#guild member profile
dduane · 1 year
I've seen you posting detailed information about the WGA strike and wondered if you had any suggestions as to how those of us not directly involved can show our support for the Union?
Okay, bearing in mind that all this is entirely subjective at the moment (and so far lacking any more useful input from other sources): a few thoughts.
This will be my third WGA strike. (My first one was in 1988, just after I'd made my first live action sale—s1e6 of ST:TNG). And the thought keeps occurring to me at the moment that this time out, there's a potentially gamechanging player on the field that wasn't there before: truly pervasive social media.
(Adding a cut here, because this goes on a bit...)
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In 2007, social media as we now understand it was still in its cradle. Now, though, those of us who're striking can make our voices much more widely heard. And so can those of us who're not, but just want to show solidarity. Last time, the AMPTP was able to do pretty much what it wanted without the public noticing or having even a medium-profile way to make their feelings known. But this time? Not so much.
So as an otherwise uninvolved person who wants to show solidarity, I'd start with something seemingly low-value. If I was on Twitter, I'd start routinely tweeting about the strike and my support for it—not obsessively, just persistently, a couple/few times a week—using the Twitter hashtags that are gaining ground even now, such as #DoTheWriteThing (and of course #WGAStrike). I would make sure I was following @WGAEast and @WGAWest, to keep an eye on what's going on.
Additionally: I would start politely, but repeatedly—again, maybe once or twice a week at least, and not stopping—tweeting the various major players in the AMPTP, especially the streamers: Amazon, Netflix, Hulu et al. I would start suggesting that their current attitude toward the WGA's contract negotiations is not only unrealistic but potentially (for the AMPTP) bad for business. (And self-destructive, too, as if this goes on much longer in this vein, they'll be seemingly eagerly casting themselves as The Baddies.) I would suggest that their bad behavior, if not amended by them coming to the table to bargain in good faith, might start affecting both my interest in their shows and my willingness to keep paying unreasonable people for access to them.
I should emphasize here that so far there've been no formal calls from anyone for boycotts or subscription cancellations. For the moment, this strikes me as wise. The point for WGA-friendly observers, right now, would be to keep what's happening to the writers visible: to keep bringing it up: to refuse to allow it to be swept under the rug. The "They only want two cents on the dollar!" angle seems potentially useful the more it's repeated. The point is to keep the repetition going: to make it plain, day after day, that the other side's being not just unreasonable, but greedy. Day after day, and week after week, and (if necessary: please Thoth may it not be...) month after month.
And tweeting is hardly all that can be done. Email is cheap and easy. But actual letters, written on actual paper and mailed, can still create a surprising amount of attention in a corporate office. (The saying in TV used to be that for every person who actually writes in about an issue, there are ten, or a hundred, who feel the same way but never got around to it.) Write letters to all the AMPTP members' CEOs, and make your feelings on the WGA's core demands politely plain. ...Especially when those CEOs collectively made almost three-quarters of a billion-with-a-B dollars in salaries last year, when many of the writers working on their shows can't afford rent.
After that: here's another thought, a little more physical. If by chance you're in an area where one or the other of the Guilds are picketing: turn out and support them! Honk when you pass: and if you're interested, show up and offer to walk the picket lines with them. These things get noticed. (In 2007 a bunch of us, both Guild members and non-, caused significant astonishment by turning out to picket AMPTP members' offices in Dublin.)
...Obviously not all that many people are going to be positioned, in terms of location or their own work and time commitments, to show up physically. But online? Find ways to keep this issue visible. The AMPTP wants this to go quiet, wants people to get bored with it, wants people to find reasons to blame the writers. They've tried spinning the story that way before. Don't let them pull that shit. Find ways to back those who're calling them on that, publicly. They do respond to this kind of thing (though they may strenuously deny it). If enough attention continues to be paid by the general public, they will blink—if sometimes excruciatingly slowly, as Disney began to blink over the dispute tagged #DisneyMustPay.
As viewers, and as viewers who pay for subscriptions to things, we far outnumber them. Help be a part of making the AMPTP understand that this quest for a truly fair deal is not going to go away. And the longer they try to act like the Guild's negotiation positions are beneath their notice, the more it's going to hurt them, and the stupider and greedier it's going to make them look.
...That's all I've got for the moment, as I need some lunch. :) ...But I hope this has helped. And thanks for your concern, and your desire to stand in solidarity with us! It's so welcome. :)
ETA: here's a link to the Guild's social media toolkit, for those who'd like to change PFPs or icons, etc., to show their support.
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arc-misadventures · 8 months
So for vtuber AU, several of the girls and/or boys from the academy have already made their debut in your entries. So I thought what if "Errantry" reacted to the recent re-debut of one of the members of the cabal, which is a short anime
the jepella rebelion
The VTuber: Maiden of the Cabal
Errant: Well, well, well. Look who’s back.
Errant smiled at the camera as he finished the video. He hadn’t expected an old acquaintance from his past to reemerge, it was certainly unexpected, but a welcome surprise nonetheless.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: Who is she?
FallenDesire: You know her?
Lucious: She’s pretty.
QueensGuard: Sounds like you know her.
Errant: That everyone is, FallenEmbers. No wait, Fall4Me, she goes by that now, that’s right. I knew her back when I used to play, The World of Remnant: Hunter’s and Monsters. It was this massive mmorpg that I played back in the day, it’s where I got the name, and design for my, VTuber avatar, The ErrantryPaladin. Fall4Me was, FallenEmbers back then. Hence my confusion.
Errant: It’s nice to see her coming back to the VTubing scene. I heard she was on before, but something happened. Oh, well I’m just happy she’s back, and hope she does well.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: So you do know her.
HellJumper1337: Were you friends?
Errant’s body fell back in his chair as a deep breath of air escaped trough his nose. He looked heavenlyward as he wistfully remembered the old days.
Errant: I did know her, we were friends… of sorts. I met her back when the, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters mmorpg was at its peak. I was still my lonely, Huntsman self while she was a, Huntress in the service of the, Cabal, the in game version. I never knew this when we first met, we just stumbled across one another, and did some missions together. Just because I played alone doesn’t mean I didn’t occasionally team up with other players. Little did I know she was trying to recruit me into the, Cabal.
Errant: Now, you have to understand something about how the, Acadimies, and the Cabal’s organizational structures work before I continue. You see to join a, Academy you as a player had to reach a minimum level of level ten to join an academy. This was to ensure that all new members were relatively skilled, no greenhorns, and the like. Basically, they wanted the new players to know the basic understanding of the game.
Errant: So once you joined a, Academy your characters bio gets the tag of: ‘Student of academy ‘X.’ And, once you reached level fifty you graduate from the academy, and become: ‘Hunter of ‘X’ academy.’ This was basic stuff to tell where people were from. You get different stats bonuses, and equipment based upon which academy you graduated from, not to mention players with certain individual characteristics tended to gravitate towards certain guilds. Giving each their own unique flavour to them all. The Cabal however, didn’t operate like that.
Errant: The Cabal recruited its members. Whether they be from, Atlas, or Shade Academy, it didn’t matter, their members would find you, scout you, and if you passed their tests they would offer up an invitation for you to join. While a graduated Hunter from, Mistral Academy would be said in their character profile, It wouldn’t say you were a member of the, Cabal. So its members could be anyone. This added a rather unique feature to the games overall gameplay. But, as I said; to join the, Cabal you had to display certain characteristics that the, Cabal would find desirable, and then they would invite you to join them. That’s how they did it to me, when FallenEmbers tried to recruit me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: Sounds like the beginning of a love story.
HellJunper1337: Yeah, a tragic one.
Errant: So, whilst on a mission to find some rare metals to upgrade my gear I stumbled upon, Ember. Ahh, I liked to call her that, because it was quicker to say, and I’m lazy.
Errant: So, it turned out she was also looking for the same minerals that I was. And, since the area we were in is an a royal bitch to fight in we decided to team up, and we made a deal: She gets the first ore we find, then I get the next. Simple as that. We made off with a lot of ore that day… Anyway, after that we parted ways, but stayed in contact, we would occasionally join up on missions together, and generally had a blast. And, then she told me the truth, she was a member of the, Cabal, and wanted me to join.
Errant: Honestly I always had my suspicions about her. She always felt distant, and overly cautious around people. Anyway, I… I don’t remember what I said, but I remember arriving at the, Cabal’s headquarters in the, Grimm Lands, where she gave me a tour of the place. I learned how their operatives operated… ha… That sounds weird doesn’t it? ‘Operatives operated.’ Sounds like improper english, but no, it’s correct.
Errant: Uhhh… where was I…? Oh yeah! So, I learned the ins, and outs of how their operations worked, met some of their members… And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…
And, with those few words his chat exploded into a shower of startled, confused, and dare say, aroused comments.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
UWU_Knight: You did what?!
Lucious: Titan Class?!
RighteousPotato: Why would you do that?!
LRDirection: You betrayed them?
KinSlayer: Betraying an evil organization is one thing, but YOU betraying anyone is another thing entirely!
HellJunper1337: Evil, Errant confirmed!
RunnerDowner: Why?!
LouderDesires: Cue the sexy art!
PokéGirl69: Sexy evil smile~!
LitteDragon: You betrayed someone?
Errant looked at the last comments before he rolled his eyes, and continued on with his tale.
Errant: Now, before I go on about how I did it, first you must learn why I did it. So, the Cabal was mostly jokesters; nothing overly evil, evil, just general bullies who raided supply lines, and caused the occasional, Grimm attacks on an innocent village. It annoyed people, but they added spice to the game. However, that commonly held opinion changed when the, Apprentice Massacre happened…
Errant: For context, we called players who were below level ten apprentices; They’re not at a high enough level to become academy students since they’re still in training so we called them apprentices. So, the Apprentice Massacre was an infamous incident where a bunch of, Cabal members got together, and started hunting down, and killing apprentices for the hell of it. Now this may not sound that bad, but there was a game mechanic where every time you die you’d lose one level. It happens every ten levels; say you’re level twenty seven; and you die eight times, you won’t go down to level nineteen, you’ll stay at level twenty. So, need I explain what happened, when a bunch of, Cabal members started killing a whole lot of apprentices?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
RunnerDowner: No way?
SumPenny: They dropped them to level one?!
KinSlayer: That’s mean!
RighteousPotato: What did they do spawn-camp them?
LunarFlower: I heard about this!
HeadHunter: I was there when it happened, it was brutal.
Errant: Yeah, over a dozen, Cabal members who ranged from level thirty to forty started basically spawn camping, and killing apprentices in the starting area. There was about… seventy apprentices there, and they were completely outclassed by even the weakest members. So it was a slaughter, they tried to put up a fight, but what could they do?
Errant: However, fortunately for the apprentices, and unfortunately for the, Cabal members, I was there.
He smiled a wicked smile as he remembered that day, and more importantly what he did that day. It was the day that legends were born, and he was the start of them all.
Errant: I was in the area walking to the next area to do some quests I picked up, when I came across the, Massacre. I made a quick message to the Academies, and several, Hunter’s I was acquitted with for back up, and after that I went on a bloody slaughter. The Cabal members didn’t know what hit them! I mean, I was a solo player in my seventies, and it didn’t matter how many of them there were, I had soloed plenty of, Grimm hordes before so this was a cake walk for me.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
QuitenDown: I bet you looked really cool when you did that
Dragondeeznutz: Bet he looked hot too
VulpineRanger: He’s always hot.
GrimmKitty: But he can be hotter!
HolyNevil: True.
GermanLeopard: Good point
Errant: I looked cool, least that’s what people said I looked like, chat. Back to the story, it was much easier when other players came in, and started protecting the apprentices with me. But, to make a long story short we managed to beat them off, and save the apprentices. A whole lot of things changed in the community after that happened.
Errant: Mostly codes of conduct, recently Graduated Hunter’s now had to mentor, and protect apprentices until they become students. A right of passage if you will. And, people’s general hatred towards the, Cabal, and what they did. People went inquisition on their asses. Specifically the, Atlas Academy, they really went after them.
Errant: …
Errant: Which now that I think about it actually makes sense since it’s, Atlas. If you know the lore, you’d understand.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: What did they do?
RangerFang: We went ham on them
BunnyDownUnder: Witch hunt baby!
LunaFlower: They hold grudges.
WinterBitch: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch.
Errant: Yeah, they’re a spiteful bunch. I’m not spiteful, no I’m not spiteful at all chat.
Errant: I am however… very, very… Vindictive~! Ah~hahaha~!
Errant gave off a roguish smile that as he chuckled as he remembered all the incidents he scored his revenge against those that wronged him. His dark chuckle, and devilish smile brought an explosion of heart emojis throughout his chat feed.
Errant: Ahhhh… Good times.
Errant: Anyway, so I had a grudge against the, Cabal because I thought that what they did was cruel. People may tease, or prank apprentices , but what they did pushed the line. So, when FallenEmbers showed me to the, Cabal base I knew what I wanted to do. You see, the Cabal headquarters was located in the, Grimm Lands. And, there is a whole mess of, Grimm there: From Beowulf, Apathy, Beringals, Chimera Grimm. Delta to Alpha Class. And lastly, Titan Class.
Errant: Now, you may be asking: How does the, Cabal operate in the Grimm lands without getting attacked? Simple: They get covered in a Grimm repellent that prevents, Grimm from attacking you. The Grimm will attack you if you don’t attack them. So… I went over to one the nesting, Titan Grimm’s, and I… woke it up.
Errant: Titan Class Grimm tend to… incubate until they reach a certain… No, no that doesn’t really make sense… How do I explain this…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Corgimorgi: Waiting for the butterfly to hatch from its cocoon?
Errant: Yeah, that’s works, thanks, Corgimorgi. It slowly grows in its cocoon until it hatches, and marches off to one of the kingdoms, and unleashes all hell upon them. If rumours arise that one of these were sighted, and, all available, Hunter’s is tasked to go out, and confirm if there is one. Everyone is terrified of these things, the first one that was ever encountered levelled, Shade Academy. It took them months irl to rebuild the academy, and it took them a year to reclaim all the land, Vacuo lost to a surge of, Grimm attacks.
Errant: At the time of the attack, Vacuo had a strength over nearly seven hundred members, and they barely, barely manage to defeat it. They had to call for help from other academies to kill the damn thing! So… How do you think the, Cabal managed to deal with a, Titan Class Grimm with barely two hundred members?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GoodDoggo: A bloody slaughter.
Gundam#UWU: They most likely got curb stomped!
HellJumper1337: I almost feel sorry for them.
KinSlayer: Did you stay to fight it?
Errant: Nope! I got the hell out of there after it started attacking their headquarters. I let them burn! It took them days, like a week to kill it too. I know because I poked the bear, and I got Exp from when it died! Went up three levels because of that. I basically crippled the, Cabal for months after this! They couldn’t do a damn thing to anyone, they were so busy trying to rebuild they couldn’t be bothered with messing with anyone else.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Likelyaghost: So you destroyed the, Cabal all on your own?
Errant: No… I crippled the, Cabal all on my own. The Scorpion Incident… That, that killed the, Cabal…
Errant went quiet as he remembered a rather uncomfortable event that had transpired years ago. He took a deep sigh to calm his nerves before he continued to tell his tale of years gone bye.
Errant: So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why; Did she know I was the cause of the attack? Maybe that’s why she never contacted me… Probably called me a traitor for betraying her trust, and our friendship…
He stared off into the distance as he pondered these questions in his mind. He sighed another deep sigh before he shook his head, and readdressed his stream.
Errant: It matters not… What’s done is done. For that was then, this is now. So chat, to welcome back an old… acquaintance. We’re gonna raid her! Send her my well wishes, and welcome her into the fold chat!
Errant pressed the button, and sent his chat onward towards, Fall4Me’s stream with a smile on his face, and a roguish smile on his face. Thinking of all the good times they had together, and he couldn’t help but wonder, where did is long lost friend disappear to? But, most important of all:
Why is her model wearing an eyepatch?
Fall4Me’s Stream
Fall4Me: Hello everyone, I am Fall4Me, and welcome to my stream.
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Fall4Me: I am a, Huntress in the service of the, Grimm Cabal. And, I hope you enjoy watching me as we plunge the, World of Remnant into absolute chaos~!
Fall4Me: Here we will have discussions about very things: Music, video games, and various other things that… Hmm? What the?
The howl of a Beowulf echoed throughout the stream to signal a notification. One that she had not expected on her debut stream.
Fall4Me: I’m being raided? By who…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Hi, Ember!
GrimmKitty: She’s pretty
BunnyDownUnder: Love the eye
FallenDersires: Errant sends his regards!
Dragondeeznutz: Whoo raiding!
Fall4Me: Ember? Wait, how do you know that na… Wait… Errant? ErranrtyPaladin! H-He sent you?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
HellJumper1337: Yeah, he told us all about you
Corgimorgi: It was a cool story
SummerDaysNightmare: Were you friends, he didn’t sound certain about it?
Fall4Me: We are… were friends of sorts. But, tell me chat, what did he say about me?
There was an eagerness, and an honest desire to know about how her long lost friend felt about her, and she hoped her new found audience could answer her questions.
~~~Stream Chat~~~
DungeonSiver18: Why listen to us when you can watch him talk about you?
QueensGuard: Yeah, watch his vod!
Fall4Me: Hmmm~? Now doesn’t that sound like a novel idea~! Alright chat, let us see what our beloved, ErrantryPaladin thinks of us~!
Fall4Me: Ahh, I remember that day, I was looking for, Gundrite. It’s a rare metal used for upgrading a, Hunters gear. I was looking for the ore to upgrade my weapons; I had a pair of twin swords that I could stick together to use as a bow. I wanted to increase my damage output, and then I stumbled across, Errant doing the same thing. Just as we found our first piece of, Gundrite.
Fall4Me: I thought we were about to have a fight over who got the ore. But, he said I found it first, and it was mine to take. It was… surprising really. I often tend to get into fights against players while looking for rare resources. It surprised me more so that he recommended that we team up to gather more resources together. And, it worked very well. I got more then enough ore. It’s not a surprise really, a level thirty, Huntress, and a level forty, Huntsmen such as ourselves is a very powerful duo to face against.
Errant: ‘And, then I betrayed them by luring a, Titan Class Grimm into their base…’
Fall4Me: HE WHAT?! He sent that damn, Grimm after us?!
Her eye ignited in flames as she looked on his smiling face as he unapologetically admitted his crime.
Fall4Me: It took the entire, Cabal nearly two weeks to kill the damned thing!
Fall4Me: It levelled our training grounds, obliterated the landing pads, decimated the hospital, and spawn camped the entire, Cabal for weeks! Seriously it’s aoe attacks were so strong that a player would die, then respawn, and then be killed by its next aoe attack! There wasn’t a single one of us whose level wasn’t reduced to a tenth!
Fall4Me: Then we all got branded as, Titan slayers, and everyone knew that a Titan awoke in the, Grimm lands meaning we were easily marked out as cabal members because of that! We couldn’t go into the field because of that!
Fall4Me: We were crippled for months, and we never made it back to half of our original strength. It was hell!
Fall4Me: But, why?! Why would my sweet, noble, Wolf do this to us? Why…?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
BunnyDownUnder: She said ‘my wolf’
FallenDesire: Another one?
LRDirection: But why is he a wolf?
Lixxen: Guy knows what the ladies like
QueensBeedom: It’s his roguish charm
Fall4Me: Lets continue the video, perhaps he’ll explain why he did this…
Fall4Me: Oh…
Fall4Me: The Apprentice Massacre. That most certainly explains things…
~~~Stream Chat~~~
Gundam#UWU: Were you a part of it?
Dippernipper: We know you’re evil, but are you that evil?
Beowulf#38k: She’s evil, but will she stay hot evil?
She laughed a whimsical laugh as she read her chat feed. Relishing in delight at their innocence.
Fall4Me: Oh chat, I am always hot; More often than not its metaphorically, but often at times its quite… Literal~!
Fall4Me gave the camera a sultry gaze before holding up her hand as she flexed her fingers as it was enveloped in flames. She held a blazing fist before setting it out, and resuming with his vod.
Fall4Me: But, no I wasn’t involved in the, Apprentice Massacre. Yes I was a member of the, Cabal, but I was off doing other things irl when it happened. Even then I wouldn’t have partaken in such an action. Because the headache they caused us because of that was an ungodly amount of work to fix.
Fall4Me: Well, we mostly went into hiding, and laid low for a while. I eventually went again to see if I could recruit, Errant to our side. He was a loner, and outcast I thought he would easily join the group. I thought he was genuinely interested in joining us. But, he appears more interested in how to destroy us. And, good gods did he ever manage to do so…
Errant: ‘So that’s how I met, Fall4Me. You know… I never told anyone that I was the reason the, Titan Grimm attacked the, Cabal. Fall4Me never contacted me again after the attack… I wonder why…’
She looked away nervously for a moment before readdressing her chat as she saw them flood her chat with the similar question of why she talk to her precious wolf after the attack.
And, why did she call him, ‘Her Wolf?’
Fall4Me: Oh… I was just too busy rebuilding the, Cabal to contact, Errant. Besides, I thought he would be upset if I tried to wrangle him into helping fix the mess the, Titan Class Grimm caused. Or, asking him to fix his mess as it were.
Fall4Me: Then the whole, ‘Scorpion Incident’ happened, and the, Cabal was done for. There was no chance of rebuilding the guild since members left; they all left, right, left, and centre. To the point it was only a, Cabal of one. No big battle, no final stand, it just slowly burned out, and poof! It was gone.
Fall4Me: I need to talk to, Errant again, explain some things, ask him how things are going. Reconnect with my friend for old times sake. Would you like to see that, chat?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
GrimmKitty: Yeah! That sounds cool!
HellJumper1337: Friends reunite!
BunnyDownUnder: Lets see where she stands
Beowulf#38k: Idk these two seem like a good pair
Lixxen: Old war stories sounds fun.
Helsreach: I bet he’d like to talk to you too.
RunnerDowner: Do eeet!
Fall4Me: Alright then chat. Let’s go see what my noble, Wolf is there~!
Ahhh… This took days to finish… I just couldn’t finish it. But, it’s done!
I like doing these lore posts, it’s fun to let the mind make stories like these.
Do you guys enjoy these kind of posts, or are they just a bore to you? That’s just something I’ve been curious about.
Till later then.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
hi, mr. gaiman!
this may be a dumb question, but. i've never stood WITH a union before.
are the profile pictures on the wga's social media toolkit page for anyone to use to show they stand with the guild? or are they for union members only?
sometimes there are weird, unwritten and unspoken rules that i am prone to miss, especially in brand-new situations. looking to stand with you guys INSTEAD of lacing up my clown shoes today, ahah.
here's to hoping the amptp will keep the supervillainry to the tv shows and also preferably under control of the writers. 🥂
best of luck to you and the guild.
Use them proudly.
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Marsha Hunt (The Human Comedy, College Holiday, These Glamour Girls)—To be honest, I haven't had the chance to see a lot of her films, but she was an amazing person. A beautiful, popular actress during the 30s and 40s, Marsha was unfairly blacklisted during the Red Scare for speaking out against McCarthyism. Instead of letting that stop her, she focused her efforts on humanitarian work for causes such as world hunger, poverty, and pollution. She was also a support of same-sex marriage. Side note to any fellow fashion history nerds, she wrote a book on 30s-40s fashion. She stayed true to her beliefs through the years, and passed away at the age of 104 in 2022.
Fredi Washington (Imitation of Life, The Emperor Jones)—She was a beautiful woman whose movie career was struck short because she refused to pass as white, but she did get to star with the greats like Cab Calloway, Hattie McDaniel, Paul Robeson, Duke Ellington, Louise Beavers, etc. Being a person of moral and conviction is hot. Also, she knew ballet and was a beautiful dancer in general.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Marsha Hunt:
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Marsha Hunt first signed with Paramount in 1935 at the age of seventeen, kicking off a prolific career as a beloved Hollywood star and fashion model. Her distinctive profile and facial structure earned her the nickname “Curly Lips”: “Besides a rounded forehead, almost no nose bridge, and a nose that curved upwards, even my lips curled up at the corners. Ronald Coleman and his wife Benita told me they used to describe me to each other as ‘Curly Lips.’ I decided that anything that helped two people I adored take notice of me would no longer keep me awake at nights.” (The Way We Wore, p.95) Marsha appeared in about seventy films over almost eighty years, including Hollywood Boulevard, College Holiday, Easy Living, These Glamour Girls, Irene, Pride and Prejudice, Blossoms in the Dust, Thousands Cheer, The Human Comedy, and many more. She was blacklisted during the McCarthy era for publicly defending Hollywood from the accusations of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, alongside Lucille Ball, Humphrey Bogart, Deanna Durbin, Henry Fonda, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, and many other members of the Hollywood community.
Fredi Washington propaganda:
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Short Hollywood career for being too light-skinned to play maid roles, but too brown to be cast opposite a white man in the time. Civil Rights activist. Worked with Paul Robeson to create the Negro Actors Guild. Heavy work in theatre and the NAACP.
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damagedintellect · 6 months
ADA Dazai x Reader
💌Obligatory sex pollen fic I guess??💌
Summary: Certain abilities Dazai can dispel outright without touching the user. This has always confused the brunette greatly where the technical line was drawn. During Q's apocalypse, he couldn't bring individuals back to their senses but with Shiwabusa's fog he could prevent Chuuya’s ability from manifesting. Apparently this “Sex pollen” ability was more like the former example. Which left Dazai the only one conscious of their actions as everyone fucked like rabbits.
Notes: Based on a dream I had a few nights ago. At least what I can remember of it. It's got some plot holes & semi ooc but it was hilarious, I had to share it with the class.
Contains: sex pollen, dubcon, pregnancy, mpreg, pregnant Fyodor, Fyodor being painfully religious, 🍋
💌 Wordcount 5,160 💌 Chapter 1 of ?? [I might actually continue this bc I want to see where it goes but not a priority unless ppl like it]
Next chapter =>
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After the Shiwabusa incident you thought most ability users left Yokohama but it turns out someone is hunting down the surviving few. It's the reason why the special divisions unit Ango is a part of reached out to the ADA. There had been missing people cases flooding his desk, all with one thing in common. Every last one of them had been ability users. This didn't seem like the work of the Decay of Angles or any other known organization on record. It didn't line up with their past methods and ideologies. Plus Dazai added that Fyodor would never be this sloppy. Most were taken in broad daylight with no concerns about witnesses.
Between Ranpo and Dazai, they were able to sniff out the new threat with ease but they still didn't have enough information to assume the motive behind the kidnappings. Ango could only give so much details to go on because the member of his team that was investigating this case also disappeared. The first priority would be to find the hostages. With that in mind Ranpo insisted on working alongside the remaining guild members and, for some reason Akutagawa. Your guess was that Mori sent him to reclaim some mafia members who vanished as well. Apparently Chuuya was also supposed to join the investigation but ended up being stuck overseas. Instead you were to partner with Dazai.
You and Dazai, Kunikida and Yosano, and Ranpo and Poe were on recognizance while Lucy, Kenji, Kyouka, and Junichiro were on rescue, leaving Atsushi and Akutagawa as a diversion first and foremost but if they can capture the culprits that's an added bonus. Despite splitting up, you, Dazai, Kunikida and Yosano ended up trapped in the same room. Not exactly trapped, you could use your ability to get out but you still needed info.
“This isn't looking good.” Kunikida said flipping through the radio frequencies. “The signals jammed.” He looked up at Dazai as he nodded. “They know we're here.”
“We walked into a trap” Dazai gritted his teeth. There was no way to warn the others. He pushed you out of the way frantically typing at the computer that you finally hacked into. You look back at the scattered files on the desk. You were kicking up dirt. So far you've found a comprehensive guide to all the missing people. Which you already had from Ango. The only difference is that this seemed like a test subject profile. The more you read through them the more you realized they really focused on the compatibility of certain abilities. That's when you smelled something alluring and you dropped everything. 
Dazai heard the clattering and ignored it. He was pissed off. It felt like he was missing something glaringly obvious. He slammed his hand on the desk muttering under his breath.
“Anyone else find-” Dazai stopped mid sentence as he took in the sight infront of him. Kunikida and Yosano were looking at each other lovingly as they hastily stripped, and pulled the other close. That's when Dazai finally noticed the faint pink dust in the air. An ability?
“I know what they're trying to do.” You said standing in front of the distracted brunette. He snapped out of his stupor when you gripped his shirt. Your pupils were dilated and your breathing was ragged. Biting your lip, it took your last bit of sanity to not jump Dazai. You took a deep breath. “P-please touch me, before I can't think straight.” Your eyes were narrowing on his lips. The desire to kiss him while you fuck like rabbits was swirling in the pit of your stomach.
He reached out to touch your forearm but it didn't do anything to help clear your head. “Shit, you gotta be kidding me” You are trying to fight your impulses . Internally you moaned at the touch. Your head lulled forward pressing into his chest. You couldn’t describe it but something about his scent was luring you in. This is really bad. Dazai looked over to Yosano and Kunikida. They were being really lovey dovey and handsy. He gulped as he felt you unbuttoning his vest. He grabbed your hands to prevent you from undressing him further. “Stay with me (Y/N). What's their goal?”
“They,” you inhaled heavily “no I, want you to fuck a baby into me!”
Dazai blinked back at you dumbfounded. He took a step backwards, that's what he was afraid of. They were up against a sex pollen ability user and he was the only one not affected. He tried to push you away but he was conflicted, you had him pushed against the wall with your body. Dazai has had a soft spot for you that he never intended on tapping into. A crush? A sexual fantasy? He didn't want to explore it but here he was letting you paw at him while you stripped away your clothes. He's had dreams about this and now it's actually happening but it couldn't have been at a more inopportune time and place. Just staring into your horny hungry eyes already left him half hard and he cursed his body for reacting this way.
“Dazai don't you love me?” You cooed.
Love was a strong word, he would rather not think about but he was left at your mercy as you crashed your lips on his. He groaned into your mouth. This was the best and worst case scenario. Best because you are forcing yourself onto him and not someone else. He could only imagine the jealousy he would have felt if you ended up with any of his coworkers. Although this was the worst because he knows he’s not going to stop your advances. Slowly he slid down the wall and let you crawl into his lap. He couldn't say no to you. Dazai has always made sure to keep everyone at a distance but not you. His head and his heart couldn't be bothered to make decisions right now. He found his hands caressing you just as feverishly as you were feeling him. He should stop. Dazai was in his right mind you were not but your touch was intoxicating. He let you unzip his pants and set his member free. Dazai threw his head back as you fully engulfed him. You were so warm and wet with no prep needed, ready to take him in. This was wrong but it felt so right. Dazai has always found it easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.
You were kissing his jawline and bouncing on him with such vigor he wasn't going to last much longer. You were both a mess and as he felt your walls shake around him he held you in place and finished you off with a thrust of his own. You both were spasming in bliss as he hit his climax. He had been too enthralled with his own pleasure; he forgot to think about why you all were here in the first place. He was about to ask you what it was you found when he felt you roll your hips again. 
A jolt of pleasure washed over him as he gently held your hips from doing that again. He just came, he needed a minute. Dazai was easily overstimulated and he feared that he might not have a choice in a moment but while he still had the strength he needed to do something. 
“But Dazai~” You whined into his ear “You need to fuck a baby into me! Once isn't going to cut it.” You struggled to move as he pinned you to the floor. He hoped with this new position you wouldn't be able to do that much damage before he was capable of another round. On the other side of the room he could hear Yosano and Kunikida still going at it. Sounds he really never wanted to hear from either of his colleagues. Dazai weighed out his options, grabbing for the files you dropped earlier. He dug out his phone. The signal was back, probably because they knew everyone would be incapacitated. He tried calling Ango to update him that the plan failed and everyone needs extracting now before the rest of you get captured.
When you finally came too you were exhausted and sticky with Dazai’s arms wrapped around you. You tried to push him away but his grip only tightened as he cried out “Aaahng~ Stop moving! I can't take anymore! Nghh~” He was trembling and breathing heavily like he was going to pass out.
“D-Dazai?” You don't remember anything past when you dropped the papers. You tried retracing your steps. It finally occurred to you that you were sitting flesh against Dazai’s lap, feeling the fullness of multiple rounds with his dick pulsing inside of you. You choked on a moan as you involuntarily clenched around him. The events of the evening were catching up with you. You had been begging Dazai to fuck you which is something you had always wanted to do but never had the guts to say. You've had a crush on him since you joined the agency but never tried to pursue a relationship with Dazai. Mostly because he was a massive flirt to most women. You would reciprocate his flirty jokes and he always gave you a look like no one's ever done that before. Playful banter aside you don't think it meant anything on Dazai’s end.
 He whimpered in your ear again “hmmmng P-please don't move I swear I’ll explain. I just need a minute. You've been riding me for an hour I-” He was panting desperately trying to catch his breath. His fingers were digging into your skin to keep you as still as possible. “sex pollen user, couldn't stop it. Fuck” 
You felt Dazai lift you up to pull out, gasping as his body slumped against the wall. You tried to move out of his lap but your legs were numb. Although the slight movement made you feel the cum dripping out of you. Your head was a mess. The words “you had sex with Dazai” were repeating like a mantra. 
 “I'm so sorry-” you had started to say but he grabbed your shoulders “It's not your fault. I could have stopped you at any point but I didn't know if we were being watched.” Which was true but definitely not the reason he didn't stop but you didn’t need to know that. “As soon as everyone was affected they stopped jamming the signal so I managed to have Ango send reinforcements. I should be the one apologizing for taking advantage of you.”
You were both at fault but not at fault. Net neutral you guess? You didn't dwell on it because you don't remember. Still you were embarrassed by everything. You know you weren't in control of your behavior but still. Dazai was being too dismissive about it. You wanted him to look at you disrespectfully. You understand that the mission comes first but you're still a woman. You have assets he should be ogling at. Like right now as your clothes were long forgotten about besides you. 
As soon as you opened your mouth Ango and his men busted down the door. Apparently the rescue team managed to move all the hostages to Anne's room before the sex pollen hit the air and they were just waiting for it to dissipate. So the mission was not a complete failure like you thought. If anything you'd have to wait to see what Ranpo and Poe had discovered. All you were able to report was that they were trying to match make compatible ability users.
Ango tried helping you to your feet but your legs were unstable and you were back on the ground in a matter of seconds. It made getting redressed a challenge but Yosano was able to help. The doctor wasn't nearly as fucked out as you were but considering Dazai let you have your way with him it makes sense. Since your legs were still wobbly Dazai ended up carrying you out. This flustered you way more than the realization of having sex with your crush. His cum was currently inside you and somehow being princess carried was what made your head explode. You buried your face in his neck as you met up with the others. No one batted an eye except Ranpo who smirked and gave you a thumbs up. 
On the bright side everyone seemed just as disheveled and out of it. You don't blame them either. Ranpo and Poe were probably just fine, you've always suspected that they were that close already but Poe was extremely skittish more so than usual. Both Atsushi and Akutagawa looked traumatized. Kunikida was in a similar state but Yosano didn't mind one bit. If anything, her being unfazed was unnerving everyone. Well everyone but Ranpo, Dazai and Akutagawa but you doubt Akutagawa would care even if he wasn’t so distraught at the moment. Whatever the case it was interesting watching everyone's reactions to whatever happened tonight. You were just glad that Lucy, Kyouka, Kenji and Junichiro didn't have to go through it.
By the looks of it the sex pollen user got away but Atsushi and Akutagawa did manage to tie up some goons for further questioning. After a quick debrief Yosano came up to you and pulled out a sealed tablet, instructing you to take it as soon as possible. A morning after pill, you assume. It suddenly clicked why she was so casual. Every time you've gone out drinking with Yosano she's always managed to go home with some attractive stranger. This was similar to one of her drunken escapes except this time Kunikida was the victim of her flirty advances. Poor Kunikida looks like he's about to kill himself for stepping outside of his ideals.
With everything seemingly done and dusted you all went home. Ango drove you all back to the dorms and you managed to walk to your room just fine. You were still haunted by the events you don't remember and you want to ask Dazai but then again maybe you don't. If you don't remember you could almost gaslight yourself into believing that it never happened. That way you could still preserve the idea that your first time with him will be special. Although based on the fact he dismissed it so easily, you don't think he finds you attractive in a sexual sense. Again you'll never know unless you talk to him but it's still embarrassing for you, but hey it could have been worse. Originally you were supposed to be on a different team had Chuuya not been overseas. Or maybe it was because Chuuya wasn't here that the ability user was able to incapacitate all of you. None of you were captured so it's fine. 
Within the next few days everything went back to normal. Well close to normal, you still couldn't look Dazai in the eyes but you haven't partnered with him since that night. Currently you were with Kunikida and Atsushi for a mission. The boys have done most of the work but as you were finishing up one of the bastards tried to take you from behind. You dodged the initial attack but as you went to retaliate you froze. Your ability wasn't working. You ended up getting shot twice before Atsushi was able to get to you.
“My ability is gone, I can't feel it at all.” You coughed up blood holding your wounds. It wasn't fatal but you were losing blood and fast. Your vision was starting to sway as you were rushed to Yosano.
When you woke up you were in the infirmary at the agency. Atsushi was still getting checked out even though the tiger would ultimately heal any major injuries. As you sat up you felt the pain of the two bullet wounds. Normally Yosano would use her ability to fix it instead of letting you heal naturally. They both looked at you with a wary expression.
“Atsushi, can you check if Dazai’s done and send him in?”
He only nodded before scampering off. You tilted your head at why Dazai needed to be called in. Yosano sat next to you “How are you feeling? Are you able to use your ability now?”
You tried really hard but no dice. “I feel like I've definitely been shot twice but more unnerving I can't feel my ability at all. What's wrong with me?”
She nodded, handing you a cup. “I'll try to explain it if I can, but I need you to get me a urine sample. How long has it been since you ate?”
You looked at the clock you had breakfast at 9 and it was currently 4, whoops that means you skipped lunch. “About Seven hours?” 
“I can give you painkillers after you get blood drawn. Not being able to feel your ability is throwing me a curveball so I want to make sure I check all my bases.”
“Okay.” You grabbed the cup and made your way to the bathroom. As you stepped out into the hallway you nearly bumped into Dazai, whose look of concern didn't go unnoticed but you only bowed slightly before you hurried off.
By the time you came back Dazai was already in the room. Yosano took the urine sample and walked into her office for a second before folding her arms across her chest. “There’s no eloquent way to put this and honestly as a doctor this is the grossest thing I've had to do but the reason why you can't use your ability is because Dazai’s sperm is probably still swimming around in your uterus.”
Your face started heating up as you stuttered “I-It's almost been a week how is that possible!”
Dazai hummed “Oh, so that's what the sample was for.” 
Yosano rolled her eyes “Unfortunately” she frowned before she continued her explanation. “Technically it's only been five days and that's about the cut off for irregular sperm lifespans.” She walked back to her office and came back with two negative pregnancy tests. “I wasn’t too worried about the results since you took the contraceptive but it's my job to be thorough. You should be able to use your ability by tomorrow unless Dazai’s sperm is just as hard to kill as Dazai is.”
Dazai shrugged, “I'm just surprised this hasn't come up before. Back when I was-”
Yosano put her hand up “I don't need to hear the rest of that. It's bad enough we had sex ten feet away from each other.” Yosano looked back at you, “Until you get your ability back I won't be able to use my ability on you either.  For now you'll have to heal your injuries the normal way.” You nodded.
Unfortunately as tomorrow came you still couldn't use your ability. You glared at Dazai who laughed at the situation. He was having a field day with how powerful his seed was. You haven't told the others what was going on but you're sure all the adults understood why you were out of commission. Kenji was the only one who kept asking questions you genuinely didn't know how to respond to. He was so innocent and Dazai was playing into it. This was killing you. How are you supposed to forget that night if it's all anyone is talking about. Not to mention that you were basically tied to your desk for the time being taking painkillers like candy.
A few more days later and to mostly Dazai’s surprise, since Yosano was out on a mission, you still couldn't manifest your ability. This was getting ridiculous. At first Dazai joked about it almost having a sense of pride but today he had been awfully quiet and no one likes a quiet Dazai. 
You had been more tired than usual. The injuries were taking their toll so you got up to make some tea in the office kitchen to help you relax. Today was a fairly busy day for everyone, but you. The others were all coming and going but you were still confined to the office. It was a jarring situation,  typically Dazai was the only one who had to heal like a normal human being. You sighed, pouring your tea. 
“Still nothing?”
You turn around to see Dazai holding a small paper bag, leaning against the doorframe. You shook your head. “Still nothing.” You didn’t want to think about it but you set your tea down motioning to the bag he was holding “Is that what I think it is?” You took a pregnancy test the other day, Yosano gave you a pill, this really shouldn’t be happening. Actually, did you even take the pill? Thinking back you were exhausted and out of it and you remember drinking water and going to sleep but did you not actually take the pill? Your head was hurting just thinking about it.
“Only if you want it to be. I can throw it away if you'd prefer.” Dazai put the bag in his coat pocket as he approached you. “To be honest I'm not sure if I want you to find out either. Logically I doubt you are, because if you were, then your ability should have come back by now. My DNA would have turned into our child's DNA and the nullification should have stopped.” He stood next to you leaning back on the counter. “However if you somehow are, I fear it wasn’t just a sex pollen ability at play.” He grit his teeth yet another ability he wasn't able to negate the effects of.
You looked at him eyes wide. That was their true goal. “They were trying to breed ability users.” He nodded as he looked down.
“That's why they waited for us to show up. I have a feeling they were after one of our abilities. Which is probably why Ranpo paired you with me. A copycat ability is already strong as it is but in the wrong hands it would be astronomical.”
You swallowed hard “I don't know how I feel about this. I kinda don't want to know because if you're right then what? If I'm pregnant then somehow everyone is pregnant? How would that work for the guys? Would you want to keep the child, or wait if it's an ability, is it even possible to keep the child?” You looked at Dazai, he was clearly uncomfortable with your questioning. “I guess I should probably take it before I work myself up over nothing.” You held your hand out lowering your head, waiting for him to give you the test. He raised an eyebrow “Do you want moral support or?”
“Depends if it's positive are you going to go buy milk and never return?”
“No promises, I never planned on having kids.” He shrugged.
“No really? I'm surprised” you said sarcastically “I've always wanted kids but I don't think this is the right time.”
Dazai stood outside the bathroom while you paced back and forth. The wait was killing you. You still had a minute left. Grabbing the test you opened the door. “Dazai we're friends right?”
“I would say so. Why?” He gave you a quizzical look. 
“I just wanted to make sure that you don't hate me? I don't know, that might change in a second.” You bite your lip as you flip the test over. Sure enough it was positive. Dazai leaned over your shoulder causing you to nearly drop it. “Well, I still don't hate you in case you were wondering. If anything I hate that what I speculated may be right to some degree. Which is more annoying than anything else.” Dazai's eyes narrowed thinking about, for lack of a better moniker, the anti-Fyodor. What were they trying to gain out of making more ability users?
Dazai didn't move and being in his proximity after finding out he did in fact fuck a child in to you, was making you dizzy. “I need to lay down”
You moved sluggishly as Dazai reached out and touched your shoulder “If you need anything just let me know. I'm the one who's responsible for all of this. I'm not going to make you do this alone.”
You both made your way to the couches in the waiting area as Ranpo came back from his mission. Dazai pulled him into the other room presumably to update him on the situation. That this “threat” isn't over and indeed was just the beginning.
You carefully laid on the couch your thoughts were scattered. On one hand you were glad it was Dazai but at the same time this just makes your relationship more complicated. As your eyes slowly close you realize you never actually drank your tea either. There was a good chance you forgot to take the pill too, it's probably still in the pocket of what you wore that night. Yawning you shifted to make yourself more comfortable. It had been hard sleeping the past few days but the pain has decreased significantly today. You were so lost in thought that you didn't even notice that Dazai draped his trench coat on your sleeping form. He stood there for a moment thinking about how cute you looked while you were sleeping. 
He wondered if his kid would look as cute. Speaking of kid, he should probably check on Ranpo. Dazai only took a guess at who the other possible pregnant people were but knowing that Ranpo is often lazy and chooses to forego physical activity if he could help it, he wouldn't doubt for a second that he had Poe do all the work. As he walked into the bathroom Ranpo was already using his glasses to stare down at the pink piece of plastic. The detective frowned, discarding the spectacles. 
“I blame you for this.” Ranpo showed the other the result. “This probably means Atsushi is also pregnant?” He took a deep sigh before adding “Things are about to get a lot more complicated.”
Dazai frowns. “No kidding.”
Ranpo smirks, opening his eyes to look at you on the couch before addressing Dazai again as he walks away. “Congratulations by the way.”
 It had been about a month and morning sickness was no joke. You would rush to the bathroom midsentece if you even felt remotely queasy which was a stark difference to how the other two handled it. Ranpo had placed waste receptacles around the whole office but still ended up puking out the window once or twice because he couldn’t be bothered to move the three feet to use a bin. Atsushi on the other hand would grab a waste bin but would end up swallowing it half the time off of pure reflex because he didn't want to waste food. The first time you watched him do it you and Ranpo immediately grabbed for a bin. Today hadn't been too bad for the nausea but you might have spoken too soon. You watched Atsushi perk up standing up from his desk.
“Knock knock!” out of thin air a familiar yellow portal appeared at the entrance. Your favorite jester took a bow before he opened his cape to release who knows what into the office.
“Nikolai!” Atsushi was the first one to jump into action as the rest took a defensive stance waiting for a fight. Dazai pulled you behind him as Fyodor casually stepped through the overcoat. “Long time no see, Dazai.”
“Fyodor, why are you here?” It was more of a statement than a question. 
The air was tense as Ranpo crossed his arms “Don’t tell me you're also pregnant!” Everyone looked shocked and waited for confirmation.
“I am and the child is an affront to god. That is why I've come to inquire your services. I require assistance with the abomination.” He motioned over to Kunikida “I made an appointment under a different name.”
Kunikida raised an eyebrow as he looked through the client meeting list and sure enough there was one scheduled for an ambiguous medical inquiry. “You came to get rid of the child?”
Gasping Fyodor looked taken aback. “Absolutely not, for a man to be pregnant is a miracle. Although most doctors are ill equipped to accommodate for the male anatomy.” He placed his hand over his stomach for emphasis.
Dazai rolled his eyes. “I thought you said it was an affront to god?” He crossed his arm clearly trying to upset the other.
Fyodor glared at Dazai. “It is but having an abortion is a worse sin than the child being born of wedlock. Nikolai will simply kill the child after they are baptized. I am here to take advantage of your doctor, as they are already overseeing male pregnancies.”
Atsushi was confused how Fyodor was even in the same situation to begin with but even more so now after hearing his reasoning for coming to the ADA. “Why don't you guys just get married? I don't know, it just sounds like a lot of work if you plan on killing the kid anyways.”
“Do you have any idea how difficult immigration can be? It is disgustingly time consuming to get married overseas.” Fyodor groaned “Not to mention the child will be a Japanese citizen while Nikolai is Ukrainian and they do not allow dual citizenship, it's all so messy.”
Ranpo walked up, putting a hand on Atsushi’s shoulder. “He's right you know, it's a massive pain in the ass.”
“Of course it's a pain in the ass we're here on work visas. I'm not dealing with immigration, I'm a terrorist not a psychopath.” Fyodor seemed to slump into Nikolai’s side as the white haired man held him upright “Dos-kun you should probably sit down.” the russian nodded and let Nikolai lead him into the waiting area.
Yosano looked over Kunikida's shoulder. “If they have an appointment I guess we should at least hear them out. Especially if what he says is true and he is with child.” This was all incredibly bizarre for everyone.
Dazai nodded “Fyodor wouldn’t make his presence known if he didn't have something up his sleeve. Any insight Ranpo?”
Ranpo had his glasses on and shrugged “It all checks out. He's not lying about genuinely coming here for medical attention but I suspect they were accidentally caught by the sex pollen. They probably had planned to wipe out as many ability users as possible but underestimated our opponents just as we did.”
You turned to go make tea but Dazai immediately grabbed your arm “I'll handle the tea. I don't want him getting too close to anyone just in case he tries to pull something.” His serious expression softened as he patted your head. “You should go rest for a bit too. You're still healing.” You nodded with a light blush on your cheeks.
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docgold13 · 6 months
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Heroes & Villains The DC Animated Universe - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
The Green Lantern
John Stewart spent much of his youth in the care of his uncle and among his fondest memories was reading Justice Guild of America comics after school.  He went on to serve in the United States Marine Corps where was a decorated soldier.  Some time thereafter, Stewart was recruited by the Guardians of the Universe to join the Green Lantern Corps. 
Green Lanterns were bestowed an energy ring fueled by one’s will that could create powerful, hard-light constructs.  Stewart trained under the veteran Lantern, Katma Tui, learning to wield these awesome powers.  
Eventually Stewart was assigned the Green Lantern guardian of Sector 2814, a region of space that included earth.  This allowed him to return to his home planet and, shortly after his return, Stewart was telepathically contacted by the Martian, J’onn J’onzz.  Hailing the call, Stewart joined the other heroes of earth in forming The Justice League so to fend off the invading forces of The Imperium.
Stewart continued on as a member of the League, growing especially close with his teammate, Hawkgirl.  The two become romantically involved yet their affair was cut short when Hawkgirl was reveled to be a sleeper agent for a Thanagarian invasion force.  
Hawkgirl would eventually betray her own people so to help save the earth.  Although she and Stewart remained greatly attracted to one another, a trust had been broken and Stewart was reluctant to once more opening himself up to heartbreak.  There is significant reason to believe the two ultimately worked through these issue, however, in that an adventure involving time-travel saw Stewart meeting his and Hawkgirl’s adult son, Warbird.  
Voice actor extraordinaire, Phil LeMar, provided the voice for John Stewart with the Lantern first appearing in the second episode of the first season of Justice League, ‘Secret origins Part Two.’   
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love-overdrive · 6 months
One Piece OC Introduction
What it says on the tin! This is my One Piece OC. Below are arts I’ve commissioned of her (please do not use or steal these, I do not give permission for these to be used elsewhere) and her profile.
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Name: Mariam/Mary
Age: 35 (Pre-Timeskip) / 37 (Post-Timeskip)
Hometown: Alabasta
F/O: Sir Crocodile
Familial/Platonic F/O’s: Dracule Mihawk and Buggy the Clown (Coworkers), Nico Robin (No ill will towards her… feeling isn’t really mutual), Alvida (Best friend in Cross Guild), Galdino/Mr. 3 (Appreciates his art)
Devil Fruit: Genie Genie no Mi- the power to become invisible or shapeshift as one sees fit. When awakened, this fruit allows the user to manipulate the minds of others and charm or induce fear into them, rendering them vulnerable. Due to its rather broad nature, it is classified as a Paramecia because it does not truly meet the criteria of a Zoan or Logia.
Position: Once a young woman juggling many odd jobs, she works beside her husband, Crocodile, in Alabasta to find any useful information while also keeping up appearances. Using her skills and resources, she plays the part of a doting wife and upstanding lady of the community to get others to spill their secrets. Her contribution allows Crocodile to get what he needs while continuing to convince the population he’s a respectable man.
After the disbandment of Baroque Works and formation of Cross Guild, her job has largely stayed the same, save for the extra work on influencing the community. She tends to do some extra paperwork and keeps the lower ranking members in check should the need arise.
Relationship with F/O: Originally, Mariam had met Sir Crocodile to plead or work out a deal to spare his wrath against her father for not paying his debts to Crocodile. Initially annoyed with her constant badgering, the Warlord became amused by her anger and her insistence on helping her father despite his supposed idiocy.
This interest led to him offering her a deal to ‘test’ her- pretend to be his wife to give him information and a good reputation, then he’ll lower or remove the debt entirely. Although frustrated, Mariam had agreed and thus, their relationship as a “married” couple had begun. Despite their marriage starting out as a fraud, the two eventually fell for each other naturally and became true lovers.
Even though Crocodile is taller and stronger than her, she tends to lecture him or talk back if he gives attitude. It’s a fight he knows he’s not winning, especially with how stubborn she is. Oftentimes, she just teases Crocodile whenever he’s in over his head or refuses to admit he needs help with anything. She knows he’ll ask for it in a bit.
Favorite Food: Bazella
Pets: She helps Crocodile take care of the Bananawanis and was gifted three of them for herself. Their names are: Mawz (Banana), Mishmish (Apricot), and Ruman (Pomegranate). She loves them lots and they’re very protective of her, too.
Favorite Pastime: Despite keeping up appearances being exhausting, Mariam has always loved tea parties. Even after her and Crocodile left Alabasta during the formation of Cross Guild, she still continues the habit of making them. She also likes to read in her spare time to unwind.
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(And a last piece of art I’ve Commissioned for Ramadan <3)
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teriyakichop · 3 months
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This reply comes from @azerothgossipalbum in relation to a post I made 5 days ago titled "This couldn't be about me, because…" you can click here and read it in full if you'd like. I'm replying here in public because I have a lot to say, and I want this blog entry to be in public view. 1, NO ONE, AND I DO MEAN NO ONE, tells me who I am to remove from my guild. PERIOD. If I am to remove a player from my guild, it is on MY decision. NONE of you run MY guild. 2, I didn't lose much, because everything I've built for the Templari came from me and my guild members. No donations, no handouts, no enslavement to other guilds, none of that. We created our own RP events, we amassed our own gold, we invested in Discord Nitro for the guild on our terms. We owe nothing to no one. The Templari was built from the ground up through hard work, patience, and time. 3, NO ONE HAS ANY MORAL GROUND TO TELL ME ABOUT "DOING THE RIGHT THING" WHEN I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SOME HIGH PROFILE PLAYERS IN MOON GUARD WERE SPOTTED HANGING OUT WITH, AND PARTICIPATING WITH, IMPERIOUS VON MORTIS OF HOUSE IMPERIUM, AFTER EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE! A little birdie told me that he's still doing his wicked deeds but under a different name and a different guild title, as of present time. So, miss me with y'all bullshit. 4, The truth is, none of you know what I did in relation to the Mianix situation. I DID handle it, though, but as I said before, I handle things discreetly. Not everything needs to be in the public eye. BUT, I'll tell you what. When I am done with Xyzis' investigation, I'll place Mianix's investigation onto it as well, and then you all can SEE what I did. 5, Having an F-List doesn't make you a pedophile. 6, HAVING AN F-LIST DOESN'T MAKE YOU A PEDOPHILE. To prove my point, when my Xyzis investigation is done, I'm going to make an F-List of my own and check off everything on the list, including underage characters and ageplay, and then I am going to make my F-list link public. If you somehow conclude in your warped brain that by me doing this, that makes me a Pedophile, with no victims, no chat logs, no NOTHING, but an F-List with some ticked boxes, then you are more RETARDED than you and I both thought. 7, You crazy sensationalists have NO IDEA what you're doing. You can't just place the Pedophile label on people without having proof that clearly defines the label's action! Did Mianix engage in Pedophilia? Evidence shows, no. Did Xyzis engage in Pedophila? Evidence shows, no. Is Mianix going to engage in Pedophilia? No. Is Xyzis going to engage in Pedophilia? No. Does the "proof" show Mianix engaging in Pedophilia? No. Does the "proof" show Xyzis engaging in Pedophilia? So far, no. As I said before, I shall say again... PRESENT A FACTUAL VICTIM OF XYZIS AND/OR MIANIX, THAT CAN EXPLAIN WHAT THEY DID TO THE FACTUAL VICTIM, TO ME. PRESENT A SCREENSHOT OF XYZIS AND/OR MIANIX ENGAGING IN PEDOPHILIA, TO ME. PRESENT A SCREENSHOT OF XYZIS AND/OR MIANIX HAVING PEDOPHILIA MATERIAL THAT CLEARLY SHOWS EXPLICIT SEXUALITY, PORNOGRAPHY, OR EROTICA, OF A MINOR, TO ME. And when I say Explicit, I mean, genitalia clearly showcased, sexual engagement where genitalia can be clearly seen, hell, I'll even settle for proof of a real life minor that is naked and just standing about. That'd be MORE than enough. If you, or ANY of you, can present such material to me, then Xyzis and/or Mianix will be removed from my guild directly from me immediately, no questions asked, no discussions had. Both Xyzis and Mianix already know this, as I have warned them personally that I will do exactly that, if I find so much as a single piece of evidence that confirms them to be engaged in pedophile behavior. Mianix's investigation came up with nothing, and so far, Xyzis' investigation has come up with nothing.
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booksofstars · 1 month
Mapleshade as a fighter!
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ive honestly always thought of her as a barbarian! i should note, maple is her first name, and shade is her assigned last name. surnames can be passed down, but are usually chosen by the guild leader or requested by the guild member. anyways, on to the profile:
name: maple shade
race: tabaxi
height: 7’2
age: 35 yrs
pronouns: she/her
class: berserk fighter
alignment: chaotic evil
maple shade was once a member of the thunder guild. she betrayed her guild by sharing secrets and resources with a river guild member, apple dusk. to add insult to injury, she had children with him, and lied to the guild leader star oak about their father. she told the guild leader and his daughter, freckle wish, that they were birch face’s children. after the head cleric of thunder guild found out, she was banished alongside her toddler aged children. upon losing them to a raging river, she went on a rampage to seek revenge. she, along with star oak, roam the place of no stars alone and furious.
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lokitvsource · 1 year
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Loki Season 2's Press Tour Is Continuing Without Tom Hiddleston & Co.
The ongoing Hollywood strikes have made an impact on the promotion of Disney+’s Loki Season 2.
The fan-favorite Asgardian trickster Loki, as portrayed by Tom Hiddleston, will return for another season imminently. A second run for his self-titled Disney+ show hits in early October.
The Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild have been on strike for months now. A conclusion to these work stoppages doesn’t seem to be on the horizon either, resulting in a wave of delays for several high-profile film and TV projects. 
And, of course, SAG-AFTRA members have also been barred from promoting struck work, per union regulations.
Tom Hiddleston Won’t Be Promoting Loki
Due to the still-ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike, the stars of Loki Season 2 will not be permitted to do any press for the show. This includes actors like Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, and Sophia Di Martino. Any members of the WGA, which is also currently striking, will follow suit until a new agreement is reached with the studios.
To counteract this, Marvel Studios has sent Kevin Wright, an executive producer on Loki, to engage with the press and promote the series’ second season. Wright was seen at the recent Destination D23 presentation, where he spoke to attendees about what the God of Mischief will get up to next.
Marvel recently delayed a large swath of its Disney+ projects, including Echo and Daredevil: Born Again. Loki’s release plan, however, remained intact.
When Will the Hollywood Strikes Be Over?
It’s the question on everyone’s mind: when will Hollywood’s writers and actors be back to work? The short answer: no one knows, but potentially not soon.
The longer answer? The Writers Guild of America will keep striking until it makes what it deems is a fair deal with the AMPTP, which is the group through which the film studios negotiate.
The writers have demands that they feel must be met by management, including concerns over pay, residuals, and the use of artificial intelligence.
Only after the WGA has squared up with the studios will the AMPTP open negotiations with SAG-AFTRA.
In August, an offer was extended to the writers, which they promptly blasted as being ”not nearly enough.” Since then, things have been in a holding pattern, and neither side has returned to the bargaining table yet.
Marvel Studios’ Loki Season 2 premieres on Wednesday, October 6.
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ak-vintage · 1 month
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Please Note: This is an 18+ blog. Unless otherwise stated, all linked works can be assumed to contain adult content. Specific content and trigger warnings can be found on the individual posts/series masterlists.
Masterlist will be continuously updated as content is posted.
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Quarry - ONGOING
Din Djarin is on what he expects to be his last bounty hunt for Greef Karga. After all, Nevarro is swiftly moving away from its previous reputation as a Guild member’s paradise, and Din has more important concerns now, like finding a Jedi to train his mysterious foundling. However, after capturing a wanted starship engineer who would rather go anywhere other than “home,” the Mandalorian is forced to reassess his priorities. Your taste of freedom had been brief but glorious. Now you are a prisoner of the most infamous bounty hunter in the Outer Rim – it’s only a matter of time before he turns you in. There isn’t much you would not do to keep from being sent home, but as you find yourself growing closer to your captor and his strange little companion, you start to wonder whether escape is really what you want. Set after Chapter 13: The Jedi but before Chapter 14: The Tragedy.
I'd Like To - COMPLETE
Din has always struggled to prioritize his own happiness, even more so now that he is a single father. When some well-meaning friends create a dating app profile for him without his knowledge, he finds himself on his first date in years with a woman who seems determined to bring some much-needed softness to his life. Written for @hellishjoel's Hot DILF Summer Challenge
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Miller Tours | Secret Springs Resort - COMPLETE
Prompt: Joel Miller & Speedboat Rides Created for the Secret Springs event hosted by @secretelephanttattoo
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Whiskey's Sour | Secret Springs Resort - COMPLETE
Prompt: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) & Cocktail Bar Created for the Secret Springs event hosted by @secretelephanttattoo
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Frankie comes home after a long day at work and learns how you have been keeping cool in the midst of a heat wave. Prompt: Frankie Morales x Grapes Written for the @happypedrohoursCharcuterie Board Challenge
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Work of Art - COMPLETE
Your pregnancy brings out a vulnerability in Marcus you never would have expected. When he reluctantly shares his insecurities with you, you are more than happy to reaffirm your affection for each and every part of him.   Written for @joelmillerisapunkPPCU Body Worship Writing Challenge
The AK-Vintage Archives (works published pre-2023) can be found here.
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One thing I am curious about is how much Chuuya is important to the central story? Like he just appears when he needs to be here and then just gone
You know, at first my answer would've been just this: "Chuuya is not a main character and is not important to the central story but I am convinced he will be going forward."
But then I paused and thought about it... and realized something.
Chuuya hasn't shown up very much in the main manga, that much is true. However, the timing of his appearances is interesting because he always shows up during or slightly before a turning point in the story. Take a look at this:
Chapters 10 + 11, Port Mafia Arc: We are introduced to his character - he's one of the major character's (Dazai's) old partner. At the same time this is happening, Atsushi and Akutagawa are having their first real fight and shortly after, Chuuya tells Dazai that Akutagawa has the information on who placed the bounty, which brings the Guild into play.
Chapter 16, Guild Arc: Chuuya, along with many other mafia characters, is present when Mori is revealed as the boss, another significant event.
Chapters 21 and 22, Guild Arc: Chuuya is part of Mori's plan to pit the Agency and Guild against each other. Shortly after this, Q is released, marking another turning point.
Chapter 29, Guild Arc: Atsushi sees Chuuya ordering the protection of Yokohama from Q's curse. It is highly likely that his decision to form a temporary truce with the Mafia was a result of seeing Chuuya's actions.
Chapter 31, Guild Arc: The well-known Double Black chapter. Not only is this the first instance of the truce, but it is also the template for Dazai's later plan reveal - that he intends Atsushi and Akutagawa to be another Double Black.
Chapter 47, Cannibalism Arc: It's Chuuya who makes the first move and kickstarts the actual conflict. I believe this is the only time his actions and choices directly affect the main plot (which is... interesting actually...). Unfortunately in chapter 49, he is immediately sucked into Poe's book with little fanfare sidjcn
Chapter 62, Hunting Dogs Arc: Chuuya rescues the Agency members from the Hunting Dogs, which is the first semi-decent turn of events for the Agency in that arc.
Chapters 98 and 101, Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc: Chuuya shows up as a vampire (rip man). I don't know yet what the consequences of this will be but there will absolutely be consequences.
Idk, I do find it interesting that Chuuya appears to show up at transitory spots in the plotline, despite not playing an especially active role. I find it difficult to believe that's not significant in some way; after all, I've already commented on how Chuuya influences changes in Dazai. I'm starting to wonder if Chuuya's role from a meta sense is to induce change in some way - that would be a tad ironic, considering Chuuya... hasn't really changed much, and is still very much stuck in the same place he was, but now without a personal drive.
Whether you agree on the above though, I feel really confident that we're building up to something with him in the main story. What's more, I think this actually was always the plan, and not a decision made because Chuuya became really popular. While I don't think Asagiri is the type to really plan future events in any detail, I do think there is some general sense of where the characters are going. I have a few reasons to believe this.
Chuuya was in the manga before he even made his first appearance. If you check out Dazai's profile, Chuuya is mentioned as... one of his dislikes. Lol.
Chuuya was always going to be Dazai's ex-partner. It was the first thing decided about him, to my knowledge anyways. I've also noticed that Dazai, despite how much he appears, doesn't undergo a lot of development in the series proper (most of it's in the light novels, same as Chuuya). I suspect their development in the main series will once again run parallel as soon as Chuuya winds up with a more major role.
Asagiri and Harukawa spent the longest on Chuuya's design. And Asagiri always felt he was going to end up as a popular character, which is part of the reason why it took so long - he needed to look perfect.
Fifteen's afterword implies Chuuya's backstory was always going to be told eventually. Yes, the story was requested, but the response from Asagiri was "it's finally time to write this" not "oh ok if that's what the fans want".
Chuuya and Atsushi haven't even met yet, which is weird. Remember that Atsushi's decision to suggest a truce was likely influenced by his observation of Chuuya's actions. Also I find it strange that the Atsushi-Akutagawa duo are meant to be a new Dazai-Chuuya but one of each of the pair have... never met each other.
Chuuya's story is tied closely to the concept of singularities, ability user experimentation and the government (as well as the war's aftereffects by proxy). These themes run all throughout the world of bsd but have yet to be truly expanded on in the main manga.
Adam and Shirase are in London where the Order of the Clock Tower is. The Order is highly likely to play a major role going forward.
"His destination is still a secret" and "his will not be a peaceful, easy path" from the Stormbringer afterword. So, he's going to suffer more in the future. Yippee?
Anyways. This was a very long answer to your question anon but yeah. Chuuya will be important to the plot going forward and I believe that this was always the intention. It just doesn't make sense to have all this backstory and then not have any kind of payoff for it.
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pheita · 15 days
Character Profile Tag
I was tagged by @eternalwritingstudent
I will do this for Sojan from Blood Night
Sojan Kargoret Mahelgris
Kind of being:
Lust demon, coming from another dimension and hiding in the dimension of humans. The term lust demon was created by the priest of the Five because the natural magic of these demons cause every non-demon to become horny beyond sanity. This is one of the reasons Sojan is adamant about his magic blockers.
578 (equals roughly mid-thirties in human years)
Sojan is 6'5" with broad shoulders and the kind of muscular you would see with weight lifters. As human, he appears to be Caucasian with dark brown wavy hair and gray-blue eyes since he automatically took the appearance of the people around him when he entered the human dimension. As demon, his skin would be middle blue, and he has horns going from the sides of his forehead in a low curve over his head to the upper back of his head. The eyes get a more turquoise color and his hair a bluish-black.
Monster Hunt for the Hunter's Guild of Duwos
Family members:
Sojan is the third of five. The eldest one is Akejin, followed by their sister Simajin. After Sojan are the twins Rastenit and Ramirin, or short Ras and Ram, and last is Arritit. He has a stained relationship with his father since childhood, because his father Akamratit always had those stupid ideas of the glorious days of the demons that made them outcasts, and ended in Akamratit killing Akejin, the fiances of Sojan and Arritit to get his point across to not stop his plans. That happened almost hundred years ago and since then Sojan, Arritit and their mother Rahnirin fled to the human dimension. Only the twins Ras and Ram are still with their father and no one knowing where Simajin is.
As a child, he used to have a winged demon cat called Macak he loved dearly. Today he has his riding wolf Parin, he often calls oversized puppy because of its friendly and cuddly demeanor.
Describe their room:
His room in the guildhouse of Lagawood, which is his chosen home, is quite small with only a bed, a small wardrobe, a small table with two chairs and the view towards the outskirts of the city. You will often find a bag with rose candies or dried fruits at the table.
Way of speaking:
His way of speaking is not overly simple or overly complicated. Sojan likes to be clear and efficient in communication, which is also because it keeps you alive out there during a monster hunt. He has a slight accent from living for over 80 years in the mid-east area of the continent, what means he rumbles his R's and Ch's but the G is so soft it could easily be mistaken as J if you don't listen closely. Thanks to being a demon his speaks slightly melodic, something that carried over from his mother tongue.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitudes):
You will find him pinch the bridge of his nose a lot when he thinks hard or has to make a different decision. His eyes are always scanning the surrounding when he isn't at the guild house, a habit he learned the hard way. Sojan carries himself with the air of a seasoned fighter who has seen too many fights, tall standing but with this hint of weariness in his face. He is also a physical person who laughs a lot, hugs friends whenever a chance occurs and will always be the one to lay a calming hand on your shoulder.
He has a passion for cooking and baking, it helps him clear his mind.
Favorite sports:
Sojan doesn't do sport, unless you count being cuddled to death by agiant wolf counts
Technically, Sojan has magic, and strong one on top, but never got the hang of it besides basic stuff because his brain didn't like to understand it. So he blocked it away and never used it the last 90 years. Since he lives in the human dimension as a demon his senses are slightly better, and he is a bit stronger, ranging in the same are as elves with both and often gets away with "having elf heritage" as an excuse. He is good with animals, knows how to fight with a sword and axe but prefers sword, and has this talent to make friends effortless.
Relationships (interaction with others):
Arritit: His younger sister who he protected since she was born since the sisters before her decided to bully her all her life. There are days Sojan wonders how he deserved to have her a sister, especially when she makes him join her on some of her errands again. In the end, he will do everything for her. Lyran: The love interest, the young apparently human bard who is more than he appears to be with a danger kink and who called dibs the moment he saw Sojan. For a big part of the journey, Sojan wasn't sure if Lyran was serious about him or not and kept him at bay, but well, stubborn bards get what they want. Especially this one.
His biggest fear is his father. After losing his older brother and his fiancees to him and his crazy idea of a world dominated by demons, Sojan lives in constant fear this might happen again.
He can be an eremite when it comes down to personal stuff, which sometimes leads to him needing to be dragged along.
Good points:
Don't go into a fight unprepared. Sojan likes to know what he deals with before he acts, what sometimes appears as laziness.
What they want more than anything else:
To live just a calm, peaceful life without the dooming threat of his father.
I tag @ashen-crest @tabswrites @oh-no-another-idea @indecentpause @bee-barnes-author
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starrysnowdrop · 9 months
Random Lili Headcanons
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So I’m still so shocked at how well the Lili x Krile gposes were received!! I’m going to take a chunk of it as Krile hype (and rightfully so! Krile has been sidelined for far too long!), but I’m very happy that y’all seem to be curious about Lili as well! I’m still ironing out the details enough to write up a full profile (and I might make Lili her own sideblog for organizational purposes, but I haven’t decided yet), but I figured it was time to share some of my initial headcanons for her and where I think I’ll go with her story. This will be a random list of things that just pop into my head, so I apologize if I start to ramble a bit.
Lili is the name she likes to be called, but her full name is Lilika Lika, and it’s not only a canon compliment Dunesfolk name (unlike Hali, heh), but it’s also my little nod to Final Fantasy X, because I think it sounds similar to Kilika Island.
Lili’s pronouns are She/Her, she is cisgender, and a lesbian. She has had relations with men in her past when she was finding herself, but she came out as a lesbian when she was 20 years old.
She was born in Ul’dah and she is actually the distant cousin of Hali! Lili met Hali when Hali first arrived in Eorzea and looked up information on Nanani’s family (Nanani is Hali’s grandmother and Lili’s great aunt who left Ul’dah to marry her husband and live in Sharlayan).
Lili is descended from a prominent family whose members almost always become involved in the Order of Nald’thal, with many members also joining the Thaumaturge Guild. Lili tried her hand at Thaumaturgy but she found herself woefully unskilled in magic. Instead, she joined the Pugilist Guild and eventually trained in the techniques of the Ala Mhigan Monk.
I plan on Lili’s main canon job to be Monk from ARR-EW, but perhaps she trained briefly as a Samurai before she takes up the twin blades of a Viper for Dawntrail.
Unlike Hali who never believed in any forms of religion and only understands religion in an academic sense as a Sharlayan, Lili does believe in the Twelve and has her faith shaken by the events of the MSQ and of course the events of the Myths of the Realm raid series.
Lili has had several casual relationships, including a brief fling with Tataru during ARR and HW, but she never had any serious romantic feelings about someone until she met Krile.
I’m still working out a timeline of the Lili x Krile ship right now, but I’m thinking about them confessing their feelings and officially being in an exclusive relationship around Post ShB to Pre EW. Sometime in the 5.3-5.55 range. They get together before Hali and Aymeric do at least.
Lili is represented by opposing symbolism to Hali, and they are a duality of forces. Hali’s symbols are water, ice, darkness, night, stars, spring, etc. whereas Lili’s symbols are fire, light, day, sun, autumn, etc. Hali is a magic user and Lili is a melee fighter. Hali is extroverted and highly emotional while Lili is introverted, practical, and usually in control of her emotions.
That’s all I’ve got for now! I’ll be working on a full profile for Lili in the meantime, so please look forward to it! Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 🥰💖
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raygirlramblings · 9 months
I forgot to send my proof ;OTL
But I thought I'd share it and your thoughts as well! Rayman even has a "Nothing is true, Everything is permitted" moment!
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Idk if you or anyone else has thought about it. But Rayman in the Lawserhawk series is a canonical assassin in the brotherhood, and I have proof to back up that theory >3<
^ this was a previous ask and followed by the attached proof :)
Ok so there is a lot to unpack here and keep in mind I know NEXT TO NOTHING about Assassin's Creed lore XD So I can't speak with any authority or knowledge on the rules of Assassin structure.
I do like what you've put together here! It's a good spot to see how the other members of the ghosts do not fit into the Assassin's rules for various reasons. Though I would argue that Jade actually stuck to her role because she still managed to subdue the tiger dude even if it wasn't the planned way. She didn't reveal herself to the public or the 3 bodyguards in Pagan's base. It's not her fault that she was being forced to play against her type and it backfired; unlike other members of the team (COUGH DOLPH LASERHAWK COUGH) she stuck to the plan and kept a low-ish profile ;D Bullfrog would have been proud.
Also I would argue Pagan was in no way an innocent considering he would have absolutely killed all the Ghosts given the chance. And if Pagan counts as an 'innocent' because he wasn't a direct target then Bullfrog will have to answer for all the tiger guards he killed randomly breaking into the hideout XD HE WAS TOTALLY DOWN TO MURDER PAGAN TOO XD
Now Rayman on the other hand I agree, it's nice to see that he took out that one guard in a peaceful way (certainly more peaceful than Bullfrog with the tiger mob members...but they were mobsters so whatev) before going ham on the council, though you could put that down to him trying to keep quiet until he reached his goal.
I think my only issue is that we didn't get so see much of the council members before Rayman kills them. We only get to know Sarah and see the others briefly in phonecalls with Rayman. I'm not trying to say they're innocents in any way but Ramon killing them feels strange to me. It understandable, but it doesn't feel RIGHT. Or righteous. Or victorious.
I dunno, from what I understand on Assassin's Creed the role of an assassin is a noble one and you can't just go ham on people because they pissed you off. Ramon literally shot one of the council members before making his demands and killed the rest after they agreed to them because he was pissed off. He's not in the mental state to be an effective assassin.
Thooooooough that doesn't mean he can't learn some things from a noble little frenchman :3c
ANYWAY there is a lot to unpack and discuss here, and I would love to know more about the assassins guild that raised and trained Bullfrog in this cyberpunk alternate reality and what their unique rules dictate :D
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Clan of Three (Book 1) Chapter Twelve
Father Figure! Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twelve: The Offer
Summary: Mando gets an interesting message, and he has to consider bringing his foundlings closer to danger.
            (Y/N) flipped their dagger between their fingers after they finished the latest job. It had been a simple one, just a bail jumper, but Mando knew a low-profile job would help them lay low while making some money. It had gone well, and Mando, (Y/N), and the Child were back on the road, flying through space until they came across another planet Mando was willing to stop on and find a job.
            (Y/N)’s fighting had definitely improved. They were more adept at thinking in the moment and adapting to the fight. It came naturally to them, like their senses were attuned to understanding what their enemy was planning on.
            Not for the first time, Mando wondered whether their natural talent at being in battle and their strangely heightened senses could be attributed to their weird abilities. Mando had never been around one, let alone two, people with “magic,” so he couldn’t know for sure, but nothing really felt out of the question.
            Mando turned back from where he was watching (Y/N) twirl their Ushti dagger when a sudden holographic communication came through. Mando let it play.
            The small form of Greef Karga appeared on the Razorcrest dashboard. “My friend, if you are receiving this transmission, that means you are alive.”
            Mando focused more intently. Something seemed somber in Karga’s done. (Y/N) and the Child sensed it too, growing quiet and leaning forward.
            “You might be surprised to hear this, but I am alive too. I guess we can call it even,” continued Karga’s message. “A lot has happened since we last saw each other. The man who hired you is still here, and his ranks of ex-imperial guards have grown. They have imposed despotic rule over my city, which has impeded the livelihood of the Guild. We consider him an enemy, but we cannot get close enough to take him out. If you would consider one last commission, I will very much make it worth your while.
            “You have been successful so far in staving off their hunters, but they will not stop until they have their prizes,” said Karga. “So, here is my proposition: Return to Nevarro. Bring the children as bait. I will arrange an exchange and provide loyal Guild members as protection. Once we get near the client, you kill him, and we both get what we want. If you succeed, you keep the children, and I will have your name cleared with the Guild, for a man of honor should not be forced to live in exile. I await your arrival with optimism.” The message ended.
            A moment of silence passed as the Child and (Y/N) watched Mando.
            “What are we gonna do?” asked (Y/N).
            “The job would benefit us, but if it went wrong, I’d be dead, and you two will be back with the Empire,” said Mando honestly.
            “But if we did it, your name would be clear, and the Guild and the Client wouldn’t be after us,” said (Y/N).
            Mando turned around in his seat. “It will be dangerous.”
            “I’m willing to fight,” said (Y/N) fiercely.
            Mando considered for a moment. But only for a moment, as his desire for his honor and to really rid the world of the Client threatening his foundlings overcame any feelings of doubt. Mando turned back to the control panel. “We’ll grab some reinforcements.”
            (Y/N) perked up. “Cara?”
            “And the Ugnaught,” confirmed Mando. “We can’t trust the Guild members yet.”
            “I wouldn’t anyways,” said (Y/N) as Mando redirected the Razorcrest towards Sorgan.
            Mando and (Y/N) walked into the Sorgan bar they had visited on their last trip. Inside, Cara was finishing up some sort of wrestling match, gleefully proving her strengths over the large alien before her and collecting her gambling money. Cara turned and paused when she saw them.
            “Looking for some work?” asked Mando.
            Cara chuckled. “Let me get a drink.”
            Mando and (Y/N) sat down as Cara bought a bottle of alcohol and took a seat across from them. Mando let her pour a drink before explaining the situation. Cara was somber as she listened, carefully weighing her options.
            “It seems like a straightforward operation,” said Mando. “They’re providing the plan and firepower.”
            “We’re the snare,” said (Y/N).
            “That’s why we’re coming to you,” said Mando.
            “I don’t know. I’ve been advised to lay low,” said Cara. “If anybody runs my chain code, I’ll rot in a cell for the rest of my life.”
            “Aren’t you a veteran?” asked (Y/N), raising an eyebrow.
            “Yeah, but I’ve been a lot of things since. Most of them carry a life sentence,” said Cara. “If I so much as book passage on a ship registered to the New Republic, I’m…” She trailed off and made a face.
            “I have a ship. I can bring you there and back with a handsome reward,” offered Mando. “You can live free of worry.”
            “I’m already free of worry,” said Cara. “And I’m not in the mood to play soldier anymore. Especially fighting some local warlord.”
            “He’s not a local,” said (Y/N). They made eye contact with Cara. “He’s imperial.”
            Cara was silent before smirking. “I’m in.”
            Mando nodded. “Grab your weapons. We have another stop to make at Arvala-7.”
            The Razorcrest landed just outside of the Ugnaught’s vapor farm. He met them outside and nodded in greeting, calmly walking them into his home.
            “You have grown. Stronger,” observed the Ugnaught, nodding approvingly at (Y/N), who just shrugged. “The Child hasn’t grown much,” he observed, glancing at the Child.
            “I think he might be a Strand-Cast,” said Mando.
            “I don’t think he’s engineered,” said the Ugnaught. “I’ve worked in the gene farms. This one looks evolved. Too ugly.” He gestured to Cara. “This one, on the other hand, looks like she was farmed in the Cytocaves of Nora.”
            “This is Cara Dune. She was a shock trooper,” said Mando.
            “You were a Dropper?” asked the Ugnaught.
            “Did you serve?” questioned Cara.
            “On the other side, I’m afraid,” said the Ugnaught. “But I’m proud to say that I paid out my clan’s debt, and now I serve no one but myself.”
            From behind him, a very familiar droid entered the house with a platter of drinks. It was IG-11, the droid that had tried to kill (Y/N) and the Child. (Y/N) grabbed the Child’s new cradle, fashioned on one of their latest jobs, and pulled him behind them as Mando stood and pulled a blaster. Cara reacted with him, her training come in handy with quick reflexes.
            “Would anyone care for some tea?” asked IG-11.
            The Ugnaught raised a hand. “Please lower your blasters. He will not harm you.”
            “That thing is programmed to kill the kids,” said Mando watchfully.
            “Not anymore,” corrected the Ugnaught. He gestured to the IG unit calmly placing the platter on the table. “It was left behind in the wake of your destruction. I found it laying where it fell. Devoid of all life. I recovered the flotsam and staked it as my own in accordance with the Charter of the New Republic. Little remained of its neural harness. Reconstruction was quite difficult but not impossible. It had to learn everything from scratch. This is something that cannot be taught with the twist of a spanner. It requires patience and repetition. I spent day after day reinforcing its development with patience and affirmation. It developed a personality as its experiences grew.”
            “Is it still a hunter?” asked (Y/N).
            “No. But it will protect,” said the Ugnaught.
            Mando stared solemnly at the IG unit. “Tea?” it offered. Mando sighed.
            “I must tend to the Blurrgs,” said the Ugnaught, rising.
            He left without another word, in a very Ugnaught fashion. Mando rose and followed to speak with him. (Y/N) watched for the entrance. Cara leaned back.
            “So, you’re still traveling with him?” she asked.
            (Y/N) glanced back. “Yeah.”
            “You move differently,” observed Cara. She grinned. “He taught you to fight better, didn’t he?”
            (Y/N) smiled. “He did.”
            “Good,” said Cara, nodding. “You good at it?”
            “Of course,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms.
            Cara chuckled. “Knew you had the fight in you.”
            (Y/N) smiled and looked over at the Ugnaught and Mando. They were walking back over. “I think he convinced him.”
            The Ugnaught approached them. “I, Kuiil, will join you. IG and I shall protect. And the blurrgs will join me as well.” Cara and (Y/N) frowned, looking at Mando, who didn’t react. “I have spoken.”
            The group was ready to go.
            Kuiil fed the blurrgs and patted them on the head before letting them rest aboard the Razorcrest. (Y/N) and the Child were watching Cara and Mando arm-wrestle.
            “I got you, Mando,” said Cara, grinning.
            “Care to double the bet?” said Mando, straining against her.
            The Child’s eyes softened in worry as he saw his father, for what else could he call the shiny man taking care of him?, in what he thought was a fight. He raised a hand, looking directly at Cara, the woman “threatening” Mando. He clenched his little fist.
            Cara gasped and let go of Mando to clutched her neck. She was acting like she was being choked.
            (Y/N) felt a ripple run through them, and they looked down to see the Child’s movements. It was the abilities they shared. “Hey, hey, hey, buddy, no! Stop!” They covered his hand, and the Child blinked in confusion as he let Cara go. “She’s a friend!”
            “That is not okay!” gasped Cara.
            “Hmm. Very curious,” said Kuiil.
            “Curious?! He almost killed me,” said Cara.
            “Hey, he thought you two were fighting. He was trying to help Mando,” said (Y/N), patting the Child on the head.
            Mando deadpanned. Of course they would encourage the kid fighting. “It’s fine, kid,” said Mando, looking at the Child, who perked up. “We’re friends.” The Child babbled happily.
            “The story you told me of the mudhorn now makes more sense,” said Kuiil, nodding to Mando. He looked at (Y/N). “You can do what the Child can.” It was a statement, not a question, but (Y/N) nodded shortly.
            “What is it?” asked Mando.
            “I’ve heard rumors of what it is they can do,” said Kuiil.
            “Really?” asked (Y/N), eager for possible answers about the strange powers they displayed. They needed some explanation about the chaos going on around them.
            “What? When you worked for the Empire?” muttered Cara.
            “When I was sold to the Empire, it was indentured servitude,” said Kuiil.
            “Yet somehow, you walk free,” said Cara.
            “I bought my freedom through the skill of my hands and the labor of three of your human lifetimes,” said Kuiil sternly. “Do not cast doubt upon that of what I am nor whom I shall serve.”
            “Tell you what. I could really use your craftwork right now,” said Mando, diffusing the tension. He picked up the Child and motioned to the makeshift cradle. “Can you pad this container so the child can sleep better?”
            “I shall fabricate a better one,” said Kuiil. “Then perhaps this Dropper can see how one can win their freedom with the skill of one’s hands.” And then, without another word, he set to work creating a new cradle for the Child while the Razorcrest flew towards Nevarro.
            “So we’re headed to Nevarro,” said Cara.
            “Have you ever been?” asked Mando.
            “No,” responded Cara. “We lost a lot of our forces there. The city’s dug in pretty deep. No cover when you drop in. It stayed in Empire control until the end of the war.”
            “The warlord we’re taking out was an imperial officer,” said Mando.
            “What station?” asked Cara.
            Mando looked at (Y/N). “Did you see any insignia?”
            (Y/N) shook their head. “Nope. I just knew that he seemed important, and even the doctor guy was scared.”
            “And I took out the safehouse when I snatched you and the kid,” said Mando. “More imps have reinforced since.”
            “There’s something more going on,” decided Cara.
            “Maybe,” said Mando.
            “Probably,” added (Y/N).
            “We’ll find out more when we land,” said Mando.
            (Y/N) nodded, and out of habit, they began twisting their knife in their hand. They were preparing themself for a fight. They knew something would go wrong, nothing could be this easy. But (Y/N) had to do it. They knew they did.
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