#guys you really don’t get how weird Constantine’s lore is
the-witchhunter · 2 months
Main reason Danny doesn’t have to do anything about John’s soul situation
John met God in the form of a dog named Tom who cleared it up, Satan can’t take his soul
Yes this is real, yes this is Canon
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what is this pattern where fgo overstates how ~special~ and ~overpowered~ japanese servants are? genuine question bc none of the grand servants or candidates are japanese. there are no japanese lostbelt kings. none of the japanese servants listed on ooku's event bonus even stand out to me as especially strong in lore
It’s one of those weird things that you at first don’t think is a thing and then you start actually reading and it’s like. O_O.
Like Japanese buddhist religious interpretations are given a stronger influence than other religions that run parallel to Buddhism (see kama/mara: mara is only really linked to kama in Buddhism and it’s basically maras presence alone making them an assassin despite both kama AND Sakura being notable archers, also the fact Indian god kama decided to make a Japanese themed hell depravity pit and that no Indian servants besides kama and parvati have bonuses despite ooku being a lb4 prelude and kama also being an Indian god as an example; also how the Buddhist priestess kiara is essentially always one step ahead of kama even if she does get destroyed at one point) this is also linked to how fate tends to sort of be anti god in the sense they don’t really believe in humans ‘relying’ on gods-whether through worship or actual divine intervention
There’s also the fact that they’ve just straight up released far, far more Japanese servants than other nations. Obvs some of this is just a familiarity bias, but when you also look at how there’s basically no African or South America heroic spirits it’s a bad look that they keep putting them out
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This is an older map and it’s just Asia, but you can get a decent idea of just how heavily weighted it is
That being said, even if there are no grand servants who are Japanese they’ve still been either hyped up plenty in story. Fgo went out of its way to establish that more modern heroic spirits are always going to be weaker than ones with greater mystery, yet the shinsengumi and artists like hokusai or bakin are both ssrs and treated as powerful characters by the narrative. In Babylon king gilgamesh specifically tries for summoning Japanese heroes bc, in his words ‘they’re better at slaying demonic creatures’ (says this in the anime at least)(like…there are lots of cultures that have legends of heroes killing monsters????) and out of the eight servant he summons, only two, leonidas and Merlin, aren’t Japanese.
There’s also the fact that writers are implied to be weak heroic spirits, and as a result shakespeare and hans are both low rarity units-but then both sei AND murasaki, semi-obscure-outside-of-Japan authors, are 5stars? They also noticeably buffed murasaki’s combat ability by giving her the ability to use onmyouji, something which she herself says she never really used in life. Of course unit rarity doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but why is Sei so much more powerful than Shakespeare? Shakespeare is literally one of the most famous authors in the world, and his noble phantasm is described as being able to completely mentally cripple someone, yet this isn’t reflected in his gameplay at all
There’s also the fact tametomo is a grand archer candidate, can easily and effortlessly pierce through things such as Constantine’s np with his own, and was able to apparently create a large struggle for a group consisting or servants like super orion (an actual grand archer) Chiron, arjuna, and Ishtar simply to stop one of his arrows. For a guy who’s legend was sinking a boat with his shot. It’s true he had grails powering him both times, but it does read very ‘our guy is the most specialist and coolest of them all’
Musashi also runs into this issue tbh-she’s a much more modern swordswoman, but she had mystic probability deducing eyes, can cut the void, leap through reality, everyone loves her, while non-Japanese people from the similar time period are usually given far less to work with. Or how they insist you need to have a strong, well known legend to manifest as a servant, but then choose relatively obscure tales like the cut tongue sparrow and make her a limited 5 star.
Like idk there’s more to proving a certain group gets favored than JUST having grand servants. I’m not sure how much sense this makes bc it’s late and my typing is NOT working but I hope the gist comes across? I think the thing is we expect there to be SOME favoritism and prioritizing of Japanese myths and history, it is made in japan after all and may hold biases, but it’s annoying when that’s all they ever do
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
My 30 Favorite Arrowverse Episodes:
This list reflects my personal opinion and is in no way objective. Everyone has their own taste. Also Love is Love and  can not be measured – except on stupid lists like this one. If an episode is not on it, that does not mean I don’t like it (unless it does). Everyone ist entiteled to their own opinion, so please respect mine and don’t reblog or answer to that just to tell me how wrong mine is.
 30. The Fellowship of the Spear (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.15/31, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 This episode is “Legends”-Homage to Tolkien and his works. However the most quotes and nods go to the Peter Jackson Movies, which is no problem, because we love them too. The Legends recruit Tolkien out of the trenches for a treasure hunt, however things go bad and some fans were not to happy with one of the team betraying their own at the end of this episode. But don’t you guys remember Boromir? I really love this one, because it combines two of my favorite things: “Legends of Tomorrow” und Middle Earth.
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 29.  Flashback (The Flash Episode 2.17/40, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Directed By: Alice Troughton)
In this episode Barry travels backt to the time of Season 1 and therefore changes the outcome of the Season 1 Episode in question and creates a new timline, which no one but him notices. Later on stuff like this would happen all the time, but this was the first instance, and it was very very wild to have Barry knock out Barry and pretend to be Season 1 Barry. Also we got Eobard and Eddie back and given how much I love both of them it no wonder I love this episode.
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28.  The Last Temptation of Barry Allen Part 1 (The Flash 6.07/121, Written By: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garza, Directed By: Chad Lowe)
 Here Barry is infected by Ramsay who gets in his head and in the Speed Force which tries to help but ends up getting attacked by an paranoid and confused Barry, who finally gets to voice all of his frustration about the Speed Force and the way it interfered in his life. This is a very emotional episode that confronts Barrys immanent death, all the losses he had do bare and his conflicted feelings about everything that is going on in his life at this point of his story.
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 27.  The Once and Future Flash (The Flash 3.19/65, Written by: Carina Adly MacKenzie, Directed By: Tom Cavanagh)
 In this episode we get to visit the future in which Iris was killed by Savitar. Barry ends up there while trying to find out more about his foe. It’s a dark and depressing „What If“, where we get to see new sides most of our characters and this episodes dives deep into the immanent darkness of the seemingly so bright „Flash“-TV-Series.
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 26.  The Adventures of Supergirl (Supergirl 2.1/21, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Jessic Queller, Directed by: Glen Winter)
 This essentially is a Crossover Episode, even though it took Superman three more years to get his own show. However the episode acts as if there is an existing Superman-Show that crosses over into „Supergirl“. This version of the character is as adorable as Kara and a very good antidote to the Snyder Version of the character. Oh, and it does help that the episode is good as well.
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25.  Nora (The Flash 5.01/93, Written By: Todd Helbing, Sam Chalsen, Directed by: David McWhirter)
 Season 5 opens up extremly strong with this episode where Barry and Iris meet their future daughter, who has some secrets up her sleeve that change everything for next one and a half seasons. Nora is perfectly portrayed in this one as a mixture of both of her parents and manages to screw up the timeline imediatly, while everyone is still reeling from the fallout oft the last season finale.
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24.  The Brave and the Bold (Arrow Episode 3.8/54, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
Crossovers were the moments „Arrow“ had a chance to let ist hair down and just be a little bit different for a while. This one has Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco visiting Starling City and the Flash and the Arrow teaming up against Captain Boomerang. It’s still Arrow, but with a splash of „The Flash“ in it, which makes it funnier and nerdier then „Arrow“ usually is. I always loved it.
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23. Haunted ( Arrow Episode 4.5/74, Written by: Brian Ford Sullivan, Oscar Balderrama, Directed by: John Badham)
 John Constantine crosses over in the Arroverse in this episode which reveals Olivers dealings with him in the past and shows him restoring Saras soul. With this episodes the show started to embrace it supernatural arc, which many fans weren’t too fond of in latter part of this season, but this episodes remains a favorite because here „Arrow“ got mystically weird. Also Johnny Constantine tends to make everything better and we got Sara back, so it’a clearly a win.
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22. Kapishon (Arrow Episode 5.17/109, Written By: Brian Ford Sullivan, Emilo Ortega Aldrich,Directed By: Kevin Tancharoen)
 This is the episode in which Adrian Chase manages to break Oliver. That sounds painful and yes it is very painful, but it’s really really great at the same time. This episodes asks all the uncomfortable questions the show seemed to shy away from in the previous seasons, builds on Season 5s solid Bratva-Flashback Arc and even presents us Anatoly meeting Malcolm Merlyn. It’s cleary a highlight of the show.
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 21. The Bottle Episode (Supergirl Episode 5.10/97, Written by: Derek Simon, Directed by: Tawnia McKiernan)
 The Post Crisis Carzyness lived in this episode. We got a lot of doppelgangers, most of them Brainys, and a lot of chaos, I mean more chaos then most other shows usually have, except for „Legends“. So I guess this episode was „Supergirl“ trying to do an episode of „Legends“. Also Brainy evolves in this one, so it wasn’t just for the laughs. In short: There was nothing not to like in this one.
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 20.  Welcome to Earth-2/Escape from Earth-2 (The Flash Episodes 2.13-14/36-37, 36: Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak, Directed By: Millicent Shelton, 37: Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, David Kob, Directed By: J. J. Makaro)
This two parter is the first time we ever visited a parallel earth. We visit Earth-2 in this, where pretty much everything and everyone is different. Adorable Nerd Barry, Cop Iris, Singer Joe and many more ahoy. But Deadshot of Earth-2 is the best thing about this reality. Too bad it pretty much everyone from over there was done away with later, but we will always have these episodes, so that is something.
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19.  Out of Time (The Flash Episode 1.15/15, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Directed By: Thor Freudenthal)
Time Travel is an important plot element of the Arrowverse, but it wasn’t always so. This is the first episode where Barry discovers that he can time travel, after kissing and losing Iris and witnessing the end of Central City. Which is one of those „everyone dies“ instances that are always cool and I always love. Also it’s Season 1 of „The Flash“, where they really couldn’t go wrong most of the time.
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18.  Starling City (Arrow Episode 8.1/ 161, Written by: Beth Schwartz und Marx Guggenheim, Directed by: James Bamford)
In this one we are essentially reliving the „Arrow“- pilot with a few signifcant changes. Turns out we are actually on Earth-2 and Oliver pretends to be his doppelganger in order to do a thing for The Monitor. Until the shocking ending, this on is like everyone favorites „Arrow“ fanfic come to live. Even the flashforwards were not bothering me in this.
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17.  Flash VS Arrow (The Flash 1.8/8, Written By: Ben Sokoloswki,m Brooke Eikmeier, Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed By: Glen Winter)
 This one was the first real Crossover Episode of the Arrowverse and it blended classic comic book action which Season 1 „Flash“-Style, meaning it was beyond great. We never quite saw Oliver like this before and not very often after, and seeing him and Barry connect is just one of the joys of this superior episode.
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16.  Worlds Finest (Supergirl Episode 1.18/18, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Michael Grassi, Directed by: Nick Gomez)
Speaking of the first seasons and Crossovers. This was the Crossover we always wanted, but never believed we would get, because back then “Supergirl” was on another network. But we got it anyway. Barry gets stranded on Karas Earth, which leads to a lot of chaos, many nice moment and fine jokes. This was one of the clear highlights of Season 1, and it paved the way for the season finale as well as future crossovers.
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15.  Myriad/Better Angles (Supergirl 1.19/19-1.20/20, Written By: Yahling Chang, Caitlin Parrish; Ali Adler, Andrew Kreisberg, Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller Directed By: Adam Kane; Larry Teng)
 Season 1 of „Supergirl“ ended with this „all or nothing“ two-parter where everything came head to head. Driven and energatic „Supergirl“ cemented itself as one of the superior superheroe shows of it’s time. I loved the show, I loved Kara, I loved Cat and especially in this one.
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 14. Camelot 3000 (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.12/28, Written By: Anderson MacKenzie, Directed By: Antionio Negret)
 From the far future to Camelot and King Arthur – this episodes travelled far and mixed those two areas up quite nice. In true Legends fashion Ray became a Knight of the Round Table, Sara got to hit on Guenevere, and Mick got to beat the adversary army with his brain. Yes, you read that one right. Just ask poor Martin about it. Given how much a love both Arthurian lore and the Legends this one remains one of my favorite up to today.
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13.  Meet the Legends (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.1/69, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
In this episodes Ava tries to race money for the Time Bureau by making a documentary about the Legends and their work. This episode is the documentary and the making oft he documentary. Think Arrows „Emerald Archer“ only way carzier and funnier. The Legends meet Rasputin who kidnappes the camera team, while Ava writes Sara a very weird condolence note, everyone is acting weird(er) because cameras, and well it’s „Legends“ only even nuttier than normally. I love it.
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12.  Invasion! (2) (Arrow 5.8/100, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Wendy Mericle, Directed by: James Bamford)
In the middle of the big „Invasion“ Crossover „Arrow“ celebrated its 100the episode by looking at a world where the Gambit never sank. While the writers cleary had fun with Barry and Kara in this one, the heart lies in the dream reality, where things are better but sadly not real. Oliver, Thea and the others need to chose the life they want and weg et rewarded with a really great episode while they do so.
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 11. Raiders of the Lost Art (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 2.9/25, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Chris Fedak, Directed by: Dermott Downs)
 This is officially the episode where „Legends“ went nuts. Oh and it’s a delicous one. George Lucas never became a filmmaker after being scared of by Malcolms and Damiens attempts to kill amnesiac Rip Hunter who thinks he is an American filmstudent, whose script is basically the plot of the shows first season. Too bad he can’t find a decent Vandal Savage. And that everyone thinks he is this Rip Hunter guy. Also Mick gets a brain surgey, Ray and Nate change occupations, and Amayas babysits their attempt to get George Lucas back to film school, and thanks god she does otherwise … well otherwise there would be no „Star Wars“ or „Indiana Jones“, would there?
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10. Beebo the God of War (Legends of Tomorrrow 3.9/42, Written by: Grainne Goodfree und James Eagan, Directed by: Kevin Mock)
 This was supposed to be the sad goodbye to Martin Stein and it still is that as well, but mostly it’s the episode about Beebo Day. You know, the blue god, who hungers for war and conquest? Whose birthday we celebrate once a year in december and … wait? What was I talking about? Oh, yeah Leo tries to make Mick quit drinking and Beebo get’s squeezed a lot. Well you have to see that one to know why it’s a great one, but believe me it is great.
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9.      Elseworlds 1-3 (Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Part 1: The Flash Episode 5.9/101, Written By: Eric Wallace und Sam Chalsen, Directed By: Kevin Tancharoen und Tom Cavanagh, Part 2: Arrow Episode 7.9/147,  Written by: Marc Guggenheim und Caroline Dries, Directed by: James Bamford, Part 3: Supergirl Episode 4.9/74, Written by: Mac Guggenheim, Derek Simon und Rob Rovner, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
In this Crossover Oliver und Barry switch identities which no one on Earth-1 believes, but Kara’s help leads to an evil not-quite Superman and a brand new reality. Also we are introduced to Batwoman and Gotham. And Lois Lane. Well, there is a lot going in there - even Gary guest stars on „Supergirl“ – but mainly Oliver is Barry and Barry is Oliver and that if fun and Kara makes a connection with the Elseworld version of Earth-1 Alex Danvers which is also great.
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8. Legends of To-Meow-Meow (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 4.8/59, Written by: James Eagan und Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ben Bray)
 Sulky about missing out on the Crossover the Legends crossovered with themselves in Season 4. John and Charlie destroyed the timeline for selfish reasons, and now everything is wrong and everything they do makes things worse instead of better. Zari gets to spend most of the episode as a cat, the rest of the Legends get turned into puppets, we meet the Sirens of Spacetime and the Custodians of the Chronology, and a gay kiss saves all of spacetime. Why can’t all shows be more like „Legends“?
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7.      The Scientist/Three Ghosts (Arrow Episode: 2.8/31-2.9/32, 32: Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, Ben Sokolowski, Directed by: Michael Schultz, John Behring)
 This two parter introduces us to Barry Allen and culuminates in the „Arrow“-Version of a „Christmas Carol“ Oliver gets visited by three ghosts and Barry gets hit by lightning. Among other things. All very good stuff – I watch „Three Ghosts“ every Christmas, if I manage to get around to it. But this also is very the Arrowverse was born. And back then it was the best of „Arrow“ they ever did. And it still stands out today, combindes strong Flashbacks with a strong Main Story, which is all we ever wanted from „Arrow.“
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6.      Resist/Nevertheless, She Persisted (Supergirl 2.21/41-2.22/42, Written by: Derek Simon, Jessica Queller, Andrew Kreisberg, Robert Rovner, Caitlin Parrish, Directed by: Milicent Shelton, Glen Winter)
 Season 2 of „Supergirl“ ends with a very strong two-parter that features the Daxamits Invasion of earth. Superman is in it, but these are all about Kara who get’s inspired by Cat Grant again, goes on to inspire everyone else in turn, faces of against the truly evil mother of the love of her life, and has to make a big sacrifice. The two parter was especially well written and  no season finale of the show later ever measured up to it afterwards.
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5.      Reset (Arrow Episode 8.6/166, Written by: Onalee Hunter Hughes und Maya Houston, Directed by: David Ramsey)
Yes it’s a time loop episode in „Arrow“! Yes, it’s still „Arrow“, it will still break your heart. But it’s probably the moment the show embraced it’s funny pages origin the most wholehearted. It will make you cry in all the right ways. We get to say goodbye to Quentin in a prober way in this finally and that is beautiful. And Oliver gets around to accept his destiny which is heart breaking, but still this is my favorite episode of „Arrow“ if you get right down to it.
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4.      Fast Enough (The Flash 1.23/23, Written By: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Gabrielle Stanton, Directed By: Dermott Downs)
 Season 1 of „The Flash“ has the strongest Season Finale in the history of the Arrowverse. In a very real way it could only get downhill from here. This one will break your heart in so many ways, but it’s the good sort of pain, that makes an impact, may even destroy a part of you, but makes you come out stronger in the end. The whole season comes together in this one and never falls apart (that will only happen later, if you think about it, but it’s explained away by later reveals). Sadly neither this show nor the others could ever measure up to this one, but on the other hand that is exactly what made it special.
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3.      The Faithful (Supergirl 3.4/46, Written By: Paula Yoo, Katie Rose Rogers, Directed by: Jesse Warn)
 This one is my favorite episode of „Supergirl“. Mainly because this is what a certain director tried to do nut failed at in three movies: An exploration of the idea that Kryptonians are essentially Gods compared to humans. This episode is always respectful and has much to say, it touches on Karas own faith, shows us a new and intriguing side of James, and creates a villain that should have ruled the show and the season, but who sady stumbled later. In this one though Coville is just perfect. Like the whole episode.
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2. Duet (The Flash Episode 3.17/63, Written By: Aaron Helbing, Todd Helbing, Greg Berlani, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed By: Dermott Daniels Downs)
 It’s the Musical Episode! This „Flash“/„Supergirl“-Crossover has all the jazz – singing, dancing, kissing, opening up about feelings – and also a mini „Glee“-Reunion. Kara and Barry are trapped in a Musical Dream World and doomed to follow the plot, while Wally has to confront Darren Crisses Musis Meister. For vocals sakes the episode also includes John Barrowman and Victor Gaber of course, because there was no excuse to make this episode without them. I love this one just as much as it was to be expected and I will never forgive them for never making another Musical episode in any of the shows.
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1.      The One Where We are trapped on TV (Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.13/81, Written by: Grainne Godfree, James Eagan, Directed by: Marc Guggenheim)
And the award for the Craziest TV Episode of all time goes to this one, where the Legends are trapped on TV. Charlie put them there to protect them, and so we get very familiar but strange versions of „Friends“, „Downtown Abbey,“ and „Star Trek“ with the Legends as the main characters instead. We also meet a murderous Mister Parker, get another musical number lead by the Tarazi siblings, and are as amazed as Mona about everything that is going on here. Can „Legends“ ever top what they did here? Or anything else in the Arrowverse? Let’s not challenge them, I am sure they can. But until then, we have this one, which of course is not only my favorite episode of „Legends“ but also the whole Arrowverse.
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mythopoeticreality · 4 years
For the reader asks: What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?, - What reader or write do you think most deserves a high five?, and Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)?
Ohh! Awesome! Just the questions I wanted to answer too! xD Thank you, you wonderful nonnie for sending me these!^^ I umm…I might get a bit long-winded here so bear with me….>.>
What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
Oh dear…you just gave me free reign here to give you my fannish wish-list anon. Do you realize what you’ve done?!
Okay, no but, these are some of the ideas and characters I’ve most wanted to see more explored for such a long time now, so this might get a bit long as I’ve been thinking about some of these things for so long, so…let’s split this up by fandom:
More Tinfang please, definately! Probably my most obscure fav here,but he has so much potential? I mean, he’s this haf-fey pied-piper type figure and I just need like…all of the fic of him outwitting orcs and robin-hooding it up across Beleriand just basically ruining Morgoth’s day in his own small ways xD I love the idea of Tinfang being this folklorish figure amongst the elves, and I’d love to see more of that.
On that note: More Middle Earth Fairy Lore in general. Yeah I know most of this stuff is only half-canonical at best and pretty obscure, coming from the Book of Lost Tales, but still, it’s just fun? Again, I love the idea of elvish folklore, especially pre-Valarin folklore and I’d love to see more of it, and incorporating some of these older Lost Tales era ideas is such a great way to do it? Besides, the addition of fairies answers an age old question in Tolkien Fandom:
“…they were born before the world and are older than its oldest, and are not of it, but laugh at it much, for had they not somewhat to do with its making, so that it is for the most part a play for them…”
TELL ME THAT DOESN’T SOUND LIKE TOM BOMBADIL TO YOU!?! Case closed. Tom Bombadil is a Fairy.
Asside from Tinfang and Fairy lore, however, There are a couple of things I’d love to see more of in this fandom as well.
More Amlach would always be a blessing.I don’t really see why he is so often overlooked as a character either. Here’s this guy, he’s like, ‘Okay, I’m maybe not so cool with these Elves dragging us into this war of theirs that I certainly didn’t  sign on for’  but then Morgoth comes along, and sends one of his servants to impersonate him while he’s away. Amlach finds out is all ‘What?! You stole my face?! Oh it’s personal, now…” and then goes to find Maedhros and becomes one of his vassals to fight against Morgoth. He has to be one of my favorite Men in the Legendarium, and I can’t help but picture his relationship with Maedhros to be just…so full of snark. He’s not awed by these elves after all, he’s just here because Morgoth’s an asshole. Honestly, I can’t help but feel that if Amlach feels like Maedhros is wrong about something he will speak up about it. And..Maedhros actually appreciates that? Amlach’s honesty, I mean, maybe not the snark all the time xD I just want to see more of that relationship, and it’s development, blossoming into some kind of respect and friendship between the two. Basically Amlach is awesome and I want more of him.
Finally, I’d love to see more Eönwë/Mairon stuff? This is my ship! The whole tragic lovers-to-enemies dynamic that they could have going? Those moments where Sauron came begging to Eönwë at the end of the War of Wrath and things almost, almost looked like things could have been reconciled, where everything stood on a knife-blade and a held breath? YES, I am here for that. And yeah, I’m a sucker for redemption fics, so I’m here for AU’s where Sauron actually did turn around and seek the Valar’s forgiveness as well.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
*slams fist on table* More JSMN Crossovers! I mean, the King’s Roads literally go everywhere, and I can’t be the only one who sees the potential there! You’ve got all of fiction and reality open to you! For instance: 
Send Childermass off on the King’s Roads exploring Faerie and Looking for a way to read Vinculus, and have him stumble on into the DC Universe to run into John Constantine! They can be Snarky Northern Bastards together and deal with Fairies and Demons and Magic! 
Have John Uskglass wander into Wizarding New York in 1926 and meet Credence Barebone! Can you imagine what that would be like? The Raven King meeting this orphan kid who grew up in pretty much the exact opposite situation to himself, In a world where magic is kept a secret, and who had to spend his life suppressing this magic he had? What would be going through John’s head in that moment? What would be going through Credence’s? Can the Raven King take Credence under his wing, get himself a new apprentice? He should. That would be really cool. 
Oh, or what about Strange and Norrell while they’re trapped in the Pillar of Darkness? Send them to Valinor! Imagine the reactions of the Elves and the Valar at the approach of this huge Tower of Midnight. What New Sorcery of Morgoth’s is this? Is this the arrival of some new evil into their realm, like Ungoliant? Imagine this army of Elven warriors – the very same ones that Durring the War of Wrath fought to take down the source of all evil in Middle Earth – all lining up and preparing for battle…only to discover a pair of fondly squabbling academics
Or you know what? We don’t even need the King’s roads for crossovers! One of the things I’ve been most wanting to see in this fandom is a Sandman/JSMN crossover just…focusing on the relationship between Uskers and Morpheus? Like, I could totally see Oberon’s Favorite Foster Son as having encountered the Lord Shaper over here during his time in Faerie? And just, as a being of Faerie, as a Magician, as a Legend in and of himself, he totally has this connection to Dream? And honestly….why wouldn’t I want to see these two being Melodramatic and Goth and Awesome together? I’d really love to see how they’d interact. (Crossovers involving Daniel would *also* be amazing too of course and I’d really love to see John dealing with the feelings of knowing but not knowing Daniel, of interacting with someone who is at the same time so much older and so much younger than himself. How weird does it have to get to begin to stretch at even the Raven King’s own standards for what is “normal?”) 
Other crossovers I’d like to see: John Segundus and Arthur Weasley hanging out because that would be just…the most adorable thing. And Also Henry Lascelles and Lucius Malfoy, because they just kind of deserve one another really xD
Asside from Crossovers I’d really love to read more things focusing on just the general history and world building in JSMN? I want to see like, the effects of magic on things like the Interregnum and the Restoration! I want to see what sort of History Play Shakespere wrote about John Uskglass and How opening night went! (You Know the Raven King showed up,watching from the shadows. You just know it.) I want to see Isaac Newton as a Magician, dammit! (speaking of that last one I got this lovely fic around Christmas Time about that very thing and I am eternally greatful for it, and y’all should go read it)
And honestly, more fics about the Aurate Magicians and John Uskglass would be amazing? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I want an entire series of novels dedicated to the Aurate era of Magic. I want *all* of the medieval politics and drama. How does John Uskglass interact with say…Emperess Matilda or Henry V? How does magic change things and introduce new issues that have to be delt with? Also…the characters of this time period just *fascinate* me. Yeah, John Uskglass, but also Thomas of Dundale? William of Lanchester? Catherine of Winchester? Donata Torrel and Margaret Ford and their troop of women magicians? Thomas Godbless? Walter De Chepe? Lookit. I just need *all* of the stories about the Aurates.
Oh, and one more thing: No 80′s AU JSMN fandom? I am Dissapoint. I need John Uskglass hanging out in Le Phonographique as is only his natural habitat ;P 
What reader or writer do you think most deserves a high five? 
But there are so many awesome people in both my fandoms? I mean Just going off of the top of my head…
@jordenspuls and @somepallings just seem like all around really cool people and it’s always a delight to see their back-and-forth crossing my dash (even if most of the time I’m too much an awkward nerd to say anything myself) Not only that but they’re also really awesome writers and if you like Johnsquared you should definitely check out both of their work!^^
@ohveda is also super-cool and is also an awesome writer, especially– again – if you like Johnsquared. Also, it always makes me smile when I see a comment on one of my metas, because we’ve always had nice discussion in the past. 
Of course I’ve gotta mention @regshoe here, for loving the Raven King as much I do, for always being an awesome person to talk to and for writing such amazing fic as well as comments in my own stories.
And on that same note, theseatheseatheopensea is another amazing writer in JSMN fandom (seriously, the writing is just georgous. Go read that Isaac Newton story.) and always leaves such lovely comments in my fic as well!^^
Finally, @thearrogantemu and @prackspoor have both written some of my favorite Silm fics.
Tell me a headcanon (and who you wish would write it)? 
Okay, so for most of my headcanons and ideas I don’t actually have an ideal writer in mind for any of them. I’d just really love to see what would happen if anyone took them up and ran with them.
That said, because I cannot provide any actual writers for these headcanons, I will give three each from each fandom to make up for it 8D
The Silmarillion/Tolkien:
  More Fairy Lore from Arda: Before encountering the Valar the elves would often leave out small offerings to appease the fairies and spirits of Middle-Earth. A few berries, a piece of meat from a good hunt, a dish of milk left out on the doorstep. After meeting Oromë and going to Valinor, the offerings became more craft-oriented and were said to be for the Valar, rather than the Fairies. Many – especially amongst the Vanyar – stopped leaving out offerings all together, seeing them as relics of the misunderstandings of the past, too pagan a tradition to continue with. MírielÞerindë, however did continue to leave out small scraps of brightly embroidered fabric as a tribute to Vairë whenever she began a new project. Fëanor continues on in this tradition, leaving a small wire spiral out on his workbench whenever he starts something new – not for the Valar or to keep the Fairies from interfering – but as a tribute to his mother.
Curufin is actually the best rider and horsemen amongst his brothers and taught Celebrimbor to ride 
Arien and Sauron were actually really close before Sauron’s eventual betrayal. Being some of the few Fire-spirits who remained on the side of the valar gave them a particular bond, and  Mairon was someone for Arien to turn to when the feelings of grief and betrayal that her brothers – The Balrogs – left her with grew to heavy. Well that was untill…
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell:
Catherine of Winchester actually didn’t start out as a particularly impressive Magician. Actually, if anything, magic was fairly difficult for her at first. Where she was impressive was in her dedication to her craft, and her shear stubbornness in it’s pursuit was what actually impressed the Raven King enough to take her on as a student (this one is actually a fairly new headcanon for me, but there is something about the idea that I find so appealing…)
Thomas of Dundale is actually a huge nerd when it comes to Arthuriana and tales of Chivalry. He was actually kind of having a bit of a fanboy freakout when he first learned Chrétien de Troyes wrote a song about him. xD More seriously though, tales of Knights and Brave Deeds were what he grew up on before being stolen away to Faerie, and during late nights in the Brugh, when neither of them could sleep, Thomas would keep both himself and John entertained with the old stories his nurse used to tell him. Sometimes he even thinks of himself and John as a kind of reversed Arthur and Merlin. 
William of Lanchester was actually one of the Raven King’s apprentices in his youth. That first week within John Uskglass’s company was one of the most frustrating experiences in William’s life, and by the end of it he well and truely hated John Uskglass and his particular manner of doing things. It was just so much the opposite to William’s own approach? He swallowed it down and pushed on anyway, because he did want to learn, but he ranted to Thomas (who he got on with brilliantly from the start) a lot about John during those early years of their relationship. Thomas helped him stick it out, Thomas gave him space to vent and honestly? Thomas helped smooth things over between William and John when they clashed the most. “He takes growing used to. But he’ll grow on you, if given a chance.” Thomas would say to him. William would just scoff. “Yes. Like a fungus.” Yet by the end of his apprenticeship, William found himself as one of the Raven King’s most trusted advisers and closest friends – and the thing that surprised William the most? When he realized it, he wasn’t surprised at all.
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #18: Favorite Angel
1.       Angelarium (Peter Mohrbacher)
Mohrbacher’s angels really are the perfect ‘new’ angels to me, providing a seamless mixture of fantasy, surrealism, and occasional horror. They embrace the descriptions of angels as inhuman entities, creating something completely otherworldly. But at the same time, they don’t eschew the classical elements of angels that make them majestic; Mohrbacher’s angels still convey a sense of nobility, even as they twist into completely inhuman shapes. It’s reached a point where the surrealism actually enhances what the angels represent; The Book of Emanations, for instance, created angels that matched the symbols associated with Kabbalistic tree of life. But what makes Mohrbacher’s really shine through for me is the writing they are given. No matter how strange the angels may look, they are still universal forces of good. Benevolence can appear strange, even frightening, but at heart there is still a desire to help humanity. The retention of that meaning is why Mohrbacher’s angels are so great.
2.       Hierarchy of Laguna (Bayonetta)
Bayonetta’s angels have some of the most fantastic designs of any monsters, not just angels. Even the standard foot soldiers are these bizarre hybrids of doves and humans with trumpets that shoot lasers. There are angels that are dragons, angels with two heads, angels with chainsaws, angels that are cars, and on and on. They look beautiful on the surface, all covered in gold and marble, but underneath they’re raw body horror with too many eyes and mouths, but even that’s still awesome monster design. Personality-wise, the angels range from pompous to assholes to cold and detached, but the best ones are the angels that still try to act legitimately nice and polite even while they try to kill you, like Fortitudo. Bayo’s angels lose some points because they’re very definitely not good; maybe not as overtly evil as demons, but definitely not all they’re cracked up to be. Still, the incredible designs are more than enough to carry them.
3.       Tilda Swinton (Constantine)
Constantine is two for two on the cosmic entities here. Tilda Swinton was perfect as the archangel Gabriel. Swinton came off as incredibly graceful and calm, but also unearthly and detached. At least part of that came from playing off Swinton’s androgyny, which was a nice way of incorporating both that angels are supposed to be genderless, but also that Gabriel in particular has been variously male and female in different depictions. Even as an antagonist, Tilda Swinton’s Gabriel stands out because they believe they are very much still in the right. They retain the angelic mien, and it’s a nice change of pace from the usual villainous angel performance.
4.       Alan Rickman (Dogma)
The appeal of Alan Rickman’s Metatron is essentially the same appeal of Terry Pratchett’s Death; an infinitely powerful cosmic entity that is generally positively predisposed to humanity in spite of itself and has a dry British sense of humor. Also, THE VOICE. Dogma actually doesn’t shy away from the cosmic aspects of angels while also retaining a sense of humor. Alan Rickman makes it clear what the Metatron is and why it is necessary while also not-drinking tequila. The mix of class and acidic wit Rickman provides helps convey a Voice of God who is still majestic, but also very, very tired. He’s probably the best comedic angel in cinema, and I’m confident he could probably kick down some of the comedic devils as well.
5.       Christopher Walken (The Prophecy)
In contrast to Tilda Swinton, Christopher Walken’s Gabriel is an angel unhinged. While they have similar motivations, an envy of God’s favor for man, Walken’s Gabriel has lost his faith and is actively rebelling against Heaven. Luckily, ‘unhinged’ is Christopher Walken’s territory. In many respects, he mirrors Vigo Mortensen’s Lucifer in that they are both extremely driven but act clearly inhuman. The difference is that while Lucifer has an overbearing hatred for humanity, Gabriel’s contempt is weaker, and he actually has to rely on humans. That’s another aspect of Walken’s Gabriel that works; he’s able to pepper little bits of comedy into his performance, like when he brings a terminally ill woman back to life just because he doesn’t know how to drive.
6.       Clarence (It’s a Wonderful Life)
I’m a sucker for It’s a Wonderful Life; it’s my favorite Christmas movie, and my second-favorite Jimmie Stewart movie. Clarence doesn’t really have a lot of the stuff the other angels here have; he can’t make fall asleep with a word, or control the weather, and his ability to awaken humans to the power of the sefirot is tangential at best. But he also doesn’t have an overriding contempt for humanity or have to tell people not to be afraid when they look at him. Clarence is just a pretty swell guy trying to help people and maybe get his wings. He still reads the new books authors publish in Heaven, and he lives with his wife; it’s not a bad vision of paradise. I’ve got to confess, sometimes, when I feel down, I remember Clarence and his words of wisdom.
7.       Lucifel (El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron)
Jason Isaacs gives the voice to what would be one of my favorite Satans, if he had fallen yet. El Shaddai’s Lucifel can travel through time, and aside from giving him the ability to show up with anachronistic loot like cellphones and blue jeans, it also means that he exists in a weird quantum state. He is Lucifer both before and after he fell, and I always dig the exploration of Heaven as a place outside of time. But aside from being an interesting exploration of a good Lucifer, Lucifel is also your best friend during El Shaddai. He is literally your save system, and he records your progress by making phone calls to God. The conversations reveal that even though Lucifel could handle the whole ‘Nephilim’ and ‘Tower of Babel’ situation by himself, he has absolute confidence in you. And there’s just something reassuring about the most powerful archangel in existence cheering you on.
8.       Remiel and Duma (Sandman/Lucifer)
Speaking of Lucifer, when he eventually does quit Hell, he leaves the key to the plane with the closest thing he has to a friend, Dream of the Endless, and kicks off one of my favorite story-arcs in fantasy comics. Various factions vie for Hell, but Dream ultimately decides to give it to two angels sent from Heaven; Remiel and Duma. It’s a fitting choice; Remiel is the angel of dreams, while Duma is the angel of silence. Their overseeing of Hell is actually a nice reference to how in angelology named archangels tend to shift between being servants of God or fallen demon princes, depending on who’s writing the list of names. Personality-wise, the two are a good duo. Remiel is a neurotic worrier who feels like his stewardship of Hell is a punishment from God. Duma, naturally, is the quiet type who keeps his partner in check. Remiel is the more human of the two to me, worried and anxious about his job while always thirty seconds away from a meltdown, while Duma is the more angelic one. When Duma speaks, the world listens, and it always seem to be exactly needs to be said.
9.       Gabriel (Gabriel Dropout)
Man, I miss this anime. It was pretty solid as a slice of life comedy, but it also had a chunk of decent fantasy or two hidden in it. Gabriel (who is making her third appearance on this list) was one of Heaven’s standout angels… until she got into MMORPGs. Now she’s an utter train wreck who can barely be motivated to leave her house. It’s usually a bad sign when the demons around an angel have to be her moral compass. Gabriel just doesn’t care; she’s beyond apathetic, and is only willing to change as much as she needs to slide on by. She’s not a fallen angel; she’s a ‘faillen’ angel. But even still, there are a few glimmers of goodness left in Gabriel. Eventually, Gabriel lets her antipathy to Heaven’s expectations guide her to do the right thing, and she doesn’t care what happens next.
10.   Lailah (Shin Megami Tensei)
Lailah is actually a fascinating angel from Jewish folklore. When a child is conceived, Lailah takes the drop of sperm before God, who decides what kind of life the child will have; rich or poor, happy or unhappy, etc. Lailah then returns the child to its mother’s womb and gives them their soul, sealing it in their body by pressing the philtrum, the indentation between the nose and lip. It’s a fascinating bit of angelic lore. I encountered Lailah through the Shin Megami Tensei games, and that’s still my favorite version of her. Her design is fantastic there; the Ashkenazi Jewish hat is not only a nice aesthetic choice, but also ties her back to her Jewish roots. And, of course, she’s my favorite angel in the game just because of how hard she carries my team.
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sweetonmeclarence · 7 years
Bard Quest Adventure 1: Ripped Off!
Let’s start by introducing the initial bards:
Sebastian Ariel “Ari” Rowe is an (lowkey noble) Aasimar from the College of Satire, played by @wingedscribe.
Fergus “Fergie” McPharlain is a Hill Dwarf with a great deal of sailing experience who comes from the College of Valor, played by @sikizu.
Theodosius “Theo” Winter Gold is a Half-Elf “Circus Sneak” from the College of Swords, played by @murderandcoffee.
And Kallista is a Tiefling from an urchin background who claims to be in the College of Satire but is actually a student of the College of Whispers, played by @thekittykat7 (it won’t let me tag you for some reason, so I’ve linked your blog instead). 
This was my first time being a DM for a game. I volunteered to take on “Bard Quest,” and I have no regrets so far. 
Their band is named Dick Squad, by the way. 
Our band of bards met up with their manager bright and early in the morning so they could be introduced to their tour sponsor, Professor Berlind (or Enchantress Berlind...or just plain “Linnie”). None of them had even really heard of before the deal was made, but she is clearly a wealthy and somewhat eccentric woman who appreciates the arts. Linnie loves this band, and contacted their tour manager -- a grumpy professor in the College of Swords named Loren Gilly -- to see if the bards might want to go on a summer tour. Obviously, the bards were more than happy to take their show on the road, so they took her up on her offer.
The issue of a former band member (whose name they currently don’t speak aloud because it’s so fresh in their minds...aka we haven’t named them yet) leaving was addressed with the introduction of a touring bass player, Demyan Constantine (played by a friend from Arizona). He’s currently enrolled in the College of Lore and seems pretty cool so far. The band’s two roadies and their wagon driver appeared to be more than happy to help everyone get the wagon packed well before they all left. Linnie sent them first to a town called "Ruststone," which is just a few hours outside of their starting town of Lehrsonfell, Istanore. 
Our intrepid band of bards came to town with the promise of a HUGE gig at the Black Saber Inn. The place was not very full, initially, and seemed a bit like it might be a bust. To make matters worse, the innkeeper, Mrs. Jo Carpenter, was not the person in charge of the gig, for some reason, and she wanted payment up front for the rooms and food.
Late that afternoon, the gig manager (Wilton Sharpe, a middle-aged gnome man) rolled up in his wagon, introduced himself, and talked the band through what would happen: he would collect the money, they would play and then socialize, and finally they would get paid as the innkeeper calls it quits for the night.
Their normal manager, Loren, was kind of annoyed that Wilton seemed to handle his business somewhat unconventionally, but he refrained from complaining in front of the man. Wilton rolled cigarettes for himself at the end of the bar and blew smoke out the window. Theo pulled Loren aside to suggest that they watch how many people Wilton takes money from at the door, since they all got a weird vibe from him when they met. None of them trusted this strange business setup or this guy’s excessive enthusiasm. 
The place is soon packed, money flows in through the door, and the bards played to an audience of around 250 very excited people. Ari busted out his Protector Aasimar wings for effect, and Kallista added to the effect with light tremors in the ground and golden flames. The crowd loved it.
After the event, people congratulated the band, and some fans bought them all a couple rounds of drinks. Theo had a young half-elf man crushing on him, and Ari had an extremely flirtatious and talkative human woman inviting him to her room later (which Ari gracefully declined). 
The real problem, however, came up when the crowd left for the night, and the innkeeper asked them if they’d seen Mr. Wilton Sharpe anywhere recently. Mrs. Carpenter tells them that Wilton gave her the cut she was promised from the event’s admission, but he forgot to pay his tab at the bar. The band quickly realized that Wilton also left with all of the band’s cash. 
The bards rallied together to chase after Wilton in their wagon, but Loren and the crew had to stay behind; the innkeeper had to be certain that the band was not in on Wilton’s bullshit, and Loren reasoned that they’d probably want to come back to pre-paid food and shelter once they caught the asshole gig manager. The band agreed and took off after Wilton. 
They tracked him and his rolling caravan home to a small cave about twenty minutes outside of town. Wilton was booking it out to a town called Cattail, which was about a day and a half’s wagon ride East of Ruststone, and supposedly had business at some art festival there in a day or two. After drinking so much, however, he clearly needed to stop for the night. The party snuck into the cave and found Wilton counting money by lantern light, seemingly accompanied only by his wagon and...an empty cage with an open door? Seemed strange.
Ari cast Invisibility on himself and snuck along the edge of the cave until he could see...a big, lizard-looking creature with spikes running down it’s backbone and...damn, that was more legs than usual. It had its back to Ari and was busy sniffing at the walls. 
Ari dropped Invisibility, and instead of attacking Wilton, he simply intimidated the Gnome into backing down. Wilton called out for “Billy,” who caught Ari’s eye and was quickly revealed to be a playful, lumbering Basilisk. Ari and Demyan were the only ones who made eye contact with it, but they both managed to resist the effects of its paralyzing gaze. Wilton was thoroughly scared once the entire band was there staring him down. Demyan lured Billy the Basilisk into the cage with some well-placed Dancing Lights (like a cat with a laser pointer), and Theo shut and locked the door so it couldn’t attack anyone if it got too excited. 
They took their money back from Wilton and made off with his cut, too. They figured 10 gold pieces would pay off his debt to the Innkeeper nicely...plus an extra fee for the inconvenience of having to chase him down. They left him shaking in his boots as they demanded that he also get a bigger cage for Billy because damn, if you’re gonna have something as big as a Basilisk for a pet, you might as well take proper care of it. 
The band returned to the Black Saber Inn, gave the Innkeeper her money, and said retired to their rooms for the night.
Aaaaand that’s where we left off at the end of Adventure 1.
More to come in the near future.
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