#guy. ph my god. why would they do that to my girl. why why.
navysealt4t · 6 months
oh my god
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yourmissnobody · 10 months
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Why Shohei Ohtani?
So this year I just got into baseball sports, though I have already tried it, but God didn't bless me to be a pitcher or hitter. I think it started last May when I just followed Shohei on Instagram like nothing else. Then here comes August, where it all starts with admiring him more. To tell you honestly, I never found any athletes because they are kind of out of my league. I have never been into sports, though I kind of appreciate some athletes like LeBron, Kobe, and some iconic athletes. I was never a big fan of them. Then Shohei came out of nowhere (LOL) and kind of appreciated his face, body, and height. So I kinda eyeing on him. The. I started to watch clips of his games. Damn girl, the way he hits those baseball balls is so amazing, as is the way he pitches and throws. I cannot say more. He is a very talented person, and he is so good at baseball. So there I started to be fan, and heres my thing call me weirdo or what but whenever I am a fan of a certain artist I kinda leave them message in Instagram and Message them to encourage or appreciate them. I know they don't have time to read fan mail or messages, but what if God gave me a chance that they might open and read my message? Like, who knows, maybe one day—not today, but one day—they might be able to read my message for them. So I've been leaving him messages and congratulating him whenever he wins and all. Never in my life have I had standards for a man, but when Shohei came, booooom! He is now my standard for men. I don't know why, but I always like men who are out of my league, like impossible to reach or meet. I always prayed that one day I would meet Shohei live, watch every game he had, and clap and give standing ovations even if others were not. I will remain his fan, even if others hate him or do not like him. I always promise myself that my dream of meeting Shohei won't just be a dream; it will become real in life. I don't know Shohei personally that much, but seriously, I think he's a great guy, not only as a player but also as a person. You see, I am really a fan of him because of every detail he had, like his soft hair (though I don't know if it's soft just by looking at the videos; they're kind of soft), down to his face and cute nose and cute little smile, down to his broad shoulder (ooh, the shoulders are always my thing, hihih), to the big biceps and veins in his hands, down to his strong legs and all. His art is a beautiful art—perfectly flawed but very beautiful art. Then I watched his games and subscribed to MLB (I'm just going to watch the internet because LA and PH are so far away).
Aside from his physical appearance and being a great player, one thing I really admire about him is how motivated he is in baseball, how organized he is in his life, and how he plans everything to reach his goal. (Watch his documentary at Disney; you will understand him more.) Wow, this person knows himself so well, and here I am, your little Miss. Nobody is lost in the woods! As a person who is demotivated in life lately, as a person who has been lost in life, as a person who doesn't know what to do, as a person who has been tired of life and who has been wishing to become a leaf (yes, that's me, as a person is me), I am really amazed by Shohei. I wish I had the qualities like him, I wish I had the guts like him, I wish I was strong enough to face challenges instead of running away, and I wish I was confident like him. I really wish I was like Shohei; maybe today I'm not a sad person. Maybe today I am not suffering a lot; maybe today I was on the greater version. But yeah, all are I wish, and I was. I cannot even act on it (lol, silly me). Seeing Shohei kind of gives me motivation to try harder in life; he's kind of my role model right now. That's why I'm a fan of him. If only this letter could reach him (haha, I will be honored), these are the reasons why I admire him a lot. His physical appearance and being a good player are additional points to him. What I admire most about him is how he is handling his life.
If I am given a chance or this thing could reach you, this is what I can say.
Dear Mr. Shohei
I know you don't read fan messages, but just in case this thing reaches you, I would just like you to know that I admire you so much, not just as a player but also as a person. I'm going to be the No. 1 cheerleader for you, will clap my hands, will shout your name, and will stand for you even if no one else does. I will always believe in you, even if others do not, and I will always get you back. I will always pray for your good health and safety. May God take away the pain that you feel today. No matter what you have gone through, you have won. I am proud of you.
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dragonmuse · 2 years
I am so in love with the darkest timeline oh my god. Do the rest of the crew ever suspect anything is awry? And also... if Jim and Lucius snag Charlie and Alma, what about Read? Does she ever find her way into their web?
(I know I promised some Charlie , but you know i gotta get my girl in the mix. And soft request anon, I see you and you are valid and I will be back with some Whina content in the next few days too!)
On the mornings after nights when Lucius hasn’t come home, Izzy will go for a long walk.  He knew Lucius has other things (other people sometimes) to do and he made his peace with that a long time ago. That didn’t mean he didn’t miss his company. So he went for his walks, paces out the neighborhood. Sometimes he'll run an errand, but the longer he settled into his semi-retirement, the less he felt the compulsion to make everything useful.  
Lucius found this habit charming and would often ask Izzy where he went, so he tried to vary the route so he’d have something to tell him. Once, he worried he was boring Lucius. 
“Oh, darling,” Lucius kissed his knuckles. “It’s so restful to hear about your day. Never boring.” 
It could still be hard to tell when Lucius was being sincere, but Izzy accepted it and if Lucius was actually bored that was on him now. 
Today, he angled toward the park with the intent of crossing it and maybe hunting down the little cookies that they both liked to dip into their coffee after a heavy dinner.  He made it two blocks down. There, in front of the bodega, was one of the kids he kept his eye on from time to time. Habit, tracking potential dangers. 
Good thing because one of the ones he’d gotten sort of fond of (only in theory, they’d never said two words to each other) was in the middle of fighting for their fucking life.  Izzy hadn’t really taken in the hour when he set off and it was still pre-dawn light.  (Maybe he didn’t sleep that well without Lucius anymore. Maybe sometimes he sat up and nursed a single glass of whiskey staring blankly out the enormous window.)  
He watched the kid fight back. They were scrappy and fast and bigger than their assailants, but they were also definitely losing. 
Fire sang in his blood. With a surge of adrenaline, he waded into the fight, throwing punches, elbows and headbutting one guy hard enough to make his ears ring a little. It was glorious. When they were in a heap and he could catch his breath, he found the kid huffing right along with him, a fierce look on their face. 
“You’re the brown bag guy,” they said like it was an accusation. 
“You’ve got that one reusable shopping bag. It’s brown. You’re always going out and coming back with it full.” 
“Oh.” Izzy nodded vaguely. “Yeah. That’s me. Izzy. You?” 
“Read,” they said. “Thanks. I could’ve...or maybe not. So. Thanks.” 
“What’d they want with you anyway?” 
“Just to roll me. I made some cash on my last job and they knew it. Not enough to make the fight worth it,  but I get it.”
“You’re bleeding.” 
“I am?” 
“And I think they broke your nose.” 
“No,” they attempted to sniffle and winced. “I’m good.” 
“Come back to my place, I’ll fix you up,” he offered.  
“Uh, yeah no. Not going with a stranger to their place to get stabbed.” 
“Smart. Generally. But right now you’re a walking mark for these assholes as soon as they get themselves together enough to try again,” he pointed out. “And I don’t need your money.” 
Read wavered, he could tell. 
“I’ll make you breakfast.” 
“I don’t need your charity.” 
“Everyone needs some fucking help sometimes,” he said gruffly. “It’s just life. Come on, if you’re coming.” 
To his relief, Read did follow, trailing reluctantly behind him. The doorman was discreet and didn’t so much as give the kid a second look. When Izzy turned his key in the elevator so he could hit the PH button, Read snorted, 
“What, you really live up there?” 
“Why not?” He asked with a faint smile. 
“Cause..I mean,” Read hesitated. “I just...you don’t look like a rich guy.” 
“What do I look like?” 
“Like you know how to punch someone.” 
“Yeah, turns out rich people can do that too. Money just means we get away with it more often.” 
The elevator opened into an entrance alcove. Izzy sat down to take off his boots. He didn’t have to say a word to Read, they just took off their shoes like it was old habit, then waited for him to lead them into the living room. 
Read’s little gasp made him smile fractionally. The apartment was ridiculous, but it was home now and he was used to it. Nice to see it fresh through someone else's eyes. The two story windows that looked over the tops of many other buildings, high enough that the river was visible. The furniture was richly colored and laid out for maximum advantage of the views. The sweeping walls were painted a lush blue and hung with a dizzying array of paintings, some real and some Lucius’ clever work and still others his original pieces. 
“Wow,” Read said quietly. 
“Yeah, it’s home. Come on,” he led her into the closest bathroom. Their suite’s was enormous, but this more guest-friendly room was simpler. Toilet and sink. Spacious, but not particularly grand.  
“Put the seat down and sit,” he instructed and got out his kit. 
In twenty minutes, he had her patched up and ensconced at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee while he made them both breakfast. He usually didn’t eat much first thing, but the fight had him riled and hungry. He made a hash, mixing in vegetables and diced bits of bacon.  
He didn’t ask Read questions while they ate, letting them concentrate on suctioning up the full plate of food. Phone in hand, he ran a few things and got back quiet pings. Mary Read, freshly twenty-one, and declared missing by someone that was likely her mother over three years ago. The name unspooled articles and while Read ate her toast, Izzy learned that she had put away a lot of bad people. He could guess why as she nimbly handled a fork in her prosthetic. 
“I can make this disappear,” he set down the phone and let her see the missing persons listing. 
“That’s not me,” she said, fork clattering to the plate. 
“Yeah, it is. I don’t care. But you’re running from something that you don’t have to run from. You’re an adult. You’re not missing, are you?” 
“I know where I am.” She didn’t pick the fork back up. 
“Then I’ll get rid of it.” 
“What do you want from me?” 
Izzy picked up his phone and started moving the pieces around that he needed to move. It was a good question. He had no practical use for a Read.  But...
“You’re a useful person. My husband likes useful people.” 
“That sounds really ominous.” 
“He has a company with a few holdings. Specialized security is the main thing, but he and his partner own a bar too. Practically always hiring.” 
“Who said I want a job?” 
He gave her a bland look, “I can’t guarantee he’d hire you, but I know he won’t if you’ve got police looking for you.“ 
“...please get rid of it,” she slumped, picking the fork back up. “And please don’t make me regret it.” 
“No apologies,” he typed quickly. “No regrets.” 
Izzy: I brought someone home. not for sex. She needed some help. 
Lucius: A stray? Really? 
Izzy: I’ve had some good luck with strays. 
Lucius: Cute. Fine. I’ll bite. Why did you bring them home? 
Izzy: why do I bring anything home? 
Lucius: A gift for me? Fascinating. I’ll be home by five. 
Read had taken to the second floor living room better than the grand one on the first. It was cozier, mostly big couches with lots of blankets thrown everywhere. It was where Lucius and Izzy spend much of their downtime and it was nice to know someone was rattling around in there as Izzy went into this office and got some work done. 
He gave her lunch hours later and let her help put dinner into the slow cooker, so she could feel useful. By then, she had unwound enough that she accepted his offer of some of Lucius’ old sweatpants and sweatshirt and the use of the guest bathroom. The things would be a little on the small side, but at least they’d be clean. He threw her old things into the washer. 
The smell of caramelized onions filled the downstairs by the time the elevator monitor alerted him to Lucius’ arrival home. He made it a point to leave Read lounging and going down to greet Lucius on his own. 
“Darling,” Lucius smiled wide when Izzy reached him. “I missed you.” 
“Missed you too,” he tilted up his chin and was rewarded with a kiss, Lucius hand cupping the back of his neck, fingers flexing there. “How was your day?” 
“Mm, middling. We’re in the middle of the planning phase and you know how Jim gets in the middle of planning. Every other idea I have is the worst thing they’ve ever heard. We wound up taking a break and walking to get lunch,” he went on strumming his fingers over Izzy’s vertebrae. “It evened out in the end. But tell me about your day?” 
“Come meet her.” 
“Mm, all right, show me your find.” 
Read stood up as Lucius entered the room. There was fear in her eyes, but she’d been afraid of Izzy this morning too.  
“Read, this is my husband Lucius. Lucius, this is Read.” 
“Nice to meet someone who looks better in my clothes then I do,” Lucius put on his warmest smile for her and Read hesitated then smiled back ever so slightly. 
“Thanks for the lend. I told Izzy I didn’t need anything, but he said you wouldn’t mind?” 
“How could I mind?” Lucius shook his head. “It’s fine. I’m glad you got some food in you too. Come, sit, let’s talk a little.” 
Izzy hovered until Lucius turned his hand palm up, an open invitation. He settled beside him, slid his fingers through Lucius’ and relaxed into the grip on his hand. Vaguely, he followed the conversation between them only vaguely after a while. Lucius was rubbing slow circles over the top of his hand and all his concentration had narrowed to that small touch. 
“Darling?” Lucius nudged him. 
“Ready for dinner?” 
“Yeah, of course.” 
He found out over dinner that Read has tentatively agreed to training under Fang for some security gigs. 
“She’ll have to get licenced if she wants to pursue anything, of course,” Lucius said solemnly, but Izzy heard the wink in his voice. Returned it with a small smile. “But that’s a later conversation. For now though, she’ll be staying here tonight.” 
“I will?” Read’s forehead wrinkled up. “I have a bed.” 
“And we have a better one,” Lucius said in a tone that brooked no argument. “You’ll take the guest room.” 
Read didn’t push back, but she didn’t talk much at all. IT was only when Izzy started loading the dishwasher and Lucius went back upstairs to change out of his work clothes that she sidled up beside him. 
“You know he’s...” she trailed off, fidgeted.  
“He’s what?” Izzy asked, and he kept his voice soft. 
“Will I be okay? Will you?” 
Izzy scrapped scraps of vegetables into the garbage disposal. He reached out an pushed the button that ground everything into a pulp and whisked it away. No matter how much money one put into a garbage disposal, it was still loud. He let it run as he turned to her. 
“If you listen, if you learn, you’ll never have another hungry day in your life and he’ll take good care of you. So will Jim. Or you can walk out of here right now,  try your hand with other fates.” 
“But what’s the cost?” She demanded.  
“Of what?” 
He reached for the button. “Everything.” 
She stayed the night. He expected her to be gone in the morning, but when he woke and went downstairs to start coffee, he found her at the windows. Even at her height, she looked small against the backdrop of the city. 
“I’m so tired,” she muttered as he came up beside her. “And that bed is amazing. I feel really cheaply bought.” 
“It’s an expensive mattress,” he snorted. “And you aren’t bought yet.” 
She stayed in the apartment another two days, getting fed back up and healed. Then she went with Lucius to work. Returned with him that night, bubbling over. She liked Fang, who had apparently doted on her, and Ivan, who had been impressed by what she could bench despite her claiming to be out of shape. She liked the idea of sweeping perimeters and playing chauffeur to rich clients. 
“And Jim is...” she searched for a word. Lucius was tapping away at his phone, but by the slight smile, Izzy knew he was listening. Waiting. “Really fucking cool.” 
“Yeah,” Izzy huffed a laugh. Not sure if he was relieved or devastated.  “They can be.” 
She stayed in their guest room for a month or so before Lucius was clearly fed up with having another body around. To Izzy’s surprise though, he just handed her a key. 
“There’s an empty apartment on the floor below us. It’s yours as long as you work for me.” 
“Why?” She asked, bewildered. 
“You’ll be on call from now on. Sometimes I need a bodyguard.” 
“You?” She raised her eyebrows. 
“Sometimes I’m a little too busy to watch my own back,” he sniffed. “Yes or no?” 
“Yes, all right.” 
But Izzy figured out the real motive not long after that. Lucius packed for a trip and said casually, 
“You should have Read over for dinner.” 
She was a gift for him. A companion when Lucius was away. Izzy slid his arms around Lucius’ waist, rested his forehead to his shoulders. With a chuckle, Lucius rested his own hand over Izzy’s. 
“Thank you.” 
“Of course, darling,” Lucius turned to kiss him. “You deserve anything you want. But when you can’t have it, you know I’ll make sure you at least have what you need.” 
Read sank into the business inch by inch, but it didn’t touch her core the way it did some others. She stayed an essentially happy person and having her around made Izzy happier too. Which of course pleased Lucius and made him reward Read all the more. It was a good loop. And it mean that when Read met Anne, Jack disappeared as if he’d never even been. 
Anne was good with paperwork. Izzy didn’t mind training her to replace more of his labors. It meant they were both around the house often. It filled the tall ceilings with laughter.
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top-tier-tickles · 2 years
No Apologies at The Prize Counter
This is a FNAF: Blueycapsules tickle fic requested by 🎡 anon. Good God, I am SO SORRY FOR THE TIMING OF THIS FIC 😭. Oh, and I use multiple pronouns for Mangle, like in the comic. Hope that clears up any confusion. There are NO SHIPS IN THIS FIC!!! Anyway enjoy!
Jeremy sobbed on the floor of the restaurant, his hands clutching the shredded remains of his tickets. Dave just had to go and do it. The teen had pissed him off, so Dave went and tossed the tickets away.
And unfortunately, Mangle saw that as playing catch.
They caught them, accidentally tearing them to pieces in the process.
"N-Now, Jeremy, there's no need to fuss-" Dave had tried to "comfort" him, his tangy southern accent faltering.
"FUCK OFF!" Jeremy retorted, still crying.
As Dave tried to diffuse the situation, his spine shivered as he felt an ominous presence enter the room. He stomach sank as he turned around to see their boss, Philip Guy (pronounced as Gee).
"Ph-Philerp, what a pleasant surprise!"
Phil arched a brow, looking at Dave, then Jeremy, then back to Dave.
"What happened?" He asked, hands on his hips.
"W-Well, nothing, really! We just-"
"YOU'LL REGRET THIS, YOU BASTARD!" Jeremy interrupted.
You could almost feel the heat in the room rising as Phil grew angrier. His nose scrunched, his pointed teeth beginning to poke out.
"Mr. Miller, may I speak with you on this matter, alone?..." he asked.
Welp. This is it.
William J. Afton, code name: David Miller, has fucked up.
Reluctantly, he followed the shorter man. They went into a hallway out of earshot from Jeremy.
"What happened?" Phil asked.
"Well, I may have destroyed Jeremy's tickets that he won..." Dave gradually got quieter as he admitted to his crime, but not so quiet that Phil couldn't hear him.
"Are you serious?! Why would you do that?!"
"I-it was an accident! I swear upon the lone star! That fox was just in the wrong place at the wrong time!"
"I'm not looking for your excuses, Mr. Miller. Right now, my focus is on the crying kid out there!"
It was both horrifying and hilarious how scary Phil could get. You just needed to push the right buttons. Dave could say he was almost proud of how Phil handled himself, it almost reminded him of Henry.
But right now, he was wondering if this was the same man who worked for him years back.
"If you'd like to get your paycheck this week, I suggest you march your ass over there, and apologize to Mr. Fitzgerald, and I don't wanna hear another word about it until I see a genuine smile on his face! Do I make myself clear?..."
"C-Clear as a crystal, Philerp."
With that, he walked back into his office, closing the door behind him.
Dave returned to the dining area, seeing Jeremy sitting at a table sulking.
Mangle noticed this, and quickly laid their head on the table next to Jeremy, a small noise, similar to a whine emitting from her voice box.
"Aww, it's alright, girl. I know you didn't mean to..." Jeremy cooed, rubbing the animatronic's head.
Ok, this was just depressing.
"Hey, Jeremy..."
The teen whipped around, glaring at Dave with a look that could've sliced him clean in half.
"I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for the turmoil I've caused ya. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me..." the "texan" did his best to sound genuine.
Jeremy scoffed, "Yeah, right, jackass."
"I mean it! I never meant to tear your damn tickets!"
"Why the hell did you go and throw them, then?!"
"I was fucking with you! What the hell do ya even want the fucking tickets for, anyway?!"
Jeremy stood once again, making his way to the prize corner, and pointing at one of the prizes hanging on the wall.
A red cap, with a tiny plush Toy Freddy sewn onto the front above the bill, marked for 3,500 tickets.
Dave squinted, "You know, you probably could just take that. We've got lots more stuffed in a box in the back."
"Have you no HONOR, Dave Miller?!," Jeremy gasped, "A noble man doesn't just take what he wants! He fights and he earns that prize! And I had earned 2,430 of those tickets, and now all of my progress has just been destroyed!"
The teen slumped back into the chair, laying his head in his arms.
Dave bit his lip, desperately looking for a solution.
"Y'know, I'm sure that if you explained the situation to Philerp, he'd be happy to replace all your tickets."
"You think?" Jeremy turned back to the short texan, intrigued.
"I'm sure. Do you forgive me?"
Jeremy's expression fell, turning his back to Dave, crossing his arms.
Real mature.
Dave surfed through his mind to find a possible solution to this predicament. Suddenly, he had it!
Whenever Vincent or Henry would piss him off, he'd tickle the shit out of them! That could work for Jeremy.
Quietly, he snuck to the blonde's side, gently poking it, resulting in a yelp from the teenager.
"Dave, don't even fucking think about it...."
"Think 'bout what? Oh, this?" He replied, wiggling his fingers into Jeremy's ribs.
"DAHAHahahave! DON'T!-"
Jeremy began to burst into giggles as Dave went on.
"There's a smile! Let's make sure it stays there!"
"NAHAHAHOHOHOHO! FUHUHUCK OFF! HAHAHA!" Jeremy's laughter spiked as his stomach was kneaded.
"Oh, dear, getting sassy now, are we? Well, back in Texas, we had this ol' warning about attitudes."
"'Old'?! Mr. Fitzgerald, I never! Looks like this 'old man story' is provin' to be true..."
"Oh, yeah. Way back when, there was a legend back in my hometown. Meant as cautionary tale to any youngins who misbehaved. A monster would mark them as it's next victim if they didn't shape up..."
Dave's hands began to traverse all around Jeremy's torso, tickling several spots at once.
"Do you know what kind of monster it was?..."
"Well, he goes by the name of...."
Dave suddenly dove his hands in, clawing at the blonde's hips.
"The Tickle Monster..."
"Should've heeded the warning, Jeremy. Now the Tickle Monster will feast on your laughter...."
"There is but one way to deter this vicious beast, kid."
"It's that you stop being sad and forgive Mr. Miller for destroying your tickets."
"That is the only way! Mwahahahaha!" Dave continued to tease, belting out his own evil laugh.
Jeremy only really got tickled by his friends when he was little, and even that was only for a split few seconds. The teases added to the sense. But, he did his best to hold out.
Dave mocked a gasp, a wicked smile growing on his face. Then he dove his hands down, squeezing Jeremy's knees and scribbling on the back of them.
It was the knees. The knees always made Jeremy lose it.
"Forgive me!"
"Then this doesn't stop anytime soon."
Dave said nothing, continuing to tickle his knees.
"Are yo suuuuure?"
"Alright." Dave took his hands away, standing back and crossing his arms, a pound smirk on his face.
"I haaaate you....so much....."
"I'm sure you do, kid."
Jeremy quickly regained his breath. Laughing when Mangle laid his head atop Jeremy's, a gesture similar to what a puppy would do.
"I guess I could thank you. I kinda needed a laugh."
"Don't thank me, thank Texas, kid."
"Sure, weirdo." Jeremy stood up, walking to Phil's office, presumably to ask for replacement tickets.
Looks like Dave would be getting his paycheck after all.
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chicago fire 11x10
i don't like this recap
its scaring me
carvers gonna die isn't he
oh poor kelly
oh my god carvers okay
oh YAY
oh my god
severide barely holding back tears
im sorry
im not strong enough
‘my heart rate must be breaking records’
‘yeah its a little elevated but youre gonna be okay’
good to see that they can still joke
violet driving like a madwoman
we love it
‘hell yes, gimme everything you got’
‘i can't
oh god
blake why the hell are you telling the story right now
i really like his character
poor guys sitting apart from them
he probably blames himself
poor guy
Joe looking out for carver is great
oh no
do they blame him????
please tell me they don't
carver needs family
‘we’re all here for you’
oh carver
oh god
carver and boden
how's this gonna go???
uh oh
started out normal
now what's this?
oh free therapy session
carver please listen to boden
he’s looking out for you
his voice is breaking
and so am i 
ph shit wait
is carver gonna realize that he can't handle the stress
and then resign altogether?
oh kelly
being a good husband
why'd you do that
my girl
‘have you been here all day?’
‘im not going anywehre’
whyd you stop
go talk to her
istg if this is some sort of failed love triangle thing
im gonna shoot someone
oh that scar
‘shrapnel framed’
i wanna see that actually
oh capp wearing a bomb suit
i wanna see that
everyone guessing what it sylvie ordered is great
peak comedy
sylvie asking for help and then guilt tripping them
and then all of them groaning
we love it
oh poor violet
what happened
oh emma
violet this is gonna backfire
i can feel it
thank you gallo
for looking out for her
‘it’s no big deal, we shower and sleep together’
*confused smirk look*
‘yknow what i mean’
if they do some sort of bullshit of carver having feelings for stella 
i will hunt down chicago fire writers and slap them
‘he’s no stella kidd’
aint that the truth
stella unable to take a compliment from carver is great
what's happening here
i have a bad feeling
somethings gonna happen
i know it will
there's no way that this is an accident
this feels fishy
oh what is that
im scared
‘someones in the vent’
how in the fuck is that possible
lieutenant kidd being a boss
like she always is
we love it
oh no
carvers gonna have some sort of reaction isn't he
oh no
this is like joe thing isn't it
i can't
this poor dude
who is this guy
uh oh
isn't it
uh oh
this isn't gonna end well
if you hurt stella
ill murder him
please don't do anything stupid
what's going on with you
please tell me that you don't have feelings for Stella
i won't be able to handle that
oh violet and boden
oh no
this isn't gonna end well
is it?
boden further proving that he is the father of everyone in the house
love to see it
we love it
‘decades of italian beef grease’
loving the jokes
please talk to kidd
that's not what she wants
this’ll be fun
gallo is the resident tech guy
love it
oh yippee
i love it
thank you sylvie
youre fantastic
i feel like sylvies going to adopt a baby that's put in that box
i don't like this chief already
hes a dick
i can feel it
this is gonna be f u n
oh no
this isn't gonna end well
i hate this
god stop reminding me that evan died
‘hey, honey!’
no stella
im crying
kelly looks like hes gonna cry too
we’re all crying
oh kelly and gallo
this is gonna hurt me even more
kelly please go talk to them
I fucking love the way they jumped at the sound
its great
sylvie immediately turning to herrmann
we love to see it
oh wait
is it gonna be some dude who mistook it for a trash can?
i don't know what's happening
oh nvm
shut the fuck up
thank you sylvie
‘do we blame her though’
we do not
hes now going through the trash for his food
oh prYMA
i completely forgot about him
oh the tech squad
we love to see it
oh no
poor violet
‘i didn't think so, i was just trying to help’
god they make me laugh
and they make me cry
you said that this want about revenge
it looks like it was about revenge
oh stella and kelly
with topic of carver as a topic for conversation
oh please
make them talk
‘you going soft on me kelly severide?’
i love them
‘good, cuz if he touches your hand hes a dead man’
stella please listen to your husband
what're you doing
why do i feel like theres something more
i don't think there is
but still
talk to him
talk to carver
carver if you think this is a date, ill smack you
youre really giving me the vibe of super villain
violet has an idea
sylvie looks so GOOD
ms goodwin and sylvie is a duo i never knew i needed
they are amazing
a power duo
who is this?
kelly what're you doing
how's this gonna go?
oh damn they're joking
i love it
i do
pryma being a dad is such a surprise to me
‘just shut up and take the award’
‘i will’
oh damn
that was a real damper
thank you violet
for realizing that you were doing it for revenge
you are smart
oh stella and carver
just talk
‘why do I feel like im about to be led to a firing squad’
‘oh we really don't trust each other much, do we?’
please talk to each other
they're getting somewhere!
carver please reciprocate
‘not more than usual’
the hell does that mean?
carver don't lie
‘your overconfidence, bad attitude, is completely gone’
‘you miss them?’
‘and that's called deflection’
please talk to her carver
oh no
im gonna start crying again
stop hurting her
oh no
hes referencing his scar isn't he
oh no
good god
what kind of big brother does that?
im in pain
‘you got hurt by covering me’
chicago fire writers, im send you my therapy bill
‘I will pull it together, per my lieutenants orders’
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womenfrommars · 2 years
You keep mentioning ‘biology matters for dunking on trans but not for het sex’ girl are you ok… the biology is the precise reason contraception and abortion are so valued by feminists
Radfems lose their shit whenever they are reminded that heterosexual sex has primarily a reproductive function. Likewise, it's all uterus icons and ovary crochet but God forbids someone says the uterus is a reproductive organ. All the self-hatred comes out and they cope by saying the uterus is also a structural organ and what not. Cool, but it doesn't negate its reproductive function. Likewise, the fact sex is also physically pleasurable and leads to emotional pair bonding doesn't negate the reproductive goal. The invention of contraception has tricked so many libfems into divorcing sex from reproduction. You can't unless you are completely sterile and that's the biological reality. A lot of radfems seem to be falling for the same trap as the libfems. When you leave reproduction out of the picture sex just becomes a girlboss empowerment moment since it's all for pleasure (and if you're a libfem, also money). Negative Consequences? I don't know her
A lot of "PIV critical" radfems also deny that women experience pleasure from vaginal sex lmao. The clitoris is stimulated from inside the vagina. They don't want to acknowledge this and claim women only center PIV sex because of patriarchy. Yes Karen, I am sure patriarchy invented the dildo despite the archeological findings. Some anon on my old blog even tried to argue with me that PIV isn't natural and that we were meant to reproduce via the guy ejaculating on the woman's vulva... Christ. The whole point of the female orgasm is to cause muscle movement (contractions) which helps to move the sperm upwards. This also explains why women tend to orgasm after men. Though anal and oral sex are enjoyed by many, it involves body parts that do not have a sexual nor a reproductive function, so it's not "meant" to happen from an evolutionary biology point of view. Without condoms, anal sex would probably often lead to infections because a man is putting his penis in an orfice filled with fecal bacteria... Your mouth likewise contains a lot of bacteria if it weren't for tooth paste. The vagina on the other hand is self-cleaning and its stretchiness allows for penetration much better than the anus does
Of course these biological realities do not matter, because they are not politically convenient and not very woke. The horror is that they are also... *gulp* heteronormative and thus problematic
Radblr only focuses on the facts it wants to see. They love statistics on the orgasm gap or any facts about how sperm can wreck the pH balance of a vagina (?). But this is not the full picture so it is not a complete truth. It's misleading to only talk about the facts that fit your ideology
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mfpeace · 3 years
@justbeingedgy @weird-colombian-gurl You asked me to elaborate on the "Ches already has a kid" theory in the notes of that one mf analysis post (which I really liked, go check it out!!), so that's why I'm making this one, cuz notes are a bit too restricting for what I want to talk about!
Though next time think twice before asking me to talk about something I'm interested in, because you never know when you're gonna wake up lovecraftian horrors!! :DDD you'll see what i mean when you press read more :))
So, I'll say it right now - this post is largely inspired by the second story highlight of this Instagram user (sorry, I don't know their name, only that their Instagram handle is dee_girl_metalfamilyfan), it's in Russian though, so keep that in mind
Alright, so I'll break this theory into two parts: the first one will be all about Ches, and the second will be about his potential child (spoiler: you might've seen her!)
Without any further ado, let's get to the Ches part:
1. The creators said that they're gonna explore Ches' character in the second season. Obviously, it doesn't mean anything on it's own, but just wait.
Dima: Let's talk about the second season a little. Of course, the seconds season will show development of the old characters, as well as new ones. That's in short. As you see, Ches looks a bit different here.
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Alina: Yeah, we'll show a bit more about Ches at the ages of 18 to 20. His past. We'll reveal a bit more about his complex character, as much as it's possible.
(The source of the translation) Also I think they also said at one point that adult Ches will get some character development too? But that's probably a given, considering that we wouldn't see his youth if it wouldn't have affected him in the present, flashbacks without any relevance to the overall story don't sound so good
2. Not sure about this one (we don't know how much in character it was) but I can't not mention it.
Alina: Actually there was this one fanfic that I really liked. I don’t remember what it was called, but it was about Ches having a daughter, which is a cool topic. It was relatively in character and truly interesting. It’s great when people focus not just on sexual relationships of the characters, but also try to look at their development. That was a really interesting one. That’s it.
(UnityCon '19)
3. This one's a pretty big one, in my opinion. So, this is what they said on ArtWave '19:
Dima: Ches also has flaws.
Alina: [to Dima] Don’t spoil stuff.
Dima: His flaw is that he's very... irresponsible, let’s say.
So, maybe, just maybe, Ches does have a child but he, you know... left them? As the Instagram highlight from the beginning say: "he might be irresponsible enough to leave his child, and he's probably irresponsible enough not to use any contraception" (rephrased, not the exact quote)
4. Alright, so, the only mention of this one I can think of right now is the aforementioned Instagram highlight. The Metalfamilyfan says:
I contacted Korg/Корж, (admin of @ metal_yama [and I believe one of the organizers of the Metal Family Meetup in Moscow]) and she asked Alina on one of the meetups: "if Ches were to be a father, what kind of father would he be?"
And she said: "The kind of that would say "kid, look at that birdie over there!" an then he would run away"
Someone's words are not the perfect source, but they did tag Metal Yama and from what I know they didn't disagree with what the author of the page said. if anyone has anything to say about this (disprove or definitely prove what I said) feel free to do so in a reblog, notes, DMs, send me an anonymous ask, or in any other way you feel comfortable with
5. Ches has literally been through the same thing, and we know how important the theme of the cycle of abuse is in Metal Family (or, in this case, the cycle of neglect? Abandonment? Idk)
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You managed to hide your PREGNANCY from me! AND you've been hiding the child from me for a whole year!
YES, because you would've insisted on aborting him!
6. Here we can see Ches with a blonde girl. Nothing too special, probably just a one time hook up. He doesn't seem to be interested in her, and she seems to be annoyed with him.
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But wait...
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What is this?
Like, it doesn't even matter if there's actually a punk/rock/whatever band named MOM or not, I just think it's pretty weird to put it in this particular drawing of Ches and this random woman who is implied to have slept with him. It's not integral to Ches' character as, for example, Korol i Shut is. It's just... there. For some reason.
Alright, now, finally let's get to the second part of the theory: who is, exactly, his child?
The short answer is, according to this theory, her:
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First, let me list every single instance of her appearing in canon (and by canon I mean everything made by the creators. Even with this definition of canon it's not much, I promise): The screenshot you can see above on the left (it's a screenshot from the second season and it appeared here), an instagram story posted by Alina (above, right), and two drawing with a lot of characters where you can spot the girl which I'm gonna call her PinkHair or PH for short, I'll mention them later I feel like I should mention this, comparing the sources of the images and the dates when they were posted, it's safe to assume that the screenshot in the classroom has the latest and final version of her design. The red hair most likely doesn't mean anything
1. Alright. So. we've seen Dee and PinkHair in a classroom together, so they're most likely related in some way, or at least they know each other. Their exact relationship doesn't matter here, because all that matters here is that they're related story-wise
Let's look at the first image. This is the banner of the main Metal Family channel. Ches is near Heavy (they get along quite well and I'm sure Heavy aspires to be like Ches in many ways), Dee (we can see his classmates/friends near him, they're all about his age), and we can see people related to Glam on the left side of the image (including Ches!), and Vicky's - on the right side (notice how the hell sign is also there)
Now, I'm not absolutely sure about this one, but it's still kind of weird - look at the image on the right (it's from ArtWave 2021 btw) - wouldn't it make more sense to put PinkHair near Dee? Also, Curiously enough, not only is she not close to Dee on this image, but she's also standing next to Ches.
Though this whole thing could be explained by art theory (too many small things in one corner of your drawing isn't great composition wise lol sorry PH) but I still can't quite skip this point
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2. Remember the "MOM" lady? Fun fact, she has the exact same pearl earring that PinkHair has on the screenshot.
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3. I'll put all similarities with her supposed parents in this point: Mother: * She's also pretty uh.. glam? for the lack of a better word? Or feminine in a traditional sense, yeah I think that's a better way to put it. Like colors they prefer to wear for example, and jewelry. Characters like that aren't common in Metal Family * She's gotta be a blonde. I can't imagine her being anything but blonde. If she manages to maintain that hair color as a brunette I'm just straight up assuming her character arc is gonna be killing God because these kind of people are capable of anything. I fear them with every fiber of my being. * I can't say for sure because of the shading, but it seems like they both have gray eyes, and she also has darker skin compared to most MF characters. Though, it's likely that Mom just applied a lot of fake tan Ches: * We know that Ches for sure has darker skin * AND grey eyes * There's also some possible personality similarities but I'm not sure if you can compare a child to a parent they've never really known in this way
That's about it, I suppose, I hope there isn't that many grammar mistakes and logically unfinished parts and whatnot in this post I forgot to edit lol x) I'm not sure how to end this post other than to remind you guys that almost all the points in this posts are inspired by the "тупая теория" highlight on the dee_girl_metalfamilyfan's Instagram page, so go check them out and subscribe, they post Dee x The Quest Girl fanart and and always credit the artists. Without them this post would be much, much shorter.
Thanks for reading this post, please feel free to let me know your thoughts on this post <3
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reen-da-queen · 4 years
Top 20 Songs of 2020
Hello! I honestly thought about doing this for a long time. I wasn’t going to but said fuck it why not lol. I really just reblog other peoples stuff but thought I would maybe try to post something and do something new. I thought it would be a good way to get back into writing! Idk man this is all just bc I feel like doing it    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Disclaimer: I’m new to writing on tumblr, I don’t own any of the gifs, and this post might be a little long so sorry! :)
20. Oh My Girl - Nonstop
Not an Oh My Girl fan but they caught my eye during Queendom/Good Girl
Summer bop
Mimi’s rap is everything
The fits and hair are super cute
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19. BTS - UGH!
The moment I heard the gunshot it was game over
Jhope’s rap was everything to me
Love a good BTS rapline hype song
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Iz*one always got that one b-side that goes hard and this is one of them
These girls can literally do any concept from innocent to baddies
Might be an unpopular opinion: loved the 9 version of this song but I liked the choreo as 6 it seemed more cleaner and tighter
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17. Taemin- Criminal
HE HAD NO REASON to look this good or do that with a silk ribbon
This felt like a classic Taemin song and I was 100% here for it
The song and dancing was truly immaculate
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16. Stray Kids (3RACHA) - We Go
Was I the only one who was stuck listening to the fancam audio for a year until they officially released the song? Okay cool just me.....
The beat and rapping goes way to hard...honestly are we really surprised
The performance of this song just made me like the song more
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15. Everglow - La Di Da
My favorite comeback by them
Reminded me a lot of blinding lights by the weekend
Voguing Queens
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14. Itzy - Not Shy
Wannabe was a strong contender but I overplayed that song..oops
Izty’s fits are usually bomb but the outfits this era were tragic I was not a fan
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13. Twice - Can’t Stop Me
These girls deadass came out of a lotus idk what else I need to say
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12. Hyolyn - Say My Name
Another summer bop loved the Caribbean vibes
I loved the choreography which was choreographed by none other than Aliya Janell a Queen herself
I DIED when I saw Mommy Son trying to do the choreo in the mv but tbh that’s how I would look doing it.....
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11. Taemin - Idea
I was shook by the beat drop in this song bc it was something I wasn’t expecting
BoA singing “Killing me softly”
Taemin in a crop top?!?
Criminal was a classic Taemin song but something about this song made me like it more
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10. Kang Daniel ft. Simon Dominic, Jamie - Wave
JAMIE y’all JAIME  wtf she bodied this song
I’m honestly shocked Daniel went for a vibe like this...I’ve never really listened to his music but I didn’t expect this...v impressed
The backup dancers dancing in the water is truly immaculate...I really wanted a dance practice because I wanted to see the choreo in full 
Jamie and Daniel’s soothing voices went well with Simon Dominic’s unique rapping tone 
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9. BlackPink ft. Selena Gomez - Ice Cream
Selena Gomez fit really well with this song and was really impressed with her
BP has such a strong image I forgot they can also rock a cute concept
Lisa’s rapping in this song hit different...it really changed up the vibe of the song
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8. ChungHa - Stay Tonight
Miss Chungha had many bops this year but this one was THE ONE
MEN IN HEELS sign me up
Another voguing queen
Really such an elegant queen
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7. Stray Kids - Gods Menu
You know they didn’t come to play bc Changbin started the song
One of their best comebacks, best styling, best hair, best everything really
Hyunjin’s hair....*chef’s kisses*
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6. Yunhway - One More Night
One of the best songs to come out of Good Girl
Talented singer/rapper
Going out with my girls type of vibe
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5. BlackPink - Pretty Savage
This song makes me feel like a baddie
Lisa came for my life in the performances she made me think for a second that she can become my bias
She made me falter for A SECOND BUT I’m a loyal hoe and Rose is my queen 
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4. Jessi - Nunu Nana
Jessi and Lee Hyori were such a vibe in the song
Her twerking and dancing gave me life
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3. Kai - Mmmh
Kai’s backup dancers.....do I need to say anything else
Body roll for days
Kai in a crop top......men need to wear more crop tops
I’m a hoe for R&B
2. WayV - Love Talk
First of all this song is in all english?!?!
Love the R&B vibes
Played this song nonstop
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1. Jay Park, pH-1, Sik-k, Big Naughty, Trade L, HAON, Woodie GoChild - How We Rock
Love the hook of this song
Woodie going BITCH IM PAPI
It’s Big Naughty and Trade L only being 17 and 18 for me
They are all super talented rappers love them
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If you guys are wondering what I mean about getting back into writing or want to see a more detailed post on my Top 20 you can check out my friends and I’s K-pop blog :https://wordpress.com/view/quintkpop.wordpress.com! We started writing on it a year back. We ended up going on a longish hiatus BUT we both want to get back into writing and will try to post atleast once a week. My friend has a more professional type writing style with his post while my post are more of a nonchalant, casual. We are still trying to figure things out but if y’all interested you can check it out.  
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
Hii! Can you do a Tom Holland x reader where they do the buzzfeed video reading thirst tweets and Tom gets jealous of the tweets, fluff fluff fluff. 💞💞 THANK YOUU
I love this idea! I hope you like it
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: it’s thirsty tweets, so adult humor and crude comments
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“Hi I’m Y/n L/n.” Tom said to the camera while sneaking at glance at you to see if you laughed.
“And I’m Tom Holland.” You bounced off his joke with a giggle. “And today, we’re going to be reading thirsty tweets.”
“The tweets aren’t thirsty, darling. It’s the people writing them.” Tom corrected you. He gave the camera a pointed look as you laughed at your mistake, already feeling giddy for the video.
“I’m sorry. Let’s start the video, shall we?” You asked as you picked a tweet out of the bucket. “I wonder how big Tom Holland’s- oh and this is Buzzfeed!” You suddenly remembered to credit the creators of the video. Everyone on set, including Tom burst out laughing. Tom plucked the tweet out of your hands.
“I think we’ve heard enough of the one.” Tom said as he tossed the paper over his shoulder.
“Take a two minute break. That’ll be our intro.” Someone from behind the camera called. You gave them a thumbs up and turned to Tom.
“Are you excited or nervous?” You asked him as your straighten the collar of his jacket. You’d made a habit of tidying up Tom since he had a habit of being disheveled.
“I try to always turn my nerves into excitement.” Tom told you. “But I’m a little nervous about what they’re going to say about you. You, being so hot and all.”
You laughed and tossed some of your straightened hair behind your shoulder.
“Oh, you know. I aim to please.” You replied. You were a little nervous yourself. You could only imagine what crazy things fans could’ve tweeted at your movie star boyfriend. He was definitely a fan favorite, and had a whole army of girls begging to be his. You’d just recently announced that you were together and this was your first video together as an official couple. So yeah, you were nervous.
Your break ended and you picked the first official tweet out of the bucket.
“Tom Holland is zaddy.” You read. It was a nice, calm way to start the video.
“That wasn’t bad.” Tom nodded. “Short and sweet.” He selected a tweet from the bucket.
“Y/n L/n looks a lot like my next girlfriend.” He read. He made a displeased face at the camera.
“I don’t know, mate. I heard she has a boyfriend. A really good looking one too.” Tom joked. You rolled your eyes as he took another tweet.
“Tom Holland is so fine. I think I rewatched the scene when Peters suit falls off a million times.” He read.
“Same girl.” You commented. You took the bucket from his hands and put your hand on the side of your mouth, whispering loudly, “it’s even better in person.”
“If I could only let one person bone me the rest of my life, it would be Y/n L/n.” You read out loud. Your eyes widened at the bold tweet.
“That escalated quickly.” You said. Tom didn’t look amused.
“She already has someone to do that, so.” Tom shrugged smugly and tossed the tweet aside.
“Thomas!” You smacked his arm and looked at the camera. “Do you see what I have to put up with? Let’s keep it PG, please.”
“@YOURNAMELASTNAME, girl, what you doing? Get your ass back in the Louvre where you belong.” You read.
“I liked that one.” Tom said with a nod of approval. “Because you are a work of art.”
You smiled at him and picked out another tweet.
“My sexuality is the veins in Tom Holland’s right arm.” You smacked your knee as you laughed. Tom just shook his head.
“I don’t even know what that means.” He remarked as he took a tweet.
“Y/n L/n, if you’re reading this, by all means, foreclose on my house. Destroy my credit score. Flood my basement. Ruin my life. I beg you.” He read dramatically. The lack of crudeness towards earned a chuckle from him.
“Aw that’s...sweet?” You said, sounding more like a question. You look a tweet from the bucket and cleared your throat.
“I would let 30-50 feral hogs trample over me if Tom Holland was the paramedic who transferred my corpse into the back of the ambulance.” Tom read. You burst out laughing until your stomach hurt.
“That was graphic.” You said between giggles. “And incredibly specific.”
“She wouldn’t really need an ambulance at that point though, would she?” Tom asked you, not ready to leave the topic yet.
“I’ve never been trampled by 30-50 wild hogs, so I wouldn’t know.” You replied. Tom gave you a cheeky grin.
“It’s feral hogs, love.” He teased. He had a way of forgetting cameras were there when you were around.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You said sarcastically as you took a tweet.
“Tom Holland is the only man who deserves rights.” You read and nodded in agreement. Tom did as well which made you laugh.
“I want Y/n L/n to use my face as a trampoline.” Tom read. He looked at the paper in his hands for a long time. “Now, why are mine so tame and yours are borderline insane?” He was beginning to find the tweets less and less funny. He didn’t like people tweeting about you in such vulgar ways, especially when they didn’t even know you.
“I guess my fans just really like me.” You shrugged and picked up another tweet. “I want Tom Holland to drive over me with his private jet.”
“It’s actually Sonys jet, but I appreciate the gesture.” Tom answered as he took a tweet out of the bucket. “My ideal weight is Y/n L/n on top of me.” Tom clicked his tongue, feeling a little twinge of anger in the pit of his stomach. “That’s unfortunate, since she’s a little busy being on top of me.”
You looked at the camera with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
“What did I say? PG!” You snatched the bucket from his hands and pretended to be angry. Tom knew he shouldn’t have said it, though be it true, but he just wanted to remind the people watching of your relationship. Tom took the bucket back from you and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I’m just letting the fans know who’s you are.” Tom replied with a cocky smile. “All mine.”
“I just wanna know how Y/n L/ns lips feel😔” He read. “And then they put a little sad face emoji.”
“Aw. You don’t have to be sad.” You told the camera.
“They feel amazing, by the way.” Tom quipped, giving the camera a cheeky wink. “But you’re never gonna know.”
“I want Tom Holland to use his jawline to cut me into fries.” You read. It made you chuckle again. You slid your finger across Toms jawline and smiled.
“Me too, baby, me too.” You said and picked out another one.
“This one is about you again. It says “Tom Holland walks into a room and his ass walks in 20 minutes later.” I have to agree.” You nodded. “Daddy thiccums.”
“Don’t start with that again, darling.” Tom groaned. Someone had commented that on his post the week prior and you wouldn’t let him live it down. You thought it was the funniest nickname in existence. Tom, of course, hated it, which is exactly why you snuck it into conversations every now and then.
“What? There’s nothing to be ashamed of, baby. If you got it, flaunt it.” You announced as you swiped some hair off his forehead. He felt a little hot to the touch. You noticed his jaw was clenched for the first time. If you weren’t being filmed, you’d have been all over him, asking if he was okay. You knew you had to bite your tongue until the interview was over.
“Y/n L/n can have it anytime she wants it.” You read off the paper.
“She doesn’t want it.” Tom deadpanned.
“Hey.” You laughed and took the tweet from his hand. “That’s mean.”
“Look at his profile picture. He looks like a foot.” Tom pointed to the tiny profile picture that could barley be seen on the paper.
“A foot?” You laughed and took another tweet from the bucket. There was definitely something off about Tom. You were sure of it now.
”Tom Holland’s ass is phat with a PH.” You read. You looked at the camera and wiggled your eyebrows.
“Again, completely true.” You agreed.
“Why are all of these about my butt?” Tom asked with a smile, but sounding genuinely confused.
“Maybe because you’re dummy thick.” You shrugged and took another tweet.
“Y/n in that dress at the Far From Home premiere? She walked in and said BAWDY. She said body-ody-ody.” You read from the paper.
“Stop.” You put your hand over your face in sudden embarrassment. “You’re too kind.”
“Are they wrong, though? I loved you in that black and red dress.” Tom commented and took one from the bucket.
“I had to show my man some support by wearing his colors. My man, being Spider-Man I mean. Not this loser.” You pointed you thumb at Tom.
“Hey.” He put his hand over his heart and pouted at you. “I am your man.”
“I know.” You presses a quick kiss to his still red cheeks. “I’m only teasing, lover.”
Tom looked satisfied with you answer and read his tweet.
“Not to be horny on main, but I want to hold Tom Holland’s hand.” He said. He immediately slipped his hand into yours and held them up for the camera.
“Sorry.” He said. “My hands are full.”
“@backseatL/N asks, has Y/n broken up with the Brit yet? I’m tryna know if I can shoot my shot or not.” You read. You wished you’d read it to yourself before reading it out loud. It was sure to get a rise out of Tom.
“She did not.” Tom looked directly into the camera. “So you can not.”
You could hear the tension in his voice. He was wavering from joking around to actually being serious. You squeezed his hand gently to let him know everything was alright. Tom seemed to appreciate the gesture and gave you a grateful smile.
“Sorry guys.” You said, your eyes never leaving Tom. “You know I love a London boy.”
Tom picked out a tweet that had a picture of himself at the Far From Home premiere attached.
“I would let Tom Holland break my legs. I don’t know why this photo made me realize that but it did.” He read. You took the paper in your own hands to examine the picture.
“Oh God.” You said. “Remember when you took me golfing for like our third date and you hit me in the leg with a golf ball?”
“I do.” Tom bit back a smile. “I can’t believe you let me take you on another date after that.”
He appeared to be in a better mood until you read the next tweet.
“Y/n is way too fine to be wasting her time with that toothpick. I could show her how a REAL man does it. Just wait, @YOURNAMELASTNAME, I’m coming for you. #tomhollandbetterprayup.”
You grimaced and crumpled the tweet up into a ball. Tom did not look happy and you were starting to see why.
“I think she’s been shown how a real man does it.” Tom said, trying to sound like he was kidding for the camera but not succeeding. You could tell he was throughly pissed off now and hoped the fans wouldn’t be able to tell.
“Yes I have.” You slammed your fist down like you were in court. “Real men hit you with golf balls and then laugh instead of getting you ice.”
Tom laughed at your joke so you kept going to pull him out of his sour mood. “Also, who are they calling toothpick?” You asked as you squeezed Toms bicep. “This thing feels like a ripe avocado.”
“I love it when you talk dirty to me.” Tom said in his sassy voice. You pinched his cheek before taking out another tweet.
“The sun shines for Y/n L/n. It only shines on the rest of us out of pity. It belongs to her and only her.” You read. “Aw. That was really cute.” You said. “Thank you, @fistmetonystark.”
The username caught you off guard. Tom let out a loud laugh as your face went red in embarrassment.
“Okay.” You dragged out the word. “Moving on.”
“I’m just trying to take a bubble bath and watch Home Alone with Tom Holland. Is that to much to ask?” Tom read off a paper.
“In my opinion, that is a lot to ask.” You kidded.
“I think the bath would get cold by the time the movie ended.” Tom said in an attempt to apply logic to the absurd tweet.
“But in my experience, bubble baths with Tom Holland are fun.” You saluted the camera and Tom smiled at you. Your attempt to calm him down wasn’t going unnoticed by him.
“They’re fun until Y/n gets soap in your eyes.” He said to the camera.
“Let the record show that I got soap in his eye once.” You emphasized. “And it was only because I happened to sneeze.”
Tom grabbed the leg of your stool and pulled your chair closer to his. You rested your head on his shoulder as he read the next one.
“@thatswhatmakesyoubootyful says, who said Tom Holland was allowed to have such a juicy dumper? I want answers.” Tom read and you bent over in a fit of laughter. “I can’t believe I had to read that with my own two eyes.”
“JUICY DUMPER.” You screamed. The crew laughed in the background. Tom just shook his head, stifling a laugh.
“@YOURNAMELASTNAME, I just want to put a ring on your pretty little finger. Lord knows Holland won’t do it.” You read once you caught your breath. You wiped a tear from your eye, still to fully recovering from the last tweet. Tom, who was fully recovered, took offense to this one.
“Holland will do it.” He snapped, almost sounding angry. “Holland will most definitely do it, and you can quote me on that, @chokemeharry2011.”
You giggled at the username and picked a paper out of the bucket.
“I want Tom Holland to chop me up and feed me to Tessa.” You raised your eyebrows. “Please don’t. She’s fat enough.”
“Hey!” Tom took the bucket from your hands. “Don’t make fun of my baby.”
“Your fat baby.” You said under your breath.
“Petition for Y/n L/n to win an Oscar for acting like she’s actually in love with Tom Holland.” Tom read, looking completely unamused.
“It’s not acting, but I would like an Oscar.” You poked Toms side but he was busy looking up at the ceiling with an annoyed expression. You gulped you picked up a tweet.
“I want Tom Holland to beat me with a sack of wet mice.” This got Tom laughing again, which made you relived. There were only a few left and you prayed they were tame.
“You know what Tom Holland has that I don’t have? Y/n L/n.” You began to read. “You know what I have that Tom Holland doesn’t have? Lips.”
You crumpled that one up too and gave a fake laugh.
“That one wasn’t even funny.” You said, mostly to Tom. His scowl was back on his face.
“I want to be baptized in Tom Holland’s sweat.” You tried to lighten the mood by reading one for him. He let a little air out and gave a small smile. You moved one of your legs to go over his and left it there. He wasn’t blind to what you were doing and rested his hand on your leg while taking a tweet.
“*pulls up to McDonalds window* can I get uhhhhhhh…Y/n L/n’s hand in marriage?” He read. He had to laugh at that one.
“Aw.” You looked up at the camera with a happy smile. “That’s actually wholesome. Thanks @babydollY/N.” You blew a kiss.
“That was the last one.” Tom looked inside the bucket and to his relief, didn’t see any more.
“Well that was us reading thirst tweets.” You said into the camera. “I feel like I need a shower. Or 12.”
“I feel like you need to block half the people who sent those in.” Tom half joked.
“Well, thank you so much Buzzfeed for having us.”
“And go see our movie, Spider-Man Far From Home.” Tom opened his arms out to the camera before wrapping a protective arm around your shoulders.
The camera man gave you the thumbs up, meaning he’d stopped filming. You and Tom went through the rest of your interviews for that day and didn’t get home until late. Luckily, you were doing press in London so you could stay at home and not a hotel. Tom was still acting a little off during the interviews. He kept his hand on your leg for all of them, and was a little more affectionate than usual. You were pretty sure he had kissed your cheek or lips in every single video you shot that day. Sure, that was the kind of stuff fans and shippers lived for, but Tom had never been one for PDA. When you finally got home, you asked him about his behavior.
“What’s up with you today? Is everything alright?” You asked him when you came out of the bathroom to find him lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You took a seat next to him as he sat up.
“I’m not gonna lie, those tweets made me kind of jealous.” Tom confessed. He insecurely toyed with your fingers and didn’t make eye contact.
“Why?” You asked him. You pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles, making him look at you.
“Because I feel like the whole world wants my girl.” He said sadly.
“But to your girl, you’re the whole world.” You assured him, cupping his face in your hands. He gave you a small smile at your corny words.
“You have a way with words, don’t you L/n?” He said, cheering up a little. “And thank you for what you did in the interview. I could tell you were trying to calm me down. I was just overwhelmed by all the people pinning for you. It made me afraid I was going to lose you.” Tom admitted. You shook you head and kissed him gently.
“Don’t worry, lover. You’re not gonna lose me to @fistmesteverogers or @babydollY/N. My heart is all yours.” You told him.
“It was @fistmetonystark.” Tom corrected, looking glum again. You couldn’t help but giggle at the stupid username.
“Whoever it was, it doesn’t matter. People can tweet me whatever they want. You’re the only one I have notifications on for, baby.” You said, trying to keep the conversation light to show Tom how he had nothing to worry about.
“Don’t you have notifications on for John Mulaney?” Tom asked, a smile finally poking through.
“Shhh.” You held a delicate finger to his lips and he laughed. “That’s not important. What’s important is I’m yours and you’re mine and no thirsty tweet could ever change that.”
“It’s not the tweets that are thirsty, it’s the people.” Tom reiterated.
“Well, let them be thirsty.” You declared, still in a joking manner. “The only thirst I’m ever gonna quench is yours.”
“Y/nnnn.” Tom whined and buried his face in your neck. You felt his hot breath on your collar bones. “I’m being serious. I don’t like people thinking about you that way. There are million of boys and girls out there who want to be run over with trucks or hit with a shovel just to be in the same room as you. How can I compete?” Tom asked, the bad feelings sinking in again.
“You can’t.” You shrugged, causing Tom to look at you quizzically. “Because there’s no competition.” You finished. Tom smiled a little as you used your pinky to tilt his face towards yours. “ Tommy, I love you. I’m never gonna love anybody else. So you can be jealous over those tweets but, it’s a waste of your time. Time that could be spent giving me love and affection.”
“You know I can’t resist love and affection.” Tom said with a happy smile. You’d finally pulled him out of his slump.
“Then stop thinking about those dumb tweets and kiss me.” You ordered.
Tom obeyed and pulled you in for a long and deep kiss. He held you close to him, even when you pulled away.
“Y/n?” Tom asked softly, sounding serious all of the sudden. You wonder if all the marriage talk in the video prompted him to ask you a certain question. You didn’t let your smile poke through and kept a calm look on your face.
“Yes?” You answered sweetly. Tom took your face in his hands and stared you deeply in your eyes. You peered back at his gentle brown eyes with all the love in the world. Tom took a deep breath, looked at the floor, and then at you.
“I want you to use my face as a trampoline.” He said finally, quoting the tweet from earlier. You smacked his hands off your face and punched him (with love) in the arm.
“You’re impossible.” You grumbled, feeling like an idiot for getting your hopes up. He, on the other hand, was dying with laughter.
“I am not impossible. I was in a movie called The Impossible, so that may be where you’re getting confused.” He teased. You’d had enough of his humor and got off the bed to walk away. “Come back! I need you to foreclose on my house.”
“Leave me alone, pervert.” You laughed, pushing him away as he tried to pull you back.
“Please? I just want you to flood my basement.” Tom continued to quote the tweets and pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on top of your head. Normally it’d be a sweet gesture, but he was pushing your buttons.
“No thanks.” You answered, giving in to the hug.
“Is it because I don’t have lips?” Tom asked. You groaned loudly and pulled yourself out of his embrace before he could see you smiling.
“I think I just heard a ribbit coming from your mouth.” You called as you walked away.
“Don’t go.” He grabbed your hands and pulled you back towards him. “I just want to know how your lips feel.”
“Two can play this game,” you lowered your voice to a grave tone, “daddy thiccums.”
“Okay.” Tom held up his hands in surrender. “I’ll stop. Just please, never say those words again.”
“I won’t.” You promised. You crossed your heart with your fingers. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a baddie with a fatty.”
“If you keep that up, Holland won’t put a ring on it.” Tom wagged his finger at you, giving in to the joke that made him upset earlier in the day.
“Well I simply can’t have that.” You said in a much calmer tone as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Tom rested his thick arms around your waist and held you flushed against him, pulling a little gasp from your throat.
“I can’t have that either.” Tom said lowly, a gleam of adoration in his tired brown eyes. “Can we just put today behind us and go to sleep?”
Tom picked you up bridal style before you could give him and answer. He placed you gently on the bed, both of you already having brushed your teeth, and climbed in next to you.
“Goodnight, lover of mine.” Tom yawned. He pressed a kiss to your lips before flopping onto his pillow.
“Goodnight...” You said mischievously.
“Don’t say it.” Tom warned in a tired voice.
You were instantly hit with a pillow.
“I told you not to say it.” Tom said, unable to hide his laughter.
“You’re right.” You said sincerely. “I’m sorry.”
You cuddled into Toms side and laid your head on his heartbeat. He rubbed lazy circles into your back and leaned his chin into your hair.
“But @chokemeharry2011 would never treat me this way.” You said quickly.
And thus, you were hit with another pillow.
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theblossomangels · 4 years
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summary ⟶ Jay thinks that he is being ridiculous, dreaming about his girlfriend on stage as he was performing.
timeline ⟶ August 2019
characters : Jaebeom (Jay Park), H1GHER Music crew
warning ⟶ none.
❝ No you’re not. My girlfriend wears her business clothes. ❞
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Jay looks at his reflection on the mirror, fixing his white shirt and his jeans before taking his phone and snapping multiple pictures, sending to his special someone.
How do I look?
In just a minute, Jay’s phone made a sound, indicates that he received a message as he quickly takes his phone, already seeing the contact name on his phone screen.
His smile grew wider.
baby hayeon 💕
Omg! Is that the shirt that was made by Blazed? It looks good! Especially when it’s on you! 😊
Jay was about to reply when Hayeon called him and he immediately answered her.
“JAY! OMG! It looks so good! How much is it?!? I hope they are selling it! I’m so gonna support them and buy a couple of it! I’ll probably ask Eunjae to buy a dozen too! Does it come in--
“Hey hey! Babe! Calm down.. Relax..”
“Hehe! I’m sorry! I think I drank too many cups of coffee!”
“Hey, I told you not to drink too much.. It can ruin your health if you drink too much, baby.”
“I’ll try to cut down, just for you okay? Anyways, are Blazed selling the t-shirts? I’m seriously interested on buying it!”
“Baby.. You don’t need to buy it.”
“What?! Why not!? Aren’t you guys not selling it? Aww man..”
“Hayeon. The reason why you don’t have to buy it which is because I already pre-ordered it for you and in about 2 days, I think it will arrive at your door in LA.. by today or tomorrow??”
Jay quickly distance his phone away from his ear, hearing the screaming on the other end of the receiver.
“What are you screaming for!?!?!”
Jay could hear his girlfriend sighing.
“Baby, you do know that you literally sent me like more than 100 stuffs in just a year?”
“We already talk about this and I will keep saying it even if it’s for a thousand times. You deserve it, baby.”
“No buts, baby. I hope you’ll like it. I can’t remember what I ordered but there are like a few versions of it. Oh! There’s like the ph-1 version, then there’s like the blaze summer edition version, the flame version and others that I can’t remember.”
“....That’s not a few, Jay.”
Jay chuckled to hear Hayeon’s straightforward tone, his laughter trails off.
“I honestly miss you, Hayeon-ah.”
Jay wasn’t kidding, he really did miss her.
He couldn’t believe that he could survive a long distant relationship.
Each day, Jay would call her without fail. Even if either one of them missed the calls, they will return the call and one of them would answer without needing to call again.
Because of Hayeon’s line of work, Jay couldn’t regularly see Hayeon although they were like in the same state.
Jay knew that one day he couldn’t resist of holding onto the feeling so he decided to flew out to L.A. just to see her, and he gets to spent the night with Hayeon intimately.
Since then, Jay was even more clingy to Hayeon, calling her each night. He even drunk called her causing Hayeon to laugh hysterically.
“I know. I miss you too, baby.”
“I hope you will come back home soon.”
Jay’s voice became softer as he muttered while looking at the door to see staff running here and there knowing the concert was starting soon.
“Baby, I have to go up stage soon.”
“Oh.. Good luck Jay! And have fun too! Don’t get too drunk!”
“Thank you baby, I’ll call you as soon as the concert ends. Love you!”
“Love you too, Jay! Byeeee!”
The call ended with Jay smiling widely, as he quickly checks himself out at the mirror before stepping out of his waiting room, seeing his other H1GHER members coming out of their waiting room.
Just as Jay was about to approach the others, his phone suddenly lit up with a notification sound and he knew who it was.
baby hayeon 💕
Hey Jay. I hope you are not on stage yet but just wanna say GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN BABY! GO ALL OUT FOR YOUR FANS not all till you lose yourself okay? HAVE FUN WITH THE H1GHER GANG AND DO NOT DRINK TOO MUCH TILL U DRUNK CALL ME AGAIN MOANING MY NAME AND SAYING SEXUAL STUFF! its cute but seriously not in public okay i’m out of track but all I’m saying is have fun safely okay Jay? I have to go back to work soon 😔 and once again, good luck Jaebeom. I love you 💋💞💓💘 💖 💝💞
Jay smiled softly as he quickly replied her, before joining the rest of the gang.
I love you so much, baby.
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Jay didn’t know if he is drunk or he is dreaming.
It is ridiculous that he is dreaming of Hayeon as he performs on stage, his eyes were scanning through his fans, him hoping to see the one he wanted to see.
But he knew his hope was just a little one, knowing Hayeon wouldn’t fly back to Korea just to see him performing for the concert launch of his clothing line that his company collaborated with
Hayeon wouldn’t come just for this, her work is too heavy.
Jay smiled a little as he shifted his gaze towards his friends who was enjoying themselves on stage.
Some of them were taking pictures with the fans, at the same time rapping their hearts out.
“Hyung, hyung!” Minsik came running towards Jay, his face leaning towards Jay’s ears.
“I think I saw Hayeon.” whispered Minsik and Jay pull away, looking at the younger one with a deep frown.
Jay knew that Minsik won’t joke about this topic because Minsik is in the same boat as him.
Their girlfriends are best friends, more like sisters.
Jay looked at the younger one, checking if he is drunk since Jay saw him drinking a few shots.
But Minsik didn’t look drunk.
“I think you are going to be drunk, Minsik.” commented Jay and Minsik shakes his head, looking at Jay seriously for the first time.
“Hyung, I’m serious.” answered Minsik and Jay looked towards the crowd of fans, his eyes moving the front, scanning the fans faces.
Jay’s eyes moved towards the back and his eyes slowly widen.
No, it can’t be.
Jay sees Hayeon standing in the middle of the crowd with a smile on her face, seeing her wearing the white blazed design shirt, he just told her that he pre-ordered it for her.
No way...
His eyed then turned towards Minsik.
“You must be really drunk, Minsik-ah.. C’mon..” Jay dragged the younger one away as his eyes turned towards where Hayeon was standing at.
Hayeon wasn’t there.
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“Oh no... Our CEO is drunk..”
“Really drunk..”
“Hyung! You’re being too close!”
By the end of the performances, Jay was already too drunk and he was clinging to Harry and Minsik.
“Should we bring him back to the hotel?”
“No..... I wanna see Hayeonnie...” Jay slurred, then letting out a giggle causing Minsik to scoff, followed by the others.
Jay never mentions about his girlfriend whenever his label mates were there since their relationship is a secret to the public, except for his close friends and the people he works with.
Almost all of them knew about Jay and Hayeon’s relationship, because he was being too obvious.
Jay always had his hands on Hayeon whenever and wherever they go and when some of them confronted him about it, he decided to just come clean, saying he is in a relationship with Hayeon since 2-3 months ago.
“We all know clingy Jay hyung is hard to manage..” Jaewook commented as Jay was wrapping his arms around him, his head laying on Jaewook’s shoulder.
“Yah! Stop laughing and help me!” Jaewook whines towards the others who were trying not to stifle their giggles while recording their CEO who is acting cute and just clingy while mumbling english words that some of them couldn’t understand.
“Hyung! Hyung! Hey! We really sh--
Junwon’s words were cut off as his eyes were traveled towards elsewhere.
Although his sight wasn’t clear thanks to people dancing here and there, the dim lights and the neon lights flashing, his smile grew wider, causing the other H1GHER crew to look which direction he was gazing at.
“Noona!” Haon yelled, waving his hands.
Some of the H1GHER crew turns shy as soon as they see Hayeon, waving towards them before gazing towards jay who was clinging onto Minsik.
“Oh my god. He is so wasted.” Hayeon muttered, her gaze was fromthe rounded table that filled with bottles of beers, and all kinds of alcohol bottles and shot glasses.
“Hey! When did you get here and how did you come here?” asked Hwimin before hugging Hayeon.
“Jay hyung didn’t tell us about your arrival.” added Gyujeong and the others nodded, looking at the girl who was staring at Jay.
Jay saw her but he didn’t even turn directly towards her.
“An hour ago. It’s a surprise visit that I planned with Jay’s manager. I don’t think he recognize me..” commented Hayeon, peering onto Jay who was now cuddling Minsik.
Minsik looks extremely uncomfortable.
“Hayeon, d-do something..” Minsik pleaded, his words cause some of the H1GHER crew to laugh.
Hayeon sat beside the drunk Jay.
“Don’t touch me! I have a girlfriend!” Jay whines as he swats Hayeon’s hands away from him.
Her eyes slowly widen, looking towards Minsik and to the others.
“Oh my god. Our Jay hyung has change.” Hwimin commented at the back and Hayeon slightly smirked towards him.
It was the best opportunity for Hayeon to mess with him since Jay is completely drunk and she knew that he won’t even remember anything the next day.
“C’mon Jay. Your girlfriend isn’t here. Let’s have fun!” Hayeon sweet talk towards him while pulling his hand.
Jay groan as he tightly cling onto Minsik.
“No! I don’t want to! I said I already have a girlfriend! Leave me alone!” Jay whines grumpily.
Hayeon tried her best not to laugh or break her acting.
“Aww, c’mon Jay. Your girlfriend won’t know about this. It’s just a while..” said Hayeon sweetly, pulling Jay softly.
The older one turned towards Hayeon.
For a moment, Jay was staring at her causing Hayeon to freeze as he was gazing at her in the eye. She could feel her heart beating a little fast.
The way he looks at her is adorable.
Jay’s face was so red and his eyes were droopy thanks to how many bottles of alcohol he drank.
“I’m sorry.. I have a girlfriend.. She will be disappointed if I’m with you.. She’s my world.. I love Hayeon.. I’m not the old Jay..” Jay was already slurring his words, his eyes becoming droopy.
Hayeon could feel the others grinning towards her because Minsik was covering his mouth, trying not to giggle.
“Okay. I’ll just sit here then.”
As cheesy as it is, Hayeon can’t help but to let out a small smile, nodding as she let go of his arms.
Jay slowly turned towards her with a slight frown.
“But.. why do you smell like her?” Jay mumbled as he was sniffing Hayeon’s side.
The others could only giggle while still recording their drunk CEO.
“That’s because I am your girlfriend..?” stated Hayeon in a questioning tone. Jay frowns as he looks at Hayeon upand down.
“No, you’re not. My girlfriend wears her business clothes.”
“Jay, I don’t always wear my business formal wear everywhere.” answered Hayeon, turning towards him with a slight frown.
This time, Jay’s cheeks turned rosy though his face was already red as he quickly looks away from Hayeon.
His gaze turned towards Minsik.
“Minsik-ah, can you please tell her to go away? Hayeonnie is going to be mad at me if she founds out a girl is flirting with me.” Jay whines towards Minsik, as the younger one sticks out his head towards Hayeon, looking at her for help.
Hayeon could only giggle, shrugging as she turned towards the others who were still recording her and Jay’s interaction.
“I guess I’ll just stay and baby-sit you guys.”
“What?!? We don’t need to be baby-sit!”
“Yeah! We’re adults!”
“Jay hyung is the one who needs to be baby-sit!”
Hayeon intends to bring Jay back to his hotel but seeing how determined Jay look on staying with Minsik, saying he didn’t want to cheat or betray his girlfriend behind her back, Hayeon could only watch him with a smile on her face.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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I know there are guys like this, Melissa thought to herself, guys like this all over the place. Guys that collect pictures of girls, built girls, save them all on their computers to do...ewww...whatever it is they do with them. She had some guys like that, still, she knew, as Instagram followers, even on her new, now-private profile. There was a smattering of guys, she knew, who basically stalked her, perved over her every post. She tended to indulge them, from time-to-time, throw them a little bone here or there, some cleavage, whatever. It was fun, for a while, she’d get a kick out of it, casually teasing these guys who simped for her. But it had kinda gotten old. Now it was more her friends who seemed to love it, love seeing it, love laughing at the guys. It was harmless enough fun, and these men were just sorta silly and pathetic. I just didn’t think Dr J was one of them…
She had needed to see for herself, have some time to process. It was eight AM but she’d needed to see for herself, all these pictures of her that Randi and Marisela told her he’d supposedly been hoarding on his office computer. On a Tuesday like this one she’d have plenty of time; he’d be doing his rounds at the hospital until mid-morning, when he’d return to the office. She’d closed his door so she’d be undisturbed as the other girls drifted into work. Melissa knew she needed to come to terms with this, and see what was on his computer for herself, especially after what Marisela had told her about what was going on….that kinda made her mad, too.
Okay, there it is, right where Marisela said it’d be, she thought. On his hard drive, the folder labeled “Protected”. Let’s see if this password works...
oh, my…
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For some reason Melissa had found herself earlier this morning, while getting ready, almost unconsciously putting on heavier makeup, applying more layers of gloss and lipstick than she knew she should. She’d found herself pulling out a striped red dress, one that cinched too tight to her waist which - despite everything else getting bigger these days - seemed to be, if anything, slowly disappearing. This dress clung too tightly to her torso, she realized, its horizontal stripes only emphasizing the size of the bust she’d packed tightly this morning into her new, bigger bra. This dress was also wayyy too short, she knew, revealing too much of the long, flawless legs that she’d tanned to a deep olive in her week in the sun, sculpted in the gym to heavily-muscled perfection. It covered her overly-shapely rear, she also knew, but left little to the imagination as to its full size; her ass had grown huge, recently, and this dress surely did nothing to hide that. The heels she chose - yellow and too tall, really, to be appropriate for the office - would only highlight the muscle tone of her already large calves, make her glutes look even fuller, shift her weight to pull her shoulders back, further emphasizing her bust and exaggerating the already unmistakeably feminine aspects of her gait. Her hair, as well, she’d fluffed out more than usual this morning...why? The one thing she found herself foregoing, though, was perfume. I’ve been making enough of that myself, already, she’d thought, I don’t need it.
Oh, no, look at all this, Melissa lamented, finally opening the folder labeled “Melissa” and then audibly gasping at its contents...countless pictures of her. Where did he find it all? How much time has he spent collecting these?? She began to scroll through the thumbnails, everything from current images grabbed from her Instagram to old modeling pics he must have found in the internet to...where did he ever find these ones from Hooters?!?
Suddenly she was overcome when an image of him - sitting in this very chair, looking at these pictures and rubbing himself, sliding his hand into his pants - flashed into her head.
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Is that what you do with these? Why else would you be...collecting them? Oh, Dr. J...not you, too?
As she marveled, wide-eyed, beginning to grasp the enormity of his collection, of just how many pictures of her he’d accumulated, it dawned on her: he also has dozens upon dozens of pictures of her in a bikini, from the past week - on his ph-..oh, wait. Oh god. He’s downloaded them all into here already...there’s a whole folder, a new one, called “conference”. 
Part of me wishes they never told me...
She flashed back, for the moment, to early yesterday morning, Monday in her new office with Randi and Marisela…
“...we got in last week, finally, Marisela cracked it,” Randi had said, “I just knew he’d have a porn stash. But that there’s so much of YOU in it…?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry Melissa,” Marisela had added, “The guy’s a total perv. We’ve known that for years…”
If nothing else she marveled, as she scrolled through the thumbnails, at his diligence, I haven’t seen some of these in ages. 
Another image flashed into her head, again him sitting at this desk with these pictures - god, he’s much smaller than me, isn’t he? He wouldn’t fill up this chair nearly as much as I do -  with his pants unzipped, pulled down his hips, he’s groaning. Looking at these pictures, zooming in on that one. 
His legs are so skinny compared to mine, she thought, as she felt her own body unconsciously flexing, his arms and shoulders so thin and weak. 
Why...why did this make her shiver a bit? Why did her mind keep picturing him...wanting to see him when he’d opened up this folder and started to-
But he shouldn’t be doing this! It’s like cheating on his wife. No matter what’s going on between him and Sheryl, he’s still a married man. Melissa could understand why Sheryl’d be mad. Yes, but…
Melissa flashed back again...
“Why are you so shocked?” Randi had asked her, “They’re all like this, every single one. Every single boss you’d ever had.”
At first, she admits, she was shocked. She couldn’t believe what they’d told her, shown her with the screen caps from his desktop - it can’t be!! this is the honorable, upstanding, respectable Dr J!! He’s not like the rest of them, all those other guys, is he?? Obsessive, fixated...
After the initial shock, the disbelief, she got kinda angry - she took this job thinking she was going to be valued for her brains, education, skills. She thought this job would allow her to develop in ways that other jobs, with other bosses, hadn’t. She’d always been a special girl, different from the rest. She had a unique way, she knew, of “growing into the job” - it’s what her mother called it. “Rising to the challenge of a new endeavor” she’d said, become what would allow her the greatest success. Problem had always been, though, that the best way to succeed at her old jobs had turned out to be the same. At Hooters it made sense, even in high school. But with frustration she’d found the same thing happened to her at Nordstrom’s, at the DMV, and at the Dealership. Instead of getting smarter, learning more, becoming more able and capable, she’d just gotten...curvier. Added cup sizes, inches to her hips. This job, after finally getting her degree, was supposed to be different. But now, seeing this screenshot of dozens of pictures of her from her boss’ porn stash, she was finally convinced that, once again she was hired just for her tits. She knew, of course, that he’d found her attractive. That he, being just a guy, could be pretty easily manipulated if she set her mind - and hourglass figure - to it. That she could get what she wanted at the office, be successful in her new position, because of her appearance. That would explain the two - no, three - new sets of bras. Why she’d torn through her yoga pants last week. His tastes were for curves upon curves...lots of guys’ were. And she figured she was growing faster here than at the old jobs because, well...she had become his friend. She’d spent more time with him. She’d grown to, well...really like him, more than she’d ever really admit. So maybe there were other things fueling her, uh, developments. But, again - he was married!
It was so confusing!
She could help it, another image came to her. This time he was still here alone in his office, maybe after hours, doors locked, knowing he’s alone - but now he was blatantly jerking off, pants down, around his ankles. Jerking off and leering at these pictures of her, this time looking - ohh why is this doing this to me?? Making my heart race?? - even smaller. He seemed to be shrunken, a small, small man, wide-eyed and staring, unblinking, at his screen. He was grunting, like a little animal, and shaking back and forth with his efforts.
She flashed back again...
”I know, I know,” Melissa had said, bemoaning this new situation, as if she was grieving some loss, “I know I had him up on a pedestal. I know it was maybe unreasonable. But now….now what am I supposed to do?”
“Missy, relax,” Randi had replied, “Just think- who was able to take him down off of that pedestal? Who did he have pictures of on his computer in a folder that he’s accessed...look at this...more than -four hundred- times? You! You! Face it You got where you are not just through hard work at school. You did hard work at the gym, building yourself in other ways. Despite everything you rose up at Hooters, at the DMV, at the dealership. You are YOU, and that’s what’s bringing you all this success. You as a person, your mind and your body.”
”I guess you’re right…” Melissa had said.
“Of course I am,” Randi had replied, “Use it all, use all you got. Not just your degree-“ At that she’d reached out and grabbed Melissa’s huge breasts, hands sinking into her pliancy, “but these too! Women have to use everything they have to take what they can get.”
The next image, in her mind, was one where he’s dramatically smaller still: How did he even get into the chair? He’s so little... His feet, dangling above the ground, hovered over his pants, now in a pile. He’s naked, in fact, and he’s so small he can barely see over the desk to the monitor, can barely reach his mouse to scroll, to click, to open picture after picture after picture of her. His groans and grunts have changed to whines and he sounds so needy as he’s trying and trying and trying to-
Groaning herself, Melissa was nearly overcome with the thought, and had to catch herself from sliding her hand between her own thick, bare thighs. What was this warmth? What was this subtle swelling in her chest? Why is this doing this to me?!? 
She flashes back again
“I guess it can't be helped, looking the way I do...” Melissa said, still in half-pout.
 “Don't feel bad, Missy, this is good,” Randi said, as Marisela just watched, observing these two, trying not to judge, learning, “Look at these folders he has - it’s not all of you. Look at all these pictures, these videos. It’s...worshipful. He’s in sheer awe of these women, and you’re one of them.”
Melissa nodded, new wheels, gears in the machinery of her inner self that she didn’t know existed, cranking to life, beginning to turn.
“You can use this to your advantage - to our advantage,” Randi added, encouraging her friend. Though remaining quiet, Marisela’s own pulse had begun to race, listening, hearing the subtext, thinking back on the conversations she and Randi had had. For her own part, Melissa’s feelings were still conflicted. Petulant anger and outright female outrage were at odds with the genuine affection she felt for him, an affection that more and more had been turning into...something deeper. A tugging at her belly. Something rich and wonderful she saw blossoming, when she closed her eyes and thought of him...thought of holding, thought of-
“If he honesty gets off to this sort of thing,” Randi pressed on, pointing at folders in the screenshot image from his desktop, folders labeled “Breast Expansion” or “Amazons” - “if that’s what he really wants....well, Missy. You could make him the happiest man on earth...”
Original morph in the first image by Migsanch, and help with some of the dialogue by Antares.
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kannra21 · 4 years
Haru Kato x Reader 💗
I'm sad that there's no Haru x reader hcs/scenarios so I wrote smtng to make y'all's day *PS it gets kinda dirty but nothing happens lol*. Hope you enjoy!
It was on a cold cloudy afternoon that y/n decided to go on a little stroll through the nature. She already informed her family about it and took her phone just in case, because let's be honest, who in today's world doesn't have a phone with themselves? She put on her favorite pair of boots and a jacket her mother often complained about. So what if it wasn't thick enough? She loved the jacket and guys would usually give her the looks whenever she crossed paths with them. She loved the attention, that brought her in trouble most of the time.
She entered the snow-covered forest, a place she knew and paths that led to the unknown. However, the curiosity took the best of her so she continued through the branches that lay on the ground and the stones that challenged her. Going for a little adventure wasn't such a bad thing, exploring her surroundings was supposed to be a positive experience. Every once in a while a person grows tired with responsibilities, sometimes people wander around in order to avoid facing the boring part of their lives. It was relaxing and the fresh air cooled away her worries. As much as she appreciated the bird's singing in the distance, y/n put on her headphones and listened to her favorite music. The crunching of snow no longer bothered her and a little penetration through it brought a smile on her face. The place was quiet and peaceful and she loved the way everything looked so much more beautiful thanks to the icicles shining from the pine woods. I mean, holy cow! Sometimes she forgot to just stop and take it all in.
And nothing could ever compare to that awestrucking view on the other side of the hill. The landscape was covered in beautiful combinations of white, blue and black and y/n couldn't help herself but to feel amazed. This was soooo going to end up on her Instagram profile. Her friend would be absolutely devastated upon seeing it, she should be sorry for not joining her when she called and y/n enjoyed every bit of it. She approached and climbed a wrecked tree to catch a better picture, her hands were a little shaky and the cool air sent chills though her body. Mom was always right about everything. Screw it.
She took a step further and, unfortunately, the crust she was standing on was so slippery that her leg moved away and she fell into a trapping pit. Her body hurt a little but otherwise she regained herself, everything seemed to be fine, she was okay and she comforted herself, until she tried to move her left leg but to no avail. She was in so much pain and she felt like screaming. It wasn't fair and the tears started to gather in her eyes. She felt cold and her pants and jacket were soaked from being covered in the snow thanks to the awkward fall.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! What the fuck was the goddamn pit even doing here? It seemed like the freaking hunters forgot to clean after their stupid ass selves. And rangers never reported the losers in the first place. Screw them! Screw them all!... But then she laughed under her breath. Who was she kidding? It was her who was so stupidly clumsily that she couldn't keep her fucking balance. Maybe she messed up her leg for a reason? Was she punished by some higher ass force for her stupid deeds? Of course, she was so goddamn stupid and she hated herself. The pain and the cold never ceased to leave her body and she rubbed her hands together.
And then she remembered something, her phone! She tried to find it somewhere, anywhere around the place but after 5min of thorough searching she concluded that it wasn't there, that it landed somewhere around the pit and y/n felt like loosing all the hope that still remained in her.
Hopeless and disappointed, y/n squeezed into herself and, having no other choice, endured the pain and waited for someone to save her. She yelled and yelled for help in case someone was walking nearby but after so many times of persistently trying to attract someone's attention, she decided to give up because she only grew weaker and colder.
She didn't even know how much the time has passed and she felt so tired that everything she wanted to do was fall asleep but she tried to keep herself awake. She didn't want to pass out just yet. Y/n continued blowing warm air on her hands, hoping to keep herself warm. She often watched on the television how professional survivers kept themselves warm by doing all kinds of exercises. Since y/n couldn't walk, she stretched the rest of her upper body but it didn't feel any better. The more she stretched, the colder she felt. She was also afraid of sweat freezing her skin so she decided to sit like that, pinned to the wall as much as possible to at least keep her back covered.
Fuck her and her fucked ass life. She started to overthink things. How she let her family and her friends down. Everyone who loved and cared for her so dearly will hear about the news, that is, if anyone manages to find her and her dead body lying on the ground all frozen. She replayed her entire life in her head and y/n felt like crying again. She slowly but surely lost all the expectations of returning home alive.
After a while of quiet sobbing she heard someone's steps nearing her place and shouting her name. Y/n grew alert.
"I'm here!! I'm here!! Oh God please help me out please!" she exclaimed desperately.
A guy with light brown hair and golden eyes peered from the corner of the pit. His hair looked somewhat unruly and styled with messy and loose bangs framing his face.
"So you're Y/N! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"
"Well duh Sherlock, how do you think I ended up here? The pit is at least 5m deep! And I rolled down that hill over there!"
Haru flinched, he didn't like the tone of her voice. "Everything is going to be fine, try to calm down and take my hand.", he got to his knees and leaned forward to reach her.
Y/n tried to stand up one more time but the immense pain pierced through her once again and she screamed.
"What happened?!" Haru grew concerned.
"I.. I can't stand on my left leg. It hurts so much."
"Alright, stay where you are. I'll try to-" as Haru was about to turn from leaning from his previous position, his hand slipped and, losing the support, he fell into the pit and groaned in discomfort. Y/n couldn't believe her own eyes. The only person who could help her in this very moment got trapped together with her. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry, she felt like losing her mind.
"Y/n, it isn't as bad as you think. Here, I took my ph-" Haru looked at his phone and noticed that it got broken from falling to the ground full force.
Y/n started sobbing and Haru jumped in surprise. He felt really bad and hugged her to calm her down. "I know you're in pain and I know how harsh it must be to stay down here for such a long time, but everything is going to be okay. Your parents already informed the police and we were searc-"
"My parents called the police?!" y/n shouted in surprise.
"Yes they noticed you've been absent longer than usual so they sent us to search after you."
"Wait. You're a police officer?"
"Yea I'm sorry for not wearing the classic black uniform you people got so used to. Things happened and I-"
Haru blushed and y/n tried to change the topic.
"How did you manage to find me?"
"I barely caught your location through your phone so I followed it, but the signal got interrupted every once in a while because we're in the middle of the forest after all so let's say that it was the sheer luck that I managed to find y-"
Y/n started tearing again and Haru panicked "I mean it's not the luck that helped me, you have to believe me! Look, my colleagues are already searching for us so they'll definitely find us!"
"Yes but how long will it take them to do so?"
"..." Haru felt really bad for her, he tried to make her feel better but even he wasn't so sure how to do it. "They're professionals so don't worry. They'll come here soon."
"I hope you're right.." y/n squeezed into herself once again and hid her face between her crossed hands. "Why do I always need to mess everything up? Because of me you ended up trapped as well."
"Please don't blame yourself, I ended up here because of my own clumsiness.. Man I'm such a klutz."
"We're both like walking disasters."
They laughed and Haru continued the conversation to pass the time. He talked about himself and the tragic thing that happened which led him to leave the First Division and join the MCPTF. He also talked about Daisuke and all the things that annoyed him about his partner, but in the end he concluded that he believes that he's not so bad despite his wealthy background.
Y/n fell more in love the further she listened to him. He was so kind, humanistic and just. He always paid attention to other people's needs and risked his life on many occasions to protect others. He's passionate about his work and he's really sympathetic, even towards those who didn't deserve it.
"You're such a nice person Haru. Just like a guardian angel." y/n smiled.
"R-really? I don't hear this often haha!" he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
"It's true. Why are you being so modest? You should appreciate yourself more."
"I think it’s for the best if only one of us has an ego. Because, if I were of the same nature, I don't know how Kambe would react. He is a difficult person."
"I think you're too good for him. Try to give him a taste of his own medicine."
"You want to corrupt me? You're the bad girl type or something?" Haru teased and y/n blushed.
"N-no I just think that you deserve more respect from him." y/n fiddled with her fingers and Haru smiled, he found her little quirks so adorable.
"I think that you're a beautiful person as well, Y/n."
The air between them became tense and they blushed.
"Thank you Haru, I'm glad you think so."
Y/n talked about herself as well, her job, family and friends and how she ended up in the pit in the first place. She tried to stand up again but it still hurt her and she hissed in pain.
"You shouldn't force yourself. Here, take my jacket."
"You want me to put the jacket over a jacket? But what about you? You'll only stay in your shirt."
"I don't mind. My top priority right now is to make sure that you come home safe and sound and in order to do this, I need to keep you warm."
"No buts." Haru took off his jacket, wrapped her up, lifted her closer to him and put her into his lap.
"W-w-what are you doing?!!" y/n bonked him on the head and he yelped in pain.
"It's better if you sit on me than on the cold hard floor, you're going to get sick. Besides, I can easily warm you up like this so you don't catch hypothermia."
"Oh.. sorry about that."
"It's okay. Look, I understand how you feel right now but I'm not trying to harm you in any way. I already told you everything about myself and I'm not a weirdo. You can trust me."
"Aight aight." Y/n smiled and shifted closer this time. Haru, being the pure guy he was, probably didn't notice how this position made her feel so she wanted to let him know.
She further adjusted in his lap and leaned completely against him, with Haru's head lying on her left shoulder and taking her hands in his bigger ones, rubbing and warming them up.
The close proximity between them was unreal and Y/n smirked at him from the corner of her face.
"Just so you know, this is a very professional behavior." Haru defended himself and y/n felt like breaking into laughter."
"However you say, Mr. Police officer." she whispered in his ear, lips touching the earlobe with every word she spoke and it took him all self-control in this world not to go wild just from that small gesture.
He succeeded at keeping his cool but he didn't succeed at keeping his cool down there and y/n teased him further until he couldn't sit like this anymore.
"Okay okay I get it. Let me think.. try to change positions." Y/n stood up and sat in front of him this time, legs crossed behind his back and hugging him around the torso.
"Warmer~" y/n hummed in delight.
"Y-y/n.. do you really have to put your legs like this?"
"Whoops my bad." she took her leg and threw it over the other, making them face the same direction. Now she was leaning on his left hand, head lying under his own. It was the posture they were both satisfied with and although he could warm her like this, Haru had other problems.
The strain on his suit pants refused to subdue and y/n's hair felt so soft and smelled so nice to him. He became warmer in the face. What was going on with him?
Y/n could feel how stiff and nervous he was so she lifted her head to look at him but his eyes were averted to the other side.
"Is everything alright? Can I help?"
Haru couldn't help himself but to be honest, otherwise he'd just look like an idiot "It's.. not every day that I hold such a beautiful girl in my lap." He looked red and he was breathing heavily. "I'm sorry.. it's just that-"
She stood up from her previous position and sat between him this time.
"What are you doing?" he asked quietly. Y/n took his face in her hands and kissed him carefully which surprised both of them.
What seemed to be a soft passionate exchange soon turned into something rougher, with hands roaming through their bodies and tongues colliding. Haru turned her around and pinned her to the wall.
"This is *sigh* a very bad idea *sigh*".
"Why? Are you seeing someone?"
"Neither do I." she took him for the collar of his shirt and they made out. Their movements became more frantic and Haru felt a twinge of guilt dawning on him.
"I don't want to hurt you.." he whispered, excitement running through him. "It's hard to suppress myself when I feel like this."
"Why? What do you feel?"
"I.." Haru stopped, his thoughts jumbled inside. "I'm so in love with you and we just met. I mean, it's not like you're a compete stranger since we introduced ourselves and said things about ourselves. You're a beautiful person y/n, and I'm afraid of betraying your trust."
"Haru, there's nothing to be worried about."
"Are you sure about this? Honey this is a big thing."
"Honey huh?" Y/n teased and he hid his face in her neck, embarrassment taking the best of him.
She kissed his hair and hugged him around the neck. "I love you too, Haru. You're the best thing that happened to me."
He took advantage of their position and sucked on her neck, earning a moan from her. As he kissed down her collar bone and she unbuttoned his shirt, they heard someone coughing from above and they froze.
"You're supposed to help a civilian in trouble, Kato-keibu."
Haru stumbled back on the snow in surprise. "I-It's not.. Where were you?! We were waiting for you in ages!"
"HEUSC managed to determine the location despite the signal interference. Seems like you succeeded in finding a nice occupation to fill the time gap."
"It's called body warmth, Kambe."
"I'm sure that body warmth doesn't look like that." Daisuke smirked and Haru looked angry.
"So you're Daisuke Kambe, right?" y/n asked and Daisuke analysed her face with his high tech glasses.
"Yes and you're the person we're searching for. Kato, what are you doing down there besides snogging?"
"Kambe I swear, I slipped awkwardly and fell. Can you grab her with anything to help her get out of here? She sprained her ankle and can't move much."
Daisuke's mechanic hands protruded from his specially-equipped suit and he hoisted them up to the safety.
"Thanks I guess." Haru brushed the snow off of himself and sneezed.
Y/n looked at his unbuttoned shirt and she quickly buttoned it up, blushing from embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry, you can take your jacket back."
"No this is staying on you." He turned his back to her and squatted a little. "Get on, you can't walk this far by yourself."
"A-are you sure?" y/n asked worried.
"It's going to be okay." he smiled at her reassuringly and she complied.
Daisuke watched them from behind and thought about Haru's smile, it wasn't the same as when he looked at Suzue for the first time during their Isezaki mission. His partner was in love and he didn't know why but he found the fact pretty entertaining.
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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saltypicks · 4 years
reviewing february’s comebacks
Eat My Love, BIBI
Didn't like it on the first play, liked it subsequently. Now it's meh.
Cinema, CIX
Doesn't Make Sense, Daybreak ft. Heize
It really makes no sense that I knew this would be a sleepy coffeeshop type of song and I still went ahead to listen to it. And why is it so long?
Can We Talk Again, PURPLE KISS
I tried my best to like this song, listening to it over and over. Now it just sends me running whenever I hear it.
Initial impression: I prefer I'm Not Cool to be honest. Now: Still prefer I'm Not Cool. This song could have made it higher in my opinion if it wasn't for that chorus.
Home, Gaho
Sorry Gaho but my monthly ballad quota has been filled.
Forever, aespa
This is nothing but a lullaby. Even the video sends me to sleep.
Wrap Me In Plastic, MOMOLAND, Chromance
People were talking about the lyrics being creepy, and they kind of are, but the song is catchy. I like it.
Sugar, Kim Woo Seok (UP10TION)
Love the aesthetics of the MV. The song is pleasant too, much like CIX's Cinema.
Tiger, Ravi ft. Chillin Homie, Kid Milli
The singer in the back is not credited. Why is she not named? She's the one saving this song from being just another rap song. Well really it's the chorus and the traditional instruments, but still.
Alien, Han (Stray Kids)
Initial impression: I'm sorry but I can't even remember how this one went. Now: At least now I remember the 'I'm an alien on this earth' line?
Runner, Raiden, Baekhyun, Changmo, T1
Really like the vibe of this song.
You're My Destiny, D1CE
Sorry, but no.
Corny Love Song, JYP & Yoyomi
Rated [N] for a solid no.
One in a Million, Mark Tuan and Sanjoy
I can't focus on anything else but what they have processed his voice into.
Silent Boarding Gate, Jun (SEVENTEEN)
Hmmm. Nice? I like it because it's in Chinese (Mandarin?) but I doubt I'll play it.
Way Home, TXT
There is a reason I forgot this was even a thing. BigHit, really?. The minisode 1 mini had Ghosting and Wishlist on it and you chose to promote this instead?
Bicycle, Chungha
Initially: Chungha wtf. Now: Still don't like the verses, and the dance break in the MV was pointless in my opinion, but I will sing along whenever this comes on. Progress.
This is pretty nice for a CF. The verses are forgettable but things get a bit better in the chorus. I love the chant -- very catchy and also great to sing along to. The rap really wasn't needed, especially because I have no memory of it after the song ends.
Paranoia, Kang Daniel
Everything was building up just fine until the chorus came in. It's an okay song, but as something that sounds like it's meant for Halloween it should have been more than this.
Hero, Lucy
Not bad, but this can't top Snooze as a title track. Stove (one of the b-sides for this mini) is better.
gimme gimme, NCT 127
Initially: I lost hope in NCT after the mess that was Resonance, so nothing can disappoint me any more. I like the verses and the chorus because of that weird industrial-like sound in the back, but the prechorus where everything slows down just so the vocalists can do their job is very annoying. SM did that with Punch and Kick It, and I don't appreciate it. It's OK, I guess. I think I like it more than a lot of people -- it's very similar to Chain. Now: They look so fine in the video! The song grew on me, what a surprise.
A nice song but it doesn't really stand out for a debut, maybe watching the MV will change my mind (edit: it didn't). Their b-side Loca is much more interesting to me, even if it is a 90%-off version of BLACKPINK's Pretty Savage.
Excalibur, KINGDOM
Love the MV and the concept but the song is lacking, it's okay I guess.
Good Bye, Kwon Jin Ah
Usually I stay away from Korean ballads unless someone recommends one because they usually sound the same. This was a recommendation too and I'm happy to say I love this song. Once in a while a ballad will impress me and this one has. It might not appeal to anyone who is picky about their ballads but I love this mostly because her voice is so pleasant to listen to. It's the same way I love Chen's Hello even if it is the standard kpop ballad.
God Damn, I.M (MONSTA X)
Sounds like regular trap rap to me.
Beautiful Sunday, M.O.N.T (Narachan)
Nice sounding thing not for me.
Encore, GOT7
Don't Call Me, SHINee
Honestly sounds like an NCT song to me, I like it though.
Clicker, J.DON (N.Flying)
Queen, when is the album release please?
All Or Nothing, WEi
Nice name, nice concept. Where's the nice song?
Beautiful Beautiful, ONF
It is interesting how I don't even stan this group but I always look forward to their comebacks because quality. This song really just swooped in and stole the award for song of the month. I will humbly reflect on my actions and promise to show you a better side of me by stanning ONF like I should.
Runway, ATO6
This is a really, really great song. The video is minimalist but still interesting. I hope we get more music like this from these guys.
Too Good, IMLAY ft. Chenle (NCT)
I liked the song IMLAY released featuring YangYang and I like this too.
Breathe, Golden Child
Like it better than their title track.
It's really cool that Wonho is able to come back even after a scandal and still release quality music.
Oh! That Girl, C.T.O
No idea who these guys are but they have a great song.
Breaking Dawn, The Boyz
Why does kpop ruin everything with chorus drops?
0 notes
skippyv20 · 5 years
Skip, Julie here.
Peter and Autumn Phillips. What a wonderful couple they are. All marriages go through some problems occasionally but unfortunately for the BRF everything they do is amplified and blown out of all proportion. Peter is HMs oldest grandchild. His mother is PA. He and Autumn know exactly what is going on with PH so I think that headline may be very much misleading. I am not taking it as Peter and Autumn are divorcing until BRF releases a confirmation statement. They are amazing parents and their girls are adorable. I genuinely hope this is fake news.
In the meantime the collection of evidence by BRF goes on. MM has not been seen, in the flesh, for weeks. Before that it was many weeks too. Remember the person in the Archie photos was not RMM. The claim about photographers was just to make sure the world,other than those who follow MMs antics was aware she and alleged Archie were in Canada. I am doubting the person at Canada House was the real RMM too. Narcissists don’t sweat.
So where is she. I am not worried about PH. We all know that without a doubt he is protected somewhere. The most likely place for PH is the fresh open air with friends, family, protection around him. He is recovering from the depths of hell, one minute, one hour, one day at a time.
Like you Skip, I don’t think PH can do no wrong. We all can, we all have. I do think he is human with frailty and weaknesses like all of us. Every person who has seen a good deal that turned out to be a costly decision knows exactly what I mean. I do believe he has been used for a particular reason and has paid a very high price and will continue to pay a high price in the eyes of the world for some time. He can and will be able to support his brother going forward.
He had his fun, he was over it by December 2016 or so he thought. The rest we know about. Does that make him weak, umm without knowing all the details we don’t know. I can only say most people usually give a person they had a connection to a second chance. Usually the other person has not set out to trap us but then this was a high stakes trap that was a secret from BRF.
You see it is my firm belief that PA was the initial target. He was friends with GM. Friends, mates. Friends do not trap other friends. GM introduced him to JE. He liked JE. From all reports JE was a nice man, a good guy on the surface. Should PA have been wary of him. Why? JE was friends or acquaintances with lots of wheeler and dealers. PA was flattered to be seen in his company because he got to meet wheeler and dealers from Europe, Middle East and US that helped in his Trade role for the UK. So was he purposely entrapped. Of course he was.
HM is an amazing woman backed by PP who has a very strategic view of the world and protection of HM and the reputation of the Monarchy and its secrets is the top of his agenda. What information others have to underpin their hell bent desire to bring the Monarchy to its knees we will never know but in my very humble opinion they have tried to use PA and PH to warn BRF to tow the line or else.
Why would PA talk to the FBI. There is no doubt much higher level of security would be involved in gathering information re the JE mess. There are no doubt many secrets that are above the FBI particularly since US political parties seem to have a push pull in that organisation. Too many weird things. PA will have spoken to those that can be trusted, like MI5 and Scotland Yard.
So where is MM. My view is she is safely under house arrest at an undisclosed location spilling her everything to try and save herself. We have not seen the real her for some time. Will we see her on 9 March. We will see someone, whoever she may be but there will be a very good reason for it.
God Bless LG and keep him safe. That man is deserving of being every accolade for easing HMs burden in these dark days.
All my humble opinion of course. I have no more information than anyone else. I have a fertile imagination and read way too many conspiracy books but it never hurts to wonder how, when, what, where, why, who, it keeps the mind active.
We all know HM sends out subtle messages. Her messages tell us she fully supports PA because she knows what has/is behind the headlines and PH will be ok (she didn’t promote him for no reason). She will ensure PBs wedding will be amazing.
Thank you Julie...always, anything and everything.  Great post......that makes sense!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Lights Out
Chapter Five
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I groaned, feeling like my face was completely swollen. All I could hear around me, was beeping and light chatter. I couldn’t understand what was being said though. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I tried moving my body a little. Feeling pain shooting up my legs and back, I winced and ripped my eyes open. Looking up, I noticed a white ceiling. It smelt really clean and the air was almost as fresh as water. In the process of trying to sit up, I ripped a few chords from their machines.
I was in the hospital, although I couldn't remember how I got here.
“Zoey?” I called out. My voice was hoarse and my throat was so itchy. “Oh honey, don’t move.” 
A nurse came walking in and gently pushed me back down on the bed, hooking my chords back up to the machine. “Everything is alright, just relax and try not to move so much.” I immediately started crying as I thought about Sapphire. “Where are my sisters?” I could feel the tears running down my face as I looked around the room for them.
Junwon’s POV
Looking past the curtains, I glanced out towards the crowd of people. I was actually surprised at how many people decided to show up. Oddly enough, I didn't see Hazel. She was never late and the show was about to start. Pushing the curtain closed, I threw my head back and sighed. I was never nervous, but the fact that Hazel wasn’t here, made me feel that way now. 
“Come on, Haze. pick up.” I mumbled as I listened to her dial tone. Nothing. I tried again but, same result. 
“My man, Ph-1!”
Quickly turning around, I spotted Mr. Jay Park, himself. My mouth hung open a little and I smiled. “What the hell.” I laughed. “You didn’t think I was going to miss this, did you?” we gave each other a quick handshake. “How did you know i was performing tonight?” I asked.
“I stalked your instagram dude. It was actually everywhere on my feed. A few people sent it to me and told me to come and check you out. I'm here with my team.” Jay turned around and pointed to about ten people standing behind him. “Okay, so you roll deep?”
I was shocked that he was here. We talked a few times via dm on instagram and he did say that he liked my music, but I didn't actually think that we would meet in person.
“I wanna run a few things by you tonight.” he said with a huge smile on his face. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse man.”
Hazel’s POV
Laying on my side, I curled into a ball as best as I could. All I wanted was Junwon. 
“Hazel?” I heard Zoey’s voice. I shot my gaze to the entrance of my room and there she stood along side with Sapphire, in hospital gowns. I immediately started crying.
“I’m so happy you guys are okay.” Sitting up slowly, I stood to my feet and opened my arms. They both ran over to me and gently hugged me.
“I’m so sorry..” Zoey mumbled.
“Don’t be. This wasn’t your fault, Zoe.”
She cried on my shoulder before pulling away. “I shouldn’t have drove in the first place.
Sapphire wrapped her arm around my sisters shoulder. “Stop beating yourself up over this. we’re all fine and everything's okay.”
“How are you guys?” I asked sitting back down on the bed.
“Just a sprained wrist, thank god.” Sapphire announced with a soft chuckle. Zoey nodded. “Just a few bruises, but i’m okay.”
“Woojae’s here and he’s worried sick about all of us.” Sapp announced. “So, he went to go get some real food.”
“And Junwon?” I mumbled. “He probably hates me for missing the show.”
Zoey shook her head. “I don’t even think he knows, Hazel.”
I sighed.
“He can’t be mad after he finds out.” Sapphire said approaching the side of the bed. “Do you know his number by heart, we can call him right now.”
I shook my head as she picked up the phone, ready to dial. “I don’t even know my mom’s num- Oh my god! Mom.”
Zoey sat down next to me. “She’s on her way. I already know that I’m so dead when she gets here too.” She admitted.
“She’ll be happy that we’re alive Zoe, stop.”
later that night
the ride home was quiet. mom and her boyfriend sat in the front seat, holding hands like they were on a romantic boat ride of something. yeah, she was worried, but i was expecting a different outcome.
zoey’s head was rested on my shoulder and she was slowly falling asleep. i winced as pain shot through my back. i lied to the doctors when i told them i was fine. i just wanted to go home, badly. tonight was a complete mess and i just wanted to be in my bed.
getting up the stairs, zoey helped me to my bed.
“you know i can walk on my own.” i joked. she didn’t respond. i watched as she pulled back my sheets and picked out a pair of pajamas for me.
“sheesh, shut up- will ya?” i chuckled.
her eyes shot up and she had the look of a baby deer, who was lost in the woods.
“i said it’s not your fault.” i calmly repeated. zoey looked down at started to play with the fabric on the sheets.
“i feel like it is though..” 
i slowly climbed into my bed and zoey did the same.
Junwon’s POV
after the performance, i waited outside the venue and expressed how extremely happy i was that everyone came.
as the crowd started to die down, i leaned against the hood of my car and dialed hazel’s number again. still nothing, so i decided to leave her a voicemail. 
i was pissed.
why would she just diss me like this?
“hey..i don’t know where you are or if you’re still mad at me or whatever. i think it’s pretty fucked up that you missed my show tonight.”
i sighed and paused for a moment.
“you’re probably with bryan.”
just saying his name made my blood boil.
“i dont even know why you’re with the kid. how do you ditch me for someone who doesn’t value you, hazel? i’m always fucking there for you and you know i value your time and i would never-”
i stopped myself.
“i just feel so damn stupid cause i had something really special planned for you.. for us, and you just.. whatever”
hanging up the phone, i shut my eyes and clenched my jaw.
“trouble in paradise?” i heard jay’s voice say. i quickly switched up my attitude and chuckled. “nah, i'm definitely single, bro.” 
the words pinched my sides.
“well, you’re in luck cause someone was really feelin the show.” jay nodded in the direction of a small framed girl who stood just off to the side, with the rest of his crew. i glanced over at her and she smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
i thought of hazel for a moment. 
she’s got an entire boyfriend, so who cares if i entertain this chick.
“she’s single.” he added.
smiling back at her, i felt my anger slowly disappear.
“so, how does korea sound bro?” jay asked as he changed the subject.
caught off guard, i furrowed my brows. “what?” i turned my attention back to him.
“i wanna sign you. but i need you in korea.” jay laughed. my eyes got big. “wait, you wanna sign me?” i said confused. “why else did you think i showed up tonight? i wanted to see if you were down to be apart of h1ghr music.”
what he was saying, still wasn’t connecting in my head. “so, you wanna sign me?” i repeated. jay rolled his eyes in a playful manner.
“yes, dude. think about it. here’s my number.” he said slipping me a piece of paper. “think about it and get back to me by the end of next week.”
i took the paper and glanced at it.
“we’re going to an after party at this club, wanna join us? tons of beautiful ladies will be there, plus your little secret admirer.” he said rubbing his hands together. “maybe you guys can get to know each other.”
the next day
Hazel’s POV
the next morning, i woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. i furrowed my brows and sat up, making my way to the hallway.
i tilted my head as i heard sapphire’s voice.
“sapp?” i yelled out. “haze? you awake?” her voice was happy and i could tell she was skipping over to me by the sound of her shoes.
“hi.” she said looking up at me. i leaned over the ponywall and smiled down at her. “what are you doing here?” i laughed. “get yourself together, you’re coming with me today.”
i shook my head. “for what?” sapphire groaned and stomped up the stairs. “go! zoey needs to get herself together too. we’re going to be late.”
“late for what?” i asked.
moments later
getting in the car with sapphire, i sighed. it felt so weird to be in a vehicle after the accident.
“so, where are we going exactly?” zoey said strapping her seatbelt on.
“my house- we need a girly time and i’m also throwing a party tonight and i need some help setting up.” she smiled back at zoey through the review mirror.
i looked over at sapphire. “a party? sapphire, we just got into a car accident. how do you have to energy to have a party?” i said annoyed.
she rolled her eyes and sighed as she began driving. “look, we almost lost our lives last night. by the grace of god, we’re alive and that deserves to be celebrated.”
as we pulled up to sapphire’s house, zoey gasped. “no way! this is your freakin house?” she shouted. sapphire laughed. “its my parents’ house, i just happen to be their roommate.”
walking in, zoey grabbed my hand- squeezing it tight.
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“remind me why you’re always at our house.” i said sighing. every time i walked into sapphire’s house, i instantly felt like a peasant.
“cause, it’s too quiet here. i hate it. the place is too big for just one person all the time.” she wined.
as we walked through the entrance, she lead us up the double stairs and into her room.
sapphire’s room
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“sapphire, you’re not allowed to come over anymore. we’re moving in.” zoey said standing in the door frame. sapphire laughed. “be my guest. my parents are never here.”
later that night
looking through sapphire’s closet, i groaned. “sapp, i wont be able to pull any of these off. can’t i just stay up here while you have your party?”
she shot her eyes up from her phone. sapphire was busy sending out invitations via text message and dm.
“absolutely not. now move.” she laughed. making her way towards her closet, she went straight to a tan dress with sleeves. “this. now go get dressed so we can do your hair.” sapphire patted me on the head and shooed me away.
“as for the princess, this one will look amazing on you.” 
as i walked past zoey, her eye lit up and i shook my head.
hazel’s outfit:
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sapphire’s out:
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zoey’s outfit:
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as the house started to fill with people and the music blasted, i felt so out of place. zoey was out in the center of the floor, dancing with sapphire like we never got into an accident in the first place. i didn’t want to do much moving since my back was on fire. even these heels were hard to walk in.
i walked over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink. i said hi to a few familiar faces then made my way back over to the bottom of the stairs and took a seat. i kept a close eye on zoey, since wondering eyes were already drooling over her. as i took a sip of my drink, i heard sapphire squeal.
that was the ‘woojae just walked into the room’ squeal.
i turned towards the door and seen him and junwon walking inside. i dropped my drink, letting it spill all over my dress. 
he was with another girl. 
she was glued to his side as they pranced through the crowd of people. sapphire’s smile instantly faded as she spotted the female with junwon.
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