#guys is it play by play what the nazi party did or is it play by play what the iranian theocracy did or is it play by play what
bypatia · 2 months
The bjp government introduced the ucc bill in Uttarakhand which has made it mandatory for live in couples to register with the government and a copy of the registration will be sent to respective families. It also added the father as a first class legal heir for inheritance of property, encroaching upon the the right of the mother, wife, daughter (the actual victims of patriarchy, who most likely did not have any social right to gain access to financial independence or inheritance from other family members) to accommodate the father, who more than likely than not already has financial freedom and ownership rights over land property. Moving on, they removed the Muslim personal law, which guaranteed the rights of the daughter in a fixed inheritance percentage. Not to mention the whole act is modelled after hindu personal laws and demanding other religions to bend according to it is inherently regressive no matter how progressive the law on paper looks to be. So should I just bang my head against the wall right now and be done with it or watch as the bjp government slowly sets fire to all our lives?
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doberbutts · 3 months
Thank you for making the schindler post, it perfectly illustrates why I hate the way people will act like people who hurt others (like active nazis and racists) aren't capable of regular emotion and thought. Second chances are often seen as bad when it comes to violence and crime, but if you never give someone the chance to change, form different opinions, or see the damage they or their associates have caused, they'll just keep taking the path of least resistance, keep following orders. I just want people to take a serious look at a nazi who changed his mind. There is nothing inherently evil about anyone, there are only moral and immoral choices.
It helps, I think, to understand that he did not join the nazi party because he hated Jews. Even what research I did on the real man said that for the most part his reasons for siding with Hitler were purely economical. And, as I've said before, Hitler did not start with "I hate Jews let's kill them all" but with "look how bad the economy sucks! And who is doing well while the economy sucks? The Jews. That means they're the ones behind making the economy suck!" to get people on his side.
I think Schindler did have some internalized antisemitism. How could he not? He thought of the plan to use almost exclusively Jewish slave labor as good business sense. Cheaper than Poles, more desperate for the work and thus less likely to complain about conditions or quit, can't fuss about wanting wages or better hours, what's not to like? Supposedly his workers were treated well. I don't know if that makes it particularly better. I wonder how his workers felt, staring at the emblem proudly pinned to his jacket, knowing it stood for the extermination of their entire people.
I wonder if any of them ever considered it might be a trick. An elaborate long game to get them to trust and slip up. To get them to reveal the hiding places and secret messages and the others striving to find or make a way out.
I think the movie played with that concept a little bit, when the character of Stern (who apparently was 3 different real guys rolled into 1) is portrayed as always being a little standoffish and cold to Schindler until close to the very end. He was afraid of him. Schindler held not only his life but the lives of all of the people working there (plus more, irl) in his hands. He rubbed shoulders with high ranked officials and knew personally more than one known sadistic bastard that actively got off on murdering Jews. All it would take is a single word and it would be more than just those in the factory who died.
But then the ghetto was cleansed. In history, Schindler had advance warning and made his workers lock themselves in the factory overnight to spare them. In the movie, Schindler did not have warning, and saw the chaos from atop a vantage point as he'd meant to pass by.
Either way, both in life and in film, that was the line. He was, at minimum, willfully blind and passive to the evidence of what was happening up to that point. Once he couldn't deny it, he put his foot down and said, no more. I'm not doing this. I can't save everybody but you aren't getting your hands on anyone in my charge. Put me in jail if you have to. This is wrong.
He had everything to gain by continuing to look away. In the movie, Stern says something to the tune of "you'll have to hire Hungarians and Poles. They cost a little more but you'll still be rich" when they're both faced with Hitler's final solution. No more cheap Jewish labor when they're all dead, after all. It is at that point that they come up with the list- to get as many Jews as possible out of Germany before they're all sent to their deaths. He could have just said "yeah, sorry. I tried". Stern even more or less gave him permission to do so, like he was expecting it.
But he didn't. He said no fuck that, it's bullshit. It's not happening. I'm not letting it happen. They can arrest me or kill me if they want but if I'm alive for it I'm not just going to stand back and watch.
But I think it is difficult for people to grapple with that level of complexity. Not everyone he saved thinks he was overall a good person. His motives were not always pure. In fact many times his motives were just about lining his own pockets. But when he saw atrocities happen, he put his foot down and refused to participate. Even at his own cost- he had the equivalent amount of money back then as would be needed to retire early nowadays from his factory labor. He spent it on bribes and rations to keep them safe. He went to jail several times for refusing to back down. He risked his own neck by networking with other factory owners to get them to do the same. He could have been executed for this at any point. Nazis loved public spectacle executions for traitors and for collusion with Jews.
He wasn't a perfect ally. But I think I'd rather an imperfect ally do whatever they can to help, than no allies at all.
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
VOR: Hitler and Stalin
They are both S-tier, you can't touch the greats. The thing that set both of them apart is how much more radical they were then virtually everyone else around. The Nazi party was a rotating door of factional hanger-ons that Hitler brought into the room, used, and then dusted the moment they quaked or deviated. Time and again when cementing power other faction leaders went "surely, he won't-" and then the fucker did and put a bullet in their brain to make sure they got the message. He called the bluff of his military, his party ranks, and the governments of Britain and France on more than one occasion and annexed nations and stunned the world for his trouble. The guy fucking cheated death, more than once - he has no VOR because he cannot be replaced. He is certainly in the running for the most impactful political leader of all time, nothing is the same without him. Your feed is 80% discourse about the Gaza Strip today because of him, you live in his world.
Stalin is the same, and in particular what I want to emphasize is that the history of the USSR is not, at all, the history of dictatorship. Lenin was during the insurrection, but once it was a governing body he played that card way less, and by his death it was a full party oligarchy. And it would be that after Stalin too. That was the status quo and everyone pretty-much expected it to stay that way when Lenin died. We all rule together. Stalin had other ideas, and to make sure you understood his point he executed 700,000 political dissidents in three years. If you look at debates in the Soviet bodies in ~1925, its really obvious no one had this on their radar. Bukharin and Trotsky and Khalinin had no plan for this. Even people like Beria, specifically elevated by Stalin and widely hated at the start as bloody barbarians, would pivot-switch the moment Stalin died and start asking "what the fuck we were all doing exactly?" while emptying the gulags.
The USSR would have had totalitarian social structures, don't confuse me here. But the gap between Stalin & Xi Jinping is orders of magnitude, they aren't comparable. The USSR had many Xi Jinping's, it had many Lenin's. It only had one Stalin.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
My brain is whirring in the blender right now so here are the things I think twst characters would find interesting/horrifying
Atom bombs. Why would they need atom bombs? Wars were either fought with magic or swords if lilias backstory is standard war procedure. And in endless halloween, leona tells a (fake) story about a terrorist group on a yaht party or something that attacked with a magic cube. Also that whole moment with Oppenheimer where he didn't know if igniting that bomb would set off a chain reaction that would ignite all the other bombs and basically destroy the world. AND HE STILL FUCKING DID IT.
Gun. Same reasons as the atom bombs.
French revolution and the reign of terror. What do you mean 40,000 were executed and over 300,000 locked up in the time span if a few years? Why did the "french" switch between so many governments so fast? Who the hell is napoleon?
Russian revolution and Anastasia. that revolution was MESSY. But imagine telling leona or someone about how everyone thought that princess Anastasia and her brother escaped execution cause they couldn't find their bodies with the rest of the royal family. So all these middle aged women just started coming out being like "I am Anastasia", and one of these women was eventually accepted as Anastasia. Until they found out that thr royal family were submerge in vats of acid after they were killed, and because children's bones aren't quite solid, the just. Melted in the acid.
The whole mystery of those villages getting up one day and dancing themselves to death and we still don't know why.
Medieval torture devices. Like the crowd cage or when you get covered in honey and sent away on a boat to be eaten alive by bugs (jamil throws up)
The black plauge. Just. The black plauge.
Early Industrial revolution working conditions. I think even azul would get uncomfortable with those.
Mansu Musa going on tour and giving away so much gold that he collapsed entire economies.
The cold War. "Yeah so the US and the USSR were in a war-not-war because of paranoia of nuclear atom bombs but they couldn't actually go to war because if they actually went to war that would just be the end of the world so they just had a massive dick messering contest. Oh yeah! That's actually why we got the space race!"
The space race. ("The fucking moon in the sky!" "Yes azul, the moon in the sky. And Mars. And there are satellites that literally went to the cold cold edge of our solar system" "...why are you guys insane?")
American prohibition laws and the outlawing of alcohol that everyone hated so much that the government legalized alcohol again and now we have this thing called moonshine.
Mexican revolution and the solid century where their presidents just kept getting assassinated.
The greatest night in pop "we are the world". Just as a treat for the pop music club.
The entire age of exploration honestly. "What do you mean half your world didn't know the other half of the world was there until a few centuries ago?" "Oh you're gonna shit yourself when you find out what Europeans did next"
What the Europeans did next.
The world wars. Lilia has a fucking stroke while listening to it. But some of it was funny! Not really but yk! A polish bear loading an artillery Canon, an unsinkable cat, that British guy that carried a bow and arrow and played bag pipes when the nazis found him only to be the most unkillable yet unserious guy ever, a US naval captain that literally FLOODED HALF HIS SHIP on D-Day just to tilt that bitch back so they could hit the Germans better, and the US just converting a spare ship into a massive ice cream machine is pretty fucking hilarious.
The coups of the ancient past. I don't really remember who but I think this Indian (?) Prince literally threw his brother out a window, dragged him back upstairs, only to throw him out again for good measure is fucking hilarious.
The mono Lisa wasn't famous until this Guy™ stole it from a museum. The museum employs didn't even realize it was gone until someone asked where it went 💀
The way we name our countries tbh. Most of them translate to some ancient language (Spain translates to "rabbits" and Columbia is "dove"), but twst really has countries like. "Scolding Sands ✨️ and Queendom of Roses ✨️. So our country names are probably really weird to them. Especially the full country names. Do you know Hong Kongs official name? It's long as shit.
The first chainsaw was invented by two socttish doctors in the early 1800s to help with childbirth
I have many more historically rambling I could go on but this shit is getting long.
If anyone at any point wants to ramble about history they are very welcome to do so in my literal dms and not just my ask box. I love history and I love talking about it!!!
I think out of all of the things you listed the atom bomb, the space race, and the Cold War would probably be the what I think the various twst boys would find most interesting. Even in the history of our own world those things were extremely unusual, the sheer scale of something like a world war is really hard to grasp and I doubt Twisted Wonderland has had a similar event. I think the concept of such a thing would really scare the cast, though I imagine Idia, Leona, and Lilia would be grimly impressed at just how creative people can be when it comes to destroying each other. Magic isn't required to make a mess of things, sure they already knew that but oh wow. Now they're really thinking about it.
Now you know who would want to talk about all of these things? Professor Trein! He'd be really interested in learning anything and everything Yuu can remember about the history of their world. As an educator it allows him better insight into his student, and as a lover of history he gets to learn a lot of new things no one else knows.
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homochadensistm · 2 months
We've seen photos of Palestinians waving Third Reich flags it's not like we desperately need to prove that one singular solitary Hamas soldier has a temporary swastika tattoos that his besties gave him at the 7th grade sleepover. And the fact that it looks so shitty and obviously hand-drawn too is sending me ��
Like it's corny and it's tired and it's played out. Planting evidence on a terrorist is going to have so much more capital among the insane Houthi fangirls (who also think that Israel trains American police to execute people of color) than it is among pro Israel people who already know that a lot of Hamas members and supporters like Nazis!
There's no way the tattoo is real, there's no logical reason why this guy would have it, we don't need it to be real to prove that Nazi ideology is popular in Gaza. Everyone arguing with you is so hypersensitive to any assertion that Israel is wrong or making something up and they need to take a chill pill, maybe smoke a blunt. Like this wasn't even ISRAEL the state, it was a single IDF soldier probably trying to get clout (guys look I took out the Nazi soldier with his halal swastika tattoo). You can support Israel and still acknowledge that plenty of Israeli soldiers are dumbasses and a lot of them are very young and impulsive.
Forever obsessed with all these people praying on your downfall every time you even slightly disagree with them. I guess they're intimidated 👄💄
I understand your bottom line but dude some of the things u wrote are entirely missing a very important point.
the palis could hold nazi marches and wave these flags on their way to work, it doesnt matter at all. creating and spreading mis/disinformation to Own The Other Side is vile behavior. and yes, you absolutely need to prove the claims you as a country officially make (fortunately, as u stated, this was not claimed officially....YET) because your credibility is what makes or breaks ur public relations. soldiers drawing swastikas on palis with sharpies shouldnt be excused as a teehee oopsie doopsie its just a prank bro!! it should be taken extremely seriously and it doesnt remotely matter whether the palis wave the nazi flags or not, its not the point.
some retarded 18yo with an M16 in the middle of khan younis isnt thinking abt Israeli public relations when he does something fucking stupid and the myriad of absolutely disgusting vids posted by these freaks on tiktok should serve as a lesson to us all on that. ppl who r capable of ransacking some random persons house or store are also capable of planting evidence like this, and we know for a fact that both soldiers and spokespeople lied multiple times abt "evidence". ppl dont seem to understand that both parties here have a vested interest in maintaining the others bad image and both parties are going to release bs propaganda.
and ur absolutely right, we dont need a tattoo to prove the prevelence of nazi ideology in gaza, but if we dont need that then simply dont lie about it! dont make shit up! and yet someone still made it up and its going to be added to the pile of bs Israel spread (because lets face it, even if the country didnt officially post this, a soldier did, and a soldier is a representative to the country whether we like it or not), that is going to hurt us down the line. again ppl dont seem to understand that the palis can lie until their tongues fall off and noone will care because the west expects absolutely nothing from them, but we cannot play by these rules because we are a democratic country that is held to western standards of conduct. we as ordinary ppl must point out the crap thats spread around by members of Our SideTM just as much as we do on the crap spread around by the terrorist cum garglers, and if were not willing to do that then were just as brainwashed as they are.
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luvtonique · 3 months
You know what would genuinely make a lot of money right now?
A b-horror slasher flick similar to Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Urban Legends, etc
The cast being killed brutally by the killer are 4 extreme ultra MAGA republicans of varying types (Religious, gun-nut, pro-lifer, neo-Nazi) all super exaggerated
And 4 extreme ultra-liberal democrats of varying types (Blue hair and too many piercings Tumblrina, obnoxious vegan rich white dude complaining about everything, pro-choicer, ultra LGBT activist)
And none of them survive they all get slaughtered brutally, the bad guy wins. Nobody spared. The director doesn't give a shit who you agree with or who you want to survive, they all die.
And the bad guy also never gets revealed so a lot of sequels can get made and they're all the same. Nobody ever survives the entire series, and there are always an even number of both sides.
Call it "Oh, Beautiful" and the killer is dressed up like Uncle Sam.
There you go, Hollywood, have fun. Enjoy your billions that'd make.
PS: And just to make it as exaggerated as possible, make the actors play the opposite party from what they support IRL and tell them to be as vicious and argumentative as possible when the cameras are rolling.
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gsirvitor · 1 month
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Any clue who this joker is and why they're so bitter at you?
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If it's the guy I'm thinking of, he blamed the Catholic Church for what the Nazis did, I defended the Church, he got mad, then I think the staff nuked him.
I don't often play devil's advocate, as anyone who follows me can attest, I merely voice my opinions on subjects, some may agree with me and others may not, though I find it amusing he sees me as being notorious.
It always amazes me that these people don't understand people are complex, and not two dimensional caricatures, I can take a stance on one subject that would be oppositional to another, such as my stance on abortion, the child has a right to life, while I do believe in the death penalty.
Now these aren't contradictions to the sane, because the criminal forfeits their right to life, while the child is innocent, regardless of how they were conceived.
Anyone who follows me will know, I don't hate Christians, or even Christianity, being an Atheist doesn't make me an Anti Theist, but I do greatly enjoy the fact he outs himself as actually hating the Catholic Church while claiming I am the Christian hating party.
Abimelech, I know you'll see this, so do be a doll and make a thread, it'll be quite entertaining to read your explanations as to why I, as others have put it, am a walking talking paradox.
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girlreviews · 1 month
Review #113: The Queen is Dead, The Smiths
Morrissey really turned out to be a disappointing and vile piece of shit, and it’s a damn shame. Went from being this quirky, pretentious, off-beat guy that you sort of tolerated because it was funny and the music was so damn good and you could let go of his holier-than-thou shit because you could never really tell if he was being totally serious, and every now and again the internet would gift you with a picture of him with a cat on his head. You were like “OH Morrissey, what are you like?!”, but over the years it got a darker and more insidious until it became abundantly clear that we weren’t dealing with some performance artist who liked to play with irony and push boundaries – we were dealing with a hateful man. The dude supports a political party that is too far right for Nigel Farage. I hand on heart did not know such a thing could exist, which is truly disturbing, but Farage himself described “For Britain” as “made up of Nazi’s and racists”. To be fair, Farage didn’t actually qualify that he thought that was a bad thing, so maybe Morrissey is still in appropriate company with that sorry excuse of a human.
Thankfully, The Smiths isn’t Morrissey, and Morrissey isn’t The Smiths. The other members have distanced themselves and made it clear that they don’t have any tolerance for anything center-right, let alone anything that flirts with fascism. One of my favorite moments in British politics is when then Prime Minister/Head Doofus David Cameron tried to be a cool dude in front of his in-bred private schoolboy cronies and said The Smiths were his favorite band. I assume he was not expecting the pure and utter humiliation of Johnny Marr, founding member and legendary guitarist of The Smiths publicly forbidding him to like The Smith’s music and instructing him to “stop saying you like it, no you don’t”. I believe I laughed for a solid 15 minutes. You can have all the power in the world (or the illusion of it), and someone can still just destroy you like that because you’re a fucking dillhole with no integrity, no spine, no chill and everybody knows it.
Anyway, we’ll get to the record and the songs in a second, but circling back to the time in life before we all had to really accept just how much of a turd Morrissey is, you know, we had this sort of whimsical Eeyore crooner type character that was pretty entertaining, truth be told. I had a friend that used to sing Happy Birthday in the style of Morrissey and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to it every year. There’s a particular delight in singing along and doing your best Morrissey impression or going all in on the “aaaah!” in This Charming Man. We’re grieving that Morrissey. But he’s gone, if he was ever really here. I actually saw him at the Ryman, and there was still some semblance of the witty weirdo that we put up with. He came on stage, took his shirt off, said in his ridiculous voice, “I wuff you!” and launched right into How Soon Is Now? It was pretty great. It really was. But still, fuck that guy, he doesn’t deserve to perform at the Mother Church ever again.
So if I’m being completely honest, I think I’ve gotten to know The Smith’s haphazardly over the years not through their “true” albums. They put out a few compilations that could have fooled me into thinking they were albums (and did), and so I do not believe I ever listened to The Queen is Dead from start to finish until now. It really epitomizes what people mean when they’re like, ugh, The Smiths are so depressing. I’ve never really felt that. I always found them to feel very upbeat, despite the content being undeniably steeped in misery. I always found that very funny and assumed it was intentional. But a lot of these tracks are just straight-up downers (I Know It’s Over, Had No One Ever). It really takes me back to this time, where we had not lived in England too long. We didn’t know anyone yet, and weren’t all that settled – for those of you who have never moved across an ocean to another country, which I’ve now done twice – that shit is hard and it takes so much longer than you realize to feel like you have any sense of belonging or feeling of being home. I knew that even though I was three, because on Sunday we would just aimlessly drive around in my Dad’s company car and try and find a pub that welcomed children (that was not the cultural norm in England in the 90s), and that was even open on Sunday at all. Often we would just end up driving around the countryside or going to a hardware store. This is likely why I associate both Sundays and hardware stores with immense existential dread. I totally knew we were lonely and outcasts as a family unit. It was also so grey and rainy looking out the car window and The Smiths was often the soundtrack. Bleugh.
Bigmouth Strikes Again changes the pace and gets to that upbeat misery that I referred to earlier. A song can get you up and moving even when it suggests that “you should be bludgeoned in your bed”. When I still lived in East London, my friends and I used to frequent this very funny club night, dubbed “Feeling Gloomy”, that was entirely dedicated to dancing your ass off to miserable songs that were catchy as fuck and had a great beat. It was rife with moody 80s serious synth music, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, it was one of my favorite places to go and let it all out. It was my happiest place to be miserable.
Once, after a particularly heavy weekend, I was in my office alone, not getting a lot done because I was… Struggling. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. This wasn’t a glamorous or stable time in my life, and I did my best all told. As mentioned previously, I had some very unsympathetic and problematic upper management that imposed bans on my music habits. One of my three bosses was a half-decent human being and found my antics sort of endearing. He came in that day, and found me in a very sorry state. I was attempting to eat a banana, curled up on the floor, with There Is A Light That Never Goes Out meekly playing from my shitty laptop speakers. He laughed, shut my laptop, made me a cup of tea, and said “listen girlreviews, we’ve talked about this, you can’t listen to The Smiths when you’ve had a big weekend”. We laughed. On a separate note regarding this song. One of my closest, dearest, and oldest friends assigns this song to me, my life, and our relationship with each other:
“Take me out tonight
Oh, take me anywhere, I don't care
I don't care, I don't care
Driving in your car
I never, never want to go home
Because I haven't got one, la-di-dum
Oh, I haven't got one
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten-ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine”
Make of that what you will. It’s complicated, deep, and beautiful. The strings that accompany these words are complicated, deep, and beautiful as well. I don’t know what it is about this song but it captures a gratitude and a melancholy. Something that is, but also cannot be. It’s very special and I cherish it. I think it’s too easy to get stuck on the morbidity of it without realizing what it’s really saying: I’m so grateful to be here with you in this car. Even in the face of certain death, you make me feel safe. You’re the home I don’t have, and I love you. What a wild thing for two people to share. How fortunate am I to know and love someone like that, and know that they know and love me like that right back.
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tv-girllover07 · 6 months
Something metal🥁
Kevin schlieb × fem!reader
Movie: Metal lords
Part 5
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Blue italic= there thoughts
Green italic= Kevin narrating
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Y/n’s POV
As Im playing the song “Cello Suite No. 1” I see someone walk up to the door slide something underneath it and leave I walk up and pick up the piece of paper and see it has Kevin‘s name on it. I opened up the piece of paper and saw a list of songs on it. When I get home I lay down on my bed with my laptop resting on them, I look up the first song on the list on YouTube.
“War Pigs” never heard it before, I haven’t gotten all the way through it yet as I look at the video, it starts to get really intense and kind of horrifying, and it looked like there was a guy with needles sticking out of his head.
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Scene skip ⏭️
The next day I’m in the school, I walk up to the room Kevin was practicing in and see him with headphones in practicing on his drum, I smile to myself then walk away. Then I did the same thing the next day debating if I should go in but I walk away again.
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Scene skip ⏭️
After two days of debating if I should go in or not, today I finally decide I’m going to I stand outside the door biting on my thumb nail and I look back at my cello and sigh then I open the door and Kevin stops playing and I drag my cello with me “Hey. Um…” I said nervously “Hi” he said breathing heavily. I grab a chair and take my cello out of its case and rest it against my chest then look at Kevin and play the first note of “War Pigs” then he looks confused and I play the first note again and look at him and turn my head a bit hopefully he will understand then he does and we both start to play the intro to “War Pigs” and we continue to play and as we play we look at each other a couple of times.
Kevin’s POV
Man, she’s amazing. Maybe Hunter’ll change his mind about her when I tell him how much she shreds
Y/n’s POV
As I’m sitting in my speech class listening to the teacher talk about “enunciation and projection” I can feel eyes on me and it’s pissing me off a little, I scratch the side of my head and I still feel eyes on the side on my head and I turn my head to the left and see Hunter looking at me and when I catch him staring at me he looks up and pretends to listen to what the teacher was saying, then there’s a knock on the door and we all turn our heads and some kid in a plaid shirt walks in “Dean Swanson want to see Hunter Sylvester.” The kid says, Hunter nods his head and leaves the room.
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Scene skip ⏭️
Kevin’s POV
I pace back-and-forth in Hunter’s basement hearing the sound of the shaver buzzing as Hunter talked “They only got suspended two weeks. Swanson wanted a month, but their ass-rapist coach intervened.” “Yeah, still, they’re gone. They can’t come back to campus or anything.” I said to Hunter trying to be positive “But when they come back, they’ll totally ass-rape me for getting them suspended in the first place” is he serious? “Getting them suspended? It’s their fault. They defaced your hair” I try and reason with him “I flicked him in the chops first” he said remembering what happened just a few days ago “Okay, well, at Clay Moss’s party, they pushed you into the speaker in front of everybody. They started it.”
“Yeah, I don’t think your average suburban Nazi shitbag is gonna see it that way.” The buzzing from the shaver stops, Hunter and I both look in the mirror “How is it?” Hunter asked and I don’t really know what to say “It’s cool. Yeah, it’s cool. Yeah…Yeah” I said quietly “Yeah, I kind of look like Jason Newsted for Metallica, the bass player.” I get confused for a second “Hmm. Oh, right, the one who got fired.” Then Hunter looks a me a little upset then we started walking upstairs to the kitchen “It’s more Viking than Newsted.” I agree “Yeah, like the school mascot.” But Hunter disagrees “No. No, not like the school mascot. Less like the school mascot than anything on Earth. More like a baby’s dick than the school mascot. If a baby’s dick grew its own baby dick, then my hair would be more like--“ Mr Sylvester turns around and looks at both of us and Hunter stops talking so Mr. Sylvester grabs his toast from the toaster and leaves.
Part 6 🥁
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kendallroygf · 1 year
Your Kendall post speaks volumes. I never knew how to articulate it properly but I always think (idk if it’s canon or not) His ex wife is Jewish, his best friend Iranian and his daughter, South Asian. But he’s aligning himself with parties like ATN etc. I don’t know, it’s a funny thing to me because wether or not the writers did this on purpose or not but the people he’s closest to (aside from his sibs) are as you said, from marginalised communities. Does he think the amount of wealth a person earns suddenly makes them immune to a system that wasn’t originally built for anyone aside for people like him. I wonder what his stance would’ve been on Mckenen if he were in the room when they were all deciding who should be president. It’s more personal for him, his daughter is quite literally apart of the community that Mckenen demonises. Not even just for Kendall but for Stewy & Marcia too. Like they can’t be seen opposing people like him because where does that put them? Just being poc in a cooperate world is threatening enough. This is me putting too much thought into it while also knowing the writers maybe didn’t when it comes to the Sophie/Marcia/Stewy and the role they have to put on.
hmm i don’t know how qualified i am to speak on this but in terms of ‘aligning himself with atn’ i truly think it’s never been an conscious choice for kendall to do that. like it came with the job. logan groomed kendall to one day be in charge of waystar and subsequently atn for however many years and i think a consequence of that is that kendall doesn’t really have any concrete ideologies/beliefs, much like roman. but similar to shiv (although her politics are way more clear) he has this abstract idea of ‘doing good things’ with waystar and wanting to be a ‘good person’ but this in itself kind of centres around logan . like his desire to ‘be good’ is just a desire to be good in comparison to his father (i’m a good person i’m better than you etc) but ultimately kendall (in s1 mostly) wanted to be the Good Guy but without much foresight on what that actually looks like and i think that’s where his relationships with stewy, rava and sophie come in i suppose. but i don’t think kendall intentionally created a relationship with stewy and rava or adopted sophie out of tokenism or anything. i simply think he connected to stewy and rava in some way mostly because they oppose logan and what he Represents very outwardly and consciously or unconsciously that’s what kendall was looking for. it stems from that patricidal drive + resentment kendall’s always had for logan but ultimately i think kendall is too self absorbed to think more deeply about what stewy or his daughter might face esp in terms of the toxicity of atn or what part kendall himself plays in it all. but i think i agree with you in the sense it seems kendall does think material wealth kind of shields you from having to deal with institutionalised racism + i played back that scene and kendall says wrt to atn and waystar he’s ‘trying to keep the world safe’ for his kids so i do think that he thinks that sophie was ultimately safe from all that and he probably assumes people like stewy and marcia are too. so with that in mind i don’t think he really counts his daughter as part of the many marginalised groups that mencken demonises even though sophie as we see isn’t exempt from facing racism. like at all. as for what kendall’s stance would be on mencken if he was in that room in ‘what it takes’ i could not say for sure but i think that itself goes back to kendall not having any concrete ideology or politics except on an entirely abstract level. like mencken’s a ‘nazi’ but ‘on a business level, they need to have a relationship’ so i think honestly his stance would be completely determined by his state of mind wrt to himself and his father. but no yeah i agree it’s probably extremely difficult for stewy, marcia and stewy who have all at one point been othered or treated as nrpi by the roys while still being closely connected to it all.
#idk kendall’s politics are just so esp hard to pinpoint bc yeah he’s sensitive to logan’s antisemitism and other forms of prejudice but#then a whole lot of his outward politics are performative and he can only really empathise with the marginalised if he can relate to himself#*relate it to himself#in some way like w the cruise victims in s3 . like when he hates his dad in s3 shiv and roman are ‘nazi lovers’ but in s4 he thinks it’s#imperative they have a relationship on a ‘business level’ so i genuinely think he’s like roman and sees all that#as Not Real and politics as pointless in a way but also he does acc give a shit abt ppl but kind of surface level. nd regards to stewy and#marcia it’s complex bc they kind of chose to align themselves with atn and waystar and the roys like while obv they do exp racism#stewy is also friends with mencken according to arian and marcia Married logan so it’s not like kendall’s belief that material wealth#divorces you from true marginalisation is coming from nothing bc ultimately the amount go wealth marcia and stewy have acquired means#*of wealth#they’ve stepped on the backs of many also marginalised ppl themselves bc that’s like. literally what capitalism is.#but also i am 17 and do not have enough time to read the books i want to read so my knowledge is quite bare. i wish i could talk more on the#politics aspect of this in a more meaningful way but alas#but yeah. thank u for sending this ask this was soo interesting to talk abt#p#succ.#kendall
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 7/31/2023
Fifth Place: Erick Erickson
On 7/30/2023, Mr. Erickson tweeted the following:
Starting to see more and more progressives demand public swimming pools. Get ready for the next entitlement program.
Not public swimming pools! Anything but public swimming pools!
By the way, the top reply is somebody pointing out that the city Erickson lives in--has multiple public swimming pools:
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I'm sorry, I can't get over this: Erickson is seriously concerned that progressives are going to--what exactly? Use tax payer dollars to make the community better? That's really something you view as a concern? As one Twitter user put it:
i like that the worst thing this guy can imagine is americans collectively deciding to use the wealth they produce and the taxes they pay to give themselves something nice
Fourth Place: Stephen Strang
Right-wing watch posted a clip of him on Friday talking about allowing drag queens to read to children, he says "They would not let someone dressed up in a Nazi uniform go in and read stories to children."
First off, who exactly is the "they" in this case? Second off, there is obviously no comparison between the ideology of the most genocidal and murderous regime of the twentieth century and people dressing in drag, and the fact that you think these two things are on even remotely the same level shows there is something wrong with you.
Third Place: Donald Trump
NBC reached out to forty-four of Trump's former cabinet officials to see how many of them would support his 2024 run for re-election--only four did. Those four, for those curious, are Mark Meadows, Ric Grenell, Matthew Whitaker, and Russ Vought. A Tea Party holdover who played a key role in the Freedom Caucus until he was made Trump's Chief of Staff and who appeared in a debunked creationist propaganda film, a small time ambassador who once got into a fight with Nick Fuentes over if he was immoral for being a homosexual, a failed Congressional candidate turned Attorney General, and a man who is only known for hindering Biden's transition to the Presidency, respectively.
What I find funny though is not that this group of nitwits have endorsed Trump's re-election, but that they are the only ones who worked with Donald Trump to have done so. If so few of the people who were around Donald feel comfortable giving him a second term, what should that say to the rest of us?
Second Place: Jonathan Chait
What's wrong with this picture?
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If you said the fact that it implies the corruption of a Supreme Court Justice is on the same level as the corruption of the son of the President despite one actually having the power to impact people's lives and the other not, you'd be correct. However, this false comparison is the entire basis of New York Magazine's article "The Sleaze Problem: How Democrats can clean up the Supreme Court and address the Hunter Biden affair." Why Democrats need to address the Hunter Biden affair--which is little more than trumped up charges against a private system--I'm not sure.
The column even sees its author admitting that nothing Hunter Biden did was illegal while also accepting the incorrect notion that nothing Clarence Thomas did was illegal.
The article proposes that Democrats should propose an ethics code for the Supreme Court while aiming for Republican support through also creating a stricter ethics code around the actions of family members of politicians. Of course, Chait admits this wouldn't actually work because doing so would indict the Trump kids even more than Hunter Biden--but on the bright side, at least the Democrats now have an answer for the irrational and nonsensical charges against Hunter Biden. If only Democrats would play into GOP talking points, that would show them.
Winner: Samuel Alito
Did you know that nothing in the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate the Supreme Court? Well that's what Samuel Alito thinks--of course, it isn't actually true. Congress specifically has the power to stop courts from ruling on specific issues, to determine who is on the Supreme Court, and various other forms of regulation--but Alito doesn't want to mention that, because that could get in the way of his power grab.
Samuel Alito, you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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agentnico · 1 year
Air (2023) Review
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So for what it’s worth this movie has taught me one thing - the original founder of the company Adidas was a chap named Adolf Dassler and no, his first name wasn’t a coincidence as he was indeed a member of the Nazi Party. So yes, Adidas was created by a Nazi. Go figure.
Plot: Sonny Vaccaro and Nike pursue basketball rookie Michael Jordan, creating a partnership that revolutionizes the world of sports and contemporary culture.
What is it with recent historical films that are set in the 80′s where they have to open up with a montage of various pop culture 80s stuff whilst some famous pop song plays in the background? Like we get it, the movie is set in the 80′s, no need to bash us over the head with it. Regardless, after that generic opening crawl we are then treated to a movie about a shoe. In essence that’s what it is - the origin of the Air Jordan line of basketball footwear. Talk about Hollywood really stretching for ideas. That being said, the film Air is actually a fairly delightful, if a bit by-the-numbers sports film. This is what I’d call a proper Dad Movie. And yes, it can be continuously and endlessly debated how one would define what the Dad Movie genre is, however basically I’d say it’s those types of movies that appeal to middle-aged men and have that comradely feel to them, and feature an individual or a group of people coming together to achieve something great. An easy watch so to speak. Look, there’s no way of describing what a Dad Movie should be, but it’s really more so a vibe. A Dad Movie vibe. And Air is simply dripping with the swagger of a Dad Movie. There’s Dad Movie magic all over this thing, and it sure may be due to the American sports subject, but regardless, dads of the world assemble and go watch this film!
However not just dads, but everyone can find enjoyment in Air. It’s a surprisingly gripping film for a movie about Michael-Jordan-wearing Nike, and that’s due to the focused direction of Ben Affleck, and a stellar cast that make for a very engaging viewing. When it comes to the narrative, it's a very simple story about a man who knows the potential of something, while everyone around him thinks what he wants to accomplish is impossible. It's an underdog story that's not even directly about an athlete and it's done incredibly well. Again, I cannot reiterate the strangeness of the movie managing to make us care about the bloody origins of a shoe! In my case a shoe I’ve never worn nor ever had interest in wearing. Yet here I am - giving a crap! On that note, I’m not a particular fan of sports film either. The one major sports film I like previously was Foxcatcher and that was only cause it was a drama involving murdaaaaa, but otherwise the sports genre ain’t for me. Yet again, here I am - giving a crap.
What a cast is assembled here. Matt Damon leads the pack as Sonny Vaccaro, and look, there honestly isn’t anyone in Hollywood that has more of that likeable every-day American guy factor than Matt Damon. You simply can’t help but want to root for the chap. Of course Viola Davis... Michael Jordan's only wish for this movie was Viola Davis playing his mother. And Viola Davis did something special here. Incredibly realistic mother portrayal with a strong reserved womanly presence - Viola Davis does great work. Ben Affleck is delightfully sarcastic as Nike CEO Phil Knight, with Chris Tucker and Matthew Maher bringing their personal touches to their roles also. Jason Bateman - look, I’ve really enjoyed watching this guy in everything since seeing his shenanigans in Horrible Bosses, and in recent years his more serious work in the likes of The Gift (a fantastic thriller by the way, if you haven’t seen it do yourself a favour) and Netflix’s Ozark series, Bateman is a man of many talents... and bates. In Air even though he’s but a side character, I believe he is the true heart of the movie, as Damon’s Sonny risking it all to make Nike going for this reckless move to bet all odds on newcomer Michael Jordan, it’s the little people who have the most to lose. A scene with Bateman’s Rob Strasser explaining how the reason he works for Nike is so that he can every Sunday gift his daughter a pair of shoes during the one-time-a-week he sees her, and as such those Nike shoes is the only thing he can share with his family. Again, Bateman also has his usual dry wit about him, but also that dramatic heft that he can handle so well. 
I must give Ben Affleck and the crew props for managing to take a very non-cinematic subject matter and make it such a riveting and captivating watch. Reminds me of a movie written by Aaron Sorkin such as Social Network or Molly’s Game - where the writing and characters really drive the entertainment factor. So check out Air, it’s on Prime Video now and is worth your time. 
Overall score: 7/10
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emptymanuscript · 6 months
Does this count as a dog whistle?
This is a video of one (yes, there were multiple political groups advocating for Nazism here in the US) of the American "Nazi" Parties rally in New York, in 1939.
Records suggest that 20,000 people attended this rally in Madison Square Garden.
While not in the video itself, the text that accompanies it on YouTube is:
Antisemitism is not foreign to America. We must remain vigilant in our fight to resist it. If you don’t believe it, just see it for yourself. The Lincoln Project is a leading pro-democracy organization in the United States — dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Our fight against Trumpism is only beginning. We must combat these forces everywhere and at all times — our democracy depends on it. Don’t forget to like, share, and follow The Lincoln Project on social media below!
And I don't feel the need to actually quote all the donation links.
While the text makes explicit that the Lincoln Project is anti-Trumpism, I'm not sure the video itself expresses any linkage between Trumpism and Antisemitism.
Yes, I think we are all supposed to compare all these Silver Shirts... quick aside: Brown Shirts were Nazis in Germany, Silver Shirts were Nazis in the US, I don't actually know the meaning behind the colors. The brown shirts, were brown originally because the leadership of the Sturmabteilung got a hold of a large supply of military surplus brown shirts but they did want to be all one color to reproduce the Black Shirts, who were their precursor in Italy. The Black Shirts were very consciously choosing Black to match the Italian Army uniforms of the time because a large proportion of their early membership were disgruntled former soldiers and Mussolini was trying to communicate that they were still a military force. So I guess probably the same thing but, again, I don't actually know since my inferior google-fu can't find any record of Gerhard Rossbach (the guy who made the Brown Shirts) having obtained the shirts for any other reason that they all matched and were cheap and then that kind of military relationship got played up. Silver Shirts doesn't seem like it is militarily connected at all. They were Silver because they started with William Pelley's Silver Legion. Why silver? I have zero idea. I'm not even sure why we got Silver shirts when Pelley wasn't actually that popular outside of his own group and the Silver Legion wasn't even the biggest American Nazi group. That was the German American Bund Party, the people in the above video, who peaked at 30,000 members and, as you can see in the video, pretty much just wore the Sturmabteilung uniforms. So I just don't know. They're silver shirts because. :/ So it goes.
I think the comparison of Silver Shirts to Trumpism is what we're meant to take from this video. But it never explicitly says so in the video. Just that it could happen here. And I think practically all of the connections to the modern political meaning of the video is meant to be drawn from the identity of the Lincoln Group.
The Lincoln Group, for anyone unaware, is a "moderate" Republican political group that was founded in 2019 to try and counteract Trump and his influence on the Republican party. Their official stance, as written in an Op-Ed for the Washington Post:
When we founded the Lincoln Project, we did so with a clear mission: to defeat President Trump in November. Publicly supporting a Democratic nominee for president is a first for all of us. We are in extraordinary times, and we have chosen to put country over party — and former vice president Joe Biden is the candidate who we believe will do the same. Biden is now the presumptive Democratic nominee and he has our support. Biden has the experience, the attributes and the character to defeat Trump this fall. Unlike Trump, for whom the presidency is just one more opportunity to perfect his narcissism and self-aggrandizement, Biden sees public service as an opportunity to do right by the American people and a privilege to do so.
But, again, that's not in the video. You have to put those two things together. You have to already know who the Lincoln Project is and what they stand for. The argument that the party of Trump is the new American Nazi party has to be interpreted from the collision of the video and the knowledge of the Lincoln Project's purpose.
And I wonder if that is deeply intentional.
I wonder if this video is meant to be taken as multiple different messages to multiple different audiences at the same time by arranging a reflection of outside knowledge and assumption.
While Trump's most fervent supporters are often virulently anti-Semitic, Trump himself doesn't actually care that much. He rarely uses anything but fairly high pitched dog whistles that could just as easily be referencing other groups even if they were originally developed to talk about Jews in specific. So it is not necessarily a foregone conclusion that someone watching this video will connect anti-Semitism to Trump.
Especially since there is another set of circumstances now on everyone's mind. The video was posted on November 17th 2023, which, assuming I am counting correctly, I believe would be 44 days since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. This is a much fresher, rawer, and stronger than any association with Trump's anti-Semitic indifference. More than that, here in the US, there has been a cultural conflict over support between civilians and organizations. People have conflated Israel, Jews, Jewishness, and opinions/support of all those as one thing. The same with Palestinians and Hamas.
There has been a fairly loud argument that anyone who criticizes the way that the STATE of Israel mistreats Palestinians as a matter of POLICY and has adopted as its current military STRATEGY the bombing of civilians as someone who is expressing anti-Semitic sentiment and hates Jews.
This argument has been falling into pretty solid partisan lines (I say as if that is an accident). It has essentially become a Republican talking point to say that any criticism of Israel or any support of Palestinian Civilians is the same anti-Semitism as celebrating the horrors of the Hamas Terrorist Attack last month, wanting Israel destroyed, and all Jews put in a death camp.
Now remember that the Lincoln Project is a "moderate" Republican group. Yes, they're never-Trump, all the way up to working for Biden's election and re-election against Trump. But an experienced moderate Democrat is simply the best of those two options, not the ideal option. What they really want is to get back control of the Republican Party themselves. That's the ideal: better Republican candidates.
Which means that at some point, the Lincoln Project is going to need Republicans and Republican voters back. They can't go so far as to directly call their own kind Nazis. Which this video comes perilously close to. If you interpret it as this is what Trump and his loyalists are like.
But it doesn't actually say it. It just says it nearly happened in 1939 and can again, so come support us.
I, a liberal Jew, still terrified by the chants of "The Jews Will Not Replace Us!" from Trump's supporters years ago, am perfectly primed to see this as a metaphor for Trump and the Maga Crowd. There's even been some talk recently about literally treating the Maga crowd like cultists and trying to de-indoctrinate them. So, easy read.
What would I see if I were a right wing conservative? Would I draw the same connections? Would I think this video was talking about me? Or would I think just as firmly that this video was talking about the "other" side. Would I see that man up on the podium, proud of his devil portrayal in the mainstream media, as President Biden, and all his little commie bastard anti-Semitic bastards cheering him on as he talks about coddling the terrorists and how bad Jews are for being mean and hurting Hamas' fee-fees. Never mind that Biden has had nearly the opposite approach, stating unconditional support for Israel - facts aren't the point, this is about narrative and perception.
I think this is supposed to say "The Other Side is Bad" to you, in reference to whichever side you happen to be on. I think this is how they have their cake and eat it, too. They say something in a way that makes you sure your own opinion is the correct one and attribute it to them.
I am overthinking it. Which is always a strong possibility. I am a deeply suspicious, mistrustful, misanthropic, low-down, dirty, mean, son-of-a-bitch who is prone to spending far too much time in my own head. And I am particularly mistrustful of Republicans. This could just be calling Trump the Nazi he is. Maybe. :| :/ :( maybe.
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newluddite · 7 months
Nazis and other stuff.
In Canada there is a major kerfuffle about the speaker of the parliament doing an honor to a 98 year old Ukrainian man who fought Russians in WW2 and was a hero. The speaker resigned and apologized.
His mistake was pretty serious. I mean who was fighting Russians in WW2? It was the Nazi Germans. As an educated man the speaker should have tweaked to that. This guy was fighting on the side of Nazis.
There are several back stories here and I think they are important. The president of Ukraine was in town and made a speech in Parliament. That is why and when the honor was given to the old Ukrainian soldier guy. Ukraine is at war with Russia because Vladimir Putin accuses their government of being Nazis because they dare to oppose him. Everyone has heard that.
Back when the war started I did a rant explaining why Ukrainians HATE Russians. Between WW1 and WW2 there was genocide in Ukraine propagated by the Soviet Russian government. So even if Russia conquered Ukraine they would be an occupying power in a hostile country.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
When the German Army rolled across the Soviet Union in 1941 an early goal was to conquer the area that was Ukraine and access the land and resources. Many Ukrainians considered them liberators and joined German military formations organized by the Waffen SS. Yes those guys. The SS often recruited from local populations. Some of these people were conscripted or joined voluntarily, but there is no doubt they fought for the SS. Another country aligned with and fighting against Russia with the Nazis was Finland. They also hated Russians.
Nobody is accusing Finland of being Nazi, but they had their own army and were not under the orders of the SS. So there is that.
Eventually as the fortunes of war turned this Ukrainian Division restyled themselves as a new national army and dropped the SS thing. Thousands retreated across Europe to escape capture by Russian Troops and certain death. The old man in the Parliament gallery was one of those. He was a teenager when they surrendered to the Western allies. He probably was not a Nazi, but hey I don't know for sure.
Now it gets personal.
I had an uncle long dead who was an MP from Alberta. He was ethnic Ukrainian as am I obviously. He worked with the Canadian government to immigrate and settle a lot of these former soldiers. Many were admitted and settled in Canada and even the USA.
They were investigated in 1950 for possible involvement in atrocities and crimes. This was repeated in 1986 and there was no evidence of such crimes by them uncovered then. So it is very likely that this old man was not a Nazi sympathizer, or involved in any crimes as a soldier under SS command.
I have a bit of a problem with if what my uncle did was really a good thing. I know many of my relatives from that era were antisemitic. My grandfather was, but I do not know how much. He wrote stories where Jews were villains. I cannot say if that played a part or not. I grew up differently. However it is not certain that any of these former SS troops were actually Nazis.
Hell the American Military grabbed lots of rocket scientists from Germany back in that era. The man who designed the rocket that put men on the moon was in the Nazi party. His rockets were being built by slave labor during the war, but he was OK. Ferdinand Porsche was a Nazi but people still bought his cars. My Uncle saved lives. If they had been sent back to Soviet Territory death and torture was assured.
So I think it is important to recall the reason many young men joined an invading army, even though that army represented one of the most horrific episodes of human history.
Stories are never one dimensional.
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pyreofsunflowers · 1 year
What I watched this week
Starting a new way for me to sperg about movies as your favorite 2 note filmsis. Ill try to make these as spoiler free as possible, these are just fun little thoughts I had and are not meant to be full plotline breakdowns!
(although i mean if you guys asked nicely i certainly would)
Drive (2011, dir Nicolas Refn)
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Oh boy oh man do I ever love Drive. It's such a cliche thing to say, I know. But sometimes things are loved for a good reason! Aside from praising the score and cinematography like most people will (although Cliff Martinez and Newton Sigel knocked it out of the damn park in both respects!) I wanna talk about just how.... Heartwarming? This movie is? Drive to me is a comfy movie I can sit back and wrap myself in like a warm blanket. I want nothing but the best for Driver and Irene and I found myself almost crying at times. This was definitely due in part to Ryan Goslings awesome performance! I don't have too much to say about this one, it's a cozy watch and is my type of romance movie (is one with a gritty aesthetic and bloody car cashes.)
Stalingrad (1993, dir. Joseph Vilsmaier)
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I really really really wanted to like this movie. So much so in fact I stuck with it for all 134 minutes waiting for it to get good. Let's start with the plot and the characters - the characters here are. Meh. For a character driven, dramatic war story the characters fall flat, I could barely match the names to the faces. They all acted the same and there was no real way to tell them all apart. The chemistry between them was fine I suppose? I've certainly seen worse, but fine chemistry doesn't work when the characters are just so very boring.
Then you have the pacing, oh my god the pacing. For a two hour long movie, it really does a piss poor job at showing just how long, drawn out, and arduous the battle of Stalingrad was. It lingers too much on the characters, and jumps over key parts of the battle to focus on them instead. Now this wouldn't necessarily be a problem if the characters were engaging and well written. It also completely misses the tone of the battle, but this isn't a history lecture. I'm not here to tell you every single flaw this movie has in terms of it's history.
What I will talk about is how this movie handles Nazism. Because it does not do it well. I'm not trying to say you cannot make a war movie where the main characters are Nazis (Downfall by Oliver Hirschbiegel is a terrific example of this), but if you are. Do not do it like this movie does. This movie is a prime example of Clean Werchmat propaganda, where not just one but every single one of the main characters are horrified by the actions of the Nazi party. But every. Single. one. Except for of course, the officer played by Dieter Okras, but even then his cruelty is more that of a Saturday morning cartoon character than a high ranking Nazi. This film tries so very hard to make you feel like the main characters are not Nazis, and when they are forced to adknowladge that they are - it downplays it to a degree I found very hard to sit through.
2/5 (for the wonderful score, sound design and visuals.)
Scream 1 + 2 (1996, 1997, dir. Wes Craven.)
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Big. Fat. Meh. I had absolutely no thoughts about either of these movies in all honesty and I really don't understand all of the praise they get. Boring kills. Boring characters. Far too long. Dated satire that doesn't hold up. Boring predictable twists. I know what I'm looking for in this movie, cool gory kills and Skeet Ulrich being a hunk. I wasn't expecting some wonderfully thoughtful satire of the horror genre, or a deeply unsettling movie that keeps me up at night. Yet still I found myself bored and disappointed.
Scream 2 did nothing to improve on the original, and if anything it was much worse. This time instead of being fine enough schlock you could show at a Halloween party which no one would pay attention to it was just kind of bland, boring and unengaging. The acting was much worse, The kills were far more boring, and the soundtrack was worse! Which was the only thing I liked about the first movie! I'm watching through all of these so I can go see scream 6 for my friend's birthday next week, and I can't wait to torture myself with even more of these boring ass movies.
Scream 1: 3/5
Scream 2: 2/5
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screamingeagle · 1 year
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@namelessxflowers​ continued from here.
      Holy fuck, Max felt like he walked into a party right after he killed a man. With everyone’s eyes on him, gazes uneasy and undoubtedly a little afraid of him-- who wouldn’t? Big 6′2″ buff as shit guy in a goddamn old uniform-- no doubt old for this time-- that was (totally, totally not) armed, he didn’t blame ‘em. But, Max knew one thing: play it out carefully. Treat this shit like film. ‘Cause... damn, honestly, it did feel like a movie he had been in back in the day. At the question, Max gave a cheery look, rubbing the back of his neck,
      “ Yeah! Thas’ exactly what it is... I-I’m sorry, I don’t mean t’uh alarm nobody, ” Max apologized, “ Jus’ got back from a rehearsal, is all, we’re gonna be preppin’ for a historical reenactment sometime soon... I should’a changed, tho’, no doubt. Sorry again, ” Another little apology, but he snorted and smiled brightly-- just be friendly. They sure as hell weren’t Nazis, none of ‘em were. The American was able to swipe the Mälort, downing it in one go-- ‘course, he grimaced like always. Ohh, damn, he missed that bitterness... did they change the recipe, or was he just goin’ nuts? Fucking Hell, Max, stop forgetting you’re... somewhere completely different. A different time. He let his shoulders lax... no need to look so tense. That’d help, too. Deep breaths. Just gotta keep calm... improvise... even if talkin’ about some things would bring up bad memories, he’d might as well seal the deal...
      “ Uh-- name’s Max...! I-I hope I didn’t go spookin’ ya wit’ the uniform... we’ve been rehearsin’ all day, ‘s’all. Takes place durin’ Operation Overlord... ”
      He still remembered all of that shit... but, to keep himself relaxed, his eyes would drift around the bar a bit, taking in the sights. Different from the bars he’d go to, that’s for sure... this felt like one’a them real fancy bars.
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      “ Though, don’t think ya’d wanna hear me ramble on ‘bout that. How’s ya day been?.. hope I didn’t go ruinin’ it for ya, hah! You-- uh, you guys gonna be okay? Didn’t spook ya too much? I’m sorry, jus’ can’t help but worry... ”
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