#had a swollen eye for
crowbury · 1 year
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templetantrum · 20 days
really playing fast and loose with this vibe and this bursting bladder. i’m nearly at a ten and entering the danger zone. i just felt a few drops of piss sneak out. i didn’t put anything down on the bed so i really can’t have an accident. and yet i keep pressing on my swollen bladder anyway. i can feel the piss right at my hole. the pressure just feels so fuckingggg good omg fucjjen gkdss
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bloomingkyras · 13 hours
Decided to took a risk to update my game and all the mods. Cause i don't want to procrastinating things anymore.. Wish me luck!
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luvsimskaos · 9 days
Why I was gone
My luck isn't the best, as you've probably noticed. While I was able to take leave for two weeks and even play some, I wasn't able to get all the pictures needed. I assumed I would be able to get them later, so I scheduled some post (you might've seen them). But then I ran into computer issues. Black lines started appearing on my display and I hold no clue what was causing it. Both my computer and monitor came from the same place and were relatively new, add to the fact that I've already been having issues with my computer. Good news it was my monitor in the end, bad news I needed to get a new one. So it took a while. And then my mouse stopped working for some reason, it would work and then stop, then work then stop again. The keyboard which it's paired with was working fine but the mouse was being weird. So I got a new keyboard and mouse. Technology hates me. But I'm back and a new post will be appearing tomorrow. Thank you for waiting and I hope you enjoy what's next for the Waring Family.
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Photo of the issuse. The entire taskbar was gone, it was bad.
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surreal-duck · 9 months
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art summary for this year o7 (template from here!!)
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nkogneatho · 9 months
sometimes we try so hard and focus to have a good day that we forget that we're allowed to have a bad one. we're allowed to feel hurt and cry when things don't go as planned. we don't have to forcefully smile our way through it. it is okay to feel all that pain. it is okay if our day was bad. we'll wake up again tomorrow and have a good day.
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rewrite-canon · 10 months
me when sad media piece about romantic relationship: light work no reaction
me when sad media piece about sibling dynamic: oh. okay. its got a little kick.
me when sad media piece about child-parental figure dynamic: LET ME GET UP LET ME GET UP LET ME GET UP ELT MEGET UP ELT ME GET UP ELTMR FJETY UP LEGBR LE FEOT UP
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syunkiss · 7 months
i am a believer that chuuya went into a bad mental state after the sb things and all so many things changed about him, mainly the way he used to smile before and he seemed to not be so loud or emotional anymore. i mean, it was still chuuya, but. he looked tired of everything. of everything that happened. and it changed him to someone tired.
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everyryuujisuguro · 8 months
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lady-harrowhark · 4 months
after a few days of hoping it was just some weird irritation that would clear up on its own and some frustrating phone calls, i have finally wrangled an emergency dentist appointment for tomorrow afternoon. bless receptionists and schedulers who go out of their way to help people 😭
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jihyolesbian · 7 months
i was called a crybaby today…like um.😭 sorry im so overworked wnd exhausted and overwhelmed wnd anxious and dying ont he inside 😭 sorry i cant catch a break these past few months and flr the next few months it literally wont end😭 sorry i sacrifice my sleep time to accommodate your needs so im getting like 4-5 hrs of sleep a night for the past month and a half😭 sorry my emotions are suchhhh an inconvenience to you😭😭😂😂😂😂
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powm · 7 months
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fairly-linked · 11 months
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My dog ate a bee
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
Surprise Visit
A Rescue Bots Academy Short-Story
Summary: Someone special visits Whirl Jr. on her graduation day at the academy.
[time frame is set two years after “Crash of The Titan”][SPOILERS AHEAD!…kinda]
I also wrote an itty bitty poem to set the tone too.
And fanart.
What a Surprise
By: Sphnyspinspin
Oh wow… what a strange place,
Where you’ve decided to stay,
So different from our old home,
How did you ever find your way,
With all these different rocks and trees,
I never knew how green it was going to be,
Somehow you’d be fascinated by the stories they tell,
Like the stories of this place you told me,
Weird animals that are scary and vicious,
You love them with all your spark,
And they’re the coolest things you’ve ever seen,
Like when you told me how you saw a shark,
None of them can protect themselves,
The residents here are flimsy and small,
That’s why you decided to stay here,
To be an amazing rescuer to them all,
Too bad they all can’t meet you,
The last thing I wanted was for you to be lonely,
Of course you had no trouble at all,
You told me about your classmates and how they’re friendly,
Your teachers have given you such high remarks,
How you’re smart and talented, you’re really thriving,
I am seriously dumbfounded and amazed,
You’ve done so well just by arriving,
You’re practically the light of my life,
I can’t say being so far away wasn’t painful,
It was sad to see you go through that bridge,
But I was happy you were hopping and hopeful,
The moment you got to the portal, you were still standing,
You started turning towards me, tilting down your head,
Was something wrong? Were you okay?
You ran into my servos, almost knocking me off my pedes,
What you said shook my world, as I held you in my embrace,
“Thanks, dad…for everything you’ve done for me. I wouldn’t be able to become the bot I am today without you.”
Heh…you’re one to talk, as you let me go and took off,
What I wanted to say had to wait, I had to board the ship that was leaving at two,
I had a mission on the other side of the galaxy,
It was supposed to be short, but everything kept delaying,
There were so many hiccups, like you wouldn’t believe,
The thought of seeing you again was the only thing that kept me going,
It’s okay, I got your transmissions,
I could tell you were worried but I was always alright,
What I wanted to tell you had to be face to face,
The moment had to be just right…
Today is the day, with no more delays,
I was going to surprise you at your graduation,
I was excited to see my little bitlet again,
I was glowing with anticipation,
You’ve probably grown a bit with your new alt mode,
Heck, you’re probably able to fly above the clouds,
I just know for a fact you’ve grown into a great bot,
I just know for a fact you’ll make me so proud
I see you now,
With your friends by your side,
Your teachers praising you,
If I had tear ducts I would’ve cried,
With a stroll half way across the parking lot,
I stood beside the academy,
Your friends noticed me first, I saw them point and ask,
“Who’s he?”
The moment you were standing in front of your friends, still standing,
You started turning towards me, tilting up your head,
Did you not recognize me right away? Or were you just surprised?
You starting running towards me, I held out my servos, I readied my pedes,
“Dad!” I heard you holler,
You had grown so much I wasn’t ready,
You jumped into my servos and we collapsed on the ground,
We started giggling, I tried getting up, but I was unsteady,
You introduced me to your friends,
I see why you liked them, they’re an interesting bunch,
You made friends with a raptor, a crash-test dummy, Ratchet’s nephew, and-uh…Titan?
Can’t say I was jealous…much,
It was time to go,
We said our goodbyes,
You wanted to fly across the ocean before we left,
We took our time to take to the skies,
We transformed and headed off,
I still had something to say,
It was time,
Not any other time, not any other day,
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“Hey there kiddo…I have to tell you something. Like something, really important.”
“Yeah dad?”
“Do you have any idea how proud you’ve made me?”
“Aw…Thanks dad.”
“No-seriously-do have any idea how proud I am of you?”
“Whirliebird. I am going to say this a clear as possible. You’re literally the most important bot in my life-ever. The wreckers are a close second.”
“I-I don’t know what to say-“
“You’re crazy smart, you became a triple changer, you obviously made friends with some of the coolest bots ever, you even helped your friends recover a Titan. A TITAN WHIRLIE!”
“I appreciate that dad, I really do, but…where are you going with this?”
“What I’m saying is, during my time, or even before the war, not that many full-grown bots could’ve done half the stuff you’ve done in a lifetime. Your going places Whirliebird. And I genuinely believe your going to be an amazing bot someday. I am so proud of you, and not just because your my daughter, but because your one of the very few bots thats actually going to make the world a better place.”
“Oh dad…Thank you. I think I-I think I really needed to hear that, and I thought you just showing up made my day. I’m super happy with what I’ve done here too. But could you be a little bit more specific on which world I’m going to make a better place? Cybertron or Earth?”
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sevens-evan · 17 days
i NEED boxing class to start i am so ready to hit things it's unreal.
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nectaric · 2 months
i have a big to do list for myself today (i have already made lots of progress though!) to prepare for my husband's return from work tomorrow BUT! once that is complete, i'll pop on here and do some writing and answer some im's as well!
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