#gwyn x shadows
tato-acm · 4 months
sexta-feira - 17. 05. 2024
"It's fine. I came to retrieve something I forgot." The lie was smooth and cool, as he knew his face was. His shadows peered over his wings at her.
The young priestess smiled — and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows. [...]
"How was the party?" Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music. [...] - Azriel bonus chapter
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aldbooks · 2 years
Gwynriel Week 1 Day 3 - Solstice Night
My original inspiration for this scene was:
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Gwyn danced along the empty corridor of the House, still glowing with joy and humming along to the songs she and the other priestesses had sung that lingered in her head. She'd been invited by the High Lord and Lady to join them and their friends for Solstice dinner but had declined in favor of attending service in the Library's chapel. She began to regret that decision as she found herself alone in the vast, quiet house.
She felt a tickle at her cheek and grinned when she looked down. "Not so alone then." She could have sworn the shadow grinned back at her. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your master?"
The little swirling mass shook as though to say "no", putting Gwyn in mind of a naughty child. She chuckled. 
"Well then, I suppose you may keep me company, if you promise to behave." 
The shadow bobbed up and down so violently it was practically vibrating before settling obediently on her shoulder. She lifted a finger to pet it, getting the impression that, if it were a cat, it would be purring. 
She continued to sing softly, the shadow nuzzling into the crook of her neck as she wandered around, looking for something to occupy her. It was then she noticed the decided lack of decoration. "Oh, now," she tutted, coming to a halt in the living room. "This won't do. It's the Winter Solstice! The house should be far more festive than this."
As if in agreement with her, the House suddenly dropped a heaping pile of pine and holly branches before her, along with a basket full of tinsel and bundles of stringed fae lights. 
Smiling, Gwyn placed her hands on her hips and surveyed the space. "Hmm. I think I may need some help with this." The shadow zipped off her shoulder, swirling in front of her face. "Are you volunteering?" It bobbed enthusiastically
She glanced up at the ceiling. "I think we may need some additional light to work by," she requested of the House. Candles appeared on every surface, gently flickering and filling the room with warm, soft, light. "Thank you." 
Gwyn turned to the shadow. "Shall we begin?"
A little over an hour later, Gwyn stood back to evaluate their work. The pine and holly had been strung together into garlands draped over the mantle, around the doors, and across the tables, tinsel strewn over them. Twinkling fae lights had been woven in among the branches, making the whole room glow. The shadow had been very helpful fetching things she needed and holding up sections of garland while she tacked them down. The House, too, got into the spirit, providing various items for her to add to the decor including red and silver ribbons which she fastened into bows and glittering stars she tucked into the garlands.
It was, in her humble opinion, the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. 
When Gwyn had declared their job complete, the House cleared away the remaining scraps of ribbon and branches they had not used and left a small repast, a bottle of wine and slice of cake on the coffee table for Gwyn which she gratefully consumed. 
Leaning back in her chair with a sigh, she idly turned the wine glass between her fingers as she looked about the room in satisfaction. The new decorations, combined with the view of the night sky through the windows leading to the balcony made Gwyn feel strangely nostalgic for something she could not name.
Her smoky, black companion had been flitting around the room for the last few minutes, proudly examining the decorations it had helped to create. It now came to rest before her, observing her curiously. She smiled and saluted it with her glass.
"Thank you, friend. Your assistance was greatly appreciated."
The little shadow seemed to swell and darken, as though puffing out it's chest before gently knocking against the lip of her glass.
Azriel sighed for perhaps the millionth time that evening as he flew, unseeingly, towards the cliffs that bracketed the city below. Family gatherings were always difficult these days, but tonight had felt particularly burdensome. 
He'd found himself alone, the odd man out in a room full of couples. Rhys and Cassian were deliriously happy with their mates, Elain and Lucien's relationship seemed to be moving forward, and they had spent most of the evening in quiet conversation. Mor's feelings for Emerie were now painfully obvious, and even Amren had managed to settle down- as much as someone as ancient as her could- with Varian. By the time he'd quietly slipped out of the house, he was quite sure no one had even noticed his departure, so wrapped up in each other as they were. 
The loneliness threatened to crush as he fought against the darker thoughts his brutal mind tried to conjure. As he drew closer to the House of Wind, however, he became aware of a sort of excited buzzing among his shadows. 
Curious what had them so worked up, he glanced around but found nothing to warrant such behavior until he was close enough to the House to see an unusual amount of light burning through the living room windows.
Immediately, his senses were on high alert as he put on a burst of speed, racing forward. There certainly had not been so much light when they'd left, and the fireplace, even at it's peak, could not put out so much light. His first instinct was a fire, followed closely by the threat of some sort of break-in.
He was brought up short a few feet from the balcony as he finally got a clear look inside. 
The light he'd seen, emanated from candles and fae lights that seemed to cover every surface. The tables and mantle were covered in greenery, interspersed with glittery figurines and silk bows. And amidst it all, sat Gwyn. The candlelight played off the coppery strands of her hair, giving the illusion she was glowing as she smiled brilliantly at something. He watched as she raised a wine glass before her as though toasting something and saw, to his amazement, one of his shadows tap against her glass, winding in front of her flirtatiously. 
A quick examination confirmed that he was, in fact, missing a shadow, and he noticed the others edging away from him, as though eager to join the picture before them. 
Landing softly on the balcony, Azriel tucked his wings behind him and silently entered the house, observing Gwyn as she whispered and giggled with the errant shadow. The others began to creep along the floor, curling at her feet like kittens. She noticed almost immediately, hopping up from her seat and spinning around to face him with wide eyes. 
"Azriel," she said, clearly surprised. 
For a moment, Azriel could not breathe enough to respond. She never called him by his name, preferring to use his various titles, usually without the sort of reverence they typically garnered. He lived to hear those names from her lips, he realized. Whether she said them in teasing or anger.
But this, hearing his actual name in her beautiful voice... His chest felt tight and heavy, and all at once it seemed to hit him- the magnitude of his feelings for the female before him. How the hell had he not noticed it before? It seemed to have snuck up on him as stealthily as his shadows, but now that the veil had been drawn back, the culprit revealing itself, he knew it was one secret he'd never be able to keep truly hidden.
"I thought you were at dinner," Gwyn continued, eyeing him as he stepped closer. He moved without conscious thought, as though drawn by a string around his middle. 
"I was," he said softly. He allowed his eyes to graze over her, feeling as though he were seeing her for the first time. He knew every line of her. Every dip and curve, every gentle slope of her face and each freckle that covered the skin of her nose and cheeks. He knew the color of her eyes, that shade of azure that always made him think of the sea. He knew the way her lips curved when she smiled, the sway of her hair as she moved, the smell of her, like moonlight to his shadows.
Love. His shadows whispered the word like a chant, repeating over and over. 
He came to stand before her, their feet mere inches apart as he stared down at her. He understood in that moment, what had eluded him for so long. The times before when he thought himself in love, the pain and longing he'd felt, were little more than the pangs of loneliness because this- what he felt in this moment- was not painful. It was light and vibrant, and full of hope. 
Gwyn's tongue darted out to lick her lips and she swallowed as she peered up at him, her eyes alight with an emotion he knew was mirrored in his own. "I decorated..." she said, gesturing behind her.
"It's beautiful," he said, his eyes not leaving hers. You're beautiful. 
"Thank you." Her voice was barely above a whisper and he dared to inch closer. Her head tilted back with the movement, keeping him in her sights. 
"Happy Solstice, Gwyneth," he whispered, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind the delicate arch of her ear. He allowed his fingertips to linger on her jaw as he slowly leaned in. 
"Happy Solstice, Azriel," she breathed.
And then their lips met. 
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l1ghts1nger · 29 days
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AC: ellyness5 and mistilteinnart
I saw this meme format and I just had to 😌
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lady-embers · 4 months
After watching this video, no one can deny the fact Azriel's shadows dancing with some silent music from Gwyn's breathe and them singing back in answer to some faint, beautiful music as he is leaving her presence isn't HUGE foreshadowing for them to be endgame!!!
Also, with this video, the theory Gwyn was luring Azriel by her singing is debunked . Sarah wouldn't use music as a plot device like that. Especially with a SA victim doing said luring. But she will use music as a connection between two people who are meant to be together.
Music =/= bad, it = GOOD! Heck, the same night the Azriel bonus scene takes place, we have Nessian mating bond snapping into place and it being described as the music between their souls.
Azriel Shadowsinger and Gwyneth Berdara WILL be revealed as mates. Mark my words.
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sunshinebingo · 1 month
Azriel's shadows as soon as they hear Gwyn's voice across the room:
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lovelygwyneth · 3 months
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“The young priestess smiled — and Azriel thought it might have been directed at his curious shadows.”
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moreofaloner · 3 months
Azriel: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Gwyn: *ready to accept*
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azrielsbxtch · 8 months
Azriel the entire time Truth-Teller was away
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starsandreams · 4 months
azriel’s shadows:
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azriel’s shadows around 🩷 GWYN 🩷:
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amandapearls · 9 months
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This gorgeous Gwyn and Azriel art was commissioned by myself and Swetha
Art done by the incredibly talented @amiranaval
Link to the Instagram post
Characters belong to Sarah J Maas
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tato-acm · 9 months
21. 12. 2023 - quinta-feira
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Late night in the House of Wind
Azriel: *just got back from a mission*
Azriel: *to shadows* We should get some sleep, we have an early mission tomor-
*soft singing from Gwyn’s bedroom*
Shadows: *run towards her bedroom door*
Azriel: No- let her rest. She probably just got back from the library. Don’t disturb her.
Shadows: *stop, sullen*
That one little shadow: *runs and slips under her door*
Azriel: Don’t-
Gwyn: *from inside her room* Hey, little one! *laughs* You’re finally back!
Gwyn: *whispers conspiratorially* Ready to read the new book Nesta suggested? I was just about to start it… Where are your buddies?
Shadows: pleaaase…
Azriel: *sighs* Fine, go. But be back-
Shadows: okay! *run to Gwyn’s room*
Azriel: *brows high in amusement*
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gwyn-nesta-emerie · 5 months
It truly makes me wonder if E/riels really read ACOSF when they say things like this:
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Because if they truly read the book.... they'd know this happens after the bonus scene takes place:
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And this:
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Two scenes in which his shadows have a reaction when Gwyn is around or mentioned in ACOSF. One during training, one when Gwyn is in the Blood Rite. And there is no singing involved.
Oh, and in the bonus scene.. there is more than just that one mention of the shadows dancing with Gwyn breathe.
There is this before they even dance for her breathe:
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And this happens when something restless settles in him during his scene with Gwyn:
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And this is as Azriel is leaving his interaction with Gwyn:
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Again, no *actual* singing involved. Azriel can hear & see things others cannot so when he's leaving he's not actually hearing Gwyn sing. He's hearing faint, beautiful singing that follows him that his shadows sing back to, which can only be concluded as foreshadowing of a mate bond between them since Nessian bond snaps into place that same night and is described as music between their souls. If Gwyn was the one singing, that would have been made clear.
I rest my case 😌
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glossamerfaerie · 5 months
One aspect of Gwynriel that really excites me is religion. The other protagonists don’t seem to take religion or rituals very seriously? Everyone respects the Mother and acknowledges her power (and the Cauldron), but we haven’t explored faith among the fae. Feyre has a terrible experience with Ianthe (a sadly accurate depiction of corruption within organized religion). But we know that not all priestesses are like power-hungry Ianthe. Nesta is understandably indifferent even though she later has an experience with the Mother during Nyx’s birth. Rhys and Cassian seem respectful but we’ve never seen them pray or attend services. It’s giving “only attending church during Christmas” level of religious commitment.
Azriel, on the other hand… we haven’t had much canon insight in his head, but I firmly believe that Azriel is more religious than his brothers. Like he’s not the type to attend temple services, but he probably thinks about faith and the Mother regularly. Clearly he has contemplated mating bonds and who creates them — maybe he’s prayed for a mating bond? Maybe his mother raised him to be more religious. In HOFAS, after Nesta takes the mask off in a close call, Az’s very first instinct is to thank the Mother. Possibly that is meaningless (like how an atheist can say “thank god”) but idk. Az seems to have more faith than his brothers.
“The Mask fell from Nesta’s face, clattering on the stone.
Nesta swayed, but Azriel was there, catching her, bringing her to his chest, scarred hands stroking her hair. “Thank the Mother,” he breathed. “Thank the Mother.”
A few chapters later, Az describes the Cauldron and what happens after death.
“Bryce nodded to the carving. “What’s the big deal about a cauldron?”
“The Cauldron,” Azriel amended. Bryce shook her head, not understanding. “You don’t have stories of it in your world? The Fae didn’t bring that tradition with them?”
Bryce surveyed the giant cauldron. “No. We have five gods, but no cauldron. What does it do?”
“All life came and comes from it,” Azriel said with something like reverence. “The Mother poured it into this world, and from it, life blossomed.”
Later in the conversation, Az explains what happens to souls after death.
“When you die, where do your souls go?” Did they even believe in the concept of a soul? Maybe she should have led with that.
But Azriel said softly, “They return to the Mother, where they rest in joy within her heart until she finds another purpose for us. Another life or world to live in.”
The way Az talks about the Mother, with reverence and confidence, makes me certain that he’s more religious than his brothers.
Then, of course, we have Gwyn — a literal priestess who was raised in a temple. She still attends daily services and sings for the choir. I’ve wondered if what happened in Sangravah shook Gwyn’s faith. Maybe she thinks the Mother exists but isn’t a benevolent deity. Maybe she’s bitter that the Mother didn’t save her servants from Hybern attacks. She definitely feels shame and unworthiness — Gwyn no longer feels like she has a right to wear the Invoking Stone. Working through those feelings will be a major aspect of Gwyn’s arc.
“You asked me once why I don’t wear the hood or the Invoking Stone. That stone is a sign of holiness. How can someone like me wear it?”
Within the temple, Gwyn also faces prejudice and discrimination from her fellow sisters. Ianthe isn’t the only asshole within the organization (cough Merrill cough). I’m sure that some people in Sangravah were cruel to Gwyn’s family because of their nymph heritage. I don’t know what SJM has planned, but I feel that religion will play a major role in the Gwynriel book. I wouldn’t be surprised that, like Nesta, Gwyn has a firsthand experience with the Mother. She will definitely use the blue invoking stone for healing (a nice parallel to Az’s blue siphons).
“It’s an Invoking Stone.” Gwyn unfurled her fingers, revealing the gem within her hand. “Similar to the Siphons of the Illyrians, except that the power of the Mother flows through it. We cannot use it for harm, only healing and protection. It was shielding us.”
I’m also curious to see Gwyn and Az discuss their religious beliefs together. Maybe Az gets permission to join the dawn and dusk services. The man barely sleeps, he might as well watch Gwyn during her religious commitments. The shadows are NOT going to pass a chance to hear their girl sing (or watch her glow). Maybe Nesta can talk Az into singing with the choir. 🥹
Nesta could only gape at the lovely melody, the voices from the front of the cavern leading it, lifting higher than the others. Gwyn sang, chin high, a faint glow seeming to radiate from her. The music was pure, ancient, by turns whispering and bold, one moment like a tendril of mist, the next like a gilded ray of light. It finished, and Merrill spoke about the Mother and the Cauldron and the land and sun and water. She spoke of blessings and dreams and hope. Of mercy and love and growth.
Idk, maybe I’m wrong about Az being religious. But it feels like such a wasted opportunity if we don’t learn more about the Mother! At the very least, I do see Az attending the dawn and dusk services if he’s not on a mission. 🎼🩵🎶
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lady-embers · 4 months
I will never get over how Azriel's shadows are around Gwyn.
They dance with her very breathe to some silent music.
They are curious about her.
They peer over Azriel's wings at her.
They are calm and content to sit on Azriel's shoulders to watch Gwyn when something restless settles in him.
They dance around Azriel when he's conversing with Gwyn.
They sing back in answer to faint, beautiful singing that only Azriel hears.
And I'm supposed to think these instances mean nothing?
When they are a unique reaction as Azriel is near/around Gwyn.
When the mating bond is described as "music between the souls" and Azriel can hear things others cannot so his shadows more than likely can as well.
His shadows dancing with Gwyn's very breathe and singing back in answer to some perceived music isn't something to just toss away lightly. His shadows would be the ones to pick up on a mating bond yet to be revealed and keep it a secret for now because they didn't warn Azriel of Gwyn in the training ring so he'd run into her.....
In conclusion, Sarah wrote his shadows the way she did to mean something, not nothing!
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freyjas-musings · 7 months
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What is so complicated with this text ?
She could hear Az .... with each fu#king mile ONWARD.
What is soooooo complicated to understand here 😕 ..... what? They only react to Gwyn and Azriels voice, this is canon .... it is most likely because they ARE MATES. Why are we all having to state and explain something so straightforward? It's something so obvious... It's exhausting here in the fandom ... when will this end 😭
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azrielsfavoriteshadow · 2 months
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