thumbclaws · 2 years
Solstice Santur
There was an awesome halo outside today during the midday solstice sun. It shone like a cosmic rainbow halo while some santur music was playing so this colorscribble is what resulted.
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Thalo playing the santoor, a variation of Thal’s instrument family of choice. Next time e will play the címbalom or hammered dulcimer/ hackbrett.
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donb · 1 month
És most hallgassuk meg a Proscsanyije szlavjanki című indulót, Vaszilij Ivanovics Agapkin 1912-es műalkotását, A szállnak a darvak c. film torokszorító zárójelenetének háttérzenéjét.
Előadja Stefanie Unterberger, a Bolzanói (Bozeni) Claudio Monteverdi Kozervatórium (és számos más intézmény) oktatója, a steier harmonika, a hackbrett és a jódli professzora.
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arsmusica · 11 months
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Weltmusik - Do, 02.11.2023, 19:30 Uhr
Mitwirkende: Rudi Zapf – Pedalhackbrett & Vibrandoneon
Gerhard Wagner – Saxophon, Klarinette, Querflöte
Andreas Seifinger – Gitarre
Stephan Lanius – Kontrabass
Veranstalter: ars musica e.V.
Location: Wirtshaus Tannengarten im Salettl
Adresse: Pfeuferstraße 32, 81373 München
Eintritt: € 20,- / erm. € 15,-
Sie entzünden ein weltmusikalisches Feuerwerk mit allen nur denkbaren Klangfarben aus einem Spezial-Hackbrett, Saxophon, Klarinette, Querflöte, Gitarre, Kontrabass und Vibrandoneon. Rudi Zapf, Gerhard Wagner, Andreas Seifinger und Stephan Lanius verknüpfen dabei wie selbstverständlich alpine Melodien mit temperamentvollen Latin-Rhythmen oder Balkan-Beats, Walzer-Takte mit flirrenden Flamenco-Arabesken oder Klezmer-Klänge mit swingenden und schier waghalsigen Jazz-Improvisationen. Das Ergebnis ist Weltmusik, die mal temporeich und virtuos, mal locker lässig, aber stets geschmackvoll, überraschend und hochmusikalisch klingt – und immer für eine Überraschung gut ist. Die vier Vollblut-Musiker entstauben alte Melodien und erwecken sie zu neuem Leben, hüllen sie in einen Mantel voller farbiger Harmonien und tränken sie in pulsierende Rhythmen aus Afrika, Brasilien, Spanien, Argentinien, Mexiko oder Cuba.

Tradition – anders aufgefasst und über ihre Grenzen hinausgeführt. Musik, die lebt und durch Generationen hindurch geht. Rudi Zapf & Zapf’nstreich: musikalisch von Welt, in Bayern daheim, auf der Bühne berauschend. Und Zapf garniert das neue Programm mit Wortwitz und Charme.
Garchinger Kleinkunstmaske

Der Grüne Wanninger

Bayerischer Poetentaler
Deutscher Weltmusikpreis RUTH (Hauptpreis)

Intelligent arrangierte und virtuos umgesetzte, handgemachte Musik, mit so manch augenzwinkerndem Flirt in Richtung Swing, Jazz und Pop. Großartig!
Es ist ein gewagtes Spiel, verschiedene Stile zu verbinden. Doch “Rudi Zapf & Zapf´nstreich” meistert Stück um Stück, Lied um Lied, verbindet bayerische, russische, amerikanische, lateinamerikanische und afrikanische Volksmusik, Klassik und moderne Stile, wie Jazz.
Ebersberger SZ
Diese zugegebenermaßen wilde Mischung klingt keinesfalls nur willkürlich zusammengestöpselt, vielmehr schafft die Gruppe das Kunststück, trotz verschiedenster Einflüsse ein homogenes Gesamtbild einer völkerübergreifenden Volksmusik zu schaffen.
Fränkische Landeszeitung
Admin: Frank McLynn
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taxil · 1 year
USA 9.9.23: Mendocino - Stadt des Holzes, Stadt der Filme
Worum gehts: Museum mit ein paar Filmfakten, etwas Lokalgeschichte, Pomo-Natives und ausgestorbene Musikinstrumente
Man kann hier den ganzen Tag verbringen und sein Geld in der Buchhandlung und Arts & Craft-Shops. Zuerst unternehme ich eine teils riskante Wanderung entlang der Klippen (es gibt bis auf die zahlreichen ACHTUNG GEFAHR-Schilder kein echtes Hindernis für Wanderer abzustürzen) und verweile bei seltsamen Überresten, riesigen Metallketten und Sitzbänken wie für (oder von) Riesen gemacht.
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Im original aus den 1850er stammenden Kelley House-Museum, das heute von einer Nonprofit-Organisation gehalten wird (und seit der Pandemie finanziell zu kämpfen hat), erfahre ich, dass eine Reihe von großen Filmen und TV-Serien in Mendocino gedreht wurden. Um nur ein paar zu nennen: Einige Folgen von Murder She Wrote (Mord ist ihr Hobby), Sean Penns herzerwärmendes Racing with the Moon, das grandiose Drama East of Eden mit James Dean und - was letztendlich die Geduld der BürgerInnen von Mendocino auf eine harte Probe stellte und dafür sorgte, dass Hollywood hier nicht mehr gern gesehen war - Charmed - Zauberhafte Schwestern (wir erinnern uns, Sandra Bullock und Nicole Kidman verschleiern zauberhaft einen Mord). Kurz gesagt: Hollywood gefiel die idyllische Location mit den Sandbox-Häusern und wollte unbedingt die Küste umbauen. Skandal! Siehe abfotografierte Artikel..
Während der zuvorkommende, leicht nervöse Gästeführer im Erdgeschoss sein Hackbrett stimmt, steige ich in den ersten Stock und sehe mir die Schlafzimmer der Kelley-Familie an. Aha mhm. Wer die Kelleys sind? Hauptsächlich ausgestorben. Es gibt noch zwei lebende Damen höheren Alters, die kinderlos geblieben sind. Mehr zu dieser einflussreichen Familie, siehe hier.
Ach ja, wo ich schon MUSIK erwähnte - im hergerichteten Lesezimmer steht eine kuriose Musikbox, auf die man eine Art metallene Schallplatte mit Löchern legt, die Box ankurbelt und dann Melodien einer vergangenen Zeit genießen darf. Die Box stammt aus Deutschland. Der Gästeführer war froh, etwas DJ spielen zu dürfen (ich glaube, er hatte wenig zu tun).
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Darüber hinaus erzählt das Kelley-Museum ausgiebig über die Holzindustrie in Mendocino, was extrem spannend war. Die gigantischen Relikte, die wie letzte Zeugen einer Titanenrasse an den Klippen lagen, waren, wie sich herausstellt, das Werkzeug der Mendocino Lumber Company. Gefällte Baumriesen (und damit meine ich Riesen mit dem Durchmesser von teilweise zwei ausgewachsenen Personen) wurden über eine Rutsche und mit Hilfe der Eisenketten ins Wasser "gelassen" - das heißt, sie stürzten eigentlich von der Klippe ins Meer.
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Pic: John P. Soule: Mendocino Harbor and Lumber Shutes, Mendocino Co.Alternate Title: No. 1305. (Falls das Bild nicht geladen wird, bitte auf den Link unten klicken: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mendocino_Harbor_and_Lumber_Shutes,_Mendocino_Co,_by_John_P._Soule.jpg#filelinks)
Ob das ganze Holz gut genutzt wurde? Zweifelhaft. Von Mendocino aus wurden die logs/Stämme über den Flussweg ins Landesinnere getrieben und es kam zu meilenlangen (!) log jams, der am längsten andauernde feierte seinen 5. Geburtstag. Ich bin keine Botanikerin, aber ich bezweifle, dass Hartholz fünf Jahre Dauerbad unbeschadet übersteht.
Abschließend bleibt noch zu sagen, dass es auch in der Mendocino-Region native Americans gab, die die weißen Settlers Pomos nannten. Diese wurden zusammen mit fremden Tribes in ein Reservat gezwungen, das sich genau neun Jahre hielt. Der nette Gästeführer konnte mir nicht sagen, was aus den Pomos geworden ist, aber es gebe sie noch, scattered. Auf Mendocinos Straßen sind die Werbeschilder immer auch auf Spanisch.
Ich habe mir einen masiven Sonnenbrand geholt und fahre zurück zu meinem Campingplatz bei Fort Bragg.
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romanlightman001 · 1 year
Arlette Wismer lernt Hackbrett | Wismer gfallt Staffel 5 Folge 3 | SRF M...
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musikblog · 2 years
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Wir hatten noch nie einen Plan - Lankum im Interview Mit der gestrichenen Gitarre, dem Harmonium und dem Hackbrett auf der Suche nach der Essenz der irischen Folklore: Lankum sind wahre Experten, wenn es um die sagenumwobenen Traditionals der Inselrepublik geht. Auf ihrem neuesten Album “False Lankum” vereinen die Dubliner sattgrüne Geschichte, Mythologie und Magie mit einem folkloristischen Sound, der in den Bereichen Dynamik und […] #Lankum https://www.musikblog.de/2023/03/wir-hatten-noch-nie-einen-plan-lankum-im-interview/
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2023/03/15 Experimentik #62 SERGIO SORRENTINO JD ZAZIE STØRFAN SENDER TiK Berlin - DE
Experimentik is a monthly series for experimental music, curated by Seiji Morimoto, which takes places at TiK in Berlin. For the 62nd edition JD Zazie has been invited to join an event dedicated to solo concerts. it will be held on march 15 in Tik. She will share the bill with Sergio Sorrentino and StØrfan Sender.
Sergio Sorrentino - guitar and electronics https://www.sergiosorrentinomusic.com JD Zazie - playback devices https://jdzazie.tumblr.com Størfan Sender - hackbrett, electronics, microphones and folly instruments https://www.stoerfansender.de
The event will take place at TiK - Theater im Kino at 20:30- (doors 20:00) Rigaerstr. 77 10247 - Berlin
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experimentik · 2 years
Experimentik #62 / March 15. 2023 / Sergio Sorrentino,  JD Zazie, StØrfan Sender
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March 15. 2023 / 20:30- (doors 20:00)
3 x solo
Sergio Sorrentino - guitar and electronics
JD Zazie - playback devices
StØrfan Sender - hackbrett, electronics, microphones and folly instruments
FBevent: https://fb.me/e/2uoMjhdB2
Sergio Sorrentino “A Superb Musician” (The Wire)
Sorrentino is acclaimed as “the best concert music electric guitarist” (Il Manifesto) and “one of the most important contemporary guitarists” (RAI Radio Tre).
As a performer he promotes the classical guitar and electric guitar contemporary repertory. As a composer and improviser his music is based on sonic research and combines elements of contemporary classical music, minimalism, avant-garde, ambient, experimental. His CD Dream - American Music for Electric Guitar (Mode Records), which includes works by Feldman, Cage, Wolff, Curran and others, was reviewed and highlighted in the New York Times by Seth Colter Walls as one of the “Week’s Best Classical Music Moments”, defining the album “of disarming beauty”.
Philip Glass published Sergio Sorrentino’s video performance of “Orphée’s Bedroom” and “Opening” on his official channels for the #glassminutes series. Orange Mountain Music released “Orphée’s Bedroom” and “Opening” as Singles on all digital platforms earning a lot of success.
Sergio plays with the great Gavin Bryars (“Sergio Sorrentino has performed many of my works for guitar, and also my ensemble pieces that include the guitar and I have the greatest admiration for his work in this respect”) as a member of the Gavin Bryars Ensemble and he plays live and in studio with Elliott Sharp, Magnus Andersson and John King.
He released a duo album with Gavin Bryars (Gavin Bryars: Electric Guitar Works”), where he plays some world premiere recordings together with the great English composer.
With the legendary American guitarist Loren Connors, Sorrentino released “Shadow”, album based on improvisations for two electric guitars.
He has worked with important composers and musicians like Christian Wolff, Alvin Curran, John Russell, Machinefabriek, David Lang, Steven Mackey, Usui Yasuhiro, Scott Fields, Loren Connors, Tim Brady, Paul Lansky and many others. Van Stiefel wrote for him “Bound” - Electric Guitar Concerto for electric guitar and orchestra. Sergio’s recording of David Lang’s “Questionnaire” has been highlighted in the Bandcamp New and Notable section and it has been included by the historian Ted Gioia in his Top 100 Recordings of 2021. As a soloist, Sergio Sorrentino started his international concert career very early and has held solo concerts and master classes in many important festivals and venues (like Yale University, Sprague Hall in New Haven, Spectrum in New York, Festival de Música Contemporánea de La Habana in Casa de Las Américas, Cuba, Italian Cultural Institute of Paris, Sala Biala of the Wilanow Museum (Warsaw, Poland), International Guitar Research Conference/University of Surrey (UK), Vortex in London, Performance Room of Luxembourg, Filharmonia Gorzowska Concert Hall, ON Cologne Neue Musik Festival, In Situ Art Society in Bonn, Specktrum in Berlin, Nuova Consonanza Festival in Rome, Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano, AngelicA Festival of Bologna, etc.).
He wrote the first book ever written about the concert repertoire for electric guitar (“La Chitarra Elettrica nella Musica da Concerto”, Arcana Edizioni) and several other books and articles about guitar history. He is Guitar Professor at the Conservatory of Cosenza.
photo © Donatello Lorenzo
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JD Zazie is an experimental DJ, avant-turntablist, sound artist and curator based in Berlin.
Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie has explored different approaches to real-time manipulation of fixed recorded sound. In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities. As a solo performer, in small groups, and in large ensembles, she works in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what could be defined as DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music. 
She is a member of Reanimation Orchestra, plays regularly solo and duos with Heidrun Schramm and with Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø.
She is the art director of the MuseRuole - women in experimental music festival,  a member of the Burp Enterprise collective and broadcasts monthly on Colaboradio and on Reboot.fm.
photo © Udo Siegfriedt
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StØrfan Sender: Artist with a day job and far too many interests. Sporting an improvisational and rather playful approach to electro-accoustic music.
photo © oli.ver
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Experimentik 2023 is supported by inm
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bauerntanz · 2 years
Duo Charade
#Haselünne-r Klosterkirchenkonzerte: Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022  -  18 Uhr. Irina Shilina (Cymbal), Beate Ramisch (Klavier) - Duo Charade
Haselünner Klosterkirchenkonzerte Duo Charade Haselünne – Klosterkirche Sonntag, 12. Juni 2022  –  18 Uhr Karten ab 15 Euro Das Cymbal ist ein auf der ganzen Welt unter verschiedenen Namen bekanntes Instrument. In Deutschland prosaisch als Hackbrett bezeichnet kommt es aus dem Fernen Osten und verbreitete sich zunächst in Osteuropa. In Weißrussland entwickelte es sich zu einem Soloinstrument mit…
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stickersofmunich · 6 years
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#reichenbachbruecke #hackbrett #longboard #munich #minga #münchen #muenchen #bavaria #bayern #zefix #stickersofmunich #propaganda #schwabing #sticker #adhesive #streetart #kunst #urban #klebrig #sticky #art #bapperl #aufkleber #nullachtneun https://www.instagram.com/p/BoduUm1nA1W/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l43ue52cdypc
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klaus-lippitsch · 5 years
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Hihi.. 😊 Kleines Vormittagskonzert mit der „Volksmusi Quer“ in Annenheim! 🌻🌻🌻 #volksmusik #annenheim #vormittag #hackbrett #armonika https://www.instagram.com/p/B1TOALBADT6/?igshid=d27yyajl2aj3
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life-multiverse · 7 years
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Recording Emerson
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ndconceptarchive · 3 years
Kevin Manthei Interview On The Music Of The Captive Curse
As someone who loves the compositions Kevin Manthei wrote for these games, I was excited to find this interview on the Dare to Play blog. It was posted on August 22nd, 2011.
We interviewed Kevin Manthei, the creator of the music for The Captive Curse!
Her Interactive — What sounds did you use? (Instruments, effects, etc)
Kevin Manthei — "I used live violin, live double bass and live accordion, tuba for the waltz's, traditional orchestral instruments and orchestral settings, choir & modern percussion and sounds for certain pieces.  Many of the pieces relied on Germanic instruments and Germanic folk music."
HI — What sort of story/emotions were you trying to tell and convey in the music?
Kevin — "Well I had to support many different sets of emotions and story elements with the music so that the player of the game can experience the game fully. There are sets of pieces that are more eerie and scary, others that are emotional, heartfelt, and sometimes sad and then there are some more traditional pieces that follow the Germanic culture that helps put you in the right 'place' or environment. I have to tell the same story that the people at Her Interactive are telling. The only difference is I tell the story with music. The job of writing music for games is that of reinforcing the story and helping set the mood and tone for the game. I am a storyteller!"
HI — What inspired the style of this music?
Kevin — "Before I start the music, the producers of the game like to put together a style guide of all the pieces of music they will need. It's usually 10-11 pieces and around 10-11 minutes of music. Each piece has to loop but most of the loops are 'soft' loops – that is they have a nice ending and fade out before they start playing again.
The other great thing the producers do is they listen to lots of music that exists already – some famous classical pieces, maybe some pieces from a particular world region, various film scores, etc and then they present this to me as a loose idea of what they are thinking. It helps me get their ideas right away and from there I jump off and start writing my music. I am happy to say they never ask me to copy the style of music but rather want me to be inspired by it. Here is a blurb from the Sound Direction doc:
The themes are inspired by classic black and white monster movies, but with a darker, more gothic traditional instrumentation to help establish mood and better reflect the dark Bavarian forest and old gothic castle. As traditional German folk music doesn't really match the darker monster castle mood present in the game, instrumentation should rely more on traditional strings and other gothic elements rather than too strongly on Bavarian instruments (like the zither, Steirische harmonika, and the hackbrett as they tend to give a happier feel overall)."
HI — What is your favorite piece from the set?
Kevin — "I loved working on the Creature piece as it has choral chanting that was fun to put together and work into the piece. I like how the main theme for the Castle turned out as well. It's classical in its feel yet Gothic and has a lonely feeling to it. Forest is a fun piece – it's a spooky and mysterious piece that plays when you're in the forest and searching around. I played with Hammered Dulcimer, solo violin and double bass effects.
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yaninus-de-venoix · 4 years
How many different cultures/areas music do you know for the hammered dulcimer? You mention French, and you've also played at least one English and probably a few with unnamed origins.
so are you asking how many musical cultures I play stuff from on dulcimer, or where the dulcimer has been historically played? 
personally I tend to play a lot of tunes I already know, which means mostly English, French, Breton, Irish, Scottish, some Italian and Spanish, and whatever else catches my interest.
historically, the hammered dulcimer was mainly popular first in France, then spread to England, Spain, and Italy, then Flanders. there was also a similar Germanic instrument, the Hackbrett, which is rectangular rather than trapezoidal, but it actually evolved separately from the hammered dulcimer (as did the zither, cymbalom, khim, psaltery... turns out the idea of putting a bunch of strings on a block of wood and hitting them with sticks occurred to a lot of different people)
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bestbambus · 3 years
stabiles Natur Schneidebrett
Der Schneidbrett Allrounder - zum Hacken, Schneiden und Tranchieren.
Gefertigt aus Bambus Holz. Naturbelassen, schlicht und langlebig. 
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atinynacho · 4 years
My first introduction into percussion and actually listening music for fun. 
If you’ve heard the name before, it’s probably from this video:
I saw this video in a summer school where the teacher was showing us a video showing the physics of sound and this autoplayed after that. And wow was this so much more impactful than the other video.
Wintergatan is a Swedish four member band that composes/performs non-lyrical/instrumental music that is mainly percussion based with guitar or bass included. 
They only have one album now which you can listen hear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0_r0SKc2oc&list=PLLLYkE3G1HEBjOwevVnv-x3OxNqjhVp5f
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0KpbveEsQtdGmHnVzcLVlc
My favorite: If I had to pick one, probably Paradis. It represents to me the entire journey Martin Molin (the guy in the video playing the marble machine) is going through with his music and the song is long but feels me up with motivation. It takes you on a journey. Just look at the comments under the song in Youtube, and they pretty much sum up what this song means to me since I’m not the most articulate person. It is a classic in my books, and it’s definitely and absolutely okay if you don’t like it, but please, please, at least give it a listen once. If you listened to the album, what was your favorite?
The one word I think sums up the mood most if not all of their songs carry is uplifting. It’s happy but honest and hopeful and full of energy. 
The marble machine was made by one of the band members, Martin Molin, who I think has the most credit in bringing the band fame. He runs the Wintergatan YouTube channel. Currently (and for the last 4 years since the first marble machine) Martin has been designing a better and more sturdy marble machine called the MMX so that he can take it on world tour with his band. Once this MMX is done, he will go on world tour and produce double albums. 
Check out the Youtube channel. Even though it is very engineering heavy, Martin is not an engineer and the way he goes about building the MMX is so earnest and pretty fun to watch. I suggest watching the videos he made in 2020 because he himself said he had a large improvement in workflow and support in 2020 compared to 2019. His improvement in terms of engineering is astounding and motivating. I’m not an engineer but I think you can still enjoy his content even if you are not. If you are, you can laugh along with the mistakes he makes. 
Martin is also just really funny sometimes, and it’s great. He also recently made a Spanish version of his channel for Spanish viewers and for people who want to practice understanding Spanish (like me).
Also as a percussionist (and a pretty bad one), it’s so inspiring to see Martin’s skill with instruments and in general as a musician. 
He’s made several instruments by himself: (with the Ondophone and Modulin being a mix of two instruments/inspired by other instruments)
Music Box and Modulin: 
Also he’s literally played a saw before: 
Percussionists tend to need to play multiple instruments in orchestras and band, although there is typically one you specialize/are more comfortable with. His mastery with so many cool instruments is just so inspiring and the ease at which he creates music during his YouTube videos is just amazing. 
Here is all of the songs that were released: (some were from Martin in his YT videos) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0nwRnL2hPU&list=PLLLYkE3G1HEAhoOrQhH0110sUsCcNqatw
My favorite from that playlist besides Paradis: I’m stuck between Moon and Star and Music Box, Harp, and Hackbrett. I really want a hackbrett. Or a drum set. Or a harp. 
I cannot wait till Martin and the rest of the band go on world tour. I really hope I can get to see them perform. 
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