#gym leader van
marastriker · 2 years
Fuck it. BV's Pokemon team:
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Also some legendaries he'd like:
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7 notes · View notes
jadequeen88 · 2 years
Watchin' You
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He walked around the corner of the building that housed the showers when he saw them. Eddie knew that was your canvas bag, the very one he saw you pull out of the floorboard of his van when you got out. There was no mistaking that the black, lace boy shorts lying on top of your other clothes were yours. It looked like you’d stepped out of them and laid them right on the bag. That could only mean one thing… “Oh, fuck me sideways…” You’d been wearing these. You sat in Eddie’s van wearing these exact panties.
I had a mighty need for more Virgin Eddie content that resulted in this monstrosity of a one-shot... that will have a part two! Let me know what y'all think of my characterization of our boy in the comments!
TWs: Virgin Eddie Munson, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Eddie Munson Has ADHD, Vaginal Fingering, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss, First Time Blow Jobs, Panty Kink, Eddie Munson is a panty thief, Panty thief
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Eddie looks around his locker door to ensure he’s not hallucinating, that an actual, real-life girl is speaking to him.
“Y-yeah? Me?” goddammit, of course, his voice would choose to crack now.
“Yeah, you.”
Oh god, you’re pretty. Like, music-video-vixen level pretty. It’s terrifying.
“Um, what is it?”
“Smooth moves, jackass. Now you sound like a dick,” he thinks.
You bite your bottom lip, looking slightly amused. Ah, shit. You’re about to laugh in his face, aren't you?
“We’re twins,” you say, holding out the bottom of your t-shirt. Sure as shit, you are in matching Iron Maiden shirts. Eddie nearly faints. However, what he actually does could be considered worse than fainting in front of his dream girl.
“Oh,” he squeaks out, slamming his locker door and turning to walk away quickly.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! What the fuck was that?! his brain screams. The first time a girl speaks to him without ill intent, a girl who likes his favorite band no less, and he runs away like a bitch. Perfect.
That was the only interaction between you and the awkward metalhead in high school, but it was enough to make a lasting impression
After that day, Eddie soaked up any and all information about you that he could. He knew you had just transferred from Indianapolis and that you played the French Horn. You must be good because he discovered that you were first chair and section leader. Eddie knew that you liked to skip your third-period gym class to smoke. You often joked with your friends about how your days playing your instrument were numbered due to the bad habit (he may or may not also skip that period just to sit on the other side of the tall brick wall to hear your voice, not creepy at all, shut up).
He knew that you used expensive Italian perfume to cover the smell of cigarette smoke; something that in Eddie’s mind smelled like sophistication and raw sex appeal, but according to what you told Buckley, actually smelled like bergamot, sandalwood, and patchouli. He also knew you used cherry chapstick instead of lipstick in neon shades as other girls did. You didn’t wear much make-up, mainly eyeliner which made your eyes darker and more mysterious.
He knew that you mostly stuck to your group of band kids. There was this one time, however, when you saw Carol Perkins trip one of the chess team kids in the cafeteria. You gave her a black eye in front of the entire school and got suspended for a week. It was the most metal thing Eddie had ever seen.
He could write a novel about you. He could fill chapters describing how your hair caught the sunlight or how you twirled your rings around your fingers when you were concentrating on a test. He could write sonnets about your chipped, black nail polish and scuffed Docs. He could write dissertations about the intricacies of your music tastes and how closely they align with his tastes based on the bits of band merch you owned and how you chose to wear them.
But Eddie couldn’t fucking speak to you.
He considered it almost daily. But he’d always end up nauseous at the very thought of trying to approach you. So he never did, and you walked that stage in May of 1983 never to set foot in the halls of Hawkins High again. You got your diploma, went back to Indianapolis for college, and left Eddie behind to rot in the dusty trailer park he called home.
If you’d told Eddie then that a few years later, he’d be trauma bonded with Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, and “King Steve” Harrington after fighting interdimensional monsters and saving the world, he’d have laughed in your face. But here he is, freshly graduated (finally), surrounded by friends, and sporting some gnarly scars to prove it all happened.
He was out by Steve’s pool (one of the perks of having a rich friend) watching the sunset and sharing stories with his friend over a beer. The crunch of gravel on the driveway drew their attention to the front of the house as they were standing to compare demobat scars.
“Buckley and Wheeler?” Eddie asked. Steve nodded.
“Yeah, and Robin’s other friend. Just graduated college. I don’t really know her that well, but she spent her senior year in Hawkins. She was a band kid or something, I think. Played the same instrument as Robin,” Steve waves his hands in a vague gesture trying to think of what the instrument in question was again. “That… big, curly trumpet.”
Eddie swallowed hard. “French horn…” he whispered, and Steve snapped his fingers in frustration that he’d forgotten the name of his best friend’s instrument.
There’s no way, it couldn’t be…
He didn’t have time to do more than grip the glass bottle in his hand and stare towards the side of the house where their friends’ voices echoed. He felt too exposed shirtless, so he bolted to grab his cropped Metallica tee and hurriedly threw it over his head.
“The fuck is your problem, man?” Steve asked, weirded out at his easy-going friend’s sudden burst of anxiety.
“Just,” he waved his hands around in frustration, trying to formulate a proper response. “The scars. They’re kinda gnarly, ya know?”
Steve scoffed. “Pretty sure it was Nance and me who kept you from bleeding out, and Robin has seen more of us than either of us are comfortable with, so what-”
Eddie shifted on his feet uncomfortably, arms crossed over his chest and eyes on the ground. Steve bent forward to meet his gaze, hands on his narrow hips and sporting a shit-eating grin.
“Oh shit, is it the band girl? Do you know her?” Steve walked towards him, speaking in a hushed tone, eyes brimming with mischief. The thought of Eddie “cold, cynical heart” Munson having a schoolboy crush was sending him over the moon with glee.
“Fuck off, Harrington,” Eddie hissed in Steve’s face right before you and the rest of the group rounded the corner of the house.
“Holy hell,” Steve murmured low enough for only Eddie to hear, “Didn’t know band nerds could look like that.”
Eddie was so enchanted by your sudden appearance that he almost missed the salacious tone of Steve’s voice. Almost.
“I will end you, Harrington. I swear to God, if you-”
“Jesus man, cool it. I won’t step on any toes,” he raised his hands in surrender, and Eddie’s glare softened marginally. “I’m only noticing what anyone who isn’t blind would.”
Eddie took a moment to look at you properly. You hadn’t noticed him yet, so he used the opportunity to drink in your form. He felt like a man wandering the desert deprived of water, finally making it to the bank of a river. Sure, he pined after you for an embarrassingly long time after you left Hawkins, and he never really forgot about you. There were other crushes and even a couple of make-out sessions, but they were never you. Seeing you now in that flowing, white swimsuit cover, skin glistening with sun tan oil, and that blinding smile spread across your face, Eddie felt like that sixteen-year-old loser who ran from you in the halls at school.
“Yeah, well,” Eddie grumbled under his breath so only Steve could hear. “If you try anything, I’ll make sure you do end up blind.” He schooled his features to look unfazed the closer you got.
“Jesus,” Steve wheezed, still a little shocked at Eddie’s rare burst of aggression. The last time he saw him this worked up he was holding a broken beer bottle to his neck in Reefer Rick’s boat shed. “Got it, chief. No funny business outta me.”
Eddie was so fucked. Not only was he trying to deal with being in your presence again without making an ass of himself, but his friends were also onto him. It’s almost like fighting monsters and nearly dying in a hell-dimension together made you all very perceptive of behavioral shifts. Who knew? It’s nice for Eddie to have a group of friends who finally get him, but hella inconvenient when he’s trying to hide the fact that he has a crush on the new addition to the group.
Steve, naturally, noticed first. Seeing Eddie get all “aggro” right off the bat killed any chances of him playing it cool. So his gaze followed him throughout the night, observing how Eddie would interact with you.
Steve’s attention then spurred Robin's attention. And when she has her sights honed in on a situation, it’s like a Great White sensing a drop of blood in the water.
The “Scoop Troop Wonder Twins” gawking at him (they were not being subtle at all, by the way) caught the attention of “super-sleuth” Nancy Wheeler. That led to the three of them huddled in a mass, whispering together on the opposite edge of the pool.
The only radars that Eddie was managing to fly under were Jonathan and Argyle’s. That’s not hard to do since they were balls-high on Purple Palm Tree Delight as soon as they sat in the metal deck chairs on Steve’s patio.
Then there you were, partaking in the rotation with the two stoners, a spot Eddie usually occupied. With your feet propped in an empty chair, he could hear you talking passionately about music with the other two. When he looked up as he heard you call out to him, Eddie knew his face had to give away how shocked he was.
“Hey! It’s Eddie, right?” You moved your feet out of the empty chair and motioned him over. “I remember you being a man of taste. Come over here and back me up on this.”
Eddie would readily agree to anything you asked of him. He’d fight to the death over it now.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he scratched his head a little and walked over to sit.
You promptly handed him the tightly rolled joint, smoke curling out of your nostrils like some sort of sexy wyvern, eyes half-lidded and just a little red. Oh god, he’s so terribly in love.
“I’m going to give you two options to choose from. No right or wrong, no pressure. But be warned,” then your lips curled in a mischievous smirk. He was reminded again of a dragon offering a riddle to a poor mortal that stumbled upon her hoard, the answer granting safe passage or untimely demise. “I will remember how you answer, and I will definitely judge you for it.”
Eddie almost choked on the smoke he’d inhaled like he was fourteen again and smoking for the first time behind his uncle’s trailer. “Wow, yeah. No pressure at all. Okay, hit me,” he responded, trying to appear calm as he passed the joint to Argyle.
“Black Sabbath with Ozzy? Or Black Sabbath with Dio? You’ve got thirty seconds,” you grinned evilly, swinging one leg over the other and leveling your dark gaze at him.
“Oh shit, man. Uh,” Eddie was losing it. He didn’t expect such a difficult decision. Choosing between his two favorite metal vocalists? Pure torture. But he’s a professional metalhead, after all. He’s put thought into this very question. “Ozzy Sabbath is iconic, of course. But Heaven and Hell is hands down one of the best albums ever written.”
You clapped once loudly and then pointed at Jonathan cackling. “What did I say?! One of Sabbath’s best albums ever made was with Dio fronting!”
The shaggy-haired stoner groaned and rolled his eyes. You looked over at Eddie, biting back a wide grin. “Jonathan said Sabbath wasn’t really Sabbath anymore once Ozzy left and that no one would agree with me when I defended Heaven and Hell!”
“Wait, you listen to Sabbath, Byers?” Eddie questioned, brows raised. He never took the gangly pothead as someone who would listen to metal.
“I listen to a little of everything, I guess,” he mumbled, passing the joint back to you to start another rotation.
You leaned your head back to gaze at the stars that just started to appear in the sky as you blew the fragrant smoke from your lips. “You passed my test. Congrats,” you extended your arm to Eddie, looking at him softly. Your fingers brushed as you handed over the roach, the joint almost gone by now. “I won’t judge you so harshly now.”
Maybe it was the high setting in, but Eddie swore he saw you throw a little wink his way. There was no stopping the goofy little grin taking over his face as he took the last hit off the joint and relaxed into his chair.
Eddie wasn’t ever, nor ever would be religious, but there is one quote he’s often heard that has stuck in his brain:
“The Lord gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.”
It only confirms there is no Christian god in his mind. He’s been thrown into the toughest battles of his life constantly over the past few weeks, and if there is one thing Eddie knows for sure, it’s the fact that he is no one’s strongest soldier.
Today’s challenge took the form of a slip of black lace peeking out of the top of your duffle bag.
This most recent dilemma was the result of Eddie agreeing to something he’d always avoided until now…
Fucking camping
Eddie hated the outdoors and hated being forced to spend more time than necessary roaming them. (Uncle Wayne always blamed it on having a dad who only ever taught him how to commit crimes and never took him camping as a small child, but who knows?). As soon as you consented to the idea, Eddie was totally on board with going along. Steve started to give him shit for agreeing so quickly to something he knew his friend hated until Eddie leveled him with a glare so toxic it could melt the paint off the walls.
By this point, he was pretty sure everyone besides you knew about his crush (and probably Argyle, but that guy was constantly operating on another wavelength). Even Nancy started giving him knowing looks behind her permed bangs when he’d laugh just a tad bit too loud at your jokes. Eddie nearly threw Steve out of his passenger's seat when you asked to hitch a ride with him out to Lover’s Lake campground.
“What the fuck, man! I can just get in the back-”
“Nope. No. Fuck off, Harrington. Take your own car this time.”
“But I just washed-,”
“Don’t care…”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake!”
Steve relented, making up a random excuse for taking his car. Robin happily jumped into the passenger seat of his little Mercedes and took over his radio. Eddie just grinned and threw a middle finger at his friend, who glared at him over the top of his car before getting inside.
“Thank god I’m riding with you! I don’t think I could suffer through any more of Argyle’s stoner tunes.” you hopped into Eddie’s van wearing a cropped Mercyful Fate tee and tiny denim cut-offs. So much exposed skin with no warning was doing terrible things for Eddie’s poor, inexperienced (dick) heart. “I love the guy, don’t get me wrong, I just needed to bond with a fellow metalhead today.”
Eddie cleared his throat and smiled, starting the car. He’s grateful he has the excuse of watching the road to keep his eyes (mostly) turned away from your exposed thighs. “Of course. Anytime.”
If Eddie weren’t so hopeless, he’d make some quip about all the fun ways the two of you could ‘bond’, but how could he flirt with you when looking at your legs had him getting hard like some fifteen-year-old? He was so hopeless.
“You can put in anything you’d like,” he gestured to the shoebox that held his cassette collection at your feet. “Most of my shit is at home, but I keep a decent variety here.”
He heard little ‘oohs’ and ‘ahh’s’ as you shuffled through the box. Eddie couldn’t help but feel a little proud that you approved of his musical selection. You yelled an enthusiastic “You’re fuckin’ kidding me!” and popped a tape into the radio before he could ask what you’d found.
“Where did you find this?! I’ve looked for months!”
Eddie started sweating when he heard the opening riff to the raunchiest goddamn song. It was his prized possession, one he only got his hands on because of friends in high places, W.A.S.P.’s “Animal” cassette.
“Umm,” Eddie’s brain short-circuited as you began to move to the beat of the music, throwing your head back and grinning at him wildly. “I’m pretty good buddies with a guy that owns a record store up in Indianapolis. Asked him to keep an eye out for me. I only got it a couple of weeks ago.”
“God, I’ve been dying to hear it again after hearing it live last March.”
Eddie’s nerves were quickly replaced with excitement. “Wait, live, you say?!”
“Yup,” you pop the p proudly and rest your feet on the dash. “I’ve got a cousin down in Dallas, which sucks, by the way. I don’t recommend ever going to Texas. Anyway, we saw them open for Iron Maiden. I’m telling you, it was a religious experience.”
Eddie slapped his hands on the steering wheel and a short, disbelieving laugh escaped his throat. “That’s insane! Holy shit, man!”
“I know,” you hummed. He felt you look over at him. “Have you gotten to see either of them live yet?”
“Nah,” he sighed. “Not yet. But one day! I’m already saving up.”
“We’ll go together,” you said it so casually, you acted as if it made perfect sense for you guys to go to a concert together. “We can split costs.” Eddie’s heart jumped up to his throat, and before he could form a coherent response, he saw you looking in the back of his van. He suddenly worried about what filth might be lurking back there. “We could even bunk up here and save on a hotel!”
Eddie stuttered and scratched his neck nervously. You must have taken it as rejection because you looked embarrassed as you sat back down and started fidgeting with your hair.
“Oh god, I’m sorry, Eddie. I do this thing all the time.” You waved your hands around in front of your face when you said ‘thing’, trying to find the words to express how you felt. “There aren’t many people I can talk about music with, you know? So I get all worked up and excited when someone else seems interested in the bands I love, and I assume we’re best friends.” You let out a self-deprecating chuckle, looking out the passenger side window. “I know it’s off-putting.”
Eddie couldn’t have that. He shook his head so hard that his hair slapped across his face. “Nope, uh-uh. Cut that out.” He glanced over to make sure your attention was on him. “That was like…” he sighed. How could he reassure you without outing himself as being obsessed with you?
“It was so far from off-putting. You have no idea.” Eddie swallowed hard and noticed you looked a little confused. He gathered the meager bits of courage he possessed and continued. “I’m just not used to…” he paused. He can’t say ‘Sorry, I’m not used to my walking, wet dream asking to road-trip with me to go to a metal show, so I don’t know how to function right now.’ so he took a moment to choose his words carefully.
“I’m just not used to other people being as excited as I am about my music, either. So I was just… surprised. But in a good way!” He gripped the steering wheel a little tighter and added under his breath. “In a great fuckin’ way, actually.”
Eddie watched you visibly relax. “Oh, thank god,” You chuckled. “I know I can be too much sometimes. I think the reason why one of the only people I’ve stayed friends with is Robin. She’s one of the only people that’s never judged me for it. Robin and I are kinda cut from the same cloth, I guess. Kindred spirits, if you will.”
It warmed his heart to see you smile when talking about the freckled girl that also wormed her way into his heart.
“Buckley’s a good one. She uh,” Eddie’s throat tightened as painful memories flashed across his mind. Tears and mud streaked across Robin's face, screaming something he didn’t understand…Her body quaking under his as she helped drag him along dank, dark earth… her sniffling and talking to him quietly as she bandaged his mauled sides, offering soft words of comfort and handling Eddie as carefully as if he were spun glass…
He cleared his throat and blinked away a rogue tear threatening to escape. “She’s one of a kind. Harrington, too. Shit, the whole bunch. You’ll see, you don’t have to be anyone but yourself around these guys. Promise.”
Eddie felt comforted as he watched you relax further into the passenger seat. He knew all about being ‘too much’ and how people treated those that dared to be unapologetically themselves. He had no idea someone as perfect as you ever experienced things similar to his own growing up.
The rest of the short drive consisted of talking about music and shows you’d been to, always with the promise of ‘when we see them next time.’ Including Eddie in your plans made Eddie’s insides all gooey and his heart flutter. He tried to keep reminding himself that just because you were being nice to him that it didn’t mean you were about to confess your undying love. It’s a problem Eddie has always had. He can’t love anything halfway; not his music, books, or even a few movies he’d been obsessed with over the years. It also bled into his relationships, this all-consuming, feral love. Uncle Wayne has always said that he wore his heart on his sleeve, even after life had given him every reason to build a barbed wire fence around it.
Eddie parked a little way uphill from the others since his van doubled as his tent and because he valued his privacy. He told himself he didn’t want the younger kids catching a whiff of his nightly smoking sesh (He knows they know about his drug dealing, but that doesn't mean he wants to flaunt it). A darker part of him knew that he might have to indulge in other nightly activities after watching you in a tiny, red bikini all day.
Eddie graciously helped everyone out with setting up their tents. However, he still periodically reminded anyone who would listen that he didn’t have to bother with tents since he owned the superior form of transportation that doubled as a car and a place to sleep. So what if his chest puffed up a little when you giggled at his comments? He didn’t think it warranted the gagging and eye-rolling he got from Henderson, Red, and both Sinclair siblings. Damn kids…
When everyone went to the campground showers to change into swimsuits, Eddie simply threw his shirt off, opting to swim in his cut-off jeans. He snickered, thinking about the look of horror he’d get from Mr. Former Swim Team Captain at his audacity (he banned denim from his pool to force Eddie into a pair of borrowed trunks, but they were at the lake now. King Steve had no power here).
When you left the showers with Robin and Nancy in a cherry red bikini, Eddie made a beeline for the toilets. There’s no way in the nine circles of hell he’d be able to swim around without getting hard at the sight of you. He walked around the corner of the building that housed the showers when he saw them. Eddie knew that was your canvas bag, the very one he saw you pull out of the floorboard of his van when you got out. There was no mistaking that the black, lace boy shorts lying on top of your other clothes were yours. It looked like you’d stepped out of them and laid them right on the bag. That could only mean one thing…
“Oh, fuck me sideways…”
You’d been wearing these. You sat in Eddie’s van wearing these exact panties.
He knew he’d probably hate himself forever for what he was about to do, but in his defense, Eddie did make sure you had extra pairs of clean panties before swiping these (He’s not a monster, okay? He wouldn’t dream of leaving a fair maiden pantiless). After taking them, cursing himself quietly, he high-tailed it back to his van to hide them. He couldn’t help feeling like Gollum, storing the One Ring away in his cave away from nosey hobbits.
Before going back to the lake, he couldn’t resist pulling the fabric to his face and inhaling deeply. Eddie’s eye’s rolled into the back of his head, groaning at the light scent of you that permeated the delicate fabric. He shook his head and threw them into the van to rest among his bedding. If he got too carried away now, he would never get rid of the persistent issue he had grown between his thighs.
After another adjustment and filling his thoughts with some of the most boner-killing scenarios, Eddie was finally able to rejoin everyone at the lake. If he had to remain solidly waist deep the entire time to avoid embarrassing himself and everyone around him… Well that was his business, wasn’t it?
As Eddie’s luck would have it, as soon as he dared to slip the tantalizing strip of fabric that haunted him all fucking day long over his face, there was a knock on his van door. He nearly jumped out of his skin, sitting up at lightning speed.
He cracked the back door open and gasped when he saw it was you, still clutching your panties firmly in his grip. He slammed the door shut before you could speak and dove towards his bedding, stuffing the offending garment deep into his pillowcase. Eddie took one large breath to steady himself before turning to open the back door again.
“H-hi, umm,” he wanted to curl up into a ball and die. He just knew you were on to him. You were probably knocking on his door to tell him what a filthy pervert he was and demand he hand over your underwear. “What’s uh… what’s up?”
You looked both amused and slightly confused, one eyebrow cocked upwards. “Well, the thing is,” you looked around the dark campground, biting your bottom lip. “My tent keeps collapsing. So I tried bunking with Robin and Steve, but there was no room. All the other tents are full too, so… if it wouldn’t be too weird, I guess…” you trailed off sheepishly.
“You wanna sleep in here?” Eddie knew his eyes rivaled the size of the full moon that hung above your heads. He felt equal parts horrified, shocked, and elated that you’d ended up seeking him out.
“I’m sorry if it’s too weird! I can just squeeze between Robin and Steve, it’s no big-”
“No,” Eddie barked. He cleared his throat a little and lowered his voice. “No, it’s totally fine. I don’t mind at all,” The thought of you snuggling up to Harrington was one he didn’t want to entertain. He hoped his smile was reassuring and not creepy like he felt it might be. You must not have cared since you beamed at him and announced you’d be back with your bedding in a minute.
Eddie scrambled around to ensure the mess in the back of his van wasn’t too out of hand. He’d thrown an old pair of boxers and an empty beer can over the driver’s side seat when he heard you knock again. He was relieved that he decided to shower and put on deodorant earlier when most of the other guys didn’t after swimming all afternoon. Eddie would have lain awake all night in misery if he’d had to share close quarters with you smelling like a fish.
Once you were both inside the van, he closed the door, and the silence was deafening. You must have noticed the tension because you shifted an inch closer and cleared your throat. That gave Eddie the courage to sneak a peek at you over his shoulder.
He nearly groaned as he watched you pull a joint out of your goddamn bra and wave it in front of you, cocking an eyebrow up and smiling.
“Purple palm tree delight?” Eddie whispered, his mouth dry as cotton before taking a single hit.
“You know it,” you responded, pulling a lighter out of your pillowcase. Eddie wondered why you weren’t using your pockets. He risked a glance down towards your lap. Your shorts (if they could even be called shorts instead of underwear) were so tiny that there was no way you’d fit anything in there, even if they did have pockets. He felt dizzy at the thought of you being in such little clothing this close to him all night.
You lit up the joint, the small, flickering flame casting your features in an enchanting glow. Eddie was close enough to smell that you’d used some of that expensive perfume. A tiny, pathetic part of him wondered if you’d done it for him. ‘Don’t be a fool’ he thought. ‘Just because she’s sharing her weed and talking about music with you doesn’t mean anything. Stop being a pathetic creep.’
He must have missed something you’d said because he heard you call his name and saw you looking at him questioningly.
“Oh, sorry. What was that?”
“I said, can I try something?”
“S-sure,” Eddie didn’t know (or care, if he’s being honest) if you’d asked to try out ritual sacrifice or if you asked to try a piece of his gum, but he knew he’d always let you try anything you’d wanted. “I need to get pretty close. Is that okay?”
Eddie nodded, transfixed by you getting up on your knees and leaning over his face. Your face was inches from his. Eddie thanked any deity that existed for the forethought he had to put his pillow over his lap. He’d beg to be struck down by lightning if you knew how easily he got boners when you were near him.
You brought the joint up to your lips. Before taking a hit, you asked, “Have you ever shotgunned, Eddie?”
Of course, he hadn’t. Eddie’s experience with the fairer sex was woefully lacking. Instead of admitting it out loud, he simply shook his head no.
“Do you want to try it?” you purred. Eddie gripped the pillow over his lap as he nodded yes furiously. You grinned and put the joint to your lips. Eddie could have cried when you placed your small hand on his cheek, thumb pushing his chin down to open his mouth for you.
Your hand traveled to the back of his neck as you released smoke into his waiting mouth, and Eddie shuddered. He grew so flustered that he could barely inhale what you exhaled towards him. His eyes closed, and he let out a shaky exhale as you began to play with his hair.
“How was that?” you asked, lips still heart-achingly close to his own. Eddie’s brain was mush. The defenses he usually kept up around you to appear cool were falling fast.
“Am I dreaming right now?” was the only coherent thought he could string together, so that’s what ended up coming out of his mouth.
Your laughter sounded like bells. “Why do you ask that, Eddie?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No,” you drew out your response, still looking at him suspiciously.
“I’ve been obsessed with you since I was sixteen,” you looked genuinely surprised, but Eddie couldn’t stop the words from flowing now that he unleashed them. “I think I might die if I have to pretend for one more day that I’m not,” He paused. Eddie was so terrified. He felt like he might puke. “You scare the ever-living shit out of me, but not in a ‘horror movie villain’ way,” he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “In the way you might fear a beautiful warrior queen on the battlefield, or a siren out at sea.”
When he opened his eyes, he saw you wearing such a soft expression that he felt safe to keep talking. He said your name so quietly that he barely heard himself whisper it. “I’m just a freak that dreams about entertaining a goddess.”
Before he could feel insecure about spilling his guts to you in the back of his shitty van, your hands were holding his face, noses pressed together.
“Eddie Munson, you are a fool,” you whispered before attaching your lips to his in the sweetest kiss Eddie knew he’d ever had.
Eddie only nodded in agreement, clutching at your waist. He felt drunk off your lips, all of his insecurities taking a back seat as he reached for another kiss.
“You really had no clue?” you spoke into his ear as you kissed along his jawline.
“About what? Oh, fuck!” he whined as you sat down on top of him. Your weight in his lap felt heavenly despite the stupid pillow being in the way.
“About what?!” You pulled away with a wide eye stare. “I’ve been wanting to get in your pants since high school, you dingus!” You emphasized your point with a light slap to his chest. “I thought you hated me for the longest time! I was so nervous when I talked to you that one time we wore matching Iron Maiden shirts! When you ran away, I thought that was it. Then, years later, not only do I find out my crush is now friends with my best friend,” your arms wrapped around his neck as you leaned in. “I also find out that he’s got a big, fat crush on me too.” Your noses brushed and Eddie shivered.
“No fuckin’ way,” he whimpered as your lips brushed lightly.
“Yes fuckin’ way,” you replied, capturing him in another kiss.
Eddie didn’t question how you found out about his crush because he quite frankly didn’t have the brain power for it. He’d deal with all that later.
“Not to run you off or anything,” he sighed, relishing the feel of your soft hands exploring his torso. “But I was so obsessed with you back in school. Like, to a concerning degree.”
He didn’t expect you to moan into his neck at his admission, but he also wasn’t upset about it.
“Tell me about it, baby,” your voice was a husky whisper. “Keep talkin’ to me.”
“Oh god,” Eddie whined as he felt you begin to suck a mark into the delicate skin under his ear. “Feels… that feels so good.”
“Want me to mark you up? Show everyone you belong to me, Eddie?”
“Holy shit, yes! Please…”
“Then talk to me,” you kissed over the mark that began to form on his neck. “Tell me all about your little crush.”
“Fuck!” He cried out, bucking up into the pillow. “I, uh. I n-never even looked at anyone else in school after I saw you.”
“Not even the pretty little cheerleaders?”
“No,” he gasped when your lips met his again. “No one, I swear.”
You got off Eddie’s lap and he thought he might cry at the loss. The pillow hiding the tent he was sporting in his sweats was ripped away and for a moment, he felt self-conscious. You noticed him tense up and cupped his face.
“We can stop, you know?” Your eyes glowed with affection and Eddie wondered again how he was lucky enough to warrant that expression from you. “I’m just thrilled that we can be honest with each other now. We don’t have to do anyth-,”
“I’m a virgin,” Eddie blurred out. “Like a uh, mega virgin…”
Eddie could tell you were trying to keep your features neutral, but he saw the smile that wanted to peek out.
“A ‘mega virgin’?” You said, biting your lip to keep from laughing.
“Yes,” Eddie answered with a grimace. “Like an ‘I’ve never seen boobies in real life’ level of virgin. So, I’m probably going to be very bad at everything,” he looked up from his lap to lock eyes with you. Any trace of humor was gone, replaced with that honey-sweet fondness in your eyes.
“Can I be blunt with you, Eddie?” Your thumbs brushed his cheekbones softly as you spoke. “I’m so insanely attracted to you that I don’t think any touch you decide to give me could ever feel bad. Do you understand?”
“Y-yeah,” he responded with a whisper. “I feel the same way about you.”
Your forehead met his and he closed his eyes, afraid that when he opened them again, he’d realize this was all a dream.
“Do you wanna feel what kissing you does to me?” Eddie could only nod and pray to Lucifer that this was going where he thought it was. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your lower stomach. “Go ahead,” your lower lip brushed his as you spoke. “Feel how bad I want you.”
Eddie’s fingers trembled as they traveled past the elastic waistband of your tiny black shorts. He was mesmerized watching your mouth drop open and your eyelids lower in pleasure. When his hand’s slow descent made it to your soaked entrance, he was floored by how impossibly wet you were.
“Jesus H. Christ, this is unreal,” he moved his fingers up and down, not having any sort of plan, simply wanting to feel. By the way you grabbed his shoulders and started panting, you didn’t seem to mind his lack of skill too terribly. “Are you always this wet?”
You shook your head no instead of answering verbally. Eddie’s forehead fell to your collarbone as he let out a loud groan. His eyes were fixed on the outline of his hand in your shorts.
“Can we get these off?” He asked. “I wanna look, please.”
“Yeah, sure,” you responded, laying down on his blankets. You lifted your hips to take them off when Eddie grabbed your hands.
“Let me?” Eddie’s hands shook and his breath froze in his lungs. He’d dreamed of this exact scenario so many times before. This all seemed as fantastical as the D&D campaigns he spent hours writing.
“Please,” your voice was so airy and desperate. Eddie still couldn’t comprehend that he was the reason for it. You raised your hips and he slowly pulled your shorts off along with your panties. Immediately, he began running his fingers through your wetness, looking up at your face to judge your reactions.
“Does this feel good?” he asked. You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip with your eyes closed. He continued that way for a couple of minutes longer, panting at how wet his pointer and middle fingers had become. He laid his head on your thigh and kissed your damp skin. He kept his nose buried there, reveling in your smell and taste.
“I-I wanna make you come. Please,” your eyes met his and he kissed higher up your thigh, not looking away once. You threw your head back with a loud moan. Eddie felt like a god, your obvious signs of pleasure giving him newfound confidence. His fingers sped up while he added the slightest bit more pressure to his strokes. “That’s it, get loud for me. God, I fucking love your noises. Show me, baby,” he stopped touching you and grabbed one of the hands you had fisted in his blanket and wove your fingers together squeezing gently to get your attention. You nodded and brought his hand back down between your thighs.
“Put them inside,” you coached him along as he breached your soaked entrance. He went as slow as he could manage, eyes flitting between his disappearing fingers and your blissed-out face. Once he was in far enough, you spoke again. “Now, curl the- oh, fuck!”
Eddie grinned wildly at your outburst. He might be a virgin, but he’s not clueless, okay? Weirdly enough, he’d learned this little trick from Reefer Rick, of all people. They got high once and when Eddie let slip he was still a virgin, Rick took it upon himself to give him some sort of fucked up sex ed class on women’s pleasure. At the time, he wanted to curl up and die of shame. Now? All the embarrassment in the world was worth seeing your jaw drop and eyes roll back like this.
“There we go,” he purred. The part of Eddie’s personality that allowed him to go feral while DMing was bleeding over into his interactions with you. He sat up and began rubbing back and forth along your soaked clit with his other hand.
“Oh god, Eddie!” you looked close to tears as he massaged you inside and out. Your hips began writhing and when your thigh accidentally grazed Eddie’s stiff cock, he nearly doubled over. You noticed instantly and repeated the gesture.
“Fuck,” his movements faltered and you chuckled darkly, “Baby, if you make me come in my sweats I might die of embarrassment,” he whined through gritted teeth.
“What if I wanna see you do it?”
Eddie closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to collect himself. “Nope. Uh-uh,” he looked back down with determination in his features. “I’m getting you off first. I’ve dreamt of this for years. I refuse to jizz in my pants before you come all over my hands,” he redoubled his efforts, tongue peeking out of his mouth slightly in concentration.
Your eyes flew open and your body tensed. Eddie began to feel your walls fluttering around his fingers. It was the most intriguing and arousing thing he’d ever experienced.
“Holy shit,” he gasped. “You about to come, sweetheart?”
You nodded and grabbed his shoulder, sitting up a little. “Kiss me, please?”
Eddie melted. You wanting to kiss him while you came was so insanely sexy and endearing at the same time.
“‘Course I will, baby. Come here,” you crashed into each other, lips brushing together between panting breaths. You had one hand in Eddie’s hair and the other had a vice grip on his shoulder.
“Oh, fuck! Eddie, I’m-,”
“I know, I know. Give it to me,” he kissed you hard and imagined he’d died and gone to heaven when he felt your whine against his lips. You tensed all over. Eddie felt your walls clamp down on his fingers. He was amazed when you got impossibly wetter and threw yourself back into his pillow, nearly screaming in pleasure.
“Good girl. Good fuckin’ girl,” Eddie brushed your hair out of your eyes, staying like that for a few minutes. After you came down from your high, he laid down beside you.
Eddie held up the hand he’d had inside you and admired his soaked fingers before licking them clean and moaning shamelessly. You looked at him fondly, raising your eyebrows at his dramatics.
“What? Can’t help it,” he said, as he made a show of licking up his palm. “You’re sweet as honey.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, turning to throw your thigh over his lap. He shuddered and you grinned up at him with lidded eyes. “I bet you taste just as sweet, big boy.” Your thigh traveled lower. Eddie groaned and bucked his hips to chase the sensation. “You gonna let me find out? I know I said I wanted to see you get these sweats dirty, but I think I want you in my mouth more,” you whispered filth directly into his ear while petting along his lower stomach the entire time.
“If you keep doing that, I can’t make any promises I won’t get these pants dirty either way,” he moaned, grabbing your thigh and grinding it into his crotch again.
“You didn’t answer me,” you responded, sitting up and positioning yourself between Eddie’s spread thighs. “Are you gonna let me find out how you taste?” You pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in nothing but a black lace bra, one left little to the imagination.
“Uh, yes? Fuck yes!” Eddie was pulling at his hair, nearly hysterical with desire. He was on the verge of embarrassing himself because he was so worked up. He scrambled to get his pants down without knocking you over.
“Eddie,” you laughed lightly, grabbing his hands. “Let me,” he nodded and crossed his hands over his chest, not sure where they should go. It’s not like he’s ever been in this situation before.
“Relax,” you said as your fingers dipped below the waistband of his boxers. Eddie met your gaze and nodded. You began pulling his pants down and he tried his best to control his breathing.
He groaned long and low when you finally freed him from his clothing, the cooler air in the van a delicious contrast to his burning skin.
“I knew it,” you purred, wasting no time getting your hands on him. Your touches were firm but gentle, running up and down his shaft. Eddie keened when your palm slid over his weeping head, smearing precum down his length. “I knew you were hiding a monster in those tight jeans.”
“M-monster? Really?” Eddie lifted his head off the pillow and searched your face to make sure you weren’t just mocking him.
“Are you kidding? This thing has gotta be close to eight inches, Eddie!” You stroked him slowly from base to tip as you spoke. “It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen, anyway.”
“It is?” He said, probably a little too eagerly. He was practically glowing under your praise. And you seemed to catch on to it.
“It is baby,” your voice was low and sultry. “The biggest and the prettiest,” Eddie bit into his fist, trying to stave off his creeping orgasm as you began massaging his balls with your other hand. “I can already tell I’m gonna want you in my mouth any chance I get.”
“Oh fuck, oh god!” Eddie’s hips jolted, “I might not survive your hand, much less your mouth!”
You grabbed the fist he’d been biting and intertwined your fingers. “Only one way to find out.”
That was the last thing you said before taking him halfway down in one go. Eddie squeezed your hand and shouted.
“S-shiiit! Y-you’re so,” he panted and squirmed, trying to string together a coherent thought. “You’re so perfect. Your mouth is heaven,” you hummed in appreciation of the praise and the vibrations felt like electricity dancing along Eddie’s spine.��“Oh goddammit, I’m gonna come so fuckin’ fast.”
You pulled off of him to meet his eyes, “Do it,” you took his hand and placed it on the back of your head, “Wanna make you feel good.”
“Oh, you sweet thing,” Eddie stroked your cheek affectionately, “You do. You really fuckin’ do.” His hand went back to your hair as you swallowed him down again. It wasn’t much longer before he began warning you.
“H-hey,” his voice rose in pitch the closer he got to his release, “L-listen, angel. I’m about to come. Pull off.”
“Want it in my mouth,” you said, kissing his hipbone as you kept stroking him. “Can I taste it? Please?”
“Goddammit, yes! Oh yes, please!”
You hummed around him and with just a few more bobs of your head, Eddie released straight into your throat.
You slowly bobbed your head, swallowing every time another wave of his release entered your mouth. After a few seconds, when you were sure he was done, you released him from your lips and sat up. Eddie’s vision returned just in time to watch you crawl over his body and lay onto his chest. Your hands carded through the damp curls around his face.
“Wanna know a secret, Eddie?” You whispered, tracing patterns into his scalp as his breathing finally slowed.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever let anyone come in my mouth.”
Eddie’s face whipped over to look at you. “Honest?”
You smiled as you bit your lower lip and nodded, “Honest, baby.”
He shuddered at the nickname. “Mmm, keep callin’ me sweet names and you’ll never get rid of me, ya know?”
“That’s the idea, my love.”
Eddie made a growling sound as he clung to you like a koala. “You’re lethal. You know that?”
You didn’t answer but sat up far enough to envelop Eddie’s plush lips in a deep kiss. You made out like that for a while, until he realized he began to harden again. You seemed to notice it as well.
“Down, boy,” you joked, stroking his sides and nipping at his throat.
Eddie groaned. “Nothing’s going down as long as I’m this close to you,” he turns you both to your sides facing each other. “I can’t stop thinking about how warm and wet you are,” Eddie squeezed your sides and kissed along your collarbone. “You squeezed my fingers so tight when you came. I wanna feel you doing that around my cock, pretty mama.”
You wrapped your leg around his hip and whined. “Eddie I’m not taking your virginity in the back of your van,” his hand found your still-soaked entrance and began petting you while his mouth worked your neck over. You returned the favor by fisting his damp cock.
“Oh god, I don’t give a fuck where it happens,” he gasps as you run your palm over his sensitive head. “Please, I need it,” he bit and sucked the delicate skin of your neck, whining the entire time.
“No, Eddie,” your firm tone made him shiver. “You’ll get my hand and my mouth tonight. As many times as you need it,” your hand sped up as his fingers followed suit against your clit. “But you’ll get my pussy in my bed. So you can fuck me into the mattress properly.” Eddie came for the second time with a shout into your fist.
He looked up in time to see you lick it up from your palm like it was sugar. Eddie’s brain short-circuited. “I-I wanna make you come again,” he blurted out, still circling your clit. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead into his.
“Keep doing that,” you encouraged. Eddie nodded and picked up speed. He watched you in a trance as you unraveled under his touch for the second time in one night. He felt like a god.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty when you do that,” Eddie kissed all over your face as you laughed. “Ethereal, stunning, a work of art!”
“That’s all you, pretty boy,” you kissed the bridge of his nose and he melted.
“By the way, I’m totally down for van fucking, ma’am,” he feigned irritation as he poked your sides playfully. “Making a twenty-one-year-old virgin wait even longer is just cruel.”
“Don’t pout, Eddie,” you cooed, cuddling into his side. “I promise you’ll be glad you waited.”
“If you insist, princess,” he sighed, pulling your body close.
“I do,” you yawned. “Now sleep.”
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“How soon after we wake up can we get the fuck outta here and preferably into your bed?”
Eddie let out an ‘oof!’ as you slapped a pillow over his face.
“Less talk. More sleep.”
“Yes, love.”
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
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beesbeesdragons · 9 months
I have been BRAINROTTING over an FMA/Pokemon crossover and I need to share it so!!!
this is gonna be a 'characters exist in the context of another universe' crossover, btw so prepare for that!!!! mostly gonna use Kanto-Alola, bc im not familiar really with Galar and Paldea (except for SNOM and Wooloo)
regional starters don't reeeeeally matter in this version, if there's a lack of starters in one region, they'll get a starter from another region
any characters who are State Alchemists are now Gym Leaders! Roy is a fire-type, Armstrong is fighting-type, etc. Olivier is a member of the Elite Four because she's just That Good.
Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric grow up in Pallet Town, alongside Winry Rockbell, whose parents are doctors who sometimes help out Professor Oak with stuff.
Trisha Elric and Delia Ketchum are besties, so Ed and Al also grow up with Ash, who is ~2 years older (eg. when Ash goes to Hoenn, Ed is just starting his journey and drags Al along
when Ed and Al are about 4/5, Trisha gets sick when there's an outbreak of disease in the area. She died from this, but Ed and Al move in with the Rockbells (as Delia can't financially support three young children on a single salary).
Hohenheim, btw, is off doing something vaguely justice-y, maybe he's in deep cover in Team Rocket? Idk, but he's not in the picture. Ed and Al know that he's 'busy with work', but can't know what that is. He does his best to keep in contact, but Van Honhenheim is legally dead so there's that issue.
Father is Hohenheim's twin, and is all around a terrible guy. He leads a crime syndicate in one of the regions (don't ask where, maybe Kalos?) that is NOT the main evil team, and the Homunculi are his enforcers.
The homunculi all specialise in a different type (eg. Envy is a bug specialist, Pride is a ghost specialist, Sloth is a fighting specialist, etc). They're annoying as fuck to deal with, and fight by their own rules. If you're in a battle with them, you are aiming to kill, because they won't hesitate to kill you if you lose.
anyway, Winry's parents are killed during an attack by Team Rocket while they were travelling, but are fairly well-known by the Gym Leaders and Elite Four of various regions for,,,,reasons (I.e. they helped out one of the Champions in a tight spot and earned the respect of most).
Just before they get killed, however, Ash leaves on his journey. Ed does NOT particularly like Pikachu, and it's...a situation. But Ed can't WAIT to go on his journey!!!
then, of course, they're vibing and just living life when something comes round to kick their asses.
Its team rocket.
listen, these two kids are at least vaguely related to Professor Elric (aka Hohenheim, he helped out Professor Oak until he found Stuff and went into deep cover to keep the family safe) so surely they know something about his research, right? right???
they, uh, they don't. But the attack happens one night when they're in their dad's study reading about something. a lone member of team rocket is sent to 'retrieve them', and ends up fucking up so much that goddamn ARCEUS gets involved
basically, Ed and Al were just vibing when this fucker, instead of doing the sensible thing and knocking them out and then just nabbing them, decides to bring out a fuckin scyther who...can't grab stuff. shit happens, Ed loses a leg in the initial scuffle but when he's trying to get to Al, loses his arm, and Al...comes off better, but not much. He's lose a few fingers (ring and pinky on his right hand) and a chunk of his shoulder, and also got his larynx badly damaged, but he's...not in immediate danger.
A few weeks pass, and a Gym Leader named Roy comes around to investigate as a favour to one of the Officers Jenny. He's there with his best friend/sort-of girlfriend (Ed doesn't really know, it's definitely something), and he's awkward and angry.
Roy keeps it quiet, it's all under wraps, but when he was younger, before he became a Gym Leader, he was a member of Team Rocket. He...thought they were good, but he was wrong. He left soon after that and dragged his childhood friend, Riza, out with him. Since then, he's become the Elite Four and International Police's investigator and attack dog, while training to inherit the Cinnabar Island Gym.
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warabae · 3 months
Sinnoh League Headcanons Part 1
• He’s a mining engineer, he designed the layout of the Oreburgh Mine and the interior of his gym.
• Massive workaholic, often forgets to eat and his sleep schedule is nonexistent. This is can be attributed to his need to prove himself as a gym leader and head of Oreburgh mine.
• Second youngest member of the league after Aaron
• Huge paleontology nerd. Everyone in the league bullies him for being a nerd.
• Nothing he ever does seems to able to earn him his father’s approval
• Can’t tell a lie to save his life
• Highly respected by the Oreburgh mine workers for his diligence and commitment to their safety
• The mom-friend, constantly nags Roark to drink 8 glasses of water a day and get 7 hours of sleep at night.
• Cannot hold her liquor, one sip and she’s out like a light
• She smol. This girl is 5’2.
• Doesn’t get angry easily, but when she does, she snaps
• Tends to the Florama Town gardens in her spare time
• Certified hoe. She has a body count in the triple digits.
• Obscenely high alcohol tolerance. Can drink anyone in the league under the table
• Has an ego the size of Mount Coronet
• She has a bitter rivalry with Johanna (the player character’s mother) in the Pokémon contest scene.
• Absolutely hates being called “ma’am”.
Crasher Wake:
• He’s the same height and weight (6’5, 450 lbs) as his inspiration, Big Van Vader
• Big hit among kids in Sinnoh, his action figures fly off the shelves
• Pastoria City’s Safari Zone is funded by his prize earnings
• The Masked Royal considers Wake to be his rival, however, this is entirely one sided
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Just some more ideas for sone stuff Mr Rich Douche Yandere would do to his darling/the Reader
--apparently hair elastics like ponytails can technically damage your hair, so if you use them he insists on tying your hair up with silk ribbons and other soft materials (and wants to do it himself obviously)
--doesn't let you swim in public pools or public bodies of water besides the ocean and even then that's on private property. Not only does he not want to have to share your half nude body with anyone else, but, poor people can be dirty and gross to the point of being another species in his eyes. And not to enable him but have you ever read those stories of people who don't bathe before going into pools because they believe the chlorine is like a shower? 🤢
--really, activities that require you touching other people or sharing things with other people just strike him as unsanitary and "you're too good for them anyways". He kind of thinks all poor people in general are trashy and you're just an exception, perfect to him in almost every way. No buffets, no public gyms, no bowling, no clubbing, no strip mall beauty salons/spas that might have dirty equipment, no sports events not in a private box, like, the list goes on and on
--pressures you into having "real hobbies" aka things he approves of, likes himself, and/or can do with you, but are usually like, rich people bullshit: painting, golfing, teaching you to play a classical instrument, archery, horseback riding
--dresses you in only the best, kind of excessively. Once you enter a serious relationship with him, he'll make you forget what jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers even are. Absolutely buys you new clothes to throw out and replace anything you owned before him.
--you know how some yanderes will go as far as to collect tissues, they're so obsessed with anything you've touched or owned? Not his ass! If it isn't super sentimental to you or something you use often, he slowly replaces everything you own with things he's bought for you. Only the best for his baby 🥰 and also no traces of your past can be allowed to remain. He's all you need now right? so let's get rid of all those things given to you by people who came before him. You don't need those useless old memories...
--none of your friends are good enough for him and he'll heavily discourage you from spending time with them, even outright bribing them/threatening them into avoiding you.
--wants to get married and tie you down basically right away, but he's calculated enough to at least kind of wait and make you love him first. If he's a noble, he'll pull strings for another noble to adopt you or something to "legitimize your status", and if he's a king or emperor he may just ignore the laws to let you be directly at his side and not a mere concubine. Who's gonna stop him? He's literally the man in charge
--i like to imagine at some point in the relationship you're living with him in one of his homes and he's in his office with his multiple computer monitors that he uses for work, and he's just sitting there watching you through security cameras to see you in your private moments, simply craving and consuming every last detail about you no matter how personal
--when he's away, you're assigned private security because he's wealthy/important enough that you could be kidnapped. He definitely overplays the possibility of danger when you bring up doing anything that loosens his control and surveillance, though. He'll tell you it's only because he treasures you much and has to keep you safe
--all im saying is that he's "leader of a country" level rich and money can achieve anything. That ex-boyfriend you bumped into on a date with him? Missing without a trace, the cops don't even investigate. Relationship go south and you run away? A black van rolls up while you're on the sidewalk and you get taken right back by men in black suits who are being paid way too much to mind if you bite and scream. You start cracking under the pressure if all his expectations and say you'll leave him? Threaten to hurt yourself? Hippity hoppity your body is his property, and he's sending you to a private clinic where they'll force meds into you and monitor you while he finishes his business affairs and sets up a nice little "vacation home" for you both to "take time off" and for you to "clear your head". He's thinking an island, something nice and remote....
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fairyniceyeah · 6 months
🌹💙 Angel (Hajoon Series Part 1)
Note: This is a bit different than what I have done before but I hope you enjoy! Remember, this is fiction and not meant to represent any of the real idols!
Summary: During a concert Hajoon suddenly starts feeling lonely and separated from his members.
CW: low self-esteem
I can picture heaven now
When I’m with you
Hajoon truly believed their lyrics „two is better than one”. He had felt better busking together with Jaehyeong than alone all those years ago. It felt nice to go to the gym with Woosung instead of alone. He enjoyed songwriting sessions with Dojoon, they were better together than on their own.
Just. Recently he felt like “three is better than four” would also fit the group. It wasn’t that he disliked any of his members, au contraire he loved them all very much and he was grateful for them everyday.
He didn’t even know how it had started, if he was honest. Well, it was the middle of the concert when he first noticed it. His drum kit was shoved to the back so much he wasn’t even sure the Black Roses in the front row could actually see him due to the height of the stage. Still, he watched how Woosung and Dojoon were dancing and hyping up the fans. Even Jaehyeong was walking up and down the stage with his bass, smiling at Black Roses.
Out of a sudden Hajoon felt alone, hidden behind his drums. When they first started performing as a band he had loved how they could cover him, shield him from curious and judging glances. Now they were moderately successful – Woosung, Dojoon and Jaehyeong not holding themselves back anymore and just vibing – but Hajoon was stuck. Even if he wanted to he couldn’t just get up and interact with their fans. He couldn’t join his brothers while they enjoyed themselves. Unbidden tears welt up in his eyes and he blinked hastily to clear his sight. Then he made a mistake.
It wasn’t very noticeable, just a bit off. He was sure some of the fans wouldn’t even have realized but for Woosung who started laughing and turned to look at him, winking. Hajoon knew his mindset was wrong, something had gone wrong, but sudden anger flared at the leader. Rationally he knew Woosung didn’t mean harm – he was all about showing how real they were, that the made mistakes, and also glad he wasn’t the only member making mistakes (though he was the one who fucked up often enough, forgetting lyrics or his voice cracking). None of them had ever been angry with Woosung about that, never about showing their real side. They had their fun teasing each other about stuff like that. They were all happy to show they made mistakes and weren’t infallible.
So Hajoon just bit his lip and focused on the music. The rest of the concert was a blur. He barely remembered throwing roses to the fans or packing up. It seemed like he had blinked and they were on their van back to their house.
Hajoon sat alone on the passenger seat, next to their manager who was driving them, the other members intruding each others spaces in the back. Hajoon felt strangely alienated from them, the three of them talking excitedly about the show and the reactions of Black Roses to them standing close to them. It wasn’t a conversation he could join even if he wanted to, again separated from his members. So, since he didn’t feel like talking to the manager, he just stared out front into the dark night.
Just an angel with a broken smile
On the ground
He had never been more glad for having a concert in Seoul. They would soon be home where he could hide in his own room. While normally he loved travelling, he just wanted to sleep and forget about the whole day. Of course his members had other plans.
“Hajoon, what do you want to eat? We’re getting take-out”, Jaehyeong said, leaning to the front to get closer to him.
“Uh, I’m not really hungry”, Hajoon said, not even lying. Somehow despite having not eaten since a few hours before the concert his stomach didn’t complain of hunger at all. Shower and bed was all he needed.
“Are you okay?”, Woosung asked suddenly and leaned forward too, “you seem a bit … I dunno? Spacey? You can’t tell me you aren’t hungry after performing for two hours. Besides, I noticed you made a few mistakes today.”
Hajoon took a deep breath and kept staring straight forward. He had kept making mistakes but Woosung hadn’t called him out after the first time – he wasn’t sure if he was just sick of the drummer making mistakes or worried for their reputation when people realized he wasn’t as good at drums as people thought.
Where had that thought come from?
Hajoon knew he was good, he had always been good at rhythms and keeping a beat. He had won three youth competitions years ago. He was good, he was a good drummer. Why had an off-day doubting his place in the band?
“Hajoon-ah?”, Woosung asked. Shit, he had been quiet for too long.
“Sorry, hyung”, Hajoon mumbled, “I just feel slightly carsick and have a bit of a headache.”
The manager tuned into the conversation: “Do I need to pull over?”
“No. I just wanna go home.”
“Think you are getting a migraine?”, Dojoon questioned worriedly. Hajoon just shrugged. He did have a headache but he doubted it would turn bad. He couldn’t fault Dojoon for the suspicion though. Concerts with flashing lights as well as driving did seem to trigger his migraines sometimes. And Hajoon always got easily nauseous even from normal headaches, so carsickness could be a result of that too.
“How about you take a shower when we’re home and I will make you a pack of ramen without flavouring. You can eat as much as you are up to and then go to bed”, Jaehyeong suggested.
“Thank you”, Hajoon whispered. The car turned quiet after that, the other members apparently not into conversation anymore or worried they would make his headache worse. Hajoon felt guilty. He hadn’t wanted to drag them down into his weird mood.
Together we’re one
Two’s better than one
It was around midnight when they arrived home, nearly at the same time with the delivery service that the others apparently had ordered. Hajoon was ushered inside by Dojoon who had wrapped an arm around his waist.
“Go shower, Joon-ah”, Jaehyeong said kindly, taking his jacket from him, “I will have the ramen ready for you. Do you need anything else?”
Hajoon shook his head, staring at his feet. He was embarrassed to make such a fuss when nothing really was wrong with him. But with his kind and worried members it seemed like it was the hill he would die on tonight.
“I’m not even hungry”, he said, desperate to not inconvenience Jaehyeong. The maknae had after all just performed and apparently was too exhausted to cook for them all but still wanted to help Hajoon. While it should make Hajoon feel loved and cared for he just felt numb and cold. When Jaehyeong didn’t look convinced, he added: “You don’t have to make me something.”
“How about this: If you find you are hungry after your shower you tell me and I will make you something, okay? If you want to go straight to bed after, do that. Whatever helps you feel better”, Jaehyeong replied. Hajoon felt like he might start to cry receiving so much kindness.
Knowing he couldn’t speak without revealing how close to tears he was, he just walked to the free bathroom. Dojoon was apparently already in the hyung’s bathroom upstairs as he saw Woosung on the couch on his phone as Hajoon passed by. Woosung didn’t look up.
Cynical daze
Forever you could be amazed
Standing under the hot shower barely helped. Hajoon wondered what had gotten into him today. He normally didn’t feel like this, so separate from his members. It had been Woosung, Dojoon, Hajoon and Jaehyeong for years. But now it felt more like Woosung, Dojoon and Jaehyeong and, oh yeah, right, and Hajoon. The drummer had no illusions about their very different levels of popularity with the fandom.
Woosung was well liked by everybody he met, a combination of his wits, charms and gorgeous features. Besides, he was the leader, he was the one who spoke with their international fans being the most fluent in English, and getting noticed more like that.
Dojoon was just a loveable goofball, the reason for most of their fun and often the mastermind behind their Tik-Toks. He was just effortlessly funny and he had an incredible stage presence.
Jaehyeong was their lovely and amazing maknae, with his cute smile and caretakers qualities. He was so outgoing, loved to interact with fans and who would dislike a maknae anyways?
But where did that leave Hajoon? Shy, sometimes a bit clueless, quiet, self-conscious Hajoon? The fourth members hidden behind his instrument, the one who couldn’t interact with Black Roses? The member who often was lost with their English conversations and opted to stand back and watch whenever something happened.
He couldn’t fault Black Roses for liking him least. He was just Hajoon at the back. There was no jealously in his mind, just sadness. If anybody had to be least liked it made sense it was him, he wouldn’t have it any other way. How would he feel knowing he was more popular than the amazing people he worked with? He understood why it didn’t bother the others this way. They were better than him. How would Hajoon even deal with popularity? He hated the spotlight. Yes, it was best like this.
There’s no escape
We’ll be in the rain
Part Two: Nauseous
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - The Rose  
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earth-18104 · 2 months
Earth-18104 - The Battle of New York
The story is based on the movie Avengers, with some details from the comics. Most of the characters are changed to fit the original comics lineup of Avengers, and other characters have slight changes in their story, based on my original universe plot.
Like Loki uses different pronouns, Hawkeye and Mockinbird are not part of the team officially, and there's two Nick Fury in this universe: the Colonel, that fought with Captain America during war, and his son Diretor Fury Jr, that looks more like Samuel Jackson's version and is leader of the SHIELD. Also there's a slight addition of my OCs, but they don't even are part of the main story.
List of Events of Earth-18104 (Resume)
Resume of the events of 1990.
1990 -
• (Earth's mightiest heroes)
• (April 1, Sunday)
• On earth, Director Nick Fury Jr (42), Maria Hill (25), Barbara Morse (24), Clint Barton (24), Phil Coulson (43), Henry Pym (27), Janet van Dyne (24) and Erik Selvig are called to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility in the Mojave Desert, where Dr. Selvig is researching the Tesseract, which has recently begun emitting strange amounts of energy on its own, leading the facility to be evacuated.
• Aided by Thanos, Loki activates the Tesseract from within the Sanctuary, teleporting to the SHIELD complex. She steals the Tesseract and uses the Scepter given to her by Thanos to control the minds of several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, including Selvig and Barton.
• They escape and the Tesseract's energy destroys the base, starting the Chitauri Invasion. In response, Nick Fury Jr. reactivates the Avengers Initiative.
• In Asgard, Heimdall sees Loki on Earth with the Tesseract, and informs Thor and Odin, who sends his sons, Tyr, Vidar, Honir, Balder and Thor to Earth to bring Loki back to Asgard for punishment.
• (April 3, Tuesday)
• In Kolkata, India, late at night locally, Barbara Morse tracks down Bruce Banner (28) and tells him that his knowledge of gamma radiation is essential to helping SHIELD locate the Tesseract. Banner reluctantly agrees to help SHIELD.
• In New York City, Steve Rogers (70) sits in his new apartment going through the SHIELD archives. Unable to sleep, he goes to a boxing gym, where Nick Fury Jr. approaches him with a mission to recover the Tesseract.
• Meanwhile, Tony Stark (26) brings his miniaturized Arc Reactor online to power the newly opened Stark Tower in midtown Manhattan, built on the site of the old Pan Am Building.
• Phil Coulson visits Stark Tower and asks Tony to review Erik Selvig's research on the Tesseract, as well as classified material on potential members of the Avengers Initiative.
• (April 4, Wednesday)
• Phil Coulson flies Rogers to the Helicarrier and tells him about the new uniform they have waiting for him.
• There he also meets Bruce Banner, Maria Hill and Barbara Morse; he is impressed when the Hellicarrier takes flight and retroreflective powers to "disappear".
• At the same time, Selvig explains to Barton about his research, saying that he needs iridium, an element that they can find in Stuttgart.
• (Loki's attack in Germany)
• On the Hellicarrier, Bruce gets to work tracking the gamma radiation the Tesseract emits, while SHIELD's spy satellites find Loki in Stuttgart, Germany.
• Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne intercept a transmission from Selvig and trace it to Germany.
• Rogers dons his new Captain America uniform and travels with Hill and Morse in a Quinjet to confront Loki in Stuttgart; the God of Mischief is acting as a distraction while Hawkeye steals iridium to stabilize the Tesseract.
• Loki attacks a man named Heinrich Schafer before terrorizing a crowd of people attending a gala, providing a distraction so Hawkeye can steal iridium.
• Rogers and Morse attack him and a fight breaks out in the crowd. The unexpected arrival of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp leads Loki to surrender.
• During the confusion, Mockingbird loses sight of Hawkeye and he escapes with the iridium.
• On the way back to the Helicarrier, the Quinjet is ambushed by the princes of Asgard. Tyr, Balder and Honir hold back the Avengers, while Vidar and Thor grabbed their youngest sibling and jumped.
• While Vidar wanted to simply bring Loki back to Asgard to be punished, Thor tried to to reason with them. Loki, blinded by his jealousy of his older brothers and contempt for Odin, refuses.
• The Avengers are not able to go through the princes, as Balder was indestructible and Honir and Tyr had the strength of ten men. Seeing the fight was useless, Wasp reasoned with Balder and explained they needed Loki alive.
• Balder and Wasp made a deal, and Balder allowed them to leave, agreeing that their younger sibling should be taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody as long as one of them went along.
• Vidar choose himself, as the oldest, but Thor asked to go with Loki, so he was granted permission, and his brothers went back to Asgard to tell their father.
• Back on the Helicarrier, Loki was placed in a cell designed to contain the Hulk and other super-powered people. The vigilantes and SHIELD agents debate what to do with Loki, giving them time to plan an escape.
• Fury tries to interrogate him about the Tesseract's location, but Loki remains silent.
• The meeting between the heroes was tense at first, but Wasp calmed the nerves and convinced the assembled heroes to help her cause. Thor reveals Loki's plan to the Avengers: with the Tesseract, he hopes to open a portal that will allow the Chitauri access to Earth, thus starting an alien invasion.
• As Pym and Banner work to locate the Tesseract, Tony becomes intrigued by his old college roommate's level of control over the Hulk. Henry is irritated by Tony's attempts to anger Banner, warning him that the Hulk is a danger to everyone on the Hellicarrier.
• Steve, also angered by Stark's erratic behavior and disrespect for authority, tries to get him to follow orders more carefully, which instigates a rivalry between the two. Wasp once again tries to intervene in the fights.
• The five begin to question SHIELD's intentions, deducing that Fury is hiding something about his plans with the Tesseract. Stark reveals that he has begun hacking the agency's mainframe to unlock its secrets, while Rogers leaves to investigate the restricted areas of the Helicarrier for himself.
• Tony also gave Henry access to Stark technology, which he used to build a device that could increase its range and be able to use ants across the country.
• Janet shrinks into a locked room, where she and Steve find several 1940s HYDRA weapons and uniforms in crates in a secret room. With Stark's help, they learn about "Phase 2", a project that aims to use the Tesseract to make weapons.
• (April 5, Thursday)
• In the early hours of the morning, Mockingbird interrogates Loki in their cell, but they refuse to budge. However, in a moment of cruelty towards her, Loki accidentally lets it slip that they're interested in Banner, and Mockingbird realizes that they intend to use the Hulk to escape.
• (Attack on the Hellicarrier)
• As the sun is rising, the Avengers confront Fury with their discoveries, to which he reveals that S.H.I.E.L.D. has begun using the Tesseract to make weapons in response to the Victor von Doom incident last year, the presence of the Skrulls in the planet, the first appearance of the Hulk, the Puppet Master attack, the debut of Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp.
• A large argument ensues, during which Hawkeye, accompanied by several soldiers also working for Loki, attacks the Helicarrier, crippling one of its engines.
• The resulting explosion destroys the laboratory where the group is arguing, causing Janet and Bruce to fall into the boiler area, trapped by the debris.
• Despite Janet's attempts to calm him down, the injured Bruce transforms into the Hulk and chases the Wasp throughout the Helicarrier.
• Thor comes to his rescue and fights with the Hulk, only to be surpassed in strength. A SHIELD jet tries to lure the Hulk away, but he crashes the plane and destroys it. The jet explodes and the Hulk is thrown towards the ground.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark attempt to repair the damaged engine, but Loki's subordinates hinder their efforts.
• Janet and Mockingbird face Hawkeye and after an intense fight, they manage to break Loki's control by delivering a blunt blow to Barton's head.
• Thor tries to stop Loki from escaping, but is tricked by an illusion of Loki and imprisoned in her old prison cell and takes her out of the Hellicarrier. Thor breaks free of the cell at the last second, falling into a field.
• Rogers, Pym, and Stark finally overcame their attackers and got the Helicarrier back in the air. However, victory is bittersweet when Loki escapes and Bruce disappears.
• Hours later, Hawkeye recovers in the Hospital Wing and rejoins the team, informing them that Loki plans to open the portal above Stark Tower in downtown New York City.
• (Battle of New York)
• Mockinbird (26), Wasp (24), Hawkeye (24), Ant-Man (27) and Captain America (70) take a Quinjet to New York City, following Iron Man (26) in his suit.
• Stark arrives at the tower first, failing to stop Selvig from using the Tesseract to open the portal in conjunction with a device he built.
• Tony then enters the tower to meet Loki, failing to intimidate him. The god of mischief unsuccessfully attempts to possess Stark, as his Arc Reactor physically blocks the scepter's power and instead throws Stark through a window.
• Fortunately, Stark manages to activate his Mark VII armor before he hits the ground.
• Selvig launches the device, opening a portal above New York. The Chitauri fleet appears, beginning Loki's invasion.
• The other Avengers gather on the street to stop the Chitauri, but with the portal open, more and more soldiers arrive. Banner (28) finally joins them on a motorcycle and voluntarily transforms into the Hulk, who stops a large ship with his hands.
• Captain America begins giving instructions to the Avengers to direct their battle strategy against the alien threat.
• He tells Hawkeye to get to a nearby rooftop and assigns the perimeter to Iron Man, sends Thor to try and fire a beam at the portal while Ant-Man closes it, Wasp stays in the air, and Mockingbird and himself stay on the ground.
• Finally he instructs the Hulk to "smash". Hulk jumps from building to building, punching the Chitauri.
• Thor flies to the Chrysler Building to use it as a conduit, building up energy to fire at the portal, eliminating some Chitauri and an approaching Leviathan.
• On the Helicarrier, Nick Fury Jr. examines monitors showing what is happening. Maria Hill (25) says the World Security Council is calling.
• Hawkeye advises Iron Man to lead the Chitauri around sharp turns so they fall. He does so, eliminating the aliens chasing him, and goes to help Thor.
• From the battle, enormous damage is done to downtown New York City, and many lives are lost, but the Avengers save as many civilians as they can.
• Somewhere, Peter Parker and Harry Osborn (9), were returning from school when the attack began. The two boys try to get back to the Parker home safely when they are attacked by Chitauri soldiers.
• Fortunately, they are saved by Captain America, who orders Wasp to take them to a safe place.
• The Wasp shrinks them both and takes them away from the battle. Before leaving, she smiles and the two boys cheer for the heroes before running to the Parker's house.
• While Thor destroys as many ships he can, Heimdall, by Vidar's orders, opens the Byfrost. Vidar, Honir, Tyr and Balder join their brother on the fight, protecting civilians and putting Chitauri down.
• Francine (183) and Antônio Cavalcante (190) (both OCs) were watching the battle. Antônio asks his wife if they should help, when he recognizes Captain America, but Francine says that human problems are none of their business and tells her subordinates to protect themselves, closing the gates of the Sister Margaret's house.
• A Leviathan heads towards a building, the Hulk runs through the building and jumps on it, attacking it in the mouth and redirecting it.
• Captain America tells the Avengers they need to do something about the portal. Wasp grabs Pym and takes him to the top of Stark Tower.
• Hulk attacks a Leviathan, Thor helps him hammer a piece of the vehicle into the Leviathan's back, killing it. He crash lands in Grand Central Terminal, where Hulk also punches Thor in retaliation for earlier.
• Before more debris can fall on the civilians, the Fantastic Four arrive to help.
• The Invisible Woman (26) creates a shield while Mister Fantastic (27) pushes the civilians to safety. Human Torch (18) and the Thing (28) join the Hulk and Thor, causing a brief argument between the four.
• In New York's Sanctum, Stephen Strange (46), Wong (46) and Sara Wolfe (37) help fight the invading forces.
• At the top of Stark Tower, Erik Selvig wakes up, his mind control broken, and sees what is happening around him.
• The military enters the streets to do what they can.
• At Pym's house, his girlfriend Maria Trovaya, watches the fight on the news.
• Hawkeye directs Captain America to a nearby bank, where he goes and stops a Chitauri attack from killing civilians. The Invisible Woman protects the civilians from an explosion, while the Thing catches the Captain before he can fall from the building.
• Ben Grimm is nervous when meeting the Captain and presents himself as a big fan. Susan reminds him of the battle and drives them away with her shields.
• On the Hellicarrier, the World Security Council tells Fury Jr. that they have made the decision to launch a nuclear attack on Manhattan to contain the threat to the island only, but Fury refuses.
• Loki boards a Chitauri vehicle, which is intercepted by Human Torch. Johnny dodges the God of Mischief's attacks and throws her away, throwing her into Stark Tower, where the vehicle drops the "S" and "T" from the logo.
• Mister Fantastic scolds Johnny for losing sight of the "big villain", but Hulk jumps into the tower and attacks Loki, who tries to intimidate him; Hulk just grabs them and throws them to the ground repeatedly, leaving her unable to move.
• Wasp and Ant-Man meet Selvig in the tower, who says he believes Loki's Scepter, lying on the ground below them, may be able to close the portal.
• Iron Man finds himself unable to break through the shell of a Leviathan whale, so he tries to fly directly into its mouth, managing to explode it from the inside. He falls to the ground and finds himself fighting Chitauri again.
• Hawkeye runs out of arrows and has to kick an attacking alien off his perch. When his building is attacked, he jumps, firing a hook arrow to swing through a window below.
• He reaches the sidewalk, where he meets Mockingbird and they fight side by side.
• At Salem Center, Scott Summers, Bobby Drake, Warren Worthington III and Jean Grey watch the news. Scott asks the professor why they won't join the fight. Xavier simply says that them, as students, are not ready yet.
• Somewhere in Brooklyn, Sanguinária (OC) and Sabretooth takes down a Leviathan with their powers. They notice Captain America on TV and grin.
• The World Security Council orders a nuclear attack on Manhattan and a pilot will take off. Fury Jr. arrives with a rocket launcher and manages to hit the jet, but another jet flies in to launch the missile. He calls Stark and tells him that there is a missile heading to New York in the next 3 minutes.
• Wasp grabs the scepter. She, Selvig, and Pym work together to break the Tesseract's defenses to close the portal. Stark asks them to wait, saying there is a missile coming and he wants to send it through the portal.
• Stark grabs the missile just in time and begins to change direction. JARVIS tries to call Pepper Potts (29) in case he dies taking the missile through the portal. However, Potts, on a flight, is too preoccupied with watching the news to see her phone ringing.
• SHIELD watches the news closely on the Helicarrier. Just like every civilian, mutant and human, in New York.
• Stark diverts the missile into the air at Stark Tower and through the portal.
• SHIELD cheers with relief for New York, although Fury is worried about Stark.
• Peter Parker and Harry Osborn cheer in the living room, while Ben and May Parker (46) look fearfully at the TV.
• Strange, Wong and Sara Wolfe watch from the security of the Sanctum.
• Stark finds himself in deep space and his suit begins to fail. He releases the missile and it continues flying, hitting the Chitauri mothership and causing a huge explosion, which causes the remaining fleet of Chitauri and Leviathan to crash and fall dead without the mothership's power.
• Stark falls toward the portal, but the explosion threatens to hit Earth as well, so Rogers orders Pym and van Dyne to close the portal.
• Tony falls back into the New York sky just before its closure, but continues to fall, unconscious. Hulk jumps and catches him to slow his fall.
• The Fantastic Four and the rest of the Avengers crowd around Stark, Reed Richards manages to wake him up. Steve says they won and Tony says they should celebrate with shawarma, but Johnny reminds him that he lost sight of Loki.
• At Stark Tower, Loki recovers from Hulk's beating and the Avengers arrive to arrest her.
• A team from the Damage Control Department arrives at the Avengers' floor of Stark Tower to retrieve the Scepter. Jasper Sitwell takes the Scepter and he and Brock Rumlow (29) guard it.
• While the SHIELD agents guard the Tesseract, Tony invites the Fantastic Four to go eat shawarma and they accept.
• A little after the battle, at Thanos' ship on space, Gamora (29) talks to her master about Loki's defeat, the loss of the Tesseract and Earth's new protectors. He claims that attacking Earth again would be an act of suicide.
• Thanos (975), simply turns and smiles, thinking about what's to come.
• (April 6, Friday)
• The New York Bulletin has a front-page article titled "Battle of NY" that depicts a Leviathan causing several deaths by crashing into a building.
• The world, changed once again by the emergence of superhumans, is dominated by the idea of ​​a team of superheroes.
• The Avengers become the center of media attention, admired by the public as heroes, but are also received with some concern and fear. Some feel that his appearance during the battle is too coincidental.
• (April 11, Wednesday)
• Gathering in Central Park, the Avengers and SHIELD watch as Thor escorts Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard.
• Nick Fury Jr (42) talks to Colonel Fury Sr. (82), saying that the moment a new global threat emerges, the team will come together.
• Odin sentences Loki to an eternity of imprisonment in the Asgardian Dungeons and the Tesseract is put in a safe chamber inside the castle, watch by guards and Heimdall.
• (April 15, Sunday)
• Tony Stark (26) and Pepper Potts (29) review plans to rebuild the damaged Stark Tower, which lost the "S", "T", "R" and "K" outside in battle. They choose to repurpose the remaining "A" to represent the newly formed group, renamed "Avengers Tower".
• Tony reunites with Pym and helps him improve Janet's Wasp costume.
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spacefinch · 5 months
Characters I think Wanda Li would dress up as:
Mulan (Disney movie of the same name)
Trainer Selene (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Lt. Sulu (Star Trek TOS) (gender-bent)
Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Her spider-sona
Wildcat Wanda (her ace pilot persona)
The Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Trainer Marnie (Pokémon Sword and Shield)
Wasp/Hope Van Dyne (Marvel)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon)
George (Nancy Drew)
Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels)
Ezri Dax (Star Trek DS9)
Gym Leader Winona (Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire)
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anayka05ymewtwo06 · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dopplegangers Caidos
Parte Final de lo sucedido en ig.
Zacian shiny:(*Aullido de Zacian) Princesa Mewtwo Lunar!
(*Pensativa) Gatubela. Acertijo y por ultimo hisahide. Esos malditos Pagarán por lo que han hecho. Aparte de ser Complices del Extinto decepticon del que Kenobi nobunaga Hayate anayka Mewtwo y los demas...
CARAJOS! quien rayos esta ahi!
Chien Pao:Soy yo Zacian...eres La famosa Zacian Shiny?
Zacian:De la misma especie de Zacian que no es Variadocolor o Shiny:Hermana de Senbei Lunar la Mentora Zacian de Mewtwo Imbatible. Pero no puedo atacar a esos doppleganger aunk debo ser valiente
Chien Pao:Escuché el aulllido y preparamos los ataques:Mira ahi estan Anayka El team Star Todos los Warriors de otros Reinos y Bill Rizer con un eternatus. los Gym leaders de 9 Regiones y hasta Los Villanos llegaron Anayka avisó a Señal Frikibaile o Pose Imbatible.
Anayka:A mi orden por la pose imbatible
¡Pose Imbatible Lionel:Traje:Nyotengu Palutena bandera 🇵🇦 Alas de mariposa Mewtwo....Transformación!
Nobunaga Masayuki y Mamá romelia:Ahora!
Se Formó una Guerra campal y golpeamos a los 3.
La ultima en morir. Gatubela
Gatubela:Maldita sea Anayka todos vinieron a Atacarme!
Anayka:Gata Maldita! Gatubela Acertijo y Hisahide no sabes Cuanto esperé para Matarte como lo hice con Mi hermano aparte de 35 jodidos Años de Guerra
Bayonetta:Preferiria darle el golpe de gracia aunk recibió algun dispar*
Felicia La Meowscarada:Porque no te calmas? Deberias pagar las consecuencias por lo que has hecho. Gata con forma humana o mejor dicho Furra? No podemos permitir que te salgas con la tuya
Anayka:(*Con baculo estilo ghechis) Baston estrella de ghechis:Tumba del Enemigo!
Gatubela fue atacada.
Sus ultimas palabras:
Gatubela:Anayka:Si esta es una de mis ultimas vidas lo pagas caro. No importa cuantas veces destruyas al mal la oscuridad pero como acabaron con master contra. Pheromone contra. Cobrará Venganz..a contra todos uds..(Fallece)
Anayka:No lo tomaré como una Maldicion. Si pheromone contra y los que aun siguen Vivos quieren guerra. Guerra tendran y que Vengan como quieran. Los destrozaré para protegerlos universalmente. La guerra aun no termina tenemos un universo que proteger.
Obi Wan Kenobi:Oye Anayka. Admiro tu confianza en la pelea:te apoyaremos
Entrenadores pokémon y Villanos:Todos lo haremos
Ghechis:Siempre que Kyurem este siempre al lado de Anayka. Giovanny deberias ser agradecido.
Giovanny:Admito que no se deja manipular pero passio necesita heroes. Y defenderlos con uñas dientes pokémon etc. Es lo unico que debemos hacer. Passio necesita una heroina. No. Una Campeona con una Mewtwo con valores algo que El Mewtwo anterior no apreció por mi culpa
Anayka:No toda la Culpa es tuya ni de los equipos villano.
Mewtwo Lunar:Giovanny Todos cometemos Errores. Nadie es perfecto no soy una Mewtwo que odia por lo que sucede sucede en el pasado. Siempre Mirar al presente (*Transformandose en Mewtwo X debido a su propia voluntad y las palabras dd todos y la mia)
Mewtwo Y:Pero por que ocurrió esta transformacion?
Mewtwo X:Las dos Mewtwoitas Reaccionaron y Anayka debe encontrar la ultima Mewtwoita. Aunk si habian 2 Mewtwoitas Y. Anayka escondió la ultima en un lugar seguro
Anayka:Si. Donde esta iluminada por un halo de luz. En protección de El clan Sanada.
Fin de la parte 2 del Arco paldea Panamá Arco 1 y 2.
???:Master contra y los demas acabados? Llego mi turno jajaja!
Arco Paldea panamá parte 5:Guerra Universal. Coming soon Julio agosto 2024 🇵🇦
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stxriesfromasharchive · 7 months
Ash's Chaotic Muses List
I'm trying to give as many possible references and shortcuts to find my muses as possible, so here is a list I will occasionally reblog / edit when I need to that features all of my menaces and buttheads, both oc and canons. A reminder that all canons are heavily divergent and headcanon based. All muses, unless stated clearly otherwise, are available and open for shipping (of all types) and are au, meaning unless discussed none of them will intersect with each other. No muse has a complete bio page as of yet, but please feel free to ask me anything you would like to know regarding a butthead of mine.
Abel Teller Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Farmer / Rancher. Sons of Anarchy. FC: Luke Grimes. Age 26.
Berlioz Bonfamille Human. Non-Binary (he/him ; they/them). Pansexual / Panromantic. Musician. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Timothee Chalamet. Age 24.
Carlisle Cullen Vampire (“impure”/turned), Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Doctor. Twilight. FC: Peter Facinelli.
Cassandra Pentaghast Human. Cis Female (she/her). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Seeker/Right Hand of Divine Justinia V. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Jaimie Alexander.
Cullen Rutherford Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Commander of the Inquisition Forces. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Charlie Hunnam (temporarily ; may be changed).
Death (Deacon Crowe) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Mads Mikkelsen (human form).
Dorian Pavus Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. Mage (necromancy specialty). Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: To Be Determined.
Duchess Bonfamille Human. Cis Female (she/her). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Music Teacher. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Annabelle Wallis. Age 43.
Edward Cullen Vampire (impure/turned). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. English Teacher. Twilight. FC: Robert Pattinson.
Emmett Cullen Vampire (impure/turned). Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Gym Owner/Bartender/DJ. Twilight. FC: Michael Malarkey.
Fury (Scarlet Blair) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Female (she/her). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Jessica Chastain (human form).
Gabriel Van Helsing Werewolf (bitten). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Monster Hunter. Van Helsing 2004. FC: Hugh Jackman.
Iron Bull Qunari. Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Warrior. Dragon Age: Inquisition. FC: Jason Momoa.
Judith Grimes Human. Cis Female (she/her). Sexualy fluid. Leader of the Commonwealth/caretaker. The Walking Dead. FC: Emma Watson. Age 25.
Marie Bonfamille Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bicurious. Singer (specifically opera). Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Elle Fanning. Age 24.
Rick Grimes Jr. Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Second in command of the Commonwealth/Farmer. The Walking Dead. FC: Roland Buck III.
Sam Winchester Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Hunter. Supernatural. FC: Jared Padalecki.
Strife (Jones Gunn) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Idris Elba (human form).
Thomas Teller Jr. Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Veterinarian. Sons of Anarchy. FC: Garrett Hedlund. Age 24.
Toulouse Bonfamille Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. Artist. Disney’s Aristocats (modernized). FC: Cameron Monoghan. Age 24.
War (Warren Godfrey) Nephilim (half-angel half-demon). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Protector of Earth/Humanity. Darksiders series. FC: Henry Cavill [as Geralt from the Witcher] (human form).
Abraham Thompson Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Professional Thief and Con Man. Crime based. Face Claim: Sebastian Stan.   
Arin Morrison Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic (leaning towards men ; demiromantic with women). Doctor / General Surgeon. Fandomless. FC: Justin Hartley.
Benjamin Weston Reed Hybrid (half-vampire half-human). Cis Male (he/him). Semi Bisexual / Semi Biromantic. Agent of Chaos. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Nathaniel Buzolic. Son of Ethan Weston ; half-nephew of Mabel Weston Blacksmith. Second Generation.
Darkcaster Dark Witch /Dark Alter Ego. Non-Binary (she/her/they/them/he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Dark!Alternate of Jade Willows, only purpose is to create and cause misery and suffering to feed from. Born from an ancient curse. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Katie McGrath (mainly in her role as Morgana le Fay in Merlin) ; Colin O’Donoghue (male presenting).
Ethan Weston Vampire (pureblood/born). Cis Male (he/him). Pansexual / Panromantic. Artist/Painter. FC: Daniel Gillies. Father of Benjamin Weston Reed ; half-brother of Mabel Weston Blacksmith.
Gabrielle “Ellie” Willows Witch. Cis Female (she/her). Uncertain of her orientation and preferences. College Student (studying botanical science) ; part time florist. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Elizabeth Gillies. Daughter of Jade Willows ; niece of Katrina Willows. Second Generation [aged up to 24]
Helena Chester Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Occupation various, formerly a lawyer (for her estranged mob crime family). Partial Crime based. FC: Sophia Bush. 
Isaac Keath Werewolf (bitten). Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual / Biromantic. Underground/Illegal Fighter. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Joe Manganiello.
Jack Gray Mason Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Heteroromantic. Private Investigator. Crime based. FC: Dylan O’Brien. Son of Kimberly Mason ; nephew of Kole Mason ; older brother of Sonny Mason. Second Generation [age up to 24].
Jade Willows Witch. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Florist and single mother. Supernatural (genre). FC: Katie McGrath. Good!alternate ego of Darkcaster. Older sister of Katrina Willows. Mother of Ellie Willows.
James Score Watterson Hybrid (half-werewolf half-human). Cis Male (he/him). Closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. No Employment ; hunting his father. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Chandler Riggs. Son of Will Score. Second Generation [aged up tp 24]. 
Jason “Sonny” Gray Mason Human. Cis Male (he/him). Homosexual / Homoromantic. University student (studying visual arts). Fandomless. FC: Colin Ford. Son of Kimberly Mason ; nephew of Kole Mason ; younger brother of Jack Mason. Second Generation [age up to 22]. 
Katrina Willows Human (main verse) ; Witch (alternate verse). Cis Female (she/her). Pansexual / Panromantic. Stripper/Exotic Dancer/Prostitute. Fandomless (main) ; Supernatural (genre) based (alternate verse). FC: Meghan Ory. Younger sister of Jade Willows ; aunt of Ellie Willows.
Kazvrall Half-Orc. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual / Demiromantic. Paladin (Oath of Redemption). Dungeons and Dragons / High fantasy based. FC: Kit Harington.
Kimberly Mason Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Homicide detective. Crime Based. FC: Genevieve Padalecki. Mother of Jack and Sonny Mason ; younger twin sister of Kole Mason. 
Kole Mason Human. Cis male (he/him). Semi-closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. Bartender. Fandomless. FC: Jensen Ackles. Older twin brother of Kimberly Mason ; uncle of Jack and Sonny Mason. Father of Molly Mason (single!dad verse).
Mabel Weston Blacksmith Hybrid (half-vampire half-werewolf). Cis Female (she/her). Demisexual / Demiromantic. Photographer. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Shelley Hennig. Younger half-sister of Ethan Weston ; half-aunt of Benjamin Weston Reed. 
Matthias  Demon. Cis Male (he/him). Crossroads demon / soul collector. Supernatural (genre and tv show) based. FC: Nathan Parsons.
Molly Mason Human. Cis Female (she/her). Orientation undecided. Employment undecided. Fandomless. FC: Lily Collins. Daughter of Kole Mason (alive in single!dad verse which will be her main verse setting). Second Generation [aged up to between 19 and 22].
Oakley Chambers Human. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Chef & waitress. Fandomless. FC: Crystal Reed. 
Phoenix Maine Gifted Human / Pyromancer. Cis Female (she/her). Bisexual / Biromantic. Circus Performer / Dancer. Fandomless mostly (Marvel/DC friendly). FC: Katherine McNamara.
Rex Howard Werewolf. Cis Male (he/him). Closeted Bisexual / Biromantic. Heir to his Pack’s Alpha / leadership status. Supernatural (genre) based. FC: Tyler Hoechlin.
Shane Black  Human. Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Contract Killer/Mercenary for hire.  Crime based. FC: Frank Grillo.
Silas Drake Cybernetically enhanced Human. Cis Male (he/him). Bisexual/Biromantic. Vigilante/former military soldier turned brainwashed killer/Mechanic. Sci-fi based / crime based. FC: Joel Kinnaman. 
Will Score Werewolf (born / pureblood). Cis Male (he/him). Heterosexual/Heteroromantic. Self Employed. Supenatural (genre) based. FC: Norman Reedus. Father of James Score Watterson.
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seginbeats · 2 years
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Various Giacomo Headcanons Pt. 2
Giacomo dropped out of the academy before the rest of the Team Star leaders; that is why his Pokémon are considerably weaker than the rest of the squad, and why he is the first leader that the game suggests you to defeat.
He still kept in touch with Mela, Atticus, Ortega and Eri of course. Giacomo came back into orbit when "Cassiopia" gathered the five of them in order to form Team Star and initiate Operation Star.
His battle strategies come from watching YouTube videos and livestreams of professional dark type specialists in action. Some of his favorite trainers to study are Grimsley from Unova's Elite Four, Piers from the Galar League, and Atoma's dark type Gym Leader, Strelitzia.
When he does eventually put together his full team, Giacomo uses a highly offensive strategy, focusing on physical attackers boosting his Pokémon's attack states, and whittling down the opponent with stat reducing moves; two of his Pokémon, Mabosstiff and Krookodile, have access to Intimidate.
He's currently looking to add a sixth member to his party; Giacomo would really like a Scraggy, though finding such a Pokémon is impossible in Paldea.
Segin Squad Headcanons!
They're the most rowdy group of the Star Squads, and often compete with the Schedar Squad for the title of "most obnoxious".
Most of them were students following a computer science, music or art path in the academy.
Every Friday night is rave night, with DJ Vice partying it up behind the deck. It's not uncommon for Segin Squad members to customize their outfits with glow-in-the-dark accessories, glowstick necklaces and other various flashy objects.
Similar vibe to The Deckers from Saints Row III, not nearly as crime-oriented of course. They all have sticky fingers though, watch your wallets.
Night owls. You won't catch any of them awake before 11 am.
The official video game of the Segin Squad is Beat Saber. Giacomo does NOT have the high score, however, but he loves playing it with them.
Sometimes they mount a video projector (stolen of course) on top of the Segin Starmobile and project movies, games and livestreams onto the back of the largest building in their base.
The Segin Starmobile's nickname is "The Party Van." Revavroom thinks nothing of it.
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☎️ ~!
What my Muse has for your Muse's Contact Info: Name is "Insect Van Gogh," as established in a previous ask; occupation is "Castelia City Gym Leader"
What Their Ringtone Is: "The Interstellar Experience" by Tony Ann
The Last Text Sent to Your Muse: "Look, I'm sorry bout my kid botherin' ya"
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse in Their Phone: From this post of @poketcg-art
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Self Rec Game
Shout out to @flashyysins for tagging me into doing something I always want to do but NEVER feel comfortable with (talking about my work). Thank you for tagging me!
Rules: recommend three of your own fics (1 most popular, two hidden gems) then tag some people!
Most Popular
It is almost a relief to see that it's Eddie Munson on the chair and not some huge random guy. That is until Eddie's eyes crinkle open and his face goes from blind terror to bemused, the way he's curled up like a bug at the noise slipping into something languid and easy.
It's almost a relief until the prick smiles like a lunatic and Steve has to think of course, this fucking guy, because Eddie Munson may be the weirdest person Steve's ever met.
AKA Two Years of Lifeguarding, One Morning of Finding Eddie Munson Asleep on a Deck Chair
The one that started it all lol. Asshole Steve + Asshole Eddie + The Odd Twilight Intimacy of a shirtless lifeguard and a pot-head who needs to get a watch. They don't kiss but do they need to?
Hidden Gems
The Rowdy 3 is a name they give themselves, stitched together from words they collect in the underbelly of Project Blackwing and the way they live as four in one over the course of five years. It's better than Project Incubus but it starts with just Martin and Cross and Gripps and Vogel. It starts in Project Blackwing. Well it really starts with Martin meeting a suit in a bar.
It starts with Martin on the road. A song in his gut that rhymes with hunger that three other voices know too.
And it keeps going from there, just as The Universe intends.
(AKA The Rowdy Three in Project Blackwing).
Not Steddie but listen I think this is the best thing I've ever written. Okay if you haven't watched Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency then that's a hidden gem for you. It's...the perfect show? Two seasons of the zaniest most well-connected story telling I've ever seen. Featuring The Rowdy 3, some almost vampires who re-wrote my brain chemistry so hard I cry about them whenever I'm like...real drunk. Last summer I kind of...went off the rails and wrote essentially a novel about them/Project Blackwing (a secret government prison). This is that novel, my magnum opus. My manuscript I'd save from vikings because I spent my whole life on it. A friend says I should submit this to graduate school for applications and sometimes I'm tempted lol.
If they had a Van Helsing it was Nancy Wheeler, and if they had a leader Eddie would honestly say Henderson was giving them all a run for their money (God help them when the kid got a drivers license and didn’t need them anymore). And all Steve Harrington seemed to do was make Eddie want to save the world to spite him. To say stand back dipshit this is how you do a heroic sacrifice notice how my hair’s messed up in a way that isn’t tantalizing even while dripping with muck and I’m still wearing my fucking shirt.
So, no, Steve Harrington sailing in at the last possible second wasn’t on Eddie’s death bingo card. And yet, here it was. A one man army. A guy who once earnestly wore a baby-blue sweater wrapped around his shoulders and definitely was part of the goon squad that once flew Eddie’s gym bag up the flagpole and left him naked in the locker-room. One of the last people Eddie Munson would have ever expected to save his sorry-ass life.
And honestly it was kind of hot. This causes its own new kind of problems.
(AKA Obligatory Steve Harrington Sailing in to Save the Day Fic. AKA Eddie Munson develops a crush at the worst possible moment of his life and starts to get it).
When it comes down to it this is my favorite of my babies so far just in how specific the detail work is and how...pretty it got to be. Super shout out to this just being born from the fact that Eddie would be a horn dog for Aragorn and how he visualizes his fictional crush would entirely be changed by someone actually saving his life. Also just the work I got to do with Wayne.
And that's all of them. I'm tagging @fastcardotmp3 @courtjestermunsonestereddiemunson and @sparklyslug (though if you've been tagged before it's my bad and if you wanna be tagged just let me know).
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taskblessings0 · 1 month
Comprehensive Manufacturing Excellence by Task Blessings: Fitness, Hygiene, and Mobility
In today's rapidly evolving world, the need for versatile, durable, and innovative manufacturing solutions has never been more critical. Task Blessings, a leader in the manufacturing industry, understands this demand and offers a wide range of products tailored to meet the unique needs of various sectors. As Outdoor Gym Equipment Manufacturers, Mobile Toilet Van Manufacturers, Water Tanker Manufacturers, Passenger E Rickshaw Manufacturers, and Goods Loader E Cart Manufacturers, we take pride in delivering top-notch solutions that combine functionality, sustainability, and reliability.
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Outdoor Gym Equipment Manufacturers: Promoting Health and Wellness
The growing awareness of health and fitness has led to a surge in demand for outdoor gym equipment. Task Blessings has positioned itself as a premier provider in this space, offering a wide range of durable and user-friendly equipment. Designed to withstand various weather conditions, our outdoor gym equipment promotes physical activity in public spaces, parks, and community centers. We prioritize safety, durability, and ease of use, making our products ideal for all age groups.
Mobile Toilet Van Manufacturers: Ensuring Hygiene and Convenience
In areas where sanitation infrastructure is limited or during large events, mobile toilet vans provide an essential service. As leading Mobile Toilet Van Manufacturers, We offers customizable and efficient mobile sanitation solutions. Our mobile toilet vans are designed to provide comfort, privacy, and hygiene, ensuring that they meet the needs of various industries, including construction, events, and disaster relief. With a focus on quality and ease of maintenance, our products are built to offer long-lasting service.
Water Tanker Manufacturers: Reliable Water Supply Solutions
Access to clean water is a fundamental necessity, and Task Blessings is committed to providing reliable water storage and transportation solutions. As Water Tanker Manufacturers, we design and build water tankers that are durable, leak-proof, and easy to maintain. Our water tankers are suitable for various applications, including agriculture, construction, and emergency water supply. With a focus on quality and performance, we ensure that our water tankers meet the highest industry standards.
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Passenger E Rickshaw Manufacturers: Eco-Friendly Transportation
With the rising demand for sustainable transportation solutions, electric rickshaws have become a popular choice in urban and rural areas. Task Blessings stands out as a top Passenger E Rickshaw Manufacturers, offering eco-friendly, cost-effective, and reliable vehicles. Our passenger e-rickshaws are designed to provide a comfortable and safe ride while minimizing environmental impact. We focus on energy efficiency, durability, and low maintenance costs, making our e-rickshaws an ideal choice for both drivers and passengers.
Goods Loader E Cart Manufacturers: Efficient and Versatile Cargo Solutions
The need for efficient and eco-friendly cargo transportation is growing, and Task Blessings is at the forefront as Goods Loader E Cart Manufacturers. Our goods loader e-carts are designed to handle various types of cargo with ease, offering a practical solution for businesses involved in delivery, logistics, and retail. These e-carts are not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective, providing a reliable alternative to traditional fuel-powered vehicles. Built for durability and efficiency, our goods loader e-carts help businesses streamline their operations while reducing their carbon footprint.
Why Choose Task Blessings?
At Task Blessings, our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets us apart. Whether you need outdoor gym equipment, mobile toilet vans, water tankers, passenger e-rickshaws, or goods loader e-carts, we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Our products are designed with the highest industry standards in mind, ensuring they deliver optimal performance and durability.
As industry leaders in manufacturing, we understand the importance of staying ahead of trends and continuously improving our products. By choosing Task Blessings, you partner with a company dedicated to excellence, sustainability, and innovation. Explore our range of products today and discover how we can help you meet your unique needs with our state-of-the-art manufacturing solutions.
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a-fantastic-time · 3 months
Phire was a blue, shiny Gardevoir who was spying on a naked Misty wading in the lake, watching from behind a tree after noticing her camp set-up, she was wondering what the human was doing, but a sight caught her eyes.
"Woah, I didn't know human women could have the pen-is."
Phire only said it like that because she had only read it in one of the books that got left behind that was an adult romance, only gathering what it was by matching it to Gardevoir/Gallade anatomy, so she could speak human, but only because people would accidentally leave or drop reading material or stuff that played audio, allowing her to learn over the years.
It was that and listening into humans allowed her to learn over the years the human speak, but she kept that hidden from her fellow Mons, and at the moment, she was so enthralled by the sight of Misty's cock that she stopped hiding herself and kept her head poking out to watch Misty.
The water-type gym leader stretched as she was ready to take a dip in the lake she had parked her camper in. While she loved traveling with her friends for pokemon reasons. She though a vacation would be better suited on four wheels.
She exited the large van and began setting up her camp site. She had planned to keep drying till night fall, but the lake was the perfect chance for all her pokemon to play and exercise. She released them all, and told them to be back in an hour for food. She undressed and got on a swim suit, before hopping into the crystal blue water. Getting in a few laps in before coming back over to start making lunch. She didn't want to take too long for her bathing suit to dry, so she hung it up and walked around nude for a little while.
The sound of shuffling bushes immediately caught her ear, she gasped and rushed to cover her chest and shoved her thighs together to hide her cock. Only to see the tiny head of a cute pokemon. "Oh? Well hello there cutie. Sorry if I startled you." She said smiling and relaxing a bit. She didn't give them much mind and went along her way to start her portabe grill.
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