#Elsweyr Spoilers
feykrorovaan · 11 months
Where is the Amulet of Kings this. Where is the Amulet of Kings that. Where is my cranky imperial battle mage grandpa voiced by Alfred Molina? Hmm? Why is no one asking that? I know he's not dead. That man didn't survive for 165 years being a crafty curmudgeon son of a Tharn to die. Where is Abnur Tharn?!?
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thezerada · 1 year
All I think about is HIM. ❤️
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Nahfahlaar my beloved. 😭❤️
Finished ESO's Elsweyr dlc and I cannot stop thinking about him and what a big highlight for me he was.
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sanicsmut · 4 months
Words of the Fallen
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Technically Darien Gautier x Vestige!Reader, but all I can say is play Summerset's main quest in ESO before reading this.
part 2
Warnings : Use of Y/N once. Angst because it is. Spoilers for the end of Summerset. Language. The letter is taken directly from the game, which is why it’s written way better than what I’ve actually written.
Words: 1000 (I can't believe I got such a perfect count)
Robin’s comment: Cried making this, bon appétit. More seriously, this chapter (the game's DLC I mean) made me hate Meridia. She was one of my favorite daedric princes, but now it's over. All hail Azura. Anyway this is basically me telling Meridia what she deserves to hear. There's also a hint of a part two at the end ;). I'll try to write it, but I can't guarantee anything.
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"Never trust a Daedric Prince. If there's anything I learned from all this, that's it in a nutshell. I used to think I had a purpose, a part to play in the grand scheme of things. I suppose I did, sort of, but the way things turned out, it wasn't at all the way I imagined. Meridia said I was her vessel. I guess my fate was sealed from the moment she brought me into existence.
Now, here I am, back in the Colored Rooms. I thought that when I gave my energy to restore the sword—and I did that for my friend, not for Meridia—I thought that was the end of me. I'm back, though, but this time is different. My light, it's fading. I can feel the darkness getting closer, pressing in. I expect that once the light goes out, that will be the end.
I need to tell you something about Meridia. She's a deceiver. She promised that if I served her faithfully, I'd earn my freedom. She never told me that freedom was just another word for the void. Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever.
I've found peace though. Meridia gave me a chance to see the world, and those I care about, one last time. To save those I loved. I'm grateful for that, at least.
I wish I had a chance to say goodbye to everyone. To Skordo. To Gabrielle. Gods, I'll miss them. But most of all, (Y/N). I don't know if she will understand how much she truly meant to me. Perhaps we'll see each other again, in another place, another time. I probably won't be the version of myself that's writing these words, though. That me will be gone. I can live with that.
I only wish I could have spent more time with everybody. Had a few more adventures. Ordered those drinks like we always talked about.
I hope my friends find peace, happiness, and love. They deserve what I could never have. If anyone ever finds this book, know that I will never forget those I named herein. And, if you find them, and I pray that you do, tell them this.
Protect the ones you love. Hold them close. Cherish their every moment. Make them laugh, and laugh with them. Smile together and never, ever, forget that the moments you have are so very precious.
Oh, and tell them not to forget me, either. I mean, I am a legend, as far as I know.
The polite, handsome, and humble knight,
Darien Gautier”
You let the book fall back on the bench where you found it.
No… No…
You were breathing heavily. And a few minutes later, surrounded by those trees, you let out your anguish.
Dawnbreaker gripped tight in your hand, you screamed.
“Take it back! Take your goddamn sword back!”
“It seems my vessel isn’t the only one who ended up having feelings when he shouldn’t.”
A bright light. There it was, this patronizing voice. This voice you had respected, after giving you back your soul and helping you in Coldharbour. This voice you grew to hate.
“You bitch, he was my friend!”
“Where is your respect, Vestige?”
Vestige. You hadn't been called that since that time you helped Abnur Tharn in Elsweyr. Only the companions called you that. The companions and Meridia. But even the Daedric Prince hasn’t called you that during this whole mission. It was like you were back in Coldharbour all over again. Back fighting for what you thought was right, back, fighting against and with forces you couldn’t comprehend.
“My respect for you died when Darien got condemned. By your fault.”
“He was my vessel, an empty shell, a weapon to do my bidding. He served his purpose.”
“He was my friend!” You yelled again.
“And a traitor.”
“How the f-”
“He sacrificed he life for you. He purified my sword, not to serve me, but to help you.”
“Oh, so this is it? You’re throwing a tantrum because your tool wasn’t devoted to you only?”
“Careful with your words, Vestige.”
“You owe me! I’m the one who fought Molag Bal, I’m the one who assembled all those allies to stop the coalition! I’m the one who just stopped Nocturnal! And you owe him too! He may have purified Dawnbreaker for me, but everything else he did was for you, to serve you, because he was your champion! Because he truly thought he could trust you!”
“And you owe me for your soul. And he owes me for the purpose I gave him.”
“You wouldn’t have been able to take my soul if I hadn’t fought in Coldharbour! It’s all thanks to me! And his purpose? He could’ve been a hero without disappearing for your fucking sake! Hell, he just wanted to help his friends!”
“Friends he shouldn’t have had in the first place.”
“I swear, I defeated Molag Bal and Nocturnal, I can defeat you too. Take back your fucking sword and give me back my friend.”
You could feel Meridia’s rising anger, the air feeling tense around you despite the Daedric prince not being here physically.
“You want your ‘friend’ back?” The prince of light asked, her voice filling you with a bad feeling.
“Yes!” You answered. “Free him from your realm!”
You swore you almost heard Meridia growling, even if that sounded out of character. But that being was strict and cold, full of authority, like a severe and cruel mother. But nothing about her was motherly. She might have been less ‘evil’ than other princes, but she still served her own interests, mortals were just tools for her, or obstacles she had to get rid of. And you were sure that she was now in the second category.
“You will have to free him yourself.” Meridia declared. “That is, if you can get out of my realm.”
Her voice was tainted in cruelty, and a blinding light burnt your eyes before everything went black.
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djai-the-curious · 10 days
@the-elder-polls Hi TCS friday yayyy (i'm @bookworm-driven-insane btw this is my side blog for TES oc related stuffs/Djai RP. Kinda empty lmao)
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I have decided to draw a family tree of my khajiit!! Without their respective spouses, for now, because they aren't as important for this/in general. Basically the important members of the family only for now xD
Also, as a side note, only Djai and Eric's designs are final, others are a rough sketch only.
Lore below!!
At the top is (Ma')Eric, aka my nerevarine!! I'll ramble about his entire backstory sometime later. I have an outline of his backstory, but I haven't finished morrowind yet and I will complete his backstory once I finish it so it's as lore accurate as possible. x3
Long story short, he has twins, but has to give them away for their own safety because he himself gets death threats basically daily- and his children were already kidnapped once. Also he just doesn't have time, like, at all to care for them. Both twins are ohmes-raht btw!! [possibly. . . with the mix of some dunmer in there. . . but shhh. . . spoilers]
The one of the left ends up in an orphanage in Cyrodiil, before getting adopted by some necromancers. Again gonna ramble more about them later, but I have something planned for them already!!
The other one ends up in Elsweyr, and gets raised by a regular family. He actually has no idea that he is adopted his whole life, I mean, nobody told him and he had no reason to suspect that. He's also, like, a pretty shitty person. Has a talent for magic but never really uses it outside of charming people for his own gain.
He has two children, Murrsea [The one on the left, with a scar on her face] and Djai [the one on the right], Murrsea being two years younger than Djai.
Already rambled about Djai, so going to ramble about Murrsea, but in a more 'meta' way first.
Murrsea is actually really important to me!! She was a shared OC with one of my parents, I helped create and name her a long long time ago when they were playing skyrim and I wanted to watch them play [that was the first time I've ever seen an elder scrolls game, I didn't even know what it was back then]. Since they're not really into OC stuff, though, and they know that I am, they gifted Murrsea to me after finishing skyrim!! :'D Murrsea is also a mage [Duh, everyone in their family is. At least everyone in their family has a natural talent for magic]. She is pretty well-known for killing a dragon once (not completely ofc because she couldn't take its soul), and it was actually rumored she was the dragonborn. She, however, isn't the dragonborn- She's just a really really great battle mage. She took Djai's place when he resigned from being the archmage, and that's kind of what she does now.
I think that's all? Apologies for any mistakes. And once again, a lot of stuff I've written here will likely change later, but the core elements will likely stay.
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I'm not into Fallout, but I dread all tv adaptions of games. I only have to point at the travesty that is the Netflix Witcher as to why (don't get me started, I've got a long list of reasons and I WILL go through them all given the opportunity). That said I think Bethesda games are a better choice for adaption than the Witcher or TLOU because there isn't really a set protagonist or cast of characters to misuse - as long as it's entirely original, only based on Fallout lore, it might be okay.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I agree that a lack of a set protagonist is one of the boons to either a TES or Fallout TV series in terms of not immediately stepping on established series lore.
As you know, the Fallout show itself is making massive changes to established lore in the games. Not necessarily reconning things per se, but I don't want to get into more detail in a post due to obvious spoilers for a brand new show.
I feel a TES show *could* work simply due to the fact that
A. Tamriel is massive and Nirn is obviously an entire world.
B. We have multiple dimensions where things could take place in thanks to all the realms of Oblivion, known and unknown.
C. TES has a massive massive timeline that stretches beyond known history in their world. They could set a show in late Merethic era Elsweyr or High Rock and barely step on any established lore. A TES TV series absolutely *could* add to the lore while not quashing established lore or creating lore problems.
All in all, my biggest worry is the impulse for TV show runners to want to place the series in the most recognizable or familiar setting/timeline. God forbid a TES TV show happens and they try setting it in directly post-Oblivion crisis Cyrodiil or something like that. Thats not to say that such a period couldn't be explored in the lore, but I certainly don't trust TV executives and writers to start taking "creative liberties" or "fix" the lore of well established periods and locations. Additionally, a TV series could be made thats 100% non-canon and treated as such. I think most of the fandom would be totally cool with that and the show could tell any story it wanted without upsetting anyone. Sadly it seems like a lot of these big "TV adaptations we've seen over the past decade seem to insist on becoming canon or adjacent to it.
Never forget the Rings of Power...Never forget the Witcher on Netflix...Never forget Game of Thrones... Creators/rights holders allowed their properties to be taken by television companies to make shows out of them. They all ended up sucking, disrespecting the source material, and greatly upsetting most of their fans in the process. Television shows based on adapted material should not be made by people who don't care about the property itself and just want to make a popular TV show.
I think a TES TV show of *some* kind (perhaps animated?) is almost inevitable if the Fallout show is good and a huge success, and I think it absolutely *could* be both quality television *and* respectful of established lore. I just don't personally trust television executives to make a show of that caliber *and* respect the source material.
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coeurdelafolie · 8 months
Maybe I’m being really dense and overthinking it, but….Massive spoilers for everything, of course
In Elsweyr, we can find this note that talks about Meridia looking for a new knight who won’t betray her. Was Darien’s betrayal just the note where he says not to trust Meridia?
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madamefluffnstuff · 11 months
A New Mother Figure
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: None; Maternal-figure Caska and Aeliah Renmus.
Rating: K-T
Warning(s): Mentions of past pit fighting, consuming alcohol in a tavern, past loss of a parent, light hurt/comfort themes, etc.
Words: 1102
AN: I'm sorry but the millisecond I heard Caska refer to Aeliah as "little cub" I said "That's her baby. Aeliah is her baby now." And so I made this.
Slight spoilers for the Elsweyr DLC.
It was a relatively quiet afternoon at the Dragonguard Sanctum. There were no immediate dragon threats to deal with at the moment. This gave the crew of the Perfect Pounce a well deserved rest. Gods knew they needed it.
Za'ji, unsurprisingly, was spending his day off in the tavern area. He was loudly sharing tales of the crew's exploits and adventures (with varying degrees of exaggeration and inebriation). The raucous laughter could be heard from the docks, much to the irritance of Dirge Truptor.
Caska, on the other hand, was spending her day off in one of the lounge areas overlooking the cove, resting her body. As much as she didn't want to admit it yet, all those years in the fighting ring were starting to catch up to her. Despite being a Khajiit in her late thirties she definitely felt like a learned elder some days. Her joints would certainly beg to differ on rainy nights.
She let out a soft but heavy sigh as she rested her chin on a worn ottoman, tufted ears twitching as the disctinct sound of a grog bottle shattering rang throughout the abode. The Senche-raht simply shook her head- that was a problem for tomorrow's Caska. Not today. This was her day off, she reminded herself.
It was at that moment Caska confirmed her suspicions that she had heard the same footstep pattern about three times now in the last hour. A very familiar set of footsteps. And quite worried.
"If you keep pacing like that, Aeliah, you'll wear a hole in the boards."
The young lady in question nearly jumped out of her skin, staring wide-eyed at the massive Khajiit. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, but no words came out.
Caska raised an eyebrow, "How long have you been wandering like that, little cub?"
Aeliah looked confused a moment and started counting on her fingers. Then she shook her head, backtracked, and counted again. Caska was no stranger to this scene- Za'ji would do something similar when he didn't have a good excuse or lie to get himself out of a situation. We're going to be here a while, she thought to herself.
"What has got you bothered, Aeliah?" Caska questioned with genuine concern.
Aeliah was quiet a moment, then shrugged. "I'm not sure, truth be told. I guess a lot of things..." Her voice was heavy with exhaustion.
Caska raised her eyebrow again, ear tufts and tail twitching with curiosity.
"I guess..." Aeliah sighed. "I guess I'm just too tired to think straight right now..."
"Then you need to rest."
"I've tried, I can't. I feel like I have to be doing something to help, that-"
"Even though you are doing so much already?"
Aeliah sighed again. "I know, I know, my dad tells me the same thing all the time..."
Caska thought for a moment. "Perhaps it would help if you had someone keeping watch? Why don't you sit down for a bit?"
Aeliah stood there, still as a statue. After a few seconds, she quietly took off her extra gear and set it in the corner by the entrance to the balcony. As she made her way over, Caska could see the color in her face was not totally there; she looked more pale than usual. Seems there wasn't any exaggerating when she said she hadn't been sleeping well.
But then the young lady caught the Khajiit completely off guard: rather than pull up a chair or a cushion, Aeliah sat right next to Caska. Leaning directly against her. Using her furry friend as a giant pillow.
Caska's head jerked to look at Aeliah and she froze. That was not at all what she expected when she offered to keep watch. But, it seemed to be helping, as the exhausted young woman was physically relaxing against the big cat's shoulder. The tightness in her back was slowly releasing as she evened her breathing.
There was some surprised blinking on Caska's end. Physical affection was by no means her strong suit, so she felt rather awkward.
"Y'know, Caska..." Aeliah drawled, slightly slurring from sleepiness. "...you've, kind of become, like a mom to me... Ever since my mom died, it's like you've been a better mother than she was..." she yawned at the end.
The Senche-raht gave her a confused look. Her, Caska? A mother figure? To a human?
But something twinged in her heart. It felt like how someone would describe a "maternal instinct". But it felt so strange to her.
The last time Caska had feelings even remotely like this was nearly a decade ago, when she was still a gladiator in the pit fighting. She wasn't quite the champion rank yet, but very close. A spry young Imperial who looked just shy of his twenty-first winter approached her as she was training, and asked- no, insisted- he become her apprentice.
She had almost laughed at the suggestion, until she saw the look on his face. He was completely serious about his request. The Senche-raht was hesitant, no one had asked to be mentored by her before. Not to mention she simply preferred to be alone. But she looked into his eyes and saw a determined spirit.
Unfortunately it didn't take long before Caska discovered his weakness: he was overconfident to the point of cockiness. No opponent was too big or too tough. When the championship matches came around, that cockiness proved to be his downfall.
He didn't make it past the second round.
Caska shook her head to clear the painful memory, and instead tried to focus on Aeliah's current sleep-deprived rambling. She awkwardly interrupted, "Bright Moons, Aeliah, you really must be exhausted if you're saying that stuff!"
"Noooo, it's the truth!" Aeliah protested. "You've done so much f'r me... you've taught me so much, 'n you 'n Za'ji helped me when I was in trouble, back at the temple..."
"I remember, yes. But enough of that, you really should get some rest now, little cub. This one will-"
She was interrupted by soft snoring; the sweet embrace of sleep had finally gotten a hold on Aeliah. Mid sentence, no less. A very faint smile creased Caska's face. As carefully as she could, she adjusted her body so it was more wrapped around the sleeping young woman.
Caska rested her chin back on the ottoman from earlier, getting herself comfortable. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the waves hitting the coastline, as well as Aeliah's breathing.
For her newly appointed daughter, the big cat could tolerate being used as an oversized pillow.
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itsfennix · 8 months
Which Vestige Did What (my canon)
Okay so I'll be putting this on AO3 as a note on whichever chapter The Gang™ gets back together during, but here's my "canon" of who did what storyline in game.
Vestige Roster:
Eilíse (Daggerfall Covenant, “Breton” but really Reachman/Altmer mix, THE Vestige)
Caraelin (Aldmeri Dominion, Altmer/Bosmer)
Kalara (Ebonheart Pact but also an Arcanist, Dunmer)
My canon:
*spoilers for main story*
Eilíse did the Main Story and is The Vestige, but met Cara and Kalara during the Coldharbour storyline. All three of them can resurrect at will/are vestiges, but only Eilíse was involved in the prophecy and The Five Companions.
Cara was recruited while in The Moonless Walk (helped rescue King Dynar) and Kalara was recruited at The Great Shackle (helped rescue Vanus Galerion).
Cadwell’s Silver and Gold didn’t happen; each of them completed their respective alliance’s storyline and basically compared notes. Similar to the cinematic trailers, except none of them really care about the Three Banners War so this all excludes IC/any PvP.
Eilíse did every DLC storyline but was occasionally aided by either Cara and/or Kalara. I’ll use their initials to note who did what:
Orsinium: E + K
Thieves Guild: E
Dark Brotherhood: technically E but that's OOC for them cause they don't fuck with cults
Morrowind: E + C
Clockwork City: E
Summerset: E + C
Murkmire: E
(Northern) Elsweyr: All
Southern Elsweyr/Dragonhold: All
Greymoor: E
Markarth: E
Blackwood: E + K
The Deadlands: E + K
High Isle: All
Firesong: E + C
Necrom: E + K
(Upcoming) Gold Road: All
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dawns-beauty · 2 years
Since you seem to be a person of taste, do you have any favorite skyrim quest/adventure/other interactive content mods?
Hmmm, I’m not the best person to ask about this, I’m so bad at actually playing Skyrim.
But I can at least comment on the ones I have done (spoiler-free):
Clockwork - stellar horror opening, stunning home, not-so-fun quests for parts to repair the house. Pretty neat lore, though.
Project AHO - GORGEOUS setting, very cool to explore and has some unique stuff, but ngl I hate the story and feel like it railroads you onto a nonsensical (and somewhat offensive) narrative path. It does, however, have a cool library.
Carved Brink - by the same people who made AHO, so it’s visually stunning, but the plot this time is ehhhh. Never really grabbed me. Getting around was pretty fun with a new teleport spell, but even that was frustrating at a couple of points.
Beyond Reach - I feel like I should dislike this one: it’s a massive departure from Skyrim’s tone. It’s dark, edgy (but not quite Edgelord-y), and the dialogue is dense. It’s depressing. The orcs are so not TES orcs, and the Reachmen are once again shit. And yet, it’s the only one so far that had me invested in the story. YMMV, of course, it has a lot of flaws, but DAMN if it wasn’t intriguing....
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Moonpath to Elsweyr - it’s fine. Short. Does some stuff with lore that isn’t really seen in Skyrim. It really shows its age, though.
Interesting NPCs - not strictly a quest mod, but includes a lot of character-driven quests. I like probably 90% of it (Rumarin is the forever banana babe) with that 10% being stuff like character dialogue choices (your DB is an ass or an idiot) and then some dumb as hell lore takes (the Ice-Eyes, ugh.)
Now, some that have been on my list to play forever but I haven’t gotten to them yet:
The Forgotten City - it’s a mod that won a writing award and got developed into an its own game. There’s a mystery, time travel, and I can’t believe I haven’t tried it yet.
Moon and Star - from what I hear, Morrowind nostalgia done well, in a way that works with Skyrim
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astarions-chosen · 8 months
Hello~ SO. I have this character in ESO named Ysmeira. In ESO, she's a Maormer vampire Nightblade DPS for most of her playthrough, and then after Markarth she retires for a while to Artaeum and really focuses on studying with the Psijics and becomes a healer.
There's no real TL;DR for her story, so buckle up [there are spoilers for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood storylines, as well as the main quest/base game ending and a little bit of Elsweyr and Markarth]:
Her mother, Cyrella, is a Maormer Dragonknight healer. She's always been connected to dragons, she can't quite explain why or how, so she set out to study them and to learn how to incorporate the Thuum into her healing magic somehow. This led her to lots of old Dragonguard sanctums, and she ran into Ysmeira's dad at one of them.
Her father, Ysgafn, is a half-Altmer, half-Nord Templar tank. He's from the area of Cyrodiil that borders with the Valenwood, and was one of the last officers of the Dragonguard in the era before Sai Sahan's time (yeah, Ysgafn's OLD-old). He traveled between old Dragonguard sanctums on his own all the time, maintaining them here and there, salvaging any texts that may have been left behind, etc., and one day ran into Cyrella.
Of course, the two expected this encounter to be tense and fraught with violence, as encounters between Altmer and Maormer tended to be, but they each hesitated, and neither of them took advantage of this to do anything but peacefully (albeit tensely) part ways. They ran into each other a few more times, or otherwise one could tell whenever they had just missed the other, over the next couple months, until eventually one of them left a note for the other.
Eventually, they decided to wait for each other at what they anticipated to be the next Dragonguard sanctum on their route, and they finally spoke and got to know each other. Cyrella told Ysgafn of her inexplicable connection to dragons, hence her curiosity in any knowledge the Dragonguard may have of them, and Ysgafn offered to let her read the texts he had collected over the years. She never gets any answers as to how or why she feels this pull, except that perhaps it's a variation of the pull most Maormer have to sea serpents, but she does begin to incorporate more draconic magic into her healing and it helps her become more able to defend herself in combat as well as heal with more potency.
Over the next few years, they decided to travel between the Dragonguard sanctums together, the mission eventually becoming nearly purely maintenance rather than study, until Cyrella got pregnant and they decided to settle down.
They knew settling down as a Maormer + Altmer couple wouldn't be easy in most larger cities, and they still wanted some proximity to Dragonguard sanctums, so they decided to settle in the Stitches in Elsweyr.
Ysmeira grew up there, with the first ten years or so of her life being relatively lonely, but sprinkled with light-fingered mischief. There weren't a whole lot of kids in the Stitches, and most of the ones that passed through were with merchants who weren't too keen on hanging around a place like the Stitches for long, let alone letting their children run around with a child *from* the Stitches.
One night while Ysmeira was preparing to steal a bejeweled urn from someone's house, a small Breton girl and Argonian boy snuck up on her and offered to distract the homeowner while Ysmeira got in and out with the urn. Surprised by the Breton's mischievousness (and Ta'agra accent), Ysmeira agreed, and they ran off with their prize to the nearest fence (Humble Zaham).
She learned that the girl's name was Ashraf, and the boy's Dances-with-Dead. They grew up in an orphanage in Bravil, raised by their Khajiit caretaker, Ilari. (Ashraf was just an infant when she was brought to the orphanage, Dances was already about 7 when he was separated from his family and brought to the orphanage, hence Ashraf having an accent and Dances not. Dances also has selective mutism, like my IRL little sister, so his voice is rarely heard as it is.)
Ashraf, Ysmeira, and Dances become a thieving trio, and even earn themselves a collective nickname: Sticky-Paws, which Ashraf assumes the mantle of when Ysmeira and Dances eventually leave the Stitches.
Ysmeira and Ashraf have an intense on-again/off-again romantic relationship from about their late teens until their mid-twenties, and during one of their off periods, Ysmeira meets Quen in the Rimmen Outlaws Refuge. Begin Thieves Guild storyline [spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't played through it].
At the end of the zone storyline, when Zeira asks the player character to deal with ~that one person~, Ysmeira takes it to mean deal with them, and... sort of kills them. Whoopsie. Zeira claimed to have been fine with this outcome before Ysmeira set out, but when Ysmeira got back and reported what she'd done, Zeira became distant from her and put her on less and less significant assignments.
Quen rose in the ranks in the Thieves Guild, which Ysmeira was proud of her for and supportive of, but this also meant Quen would be working more closely with Zeira, which made Ysmeira nervous. She and Quen would get into mild arguments about it every so often, but one day Quen dropped a, "She didn't ask you to kill them," and it just stunned Ysmeira.
Ysmeira went for a walk to clear her head, and was attacked by some bloodfiends along the way. She got away, but not before getting bitten by one. She went home, frantically cleaned the wound as best she could, and went to bed.
For the next couple days, she thought she was fine, the bite seeming to heal, and no other symptoms seeming to crop up. Until a couple nights later, she had a horrible fever, and even more horrible dreams to go with it, to include one of her killing Quen. She looked down at the wound and saw that it had completely healed, and her skin was paler than before, with her veins being just the slightest bit more visible... and she was hungry, so she decided to leave before she could hurt Quen.
She spent a long time feeding on bloodfiends (not a good thing to do, but she couldn't bring herself to hurt people) and animals, struggling to satiate her appetite, but struggling even more with the idea of eventually snapping and hurting an innocent person.
Eventually she decided to begin feeding on the worst of the worst kind of people, but the first person she fed on opened the flood gates, and she found it very hard to be patient and picky, until one day she nearly drained an innocent. This sent her into an absolute spiral, and she wound up back at the Stitches, knocking on Ashraf's door.
They had ~a night~ together, even though Ashraf could tell from the jump that something was off. Ysmeira was very obviously changed physically, but Ashraf could see that she was emotionally and mentally falling apart. [I uh... have a NSFW fic of this night.... 👀👉🏼👈🏼] They decide once again to go their separate ways, and Ysmeira heads back to Rimmen to head off to somewhere else entirely. She ends up at the Outlaws Refuge, familiar territory, when she's beckoned over to a corner by Amelie Crow. Begin Dark Brotherhood storyline [some spoilers ahead here, too, but I'll try to keep it vague like I did for the Thieves Guild].
Right off the bat, Ysmeira did not like Amelie. Ysmeira's killing was never about any deranged desire to snuff the light out of someone's eyes, it was a byproduct of her lack of control of her new monstrous condition, a result of her curse. She did, however, like the appeal of having a direction to point her nature in.
For a long time, rather than using the Blade of Woe, Ysmeira would simply ~dine~ on her contracts' targets. Eventually, this caught the attention of the wrong people, to include Mel Adrys. Elam Drals caught wind of this before Matron Astara did, so he decided to talk to her about it [I also have a fic that flashes back to this, hehe]. He takes the time to get through to Ysmeira, and eventually she becomes one of the Brotherhood's top assassins.
Over time, Elam and Ysmeira fall in love, and after all is said and done with the Dark Brotherhood quest line (I guess I didn't really have to go into anything spoil-y after all, so that's nice!), they decide to take a rest in Stonefalls for a while.
While in Stonefalls, Elam hears rumblings about Baar Dau in Vvardenfell, and something strange happening with Vivec. [I have an entire other life thought up for Elam from before his time in the Dark Brotherhood. He was a member of the Morag Tong who got tired of the Houses' squabbling and eventually became the Scarlet Judge for a time. He was eventually put on a writ by one of the Houses for the Morag Tong to carry out, but it didn't demand his death - only that he was kidnapped and taken to Ashalmawia. Ironically, an assassin he trained (another OC of mine named Kaia) was the one to take the writ. She took him to the designated place, and then watched in horror as he was taken and sacrificed by the Worm Cult. Somehow he was spat out of Coldharbour into the sea off the Gold Coast, and he woke up being kidnapped once again, this time by the smugglers near the Withered Rose. He essentially Jason Bourne'd them all because of course he did, and took the name Elam Drals off a letter he saw in the cellar he escaped from.] He couldn't remember his life before the Brotherhood, but he'd always felt drawn to Vvardenfell, and so wanted to check it out. Begin the Daedric Wars storylines.
Ysmeira and Elam resolve everything in Vvardenfell, and realize that Elam's mother is Dredyni Imayn in Suran. She recognizes him one day while he's out in town (out of DB clothing) and tells him all about him growing up there with just her, the two of them against the world (she didn't know about his being in the Morag Tong, so couldn't fill him in there). He decides to stay with his mother and catch up while Ysmeira goes to the Clockwork City, giving her an enchanted earring before she goes. The earring allows her to call on him while they're apart to protect her [the Summon Shade Nightblade ability - JB Blanc does the voice for it, so I headcanon that it's a sort of astral projection of a part of Elam's consciousness being summoned to defend her], so he feels better about them being apart. It's also their first time apart since he helped her get her vampirism under control, so it was something that needed to happen anyway to essentially kind of make sure she wasn't dependent on him to stay on the straight and narrow, so to speak.
After the events of CWC, Ysmeira tells Elam that there's going to be trouble in Summerset, and it's the first time in a long time the subject of Quen comes up. Elam knows Ysmeira is still very much in love with her, and so he decides that while she goes to Summerset, he'll return to the Gold Coast, and if it's meant to be, they'll see each other again. Obviously this isn't easy for Ysmeira, but she agrees, and they part ways for the time being.
Ysmeira and Quen do reconnect in Summerset, and after the conflict is resolved there, they take some time away at the Psijic Villa. They decide to start a new chapter of the Thieves Guild in Shimmerene, and settle there for a time.
Eventually, Quen and Ysme get the itch to go on a real heist, instead of sending folks on one or just planning one but not being able to go do it. They decide to finish out Kari's list back in Abbah's Landing, and go for one of the relics in the Alik'r Desert. During the heist, while Ysmeira's keeping a lookout for Quen, she notices a dark figure crawling in through the window of the innkeeper's office. She almost calls out to the innkeeper when she realizes that the shadowy figure is none other than Elam, completing a contract. After his work is done, Ysme gets his attention and they catch up a little before Ysme introduces Elam and Quen.
Because I am made of 100% bi/pan panic, they do become a throuple and it's wholesome as heck. Elam and Quen have sneaking and lockpicking competitions (during which Ysme usually picks their pockets), and they just all generally help each other hone their specific skills.
After the events of Elsweyr, Elam catches wind of trouble in Auridon - something that triggers a flood of memories from his old life. The three decide to investigate, and so begin their journey through the game's main questline. They go through the entire Aldmeri Dominion storyline, when Ysmeira is essentially held up by Meridia, who tells her she'll receive a boon if she relives the events through her enemies' eyes (so, Cadwell's Silver and Cadwell's Gold). After completing this (which, in my canon she doesn't exactly have a choice, because... Daedric Prince, and all; it's basically presented as, "Sure, you can leave my Many Colored Rooms... as long as you do this. And don't worry, you'll get a treat at the end, too."), the "boon" she gets from Meridia is a cleansing of her vampirism.
This sends Ysmeira into a ~ s p i r al ~ of all spirals. She spent so long, and worked so hard, to get her vampirism under control, and to accept it as a new part of her... and then Meridia just zaps it away without asking.
Before I get into Markarth I'll just also say: I canon that Cadwell's Silver and Gold happen as a timewarp, since you are reliving the events that have already occurred. So, for Ysmeira, the events take as long as they take, but for Quen and Elam, nothing even really happened, they just got Ysmeira's soul back from Molag Bal and then boom - she's zapped into and back out of a fancy Welkynd stone she just touched, and she's not a vampire anymore.
SO. Between the last and second to last quests in Markarth, Ysmeira and Verandis have a long talk. He could tell when he first met her that something was different and familiar about her, which usually indicates to him that the person is a vampire, but he could also tell that she wasn't a vampire. BUT, the dude is a specialist in auramancy, so of course he's the only one from Ysmeira's timewarp that has even the slightest chance of maybe remembering having met her before (I canon that the rest of the NPCs don't, even though in-game dialogue reflects that they do), so when she explains what happened, he's floored by it, but 100% believes it.
She basically begs him to make her a vampire again, but he refuses. He says that he won't impose that on her, but that if she seeks it out elsewhere, he won't judge her for it. He also says that whether she ever becomes a vampire again or not, she will always have a home with the Ravenwatch, which just about crushes her heart into a million pieces (in a good way™).
After Markarth, the throuple takes some time off, with Ysmeira refocusing her energies into becoming a healer (though she's still a badass assassin and thief, of course). ALL OF THAT TO SAY.... Ysmeira is my Redemption Durge in BG3. In Faerûn, Quen is dead, and is Ysme's Dream Guardian (because who doesn't love torturing their OCs?). For some reason, I've decided to also torture myself, and make Ysmeira's run an Honour Mode run, so that's... great.🫠
In one of my runs so far, she didn't dream about Quen until after the first time she slept with Astarion, because of course she didn't.🫠 It was pretty perfect, though, and I think regardless of when it happens in future runs, I'm always going to canon that that's when it happens.
Astarion is of course her Elam, though he's also kind of representative of early vampirism!Ysme, which I love.
Abdirak has a HUGE impact on Ysmeira, even though the interaction in-game is really small. If I could do it mechanically, she would definitely convert to being a Cleric of Loviatar somewhere down the line, but since I can't, I'm going to multiclass her into Monk the next time she levels up after that interaction, and then possibly Cleric of Ilmater when we reach Wyrm's Crossing (if I ever get there again, lol).
Shadowheart and Ysmeira don't get along well at first, because she reminds her too much of Ashraf. She doesn't get along well with Lae'zel, but she does like her, I think, because she probably reminds her of a more militant Velsa.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my really long TEDTalk, I look forward to sharing more with ya!🥰
[My Twitter thread of her adventures in BG3 so far.]
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feykrorovaan · 11 months
You all know Darien is probably going to show up again at some point, correct? It's not just hope. ZoS has been sprinkling breadcrumbs (pun intended) since Summerset. They wouldn't do that for no reason or to tease us (unless they're somehow legitimately evil,which say what you want, but that isn't the case).
Spoilers galore for elder scrolls in general under the cut (Main plot, Wrothgar,Elsweyr,Greymoor,Summerset
Blackwood,High Isle, and Necrom.)
Just look at Coldharbor. What happened after we "lost" Darien. We found clues that he was still alive. Including a letter written by him in Wrothgar. So it only makes sense to me that they would do so again.
Darien and/or the events of Summerset have also been referenced in every.single.chapter since Summerset.
That, to my knowledge, hasn't happened with any other characters, especially not consecutively.
In Elsweyr, you can find a deceased khajiit, and nearby there is a note,describing how Meridia was looking for a new vessel that wouldn't betray her.
In Greymoor, Gabrielle Benele says she still believes that Darien is still out there somewhere and she is determined to find him. Not only that, but there is a Meridia quest where she has apparently turned her gaze from her faithful. Now Daedric princes' attention and favor can come and go, and I don't like Meridia, believe me, but she doesn't seem like the kind of prince that would turn her back if something bigger didn't have her attention.
In Blackwood, there is a random event when you talk to a wizard and he can summon a lost spirit. One of those spirits can be an Auroran Knight with Dawnbreaker in his hilt. It's not confirmed to be Darien. But...come on. It's him.
In High Isle, Lady Arabelle references his father specifically. Not Darien specifically, but there are other generals, and captains they could have referenced.They chose him because they knew our ears would perk up at the name "Gautier". His father had a pretty forgettable role,Darien,did not.
In Necrom, if you played through the Summerset plot, you can speak to Naryu about the events of Summerset.
I don't feel like they would talk about him (or the events of Summerset) this much if he wasn't coming back at some point or at least confirmed to be alive in some way. Not to mention whenever he's brought up in streams, they are pretty tight-lipped about him, and they've never specifically said he' won't return.
Summerset was a big event. So if we do see Darien again, it's going to be big.
Experience and
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aeronbracken · 2 years
high isle was okay, but it was kind of empty somehow? maybe it's because I was behind with a lot of dlcs so i just did everything in one go starting from summerset to high isle and I got spoiled since summerset and elsweyr where pretty good (I take my sweet time lol even though I've been playing since beta). it was fun though but it didn't have me on the edge of my seat. i won't give story spoilers but just lets say I was not surprised in the slightest. if you are short on money I'd wait until necrom, that isn't that far away. but if you have no more story and want to continue and don't mind the price tag it will probably amuse your for a bit.
I left the game after Markarth release but the new regions look... smaller at least compared to Elsweyr and Summerset. I am not a big fan of these 'one-year chapters' and buy the chapter & pay ESO+ to get the final part so probably I will wait for Necrom.
I seriously considered returning when Hıgh Isle was announced because I am a big Breton lover and High Rock had some of my fave base game regions.
Also, I LOVE Elsweyr too its story was amazing and coherent as an independent chapter compared to Greymoor. I am glad Blackwood is free to me rn since it had some of my fave characters and it is always good to see more Imperial provinces like Leyawiin.
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nataly-lanier · 5 years
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Z - Za'ji
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paarthursass · 5 years
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the true alignment chart which option would ur character pick
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empressofmankind · 5 years
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13/31 "Ash" Inktober 2019
"My half-sister continues to be an embarrassment to our family name. The time has come to deal with Euraxia. Permanently."
"Permanently? You want us kill your own sister?"
"Half-sister. And, yes, if it comes to that."
"You don't have any regrets about killing your sister?"
"Half-sister. And do I really seem like the sentimental type to you?"
"About your half-sister …"
"We did what had to be done.
Abnur is not OK
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madamefluffnstuff · 2 years
A Morning in Elsweyr (Drabble)
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: Bastian Hallix/Fem!Khajiit!Vestige
Rating: K (All Ages)
Warning(s): Lots of Fluff, slight spoilers for the Elsweyr DLC. Bastian and Khajiit MC are in an established relationship and thus share a bed.
Words: 826
AN: I love Bastian dearly and I'd bring him everywhere with me if I could.
Also don't @ me, there is, in fact, a Breton/Khajiit couple in Malbal Tor. And several other interspecies couples in ESO with Khajiit. So shushie.
The first thing Bastian realized as he awoke was that he was not in an inn, but the Hall of the Lunar Champion. The second thing he noticed was that he had definitely overslept. He could hear the merchants pitching their wares, and the smell of Amajhan's fragrant cooking wafting up towards the house. As he adjusted to the late-morning sounds, he pinched his nose and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
It was then he became very aware of the distinct sound of stone grinding on stone.
He shifted a bit and looked in the direction of the sound. It was his sweetheart sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the cooking fire in the middle of the room. She stared very intently at the tiny mortal and pestle in her clawed hands. Every so often, he'd notice a whisker twitch or her tail tip flick as she concentrated on the grinding.
Eventually that position began to make him feel stiff, so he made a motion to adjust himself. She must have heard him because her ears tilted in the direction of the bed, and her gaze followed. Her whole face lit up as she realized he was awake.
"Ahh, Bastian, you're awake!" she said as she set the mortal and pestle down. In a heartbeat she was by his side, bumping her forehead against his cheek and pressing her nose to his. Her whiskers tickled his face and he chuckled as she greeted him.
"Yes, I'm awake. Good morning to you, too," he smiled.
A purring noise rumbled in her chest. "This one was about to make some tea," her thick Khajiiti accent rolling off her tongue. "Go freshen up and I'll make you some as well."
She started to make her way back to the cooking fire, her long tail swinging gracefully behind her. It took Bastian only a few minutes to find a fresh change of casual wear. The sweet and earthy scent of the tea was a bit strong, but not at all unpleasant. His sweetheart waited until he had seated himself comfortably across from her and handed him his cup. He thanked her and they simultaneously took a drink of breakfast tea.
"By the way, what time is it?" Bastian asked.
"About halfway between dawn and noon," she answered without missing a beat. "You seemed tired after we went through the Rimmen Necropolis yesterday, so, this one decided to let you rest."
He hummed and took another sip of his tea."I appreciate that. Definitely needed it."
"This one needed it as well, truth be told. The undead situation was worse than expected," the Khajiit woman let out a tired sigh. "So I was thinking... Perhaps... we should take the day to rest up."
Bastian blinked. "Don't we need to go to The Stitches and meet with your friend Taznasi?"
"Well, yes. But she said it wasn't a matter of urgency. Besides, this one knows Taznasi can handle herself if things do go wrong. She is a reliable sort."
While he had never met Taznasi himself, Bastian had heard the stories. Truth be told he was a bit intimidated by her.
If the stories were true, perhaps with good reason.
He thought a moment and realized she was right: he was incredibly sore and physically tired from fighting necromancers and skeletons. Not to mention all the trekking through Scar's End and Talon Gulch the previous day. Perhaps a day off was due.
It was decided they would get a few household chores done first, so the rest of the day could be spent relaxing. With the added muscle aches of the dungeon delving from that week, the bed was a very welcome sight.
The khajiit plopped herself on said bed, and the mage soon followed, surrounded by the numerous pillows and blankets (or a "nest" as she called it- the cat-folk had a tendency to nest). As soon as he turned to glance at her she pounced on him.
It took a moment to get comfortable, but soon enough the couple were a tangled mess of limbs, snuggled into each other's chests. The Khajiit woman nuzzled her cheek against Bastian's forehead, an enthusiastic purring emitting from her throat. Bastian, in turn, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and gave a gentle, comforting squeeze.
He could never get over how soft her fur was as he circled his thumbs into her muscles.
His eyes widened a bit when he suddenly felt her warm, wet tongue scrape across the side of his head. It took him a moment to remember grooming is as normal to khajiit as breathing. He let her finish another swipe before he gave her a quick peck on the nose. Now it was her turn to look surprised. A few blinks on both sides quickly turned into joyful laughter from the couple.
"Ahziis arina jer, Bastian.*"
"I love you too, my dear."
* "I love you, Bastian" in Ta'agara.
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