going to briefly mention it (only once) right now, and suggest that The Little Mermaid retelling SJM has alluded to, may in fact be Bryce and Azriel.
To first demonstrate this: there are several similarities between Bryce and Ariel (the mermaid).
Bryce and Ariel both have red hair (in comparison, Gwyn is canonically more of a brunette, with "coppery-brown" hair).
Ariel's story is about her journey from life underwater, to life in the human lands (where she meets Eric). Bryce's story involves her journey from Midgard, to Prythian (where she meets Azriel).
However, upon arriving in the human lands, Ariel's voice has been stolen; she cannot communicate with Eric. Similarly, Bryce arrives in Prythian and does not speak their language; she cannot communicate with Azriel.
In Ariel's story, the main antagonist is Ursula, a witch. Bryce also knows (a rather suspicious) witch... Jesiba.
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[art by Morgana0anagrom]
Further, many in the fandom have already pointed out that SJM saved a variety of 'The Little Mermaid' inspired photos to her Pinterest. However, SJM specifically saved these photos under a Pinterest board titled "Story Kernels," meaning that we have no idea whether it's in reference to ACOTAR, CC or both (or neither!)
Some believe these photos to be reminiscent of Gwyn, but, when you compare these photos to the Pinterest images SJM saved of Bryce... the resemblance is most certainly there as well.
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However, some may argue that "Bryce has no real link to mermaids" (in comparison to Gwyn, who has water-nymph heritage; though, that's different from being a mermaid as well).
But I disagree. Recall that in CC2, Bryce seems to rely on other people to "charge up" her power (such as Hunt and Hypaxia). However, I don't believe that is the true manifestation of her abilities. Instead, Bryce hints that she can feel a "giant cloud" of power inside her, one that she can't yet access.
"Bryce sucked in a sharp breath. “I can feel it—like, this giant cloud of power right there.” She ran a finger over the eight-pointed star scarred between her breasts. Starlight pulsed at her fingertip. Like an answering heartbeat. “But I can’t access it.”
The bulk of Bryce's power came from the Gates in Lunathion. Power that was donated by thousands (perhaps even hundreds of thousands) of different beings every time they touched the Gates. And given that the civilians of Midgard herald from different worlds... the variety of this power is staggering.
And it's exactly this power that I believe Bryce can feel (as the "giant cloud") but can't yet access. The evidence for this is engraved into the Gates themselves; "the power shall always belong to those who give their lives to the city." Just as Bryce did.
"The quartz Gates were memorials, though she didn’t know for which conflict or war. But each bore the same plaque: The power shall always belong to those who give their lives to the city."
As such, I believe Bryce's true power is that of the four houses of Midgard; she is Earth & Blood, Sky & Breath, Flame & Shadow, and Many Waters. It's similar to Feyre's power (but x 100).
(And, look again at the cover of CC3 and tell me it doesn't align perfectly with this...)
We even see this in canon when Bryce is making the Drop (after obtaining the power from the Gates):
"But his princess fought for every bit of progress upward, her power shifting, traces of everyone who’d given it to her coming through: mer, shifter, draki, human, angel, sprite, Fae."
"She was sea and sky and stone and blood and wings and earth and stars and darkness and light and bone and flame."
Thus, I believe a good chunk of Bryce's arc in CC3 will be about unlocking this power. And when she does... she will have access to the power of House of Many Waters (the highlighted quotes above emphasise this).
There's even a section of Bryce's ascent (during the Drop) where she thrusts upwards with a "mighty tail." I believe this is a mermaid tail.
"Her power shifted, dancing between forms and gifts. She thrust upward with a push of a mighty tail. Twisted and rose with a sweep of vast wings. She was all things—and yet herself."
And to tie the 'Little Mermaid = Bryce x Az' connections together even further; what's the likely title of the next Crescent City book?
House of Many Waters.
(And as a bonus fun fact: recall that the items on SJM's desk seemingly hint to the inspiration behind HOFAS? Zoom in and you'll see a Little Mermaid cup...).
Hades and Persephone too!
If you scroll back up to the Pinterest photo SJM saved as Mor and Az and reverse-image search it, you'll discover that it's actually an image of Hades and Persephone.
(So no, Feyre and Rhys weren't the only couple inspired by Hades and Persephone).
Similarly, the above Little Mermaid inspired photo that SJM saved (top left)? Also of Hades and Persephone.
The story of Persephone is that of a woman who once lived on Earth and was taken to the underworld. There, she eventually fell in love with Hades, the ruler of the underworld.
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[Hades and Persephone art by oblivionsdream; it's giving Bryce and Az...]
Similarly, the final chapters of CC2 detailed Bryce's decision to use the Horn, and travel to Hel; the underworld. In doing so, she was taken to Azriel; someone who is heavily theorised to be a Prince of Hel (or connected to Hel, at the very least). As evidence of this:
The Princes of Hel are repeatedly connected to the cold. For example, when Apollion reaches out to touch Bryce, it's said that his touch was like "ice so cold it ached."
"[Apollion] reached out a hand, and Bryce flinched as it touched her. Truly touched her, ice so cold it ached."
Then Feyre touches Azriel for the first time, it's said that his skin was like "pure ice." (The similarities are uncanny!).
"But my attention drifted to Azriel, who took my still-offered hand and rose. The scars were rough against my fingers, but his skin was like ice. Pure ice."
However, this isn't the only instance. Instead, Azriel is repeatedly and consistently linked to being cold/icy/frozen. For example:
"I took Azriel’s hand, and his rough fingers squeezed mine. His skin was as cold as his face."
"There was an icy rage in Azriel I had never been able to thaw."
"Azriel’s dark breeze was different from Rhys’s. Colder. Sharper
"Azriel tucked in his wings and left without another word, stalking through the house and onto the front lawn to sit in the frigid starlight. To let the frost in his veins match the air around him."
We also know that Azriel is "different," and that even Rhys has "no explanation" for Azriel's shadowsinger abilities.
"Az is different. In a lot of ways." His tone didn't invite further questioning.
"Though the cobalt Siphons were proof that his Illyrian heritage ran true, even the rich lore of that warrior-people, my warrior-people, did not have an explanation for where the shadowsinger gifts came from."
Thus, if Azriel is indeed connected to Hel (a storyline far more prevalent in the Crescent City series than the ACOTAR series, by the way), then one could logically assume that his mate will also be someone connected to Hel.
Who do Hel's armies strike for? Bryce.
“Hel’s armies shall strike at your command, Bryce Quinlan.”
Who has Aidas (the 5th Prince of Hel) been watching over? Bryce.
"The cat’s whiskers twitched. I told you. Come find me. Her eyelids drooped—a final descent toward sleep. Why? The cat angled its head. So we can finish this."
Who is Apollion's (the 7th Prince of Hel) "greatest opponent?" Bryce.
I also find it interesting that when they meet, Apollion refers to Bryce as "Princess," and Bryce refers to Apollion as "Prince." I understand that Bryce is the Princess of the Valbaran fae, but the way they spoke in this scene felt more like Apollion and Bryce were on equal footing...
“Princess.” The voice was like Hel embodied: dark and icy and smooth.” “Prince.” Her voice shook.”
Many people in the fandom have been theorising that Prythian (and the broader ACOTAR world) is a layer of Hel. Could it be a missing 8th layer?
And if so, if Bryce and Azriel are set to rule Prythian (as High Queen and High King, as per this theory), wouldn't this make them both also Princess and Prince of the 8th layer of Hel? Ruling from the Dusk Court... the 8th court? Signified by an 8-pointed star?
(This is ultimately why I ship Bryce and Azriel: their epic story potential is unlike anything we've seen before).
As further proof of this, recall the connections between Bryce and Theia (with many believing that Bryce is a reincarnation of Theia). Although Theia's backstory is still shrouded in mystery, at present we can deduce that:
Theia lived in Prythian, and had two daughters with an unknown man.
She then travelled to another world; Midgard (unwillingly), and allied with the Princes of Hel.
She was then said to have a relationship with Aidas, a Prince of Hel (as she was said to be Aidas's "great love").
(Fun fact: Aidas is another name for Hades).
Compare to Bryce:
Bryce lives in Midgard, and is currently with Hunt.
She then travels to another world; Prythian (unwillingly), in search of the Princes of Hel.
As per this theory, she will have a relationship with Azriel, a (theorised) Prince of Hel.
History is repeating. Rigelus even notes the similarities himself:
"Rigelus sighed dramatically at their stunned silence. “This all seems very familiar, doesn’t it? A Starborn queen who allied with a Prince of Hel."
Twilight of the Gods: SJM's multiverse series?
"But Bryce won't forget about Hunt!"
"She's not going to skip off into the sunset with Azriel in just one book! All of this is too much!"
I agree. I don't believe any huge shipping revelations will be made in CC3.
Instead, things will be much more tame to begin with. Perhaps Az will be the one to guide Bryce around Prythian (and they'll figure out their matching weapons, and the origins of the Dusk Court - both together, and alongside other pivotal ACOTAR characters). I believe Bryce and Az will develop a friendship, and that will be all (sort of like Aelin and Rowan, and their dynamic in Heir of Fire).
(That's not to diminish the significance of their interactions, though. If this theory is correct, then Bryce's POV may be the first to include Azriel at the forefront - no other character within the Azriel ship wars has had this opportunity yet).
Then, if Bryce and Azriel are indeed true mates and endgame, then I think that will be explored further down the line in what I predict will be SJM's multiverse series; Twilight of the Gods (which, as per the latest SJM publishing news, seems to be looking veryyyy likely; more information here).
"Twilight" is also another name for DUSK. Given everything I have already discussed, I am sure you can see how I believe that Bryce and Azriel's story (if they are indeed endgame) will be explored in this series - Twilight of the Gods (if it does indeed come to fruition).
Interestingly, both the Crescent City and Twilight of the Gods Pinterest boards are full of Sailor Moon imagery, and it appears as if Bryce (and her powers) have also been modelled after Sailor Moon herself. Knowing this, this image (which was also found in the Twilight of the Gods Pinterest board) is particularly interesting...
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The sword? The multiverse-esque aesthetic?
This is fundamentally what the Bryce x Azriel ship comes down to: the promise and intrigue of a multiversal romance.
And don't you think SJM has considered this too? I find it hard to believe that SJM (the queen of fantasy romance) spent 5+ years planning out a crossover between her worlds, and didn't once stop to think about the possibility of a multiversal romantic pairing.
I mean, even back in 2015 SJM admitted to thinking about "crossover fanfic" with her own characters...
Moderator: "So, speaking of fandoms, different fandoms, um obviously you have ACOTAR, which is different from the TOG series. If both worlds could collide, which two characters would get on really well?"
SJM: <giggling>
Moderator: "Get on really well, not get it on really well" (laughs).
SJM: (laughs) "In my head I already have like, crossover fanfic (laughs). Like, is it fanfic if I'm writing it, or is it ultimate universe, canon things?
So, knowing all of this... why pair Bryce and Azriel together?
Most people in the fandom agree that Bryce and Azriel are connected in some way. I'm hoping that this post has made clear this connection even further.
But here's the thing: if we can all agree that Bryce and Azriel are connected, then why? What's the reason? And why not connect Bryce with other characters instead? Why Azriel specifically?
The two explanations I have heard are:
"Bryce and Azriel are cousins/related."
We already have the Ruhn and Rhys reveal, so why add another? I also don't see how Azriel could be related to Ember Quinlan or the Autumn King... (I also feel like Bryce's descriptions of Azriel's "tall, muscled body" and "gentle but thorough hands" is a lil weird for cousins...)
"Bryce and Azriel will be just friends."
Whilst I don't deny the likelihood of this, I also think that Bryce has the potential to become close friends with Nesta, Rhys, Feyre, Mor, Cassian (and many of the other characters). "Just friends" still wouldn't explain why SJM chose Azriel over everyone else (for example; why not make the prophecy around the Horn in Bryce's back and the remaining 3 Dread Trove items that Nesta can wield...?)
Instead, whenever there has been this much build-up or this much foreshadowing of a pairing... it's usually a sign that they are something special. Something more akin to mates - endgame.
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[art by m_bohnet]
After all, consider things from Azriel's POV.
Sure, he has been busy with Mor and Elain and Gwyn (as people often tell me in response to this theory), but what happens when a beautiful woman from another world shows up, carrying the matching sword to his most prized knife? What happens when these weapons start glowing for one another in unison?
Don't you think Azriel would think something of this?
And, don't you think that if Elain or Gwyn had a sword that was the matching half to Azriel's knife (and a significant prophecy to boot!), it would be used as irrefutable evidence that their ship is endgame...?
But what about Hunt?
It's an opinion that earns me no favours in the fandom; but despite liking Hunt, I have always been sceptical about his relationship with Bryce (and am not yet convinced that they'll be endgame). This scepticism predates CC2 (and isn't just a feeling I conjured up in the hope that Bryce x Az will be endgame, as certain people assume).
For starters, both the Asteri and Apollion need Hunt and Bryce together to operate the Horn, and this is concerning.
To put it simply, Hunt was bred (for reasons we still don't yet know). However, as a result of Hunt's breeding, he possesses power that works with the Horn. In fact, CC2 makes clear that Hunt's lightning is the best source of power to "charge up" Bryce (and more specifically, the Horn).
“Your teleporting works when your power gets charged up by energy—considering what I heard about how quickly you ran out of steam with Hypaxia, Hunt’s is the best form of it.”
Bryce has the Horn in her back.
“Don’t think for one moment that Aidas and the Prince of the Pit have forgotten the Horn in your back. That Thanatos didn’t have it in mind when you spoke to him.”
To explain it in simple math terms:
Bryce + Hunt = fully operational Horn (they are like lock + key).
Apollion + Rigelus = both really want the Horn.
Apollion + Rigelus NEED Bryce + Hunt if they want a fully operational Horn.
In fact, we see Apollion egging Bryce and Hunt on to explore their powers more, and Rigelus fully admits to luring Bryce and Hunt to the Asteri palace at the end of CC2.
"Hunt’s blood iced over. “That was why you lured us here?” he found himself demanding of the Asteri, even as he roared with outrage at Bryce’s offer. Rigelus said, “I couldn’t very well snatch you off the streets. Not such notorious, public figures."
What's more, Bryce killed Micah, and Hunt killed Sandriel. The Asteri have punished (and killed) civilians for far less than that, but not only do the Asteri keep Bryce and Hunt alive, but they actively encourage their relationship together (and no one really questions that...).
"We also trust that this favor will serve as a reminder for you and Hunt Athalar. It is our deepest wish that you remain in the city, and live out your days in peace and contentment." "Fear gleamed in Hunt’s eyes. In her own, too, Bryce was sure. Nothing was ever this easy—this simple. There had to be a catch."
I just can't help but think of Maeve. She used her power to manipulate fate, leading Rowan to believe that Lyria was his mate instead of Aelin (for her own selfish gain).
Could it be possible that the Asteri, just like Maeve, have been... meddling with mating bonds for their own agenda - to use Bryce and Hunt for the Horn?
(Recall that in her latest interview, when asked if Bryce and Hunt's mating bond was the same as Feyre and Rhys's, SJM said "pass").
This leads to my second point.
The mating bond is a little strange between Bryce and Hunt.
I know this is a contentious subject, but there are enough people in the fandom who have stated a similar opinion for it to warrant suspicion. No one ever questions Rhys and Feyre's mating bond, nor Nesta or Cassian's, nor Aelin and Rowan's. But many don't buy Bryce and Hunt's mating bond.
In part, this is likely due to the nature of how it was initiated; after only knowing each other for 5 months, Hunt suggested calling each other mates because they couldn't find another term that fits. It happened randomly, and Bryce seemed to come up with a million different excuses initially; it just felt lacklustre in comparison to other mating bond reveals.
(That's not to invalidate Bryce and Hunt's clear affection for each other though - mating bond or not, their love for one another is more than evident).
“I thought that’s what this thing between us is.” “We’ve known each other for, like, five months.” “So?” “My mom will throw a fit. She’ll say we should date for at least two years before calling ourselves mates.”
But for me personally, it comes down to Bryce and Hunt's power (and the Horn). Again, using Throne of Glass as an example, when Maeve messed with Rowan's mating bond, she admitted that she didn't suspect Rowan and Aelin were mates once they met, because their carranam bond (which involves the sharing of power, as Bryce and Hunt do...) was masking the mating bond.
"I’ll admit I did not anticipate it. That I had broken Rowan Whitethorn so thoroughly that he did not recognize his own mate—that you were so broken by your own pain you didn’t notice, either. And when the signs appeared, the carranam bond washed away any suspicion on his part that you might be his."
Instead, the only indication that Aelin and Rowan were mates, was that they could feel each other's pain.
"Maeve ignored her. “Well? When did you know?” “At Temis’s temple,” Aelin admitted, glancing to Manon. “The moment the arrow went through his shoulder. Months ago.”
This is objectively absent in Bryce and Hunt. Not only that, but in the Bone Quarter, Bryce seems to question the validity of the mating bond herself:
"Hunt's lightning had stopped. Where was he? Would a mate know, would a mate feel-"
Which again, you have to wonder; if SJM is trying to sell Bryce x Hunt as endgame to her readers, why include this?
Further, even if Bryce and Hunt are mates, we don't yet know how this works across worlds. Given that the Cauldron (supposedly) assigns mating bonds in Prythian, and Bryce's "true world" is also Prythian, does Bryce have an additional Cauldron-assigned mating bond in that world too...?
Maybe that aligns with this tweet from SJM:
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The Oracle.
In CC1, Hunt visits the Oracle, and she tells him to "keep well away from Bryce Quinlan."
"Do yourself a favour, Orion Athalar, and keep well away from Bryce Quinlan."
The Oracle could presumably see into Hunt's future, and could see whether he and Bryce live happily ever after. If this was the case, and the Oracle could indeed see such a happy outcome, then why would the Oracle say such a thing...? Why warn Hunt like that?
Similarly in CC1, Aidas reveals to Bryce that although the Oracle was blinded during her visit all those years ago... he wasn't. Aidas was there too, and he saw Bryce's future.
"Aidas had nearly vanished into nothing when he added, the words a ghost slithering through the room, "The Oracle did not see. But I did."
Yet in that exact same scene, Aidas turns to Hunt and has no idea who he is, asking "who are you?"
Hunt kept perfectly still as Aidas studied her. Then his eyes registered Hunt. He blinked—once. As if he had not really marked his presence until this moment. As if he hadn’t cared to notice, with Bryce before him. Hunt tucked away that fact, just as Aidas murmured, “Who are you.”
Thus, if Aidas has seen Bryce's future, and Bryce and Hunt are indeed endgame (and he is in her future)... then why didn't Aidas recognise Hunt?
Hunt's future.
If this theory is correct, and given that we have two beings with foresight (the Oracle and Aidas) hinting at Bryce and Hunt's ominous future... then what could possibly happen to Hunt
Theory 1) Hunt may die.
This theory has been around even since the HOEAB days, and is well-known by most (so I won't expand on it too much). However, the basic premise of it boils down to Hunt's birth name, Orion, and Orion being famously killed (often by his lover) in mythology. Perhaps this also explains the Oracle's warning to him.
Recall also the quote repeated again and again (often by Hunt);
"Memento Mori. Remember that you will die. They now seemed more of a promise than the mild reminder from the Meat Market."
Similarly, knowing what happened to Sam in Throne of Glass, I find this parallel to Bryce and Hunt a little uncanny (and is exactly what we mean when we talk about death flags...).
[Sam and Aelin]: "I can wait," he said thickly, kissing her collarbone. "We have all the time in the world." Maybe he was right. And spending all the time in the world with Sam ... that was a treasure worth paying anything for."
[Bryce and Hunt]: "Assuming I live through it, you mean." "Assuming you live through taking on the Archangels and Asteri, what then?" "I don't know." He gave her a half smile. "Maybe you and I can figure it out, Quinlan. We'll have centuries to do it."
2. Hunt may become an Asteri weapon; an (unwilling) villain.
In fact, it has recently been theorised (such as in this post here) that Hunt may already have acted as an Asteri weapon in the past, and may have even had a part to play in Danika's death. As unbelievable as this may sound, consider these two quotes.
In HOEAB, Hunt remarks that his victims always said the same words; "please."
“Please.” It was always the same word. The only word people tended to say when the Umbra Mortis stood before them.
Then, this is the only audio we hear of Danika right before she dies:
"And then someone was roaring—a feral wolf’s roar. “Please, please—” The words were cut off. But the hall camera’s audio wasn’t."
To that people would say "Hunt would never!" And rightly so. However, consider that:
Hunt didn't know Bryce when this occurred.
Hunt was already tasked with killing one of Bryce's friends; Fury. Twice. The only reason it didn't happen was because someone higher up halted the orders.
"Micah had even ordered Hunt to kill her. Twice. But she had too many high-powered allies. Some, it was whispered, on the Imperial Senate. So both times, Micah had decided that the fallout over the Umbra Mortis turning Fury Axtar into veritable toast would be more trouble than it was worth."
However, regardless of whether this theory is true or not (as sure, perhaps the wording could be coincidence), one cannot deny the connection between the names of Hunt (Orion) and the Asteri; all named after stars and/or constellations.
In fact, Sirius (the 7th Asteri), is known as Orion's hunting dog in mythology.
And Rigel (as in Rigelus), is the brightest star in the Orion constellation.
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Consider also Rigelus's words to Hunt; "I thought we were friends, Orion," and something just seems... off.
(Though, I'd be happy to be proven wrong, as Hunt is one of my favourite SJM males. Just because I think an awful thing could happen, doesn't mean I want it to happen).
What about Gwynriel/Elriel?
Another topic that I won't touch on in too much depth, as I'm sure that most people are already familiar with the points for and against these ships.
The only thing I will say is that things change. What ships appear to be canon or strongly foreshadowed in one book can totally change in the next. SJM has said as much herself (as outlined in the FAQ section on her personal website):
"Will [my favourite couple] be endgame?" "No spoilers! In all seriousness, while I do have ideas for all my currently contracted books, I would never guarantee any plot points or pairings until each book is written. I've been surprised by where characters have taken me before!"
But we also know this is true based on the Throne of Glass ship wars that raged on back in the day. If we were to time-travel back to 2012 and 2013 (when the first two TOG books were released), we'd see people arguing as to whether Aelin (Celeana) would end up with Chaol or Dorian. There was no third option.
And then in the third book, Rowan was introduced. But even then people denied the possibility of his romance with Aelin, instead siding with Chaol, with arguments such as:
"Rowan already has a mate!"
"Rowan and Aelin are probably just related and nothing more!"
"Rowan and Aelin are from two different kingdoms, it would never work. Chaol is back home in Rifthold waiting for her!"
(Sound familiar...?)
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It was also argued that Chaol and Aelin would be endgame instead, given the mate-adjacent language that was used between them:
"Far inside of her, she found a golden chain that bound them together."
"The rest of the world quieted... she looked at him and realised she was home."
"She knew his every move and he knew hers, as though they'd been dancing this waltz together all their lives."
"It somehow felt as if it had always been Chaol, even from the beginning, even before they'd ever met."
But nope -- in the third book, Aelin stumbled into a foreign land and came face to face with Rowan; her true, fated mate.
In fact, this speaks to a certain SJM pattern I have noticed:
Aelin is forced to leave Rifthold for Wendlyn (oh no!)... but then she meets Rowan.
Chaol and Nesryn are forced to leave Rifthold for the Southern Continent (oh no!)... but then they meet Yrene and Sartaq.
Feyre is forced to leave the Spring Court for the Night Court (oh no!)... but then she meets Rhys.
Nesta is forced to leave the human lands for the faerie lands (oh no!)... but then she meets Cassian.
Now, Bryce has been forced to leave Midgard for Prythian (oh no!)... and she falls right in front of Azriel. He "gently" blindfolds her, grabs her hand, chucks her over his shoulder, and their matching weapons start glowing "in answer" to each other... and this is supposedly just a crackship?
And I get it; there's already Bryce and Hunt. And Azriel and Gwyn. And Azriel and Elain. However, I do think it's interesting that at present, the two biggest debates within the fandom are:
Are Bryce and Hunt truly mates/endgame?
Will Gwynriel or Elriel be endgame?
If any of these ships were a slam-dunk guarantee... these debates just simply wouldn't exist. Point is, with SJM (and especially with the multiverse opening up)... the possibilities are endless.
And, the promise of Bryce and Azriel is just one of these possibilities, but it's my favourite one of all.
After all, stars cannot shine without darkness.
(P.S. Some of these points were first identified by my friends - so credit and a huge thank you to them! ❤️)
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mysouleaten · 9 months
raining cats and dogs ! [pt 2]
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tokyo rev cats/dogs x gn! reader
summary ... it only started with [name] taking in two strays when they were driving home from work, it was pouring and the two poor strays were soaked! you couldn't leave them… so you took them in
warnings ... fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff, just a smidge of angst, uhh takemichi and hinata get names!
[part one] [part two] [part three] ....
it's been exactly four days since you rescued the two stray cats from the pouring rain
they've made themselves pretty comfortable in your apartment. you made sure to give them a warm bath and take them to the vet the next day
it seemed you had two lover cats, one boy, and one girl
they were adorable! curly up next to each other, licking each other clean, and chasing each other around. they didn't give you much trouble either! they were just curious about what you like to do and follow you around your apartment
you were even blessed with one of them sleeping in your lap while you were working on your laptop, spoiler alert you didn't move and you were starving the entire hour..
but finally, it was time to name them, you have just been calling them 'hey you' or 'kitty'
you didn't want to get attached too quickly
but now they were part of the family! so it was naming time
right now you were sitting on your couch and the two muchkins were on your coffee table looking all cute and cuddly
you first looked at the yellowy-orange cat with stripes, you pointed at him
"your name is.... take' !" you said and the cat meowed while tilting his head to the side
you then focused on the brownish-pinkish cat, "and you are gonna be.. peachy!"
peachy meowed too and then hopped over to your lap and rubbed against your arm
you cooed at her actions and take' came over to nip at you for stealing his wife's attention from him and you giggled
"she's all yours buddy!" you gave a small laugh
you pulled out your phone from your pocket to check the time, "ahh.. gotta get ready!" you stood up and placed peachy next to take'
you stretched out your back and lifted your arms above your head-your shirt lifts up with your stretch- you started to walk towards your room and your cuties follow you, meowing all the way
opening your room door, peachy and take' quickly run inside and hop on your bed-peachy was making biscuits and take' was resting beside her
you pulled out your work clothes, it was a light blue shirt with the pet shops logo on the front and a pair of black pants
you pulled your home shirt off your body, and as you were pulling on your work clothes you heard a low hiss and a high squeak 'meow!'
looking over you saw peachy-who no longer was making biscuits-wack take' on the head and run away with take' following her
you giggled at their small fight "yeeeaah someone is gonna be sleeping on the couch tonight"
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you walked up and down the isles of the pet shop, you were re-stocking some of the pet food and toys
humming a little tune and bopping your head to the soft music that was playing in the shop
"[name]! can you take out the leftover dog food?" one of your co-workers-yala-yelled from the other side of the pet shop
"sure!" you yelled back
you walked to the back of the store and into one of the storage rooms and collected the trash bag with the old dog food inside
when you opened the door that led out to an ally way with garbage dumps
you froze
there were tons of cats.. and a couple of dogs
all of the strays turned to look at you, many of them gave you- mean looks?
yeah, they didn't seem happy to see you, one of the cats looked high.. it had a blond patch of fur on its head but the rest of its fur was black... and it had a pricing? ok that's enough
you gave an awkward smile and just put the bag next to the stairs, you were gonna take the trash out later...
then you noticed a big black cat on top of a smaller cat beating the absolute shit out of it, poor thing, you wanted to help the smaller cat but a hiss made you rethink your decision. whatever those cats were doing wasn't your problem...
where you scared? psshhh.. no..
before you shut the door you heard a loud hiss and that made you shut the door quicker
god knows if you'll be next like that smaller cat.. cats can be pretty mean
you blew out a breath and made it back into the shop, you whined to your co-worker about the mean scary cats outside
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it's been days since your encounter with the... gang of cats?
you were in your brother's neighborhood riding on a motorcycle-yes you had one, well more like it was your brothers- you stopped by a car dump because you noticed a large population of cats and a small number of dogs leaving the car dump area
"what the?.."
you remembered the people who talked about cats who would 'fight' in the car dump, they even had names for each gang of cats, but you don't remember any of the names
hoping off your bike you made your way to the entrance of the car dump, and that's where you heard it
a loud but sad cry of a cat
you sped up your walk-avoiding stepping on any of the cats that made their way out-you saw the exact same cat from days ago, the one that was getting beaten up, it was leaning over the bigger cat and crying into its fur
"holy crap!" you yelled, this got the attention of the other strays in the area
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"holy crap!" a foreign voice yelled out
chifuyu looked up and saw a woman standing there, a shocked expression on her their
"chifuyu...whos that?..." baji coughed out, chifuyu snapped his head towards baji "don't worry! I won't let them hurt you!"
but he didn't notice how the person already made their way quickly over to them
"look out!"
before chifuyu could do anything the person carefully grabbed baji and ran off and out of the garbage dump
"baji!" yelled out chifuyu, no no! he couldn't lose him too! he lost takemichi, he couldn't lose baji!
chifuyu ran after the catnapper but he was too late the catnapper was already on their bike and driving off, he raced after the bike but he wasn't fast enough and lost sight of the motorcycle
"baji!!!" chifuyu screamed, he then tripped over his own paws and fell face-first into the ground, he sobbed quietly, he put his paws over his face to hide his shame
"chifuyu?" mikey said, chifuyu didn't move
"chifuyu!" draken yelled, this got chifuyu to sit up but hang his head low
"baji is gonna be alright.. whoever that was, is trying to help" mitsuya uttered, chifuyu didn't answer
they didn't know that the catnapper was going to be a very dear friend in the future
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cuties <3
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coatl-cuddles · 1 month
PLEASE infodump to me, how do we know for a fact the skiddo in the trailers and concert is the prince? I am starved for Alef lore
💫 HAYYY~~~~ 💫
I will GLADLY info dump about my favorite sky kids!!
Obligatory nothing is absolutely confirmed in sky unless stated by creators since there's no dialogue. So lots of stuff is always up to interpretation.
Howeverrrr the likelihood of Alef being the sky kid we see is essentially 99.9%!!
So here we go!!!
First thing to note is that the spirit from isle and the concert is totally the same Sky Kid. And we can tell thanks to MAMA Spirit! Or well- the adoptive mama spirit! More specifically... the adoptive mama spirit who unfortunately dies :(
One of the FIRST spirits in the game is a feminine looking ancestor with a relatively high pony tail, who discovers a fallen sky child (likely to be Alef)! This occurs in the Isle of Dawn!
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Then, in the concert, we get a similar looking spirit ( high ponytail ) who ALSO took in a sky child-- who dies tragically :( leaving the sky child orphaned and alone.
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Granted it is a different body type!!! But considering the amount of retcons and redesigns of areas / updates to the game around this time I'll look past it for now. But regardless, ponytail stays the same.
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And of course lastly is our mama from the trailers with our Dawn Ember :(
Who is also wearing a bag on her shoulders like the aurora spirit (you can see the rope strap!)- and who also tragically loses her life as confirmed by TGC during the anniversary livestream. This can be found when they state it's the tale of two ORPHANS... implying our Dawn Ember does not have a guardian. Or at least not anymore. (Which also implies our Dusk Ember/The Stewards parents who gave him the butterfly pendant ALSO die, but that's for another time)
Something to note is that Sky Kids and ancestors are NOT the same race. They are completely different. Ancestors do have children!! But Sky Kids are a separate thing.
And they're rare.
Very rare.
So rare in fact that it's heavily believed by the fandom that Alef/Resh was the FIRST sky kid.
So the likelihood of two different pony tailed ancestors (who live in the Isle of Dawn AND who die tragically) adopting a sky kid is SUPER UNLIKELY!
So that's how we vaguely know it's the SAME Sky kid. BUT!! Most importantly, we know the Sky Kid is Alef forrrrr kinda shallow reasons, but they hold water!!! So it counts!!!
Which is basically to sayyyy... Dawn Ember is wearing a baby version of King Resh's mask.
So like- not the most GROUND BREAKING lore reveal. But---
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That's our favorite star prince right there!
Also the implication that he got the extra four points AFTER prophecy, explains why as a kid he only has the main 4 points at the top and sides. Plus he already has suspiciously placed "cracks" in his mask where the 4 other points will come out of. That's our baby boy for sure!!!
Obviously, this isn't concrete proof of tgc just going HEY that's Alef!
However, for a game with zero dialogue and the most complex game of charades ever, this is basically as good as it's gonna get when it comes to tying everything together!
Also his name is Dawn.
Dawn Ember. For isle of Dawn. Which took me until 5 minutes ago to realize.
Which explains a lot, because we've all been kinda side eyeing the names like why tf did they name Hopeful Steward the Dusk Ember. But, if they're naming them off of AREAS and not literally the day/night motif that makes sense. Especially since a ton of Dusk Embers trailer scenes seem to take place in Wasteland, which the devs call the Dusk area. Despite him probably being from prairie or aviary village.
So badabing badaboom that's our baby boy right there!!! 3 different ways. 3 different flavors!!! All for the sake of mama spirit dying. Tragic. But that's our boy alrighttttt yayyy!!!!!!!!
Watch me be totally 100% wrong and all the fanart make zero sense a couple months from now. BUT IM DYING ON THIS HILL (for now!)
🎉🎉 That's our Prince right there!! 🎉🎉
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gortashs-skidmark · 5 months
MATURE CONTENT WARNING, 18+ MDNI, SMUT FOREWARNING - (Grammar mistakes, not proof read) CONTENT WARNING: enslavement mentions, death mentioned, religious themes, war, assassinations, spoiler warning for act 3, anarchy, plotting, yadda yadda evil,
Canon first, to make precision based Headcanons second.
Info Source: Forgotten Realms Wiki, Forgotten Realms Wiki, World Anvil, World Anvil, Fast Change, r/DnD, Forgotten Realms Wiki, World Anvil, dungeonsanddragonsfans
Utilizes 4e and 5e Manuals.
Wyrm’s Rock Geography and History
𝔊 An "Island-fortress located in the city of Baldur's Gate, that served as one of the headquarters of the Flaming Fist military. It was located on an isle in the middle of the River Chionthar, at the center of Wyrm's Crossing."
𝔊 Smooth, warn granite built Wyrm's Rock, with 1ft thick and constantly wet from the river.
𝔊 The interiors of Wyrm's Rock includes offices and chambers for toll-gatherers and guards, keep's armory stocked to the nines, the top floor serving living-quarters for serving officers and mercenaries.
𝔊 It can hold up to 100 Flaming Fist, but usually only houses 25-50
𝔊 Below Wyrm's Rock is the damp cold dungeons, but it's not used regularly, only for emergencies. It's mostly used as storage, holding canoes and such.
𝔊 The current uses for Wyrm's Rock, are as a safety precaution from the Chionthar's rapids and a toll booth, 5 copper pieces, for travelers along the Trade Way.
𝔊 It's a well guarded fortress, with projectiles, barrels of oil, armor, and hand held weapons.
𝔊 Ansur, a Bronze Lawful Good dragon, "The Heart of the Gate" slumbers beneath Wyrm's Rock.
Lower/Outer City
𝔊 It is a dangerous "near lawless" piece of Baldur's Gate. Very impoverished with three enterances; Basilisks Gate, Black Dragon, and Cliffgate
𝔊 The buildings scattered along the city are unorganized and unstable.
𝔊 "Due to the high standards of cleanliness that the Baldurian patriar, the city maintained a strict law that prohibited anything larger than a peacock from entering the city's gates. All the stables, livestock pens and abattoirs were consigned to a location within the Outer City. As such, flocks of sheep, goats, cattle and all manner of fowl were kept in enclosures or left to roam around unchecked. While nary a single dog could be found in the lower city, packs of strays were not at all uncommon in the Outer City."
𝔊 It's noisy and dirty and overwhelming for new comers through the gate.
𝔊 The Flaming Fist and The Watch often turn a blind-eye to petty crime like pickpocketing.
𝔊 The Flaming Fist are often bought out, and their behavior sways with the political alignment and leadership world views.
𝔊 There's so much to write about! check this page for all of the vast shops around the Lower City, and the lore behind them. I don't think many of them are relevant so I won't indulge it.
Humans in DND lore
𝔊 Humans are very diverse, and the youngest living out of the races. They often have a tad of tainted. blood, whether orc or elf or another.
𝔊 They are the most adaptable opportunists and ambitious race. Their culture, gods, customs, morals, all range heavily. They typically stick to one city and stay for as long as possible.
𝔊 Unlike humans themselves, cities and kingdoms with traditions and origins that stick around for centuries. Human names are often regional reflections. If they're given an elven or other name with racial origins, it's usually pronounced wrong.
𝔊 Humans live in the present and make greater adventurers because of it. They're better read about current political change and social dynamics.
𝔊 Humans mingle with anyone, usually able to get on anyones good terms because of their conventional image. In human built societies, generally, they're inclusive. Not always the case. In other racial origin societies, it can be harder for humans to fit in.
𝔊 Because of their short life span, immortality is an escape that's only dreamt of. They seek to leave a mark on history themselves instead of longevity.
𝔊 Humans are categorized by appearance because of region and ancestory. They fall into 9 categories, which I won't be listing. You can find info here, but don't go crazy.
Baldur’s Political Systems and important Dark Urge History
𝔊 The Half Way to Everywhere, Baldur's Gate, largest metropolitan City-State in the Western Heartlands. Protected by The Flaming Fist (mercenary company) and The Watch Citadel (upper city). Showered in abundance of rain weather, and a complex and efficient aquaduct system. This city is described as The City of Blood with it's large waves of crime, primarily because of its acceptances towards anyone, including thieves.
𝔊 The city is apart of the Lords' Alliance of powers in the west, and ruled by the Council of Four (4 Grand Dukes) who attended the Lords' Alliance in representation of their City-State.
𝔊 There's a strange energy about Baldur's Gate. People, no matter the state of the world, often kept to their own business. They didn't have too many customs, but a few festivals. One notable past-time were cobble parties, folks gathering boxes and crate for seating and sharing stories, lit with special "red rose" torches from firework shops.
𝔊 Religion in Baldur's Gate was vast in variety. Depending on the hotspots of culture, you could find god and goddess worshippers of any kind. Twin Song's, a temple district in Baldur's Gate in the Outer City, were very religiously tolerant, even of Bhaal and Bane worshippers.
𝔊 To favor the land, Umberlee, Tymora, and Gond were prominent gods that were worshipped.
𝔊 After a coup by a previous Grand Duke Valarkan, the city's government changed to a Baldurian Parliament of elected Dukes. After 1479, it changes back to the Council of Four, accompanied by the Parliament of Peers.
𝔊 The Parliament of Peers were an Advisory Council. 50 representatives spread over the entirety of Baldur's Gate, as a legislative body. They would submit recommendations to the Council of Four.
𝔊 The Council of Four were served by 5 deputies, City Officials. Harbor Master, High Constable and Master of Walls, Master of Drains and Underways, Master of Cobbles, and Purse Master.
𝔊 They would hold sessions in the High Hall, open to observers. most days. They held assembly days every afternoon, with non-mandatory attendance, often 20-30 council members in the hall at a time. Some days were mandatory, depending on the topic.
𝔊 A large number of parliament members were bought-out and under influence by The Guild leader Nine-Fingers Keene.
𝔊 It was made up of retired adventurers and guild leaders. 12 representatives of the Lower City, and the remaining were Nobles representing the Upper City, known as Patriars.
𝔊 A list of Patriars. Including Oberon, who you can find dead on Wyrm's Rock. A Noble family who owned many of the dry-docks in Grey Harbour.
𝔊 "In the Year of Three Ships Sailing, 1492 DR, Baldur's Gate became plagued by a series of murders and disappearances. The members of the Flaming Fist showed little interest in addressing the incidents, but after the patriar families of Caldwell, Oberon, and Linnacher became affected, the pressure from Flaming Fist demanding investigations from their superiors started to increase" - Forgotten Realms Wiki
𝔊 In 1479, Baldur's Gate had mended their relationship with Elturguard. Though, expansions the Gate had been making, re-threatened Elturian's and were on the verge of civil war.
𝔊 In 1482, Grand Duke Abdel Adrian, a good-conquered Bhaaspawn, was attacked by a man named Viekang, the only other remaining Bhaalspawn. Though the duel ended in both men dying, one turning into The Slayer form. Both were Bhaalspawn, one was the victor though not knowing who was who. The Slayer form was returned to Bhaal after this event.
𝔊 Durge, with how their timeline works, has to be over 33 years old. Duke Abdel was 120 and had already separated themselves from Bhaal's influence. Do with that info you will. Back to your regularly scheduled Baldurian murder.
𝔊 His death was blamed on The Guild and adventurers were hired to investigate the murder. An increase in crime caused The Fist to crack down on the Lower City and shadier outer districts.
𝔊 The efforts of the Fist and the Watch, assumed by Grand Duke Ulder Ravenguard, didn't last and erupted in chaos. Strikes happened amongst city-workers and the Upper City was given a mid-afternoon curfew. The merchant class of the Lower City became unruly. Arson and crime sky-rocketed. Baldur's Mouth shut down, and the Fist's new leader instituted a series of illegal tribunals.
𝔊 Grand Duke Torlin Silvershield's stock-piled smoke power over parliament to stop the Guild's influence on the corrupt Baldurian Parliment. He revealed himself to be the "the Chosen of the re-ascended god of murder, Bhaal" before he was killed.
Gortash leans towards Steampunk, does technology exist? What are Constructs?
𝔊 There are different playable levels of tech you can play in a Campaign. I'm not sure where BG3 lies, but my guess is Steel Age, as it is possible to forge steel and infernal iron.
𝔊 Steel Age: fits most campaign settings (including Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Ebberon, etc.) and some experts know how to use adamantine and mithril.
𝔊 Within the canon lore that leads up in Dark Urge Origin, it should be the Steel Age. The Zhentarim, 1480's, create steel forged from Dragons in the Cult of the Dragons campaign, which has some capable lead up to Blood in Baldur's Gate (might be canon??) and then the 1492 BG3 game.
𝔊 Infernal Iron, weapons forged from this iron will smite souls and direct them into the River Styx. It can create soul-powered machines and vehicles. It creates Soul Coins, common currency in the Nine Hells. It is mined in the 8th (Cania) and 2nd (Dis) layers of Hell
𝔊 Constructs are creatures made up of inorganic materials. They are non-intelligent automatons, most are anyway.
𝔊 Living Constructs, however, combine elements of in-organic animation and living creatures. They possess free will and sentient thoughts, through complex and potent magic.
𝔊 Living Constructs can get better, and develop skills, they have vitality that doesn't depend on their size. Which means they are capable of being affected by spells and the living. They can wither mentally and physically be harmed in fights. They can be affected by necromancy.
𝔊 Living Constructs are capable of running, be affected with certain healing spell, can take certain potions, but do not require eating and drinking, be affected with mind-altering magic, most are immune to nausea, poison, sleep, fatigue, and paralysis.
What are Artificiers?
𝔊 They are inventors, engineer, and tinkerers of brilliance, they see magic as a complex system that's meant to be "de-coded" which makes them slower in spell progression.
𝔊 They use a number of items and systems to channel arcane magic, such as alchemy supplies for potent elixirs, calligrapher supplies to inscribe sigils, or tools to craft a temporary charm.
𝔊 They are particular in their crafts and hone it to their own character to produce the perfect product for the job.
𝔊 They often appear more steampunk than medieval like their compatriots. They are capable of using firearms and explosives
Who is The Tyrant God Bane?
𝔊 "Bane was the Faeruniangod of tyrannical oppression, terror, and hate, known across Faerûn as the face of pure evil through malevolent despotism. From his dread plane of Banehold, The Black Hand acted indirectly through worshipers and other agents to achieve his ultimate plan to achieve total domination of all Faerûn" - Forgotten Realm's Wiki
𝔊 He was the principal of ambition and control. He believes the strong have a right and a duty to rule over the weal.
𝔊 He favors individuals with drive, courage, and promoted slavery to powerful individuals.
𝔊 He worked closely with other if they interested him, unlike most gods. He worked with Myrukel, long when they were both mortal and beyond. He also worked with Loviatar (his servant at one point), Talona, and Mask.
𝔊 He was once lovers with Kiputytto, the demigoddess of Disease, and Loviatar's sister. Later slain by Talona.
𝔊 Bane has had servants such as his own son Iyachtu Xvim, during his first life. At other times of his god life, Abbathor, Maglubiyet (popular goblin god), Hrugget, and Tiamat.
𝔊 Bane's biggest and most hateful foe was Mystra. He hated Cyric too, who stole many of his followers, the Zhentarim or Black Network. He was hated by others but those are some relevant ones.
𝔊 Bane's Church was ruthless, though very stable. It was as disciplined as Shar's or Cyric's. Banite customs were often spartan-ish and followed a heirarchy. There are no Banite holidays and showed their gratitude through rituals. Including sacrifice and torture of sentient beings that were deemed "offensive"
𝔊 Priests of Bane prayed at midnight, for their spells. Disloyalty resulted in death.
𝔊 When Bane was mortal, he allied with mortal Bhaal and Myrukel. They targeted Jergal. They could slice through any obstacal, sometimes set up by Jergal. Jergal was tired of his title and gave it them, including his dagger given to Bane. The God of Death Jergal tricked one another to turn on each other. He divided his power in a game of Knucklebones, which Bane won and gained governance over the sphere of strife. Then Myurkel, then Bhaal who ate murder scraps. Ultimately Jergal had the Goddess of Luck decide.
How does the Church of Bane shape its worshippers? im just gonna quote one source bc it's straightforward man.
𝔊 Bane's church believes in subserviences and submission within a hierarchy, junior members bowing, kneeling, and even kissing boots if they were low enough in rank. Superior members were to be obeyed at all times. The church rules were of utmost importance, order and laws from any other land means nothing.
𝔊 "According to his priests, Bane was to be feared by his faithful and even more feared by the unfaithful. It was the duty of every member of the church of Bane to "spread (his) fear""
𝔊 "Banite priests took great pride in their ability to control their actions and avoid succumbing to emotional outbursts. Their outward demeanor was cold and thoughtful, they thought carefully before they spoke, often preferring sarcasm and "witty banter" rather than overt hostility." - Forgotten Realms Wiki
𝔊 "The overarching goal of Bane's clergy was the charge of seizing or manipulating their way into power in every nation, city-state or freehold in all of Faerûn, to bring them under his influence. Using emotionally manipulative tools such as fear, hatred or greed to sow conflict, war and chaos would allow the Black Hand to maintain control over lands too distressed to maintain stability. To this end, priests and followers were encouraged to commit acts such as torture, political infiltration or inciting mayhem with subtlety, cruelty and overall, fear."
𝔊 Rituals; "They were held either outdoors at night, or in a space of darkness, such as darkened chambers, caves or ruins with only dim lighting." [...] "Services included rhythmic chanting, the rolling beating of drums and the sacrifice of an intelligent creature's life. To prepare for this life to be given to Bane, the oblatory life was to be demeaned and tortured until they showed him due fear."
HEADCANONS (mixed nfsw)
𝔊 He's a mad scientist, lacks good aligned morality, he's far gone. It makes him an amazing artificier.
𝔊 Larian Studios, what is that? What is this laziness? (I was looking into Chiondathans bc I've never heard of the 9 regional categories)
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𝔊 Hearing Gortash vomit would be more attractive than hearing his previous last name of "Flymm" in full. I just wanna put that in.
How old is Enver Gortash?
𝔊 I liked this deep-dive by @victorgrwrites and I won't waste time explaining and here
𝔊 So like 33. I think he's 33. Also here’s a bg3 timeline bc yall seem to struggle
𝔊 I like that durge potentially gets with Astarion. Bane favors animals like bats and black green eyed cats. and durge catches themselves a vampire that can turn into a bat (if ascended). That would 'bout piss Gortash off.
𝔊 Gortash really gets some points from Bane bc he got the Zhentarim's favor again through infernal iron weapons trading. They favor Bane over Cyric again. Gortash was #1 in Bane's eyes.
𝔊 I think he gets hard when he gets exceptional praise. Not like "good boy" like "you're everything the world ever needed, my merciful god" kinda praise. Like calling his brain is magnificent for coming up with that plan all by himself (if you're tav) gets him goin'
𝔊 He does not attend a lot of the parliament meetings, when he does it's for very specific problems in Baldur's Gate, anyone who caught on would probably "disappear"
𝔊 He's busy, either tinkering, meetings, or in worship. I think he leads Bane's church, but not publicly, through Banite priests because he can't be discovered about his religion as a political leader.
𝔊 He uses tones in his voice, you hear it all day, he only makes talk to flatter, mock, or threaten politely, but he knows how to use a very soft, very sweet voice that makes you give into anything he asks for.
𝔊 His broad shoulders and warm hands are never sincere. You felt like you've never been given a sincere hug from him, as comforting as they can be in the moment. He'd have to give up his way of life and cry on his knees in front of you before you could believe he was ever sincere about certain affections.
𝔊 If you could polymorph into an animal, he's either think it's disgusting or wanna fuck it.
𝔊 His Steel Watch, you just can't tell me not to be stunned, are half way between living and non-sentient constructs. They have a brain that operates, they can see what they're doing, and yet they have no control over their body. Gortash didn't need to give them brains to make automatons that do anything at his will, it's pure slavery and torture.
𝔊 If you’re childhood friends, 7 or 8 years old, you’d drag him in the late of night to those Cobble parties and sit among the adults in the dim red torch light listening to the adults talk. You’d drop him off at home, you did have a way of worrying for his safety with his parents. He was a stubborn devil as a child but you were too happy and care free to leave him be.
𝔊 He did not carry those cobbler genes, have you seen his fuggo ass shoes?? He can tinker like no one else but his sense of style is messy and new-money.
Why is Gortash Evil?
𝔊 His parents fucking sold him for being "needy and troublesome" like MOST KIDS ARE. If I got sold to a Warlock, that turned out to be THE SON OF MEPHISTOPHELES. I'd be fucking evil too.
𝔊 Just as he was needy and troublesome when he lived with his parents, he reverts to a smaller husk of himself with a trusted lover. Needy, malevolent, confident in his strides, it’s his way or the highway, but he will listen to you quietly. You are an equal but he’s relentless as a person. Pester, pester, pester. Sometimes you feeling like you’re mothering him.
𝔊 He's probably pretty high up in the Church of Bane. People kiss his feet, he shows amazing restraint in emotion, politically is advantageous for Bane, he's a slaver like Bane teaches is okay to do, he trades arms and is super fucking popular for it.
𝔊 He showed great restraint with the Dark Urge, I think he loved being allies with them because he didn't have to stray far from Bane at all for Durge to adore him. I don't think he could've loved and he would've abandoned Durge in a heartbeat unlike vice-versa.
𝔊 I think Enver hums deep and beautifully from his years of chanting in Bane's name. He has a deep focused look on his face, and he deeply hums a melody he heard at a party last night, dancing and wooing patriars left and right on the ballroom floor.
𝔊 Undoing his evil is near-damn impossible. He loves attention, he needs it. He needs praise his his god. He worked so hard for everything in life and you can’t take it away.
𝔊 If you can convince him to give up, fucking unlikely, before the Nether Brain fight, he’ll live. He might suffer Bane’s wrath and kill him and Jergal would not be super happy reviving him after your pleas. Karlach would hate you. So would Wyll
𝔊 Threatening his enteral consequence of death, tending to flowers forever in Avernus after he dies, or, he fixes Karlach so she doesn’t need to go back to Avernus.
𝔊 She wouldn’t trust him and she’d say she’d rather be dead before trusting him again. And you have to convince both of them to be better. Well. Just Gortash. Karlach can do whatever her sweet heart desires.
𝔊 He is irredeemable, he's lead the Church of Bane since he was 17, he's pretty much licked Bane's asshole at this point. It's hard to get to know him. He's probably a grumpy, sad, regretful little guy under his immaculate persona.
𝔊 You can start reconnecting him to Baldur's Gate, with Cobble Parties, you both go and hold hands and listen to stories. He doesn't want to listen to the groveling, sober at least. He is reserved and needs to make friends, but in his own times.
𝔊 His parents would never take him back and accept him, they made him and didn't help him, or work with him as a child an they handed him over to a Cambion. They still recall so much hatred when he lived there.
𝔊 He probably loved explosives as a child, and got in trouble for setting them off in the house. He would tinker, wander off, and read books and play by himself, smart reserved kind of kid. Which worried and frustrated his parents, he wasn't cobbler material.
𝔊 Children are difficult but you can't forgive their negligence. They threw him out at the first chance probably. You hold a grudge against his parents. You're vocal about it with comments, when they see him after the whole ordeal. He's supposed to make progress and they're gonna make him writhe in every mental way like he did before.
𝔊 You make sure to create good memories, even in the Lower City, those cobble parties, little firework shows off the grey harbors docks by the foundries ashes, he never got to celebrate Baldur's Gate's customs like Highharvestide even tho it's not as popular, Returning Day to where you talk about the Murder in the Wide. you want to include him in everything,
Hey guys! if you got this far, yay! but also i'm not done writing it. come back to my page and find it on my master list when it's finished to enjoy more!
I’ll continue writing as I think of more headcanons.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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SUMMARY | this was supposed to be a simple, relaxing mission. all of that had been thrown out the train window as soon as you saw idiot one and idiot two
PAIRING | tangerine x reader
WARNINGS | spoilers for bullet train, hit men, mentions of murder, guns, ect
WORD COUNT | 1.7k+
AUTHORS NOTE | fell in love with tangerine while watching bullet train. what more is there to it
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Confined spaces certainly makes the job easier for you.
You were able to observe everyone simultaneously. Being everywhere all at once. Sitting idily in a corner inconspicuously, sipping on a drink while pretending to read a newspaper. All the while watching as people fidgit with their fingers and mingle amongst nearby passengers. Keeping tabs on who leaves and who enters and how many times they do it.
In fact that's all you had been planning on doing for the next twenty four hours. Enjoying the ambiance of the lovely modern train as you waited for your mark. Probably opting on getting up to lure the target into a bathroom stall, slitting their throat once the lock had been clicked. An easy job by definition, especially for you. Practically a vacation handed to you on a silver platter.
That's why you almost choked on your fizzy drink when they walked in.
You'd never forgot a face. Not once. That's part of the reason you made for such a good hit man. Show you someone's high school picture once, and you'd be able to pick them out in a crowd forty years after it had been taken. And when I say pick them out, I mean with a gun. Preferably from a rooftop. Probably from a rooftop.
So you recognized the leather jacket and blue suit almost immediately. After all how could you forget. Your annoyance for them had been all but solidified in concrete the moment the loud one had shot your leg in Russia, his twin just watching. That cast was a bitch to lug around for half a year, and everytime it thumped against the staricase in your house you cursed the both of them.
Suppressing a groan, your eyes cautiously watched from behind the pages of a comically large larg magazine as Lemon and Tangerine walked down the isle of the train compartment together, facing each other while bickering quite loudly. Or at least doing what you assumed was to be bickering. Knowing them, they probably just used that many curse words in a casual conversation anyway.
"I've told you a thousan' times, bruv." You listed to Lemon slur his words with that thick accent of his, practically spitting fire at his twin. "It's Thomas The Tank Engine. Not Thomas the Train. Get that in ya thick skull."
"Oh well, ex-fucking-scuze me. I didn' know I'd be gettin schooled on a fuckin kids show today, twat." Tangerines eyeroll was all but audible in response. He ignored as fellow passengers swapped offended looks with each other at their language. You'd imagine he'd be flipping them off if he wasn't so busy basically biting his brothers head off.
They were nearly past your booth now and out of the train car, your fingers tightening around the reading material in front of you in anticipation. For a moment you thanked whoever had given the both of them such long legs and speedy strides, happy as long as they were out of sight. Didn't matter that they would still be on the train. As long as they didn't see you, all was well.
So of course they would choose that moment to stop right in front of your fucking seat. The urge to stand up and kick them both in their asses was only increasing. Not that it wasn't already high up there in the first place.
"I don't give a bloody damn when ya smart ass people half the time you bastard. Here me complanin? Nope." Lemon popped the p at the last word, pointing a finger at his companions chest. "But no one, and I mean no one ya cheeky fuck, bad mouths Thomas in front of me."
"Right. And what you gonna do about it, fruit boy. Stick a diesel sticker on me when I ain't lookin?"
"I just might. An don't call me fruit boy. You're the one who came up with those names in the first place 'member?"
Your muscled tensed up in preparation when Tangerine suddenly whipped around to you, dragging Lemons attention along with him. The cool metal of your gun brushed against your fingertips as you slowly reached under the trains table for where it was hidden. Maybe this time you'd have an excuse to shoot them in the legs. Send them a hallmark card in the hospital afterwards. Something cheep and tacky. You were petty like that.
"Hey, mate, mind reminding my buddy here tha' grown ass adults don't watch the cartoon channel and he's due for a visit to the loony bin?"
You just glared at him and his stupid fucking 90's porn stache, frown deepening as you watched recognization well up in his eyes.
"Hang on." Your hand twitched with the urge to rip his tounge out of his mouth as it ran across his bottom lip. "I know you—"
"Oh for fucks sake."
You hopped up, abandoning your cozy little corner in turn for dragging him by the lapel of his now wrinkled suit into the connecting cabin of the train cars. You imagined that if they hadn't been so surprised by an innocent looking samaritan dragging their asses along, you would be sporting two new holes in the side of your head.
"One job! I had one job and the two of you had to muck it all up!" Words hissed out of your mouth like steam from a gas can as you dropped your grip on Tangerine and turned away from him, revealing your own gun nonchalantly. They were both quick to draw their own, stances stiff and confused in contrast to your loose but annoyed one.
"Ay I recognize you now." Lemon looked over at Tangerine, gesturing his gun to you loosely. "Russia. A broken leg. James the train, 'member?"
"Would you stop it with the Thomas the train shit for one fffuckin moment?" He hissed back. "Yeah I remember 'em. But that dosent explain what the hell their doin on this train now does it?"
"Nothing that concerns you." You saved them the trouble of yet another fighting match. "And wait, James the train?"
"Yeah." Lemons eyes brightened slightly while looking at you. As if happy someone was asking him about his interest in the train show without attempting to shit on it. "A James. Impatient but gets shit done. Kinda determined too."
You blinked.
"Okay now I like him." You turned your gun over to Tangerine completely now, the man's eyes widening as he sputtered slightly.
You shrugged with an unbothered and downward turn of your lips. "He complimented me. Plus he wasn't the one who shot me in the leg."
"Come-fucken-on that was not a fucken compliment!!"
"I dunno bruv." Lemon shrugged, mirroring your earlier action. "It kinda was."
"Yeah, alright I definitely like you now."
"Oh come off it you bitch! Help me out here or I'll fuckin kill you before they shoot me!" Tangerine spat. You listened as Lemon snickered.
"Hey. I'm good at readin people wha' can I say. And they certainly aren't lookin to shoot any of us right now. That's not a very Jamss thing of them ta do." You sent Lemon a kind thank you—to which he returned it with a your welcome. Tangerine was left alone to seethe in anger.
"Stop that before you blow a gasket." You made a face, referring to the way Tangerines jaw clenched as if he were attempting to chew glass. "Your brother here, Lemon, is right. I don't really feel like carrying your lifeless body across this train right now. I just want to get my damn job done and then go see a cherry tree grove or something."
He grumbled whilst Lemon preened at your recognization of his correct assumption.
"Besides. I'd hate to shoot you in the face and ruin your best asset. Would really ruin my day more than it already has been." A loose sigh made it past your lips. "Fucking up shit is more your style anyways."
You could tell Tangerine was struggling with being of the receiving end of such a blatant compliment and insult on the same time—practically picking through his brain for a measurable response. Either way he was about to run his mouth, and you'd wasted enough time on the job already.
"If I see either of you pass by through my train car again, it better just be that: passing through. Anything else and I am not afraid to end up leaving a few people with ringing ears. Capishe?" The gun in your hands was nodded at strictly, the not so hidden threat being left out in the open for all to interpret.
"Loud and clear mate." Lemon grinned.
"Good. Now scram."
"Hold on love—"
"Call me love again, and I rip that mustache off and shove it straight up that ass of yours. Now ta-ra, or whatever pricks like you say." You were already leaving, so sadly you didn't get to see the look on Tangerines face as you walked off, really just wanting to finish that drink you'd left behind now. Although you wouldn't complain if you were to find something a bit stronger than soda. Especially after that.
The twins waited until you were out of the connecting room before either of them went to speak.
"You know." Lemon clamped a hand down on Tangerines arm with a toothy grin. "If I didn' know any better bruv, I would say tha' you have a thing for them. Not everyday you get a compliment on your ugly mug."
"Must have hit your head boarding. And get ya fucken greasy bitch ass hand off me." He snarled, swatting his brothers hand off his shoulder. "They just threatened to kill me for fucks sake. And I them!"
"I dunno. They seemed like they're a little partial to oranges themself."
"It's tangerines idiot! Tangerines!"
"Whatever. Don't get your knickers in a twist."
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