#had an xray for it today
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Group chat with friends 2023
group chat with friends (2023) - ducklesspond and friends
"help mine dick thats ugly that one yes for me indeedy"
submitted by @ducklesspond
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dunmeshiminimumwage · 6 months
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vully-andthegoose · 6 months
in addition to dealing with my mom being terminally ill and progressing rapidly, I also get to deal with my own health bullshit! hooray !
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hollowboobtheory · 6 months
I hope this isn’t an invasive question. If it is please just ignore it. I also can’t remember if you’ve mentioned this before.
Do you have to do physical therapy for your mouth? Or do you just eventually get closer to your starting point for talking/eating/ect on your own?
idk. they had a speech pathologist check me out at the hospital to make sure i'd be able to feed myself before they took out my feeding tube
i'm talking okay now, the main problem is i just have this insane lisp. eating is harder than talking and i'm not expecting it to get any easier once i get going with radiation therapy and my mouth is all irradiated and my spit glands die. I did eat some (solid) enchilada today! just had to remember to take really small bites. which is great because my lasagna experiment, while funny, failed horribly. simply blending up normal foods does not work. but i am gonna have to avoid anything too spicy/sour/salty once the radiation sets in.
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volumniafox · 1 month
God can't the infection clear already
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unreadpoppy · 1 month
Nebulizing a dog is harder than it sounds let me tell you that
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reginaofdoctorwho · 2 months
my cat's dying and i feel so horrible about it
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apopcornkernel · 3 months
He was intimately familiar with the feel of it, rich red and liquid against the flesh of his hand. Still, Max studied his blood creeping up the IV tube—just backflow, the nurse had reassured him, very normal—with more than a little sense of unease.
Max had not wanted to be here in the first place. It was just headaches—was there anything more stupid to be admitted into the hospital for? And anyways, it was all J’onn’s fault he was here, the traitor. Apparently his telepathic skills extended to a partial sensitivity for mental pain. And now Max was sitting in this plastic chair in a hospital gown feeling stupid, with three different tube connecting thingys dangling out of his arm like computer wires. They had asked him earlier if he had had any piercings, shrapnel in his body or what, and he’d felt a perverse sort of pride in saying no, he didn’t think so, but he had been caught in the middle of combat before, seeing as he was manager of The Justice League, said with suitable pomp and audible Capital Letters; and then J’onn had given him a Look and Max had grumbled a little and said again, no, probably not.
im in hsopital
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basslinegrave · 3 months
im feeling so antsy i have like nothing that i specifically Have to do like yes i have to work on a fursuit but im missing something for it so i would have to wait either way so its ok to slow down on it (i at least sewed some parts today) and i got enough money for rent and all so i dont need to rush it so idk if its that but i also have a dentist appointment next week which might be the cause of me being so nervous because i Hate it there and i hate how its now gonna ruin my weekend cause im just gonna be thinking about it
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zevrans-remade · 7 months
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minglana · 1 year
looooveeeeeee to see corruption before my very eyes🥰makes me feel some type of way of what influential people like politicians do to make themselves look good🥰
in other news, did you guys know that theres a lot of covid cases in my city but the hospitals are forbidden of giving official covid diagnoses "for political reasons"?
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lady-lessobian · 1 year
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girlhorse · 1 year
enzo stoned on trazodone highlights
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girlbob-boypants · 9 months
I hope my stepfather loses his other little nut to an evil wizard clearly cursing him for being a grade A cuntmuffin
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ravinoforre · 1 year
hoo boi i sure love me some chronic knee pain that’ll flare up at random for no discernible reason.
it’s always there, but not consistently painful enough to be able to go on sick leave/disability, but not dull enough to be able to ignore.
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
many experiences today
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