#grow up it’s embarrassing
nottaysreputation · 10 months
you know you’ve missed your peak in life when you start tweeting like this
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cowardlycowboys · 6 months
girl who needs to ask for reassurance would rather be stabbed than admit they have needs
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rhinestonesox · 1 month
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stop trying to be moe bro you old as dirt
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2hot2di3 · 9 days
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latenightsundayblues · 4 months
This idea came to me in a dream and it impacted me so violently i had to sit down for a while
Diana being ADAM'S daughter instead of Lawrence's. Financially struggling single father Adam. Trying-his-best father Adam. Can anybody hear me
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mctwinkdom · 8 months
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Mama Piastri really said "this is NOT the father of MY child."
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frmulcahy · 11 months
Neil Gaiman is the strongest man alive for being so patient amongst the absolute clown behavior of some fans
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fun-k-boards · 3 days
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hooned · 10 months
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conclusion: if you like someone who doesn't like you, wait for three years. "three years gets you three months." (kim sunoo, 2023) 😌
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keepingmyoptionsfluid · 4 months
I'm begging y'all to be sane. I get that it's exciting a show has got to 100 episodes and the show should celebrate that but also I need to be very clear (as someone who works in TV and has done for a fair amount of time), sometimes a big "milestone" episode are just a regular episode from a story perspective. Stop building it up to be something it probably won't be because the vitriol and ire that some of you have shown to the cast is frankly repugnant and you should be fucking ashamed of yourselves.
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sggk · 6 months
hi everyone
so i didn’t want to do this at all & i hate that i have to, but it’s been 8 months that i’ve really tried to stay afloat here & since i’ve got officially <$50 to my name now, i’m going to admit that i’m feeling scared. i really do not like to do this, but i know that over the past year people have expressed that they love me & want to help so i’m going to try to respect that.
i think anyone who has followed me knows that literally the entire past year from jan 1st on has been one nightmare after another & has at least a broad understanding of the situation that im in right now re: work + home + life + family + health & my lawsuit. so if anyone is able to donate to help me out right now, i would be super grateful — i know it’s right at the holidays which can be a hard time for everybody though, so please absolutely do not donate anything if you’re not in a situation to, or if you need the money for other things. you can rb this to share & thank you and sorry in advance to anyone who can help out.
also i really dont know how paypal privacy works so please let me know if im doxxing myself lol.
paypal here
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minimoefoe · 2 years
can we all collectively agree to call ncuti 14 and force the bbc to do the same bc DT being 14 when he’s literally just playing the part for like 3 eps just winds me up
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padfootastic · 1 year
fully believe sirius hated the nickname Siri for a number of reasons starting with ‘it sounds ridiculous’ and ending with ‘Reg used to call him that when they were kids’ and that’s why James always went for Si instead.
except, except no one accounted for tiny bite sized harry james potter wrapping his entire hand around Sirius’ pinky, going ‘Siwi, Siwi, Siwi, pway?’ and stealing his entire heart and soul in one fell swoop.
why was he ever even opposed to it anyway?
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plan-3-tmars · 8 months
My Theory on Kazui's Parent's.
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Q: Is there a meaning behind your name?
A: It's cause I'm the eldest son. It seems like my father was also wishing I'd be "a strong man."
The wording of Kazui's answer here really makes me think. We know that Kazui is strong. He defended Fuuta against Kotoko and even talks about having "never gone up against a woman [like her]" in his VD, implying that he has gotten into fights before (most likely at work - either in the field or in training.)
It seems like, to me, Kazui has parents with very traditional views. Kazui's father wishing that he would turn out to be "a strong man" could imply that he places value on the old-style gender roles in family or society in general. Yes he most likely thinks that being strong physically is important, but also being strong mentally. A 'normal' man who doesn't cry, doesn't show emotain. A man who provides for his family and sticks to tradition, simple as. A son who does what's expected of him - that kind of strong.
I also think the way Kazui talks is linked to his family's old-school beliefs. Despite only being 39, Kazui always refers to himself as an "old man" and says things like "when your mature/older like me," etc. It's a bit odd, though it might be a cultural thing. Kazui does call himself immature though, so for a man who believes he has only grown up in terms of his age and not his mind, he puts an awful lot of weight on what it means to be an adult. Can you see where I'm going with this? Yup it's back to his strong man comment baby!!!
In that previous qoute Kazui says how his father was also wishing he'd be a strong man. I think the other person Kazui is referencing might very well be himself. I think if Kazui has been taught these old school gender-roles since he was a child, then he might hold alot of weight to them. He wouldn't know any different if that was all he heard about what it meant to be a man as a kid, and therefore wants to live up to that expectation his parents hold of him. He, however, quickly learns that he is not this way and internalises it as something being wrong with him, something that isn't normal that he must fix. Which brings me to my next point...
I think that Kazui's family are more important to understanding his crime then we may think based on what's been shown to us so far, and I'd even go so far as to say that their beliefs might've been a very big reason/the reason on why Kazui felt the need to lie and marry Hinako.
If we take a situation where Kazui has very traditional parents who want him to grow up quickly, get a nice job and settle down young, it might make sense on why he felt obligated to marry Hinako. In Half he talks about how he's confused on why he doesn't feel happiness in their relationship, as "isn't this what happiness is?" I believe these ideas came from Kazui's parent's. That perhaps they unknowingly (or full knowingly) drilled the idea into his head that a perfect looking couple such as he and Hinako is the ultimate true love, the true happiness, and that he should follow in those steps if he wants to be happy and successful as it in turn will also make them happy and proud of him.
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ell-arts · 7 months
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Quickly put this together today, I hope you like it! I'm really happy with the textures and emotional storytelling in this :3
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willowandwisteria · 22 days
What really gets to me with some of these young artists saying they grew up with Taylor’s music and she’s the reason they learned how to play the guitar and she inspired them to chase their dreams is that they can’t handle it the second they get on the same level. Suddenly they become the biggest haters because they were too starry-eyed to understand how and why she is one of the most successful artists of all time. They take off their rose-colored glasses, realize the industry is cut throat and start dissing the biggest target to get attention. That must be so perplexing for Taylor because all she’s ever done is hype them up and give them their flowers and literally mentor them. She’s the first and sometimes the only person in the room giving a standing ovation, she shares her stage, she acknowledges other people’s work when she could just talk about her accomplishments. They say they want to be just like her when they grow up, try to come for her job, and when they can’t they throw a tantrum. She’s the best for a reason you’ll never understand.
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