K but who cries at the wedding :p
Ohhh personally I think both of them?? Like Koushirou gets overwhelmed by everything--nerves and love and just the whole shebang--and Taichi’s like, “oh no now I gotta??”
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mistresseast · 3 years
Wanted to thank you for sharing your stories with us!! Seriously, I re-read the right way around fairly often, the yearning and tenderness (and hurt comfort!) and im currently re reading gleaming darkness and its just sosososoosoooo wonderful. I definitely think your interpretations of Goro and Akira are my favorite because theyre so nuanced and beautiful. With Goro especially, you strike that perfect balance with his more acerbic, rightfully jaded (at times mean) side! ((Your sengen story is also super cute omg??)) anyways have a lovely day and thanks!
You're so sweet!! >\\\\< thank you!! I'm so glad you like my work! All of my pieces are very dear to me and sharing them with wonderful people like you is one of my greatest joys. I work really hard to keep the characters feeling in-character and I worry constantly that I'm doing everything wrong, so hearing you say this is very reassuring 🙏 thank you!!!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
and in the end i’d do it all again
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V1AfVA
by grimtactician
Loki escapes with the Tesseract and gets a very interesting companion along the way. Now free of the Mad Titan and his brother, Loki is free to plot his conquest of Asgard at his leisure. Being free of Thanos’ hold however, brings with it unwanted feelings as well as strange dreams and encounters.
“You really are your own worst enemy...and a guilty conscience is a terrible thing.” ___________________________________________________________
A small fix it fic, because the soul stone is weird, and characters get the chance to do things differently. (Small riffs off doctor who time logic bc i can)
Words: 896, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki & Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Annoying animal sideckicks, NOT endgame compliant, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Post-Canon Fix-It, In this house we love and appreciate thor, And don’t treat his trauma as a joke, Loki meets his match, the answer may surprise you, Some doctor who logic may apply, Character tags will be added as we go along, expect to see everyone tbh, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Second Person
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V1AfVA
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yxtRuq
by grimtactician
Shiro's relationship with Keith throughout their time together.
*** “Aww Shiro’s got himself a little fan. How cute!” Matt calls down to you from the top bunk. “He’s not my fan. He’s a friend.” You say, for all the good it does you. Matt pokes his head down and smirks at you. “Well, he can be both, I mean have you seen the way that kid looks at you? He looks at you like you’re some hot-shot celebrity. I mean, I guess around here you kinda *are* but like, still.” You toss a pillow up at him. “Don’t say anything weird to him ok? He’s had a hard life and even though he’s...kinda short, don’t treat him like a kid alright? He hates that. He’s our friend and we have to treat him like an equal, not baby him. He’d probably punch you.” you pretend to think about this before you say, “actually, no go ahead baby him.” He throws the pillow back at you with a scowl “He would *not* punch me! Sure he looks like he always has his hackles up but he’s not, like, violent! Besides, you’re the one that’s always going on about how people treat him like a delinquent when he’s not!.” He points one finger in your direction before he retreats back to his bunk.
Words: 3623, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, S6 Spoilers, Getting to Know Each Other, Developing Friendships, Developing Relationship, Pining Keith (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yxtRuq
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ao3feed-promare · 5 years
by grimtactician
Lio is so close to finally uncovering just what the Foresight Foundation is up to when he crosses paths with rookie Jager cadet Galo Thymos. With his partner out of commission, people to find, and the apocalypse beating at their door, Lio doesn’t have time to be worrying about the rookie with the bright blue eyes and too loud voice who wont leave him well enough alone ————————————————————————————————
Galo has brute strength and speed at his side, but Lio moves like water. He is fast and agile and deadly . No. Galo thinks, He moves like fire dancing too and fro, wild and unpredictable but with everpresent grace. Here one second and then, like a candle flickering, gone in the blink of an eye only to reappear bigger and brighter (and faster) somewhere else. They spar, as their breathing continues to get faster and sweat slicks sown their bodies
Words: 738, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms:Promare (2019)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Galo Thymos, Lio Fotia, Kray Foresight
Relationships: Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos
Additional Tags: Pacific Rim AU, Alternate Universe, Angst
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ao3feed--sheith · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yxtRuq
by grimtactician
Shiro's relationship with Keith throughout their time together.
*** “Aww Shiro’s got himself a little fan. How cute!” Matt calls down to you from the top bunk. “He’s not my fan. He’s a friend.” You say, for all the good it does you. Matt pokes his head down and smirks at you. “Well, he can be both, I mean have you seen the way that kid looks at you? He looks at you like you’re some hot-shot celebrity. I mean, I guess around here you kinda *are* but like, still.” You toss a pillow up at him. “Don’t say anything weird to him ok? He’s had a hard life and even though he’s...kinda short, don’t treat him like a kid alright? He hates that. He’s our friend and we have to treat him like an equal, not baby him. He’d probably punch you.” you pretend to think about this before you say, “actually, no go ahead baby him.” He throws the pillow back at you with a scowl “He would *not* punch me! Sure he looks like he always has his hackles up but he’s not, like, violent! Besides, you’re the one that’s always going on about how people treat him like a delinquent when he’s not!.” He points one finger in your direction before he retreats back to his bunk.
Words: 3623, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, S6 Spoilers, Getting to Know Each Other, Developing Friendships, Developing Relationship, Pining Keith (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2yxtRuq
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Dbdjsjsj Miyako and Yamato bonding over the years bc of their suffering at the hands of taishirou im dbdjwj Yamato or Hikari message her to let her know when they finally start dating and finally. She knows peace. Hawkmon and her have a small celebration in her room ((Until she remembers that actually, no. No peace yet, because Daisuke and Ken are also doing their silly little dance but thats for another time))
everyone suffers because of taishirou
Concept: Miyako, Yamato, and Hikari have a group chat. It is mostly Yamato and Miyako. Hikari is just their inside man. She stays in the chat because it’s really funny to watch them.
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Why would anyone volunteer to take away your laptop when you hive us the best rom-com taishirou scenarios???!
Pleaseeee omg
Also you know taichi gets back to the restaurant and then Sora and Takeru are like so howd it go and hes like it was fine, they were cool with the missing thing, and and they’re like oh? Anything else? And Taichi is like...no???? *squints* and so they tell him (taichi, embarrassed: “why send me? Why not Yamato??!” Sora: “They said cute not hot””Hey!”) And so Taichi has a lil crisis and then sometime later swaps chores with Yamato so he can take an order for the same customer (“please Yamato, Ill trade you napkin folding for [insert worst restaurant task]!” “Ugh, fine. Get out of here.”)
jhkfhkfjahkjd YEs beautiful perfect.
"What about Sora??" "She's the pretty one c'mon Taichi keep up"
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Since adult Taichi and Koushiro become reaaally important people (digimon scientist and the human ambassador ((LOOK AT THEM GO))) im sure theres people out there who (anti-digimon sentiments etc) who might try and use the other for leverage ((because they are married ofc)) over the other or if they dont see the connection the other half who isnt in trouble would still be losing it :’))
Oh that’s incredibly true!!! Like that they’re important and married-- both of these things. I never really considered that there might be people who do such things oh no that’s terrible but I want it???
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I love rewatching the first episode because you get to see Taishirou being cute little blobs in the background—they’re literally always together is super cute—and also Taichi grabbing his hand and pulling him into the Hollow tree is just super cute and I die—my mind interprets this as him just instinctively and reflexively needing to protect others and I’m. Also his face as he does it is so cute >:( hashtag determination. (Also they found each other first owo)
You know who also usually meets first in shows?? the love interests
I’m just being silly, I promise, but it’s a very cute scene like the way Koushirou hesitantly comes around the trees and finds Taichi and they get caught up in a battle right away. Overall it’s just a grand episode with all the character meet and greets. and the two of them really just kind of migrate near each other a lot in the series It’s Great. Especially like that one time they got animated starring at each other in the background for too long (which was probably just animation budget nonsense) I think back at the camp with Taichi’s hand on Koushirou’s shoulder or the heart bubble scene which I know was probably just a random decision with no thought into it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I actually made a gif of the particular scene back when I had less shame of my life choices and honestly?? that is literally his face. It’s such a great introduction to him because Taichi is very primed to protect. I feel like it’s on some level innate in him, but also learned from his caring of Hikari, but it’s honestly amazing this 10/11 year old boy just barely hesitates when a giant bug creature is coming at them like there can’t be any other precedence for him to have learned to react so fast haha. He could have easily left Koushirou behind or just shouted at him to follow, but Koushirou clearly doesn’t act as fast. It doesn’t even look like he catches his bearings/is proactively trying to get away, he’s flailing after Taichi only because he grabbed his arm. It just translate into the rest of the series. Maybe not an intentional foreshadowing, but it fits so well because he literally throws himself into saving the others especially when he thinks he’s the only who can, for better or worse (skullgreymon being a glaring example of the latter and the whole thing with piedmon and also his whole frustration/upset with Hikari being sick again; for the former scenes like when he keeps Yamato from falling off a cliff when they had been fighting iirc). He has legendary reflexes honestly Taichi is So Good and he grows so well 100000/10
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K project and Hamatora are two properties that i really like bc they had interesting ideas and characters and *relationships* but their shows were pretty much ???? i forget about them for a time but then I’ll remember a scene or line or visual and i go feral.
yes, exactly. Hamatora was a beautiful mess of a show and it sucked me in within four episodes and I was going down for the ride every minute even when things went completely off the rails haha because I was so endeared to the characters and relationships especially Art gosh what a time that was but yeah whenever I remember it I miss it a lot
I watched K project only once and to be fair I missed a lot details since I was watching it over a stream with friends and got very distracted/glitches/missed parts of episodes and therefore couldn’t get in to the first half at all. But then the Totsuka episode happened and i was so very endeared to him almost immediately-- but I mistook him for the main character and no one will let me live it down that I was so blindsided by his death when it was, uh, in the first episode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I love this ohhhh! they both definitely cry! And by them i welcome the other chosen kiddos! Ahh Iori and Sora have to do a lot of comforting that day awww!!  Im glad we agree that Yamato cries the most that big softie but Jyou and Miyako and Mimi are absolutely the loudest. ((Gabumon gently ribs Yamato about it like ahaha Yamato do you want me to go get more tissues?)) ahh im getting sentimental i love these kids so much ;v; ((Kae came prepared with EXTRA tissues and discreetly shares some with Yamato—shes not crying as much as she thought she would, shes just smiling and her heart is so full and fond bc wow look at all these kids who love her son! Who want him to be happy!!))
jhfkdshkhskhdsjhk I love all of this absolutely Sora and Iori just being so comforting to everyone. Now I’m imagining Taichi ribbing Yamato on Gabumon’s tail and just getting a, “You can’t say anything????” but then they get drunk later and sob over old stories like, “I love you mannn” lmao Just Kae knowing Yamato will be crying!!!! Motimon crying like, “I’m so glad Koushirou-han!!” Mimi is weepy the whole way through and she and Miyako just cling to each other sobbing Ken’s trying to just watch but Daisuke’s also a blubbering mess. Yuuko’s just ecstatic Koushirou’s her son-in-law now and keeps pulling them into big hugs
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Now im thinking abt how taishirou connected across literal worlds and time??? And wrow soulmates but also...jogress partners...feeling each others heartbeats....(also can ppl have more than one jogress partner???)
so....ul...mates.... ;^; gosh that’s so true, though, it wasn’t just necessarily a screen, huh? I’m not even sure if Koushirou was technically in the digiworld anymore I’m ??
I actually have no idea with jogress partners, but it’s maybe possible? Nothing seems to say no on a google search haha. Or there’s always fanfiction haha
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What are some characters you wished interacted more in Adventure/02? I always wanted to see more Joe/taichi (because wow they both have some shit regarding responsibility) and sora/koushiro! Also in 02 I wanted more sibling moments between the Yagami and Ishida/Takeshi siblings :’)
Immediately Sora/Kou and Joe/Taichi jumped into my head before I even finished reading so like same
Your icon is super cute btw!!
Sorry if all of this is a mess apparently if you give me a platform I just spout nonsense about digimon for days lmaoo
TL;DR: Sora/Kou, Joe/Taichi, Mimi/Yamato, the siblings but with maybe some closure to the Yagamis on some level if that makes sense at all
I feel like Sora and Koushirou were the two characters who believed in Taichi the most and really stuck by him, and supposedly knew each other before the digital world, but it’s honestly hard to recall any scenes where they acted incredibly close to each other? I know she defended him when Taichi was teasing Koushirou and trying to whack his computer and they also shared their opinions on Taichi during the Skullgreymon issue. There might be some scenes, but I’m honestly blanking. Yet I can think of specific examples for Taichi and Koushirou and Taichi and Sora off the top of my head (the gate episode for the former and Taichi saving Sora from nanomon). So maybe the series didn’t mean for them to be very close friends (I think there’s a chart and they aren’t shown with arrows between each other), but I always felt like they would mesh well together even if their main reason was just to bond over Taichi. But I think Sora has shown and would be open to just listening to Koushirou and encouraging him and I think Sora is mellow enough for Koushirou to be comfortable around. I actually kind of wish Sora and Koushirou had gone together in Adventure to look for Taichi because it seemed important to both of them, though I get narratively why they wanted everyone to split up. I kind of wish there was just more Sora, Taichi, and Koushirou being tight-knit overall and something more of an overt trio, since again they were the one’s who already knew each other more closely iirc.
I agree on the Joe and Taichi bit, too. I think there could have maybe been a few more instances where Taichi, well, relied on him and the two kind of commiserated about everything. Joe clearly had a lot of worry for the team and was willing to like risk his own life for Takeru and stay beside Mimi a few times because as her counselor he felt responsible and Taichi had a lot of baggage trying to do right by everyone all the time and wanting to be The Very Best and it felt like sometimes he could kind of feel the heaviness of it especially when Hikari came in; it just felt like they should have a late night therapy session together and there could have been some times when Taichi turned to Joe for some advice. If there was more than once I don’t really remember it right now? I know Taichi had a support pillar in Koushirou and Sora and Yamato at some point, but I honestly think it would have been nice to sprinkle in more of Joe there, and maybe have Joe even gain more confidence in his role in the team to just put his hand on Taichi’s shoulders and say, “Take a break,” but instead it always felt like he micro helped, which I guess was big, but idk Taichi should have his mom bake Joe a cake just to say he’s swell. But I also think it would be nice if Taichi could be a pillar back in kind. I don’t really remember if anyone was specifically there to support Joe back when I think about it except maybe Sora when she helped at the diner arc?? I also think this would have been nicer to explore in 02 and have Joe help herd some of the new youngsters more, but it kind of felt like by Our War Game Joe was a little more… not around? Was always kind of weird to me that the “reliable” one was never around. I know his crest in some iterations is honesty or sincerity, so maybe that’s why haha, but he did always come off as trying to be reliable, so I always fall back on that.
Also Mimi and Yamato would have been interesting to see…. interact at all?? I think in the novels he makes her cry at one point iirc and there was the scene at the graves of the fallen digimon, but I can’t recall any other impactful scenes where they straight on interact?? I feel like the scene where Sora breaks down and Yamato is pretty understanding could have also translated into some scenes with Mimi, like he could go from being annoyed by her and agitated to accepting her strengths and maybe through her find that being more emotional isn’t always a weakness, idk. I also remember Yamato once grilled a fish and so I always thought he’d end up being the cook of the group down the line so when it was Mimi in the epilogue I would kind of imagine her having him on her show for a segment, like cooking in rough conditions or something and talk about the food he eats in space idk it was a weird thing that stuck with me as a kid and it’s hard to kind of forget…
Overall with 02 I really wish there was just more of the original cast and they expanded their relationships from 01. Maybe not get rid of the new 02 cast members because I do really love them, but just integrate the original digidestined in more. I get that it’s hard to balance a large cast, though, so I get why they didn’t. I really feel like Sora, Joe, and Mimi just got forgotten about in the full narrative, though. I also would have still liked more relationship building between like the siblings as you said as well. Family was a pretty integral part of the original series in many ways and while they did seem to kind of bring it back in the ending iirc, there was a HUGE emphasis on the sibling dynamics in 01 I felt was kind of dropped by 02. Like it was even written in a prophecy?? I will admit my memory of 02 is fuzzy and due for a rewatch but I recall Hikari getting something of a developing episode re: her attachment to Taichi or some comparison she was making towards him about herself that I don’t remember, but I’m pretty sure he like… had no part in it really? I think even the dub just was like, “Let’s not even write in that issue.” I could be wrong on that, though. It just felt like Taichi was more distant than he had been at the end of 01 and maybe that’s just age and he grew up, but I still feel like it needed a resolution and he could have either had residual fears or at least have a “letting go” episode maybe so they could both grow together or something for the audience to bare. I felt like if anything Taichi and Hikari’s arc should have ended with him trusting her more and I guess he kind of does since he leaves the fighting to the new kids on the block but it was more like… he gave the responsibility to Daisuke (not a bad choice, this is nothing about Daisuke ofc). It just would have been more full circle imho if he maybe gave Hikari the goggles or something— like she didn’t have to be the leader I guess but it would have been kind of symbolic of him seeing her as strong finally and acknowledging her, you know? That’s probably a different road entirely haha Hikari and Taichi just had a really sweet bond in 01 so I remember it being a little jarring when I watched 02. I can’t remember much about Takeru and Yamato together either so :(
I think they balanced a lot of relationships and backstories and a huge complicated plot pretty well in general just overall and they made the characters so goood but I guess that’s on my essay on some of the things I would change re: their relationships i’msosorry
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The way Taichi reacts to getting reprimanded by Koushiro, sora and Hikari —and how different it is to how he reacts to Joe and Matt—and maybe Mimi, is so funny haha. If hes in the wrong or goes too far he does do better/apologize which is nice! Live that about him!
ah yeah I love how different Taichi’s relationship is with everyone on some level!  Those three are the one’s who have known him the longest and therefore overall I think their views of Taichi tend to be the most positive of the groups immediately, because they know him and assume the best of him, and I wonder if on some level Taichi gets that their criticism is in good faith and their opinions matter to him a lot because of that and he understands that it’s not like an attack on himself?? idk but yeah i love that Taichi as a character and protagonist is someone who will sometimes just make impulsive decisions and go forward with it but the second he gets the sense that a boundary was overstepped he wants to fix it and better himself and even if his first instinct is to shrink back and be glum about it he’ll eventually consider what’s best he really does take a lot in and consider other people and how to do best by them a lot
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