#grif x reader
snowyaika · 8 months
Hi! Can i have prompt 21 from fluff/humor category? I have this idea about Grif being jealous of fem!RedTeam!reader friendship with Bitters. Like they get on very well and Bitters might even have some crush on reader, but Grif have unspoken feelings for her too and that is making him jealous and upset.
Gosh, I hope it doesnt sound weird.
Thanks for your works!!!
prompt: “are you jealous? want me all to yourself, do you?”
pairing: grif x redteam!reader, slight bitters x reader
summary: ever since you’ve been recruited into the new republic to save the rest of your team, you’ve gotten awfully close to bitters. grif doesn’t approve of the new friendship you two have made.
warnings: fem!reader, swearing, mutual pinning, tucker not being able to read the room, terrible communication skills!!!, all lowercase
word count: 1.2k (short but sweet!)
notes: thank you so much for the request!! it really means a lot <3 not my best work but i enjoyed making it nonetheless! let me know what you guys think :)
“simmons, i’m telling you, she’s basically in love with him! she hasn’t left his side since he treated her to the dining hall!”
“grif, the food is free here. he wasn’t paying for anything.”
“maybe she likes cheap guys! i’m cheap! i could take her to the dining hall and we’d have a great time!”
“i think we need to re-evaluate your idea of a good time with a woman…”
the sound of their conversation travels through the cave as they make their way to the training grounds, supposedly to give their ‘orders’ to the new team they had to look after.
tucker, caboose, and the other lieutenants are already there once they arrive.
you and bitters arrive shortly after, walking side by side. you’re laughing at something he’s saying, and grif’s scowl deepens.
“see simmons? in love.”
you see grif as you walk closer to the group and brighten instantly. “grif! god, do i have a story for you! you wouldn’t believe what bitters just told me!”
simmons cringes inwardly when he sees grif tense.
maybe this was a bigger issue than he thought.
“–and then wash came in! you should’ve seen his reaction!”
“uh huh.”
“god it was so funny!”
“i bet.”
“and then bitters–”
“yeah okay, i get it. he’s funny. is that all?”
you give him a confused smile. “uh..what?”
“i just don’t see why you have to talk about him all the time! it’s not like we see him every day!” you’re left shocked as he continues, “if he’s so funny, just go hang out with him instead!”
“grif wait-”
before you can even get another word in, he’s storming out of the building to god knows where.
probably the mess hall.
“…the fuck is his problem?”
“and then he just stormed out! can you believe it?” you’re seated on the floor of the training ground, having just finished an intense drill led by wash.
“what’s up with him?” bitter replies, seated next to you.
“i wonder if i did anything to make him mad? we’ve always been on good terms… what could’ve set him off?” you lean back on your hands, looking up at the ceiling, “i did eat some of his food at the mess hall a few days ago.. maybe that’s it?”
“could be,” he feeds, sounding uninterested in the topic.
“but we always share, that can’t be it!”
“does it really matter?”
you turn to him, a small frown on your face, “what do you mean? of course it matters!”
“i mean, do you really think he’s going to stay mad at you? he’s too lazy to hold a grudge.” bitters looks at you with a small smirk, “plus, you have me. isn’t that enough?” he sounds a bit nervous.
“yeah… i guess you’re right. hopefully he gets over whatever he’s mad at soon.”
“dude, what the fuck is his problem?” tucker is sitting next to simmons, watching grif stare daggers into the back of bitters head as you and him laugh at another table in the mess hall.
“he thinks she likes bitters. i’m trying to tell him he’s imagining things.” simmons sighs and takes another scoop of food. he's been dealing with this all weak, he needs a break.
“what? no way, she does not have the hots for bitters, of all people.”
grif perks up, looking at tucker, “why? did she say something?”
“what? no, it’s obvious. come on guys, it’s bitters. he’s lazy, boring, and never does anything he’s asked!”
“w-what? why are you guys staring at me like that? am i wrong?” all grif does is groan, turning his head to stare at you again.
“nice job, idiot.” simmons mutters.
“okay, not my fault,” tucker puts his hands up defensively, “but still, she totally doesn’t like him. i know when a chick likes a guy, trust me.”
“how can you even tell?”
tucker starts to list examples off on his hand, “if she likes him, she’ll spend all her time with him, find everything he says funny, and probably share intimate details about herself with him.” as he speaks, your laugh is heard again.
grif abruptly stands up, walking over to where you’re seated.
“i’m glad i’ve never had to ask you for any advice.”
“shut up.”
your gaze has secretly been set on grif the whole time, perking up when he stands and walks over to you. he stops on the opposite side of the table, a look of determination in his eyes.
“grif! what’s up? everything okay?”
“can we talk?” he pushes out, his fingers twitching slightly.
“uh yeah! of course!” when you make no move to get up, he narrows his eyes at bitters.
bitters lets out a small scoff, frowning. you’re confused as you stand up, following grif out of the mess hall, waving to tucker and simmons on the way out.
tucker gives a mock salute and simmons mouths ‘good luck’.
what’s their deal?
you follow grif out as he leads you to the side of the building, turning on his heel and facing you. it’s silent for a moment.
he takes a deep breath, before talking, “i’m sorry i’ve been… avoiding you lately. i’ve had a lot of stuff on my mind and i haven’t been the best… friend to you.”
you smile, just happy that he’s talking to you again. “it’s okay. did anything happen? i was worried i did something.”
he gulps before continuing, “seeing you hanging out with bitters all of the time, doing stuff we always do, made me a bit upset, i guess. i didn’t–don’t– like seeing you with him.”
your head tilts, not picking up on the cue he was giving you. you chuckle softly, “what, are you jealous? want me all to yourself, do you?”
“i–oh– what?” your tongue twists, you feel the tips of your ears burn.
“i’m saying i like you, and i hate seeing you with bitters. he’s trying to take you away from me.”
your mouth gapes open, completely shocked from the turn of events, “you… like me?”
“since the first time we convinced simmons his non-existent cat died.”
you’re left standing there speechless, your mouth twitching before it breaks out into a huge smile, “seriously?”
“look, if you like bitters, i won’t get mad. i just need to have a long talk with hi– oomph!” he’s cut off when your arms wrap tightly around his shoulders, crushing him in a hug.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to hear that!”
“i-what?” he’s the one left speechless now as you let go, staring deeply into his eyes.
“i like you too! i have for a while.”
grif freezes, staring at you in shock, “r-really? you aren’t messing with me?”
you give a confused smile, “messing with you? are you kidding? i was so scared that i was being too obvious around you! don’t even get me started on tucker’s advice–”
his lips smash against yours, hands coming up to rest on your jaw. your eyes widen, but you get over your shock quickly as you kiss him back slowly. it’s clumsy and awkward, teeth clashing and accidental nose bumping. it’s the best kiss you’ve ever had.
slowly, as if not wanting to, your lips part from each other. his eyes flutter to yours, a nervous smile stretching on his face.
“to make up for lost time… how about we skip training and head back to your room? i found out where these guys store their emergency rations.”
you press your lips against his, smiling through the kiss. you pull away, winking, “i’ll go distract kimball.”
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Hello there! You have no idea how glad i am to find a blog like yours! Could I request Dexter Grif and Reader romantic headcanons? I just love my orange boy so much
Dexter Grif x GN! Reader Romantic HCs
♡ you two got along pretty quick, actually! you were sent by command to aide the reds in their mission to destroy the blues, mostly due to the fact they wouldn't stop complaining about how "unfair" it was that blue team had gained a new member.
♡ now, you weren't sure what you were expecting coming into the red team, but holy hell you were not expecting to find them shooting a MEMBER OF THEIR OWN TEAM...?
♡ quickly moving to the orange suit's fallen body, you make sure that the rest of your teammates would cease fire. you asked him general questions, making sure he WASN'T DEAD. "he'll walk it off. he's fine." the maroon one laughed, the red one still holding his gun out aimed at the orange one.
♡ "wait. who are you?" the injured man spoke, FINALLY realizing you were new. you told him your name and classifications, though that didn't really matter- none of them cared. you were trained not only in medicine but in combat, too.
♡ and that awkward, tense moment was the start of your inseparable bond. you weren't all that similar, being almost absolute opposites. however, in some way, you were like two peas in a pod. grif would do some insanely dumb shit and you'd always be there to either A. stop him from doing the insanely dumb shit or B. patch him up from doing insanely dumb shit.
♡ you weren't an ass-kisser like simmons was, and you'd frequently enjoy playing dumb games with grif. of course you'd be there for sarge if the matter was insanely important, but most of the time you'd follow grif in doing the opposite of what sarge asks.
♡ staying up late with him, you'd watch shit ass TV shows or eat a fuck load of pizzas in one sitting. grif is one of those dudes that can drink a whole 2-liter soda in like one go and will frequently do it just for you to yell "NO!!"
♡ out of the two of you, you'd think grif was the least likely to confess first. however that's surprisingly not the case- well, if ACCIDENTALLY saying it counts. you two would be hanging out, "guarding" your base per usual. which just meant you were playing thumb wars or something stupider.
♡ you don't remember exactly what you had said, but it sent grif into a fit of laughter, wheezing uncontrollably. you giggle, a little worried about the lack of oxygen in his helmet. eventually, it became too much as grif casually took off his helmet, calming down from his fit
♡ it was a little odd finally seeing grif unmasked, but you'd be lying if you said he wasn't gorgeous. the realization of your own thoughts hit and you could feel a warm blush creep up on your cheeks
♡ "oh, i love you," he so calmly said, wiping a tear from his eye. you were unsure if he had truly meant what he said- given he was a little out of line. it was weird. did grif mean it platonically, like a best friend i love you? or did he have feelings for you?
♡ "um, grif," you initiate the conversation hesitantly, pondering if this would be a bad idea. you didn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship you have if grif didn't mean anything by what he said at all. but that's ridiculous, how could you not mean anything by that? fighting with yourself was the worst
♡ you take off your own helmet, the breeze feeling so so nice on your skin. "oh. huh. i really said that, didn't i?" grif awkwardly looked away from you, sending an entirely unclear message to your already confused brain
♡ "um... i love you too. like, i like like you," scooting closer to him, you watch his face contort out of pure embarrassment of his sudden confession. it was cute, but made you worry a shit-ton. the pessimistic thoughts still clouded your mind, as much as you fought them.
♡ "i... like-like you too?" although it was a silly way to say you love someone, grif's words truly meant a lot to you. and that was the inevitable start of your chaotic but overly-loving relationship
♡ you two would be doing everything together, as per usual- but to a much larger extent. hell you'd even streamline important things for grif, purely out of your own will of course. he made you feel alive and fun, something you weren't expecting first coming into the red team
♡ simmons constantly questions why someone like you would date a guy like grif, and no answer you give will ever satisfy his confusion. now he has two very annoying people to worry about, albeit you being a LITTLE BIT more sensible.
♡ roughhousing is still common between you two, but grif is way more considerate about potentially hurting you, despite knowing you are a seriously trained soldier as well. though he may get too carried away if you let him!
♡ you're definitely best friends with sister, no doubt. much to grif's dismay, you'd attend sister's raves and live it up with her. after all, how could you not? they were a much-needed break and she was always there to make sure grif isn't being stupid and making you upset in any way
♡ despite several hardships you and grif always make it out together and that's hella couple goals tbh.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Valhalla- Wash x Fem!Ex-Freelancer!Reader
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Recovery date: August 14th, 2023
Description: ok i probably wont actually have 20, but my first req: wash x reader (could be during or post freelancer) where they're trying to hide their relationship, but failing miserably
Notes: This entry was recovered as an early draft of the previous entry found here.
Word count: 843
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Agent Washington— or Church, as Caboose keeps calling him— is a man of mystery. He is a strong, brave ex-freelancer on the path to redemption. He is the new blue team leader, and a pain in the red’s side. There is no denying, in Tucker’s begrudgened words, that he is fucking awesome. I bet he gets so many ladies, the self proclaimed sword wielding badass had grumbled as he sat in captivity at red base.
One of the red’s few wins since Church’s demise on Sidewinder.
Not that it mattered, Wash single handedly recaptured the man; before being informed that he needed to negotiate the prisoners return and was not, in fact, allowed to just steal him back. That’s what makes it fun, Simmons insisted.
Wash’s ensuing confusion, his brow furrowed and mouth opening and closing as he tried to find words, was the least composed the reds and blues had seen him. In Y/N’s opinion, sitting on the edge of the blue Vallhala base and watching the impromptu truce, it was adorable.
“But… that’s not how war works,” Wash said, voice strained in confusion.
Simmons and Tucker face palmed.
“Ya, but- You know what, it doesn’t matter,” Simmons huffed. “Let’s make a deal, you can steal back captured team mates, if Y/N joins our team.”
“Wait, what? When did I become part of this?”
“Well if Mr. Ex-Freelancer here gets to steal back blues, we need someone to help us take back our guys from them!”
“Sería bueno tener alguien con quien hablar,” Lopez said. (It would be nice to have someone to talk to)
“Lopez is right!” Sarge nodded.
“Oh, esto va a terminar mal.” (Oh, this is going to end poorly)
“We can’t take Y/N-”
“Eso no es lo que dije.” (That is not what I said)
“Because if we did, the blues would be at a disadvantage!”
“You know what,” Wash sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Sarge ignored him, continuing on, “But maybe… we could use her as bait to capture Washington! You know, it’s like those fairytales-”
“I love fairytales!” Donut cheered.
“The knight in shining armor,” Y/N raised a brow and smirked as Sarge stiffened in fear, though he clearly wasn’t deterred as he continued, “saves the princess from the tower!”
Caboose gasped, “Are we playing make believe? I love playing mak-”
“Okay, everyone shut up! I’m sorry for ruining your ga-war. I will no longer steal back team members, now can we please end this conversation?”
“Jeez, what’s got you so cranky? Y/N not suck your dick this morning?”
“Lavernius!” Y/N scolded.
Agent Washington was a man of mystery, a complete badass, and Tucker had never seen the man so flustered before. He was even redder than when he’d switched armor in the freezing cold of Sidewinder; and Sarge had made a few cracks that he should join the red team. 
“I-Wha-wha- That was completely inappropriate!” Wash spluttered. “I-I’m going for a walk.”
He pulled his helmet out from the crook of his arm and yanked it over his head, letting out a faint ow as the force hit him, and starting marching off towards the wall.
None too quietly, Grif announced that everyone should steer clear of that direction for the next few hours.
Wash had just settled against the wall as Y/N approached, splitting off from the reds on the way back to their base. She was out of armor, finding it more comfortable as she healed from her Meta inflicted injuries, letting Wash admire her fond smile. He’d noticed that she smiled more often now…
“When Caboose told me about you,” he started as she came to lean against the wall beside him, “I wasn’t sure what to think. The woman he told me about, Y/N, she didn’t sound like the Agent Michigan I knew.”
He unclipped his helmet and set it down, resting his cheek on his knees as he looked up at her.
“Ya… I guess they kind of rubbed off on me. You probably felt the same way I felt watching you and the Meta work to-” A red spot on the side of Wash’s head caught Y/N’s eye. “Wash move!”
Without hesitation, Wash dropped to his side and rolled away from the wall as a shot went off. Y/N dove into a forward roll, grunting in pain before scrambling behind Wash as he got to his feet.
The reds and blues had come out of their bases by now, looking round for where the shot had come from.
“Well… it’s good to see some things don’t change,” Carolina teased as her camo deactivated and her armor stood out against the gray rocks.
Y/N peaked over Wash’s shoulder as the reds and blues came running over, guns drawn and yelling.
“Carolina?” The two ex-freelancers asked.
She crouched down, paying no mind to the reds and blues that were left discussing amongst themselves.
“I hate to interrupt your honeymoon, but I need your help to find the director.”
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writingwarden · 2 years
Sarge X Medic Reader
Summary- What should've been a simple supply run became much worse.
[A/n]- SARGE! Not many fics about him out there, I am going to personally change that. Lets hear it for our favorite DILF! (Or would it be GILF?) Feedback is Always appreciated!
Tw- assault [head injury], torture [mildly graphic], death, canon typical violence [Please let me know if I missed any!!!]
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It should’ve been any old supply run :Get in, grab what's on the list, get out. Simple enough right? Wrong, oh so wrong. You should’ve known when you got paired up with Sarge and his team of lieutenants that something was bound to happen. See now, you had a small crush on the eccentric Colonel and unbeknownst to you, so did he. He could never tell you because he just didn’t know how. He was only a few years older than you so why did it still feel so weird? Neither of you truly knew. 
But back to the present, you guys had reached your destination; a small abandoned town from before the war. Winter’s barren nature had overtaken it. This run had to be extra cautious because you were warned of recent pirate activity in the area. Keeping that in mind you had left to search an abandoned pharmacy. It was half way through when the sound of other vehicles pulling up were heard nearby. 
Sarge radios his team to tell them to hurry what they’re doing and get back in the vehicles. Normally he would just fight them if it came to that but you were with them and he also didn’t need any more casualties in this stupid war. Most of his team were teens for heaven's sake. When he didn’t hear you respond with the rest he opened a private channel to try and reach you. “Hey get back to the vehicles, a bunch of space pirates just popped up nearby. I told everyone to just finish what they were doing and get ready to leave. Ain’t worth the trouble.”
 “Yeah I’d love to do that but I’m pinned at the moment,” you whispered into the comms while peeking over the shelving into the aisles, “Seven pirates searching for you guys. I’m going to try and sneak past them.” Moving behind another shelf you made your way towards the emergency exit. Once you made it to the door you radioed Sarge again,“I’ve made it out, be ready for-” when you were knocked over. 
“Oh no you don’t.” sneers the pirate standing over you. Crouching down next to you he spoke, “Tell your little Colonel goodbye.” Then he brought the butt of his rifle down on your temple. The world went black.
Back in the vehicles was a panicked Sarge. He wanted to rush to you but he couldn’t risk the others and the cargo. Frustratedly he orders the group back to Armonia with nothing but you and revenge on his mind. He’d get you back no matter what.
Meanwhile, you awoke being dragged into what seemed to be a wounded tent. Using quick thinking you sent your location to the first person on your contacts, which happened to be Simmons. And then they stripped you of your armour and forced you to tend to their wounded soldiers. After you had finished with the last man they dragged you to another tent; cuffing your hands behind your back the torture began. Stabbing you with different blades, holding your head under water, or sometimes they’d just hit you with their fists. Almost everything in the boom to try and get you to talk. You weren’t even sure why they thought you would have information. But your favourite being when they had carved ‘WASTE’ into your stomach.  But you just would not break. Sure you’d scream and you had cried, but in the end you had told them nothing. Oh and how they hated that. Eventually they left you alone, loudly talking about what was for dinner and how they’d hunt down and kill the rest of your squad if you didn’t talk by tomorrow. One had asked another why they were ordered to keep you alive. That puzzled you. Was the order from the mercenaries?
After they had left you had plenty of time to think. You were too hurt to attempt an escape and you didn’t know where they put your armour. It was unlikely that a team would come for you despite your distress signal to Simmons. 
“That’s war” they would always say, “not everyone makes it back.”
Hell, they probably already had your replacement setting up. That kinda hurt but what hurt more is that you’d never see your friends again, and you’d never be able to tell the Colonel how you felt about him. If you had ever worked up the courage anyway. You’d never be able to hear his stupid rants again or be able to watch him teach the others how to shoot. Those were your favourite days, for a man of his age and with some of his more permanent wounds, he moved like he was 15 years younger. Sometimes he’d offer to teach you since you didn’t seem to be much of a fighter. Perhaps now that you look back on it you should have taken him up on those offers. Because look where not being able to defend yourself very well got you. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you heard the sound of gunfire outside. Two pirates burst inside and grabbed you. Not caring that they were making your injuries worse, they dragged you out and you tried to make sense of what you were seeing. Simmons and Agent Carolina were barreling through pirates. You hadn’t even noticed how many there were in the camp. And then you heard it, the sound of a shotgun being racked back. Looking around for him as they continue to pull you to a car you spotted him take down a pirate in the way. 
“Sarge!” you cried out, trying to catch his attention. His helmet spinning around towards the noise. And then the pirate who had been in charge of getting information from you made the absolute worst decision of his life; He punched you. Right in the stomach in an attempt to shut you up. You cried out, the blow having reopened the word carved there, causing blood to pour out. 
Sarge was so relieved to see you were still alive. And it was his name you had called out! And then the fool had hit you and the blood began to flow out of you. There are no words to describe the rage he felt. Nothing could stop him from reaching you. He smashed through the idiots who dared try and stop him, ignoring the calls of his teammates. Upon seeing him the two dropped you and ran for the cars behind them. 
“Agent Carolina, You see those maggots running to the cars? I want those ones personally.” He didn’t wait for her response, knowing she’d do it for him. And he was right, a blur of blue speeded past him. Knowing that was taken care of he dropped to your side. Shielding you with his body. “Where did they hurt you? Talk to me please.” He pleaded with you.
All you could manage to do was pull up what was left of your undershirt, exposing what they had done. Sobs escaped you and part of you felt pathetic for crying in front of your superior.  People like you didn’t get to cry.
“Who did this to you.”
It was not a question. It was an order.
And then you heard footsteps and dragging. The freelancer had taken down the group. You heard Carolina radio for Dr. Grey to be ready, she was holding the men who had done it to you, one in each hand. You shakily pointed to the one on her right and Sarge's vision followed your finger to the culprit. 
“You hurt ‘em?” he asked while standing up. 
“No I didn't, I swear! You gotta believe me!” the man pleaded. Looking back to you, asking the silent question and you nodded. 
“Get rid of that one, this one's mine.” Looking at Carolina.  You looked away and flinched when she took her pistol. She put a round through the ones on the left skull. 
Taking the knife Simmons was already holding out for him, he planned on repaying every favour. But, he didn't want you to see, So he asked Grif and the guys who had now caught up with them to get you in something warmer and away from this place. 
They took you to a pelican where Doctor Grey had decided she was personally going to help you. She rambles on and on about how you are so strong and how it's obvious that you like the Colonel and Just confess already dammit! Grif got a laugh out of that one and if you could move he'd be very harmed. 
A few moments later he and Agent Carolina arrived back on the pelican. Sarge being uncharacteristically quiet, no quip about how he saved the day or about how all pirates are dirtbags. You kinda missed it, but it was very clear he had a lot to think about. He didn't say a word the entire ride back. When you landed they rushed you immediately into a hospital room to further assess your injuries. He never would tell you about how he paced in the visitors lounge or about how he didn't sleep until he knew for sure you were stable. 
When he finally did visit you it was alone. He sat in the chair beside your bed and took off his helmet. You could never get tired of seeing that face. If only he knew. And then it happened, he spoke.
"I am so sorry for not getting there sooner." It was quiet, soft in a way you did not know he knew how to speak. 
"It's not your fault," you said, moving to grab his hand even though the movement hurt terribly, "Nobody could've known they would ambush us. Speaking of which, are the others ok? Did they make it back?" 
He let you sit up before saying anything. "They all made it back in one piece. I- we came as fast as we could thanks to your quick thinking, that is." He looked at you and you couldn't place the emotions in his eyes. He looked so tired. You wondered when the last time he slept was. 
He looked away, like he was trying to find what to say. So you took your chance, "Listen, Sarge after what's happened I learned that I should say what I need to say  more often. That I might not know if I'll regret it or not till it's too late." You take a deep breath. Preparing yourself for what you're about to say. "I really like you. Like, romantically and this is not how I imagined any of my confessions going but, it is what it is now. And I understand if you don't want to-"
"I like you too."
"W- what? Really?" 
"I was just too much of a coward to admit it. I mean, I am a few years older than you and." He explained, like he just hadn't shattered and rebuilt your world in a sentence. Your head was spinning, trying to grasp what he just said. Instead of responding you motioned for him to lean in closer. And when he did you grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him. He froze for a minute before returning the kiss.
It was everything you dreamed of. Careful of your injuries he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. And when you had to stop for oxygen he put his forehead against yours. "I'll always be here." He said in a whisper. 
"I know" was all you could really say. And you know he meant every word. 
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starsandhughes · 1 year
If You Love Her— Jack Hughes x Zegras!Reader
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this fic is inspired by “if you love her” by forrest blakk!
word count: 2.2k
warnings: none that i can think of!
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Jack had never felt something like this about somebody ever. He had never been completely enamored by someone. He had never experienced butterflies. He had never smiled so much that it hurt over somebody’s laugh.
Until he met Trevor, and by extension, you. The day he met you, he knew you were special. He knew he wanted to be more than friends, and that he didn’t want to rush. He knew that he didn’t want a “fling.” He knew that he wanted you to be his, really his.
Trevor had a feeling about this. He saw the way you two looked at each other. He saw how much you two couldn’t take your eyes off one another. He saw that his twin sister was helplessly falling for one of his friends, and that Jack was falling harder.
“She likes you, too, you know,” Trevor said as he plopped himself down next to Jack to be partners for their English project.
Jack’s eyes widened. Was he that obvious?
“How did- how did you… I mean— I don’t like your sister! Where did you get that idea?” Jack stumbled out in a panic.
“Relax!” Trevor laughed. He patted Jack on the back, “I don’t mind it.”
“You don’t?!” Jack blurted out, a bit too loud as he got a stern look from their teacher.
“You don’t?” he said, quieter this time.
“Not at all,” Trevor assured him. “I trust you. But if she gives you her heart, all I ask is that you don’t break it. She’s had some rough boyfriends in the past, so let her feel safe with you. And I might be biased, but she’s the best thing that you’ll ever have.”
“I don’t think you’re biased. I think you’re right,” Jack said, sounding absolutely smitten. “I’m going to take my time with her, then. So she knows I’m safe.”
Trevor broke out into a big grin, “Thank you.”
It was spring break at the Hughes lake house when you and Jack got really close. It was you, your brother, Jack, his brothers, Cole, and Alex all together with Jack’s parents. Jim and Ellen were super welcoming and are making sure you all feel at home.
Seeing Jack interact with his family, especially his brothers, really made you miss Griffin and Ava. You walked over in front of Trevor and leaned back, slamming yourself against Trevor’s chest. Trevor stumbled back a bit at the sudden weight against him but quickly stabled and wrapped his arms around you and places his head on top of yours.
“I know,” Trevor sighed, reading your mind. “I miss them, too.”
“I never thought I’d miss Griffin waking me up by throwing a pillow at me full force until he wasn’t around to do it,” you laughed.
“I’ll be happy to take that job,” Trevor said.
“Hard pass,” you rolled your eyes.
“You sure? I can wake you up in other ways. Like this,” Trevor put his hands on your shoulders and started shaking you. “Or this,” he yanked at your hair. “Or I could jump on top of you and start licking you like a dog like this!”
You broke out of his grasp and ran straight to Jack, interrupting whatever conversation he was having with his older brother, Quinn.
“Jack! He’s trying to lick me!”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and tucked into his side.
“Why are you trying to lick her?” Jack asked laughing.
“She misses Grif!” Trevor replied as if that was an obvious answer.
“Griffin doesn’t lick me!”
“Yeah, so I will for him!”
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
“Keep your tongue in your mouth, Zegras!” Jack said laughing. He moved you to the front side of his body and wrapped both arms around you. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll protect you.”
You weren’t completely sure if you saw what you think you saw, but you could’ve sworn you saw Trevor wink.
The longer you stayed put, the more you noticed what you were doing. You were hugging— no, you were attached to Jack. For a while now. Your heart was racing, but you felt a wave of calm when Jack’s grip on you got tighter.
That night while around the bomb fire, you were goofing around with Alex and Quinn while Trevor parked himself next to Jack.
“She doesn’t do that with everybody,” Trevor leaned into him as he spoke.
“Do what?”
“Hug you for that long. I’ve never seen her hold onto somebody for that long, actually. She probably would’ve stayed there until she died if she didn’t have to pee twenty minutes in,” Trevor joked.
“Tell me more,” Jack said low.
“More what?” Trevor asked, confused.
“Her little quirks. Things I should know,” Jack shrugged. “Really anything.”
Trevor looked over at you and pondered for a minute, trying to decide what things would be good for Jack to know.
“She doesn’t do it anymore, at least not to me, but she’s always had trouble falling asleep. She used to come into my room and lay with me. She’d have to cuddle under the sheets, but after a while, she’d finally fall asleep and I’d carry her to bed.”
“That’s sweet,” Jack said, also looking at you.
“Annoying is what it was,” Trevor said. “She stopped when I started to get up really early for hockey.”
“Keep going,” Jack said.
“She basically only listens to pop music, and she loves dancing to it. She’ll make anyone dance with her. Dad used to spin her all around the living room and she hasn’t stopped since,” Trevor told him.
That sparked an idea in Jack. He ran inside to get his speaker and shouted at you to see if you wanted to connect to it. As soon as you connected, Trevor ran up behind you and snatched your phone.
“Trevor!” you shouted.
“This song’s been in my head all day! You love it, trust me,” he said, holding your phone up high and out of reach.
Trevor was right, you do love this song. Trevor put on Slow Hands by Niall Horan, your current favorite song that you’ve been listening to over and over since it was released. Your eyes lit up and you gasped, throwing your hands up in the air and spinning around.
“Trevy! Dance with me!” you declared.
Trevor pretended to trip backwards and grabbed onto Jack for dear life. Jack caught him and pulled him up straight, but Trevor was acting like he hurt himself.
“Ow! Oh no!” Trevor said in the fakest tone. “I tripped and sprained my ankle! I fear I can never dance again!” He pushed Jack forward, “Good thing Jack can!”
Trevor shoved Jack towards you. He was blushing, but you were smiling. You knew exactly what your twin brother was up to.
“I uh… Can’t really dance,” Jack said sheepishly. You smiled at him, “I can’t really dance, either. Just go with my flow.”
“Your flow?” Jack laughed.
You really couldn’t dance, but you could have Jack spin you around and twirl you under his arm. You had him in the position a couple would slow dance in but you were moving faster to the beat of the song. You had him extend his arm and yours and you twirled into him, landing with your back to his chest and your arms tangled together. You looked up and sent him a smile so big that it took over half your face, and to your delight, he was, too.
You removed yourself from his hold, “See? That wasn’t that bad!”
“It was fun. I could get used to that,” Jack said.
“That’s good, because apparently Trevor can never dance again,” you laughed. “What a dork.”
Trevor called Jack over to him, and told you it was a “secret conversation” that you could not snoop on, so you went back over to Quinn, Alex, and now Cole and Luke.
“See!” Trevor said, nudging Jack with his elbow. “I told you she loves it!”
“What else does she love?”
“She loves love notes and babies and giving gifts. Not even just for birthdays and Christmas! If she sees something that reminds her of you, she tends to get it and smack a little bow on it,” Trevor said. “She says it’s her main love language and she’ll tell you all about the love languages if you ask. She loves that stuff. She loses her mind and gets really happy if I pick her up something as simple as candy. She loves her whole family and all of her friends, but she’s more reserved now in the dating department. So if you’re the one she lets in, that’s big.”
“What does she not love?”
“That’s a weird question, but okay,” Trevor teased. “She has a hard time accepting a good compliment, but she’s getting better. She can be really insecure, so if she doesn’t notice how pretty she is, tell her over and over so she never forgets. She’ll get flustered, but she needs it. Her past boyfriends weren’t too good at that, and Griffin and I don’t help much getting the message across.”
“I don’t understand that. She’s so beautiful,” Jack said, looking over at you admirably.
“Don’t tell me that! Tell her.”
So he did. Every chance Jack got for the next week he told you over and over how pretty you are, how beautiful you are, how much he adored your laugh. He’d dance with you around the kitchen, even if it was just a little twirl under his arm as you passed by. He’d hug you as tight as he could if he saw you getting stressed. He helped you into and out of the boat. He was a perfect gentleman that you were falling harder and harder for every second you existed with him.
On the last night before you all had to go back to school, Jack went into Trevor’s room one last time.
“I want to officially ask Y/N out on a date,” Jack said immediately when he walked through the bedroom door.
“It’s about time!” Trevor celebrated.
“Is there anything else I should know? I want to treat her right,” Jack said.
“This is the big one. On days when she feels like the whole world might cave in, stand side by side and you’ll make it. Run your fingers through her hair whenever she’s sad; it’s calming for her. If you want to treat her right, you have to treat her right on the bad days, too.”
“Anything else?”
“She’ll love you if you love her like that,” Trevor smiled. “And I know you will. Now go! Take the chance while you have it! Just knock on her door; she’s awake.”
“And Griffin is okay with this, too? I know he’s important to her.”
“Trust me, he’s been waiting on this day longer than I have. Now go!”
Jack practically sprinted out of the room. He quickly stopped by his room to get his laptop and then knocked on your door.
“Come in!” you called out.
Jack slowly opened the door. You sat up and greeted him with a smile, “Jack! What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to ask you out on a date,” Jack said. He was quite proud of himself for not stumbling over his words. He felt a lot more confident now.
“When and where, Hughesy?” you asked. You were blushing madly.
“Right now, and the boat dock.”
“Right now?! I’m not dressed!”
“And you still look beautiful,” Jack complimented. You didn’t think you could blush even harder until he said that.
“Smooth,” you said.
“I try,” Jack joked.
You tossed off the covers and got out of bed, “Lead the way.”
Jack held out his hand for you to take. You only let go to put some shoes on, but grabbed it right back when you were ready. You two quietly crept out of the house and walked to the dock. Jack stepped into the boat and held out his hand to help you in. He had laid out a blanket and some throw pillows before he even asked Trevor.
“What’s this?” you asked.
“I know you like Disney movies, so what better place to watch Moana than on a boat? We can pretend this is an ocean.”
You laid down on the blankets immediately, full of excitement. You patted the spot next to you, and Jack laid down and propped his laptop, already ready to go, on a seat and sat back. You cuddled up close to him, and he put his arm around you. His heart was racing at the sudden closeness. Throughout the movie, you slowly got closer and closer to him until your arms were wrapped around his waist and your head was on his chest.
“Your heart is beating really fast,” you whispered. “Are you okay?”
“I am. I’d be better if you let me kiss you,” Jack told you. He was feeling bold.
You sat up and looked at him, “Smooth.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Just kiss me!”
Jack placed a hand on your cheek and leaned in. It was soft, slow, and passionate. It was perfect. You didn’t want to stop, but you had to pull apart for air.
“Was that–”
“It was dreamlike.”
“Can I do it again?”
“If you don’t, I will.”
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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mexicancarolina · 4 years
Nightly Snack (Grif x Red! Reader)
Nightly Snack
Pairing: Dexter Grif x Red! Reader
Rating: General
Word count: 533 words
Warning/s: None
Author Note: Ironically, this was written at 2 am during one of my multiple mental breakdowns.
Prompt/s: #23 I don’t care that it’s 2 am, we need pie.
Lately you had become the resident chef for Red Team since Lopez still insisted on serving motor oil for breakfast. Your newfound cooking skills amazed your team when you decided to try your luck in the kitchen and you managed to cook something that reminded the boys of home and was better than the military rations.
Cooking could be exhausting, though, if it were not that Donut also lent you a hand, but you still had to deal with Grif.
Now, you wanted to punch him in the face as hard as you could when you felt him poking at your sides, trying to get you to wake up while calling your name.
“Grif…” You groaned, covering yourself with the bedsheets. “Its 2 am, fuck off.”
“I don’t care that it’s 2 am, we need pie.” Grif whined, now shaking your body insistently until you had to sit up to turn up the light of your room.
“Why do you want pie?” You asked, rubbing your eyes to try and scare the tiredness away.
“I’m hungry, duh.”
“Donut made cookies last night.”
“He gave half of the batch to Blue gang, I ate the rest. I want pie.”
Dragging yourself out of the bed with a loud sigh, you asked, “Should I be worried this is an alien baby pregnancy induced craving?”
You and Grif headed straight to the kitchen, dragging your feet you felt like you could barely stand up.
The lights flickered and you shut your eyes tight at the brightness and the sudden loud voices ringing in your ear.
“Happy birthday!” They screamed.
When you opened your eyes you could see that all of your friends were there, Lopez was the one holding a…decent looking cake.
“It’s two in the morning.” You said with a straight face, thinking about just turning on your heels and go back to sleep or to give in despite it was so early.
“It’s not; we hacked your data-pad and deactivated all alarms.” Simmons smiled at you, showing you the screen of his own data-pad that it was actually late in the morning.
“Wait, who made the cake? Please tell me it doesn’t have moldy bread and motor oil ganache.”
“De hecho, estúpido Grif lo hizo. Hizo explotar horno estúpidamente.”
At Lopez words, Donut let out a sentimental sob, “Lopez speeches always make me want to cry.”
With a sigh, you let your heart overflow, deciding it was best to smile and punch Grif in the face later. You relaxed and thanked your teammates for the surprise as you all moved to gather on the table.
Grif took a seat next to you.
“I’m surprised you actually made this.” You chuckled, watching as Donut cut the cake in perfect pieces while still trying to ignore the burnt smell lingering in the air.
“It actually took a lot of trial and error and burning the oven, so you better enjoy it.” He laid his heavy hand over your head, ruffling your already messy bedhead and gifting you a small smile from his lips.
“If not you’ll have me on your back for waking me up like that and Lopez too for messing with the oven.”
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elementalwriter67 · 6 years
Time to get Back in Action
Pairing: Grif x Reader, Reds and Blues x Reader
Word Count: 5520
A/N: I’ve been watching a lot of Red Vs Blue lately and Grif somehow became one of my favorite characters so I figured I write something for him. Takes place during season 15.
Summary:  The reader has been working with the reds and blues ever since they were back at Blood Gulch and needless to say it’s been a long, frustrating, and fucking weird journey but you wouldn’t have it any other way. So when the opportunity to have a break after freeing an entire planet from the control of the Chairman and his mercenaries for hire, along with stopping an entire civil war, you and a certain orange soldier immediately jumped on the opportunity. And things were going great it was a whole year full of rest and relaxation and you couldn’t have been happier or more bored, which is why when Dylan showed up with a message saying Church was alive you eagerly agreed with the others on going to find him well almost everyone.
“Grif! Grif! Are you over here?!” You shouted as you walked down the beach towards your friends usual resting spot on the beach. Your answer was an annoyed groan and the man’s head popping up from behind a rock a sight that caused you to stop and raise an eyebrow at him.
“What do you want?!” Grif shouted back dragging himself up into a better sitting position so that you could at least see his armored shoulders.
“Nothin I just wanted to see what you were doing.” You stated as you hopped on top of the rock sitting down cross-legged and leaning forward so that your elbows were resting on your knees and you were looking down at Grif. He squinted up at you the sun blinding him slightly but mainly being blocked out by your head.
“(Y/N) we’re on vacation for the first time in our lives and that means two things one that Sarge can’t boss me around and two that we don’t have to do any work so what the hell did you think I was doing?” Grif responded and you smiled down at him.
“Do you really want me to answer that? Because there’s a number of things you could have been doing especially behind this rock.” You pointed out and it took Grif a second to process what you’d said and when he did a bright red blush spread across his cheeks that made you giggle.
“Oh, my gods! You just as bad as Tucker!” Grif shouted reaching up to smack at you and you giggled easily dodging the hand he attempted to smack you with, a smile on his face.
“Hey! I’m just calling it as I see it and right now all I see is you behind a rock by yourself, what exactly did you expect me to think?” You asked him mimicking his words from earlier which caused him to roll his eyes but the smile never left his face.
“Alright smartass I get it, now are you going to stay on that rock or are you going to come down here and join me?” Grif asked and you smiled as you stood up and hoped down from the rock landing next to him barely disturbing the sand as you landed and then plopped down next to him. Kicking your feet up you crossed your hands behind your head and stared up at the sky a comfortable silence falling over the two of you as you just laid there in the warm sand. The silence lasted for a couple of minutes before Grif finally spoke up.
“So what was the real reason that you were looking for me anyway?” Grif asked and you were silent for a couple of seconds before sighing as you sat up loosely wrapping your arms around your knees as you looked out at the ocean.
“In all honesty, I’m just bored.” You told him and Grif’s brow furrowed in confusion as he looked at you.
“You’re bored so you came to find me? I’m sure the others are doing something far more exciting than laying here in the sand.” Grif commented and you sighed again looking up at the sky in mild frustration.
“I’m sure they are too but I don’t know, knowing that I still feel bored. Don’t get me wrong I went to check out what they were doing but I still felt bored just standing there watching them hell I didn’t even think participating sounded fun!” You paused sighing as you ran your fingers through your hair before continuing. “I don’t know maybe I’m broken or something.” You said with a shrug, wrapping your arms around your knees. Grif was silent for a couple of seconds watching you as you stared out at the ocean stretching out in front of you for miles before finally sitting up crossing his legs, he didn’t look at you though instead he started out ahead.
“I wouldn’t say that you’re broken (Y/N) everyone gets bored every now and again, I’m sure the feeling will pass eventually,” Grif said you frowned as you looked at the ocean. You were silent for a moment trying to think of what to say because if you were being honest this boredom had been going on for a while now and no matter what you did you just couldn’t shake the feeling of boredom. Even with the other Reds and Blues doing their usual antics didn’t interest you and you were starting to worry that maybe what you needed was to go on another adventure with the guys. The reason that scared you so much was that you didn’t really want to go on an adventure you wanted to be here, you wanted to stay on this moon, you wanted to stay right here on this beach with Grif and not take orders from Sarge or Washington.
“What if it doesn’t?” You asked him as you wrapped your arms around your legs as you rested your head on top of your knees. You jerked at the sudden weight on your shoulders, looking towards Grif to see that he had wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Relax you’ll be fine, just give it a couple of weeks.” He said giving you a reassuring smile as he pulled you into his side your armor thumping metallically against his and you smiled laying your head on his shoulder.
“Thanks, Grif.” You said still smiling as you watched the water lap lazily at the shore. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you just sat there on the beach listening to the distant screaming of the guys as they did whatever insane stunt they were doing right now though by the sounds of it seemed like Caboose was the one causing the most trouble. You chuckled slightly when you heard Wash’s cry of either terror or anger echoing all the way down to the beach, Grif laughing right along with you. The moment was broken by a small shiny light appearing in the distance, you squinted at the light standing up from Grif’s hold shielding your eyes and trying to get a better look at whatever was in the distance.
“What the hell is that?” You asked causing Grif to look towards the sky with you.
“What are you looking at?” Grif asked and you pointed towards the light which was steadily getting bigger the closer it got.
“That, what the hell is that?” You stated and Grif stood up shielding his eyes with his own hand as he looked where you were pointing. His eyes widened when he saw the shiny dot you had been talking about and the two of you stood there in utter confusion watching as the dot got bigger until the two of you could finally make out what it was.
“Oh my god, that’s a spaceship. Why is a spaceship coming towards us? Why the fuck is there a spaceship?!” Grif shouted in near hysterics.
“Doesn’t matter come on we better get back up there with the others before that ship touches down.” You said as you grabbed a hold of Grif’s hand and began dragging him towards the natural steps leading back up to the bases you guys were staying in.
“Alright! Alright, I’m coming!” Grif shouted as he pulled his hand free shoving his helmet back on and following you up the cliff.
As it would turn out that spaceship hadn’t been carrying anyone intent on hurting the reds and blues, for fucking once, but it had been carrying an entirely different load of problems. Said problems came in the form of a Reporter and her cameraman and the news that they had brought with them, news that meant a number of things and you had mixed feelings about all of it. The news that they had brought with them was the news of another group of reds and blues out there pretending to be you guys and causing a shit load of trouble for the UNSC. Then there was the bombshell to end all bombshells. Along with the news you guys were all now wanted criminals it also turned out that Church was alive, again, and he needed your guys to help and it was that information where your mixed feelings really came in to play. On one hand, you wanted to go save Church, you knew you guys should go save Church and dare you to think if you were also excited about the idea of going on another adventure. On the other hand, though you didn’t want to, you didn’t want to go save Church, you didn’t want to deal with his problems again, you didn’t want to risk your life for an AI that barely managed to tolerate any of you. Despite all of that though you found yourself agreeing to go along with everyone, to help them save Church which is also why you were currently standing outside in between Lopez and Simmons only half paying attention to what Sarge was saying.
“That’s a good point, Lopez, where is Grif?” At the mention of Grif’s name, you were snapped out of your thoughts blinking a couple of times and looking around, your brow furrowed in confusion when you didn’t see him.
“Yeah, I haven’t seen him since the meeting. (Y/N) have you seen him?” Simmons asked looking over at you and you shook your head.
“No, I haven’t seen him since the meeting either.” You responded. Your gut twisted uncomfortably as a heavy feeling settled in your gut and you surrounded the area, it was like Grif to wander off but it was unlike you not to see where he went.
“I know what’s happening! He’s been captured by the Whites! This. Means. War.” Sarge stated completely serious and you sighed looking down at the ground, now you were incredibly glad you hadn’t really been paying attention to what Sarge had been saying.
“Sarge I really don’t think Grif was captured by the Whites.” You told him but he ignored you turning around to face where the blues were standing talking to Dylan and Jax.
“Nonsense (Y/L/N)! Of course, those Whites would capture Grif those conniving devils! Follow me, men!” Sarge shouted as he ran down the hill towards the blues and Dylan and Jax. You and Simmons both sighed heavily while Lopez muttered something in Spanish that neither of you could understand before you and Simmons ran after Sarge.
“Back off, missy! We know you have Grif! Give him back or I start shootin’!” Sarge shouted as he raised his shotgun and pointed it at Dylan and once again you sighed heavily reaching up and hitting your palm against your helmet.
“Sarge for the last time she doesn’t have Grif!” You shouted at him but your words went unheard by Sarge once again and you dropped your head back looking up at the sky as you shook your head listening to the others confirm what you’d already told him. You cared about Sarge you really did but sometimes… ok, a lot of times you were left wondering how the man hadn’t gotten himself killed yet with his stupidity, then again with the track record all of you had even if he did get killed he’d probably come back to life.
“Great. Just great. Now we’ve gotta find Grif, we don’t have time for this!” Tucker complained and your head snapped up to level a glare at him.
“If this was one of your teammates I’m sure you wouldn’t be complaining about having to look for him.” You grumbled just barely loud enough for Simmons to hear and you could feel him send a look your way but you ignored it as you attempt to make Tucker spontaneously combust.
“I agree, let’s pack up and prepare to move out, I’m sure he’ll turn up,” Washington said, at the last bit he looked over at you from where you were standing next to Simmons and you muttered a couple things under your breath but stopped staring at Tucker. He was right Grif would probably turn up in the end, he always did, but that didn’t mean you felt any better about not knowing where he was.
“Right.” You agreed with him and Wash nodded.
“I’ll go check the pantry,” Simmons said as he turned to walk towards the bases with everyone else and you nodded.
“I’ll check the beach.” You told him turning and walking in the opposite direction, it wouldn’t hurt to look for him a little bit before packing after all.
“And you’re sure you saw him go in?” Dylan asked Jax as she looked away from the cave entrance and towards her cameraman who nodded his head.
“Yeah! He was acting just like Gollum, he was all mutter and crawly…” Jax trailed off when Dylan looked back at the cave a quick moment of silence fell over the two of them as Dylan thought of what to do.
“Ok, you stay here I’m going to go in and see if I can talk the cat out of the tree,” Dylan said already walking towards the cave.
“Wait! You don’t want me to come with you and film?” Jax asked and Dylan shook her head.
“No, I doubt he’ll even talk to me but I know for a fact there’s no way he’s going to talk to the two of us besides I don’t think this is a moment he’d want to be filmed anyways. So you just stay here I’ll handle this.” Dylan said turning back around and walking into the cave entrance. For a couple of feet, Dylan walked in silence following the surprisingly narrow tunnel to a slightly larger area and it wasn’t until she noticed an orange figure sitting on the floor with their head against the wall a few feet away that she finally said anything.
“Grif?... Grif?” Dylan asked her voice calm and soft like she was trying not to scare away a timid animal as she slowly walked up to Grif who didn’t look away from the ceiling to look at her.
“Go away,” Grif stated his voice heavy and his tone fed up but serious at the same time. Dylan took a deep breath as she mentally prepared herself to talk to Grif like she would any other person she was interviewing. Calm, cool, and collected with a hint of concern and caring in her voice she would need all of that if she hoped to figure out what was wrong with Grif and why he wasn’t with the others.
“I just want to talk,” Dylan said her tone calm and confident as she stopped a reasonable distance in front of him.
“Yeah well, I don’t want to talk to you! Or to anyone for that matter! So make like a tree and fuck off!” Grif shouted as he lowered his head to look at Dylan. Dylan could feel the glare he was giving her even through the helmet he was wearing. This was going to be trickery than she thought it would have been.
“I… see you’re upset,” Dylan stated hesitating for a second before continuing making sure to choose her words carefully. “Can I ask you why you’re upset?” She finished and Grif’s glare did not lighten if anything it only worsened as he stood up, picking his gun up from where he’d laid it beside him.
“You! You are why I’m upset! You show up here unannounced and you drop a fucking bomb on us! And then everyone goes springing into action! We are supposed to be done! We are supposed to be retired! I don’t wanna go on another adventure! I don’t wanna listen to Sarge! I don’t wanna get shot at! I don’t want to shoot at other people! I want to relax! I want to chill!!!! I want to sit down and chill and not have to worry about dying every fucking second but thanks to you I can’t do that now can I?!” Grif shouted his words filled with a mix of frustration and anger. Dylan blinked him a couple of times as she calmed her own emotions, she was now extremely glad she’d left Jax outside she’d been yelled at and blamed for things before so she could handle this, this she was used to, but she highly doubted Jax was.
“So what? You just want to leave Church to his fate?” She asked and that seemed to be the wrong thing to ask him because he all but lost it at that.
“FUCK CHURCH! I spent half my life dealing with his shit! His ex-girlfriend! His daddy issues! His resurrections! His bullshit! Why can’t he just stay dead?” Grif’s anger had tapered off towards the end of that and all that was left was hurt mixed with what seemed like desperation. A moment of silence followed suit as Dylan thought of what to say and Grif waited to see what the reporter would do, hoping that she would just end up walking away and leaving him alone.
“You know I’ve spent a lot of time looking at logs, reading transcripts, and talking to eyewitnesses and you want to know what they all say? They all say the same thing about you that you’re the lazy one, the one who doesn’t care…” Dylan paused for second thinking ahead a couple of words.
“Nailed it,” Grif stated when she paused and Dylan scowled at him before continuing.
“And you know what? I think they’re wrong because your actions tell a completely different story. They tell a story of someone who always answers the call, who cares about his friends, who always help them when they need it and is willing to fight for them just the same. But more importantly, they tell the story of someone who’s willing to fight for the greater good. I mean I saw you giving Sarge CPR in the Blood Gulch logs! You saved his life! And you expect me to believe that you actually want Church to stay dead? Admit it Grif you care about your friends just like your sister said.” Dylan finished and there was a beat of silence as the two of them stared at each other and for a moment. Just a moment Dylan had hope that she had changed his mind.
“What about Private (Y/L/N)?! Do you hate her too?!” Dylan shouted after him as she spun around to face him desperate to get him to stop and actually think about what she had said. Grif stopped mid-stride not bothering to turn around and instead staring straight ahead.
“What did you say?” He asked his tone was almost unreadable now and Dylan gulped fear gripping her fast but she’d crossed worse lines than this and there was no going back now.
“I said what about Private (Y/L/N)? I told you Grif I’ve watched the logs from Blood Gulch you expect me to believe that you really hate her?” Dylan asked and she couldn’t fully tell but she was pretty sure that Grif had tensed up as he continued to refuse to look back at her.
“Yeah well don’t believe everything you see on the internet.” Grif’s tone was still unreadable as he stalked out of the cave leaving Dylan there to wallow in her failure for a couple of seconds before she sighed and walked out of the cave. Jax was still standing there waiting for her when she got out.
“So how’d it go?” Jax asked and she rolled her eyes like he didn’t already know from how Grif had stormed out of the cave.
“Not good. I just hope I didn’t mess anything up for these guys now come on we better be getting back.” Dylan said and she honestly did mean it. For the first time in a long time, she was actually worried that she may have fucked everything up beyond repair.
~Back with the Others~
You were standing in front of two spaceships with the others that unease in your stomach growing worse and worse the closer it got to all of you leaving, of course, it didn’t help that Grif still wasn’t here. Simmons hadn’t found him in the pantry and you hadn’t managed to find him on the beach, you had even checked his room and a few other places before you forced to actually pack for this mission and you still hadn’t found him and now you were just getting more nervous and more and more worried about what had happened to him.
“Alright everyone listen up! We’re going to be splitting up! Attacking this situation from both flanks will generally be easier. Carolina and I will be paying a few visits to some fellow Freelancer alumni to see if we can learn anything meanwhile the rest of you with the help of the press will locate the source of Church’s message. Now enough words, wheels up in 10 and remember-Oh!” Wash cut himself off as he looked to his right all of you doing the same. Immediately the feeling in your stomach and the tension in your body disappeared when you saw Grif walking towards you all.
“Well look who’s finally decided to grace us with his presence!” Wash finished and you rolled your eyes. Wash may have been teasing him but you could tell that he was just as glad as you were that Grif has shown up.
“Great! Everyone’s here we can all leave now.” Tucker said with some relief in his voice but mainly urgency. He was already starting to move to the ship all of you would be taking.
“And where have you been, soldier?!” Sarge shouted moving so that he was standing next to Wash and you moved so that you could actually see Grif who stopped a couple of feet away from the group rather than joining the rest of you. Your brows furrowed at that, usually Grif would come to stand right next to you or at the very least he would go to stand next to Simmons he never kept his distance like this.
“Thinking.” He said after a moment of hesitation and the others all made noises of either disbelief or laughter.
“Oh yeah? About what?” Tucker asked with a scuff.
“About food probably,” Simmons responded and you glared at the both of them, you may have been wearing a helmet but they caught the fact that you were glaring at them and stopped laughing before they could even begin. The two of them looked away from you and refused to look back until you had looked away.
“No. Actually, I was thinking that I quit.” Grif stated and you were frozen as you stared at him blinking a couple of times there was no way that he had just said that, you must have heard him wrong.
“What? Quit what?” Simmons asked and Grif looked at him.
“The military. You. All of you, take your pick, either way, I’m not going, I’m staying.” Grif’s voice was firm and clear as he looked around at all of you his gaze lingering for a couple of seconds on you before moving quickly to someone else.
“What?” You breathed out shock had taken a hold of your body and you found that you couldn’t really move, your brain was moving a mile a second trying to process what it was that was happening.
“You can’t quit! That’s not allowed!” Tucker shouted, your question getting drowned out by his statement.
“Yes, I can. I can do whatever the fuck I want, I’m not in the military anymore you guys don’t get to tell me what to do anymore especially you Sarge.” Grif stated and there was a certain amount of joy to his tone that only seemed to fuel the shock and confused chaos that was your mind as you continued to stare at him.
“But… But what about Church?” Caboose asked his voice tiny and hurt as he looked at Grif.
“Oh my god, can’t you all just let it go already? Church has died and come back more times than I can care to count and it’s starting to get fucking old.” Grif said looking mainly at Caboose when he said it and Caboose looked down at the ground.
“What the fuck dude? Seriously?! You’ve always been selfish but this really takes the fucking cake!” Tucker shouted and Grif turned his attention to him as he was silent for a beat.
“I don’t like you,” Grif stated his voice calm and almost emotionless as he stared directly at Tucker before looking at the rest of you.  “Any of you.” He added on. At that, your brain stopped completely everything you had been thinking disappearing instantly and instead being replaced with the words the Grif had just said.
“Listen, guys, we’ve known each other for a long time and I just figured that you should all hear it from me first. I’m done.” Grif said as he turned around and walked off.
You just stood there staring at his retreating figure as your brain continued to replay what Grif had just said, as your brain repeated those three little words that had managed to completely destroy you in a matter of seconds. Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest and you couldn’t move, you couldn’t feel anything other than the tightness in your chest and you couldn’t hear anything as you just stood there watching Grif walk away shock and hurt rendering you immobile. Shaking your head you forced yourself to think of something else, you had to do something, you had to get to the bottom of this you couldn’t just let him walk away. You couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
“Pssh, who needs him?! Good riddance is what I say!” Tucker shouted after him and that finally snapped you back into action as you started moving forward.
“Tucker!” Wash yelled at him as he hit Tucker watching as you moved forward.
“(Y/N)?” Wash asked his voice gentle as he watched you but you ignored him, walking in the direction that Grif had left in.
“Where the hell are you going?” Tucker asked you.
“I’m going to talk to him.” You responded not bothering to turn around as you kept walking.
“What?! What about Church?!” Tucker shouted after you his voice filled with frustration and disbelief.
“Church waited this long to get a message to us, one more fucking minute isn’t going to hurt him.” You responded your voice making it clear that you weren’t about to be swayed on this topic.
“Which is exactly-” “Enough Tucker. Let her go talk to him.” Sarge interrupted him and Tucker looked at Sarge in shock, that was the first time he was pretty sure that Sarge had ever addressed him by name let alone in such a fatherly tone of voice. Grumbling a couple of things under his breath Tucker turned and walked away from all of them heading to the reporter's spaceships.
“We’ll be waiting for you!” Simmons shouted after you as he turned around and walked away with the others. You ignored them all as you jogged a little to catch up with Grif. You found him standing in the same spot that you had found him this morning. You stopped where you were staring at him for a couple of seconds as you tried to calm your rapidly beating heart before walking up to him.
“Grif I-” “Go away (Y/N).” Grif interrupted you before you could say anything else his voice almost emotionless as he stared out at the sea and you stopped walking towards him.
“Grif please I just want to talk to you.” You were having a hard time keeping the pleading out of your voice and keeping your emotions under control as you shifted.
“Yeah well I don’t want to talk to you besides don’t you have a spaceship to board and a dead guy to go save?” he asked and this time there was a bit of hurt to his tone which only seemed to only make the tightness in your chest worse.
“I don’t care about that right now, all I care about right now is you and figuring out what the hell is going on with you right now?” You said and finally, Grif turned to look at you.
“Oh don’t pretend like you actually care.” His words practically slapped you in the face as he glared at you from underneath his helmet.
“I-wha… what? Grif what are you talking about? Of course, I care about you, how can you say that?” The tightness in your chest had gotten worse and now there was an almost nauseous feeling in your stomach as you stared at him your eyes full of hurt.
“Cut the bullshit (Y/L/N)!” Grif shouted suddenly and you flinched taking a step back from him. Having him call you by your last name hurt more than him saying that he didn’t like you ever could.
“Grif, please-” “No! You know I honestly thought that you would get it, that you out of everybody would understand what it was like to be on vacation what it was like to constantly help people who couldn’t care less about you and whether or not you lived or died. I honestly thought that we were on the same page when it came to finally have a vacation.” Grif ranted and you shook your head your eyes stinging with tears of frustration and hurt as you took a step towards him.
“I do Grif, I understand that I really do and we are on the same page we’ve always been on the same page.” You pleaded with him desperate to get him to see that you weren’t the enemy here, that you weren’t trying to hurt him. Desperately trying to figure out what was going on.
“Stop lying to me (Y/L/N)! Do you honestly think that I didn’t see the way your eyes lit up when Tucker and Caboose demanded that we go find and save Church?! How you looked the most excited and interested than you had in weeks?! How you all but tackled Tucker and Caboose in your rush to agree with them?! I may be lazy (Y/L/N) but I’m not fucking stupid! In the end, you’re just like them, all you care about is going on adventures, risking your life for a guy who’s been dead for pretty much a year at this point! We were never on the same page you were just pretending to like me, to enjoy spending time with me while we were on this vacation just so you’d have something to do.” Grif said and you could hear the hurt in his voice. You shook your head again taking a step towards him as a single tear slipped down your cheek before you could stop it. It hurt that Grif was saying this, that he was using your last name, but what hurt the most was the fact that you knew he was right, not about the using him thing but about the fact that this was the most excited you’d been in weeks. That you had practically jumped on the opportunity to get off this moon. It hurt that he was right about that and that you were all but defenseless to stop it.
“Grif please if you would just… if you would just let me explain.” You pleaded with him but he turned away from you.
“Don’t bother.” His voice had gone back to that emotionlessness before and you hated it. Hated how it didn’t seem like he was feeling anything. Hated how he could say those words like the years of the two of you being together and, the years of trusting and of being there for each other hadn’t even fucking mattered to him.
“Grif, please-” “GO (Y/L/N)!” Grif shouted easily drowning out your weak voice. You flinched again opening your mouth to say something before closing it and turning around.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered before walking away. Tears were falling steadily down your face and your shoulders shook slightly with silent sobs that you were desperately trying to get under control before walking on to the spaceship. You were grateful when no one said anything to you as you walked onto the spaceship and even more thankful when no one questioned you about what happened with Grif instead you moved to the nearest empty seat and remained silent as the spaceship took off. Leaving Grif and the remnants of your heart with it in the process.
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agent-sass · 6 years
I’m Here (Grif x Reader)
A paid commission for @tonksiefea
Grif x reader 
Reader gender: neutral 
I hope you enjoy it hon!
Theoretically; the night should have been perfect. It had been an above average day. By above average, that meant that no one had been shot or almost die. It had just been standard of the Reds and Blues hanging around pretending they hated each other while everyone knew that deep down they truly didn’t care (however, it would be a long time before any of them would ever admit that). When Mack’s had first joined the Blood Gulch gang they did expect this. Training as a medic for so many years, hoping to one day enter the field and use their skills for the better. Of course in this universe, it seems to actively work against the people in it. They ended up on the Blue team, not as a medic, but as a fellow soldier. 
Before Mack’s arrived Blood Gulch, they feared what the army may be like as a soldier, fearing the idea of being on the field attacking the other side. Helping people was what they were best at, but if this is what their base said was the best option, then hell they were going to give it their all. 
The memory of first putting on the uniform blue armor, at first it seemed as though it wouldn’t fit, but to only be proved wrong once it was on. While it didn’t make sense, there was a joy in fitting into the armor. A sense of belonging, although they would never say it out loud for anyone to hear out of pure embarrassment. It just felt as though they were meant to be there, this armor was their identity, this base was home, and these teammates were family. If any of these were to be taken away, a part of them would go with it.
Which was why the day wasn’t as great as it should have been. They sat in their room, tears staining their cheeks as they looked down at the cold cement floor, watching the small droplets fall to the floor, making small dark circles. Each one darker than the next, yet, no matter how much they faded, they never truly left, as though reminding them why they were crying in the first place, and trying to mock them.
They sniffed before wiping their eyes, and looking across the room at their armor was placed in the corner, the clearest item out of the lot being the helmet and chest plate. The helmet was cracked, the visor completely shattered and missing pieces, while the chest plate was deeply cracked.
It had happened a few days ago, they had been helping Tucker set up a new vehicle – a quad bike to be exact - that had been sent to Blue Base. While they and Tucker had been working on it, Mack’s was not in a clear state of mind, they were thinking about a certain Red Team member with a smart mouth and a passion for the finer things (food). They had been smiling to themselves at the idea of seeing the solider, wondering what they would do today. Thinking back to the last time they had hung out how they just sat with each other, eating and watching movies. While the idea of a Red and Blue being together was hated by the other teams and they were both told how bad it was, no one ever actually went out of their way to stop it. So, what was the point in stopping it? Not that they believed that the teams actually wanted to stop it, it just seemed as though they were acting out of expectations rather than their actual feelings. However, as much joy as thinking of the said Red member, it distracted them from concentrating on what exactly they were doing which caused an event that they were still unsure how it occurred. The last thing they remembered was the quad bike exploding and their body being thrown back several meters. Breaking the armor, and seriously injuring Tucker. You felt horrible. As though it was their entire fault.
“I disgust myself,” a mutter escaped their quivering lips and they looked back down at the cement floor, Mack’s couldn’t even hide the shaking voice to themselves. How could they face the rest of the team when they couldn’t even face themselves?
Muffled voices could be heard from outside their room but Mack’s couldn’t focus on it and didn’t want to. It was probably the team arguing about how they ruined everything. Mack’s tried to muffle their own cries, not wanting the team to hear it, they just wanted to stay quiet as they hugged their knees and buried their head down, like prey in hiding.
It was when Mack’s heard a familiar voice that their head snapped up. Could that be? No, it couldn’t . . .
“Ow, ow, okay! Jeez, you don’t need to hit me for me not to be a dick, Jesus Christ!”
It was!
But why was he here? Why would the Blue team – or Church for that matter – let Grif anywhere near Blue Base, especially my room?
Mack’s lifted their from their knees and stared at the door where the sound came from. It was silent for a moment before the sound of the door when it opened when they saw Grif poke his head behind the door, Mack’s just looked back down at the floor. Perhaps they were imagining it. He wasn’t actually there. There was no way he was in this room, your room with you. He was probably back at Red Base sitting in his room, eating mountains of food while he watched his favourite serial.
“Hey babe,” he said softly as he sat down next to them, “we’re worried about you, I think Church is having a heart attack.”
Mack’s couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at his words as they left his mouth. They had heard church panicking throughout the days but assumed it was because of their fuck up.
“Why have you been locking yourself up in your room?” he asked, “what’s wrong?”
They glanced back up at their armor before looking down again, feeling the tears well up in their eyes, “I fucked up.”
Grif glanced up to where they had been staring and saw the broken armor, “Your armor? Sweetheart, we can get new armor, maybe something red,” he gave a small wink before wrapping his arm around Mack’s.
While what Grif said was true, it wasn’t that simple. It was harder; the armor was broken and destroyed all because of their fuck up. That armor meant too much and it was ruined because they couldn’t focus because they don’t deserve it.
“Grif, I could have hurt, Tucker, I ruined everything.”
He didn’t say anything. He just wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He knew that you didn’t need a lecture on how it wasn’t your fault and how it was okay. There are moments when a person just needs silence and comfort and Grif was willing and ready to be the one to do that. There was no telling to how long the two of you had stayed like that, the last thing Mack’s could remember was falling asleep on Grif’s shoulder, feeling a sense of peace and comfort knowing that he was there.
When Mack’s woke up in their bed, covers over them, hugging them like a long lost friend who was just happy that they were home. They turned around to see if Gif was still there, was that part a dream? Had they imagined that Grif was there as a comfort mechanism, had it all been a dream? When they turned only to see Grif was not there, their stomach sank, it was all a lie. They were alone.
Mack’s closed their eyes for a moment, trying to hold back the tears, only for their eyes to snap open immediately when they heard the door open. They sat up and looked over at the door and saw Grif standing there with a glass of water.
“Oh hey you’re up,” he smiled, “I thought you would still be asleep – I got you some water, I thought you might have wanted something to drink when you woke up.”
He sat down next to Mack’s on the bed before passing the water to them, he paused a moment before he spoke, “Hey so I talked to Church about that quad bike situation, and he said that it was actually rigged or something, it was set to go off no matter what.”
They chocked on their water, “Wait, what?”
“Yeah, the company had a breach or something.”
“Well fuck me then,” you sighed, and they finished their water.
“Maybe later,” Grif winked, before Mack’s punch his shoulder slightly.
“Oh babe, you wound me.”
They chuckled slightly, before putting the water on the bedside table.
“Also, Church ordered you new armor, it’s going to be perfect.”
“Because you're basically on both teams. Can you be sad more often? Maybe we can con him into getting us heaps of fucking food.”
Mack’s burst out laughing before resting their head on Grif’s shoulder, “Maybe next time.”
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chezzkaa · 7 years
Smarter Than You
Pairing: Grif x Reader Day 9 of Fics Advent Calendar 2017. Read the others here
1.      Hey I was wondering if some Grif fluff would be possible in the near future I love you blog your an amazing writer xo
2.      I believe Grif is smarter than Simmons. So how about a jealous Grif trying to sound intelligent even though he doesn't really need to? Although any Grif is great tbh :)
WC: 371
“You know you don’t have to do that,” you insist, the door closing with a soft click before your backs against it. Grif frowns, eyebrows knitting together with the same frustration he’s been sporting since you dragged him from the mess hall.
“I’m sick of it,” he grumbles, gesturing to the door you’ve just closed. “Everyone treats me like I’m an idiot.”
“Why does it matter, Grif? Since when have you cared that Simmons acts smarter? You don’t have to yell facts about penguins at the top of your lungs over dinner.”
“Because he keeps trying to get with you even though he knows I like you. I know way more useless facts than he does.” He shuffles his feet, glaring at the ground as his hands form fists, memory of Simmons leaning across the table and talking eagerly about pyrotechnics while you laughed burning in his throat. He’d retaliated out of anger, hurling his ignored vegetables at the smug man, along with as much information as he could muster in his illogical state. “He isn’t better than me, he’s just annoying.”
“I’m sorry, can you rewind?” you ask, taken aback. He glances up, confused at the way you’re nibbling your bottom lip.
“To the bit where I said he was annoying?”
“No,” you shake your head, arms crossing over your chest. “The bit before that.”
“Oh, you mean the penguin fact thing.” He nods in understanding, but you’re rejecting the statement. He flops down onto the bench with a theatrical sigh, seat groaning beneath him as his head falls into his hands.
“No, I’m aiming more for the bit about you liking me.”
He stops, body freezing as he stares at your through his fingers. Retracting them, he stammers that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. He turns a deep maroon under the rooms pressure, eyes looking anywhere but you.
“Grif, did you yell penguin stuff because you were trying to impress me?”
He’s quiet, shrinking like a small child beneath his self created embarrassment. When he speaks, he sounds heartbroken. “Penguins are your favourite.”
“No,” you argue gently, sitting down beside him as he slumps in defeat – until you press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re my favourite.”
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First regular Halo RvB oneshot. Requester was on Wattpad. I saw this as you're Sarge's adopted Daughter for age reasons. You're an adult in this, of course.
I really enjoy Dexter Grif, lol- Kept it general for when this takes place although it's implied to be before his sister arrives in Season 5 as it was not specified.
Pvt. Dexter Grif x Sarge's Daughter! Reader
Synopsis: Sarge thought it was a good idea to bring more firepower to the red team. What no one expected was Sarge to bring his daughter in. Imagine Grif's dilemma when he finds himself falling for you, the daughter of the man who he loves to irritate.
Content Warnings: Kissing, Forbidden relationship, Swearing, Other than that it's cute.
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"You can't be serious...." Simmons sighs, looking over to Grif in disappointment.
"I am serious, Simmons!" Grif huffs, leading to Simmons groaning.
"Sarge would have your head if he caught you with her, y'know that?" Simmons muses. "I mean, she only joined Red a few months ago and you're already-"
"Not so loud, dude! What if she hears? That or Sarge!?"
"Doesn't sound like my problem."
"Okay, Kiss Ass."
Grif sighs and walks away from his friend. Maybe it was a mistake to consult Simmons about how he feels. Although he certainly wasn't saying it to Donut.
Truth is, Grif hasn't been feeling too well emotionally ever since he met Sarge's daughter, (Y/N). You were a bit younger than Grif and so unlike your father. Grif always assumed you weren't blood related because of that.
Sarge was so... Sarge. Ruthless and commanding, although it was fun to annoy him. You on the other hand? You made Grif's heart flutter.
You were so much nicer to him than Sarge. You even asked Sarge to go easier on him at one point. For that he was grateful.
You and Grif made surprising friends due to the relations with Sarge. Although you made him happy and he seemed to also make you happy. He never thought he'd find someone like you on the team.
Over the months he's known you his feelings only grew stronger. The only issue was expressing them. Which was hard to do for one big reason.
Sarge, your father. There's no way Sarge would approve of you dating him. That thought both angered and pained Grif.
"You good, Grif?" You ask softly, your voice shaking him from his thoughts. Grif's visor looks towards you. If only you knew....
"Ah... I guess, yeah. Simmons was giving me trouble again."
You sigh, irritated. He could read your emotions just by your tone.
"Wish Simmons and Sarge gave you more respect, Grif." You say, upset.
"Do you really mean that? They've always been like this-"
"Of course! Atleast I have the decency to treat you with respect. You're a pretty good guy, Grif."
Oh his heart ached....
"That means a lot...."
Grif freezes when he hears your name being called. Great, it's Sarge.
"Yes, dad?"
"Why are you talking with Grif?"
"I happen to enjoy talking with Grif?"
"He's a bad influence, (Y/N). Lazy as all hell...."
"He's fun to talk to, dad."
"I would rather you talked with Simmons if anyone here."
"Simmons is a Kiss Ass."
Grif laughs softly at your comment, you really did have his back. Maybe he could give this a try...
"Language, (Y/N). Simmons is a good man."
"Say what you will, dad."
You snicker before walking away. Desperate to get out of Sarge's gaze and talk with you more, Grif follows. If he could just get you alone....
"You seem off, Grif."
Grif feels you put a hand on his shoulder. Your touch is comforting, he feels he can do this.
"Admittedly... a little?"
"Is it my father?"
"That's part of it."
"Yeah, I get that. He's just so..."
Grif sits down in the base with you. It's just you and him in private. He breathes in before speaking.
"It's been a hard few months but I felt I should tell you this."
"(Y/N)..." Grif sits closer. "I like you, like, more than just a comrade."
You look at him. It's hard to tell your expressuon through your visor. But what you did next said all he needed to know.
You shift closer before pulling him into your embrace. You both say nothing, cherishing the moment. Grif could tell you felt the same.
"I had a feeling you'd say that." You say, pulling away enough to tug at your helmet. Grif was left awestruck upon seeing your face. It took you tapping his helmet to snap him out of it.
"Come on, you shy?"
"(Y/N)...." Grif says in shock before removing his helmet. Once off, you wrap your arms around him and kiss him. Grif pauses before kissing back.
He was admittedly not that experienced. Yet neither were you. That didn't change the fact you both were enjoying yourselves.
It felt nice for the both of you. Wrapped around each other and sharing a very intimate moment. It felt meant to be....
Soon you both pull away, looking at each other in bliss. You couldn't be happier.
"God I love you...."
"Same to you, Grif...."
"(Y/N) and Grif!"
"Ah shit...."
You both freeze upon hearing Sarge's voice.
"You have some explaining to do!"
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snowyaika · 8 months
pairing: felix x rebel!reader
summary: you and felix became close when he joined the rebellion. when he’s gone from a mission longer than he should be, you set out to find where he really is.
word count: 2.2k
warnings: season 6 chapter 10 spoilers, swearing, symptoms of a panic attack but not actually stated, brief mention of suicide(but not acted upon), pain pain pain!, kind of an open ending, all lowercase, gn!reader, follows plot of show
notes: whew! put a lot of prompts into this one, gotta make it sting a little! keep in mind this is my first work for this fandom and for…well, anything! please please please comment your thoughts on it, hope you all enjoy :)
“felix, rendezvous back at the ship, it’s time to let them end their war once and for all.” the radio goes quiet for a moment, the other side contemplating their choice of words.
“tie up your loose ends.”
the line cuts off with static, locus supposedly getting ready for the attack on the federal army.
it’s quiet, until a long sigh breaks through the empty room. “fuck.”
it’s no question that felix and you have a… special relationship. ever since he joined the rebellion, it’s as if you two just clicked.
you were one of the best in the rebellion, although you didn’t have much competition. because of your superior skill, or well, the inferior skill of others, you had trouble connecting with the other soldiers.
when felix showed up, everything changed.
like a flipped switch, you were never alone, always by each other’s side. of course, other than when he went on his own missions and when you had your own duties to attend to on base.
you two did everything together. training, dining, hell— even chores (although, he was more so just keeping you company as you were on dish duty).
eventually, things started to take a turn. training sessions and missions suddenly turned into late night walks and deep conversations in your quarters.
of course, this soon led to more… intimate moments between you both.
soon after, everyone could catch on that you two had something going on.
… or maybe it was after felix beat up a new recruit to the brink of death when he found out the poor guy was flirting with you.
nevertheless, things were going fine— perfect even. as fine as things can be during a civil war.
until everything wasn’t.
“felix? i thought kimball sent you out to scout the feds?”
you’re in the back of the weaponry, sharpening your knives (gifted by a certain someone) and preparing your other guns for an upcoming mission when you spotted him walking up to you.
“oh god, please tell me she doesn’t want me to tag along. i don’t know how many more bullets i can take for you.”
he let out a soft chuckle as he stood in front of you, staring down at you seated on a crate.
“oh please, it was one time. and you didn’t even get shot, it grazed your leg.” his eyes flicker down to the knife in your hand, his chest puffing up smugly.
he’s weird that way. seeing you use the knives he gifted you gave him a sense of possessiveness, as if he was staking his claim on you. you always called him a creep when he brought it up.
neither of you brought up how you never denied it.
“as much as i’d love to have you on this next mission, no, she didn’t tell me to come get you.” he clears his throat before continuing, “i just… wanted to you to see me off.”
you pause your work, staring up at him with a confused look. of course because of the helmets, he doesn’t see it, so you both stare at each other in awkward silence for a moment.
“...okay, i’ll bite. why?” you set your weapons to the side so you can stand face to face with him. “you don’t plan to die on this one, do you?” your tone has a tint of humor to it, but your body is clearly tense.
“darling, please. look who you’re talking to. you think some weak federals can kill this awesome bod? i’m offended.” he makes a pose of showing off his arm muscles, causing you to just scoff and lightly shove his shoulder.
“right. i forgot i was hanging with the strongest man on the planet,” your tone drips with faux praise, glancing behind him at the lingering soldiers giving you both cautious glances.
“i’m serious though. i just wanted to see you before i left.” he steps closer, his hand reaching for yours, his fingers brushing against your wrist. your helmet clinks gently against his like a childish kiss. everyone already knew about you two, but it’s nice to keep some professionalism in public.
“how long will you be gone?” you whisper softly, as if raising your voice would shatter the intimate moment between you two.
“not long. intel says it’ll be quick. i should be back in a few days.” he responds just as gently, all humor in his voice gone and replaced with a tone you would never hear him use with anyone else.
“okay, be safe.”
it’s been two weeks since your last conversation with him, and it’s safe to say you were… on edge.
you’ve been going around the base non-stop asking the same questions, where is he, what do you know about the mission he was sent on, and at some point during it all kimball summoned you herself after you snapped at one of the rookies.
“what the hell were you thinking, pulling a gun on a fucking rookie? have you lost your goddamn mind?!”
kimballs voice is loud enough to echo throughout the whole base, yet you remain unphased as she throws words towards you that are intended to hurt. you tune her out, completely uninterested in what she has to say.
your mind hasn’t been the same since he left. you can handle when he goes off on his usual missions, but when he doesn’t come back two weeks after he said he should’ve?
it’s logical for you to get a little high strung.
you let her hurl a few more insults towards you before interrupting. “it won’t happen again. am i dismissed?”
she grinds her jaw to restrain the next string of curses about to be let out, and huffs. “look, i know you’re stressed that felix is gone. shit, i don’t know where he is either, okay? but you need to get your shit together. i don’t want to see another fuck up like this again, understand?”
you only nod, turning on your heel and walking out of the building. as you make your way towards your quarters, you overhear the galaxy's greatest heroes (a bunch of lazy idiots if anyone were to ask you) talking about some sort of rescue mission to save the rest of their team.
you tense up. maybe felix was sent to go after them and got captured himself? you were willing to take the chance to find out.
pausing, you contemplate the risk of asking to join them. not because it would be betraying your alliance to the rebellion, but because hanging around with them will surely lower your chance of survival.
waving away your doubts, you walk into the building they were in. they notice you immediately, instantly becoming tense. “oh… hey there,” the yellow (orange, he always corrects you) one says.
“i want in on your little rescue mission. it’ll be wise for you to bring me along.”
they all share a look, before the teal one speaks up, “uh… sure. but why?”
oh my god, they’re fucking idiots.
there is absolutely no possible explanation as to how the five of you have made it this far, and you don’t plan on questioning it, instead thanking whatever god is up there that you haven’t blown your own brains out from the frustration of having to deal with their idiotic antics.
you don’t think about it any longer once they reunite with their team, your disappointment evident when you don’t see felix being one of the people among them.
for fucks sake, where could he have gone?
your question gets answered shortly after.
you stand amongst the other soldiers, staring at him with a confused expression. your heart stutters in what you thought was relief, but you should’ve known better.
once the fight broke out, you were so confused. you had no idea what to do. do you shoot at him? what if it was just a huge misunderstanding? why was he with locus? there was too much going on. before you even knew it, one of the soldiers, you’re assuming one of the heroes allies, teleports your team away.
you were left behind.
following your instincts, you fucking book it and run, away from whatever the hell just happened and whoever the hell was chasing you.
not long after, because your training wasn’t that good, you’re worn out from running away, deciding to take cover behind one of the many rocky pikes surrounding the base.
you drop your gun, your hands shaking too much to hold it steady. “fuck, fuck, fuck!” you hear footsteps running past you, and you try your best to hold your breath. you didn’t know what to do, you weren’t cut out for this, you weren’t cut out for this war.
your breath is shallow as you rip off your helmet, taking large gasps of air and clutching your chest tightly to help ease the pain forming there. you couldn’t feel anything, your chest was hurting so much it numbed the pain in your legs from running.
trying to steady yourself, you count your breaths, praying that you can just calm down and keep running.
“i knew i’d find you here.”
your heart drops, and you raise your head to look up at the person approaching you. you take a deep breath to try and focus.
“felix, i thought you- what the hell is going on?” you stand up straight, starting to walk towards him. you’re so confused and you need to know if it's really him.
before you can even take a step, his gun is aimed straight at your face. “stay where you are.”
your body instantly freezes, a sudden chill shooting down your spine. “felix.. what are you doing? we can leave before they find us, stop messing with me and put the gun down!”
he doesn’t seem to listen, his gun following your head as you try to move slightly out of its range.
“you know, from the day we met, i knew i’d hurt you eventually,” he lowered his gun, starting to pace slowly in front of you.
the radio in his suit buzzes, most likely containing orders to the soldiers nearby to eliminate you immediately, but all he does is switch it off.
“i was surprised, really, how easily you opened up to me. i mean, come on, trusting a mercenary? i thought i taught you better,” he keeps the gun lowered, but you know the threat is still prominent, “and then you had to go and fall for me. you sure gave me trouble finding ways to report to command without you being on my back all the time.”
your brain lags, trying to piece together what he’s saying but you’re so deep in denial. “felix i- what are you even saying?”
“do you remember the first time we met?” he cuts you off, taking a step closer. “the first conversation we had?”
when you don’t respond, he takes pride in answering his own question, “i told you not to get too close to me. kimball said it herself– i was hired to help you guys, what makes you think you and your little crush on me could ever change that?”
it’s like a wave of ice water washes over you, and you finally come to your senses. it really is felix, and he really is betraying you.
your gaze slides down to your previously dropped gun, and as if reading your mind, he lifts his gun again towards you, “i don’t think so, darling.”
what once was a nickname that made you smile giddily, now makes your body tingle in a new feeling of discomfort.
“what is this, a lesson in not trusting people? god, spare me the act,” your words leak with newfound hatred, glaring at him as if looks could kill. “just get it over with and say you never loved me.”
your brain yells at you to not be so hostile, to start begging for your life, but you’re stubborn.
just how he taught you.
your comment takes him by surprise, the grip on his gun faltering slightly. he quickly recovers, tightening his grip and aiming it at you with a new sense of justification. “don’t make me kill you.”
you let out a scoff, “what, going to shoot me? go on, do it.”
after a moment of silence between you both, and still no sound of a trigger, your eyes narrow at him, “don’t have the balls to do it? you don’t need me to call locus over, do you?”
he lets out a low growl, but still makes no move to pull the trigger. letting out a sigh, you lean back on your heels. if you were going to die now, you’d at least like one of your questions answered.
“what was going through your head when i told you i loved you?” you try to sound like you don’t care, like him betraying you didn’t feel like a fucking train wreck, but you can’t help the unsteadiness in your voice.
“that i wish you never had trusted me.”
you see his finger twitch on the trigger, and you look up to the sky.
as much as you hated the feds, they had a pretty damn good view.
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Oreos and Mario Cart Grif x Reader
So this has been sitting in my drafts since...2017? It was mostly finished, except for the last paragraph or so. I’m still not satisfied with the ending, but whatever. This blog still gets attention and I feel guilty for being on indefinite hiatus so here you go. I’m like 90% sure this was for a prompt or an ask or something but I can’t find it. Enjoy~
Admittedly accepting any kind of challenge from the single laziest member of the Red Army was a pretty bad idea. Grif wasn’t one to make a bet unless he was absolutely sure he was going to win, especially when it involved food. However you were also a force to be reckoned with and after being deprived for six months you were damn well winning those oreos. How he managed to get them way out in this godforsaken canyon was beyond you but that wasn’t important. What was important was that they weren’t going to be his for much longer, not if you had anything to say about it.
Plopping down on the beat up couch – the only one in red base – you watched as your adversary fiddled with the television. You were so ready for this. In fact, you were born ready. Once Grif finished up he joined you on the couch, handing you a controller with a smug look on his face.
“Ready to lose?” He drawled, clearly not taking you or your very intimidating game face into proper consideration.
“Ready to hand over those oreos?” You shot back, getting nothing but a snort in response. The game was finally up and running and the familiar music brought your attention back to the task at hand and away from your lazy friend turned enemy. As mature adults there was really only one way to settle this: Mario Cart. How you got it is just another unsolved mystery – though your personal theory is that HQ just wants to keep you happy enough so that you’ll leave them alone until you all eventually die either at the hands of the blue team or, more likely, in some horrific yet comical accident. While you were contemplating the vast mysteries of Blood Gulch, Grif had made it to the course selection screen.
“So, you wanna do Coconut Mall?” He asked, lazily glancing your way.
“Are you kidding?” You scoffed. “Rainbow Road obviously, we settle this like men.” That of course earned an eye roll, though you could tell he was trying not to smile. The man was surprisingly good at keeping a straight face but you were a pro at seeing through it. For a second your thoughts began to drift but the instant that count down appeared you were all business. Those oreos were yours.
It was a hard race, as expected. Despite your comments and bravado you weren’t particularly good at Mario Cart and Rainbow Road was pretty universally the bane of every racer’s existence. Grif fell off almost immediately while you shockingly managed to stay on the track for a good bit, only to fall off yourself as you laughed at his misfortune. That was how things went until the last lap. Then things got serious. Grif had somehow managed to pull into the lead even though he had spent just as much time getting airlifted back onto the track as you did. It was getting towards the end and you could see his icon creeping closer to the finish line on the mini map. As things stood the only thing that could keep you from losing was some sudden cataclysmic event, like an earthquake, or a power outage or…or a blue shell. As you were considering your options (with controller theft being at the top of your list) you had driven through an item box and had been blessed by fate with the most devious and dreaded of items.
Glancing to your right you quickly checked to see if Grif had noticed your good fortune. There was an intense look of concentration on his face and you almost laughed, it being so unusual and all. The idiot hardly ever put any effort into anything. Still, it looked like he hadn’t noticed what you had just picked up. Grinning, you focused your attention back on the screen while periodically glancing at Grif, waiting for the opportune moment to use your secret weapon. Just as he started looking particularly smug you jumped into action, sending your spikey blue denizen of hell hurtling towards the unsuspecting racer. Your grin got even wider as you saw his eyes widen in horror and his character get sent spinning, recover, and then immediately drive off the edge, allowing you to pass him and cross the finish line. A string of curses left your now very disgruntled compatriot’s mouth as you proceeded to get up and strike the most melodramatic pose you could think of.
“You know,” you choked out, “they used to tell me I wouldn’t amount to anything, but look at me now.” Wiping away imaginary tears you dramatically gestured towards the TV, maintaining your composure for a few more seconds before breaking into hysterical laughter. A disgruntled Grif reluctantly presented you with your prize. You were tempted to keep this pristine package of glorious cookies to yourself, but you knew he’d spend the rest of the day sulking over this if you did. And in the end, you liked him far too much (and found sulky-Grif far too annoying) to deprive him.
“C’mon, we’ll share them” you said, giving him a little peck on the cheek as you walked past him and towards the kitchen area. For a second you worried that he was going to sulk anyway, until you heard him begin to follow you. And order you to get the milk, “or else”. The man took his cookies seriously, and you seriously loved him for it and all his other ridiculous quirks. And not even Mario Cart could come between that.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Crush- Simmons x Fem!Blue!Reader
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Recovery date: August 8th, 2023
Description: Hi there! Can I request a RvB fic, Simmons x fem!Reader to be specific? Simmons has a crush on reader, but absolutely unable to communicate with her, and Grif is making fun of him for it.
Notes: This entry was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contribution,
Word count: 348
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“Damn…” Grif let out a low whistle as he came up beside Simmons, hands laced behind his head.
He let them swing down and slapped his friend on the back, making him jump.
“Grif! Wha-what do you mean, damn?”
“Dude, it’s been years and you still can’t talk to her.”
Red team's resident slacker nodded towards the vehicle pool where Y/N was crouched beside Jensen, helping her repair a Warthog. Y/N had taken off her armor for easier movement in just her under suit.
The two men watched as Jensen sat up and Y/N hopped into the driver's seat to turn the car on. It rumbled a bit before settling into its usual drone. Jensen jumped up with a smile so the two could high five in celebration of another successful repair.
“I can talk to her,” Simmons grumbled, elbowing Grif in the side.
“Remember the first time she showed up at our base, you were all cool until she spoke, then you walked into a wall. I had to handle negotiations, you still owe me for that by the way. Or the first time you saw her without her helmet, you-”
“You can stop now.”
“Or when we started working with the Blues and Tucker was flirting with her, you spent the whole day glaring at him,” Grif laughed. “But when I said, go talk to her, you told me to go fuck myself.”
“Please, stop.”
Grif side eyes him.
“For the record, we talk about you.”
“Wait, what?”
Grif shrugged, pulling away from Simmons and heading up to the girls. He leaned against the Warthog, and said something that Simmons couldn’t hear that made Y/N laugh and Jensen glance over at him. 
Jensen walked away from the Warthog towards one of the work tables, putting away her tools, and Grif continued on through the pool towards the mess hall.
“Simmons! Come help me return this to the front,” Y/N called, smiling brightly and waving him over.
“Ju-just so you know, whatever Grif told you was a lie.”
“Mhm, sure thing Dick.”
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writingwarden · 2 years
Well here is this one too
Agent Washington
-Soft Words and Coffee
- Shelf
Writing Warden Masterlist 💚
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stareiiez · 5 years
Flower Petals and Blood
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𝐿𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝐶𝘩𝑢𝑟𝑐𝘩 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
Chapter 6
Word Count: 3.4k
𝑨/𝑵:  HI! Hello, yes, it's me. I have updated with an even longer chapter for this ongoing series that you guys have really seemed to enjoy :D I’m happy for the support and love I’ve gotten!
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: Graphic description of choking, perhaps vomit.  Nothing too extreme for n o w, just good ole choking on some flowers. 
 "What's your deal?" You complained, your feet were trying to plant on the metal flooring of the base and then on the ground when you were dragged outside the base.
Your voice was high pitched and annoyed, as you if you had every right to be a bit whiny towards another soldier. The black-armored clad female had dragged you from your doorway, leaving behind Tucker to talk to you in private. The sun beat down on to your bear head and already sweat was working its way to dampen the back of your neck and back itself. It seemed to only get hotter in Blood Gulch around 'summertime', you had a way of telling when the 'seasons' changed due to the slight difference in this area.
"Whatever you could have said, you couldn't have said in front of your other teammate." You bit out, as the grip on your wrist grew tighter. Oh right, you forgot to mention how she had held you by the arm like a child who was in trouble, then dragged you away. She should have just grabbed you by the ear and scolded you just to further add on to your embarrassment.
"This isn't about him, this is far from him. Who you do on your own time in none of my concern. He's not even my teammate, to begin with in the first place, I'm just hired to be here to replace Church's death." Tex stated, her hand had pulled you harshly forward as the two of you wandered behind the back of the Blue base.
How quick she practically threw you ahead of her had your head spin slightly as you fought to gain your balance against the quick moment of momentum. Was a conversation that serious that she had to be that bitch to pull you away from- .. from. Well, what did she step in on back there? Were you going to do something with Tucker? You couldn't even remember, the moment he set his hands on you. Your body burst into flames of heat and some tingly feeling that left your mind dazed beyond compare. You were on fire and he added more gasoline to the bonfire that screamed in your chest. He burned the bright petals away and let you live. Maybe you were just pent up and Tucker was your only scapegoat. Did you like him? Maybe. He was good-looking, funny when he wasn't talking about his dick, and caring. He worried over your condition and in that one spare intimate moment, you could feel the ache in your lungs. He made you feel, normal. Tucker made you feel something other than pain and for one painstakingly moment as the world around you spun. Maybe he was something you needed in your life.
"Something is off about you," Texas spoke once you gained your bearings, her voice brought on that itchy feeling to your chest. Her voice was nails on a chalkboard and that yanked you out of your glazed over attention.
‘Gee Tex, as if puking up petals wasn't off enough. What do you want? A fucking billboard so you can see it easier instead of looking down at me from your god damn high horse named Church?' You thought to yourself.
Acid burned in your throat as you bit down on your tongue. You swallowed the sharp acidic tang that tried to push its way past your teeth in word vomit or actual vomit. Your breath left in a quick rush of air once your gazed turned to cast the female an actual agent of the nearly forgotten Project; and you. You were just someone that knew everything about the agents, everything the Project stood for. You could spill your guts to the public, to cover what the media didn't when the Director went into hiding. You didn't hate Project Freelancer, no you loved the stories that you heard about them. You loved and looked up to the war criminals as if they were Earth's do-gooders who saw no wrong and weren't manipulated into thinking they were better than anyone. Captain Flowers even told you of his past, of him faking his death to get into this particular simulation group under a new persona. He was dedicated enough to sell his soul for Project Freelancer, and by god did that organization let him down coldly.
He was crazy. his sanity gone and down the drain, the Project fell. He was all smiles and sadistic chuckles when everyone he ever knew or cared for was shown up as MIA or KIA. His sanity was gone and switched out for episodes that he was either way too friendly that it was uncomfortable, or for others that were a bit too bloodthirsty for a canyon group of idiots. He wasn't Agent Florida, he was some other man that filled that husk and took his job with the biggest grain of salt in the salt shaker.
You just hated her. Hate was a strong word, but she was just another manipulation that was conned by the Director. She didn't have to come back, she didn't have to be here and have Church wrapped around her pink finger, but she did. Church was hardwired to chase after her, he was destined to live out the Director's love through another robotic AI copy of her. You were just here on the sidelines to watch it play out and choke to death on some fucking made-up disease. Why do you need to be the one to tell her your whole fucked up one-sided love triangle fiasco when it's obvious she is here to just intimidate her.
Like some twisted female Alpha, she wants to make sure you don't fuck with what's hers. If it's possible to give hickies and blow an AI you'd gladly track Church down and make it happen as long as she sees it. The itchy feeling bloomed slowly back in your chest, your breath stuttered just slightly in your lungs. It was starting to hurt, the itchy feeling was moving upwards, like vines of a rose garden and twinning themselves through your organs. It's sharp thorns digging into flesh and tissues.
"Well?" Tex states, her arms have crossed over her onyx chest plate. Her head tilted to assess your unarmored form, and you swear she's grinning under the visor.
"It's just a head cold." You gritted out, the lie slipped through by the skin of your teeth, the truth was biting and burning on your tongue. The acidic taste rolled on your tongue, and it was harder to swallow this time around.
There was a scoff, from the other. Texas stared at you, her gold emotionless visor was staring you down. It was like she could see past the wavering lie you had hastily said to force her to be on her way. The silence growing between you two was nothing but uneasy, and your mouth burned with the sensation to double over and puke. You wouldn't mind spilling your guts, literally, on her polished black boots before you even amused her further. You needed to throw up, petals or liquid you couldn't tell this time around, whatever Texas was staring at, you wanted her to hurry up and move on. Your upper lip quivered as another beat of silence passed and she finally broke eye contact.
"I'll just go ask Church, you two seem to be.... way more comfortable for a teammate." One finger pointed accusingly at your face.
Your lips curled up at her words. "what's that supposed to mean?"
Tension sizzled, tightened, wound around your throat, and warmed your red blood cells that coursed through your veins as Tex didn't hesitate to reply.
"Church isn't smart, he's see-through." A snort escaped your mouth, one you couldn't help to not hold back. Yeah, no shit, he's see-through, he's not even a fucking real person.
With a glare you could feel penetrate through the golden, emotionless visor Tex continued. "He likes to hang around you, he's less of an-"
"Asshole?" You quipped.
"I was going to say absolute dumbass of a dick, but that works too if you want to be basic." She sighed, "Look, for some reason Church likes to hang around you. He rants, I hear him rambling and somehow cussing you out across the damn canyon. He's loud enough for even the dead to hear." *Ha, funny.*
"And this is supposed to make me blush?"
"I'm saying that whatever is going on between you, friends, you're screwing each other or whatnot. I'll find out what's happening with you, so watch your back." Bored with conversating over an Ex of hers, and whatever the hell kind of frequent one night stand hookup partner, The Bitch in Black sauntered away with the confidence that she was so sure of herself.
Once she had rounded around the base and was, hopefully, out of earshot, you wheezed hard. Lungs ached and trembled as a sharp pitched exhale left. Stabs of hot knives sliced at warm, soft, fleshy, sacs of skin that shrunk and grew behind your ribcage. The world blurred in watery colors, and small tears pricked and warmed your cheeks as they slipped down your skin. You didn't choke on petals, it felt fuller in your throat. The object bulged in your throat and tickled your trachea. Velvet petals, earthy tasting that made you gag and try to swallow whatever was temporarily blocking your air passage. You couldn't gag, couldn't possibly cough hard enough to even move the blockage more up to the back of your mouth. You were choking to death, and you were pretty sure you looked like an absolute mess or more while balancing in the brink of death.
With another choked gag, you fell to your knees on the dusty ground and then flung your whole body crashing down violently on the sun-baked ground in desperation. The sudden jarring and slam of your stomach on the floor, shoved the last few puffs of sweet oxygen and carbon dioxide gave the gentle shove of the object. Petals tickled your uvula, and you nearly clamped your mouth shut in repulsion. It wouldn't bug, no amount of even throwing up or coughing would make it move anymore. You'd have to shove your fingers down your throat to free your airflow yourself.
A trick, one stupid college tale your best friend told you before you shipped out for the military, was tucking your left thumb into your fist and squeeze. Strong, weak, or no gag reflex you couldn't give a damn. Not taking the chance to puke your guts out and more from just putting your fingers to the back of your throat was undesirable. Squeezing your eyes shut, your pointer and thumb of your right hand ventured into your mouth. Your lungs burned, and your body shook in rebellion from having another thing added to your mouth. It was easier to fully grab the petals that constantly brushed against your uvula, they didn't tear off as you slowly pulled whatever was choking you to death or unconsciousness. Your left thumb popped in the ever-tightening grip of your fist as you retracted your hand from your mouth and pulled whatever you were holding between your pointer finger and thumb.
Air, precious, hot, sweet, cold, burning, dry air rushed and skimmed down your throat as you finally inhaled. Your passageway was clear, and you could breathe properly. You still trembled and shook with small gentle coughs that came from your oxygen-deprived deflated lung sacs. Your eyes opened against the small tears that still flooded your pupils. With your hand now relaxed, it wiped your gaze clear and you finally turned to what was damp and hanging limply in your grasp.
Against the bright sunlight, you nearly let out a sharp gasp that stretched your already sore lungs to hurt even more. There color of periwinkle blue, with a bright golden center that was small and dusted with pollen. Pollen that dusted your lips and tasted like strong, musky Earth, and a sick, oddly sweet aftertaste inside your mouth. You couldn't tell the type of flower that was shining from the saliva that coated its once open spread petals. Thank god the single flower did not have a stem, it was just the head of the flower.
You never produced full flowers, let alone formed ones before. Small petals, large petals, oddly shaped or clumped together was what you had puked or coughed up for at least two or three days. Now your disease was progressing for the worst, and you weren't sure if your body could keep up. Eyes, wide as saucers you kept the soft flower in your fingers, too afraid to gently cradle it in your open palm. You had managed to push your weight up to your knees, then onto your feet slowly after a minute or two of gaining your strength.
Your feet carried you before you could even see where you were going. It's not like you needed to, you knew the ins and outs of this god damn canyon like the back of your hand. You mapped this desolate place since the first week you ever got stationed in the Blood Gulch Canyon. You were mindlessly walking fast, as fast as you could without tripping on the uneven ground. You were heading to Red Base, Doc could still be there. He didn't hang around Blue Base as much after Sarge claimed the purple medic as Red Team's own reluctantly. "Numbers over insubordination." was what Sarge always said, when he had begrudgingly allowed Doc to enter the Red Base that day of the exchange between Blue Team and Red Team. It was humiliating for Grif, and just sad for being desperate to get what Blue Team wanted the most.
"Doc!" You nearly screamed as you stumbled into Red Team's Base, the flower still dangling and threatening to crumple in the tightening grip of your hand.
Your voice rang out and nearly caused Sarge to fire a warning shot near your head from the sudden panic that racked his body. He only had raised his shotgun at you, but how frail you looked and near on the edge of collapsing to the ground from exhaustion; he lowered his gun.
"What are you doing here? You Blue?" His gruff voice didn't stop as you merely cast the older man a brief look while venturing a little more into Red Base.
Sarge, Grif, and Simmons were all in the Base's kitchen. Random weapons were laid out and disassembled to be cleaned probably by Sarge and Simmons. Grif was scrounging around, opening cabinets and snooping around the crappy fridge for any type of food to snack on for probably the seventh time in the day.
"I- I need Doc, he's... he's supposed to see this." Your voice was quiet, trying to sound steadfast even though your breaths were sounding airy and wheeze like.
Your hand outstretched, the periwinkle colored flower was now dry and started to crumple its sad, wilted petals inward.
"A? flower?" Grif asked, his voice full of confusion as he looked at you long enough to take in your disheveled state that held the flower.  
"It's not just a-" You exhaled tiredly, clearly not in the mood to spill the dirt of your disease to yet more people who had an even higher risk of accidentally blurting out your secret to Church.
Simmons was too honest, Grif would 'accidentally' give you away without even thinking about it, and Sarge would be more than happy to prove Church wrong if the male were to assume anything about you. Sarge would expose your secret in the process, and then somehow blame your Blue ways for having this disease in the first place.
"Just, where is Doc?"
"He's in his room down the hall." Grif scoffed before turning his attention to the fridge, his top half-hidden behind the dirty white fridge door.
"Grif! You can't just tell the enemy where our men are." Sarge scolded immediately, Grif only made a grunting noise before bending down further to reach towards the back of the fridge.
Before Sarge could make any more threats, or begin to even start to for that matter, you grabbed the withering flower and ventured further into their base. Sarge's voice was growing quieter the more you walked down the surprisingly long bedroom hallway. The army, the UNSC or Project Freelancer, must have thought a lot more people would be so willing to be stationed in the most desolate places with nothing to do but play a long game of capture the flag. Oh, how wrong the Army was to even waste money to even have that idea.
Finally, what you could guess was Doc's room. Especially since smooth jazz music was pouring out from behind the closed door, and you could even hear the cheery humming of the male with the calming beat. It felt bad for you to even knock on the steel door and interrupt whatever he was doing in his room, but you could say sorry later after you updated Doc about your disease. The volume of the music was lowered, and you could hear Doc say 'It's open!'.
"Doc?" You mumbled, once you tentatively opened his bedroom door.
Random posters of cheesy uplifting quotes, colorful little post-it's of self-esteem cheer up notes were plastered haphazardly among the posters that were glued to his walls. Typical Doc, for someone so bullied and teased from both teams, he managed to decorate his room the way he would want to make him feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. He was hyping himself up every day, and that was the most precious thing you could witness. Not everyone here was in the mindset to think the way Doc thought about themselves. Doc could perhaps go crazy and yet some part of his mind was so hardwired in positivity, that he could still find good things to say about himself.
"Oh! I didn't expect to see you here!" Doc spoke up once he registered you were standing in his room. He smiled warmly, glasses that sat on his nose tilted slightly from the movement of his cheeks.
"Well I'm your only real patient right now with a life-threatening disease, I would think you would expect me." You could have winced at the dry joke you were forced to crack to not ruin the welcoming environment in his room.  "Speaking of disease, Doc I have something to show you."
"Good or bad." The male rose his pointer finger to push the clear frames more upon his nose and plopped down on his bed to sit. His hands folded in his lap like a good listening student in elementary school. Except this was a sick version of  show and tell in a fucked elementary school.
"Well.." Your hand outstretched and showed the other the flower in your hand.
It stunk of a now sickeningly sweet smell, even if it was wilting and sad looking now more than ever. The periwinkle blue colored remained bright and vibrant, but the very ends of the petals were turning into the brown color that signified its slow process of decay. The smell was new, but then again maybe it was just the stench of Red Base itself. Maybe either base smelt different, but that would be a dumb observation.
"It's a Morning Glory, its.. pretty?"
Your eyes widened from Doc's observation. "Doc, are you kidding? I've never produced whole ass flowers before! and you want to tell me the type of flower it is! Are you still fucking kidding?"
"You're right! You're right I couldn't help myself." Clearing his throat, Doc leaned forward and plucked the head of the flower from your open palm.  He held the flower close to his eyes, nose wrinkling from the scent practically smacking him in the face from how nauseous it was making him feel.
"This is the first time you've ever produced right?" You nodded, and Doc hummed under his breath. One eyebrow cocked in question as he stared at the flower.  Curious fingers pulled at the petals and rubbed them between his thumb and forefinger, now and then making a noise of acknowledgment.
"Well, the disease is getting worse, it's progressing way faster than I thought it would. Good news, you won't choke on stems yet, just fully formed flower heads."
"That means?" You asked,
“It means you're well on your way to dying."
"Wha- Doc!"
"What? You asked."
You guffawed at the man who seemed stoic for once, he seemed so calm as a sudden rush of panic racked your brain and nearly left you screaming internally in your subconscious.
"Listen I'm serious when you need to actually talk to Church about this, or else this is going to be the end of you."
In the middle of you silently screaming and perhaps trying to hold together your sanity long enough to not break down screaming in front of Doc, in the Red Base no doubt. A third presence in the room made your spine curl inwards, and the acidic taste of sourness flooded your mouth.
"Tell me what?" Church asked when he materialized in the room, his see-through form that was hinted in the same color of the Morning Glory that was cradled tenderly in Doc's hand.
Now you had another reason to hate flowers, their colors reminded you of Church.
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