#had a moment of weakness over this rn nobody touch me
strayklds · 9 months
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hyunsung in hyunjin's insta live (230909)
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Okay so Sleazebag!Kiri around Valentine’s Day….
He breaks up with you just two weeks before Valentine’s Day, texting you shit like “it’s not gonna work out” or “I just need to focus on myself rn” just so he doesn’t have to buy you anything for Valentine’s Day. I can also see him still frequently texting, making sure nobody has touched or tasted “the best piece of ass he’s ever had” but in reality he’s just making sure you haven’t moved on from him.
Fast forward to Valentine’s Day and your sitting on your couch, eating a tub of ice cream while watching The most cheesiest romance movies, crying about how that should’ve been you and all of your shoulda, woulda, coulda’s of your relationship with kiri. Constantly checking your phone to see if he’s texted that this was all a prank and he’s outside your front door with gifts. Sadly for you, it doesn’t happen.
You wake up the next morning with a good morning text from him. You don’t answer to the text because you were still pissed at him and you wanted him to feel every once of what you’re feeling.
One week goes by with you ignoring him/ replying with one work texts like “yea, no, idk, idc… etc”. At this point Kiri was absolutely LIVID and was going to make you cave in and make you his all over again.
And it doesn’t help that he knows all of your weak spots, things that he does for you that makes you all mushy inside for him. He goes to the store to buy all of your favorite candies, junk food, flowers, you name it. Oh and believe me when I say he definitely knows what he’s doing, of course he does bc he’s sleazy.
When he shows up at your front door step you’re surprised. By seeing your favorite things all in his arms gave you enough patience to at least let him in and have a decent conversation. Of course you sit on the opposite side of the couch from him. He looked damn near godly the way he sat on the sofa with one arm layed across the back, manspreading almost half way across the couch. Of course he says little flirty things during talking like “why are ya’ sittin all the way over there? I swear I ain’t gonna bite cha’ unless ya ask” but that’s just how he is.
It only takes a few whispers in your ear to get you to crack to him. Next thing you know he’s in between your legs sucking on your clit like he just wants it to fall off.looking up at you while delivering kisses to your fluttering hole each time he says “m’ sorry baby, I ain’t mean to hurt cha’.” And “please gimme another chance”
Countless orgasms later, your spent. Kiri knows this because he did his very best to work you tonight to get back on your good side, and to add the icing on the cake he’ll help you shower
And you promised yourself that you wouldn’t end up like this. Back right where you started, laying in his arms, letting your last orgasm ebb away. But the way he fucked you, you might just give him a second chance…..
Also: can i be 🧈(butter) anon?
AHHH I AM SO OBSESSED WITH THIS IDEA!! It makes me wanna write a full fucking fic for it your brain is so big and juicy omg😫
Imagine though because you’re pissed he broke up with you and all your friends have cute dates on valentines that you started trying to find a date again, pushing yourself to try and find a cute guy. And of course, Kirishima finds out. He sees you sitting across from this guy that isn’t him in a coffee shop a few days after Valentine’s Day and he’s livid. There’s no way he’s going to lose you, especially not to a fucking idiot like that. And luckily for Kirishima he knows just what you like, and how deep down you’re still completely obsessed with him.
And Kirishima knows the moment he has you cumming on his tongue again that he’s hooked you right back in. This was amazing ahhh😍😍😍
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lavendersuh · 3 years
storm in the night
johnny x reader | suggestive | 700 words | royal!au
warnings: none
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hello darlings. i uhhhh haven’t posted in a hot minute. you can thank depression and school and me reading books like it’s nobody’s business lol hope y’all are doing well !!
this au is based off of one of @/chamberofsecretbooks tiktoks bc they are spicy and so fun to watch and one of them finally got me out of my bout of writers block !! really wishing i had a hot enemy rn 😩
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Thunder crackled in the night sky outside your window and you curled into yourself on the chair in front of the desk. It was getting a bit chilly, but the summer humidity still refused to subside.
You had been pouring over your books of magic for the past hour, avoiding sleep, as you weren’t sure what would be haunting your nightmares tonight.
Last night had been too close for comfort. In your dreams, you felt the presence of someone behind you, seeing his shadow, knowing he towered over you. His breath just a wisp away from your ear as his warm hands ghosted across your shoulders.
You had woken up in a sweat, your breath stolen from you.
You’re startled by the sound of your door being wrought open, just as a flicker of lightning flashed and you jumped.
You looked over, finding the very man who haunts your dreams to be standing in the doorway to your bedchamber.
Tall, broad, complete with a sword at his hip, stood the newly pledged captain of the army. Johnny.
You quickly shut the book you were reading, knowing he had already seen it. He had been continually pestering you about how dangerous it was to learn magic. You never listened.
“What are you doing here?” you asked as you stood up to face him.
It was only when you were standing in front of his opposing figure that you realized you were in your night gown. It barely covered to your thighs, used only on the hottest of summer nights.
It was unfortunate that such a summer night would cause such storms to fury outside.
“The king sent me. I’m under orders to protect the asset.” his voice sounded deep and gravelly, like he had been on watch shift for hours without speaking to anyone. “They fear someone could have influenced the storm.”
This was not an unusual occurrence, so you inquired instead about the part that interested you more.
“The asset?” you replied in question, though you were clever enough to assume your father meant you.
For it was your ability to marry a rich prince that was seen as your only value. You recoiled internally at the thought, but refused to show your weakness in front of Johnny.
You scoffed at the man before he could even answer.
“I’m sorry,” Johnny said with a sneer, “What would you prefer, spoiled princess?”
His hand rested on his sword as he went to turn away, and in your annoyance you spoke up.
“Aren’t you supposed to pledge your loyalty to me?” Your bold eyes shone with defiance.
Johnny’s eyes gazed back at you as he turns back around. He took a few steps closer, until he was on a few inches away. His presence was intoxicating, as you stared at him in his more casual garb: a loose white shirt and high breeches.
He spoke so softly, you almost didn’t hear it, “And how do you suppose I should do that?”
His eyes go incredibly dark as you whisper back, “Kneel.”
He seemed to pause for a moment, a deep swallow the only indicator that you seem to have rattled him.
Slowly, after he took a deep breath, Johnny sank to his knees, his eyes in line with your stomach, mere inches away. You could feel his exhales.
You were hyper aware of the thin piece of fabric separating his lips from your most delicate regions, and your entire body shook with anticipation of what could happen. Johnny slowly brought his gaze up to your own, taking in every part of you as he went.
Finally, when his eyes were locked with yours, his hand reached up, tracing your collarbone across to your shoulder. His touch was light, barely there, but it burned you from the inside out.
His eyes then strayed to your nightgown sleeve, which had fallen aloof on your shoulder during this exchange.
His calloused fingers drifted to the hem, “The next time I kneel for you, this won’t be in the way.”
Your heart beat at a rapid pace as he slowly stood up, adjusted your nightgown, and turned to walk out of the room.
Thunder crackled outside of the window. But the roar of your heart was enough to rival even that of a magical storm. ~
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
By: me
Damn this made me SOB. My artistic side coming out rn>>>
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There is silence in the color white, it blinds in sight and engulfs ears in senselessness. It is the quiet in slow footsteps and holding back a word that fades inward. I have done everything possible to erase myself from white, a mere length of protection after being forced into color. The bleached shade is only vile poison, a splotch of paint that only serves to rip away the noise from the others. I despise it, perhaps because to me it is a blank page or acts as the purity that I was stripped of. Dipping my fingers in every tint of red and tracing them over my skin, coloring over myself so I can never be stained by another again.
Vibrancy fills orange, it rings through a room as uncontrollable laughter and burns tingles on the surface of your throat. It used to be my favorite color when I was a child, at least that’s what I’m told. Now it’s a painful second that I radiate after the lapse of a laugh, the shock of reality that comes with a distraction. A mere smile that I plaster when I make a lewd joke, it’s not even funny, but people laugh at me anyway. Humoring myself at the meaningless of my existence, or at a smart worded sentence I write that nobody will ever see.
There is liveliness in yellow, it moves through the dewy morning as the faint chirp of birds and sticks with candied feeling. There are people who wear it so valiantly, bright and joyful, enveloped in the warmth of the sun; their smile reflecting brightly from the blank of their canine. It blinds when you look at it, but you would give all the blues and purples for the moment of yellow. I wish I could wear lemons and honeys; but I will never be that delightfully sweet, just a spoonful of sour.
The rigidness of Green simmers within me, silent and cold when I feel it, pulsing between every heartbeat. Olive darkness through my skin, colored scarlet but it pumps green. My vision emerald, covering the world in a tint of jealousy at the people who have more, or those who are ignorant. How I long for ignorance, it truly is bliss. Envious at women for being women and men for being men, at the people who don’t need to paint their face to feel like they are enough, at the people who haven’t had to learn right from wrong. Viridescent in a polished shade of bewitchment that only reflects the craving I will never satisfy.
Perhaps I will never reach the vastness of the color blue, but I get near the end. Immersed in the indigo of melancholy and never getting close to the trench of the sea. Alluring in it’s depression that sinks so deep one never wants to leave; for the absolute beauty of rich cobalt that traces in lines down a cheek. Hot as it falls but frigid when it reaches the end of a face. The droplets echoing on the image of the surface of water, disturbing the image. I wish I could be shallow, so that words wouldn’t have to cut as deep. How can one not long for the blue, when it mirrors back the sun and creates the sapphire glimmer in a sorrow wave in joy.
There is no more appeal than in the pain of violet, colored in bruises and fragrant flowers. Holding within it’s hydrangeas and lilacs the interims of life, gradually losing its petals as they dwindle into dullness. Just a temporary grace, nothing lovely lasts forever just like every scar will eventually fade. The purple so rich on the surface until it dims into a lavender, but scars like that will always leave remains. A trace in the shards of amethyst will stay, sharp and excruciating if you brush upon it.
Glowing is the revelation of pink, soothing to the eyes and aching to the heart. Wounding those who risk to give and lose to be given. A pure gamble of roses, blossoming with every stolen breath that constrains as one falls in love. Heavenly music in the shared emotion of anticipation and satisfaction of being complete. Flushed as the beat of your heart palpitates in your ear, a harmonious melody that never seems to stop singing. As heartbreaking as it may be when you lose in the fated game, it’s a shame to stop listening to the symphony of pink that gives and takes breath from all life.
The elegance of black holds safety, it grasps attention so subtle it goes unseen as it blankets the light in it’s cold texture, evokes mystery in it’s uncertainty. I was made darkness, wicked and collided with all the other shades of the wheel. Yet I embrace it, rather than pushing away the only thing that can protect me. Fallen in race before I may even start, so far behind the crowd that it is indistinguishable. Nobody ever sees black until it’s put under a light, irony in its fate. You cannot stain the jet colored shade, all the glancing blotches and disdainful words pass through and you will never see it’s detriment. White is it’s only ruin, and it will only pigment if you are naive enough to let it.
Red is everywhere, it lives within the body and vibrates in the soul, on the hot surface of the core of the earth and the stroke of a ripped rose petal. Fierce as it walks, sashaying across to capture attention and breath, stealing looks of green and touches of blue when it rattles. Valiant in the passion shared in a kiss, sticky stains on the lips of white, staggering against black. Feeding into the fire of rage that burns on my fingertips, sizzling through the lines on my palm and shivering into my heart. It is the only color I have chosen, so I must not let it fade. Stupid in reason as I fail to stop it’s flow, beading at the surface of every line I draw. Falling into this carmine love with scars I trace, so I may never stop seeing it’s rich color; foolish with empty headed thoughts wisped out of thin air that justify my actions. Rambling nonsense about how my lines make me strong, how they let me take back my power when I am so weak I can’t bring myself to stop. Unable to live without them, cursed is the fact that to live I must die first. Dreadful is the ruby’s worth, insatiable to the eye so you can never avert your gaze. Horrid, that scarlet is not without a scar. Made black with the sin of others, dirty yet still untouched. A virgin in sex yet tainted in mind and soul, showering twice a day because I can still feel his hands on me; scrubbing till I’m an itched shade of faded pink because I can still see the imprints of his fingers on my body. The only cure is the cold of the water and the heat of the rage that I leak when I turn the faucet day and day again. Stinging on my tongue as I hold in the cries I wish I could give, burning flakes of spice at the poison he shoved down my throat “for the sake of love”. Avoiding in false promise, the reality of what I do to myself, sacrificing my skin for a sense of control. Painting my lips with the saccharine essense I draw out, wine and cherry flavored with a hint of mental. Rich maturity with a glass of vermillion, a beaming light of swaying love. For red is the color of love, therefore it must be aflame with passion. The hues of orange and yellow burning in unity, colliding in everlasting plight as they flicker into deep cardinal, mesmerizing and spreading through skin and blood. Evoking in soul the appetite of a carnal act or the sleek scar that only leaves behind the trace of the color Red.
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elles-writing · 4 years
Enchanted forest - young!Thranduil x reader  - Day 12
Enchanted forest
Pairing: Thranduil x reader
Warnings/triggers:  -
Genre: kinda fluff?
Word: Enchanted forest – Day 12/13
Word count: 2740
A/N:  Maybe part 2? Also, I’m not really feeling the best rn, so I will quickly edit this and post it. (I was too tired to post it yesterday, so I’m posting it today. I wanted it to be more poetic, but I don’t know.)
Tags: @dumbassunderthemountain​ @artsywaterlily​ @moony-artnstuff​ @claraofthepen​ @trxblemaker​
Message me if you want to be added/removed from taglist.
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Ever since Thranduil was a child, there was something, that drawned him to Mirkwood forest. It wasn’t the danger, of course. He was surrounded by guards all the time so he was safe, being the only child and in the line for the throne.
Which also meant a lot of duties.
But every single night, he would look out of window to the darkness of the forest. He already tried to find out what it was. The palace was a safe place. Nobody would just walk in there by themselves, and Mirkwood didn’t affected anyone in this kingdom.
One night, he couldn’t sleep. He was tossing in his bed and many thoughts  were running through his head. A few hours before, his father, Oropher, tried to talk to him about a marriage. Thranduil knew it was something that would come up sooner or later, but it still made his blood boiling. He was talking to some elven princesses of other realms, but he still felt too young for courting or a marriage.
After another sleepless hour, he decided to get up. The moonlight was stronger today – it was a full moon – so he would perhaps read for a while.
He took one of his books he had on his desk, and sat down, next to one of those big windows he had in his chambers. He looked out and let his thoughts to run through his head. He didn’t tried to catch any of them and think of it more, he just let them to slip away, and perhaps come back. It gave him some peace and helped him to clear his head a bit.
Suddenly, he noticed a movement outside in the dark. His eyes narrowed. It wasn’t a spider, this creature was smaller. It wasn’t an elf, because it wasn’t graceful at all. He narrowed his eyes.
A human.
He didn’t knew why, but quickly got up, book being forgotten. He quickly took his bow and arrows and his sword, then soundlessly moving as a cat, through the shadows of halls of his home. He knew his father was asleep at this time of the night, so he couldn’t stop him.
Once he made it outside of the gates, sneaking out, he noticed the human. He stayed in the shadows, through he was much closer than before. He was studying the human and his eyes widened.
A human woman, whom made it to the palace? What a strange thing, he softly scoffed. He didn’t trusted easily, and this was much more suspicious, though he felt a need to come closer and find out who she was.
You remembered going to the forest for a walk, when it was getting darker. You wanted to turn around and go back, but it felt like the forest was alive and your path was nowhere to be seen. You walked futher, hoping you’d find a way out.
You didn’t knew how much time passed, perhaps a few hours. Your legs were aching, your mind was tired and hazy and the only light was sky with stars. Soon after, the trees became so thick you couldn’t see almost anything, only a few feet ahead. Every sound was scaring you, you were tired, hungry and thirsty. It felt like the forest was endless.
Finally, you noticed a blue lights. You came closer to them, feeling warmth radiating from them. You shivered in fear, but also a cold. When did the forest became so cold, in the middle of summer?
You had no idea
Your mind was telling you to reach to them and touch them, you didn’t realized that the forest was playing with your mind. Once you touched the light by the tips of your fingers, you hissed. A strange pain and hot waves shot through your body and you fell down. You silently cursed yourself for touching it.
Your body was tingling, nothing else, so you got up and decided to walk futher. Your legs suddenly didn’t hurted, your steps became lighter and quicker, somehow. You didn’t even realized that, though. You were deep in the forest. There was only way - through, as way back was lost hours before.
After another few hours you stepped near some huge castle. You couldn’t believe it and let out a silent cry. Finally, a place where you could ask for help, and maybe they would let you to rest for a while.
Slowly, an uncomfortable feeling was creeping through your whole body. Something, or someone, was watching you. You looked around, trying to figure out the direction. It was still dark, but the castle had some lights on a different places. Small fires, to be exact. It reminded you of a fairies from legends.
Thranduil was watching her. Her clothes didn’t looked like anything he knew, and she seemed to be curiously looking over the castle. She had no weapons, as much as he could see. He narrowed his blue eyes. Suspicious. He decided to step out, bow and arrow prepared. Even if she would try anything, he would be quicker. He worked hard for many years, and used his natural abilities of being quick and swift. As a warrior, he was surely not one to be messed up with.
„What is a human doing in Mirkwood?“ He said, still in shadows. The woman turned around quickly and rose her hands.
„I-I’m sorry, I got lost in a forest...I’ve been lost for hours-“ She said. The young prince wasn’t really into too many adventures, he was rather serious. But there was something about this woman...
The next thing he knew was that he was picking her up and yelling to get a healer. She fell apart, her skin was cold and her breathing soft. He runned through the corridors, the guards looking after him.
Once he placed the woman to the bed, he felt the need to stay near her. When the healer arrived, he stood to the corner and his icy eyes were wondering back to her face, again and again. She was beautiful. She looks like a fairy, he thought.
Then, one of his father’s guards stepped in, nodding at him to go with him. Thranduil quickly looked at the woman. Her cheeks had a slight blush, and a slight warm feeling warmed him inside.
Once he stepped to the throne room, he knew there was something wrong. His father was turned by his back to him and all the guards left. It was only Thranduil and Oropher. Not like a prince and a king. Like a father and a son.
There was a moment of silence. Oropher was more temperament than Thranduil, and so he couldn’t hide his emotions the way Thranduil could. The young prince sensed a bit of anger and surprise in the air, his father was surely trying to hold his emotions back from bursting out. He was maybe waiting for Thranduil to say something, but he didn’t dared to say anything. No. Just not yet.
The king took a deep breath.
„I hope that you understand what you just did.“ Thranduil nodded, though Oropher couldn’t see him.
„You just woke up the whole castle, son. Why was that?“ Now was Thranduil a bit surprised. He thought the guards told his father what happened.
„There was a woman, Ada,“ Thranduil started carefully.
„She fell apart, so I took her inside. She had no weapons and she was weak.“ Oropher turned to him and studied his son for a while.
„Was she a human?“ Thranduil opened his mouth to answer, when a soud of knock on the door appeared in the throne room.
„Come in,“ Oropher said. A guard and healer came in.
„My king,“ Both of them bowed. The healer looked at Thranduil, nervous.
„The woman has woken up,“ She said. „she was asking for the man who helped her.“ Thranduil looked at Oropher, who seemed to be thinking about it.
„I will go with you, my son.“ He said.
When you woke up, you realized you were warm. You tried to move, but someone pushed you softly back.
„You need rest,“ You’ve overheard a voice. You frowned. This voice was too soft, it didn’t sounded much like human’s voice...
You opened your eyes and noticed a woman, who was folding some clothes. You noticed her ears, with sharp ends, soft long hair and delicate movements while folding the clothes. Your mind was hazy, but it wasn’t like back in the forest. This was a haziness from medication. You closed your eyes and drifted back to sleep.
In a while, you woke up again, from a nightmare this time. The woman was looking at you, concerned.
„Please, I need him, I need to-that blonde man, blue eyes, I-“ You tried to catch your breath and calm down. She handed you a glass with some liquid, smelling like herbs.
„Drink this, this will help you to calm down,“ You were carefully sipping it. It tasted sweet, like honey. Soon, you closed your eyes to slumber, once again.
When Thranduil stepped in, he went closer, to take a look at her. He didn’t knew who this woman was, where did she came from and all of that, but he knew he wanted to stay close to her. To protect her.
She seemed to be asleep. She looked calm and in peace. Thranduil looked for any injury, but didn’t found any. He noticed her ears though – they had a sharp edges, her skin was soft and delicate, her hair seemed to be soft too. She’s an elf, he thought.
Oropher looked down at her, too. He raised a brow.
„So a human woman, you said?“
„I probably didn’t noticed. It was dark.“
You started waking up from your slumber, hearing two male voices. One of them said something like ‚Leave us alone,‘.
You blinked your eyes, trying to recognize his face. He leaned a bit forward, carefully. You could tell he was ready to pull away, but there was also something gentle about his moves.
„Where-where am I?“ You whispered. Your whole body was aching, your ears were itchy for some reason, and you wanted to eat something.
„In Mirkwood palace...my lady,“ He said, carefully picking words.
„Oh, I’m Y/N, there’s no need to call me a lady,“ You said, blinking as your vision cleared. You gasped. He was beautiful. His long blonde hair, blue eyes, delicate features...
„Are you alright, lady Y/N? Should I call for the healer?“ He asked. You looked away and blushed.
„Uh, no, just...would you help me to sit up? Please?“ His arm slid on your back and helped you to sit up. You felt sudden cold on your skin and covered yourself more with the blanket. You looked down. You were in your underwear, and your cheeks burned red. You looked up and realized he did the same.
„I, uhm...who are you?“ You asked. He looked firmly to your eyes, not sliding down.
„I’m Thranduil, the prince of Mirkwood,“ He kissed your hand. You felt a warm feeling inside of your body. Little did you knew he felt the same thing.
A few strands of your hair slided down to your face and you quickly placed them behind your ear. Wait, you frowned. You touched your ear again. It was pointy. You shook your head.
„No...no, this cannot...this can’t be...“ Thranduil looked at you, concerned.
„Would you hand me a mirror, please?“ You asked. He handed you a small mirror and you looked into it. Your jaw fell down.
You were an elf.
You looked closely at your skin, soft, perfect skin, soft lips, delicate features, shiny hair and pointy ears. You looked up on Thranduil.
„I-I’m an elf? What happened?“ Now it was him who was confused. „What else should you be, my lady?“ You looked back at yourself. Your face looked familiar, but strange at the same time.
„What if we would take a walk, and explain to each other what happened? I’m sure that fresh air and some food will make you feel better,“ He offered. You slowly nodded and nervously smiled.
„Oh, I would like that very much,“ Thranduil nodded and placed the mirror on it’s place.
„Would you like to rest, or to go right now, lady Y/N?“ He asked, blue eyes questioning. Though you were still in shock, you nodded. If there will be some food and fresh air, it could actually only help you.
„I would like to go now, thank you. I need to put on some clothes, though,“ You said and the prince handed you a few folded pieces of clothing.
„I will wait outside, my lady,“ He said and left you alone. Once he was outside, he let out a breath. He never felt like this towards a woman. What was that warm feeling spreading inside, whenever she smiled? Oh, her beautiful name, Y/N. That sounded like a name of a fairy! Wait...he frowned...was this...how does love feels like? He didn’t knew what to do. He won’t go to his father, because he knew him way too well, and he would say something like „Oh, my boy has grown up!“ And celebrate it as his own personal accomplishment.
Making it more awkward than it was supposed to be, as always.
You looked through the clothes, finding a two long shirts, trousers, a dress and another dress. One of them were simple dark green, the other dress were in lavander colour, tiny golden leaves embroidered around the waist and little silver stars and golden moon crescents around the edges of elbow-length sleeves. You decided to put on these.
You found a brush here and brushed your hair quickly. Then you carefully opened the door, revealing yourself to the prince. Your cheeks were dusted by rosy blush, as his eyes widened at the sight of you. In his eyes, you were stunning.
Since then, after you told the prince and the king what happened to you, they let you to stay, since you didn’t knew where else to go. You and Thranduil got closer over time, sharing the same favourite places around the palace and in the garden.
One day, you’ve been sitting in the garned, under your favourite tree. You were reading a book, while Thranduil was pacing around, clearly nervous about something. You softly smiled.
„What’s bothering you, mellon?“ He looked at you and quickly looked away. You frowned, closed your book and stood up. They would teach you elvish customs and all of that you didn’t knew, Elvish too.
„Mellon,“ you looked deep to his icy blue eyes and felt familiar butterflies in your stomach. He sighed.
„Amin mella le, melamin,“ He whispered with serious expression, one of his hands softly cupping your cheek. You smiled.
„You know I don’t speak that well Elvish. What does it mean?“ He took a deep breath.
„I love you,“ He said. He was about to go away, but you gently took his hand.
„Amin mella le, melamin.“ You tried to repeat. He turned to you, surprised. You just nodded, nervous, with a smile. A smile appeared on his face, too.
„Will you allow me to court you then, Y/N?“ You nodded and you both sat back to the grass, Thranduil carefully braiding your hair. You did the same, though it wasn’t an elvish courting braid at all, but a braid it was.
Now, you had to tell Oropher, somehow. Thranduil was more reserved to people he didn’t knew, Oropher was more temperament. Sometimes you overheard their arguments, which could get loud.
You were sitting at the dinner, Thranduil trying to figure out how to approach the subject, when Oropher noticed his hair.
„My son...so you and lady Y/N are finally courting?“ You and Thranduil choked on your meal.
„Well, yes father, we are,“ Thranduil said. Oropher smiled. The alcohol from wine he was drinking was kicking in.
„About time, my son. I’ve seen you looking at her ever since you’ve been showing her around. Let me arrange your wedding,“ He said and sipped on his wine again.
„We don’t want to rush anything,“ You said carefully, placing your hand on Thranduil’s to help him relax a bit.
„Oh, that’s a good statement too, lady Y/N. Good things take time,“ He said. You noticed Thranduil’s face, blushing. You pecked his cheek and didn’t let of his hand until the end of the dinner. He seemed to be glad.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 45: The One where the Juniors Stick It to the Old People
Still in the demon subdue palace aka wwx's classy cave and wwx is putting ss on the spot and it's great
he's implying that su she is just the distraction or whatever so jgy can enact the Ultimate Evil Master Plan
oooh, i like this idiom he used here
"the mantis is catching the cicada, not aware of the bird behind it."
he was all, why don't you prove me wrong and play the Totally Not Evil Magic Music you played before?? hm? 
su she ofc didn't play it so wwx pulls out some papers from his robe and is like, that's alright i'll just have lqr read this sheet music i stole from your boss's secret chamber...
and then su she panics and tries to stop him but lwj launches bichen at su she like a boss
The only unbelievable thing here is that su she somehow managed to block bichen and send it right back to lwj tbh 
(thus revealing he still had access to his own spiritual energy lol what a loser)
Lwj catches it gracefully and does a serious pose and side-eyes su she with all the venom he can muster lol
Ewww, su she just spat blood and disrupted the magic circle (bc he knows he’s been caught out)
lwj ofc tries to attack him again but su she is COWARD and teleports himself away
The puppets try to storm the place but wn is on them in an instant
Oh, lwj gets bichen ready to help but wwx grabs him by the arm to stop him
Wwx: it won’t work, don’t bother
Lwj doesn’t look happy about this but he lowers his sword anyway
sect leader yao starts talking but idc what he has to say
Wwx takes the time to spell out that ss is working for jgy and they’re both up to no good
Bc apparently all his detective-y exposition didn’t make it obvious enough
God, it must hurt wwx to be surrounded by idiots all the time...
wn is still fighting off puppets but he lets wwx know that he’s not gonna be able to hold them back for very much longer
The fact that he can hold them back by himself like this at all is amazing tbh
So lsz, being the protective badass sweetie pie that he is, immediately dives in after wn, offering to help!
Jin ling sees him do this and draws his sword to follow behind but jc stops him…
Lol Jc’s all like don't lose it! But jin ling doesn’t take it!! 
He actually shoves his way passed jc and throws himself into the throng of puppets with just his father’s sword
Jc is FURIOUS, he’s all, get back here you idiot!! 
Jin ling ofc doesn’t listen
Lsz: you should go back
JL: I won’t!
So now we have wn, lsz, and jl fighting off the puppets and protecting everyone
wwx slices his fingers on bichen to start writing on lwj's white inner robes that he’s shamelessly wearing and displaying to the world
lwj watches him VERY INTENTLY, LOL
Ljy tries to offer himself up as bait too but wwx is like nope! You all just stay out of our way
Ljy tries to protest but lwj cuts him off with a “listen to him.”
Then our boys share a brief look before throwing themselves into the fray
They look so cool here! Wwx lands steady on his feet with a solid thunk and brings his flute up to his (beautiful) lips
In contrast lwj slides in with sharp glide right next to wwx and gets battle-ready 
God he looks so good when he’s focused like this
Lwj is twirling around wwx so fast, fighting back every puppet that comes his way
Wwx is dodging any that get too close but he’s also smoothly bobbing and weaving around lwj’s attacks
meanwhile wn helps clear the way for the rest of the cultivators to escape
cut to the cultivators swarmed around the exit of the burial mounds, yao is talking, yuck
sect leaders yao and ouyang are the worst. 
they're all, let's just leave and go to lotus pier to recover!!
jc is like, you want us to leave just like that?? (YOU COWARDLY BASTARDS, he doesn’t say but i know in my heart that he’s screaming that in his head) 
and the other guys are like, yeah, it's not like lwj and wwx are gonna survive that 
jl is like BULLSHIT OFC THEY'LL COME BACK (i love my bratty son)
Wwx looks all weak and worn out. Like, he’s leaning against lwj heavily and lwj is watching him all worriedly
Wwx knees buckle and he goes down, but thankfully since lwj still has his hands on him, he doesn’t fall hard
Lwj still has his eyes glued on wwx but you can tell that he’s starting to feel weary from the battle too
wwx is like we're okay, don’t worry, AND THEN PASSES OUT
which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of okay, omg
Lwj does this little gasp and twitches towards wwx but thankfully lsz is able to catch wwx before he hit the ground
Lsz is frantically calling his name but wwx is completely out of it and all we hear him say in response is a very weak “a-yuan”
At that, lwj’s eyes shift from wwx to lsz and he just stares at him bc here is his son, frantic over wwx, his soulmate, and his son's other father.
And there is his soulmate, murmuring their son’s name
cut to some docks on the river
fucking yao and ouyang are running their mouths again
i hate those losers, i'm ignoring what they're saying
oooh, wn is approaching the juniors. lsz specifically. jl gets all on guard.
lol all the other juniors cower away but lsz stands his ground. 
aw ☹️ wn steps back when he sees the kids get all scared
now we're getting some info from lsz that's heavily implying that lsz is actually a-yuan. 
wn is so excited here bc he might have a surviving family member! he's so happy!! It’s adorable!!!
wn: can i call you a-yuan?
wn: a-yuan, how have you all these years?
Lsz: i’ve been living well!
here we learn that lwj started taking care of lsz  since he was about 5yo, and he taught him to play the guqin
wn is all teary-eyed and tries to reach out to touch lsz's face
but jl draws his sword and startles them
lsz gets between them but jl is all like step aside, this is none of your bsns
lsz: jin ling, put your sword away first
jl: get away! *shoves lsz*
He regrets it IMMEDIATELY if the way his jerked forwards to, idk, grab him is anything to go by.
He holds himself back tho bc he’s cursed with pride and general awkwardness towards his crush like his father before him
lol everyone rushes to catch lsz bc lsz is a sweetie-pie and everyone loves him
wn is all it's okay if you're mad at me, i won't fight you but don't hurt lsz!
oyzz: he was caring for you! how could you push him and ignore his kindness?
omg oyzz really does have a sensitive soul. what a sweet boy.
then someone mutters smth like oh, he's so ill-bred and ofc jl hears it
jl: right! i'm just that awful, so what?
now we cut to lwj and wwx who are on one of the boats! 
lwj has his guqin out and is playing magic music for wwx who's got his eyes closed and eyebrows are all pinched together
lwj can hear the juniors bickering and wwx starts fussing in his sleep muttering jin ling jin ling
lwj: wei ying
and wwx startles awake
wwx: lan zhan, what happened?
lwj: you passed out
wwx: not me. i mean, jin ling?
ofc wwx doesn't care what happened to him, ofc he only cares about what happened to his nephew
lwj doesn't answer but they both hear the bickering on the docks
we cut back to the juniors
jl is like, yeah i'm awful but you can't discipline me!!
wwx: what is going on?
and we watch wwx exit the boat and make his way down the dock to where the juniors are
and i was thoroughly distracted by his slim waist in those swirling black robes and had to rewind to watch it again
jin ling looks like he's about to cry and he has wn at sword point and wwx is all gently telling jin ling to put his sword down
jl: i won't!
wwx: jin ling!
jl: no!
and then he has a meltdown. he's all like, so i'm acting childish, satisfied? AND MY POOR BRATTY SON STARTS SOBBING HIS LITTLE HEART OUT CLUTCHING HIS SWORD 
jl: this is my father's sword, i won't put it down!
all the juniors look down awkwardly but wwx swallows back tears bc he knows that he's partially responsible for the way jin ling hurts rn. even lwj looks sympathetic
(oh, finally remembered that this is a kid in pain, huh, lwj?)
jc hears his nephew crying and comes out of his own boat
jc: a-ling! why are you crying? come here.
and jl goes running to him
and it's kind of sweet how he does it?? idk. 
the lack of hesitation indicates that he sees jc as a safe person to run to and it's sweet, i guess.
jl starts scrubbing his face in his sleeve to get rid of the tears
jc: what's wrong? who made you cry?
i wouldn't say he asks this tenderly but his voice is softer and not nearly as sharp as it usually is when he talks to people
and you KNOW he’s ready and willing to rain hellfire on whoever made his nephew cry
jl doesn't answer but jc glares down the dock where everyone is standing
lwj doesn't look away tho and his face is in its usual neutral state 
but we all know how lwj and jc's relationship is so this is not surprising
then yao has to open his mouth again but what he says doesn't matter, it's how the juniors react that matters
oyzz is all like why are you using that tone? if wwx wanted to hurt us, we wouldn't have made it this far, right?
lsz: oyzz is right!
lol oyzz does this little chin thrust like heck yeah i'm right
LOL jc is like, sect leader ouyang, the mouthy kid is yours, isn't he? he's so good at talking 
ouyang: zizhen, come here to your father
oyzz: father, you said i shouldn't disturb you
and his dad's all like, get over here right now and oyzz ducks behind lsz and says I WON'T
his dad proceeds to scold him and nhs is giggling in the background, i LOVE it
some jiang disciple goes up to jc to let him know they're ready to set off to lotus pier
Jc to wwx: you're barefaced enough to go back there?
wwx looks stricken
lwj is watching his face closely, concerned bc his soulmate is hurting (again) bc of jc (again).
we make it to lotus pier by nightfall
Side note to mention that the scenery and music as they travel down the river to lotus pier is really beautiful
Everybody files in but jc stops in front of our boys and wn and doesn't budge until wn says he'll stay behind. 
and even then he doesn't say our boys can come in, he just turns around and walks off
He makes a move like he's going to join them and lwj stops him
lwj: let them be.
you know lwj, this would be a perfect time TO TELL WWX THAT LSZ IS HIS KID, HIS LITTLE A-YUAN.
but no, instead he just gazes at him soulfully
which, okay, i'm never gonna say no to soulful gazes BUT YOU CAN MULTITASK, CAN'T YOU??
Oh, lwj and wwx are at the gates of lotus pier and wwx looks at the sign above the gates 
his eyes get all red-rimmed and you can see his throat bob 
god the way lwj looks at him whenever these moments pop up...he knows exactly when wwx starts hurting inside and he keeps his eyes trained on him the entire time until wwx indicates he's ready to keep moving
we cut to a little moment between lsz and wn where lsz tells us how lwj raised him with a bunch of bunnies and it's adorable
We cut to sword hall where all the cultivators are gathered
jc gets called away and as he's going to tend to whatever it is he sees wwx try to go towards swords hall and glares at him
wwx literally had one foot over the threshold and he awkwardly drags it back out at jc's glare
poor wwx. he just looks awkward all over.
like, he looks down and away and gets kinda fidgety. can't meet jc's eyes. BUT HE STILL MAKES IT LOOK SO PRETTY
lwj on the other hand stares right back at jc, lol, to emphasize I'M NOT INTIMIDATED BY YOU EVEN IF THIS IS YOUR HOME I'M IN RN.
and only after that's, like, telepathically communicated or smth do his eyes flicker over to wwx to see how he's doing.
after jc stalks off, wwx does that cute little nose tap thing he does
wwx: lan zhan, sit down~
and he indicates the stoop with a playful smile
lwj looks at the stoop for like half a second before walking around wwx like NOPE, sitting on stoops is not a thing that hanguang jun does
wwx's mouth curls into a little scowl like fine, be that way.
he sits down on the stoop himself while lwj leans on the pillar next to it, eyes closed and arms crossed and basically looking like a very beautiful and elegant statute
wwx looks up at him and pouts but still straightens up so he's sitting properly
wwx starts to sulk and complain about how jc's been gone for so long when jc shows up with a couple of ladies following him
jc pauses to look at our boys and says "come on in" shortly and turns on his heel to enter swords hall
Lol wwx turns to look at lwj with a big smile on his face bc hey, look at that! jc invited them in!!
wwx and lwj just loiter awkwardly near the entrance of sword hall
now we're gonna get a whole bunch of exposition that we don't care much about
blah blah jgy arranged for jgs to die surrounded by prostitutes blah blah
blah blah jgy knowingly married his half-sister blah blah
and throughout all this exposition, wwx is the only one who asks questions and looks for more details.
the rest of them are all willing to take everything at face value which really just explains everything about how they all ended up in this mess, tbh
we also keep getting reaction shots from jin ling and it makes me sad. 
he does the death grip on his sword, and looks shocked and confused at every revelation, poor boy.
and the episode ends as the crowd starts to get riled up over all this brand new information
Which honestly is a relief bc things were getting WAY TOO PLOTTY for my tastes
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linphd · 4 years
monoma x fem!reader | hateful sex [comfort] [3/3]
neito monoma x reader
female reader
When (Y/N) comes back from a fight with huge scars, nobody is able to cheer her up. Thus, they call Neito.
warning : kinda angsty themes, insecurities.
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for those who didn't read the smuts but want to read the comfort : know that neito and (y/n) used to hate each other and actually ended up having hateful sex, throughout their 1st year. during their 2nd year, it wasn't a secret anymore bc they actually got closer and closer, and have to stop denying they love each other!!!
That fight was the worst one (Y/N) had ever gotten into. It was because she was still Rock Lock's intern, she had to fight alongside him. But the yakuzas were too strong for her. She came out of there alive, but she had blood all over her body. She had been fighting with that one drunk guy with knives, and he cut her deep enough for him to severe big veins and arteries. She swore there was that one cut she could see her bone through.
        After being healed by Recovery Girl and spending some days at the hospital -she didn't want anyone to visit her, and as scary as she was, people respected her choice and only texted her, so only her parents visited her- she went back to the dorms and stayed in her room.
Many of her friends walked to her, tried to talk to her. But (Y/N) didn't reply. She could tell that they would stare at her scars, because according to her, they were the most noticeable thing on her body, despite them being hidden under her clothes.
         She had even ignored her texts, for days. Sometimes, her friends would catch her going to the bathroom or taking something to eat from the fridge, but she wouldn't talk to them a lot. Of course, every time Mina or Momo would start a conversation, (Y/N) would reply. But that was it, and it had been like that for a whole week.
       But that night, (Y/N) had forgotten her phone on a counter in the kitchen, as she had made some effort and had eaten with a few friends of her -still not wanting her whole class to see her. The girls only wanted to give it back to her, but it buzzed. Thus, Mina and Ochaco thought it was a great idea to see who it was, Mina knowing the girl's password.
your periods are way too long
just tell me what's wrong then 🙄 is it because of your fight with the villain? you told me you were okay
I was at the hospital but now I'm back I'm just tired
I told you I'm okay I'm at the dorms rn I just didn't talk cause I was tired
sleep then maybe I'll walk by 😏
please don't
and stop with that emoji
*NEW* : neito
you chose to like me so you have to like the emojis
         ''I'm actually quite shocked that she didn't give him a shitty nickname.'' Mina said. ''Girls, don't look. I'm going to give her back her phone.'' Momo said, taking the phone off Ochaco's hands and walking to (Y/N)'s room. The brunette knocked, and as she heard a hum, she opened the door. ''(Y/N), you forgot your phone.'' Her friend was turning her back to her, her body under the sheets of her bed. She was watching some random show on her computer, but Momo wanted her to feel better. She had noticed a tiny scar on her cheek, maybe it had some implication in her state of mind ?
''Do you want me... to call Monoma ?'' The brunette asked, out of the blue. And even if (Y/N) stayed silent at first, she ended up saying : ''You know what ? Yeah. Please call him.'' She replied. Maybe she was too scared to call someone herself. Momo nodded, and actually used the girl's phone to call him, before settling it back on a table next to the bed. Then, she walked out, not wanting to bother (Y/N) more than she had already done.
A few minutes after, Neito arrived, not even minding to knock at the door -but still carefully locking it after. When he saw (Y/N) all wrapped in her blankets, the blonde took off his shoes before jumping on the bed. He was back from a training, so he had the U.A sports outfit on. ''What's so wrong you wouldn't talk to anyone for days ?'' He asked, his usual smile on. (Y/N) heavily sighed, and sat up, pushing the blankets. Thus, Neito moved to sit further on the bed, so she could have the space she was trying to have.
The girl started to take off her shirt, making him giggle. ''Naked already ? I thought you were tired.'' He said. However, as he noticed the look she gave him, he immediately regretted it and his smile faded, his eyes focusing on her skin now that her shirt was gone. Then he saw them ; the scars. They were enormous, and obviously weren't done healing. ''Don't you have bandages to put on it ?'' Neito only asked. He didn't care she had scars ; but why wasn't she taking care of them ?! ''Yeah but... when I put the bandages I remember I have them.'' She said.
        Slowly, the blonde touched and traced his fingers gently around one of the scars, making her hiss. ''Does it hurt ?'' He asked. ''Obviously !'' He scoffed. ''That's why we use bandages, dumbass.'' He said. But (Y/N) didn't reply. She looked like she was about to cry, but she didn't. Instead, she actually gave him everything they needed to heal her scars. As Neito started to disinfect them, he wondered why she was so sad about it. ''What's wrong with those, anyway ?'' He asked, not even thinking about teasing her and give her his crazy smile he would always give. Even a smirk didn't cross his mind.
         ''I'm gonna have them forever ! If I ever get outside in a swimsuit or something, it'll be the first thing people will notice !'' The girl replied. ''So what ? Heroes have scars. It shows that they fight. We should respect heroes with scars, they did that to themselves to protect civilians.'' It wasn't really the words that surprised (Y/N) -even though they were surprisingly wise and kind- but it was the fact that Neito Monoma had been the one pronouncing them.
          She remained quiet during the whole thing. When the blonde was finally done wrapping the bandages around her, she put back on her pyjamas top. ''What do you want to do ? What were you watching ?'' He asked, settling himself on her bed. ''A show, but we can put on a movie.'' She said, getting under the blankets just as he had. (Y/N) quickly put a random movie on her computer before turning to hug Neito. He chuckled at the gesture and hugged her back, resting his cheek against her head.
         ''What do you want to do, hm ?'' He asked. ''Just hug and stay quiet.'' She replied. They did remain quiet for a few minutes, only hearing each other breathing. ''I hate the scars cause I already don't like much how my body is, and now if I have big ass scars to catch everyone's attention, it's gonna get even worse. And people will pity me for it, heroes don't get pity ! It's the worst thing that could've happened !'' She whispered, feeling her tears falling on the boy's chest.
       However, Neito reacted the only way he could ; by mocking her. ''That's not very a way to stay quiet.'' He said. But actually, it made (Y/N) burst out laughing. ''Oh my God, I was confessing something !'' she said, looking at him, smiling. But suddenly, her smile faded. She cupped his cheeks, looking deep into his eyes. ''What ?'' He whispered. ''I think I don't hate you anymore. You won't want to see me again if that's the case, right ? If I hated you I wouldn't want you here, but I know it's not the case cause I'm scared that you won't talk to me anymore !'' She said, sniffling.
        The blonde only rolled his eyes. ''(Y/N), I stopped hating you the first time I slept in your bed instead of going back to my dorm.'' He said, in a casual tone. It made the girl gasp. ''So it stopped being hateful sex a while ago ! Why didn't you tell me ?!'' She asked, actually confused if she had to laugh or not -some giggles escaped her mouth, then. Her reaction made the blonde mirror her action and giggle, actually caressing her cheek once he had calmed down.
        ''Cause I like those little sessions we have together. I would be so sad if you don't want anyone to see your body ever again only because of some scars. If you heal them well, they'll disappear a lot. And Eri can help, right ?'' he asked referring to the girl (Y/N) and the others had rescued from that terrible fight. She remained silent, only gulping and staring at him. ''Do you know how much I actually love you ?'' He asked, out of the blue. It only made her blink. ''I never wanted to tell you cause I wanted you to say it first. I'm not weak enough to admit it first. But you need to hear it, right ?'' He asked.
         And as soon as he said so, (Y/N) forgot about her scars. He didn't care about them, was even saying positive things about them, right ? She wasn't going to make love -it was considered this now- with anyone else, right ? She knew they had a love-hate relationship. All this time, she had hoped those little kisses and hugs here and there meant something. Thus, as he comforted her and accepted to give up on his ego only for her to feel better, she knew it wasn't the hate speaking.
        And at this moment, she couldn't love him more. Maybe they could finally admit they loved each other, and stop making their classmates roll their eyes at their denial. Maybe they could still have hateful sex, but love each other once it was over. It had worked during all this time, right ? They obviously loved each other whenever they were done, and it worked, despite them denying it, right ?
          Cause as much as (Y/N) wanted to hate herself at the fact she would date the rival of her class, she couldn't, as he had been the only one she was looking for during her breakdown. That meant he was home to her. He was her emotional support. Even if they wanted to kill each other most of the time. ''Fucking loser, you admitted it first.'' (Y/N) said, before bursting out laughing. And even if it was because her scars weren't healed yet, Neito was going to win the pillow fight by fucking destroying her. She deserved him, calling him a loser and laughing at his face ! But yeah... they could still hate each other. They could just admit it a bit less, now.
kind of AU where they fought the yakuzas in 2nd year
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sloppy-butcher · 4 years
I saw your requests were open,if not I’m sorry :,). But can I get some hcs with Frank,Dwight (Jake and/or Quentin) with a s/o who’s a short curvier artist and is just insecure about themselves and their work? I’m just in sad boy hours rn lmao
please don’t ever feel sorry about sending in an ask
Sorry, it took as long, I can’t help with how much I write. Hopefully, this will help alleviate some of them sad boy hours. I’m going to assume that by “artist” you mean drawing and not like music soooo also im going to assume its a survivor S/O
i love you anon, thank you for the ask and sorry again for the wait
sad boy hours is offically declared OVER
HeadCanons with a short, insecure Artist S/O
The Legion (Frank Morrison)
Frank, in all honesty, doesn’t give a flying crap about how you look. To him, if you can make him laugh or you amuse him in the slightest, he already likes you. The only looks or appearances he does care about are his own, he’s gotta look badass 24/7, no exceptions. But he does like that you are shorter than him (not a lot of people are so you are a rarity). He likes to tease you and put his elbow on your shoulder or head.
“I need my walking stick.” His eyes would trail over to you. Cue you trying to walk around with the boy hanging onto you, grumbling like an old man. You contrasted him exactly to the T
Frank is absolutely fascinated by your artistic abilities. You have a real talent and he enjoys both watching your process and seeing the finished project. Talent like yours was hard to come by, he sort of envied you for it. If only he had that kind of something that made him special that would have made those foster parents interested in him. But that time for developing uniqueness has passed and now, all he has is you.
You shared your talent with him and he felt extremely special when you would ask him what to sketch next. Frank would pull Suzie over and set her up in a position he imagines to be cool. He would pause, inspect Suzie’s bad form then huff and begin to rearrange her limbs until she was just right. “That's nice.” He’d comment over your shoulder. You’d tell him you didn't like being watched like that while you work and he’d sigh and reluctantly shuffle away. Not even 5 minutes later he would be back standing over you. You would just have to deal with him. He wasn’t judging you or your skills rather he just wanted to watch and marvel at how easy you made it look.
“Okay, now give her a huge dick.” Both Suzie and you would gasp. “Frank! No! That's too disgusting.” A moment of silence. “How big?”
Frank noticed right away when you would start to feel insecure. When you would flatly refuse to take out your sketchbook regardless of what ridiculous poses Suzie would make for you. You were quiet, eyes downwards and shoulder slumping as if you were trying to make yourself somehow smaller than you already were. Frank’s by no means an emotional guy but seeing you so downtrodden, so determined to sink into the background really tore at his heartstrings. He would pull you aside, taking you far away from the others until you two were alone. You wouldn’t look at him, your arms wrapped around yourself. “It’s not just the art.” He was guessing but already he knew he was right. You wouldn’t even offer him a nod afraid that by doing so you would be labeled as someone digging for feigned sympathy.
This was so difficult for Frank. He didn’t know how to comfort you or how to make you feel better. He also didn’t understand where this sudden insecurity came from. To him you perfect and talented and such a good person. You had a kind heart which you would share with those around you and that's all he really cared about. You were good to him. He couldn’t think of anything to say so instead he walked closer to you and slowly placed your hand between his. You momentarily looked up at him and you saw his eyes flicker behind his mask. He squeezed your hand, his words failing but his contact and pressure making up for it. He was trying to be reassuring and you appreciated it. He’d only ever hold your hand and that was something to be gratefully for.
In that time alone he asked you to take out your sketchbook. You did and he steps away, releasing one hand from yours. He reaches up and hesitantly takes off his mask. “Draw me.” You were stuck, in awe of his face and the significance of this moment. Frank never takes his mask off, not completely anyway. This must really mean something to him, YOU must really mean something. A wave of unsureness washed over you and you lost all confidence in your skill. He saw you slip away again and he squeezed his hand. “Hey.” He makes you look at him, his face gentle and his attention focused solely on you. “I believe in you. You are good. You got this.” And that's all you needed to hear. You got the feeling that he was talking about more than just your drawing skills. If he believed in you then everything was okay. You were alright. “Besides. It can’t be worse than the original.”
Dwight Fairfield
Like Frank, Dwight doesn't really care about your outward appearances. Well, it's not that he doesn't care it’s more that he just in a constant state of shock that anyone at all is interested in him. He’s always amazed when you sit next to him specifically or when you want to talk to him and actually listen to what he says. No one has ever really given him that kind of attention before and now you’re here beside him eagerly wanting to hear how his day was or what he was feeling. Dwight was just grateful to have someone as kind and loving as you were to even notice him.
He was beyond blown away by your artistic talents. You can sketch killers from memory and Dwight always finds himself in awe of how detailed and accurate the drawing was. You were so creative and special, the thing he was never. He looked to you and saw everything he could never be or never was. But you didn’t shove your achievements in his face, you didn't flaunt your talents like some egotistical morons would. You were humble and his compliments never went straight to your head. You looked so good when you were kind and modest. He liked how ordinary you were regardless of how awesome you appeared to him.
You’d often ask to draw him and he would blush and look away. Why would you want to draw him? The most boring of all the other survivors. But you were insistent and eventually, he’d cave. If only you had a red pencil because his cheeks were always hot and flushed. He could never make eye contact with you while you worked on him so expect a lot of side profiles or closed eye portraits.
In trials together his heart would all but break at the sight of you getting hurt. Whenever he’d hear your cries as you’d be slammed onto a meat hook he would gasp and practically feel something inside him cry out along with you. You were too good for this. He was a nobody, a weak, pathetic nobody who deserved to be in this purgatory because he was too scared to try and live a normal life. This was his punishment for being so forgettable. But you... he just couldn’t understand it.
Once he had jumped between you and your pursuer taking the hit and aggression while you ran off to go heal. For once in his life he felt happy, he felt as if he had finally done something meaningful and good. He had saved you. He would have died for you as well but you never let that happen. He watched in utter shock and disbelief as, against all odds, you went back for him. You pulled the man off his hook and with shaking hands you pressed his head into yours. Both your foreheads with touching and you had your hand at the back of his head.
“Don’t ever do that again.” He felt you waver and suddenly he realized that you were scared for him. He felt your urgency and terror and it was all directed towards him and his safety. He could have cried.
Dwights not the brightest bulb in the pack so forgive him but it will take a while for him to realize that you were insecure. He just assumed that when you started isolating yourself from him that it was because you had found someone much better than him. But he noticed that your hands still shook whenever you’d see him in pain and you would always be by his side the moment he needed help. You still cared for him deeply and he could feel it through your desperate actions and your desolate expression.
He walked over to your spot at the campfire. No one was near you, all were chased away by your depressing aura. You were dark and dying, everything around you was heavy with despair and sorrow yet he pushed through it all. He clawed away that thick fog and finally came to rest by your side. You didn't even look at him as he approached.
“Y-You don’t draw anymore.” No response. He hesitated unsure of how best to comfort you. He looked over and saw your hands. They were so small and gentle yet they produced such amazing things. He missed seeing you alive as you worked, the happiest you had ever been. He reached out and took your hands in his. This was the most forward he had ever been with you and it caught you by surprise. You turned to face him and you saw pain in his eyes.
“I-I’m sorry.” he paused and looked away, ashamed. “I’m sorry I took so long to notice.”
Dwight really did feel sorry. He felt like he had abandoned you, leaving you vulnerable and alone with the true killer; yourself. This time you felt his hands shake.
Dwight wasn’t much but he was yours and he loves you. And he loved you so much to maybe even make up for your own lack of self-love. You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder. He was enough.
“Please draw me again. I-I promise I won’t look away this time.” How could you refuse him?
Jake Park
Jake’s a simple man. He knows the silence of the world and prefers it to the company of people. So when you start to hang out with him or show interest in his life he is pretty unresponsive. He expected you to eventually lose curiosity in him and leave him alone with the woods. But you didn’t.
You’d follow him around, asking questions and receiving minimal answers. You would ask him what to draw and when you were done he would just glance at the sketch then nod or huff. He was certainly a very difficult and cold man.
You would draw many things for him, be it crows or plants or sometimes even killers. And he would always show an extreme lack of interest in them. So you decide to stop showing him. The two of you would sit in a quiet spot in the woods, you sketching and him wondering why you were still trying so hard to be friends with him.
You were working on a portrait when you were, without warning, whisked off into a trial. You quickly shoved your art into your pocket and set to work trying to escape. Jake was in the trial with you and you gladly worked on gen with him. Minutes later everyone was dying and only 2 generators had been lit. It wasn’t looking so good but the only thing you were worried about was your precious item in your pocket. It was something that you were really proud of and, to be dead honest, it was one of the best pieces of art you had made in a long time. You were afraid to die and lose it. But... it really didn’t look like you were getting out of this one.
You caught Jake in a corner, injured but not making a noise. You approached him and he reached out ready to tend to your wounds. You shook your head and crouched next to him trying to catch your breath. Your hand went into your pocket and pulled out your folded artwork. he eyed it unsure.
“I know you don’t care about my bad drawings but,” you held it out for him to take. “please, this one’s for you.” You quickly ran off, too embarrassed to be there when he opened it.
He was frozen for a moment, confused as to what just happened. He did care about your drawings. You were talented and he really enjoyed when you included him. Why would you think that he wouldn’t like them? He turned his attention back to the paper. With a bloody hand, he carefully unfolded it and was shocked to find a portrait of him. It was so beautiful, delicate lines used to define his face and his far-off expression and for a second he couldn’t believe it was him. It was so well done. How could you be ashamed of showing him this? He loved it. He looked up and saw you run off and his heart run with you. He was suddenly hit with his suppressed love for you. You were patient and kind and your small stature always made him wonder how anyone could hurt something so cute. He escaped that trial along with your picture. He, unfortunately, couldn’t save you.
Later at your spot in the woods, he approached you. He presented your art and you gasped. “How’d you get that!?” You reached out to take it back. “I’m sorry! It’s...” your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He must think you are such a creep, drawing bad pictures of him without his knowledge.  You clutched the paper to your chest and felt a wave of hot insecurity flood over you. But Jake never let you drown.
“It’s really good,” Jake said, his voice the most emotional and vibrant it had ever been. “I’m sorry if I never expressed my appreciation of it.” He put a hand on your shoulder. “You’re really good... to me. And,” he paused letting go for a moment and taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant. Thank you for sticking around.” It wasn’t much but it was the best he could do. There was a deep-rooted honestly in his confession and it pulled at your heart.
It wasn’t enough to make you feel better but it was a start. With Jake, it is a journey of recovery, not a once-off end-all fix. But he was good at consistency and was always there the moment your fears reared their ugly heads. He was warm and solid, grounding both himself and you in the world.
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Damerey - Fernando (Prompt 2) (I'm on a Damerey kick rn)
Define ‘Home’
for the charming and delightful @dresupi hope you enjoy, dear
Rey had every right to be exhausted.  From the journey from Ahch-To to Ren, to fending off the Praetorian Guard, to feeling Luke’s presence dissipate, to Force-lifting hundreds of boulders from the Crait cave entrance, to being crammed into a tiny hunk of lovable space junk with the shabby remnants of the Resistance, it was almost second-nature to be drained.
And being reunited with Finn, Leia, BB-8 - it was wonderful.  It almost felt like coming home.  Almost.
While her mind was ready to sleep for days in a row, her body was nearly humming.  With electricity or with Force, she was unsure.  Whatever it was, it drew her to the cockpit to relieve Chewie for at least the next few hours.
At least, that was what she had hoped for.
A few hours turned into six hours, and she still couldn’t put herself to sleep.  And then six hours turned into landing on some remote planet in the Outer Rim that Leia knew had some Rebellion allies - whether they’d be pleased to host a ragtag band of Resistance survivors was still up in the air.  Rey suggested they dock the Falcon on a small mountain summit not too far from civilization for the night.
And this was how she found herself sitting on the side of the mountain once again, gazing into the stars in hopes that her destiny was written somewhere up there.  No Luke.  No lightsaber.  No caretakers for her to disturb.  Just her and the stars and the silence.
When she closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, she could feel the galaxies swirling above her.  The energy of worlds, of souls, of the smallest insects and the largest beasts cavorting about in madness both random and preset.  And each creature, each blade of grass, and each grain of sand were as much a part of everything as she was.  It was hard to feel small anymore now that she was aware that the universe needed her just as much as it had needed Luke.  Han.  Leia.
“You alright out here?”
She let out a breath she’d forgotten she was holding.  A wave of life rippled behind her, cautious.  She faced Poe Dameron with a subdued smile.
“Define ‘alright.’”
“Can’t sleep?”  She shook her head and watched him trudge up the small hill to her rock.  He shifted easily into a spot beside her, close enough that she could feel the fabric of his flysuit brushing against her arm.  “Yeah.  Y’know, every firefight I see or I go through, I always feel like I’d gotten over the sound of a blaster.  Then the next one pops up, and…I’m jumpin’.”
She observed him.  Followed the heavy line of his dark eyes up to the sky.  Like he was searching for something.  Finally, he pointed at a small patch of stars glowing at the far reach of the galaxy.
“Yavin 4.  That’s, uh, that’s me.  Home, I guess.”  His hand wandered to his throat and grasped a small silver ring he’d strung onto a necklace.  “You know, outside all this.”  His eyes found her again, and the mystified expression he wore melted away, replaced by something like embarrassment.  “Sorry.  I could leave you alone, if you want.”
“It’s alright.”  A stray wind ruffled the weak grass that lay before them.  It was a rare moment, for Rey to feel peace, and rarer to share it with someone who’d hardly known peace either.  “I’ve spent enough time alone.”
A lull fell between them, but she could feel the energy bursting off Poe.  He was preparing something in his head, like it had to be sculpted carefully before being presented to her.  Without really thinking about it, Rey felt herself tug him gently through the Force.  The words came spilling out as soon as her energy touched him.
“I never properly thanked you for taking care of my droid.”
She smiled.  Did he mean to keep talking, just to fill the space between them?  That could have been it, but there was a tension, too.  A pull that lingered just beyond the surface.
“You talk about BB-8 like he’s your pet.”  It took a moment, but Poe began to laugh, and Rey wasn’t sure she’d heard anything quite like it in all her years.  Nobody laughed much on Jakku.
“Not my pet.  More like…a partner.  Or a sidekick.”
“He must be good for you.  When you feel alone.”  Poe paused again.  Rey didn’t want to push the boundaries too far, didn’t want to invade the space of him that was his only, but reaching through the energy between them, she could nearly feel him pushing back.
“He is.”  She felt the question there bubbling to the top, but never quite breaking.  So they sat in silence a little while longer, gazing at the night sky and sometimes watching the lights flickering in the village below.  Somewhere above them, the First Order was clambering back to its feet.  Finding its weapons, collecting itself among the dust.  Somewhere above them, Kylo Ren was tightening his fist, ready to strike without mercy.
Rey forced herself to dull her senses, in fear of feeling too much.
“Is he like home for you?”
“BB-8.”  She picked up a rock and began to brush the dirt off with her thumb.  “Is he like home for you?”
It took him another moment.  “Sort of.  Close as I can get, I s’pose.  Yavin felt like home, after all the…getting shuttled around while my parents fought in the Rebellion was over.”  Without trying, Rey felt the image of a small tree blossom into her mind.  “Now I feel like I’ve changed too much.”
“I know how that is.”  She bowed her head, diverting her gaze to one of the huts below them, its chimney spouting intermittent puffs of smoke.  “Changing too much.  Jakku was never home, but I can’t even imagine setting foot there now.”  Somewhere in the distance, a great animal was lowing, and Rey allowed herself to feel the pleasant evening air rush through its fur.  “And now that I can feel it all…the Force, all around me…it’s like home doesn’t even matter.  Even though it feels like it’s around the corner.”
His eyes had fixed on her, and he was curious now.  She didn’t have to feel it to know.
“Does it feel close?”  She’d never noticed how soft his voice was.  Like he’d break the air if he weren’t careful.  “Home?”
“I think so.”  She remembered his flysuit touching her arm, and now she could smell him - engine grease that wasn’t particularly unappealing; an aftershave that he’d likely thrown on without much thought; and something else, something like the bonfires she’d set for herself on the cold nights in the desert.  He was closer now, the light from the stars trickling through his eyelashes, his eyes half-shut as he looked at her, reverent and silent.
His lips were just as chapped as hers, but warmer, more inviting when they closed the gap.  It was his thumb trailing down the side of her jaw, his gentle touch at her shoulder.  Poe, Poe Dameron was kissing her, not because he felt sorry for her or because he wanted to take her to bed, but because tonight, under all these stars and locked on this rock among the galaxies around them, she felt like home to him.
And even with the First Order trilling above them with their blasters and their laser cannons, even with the shreds of Resistance lying in humble numbers behind them, Rey could feel home in him, too.
Thanks so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed it, and if you’d like an ABBA prompt of your own, let me know :)
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charmspoint · 3 years
I know you said they don't have a concrete story yet, but would you be ok with telling us more about Zan and Ghost? They seem really interesting
Anon you don't know what you unleashed its like past 1am here but I could talk about them forever.
This is gonna be under the cut because nobody has to be subjected to this.
General quick point: Both of these started off as bnha oc's but then reached that point where I was like 'yeah, I want them in their own story' so rn their powers are just powers with no wider context since I aint got that story
I'm gonna start with Zan cuz he's older by creation and my fav oc atm. For him we have TW's of child abuse and neglect, familial death, trauma, drug abuse, depression and anxiety, though I'll be running through this points as quickly and non graphically as I can cuz...I'm not gonna make you read my thesis so it should be fine.
His full legal name is Kazuya Moriyama but he goes by Zan Mori, he's 24. Zan was created to be two things 1. Character design with a fully body tattoo 2. Someone to use a power I came up with but didn't match with a character yet.
Here's that power, yes I have a copy paste off it:
Nightmare fuel is a power that terrorizes everyone, including its user. Zan’s sweat contains a special kind of chemical that when smelled causes mild to severe hallucinations, paranoia and other fear responses by interacting with victims brain chemistry. However, this chemical is only contained in sweat that he produces as a result of fear so, for example if he goes running in the gym, nothing bad will happen. The strength of the power depends on how much Zan himself is afraid and how much sweat he is producing. A weak dose will only result in sense of unease, a feeling of being watched, escalating through general paranoia, with its worst manifestation being complete loss of touch with reality and intense hallucinations. It's odorless and since it’s a chemical can be stored for later use. The last stages of it are very hard to reach because they require for Zan to be at similar levels of severe distress. It affects him as well, often resulting in endless loop of him being afraid, activating his power because of his fear, the power causing more intense fear and so on.
So here is where we start to build.
Zan's backstory hinges on him developing this power very early on in his life, as a result of mutation that his parents were not ready for. Kids get scared of things, a lot, especially when their own power feeds back into that fear. His family quickly spiraled from it, going from trying to figure out how to help him to neglecting him to dying very bloodily in front of him as a result of the constant psychological distress. After that he was cycled through different foster and youth homes with pretty similar result before striking it on his own basically as soon as he could.
Zan's main motivation is to find a way to get rid of his power. He hates it, hates what it represents and how it essentially stripped away his ability to connect with anyone. He doesn't control it, he doesn't activate it, it simply happens to him whenever he gets distressed and as someone with deep seated anxiety caused by that very same power, he gets distressed a lot.
He self-medicates. He self medicates a lot. I don't really have the world planned out but it's very much a world where powers are a new thing and the society just doesn't have systems in place to catch people like Zan. So he basically keeps himself high as much as he can, to numb himself out so he doesn't feel anything so he doesn't get scared so his power doesn't get activated.
When I created Zan, I expected him to be a very jaded, angry, abrasive character and in some ways he is. He's very slow to trust and tends to keep away from people. His first instinct is to mock and insult, he dresses like an emo reject, he's absolutely covered in tattoos, he's a dark humored pessimist and just not the kind of person you want to be around for long. He's also probably one of the most empathic characters I have on the roster atm. He's like, a natural big brother. Any kids younger then him, fuck older than him but awkward and unsure, he's instantly adopting. Fuck everything else, his kids now, he'll make them lunch and make sure they get to school. Zan is more so abrasive out of need than out of actual malice or bad attitude. He does want to be close to people he just knows how that always ends so keeping away is a lot safer. He is genuinely very loving and soft when he lets himself be. He's not great about advice but he's a good listener and the type to throw everything on the backburner to come and help a friend out. He is inherently kind, he just doesn't allow himself to be so very often, unless someone damn well takes a chisel and digs it out of him.
Fun fact time:
He's got a knack for painting and idolizes Van Gogh
He's got a cat named Shikei who he picked up after it got run over by a car, it likes only him and wants to see the rest of humanity burn
Here are his established tattoos, yes I have a copy paste for that too:
Full body tattoo in shape of a jungle of thorns crawling over his entire body, save most of his face. The whole piece is done in eerie, cold colors, with a sudden splash of warmer color here and there, the thorns themselves being colored in misty and muted blues and greens. Over his heart, there is a tattoo of a birds nest, but the nest is breaking apart, suffocated by the thorns clustering around it and breaking into it, its branches drenched in blood, the baby birds in it barely even noticeable. Along the length of his spine and over the width of his hips an ornate cross of st. peter is painted, also crumbling, red spider lilies breaking through the frail rock. His shoulder blades are covered in sunflowers, strikingly bright on the cold surface of the thorns and painted in Van Gogh style. There is a chain of daisies lines across his neck and down to his chest, covering an old scar and a tiny ring of roses over his ring finger. On the nape of his neck, two butterflies are pinned by the thorns, appearing to still be alive and in agony as their bodies are pierced. A silver snake slithers through the thorns on his right arm, though its shade helps it blend in with the color of thorns, it’s body a tiny bit coiled, considering should it strike or not. On the back of his left hand there is a tiny leaf bug, trying to hide amidst the bare thorns and on the outer shell of his ear, mostly hidden from view by his head, is a ladybug, wings spread like it is about to fly away. A swarm of blue butterflies paint the silhouette of his lungs across his skin and two koi fishes circle each other endlessly on his hip. In thorns climbing up and down his neck, there are tiny fireflies, just barely bright enough to be seen. Two thin thorn branches separate themselves from the cluster on his neck and climb across his temples, their thorns appearing to be piercing through his skin and letting blood flow.
The tattoo is still in progress.
This was the brief summary.
Ghost! Ghost is a lot newer than Zan, I only made them at the start of this year so they are a lot less detailed but they hit the ground running. Their tw are mostly prostitution and existentialist feelings but I'm not getting into anything in detail.
Their full name is Ghostown Verb and yes they did name themselves that. They are 27 and their power is Forget me not, as I said previously, as soon as they are out of someone's line of sight, to that person it's like they never existed. The memories of meeting them return as soon as they are back in the field of vision but uhh you can see how it would be super easy to lose a child like that.
Ghost grew up on the street in a kind of do whatever you can when you can how you can attitude. Turns out it's really hard to get help from anyone when they can't remember you as soon as they stop looking at you, which includes but is not limited to social workers, well meaning passerby, police, foster homes and landlords. The name and face for the paperwork doesn't exist and people just find themselves grasping at nothing, feeling like they are forgetting something but not knowing what it is. It works in some ways, shoplifting is a lot easier when you're sure that you can just turn a corner and be safe, but it's mostly just a hassle. Ghost is homeless most of the time and when they were old enough for it their career of choice became prostitution simply because it's pretty much the only job where the customer doesn't need to remember you after they're no longer looking at you and it's not like Ghost has to answer to any boss who would have to either.
They had not had a kind life but they are the let and let live type. They don't stress a lot about things and generally take everything in a fly. They are very extroverted, very loud, very friendly. They form friendships fast because they know they'll lose them fast and same goes with love affairs. They live in the moment because for everyone else the moment is the only place where they exist. Loud fashion, loud words, loud actions, provocative and noticeable, they just want to be seen by people, remembered by people, they want the attention on them even though they know it's useless. Much like Zan they also have no control of their power so all they can do is live with it. At least it doesn't bring anyone any direct harm, they are grateful for that much.
But it does leave them displaced, unanchored. They don't have any support system, no family, no long term friends. The system can't even remember them for long enough to decide it isn't equipped to deal with them. They flitter through peoples lives, there one moment and gone the next. The biggest impact they can hope to have is the nagging feeling of having forgotten something.
It's not like they are exactly sad about it, their main mentality is just not to worry about things they can't change. These are the cards they've been dealt with and play those cards they shall. At the very least they are having fun with their life, doing whatever they want with no one remembering them long enough to stop them.
But it's a lonely existence with no viable human connection. That much does get to them.
Fun facts!
They have a tattoo of a forget-me-not on their shoulder, I haven't decided do they have it before the plot whatever it is starts, or do they get it cuz Zan's influence.
They like to make their own clothes when they can, though having a stable enough place to be for a long enough time is rare.
Their biggest fear is that when they die nobody will remember to look for their body :)
That was a brief rundown of these two! If you made it to the end damn congrats I love you
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timebird84 · 7 years
Hi @hopsjollyhigh ,
related to your “i know i need to be the pharoga fluff i want to see in this world but also i just want to read it not write it rn” post and since it seemed you had a bad day after your other post, here is something for you. I hope you like it. Just fyi I am no native speaker and it is REALLY late over here, so please ignore any word and grammar faults ^^ (I am sure I will hate myself tomorrow when I find mistakes by myself I simply overread now at this ungodly hour XD). The reason why I have to link you like this is that my message was too long for the ‘Ask me anything’ box and the messenger for some reason doesn’t work currently.
So here you go …
„Why?!“ , Nadir yelled, „Why are you like that? What have I ever done to you that you treat me this way, eh?“
With power that surprised himself he had pushed Erik against the wall, his hands gripped his shirt in the height of the skeleton-like chest. He felt his muscles trembling under his aggression. It felt like it now broke trough the surface after years of holding back.
„I understand nothing anymore! For some silly reason I still thought we were friends. But after that … So what, eh? What is it that you want from me?“
Erik didn’t even try to defend himself, nothing. He felt weak when Nadir used his full strength to press his body against the cold stone. He didn’t care, it felt like all of his own power was gone by now. He was so tired. After years of fighting back his secret yearning, he simply wasn’t able to do it anymore. Yet the words he wanted to say so badly came out so hard.
„I … I …“ , he stuttered.
„What?“ , Nadir shouted impatient, while he pressed him even harder against the wall, „What, Erik?“
„I … since I met you …“ , Erik’s eyes searched Nadir’s only for a brief moment, then he lost his courage and looked away, while Nadir got a little confused by what he heard.
He didn’t dare to push Erik again for he was suddenly afraid to make him stop talking, if he asked one single question more. He still kept him against the stone, but now it was no longer aggression, but suspense which made him do that. And actually, after a while of Nadir holding his breath Erik continued his sentence:
„Since I met you, I … I wished you would touch me …“ , his eyes flew up to his again, but only for a second, „ … just … once.“
Nadir could hear how Erik’s breathing speeded up after he had said his confession, he could even feel his heartbeat which hammered under his right hand. His words echoed in his head and he still listened to them in disbelief as if he didn’t neither trust his ears nor his memory.
„You want me to touch you?“ , he asked doubting.
„I know it is too much asked.“ , Erik’s face again looked to the ground, his appearence the one of a child that knew it had done something bad and would be punished for it, „I have no right to request this from you. Why should someone so beautiful like you ever touch something so ugly like me?“
Nadir couldn’t help but blush by hearing Erik using the word ‘beautiful’ to describe him. A smile stole on his lips which remained unseen by the nervous man for he still looked to the ground. Nadir didn’t hesitate a minute, he didn’t even give himself the time to think. His fingers already began to fiddle on the cords of the mask. Carefully he took it off and laid it on the ground. Erik shivered, now exposed to him in a way he had always tried to avoid. But not now. He hadn’t even tried to keep him from removing the mask. A fact which Nadir registered with enormous disbelief, but at the same time he didn’t pay any attention to it. The forefinger of his right hand went up to Erik’s chin, forcing him gently to lift his face.
„You have never been ugly to me.“ , he said, smiling at him while his thumb drew the lines of Erik’s thin lips.
The sentence made Erik look him in the eyes, surprised by what he heard, overwhelmed by the tender and unknown caress he felt on his mouth. He wasn’t able to do or say anything, only tears started to flow down his sunken cheeks uncontrolled. Nadir’s left hand joined his right one to frame Erik’s face. Both his thumbs now tried to wipe away the warm drops which left sparkling paths on Erik’s cold, leather-like skin. But there was no way to succeed. to stop the running tears. Never! Erik’s heart broke in that very moment – Nadir could see and even feel it -  not because of pain, but because of tenderness which was acutally given to him, gently and voluntarily, a gift sent from Heaven and yet a burden too heavy to carry. Seeing Erik like this made his own heart want to take care of him, to be there for him like nobody had ever been before. In his appearance and behaviour Nadir could recognize all the cruelty and pain Erik had been through in his life and he wanted to cure every scar, every hurtful memory. And before he knew what he was doing the touch of his hands grew intense, almost desperate and he stretched to press a gentle, careful kiss on Erik’s lips.
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Survey from Esther~
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? Janina Gavankar - Don't Look Down The Irrepressibles - Two Men In Love The Irrepressibles - The Arrow Flor - Warm Blood Shearwater - Animal Life Bastille - Laura Palmer 2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? I'm overwhelmed by this question and can't pick a single answer, sorry lol. This is like asking me what my favorite Pokémon is. 3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. I'm in a dog boarding facility's kitchen at the moment, no books in sight, I'm afraid. But I am reading the first book of the Raven Cycle series in audio form, if that helps 4: What do you think about most? What a question. Art? Animals? 5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? It's my boyfriend saying he's going to sleep :3 6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? *Gamagoori voice* I sleep in the nude 7: What’s your strangest talent? Even though I am not a smoker [unless you count a couple of hookahs per year], I can tell the brand of a cigarette by the smell of the smoke. The smell on someone's clothes, I know immediately what brand it is. Mixture of childhood exposure, sensory sensitivity, and the jobs I've worked lol. 8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Girls are powerful. Boys are powerful. 9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? I dunno. Maybe? 10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? Uhh. Not a thing that occurs to me to do, to be honest lol 11: Do you have any strange phobias? Big phobia of hypodermic needles, or generally anything like a splinter, tiny shard of glass or hook getting underneath my skin. Phobic of getting pregnant. I guess those are weird. 12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Uhhh probably? 13: What’s your religion? What a complicated question lol. Simple answer: I'm pagan. But there is literally nothing simple about my endless thoughts about spirituality 14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Taking a walk in the woods, or sitting by a stream or body of water [water sources are especially sacred parts of nature for me] 15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Both. But I love taking photos and nobody really takes any photos of me. So I guess behind. Especially when it's behind a Polaroid. 16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Shearwater. Honorable mention to the Irrepressibles. 17: What was the last lie you told? Fuck if I know 18: Do you believe in karma? Not really. But as always I believe in the awesome power of the brain. 19: What does your URL mean? It's my name with "Irrepressible" after it, in the style of Jamie Irrepressible, the vocalist of, well, you can probably guess which band. 20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness - I'm extremely prone to gaslighting and self doubt about my own reality. Strength - I might not be a fan of abrupt change, but I am very adaptable, given time to adjust. 21: Who is your celebrity crush? None 22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No, sadly. Remember what I said about my irrational fear of stepping on hooks or sharp objects? Interferes with my sacred need to swim in every lake I see. 23: How do you vent your anger? Ideally, art. Drawing, writing, even recording myself ranting to my microphone about it. 24: Do you have a collection of anything? I collect retro Pokémon merchandise and certain old video games. :> this makes me sound like a massive genwunner but rest assured, it's just an Aesthetic™ 25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Text, to be honest. Us auties generally do better communicating in text based media. Skype calls are useful at times but I've always found them too awkward with delays and such to use reliably. 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Hmmm. Tentatively, yes? 27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Sound I hate: male voices shouting. Sound I love: music bouncing off walls and becoming ethereal and far away. 28: What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I don't understand what this question is asking me? 29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts, no. I talk about them a lot though because the idea of them is dear and important to me, but literally, no, I have no belief in some vaporized version of your personality that goes on after death. Aliens, I assume are a matter of inevitability. But I don't believe we will probably ever find or meet them in the foreseeable future. Humans think they are much more fascinating than they actually are. Aliens are not crawling all over themselves to build technology just to come fly over to our house and meet us. Sry 30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Air both times lol 31: Smell the air. What do you smell? The heat coming on at work because morning is here. Faint dog poop smell. Gonna have to tidy that up lol 32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Buttfuck nowhere, West Virginia 33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East Coast, if we're talking america 34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? I don't have an opposite gender 35: To you, what is the meaning of life? To create something meaningful and beautiful, and to enjoy myself to the fullest while helping others whenever possible 36: Define Art. If it makes you think about whether or not it's art, then it's art. 37: Do you believe in luck? Uhh. Like as an actual outside force that decides whether good or bad stuff will happen to me, no. 38: What’s the weather like right now? Coldddd 39: What time is it? 6 am. Time to get off work! 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes, I drive, don't love it but glad I am able. No, but I did run over a bin once 41: What was the last book you read? A book about the history of heterosexuality as a concept, fascinating read actually 42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? As a kid I liked it but it's kinda gross now 43: Do you have any nicknames? Many 44: What was the last film you saw? Can't remember a film rn but I am currently watching The Story Of Film which I CANNOT recommend enough, it is a documentary series about, well, the history of cinema and even if you don't care about movie making... It will absorb you completely and make you not only care but be totally fascinated. I adore it. 45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? You know, I've been really lucky. Never broken bone or needed stitches or even like, been to the hospital, lol. I think I chipped my shin bone on a brick stair once. And a couple years ago I missed a stair going down and sprained my ankle, and my work refused to let me spend any time off my feet so I was crying from pain in front of customers lol. But it healed fast once I had a brace. No problem. 46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? I dunno. I was taught as a child that if you touch their wing dust even a little, they will lose their flight and die. So probably I haven't. Even though I now know this isn't quite true. 47: Do you have any obsessions right now? The Story of Film, some bands, getting sucked back deep into my lifelong love Pokémon again lol 48: What’s your sexual orientation? Pansexual, or: Why Are Gender And Genital Shape Our Main Social Indicator Of Romantic Or Sexual Preferences, Of All Things, That's Really Weird And I Can't Relate, Please Save Me From This Bizarro World 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Oh yes, plenty back in school 50: Do you believe in magic? Ahh. I believe in the power of will. I believe in the ability to make your own life full of magic via willpower. I believe in the harmless use of willpower to try and cause a change in your environment. I believe the force exercised by children known dismissively as "imagination" have incredible power to influence the mind and soul. I have no belief in a metaphysical force in the universe called "magic" that could describe basically anything and everything unknown to current science. If you ask me flat-out, I will say yes, I believe in magic. But this is more of what I mean. I don't believe in "magic", except that I do. Adamantly. 51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I do not tend to forget. Forgive is a matter of situation. But I don't forget. And I am quite the talented ice prince when it comes to freezing someone entirely out of my life. This includes immediate family. I only speak to my little sister out of my entire family. 52: What is your astrological sign? Taurus-Gemini cusp! 53: Do you save money or spend it? Spend :T 54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Bread, milk and a couple very cheap, very pink, very glittery nail polishes. My weakness. 55: Love or lust? Yes. 56: In a relationship? Yep 57: How many relationships have you had? Uhh... Many? Serious, deep romantic relationships, which I suspect is your real question: three. 58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Nope 59: Where were you yesterday? Home, and briefly out at the store. 60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? My nails are pink and glittery. 61: Are you wearing socks right now? Yep. I wear two pairs to work because my super comfy work shoes are just the tiniest bit too big. 62: What’s your favourite animal? You asked the impossible question. Today, your answer is: praying mantis. Specifically praying mantis godmothers. Ask me again in two hours for an entirely different answer. 63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Sorry, too socially awkward for this prompt 64: Where is your best friend? In bed, it is very late and/or early. 65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. Don't really have favorites? Just people and stuff I like. 66: What is your heritage? Whitey white. Scots Irish, English, a bit of German, and like everything else you can expect from a family that's been in America about as long as a white devil could possibly be. My mother is a hobbyist genealogist, so this isn't just typical white folks bullshit, I'm vaguely more educated on my roots. I am in fact a distant cousin of notable American politician of the 19th century, Henry Clay. 67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Playing Pokémon Blue! Beating the game for literally the first time ever! 68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Uh. Um. Oh god, I don't know lmao 69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Yes, everyone has, normalize it 70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Hmmm. Yes. 71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Lose my job bitches, and maybe hope to go viral and boost my chances of getting a new job for doing this thing lol 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? A-Maybe. At least a few people. B-Travel, make good art, write my will, get my affairs in order. C- Yes, for a while. 73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Trust obvs 74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Many. First one that comes to mind is Empire by Jukebox the Ghost 75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? Nope 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Being best friends and trying to understand one another and willing to be open and honest, no ego in the way 77: How can I win your heart? Buy me sushi. 78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Yes. 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To not have children. 80: What size shoes do you wear? American size seven in men's, nine in women's. Sometimes half a size up or down. 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? No idea. I should get thinking on that. 82: What is your favourite word? Don't really have one favorite tbh 83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Glowing lights, core imagery 84: What is a saying you say a lot? Hell yeah 85: What’s the last song you listened to? Maxiimo Park - Going Missing 86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Long story short: indigo. 87: What is your current desktop picture? Some Pokémon, I forget which. 88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? A random white supremacist, maybe, but honestly, I probably wouldn't press it 89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? No idea rn 90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? I'd be quite disturbed because I cut my teeth on Ocarina of Time and was very creeped out by ReDeads 91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Shapeshifting. Always my answer. Covers being an animal, or being a child, or flying, or swimming. 92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? First thought is a marching band performance from high school. Second thought is back in that car in the vast moonlit Utah desert. 93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Bad math teachers. Gave me a complex about math and didn't improve me as a person in any way like most of the others did. 94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? No interest 95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Japan motherfuckers 96: Do you have any relatives in jail? Not that I'm aware of but I couldn't care less tbh 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? If I have, I must have been very small. 98: Ever been on a plane? Yep, just twice. 99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? If they actually absorbed what I had to say? Love yourselves. Love each other. Endeavor to understand each other. Try to figure out what you were taught wrong about yourself and your fellow humans, and unlearn those things. Embrace humanity in all its diversity. Open up and be vulnerable.
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diableriepervert · 6 years
I didn't know if you meant 1 and 99 or 1 through 99 so I just did 1 through 991: 6 of the songs i listen to most are Drugs - Eden, Season 2 Episode 3 - Glass Animals, like real people do - hoizer, I know those eyes/This man is dead - count of monte christo, obsessed with you - the orion experience, strangers - halsey2: If I could meet anyone on this earth, it would be Keanu Reeves3. The book closest to me on page 23 line 17 says "that is really cute and not at all surprising"1: 6 of the songs i listen to most are Drugs - Eden, Toes - Glass Animals, like real people do - hoizer, I know those eyes/This man is dead - count of monte christo, obsessed with you - the orion experience, strangers - halsey2: If I could meet anyone on this earth, it would be Keanu Reeves3. The book closest to me on page 23 line 17 says "that is really cute and not at all surprising"4. The thing I think about most is what my life will be like when I live all alone and nobody remembers me5: My latest text message from someone else says "beef" and that's all6: I sleep in just my underwear and bralette 7: my strangest (best) talent is that where ever I go there's always a dog somewhere and I always spot it8: Girls… are amazing; Boys… are also amazing I just like girls a wee bit better because I'm biased and gay9: I've never had a poem or song written about me but I would die of happiness of someone did but that's unlikely so (shrug emoji)10: The last time you played the air guitar was two or three weeks ago11: I don't have any strange phobias12: Ive never stuck a foreign object up my nose13: I'm agnostic 14. If I were outside i would be (depending on the time of day) stargazing, watching the sun rise/set15. I prefer to be being the camera16. I don't have a favorite band, just a jumble of playlists that in no way relate to each other17. The last lie I told was telling someone that I would cut ties with certain toxic people in my life 18. I sorta believe in karma19. My url just sounded cool to me, if you want you can make up a background story about it for me20. Greatest weakness - wanting to help so many people no matter what they've done, greatest strength - not getting heated in arguments 21. Celebrity crush is Mike Faust 22. I almost went skinny dipping with a girl once but then the weather got to bad to do so23. I bottle my anger24. I have a rock collection and a shell collection that I've had since I was really little25. I prefer talking on the phone over video chat so that way no one's gotta sea my freaky face26. I am happy with the person I've become but still recognise I could be better27. A sound I hate is an alarm clock and I love the sound of falling rain28. My biggest what if is what if I had decided to confront more people about things they've done to me or if that would've just made things worse29. You better believe that I am a strong believer of ghosts and aliens30. Sticking out my right and left arm I touch air with both31. The air I'm breathing smells like smelly dog 32. The worst place I've ever been to is this little house my mom was rebuilding that we'd visit every summer in LaSalle 33. East coast because I live there34. Most attractive singer of opposite gender is Brendan Urie35. For me the meaning of life is what is the best story you can make before time runs up36. Art is something that can convey emotion without through sound/display/ect.37. I believe in luck38. The weather right now is slightly rainey39. The time for me rn is 6:38 AM40. I don't drive 41. The last book I read was Emergency Contact42. Oddly enough I love the smell of gasoline43. I have one nickname (sommie)44. The last film I saw was mamma Mia: here we go again45. The worst injury I've ever had was when I was bike riding with my mom when I was little, we were going down a very steep hill and I lost control and hit a rock a flipped, pulling myself up I felt allot of pain in my hands and knees but only when I saw blood covering my hands and running down my legs did I start screaming, the second worst would be when I tripped over my down feet and my bones in my hand just sorta disconnected from my arm a little46. I've never caught a butterfly because I know they are fragile and I would hate to hurt them47. I have a current obsession with little nightmares at the moment 48. I'm bisexual 49. I had a rumor go around after I hit my head on a metal bar and fell of the play castle in elementary school that I was faking it50. I'm not to sure I believe in magic, I'd like to though51. I do hold grudges 52. I'm an Aries 53. I try to save money but then I see a nice book and suddenly all my money is gone54. The last thing a purchased was a book, and before that it was a different book55. Love over lust most of the time56. I'm single 57. I've been in 3 relationships that no one counts because with the two guys I only dated then two days and the girl I only dated a week, it's just that I try to give people chances when I get asked out but because there's no history or chemistry there I always break it off58. I cannot touch my nose with my tongue 59. I was at the movies yesterday 60. There is a pink bowl on my desk that I made61. I'm not wearing socks rn62. I love jellyfish63. My secret weapon to get someone to like me is to pretend I'm allot more interesting than I actually am64. My best friend is with her boyfriend rn65. My top 5 blogs on Tumblr are ikimaru, smileknife, cryptedspoon, roseebottes, and softwhispersinthenight66. I am half white half native American 67. Last night at 12 AM I was listening to music and reading 68. Satans last name is either something really deep with an intese meaning or something sad meaning69. Yeah but I don't every really do it that often, maybe once every three-four months or so?70. I am not the kind of friend I would want to have add a friend but only because I despise myself71. "You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?" You bet your ass I'm saving that dog, job be damned72. "You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?" I tell no one but I make sure there last memories of me are pleasent, and I'm not just afraid, I'm terrified 73. I would rather have love over trust74. A song that always makes me happy is Francis forever 75. My last four phone digits are 465376. A great relationship is built off of communication 77. Win my heart by loving me selflessly, talk through things with me, home with me, and understand me78. Insanity can spark more creativity 79. The best decision I've ever made was pushing my mom to getting me a dog and getting to know the best good boy in the world who I love more than everyone80. I wear a show size of 9 1/2 - 10 1/2 81. I want on my tombstone that I was loved by friends and family and will be remembered by many82. My favorite word is flabbergasted 83. When I hear the word heart I think love84. Something I say a lot is "Okie dokie" and "sorry"85. The last song I listened to is Diablo - Simon Curtis 86. My favorite color is red87. My desktop picture is of Homra from K project 88. If I could press a button to make anyone in the world explode it would be the leader of the group of people who bullied me89. A question that I would be afraid to answer honestly is "who do you hate the most"90. "One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?" I freak out a little on the inside but when I see that they're not really doing anything I try and make conversation with them91. "You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?" My super power would be to make people burst into musical numbers like the demon from once more with feeling92. A half an hour past experience I'd like to relive is just talking with all my friends when we all used to be friends with each other93. If I could erase any horrible experience from my past it would be when i got stabbed with a pencil in elementary school because i still have the scar94. If I could sleep with any music celebrity out my choice it would be kesha, no reason other than I feel like she'd be good in bed and nice to me95. That free airplane ticket takes me to Portland so I can visit my brother96. I no longer have any relatives in jail97. I have not thrown up in a car98. I've never been on a plane 99. If the whole world were listening right now I'd give some dumb speech about how we're all dumb and we all need to get along
0 notes
trensu · 4 years
Episode 25: The One where They Frolic in the Forest but like, Sad This Time
Okay folks, buckle up bc this one has a lot of Hetero Drama and Stupid Plot Things
But look!! I’ve made it to the halfway point of the show!! I’m so proud of myself
We’re gonna skip as much of that as possible
BUT this one has some EPIC moments to make up for it
We start at Lotus Pier
Stuff’s happening that we’re not interested in 
except for how our resident Disaster Het jzx comes by to invite the jiang clan to the jin clan’s awesome sleepover with sweet sweet party games
Plot plot plot
I guess that’s how they open sleepovers in Ancient Fantasy China?
Blegh, jgy is talking
And here the jin clan bring out their wen prisoners bc they think it’s fun to place them in front of the targets??? anD THEY GET AWAY WITH IT??
Wwx at least tried to protest but jc shut him down, bc their clan really isn’t strong enough to stir up trouble rn 
*takes a deep breath*
Okay, okay
I’m calm, i’m cool
So that happened
Jzx tries to show off by shooting an arrow and getting a bullseye without hitting any of the prisoners
And wwx sees this and is like, hmmmm, i can humiliate jzx AND discreetly protect the wen prisoners!!! (and give the audience a bite of wangxiantics)
Wwx: lan zhan, do me a favor
Lwj: what’s the matter?
Wwx: can i borrow your forehead ribbon?
Lwj just stares at him in response and wwx sulks but doesn’t push it
(lol, jc sees that go down and is just completely exasperated, like, one day, can we get one day when you don’t OVERTLY FLIRT WITH LWJ in front of EVERYONE??)
(the answer is no. no, he cannot do that, jc)
(he’s not allowed to not flirt with lwj)
Since he couldn’t get the super special forehead ribbon, he uses one of his own wrist ribbon things to blindfold himself
Wwx: nbd nbd, imma just shoot 5 arrows whilst blindfolded and hit every bullseye there is WITHOUT harming any of these innocent war victims.
It’s all in the twirl, baby
He does a Dramatic Twirl, Smirks™ and then releases those arrows like nothing
And afterwards he has this proud little grin on his face bc hell yeah, he just owned jzx’s smug ass AND prevented any harm from falling on innocent people
He sees wwx be a badass with a bow and arrow and immediately turns to lxc next to him with an expression like HOLY FUCKING SHIT, DID YOU SEE THAT, THAT WAS AWESOME and starts clapping like a madman
For future reference, this is the correct response to wwx all the time, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BB
After all that, wwx struts back to stand next to lwj and gives him a proud little smile. It’s so cute, so cute.
Jgy is talking again BLEGH
Now we’re in the forest!! For hunting reasons!!
Wwx makes himself comfy by a tree and plays Magic Music on his demon flute and is all pretty while doing it and supposedly gets all this prey to jump into Jiang nets
we never actually see this happen but everyone says it happened and who am i to argue?
(actually i like to argue one-sidedly at the screen a lot but this was not important enough so whatever)
Also, side note, jc is KILLIN IT with his fashion choices in this ep. LOOKIN GOOD BRO
But we don’t care about any of this 
And then it gets sad. Sad times in the forest :(
Wwx was totally making a move to get lwj’s attention but he stops himself
Bc he remembers the conversation he had with lxc about how the ones he cares about can be hurt by his decisions
Thank goodness lwj notices him back
Wwx looks so surprised but also pleased the lwj sees him
And ofc lwj does not hesitate to go to wwx
Wwx: hey lan zhan, i heard you got tired of writing out the Lan Fam Rules~!
He’s happily engaging him in conversation!! He’s trying to tease him again!
Too bad lwj does not go along with it
This whole “let’s ruin wwx’s attempts for pleasant conversation by bringing up sad things” is getting really old lwj, stop that
Lwj: i made some progress in composing the music score and i’d like to share it with you to see if it works
eXCuSe mE??
Wwx: lan wangji, lan wangji
Noooo he’s reverted to calling him formally!!
And his tone went all flat!!
Wwx: who do you take me for? Why can’t you leave me alone?
The minute wwx asks him that, lwj lowers his gaze when previously he had his eyes glued to wwx’s face the whole time
Lwj: who do you take me for?
He says all somberly, STILL NOT LOOKING AT WWX
Oh god, their faces are breaking my heart
After lwj says that, wwx stares at him for a long moment before canting his eyes to the side AND THEY LOOK KIND OF TEARY??
Wwx: i once treated you as my lifelong confidant (AKA SOULMATE)
Lwj: i still am
Aaaaand the moment’s interrupted bc of stupid jzx and his Hetero Drama
Wwx hears someone approaching and he grabs lwj by the arm and drags him to a hiding spot where they can spy on jzx who just appeared with jyl
You know, i love how whenever wwx grabs lwj to drag him somewhere we get a bit of slo-mo stuff to, i guess, emphasize wwx is touching lwj or something
Not that we need the emphasis
It’s not like we’re not already hyper-aware of their EVERY INTERACTION
So now we get to watch wwx and lwj spy jzx and jyl
Lol, i wonder what lwj is thinking
Does he watch this and sympathize? Does he get secondhand embarrassment bc he knows he doesn’t do any better expressing his feelings to his soulmate??
I can’t imagine he has any actual interest in spying on Disaster Het jzx
Lwj is a Disaster Gay 
There can only be so much Disaster at a time, y’know?
or maybe he’s just thinking OMG WWX TOUCHED ME OMG WWX IS SO CLOSE
yeah, that’s probably it
Okay, there’s Hetero Drama going down 
Blah blah blah
BUT WAIT, jzx just made jyl tear up AGAIN
Wwx is all ready to tear jzx a new one but lwj holds him back before he could give away their location
Like, if asked, i’m sure lwj would say “oh, i stopped him to avoid an inter-clan incident” or whatever
But his REAL reason for holding him back was bc he was enjoying have wwx so physically close to him again
While secluded in a hidden spot
I mean, there’s less than a foot of space between them
I wouldn’t be so eager to give that up if i had wwx that close to me either
But lwj can’t hold him back for long bc jzx does another douchebaggy thing and wwx has had Enough
Wwx goes to defend his sister BC NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MAKE JYL SAD, OKAY?
Wwx and jzx argue and then jzx draws his sword and takes a swing at wwx!!
Lol jzx is so confused as to why lwj is there suddenly
You just tried attacking his soulmate, bro
what did you think was gonna happen
Ugh more Hetero Drama
Gotta say, i do enjoy watching jzx get scolded by his mother
Asshole cousin starts stirring up trouble and throwing a hissy fit about how wwx used his demon flute to catch 30% of the prey and how it’s Dishonorable and Cheating behavior
Lwj turns to wwx for a moment here and is like “30%??” idk if he’s impressed or concerned here.
Maybe both
Lwj gets a lot of Feelings around wwx, okay?
Lol, while asshole cousin is ranting, wwx turns his back on him to look at lwj
Wwx: oh, lan zhan, i didn’t thank you earlier for blocking that attack for me! Thank you~!
Wwx is holding it together until asshole cousin accuses the jiang clan of having a corrupt or weak family or smth?
Then he starts getting all twitchy the way he does when Resentment kicks in
Asshole cousin continues to goad him and wwx starts to reach for his demon flute
Lwj flies to his side and grabs his arm!
Lwj: wei ying, concentrate. Wei ying, concentrate.
(wwx has a knack for making lwj repeat himself)
Jyl joins him to help wwx calm down
And now we take a break from wangxiantics for BADASS JYL TIME
Jyl goes and apologizes all sweetly to everyone for wwx’s supposedly rude behavior or whatever
And then turns to asshole cousin
Jyl: i might not know much about hunts, but i know there’s never been a rule about catching too much prey
Jyl: it’s not his fault you can’t hunt prey. He used a different method that he worked hard to learn
Jyl: FURTHERMORE, you called him the son of a servant when he is my dear little brother
Jyl: so i would like for you to apologize to wwx
Madam jin is like, ah, it’s not that big of a deal, let the boys squabble 
And jyl shuts that down by telling her that wwx is family, an insult to him is not a trivial matter for her
Blah blah plot blah blah jzx is a Disaster Het in front of Witnesses blah blah 
Gross, sect leader yao goes off on a rant
We’re gonna ignore him
We cut to wwx downing a jar of wine in the middle of town 
*sigh* i don’t even know why i bother telling him off at this point, he’s obviously not worried at all about alcoholism
Ooooh, and now we’re getting Lan Bro time. Very wangxiantic lan bro time
Lxc: lwj, i can tell you’re worried about something. What is it?
Lwj: …
Lwj: lxc, i..i want to bring a man to Cloud Recesses
(guys, the ellipses here actually happened. We actually hear lwj do a start-stop on his sentence)
(Our boy is Overcome with Feeling rn)
Lxc: bring a man back to Cloud Recesses?
Lwj: bring him back…and hide him there.
Lxc: hide him?
Lwj: …
Lxc: he may be unwilling to go, right?
Lwj stays silent here, and the lan bros manfully stare off to the distance
(I like to pretend that here lxc starts coming up with elaborate kidnapping plots bc he wants his lil bro to be happy and that’s only happening if he drags wwx back to their home)
(i mean, locking up your soulmate against their will is a Lan family tradition, isn’t it??)
This forest frolic was not nearly as fun as the last one :(
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