#guard key's c.l.a.w.s
guardkeywolf · 2 years
haiiii! I was wondering if you could do hc's for the C.L.A.W.S reacting to if the cods boys could have kids? I'm sorry but this has been literal brainrot for me
You're What?!
This was so fun to write. It's amazing that I haven't even thought of this...
I had a lot of fun so I hope you enjoy!
Emma will be the bestie with Soap because she has already had kids before... and I decided to just stick with the 141 because I really haven't shipped the other C.L.A.W.S with anyone else in the COD franchise...
• She was shook by the news at first
• She remembered when Katrina told her about when she was pregnant with Emma and nearly cried
• She also couldn't help but imagine what their kids would look like
• Either they would come out like Emma, who looked completely human and only got enhanced strength and senses, be an Ultrain Human hybrid where they still looked human but had her Wolfian features, or look like her with normal legs or hell they could even have bent legs too for all she cared
• This also meant Emma would be getting a new little siblings
• She was excited and eager to see what they would look like
• She literally picked him up and walked to her room on the other side of their combined bases
• She dropped him on the bed and crawled over him and smirked slyly
• She kissed him a lot and got close to his ear before whispering in a low sexy voice
• "Get ready to my pups, Stud..."
• Let's just say Ghost was not able to walk for the next few days after that night
• Blitz was very proud of herself when he took a pregnancy test and it came out positive
• He froze...
• The last time he had a child, he lost his wife Jel...
• But to him, this felt like redemption since that lost
• Price broke the news to him slowly and waited for his reaction
• Wolf started speaking in Ultrian to him, which he began teaching him a month ago, slowly... some words Price caught and some he didn't but he got the full message
• He leaned in and kissed him wholeheartedly and smiled
• He smiled
• Thing is, Wolf hardly smiles...it's incredibly rare too
• So when he did to Price...it was special
• Wolf wasn't as eager to have another one like Blitz but he took his time with this
• He did take Price to the room and eventually ask him if he really did want to bear his pups and was super cautious
• He even went on the explain what exactly their child could end up possessing too
• But overall, that wasn't Wolf's main focus... it was whether or not they'd be able to survive having Ultrian blood
• Blitz managed but only because her mother was half human and Angel
• Price was simply a human
• He didn't know what all could happen when he gave birth
• He explained this to Price as well
• Thankfully, Price was able to calm him down and tell him he was still fine with it
• Later on, Price would end up having to be cared around the base by Wolf because he couldn't walk
• To Wolf, this was simply just something he'd be doing a lot once their pup was born
• Compared to the others he grabbed Gaz and twirled him happily in air
• He began hollering in Ultrian while also going back and forth between planning and freaking out as Kyle watched him from the side
• Kyle thankfully caught his attention when he finally stepped in front of the Leopardian-Arachnian and told him to calm down
• Leo did but was still nervous
• He honestly had no idea how pregnancy worked between Ultrians and Humans
• As far as he knew, Blitz was the only one with experience in the matter so he scooped Gaz up and walked them both to Blitz's Office
• "Leo why are we here?" Gaz asked him
• "Blitz is the only one here that actually has experience in this kind of thing, darling... I don't possess much information on your species to know how reproduction works," he admitted openly
• Gaz smiled up at him in understanding
• Blitz, who was already aware of their presence, opened the door and let them both in before closing it
• Leo was glad she was here to explain this new journey he was about to go on
• He truly never expected to live long enough to have his own cubs with another, especially with a different species
• He took notes of everything Blitz said, making sure he didn't miss one thing along with the few questions Kyle asked every now and then
• The biggest thing she focused on for him was if they'd look like Leo though
• Since he was the only Ultrian-Hybrid within the team, she was quite skeptical about Gaz just being able to grow the child at first as well
• Leo really didn't know how his mother, an Arachnian, managed to give birth to him since she had a much more leaned frame compared to that of his father
• Not only that but Leopardians were big when born and he could only imagine what he looked like when he came out
• But then again, Leo knew he had to physically shift himself partially if he ever wanted to use his Arachnian genetics
• If their cub was going to be born, he'd be a triple Ultrian-Hybrid...depending if he looked like that of course
• The last thing he wanted was for Gaz to go through the amount of pain though
• After their talk with Blitz, he and Gaz agreed to hold off until they had enough info to know what exactly could happen
• Of course, when the day came, Leopode would be by his side 24/7
• Now she is ecstatic about her bestie having kids
• She was the 2nd to know, Ghost being first of course, but was happy nonetheless
• Though she was very eager to know if the Scot was to have a normal human child or one with the few Ultrian males that were stationed on the base
• She would definitely go find his partners and give the man a stern talking to if he messed this up for Soap
• She loved him like a little brother and if anything happen to him, she would be out to get him for life
• After that, she would help them both learn about pregnancy as much as possible, and since she's been through the process, gladly have a lot of incite on it
• If it's a human male, she would just give them the normal run down
• But if it was an Ultrian, well that's a different story
• Depending on what Ultrian race, she would make them all visit her mother for that
• Blitz really could only explain how her mother's pregnancy was and how it could vary
• So, she took Soap to Wolf to get more details on the matter
• Of course, when he did tell her he was pregnant, she asked to be a godmother immediately, after which MacTavish happily agreed
If you enjoyed this feel free to REBLOG with the TAGS
My Original Characters' the C.L.A.W.S are mine and adding the tags supports them too
Thank you for reading!
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
If Wolf was Romantically involved with the 141 members:
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Wolf would think nothing of him at first aside from being an ally
Wolf would slightly close himself off because it's been a while since he's been with a man
Would enjoy hearing his jokes and would laugh internally at them
Find himself taking more glances at the him
Become more protective of him while on the field too
Be more social enough for Soap to consider him a friend
Would teach him more things when sparring against him
Wolf would probably take a while to come to terms with being in love with the Scotsman
Soap would definitely ask him about his feelings first
Would deny it for a while but Soap would continue picking at it and Wolf would admit it later on
Wolf would flirt more on the field with him
Become super possessive of him too
Be super pissed when he's taken and just start murdering the people who took him
Calls him, "Love" or "Darling"
Tops him a lot and loves missionary
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Both would quiet towards one another
Wouldn't interact as much but would also enjoy Ghost's jokes
Give some of his own too
Both would take a while to come to terms of liking each other
Would be good friends ar first
Ghost would trust Wolf enough to tell him about his past
Wolf would try to help him with his nightmares and fears
Would comfort his mind with his magic to
Eventually they would get close enough to kiss
They would be super in love with each other
Also in very very sync
Could just glance at each other and know what the other is thinking without exchanging words
Super protective of each other
Wolf would try to keep Ghost away from danger sometimes
Ghost would argue with him about it
Wolf would call him "Beautiful" or "Si"
Likes it when Ghost rides him
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Would enjoy talking with him when out on the field
Jokes around with him sometimes
Super protective of him just in general
Trains with him a lot because he's super fond of him
Gives him knowledge on many things about the field and fighting
Tells him stories of his past
Wolf falls in love with him first and admits it too
Is super happy when Gaz says admits it back
Both enjoy each other's presence
Really likes talking a lot
Becomes super cautious of their age gap because Gaz is the youngest of the group and he's millions of years older then him
Calls him "Sweetie" or "Ky"
Enjoys any position Gaz likes
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Enjoys the Captain's presence a lot
Likes watching him interrogate prisoners
Really enjoys looking at his ass most of the time
Super protective of him when he goes on missions he can't go on
Both have many similar interests so it was easy to become friends at first
Doesn't mind telling him about his personal life
Enjoys their sparring matches
Highly respects him on the field
Usually have cute arguments about little things
Act like an old married couple all the time
Wolf is very very touchy with Price
Calls him "Sweetheart" or "Captain" often
Definitely end up getting married
Both enjoy doing it on the desk
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
He Belonged to Him and Only Him...
While on a mission with Wolf, Price is captured and taken by a new enemy.
Rather than using normal forms of interrogation, the man prefers a different approach.
Price is disgusted and appalled by his actions...
The low light that swung above him painted a depressing picture as it casted shadows that danced from wall to wall. The box he sat in wasn't much to look at either aside from its gray tones and song of silence. The metal door that the man had come through was the only way in or out of this diminishing hell hole.
The Captain couldn't do much with metal handcuffs behind his back as he sat in the chair, staring down the man in front of him with venom before feeling something touch him.
The fingers running down his spine weren't helping his situation at all either.
They only pissed him off more really.
They didn't deserve to belong on his body.
They didn't belong to the C.L.A.W.S Commander.
They didn't belong to him.
They didn't belong to Wolf.
But still, he shuddered when he felt them run down the many vertebrae, cursing himself when doing so.
His captor had caught him by surprise while he and Wolf had split up in the field. Came from behind him like it was nothing, and knocked him out with the butt of his gun. Price's cheek still ached from the bruise, and when he got out of these restraints, he would pay back the man dearly with his hands around his throat and strangling the last few moments of life out of the man.
Hell, maybe he'd even let Wolf have his pick at him if his man's fuse was ready to blow soon as well. But right now, he needed to focus on his own problem if he planned on surviving right now.
The man questioned him for information on who he was and why he was here, hardly restoring to any force however.
Instead, he went for a more sensual approach; Price couldn't be more disgusted when the man started to touch him in places only Wolf was allowed to touch.
Wolf had left his mark on him—the top of his left shoulder— the night after they had gotten married. It was an old Wolfian custom on Ultria that meant that Price would only belong to him and no one else in the world. Price couldn't be more proud when Wolf explained he would be the first to have his mark.
Despite it not being a human custom on Earth, he took that mark to heart. Anytime he saw it, it reminded him of Wolf when he wasn't around. Let him know he was somewhere out there, probably focusing on his job but still letting his thoughts linger to Price as well. It bonded them together till death do them apart, and Price would be damned if he let this man disrespect Wolf's mark he treasured so fondly.
Sadly though, he wasn't in the best situation as the man continued to touch him, ignoring the look of death he sent him.
Price already knew Wolf would be coming to get him, but he couldn't help but wish the man would hurry up his pace.
The man's touches grew more confident with each second as he bent down to his ear and whispered the sins he planned to commit on the Captain's body. Price let his anger bubble as he quickly snapped his head back to silence the lowlife.
The man recoiled back in pain as he held his now broken nose, blood dripping from it too. Price grinned back cheekily at his accomplishment as the man sent his own death glare towards him.
Price was going to say something until he heard gunfire going off outside the door, his captor looking up in fear as his radio began to fill the rooms' naked sound with those of terror from the sounds of them being ripped apart piece by piece.
Price smiled happily when he heard a wolfish growl howl from downstairs within the building. A body was then thrown at the door to the room they were in, the sickening crack echoing in the halls as the Captain watched the newly made corpse slide down slowly.
Price didn't have to see his husband to know he was here.
He felt him near.
Craved for his touch.
Wanted his body close to him when he got the chance.
The door was ripped off and Price caught sight of those iconic chains as they snaked in, going past him as they struck the enemy, holding him in place on the wall. The man screamed but Price could care less. Another chain came towards him before going behind and breaking the cuff that bound him to the chair.
He looked at the chain, sending it a small grin before letting his fingers caress the cold metal. The chain leaned in happily at the affection directed towards it. It was one of the few secrets Wolf told him about when they got together.
Though it looked like he controlled the chains from a distance, the chains themselves were indeed sentient and followed their wielders' command if they were worthy enough. Wolf had managed to make that bond with them over the years and now had full reign of them. As they stuck with him, they also learned to decipher friend from foe and Price was glad they also recognized important people their master held dear as well.
Speaking of their master, the 7'3 purple Wolfian made his way into the room, ducking underneath the door frame as he stared down at the other man, watching the chains torture him with no remorse.
His eyes were cold and dead as he observed the session until the room had finally gone silent again.
Price didn't look back as he took a step towards Wolf, legs nearly feeling like jelly after sitting for so long, stumbling to his husband's side.
Wolf reached out to steady him with a huge hand, literally engulfing his whole waist with ease before pulling him close. They weren't the hands that just massacred the poor battalion outside the room, they were the soft, warm, and comforting hands of a gentle giant.
They were Wolf's hands.
The hands Price belonged to and only belonged to.
The Ultrian didn't say a word as he bent down to check for injuries over him, and aside from the bruise on his cheek, he was good. Wolf stopped his search before letting his head rest on Price's chest, heavy but nothing the Captain couldn't handle.
The Commander took a shallow breath as he held him close.
"You reek of his touch, Price," he noted with a calm tone, not looking up at him as Wolf's hands caressed his hips.
"I know… I'm not a fan of it either…" he looked away.
Wolf stood up slowly, looking down at him again with calculating eyes.
Price held his gaze.
"Let's go, you're not in the best condition to walk and I found where they were keeping your stuff…" Wolf picked him up in bridal style before ducking underneath the door and carrying him to where his enemies held his gear.
Price leaned into the Wolfian's soft fur that slightly peeked out of his coat.
Happy to be in the hands of who he belonged to.
This was just a random thing I wrote up but yeah...
Hopefully yall liked it!
I was bored lol...
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
The Captain and his Commander
"Wolf, c'mere for a sec..." Price beckoned over the 7'3" Ultrian Wolfian Commander to his space.
"Hmmm?" The Wolfian asked as he walked over to the older Brit.
"I need you're help real quick." Wolf came over to find the smaller man struggling to reach something at the top shelf. Wolf could see it was something but didn't know what.
He looked back down at Price.
"Can you get it for me?" Price asked, still with his back faced to him as he continued to try to reach for the object.
Wolf didn't question it as he moved closer to Price's back and simply reached up to grab the object Price so lovingly desired from the top of the cupboard. The Commander guessed it be one of his cigars he loved dearly but when he found it, he pulled it into the light and squinted at the object.
It was a bottle of lube. The Wolfian looked down at Price immediately when he felt Price's ass roll back into his cock, making him let out a low growl in pleasure. Price closed his eyes as he felt the Ultrian get hard underneath him.
"Fuck me... You got a monster I don't know about, Commander?" He asked as Commander rolled off his tongue sinfully. Wolf set down the lube and let his hands grip the Captain's thin, little waist, pulling him closer to him.
"What are you implying...Captian?" The Commander asked back, leaning down in the Captain's ear now.
Price held back a moan as he felt the Ultrian's massive hands slide up and down his sides. He reached back to grab the fur on the back of Wolf's neck, pulling him down to gaze at him.
"Wolf...please..." the man whined as he grinded back onto him.
Wolf was quick turn around and slam Price on the counter, locking his lips in a kiss and he picked up the man and set him on top of it. Price let his hands roam through the Ultrian Commander's fur as he continued kissing him. Wolf growled as he let his tongue breach Price's mouth, turning his head deeper to kiss the Captain even more.
Wolf moved his hands to grab onto Price's thighs and lift him before tearing off the man's pants and underwear in one swift move.
Price broke the kiss in shock as he watched his now torn pants and underwear flutter to the ground.
"Well if I knew you'd do that, I would have done this sooner..." he purred as he placed a hand underneath the Ultrian's chin, tilting it up slightly and his grinned down at him.
Wolf didn't respond as he attacked Price's neck as he set him back down on the counter carefully. Price let a loud moan escape him as the Wolfian's mouth sucked hickies into his neck, marking him as his.
Wolf pulled away, Price letting out a small whine of displeasure, before letting his hands wander down to unbuckle himself. Price placed a hand on his wrist to stop him from continuing. The Wolfian looked up in confusion.
"Let me." Price hopped down from the counter as he found himself on his knees and began to uncloth the Commander's member.
Price's eyes sparkled at the sight of the 12 inch monster. He couldn't hold back as he let his lips attach to it, Wolf's hand immediately attaching to the back of his head to pull him closer.
The Captain hummed happily as he felt the Commander tug at his hair before taking him fully into his mouth, letting his eyes drift up the Ultrian's body as he watched his head tilt back in pleasure. A long, low groan escaped his lips as he felt Price's lips drift along his member. He tugged at his hair harder now.
The Captain's skillful tongue worked around the Ultrian's thick member, moving his head back and forth as he slicked it up with his saliva.
Once fully slicked up, Price pulled off of him and looked up at him with eyes blown wide.
Wolf gave him a small smile before pulling him back up and leaning down to latch his mouth with Price's. Price moaned into the kiss softly as the Commander tasted himself on his tongue.
The man ran his hand all over his fur, enjoying the soft feeling run pass his fingers. Wolf closed his eyes, enjoying the Brit's touch, as he let his hands run down towards his hips. The Ultrian was quick to break the kiss before turning the man back around and having his ass face him.
"Wolf?" Price asked, confused as he looked back to meet the Ultrian's heated gaze.
He didn't get an answer as a scream left his lips when he felt something slimy slide over his hole. Wolf's snout was pressed against his hole. He cried outloud as he tried to grab onto something to stop his knees from buckling at the action. Thankfully, Wolf kept his hands on his hips, keeping him steady, as he spread his ass futher to lick even more of Price's hole.
Wolf ate Price out like a meal before finally being satisfied with his work and lining himself up with Price's hole. He rubbed over it a few times, watching the Captain's reaction as he struggled to keep himself up.
Wolf, without warning, slammed into the Captain. Price hollered as he was stretched in more ways than one. Wolf let his chin rest on his shoulder and he let Price adjust to his size, before continuing when he nodded.
He was relentless as usual. He basked in the sounds of Price's cries and he took his dick fully. Wolf angled his hips to hit the Captain's prostate, and growled at the man screamed from the pure pleasure. Price lay bent over the counter as Wolf pounded into him with a fast pace.
"W-WOLF, SLOW, ah fuck, SLOW DOWN!" Price cried as the Ultrian moved at inhuman speeds.
Wolf merely grunted in response and just went faster as he felt himself getting close to his climax. His grip tightened on Price's hips as he pulled him back to meet his thrust each time. The Ultrian enjoyed seeing the Captain like this but didn't dare voice it.
Price let a loud whine escape him as he came on the counter, body slumping completely as he orgasmed.
Wolf grinned slightly as he sped up his pace before feeling Price clamp down on his dick before coming inside the smaller man.
Wolf held him in place as he flooded his walls with his release. Price groaned softly as he felt Wolf's member buried inside him.
"Indeed..." Wolf responded as he held Price close to him.
"Ahem..." said a deep feminine voice from aside them.
Wolf turned his head to see Blitz and Ghost as they stared at them.
"Didn't take you as an exhibitionist, Wolf..." she grinned at him and he rolled his eyes at his daughter's tone.
Wolf merely grunted as he removed himself from Price slowly and cast a spell that cleaned the kitchen from their fun before opening a portal.
He picked up Price Bridal style and went through without saying another word to Blitz or Ghost.
"I'll be cleaning that from the cameras later on," the Ultrian-Hybrid chuckled to herself.
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Aight so I saw your recent post about waiting for someone to request for one of your C.L.A.W.S ocs so I got one
So which one of your C.L.A.W.S ocs gets drunk almost everyday and how do the cod boys react to it?
She Drinks Like No Other
Emma Claw drinks like it's nothing.
Unlike her mother, Emma still retains her ability to get drunk off of alcohol. Only thing is, her Ultrian side still slightly hinders it. Her tolerance is almost nonexistent till her 70th shot.
Yes, they counted and 70 is her limit.
She doesn't even feel the wooziness of the alcohol until she's at her 50th. So expect the boys to be very surprised.
• This man thinks he can drink her under the table the first time
• He fails
• He stops at 5
• Emma still goes to 10 but doesn't stop
• Even after an hour, Emma is still going when he's sober
• He's super concerned then when he sees she's gone through 3 bottles of whiskey
• Takes the bottle away from her and runs for his life when a still-sober Emma comes after him
• He swore she was speeding up and she was when she managed to tackle him from behind
• Soap learned to never interrupt Emma when she was drinking or take the bottle away
• He wasn't much of a drinker like the other 3 but he still enjoyed a drink every now and then
• He remembers when he caught Emma walking around the base with a bottle that he wasn't familiar with
• He went over and asked why she was carrying it
• She called it her "Extra Stash"
• Gaz instantly reached for it and he was on the floor instantly
• Her grip was truly something else when she got some alcohol into her body
• Emma growled at him and he didn't dare move in the woman's presence
• After awhile she let him up and gave him a stern warning to never touch her drink
• Gaz kept his distance after that
• This man himself was no stranger to kicking back and having a drink but there was also a time and a place
• The Captain yelled at the C.L.A.W.S Lieutenant when he saw her pull out a full bottle from her pack while they were getting shot at
• She yelled at him to shut up at she poured herself a cup while bullets whizzed past her
• She popped the cork off and downed the whole thing in seconds
• Price stared at her
• He would admit, it was impressive but again time and place
• He watched the Blonde throw the bottle off to the side before standing up and hoping over the barricade that was stopping the enemies bullets
• He yelled her name multiple times but she didn't listen
• In 2 minutes, the shots that ranged were silenced
• Emma hoped back over bullets embedded into her skin and a great deal of blood Price hoped wasn't hers
• "Its clear..."
• Price shook his head at the woman
• He was going to have a talk with Blitz the next time he saw her
• Simply another man who enjoyed drinking like Price
• When the team had been invited out for an evening with the C.L.A.W.S, who was he to turn it down
• Emma and Blitz had been there, Blitz sadly explaining Wolf and Leo had been called in for a mission
• The Brit watched the Captain and Sergeant's faces frown at the information and decided to indulge themselves in their own conversations between each other
• Johnny was talking to Blitz about one of the most recent mission they had went on and Emma was sitting at the bar with a whole bottle in hand
• Wait...
• What?
• He turned to Emma again and cocked his head to the side a bit to get her attention
• She noticed quickly and nodded at him
• "You 'onna drink that all yourself, eh?"
• He meant it as a joke
• Emma didn't catch it however as she sent him a grin and opened the bottle again and started to down it in seconds
• If Ghost wasn't wearing his mask, they would have saw the way his mouth was agape when he watched her down the liquor like it was nothing
• When it was all gone, she replied to his question
• "Indeed I can, Lieutenant..."
• She smirked at him
• "I didn't actually mean it!"
• Emma's eyes widened before she let out a heartily laugh
• Ghost shook his head watching the woman enjoy herself
•The Lieutenant was truly something else...
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
See now the more i think about the kids part 2 more I realize many things…
1. The C.L.A.W.S can’t go to a normal hospital:
If doctors saw just Blitz, Wolf, or Leo in the room they would freak out all call the police or worse…
I mean… they are walking talking animals with powers…that decide to reproduce with a human… and are also big as fuck
Not only that but i sent out their heights
Being 8’8 or 9’3 in a hospital is pretty cramped for any of them
They want as much space to freak out as possible lol
2. Normal Hospitals don’t know shit about Ultrian anatomy
Doctors literally have no knowledge on them whatsoever
They would pretty much be walking in blind
This is because the C.L.A.W.S are hardly know to the outside world
They have mostly only been active within the military or with the government
Blitz didn’t need the public freaking out about them so choose to keep their existence private
So if the COD Boys were to give birth, it would be back at the C.L.A.W.S’ base
Blitz made most of the doctors there study human anatomy just incase they ever needed to do procedures if they had to bring one in
So she is very much prepared for when something like this could happen
3. The Birth
Now this can go so many ways to be honest
Depending on what Ultrian race, the birth can probably take longer than normal especially since it will be a human giving birth
Remember how I mentioned size?
That really comes into play here… and lordy will it be painful
Now, since they will be mixed with a human, they will definitely be slightly (yes, slightly) smaller than a normal Ultrian
Not only are the COD Boys carrying their child but also having to deal with their child either growing in Ultrians features from one parent or the amount of weight they will really add on
Rip their backs lol
Thankfully, mostly everyone (idk what i should pick for Soap, I might let yall decide…) has soft fur, but they all HUGE AF
So god, knows how big their kid will be when growing… either pass up their Ultrian parents height or not…
4. Making their lover’s Immortal
As I have mentioned before, time on Ultria is much more slower than Earth
So most Ultrians are already full grown adults in 100 years+ (5 human years)
But since this is between a human, they are definitely bound to grow like a human child but age slower once they are adults
Another thing is with either Wolf or Blitz, that child will out live the human parent, like Emma even though Katrina was 50 murdered years ago
She, like her mother, looks like her mid 20s and pretty much stopped aging after…
Both Ultrians are immortal
Blitz got her’s from her curse after Wolf revived her after making a deal with the Devil King and it passed on to any other children she had
Wolf got his from being a Shadow-Claw
With them, they would want the COD Boys alive to watch their kid grow since both lost that chance the first time
The others would be informed of the option and would still be allowed to make their choice on it
But yeah…
That’s mostly the gist of it that i have to really think of…
In the meantime…
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
I just realized that I had to fix the C.L.A.W.S heights because they would all be A LOT taller than what they are in the stories!
Like I really thought that 7'3 and 6'4 was a big difference but it really isn't lol
So I fixed them here...
So they would be SUPER tall when standing next to the CoD boys as well
So think Avatar people next to humans and you get what I mean...
Blitz = 8'8
Wolf = 9'3
Leopode = 8'7
Darken = 15'3
Emma = 5'10
Headshot = 9'0
Inverto = 8'4
Wolf and Price's Height difference (9'3 to 6'4)
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Blitz and Ghost's Height difference (8'8 to 6'4)
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Wolf and Emma's Height difference (9'3 to 5'10)
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Your ocs playing/watching a horror game/movie? Or (since your ocs are like animals) them reacting to someone trying to figure out if they act like said animal? Or even what their like on a first date? Just some suggestions
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The New Recurit...
A new recruit meets a few of the C.L.A.W.S members...
Chaos almost ensues...
"So do you guys hunt animals for dinner like real predators in the wild or do you just do it in private?"
It was what one of the recruits asked the General when she and the rest of the C.L.A.W.S group had came over to"visit" the 141.
It was actually a question they themselves didn't get frequently, surprisingly.
Blitz guessed that it was either because some of the soldiers had enough common sense to not piss her off or that they saw enough of what she could do on the field and simply came to the conclusion that she was just as human as them.
Either way, it really shouldn't have been something to be struck by in the moment but it was to all of them.
She looked to her left and saw Leo staring hard at the man, then turned to Wolf—who was also standing to her right— mirroring the same exact expression.
Headshot stood behind the two but she could still feel his gaze on the man.
"Um..." she rubbed the fur on the back of her neck slowly as she met the recruits' eyes again.
"Well...No, not all of us act like our...animal counterparts, Private," she answered truthfully.
"Well...at least not all the time."
"So you have hunted before!" The man said it like he had just uncovered the biggest mystery yet.
Only we I need to. The General thought to herself, rolling her eyes internally.
"Private, incase you haven't noticed, we have things to attend to. You are preventing us from doing so..." Wolf spoke, not even bothering to conceal the annoyance in his voice.
"Of course, sir. Um, may I ask just one more question?"
Wolf growled deeply at him as it seemed he didn't get the message.
"One more wouldn't hurt, Commander. Besides, it's not like he knows us that well anyway. Ask away, Private." Leo said before Wolf could lash out on the man.
"Ok, so...do you eat people?"
Blitz squinted her eyes at the man. She didn't even torment answering that question.
She walked away.
The others followed, leaving the recruit to stand there by himself and look concerned as if he did something wrong.
Maybe she'd ask Ghost to make him run laps for a while...
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Leo, You're Staring At Him Again...
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I have not written anything with Leopode in it besides The C.L.A.W.S Charm and I need more of my boy...
So imma write this for me...
It's not that Leopode felt the need to be concerned for the young Sergeant...
It's just...ever since he met the man, the Leopardian-Arachnian has had yet to take his eyes off him ever since...
And now the others have also taken sight of the man's no-so-hidden stares every now and then and they couldn't help tease him for it
Emma + Soap
The two had caught him instantly
Specifically Emma and Soap managed to catch him a few times
What would you expect though?
The alien was a lurking 7'2 humanoid leopard and was peering around corners while staring at Sergeant Garrick from a distance like they weren't together
Emma and Soap found it hilarious
"Leo...you know you look like a stalker, right?" Emma said from behind him
"Aye...ya look weird." Soap said from beside her
Leopode let out a small hiss at the two before finding another place to watch the Sergeant
Emma and Soap shook their heads at their lovesick friends and laughed at his antics
"I don't get it, they are literally together, everyone knows this, but Leo likes watching him from a distance?" She shook her head in confusion
"Honestly MacTavish, sometimes I don't understand my own team...I'll tell ya..." the female Brit said from beside him
Soap shrugged in response and Emma did the same as they walked to their office's
Blitz + Ghost
For a couple that only interacted behind closed doors Leopode was surprised when they also caught him
But then again, this was Blitz and Ghost he was talking about...and it would only be a matter of time before they also caught him...
"Leo, you do realize staring at Gaz from here is awkward right? You two are literally married..." the Ultrian-Hybrid said as she had laid him out on the mat for the 5th time today
"How did you-" the Felinian stuttered
Before Blitz could answer Gaz made his way over to the mats
"General, Lieutenant, ~Leo~," he said slowly as he looked the alien up and down lovingly as ever
"Care for a spar, Sharpshooter?" Gaz asked him personally
Leo went to respond but Ghost beat him to it first
"I don't know Garrick, the man's been getting his ass handed to him all day..." Ghost spoke beside him
"Nice to see you Lieutenant...would you like to go a few rounds with me?" Blitz purred as she took in the man's presence
"Why don't you and I go a round eh Gaz? Your Engineer seems a little distracted right now..." He ignored Blitz's question as he turned to the younger man
"Uh, sure..." Gaz was surprised but had no intentions on letting Ghost win easily
Blitz watched very little of the fight, turning to only look when Gaz had managed to land a blow on her lover, she mostly stared at Leo though
The big cat was doing exactly what she expected
Staring wide-eyed at Gaz the whole time
She sighed
"Leo if you're gonna stare at least do it privately, huh?..." Blitz said aloud on purpose, hoping Gaz would catch onto her words
The Leopardian-Arachnian whipped his head to her to come up with some explanation but got cutoff by Ghost pulling Gaz back up
"Serious mate, it's very noticeable now," Ghost agreed
"Leo, you alright? Are you sick? I don't know how Ultrian's bodies work but-"
"I doubt it's that kind of illness, Sergeant..." Ghost reassured him
"Trust me, I'd know when one of my soldiers are sick Gaz...Leo though..." she drawed off
"I'm fine...Darling... I'm well, I promise," Blitz and Ghost rolled their eyes at the last part
Gaz nodded before interlocking his fingers with his Leopardian-Arachnian's huge ones and dragging them around the base, leaving Blitz and Ghost there at the mats
"You think Gaz will notice it?" Blitz asked as her lover
"I'm sure he will eventually...Now, I heard that you wanted to go a few rounds?"
"Indeed, Lieutenant...."
Wolf + Price
If anyone were the first to notice Leo's s weird staring moments...it was them
Like Soap and Ghost, Wolf and Price were inseparable
They were literally the "old married couple" of the 141, so when they saw Leo...they were quick to address it
"Leopode...I would suggest you don't stare at the Sergeant like he's your next male to savor..." Wolf, the only one that actually called him by his full name, mentioned to him
"Seriously mate, it's really starting to become bollocks now," Price also commented from beside his husband
Leopode was used to the pair being upfront with him but this was just a whole new thing
It felt like they were scolding him more for it
The Leopardian-Arachnian wanted to say something back before he got a hint of Gaz's scent from behind the door
The man knocked and addressed himself before Price let him in
Leopade watched the Sergeant stop in his tracks as he took in the image before him
Wolf and Price standing side by side with arms crossed, or what Gaz called the "Dad Pose", while Leo was standing in front of them
"Am I interrupting something here?" He asked
"Not at all, darling! We were just about finished..." Leo lied as Wolf's chains found themselves wrapped around his wrist before he could even leave
"I had a feeling you'd try that..."
Price turned to Garrick
"Gaz, I think it's about time we talked about something, mate,"
Gaz looked over at Leo cautiously before walking over to lean on the 7'2 aliens side
"You do realize Leopode has been staring at you at any given moment right?" Wolf said straight to the point
"Commander! The least you can do is make it not sound like it's stalkerish!" Leo cried
Wolf glared at him
Meanwhile Gaz let a small chuckle escape him
"Something you wanna say Sergeant?" Price asked as he watched the man giggle more
"Sir, I've noticed it, and I don't mind Leo staring at all... Speaking of which, Leo..." he turned to him "You know you can come up to me right? We are married after all..." he flashed the alien the ring he had been given by him
It gleamed in the office light, shinning brightly with its love sapphire gem twinkling in the middle and sliver band accompanying it with little blue dots scattered throughout it
"Besides, I do get lonely sometimes..."
"Alright! Get a room you too!" Price said quickly as he pinched the bridge of his nose together and flapping his hand towards the door to let them know they were dismissed
Gaz laughed as he pulled Leo out of the room and let himself snuggle into his husband's furred arm
"So...our room?" Gaz asked aftera few minutes
Leo didn't say anything as he picked up Gaz instantly and booked it towards their room
Price watched and shook his head with a smile
"Those two are crazy about each other..."
"Let's just hope Leo won't glare at the man from afar...its...unsettling at times," Wolf commented as he watched Price from behind
"I doubt we'll have to worry about that... Now, see something you like, Pup..."
The End
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
Meeting the Commander
The 141 finally get to meet the Infamous Commander of the C.L.A.W.S...
When Emma suggested that the 141 meet her team, Price was quite skeptical at first. Emma explained that her team had been around much longer than most teams in the military and the captain couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. She referred to them as the “C.L.A.W.S.” team. From what he could gather, they were, indeed, around for a more duration of time than he thought.
To some, they were considered ancient to the military, and their 100+ years of service showed for it. He decided to ask Laswell more about this new information and he was surprised when C.I.A agent went into a lengthy amount of detail about them. She told him about the first time she worked with a certain member of the group called “Shadow-Claw” or Guardkeydest “Wolf” Claw. He was their leader’s right-hand man and Commander. Along with that, it seemed he had his own unit called the Dark Walkers and that was all Price could take from his file. The rest of it was just filled with black lines. Whoever this guy was, he managed to rack up quite the amount of kills over the last few years. Not only that, but whatever missions he had done were done by himself most of the time, or with their leader.
Price couldn’t help but stare at the file longer than needed as he read what he could. If this was just what one of the C.L.A.W.S. men can do, the others made him even more cautious than before. Additionally, he would have to work with this man on a mission sooner than expected when he went to Laswell. The Captain could only sigh before hearing a knock on his door.
“Come in,” he replied.
The older blonde woman, who didn’t look a day over 20 yet somehow was, popped her head into his office with a smile on her face. Her aqua eyes glimmered like the sea as Price could only guess what she was thinking of.
“Captain,” she addressed him.
“Lieutenant, need something?” he asked.
“Indeed, sir. I wanted to inform you that my Commander is here, so get your men ready.”
“Is he now? Alright, if you would be a doll, mind getting Ghost and Soap while I get Gaz and the rest of the men?”
“Will do, Captain,” she gave him a small smile before slipping out of his room.
Price sighed as he got up from his chair and moved towards his door to go retrieve his sergeant and the rest of the 141 to meet the C.L.A.W.S. Commander. As Price walked through the halls, he couldn’t help but wonder what the man’s appearance would look like. Maybe a great deal of scars from battle; considering his file since he mostly worked alone or with their General. Price bet that he looked foreign too; Guardkeydest was not a name he’s ever managed to come by in all his years of being on the field. In his opinion, it sounded more like a username than an actual one, especially being a first name. He also guessed that the Commander probably held a leaner stature than most if the man was so great at stealth.
As the Captain’s thoughts lingered, he didn’t notice that Gaz walked right in front of him along with the rest of his men following.
“Captain?” he asked as he nodded towards him.
Price looked up at him and let a small chuckle escape his lips as he met his sergeant’s eyes.
“Sergeant, good to see you. I was looking for you,” he replied with a hand on his shoulder before nodding his head for him and the rest of the men to follow him towards the base’s front.
“Emma sent me your way, she said we all had to meet at the hangar doors. Do you know what it is?” Gaz asked as he continued walking alongside the captain.
“She wants us to meet her Commander from her team, plus, Laswell said we would be working with him soon here,” he explained as he caught sight of Ghost and Soap also standing with their men behind them.
He sent them a quick nod, walking over to stand with them, before catching Emma’s gaze and then taking notice of the figure beside her.
Price’s eyes couldn’t help but widen as he took in the mere sight and size of the man standing before them. All his earlier thoughts of the Commander were thrown out the window as he stared at him. A wave of silence washed over the 141 Captain as his eyes ghosted over the man once again, this time taking in his looks.
The Commander sported an odd but quite faded purple hooded coat that had a black trim and a mix of other purples and dark blue. There were a few medium-sized chains that rested on the outside of the coat and wrapped firmly around his wrist, some even daring to dangle slightly but stuck, nonetheless. The coat clung to his muscular figure tightly as he stood there with his arms crossed. From what he could see underneath it, the man also wore a deep purple suit vest and a simple black dress shirt underneath that.
The man’s lower half, though slightly concealed by the worn-in coat, consisted of some, slightly faded, but sleek black suited casual pants that were quite jagged at the end. He could also see a black drop leg bag that was clipped around his thigh and a thigh knife holster carrying an assortment of knives. His belt was black with a glowing purple trim as well. Chains were also looped around his belt and hung off slightly just as the ones on his wrist did.
Price could only wonder what those chains were used for in his line of work but continued his assessment of the man.
He finally got to his face, which was unfortunately hooded, hiding the rest of his features from the 141.
“Think he’s an emo?” Soap asked from beside him making Price let out a small chuckle and shake his head.
“I doubt that, Sergeant,” Price whispered back.
“141,” Emma’s voice cut through their conversation as she stared at them, a slight frown painting her lips before she continued, “As I was saying, I would like you all to meet Commander Wolf Claw of the C.L.A.W.S. Commander, I’d like to meet the COs of 141,” Price nodding when she introduced him first and drowned out the rest.
The Commander simply nodded before moving his hands up to remove his hood, and Price could only watch in awe as he finally could put a face to the body and name.
Wolf truly lived up to his name as he literally had the face of a wolf. His fur was shaded in a dark purple and his sharp eyes glowed similarly. A slim but profound scar sat over his left eye as he glared back at them. If the man was human, Price would say he even had quite the jawline, especially for one of a wolf. He was definitely a looker no doubt. The captain could only imagine what his voice would sound like.
“If you wanted to hear my voice, you could have asked, Captain...” Price could only blink in confusion as the Commander just voiced his one of his personal thoughts aloud. His men turned towards him as well, some smiling as they could only guess what he meant.
“Well, aren’t you a funny one...” Price grumbled to himself.
The Commander let out a deep hum and turned to Emma.
“Alright boys, you’re dismissed,” she said as she let her gaze meet Price’s and a smile creeping up on her lips. The men nodded and left, along with Soap, Ghost, and Gaz, probably to go do their own things as it just left Emma, Wolf, and Price.
“I’ll let you and the Captain get acquainted with each other,” sending a wink at Price before slipping away.
Price grumbled again as he made a note to give her extra paperwork for the rest of the week.
Before he knew it, Wolf stood in front of him as he gazed down.
“If that’s your way of getting her back, it won’t make her angry. Just give her something to do while she can plot for something else,” the Commander elaborated.
“Still makes me feel victorious. So, you can read people’s thoughts?” Price asked as he stepped closer to the man.
“Precisely, Captain...” that deep voice was doing things to him that it really shouldn’t be able to.
Price could only let a shiver crawl down his spine as he could dream about what else that voice could command him to do.
“Captain... I suggest we wait until after the mission. At least let me take you out first,” the Commander conversed as he lifted up his chin to look him in the eyes. Fuck it, Price could die a happy man hear and now and regret it one bit if it meant he could have this man to himself.
“I don’t need you dying on me, Captain. I prefer you alive,” Wolf voiced, and Price just simply shook his head.
“We’ll see, Commander,” he purred towards the canine man.
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
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Did I ever talk about this man?
This is Inverto the InterDevil. Bro is special…and loves wearing suits…
Bro was based off an Among Us sketch I made lmao
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
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How does one draw goddamn hands????
Drawing Wolf btw
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
He Calls Me His Wife
When Price told the 141 members that Wolf calls him his "wife", they saw it as a joke.
Price could only chuckle when they would soon learn he wasn't kidding...
Found it funny when Price said he was called a "wife" by his alien husband
He just couldn't see the Captain letting anyone call him their wife, so he simply laughed it off
The next day, Wolf came over to visit Price and see whatever he was up to
The 7'3 Ultrian sent him a quick nod and made his way towards Price's office
Later on, Soap had become hungry and decided to go get something to eat from the kitchen
There he found Wolf and Price talking amongst each other while he sipped on some drink he found inside the fridge
Then he heard Wolf say it
"It seems the paperwork has been giving my wife a hard time, huh?"
He nearly spat out the drink before looking at Price and Wolf as they sat there casually like Wolf didn't just call Price his "wife"
Price then caught Soap's presence and addressed him
"You alright there, MacTavish?"
"Doing fine, sir!"
He sent the Captain and Commander quick nods before dismissing himself out of embrassment
Usually didn't question or care about who his Captain loved as long as he was being treated right
But when he heard his husband called him his "wife" he did find it quite amusing but didn't comment on it
He decided to take a break from training the newest of recuirts and made his way to his office that he shared with the other superiors
He was quite surprised when he took notice of Wolf standing by Price's desk
He nodded towards the Commander before asking why he was here
"I'm looking for my wife..."
Ghost just stared in confusion for a second
"Price, Lieutenant..."
"Ah, I last saw him near the barracks, sir."
The Commander sent him a quick nod as a thank you before disappearing in front of him
The Lieutenant went back to sitting in his office in surprise when he sat back down
Guess Price wasn't kidding when Wolf literally called him his wife
When Price had told the rest of them Wolf called him his wife, Gaz couldn't help but find it a little funny
After knowing the Captain for awhile, Gaz found it hard to believe Price didn't mind being called a "wife" in his and Wolf's relationship
While he walked through the halls of the base, his eyes were fixated on the familiar purple coat that could only belong to one person he knew
The Commander of the C.L.A.W.S
He saluted the Wolfian he when he saw him before making small talk
"Came to see the Captian, sir?"
"My wife? Yes, I came to see him..."
"Oh my god..." he gasped
Wolf gave him a look of confusion
"Price wasn't kidding when you called him your wife...sir."
Wolf sent him a small smile before going back to his neutral face
"I do...why would your Captain lie about such a thing?"
Gaz could only shrug in response as he let a small chuckle escape him
"Just surprised is all, sir."
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Price voiced from beside them as he walked up to where they were
"Captain! Just making small talk with the Commander."
"Trying to steal my man away, Sergeant?"
He chuckled at the false accusation
Gaz could only blink in confusion at why his Captain would think such a thing
"N-No sir, I would-"
He stumbled over his words as he stood in front of the two superiors
He wouldn't lie, Wolf was indeed a good-looking man, especially for an alien, but if his Captain got him first he didn't want to intervene
"Calm down, Sergeant," he laughed as Gaz felt like he could breathe again
"Tell the others I'll be out for a bit."
Gaz nodded as he gave the married couple their goodbyes and watched as Price warped his arm around Wolf's forearm
Gaz walked back to his office as he let himself relax again
Guess Price was right him being the "wife" in the relationship
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
The C.L.A.W.S' Charm
Warning: lots of smut
It had started slow at first.
Task Force 141 was introduced to the C.L.A.W.S by Emma and suggested that they start working together.
Blitz Claw was the leader and General of the team.
Wolf Claw was her Commander.
Emma Claw was her Lieutenant.
Leopode Frostbite was their Engineer.
Headshot Redblood was their Gunslinger, apparently.
And Darken was their Teleportian Wolf.
They were a simple unit and operated like any other.
Only thing was, they were all so damn attractive.
Ghost wasn't expecting to take a liking to the C.L.A.W.S General but she managed to pull him in with strong bait and good looks like it was nothing.
But it wasn't just him who was entranced by their leader, the other members of 141 also found themselves falling hard for Blitz's comrades as well.
Gaz's eyes were filled with hearts every time Leopode turned to face him and began letting his mouth run on and on about new weapon designs or other gadgets he was currently experimenting with at the moment. Gaz sat there, silently content as he watched the Leopardian-Arachnian ramble but deeply in love with him.
Alejandro's heart was slithered into by their Viperin Gunslinger Headshot, or Sloki Redblood, when they first met on the field. The Viperin even spoke fluent Spanish, practically making the Colonel's knee weak. The Los Vaqueros leader became a mess every time he spoke.
Even their Captain had gradually found himself sticking close to Blitz's second in command, and father, Wolf too now. The Full-blooded Ultrian was who Ghost least expected to see anyone with. The man was probably the most serious out of the six when it came to being on and off the field. Seeing how easily Price managed to rope him in made Ghost question his thoughts once more about the Commander.
Everyone already knew about Emma and Soap's love life, so it didn't strike him like the others did.
Blitz, Headshot, Wolf, and Leopode were all very, very, extreme when it came to love. Though they sometimes liked to act clueless, they knew how to wrap each man around their finger with ease, and it showed. Each C.L.A.W. all had their own way of showing it too.
Blitz was very big on touches. The 6'8" White Wolfian had no shame when it came to displaying affection whether in private or in public. She would simply smack his ass, kiss him on the head, whisper lustful things in his ear, or even grope him too, regardless of the setting. But she didn't always have to touch him; just her figure alone sent him spiraling. The toned muscles spoke for themselves within her figure accompanied by the clothing she usually sported to. It was always the sleeveless leather crop top she wore that drove him insane.
He could always see her toned abs and the way they flexed if he was lucky enough to catch a glimpse. Not only that, but if he got to see her remove her coat while engaged in combat, he'd get to see those powerful arms and built forearms that rocked him to the core.
It was always a sight to see the General fight when he could. Hell, it even made him horny sometimes. While on a mission, he had to pull her into a closet and ask her to fuck the living daylights out of him.
Thankfully, the General gladly obliged to his offer and truly went all out with that 11-inch monster. He can still feel the sting that it left in backside. The woman was ruthless but she knew how to deliver a good fucking and god did she deliver.
He still remembers her telling him to not let her cum spill out and even had a goddamn buttplug on deck. Ghost shook his head at the memory, slowing feeling red creep up his cheeks.
That was General Blitz Claw for you. The Woman with the Unexpected, but that aside, he wasn't the only one to fuck on a mission.
His eyes shifted to Gaz and Leopode sitting in the couch as they conversed about something. As innocent as they looked sitting there, what they did was far from it.
Gaz had forgotten to turn his radio off and the whole team took a second before they realized what was happening and muted their own radios.
Well not all of them did so, Blitz managed to hear the whole thing with that fabulous hearing of her's.
Leopode Frostbite, the engineer of the C.L.A.W.S, was eating out 141's little Brit while on a mission. Ghost never thought he'd live to see the day where he had to hear the sound of two people fucking but it could have been worse.
From what it sounded like, Leopode had one hell of a tounge on him enough to make Gaz's voice reach pitches that shouldn't even be humanly possible. The Leopardian-Arachnian was eating him out like a full course meal and Gaz was nearly on his last legs.
Ghost didn't think Leopode would have such a dominant side but he proved him wrong.
That memory nearly got him aroused as he remembered Blitz doing something similar to him as well. He shift his focus to the Viperin and the Colonel as they played some type of card game Ghost wasn't familiar with.
Headshot was more of a lover than then the other two. More consensual, easy-going, and the opposite of Blitz. He was by far the most charming, especially when he spoke Spanish.
He remembers the Viperin's voice, smooth, sexy, and sinfully monotone as he introduced himself to Alejandro for the first time. Even Ghost nearly fell for him.
"Saludos, diosa celestial. ¿Te importaría darme tu nombre?" Headshot spoke as he tipped his hat to Alejandro.
Ghost watched the Colonel's face glow red as he looked up to met the eyes of the Red Viperin Gunslinger. Though he didn't understand what he said, Alejandro's expression told him enough.
Ghost also recited being shocked when he first saw Headshot like the others. Headshot's lower half, due to his Viperin race, possessed no legs but a long snake body to substitute for them. So Headshot was half naked all the time.
Actually, now that he thought of it, the Viperin also didn't wear anything else but his hat, coat, and belt to holster his gun; so he was practically naked in public no matter where he was.
In Ghost opinion, Alejandro was lucky. Having that access meant they could fuck anywhere, but Headshot proved that wrong when Ghost heard many moans coming from the room futher down that was Alejandro's.
He saw the door slightly cracked and managed to gain a slight peak at the action. The Viperin made it look slightly odd, with a lack of legs, as he effortlessly held Alejandro with his arms and shoved the man down on his cock. He watched him hiss, his tail coiling as well in pleasure as he pushed in the Colonel's tight hole.
Ghost stopped watching from there but heard the rest as Alejandro's screams traveled through the walls. He could only imagine what that snake's toungue was doing to the Colonel.
For an Elite Team of Mercenaries, they sure did know how to give a pleasurable fuck, but Ghost and the 141 weren't complaining.
Now he pondered the thought of when Price and Wolf were caught fucking at the base. Like he said before, he least expected Wolf to actually take part in relationships as a man of few words and professionalism at his forefront. But seeing the way he fucked their Captain while bending him over the counter in the kitchen gave him second thoughts.
That 7'3" Ultrian made their Captain look like a slut with each whorish scream falling from his lips. Each thrust sent Price over the edge as he tried to reach anywhere to grab something for leverage but failed tremendously.
The older Brit cried in pleasure as his prostate was oversimulated by the alien, whines getting louder each second as he was pounded into relentlessly. Wolf showed Price no mercy as he growled out each time he thrusted into him. They both smiled when they finally climaxed together, enjoying each other's warmth as they stayed there for a minute.
Ghost smiled fondly at the thought though.
Having the C.L.A.W.S here was not only a advantage on the field but in their personal lives too.
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
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Maybe We Can...
Wolf Claw X Captain Price
Fluff, kisses, old men in love, married couple
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When they first met, it was mere an introduction to both units.
The C.L.A.W.S and Task Force 141 meeting for the first time. That was it, and nothing more.
Wolf remembers the first time he met Price too, shaking the Captain's hand and exchanging names.
The 141 Captain and the C.L.A.W.S Commander meeting.
That was supposed to be it.
Wolf didn't expect to come back so soon to their base after that.
Laswell had called him and asked for his help on "integrating a suspect" they needed answers from, and since Wolf had nothing else to do, he didn't mind.
He arrived within seconds, the others were surprised to see him standing there, but his eyes fell on Price first.
Wolf felt it instantly. The change in the man's mood, the dark aura running through him quietly but very present. He was serious about getting these answers and getting the job done, yet when Wolf arrived, he smiled at the Commander.
Wolf rid his head of such thoughts as he moved towards the Captain.
"You asked for my help?" Wolf hovered over him, looking deep into the Captain's eyes.
"Actually, he just confessed when he heard your name," he said, he lied, breaking their eye contact to look down.
Wolf didn't miss the blush that crept up his neck but didn't mention it.
"You know him?" Price asked, looking back up at him.
"Wolf Claw is a name that belongs to many, though it's not uncommon that I'm usually the one soldiers think about. My reputation is well known around the world, Captain. I don't know the man, but his people fear me just as others should," the Commander answered honestly.
They feared him because of the way he always returned their soldiers after he interrogated them. Lifeless, cursed, and broken so much that they couldn't return to their humanity.
Hell, he even sent back their mangled bodies to just add to it.
"Do they now?"
"Yes," he considered what to say next, "is there anything else you need me for, Captain?"
Price's smile never left as he cocked his head towards his office and began to walk that way, expecting Wolf to also follow.
He did.
When Price opened the door, he went towards his desk, before turning around and leaning on it.
Wolf had to bend down underneath the doorway just to get in but made it work before coming face to face with the 141's Captain.
They stared at each other for a moment.
Price let out a low laugh as he hosted himself up onto his desk, now sitting on top of it even more.
"Captain?" Wolf was confused as he watched the action.
"Commander..." he answered back, tone deeper now.
"You gonna come over here or not?" Price asked playfully.
Wolf sighed aloud as he made his way over the Captain before capturing him in a kiss.
Price hummed happily into it as he let his hands drift down to pull Wolf closer by his belt.
Wolf pulled back first and rested his head against Price's.
"Was there really anyone here?"
"Yes, there was, but the guy spilled instantly...not when he heard your name..." Price admitted.
"I know..."
"Did you?"
"I can read minds, Price. I know when someone's lying..." he moved his head to look at his husband.
Price laughed but smiled again.
"Maybe next time we can use it on someone, love," Price assured as he leaned in a cuddled into Wolf's fur.
Wolf let out a small huff and picked up his husband to move to the couch in Price's office.
Wolf laid down and Price followed.
"Maybe we can..." Wolf replied as he held Price near him.
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guardkeywolf · 2 years
If the COD Boys had the ability to have kids between themselves I can only IMAGINE how Blitz and the C.L.A.W.S would react...
Now I'm tempted to write this...hmmmmmm
I'll work on the rats first tho...
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