#grocery influencing
rgr-pop · 4 months
meal plan text asmr
i normally have breakfast at work because of my proton pump inhibitor. tomorrow i wfh the morning to do a training so i’ll be having sesame toast with a boiled egg, feta, and whatever pickle and veg looks good. then for the rest of the week’s breakfasts i have one yogurt (lucas found me the icelandic coffee yogurt!!) and friday morning tbh, probably the last of my ezekiel toast with communal work peanut butter unless i pick up cottage cheese/yogurt. today i worked remotely at a coffee shop and i grabbed a bad scone, RIP. (adding to shopping list: ezekiel bread, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, bananas, the icelandic coffee yogurt but that’s only at whole foods.)
at work right now i’ve been having paramount (local brand) k cups that corey gifted me. i got him a gift card for the new downtown coffee shop so he can grab it between his bus job (he herds teenagers for the school public bus program. his real title is abussador :)) and he got me k cups for my work. i froth half and half to dress up the k cup, and my coworker brought in half and half she needs used up, so i don’t need to bring mine. (another week before i have to buy more.) i hate using the disposables and am considering literally committing to work french press like an absolute psycho—i just can’t get myself enough time before work to make and bring it from home and the refillable k cups will do but are gross. if you have to survive a keurig at work i recommend nasty refillables + steaming and frothing milk. i have half a bag of not great beans at home. I’ve been spending more on nicer beans for home and it has been worth it, but I am still not quite sure what I like. (on shopping list: coffee beans, decaf beans for winter evening treats.)
came home with a coffee shop noise pollution migraine and made myself cheese ramen with cilantro, sesame seeds, green onion, and a side of this week’s pickled carrot slaw. ramen made two servings for me. it was the last of my shin black and third to last slice of ramen cheese. my cilantro will last another weekend and i have at least week’s worth of parsley and green onions. (adding to the shopping list: shin black, cheese singles, frozen corn, and since i’m thinking about it, shredded mozz for buldak/corn cheese.)
for lunches wednesday-friday i will have dumplings from the freezer (the ones i made and some other ones i have), leftover ramen, and a carrot and cucumber salad (my last two fresh salad vegetables, but i will probably wait out purchasing more). to prep tonight: jar of dumpling sauce, salad. (dumplings are already on my shopping list when i see some that look good. adding dumpling wrappers—making and freezing them was so worth it, but i felt like making the dough wasn’t.)
complicating factor: i should make myself something sweet to keep me out of the vending machines at work. at home i’ve been having what i believe to be yaourti me meli (greek yogurt, walnuts, honey, cinnamon?) but i’m out. i’d like to make a second french yogurt cake to compare it to the other recipe, but again, out. i would also also like to make a coffee cake type food for someone coming over saturday afternoon. do i make a little loaf cake with what i have tonight to get me through the week and then a second thing then? do i have friday plans? if i bake a little quick bread or pound cake for myself tonight it will really cut down on my food ruminations. (adding to shopping list: greek yogurt, walnuts, honey, dried fruit, butter.. baking supplies need inventorying but i’m almost sure i have enough of the basics.)
what am i having for dinners? i need to minimize the chance that i spend any non-grocery money before next week—i will be having a crazy week and likely blowing money i don’t have. tonight i’m having leftover cannellini beans cacio e pepe (‼️ make this ‼️). i have enough beans (although running low) to continue having beans meals, but i really really really desire to put my beans meals on potatoes. (‼️ fusion jacket potatoes ‼️ make this ‼️). matias made these perfect black beans with pork and salsa verde and it’s all i can think about. can i pull this off with freezer bacon… i have enough of a serrano to get me through. (adding to shopping list: russet potatoes, garlic, sour cream, avocado, cheap canned black beans, decent looking dried black beans, slightly nice italian brand butter beans and cannellini beans, bell pepper, tomatillos, tomatoes, mexican oregano, sweet potato, pork?? i will put this on my list but never buy it.)
i would also like to make salmon rice bowls with avocado, pickled veg/carrot slaw, cucumbers, etc. to use up my freezer salmon. i would prefer to wait to do this til i’m keeping salad greens (leftover salmon for salads is key for a working woman…)
in two weeks i will make something for a certain someone’s birthday and batch up some granola. i’ve been wanting to try making coffee granola. i also have to make a lasagna before the end of winter this year or i must be executed.
what i’m bringing to work tomorrow for the rest of the week: salad, bags of dumplings, ramen, cilantro (packed separately), one boiled egg, one yogurt, dumpling sauce and any other condiments that look good, and a sweet if i can pull it off.
the question i can only answer for myself tomorrow at 4pm: am i going to the grocery store?
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beaft · 7 months
can anyone tell me why i enter the grocery store a normal person and emerge as some sort of vile ravening monster
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kittykatninja321 · 1 month
As someone who isn’t even the primary caretaker + has other adults around to help, after staying home with 2 small children for one week I don’t know how tradwives don’t kill their husbands who don’t help around the house. If I cook and you can’t even wash the dishes I’ll start planning homicide
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bonetrousledbones · 1 year
whatever you do DON’T think about how papyrus undertale’s biggest motivations lie in encouraging the people around him to improve themselves and finding the joy in friendship and how he doesn’t have any of that in deltarune whatsoever and instead he’s just hiding inside of a dark house while everyone else is outside going about their lives relatively fine without him just dont think about it
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imaginaryanon · 5 months
"ah fuck i guess [thing] is over/has been cancelled so i gotta quickly post the rest of the art i've done about it then move on 😭😭😭" you guys live like this? genuinely?
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substituted-shinigami · 2 months
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doomedbythe-narrative · 3 months
the way y’all hype up songs like fucking bimbo doll or certain songs by certain rappers that literally minimize women down to their ability to perform sexually but draw the line at dylan mulvaney is realllll funny to me.
just saying sounds like terf rhetoric to me.
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onemillionfurries · 1 year
I think everyone needs to make a "peace and love on planet earth" tag for their blog. A tag where videos, images, memes, and stories can be compiled of humanity showing kindness, empathy, joy, beauty, and love. A respite from the horrors that are shoved in our faces on a daily basis. A reminder that no matter what, we are all human, we are all one, and that we are all capable of being kind to each other and bringing beauty to this world.
#lab notes#the tag doesnt need to specifically be called 'peace and love on planet earth' but yknow#god i just love humanity so much#sorry this post is so rambly and repetitive i just think its so important that we have a reminder like this yknow#pls excuse me while i cry over my love of humanity and people just being so so kind to each other#bc yeah so much fucking horrible shit is happening in the world caused by humans#but that is an extremely narrow few who are influenced by greed and power and capitalism#the vast majority of humanity is filled with those who love and care for each other#and those who love and care for complete strangers#i see way too much nihilism around humanity and its blights to the point where there are people out there who genuinely think all of#humanity is nothing but greed and suffering but no!!! we are a social species! we evolved to work together and help each other and love.#to save humanity first you have to fucking love humanity!!!#if you want to make the world a better place first you have to find a reason to love it! and we are a part of this world so you need to#have a reason to love us! to love yourself!!#go outside and spread some fucking joy to others. hold open a door for a stranger. compliment someones outfit. help someone carry#their groceries. please even just the littlest of things can mean the world to others and can make the biggest of differences.#WOW ok. speaking of rambles.#anyways#peace and love on planet earth#<- an easy way to just click this tag n go to my own#bc i think its important for people to see
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
agreed with my doc to try adderall and while excited was prepared for it not to work in some way/not be very noticeable. and well. I've been on it 2 days, and in that time I have kept up on washing dishes, cleaned the kitchen counters, tackled three random spots where things collect in the kitchen and cleared them, including reorganizing where things go like I've meant to for months, finished 2 small projects I'd been seeing around for a month to months and going 'i should really finish that' and not doing it, put away my laundry, and gotten rid of the pile of random crap on my desk. so. we might be onto something here
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i claim im suchhhhhhh an academic and love school and learning then scream cry throw up anytime i have to do an assignment . i have the range
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heavenknowsffs · 1 year
Saying "meals under $5" that have a thousand ingredients that you only use a tiny bit of, to me, is like saying "if you have all of these in your house already it's free"
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charlemane · 2 years
watched the first ep of voyager last night and there was a lot of shit in it that i didn't like, but honestly... i'm emotional about how Tim Russ's cadence as Tuvok was so clearly studied from Leonard Nimoy's cadence as Spock
Vulcan isn't a real place. even if it were, none of us would ever go there in our lifetimes.
but we know what the people from there sound like.
isn't that something?
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dawning-day · 1 year
on this episode of freaks on the internet dictate my life choices
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mildswearingat4am · 1 year
I’m cleaning out my closet and got completely sidetracked by a stack of my old journals. Because like --
I like journals.
As a kid, I liked having something on hand I could pull out in school to doodle and goof off without looking like it. What are they gonna do, get mad I’m writing in a notebook?
Now, I like the idea of having an older version of me preserved in pages so I can see how much I’ve changed and how much has stayed the same. How excited I got over my first experience with something that’s now routine. Wincing at how totally oblivious I was during a Clearly Very Bad mental health situation. Past hopes, past dreams, past music tastes, you know? Sometimes I put a nice leaf in the pages from past autumn.
At the same time, just because I want the record to exist doesn’t mean I want it to be here. In my closet. Taking up space and gathering dust. When something happens my first instinct isn’t to hunt around for a pen and paper, because that feels like a chore. Why do I have to record myself for future dissection? Can’t I just have experiences and accept the me I am now is fleeting?
But I also know how easy it is to rewrite a past you have no record of. Saying oh, it’s always been this way, when in fact you’re getting Bad again. I don’t want kid me to disappear, just like I don’t want to disappear someday when older me can only vaguely recall the mundane stress the 2020s.
But do I want to undertake the arduous ordeal of preserving me? Now? Today? Carrying the past to every new apartment and house and turning it into a personal history museum?
So basically my closet’s still gross and now I’m having an existential crisis
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sunnydayjackshit · 2 years
and simultaneously,,, today has been the most stressful out of the last several months. i feel like jack is out there trying to make me associate bad things with our poor emo meow meow
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apocraphelion · 2 years
are people actually any more anti-intellectual than they used to be? or are the anti-intellectuals just on the internet now
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