#grilled cheese. sorbet. pancakes. bagels. fries.
alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
015 of 2023
Your protein: pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagne ravioli chicken soup
beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy: milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits: mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch: French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Condiments: wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food: cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cereals: Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Dessert: brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Asian: ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants: McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Candy: Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks: Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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scarletslippers · 2 years
Okay so context first: The cast and writers did a panel (I think for S2) but since it was prerecorded online because of lockdown there weren’t any fan questions. So instead they decided the first half they would ask each other questions in character and then out of character plus writers for the second half.
Note: both of Ryan’s questions were to Ace, and I was half expecting “What are your intentions with my daughter?”
But Carson ended up mentioning something about the Drew’s having a secret family pancake recipe. (It might have actually been Kate’s grandmother’s, but I don’t think Scott knows Kate’s maiden name so he just said it was a Drew tradition.) And he said he would pass it to Nancy once she had hit a big milestone in her life, like when she gets her own apartment.
So in the fic, Dads and Ace are hanging out in the kitchen while Nancy is upstairs. Carson tells Ace the story of when the pancake recipe was passed down to him and how he used the famous pancakes to propose to Kate. The next week Ace brings Nancy breakfast in bed.
OKAY. So there is a LOT to unpack here....
1) Where is this panel, how did I not know it existed, and where can I watch it???
2) PANCAKES??? Idk if you know this about me but I am HIGHLY emotional about Nace and pancakes.
See also:
- Ryan making Nancy pancakes in memory loss fic and Ace making the comment that they taught Ryan how to make them
- Ryan coming over in Feline Hungry to make said pancakes for Beatrice (even though he’s still kind of bad at making them and he uses too much flour and burns them a little)
- Callback to all of this in Sandwich Night where Ace comments on how it was much easier to teach Ryan how to make grilled cheese than pancakes
So now you add to that the layer that they are in fact KATE’S PANCAKES and I’M— 😭
3) I just wrote an entire fic surrounding grilled cheese and making it the “Drew way” (butter on both sides of the bread, like Carson makes it for Bess in 2x09) so now I have a LOT of EMOTIONS about Nancy getting her grilled cheese recipe from Carson and her pancake recipe from Kate 🥺
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Ahh, my true passion. Glad there’s this survey around.
I crossed out what I’ve never tried before <- Might as well do this. Thanks for the idea, @justsurveys​! :D Will probs bold and italicize the food I love, bold the ones I’ve simply tried at least once and liked, italicize the ones I’ve tried at least once but don’t like all that much, and strikethrough the food I’ve downright never tried before. Lotsa rules, but food surveys don’t come around often and I’m excited for this one lmao. Let’s go.
Food: Your protein
pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster
crab lasagna ravioli chicken soup beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Foods: Your dairy
milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese bleu cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Foods: Your vegetables and fruits
mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons (Only as a chaser haha. Tastes great when paired with tequila) pineapples coconuts (I only like it as coconut oil for curry) apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Foods: Your starch
French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Foods: Condiments
wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Foods: Junk food
Ugh, the most American list on this survey. Watch me strikethrough so many items, ha.
cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Surprisingly not a lot of US stuff. Thanks for being inclusive somehow! Hahaha.
Foods: Cereals
Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Ok, I take back my praise. Tbf, most of the cereals I know are American brands + I don’t eat cereals all that much, so it’s not really this survey’s fault lmao.
Foods: Dessert
brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Foods: Asian
ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
...Seriously? 8 items?
Foods: Fast food and restaurants
McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Foods: Candy
Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Drinks: Non-alcoholic
Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Drinks: Alcoholic
Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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booklover277 · 6 years
Cravings: Hungry for More by: Chrissy Teigen
5 stars out of 5
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After the extraordinary success of Cravings, Chrissy Teigen comes back with more of her signature wit and take-no-prisoners flavor bombs. Cravings: Hungry for More takes us further into Chrissy’s kitchen…and life. It’s a life of pancakes that remind you of blueberry pie, eating onion dip with your glam squad, banana bread that breaks the internet, and a little something called Pad Thai Carbonara. After two years of parenthood, falling in love with different flavors, and relearning the healing power of comfort food, this book is like Chrissy’s new edible diary: recipes for quick-as-a-snap meals; recipes for lighter, brighter, healthier-ish living; and recipes that, well, are gonna put you to bed, holding your belly. And it will have you hungry for more.
Release Date: September 18, 2018
Before I get started..I'd like to just inform you that this cookbook is outstanding. My expectations have been reached and then some. And I had very high expectations, btw. Chrissy Teigen remains the cooking goddess she is and this cookbook will become a kitchen staple for me, just like her first cookbook. I know I'll be using the recipes over and over. I cannot wait to keep the cooking going. So far..and this is since the release (which was last Tuesday)..I have made four recipes from this book. And all four were delicious. My sister made two others and they were also delicious. I'd say we're on a roll. And now what follows can probably be described as a rant of my love for Chrissy Teigen's cookbooks. I'll let you know which recipes I've made and how this book compares to the last one. Let's go!
Okay, so I've already written a raving review of her first cookbook, Cravings. It became my all-time favorite cookbook. I've never made so many recipes out of a single cookbook. I'm telling you..her tastebuds are in sync with mine or something. Or maybe I should stop thinking the world revolves around me and realize the book is called Cravings, so no shit is it going to be delicious to most people. I suppose I'll update that review eventually with the recipes I've made, but it'll get ridiculous because I've really worked my way through it.
I spent the entire time since the release of the first waiting for the release of her second. I'm one of those people who followed her blog before the cookbooks happened. After the blog stopped, I remember loving watching the process of Chrissy making her first cookbook. This time around..she didn't seem to document it nearly as much, which I found disappointing. I still need something to fulfill the void of waiting for Chrissy's blog posts because it took over 2 and a half years for this second cookbook to come out.
Now...it is a great cookbook. This time around..it is once again cravings, although because she is now a mom there are a few differences. She opted for "lighter food" this time around, which let's be real..there is still tons of cheese and bacon and all types of good stuff throughout. But compared to the first book, there are less of those foods that seem like straight indulgences. Still...very similar in ways too. Meaning..if you enjoyed the first book, you will definitely once again enjoy this one.
The other difference here is, once again because she is a mom, time has become an even more precious thing. So there are things that she takes shortcuts on, while also admitting it along the way. For her jerk lamb chops, she says to buy jerk seasoning ready from the store but notes that if this were her first cookbook, she would have given the recipe to make it yourself from scratch. This is true because there's a recipe in her first book involving cajun seasoning and sure enough, she gives you the recipe to make that from scratch. I'm torn on how to feel about this because yes, I am a major lover of saving time. I love getting the option of how to do things a little quicker when it doesn't make a difference in the finished product. However, I do like to get told how to do something, so I can make the decision myself if it was worth it. She could have included a brief put salt, pepper, this, this, and this and you'd have the seasoning. But it's fine. Not the biggest deal. And again, it's something I'm torn on.
This book has a couple sections that weren't in the first book, such as a dessert section. Chrissy isn't much of a sweet person, so it's not cakes, cookies & brownies. This one has a banana bread, soft pretzels, two-faced cobbler, mango sorbet, homemade magic shell, mousse, and skillet peanut butter chocolate chip blondies (UH...YES PLEASE).
Also, there is an entire sandwich section, which includes a couple grilled cheeses I need..the jalapeño-parmesan crusted grilled cheese and sweet & spice peach & brie grilled cheese. Oh and the philly french dip she makes with more of a cheese sauce au jus. There is just so much. I probably shouldn't just list every recipe in the book. Although, if you get a chance..it wouldn't hurt to check out the table of contents.
Plus...this time there is a potatoes & their friends section. POTATOES!! Yeah..my stomach is pleased. It has plenty of potato dishes among other veggie dishes. I made the Tators, Shrooms, & Peas with parmesan cream from this section. And it was SO GOOD!!! My husband and I were both in heaven. It was more filling than we expected, so next time it'll be a main and we'll add diced ham to it. The parmesan cream was so good that we'll definitely use it with other dishes. I'm thinking it'll be good with pasta.
This time around I didn't find the Thai Mom section quite so intimidating. It probably helped that I got blue apron for six weeks this summer when Chrissy had a partnership. A few of the dishes were from the thai section of the first book and they were absolutely delectable. I get why I was freaked out by ingredients like fish sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin, sweet chili sauce, sambal oelek ..really just things I wasn't used to cooking with. Nor did I see how these ingredients would all mix together to become something heavenly. Garlic is also pretty common in the thai section. I love garlic, though. Anyway, this time around I found myself excited to make these authentic Thai dishes. Last night, we had the Thai soy-garlic fried ribs and OH BABY. Yes, they were ridiculously easy, but oh so tasty. I never knew ribs could be cooked so quickly and there was this nice crisp to them that ribs don't usually have, but I lived for it. Definitely making these again. I cannot believe Chrissy considered not including this one in the book because of how easy it is. It's a keeper. And not something you'd think to do yourself.
I also went into the breakfast section and made the Everything Bagel Breakfast Bake. So good!! It was kind of like a breakfast casserole, but there were chunks of bagel in it that didn't taste fully like bagel by the time they cooked and soaked in the egg mixture. They were much softer. And there were cream cheese bombs throughout. This was a good one for sure! I made mine with mushrooms instead of tomatoes because I'm not a tomato person. And I'll do it this same way again in the future when I want a breakfast casserole with everything bagel type flavoring. Yum!
I finally understand why people call Chrissy a soup master! I have been DYING to try her pot pie soup from the first book. Honestly, I only haven't made it yet because for the longest time I could not find heavy cream in the store. Finally this summer, I FOUND IT!! It's only at one grocery store in my area. So I will make that one in the next month. For now, I needed to make something from her new book. I opted for the French Onion Soup. I'll be honest..I'd never had french onion soup before. I really love onions, though. This one was a major winner. And I feel talented for being able to say I can make it. Not too difficult. Hardest part was getting through cutting all those onions without crying my eyes out. But this beautiful soup turned out sooo tasty. It was oh so cheesy and there were croissant croutons in it that became doughy and just OOOH! You know what I mean? Yeah..this is a major winner.
I guess it's good I've only made the four recipes so far because this review would go on and on. Luckily for you, I didn't have all the time in the world so I'll be making more this weekend.
There is also a salad section, snack section, and supper section which actually has mains & sides tacked on to several of the dishes giving us more side recipes than what is included in potatoes & their friends.
I will say that her introduction to the book and the intros to all the recipes have a great layer of humor. Her stories are fun and will make you laugh out loud. She also talks about how she went through postpartum between books (and babies) and how that affected her/this book. She reminds us she is only human, and a relatable one at that.
There are photos of almost every recipe, but a couple might be missing and that bothers me. I like to see what the outcome of what I'm making should look like at the end. Not to mention, you want to see how tasty a dish looks to decide if you want to make it. I'll still make everything in this book regardless.
So there you have it...delicious recipes from Chrissy Teigen. Food that will make you look like a pro in the kitchen when you have a dinner party. Highly recommended to anyone looking for a cookbook with food they actually want to eat.
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nostalgiaispeace · 6 years
Bold Survey about Food.
Your protein:
pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagna ravioli chicken soup
beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy:
milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits:
mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch:
French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food:
cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants:
McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks:
Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Your protein: pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagne ravioli chicken soup
beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy: milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits: mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch: French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Condiments: wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food: cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cereals: Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Dessert: brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Asian: ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants: McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Candy: Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks: Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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brunchbitch · 7 years
Do you mind sharing the cedc exchanges?
meal plan or exchanges? everyone was on a different meal plan but i think my maintenance plan was something like breakfast: one grain, one fat, one protein, one fruit, one dairy, snacks: any two exchanges, lunch: two grains, two fats, three proteins, one fruit or veg, one dairy, dinner: same as lunch but with a side (like dessert or a snack). i don’t know your specific needs, though, so i can’t tell you exactly what you need. this would be a question for your doctor!
this is the exchanges list:
1 Protein:
1 scrambled egg (no egg substitutes)
1 hard boiled egg
½ cup of cottage cheese
1 oz cheese (American, Cheddar, Swiss, Provolone)
½ tbsp peanut butter (1 protein or 1 fat)
1/8 cup almonds (1 protein or 1 fat)
4 oz fruited or vanilla flavored low fat yogurt (1 protein)
1 oz sausage (1 protein and 1 fat)
2 pieces bacon (1 protein or 1 fat)
1 Grain:
½ cup Oatmeal
½ cup Cream of Wheat
Cold cereal (serving size depends on cereal)
¼ cup regular granola (1 grain or 1 fat)
1 slice toast
½ English muffin
½ Lenders or similar sized bagel
1 piece French toast (1 grain and 1 fat)
1 Waffle (1 grain and 1 fat)
1 medium muffin or scone (2 grains and 1 fat)
1    7” pancake:
   Plain (2 grains and 1 fat)
   Fruited (2 grains, 1 fruit, and 1 fat)
   Chocolate chip (3 grains and 1 fat)
Home fries (1 cup) (2 grain and 2 fat)
Granola bar (1 grain)
1 Fruit:
4 oz juice or ½ cup (orange, apple, cranberry, pineapple, grapefruit, grape juice, prune juice)
1 ¼ cup strawberries
1 cup fresh fruit (honeydew melon, cantaloupe, raspberries)
2/3 cup grapes
¾ cup blueberries
½ cup canned fruit (apple sauce, peaches, pears, pineapple or fruit cocktail)
½ medium banana      
1 apple, orange, peach, nectarine, plum (2 small or 1 medium)
½ grapefruit
2 tablespoons raisins
3 tablespoons craisins
12 (3 ounces) cherries
2 cups watermelon
7 halves dried apricots  
3 medium prunes
4 dates
5 dried mangos
¼ c banana chips
1 Fat:
1 tsp butter or margarine
½ tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp regular cream cheese
t2 Grains:
2 slices bread (white, wheat, sourdough, or rye)
Whole, large pita (6 inch)
1 tortilla wrap (12 inch)
1 deli roll, hamburger roll/bun or hot dog roll
1 cup stuffing
1 cup cooked rice
1 cup cooked pasta
1 cup tabouli
1cup couscous
2 Proteins:
2 oz turkey, ham, pork, or roast beef
2 oz grilled chicken
4 oz crab, lobster, scallops, shrimp, or clams (fresh or canned in water)
2 oz salmon
4 oz white fish (cod, halibut…)
½ cup plain tuna
2 oz hamburger
2 oz cheese (2 proteins)
4 tbsp grated parmesan
½ cup chicken, tuna or egg salad with 1 tsp mayo (2 protein and 1 fat)
1 tbsp peanut butter (2 protein or 2 fat)
1 Garden Burger (2 protein)
4 TB Hummus (2 protein or 2 fat)
8 oz tofu (2 protein)
2/3 cup black beans
¼ cup Nuts/Seeds
1 cup chick peas
(Note: 2 Tbsp (1/8 cup) of hummus = 1 fat or 1 protein)
3 Proteins:
3 oz turkey, ham, or roast beef
3 oz grilled chicken
¾ cup plain tuna
3 oz hamburger
Cheeseburger (2 oz burger with 1 oz cheese)
3 oz cheese (3 protein)
6 tbsp grated parmesan
¾ cup chicken, tuna or egg salad with 1 tsp mayo (3 protein and 1 fat)
12 oz tofu  
1 cup black beans
Snack Exchanges
Odwalla Bar (2 grain, 2 protein)
Cliff Bar (2 grain, 2 protein)
Luna Bar (1 grain, 1 protein)
Soy Joy bars (1 grain, 1 protein)
4 oz. Greek Yogurt (1 protein)
Rice Krispie Treats (1 grain)
1/8 C.Almonds (1 protein or 1 fat)\
1/8 C. Walnuts ( 1 protein or 1 fat)
1/8 C. Pecans (1 protein or 1 fat)
1/8 C. Cashews (1 protein or 1 fat)
10 Pita Chips (1 grain)
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars (½ package = 1 grain)
NatureValley, Quaker and Kashi Chewy Bars (1 grain)
45 Goldfish (1 grain and 1 fat)
24 Cheez-its (1 grain and 1 fat)
1 Pretzel Package (1 grain)
16 Teddy Grahams (1 grain)
1 Trail Mix bar (1 grain)
1 Kashi granola bar (1 grain)
½ cup pudding OR 1 pudding container (1 grain)
½ cup sherbet (1 grain)
1 ounce or 1 small bag Potato Chips (1 grain and 1 fat)
5 Ritz crackers (1 grain)
6 Vanilla Wafers (1 grain)
8 Wheat Thins/Animal Crackers/ Saltines (1 grain)
½ C. ice cream (1 grain and 1 fat)
1 pkg Sandwich Crackers, cheese or peanut butter filling (1 grain and 1 fat)
1 cup (OR one small bag) Smart Food Pop corn (1 grain)
1.5 sheets Graham Crackers (1 grain)
3 Oreo Cookies (1 grain and 1 fat)
Oreo, chips ahoy, and cheez-it Snack Packs (1 grain)
5mini Linden’s Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 grain and 1 fat OR 2 fat)
8 TLC Kashi Crackers (1 grain)
1 Vegetable
½ cup cooked vegetables
1 cup raw vegetables
1 cup tossed salad (regular dressing must be ordered for 1 fat exchange)
2/3 cup raw carrots
1 Fruit
4 oz juice or ½ cup (orange, apple, cranberry, pineapple, grapefruit, grape juice, prune juice)
1 ¼ cup strawberries
1 cup fresh fruit (honeydew melon, cantaloupe, raspberries)
2/3 cup grapes
¾ cup blueberries
½ cup canned fruit (apple sauce, peaches, pears, pineapple or fruit cocktail)
½ medium banana      
1 apple, orange, peach, nectarine, plum (2 small or 1 medium)
½ grapefruit
2 tablespoons raisins
3 tablespoons craisins
12 (3 ounces) cherries
2 cups watermelon
7 halves dried apricots  
3 medium prunes
4 dates
5 dried mangos
¼ c banana chips
¼ c dried pineapple
1 Fat
1 tsp butter or margarine
1 tbsp regular salad dressing (or 2 tbsp vinaigrette or Italian dressing)
1 tsp oil
½ tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp regular mayonnaise
8 oz whole milk (1 milk and 1 fat)
2 tbsp sour cream
¼ medium avocado or 2 tbsp guacamole
10 small olives (or 5 large olives)
2 tbsp pesto
Blue cheese, Ceasar, French, Ranch, Honey Mustard, Thousand Island (1 TB)
Balsamic Vinaigrette, Raspberry Vinaigrette, Italian (2TB)
Dinner  examples
Dinner Entrees (portion sizes are adjusted to meet individual meal plans)
Beef or chicken fajita (2 oz of beef or chicken and tortilla = 2 proteins and 1 grain)
Macaroni and cheese (8 oz = 2 grain, 1 protein, 1 fat)
Chicken Caesar Salad (1 cup Salad, 2 oz chicken, 1 TB Dressing = 1 veg, 2 protein and 1fat)
Chicken Manicotti (1.5 cups = 2 grain, 3 protein, 1 fat)
Ravioli with cream sauce (1 cup = 2 grain, 2 protein; 2 TB sauce = 1 fat)
Fresh Cod with Lemon Sauce (4 oz cod = 2 proteins, 2 TB sauce = 1 fat)  
Mesclun Salad: Mixed baby greens, toasted walnuts, tangerine slices, goat cheese, and balsamic (1 cup salad = 1 veg, 1/8 c walnuts and 1 oz goat cheese = 2 protein, 2 TB Balsamic = 1 fat)
Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce (1 cup pasta = 2 grain; 2 oz meat + ¼ cup sauce = 2 protein and 1 fat (OR 3 oz meat + ¼ cup sauce = 3 protein and 1 fat)
Tofu or chicken Stir-frysauce (1 vegetable and 1 fat); (8 oz tofu = 2 proteins OR 2 oz chicken = 2 proteins); ½ cup rice = 1 grain
Tuna Noodle Casserole (1.5 cups = 2 grain, 2 protein, 1 fat)
Vegetable Lasagna (8 oz = 2 grain, 2 protein, 2 fat)
Vegetable Cheese Pizza (2 pieces = 2 grain, 2 protein, 1 fat)  
Vegetable Spring Rolls (2 = 2 grain, 2 protein, 1 fat) (1 TB sauce = 1 fat)
English MuffinPizza with 1 oz cheese (2 grain, 1 protein)
Baked Ziti with Chicken (1 cup ziti = 2 grain, 2fat; 2 oz chicken = 2 protein or 3 oz chicken = 3 protein)
Vegetarian Baked Ziti (10 oz = 2 grain, 2 fat, 2 protein)
1 cup French fries (2 grains and 2 fats OR ¾ cup = 2 grains, 1 fat)
1 Vegetable                                                                  
½ cup cooked vegetable
2/3 cup raw carrots
1 cup raw vegetable
1 cup tossed salad (regular dressing must be ordered for fat exchange)
1 Fat
1 tsp butter or margarine
1 tbsp creamy salad dressing
2 tbsp vinaigrette or Italian dressing
1 tbsp cream, butter, lemon butter, or white wine sauce
1 tsp oil
½ tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp regular mayonnaise
2 tbsp sour cream
1 strip bacon
1/8 medium avocado or 2 tbsp guacamole
2 tbsp parmesan cheese
2 tbsp gravy
1 ounce cheese (1 protein or 1 fat)
1 Fruit
4 oz juice or ½ cup (orange, apple, pineapple, grapefruit)
1 cup fresh fruit (honeydew melon, cantaloupe, berries)
2/3 cup grapes
½ cup canned fruit (apple sauce, peaches, pears, pineapple or fruit cocktail)
½ medium banana      
1 apple, orange, peach, nectarine, plum (2 small or 1 medium)
½ grapefruit
2 tablespoons raisins
3 tablespoons craisins
12 (3 ounces) cherries
2 cups watermelon
7 halves dried apricots
3 medium prunes
Additional Exchanges
Cornbread (1 grain, 1 fat)
½ cup starchy vegetable (mashed potato, butternut squash) (1 veg OR 1 grain)
Medium baked potato (2 grains)
½ cup pasta (1 grain)
½ cup rice (1 grain)
1/3 cup couscous (1 grain)
1 dinner roll (1 grain)
1 cup tomato, French onion, vegetable, minestrone
1 cup cream of broccoli soup, cream of potato soup (1 grain, 1 fat)
1 cup chowder (1 grain, 1 protein, 1 fat)
2 cups chicken noodle soup (1 grain and 1 protein)
2 packages oyster crackers (1 grain and 1 fat)
8 saltines
1 granola bar (1 grain)
45 Gold fish (1 grain and 1 fat)
15 pretzels (1 grain)
16 Gold Tiny Twist Pretzels (1 grain)
1 Pretzel Package (1 grain)
16 Teddy Grahams (1 grain)
½ cup sherbet (1 grain)
Hamburger/Hot dog roll (2 grains)
5 TB Croutons (1 grain)
½ cup ice cream ( 1 grain and 1 fat)
½ cup sherbet ( 1 grain)  
1 medium-size cookie (1 fat and 1 grain)
5 mini Lindens cookies (1 fat and 1 grain)
3 Entenmanns Cookies (1 grain and 1 fat)
½ cup apple crisp ( 1 fat, 1 fruit, and 1 grain )
1 piece apple pie ( 1 fruit, 1 fat, and 1 grain)
Baked apples with granola ( 1 fruit and 2 fats or 1 fruit and 1 protein, 1 fat)
Carmel apple bars (1 grain and 1 fat)
2 inch brownie (1 grain and 1 fat)
Cup cake with icing (medium) 1fat and 1 grain)
½ cup sorbet ( 1 fruit)
Tofutti Cutie (1 grain)
Chocolate Mousse (2 grain, 1 fat) = ½ cup
Pecan Pie (2 grain, 1 fat)
Apple Pie (1 fruit, 1 grain, 1 fat)
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umnachtung · 6 years
survey stealin prof
Food: Your protein pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagna ravioli chicken soup beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Foods: Your dairy milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese bleu cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Foods: Your vegetables and fruits mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Foods: Your starch French fries baked potato scalop potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Foods: Condiments wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Foods: Junk food cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Foods: Cereals Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Foods: Dessert brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Foods: Asian ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Foods: Fast food and restaurants McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Foods: Candy Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Drinks: Non-alcoholic Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Drinks: Alcoholic Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
0 notes
thehungrykat1 · 6 years
Charming Weekend Brunch at Rustic Mornings by Isabelo
I have heard and read about Rustic Mornings by Isabelo in Marikina for quite a while already, but I had yet to visit this charming restaurant since I don’t usually spend a lot of time in that area. I was able to sample some of their all-day breakfast specialties last summer when Chef Portia Baluyut had a guest stint at Holiday Inn Makati (Read: Rustic Mornings at Flavors Restaurant in Holiday Inn Makati), but I still wanted to try the full dining experience at their main location. I finally got the chance to do so with my friends a few weeks ago when we finally visited what is arguably the most beautiful restaurant in all of Marikina.
Rustic Mornings by Isabelo Garden is a cozy garden restaurant serving all-day breakfast, lunch, pastries and coffee enjoyed by families because of its unique charm and rustic homey ambiance. Owned by Portia Dee Baluyut, it has been regarded as one of the best restaurants in Marikina since it opened in 2012. I’m not that familiar with the Marikina area, but it was easy to find Rustic Mornings which is located at 11 Isabelo Mendoza Street, San Roque, just a few steps away from the Our Lady of the Abandoned Parish Church along J.P. Rizal Street.
I visited Rustic Mornings for brunch one Saturday morning with my KTG blogger friends, including Bettina Bacani of Life in Technicolor. The restaurant is open daily from 8:00am to 4:00pm on weekdays and up to 9:00pm on weekends. Isabelo means ”God Is Bountiful” and you can see how the owner dedicates much of the success of her endeavours to the Lord and how she has been reciprocated with these blessings.
I instantly fell in love with the relaxing and laid-back ambiance of the place. It actually feels like I’m in Tagaytay and not in Marikina, especially with the cool breeze and the lovely garden setting. Bag of Beans in Tagaytay comes to mind but Rustic Mornings feels more personal, as if you are dining at home with your extended family and you are all attending a big, happy family reunion.
Rustic Mornings by Isabelo was started by advertising executive turned chef and restaurateur Portia Baluyut in 2009 as Isabelo Garden, a by-reservation only restaurant that initially had just one table. This location is actually part of their ancestral home which she converted into her venture. She used to do everything herself, including setting up the table, opening the gates, and serving the food. With no formal culinary training but a lifelong love for food and the creative process, Portia evolved her restaurant into Rustic Mornings in 2012. Serving hearty and delicious all-day breakfast in the heart of Marikina, Rustic Morning has been named as the top breakfast place in the metro for the last four years by Spot.ph.
What makes Rustic Mornings feel even more like a real home is their resident furry manager, the cute, friendly and lovable chow chow, Yogi! I just adore dogs, especially chow chows, and many of their returning guests actually come here just to see Yogi. He actually has his own Instagram account at @yogiwogichow where you can see more of his fluffy antics.
Because of its success, the restaurant has been expanding through the years with more sections being added each time. You can choose where to spend your relaxing afternoon with its 120 seating capacity spread throughout its gardens. The interiors and artwork were designed by Portia’s mother, Stephanie Baluyut, who is an artist and collector of these colorful trinkets and items which she proudly displays all over Rustic Mornings. Much of the restaurant’s overall charm and vibe is from Stephanie’s own personality. This area is where most of her various paintings are displayed. 
This is a great place to enjoy a cup of tea with the señoritas of Manila or to catch up on the latest gossip with your friends. Now I don’t have to travel all the way to Tagaytay for a breezy and cozy afternoon.
They also have an indoor dining area if you want some place cooler with air-conditioning. This section is part of the original house where the Baluyut family lived so it does feel like a true family home.
Aside from coffee and tea, Rustic Mornings offers a refreshing selection of Milkshakes like the Vanilla Speculoos (P230) and Choco Nutella (P230). They also have Healthy Fruit Shakes and a Frothy Kalamansi Iced Tea.
The Spinach Artichoke Dip (P350) is the dish which made Isabelo Garden famous and it has been carried over to Rustic Mornings. I like its creamy and cheesy texture with a flavor that is not too overpowering. It certainly goes well with the toasted ciabatta bread and probably with anything else.
Their Toast Bar is also a good way to start breakfast as it features several different toppings to go along with your toasted bread. The Lox (P550) comes with toasted bagel topped with cream cheese, salmon, capers, and lemon zest. These are also served with a spinach, arugula, and cherry tomato salad.
You can also go for something healthier like their Smoothie Bowls. The Acai Bowl (P350) is a colorful bowl containing a variety of fruits and acai berries which are good antioxidants for the body.
Rustic Mornings serves all-day breakfast and brunch items so you can have these any time of the day. They are best known for their delicious waffles and pancakes doused with their homemade pancake syrup. Try their Crispy Plain Waffles (P200) or the Waffle Churros (P230) with its sweet cinnamon powder. Better yet, order the Half Plain, Half Churros (P215) plate if you can’t decide which one to get.
The Original Buttermilk Pancakes (P220) is always a delightful treat topped with special butter cream and its very own classic syrup, but you can also try the other variants like the Blueberry Buttermilk Pancakes (P240) or the Chocolate Chip Pancakes (P230).
Another sweet option is the French Toast Tower with Grilled Peaches (P320). Guests can also customize their own waffles, pancakes, and French toasts with additional toppings like mangoes, strawberries, banana, kiwi and roasted almonds.
If you prefer something savoury for brunch, try any of their 3-Egg Cheese Omelets which are all served with 2 slices of French baguette, herbed butter and jam. I ordered the Three Mushroom (P270) cheese omelet with an additional Salad (+P130).
Rustic Mornings also has pasta dishes which are good for up to two persons. I tried the special Dee Heirloom Spaghetti (P330) which is a recipe from Portia’s grandmother. I really love this Pinoy-style spaghetti with its rich tomato sauce and cheesy flavors.
I am used to having rice for breakfast so their Filipino Favorites are great options both for breakfast or lunch. The Beef Tapa (P290) comes with tender strips of marinated beef with your choice of egg and fried rice. 
You can also go for the Ilocos Bagnet (P340) with its crunchy cuts of deep-fried pork belly, enough to power up your day. Guests can also customize their plates with additional items like bacon strips, eggs, longganisa, corned beef, and more. If you want a bit of everything, order their Breakfast Platters where you can combine French Toast, Eggs, Bacon, and Sausage (P350) all in one gigantic plate.
Other Rice Bowls on the menu include the Grilled Salmon Fillet (P400) and the tender Beef Ribs (P320) which are both great options for lunch. The menu at Rustic Mornings is huge and there are so many other comfort food items I wanted to try including their pizza, burrito, and other breakfast platters, but I’ll just have to come back next time.
There are several cakes and dessert options as well, but Portia wanted us to try one of her specialties, the Real Blueberry and Lemon Cheesecake (P2600). This is made with generous amounts of blueberry and you can really taste the quality of the ingredients used. 
Portia uses only fresh, imported blueberries which are swimming in a sea of decadent cream cheese. The ripe lemons also add a delightfully ticklish tang and it all goes together in this labor of love. 
Rustic Mornings by Isabelo is celebrating its 6th Anniversary this month and as an annual tradition, they will soon be offering again their Anniversary Brunch Buffet on November 16, 2018. Guests can enjoy a wide range of appetizers, salads, all day breakfast, Filipino favorites, entrees, pasta, sorbet and ice cream for only P600 per person. Reservations will be highly sought after as diners can only choose from three time slots [8:00-11:00am, 11:00am-2:00pm, 2:00pm-5:00pm] so make sure to book your seats early.
If you want to bring the taste of Rustic Mornings back home or for a special celebration, they also offer Party Trays which are available for pick up or via your favorite delivery apps (delivery charges apply). These are good for up to 10 persons and are perfect to bring to parties or pot luck occasions. The Breakfast Baskets containing Rustic Mornings’ homemade pancake mix, pancake syrup, ground coffee, and strawberry jam are also great options for holiday gifts.
It was so nice to finally visit Rustic Mornings by Isabelo and we all really had a great time. It’s not just the usual restaurant dining experience because it feels more like eating out with the family at your lola’s house. The food was exceptional and the garden setting really gives the place an enchanting and cheerful ambiance. I will definitely go back here with my other friends so I can also introduce them to the cuddly and adorable Yogi. I’ll see you again soon!
Rustic Mornings by Isabelo
11 Isabelo Mendoza St., San Roque, Marikina City
425-8610 / 681-2461 / (0917) 700-5810
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lindafrancois · 6 years
Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight
When you are looking to drop excess fat, eating low carb foods is the fastest way to do it. They let you enjoy tasty meals minus the punch of weight increasing carbohydrates. 
It is no secret for the people on ‘Weight Loss Mission’, that your food intake can make all the difference. Despite of sweating out in gyms, yoga sessions, aerobics or Zumba classes, you cannot have the desired weight loss results, if you are binging on a diet, which is high on carbohydrates or fats.
What if you don’t have to give up on carbs and still achieve your weight loss goals! Sounds interesting, right? The magic lies in opting for low carb foods which can limit your carbohydrate consumption. The good news is that these low carb foods are not only healthy but also capable of satisfying our taste buds. Although low in carbohydrate content, these foods can be used to replace high carb ingredients to cook tasty dishes. You will not even miss your regular high carbohydrate diet, we promise. 
Low carb vegetables
These vegetables can be used as high carb grain substitutes easily. For instance, you can replace regular white rice with grated cauliflower, or use zucchini in place of wheat noodles. So here are the healthy options for quick weight loss.
1. Cauliflower
You read it right! It’s our regular veggie which we use in our kitchens quite often. With a low carb count of 5gm per cup cauliflower can be used in rice bowls and stir–fries. Who can resist cauliflower breadsticks, cauliflower pizza bagels, cauliflower hash or cauliflower pizza crust? Isn’t it just so very tempting!
2. Zucchini
This versatile low carb vegetable can be turned into spaghetti or noodles. You can even easily make zucchini fries or zucchini fritters and all you will have is just 3.1gm carbohydrate in 100gm of Zucchini.
3. Mushrooms
They are also very low in carb with just 3.3g of carbohydrate in 100g of white mushrooms. From mushroom soups to low carb pizza stuffed mushrooms, there is no limit to the way mushroom can make its way to our food plate [4].
4. Broccoli
This is surely our wonder veggie with just 7gm of carbs content in 100gm of broccoli. Apart from being a good substitute to rice and potatoes, broccoli can be extensively used in soups, salads, fritters and numbers of other scrumptious recipes.
5. Lettuce
Lettuce is also one of the most famous low carb vegetables around. With a carb content of just 2gm in one cup of lettuce, it offers number of health benefits while being used in various finger licking recipes like Thai Yam Yai Salad, lettuce wraps and many more.
6. Avocados
Another very healthy and nutritious low carb food is avocados. It contains around 9gm of total carbohydrates in 100gm of the fruit. This creamy green fruit can be transformed in yummy avocado muffins, smoothies, sorbet or even avocado dip.
It’s not just end of the list, there are many other low carb veggies like radish, asparagus, bok choy, spinach, arugula, bell pepper, watercress, sweet potato, cucumber etc.
Low carb fruits
Not all fruits are harmful to your low carb diet plans. These fruits might have high fructose and glucose but since they are also high on water content and are fibre rich, they help you lose weight as effectively. Check out the fruits that you can add in your low carb foods list.
1. Watermelon
This thirst quencher fruit contains low carb content with around 8g per 100g of fruit. A part of many fruit salads, watermelon has enough water to fill your appetite.
2. Strawberries
There is hardly anyone who doesn’t love the sweet and juicy red colored strawberries . But do you know, it is quite low in carb content with almost 11gms per cup. Whether you want to eat them raw or use them in shakes or pancakes, strawberries always offer something delicious to eat.
3. Peaches
Can you believe this sweet fruit is also very low in carb as you will just consume 10gm of carb per 100gm of fruit. Who doesn’t love to have peach blueberry smoothie or low carb peach crisp?
4. Apricots
Apricot is a good-for-brain fruit which is another great option for those aiming for low carb diet. In a 100gm of apricots, you will get around 11gm of carbs. There are many recipes which use apricots as a main ingredient. You can’t resist apricot jams, low carb apricot soufflés or low carb apricot chicken. You can also try having it raw and devour in this sweet golden orange fruit. Other fruits which are low in carbs are rhubarb, red grapefruit, Star fruit, Cantaloupe and Blackberries.
Low carb dairy and meats
Good Fats are necessary for a Diabetic Diet
1. Eggs
Eggs, a good source of protein, are quite low in carb, making them a very healthy option for low carb diet. With a carb count of 1 g per two large eggs, there are unlimited ways in which eggs can be consumed.
2. Cottage Cheese
With just 6gm of carbs per cup, cottage cheese is used in many recipes which are specifically a part of low carb diets. It makes excellent addition to your salads, and you can use cottage cheese instead of more fattening dressing. Other types of cheese which are low in carbs include blue cheese, cheddar cheese, goat, feta, Swiss, parmesan and asiago.
3. Butter
Butter is almost zero carb per tablespoon. If you are on a low carb diet, there is no harm in giving up to your craving and having a guilt free tablespoon of butter .
4. Greek yogurt
It is another good low carb option with just 9 gm per cup. This yoghurt has been part of variety of soups, salad and sides, offering us number of option for low carb diets. Our other contenders for low carb dairy are ricotta, goat milk, plain kefir and sour cream.
5.Lean meat and fish
Lean meat, especially chicken offer you protein-rich, low carb option. Chicken breast can be used in interesting recipes especially, roasted, grilled and even steamed.
Fish belong to the category of almost zero carbohydrates, giving a jump start to our weight loss mission. Grouper, tilapia, monk fish, carp, swordfish, catfish, cod, haddock, halibut, mahi-mahi, orange roughy, perch, bass salmon and tuna can be easily converted into zero carb option by grilling or broiling.
Low carb foods are immensely beneficial for your health and weight loss goals. For more information and guidance on health and weight loss, talk to our Truweight Nutritionist today! The first consultation is on us.
  The post Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Blog.
Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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m0rgansux · 8 years
Your protein: pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets (how DARE you) chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagne ravioli chicken soup beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy: milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits: mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch: French fries baked potato scalopped potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Condiments: wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food: cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cereals: Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Dessert: brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Asian: ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants: McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Candy: Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks: Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Best
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pastelbatfandoms · 8 years
Bold survey about food!
Bold what you like,Cross out what you don’t. 
Your protein: pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp (Can’t eat it.) :( salmon (Only My Dad’s) oyster crab lasagne ravioli chicken soup beef jerky slim jims bacon (Only Extra crispy) spam buffalo wings sausage ham (Honeyed) turkey meat balls
Your dairy: milk soy milk skim milk raw egg  boiled egg (Like Deviled Eggs) sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits: mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini (Bread) corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam (if Made properly yes) garlic (Just powder) ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples (only in Stir fry) coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch: French fries baked potato scalopped potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
Condiments: wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food: cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cereals: Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
Dessert: brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
Asian: ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants: McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes (I REALLY want to try it!) Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Candy: Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks: Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice (No Pulp) Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks: Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
Bold survey about food!
Your protein:
pork steak lamb chops hamburgers vegan burgers chicken nuggets chicken fingers tuna shrimp salmon oyster crab lasagna ravioli chicken soup beef jerky slim jims bacon spam buffalo wings sausage ham turkey meat balls
Your dairy:
milk soy milk skim milk raw egg boiled egg sunny-side eggs scrambled eggs cottage cheese cheddar cheese mozzarella cheese swiss cheese blue cheese cream cheese plain yogurt
Your vegetables and fruits:
mushrooms tomatoes pickles olives carrots raw onion broccoli cauliflower green beans string beans peas black beans celery leek artichoke lima beans bell pepper asparagus spinach seaweed avocado eggplant zucchini corn cucumber squash/pumpkin/yam garlic ginger peanuts almonds sunflower seeds raisins bananas apples pears grapes oranges tangerines peach blueberries raspberries blackberries strawberries lemons pineapples coconuts apricot cherries plums cranberry kiwi watermelon melon pomegranate grapefruit lime guava mango papaya
Your starch:
French fries baked potato scalopped potato mashed potato fried rice white rice bagel white bread whole grain bread French bread corn bread sourdough pancakes spaghetti macaroni & cheese oatmeal
wasabi soy sauce cranberry sauce marmalade grape jam strawberry jam ketchup mustard relish mayonnaise whipped cream honey mustard sauce Tabasco salt ranch gravy caramel peanut butter salsa pepper honey maple syrup hummus butterscotch marshmallows icing
Junk food:
cheetos sour cream and onion chips barbeque chips vinegar chips wheat thins graham crackers saltine crackers cheez-its ritz tortilla chips Lunchables Milano cookies Twinkies popcorn fruit roll ups donuts ice cream sandwiches Poptarts pretzels Girl Scout cookies Oreos Nutter Butter Fig Newtons Jell-O rice crispy treats
Cocoa Puffs Cocoa Pebbles Fruit Loops Cinnamon Toast Crunch Frosted Flakes Raisin Bran Apple Jacks Corn Flakes Cookie Crisp Cap’n Crunch Lucky Charms Cheerios
brownies muffins cinnamon rolls cheesecake donuts chocolate fondue pudding apple pie pumpkin bread pumpkin pie chocolate chip cookies sugar cookies gingerbread cookies biscotti fortune cookies shortbread cookies oatmeal cookies Angel food cake carrot cake cupcakes fruit cake cream puffs flan custard Meringue sorbet s’mores
ramen cup noodle sushi miso soup kimchi teriyaki eggrolls orange chicken
Fast food and restaurants:
McDonald’s Carl’s Jr Taco Bell Panda Express Jack-in-the-box In-n-out Chick-Fil-A La Salsa Dairy Queen Baskin Robbin’s Pizza Hut Papa John’s Roundtable Domino’s Johnny Rocket’s Cho-cho San’s Hot Dog On A Stick Coldstone California Pizza Kitchen Red Robin Ruby Tuesdays Chili’s Wendy’s Burger King Kentucky Fried Chicken Subway Tommy’s The Cheesecake Factory Arby’s Quiznos El Pollo Loco TGIF Applebee’s Wienerschnitzel IHOP Islands White Castle Togo’s Sonic Popeyes Orange Julius Jamba Juice Coffee Bean Starbucks Del Taco Chuck E. Cheese Baja Fresh Macaroni Grill
Red Vines M&M’s Snickers Hershey’s kisses Kissables Kit-Kat Nerds Junior Mints Twizzlers Tootsie Rolls Jelly beans Swedish Fish Skittles Starburst 100 grand 3 Musketeers Airheads Almond Joy Baby Bottle Pops Baby Ruth bottle caps Butterfinger Reese’s Cup Fast Break Twix cotton candy chocolate coins Dots Hot Tamales jaw breakers Jolly Ranchers Laffy Taffy Lemonheads lifesavers Mike & Ike Milkduds Milky way Mr. Goodbar Nestle’s crunch Payday pixie sticks pop rocks Push Up pops Runts Smarties Snow Caps Sugardaddy Sweet Tarts Tic-Tacs York Peppermint Patties Warheads
Non-alcoholic drinks:
Rootbeer Lemonade Orange juice Grape juice Capri Sun Coke Diet Coke Diet Pepsi Pepsi 7up Sprite Mountain Dew Hawaiian Punch Dr. Pepper Apple juice hot cocoa Kool-Aid cappuccinos frappuccinos lattes espresso energy drinks Vanilla Coke Cherry Coke Fanta Arizona Green Tea Squirt Gatorade Iced tea Green tea Chamomile tea White tea Oolong tea Jasmine tea Chai tea Snapple apple cider
Alcoholic drinks:
Wine Sake Shochu Vodka Bourbon whisky Irish whisky Canadian whisky Bloody Mary Rum Absolut Brandy Scotch Cognac Tequila Gin Wine cooler Smirnoff Marc Sidecar Tonic Pina Colada Martini Alabama Slammer Daiquiri Margarita Cape Cod Flying Horse Kamikaze Screwdriver Rusty Nail Cajun Strawberry Soda Mimosa Champagne Cascade Fosters Sam Adams Budweiser Coors Harpoon Milwaukee’s Bes
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lindafrancois · 6 years
Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight
When you are looking to drop excess fat, eating low carb foods is the fastest way to do it. They let you enjoy tasty meals minus the punch of weight increasing carbohydrates. 
It is no secret for the people on ‘Weight Loss Mission’, that your food intake can make all the difference. Despite of sweating out in gyms, yoga sessions, aerobics or Zumba classes, you cannot have the desired weight loss results, if you are binging on a diet, which is high on carbohydrates or fats.
What if you don’t have to give up on carbs and still achieve your weight loss goals! Sounds interesting, right? The magic lies in opting for low carb foods which can limit your carbohydrate consumption. The good news is that these low carb foods are not only healthy but also capable of satisfying our taste buds. Although low in carbohydrate content, these foods can be used to replace high carb ingredients to cook tasty dishes. You will not even miss your regular high carbohydrate diet, we promise. 
Low carb vegetables
These vegetables can be used as high carb grain substitutes easily. For instance, you can replace regular white rice with grated cauliflower, or use zucchini in place of wheat noodles. So here are the healthy options for quick weight loss.
1. Cauliflower
You read it right! It’s our regular veggie which we use in our kitchens quite often. With a low carb count of 5gm per cup cauliflower can be used in rice bowls and stir–fries. Who can resist cauliflower breadsticks, cauliflower pizza bagels, cauliflower hash or cauliflower pizza crust? Isn’t it just so very tempting!
2. Zucchini
This versatile low carb vegetable can be turned into spaghetti or noodles. You can even easily make zucchini fries or zucchini fritters and all you will have is just 3.1gm carbohydrate in 100gm of Zucchini.
3. Mushrooms
They are also very low in carb with just 3.3g of carbohydrate in 100g of white mushrooms. From mushroom soups to low carb pizza stuffed mushrooms, there is no limit to the way mushroom can make its way to our food plate [4].
4. Broccoli
This is surely our wonder veggie with just 7gm of carbs content in 100gm of broccoli. Apart from being a good substitute to rice and potatoes, broccoli can be extensively used in soups, salads, fritters and numbers of other scrumptious recipes.
5. Lettuce
Lettuce is also one of the most famous low carb vegetables around. With a carb content of just 2gm in one cup of lettuce, it offers number of health benefits while being used in various finger licking recipes like Thai Yam Yai Salad, lettuce wraps and many more.
6. Avocados
Another very healthy and nutritious low carb food is avocados. It contains around 9gm of total carbohydrates in 100gm of the fruit. This creamy green fruit can be transformed in yummy avocado muffins, smoothies, sorbet or even avocado dip.
It’s not just end of the list, there are many other low carb veggies like radish, asparagus, bok choy, spinach, arugula, bell pepper, watercress, sweet potato, cucumber etc.
Low carb fruits
Not all fruits are harmful to your low carb diet plans. These fruits might have high fructose and glucose but since they are also high on water content and are fibre rich, they help you lose weight as effectively. Check out the fruits that you can add in your low carb foods list.
1. Watermelon
This thirst quencher fruit contains low carb content with around 8g per 100g of fruit. A part of many fruit salads, watermelon has enough water to fill your appetite.
2. Strawberries
There is hardly anyone who doesn’t love the sweet and juicy red colored strawberries . But do you know, it is quite low in carb content with almost 11gms per cup. Whether you want to eat them raw or use them in shakes or pancakes, strawberries always offer something delicious to eat.
3. Peaches
Can you believe this sweet fruit is also very low in carb as you will just consume 10gm of carb per 100gm of fruit. Who doesn’t love to have peach blueberry smoothie or low carb peach crisp?
4. Apricots
Apricot is a good-for-brain fruit which is another great option for those aiming for low carb diet. In a 100gm of apricots, you will get around 11gm of carbs. There are many recipes which use apricots as a main ingredient. You can’t resist apricot jams, low carb apricot soufflés or low carb apricot chicken. You can also try having it raw and devour in this sweet golden orange fruit. Other fruits which are low in carbs are rhubarb, red grapefruit, Star fruit, Cantaloupe and Blackberries.
Low carb dairy and meats
Good Fats are necessary for a Diabetic Diet
1. Eggs
Eggs, a good source of protein, are quite low in carb, making them a very healthy option for low carb diet. With a carb count of 1 g per two large eggs, there are unlimited ways in which eggs can be consumed.
2. Cottage Cheese
With just 6gm of carbs per cup, cottage cheese is used in many recipes which are specifically a part of low carb diets. It makes excellent addition to your salads, and you can use cottage cheese instead of more fattening dressing. Other types of cheese which are low in carbs include blue cheese, cheddar cheese, goat, feta, Swiss, parmesan and asiago.
3. Butter
Butter is almost zero carb per tablespoon. If you are on a low carb diet, there is no harm in giving up to your craving and having a guilt free tablespoon of butter .
4. Greek yogurt
It is another good low carb option with just 9 gm per cup. This yoghurt has been part of variety of soups, salad and sides, offering us number of option for low carb diets. Our other contenders for low carb dairy are ricotta, goat milk, plain kefir and sour cream.
5.Lean meat and fish
Lean meat, especially chicken offer you protein-rich, low carb option. Chicken breast can be used in interesting recipes especially, roasted, grilled and even steamed.
Fish belong to the category of almost zero carbohydrates, giving a jump start to our weight loss mission. Grouper, tilapia, monk fish, carp, swordfish, catfish, cod, haddock, halibut, mahi-mahi, orange roughy, perch, bass salmon and tuna can be easily converted into zero carb option by grilling or broiling.
Low carb foods are immensely beneficial for your health and weight loss goals. For more information and guidance on health and weight loss, talk to our Truweight Nutritionist today! The first consultation is on us.
  The post Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight appeared first on Blog.
Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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