merryfortune · 1 year
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oh my god they were roomates
Created in Adobe Express for the "Before the Beginning" prompt from @5daysofygofemslash
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honeys-bnbdc · 3 years
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Day 3-Mind on Air!!
Your honor, they're gay--- anyways, Asukas tired of these two talkin abt each other when they're literally TWO INCHES APART, a tale of true love actually-- And yes, Junko is drawing them smoochin n Momoe doesn't notice because they're not very smart
@gxmonth Postin early again cus imma be knocked out
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valkylander · 3 years
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higuchimon · 3 years
[fanfic] Surely Win
Junko opened her eyes as she reached to turn off the alarm clock.  She would have far preferred rolling over and going back to sleep, but that wasn't going to happen.  Not today, of all days.
Momoe's arm slipped around her and soft lips brushed against her ear.  "Why did you even turn that on?  We don't need it."
Junko admired Momoe's half-sleepy eyes before leaning forward to brush her lover with her own lips.  Kisses were important when one first woke up.  "Breakfast.  We still need it."
"Why?"  Momoe shrugged, snuggling a little closer.  "I think we can skip it once.  It wouldn't be the first time."
"No, but I'm making it special this morning,"  Junko pointed out.  At least she wanted to.  If Momoe didn't let her out  of bed, then she wasn't going to get the chance to cook anything at all.  Momoe didn't move.  "I need to get up."
Momoe didn't look interested in moving out of bed, at least not any time soon.  Truth to tell, Junko wasn't surprised about that.  Momoe had been up very late studying for her next exam, and she could use all the sleep she could get.  Which was also why Junko wanted to make breakfast for her.  She also had a surprise hidden that she hoped Momoe would like.
Everything had changed so much since their graduation from Duel Academia.  Both had intended to attend the teaching school - only to find that neither of them was that interested in teaching.  Seeing Asuka finding her own path as a researcher helped them both decide what it was they really wanted to do.  Momoe delved into duel medicine, centering on the problems that could come from flawed duel disks.  Thankfully the problems they'd experienced in school - such as duel zombies and one's energy being drained - didn't come up that often.  But she learned how to deal with similar situations regardless.  One never knew when the information could be useful.
Junko herself started studying law as it related to dueling.  She'd seen what happened to Hell Kaiser Ryou and that urged her to finding ways to deal with the underground and what it could do to the unprepared.  Some newly graduated pro duelists needed help getting their contracts sorted out to their benefit as well.  Most of the managers didn't expect a woman who wasn't yet twenty-five to know how to work a contract.  Those she enjoyed working with the most.  Being underestimated could be such an advantage.
What had changed the most was their relationship.  Junko had always been aware she found both men and women attractive - they were all so interesting, how could she ever pick?   With travel to the other dimensions something of a possibility, or at least looking to become one as technology advanced, she thought there could be even more options one day.
Two years earlier, she and Momoe had encountered one another at college, and gone out for drinks together.  One thing led to another, and now the two of them settled close to one another.  Junko breathed in the scent of Momoe's hair and wondered if she might have the chance to brush it later.  Then she sighed again.
"Momoe.  I need to make breakfast."  Her stomach rumbled in perfect time with her words, and Momoe grumbled a little, shifting to give her more space. 
"Is it that important?"
"Yes."  Junko leaned forward enough to kiss her on the temple, then slipped out of bed and grabbed her robe before heading to start her morning.  She knew what Momoe liked to eat, and she'd always rather had a taste for traditional foods herself.  So she put together familiar foods - steamed rice, miso soup, grilled fish, natto, and a quick salad, along with some hot green tea.  By the time she set it all up on their table, Momoe had gotten out of bed and wandered in here, eyeing the breakfast with unabashed hunger.
"Good morning!"  Junko chirped, relentlessly cheerful.  Momoe smiled a little at that before she sat down, and the two of them shared breakfast.  They didn't do it like this every morning; their schedules very seldom lined up enough for that.  But on those rare days when they could, both enjoyed spending the time together like this.
Once they finished, Momoe started to gather up the dishes and set them near the sink, while Junko handled the rest of the morning chores.  When they settled back down, she had something hidden up her sleeve. Momoe kept giving her study area looks, but Junko wasn't going to let her go off there just yet.
"I got these for you.  I thought you'd like them,"  she said, slipping a bag into Momoe's hands.  Momoe stared down at the bag; she'd bought it on purpose so Momoe couldn't guess what the actual gift was until she opened it.  Momoe pulled the silver ribbon binding it closed carefully, and peered inside with all the curiosity of a child.
The noise she made could not be described.  Something on the order of a squeal, but so much higher, and then Momoe flung her arms around her and hugged her close.  "You found them!  You really did!"
"Of course!"  Junko hugged back.  "I promised I would, didn't I?"  She'd had to look for weeks to locate these particular flavors, but she'd succeeded in the end.  Six KitKats rested in the bag, all six the royal milk tea flavor - the flavor that Momoe liked the best.  Momoe smiled brilliantly before tucking them away.
"I'll enjoy one later,"  she promised, the light of anticipation in her eyes.  "I should really study..."  She didn't look all that enthused, and Junko had something better in mind regardless.  She knew Momoe needed to be ready for the exams, but being ready also included having taken proper breaks.  Asuka had mentioned that in her last e-mails and Junko believed her.  It did seem to help more than she would have expected a few years earlier.  Age did indeed bring wisdom.
So now she wrapped her fingers around Momoe's and squeezed ever so gently, enjoying the warmth they shared. "Let's go for a walk first.  Get some fresh air, clear our heads, then I can help you study." 
Tension visibly flowed out of Momoe as she nodded.  "All right."  Holding her prized candy close to her, she headed to go change clothes, Junko following in her wake.  It wasn't even close to noon yet and she thought it was already going to be one of the best days ever.
The End
Notes: KitKats have been considered a good luck charm in Japan for university exams for a few years now. Look up KitKats in Japan for more information, including where I got the title. Momoe and Junko were done dirty by the anime. Teaching is important but it always seems to be the default job for a lot of female characaters. So in my headcanon, Momoe is a doctor who focuses on duel related injuries and Junko deals with duel-based law. Asuka has become a researcher after deciding teaching isn’t for her either. While Manjoume’s ex-lackeys become teachers. Ever notice most of the teachers at DA are guys anyway?
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loganelfreeces · 4 years
@gxmonth I love my rare pairs, but this is the one I'm focusing on these days: Groupieshipping AKA Mindy and Jasmine.
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aoiszaizen · 8 years
I’ve transferred my fanmixes from 8tracks to PlayMoss!
Stereo Hearts [Leon Kuwata/Sayaka Maizono]
We Call It Chemistry [Bastion Misawa/Alexis Rhodes]
If I Only Knew How [Bastion Misawa/Chazz Princeton]
Come What May [Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu/Peko Pekoyama]
Special Partnership [Canada/Ukraine]
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship [Mindy/Jasmine]
Take Me Back To The Start [Jefferson/Victor Frankenstein]
You're So Constellar [Hokuto Shijima/Masumi Kotsu]
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alexstorm · 3 years
Well let’s just admit, his friend circle is not the most politically conscious (whether they should be is another question). Only when issues get too big to ignore / too “hot” in the entertainment industry they get involved. (Alexa’s me-too-ing while sugarcoating the exploitative rockstar-groupieships of 70s, Taylor’s reverse racism, etc). If what’s happening now becomes a hot topic in the industry, and I highly doubt it will be due to all reasons mod stated then they may get involved.
True that! Alexa is the only one who’s discovered “activism” as a tool for her social media. Last year it was BLM, this year she finally openly counts herself as Asian whereas the last 10 years she hardly talked about her heritage other than the occasional discrimination story. These people couldn’t give a fuck about what’s happening in the world as long as it doesn’t impact their jet-setting life.
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hornetshipping · 9 years
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In celebration of Femslash February, I decided to make animations for three of my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! F/F ships! Unfortunately, I couldn’t make one for my OTP (Serenadeshipping) due to Serena not being in the game.
(If anyone has any requests, please just send them to my ask! I can make animations for any Yu-Gi-Oh! ship, as long as the characters appeared in the Arc V Tag Force Special game and has a overworld sprite.)
Feel free to use any of these as you wish, as long as you credit me!
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afanofmanyanime · 9 years
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ジュンコとももえ | そでい [pixiv] 
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gxshipping · 9 years
Groupieshipping = Junko Makurada x Momoe Hamaguchi
Named so because they act as ‘groupies’ towards every attractive boy they meet.
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merryfortune · 2 years
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connected by a red string of fate 💕
Day 2 of GX Rare Pair Week: Soulmates | Graduation | Photograph
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merryfortune · 3 years
your my dearest friend (we should be lovers instead)
Clover and Violets 2022
Day 4. Kiss
Title: your my dearest friend (we should be lovers instead)
Ship: Groupieshipping | Junko/Momoe
Word Count: 1,295
Universe: GX - Canon Compliant
Rating: T
Tags: Light Angst, Light Fluff, Internalised Homophobia, Cuddling & Snuggling, First Kiss, Making Out
AN: there are some oblique references to the song Jenny by Studio Killers (hence the title) but also to Jennifer’s Body, if you catch those that makes you my new best friend
   Their shared room in the Obelisk Blue dorm was dark, save for the bright flashes of their television. Tonight was movie night and Asuka wanted to study so it was just Junko and Momoe enjoying a midnight fest of all their favourite rom-coms on VHS. They were piled up in their lounge together, Momoe in Junko’s lap and Junko’s hand in Momoe’s hair, petting it idly as they watched the movie together. They had a large bowl of popcorn next to Junko, given that she was sitting up straight, that was half-eaten, more by Momoe than Junko, funnily enough.
   They were at the climax of the second movie that they had put on together. There was a third movie they had lined up for after this one but they were both getting sleepy, barely keeping their eyes open for what was meant to be the biggest and best part of the movie: the kiss.
   The handsome male lead and the gorgeous female lead had been going to and fro with miscommunication after miscommunication, battling their fate and mutual attraction with all sorts of random plot elements thrown at them and now, finally, it was their time to resolve all that then enjoy ten minutes of on-screen happily ever after. But before the credits rolled, all the tension between the two protagonists had to be resolved with nothing but the biggest, damn kiss imaginable. Tongue was in cheek and there was moaning. The colours around them were bright, the lighting was magical, but honestly, it looked more gross.
   So Junko asked, “Have you ever been kissed, Momoe?”
   “No, I haven’t,” Momoe replied, “have you?”
   “Me either.” Junko murmured.
   The kiss on the television screen, in that grainy VHS pattern, was still going and it still looked gross. Momoe snickered to herself.
   “I’ve come close though.” Momoe confessed.
   “Really?” Junko asked, sounding more surprised than she actually was.
   “Yeah, a couple boys from Ra Yellow, and this one guy from our dorm but its weird.” Momoe mused. “I always get scared at the last minute. Like I’m not going to be good enough.”
   Junko’s lips soured. She knew that impulse well. Though, for her, it wasn’t so much that she wasn’t going to be good enough, it was more that…
   “Or like I’m not going to enjoy it.” Momoe continued.
   That was exactly what Junko was thinking. It was more that she was worried that she wouldn’t enjoy it and suddenly, her body just turned into a brick wall and she had to scurry out of this situation she created. Some boys were more kind about it than others.
   “Maybe it's because you’re putting too many expectations on it. The first kiss is pretty important but… there’ll be others, probably.” Junko commented.
   “Yeah, that’s probably it.” Momoe cheerfully agreed but she could sense that the mood was weird now.
   The movie wasn’t enjoyable anymore and truth be told, this conversation wasn’t enjoyable from the get go. They felt so close to one another - Momoe was literally in Junko’s lap, after all, cuddled up to her friend - but weirdly distant from another. Like there was a truth that neither of them wanted to confront, at least realistically. Maybe as a game or something silly, perhaps. As a dare, well, it was just like the song set to the rolling ending credits was trying to tell them, sometimes, there ought to be a little bit of risk when it came to relationships.
   “Maybe we just need to get it over and done with, yeah?” Momoe suggested.
   “And who would you pick, hm? It would have to be someone with low stakes, right?” Junko replied and she increasingly got the feeling that she maybe shouldn’t be encouraging this line of topic, that it might go somewhere that they couldn’t take back.
   Such feelings were right on the money when Momoe earnestly retorted: “You.”
   Junko felt her nerves prickle at that. She didn’t think Momoe was wrong but she didn’t think Momoe was right either. Junko felt herself getting very warm underneath Momoe all of a sudden - and doubly so when Momoe began to wriggle around and got up on her knees. She propped herself up on her hands and looked Junko right in the eyes.
   “We should kiss.” Momoe insisted.
   Junko felt her heart pound. It was slow but it was hard, “I dunno…” she hesitated. “It's not really something friends do.”
   “I think, um, I think friends kiss all the time. So it shouldn’t be a big deal, especially when done between girls.” Momoe reasoned but she sounded entirely unreasonable.
   “Y-yeah, good point.” Junko replied, not caring how frantic Momoe sounded. 
   The veneer was giving way, all those fleeting crushes that never panned out, that was more performative than of genuine attraction, that anxiety of not living up to expectation when it came to boys. It was glaringly obvious, so long as neither of them said - or at least peppering it with that one word. Friend. Keep it platonic, deny that it was romantic. That one word would make it all okay. 
   Momoe eased up on Junko and let her get comfortable. Momoe knelt on the lounge and waited for Junko to be ready. Junko didn’t think she would ever be. So, it was just like the conclusion they had come to. It was better for it to be over and done with than savoured, that way, they could, you know, do it when the time was good and right and proper. Exactly what was expected of them.
   Junko kissed Momoe, surprising her and Momoe liked it. She really liked it. They both did. Junko kissed aggressively and she had poor technique; not that Momoe would know or realise but it was certainly better than what they were watching in the movie together. Momoe giggled as Junko kissed her, pecking her lips and trying to get her to hold still, trying to maintain the myth of a good kiss being about seven seconds long, but Momoe made it difficult when she couldn’t help but smile. 
   “Was I good at that? Junko asked, hotly, embarrassed.
   “Yup.” Momoe replied and then tilted her head cutely to the right. “But we should keep going, just to make sure. Also, I wanna be the boyfriend, this time.” She winked. “After all, that’s all we’re really doing. Playing a game of girlfriend-boyfriend.”
   “Yeah…” Junko hesitantly agreed. Something about Momoe’s nonchalance rubbed her the wrong way but it’s not like she wasn’t clinging to some veneer of heteronormativity either. She swallowed, she half smiled, and changed the subject, “Do you wanna put another movie on, too?” 
   “Hm, nah, I’m good.” Momoe replied.
   Momoe looked all cute and pouty as she played the aggressor - or the boyfriend, as she called it. Junko found herself melting into the lounge and Momoe took the opportunity to straddle her as they kissed. And suddenly, she was recalling all the times that they had borrowed lip balms and the like between each other. Scant, indirect kisses that totally didn’t count and would never count but the peachy taste was still there, even though Momoe hadn’t reapplied at all in between all that salty, buttery popcorn she had eaten. The mesh was peculiar but Junko wouldn’t have it any other way. She let a sigh escape her mouth as Momoe kissed her and her lips were soft that they may have been sublime but this was just a mere second kiss. 
   A second kiss, to make sure they knew what they were doing but it was more than apparent they weren’t doing it as friends. Somehow, they were doing it as girl and boyfriend which meant, inevitably, the smush of lips would be as girlfriends but maybe that would be okay.
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afanofmanyanime · 9 years
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☆ | ななこるあ [pixiv]
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afanofmanyanime · 9 years
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☆ | ななこるあ [pixiv]
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hornetshipping · 9 years
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【私服遊戯王交流】ジュンコさんとももえさん | towa [pixiv] 
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hornetshipping · 9 years
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くつろぐ | 長居 [pixiv] 
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