How to Sheild An Assassin
By AJ Sherwood
It's not stealing if you stealing it back...
Ari had a game plan for life. Shoot people. Get money. Hang out with fellow criminal friends. He saw absolutely no reason to change that plan until one dark night in Memphis. When a little girl reached out to him with pocket change and a desperate plea for help.
Adopting a abused little girl off the streets was needles to say. Not part of the plan. Ari has no idea what to do with an eight-year-old. Things get more complicated when a mercenary. Carter Harrison. Approaches him with a job. He needs Ari's expertise to get into the very high-security museum and steal back Monets Bridge Over a Pond of Water Lillies.
The job isn't an easy one. It will take more than the two if them to make it happen. The situation is further complicated because Ari's not sure what to do with his new daughter while working this job. And for that matter. How's he supposed to handle the sexy mercenary?
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High school has come to a close, and with Wallace and his boyfriend, Abe, going to separate colleges, so far from one another, the men have agreed to end their relationship and see where life takes them.
But just because they've agreed on this decision, following through with it, and ending both of their longest relationships is still very hard.
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roseangel19 · 1 year
When you realize that there’re no lesbian couples in Helluva Boss
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Warnings: guyxguy for the purpose of pissing off/arousing reader, gyu "stealing" the guy you wanted, anal, handjob, voyeurism, yanderish-gyu, NSFW LINK
Best friend gyu who likes you but has never had the courage to tell you outright because every time he hints at liking you you brush him off, either because you're oblivious or because you just don't like him.
He becomes more and more obsessed as time goes on, covertly ruining your relationships with other men without you even realizing. Until one day he makes a mistake and you find out everything.
You were at a house party with him and you had drunkenly expressed how hot you found one of the guys is, hyping yourself up to go talk to him when beomgyu "accidently" spills his drink on you. Cursing your clumsy friend, you hrad off to the bathroom, in your drunken mind deciding to go wipe your dress up and then come back to hit on the dude.
But when you come back neither he nor beomgyu are to be found. Could they have left? Maybe the guy did which sucks but beomgyu wouldn't leave without telling you would he?
You text him but he doesn’t reply. You call him but still no answer so you go around the house searching for him. Maybe he found someone to hook up with. Maybe you'll catch him in the act, you snicker as you open random door, certainly catching others in the act.
But when you get to the room where your best friend is in, you don't have to open the door to see what's going on inside. There beomgyu is, dick out and riding the fuck out of the guy you just told him you were interested in. That bitch.
You'll make sure to chew his ear off. Later. Now you can’t get yourself to interrupt them, rooted to your spot as your best friend bounces on the guys dick, moaning obscenely loud as he thumbs the man's nipples.
"Good boy. Such a good boy." The man praises but beomgyu is not paying any attention to him. Instead his eyes are glued to you, his moans reaching a crescendo as you watch him.
"Fuck, close, close!" He groans, his movements getting frantic, never once taking his eyes off you.
The guy under him grabs his dick, jerking him off rapidly as Beomgyu gasps and moans. "Oh god, please, baby, please."
What you don't expect is for him to scream your name as he comes, taking over stroking his own dick when the guy stops in shock, continuing to use the guy's dick like his own dildo all while he ejacules on him, repeating your name over and over again.
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siflshonen · 3 months
Omg, could you tell us more about your experience at the con? how did they find out about the manga development?
Uh, okay, so some context is necessary here. lemme just copy-paste what I told my friend in the chat real quick.
This weekend I had the pleasure of being a guest handler for the cosplay contest judges at Tora-Con this year (look them up - they're all incredible!) and after the awards ceremonies, me and one of the judges hit up the day-ending Yaoi for 300 panel, which was hosted by the cheerily gay cosplay contest emcee dressed as Alfred Fire Emblem - er, mostly. The panel began with him kicking up his feet, looking to his co-host, ripping off his wig and saying, "It's been a day. Pass me the yaoi!"
Basically, the panelists had organized BL, yaoi, and “yaoi” titles and popular ships into goofy categories (wholesome, doomed, toxic, Baby's First Yaoi, divorced, old man, rivals, toxic and doomed, Komaeda, musical, etc.) with a different pairing (fanon, canon, whatever) per slide. As each popped up, the audience laughed, cheered, booed, whatever-ed in response. “Yaoi” was used loosely and of course there were slides for stuff like Supernatural, Sherlock, the red and yellow M&Ms, Bert and Ernie, Metal Gear Solid, Homestuck, Genshin Impact... Very broad and meant to garner reactions. In many ways it was a retrospective of the Greatest Hits of popular guyxguy ships on Tumblr, so for a lot of attendees it was really more like a walk down memory lane.
So like. They had several “My Hero yaoi” items in there like DabiHawks (which got a big reaction! The people love HotWings!), TodoDeku (got a polite reaction), KiriBaku (a mild reaction and some awwwwwws.) (The guest with whom I was attending with politely claps but shakes their head at TodoDeku, so after I was polite and was like, “I just like Todoroki to be included”, I then was more honestly like, “but dude it’s BakuDeku or nothin’!” and they were like, “Thank you. Thank goodness.” I didn't realize it then, but this moment heralded what was to come.)
Finally, near the end of the panel, BakuDeku comes up (with the anime still of Izuku as Katsuki's cane, of course) and the room FUCKING ROARS.
Our hosts (who evidently don't closely follow the series) go wide-eyed and then, after a pause, wigless Alfred Fire Emblem tries to take back the energy and goes, “Oh, so you make a big reaction for THAT?!” and it turns out I am not the only manga reader in attendance because then like half the room - myself, my escorted guest, and two other folks at our table at the center-front of the room included - scream in perfect synchronicity, “THAT ONE’S REAL!!!!!!!!!"
A person at my table - clearly also an anime-only - says with the playful innocence only an individual with a kind and sugar-sweet romantic heart can possess, “No! They were right with the KiriBaku! :)” and then turns to meet me and my guest's and another girl's eyes, and I watched as theirs widened in fear as we all looked them dead-on and said, “No, you don’t understand. THIS one is real.”
And the room got REAL quiet until the hosts changed slides to, like, I dunno, Gravitation or Yugioh or something and the energy picked back up.
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cinemastyles-blog · 11 months
Touch Each Other [Narry]
Summary: An Anonymous request on Wattpad - “Can you maybe do a threesome with niall, but Niall and Harry also do stuff with each other. Like the girl is just watching and getting of by herself...”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, threesome!Narry, guyxguy actions, three way, dirty talk, oral (all), hair pulling, semi forceful actions (all consented of course!), very sexual innuendos, just absolutely filthy
Thank you for being so patient with me as I work on writing my new fan fiction. <3
I found this picture on Pinterest so creds to owner!
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“Hello, darling.” Harry greets you as he walks into the dining room where you sit, enjoying your lunch.
“Hey, baby.” You put down your fork and wipe your mouth, “Didn’t know you’d be home early. I would have grabbed you something.”
He smiles and shakes his head, “Ate at the studio with Mitch.” He sits down and looks at you and you instantly start smiling and you nod, “I called him.”
“What did he say?” Harry asks as he steals a few sips of your coffee.
You playfully glare at him and laugh, “He’ll be here for dinner.” Your eyes move up to his and a smirk grows slowly as he hands your coffee back to you, “Perfect,”
Harry has always had a little crush on Niall, and vice versa.
“What do you want for dinner?” Harry leans over you and kisses your cheek as he lays an arm over your chest.
You close your eyes and hum as you lean your head back onto him, “Hmm.. surprise us.”
“Alright.” Harry kisses below your ear and slowly starts to suck a mark onto your skin, “I can’t wait for dessert.” He leans up and walks away, looking back at you with a smirk as he leaves you a tiny bit flustered.
The doorbell rings and before you can get up, Harry jumps out of the kitchen, “I’ll get it!” He yells quickly before taking a deep breathe, “I can get it, you stay.”
You can’t help but smile at how Harry acts when Niall comes over. He gets all shy and flustered and it’s so cute to you.
Little do they know, tonight is all about them. You’re just here for the show.
“Hey!” You walk over to Niall and he wraps you in his arms, “How was your flight?” You lean back and smile up at him, “Not too bad I hope.”
He smiles and scans his eyes over your face, “Oh it was awful.” He looks at Harry and you can see Niall’s lips turn into a smile, “Felt like I couldn’t get here fast enough.”
You see Harry’s eyes light up and he tries to play it cool, “Oh yeah. I’m sure.” He clears his throat, “I’m just getting dinner started so why don’t you go in and relax, I’m sure you’re exhausted, Ni.”
Niall shrugs and chuckles, “I got a second wind.” He gives Harry a wink and smiles back at you.
You smirk at Harry as you can see the blush on his cheeks grow darker, “I’ll grab us some drinks?” You look between them and Niall sighs, “That would be great, love.”
Niall shrugs off his jacket and walks to the living room as you follow Harry into the kitchen, “Don’t worry I’ll get out of your way in a second.” You tease as you know how Harry is when cooking.
As you’re pouring the dark red liquid into the simple wine glasses, “Would you like one?” You look at Harry who is leaned against the counter staring at you, “Sure, babe.”
You pour his and turn to give it to him. You didn’t realize he was that close until you seen the red wine instantly stain his white tee, “Fuck. I’m sorry.”
You quickly set the glass down and grab paper towels, dabbing it as quick as you can, all while mumbling to yourself.
“Hey, hey.” Harry grabs your hands and leans down to look at you, “It’s fine, babe. Relax.” He chuckles, “Are you nervous or something?”
You couldn’t lie to him, “Kind of. I had something a little different planned for tonight.”
His eyebrow raises and he nods, “Oh did you?”
You nod and look up at him, your eyes move down to the red stain again. Harry shakes his head and slips his shirt off, tossing it onto the counter, “We’ll worry about that later.”
“Whoa, couldn’t wait for me?” Niall asks as he walks into the kitchen, “That’s so unfair, I come all this way..” he starts laughing as he walks over to you and Harry.
“I, um.” You point to the crumbled shirt on the counter, “Harry’s shirt drank his wine.”
They laugh and you sigh, “Okay. Okay.” You put more wine in Harry’s glass and point to it, “I’m not touching it this time.”
He laughs and picks it up, “Get out of my kitchen.”
You roll your eyes and grab your glass with a smile, “Yes sir.” You give him a smirk as you walk out with Niall.
You make your way to the couch and you put on some quiet music, “So, how’s everything?” You sip your wine and listen to Niall speak.
“It’s been so much fun, exhausting, but I love every minute of it.” He sips his wine as his eyes trail up your legs and back to your eyes once he reaches your shorts, “Wouldn’t change a thing about it.”
You nod and you can feel yourself getting wetter, the thought of your plan coming together is exciting to you.
“We’ve missed you.” You say lowly before looking over at him, “A lot.”
He nods and plays with a stand of your hair, “Trust me, I’ve missed you guys. Texting and calling isn’t enough sometimes.”
You agree, “Oh I know. Harry went on the one day about how he wishes you were here more, but he tours too. He gets it. We both do.”
Niall smiles and nods, “It’s tough but that’s what makes these reunions so much more special..” he sips his wine and looks over at you, “And so much more fun.”
You smile and nod, “I will not argue with you on that one.”
“Everything going good in here?” Harry pops out of the kitchen and walks over to you and Niall. He sits down between you guys on the coffee table, “Dinner should be done soon.”
You and Niall both can’t help but look Harry’s naked torso up and down. You both were basically drooling over how hot your lover is just sitting there.
“Yeah, sounds good.” Niall says with a nod, “Got hotter since the last time I saw ya, H. Damn.”
Harry straightens up his posture and you can tell he was caught off guard but loves hearing that, “Mm, yeah. Could say the same thing about you.”
You pressed your fingers over your lips to contain a moan. Them flirting with each other is like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
Your eyes move back and fourth, looking at them as they continue their conversation.
“Y/n was telling me in the kitchen that she has a plan for tonight.” He smirks and bites his lip, “Weren’t ya baby?”
You sigh slowly and smile, “I may have something up my sleeve for tonight, yes.”
Nervousness gone.
“Oh yeah? Wanna tell us?” Niall leans into you and pokes your thigh, “I’m curious to know.”
Your eyes watch his hand as you smile, “We’ll talk about it over dinner.”
“So your plan, baby. Tell us.” Harry looks at you from across the table and smirks. You bite your lip and tilt your head slightly, “My plan, yes.”
“I can’t wait to hear this.” Niall leans back and watches you as you lick your lips and smile, “I want to sit back and touch myself to the view of you guys doing whatever it is that you want to do.”
They’re both silent for a few minutes before Harry clears his throat, “Well, I’m done with dinner.”
“Yeah, me too.” Niall says quickly after Harry.
You laugh and stand up, “Then come on.” You smile and quickly run out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the bedroom.
Harry and Niall are keeping up with you and when you enter the room, Harry grabs you and pins you to the bed. His lips instantly attach to yours and you make out as Niall stands there watching.
He chews on his lip as undoes his pants, giving his cock more room to grow harder.
You moan against Harry’s lips and lift your hand from Harry’s back to reach out for Niall. Once he’s undressed, you feel his hand in yours and you pull him closer.
Harry’s lips leave yours and find Niall’s.
They moan against each other, finally getting what they’ve been craving since Niall left last time. You but your lip and scoot back so you can start undoing Harry’s pants.
You slide his boxers down to his thighs, letting his cock free. You do the same to Niall and you glance up, watching as their lips are desperate to kiss every inch of skin on their necks.
They both gasp and look down as you start to pump both of their cocks in your hands.
Harry on the right and Niall on the left.
Niall slides his hand up Harry’s torso, teasingly slow. Harry’s eyes move to Niall’s hand and he follows it all the way up until niall gently lays it on the side of his neck, pulling him in so he can crash his lips onto his.
“Fuck. This is so hot.” You whisper and lean in, pressing your lips to Harry’s cock. You slowly lean over to Niall, and press your lips to the head of his cock, too.
“Fuck.” Niall groans into Harry’s mouth. Harry’s grip tights on Niall’s waist, pulling his skin.
You start to slowly bob your head on Niall’s cock, working on taking more of him in your mouth. A hand lays on the back of your head, pushing down slightly.
You take a deep breathe before gagging around him. He lets out a loud moan as he feels himself slip into your throat, “Fuck, y/n, baby.”
You pull your head off, gasping as you look up at them. Harry looks down at you and lays a hand on your cheek, “You are so beautiful.”
You smile and wipe the corner of your mouth off and lick your lips, “Harry.” You whimper, “please.”
Harry leans down, pushing you back as his body hovers closely to yours, “Please what baby?”
Harry leans in, kissing your neck as Niall lays down beside you. His hand travels up and down the side of your body, lightly dragging his finger tips as he does, “Thought about you both so much.”
He leans in, kissing the other side of your neck, “So fucking hot seeing you two together.”
You let out a moan and spread your legs. They each rest their arm around your knee, keeping your legs spread open.
“Did ya think about her pussy?” Harry asks as he bites his lip, a dark and lustful look glazed over his eyes at he looks at Niall.
Niall slides his hand down your thigh and brushes his fingers over your pussy, “I thought about it a lot.”
You gasp and tilt your head back as his fingers slowly circle your clit, “Fuck.” You whimper as his pressure grows harder.
Harry leans down and connects his lips with yours as his hand plays with your boobs, “Feel good?” He whispers against your lips.
You nod, “Y-yes.” Your hands desperately search to grab onto something, “Fuck.” You moan loudly as Niall plunges his fingers into your pussy, curling his fingers repeatedly.
Harry slides his hand up your chest and wraps it around your neck. He leans in and bites gently on your ear lobe, “Cum for him, baby.”
Niall thrusts his fingers faster, hitting that spot with the tip of his fingers each time. Harry pulls you closer as he starts slowly rubbing your clit with his fingers.
You quickly fall apart, clenching Niall’s fingers with the walls of your pulsating cunt, “F-fuck. Yes! Yesyes.” You wiggle your hips and dig your nails into Harry’s shoulder, moaning and whimpering as you come down from your high.
“Good girl.” Harry whispers lowly in your ear, “Tell us what you want.”
You rest your head back and bite your lip at Niall pulls his fingers out of you, “I want..” you sigh and look at Niall, “You guys to touch each other.”
You slowly get up on your knees and move over to Niall. He wraps an arm around your waist and rests his hand on your lower back.
You pull him in to kiss him. Your lips move in sync with his and he moans lowly as you tug the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I want you to fuck each other.” You take his bottom lip between your teeth, pulling gently.
His fingers dig into your skin and you slide your hand down to his cock, “I want to watch you suck his cock.”
Harry moves in behind you, “I just want to feel that pussy first, baby.” Harry pulls your hips back and you move back slightly.
You guys get into a position to where Harry his rubbing the head of his cock onto your pussy, teasing you while you’re on your knees, bent over to suck Niall’s cock.
You swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, moaning lowly as you feel the spit run down over your pussy.
“I want No to suck you off of my cock.” Harry grips your hips as he buries his cock deep into your pussy, “Fuck.”
You moan around Niall’s cock, which causes him to gasp and buck his hips slightly. You gag and he moans louder, “Fuck, gag on my cock, baby.”
Harry slides a hand up your back, tangling it into your hair before he pushes you head down, slowly bobbing it up and down then switching to a slightly fast pace before stopping and letting go.
You pull off and Niall cups your cheeks, “ya alright?”
You smile and nod, biting your lip and furrowing your brows as Harry rams his cock into you, “Fuck, yes. Yes.”
You wrap your hand around Niall’s cock, slowly stroking your hand up and down. You rub your thumb over the tip slowly, smearing the precum around.
You lean, moaning as you lick it off, “Fuck.” You gasp and squeeze Harry’s cock with your walls, “H-Harry. Baby.” You look up at Niall, whining as he brushing hair from your face, “Cum for him, love.”
He slides a hand down to your boobs, playing and pinching each of your nipples as he leans down to kiss you.
You moan loudly and grab onto his arm as you feel yourself cum, “Fuck.” You tilt your head back, squeezing your eyes shut as Harry fucks you through your high.
You’re pretty sure you squirted, but you didn’t care. It felt too good for you to feel anything else but pleasure.
“Fuck, baby.” Harry slaps your ass cheek, “You ready?”
“I am.” You move to the head of the bed, leaning back against the headboard.
Niall and Harry waist no time. Their hands find their way to each others bodies and their lips press together, moving in a slow sexy synched motion.
You spread your legs and bite your lip as you watch Niall pull Harry closer to him closer to press his lips to Harry’s neck.
You grab your boobs with your hands, kneading them slowly, moaning as you watch Niall kiss down Harry’s chest.
“Fuck, Ni.” Harry groans lowly, “Missed you.”
Niall looks up at Harry him with his eyes and leans back slightly, “Did ya?”
Your hand travels down your body slowly, edging yourself with the arrival of your fingers to your clit.
Niall goes back to kissing Harry’s torso as he nods, “So much.” Harry whispers and furrows his brows as Niall kisses right above his cock.
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth and closes his eyes, waiting for Niall to go on.
Niall presses his lips gently along the length of Harry’s cock, taking him in between his lips when he reaches the tip.
You pinch your nipple with your other hand, moaning quietly as you watch Niall bob his head on Harry’s cock.
Harry’s head falls to the side as he moans, “Fuck.”
You press your fingers to your clit, circling at a slow, teasing pace, you really didn’t want to cum until they did, but you knew once Harry was done with Niall, you were going to fail achieving that goal.
Harry eventually pulls away and brings him back up to kiss him. You let out a moan, if it must have been loud because it caught their attention.
Their eyes flick over to you and they both turn their heads, “isn’t she fuckin sexy?” Harry leans down, rubbing the calf of your stretched out right leg.
“Sure is, H. M’actually kinda jealous of you.” Niall admits, “You get to touch her everyday.”
Harry smirks and runs a hand up Niall’s stomach. You watch as Niall starts stroking Harry’s cock again, keeping his eyes locked on his hand.
“Once I’m done with you, you can have all the time you want with her.” Harry whispers before leaning in to nip his ear and kiss down his neck.
Harry leans back and pulls himself away from Niall, moving up to sit next to you. He leans back and bites his lip, nodding at his cock as he looks at Niall.
Niall has always been a slut for Harry’s cock.
Just like you.
When ever you and Niall give Harry blowjobs together, it’s practically like you’re worshiping his cock.
You glance over at Harry, fingers still circling your clit, “Hi.”
He looks back at you and leans in to peck your lips, “Hi.”
You look at Niall and pull him up to you. You lean in to close the space, pressing your lips to his. His hand lays on your thigh, so close to your pussy.
You grab his hand and push it there. He leans back and glances over at Harry and Harry leans in and kisses him, “Change of plans.” He mumbles in between kisses.
You fought to keep your eyes open as Niall’s fingers curled inside of you.
You wanted to watch them do anything.
“F-fuck.” You gasp and arch your back against the headboard, “N-Ni-“ Is all you can get out before you watch Harry’s fingers slide onto your clit.
He presses hard and circles it quickly, “You like that?”
You nod quickly, moaning as you lean over and wrap your hand around his cock, “Yesyes.” You gasp and open your eyes, looking over at Harry.
He is stroking Niall’s cock, watching as his fingers move in and out of you, “Fuck, you’re so wet.” Harry looks up at you and pulls you into him by the back of the neck with his left hand.
You moan as your lips crash onto his and his fingers tangle tightly in your hair. He groans lowly as you speed up the pace of your hand.
“Fuck, baby.” He groans against your lips, “I need you again.” He reaches down and grabs Niall’s hand, pulling him around to you.
Harry’s hands grip your waist and you bite your lip as you straddle him. He looks into your eyes at he reaches out and pulls Niall closer to him.
You reach down to steady his cock while continues to look at him.
Your lips part as the head of his cock slips inside of you, instantly stretching you out. You tilt your head back slightly and push your self down more, “Fuck.”
Harry spits into his fingers and takes Niall’s cock into his hand. He slides his fingers up and down, sliding his spit around his cock.
“Niall.” You whine out and look over at him, “Let Harry suck your cock.”
He groans at your words, nodding as he moves up towards Harry.
You slide all the way down into Harry, causing Harry to look at you and dig his fingers into your hips, “Fuck, baby.” You moan and dig your nails into the sparrows tattooed on his chest.
He groans lowly, “C’mon, baby.. ya gotta move.”
Niall grabs his chin gently and turns his head towards him as you slowly start to move up and down his cock.
You open your eyes and watch as Harry’s lips part and Niall slips his cock in between them. Harry’s eyes roll back and flutter closed, moans muffled by Niall’s cock.
“Fuck, baby. Yes.” You moan quietly as you place your hands on his shoulders, “Oh fuck.”
You clench around him and drag your nails downward as you moan loudly.
As you slowly bounce through your high, you milk Harry of his.
His cock twitches as it’s shoved deep inside of you. Niall gasps as Harry moans around him, “Fuck.” He holds Harry’s head down on his cock as he groans.
Harry takes Niall’s cum and tilts his head back, swallowing as he smirks. He looks at you and pulls you in and he presses his lips to yours, instantly slipping his tongue in.
You moan quietly at the taste of niall still lingering on his tongue. He smirks against your lips and leans back, “Yeah?”
You bite your lip and nod, “Yeah.”
He nods and kisses your forehead, “As I said.” He moves to get off the bed and leans down to pecks your lips before standing up.
He smiles at you before looking at Niall, “Once I was done, you could have all the time with her.”
A smile appears on your lips quickly and you look up at Niall.
Harry winks at him before making his way to the chair, “Have fun.”
If you want a part 2 of this on the @wastedonhoran account let me know!!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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theodoresgirl · 10 months
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Welcome to my Master List Link 2 Pinned/Intro
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What I Write - GirlxGuy sfw/NSFW
What I will try to Write for you - GuyxGuy sfw/NSFW GirlxGirl sfw
What i can't write - GirlxGirl NSFW
I tend to write from a female or gender neutral POV unless its stated otherwise. Below is a list and links to my already written story's, and below that is lists and or ideas of who I write for.
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Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Secret Romance - Sleepy!Eugene x F!Reader Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Moon Light - Eugene x Fem!Reader Part 2 , Villagers AU / Secret Romance
Bucky Barnes
Love Triangle - You and Bucky have a 6 year old daughter, But your love didn’t really work out on both ends.
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Tavern Waitress - Killian Jones x Fem!Tavern worker!Reader / Killian and his crew come into your fathers tavern.
Lady Edith - Killian Jones x Snows!Daughter!Reader + 3 year old daughter
Odd Cat - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian meets the Cheshire cat and he's completely in love with her strange personality and creepy appearance.
Just Shut Up - Killian Jones x Cheshire Cat!Reader / Killian and Cheshire meet again in story-broke after kitty falls into a body of water.
Theodore Nott
Burn - Theodore Nott x Female!Reader Hamiliton au 🙏🏻 / Reader finds out about Theodores affair he made public.
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Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert Rapunzel Mother Gothel
The Little Mermaid
Ariel Eric ( 1989 & Live Action ) Possibly Ariel's Sisters
Anna Elsa Kristoff Hans
Beauty and The Beast
Belle Beast Gaston
Once Upon a Time
Killian Jones
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The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
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Golden Trio era
Draco Malfoy Ron Weasley Fred & George Weasley Hermione Granger
*FAN CASTS* Matheo Riddle Theodore Nott
The Marauders era
Regulus Black
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Bucky Barnes Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff Peter Parker/Tom Tony Stark Loki Laufeyson Thor Odinson
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Scooby Doo
Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones Velma Dinkley Daphne Blake
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Jacob Black
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore Bonnie Bennett Jeremy Gilbert
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Jethero Gibbs
Law & Order: SVU
Elliot Stabler Dominick Carisi Rafael Barba Nick Amaro Odafin Tutuola
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid Derek Morgan Aaron Hotchner
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My Hero Academia
Dabi Katsuki Bakugou
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Dividers, repost divider By saradika
Word Dividers by CafeKitsune
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possibly-pasta · 18 days
hi hi so i haven’t seen challengers yet, and i’m truly not sure if i’m going to, but i REALLY need to point out an observation:
I HAVE SEEN Z E R O PICTURES, GIF SETS, ANALYSIS POSTS, OR ANYTHINGGGGG ABOUT ZENDAYAS CHARACTER ON MY DASH. the ONLY content i have seen so far are those two white boys. even to the point where it looks like she’s been cropped out of a frame to zoom in on those two.
Like, i sure have my fair share of guyXguy fictional couples that i enjoy, but like,,,,, COME ON. YOURE GOING TO IGNORE THE MAIN CHARACTER (who is Also part of the love story of im not mistaken???) FOR THESE MEN???? IF YOURE A FAN OF THIS STORY AND DOING THIS, LOOK AT YOURSELF AND ASK WHY YOU DONT CARE ABOUT ITS MAIN CHARACTER
(also i’m non black, so if this is coming off as weird, please let me know. it’s just a Very annoying and stupid and repetitive trend in fandom that i’ve noticed)
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plushiebimbo · 7 months
Honestly fanfic writers and ynxcanon male character ppl are just kinda bleh to me. Why you may ask?
Well, it’s always female she/her big tits and long hair kinda stuff.
Don’t get me wrong: if that’s you, great-
But dear reader: I am a trans/queer boy that goes by He/They pronouns. There is not enough guyxguy or non-binaryxguy or transxguy stuff out there for me to enjoy without it being hyper sexualized or bland as shit.
And if there is any: it’s SO far in between.
I find more for girls then for the others.
Like please writers and bloggers-
Give us some non female x guy character stuff for once pleASE-
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hi ahm i need to know which direction you meant the cockles tag on the guyxguy post please
Ah. I wouldn't worry about it
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smackbaby · 2 years
It's actually very easy to guess how fujoshi will interpret the dynamics in a guyxguy pairing because they're very predictable
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x-lovely · 1 year
I don’t know why I orgasm from watching guys get rimjobs and having their ass pounded
I used to read guyxguy fan fiction a lotttttt
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amazon-me-bitches · 1 year
Me pretending to not be gay AF while watching the Beast and the Harlot video by Avenged Sevenfold as a teenager.  “uh...that Zacky Vengeance is smokin hot...” “you mean the one with pink eyeshadow on thats all but air humpin Synyster Gates...that one...?” “HUSH ITS THE STRIPPER SCENE I AM FOCUSING!”  man I was just fucking GAY as a teenager and idk how I just like didn’t know?
I read Playboy mags on the fuckin front porch in board daylight. Me just rewatching the stacy’s mom video as well as any other music video that had a scantly clad girl in it.  ALSO only focusing on the girls when I watch porn like.... its just funny. now...that being said I DO have a fetish or fixation or lust  or whatever you want to call it for guyxguy smut ((not sorry about it)) always have and always will I want them to sex up on each other just...not on me lol. Whatever the fuck that makes my sexuality there it is. 
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robins-den · 2 years
Guyxguy dojy like don't read
Nicolas Levine x bandage man x whoever the last bitch is
Rated E
Content warnings may apply
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ereward · 6 months
love combination
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love is very beautiful
nature #photo #smile #photooftheday #photography #naturephotography #nature_photography #photographynature #guyswholift #guyonankekinian #guytang #nature_up_close #photoholic #naturephotography📷 #photolife #photofood #natureone #photographyatclickersadda #guyxguy #guysstyle #photosq_jp #photobombers #naturebawu #photoseedminecraft #photographyenthusiast #photographique #photosports #photogirls #photonikon #naturecrafts
. . . Created by Inflact Hashtags Generator
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Summary: this was an anonymous request on tumblr: “how would you feel about writing a one shot where Harry talks to y/n about having a three some.. but it’s with another guy and that guy could be zayn?”
Warnings: SMUT18+, threesome, double penetration, guyxguy, slapping, choking, slight degradation, praise kink, hair pulling, rough sex, unprotected sex, ALL THE FILTH like nasty dirty filth
I need to go touch grass after writing this so enjoy
∘₊✧── 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 ──✧₊∘
I look up from my phone to see Harry staring at me.
“Yes?” I lay my phone in my lap and sit up, sitting criss cross on the couch, “What might you need?”
He shrugs, “just thinking.” A smirk slowly grows on his lips. I tilt my head, “Thinking what exactly?”
He bites his lip and shakes his head, “Nothing.”
“No, Harry.” I move over to him and sit on his lap, “What?”
Curiosity taking over me.
He laughs and lays his hand on my thigh, “Have you ever.. thought about..” he pauses and looks up at me. I run a hand through his hair, “Thought about.. what?”
“Having a threesome?”
His words cause my breathe to hitch in my throat. I stare at him for a second and nod slightly.
“Really?” He smirks, “Another guy or girl?”
I shrug, “Another guy.”
He raises his eyebrows, “Yeah? I might be able to help with that.”
I bite my lip, “Yeah?”
He nods and pats my thigh, “Go get ready. Fancy attire.” I give him a quick kiss before i scurry off to get ready.
After looking through all of my dresses, I let out a defeated sigh, “Harry.” I call out and sit on the bed. He walks in and looks at me, “What’s up, babe?”
“I can’t.. I don’t know what to wear.” I run a hand through my hair.
“Wear the purple dress. Zayn likes purple.”
My heart skips a beat when he says his name, “Zayn?” Harry nods with a smirk, “That’s who I said, yes.”
Zayn is Harry’s best friend.
Zayn is also wildly attractive in ways that intimidate me.
I can feel my palms get sweaty so I wipe them on my legs, “Is he the-“
Harry cuts me off, “Yes.” He walks over and stands between my knees, gently lifting my chin up with his finger, “Is that alright?”
I bite my lip and nod. He smirks and runs his thumb over my lips, “He’s always talking about how sexy he thinks you are.”
I squeeze my thighs together, “Does he?”
He nods once, “Oh yeah. Every time we’re together, you’re the topic of choice.”
I smile and can feel my cheeks getting warm, “Wow, I-I had no idea.”
“I didn’t want you to know until I thought it was the right time to ask. I told him I’d be okay with it only if you were.”
I listen to him speak.
“You run this thing. You say stop, we stop. No questions. You won’t hurt anyone’s feelings.” He cups my cheeks, “Do you want to do this?”
I nod instantly, “Yes, baby.”
He kisses my nose, “Good. Now slip on that dress. I told Zayn we’ll meet him at Rio’s in twenty.”
I grab Harry’s hand as I exit the car, pulling my dress down slightly.
“No, leave it like it was. It’ll drive Z crazy.” Harry pulls my dress up slightly up my thighs and smirks, “Fuck, it’s driving me crazy.”
I smile and take his hand again, following him inside. It’s kinda crowded, “There’s a lot of people here.”
“There won’t be where we’re going to be.” Harry leans down and whispers. I nod and walk with him to the back through a curtain that’s hanging over the door way.
“Styles. Malik is here waiting for us.” Harry tells the waiter and he nods, “Yes sir. Your table is ready just through that arch way right there.”
Harry gives him a quick thank you and tugs on my hand. I take a deep breathe just before we walk through and my eyes immediately land on him.
“Harry, hello mate. How are you?” Zayn stands up and gives him a hug. His eyes stay on me as he leans back, “My, my.” He tsks his tongue and walks around me, admiring every inch of what he can see, “Always so beautiful.”
He looks up at Harry, “May I?”
Harry looks at me, “You okay with letting him touch you?” I nod, “Yes, baby.”
“Then yes.” Harry sits down and crosses one leg over his, watching as Zayn takes my hand into his and kisses my knuckles, “You look ravishing tonight, darling.”
“Thank you, Zayn.” I smile and glance over at Harry. He had it elbow resting on the arm rest and his two fingers are pressed against his lips. He gives me a quick wink and i look back at Zayn, “You look so handsome.”
He chuckles, “I put on my best fit as soon as Harry called me.” He motions towards the table, “Shall we sit and talk?”
I nod and sit down in the chair next to Harry. Zayn sits next to me but across from Harry so we’re evenly spaced out, “So.” He picks up his glass of dark liquor and sips it, “What should we discuss first?”
I shrug and look at Harry, “I’m not Um, too sure..” I look back at Zayn, “I never did this before.” I anxiously sip my water.
“S’alright love, we’ll walk you through it, but at anytime, if you want to stop it if anything hurts or you don’t like it, please tell me.” Zayn lays a hand on mine, “My goal isn’t to hurt you.”
“But what if I like it?” I bite my lip and he raises his eyebrows, caught off by my words, “Then, I guess..” he smirks, “We’d keep doing it, yeah?”
“Only if you truly like it, baby.” Harry picks my other hand up and kisses it, “Our goal, like Zayn said, is to make you feel good.”
Having both of their hands on mine sends shivers down my spine but it almost makes me feel powerful.
I’m in control of this.
I’m in control.
“so like, boundaries in a way?” I ask slipping my hands from them and resting them under my chin. Zayn nods, “Yes, exactly.”
“I already know what you do and don’t like, sweetheart. Zayn needs to know everything.” Harry sips his drink and leans back in his chair, his hand extended out to lay on my thigh.
I sigh, “Well, what I do like is roughness.” My eyes flick up to Zayn’s and he tilts his head, “Oh? Elaborate for me please.”
I bite my lip, “I like to be choked, smacked, spanked, tied up. I really love it when Harry tells me when I can and can’t cum.” Harry’s hand grips my thigh. Hard.
“I just like being used but also taken care of if that makes sense.” I lay my hand on Harry’s, “Like after a few smacks of the face, Harry will rub his thumb over it asking me if I’m okay, and when I say yes he calls me a good girl for taking it.”
“You like being praised, don’t you?” Zayn bites his lip and smiles, “Fuck.”
“That she does, Z. That. She. Does.” Harry chimes in, “She also like when you tease her, talk dirty to her. She’s a really dirty girl.” He winks at me and I can feel my cheeks getting hot.
“You really won with her, didn’t you?” Zayn smirks, “I have to admit, I am kind of nervous.”
“Why?” I tilt my head, my anxiety kind of subsides, “you have nothing to be worried about. Right baby?” I look over at Harry and he nods slowly while staring back at me.
“Do you have have any boundaries that you don’t want crossed?” Zayn asks, “I want to know so I don’t offend you in anyway.”
I smile and lay a hand on his, “You won’t offend me, I don’t have any.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “Fucking hell, alright.”
“I do have one question though.” I bring my water up and sip it. I look between both of them, “How do you feel about kissing each other?”
Harry smirks and looks down before looking at me with a smile, “Will that turn you on?”
I nod and look over at Zayn who also has a smirk on his lips, “You really are a dirty girl, aren’t you?”
I shrug with a smirk and I look over at Harry to give him a smile. He brings my hand up to his lips and presses a kiss onto my skin, “Just remember, baby. You run the show.”
Zayn had to run home and grab some things so harry and I wait in the car at home. He looks over at me and grabs my face and kisses me, “Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Are you sure?” I ask him, “I want to, but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable wi-“
“Baby. Baby. I want this too.” He kisses me again, “I’ve wanted this. I just wasn’t sure if you did.”
I smile, “I can’t wait to see you make out with that beautiful man.” He chuckles, “You’re so fucking dirty.” He slides his hand up and grabs a fist full of my hair, “Does that make your pussy wet, thinking of me kissing Zayn?”
I whimper, “Y-yes.”
He rubs his nose on my cheek and moves to bite my earlobe, “How about if he sucks my cock? Hmm. Will that make it wetter?”
I squeeze my thighs together at the thought, “Fuck yes.” I say with a slight moan, “And you sucking him off..” I open my eyes to look at him. His eyes meet mine and they’re dark, “I want you on my face as he sucks me off.”
“I’ll sit on your face and help him suck you off.”
He freezes at my words and pulls me in for a hot, heated kiss. He moans against my lips and slides a hand down to slip under my dress, “I want to feel how soaked your little slutty pussy is.”
He slips two fingers in and moans slightly, “Fuck. Think you can handle two cocks in that beautiful cunt of yours?”
The thought of trying makes me moan, “Fuck. Yes.” I cling to his arm as he pumps his fingers in and out of me, “Fuck, baby.”
His lips attach themselves to my neck, sucking a deep purple mark into it, “Such a whore for me. I love it.”
“Only you.” I moan out, “Fuck, only for you.”
He keeps his grip on my hair and his the pace of his fingers steady. I arch my back and spread my legs wider as he gets me to cum.
“Yeah, that’s it. Good girl. Good fucking girl.” He groans as I clench repeatedly around his fingers, my chest heaving as I come down.
“Now you own Zayn an orgasm.” I tease with a smile. He chuckles and licks his fingers clean, “That I do.”
There as knock on the door and I get up to answer it, “Hey you’re here finally.”
Zayn nods, “Yeah sorry I had some stuff at home but I’m here now so..” he glances over at Harry and he nods. I go to turn around but Zayn grabs me and crashes his lips onto mine. My hands immediately find his neck and I slide my hand to the back of his head.
He groans against my lips and slides his hands down my back.
He leans back and I slowly open my opens. He smiles, “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that.”
I smile slightly, still in shock that we’re just jumping right into it. He grabs my hand and leads me over to the couch. He sits be down close to Harry and he sits down beside me, grabbing my leg to throw over his lap, Harry does the same.
“I owe you an orgasm, Z.” Harry runs his hand up and down my exposed thigh, “Y/N and I kinda had a moment in the car, and I couldn’t wait for you.”
He chuckles and slides his hand up my thigh, achingly slow, “I’ll just have to claim that right now, don’t I?” He leans in, his lips drag across my neck and his fingers drag up my covered center.
“She tastes amazing.” Harry says brushing hair from my face, “Don’t you, love?”
I nod, “I do. You should taste me.”
“I’m definitely going to take you up on that offer.” He gently sets my leg down and moves to the floor, kneeling between my legs.
Harry holds my thigh and I spread my other one more, “Please.” I whimper, causing him to smile, “Eager, aren’t we?”
“She’s my little attention whore when it comes to this.” Harry kisses my cheek and works down to my neck, biting and a spot in my skin to match the other side.
I moan and arch my back, my breathing gaining a more rapid speed, “Fuck. Please touch me.” I beg desperately, “Please.”
“Go ahead, Z. Give her what she wants.” Harry says with a slight chuckle. Zayn hooks his fingers into the band of my panties and slides them down my legs.
“Fuck, y/n. You’re soaked.”
Harry squeezes my thigh, “Fucking hell, I want to touch you so bad.” He kisses my neck and slides his hand up my body, tugging my dress down to free my boobs. His hand goes back and fourth, kneading them one at a time.
Zayn leans in, swirling his tongue around my clit a few times, then diving straight in. I gasp and throw my head back onto Harry’s shoulder, “Shit.”
“Feel good?” He asks while pinching my nipples, “Looks like it does. The way your face is twitching, fuck. You look so beautiful having your pussy eaten like this.”
I shut my eyes right and reach down to push Zayn’s head in further to me, “Fuck, fuck.”
I reach my other arm up to lay on the back of Harry’s head. I turn mine and pull him down to kiss me. He swallows each one of my moans, returning some into my mouth as I tug his hair.
“She’s close, Z.” Harry says sliding a hand to my throat, “Fuck.” He gently closes his fingers around my neck, whimpers escaping the tighter he squeezes.
Zayn moans against me and grips my thighs, his fingertips digging hard into my skin. My eyes roll back as my orgasm snaps, causing my whole body to feel warm. I dig my heel into his back and arch mine as I cum.
“There you go, sweetheart, that’s it.” Harry whispers into my ear. He slowly lets go of my throat and slides his hand down my body, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze, “Did that feel good?”
I open my eyes and smile, “Yes.”
He kisses my temple and looks down at Zayn. I look down and Zayn leans back, “Bloody hell, she tastes better than you said.”
I blush slightly and smile.
Zayn rubs my thigh and kisses it,“Now what would you like to do, love?”
I bite my lip and look at Harry, “I want to sit on your face.” Harry smirks and nods, “Alright, but you gotta tell him.”
I bite my lip and look back at Zayn, “I want to sit on Harry’s face while you suck his cock.”
Zayn raises his eyebrows and his eyes move to Harry, “You alright with that?”
Harry nods, “More than alright.”
I bite my lip and sit up as they set my leg down, “Bedroom?” I ask biting my thumbnail.
“Bedroom.” They say at the same time.
I stand up and catch my balance as my legs still haven’t fully recovered from my second orgasm of the night. Harry wraps his arm around my waist, “Good?”
I nod and laugh slightly, “Yeah, I’m alright.”
We make our way upstairs and enter our bedroom, “Take this off for us love, I’m sure Zayn would love to see more of what he’s working with.” He unzips my dress and it pools at my feet. I step out and walk over to the bed, laying down to watch them undress.
Harry gives me a wink before grabbing Zayn’s neck and crashing his lips onto his.
I gasp at the sight, “Fuck.” I can feel myself getting wetter by the second.
Zayn lays his hands on Harry’s waist and pushes himself closer to him. They shake their jackets off and unbutton their shirts, all without breaking the kiss.
I’m in absolute awe with what I’m seeing.
I sit up and lay back up against the headboard, my hand slipping between my legs. I circle my clit with my fingers and my lips part.
I am so turned on, I’m getting frustrated that no one is touching me.
“Fuck, come over here.” I whine, “I need you.”
They break the kiss, smirks plastered on their faces, “Needy little thing.” Zayn chuckles and undoes his belt, Harry does the same.
They both lose their pants and boxers and I pull my bottom lip between my teeth. I sit up on my knees and lean forward.
They each get on their knees beside me, my hands immediately take both of their cocks, pumping slowly as they kiss my neck.
Nothing but their quiet moans fill my ears and I gasp as their hands slide down my body. One is circling my clit and the other is sliding between my folds from behind.
I moan as a finger slides in and I arch my back, squeezing their cocks gently in my hands.
“I can’t wait to feel the inside of that pussy with my cock.” Zayn moans, “You feel so good around my fingers.”
I turn my head to kiss him, his hand cups my cheek and Harrys free one grips my ass, “She feels so good, think she can take us both?”
Zayn kisses back my jaw and nips my ear lobe, “It’ll be so hot to see her try.”
“Okay.” I breath out and turn to Harry, pushing him back on the bed. He smiles up at me and holds his hands out. I spin around so I’m facing Zayn and straddle Harry’s head. I lay my hands into his and my eyes roll back as I feel his tongue lick up my soaked folds.
I open my eyes and see Zayn laying on the bed with his arm over Harry’s waist, “Fuck that’s so hot.” I bite my lip and watch as he takes Harry’s cock in his hand, pumping it a few times, slow.
Harry moans against me which causes me to moan. He bucks his hips and Zayn leans in, taking the tip of it in between his lips. My mouth drops slightly and I try to lean down to help. I slide my hands up and down Harry’s chest and dig my nails in when he sucks on my clit.
“Fuck.” I breathe out loudly, “That feels so fucking good baby.”
Zayn takes Harry’s cock into his mouth and bobs his head. I lean down slowly, kissing anywhere I can get my lips. Harry holds my hips as I lean in closer to Zayn. He pops off and looks at me.
“Mind if I help?” I whisper giving him a smile. He shakes his head, “Not at all, darling.”
Zayn and I lick up each side of Harry’s cock before we go halves on the tip. Our tongues swirling around, running into each other every once and a while. I move my head up, kissing Zayn’s lips as Harry’s cock nudges our cheeks.
I moan into his mouth and gasp as I feel another orgasm coming on, “Fuck, I’m gunna cum.” I whimper and arch my back down. Zayn continues to suck off Harry as I watch, my orgasm coming in fast.
I fist the bed sheets with one hand and dig my nails into Harry’s thigh with the other, cursing fast and loud.
I clench around his tongue and leans head back in, my tongue working the base of Harry’s cock as Zayn works the top half.
Harry moans and bucks his hips up, digging his fingers into my lower back.
I come down from my high and swing my leg over Harry’s head, his moans louder now that they’re not muffled by me.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He pants and arches his back slightly. I lean in and kiss his lips, “That feel good baby? You like it when Zayn sucks your cock? I know I do.”
His eyes open and he grabs my throat, roughly pulling me down to kiss me again, “You’re such a fucking whore. I love that shit.” He kisses me again and Zayn sits up, “Shit.”
I smile and look down at Harry, “Do you want to fuck me or should we let our guest do that?” He bites his lip, “I think you need to cum again.” He sits up and points for Zayn to lay down, which he does.
I bite my lip, waiting for Harry to instruct me on what to do.
“Sit on his face.”
I nod once and straddle Zayn’s head, his hand’s immediately lay on my hips and his tongue slides between my folds.
“You can’t help until I say you can, got it?” Harry lays down and instantly takes Zayn’s throbbing cock into his mouth. I gasp and lay my hands on Zayn’s chest, moaning out loudly.
Zayn moans against me and I grind my hips down onto him more, “Fuck.” My eyes go back to watching Harry.
“Please.” I whimper out, no response. I bite my lip and tilt my head back, moaning out Zayn’s name.
“That’s it baby. Tell him how good he makes you feel.” Harry says while pumping Zayn’s cock in his hand, “You look so pretty, such a good girl letting him eat you like that.”
I whimper at his words, “Feels so good.”
“Come help me baby.”
I immediately fall forward and lick up Zayn’s cock.
Harry’s lips find mine before circling Zayn’s tip and I kiss down the shaft of his cock. Zayn moans against me and digs his fingers in more.
I gasp and throw my head back as my legs start to shake, “Sh-shit.”
“Cum on his face baby. You’re doing such a good job, baby. Such a good job.” Harry rubs my cheek with his thumb as I cum, “Let him feel that pussy now baby.”
I nod and swing my leg over with a slight whimper.
I lay down on the bed and Zayn rolls on top of me, “Give me a second, I have to grab a condom, love.” I nod and Zayn is replaced by Harry. He hovers over top of me, the head of his cock rubbing against my pussy.
“Please, baby. I need a cock in me.” I beg while moving my hips to try and get more, “Baby.”
He pulls his hips back and shakes his head, “Ah, ah, baby.”
I whine and arch my back, “Fuck.”
“You’re such a desperate little slut. Needy and hungry for cock.” He leans down and kisses my neck as he rubs his cock teasingly against me again.
I grab his hips and try to pull him in but I’m too weak from my previous orgasms. I could cry with how cock hungry I am right now, frustrated that no one is in my pussy yet.
“Here baby.” Harry says rolling off of me, laying next to me on the bed, “He’s back.”
Zayn falls into place between my legs again and pushes his cock into me. My eyes roll back and I leg out a loud and high pitched moan.
“Is that what you wanted?” Harry asks laying a hand on my stomach.
I nod and arch my back, “Y-yes.”
Zayn squeezes my hips and thrusts into me hard, moaning with each time he enters back into me, “So wet.”
“She gets soaked.” Harry says before taking my nipple between his teeth, gently biting down. I gasp and tangle a hand in his curls. He sucks and slides a hand down, circling my clit, adding more pleasure.
“H-hit me.” I moan out as I look at Zayn. He bites his lip and tilts his head, “fuck.”
Harry lifts his head and watches as Zayn lean down, holding onto my thigh as his hand connects with my cheek.
“You like that, sweetheart? Hmm?” Zayn groans, “Fucking hell.”
“Again.” I pant out, “Please.”
I can feel another orgasm ripping through my core and the second smack sends me over the edge. I arch my back and pull Harry’s hair, causing him to moan out.
Zayn smacks my other cheek and I moan out as my body twitches with pleasure.
“Doing so good baby. Doing do good.” Harry assured me as he kisses my cheek over and over.
I relax into the bed and Zayn pulls out with a grunt, “I about came, she feels incredible.” Harry chuckles, “Oh I know. She does that to me everyday.”
Harry leans in to me, “You doing okay, baby?”
I smile and nod slightly, “Mhm.”
“You sure? We can sto-“
I cut him off, “I want you.”
He nods and taps my thigh, “Can you roll over?”
I nod and roll over onto my stomach. Zayn sits down on the bed beside me with his back against the headboard, “You’re doing such a great job, sweetheart.” He stroke my hair and smiles down at me.
I smile back and scoot over to slip the condom off of him. He gasps slightly and bucks his hips. Harry spreads my cheeks and slides his cock into my sensitive cunt, causing both of us to moan out.
I slowly stroke Zayn’s cock and moan against the tip as I put it between my lips. Zayn’s breathe hitches and he lays a hand on my head, “Fuck.”
Harry drags a hand up my back and gathers my hair into a makeshift pony tale. He bobs my head as he thrusts in and out of me. I moan repeatedly and push my ass up in the air as much as I can.
Harry let’s go of my hair and pulls my hips up, holding them there. I moan as the new angle and tilt my head back.
“You gonna cum again?” Zayn asks as he lays a hand on my cheek, “Cum for us, love.”
Zayn talks me through my orgasm as Harry moans grow louder and louder. I push my hips back to meet Harry’s and I clench around his cock, screaming out his name.
He slows his thrusts down, guiding me through my high and lays my hips down after he pulls out.
“Need you both.” I whimper as I find the strength to roll over, “please.”
Harry smirks, “you sure?”
I nod, “Please.”
Harry nods towards Zayn and he moves to him. They discuss how they want to do it before finally coming over to me.
“Think you can ride me, darling?” Zayn asks rubbing my knee. I nod and sit up, “I sure can.” He smiles and lays on the bed, helping me position myself over him.
“Do you wa-“
“Forget it.” I gasp as I sink down onto his bare cock. He groans and grips my hips, “just cum in my mouth.”
He nods, “Sure thing.”
“Ready?” Harry asks as he places a hand on my back, “Let me know if this is uncomfortable.”
I try to stay relaxed as I prepare myself to get stretched out. Harry starts to push his cock into me along with Zayn’s. I gasp and moan out, leaning down to lay my head on Zayn’s chest.
Zayn reaches down and rubs my clit as Harry continues to push in, spreading me with his hands to help him go in a little bit more.
“Now you stay still, baby. Let us do the work. You feel okay?” Harry rubs my hips with his thumbs.
I nod, “Fuck. That feels..” I moan loudly against Zayn’s neck, “So fucking good.”
They work slowly to get into a rhythm and I am falling apart for them. Zayn wraps an arm around my waist and holds me tight while Harry grips my hips. Each of their cocks slowly work in and out of me, sending an immense about of pleasure through my body.
I feel like I black out as I cum for, what I hope is, the final time tonight. All I can do is moan, over and over and over again.
“Fuck, I’m gunna cum.” Zayn grunts.
“Shit shit.” Harry groans and pulls out, Zayn following behind. I roll over and they move up to pump their cocks over my face. White strings of cum fall onto my face as they moan and grunt.
Zayn falls back and rests on his calves and Harry gets up. He comes back with a warm wash cloth and gently wipes my face, “You did so fucking good baby. So, so good.” He whispers as he cleans me up.
“You did amazing, sweetheart.” Zayn leans down and kisses my forehead. I grab him and kiss him one last time, “It was amazing. Thank you.”
“Anytime.” He winks, “Now rest up.”
Harry helps me get into bed and covers me up. He places a kiss on my lips, “I love you.”
I smile and open my eyes to look at him, “I love you.” He rubs my head and stands up. Him and Zayn leave the room and I fall into a much needed sleep.
Please for the love of Harold, tell me how this was. I don’t even know how I wrote this. My mouth was dropping at my own writing. if you have any ideas feel free to send them my way!  
Tag list: @daddybuckethat @hsonlyangelxo @harrysluvv @tbsloneely @haroldsbabymama @victoria-styles
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