deranged-chinchilla · 10 months
silver foxes my beloved 💞
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since my head has been rotting with the thought of being between these two fictional men, here’s a pair of one shots
Alan Grant |
(also it’s been a while since I’ve seen the movie so if the timing of everything isn’t as accurate, that’s why, anyways, enjoy! ✌️)
You thought going on a sponsored trip with your Paleontology mentor would be a fun time, but how silly you were to think such a thing.
Thinking you’d spend some possibly romantic and passionate alone time with the man, you had to suppress your disappointment along with your screams of absolute terror when the jeep you had chosen out of spite had been flipped over.
By what exactly?
A forty foot long tyrannosaurus rex, with sharp teeth filling its gigantic head.
You could see that in grotesqe detail as it curiously sniffed at the overturned vehicle’s now shattered windows, terrifying the children you were trapped with as you quietly shushed them and held them close to keep them from getting the giant creature’s attention once more.
“I know, I know it’s scary. But we’ll be okay.” You whisper in both Tim and Lexi’s ears as they whimpered, covering their mouths.
Then you looked up and, almost letting out a sigh of relief, you saw Alan getting out of his separate vehicle he got in with Ian, armed with a flare.
“Over here!!” Grant waved his arms as he shouted, earning the rex’s attention.
A pang of fear for him filled your chest but was quickly turned to pride as he opened the bright red light, waving it around to see if the dino would follow. And when it did, Alan threw it far away into the trees making the Rex follow after it.
That was when he made his way to your vehicle.
And though you felt a dulled pain in your lower leg from where the Rex had trapped you under one of the seats after nearly crushing the car, you made sure a sobbing Lex was out of there first and into the safety of Grant’s arms.
But before you could get Tim out as well, you heard Lexi scream and both you and the young boy froze in panic. Looking out again, you briefly saw Alan covering Lexi’s mouth as they remained stone-still beside the car before the Rex was right at the window again making Tim nearly scream as well before you covered his eyes and mouth.
Then the Jeep was spun around by the dino’s powerful snout making you and Tim involuntarily shriek as the car was pushed closer and closer to the ledge leading to long drop just before the dark forrest below.
Then pulling your foot free from the seat followed by a pained grunt as you gritted your teeth, you hurried Tim to the back of the Jeep in attempt o keep the vehicle in balance.
But the mud and rain made such a feat impossible and next thing you knew you guys were falling.
You held onto Tim with one hand while the other gripped what was left of the back window to ensure neither of you fell through where the windshield once was.
And luckily you didn’t fall for long when your car got caught on some branches and vines, suspending you in midair.
You quietly reassured the trembling Tim who seemed just seconds from throwing up as you looked around for any chance of escape.
But after a few minutes of what felt like total hopelessness, you soon felt the feeling lift from your shoulders when Alan was beside you on one of the tree branches.
“You guys alright?” He softly asks, looking around to make sure you were secure. While you gave him a relieved nod, Tim couldn’t hold back his bile anymore and puked, sending any food left in his system out the windshield.
After he was done, you helped the small boy to Alan and onto the safety of the branch before you carefully crawled your way to him to do the same.
But as soon as you were within reach, the car began to slip and your eyes widened, prepared to accept your fate.
But Alan wasn’t and quickly grabbed onto you, pulling you up into his chest right as the car fell.
You looked up at him as you tried to steady your breathing, but the proximity only made it harder as the air seemed to thicken.
That also may have been your injury and how high up you all were but same difference.
“I got you. I got you…” With his chest rising and falling heavily, and his voice soft with relief, you found him reassuring you and himself in that moment.
You squeezed him graciously, looking up at him.
“Thank you… but I think I might’ve bruised my ankle pretty bad.” You told him before he looked down and pulled up the pant of your leg to see a red bruise forming just above your ankle where the seat had almost crushed it.
Gently feeling it to check for any misplaced bones or fractures, you sucked in a breath through your teeth as Alan checked on it.
“It doesn’t seem broken but if it’s worse to walk, I’ll carry you.” He offered, and though it was tempting you shook your flustered head.
“I should be okay. Let’s just get back to the ground.” You panted before with the help from both boys, you all safely made it to the ground with Lexi meeting you there.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs |
Being a good friend of Abby’s, you spent quite a bit of time at the NCIS headquarters.
At first it was secret and she would sneak you in through one of the windows to her lab, but that was short lived with all of Gibbs’ surprise visits.
But when both you and Abby thought he’d for sure kick you out and forbid such a meet up from ever happening again, he surprisingly approached you without a scolding word.
Then he took hold of the collar of your shirt and clipped a visitor’s badge on it.
Then sending you a ghost of a smile, he commented on how Abby got a lot more done with you around and left.
But one night, just after the heartbreaking death of one of Abby’s coworkers, Kate, Abby was mourning and had run to the bathroom to fix her makeup after some reassurance from you.
While she was gone, however, and you held the fort, you were scared shitless out of your seat when a window suddenly shattered.
You ducked behind the metal desk in terror, clutching your racing heart in fear not knowing if that’d been a rock or a lucky gunshot that missed you.
Your question was answered however when the lights were shut off and you looked towards the door to see Gibbs rushing in to darken the room.
Then he crouched and made his way to you, not taking more than a second to be at your side.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He asked as you gripped his calloused hands with your own shaky ones.
“I wasn’t hit, I wasn’t hit.” You murmured, the second time you said it more for your own assurance as Gibbs let out his own sigh of relief.
“I knew I should’ve sent you home.” His comment seemed a bit backhanded at first, slightly offending and embarrassing you, before he embraced you warmly, rubbing your back soothingly.
You melted against his touch, resting your head against his shoulder as you sat side by side behind the safety of the desk.
“Where’s— Where’s Abby?” You asked, anxiety coursing through you at the possible grim answer.
“Safe, DiNozzo and McGee made sure of it.” Gibbs told you making you sigh with relief.
“Thank you.” You said, your body relaxing a bit as you stared off into the dark room.
His presence being enough for the lack of light to not scare you further.
There was a desolate moment of silence between you two, not tense like you would think, but comfortable.
“Why did you want to send me home?” You finally gather the courage to ask.
And hey, you were almost sniped, you had the confidence for just about anything now.
You couldn’t see his features all that well but you could sense him shift a little, turning to face you.
“Because you may not be hired as an NCIS agent, but I see you as part of the team. Hell, the whole team does. Kate did too.” He softly told you, his warmth carrying to you as you kept your head on his shoulder.
“I wish I got to know her better then…” You weren’t as close as her and Abby were due to your schooling schedule, but the few times you guys had run into each other when she wasn’t on missions were never short of heartwarming.
It was bittersweet looking at it now.
“I miss her…” You admitted, turning to look at him too. “I don’t want to miss out on anything with the rest of you.”
While it was more aimed then intended, Gibbs got the idea and you could hear him make the noise he usually made when he smiled.
“Tell you what,” He started, and you could still hear his grin. “We get out of this and you still feel the same way tomorrow, I’ll see what I can do.”
You smiled at this, relaxing once more at his side as he kissed the top of your head.
While at the time you thought it was just something Gibbs did, a protective kind of thing, it turned into much, much more.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorry if it’s bad this is my first time writing something public for Tumblr, but I hope someone finds this fitting of their taste and enjoys :D
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hlmoorewrites · 7 months
WIP tag game
I saw this on my dash! I wasn't tagged but I'm not going to let that stop me lol. Rules of the WIP Tag:
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Titles of my top 5 priorities for WIP updates:
Throne Of Lies - the third book in my Death's Embrace series
the unmaking of lily luna - HP fic, sequel to the seven lives of lily potter
Io Station - the next novella in my Tales from the Jovian Empire anthology series
Tacita - a standalone fantasy novel
Strike Force - the first book in a sci-fi series set in the Jovian Empire universe [feat. an extremely slow-burn lesbian romance]
Upcoming scene/event/detail in each fic I'm looking forward to writing:
1. Throne Of Lies
“You were a feral little thing, weren’t you.”
Grace opened her mouth, to no doubt give him a piece of her mind for the egregious offence of being called a ‘little’ anything – then she closed it and huffed. “Doran told you about the mollusc, didn’t he.”
“You must have driven your mother spare.”
“I wish I hadn’t.”
“I cannot imagine she wanted you to be anything other than yourself.”
“Don’t,” Grace snapped, “presume to know anything about her.”
Nathaniel was silent for a moment. “When I was boy in the Helvetic,” he eventually said, “I used to roam the streets after dark with an unsavoury crowd. We would all dare each other to sneak into abandoned houses infested with chimaera spiders, find a nest, and –”
“What makes you think I care about your childhood?”
“I didn’t particularly care to hear about yours, but I listened politely when Doran shared the details; the least you could do is return the favour. We’re stuck here until dawn, at any rate. Have you anything better to do?”
Grace sniffed, which he took as tacit permission to continue.
“When my mother found out what I was doing, she hauled me through the condemned alleys by my ear until we found a corpse of someone who had succumbed to the chimaerachnid’s bite. She sliced open the arm and made me look at the eggs infesting every single vein, artery and muscle until I threw up.”
“That’s awful.”
“I was an awful child. Moody, reckless, always getting into trouble.”
After a heavy silence, Grace murmured, “You must have driven her spare.”
2. the unmaking of lily luna
(Maybe you were supposed to. Maybe you weren’t meant to survive that first time. What if that’s why you kept dying? What if that was the universe’s way of telling you that you were supposed to stay dead?)
But more than that:
The smartest, bravest man you have ever known – a man who has been more of a father to you than your own has, a man who has saved your life time and time and time again – will be gone forever.
(And that – that is unacceptable.)
You slip your trembling fingers under the bloody, shredded collar around his torn throat and you feel it, the weak thready pulse of a man about to die.
You don’t understand. He survives, you know he survives. He’s been there your entire life, he lived. Harry defeats Voldemort and returns after the Battle and finds Severus Snape clinging to life, everyone knows that – it’s in all of the history books, it’s what Harry said happened in all of those post-War interviews he gave, it’s what is taught in the History of Magic classes at Hogwarts. But these wounds – how can anyone survive these wounds? He can’t die, this isn’t how it happened, this isn’t how it happened –
“Wake up,” you beg, touching a shaking hand to Severus’s ice-cold cheek, his skin as white as marble. “Wake up – please –”
His lips move. His breath rattles in his chest. He whispers your name. Then Severus Snape breathes his last, and –
3. Io Station
She has existed long before the Empire rose, and she will live on long after the Empire falls. She is as beautiful as she is grotesque; cruel as she is kind. She is old and tired, but she never sleeps, determined to endure for the two million souls who reside within her walls.
She is Io Station.
She is my home.
4. Tacita
“Wanted for the murder of Legate Adriana Lucia!”
The woman peered down at her – not with disgust or horror, but with curiosity. “A serious crime, child.”
A crime! The only crime was that the Legate thought it her right to beat her slaves so savagely in the first place. The only crime was that Adriana Lucia had dangled the girl’s pendant before her eyes and laughed, cruel and mocking, and threatened to melt it down for an arrowhead unless the girl behaved. The only crime Tacita had committed was that Legate Adriana Lucia’s death by her hands hadn’t been on purpose.
Oh, sure, she’d fantasised every day how she would kill the Legate. Slowly, Tacita had imagined while rubbing the Legate’s calloused feet with oils. Maybe she would drug her nightly milk and tie her up in her bed, and slowly pry off each of her fingernails as revenge for the lashings. Or she would have increased the temperature in the Legate’s bath so slowly she wouldn’t realise it until she was boiled half to death, right in the middle of the long dark eclipse for irony.
Whether or not Tacita would have actually done it was hardly the point; the point was that she’d never imagined it happening so quickly. Without thought. She’d lunged for her mother’s pendant with a screech and collided with the Legate’s body with such force that the Legate staggered backwards, lost her balance, and split her skull open against the corner of a marble table as she fell.
She had been dead before she hit the ground.
“It was an accident,” Tacita snarled.
“You don’t sound terribly sorry for it,” the woman noted.
“Why should I?”
“Does the loss of a life at your hands not upset you? Do you feel no guilt?”
Tacita shrugged. “Will it change what happened?”
If the woman was disturbed, she did not show it. “An accident, you say? Suppose I believe you. No doubt it was a tussle over that remarkable pendant around your neck.”
Tacita’s hand gripped it tightly. “I didn’t steal it, if that’s what you’re implying,” she snapped. “It was my mother’s."
5. Strike Force
Ten years ago, Jocelyn Carver of the Jovian Armies brutally ended the Ganymedean Insurgency and restored law and order to the Jovian Empire - but earned herself a cruel moniker: The Butcher of Ganymede.
Professor Catriona Ballard, professor of politics at Conamara University on Europa, has ridden the wave of fame delivered by her damning expose on Carver - but with the release of a new article exposing unsavoury practices within the Jovian Empire comes not fame, but vilification. Stripped of her accolades, titles and security, Ballard finds herself arrested and forced to serve out her sentence as a Petty Officer in the Jovian Armies - and under the command of the very woman whose name she slandered a decade prior.
Ballard loathes Carver with every fibre of her being, and expects Carver to return the sentiment - but the Captain is nothing what she expected her to be.
A slow-burn lesbian romance set against the backdrop of the cruel politics of the Jovian Empire.
Tagging: @thisgingerhasnosoul @missdreawrites @wittyusernamed @crowbito @athingofvikings @merulanoir @buffyfan145 @amazinmango @adeadratiswatching @misakikaito @wantonlywindswept @exalok
+ anyone who sees this on their dash and wants to do it!
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sloolid · 1 year
Monday Knight-day, and I return to the project I've been doing off and on for years: My Imperial Knight.
This time, I wrenched it's face and a bunch of armour panels off.
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It's face is gonna be this lion sculpt. The mouth's gonna have wires and shit comin' out.
Pretty happy with this. It's not perfect, but I'm happy. Painted up, it'll look cool.
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There's also a green-stuffed Grotesqe above it's knee. Neat.
More to come on this guy.
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mentalpatient2 · 22 days
To all the gurlies nearing insanity, refresh your hair color and do your nails (nude base, red eyeshadow at the top to make it look like you bled a man). Guaranteed you will feel better. If anyone asks about the grotesqe nails, tell them it's from fighting the demons.
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k00291776 · 7 months
Artist Research: Sarah sitkin
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sarah sitkin uses many different forms of media to create these beautifully grotesqe pieces incapsulating how hideously gorgeous humans are and using the form of the body to show this. by squeing the proportions and shapes and placements she can make her work very interesting yet incredibely disgusting. and this type of work is what lead me to my next pieces of exploration
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faulentzer · 8 months
Deliberate spreading of misinformation should be a highly and severely punished crime!!
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mongolitofragola · 9 months
Effets secondaires : les covidistes tentent un coup désespéré et grotesq...
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memitodu29 · 9 months
Effets secondaires : les covidistes tentent un coup désespéré et grotesq...
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georgiaeveritt · 10 months
Studio Day - ISTD
Feedback talk with emily:
ive been struggling with motivation for my istd project at the moment so i had a short helpful chat with emily about the direction of my project.
start by creating a bank of colour palettes and typefaces to grab from
initial experiments in illustrator - don't have to be good
don't have to make a book or a type spec only if you want to submit project to istd - for this submission can just do the mockups & posters
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doomsday-architect · 11 months
TV MEDIA.......
Emotionally DEAD REPORTING......
Butchered babies, butchered, beheaded humans of ALL TYPES.
Thats why they recorded what they did.
So, what does American media show?
Blacked out everything, every truth showing ANYTHING THAT WOULD UPSET VIEWERS SENSIBILITIES.
Only Israelies get to see blood, beheaded, butchered citizens.
Dont worry America, the media will protect you from the grotesqe reality of life.
Consider the media the SANITIZERS of the reality of war.
One of the reasons there will NEVER be peace.
One of the others?
Mikitary/Industrial complex. AKA MONEY!
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propalitet · 3 years
Ya’ll wanna see the show that disturbed me as a kid 
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Vatrogasac Vijeko 
The intro song is a bop tho
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kagomae · 4 years
inu making a comeback i see  .... perhaps i will return ....
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blondscout · 5 years
❛     did  you  hear  what  i  said  ?     ❜  @grotesq​    ›     ♡
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sleuthsts · 5 years
gloomy all around.     death in the neighbourhood  ...   it  fogs the minds  of it’s tenants .   nothing more bitter .   the taste of  burnt coffee  lingers in the mouths of those continuing to  gossip  as well as spreading a name .   allowing it to haunt  ...   drifting through the streets.      a lost miserable soul.     “    hi ,     sorry to bother you  but i need to ask you some questions ?     ”     whispers fill the ear .     eyes  watching  each house and apartment he’s visited .   “    is this a  normal  occurrence ?          the staring ?   ”
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ratbutmakeitfyodor · 2 years
My biggest toxic trait is that i type [insert my favourite fucking thing in the world] on yt or tumblr see one video or one negative opinion and begin to overthink wheather its right that i like it so much and eventually even stop liking it
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yssring · 2 years
llets!! go on;a date!! ..leads two->[coprse twisted an broken iin grotesqe was]<-yourfault
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