#had tacos that were too spicy for me
esleep · 4 months
i made korean tacos for dinner (no recipe just vibes + what i had in the fridge) and they were unbelievably delicious. my god.
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
TikTok Trend
Beautiful decides to take part in a TikTok Trend with Joel. A New in Town drabble.
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^We're borrowing Mr. Ben for a late-40s Joel, OK? I desperately need more gifs of Pedro's Joel from that era, I'm too reliant on other characters and actual Pedro gifs for these fics GIVE ME SOMETHING PLEASE
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from New in Town
Warnings: Not much! Age gap but not the focus of the fic (reader is 36, Joel is 48). No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 1.4k
A/N: I got stuck thinking earlier how Joel would react to the "call your boyfriend your husband" trend and this is how I think it'd go. This is set about 3 months before the last chapter of New in Town. This can be read as a stand alone fic with the understanding that reader is Sarah's best friend and Joel and Reader have an established relationship of about a year.
“So what’s this for again?” Joel asked as he sat down at the picnic table in the park. 
“It’s a TikTok challenge,” you said, settling in beside him. Joel opened the paper bag the two of you had just gotten from a food truck and started taking out the tacos, putting some in front of you and him. 
“Right,” he said. “And… I’m sorry, baby, but what’s the point?” 
You laughed as you set your phone against your water bottle so it was propped up and ready to film. 
“There isn’t really one, I guess,” you said. “It’s just a fun little video you make and then share. Those interns I have until May are all about it, they were showing me some of theirs the other day. Figure if I work in marketing, I gotta keep up with the trends!” 
Joel smiled a little. 
“So this is the kind of shit Sarah does, huh?” 
“Yeah, she does,” you laughed again. “Her and the interns made one for the company social page the other day, actually.” 
“Can I see?” He asked, interest suddenly piqued. 
“Sure,” you picked your phone back up and found your company’s TikTok, scrolling to the video and handing it off to Joel. 
“We work in marketing, of course we over analyze every ad we see,” Sarah said through your phone, a small smile on Joel’s face as he watched. 
It made you smile, too. One of the fun parts about being in the strange middle ground between your boyfriend’s and best friend’s ages was serving as a bit of a translator between them. Joel still didn’t quite get TikTok. Sarah didn’t understand why her dad refused to go all in on streaming and still had cable. You, at least, could see both sides. 
But this TikTok effort had nothing to do with Sarah. You did try to keep up with the trends on social media to better craft campaigns and content - capitalizing on trends meant that you had to move quick and you couldn’t afford to be out of touch - but your personal TikTok account was mostly empty. It was pretty private, anyway, shared with only a few close friends like Sarah and Maria. All it had were a few reposts of things you liked, some montages of video snippets from you and Joel’s first vacation together, that sort of thing. 
“You should do some of the trends!” Jason, one of your interns, said earlier that day. 
“Just being in the loop on trends is plenty for me,” you waved him off but smiled. “I don’t need to participate.” 
“But it’s fun!” Kenzie, your other intern said. “They’re not all dances and stuff, you know…” 
“I know,” you said. “But it’s just not what I want to spend a lot of time doing is all.” 
“Some don’t take much time,” she said, opening her phone and scrolling for a second. “Here, this one’s easy. You said you have a boyfriend, right?” 
“I do…” 
“Cool,” she said. “So all you do is record yourself making a video where you call your boyfriend your husband, just to see how he reacts. No crazy edits or anything, it’s super easy.” 
You caved after some light convincing and came up with a plan to get Joel in front of the camera. You told him it was a spicy food challenge, just to see which of you handled the heat better and, while you knew he wouldn’t really get the point, you knew he’d be supportive. He always was. 
But there was something about this trend in particular that made you a little nervous. It’s not like the two of you hadn’t discussed marriage. You’d been together a year now, you’d just moved into his house. It had definitely come up. But it had come up in the way that far off things do, something that might happen some day if things fell into place in just the right way. You didn’t want to push it, didn’t want him to feel rushed or obligated, especially since you’d only been cohabitating about a month. Bringing up marriage - even like this - made you nervous. 
“OK I think I get it,” Joel handed you your phone back after watching Sarah’s video twice. “But we’re not doin’ that same thing, right?” 
“Nope,” you said. “We’re going to see who handles the spice better.” 
“Think we both know which one of us is gonna win that one, Beautiful,” he teased, nuzzling his nose against your temple before kissing your cheek. “Us southern men are made of sterner stuff…” 
“Yeah yeah,” you rolled your eyes but smiled, leaning close to him. “We’ll just see about that.” 
You set your phone up to record again, propping it against your water bottle. 
“Here, you gotta get in close because the TikTok format is vertical,” you said and Joel adjusted so you were half beside and half in front of him, his arm going around your waist, hand finding your hip, thumb slipping up below your shirt to find your bare flesh above the band of your pants and brushing you slowly, sensually there. You gave him a look. 
“What?” He asked, brows raised, smile barely contained. 
“Don’t act all innocent,” you shook your head. “You know exactly what you’re doing…” 
“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s make your little TikTik video…” 
“TikTok,” you rolled your eyes but adjusted yourself, your heart pounding. 
“Whatever the kids are using now,” he said. “Because the sooner we’re done the sooner I can get you home…” 
“Alright, I’m going to record,” you cut him off. “Behave yourself!” 
“Always do, Beautiful.” 
You rolled your eyes again but took a deep breath, leaned forward and pressed record. 
“Hi everyone,” you smiled, watching the recording of you and Joel as it was made on the screen. “I’m here with my husband and we’re going to do the spicy food challenge…”
“Your what?” He cut you off and you turned so you could see him a little better. 
“Did…” he paused, looking at you like he wasn’t sure if you were losing it or he was. You weren’t sure if that was good or bad. “Did you just call me your husband?” 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, turning back to the camera. “Anyway, my husband and I both really love spicy food and…” 
You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence. Joel grabbed your chin almost roughly, pulling you around to face him and all but crushed his lips against yours, clutching you close, kissing you deep and hard, like he couldn’t get enough of you. When he finally let you go, you looked at him and laughed a little, watching him. 
“What was that for?” You asked. 
“You wanna call me your husband?” He asked, a serious look on his face. “Beautiful, we will go to the courthouse right this damn second, don’t tempt me…” 
“Joel, it’s 7 p.m.,” you laughed. “The courthouse is closed.” 
“Don’t care,” he said, giving you a quicker kiss this time. “C’mon, we’ll grab Sarah on the way, see if Tommy wants to meet us…” 
“That’s all it takes, hm?” You teased, heart pounding but for a good reason now. “Just me slipping up and calling you my husband and you’re ready to run down the aisle?” 
“Baby, I’ve been ready to run down the aisle for about a year,” he pressed his forehead to yours. “Just been waitin’ on you to catch up.” 
“Well,” you kissed him softly. “I’m more than caught up. But think I’m still gonna make you ask.” 
“Good luck stopping me,” he said, kissing you again, longer this time, needier, until you pulled away with a groan. “Forget this food challenge, I gotta get you home and devour you. Let’s go, wife.” 
You laughed and stopped the recording on your phone, saving the video to drafts as Joel gathered up the food. You made the mental note to edit out that last part before posting, no need for the interns or Sarah to know quite that much about your sex life. 
“Sorry for ruining your little video,” he said as you started back toward the car. “We can try again later, promise to actually behave myself then…” 
“That’s alright,” you smiled, lacing your fingers with his. “I already got everything I need.”
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Hello! I don't know if you accept requests but Henry eating for the first time esquites/chaskas/elote in a glass, whatever they tell him in your country because in mine they are called chaskas 😭😭
In Mexico, it’s esquites if it’s in a cup and of course elote if it’s on the cob. I do accept requests! Helps with la falta de imaginación
Something New
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry meets Y/N’s parents for the first time and tries traditional Mexican food.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors,
A/N: Im gonna input my childhood, obviously.
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Y/N was making lunch her and Henry when she got a phone call.
“Bueno?” Y/N asked, adding pasta into the boiling water.
“Hola hija! Cómo estás?” Her mom asked on the other line. Y/N walks away from the stove.
“Mami, estoy bien, y tú? Por qué me estás llamando?” Y/N asked, walking to the living room and swatted Henry’s shoulder, he looked back confused.
“Estoy bien, hija, gracias por preguntar.” Y/N put her mom on speaker. “Como pascua es este domingo, quiero que vengas con tu noviecito, han estado saliendo por un rato y no le hemos conocido ni nada.” Y/N’s mom said and Y/N’s eyes widened, now Henry was concerned, he might not know a lot of Spanish, but he could tell by his girlfriend’s face, this wasn’t the best news.
“Si mami, claro que voy con mi novio, de verdad quiero que se conozcan.” Y/N said.
“Que bueno, Los veo mañana, chao.” Her mom hung up and Y/N facepalmed her forehead.
“I understood about 20% of that, what’s going on?” Henry asked.
“Fortachón, you’ve got your wish, You’re meeting my parents tomorrow.” Y/N said and Henry’s eyes look,Ike they’re going to pop out of his head.
“Tomorrow? I am not prepared!” Henry exclaimed.
“Well tomorrow is Easter and my mom wants to meet you so…yeah. Knowing her, we’ll have a lot of tias and tíos, some primos already have kids so get ready for Superman questions, fortachón.” Y/N said, patting his shoulder before going back to the kitchen.
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Now it was Easter, Henry and Y/N were at her mom’s door, Henry carrying the Mexican rice Y/N made. Y/N rang the doorbell again, the door opened and she was greeted by her cousin Ignacio.
“Nacho! Cómo estás?” Y/N hugged her cousin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Estoy bien prima, Miguelito esta jugando allá fuera. Pásale, pásale, nice to meet you Henry.” Nacho said, shaking Henry’s free hand, leading them through the house and into the backyard. “Put the rice on the table, mi papá ya está preparando los elotes.”
“Ooh, i haven’t had elotes in a while.” Y/N said.
“What’s elote?” Henry asked.
“You haven’t been making Your gringo any Mexican food? What kind of girlfriend are you?” Nacho said and Y/N swatted his arm.
“I make him Mexican food…he likes tacos, bistec empanado con sopita, quesadillas de papa.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, hermano, You’re going to eat really well here.” Nacho puts his arm around Henry’s shoulder as best as he could since Henry is obviously taller than him. Y/N says hello to everyone, introducing them to Henry.
“Okay, primer elote está listo, quien lo quiere?” Nacho’s dad, Hernando, asked. Nacho quickly got up for the elote.
“Okay so elote is corn topped with mayonnaise, cheese, and chili power. It’s really good (I haven’t eaten in, I don’t like corn), you’ll like it.” Y/N said. Henry was sat at the table while Y/N made him a plate of food. “I served you sopes which is tortilla topped with refried black beans, queso cotija, and lettuce because the salas is probably too spicy for you, your elote, a tostado which is the same as a sope but it’s a crunchy tortilla, and tostadas de pulpo because they’re my favorite.”
Henry looked at the plate in front of him. “This is a lot of food, love.”
“Yes but think of it this way, if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it, and very happily too.” Y/N said, kissing him. Henry took a bite of the octopus tostada.
“This is really good.” Henry finished that tostada, moved on to the regular tostada, then the sope, adding a bit of salsa. Then to the elote, best for last. He took a bite, some corn falling off the cob, mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth along with pieces of queso cotija and chili powder. “I think elotes might be my favorite, it’s delicious, muchas gracias, Hernando.”
“No es nada, güerito.” Hernando said, making another 2 elotes for Henry to eat.
“I take it this means I have to make more Mexican food in the house?” Y/N asks.
“Oh absolutely, I’m going to have to work out even more to burn off these calories.” Henry said, kissing Y/N with his mouth tasting like elote.
The End
I know it’s short but I hope you like it! Feel free to request more ideas
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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babyhatesreality · 9 days
hello hello! i hope you’re well!💕 imagine the following:
baby being a hot chip fiend.
the thought has not left me. i’m plagued with thoughts of it on the daily.😭
since katie cat is a modern little, the thought of her enjoying and munching away on takis or hot cheetos while steve and/or bucky just recoil at the spiciness of it just makes me laugh.
especially since steve and bucky were just raised in a completely different time, a stomachache waiting to happen for them, is literally just a casual little snack for her.😭💀
however, there’s also the possibility that at least one of them…bucky would like the spice.
OMG @spoopynortherndownwhore!! So this is hilarious for a multitude of reasons. The first being- I adore this idea and it makes me laugh so hard- you are a genius. Also I'm so sorry for the delay. The second- I am the absolute opposite of a hot chip fiend. Like some of the Taco Bell mild stuff is too much for me. So I have absolutely no idea how to write it because I am literally that person that get a whiff of a spicy scent and starts making faces like a two year old confronted with broccoli.
So all that being said....Imma make some stuff up because it makes me laugh and because you are amazing and I hope it makes you laugh!
This one time you were grocery shopping with Bucky, and a package of Flaming Cheetos caught your eye. You thought the cheetah with the fire behind him was pretty, so you asked if you could get it.
Bucky wasn't sure about this. "Baby, these are hot and spicy. I don't think you're gonna like 'em." But when your face crumpled with disappointment, of course he couldn't handle that. He tossed them right into the basket. "What the heck. Let's live a little."
Your cheering and giggles was all he needed to know it was the right move.
Once you got home, you were desperate to try them, but Bucky insisted on you eating a normal lunch first. Once you finished your pb&j and carrot sticks, you both decided to try them together.
At the first taste, your eyes widened from the burn, your nose wrinkled as it ran, and your tongue felt like it was on fire. And you liked it a lot. You didn't care for the burn, but once you got past that the taste was really good! You reached for another one, but your hand was intercepted.
Because Bucky, who had popped one in at the same time as you, was nearly gagging. He felt like his face was exploding, his guts were on fire, and he didn't even want to think about what was happening in his colon.
"Absolutely not," he wheezed at you, keeping a hold of your hand while snatching the bag. He put the offending fire chips from hell in the top cabinet above the fridge where you couldn't reach even with your step stool before grabbing the gallon of milk. He sloshed some into your glass quickly, before drinking straight from the jug himself.
Once he tamed the burn, he became aware that you were just watching him curiously, having not touched your milk at all.
"Didn't that burn?" Bucky asked, his voice still hoarse from the spice. You nodded.
"Yeah but it was fun!"
"Yup! Can I have another?"
"No, baby, I don't want it to hurt your tummy."
"Doesn't hurt!"
"It might not hurt now, but it'll hurt later. No more flaming hot cheetos."
"Dat's no fun."
"You'll thank me later."
"You didn't like dem, Daddy?"
"They're not gonna like ME, munchkin. Drink your milk please."
After you had obeyed and had a milk mustache, you tried again. "Dey didn't taste good to you?"
"They tasted fine, but that burn....yikes," Bucky mumbled as he wiped your face.
"I like da taste too!"
"The taste WAS good, but it's not worth it."
"Please, Daddy? Just one more?"
"Sorry Trouble, it's not happening again."
"But what if Papa like da taste? Can he has them?"
"Okay, now THAT'S a fun idea."
Later that night, Bucky had convinced Steve to try one, and relented on letting you have another- mostly so he could watch Steve's reaction to you having no reaction.
It went exactly how you think it would go.
Steve banned them from the house after watching you down three cheetos in a row in absolute horror.
When you asked what was going to happen to the rest of the cheetos since they weren't allowed in the house anymore, Bucky brushed it off, saying they'd take care of it.
What you didn't know, was after Steve had tucked you into your bed that night, he caught Bucky sneaking a handful of them in the kitchen pantry with a tub of ice cream next to him.
Bucky just blinked at him innocent. "Don't you judge me, Rogers."
"Fine, Barnes. But you either point your ass the other way in bed tonight, or you're sleeping on the couch."
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in Defence of Creek ( warning if your an Avid Creek Hater you may not want to read this 😂😂 )
ps. Branch will Hair strangle some guy he Barely knew who he didn't even care about for betraying them but doesn't do the same to his Jerkass Brothers who let him down his whole life 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
anyway onto the topic at hand 😂😂😂😂
Creek gets an unfair Rap in my opinion sure he technically betrayed the village but when you examine the story of the first film he literally had no other choice.
as there's no other scenario that didn't end with him being Horribly Eaten as soon as he was picked by Chef for Gristle Jr to eat and taken out of the cage his fate was sealed.
unlike the rest of the snack pack he didn't have the option of sitting around waiting on the off chance Poppy would Rescue them.
we see in the Betrayal scene he was literally in Gristle's mouth before he finally played the only card he could and said he'd do what ever they wanted him to do.
and from then on he was kept in Gristle's locket around his neck which I have to say was Horrible poor guy was stuffed in their with no space or light or even air given how tight it was.
and he was kept there until eventually being moved out of the locket and put into Chef's waist bag just before the snack pack got the Locket from Gristle and were then captured by Chef.
and from that point like Creek himself said there was literally nothing else he could do that wouldn't result in him being killed straight away by Chef.
this is what rubs me the wrong way about the movie trying to make him into a villain he has no real agency in the betrayal it'd be a little easier for me to Judge him.
if he was kept in the cage with the Rest of the Snack Pack so he had the option of just having faith in Poppy someone he claimed to care about.
coming to save them but instead he took the more cowardly action and offered to sell everyone out early on in order to save himself then I feel it'd work a little better.
but having him be plucked from the cage early on and literally only betray everyone when he was on the verge of being eaten just makes him a victim in my eyes.
like I'm sorry but he can't be blamed too much for anything he does at that point he's just a normal civilian who's life was put in danger by negligent leaders ( cough Peppy cough ).
he technically wasn't obligated to die then and there and the whole situation with him selling out the Village is a classic Trolley Problem sure its easy to Judge.
from the outside but when we're on the verge of being gruesomely murdered who's to say what each of us would do in the moment to stay alive.
basically its Chef's actions and she's the one to blame not Creek dude was a literal Hostage who had been kidnaped Humiliated by being shoved in a taco and sprinkled with spicy stuff.
and then nearly eaten and then crammed into a tiny locket for presumably Hours and then crammed into a waist bag like how is this guy not the victim here?
and some people do like to point to how he behaved about the whole thing telling Poppy he's doing it for her but I'm sorry that doesn't change anything in my eyes.
sure its an unusual reaction but its also an unusual situation and I see it more as him weakly attempting to justify it to himself since he does admit he wishes there was another way but is promptly reminded by Chef that there isn't.
his Reaction isn't Great but it doesn't change the situation and make him some pure evil person.
a little autistic maybe? given the weird response to an emotional situation he has but yeah it doesn't make him worse in my eyes.
basically to end things the film as well as the fandom that villainise him seem to basically be saying that he should have just laid down and accepted his gruesome fate the first time.
and the movie even ends on a cruel irony of still being eaten along with Chef.
which for Chef is ironic in a karmic way but for Creek its just kinda sad tbh so the film's saying his death was decided at the start and he's a villain for not accepting it the first time.
and as punishment he meets the same fate in the end anyway.
I thought this was a Trolls film not a Final Destination film lol.
anyway even tho its separate cannon I was Happy when he was Revealed to still be alive in TBGO sure I feel his Return could have been written way better.
but Regardless I'm Glad he's still alive he didn't deserve to die and also the movie cannon never contradicts the tv show cannon in Terms of Creek's survival.
so yeah he could very well still be alive in the movies as well sorry Haters 😅😅😅😅.
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kikimurphys · 2 days
Behind Closes Doors (Part 8)
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Warging: Smut
Much to your luck, you hadn't crossed paths with him on set, and you busied yourself steaming the dresses and suits the actors needed for their scenes and sewing beads back onto a skirt that had ripped. By lunchtime, you were exhausted.
When you got out of work, you headed to your apartment after picking up some take-out tacos. You had been craving something spicy all day. Once inside your apartment, you took off your heels and flopped onto the couch, legs up. They were swollen from having to stand in heels all day. "Ugh, why do I insist on dressing up? I always forget how pregnant I am," you muttered to yourself. And they weren’t even that high, to be honest.
After you finished eating, you placed the dishes in the sink and got yourself a glass of juice. God, you were so in the mood for a drink right now after the day you had. You had managed to not think about Cillian all afternoon, at least not as much as you used to.
Just as you stepped into your bedroom to change into your pajamas, the doorbell rang. You froze. Who could it be at this hour? You glanced at the clock—8:45 PM. With a sigh, you put your glass down and walked to the door, hoping it wasn’t anyone who would demand too much of your time. You were really tired and began to feel hot in your long-sleeved dress, all you wanted was to go to bed. You peeked through the peephole, standing on your tiptoes, and your breath caught in your throat.
Cillian stood there, looking as disheveled and tense as you felt. God, you had totally forgotten to text him back. Your first instinct was to ignore it, pretend you weren’t home, but you knew he wouldn’t leave that easily. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door.
“Cillian,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “What are you doing here?”
He looked at you, his eyes filled with a mix of worry and determination. “We need to talk,” he said simply.
You stepped aside to let him in, closing the door behind him. You led him to the living room, where you both sat down, the tension between you palpable.
“I’ve been trying to reach you,” he began, his voice soft but insistent. “You didn't respond to my text.”
“I’ve been busy,” you replied, avoiding his gaze.
Cillian nodded, running a hand through his hair. “Look. I’m sorry. I was an asshole this morning. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of pressure you are under, and I feel terrible that you felt like you had to hide the fact you are pregnant from me, or to even think that I wouldn’t be a part of her life, or… yours.”
You bit your lip, trying to hold back the flood of emotions his words stirred up. “I thought it would be easier if I just handled everything on my own. You have your own life, and I didn’t want to complicate things for you. You didn’t have to leave her.”
He reached to hold your hands in his. “The thing is, I wasn’t happy with her. Leaving you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession. “Why did you do it then?” you asked quietly, confusion and sadness in your voice.
“I don’t know,” he looked away. “I thought I was doing the right thing... and I ended up hurting the one person I didn't want to hurt, and I'm terribly sorry about it.”
“You did hurt me, Cill,” you stopped and sniffed as you began to feel tears well up in your eyes. “I was so confused when you dumped me, and then when you got back with Siobhan… I felt like I meant nothing to you. It was like you just erased everything we had.”
Cillian’s grip on your hands tightened, his eyes pleading. “I never wanted to erase us. I was scared and I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I was genuinely happy when I was with you. Please believe me, I want to be with you. I want to be with our daughter. You are the one I want.”
“Do you mean that?” You were shocked by his confession. Did he really feel the same as you? You had convinced yourself that you didn’t mean anything to him more than sex and a good time.
“Yeah,” he responded quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached out to cup your cheek with his hand and gently wiped away a tear. “I love you, Y/N. And now that we have this baby on the way,” he stopped and placed a hand on your bump. You felt your baby move at his touch. “I don’t ever want to let you go again.”
Love? Did he say love?
“But what about your family? Your life? I mean—” You were still unsure and couldn’t believe his words.
“None of it means anything without you,” he said, his eyes never leaving yours. “I’m ready to tell everyone about us, about our daughter. I want to give you the place you deserve in my life. No more hiding, no more secrets.”
His words washed over you, soothing the doubts and fears that had been swirling in your mind. You searched his eyes for any sign of insincerity but found only earnestness and love.
He leaned closer and gently pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was tender, his hands holding your face in place, while your arms reached up to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. You could feel the warmth of his skin, the steady beat of his heart against your chest.
As the kiss deepened, you suddenly pulled away, a mix of emotions swirling inside you. "Promise me," you said softly, locking eyes with him.
"What?" he asked quietly, his gaze searching yours.
"Promise me that you won't break my heart again," you pleaded, your voice tinged with vulnerability.
Cillian's expression softened, his fingers brushing gently against your cheek. "I promise you, Y/N," he replied solemnly, his voice filled with sincerity. "I won't ever leave you again. I love you."
He leaned in to kiss you again, this time with more passion and eagerness. Your lips moved in sync, tongues intertwining as the intensity of your desire for each other grew. Feeling his hands grip your hips, he swiftly pulled you into his lap. Straddling him, you felt the immediate rush of heat between your legs. “I love you too,” you murmured between kisses,  your hands finding their way into his hair, pulling him closer to you. His hands began to caress your legs, running up and down as your dress bunched up at your hips. Every touch sent a shiver down your spine, heightening your arousal. Through your dampened panties, you could feel his growing erection press against you.
“I've missed you,” he said as his hands moved to your breasts, massaging them through the fabric of your dress, and he began to trail kisses down your neck to your cleavage. You let out a moan and began to grind against him, your need for him growing more intense with each passing second.
“I missed your moans,” he murmured, his hands moving to the hem of your dress, lifting it up. You raised your arms, allowing him to pull it over your head, leaving you in just your bra and  panties. He took a moment to admire your body in the dim lighting of the room, his eyes filled with desire and adoration.
"I missed you too." You leaned in to give him another passionate kiss, your hands roaming over his back. He reached to unclasp your bra, and you shivered at the sensation of his fingers against your skin. The bra fell away, and his hands immediately found your breasts, kneading them gently.
He leaned in to kiss you again, this time with more passion and eagerness. Your lips moved in sync, tongues intertwining as the intensity of your desire for each other grew. Feeling his hands grip your hips, he swiftly pulled you into his lap. Straddling him, you felt the immediate rush of heat between your legs. “I love you too,” you murmured between kisses, your hands finding their way into his hair, pulling him closer to you. His hands began to caress your legs, running up and down as your dress bunched up at your hips. Every touch sent a shiver down your spine, heightening your arousal. Through your dampened panties, you could feel his growing erection press against you.
“I've missed you,” he said as his hands moved to your breasts, massaging them through the fabric of your dress, and he began to trail kisses down your neck to your cleavage. You let out a moan and began to grind against him, your need for him growing more intense with each passing second.
“I missed your moans,” he murmured, his hands moving to the hem of your dress, lifting it up. You raised your arms, allowing him to pull it over your head, leaving you in just your bra and panties. He took a moment to admire your body in the dim lighting of the room, his eyes filled with desire and adoration.
"I missed you too." You leaned in to give him another passionate kiss, your hands roaming over his back. He reached to unclasp your bra, and you shivered at the sensation of his fingers against your skin. The bra fell away, and his hands immediately found your breasts, kneading them gently.
You arched your back, pressing closer to him, feeling the heat of his body through the fabric of his clothes. Your hands moved to his shirt, fumbling with the buttons in your eagerness to feel his skin against yours. Finally, you managed to undo his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. Your hands explored his freckled chest, tracing the contours of his muscles. He groaned softly at your touch, his hands moving down your torso and resting on your bump. The sight of your growing stomach turned him on even more. His hands reached your panties, and his fingers slipped under the fabric, beginning to massage your wet pussy.
"You're so wet," he said between kisses.
“Just for you,” you breathed out, craving his touch. He entered a finger, and a gasp escaped your lips as he began to trail kisses down your cleavage to your breasts, teasing and nibbling your nipples.
Your eyes closed, your mouth open from the ecstasy. “Ah, I missed how you make me feel.” The sensation was everything you had been wanting. You had been so horny the last few weeks and were more sensitive than usual due to your pregnancy.
“And how do I make you feel?” he asked playfully, his breath hot on your skin. Adding another finger, he pumped in and out of you slowly as his mouth continued to work its magic on your breasts. The combination of his skilled fingers and the warmth of his mouth sent waves of pleasure coursing through you. You held onto his shoulders, rocking your hips against his hand, seeking more friction, more of him.
“Oooh, so good,” you whined, throwing your head back, your face contorted with pleasure.
He reached up to kiss you, his free hand cupping your breast and his thumb playing with your nipple as he devoured your mouth, swallowing your moans.
“Oh, fuck,” you gasped. Your movements became more erratic as you rode his hand. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting that perfect spot. "Come for me, baby," he whispered, his voice low and commanding.
The intensity of his words and the rhythm of his fingers pushed you over the edge. You clutched onto him, your body trembling as waves of ecstasy washed over you. “Oh my god!” Your cries of pleasure filled the room, your nails digging into his shoulders as you came hard around his fingers. He held you through it, his fingers never stopping until you were completely spent.
Breathless and trembling, you collapsed against him, your forehead resting on his shoulder. He gently withdrew his fingers, his other hand softly stroking your hair. “You’re incredible,” he whispered.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” you laughed, looking up and meeting his eyes. You leaned in to kiss him, your lips lingering on his, full of desire and affection.
With one hand still tangled in his hair, you reached down with the other to cup his erection through his pants. He was rock hard, and a low groan escaped his lips at your touch. His hand roamed down your back, grabbing your ass and giving it a little squeeze before he took your arms and placed them on his shoulders. With a swift motion, he grabbed your thighs and lifted you effortlessly, walking you to your bedroom.
@mamawiggers1980 @xsweetcatastrophe @thistheivyseason @galactict3a
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celestialcrowley · 7 months
Good morning! Good whatever-time-this-post-finds-you!
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My phone updated. Thanks, I hate it. Anyway, I had a bio pinned, but I took it down because I wanted my 6,000 years meta to be pinned. I’m currently on the side of procrastination — I should be working on my GO fiction, someone shout at me to write — so here is a little bit more in depth bio about the ghost behind this tumblr.
Real Name: Sarah.
Nickname(s): There’s a list. Caps, Ghost, Khas, Khasper, Khasper the Spicy Ghost, Pippin, Haands, Crowley, Ginger and Tapeworm.
Nickname Origin(s): Buckle up. Caps is an age old nickname that was given to me because I wear hats all the time. Ghost began with a chat group I used to be in eons ago. The different variants of Khasper were given to me at my very first job, but we collectively agreed to change things up a bit, and Khasper the Spicy Ghost was born. Pippin was given to me when the Lord of the Rings trilogy was first released. Haands was given to me by former coworkers. Their reasoning behind that is I’ve got big hands. Crowley was given to me by my work bestie, and Ginger was given to me by the rest of my coworkers for my only slightly red hair. Or maybe it’s for my fiery personality. Tapeworm is something my uncle calls me presumably because I’m always hungry, but isn’t that the nature of an actual hobbit?
Preferred Name(s): Ghost, Khasper, Crowley, Ginger or Pippin.
Ao3: Beyond_Ineffable.
Social Media(s): I have Facebook and TikTok. My TikTok is actuallyahobbit89 if anyone is curious. I’m hardly on it though. I’ll pop in to post a video and then disappear like a ghost.
State: Born in raised in Floriduha. It’s a state of chaos.
Birthdate: July 25.
Pet(s): I’ve got two dogs. Mycroft is a probably Dutch shepherd Australian cattle dog mix. I’ve never had him DNA tested, but his mother is an Australian cattle dog. Patch is a portly pitbull mix.
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Hobbies: Writing, reading, listening to music and true crime podcasts and stand up paddle boarding.
Personality: Here’s the best way I can describe this. I’m a permanently exhausted pigeon who functions on caffeine, anxiety and not enough sleep. I’m shy and socially awkward, but once I’m comfortable with someone and know that I can completely be myself around them, the anxiety disappears.
Favorite Holiday(s): Big spooky fan, me.
Favorite Drink(s): Coffee, Ice sparkling water + caffeine, London fog tea and cranberry juice.
Favorite Food(s): Sushi, tacos, salmon, crepes, lasagna, sweet potatoes and chicken teriyaki.
Favorite Dessert(s): Pumpkin pie.
Favorite Color(s): Turquoise, but any shade of blue, really. It’s pretty.
Favorite Quote(s): “She walks in starlight in another world.” “The world is not in your books and maps. It’s out there.” “Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” “A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest because she should be sure that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.” “I know of witches who whistle at different pitches, calling things that don’t have names.”
Favorite Book(s): The Inheritance Collection and Neverwhere, which I still need to finish reading.
Favorite TV Show(s): Good Omens, Sherlock, Lucifer, The Exorcist and Hannibal.
Favorite Movie(s): Bad Samaritan, The Hobbit trilogy, The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Favorite Character(s): Crowley, Aziraphale, Furfur, Hastur, Pippin, Bilbo Baggins, Sherlock, John Watson, Father Marcus and Will Graham.
Favorite Actor(s): David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Martin Freeman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Jason Statham, Keanu Reeves and Mads Mikkelsen. It’s an accent thing and a hair thing.
Favorite Song(s): There’s too many. I’ll just drop this here. Whiplash Radio.
Favorite Music Genre(s): Mostly everything under the sun.
Favorite Podcast(s): Small Town Murder.
Have You Ever Met A Celebrity: Yes. Jimmie Johnson, a NASCAR driver, visited the very first job I had. He brought his daughter. Story time! My former coworkers were being a bit too extra around him — personal space, what personal space? — and he didn’t like it. I had not yet had a chance to speak to him, and I was told not to because he’s rude. I didn’t believe that, so later, I saw Jimmie was standing at the fence with his daughter. I walked over, said hello and asked him if his daughter would like to pet the dog. He said yes, so I moved the dog closer so she could pet him through the fence. She did, he thanked me, and that was our interaction. He was very pleasant.
Have You Ever Been To A Concert: I have not, unfortunately.
Do You Collect Anything: Yes. Coffee cups, gnomes and pocket knives. That’s a weird combination.
Do You Have Any Idols: Yes! Neil Gaiman. He’s a legend and someone I admire, especially when the writer’s block is slaying me.
Is There A Real Life Friend You Can Completely Be Yourself With: Yes! I made a tumblr post about him! We’ve known each other a long time.
What Are Your Interests: All things spooky. Ghosts. Graveyards. Stars. Galaxies. Planets. Everything about the solar system. True crime. History. Metaphysical things.
Where Would You Love To Travel To: Ireland. New Zealand. Scotland.
Is There A Random Fact About Yourself That You’d Like To Share: I like flamingos.
No pressure tags: @phoen1xr0se @ineffabildaddy @peregrintook @sad-chaos-goblin @spot-o-bodysnatchin @apocalypticginger-blog @crowleyscleaninglady @missdeliadilisblog @ritz-writes @ineffablemoist @turquoisedata @azirapalalalala @peachworthy @pretendygood @belladonna413 @jackinistafflower @aziraphalalala @scarecrowcloud @tragic-cosmic-magic @musingsofmaisie
It’s open to everyone, but here is an apology dance in case I missed anyone! 💚
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Comforting Car Ride
warnings: Kai’s shit stain of a father, abuse, mentions of abuse and crude language
word count: 1.1K
(Bro we gotta make more gifs of precult!Kai because I cannot find ANY)
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You had been invited over to the Anderson’s for dinner. Taco night. You were a bit nervous as you’d only been to Kai’s a few times before, and his parents were almost never there when you two were. 
You had also heard about his fathers outbursts. Kai told you not to worry too much about it. That his father would hopefully behave himself with a guest over. 
You had gotten dressed that day, going through at least five outfits before finding one you figured would be acceptable. Fancy, but not overly so. You weren’t try to be a showoff, just simply wanted to make a good impression.
You knocked when you got there, Kai’s mother answering the door with a bright smile. She looked happy to see you, and from what Kai had told you about her, she seemed like a nice woman. 
“It’s so great to meet you! Kai’s told us so much about you!” She smiled, pulling you into a too tight hug. You shook off your uncomfort and plastered a smile onto your red lips. She led you into the house and to the kitchen, pulling a chair out from the table for you. You sat with a grateful nod.
You asked if there was anything you could do to help, but she simply shook her head and brushed you off. You’re the guest, she insisted with a smile as she scurried around the kitchen, plating the tacos.
“Boys! Dinner!!” She called, bringing the plates to the table. She set yours down in front of you with a big smile. It smelled great. Tacos were definitely one of your favorites, and that’s exactly why she had made them. 
Soon you heard the thudding of footsteps and Kai emerged from the basement, his hair a mess, eyes tired and downcast. He looked like he’d been asleep. His eyes lit up when he saw you, taking a seat next to you before thanking his mom for dinner. You opened your mouth to speak when you heard the sound of his dads electric wheelchair rolling down the hall towards the kitchen. You saw Kai visibly tense, that bright cheerful look he had quickly fading back to his usual gloomy downcast look. 
You smiled politely when his dad wheeled up to the table, looking at his wife expectedly. You put your hands in your lap under the table. Everything was so silent. Like everyone was walking on eggshells.
The second Mrs. Anderson sat the plate down in front of her husband, you knew exactly why.
In a split second he had thrown the plate onto the ground, eyes wide and full of fury.
“Tacos?! Dammit! You know they’re too spicy for me!”
Kai flinched at the increase in volume, glancing between his mom and dad anxiously. His mom bent down to pick up the mess that had been thrown onto the floor, obviously trying to keep the peace.
“I know hun, that’s why I used mild salsa.” There was no malice in her voice. No sarcasm, but Mr. Anderson still seemed to get infinitely more mad at her choice of words.
“Who are you fucking?!” He screamed, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her to look at him. Kai tensed even further, and you sat on the edge of your seat. Literally, ready to get up at a moment's notice. 
“Honey- not in front of Kai-“
“He shouldn’t know who his moms fucking now that his dad can’t please her no more?!” He shouted, gripping her harder as his gaze turned to Kai.
“You’ll learn one day, son, women are good for nothing sluts. Leave ya the second you can’t make em’ happy anymore. You’ll learn soon enough-“ he let his gaze fall to you now. “She’ll leave ya. You fucked her yet? Pfft, probably ain’t good enough, just you wait. She’ll break your heart.” 
Kai refuses to look up from his plate, laser focused on his taco shell like if he kept staring at it, it’d transport him far away from here.
Thinking on your feet, you stood up, clearing your throat as you wiped off the front of your shirt to make sure it wasn’t wrinkled.
“It’s my fault, sir. Kai knows how much I love tacos and he asked Mrs. Anderson to make them.. I had no idea you couldn’t eat them.” You felt tears forming in your eyes that you tried desperately to push back down. 
“I can go out right now to go get something else. How do hamburgers sound?” 
He slowly released his grip on his wife’s hair, who in turn scrambled to her feet, dusting herself off and wiping at her eyes before turning to you. She looked grateful as you two shared a glance.
“I suppose that works. See, a woman who knows her place.” Mr. Anderson scoffed, looking from you to his wife. “You ought to learn a lesson or two from her.”
You quickly grabbed your purse and smiled, taking Kai’s hand “do you mind if he comes with me? I’ve got to pick up a few things and I could use his strength.”
Truth be, you didn’t have anything to pick up that you needed Kai for, but you could see he needed out of this situation.
Both his parents agreed and you and Kai all but ran out of the house to your car. When Kai got in the passenger's seat he took a heavy deep breath, laying his head back against the seat. You quickly started the car and pulled out do his driveway, glancing over at him with a frown. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No… there’s nothing to talk about is there? My dads a piece of shit and my moms still with him…” He brought a hand over his face, rubbing at his eyes as he glanced out the window. He hadn’t made eye contact with you the entire time, you realized.
With your eyes on the road, you brought one of your hands down to his thigh, rubbing comforting circles into it as you smiled. You had made it a goal to get him to open up. You didn’t need it right now, but eventually you hoped he would trust you enough to really really talk to you about his life. 
“I love you Kai, and I’m always going to be here, okay? You don’t have to do this alone. Ever. I’m right here by your side.”
He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. You knew exactly how he felt about you, and you knew exactly how you felt about him, too. 
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look-at-the-soul · 7 months
Look at the soul - Part 11 Green eyes
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series master list
We’ve always heard eyes are a window to the soul, what would Cillian find in Marianne’s?
Word count: 3,460
Song: Green eyes by Coldplay
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Cillian rolled the script in his hands as his eyes crossed the stage and he found the cast getting ready to leave as they finished the rehearsal. Marianne waved at Jason, he played the role of the barman.
“Ready?” Lee approached her.
“I really need that margarita tonight.” Marianne groaned, rolling her neck to ease the tension from her shoulders.
“And all I can think of is having those tacos already.” Lee chuckled.
“Tacos?” Cillian’s voice interrupted them, he was a few steps behind.
Both girls turned around to look at him, they had the same expression of a kid who was just caught up with the hand inside of a cookie jar.
“You’re having tacos and didn’t invite me?” He asked placing one of his hands over his chest, pretending to be hurt.
“You can come if you want.” Marianne replied.
“Thought you had already left.” Enda joined them a moment later, Heidi following him.
“They’re having tacos without us.” Cillian raised his eyebrows.
“Are you serious?” Enda gave them a accusation look.
“It’s not like that.” Marianne tried mortified.
Cillian leaned his elbow on his friend’s shoulder. “So what are you doing tonight?”
“Eating tacos of course.” He folded his arms in front of his chest.
“Me too.” Cillian agreed with a huge grin leading the way towards the parking lot. “I’m starving.”
The girls shared a look, unsure of how the night would unfold, they were so used to their dynamic now.
“Can you hurry up?” Enda called impatient.
“Let’s go!” Cillian shouted with excitement.
“Hmmm this is heaven.” Enda admitted before getting more chips and dip. “I’m still mad that you left us out of this.” He then pointed at the amazing food at the table.
“I told you it was a girls night out originally.” Heidi rolled her eyes.
“We don’t have to dress up as women right?” Enda joked mimicking a girly pose.
“You’re always looking for any excuse man.” Cillian retorted making the girls laugh. “I’m going to tell your wife to hide her heels.”
“Alright, tacos are ready.” Marianne announced placing the tray in the middle of the table. “And you’re more than welcome to join us every week.”
“Shall we declare tacos night inaugurated?” Cillian rubbed his hands together.
“I’m never skipping a tacos night.” Enda announced solemnly taking a bite. “Oh fuck! This is so good.” He shouted.
“I want one of each.” Lee added passing her plate to the opposite side.
“And you haven’t tried her chicken with chipotle yet.” Cillian shook his head, the mere memory was mouthwatering.
Lee looked from Cillian to Marianne suspiciously, wondering how close those two had been getting lately, sneaking backstage before rehearsals to the point of him tasting one of her recipes. She added a mental note to ask her later about that.
But her friend was oblivious to Lee’s stare as she got busy with the tortillas.
“This is fun, we really need to keep it going.” Heidi proposed as she got a text message. “My husband wants some tacos but I don’t think there’ll be anything left, and I don’t have the heart to tell him.”
“No no, tacos are just meant to be eaten here not to take out.” Enda held the tray with both hands apprehensively.
“Just tell him you ordered pizzas tonight.” Cillian encouraged.
“Woah. The salsa is spicy.” Lee pointed waving her hand in front of her mouth, grabbing her glass to wash down the burning sensation in her throat.
“Last time you told me it wasn’t, so I added more this time.” Marianne explained.
“So tell me how did this start.” Enda asked getting a second round of food.
“I was craving some Mexican one day and then I showed Lee some pictures, so I found a little market that has a lot of Mexican stuff and just like that we asked Heidi if she wanted to join us for dinner, Michelle and Isa have been sometimes too.”
“Well thank you for the invitation.” Enda teased.
Cillian chuckled. “He’s never letting that one go, trust me I’ve known him for so long.”
“You said tacos and margaritas, so where’s my drink?” Enda adjusted the glasses on his nose.
“Go easy with the tequila or you’ll start living la vida loca.” Heidi suggested in a very clear Spanish.
Enda and Cillian’s laugh filled the place.
“What happened with Layla?” Heidi asked before taking another bite of her food.
Marianne shuddered. “Think she was in a bad mood or something, because she pushed me so rough.”
“I was thinking of stepping in, but didn’t want to interfere in the rehearsal.” Heidi admitted.
“Who’s she?” Enda interjected. “Should’ve picked a blonde, a brunette and a redhead to play the prostitutes, they’ll look the same.” He admitted laughing.
“When did that happen?” Cillian’s brows knitted.
“From the beginning, I swore she left you a mark.” Lee pointed out. “She’s been acting weird towards you since forever.”
“Please elaborate.” Enda leaned on the table.
Lee threw a quick glance in Marianne’s direction.
“After she joined the play, she wanted to introduce herself to Cillian but he was on the phone in my dressing room so I told her, very politely that he was busy at that moment and she took it badly.”
“No but tell them about the day I heard her mocking your accent.” Lee lost it, she had kept it to herself for so long.
Enda gave Heidi a knowing look, worried about how it would unfold.
“If I had learned this earlier I wouldn’t let her be part of this, unfortunately the opening is around the corner.”
Heidi nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”
“I mean I’m aware of my accent, I’m the first one to laugh when I make a mistake, but it’s obvious she has a problem with me.”
“You’ll never please everyone.” Cillian stated crossing his leg. “Don’t take a single comment from a person you wouldn’t ask for advice.”
And as he said that, they all raised their glasses.
“Need some help?” Cillian asked Marianne as she was busy with the tortillas.
But she shook her head and turned them around just using her hand, as if the pan wasn’t hot.
“You’re going to burn yourself.”
“Yeah?” Marianne smiled placing her hand on top of one again t show Cillian nothing happened.
“So you like playing with fire huh?” He tilted his head, fixing his eyes on her. “You should know then, people who plays with fire, usually gets burn.” He flirted.
The way he dragged his words and the velvety tone of his voice made it sound as if he was giving her warning with a double meaning. Leaving Marianne speechless, her mind in blank, unable to answer anything.
Where did that came from?
Heidi walked between them to get another one, oblivious to what was happening. “Would it be weird if I mix all the fillings in one taco?”
When Marianne looked again at Cillian the atmosphere had changed, he was now texting someone. So she decided that perhaps it had just been a game from her imagination.
“A little, but who are we to judge you?” Lee encouraged.
In a matter of seconds, the kitchen got silent again as they all focused on their food and drinks.
Turning around, Marianne found Cillian a few meters away with his hands in his pockets, shoulders relaxed as he laughed at something Enda said.
Staring at him from afar she took in of his curls and the way he seemed so engaged in the conversation unfolding. A head tilt and then she saw him rubbing his fingertips against his lips.
And as if it was some kind of revelation…
How could he, as the narrator of the story know a lot of things about Adria? This man had to have some kind of deep bond with her.
“Wait! Enda! Cill!” She shouted as they were heading out.
Marianne was running out of breath as she reached them, giving them an excited look.
“You’ve to hear this…” her eyes sparkled in excitement. “I finally realized what you think it’s been missing from the play.” Marianne explained, Enda had been struggling the last couple of days because he kept insisting something was missing from the story but he couldn’t figure out what.
“Well, tell me!”
“The narrator,” she looked up at Cillian and back to Enda, “how could this man know Adria’s story so well? He can’t be just a narrator, there has to be something else… a connection.”
“I’m not following.” Enda admitted frowning.
“We all know how life has been complicated towards Adria, the tough situation with her brother taking everything she owns and blocking her from getting a job and all, we’ve seen her how it is for her to accept the gifts those men give her thinking that will grant them her heart and she uses the money to survive… but we barely know a thing or two about her real feelings, there has to be someone she loved once and-”
Cillian couldn’t hide the smile on his face as he caught up with her idea, it was brilliant.
“Her heart is a mystery until we reveal a small glimpse.” He added staring at Enda.
“I need a drink,” this was mindblowing, it had always been under his nose and he had been so blind. “Shall we go to a pub and talk this through?”
“Yes!” Marianne have them a wide smile, her cheeks blushing.
“C’mon there’s one two blocks away.” Enda wrapped his hand around Marianne’s shoulder to guide her out of the parking lot. “You know this changes a lot of things right?”
Marianne nodded realizing the impact it would have in the rehearsals.
“Remember I’ve a trip tomorrow, but send the changes to my email.” Cillian pointed at Enda. “I just hope my dog won’t make a mess in the house.”
“Are your kids staying with your parents?”
“Yeah but I can’t have them taking care of Scout too.”
Marianne looked at him in silence for an instant.
“I can puppysit.”
Cillian stopped walking, surprised by her proposal.
“Really, I mean I love dogs and these days I’m taking classes online I’m only busy with the rehearsals.”
“He’s a beast.”
“Oh c’mon, bet he behaves better than most people.” Marianne dismissed his statement.
“Are you sure?”
“Just say thank you, stop asking her the same.” Interjected Enda.
Cillian laughed relieved and thankful for the help, he then explained her he’d bring his dog first thing in the morning with all the things she might need, it would still be a short stay though, just for two days while he traveled to London for something work related.
As they walked on the empty street, Cillian closed the jacket over his chest, feeling a shiver running up and down his body.
“So how do we do this?”
“Well, ask that to the mastermind here, she got the idea.” Enda chuckled nudging Marianne with his elbow.
“I was thinking of maybe Adria finds a letter she kept in a box or a photograph perhaps of her lost love and that’s how you reveal that side of her to the audience, but then I thought as you already have the narrator element telling part of the story, Cillian could reveal that part you know, verbally while Adria is in the back staring at his picture.”
“My head is about to explode.” The screenplay writer admitted shocked by the insights Marianne was providing, but it was just one way to prove how connected she was with her character.
Cillian smiled proudly as they reached a booth in the corner, he had been for the last thirty minutes as he started to listen to Marianne’s ideas. This was the kind of thing he didn’t know she could do when he first saw her and it was a remarkable thing to admire from her.
“Do you think it’s possible?” Cillian gave his friend a long look. They were against time.
“Of course I’m going to need a ridiculous amount of caffeine through the night, but sure I can have this by tomorrow.” He took a sip of his pint, desperate to head home.
“Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want you to feel like any pressure to add this.” Marianne doubted toying with the glass of rosé in front of her.
Enda leaned against the back of his seat. “I can’t tell you how much I love that you are so invested in this that you even start adding ideas, it’s so cathartic for me and a relief to know Adria is in the best hands. Here.” He took her face between his hands and planted a loud kiss on her cheek.
“Perhaps her brother had something to do with the fact that Adria split with- are we still naming him narrator?” He chuckled.
“Yes because I want every man in the room thinking it could be him.” Enda took a long sip of his drink and looking at his watch he gasped. “Shit I gotta go, or the wifey will be mad. But keep the brainstorming!”
“I’ve never seen him so obsessed with a play.” Cillian cleared his throat as he moved closer to Marianne.
Honey, you are a rock
Upon which I stand
“Had been thinking that instead of having you talking from the sound booth, you should be on stage narrating because well, the narrator knows everything about Adria first hand.”
“I like that.” His eyes sparkled under the dim light of the pub. “What else?”
“What about you being something like a bartender in the background first and then… boom the big revelation of who you are.”
Cillian nodded, imagining the scene.
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand
“The way I see it is someone with a bohemian kind of look.”
“So… what’s the main story of the bohemian at the bar?” Cillian asked pulling Marianne from her daydream.
He asked the waitress for a napkin and pen to write down the ideas. Marianne noticed the long looks and smilies the woman was giving him, asking over and over if he needed something else. Lee was right, everywhere they went, he got an endless queue of women fighting for his attention. Women offering in a tray without thinking while he was inside of his bubble. How could she compete with that? When he really had a catalog to choose from with endless possibilities; all kinds of beauty, hair color, nationalities…
It was impossible to not fall for that smile and the way he deeply engaged in whatever you were doing, he was hands down the most attentive person, always had something interesting to add, something funny to say. Cillian always added something that really helped you. But when he fixed his ocean eyes on hers, almost without blinking, it was as if he was opening all of the layers to see the deepest parts of her soul, and she ended up questioning everything.
“You can’t even begin to imagine how important this is, you got to the point to start thinking as your character, more importantly, you’re walking in her shoes.” Cillian praised pulling her back to reality.
He had a good feeling about this, about her idea, Enda had already trusted her in different matters and she ended up adding something really good.
And besides all of that, he loved to listen her talking about something that she felt really passionate about, loved the way her eyes lighted up and held a special sparkle.
The green eyes
Yeah, the spotlight
Shines upon you
“Has it happened to you? Getting ideas for your characters?”
Cillian thought her expressions were adorable. It was impossible to not feel like some kind of magnet was pulling him closer.
And how could
Anybody deny you?
“Yes, plenty of times because I let the character use my body as an instrument to project whatever it wants to the public,” he explained forcing himself to focus on something else other than her, “it’s like taking a step back and allowing them to take charge, huh?”
“I never thought about it until now, and it’s both scary and fascinating.” She rested her face on her hand, leaning closer to Cillian.
I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you
Marianne was suddenly conscious of the small pout of his lips and the almost imperceptible nod he did.
“I’m in awe of the incredible feeling it is to be onstage,” she admitted placing a loose lock behind her ear.
Cillian felt like it was mouthwatering, everything, every little thing she did, it had an indescribable feeling in him.
The dim light, the little conversation they were having, the rest of the pub disappearing.
He had always been complimented by his eyes and he really didn’t paid attention to other people’s eyes, until now… he was only realizing of the kaleidoscopic shades that were part of Marianne’s green eyes. Of all kinds of shades and tones, a deep emerald adorning around the edge of the iris, a lighter shade mixing perfectly with an olive tone and small rays of gold as it got closer to the pupils.
And honey, you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes
He found them fascinating and it felt contradictory to what he believed in, when someone started talking about his, he brushed the topic to the side and changed the conversation. Destroying any small chance that could allow his ego to grow. But when it came to hers, he realized this was the first time he noticed something like that.
They were so inviting and it was taking all of his willpower to resist the urge to get closer.
That green eyes
You're the one that I wanted to find
Her eyes seemed to change under different lights and he realized now it also depended of the color she was wearing. Now with a purple jumper made the fascinating color of her eyes pop and it was impossible not to get lost in the depths of that emerald treasure.
But what was truly fascinating was all of the things she could express through her eyes even when she wasn’t talking. Every emotion flashing through her eyes, she was so transparent, so genuine.
“Well… how could he not know everything about her? How could she ever forget about the most important person in her life?” She moved her hands in sync with her words. “How could someone become a stranger after seeing your soul?”
He wasn’t sure anymore if this was Marianne or Adria talking… or a mix of both.
And anyone who tried
To deny you must be out of their minds
Cillian leaned back as if he was hit in the gut and the air was taken away from him. Her words repeating over and over in his mind like a song. He had to admit he’d allow her to see his soul as many times as she wanted. She could walk over his back in heels if that made her happy. And that scared him, because of the magnitude it meant; it would mean to give her all of him, his deepest fears, his dreams, his secrets.
Feeling goosebumps all over his skin, Cillian couldn’t help but lean forward a little.
Marianne smiled shyly and looked down at her hands but quickly her gaze returned to Cillian who couldn’t disguise his attraction any longer.
One look and he could be at her feet.
Her breath got caught in her throat as she realized the atmosphere changed suddenly and Cillian was holding her gaze, alternating from her eyes to her lips.
Time stopped as their hearts were drumming inside their chests.
Cillian couldn’t help but wonder what her lips would taste.
There was a force pulling them closer, something neither of them could fight.
Their lips were about to meet midway. A tingle appeared from the anticipation, head tilting…
“Would you like another round?” The waitress interrupted them, breaking off their moment, she tapped her pen against her opposite arm.
Cillian straightened his back as he cleared his throat.
He gave Marianne a long look, noticing the small shook of her head he then thanked the waitress. The magic was gone.
In an instant the bubble burst.
She noticed the waitress had passed in front of them for the hundredth time and she only had eyes for Cillian, but as much as she tried to caught his attention, it didn’t work but she had definitely killed the mood. But she couldn’t blame her though, Cillian was attractive and he had this incredible vibe that made you look twice in his direction.
Perhaps they could talk now that they were out of the pub.
“Can I drive you home?” He offered hoping to continue where they just left, but just as he did, one of his sons called him to let him know they were as well on their way back home.
“It’s fine I’ll get an Uber.” Marianne waved him off so he wouldn’t be late for his sons. “Don’t forget to bring Scout over.” She tried to brush it off, but deep down she couldn’t help but think what would have happened if they weren’t interrupted.
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @ironpen @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium @mrkdvidal1989 @flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx @kmc1989 @lau219
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wolfawaycamp · 30 days
Hello, I need a sequel fic to Jacob Goes to Taco Bell but with Jacob/burrito/Nick. The burrito is just the docking station. 🙏
🌦️ I'm so sorry. Don't read this unless you want what it says on the tin. crack treated…. seriously?????????? shout out to quarrydog on ao3 I guess. I'm so sorry also it's 5am when I'm posting this I think this can be attributed to delirium
Nick was very horny, very high, and— regrettably— he was actually considering the burrito. They were too gone to cook so Jacob had doordashed them some food (without consulting him on what), but surprisingly, Jacob had done nothing untowards with his burrito this time. He had some severe munchies, or something, and devoured it in seconds, and was now satisfied and nuzzling into Nick’s neck— not helping Nick’s poorly hidden boner.
Now, Nick was left with the partially unwrapped food in his hand, the warm, soft tortilla feeling almost like skin against his own. It was so tempting, now that the experience with Jacob had put the thought in his head. He really shouldn't. But— Jacob was pretty out of it right now and his eyes were closed. Maybe just a little touch would go unnoticed. Just to sate his curiosity. He wouldn't even breach the tortilla.
He nudged Jacob just to check— he groaned and curled in even closer. Nick was safe. He unwrapped the foil the rest of the way and then he pulled his dick out of his loose shorts. God, had he really been leaking in his boxers this whole time?
Feeling completely bizarre, he hesitated again. This was so weird.
But he was so horny. It was fine. Just a little bit.
He brought it to his length, and pressed them against each other side-by-side. The warmth was nice. He shifted experimentally, and bit back a moan. It kinda felt like a weird version of frotting, if he closed his eyes. He moved it against him again, and gasped a little with it.
“What’re you doin’,” Jacob murmured, and Nick froze.
“Um. Nothing?” Nick tried, staying completely still in the hopes that Jacob wouldn't notice what was going on.
Then, Jacob's hand was over his, on the burrito. “Feels better if you—” he guided Nick’s hand to hold it over his dick, pressing the folded-in divot against his tip— “have it like this,” he said, then pressed it down.
It parted around Nick’s cock, the fillings surrounding him with different textures. It was warm and it was wet and it had Nick whimpering against his will.
“I told you,” Jacob mumbled into his shoulder, still baked.
“You— fuck,” Nick groaned and Jacob kissed him, half-missing his mouth at first, sloppy yet sweet— earnest. Jacob turned Nick's body around to face him more.
“You're kinda gettin’ me going. Mind if I?” Jacob asked, and when Nick thought about the situation he was in, he came to the conclusion that letting Jacob have his fun too really didn't make this situation weirder, because nothing could.
“Fuck it— yeah, okay,” Nick said, feeling almost like his words weren't his own, and then Jacob was already pulling his dick out and lining it up to the other side of the burrito. He pushed right in, and Nick could feel the slide of Jacob’s length against his, held in close by the warm meat and rice of the burrito. Nick suddenly realised how glad he was that Jacob ordered him a mild burrito— even though he normally ordered his Mexican food spicy.
Jacob tenderly ran his thumb across Nick’s jawline with his free hand, looking at him as if he hung the stars. It was definitely the weed. Nick fell forwards into kisses, and closed his eyes. It really wasn't so bad with his eyes closed, Jacob's cock rubbing against his as they both fucked into their shared sleeve.
But it was hard to forget he was using sour cream as lube when he could still feel the tortilla in his grip and smell salsa in the air.
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pastelroyce · 2 months
I've been tagged ages ago by @dandenbo @mtreebeardiles and @sh00kspeared on different ask memes of the sort (thank you all for tagging me) and I'm in a sharing mood so I thought it'd be fun to just...compile them together because i'm insane
3 fave ships:
Johnny/m!V, Vik/m!V, mShenko; these three are always on rotation in my head amongst all my other ships atm.
First ship:
Sonic/Shadow. Sigh.
Favorite childhood book:
I had a very, very brief phase of being into Eragon when I was in 7th grade or something (I'm talking very brief as in I never finished the first book)
Currently reading:
Not really anything currently, but the last fanfic I read was the spoils, the spoils by kindly on ao3 (E rated Vik/m!V fair warning). As far as physical reading material the last thing I read was 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing by Gary Provost.
Currently watching:
I don't actively watch shows/movies on my own time. I get too antsy at the idea of watching one continuous thing if I'm not like...purposefully determined to watch something (even then I need a break). The last time we used our streaming account was to watch Adventure Time, bf wanted to rewatch the show.
Fave color:
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Basically everything in the circle, on the brighter/pastel side. Primarily pink tho.
Song stuck in head:
Right now it's Desperado by the Eagles
Last song listened to:
Chinatown by Jets to Brazil. Whenever i get around to making a playlist for my corpo V it's going on there.
Fave food:
Oh my god, there's so many. Tacos, good marbled brisket, hamburger.......
Gimme it alllllllllllllllllllll
Currently craving:
Something fried and greasy and yucky because I've been stressed af all day
Last googled:
German Spitz for werewolf au purposes
Are you named after anyone?:
Yes! As a matter of fact! A book character with a name I vibed with immediately.
When was the last time you cried?:
A few weeks ago, can't even remember what it was tbh.
Do you have kids?:
I get bad baby fever from time to time, but something I came to terms with a while ago is that I'm too selfish to want children in my life. I value my privacy and alone time too much to disrupt that.
What sports do you play/have you played?:
I did karate and soccer when I was a wee lad. Neither interested me after a certain point.
Do you use sarcasm?:
Mostly when I know it'll be telegraphed as Being Funny, but I tend to do so unintentionally otherwise.
What is the first thing you notice about people?:
Hair usually, or whatever they're wearing
What's your eye color?:
Scary movies or happy endings?:
Happy endings I guess? It's been a while since I've seen a movie...
Any talents?:
I have a knack for drawing silly cartoon faces if that counts...
Where were you born?:
Island in the PNW
What are your hobbies?:
Drawing, writing and playing video games mostly. I like to daydream about having new hobbies too, if that counts.
Do you have any pets?:
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How tall are you?:
Like 5ft4in or something, very middle of the road.
Favorite subject in school?:
Art and history were my fave in school
Dream job?:
At this point I've given up on the idea of a specific dream job and now just want something that'll keep a roof over my head and let me get take out guilt free lol
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atcordare · 1 year
TWST characters as things my 16 yo brother has done/still does.
RIDDLE: Gave my mom a lecture because she wouldn't stop leaving lights on around the house.
ACE: I make him fine delicious wonderful delicate magnificent ethnic dishes and he fucking puts ketchup in them.
DEUCE: Currently sitting on the couch watching something on TV but he has a chair on his head.
TREY: 5 minutes straight complimenting a brioche bread I brought home from the market. When I had to go back for groceries two weeks later and he asked me to bring it again and I had to tell him I didn't remember which bread it was he was really disappointed.
CATER: Got rickrolled and immediately made the guys reenact the scene to send it to me in a vid and ruin MY morning too.
LEONA: He's a very heavy sleeper so if he wants to get to his school (7 minutes away from our house BTW) on time, which is at 9am, he has to set alarms every five minutes starting at 6.50am. They're extremely loud and everyone in the house wakes up to them. He doesn't. He stills get to school late, just with all of us mad at him.
RUGGIE: Banned from being outside after 8pm because he WILL stop by the kebab place and bring back dinner without anyone asking him and he WILL demand the money back (also inflating the price a bit so he can get some benefits).
JACK: Heard me mention once that I wanted to play Hades so he asked for it on his birthday and gave it to me afterwards.
AZUL: He's the only one with physical cash at home so when any of us needs to grab some he's the one to lend it. He asks for it back like not even two days later and he will impose fees if you're late.
FLOYD: Sometimes he'll just grab the cats and reposition them. Like they're nicely sleeping and he just goes over, grabs them and leaves them somewhere else. He also doesn't understand when they get annoyed so he can only pet them in front of me and my mom. (EXTRA: had to leave his rowing team because he was too tall for his league's boats)
JADE: Will cut you off and start explaining advanced mathematics if he wants you to shut up.
KALIM: *enters my room* HEY CHECK THIS OUT *starts jumping like with his knees to his chest and doesn't stop until he does a particularly high jump* OKAY CATCH YOU LATER *heads to the living room and starts playing the trombone he hasn't even looked at since he was 9*.
JAMIL: He's constantly mumbling his inner monologue but will get annoyed at you if you do the same.
VIL: When he was like seven our mom bought knee high boots with a 7cm heel and he stole them and wore them for like a week straight. He can now walk in high heels because of this.
ROOK: *enters my room* Kakashi from Naruto offers you choccy milk. Accept? Deny? *I reply that I shoot him in the chest six times bc I thought he was joking so he throws a choccy milk box at my head* WRONG YOU HEATHEN. *I turn and see him on a Naruto character cosplay-idk which one but definetly not Kakashi*
EPEL: We were at my Mexican extended family's house and we had tacos for lunch. When he heard out grandma in law tell us that we should be careful with the toppings because they were very spicy, he grabbed one of the tortillas, spooned all of the chili and pico de gallo he could get inside of it and ate it just like that. When asked he said he wanted to challenge himself but it doesn't really explain why he had do that another six times especially after making it obvious that he could NOT handle it.
IDIA: Used to carry an entire manga collection on his backpack every day. Not a short one either it was an entire 20 manga books on his back every day.
ORTHO: The kids at our school didn't like him very much so me and all of my higher grade friends adopted him. He was the token little kid in the 11th grade friend group.
MALLEUS: Sometimes he gets quiet during conversations when something someone said catches his attention. He will think about it, lose the thread of conversation, and, when the topic has already changed at least a few times, he will give his thoughts without even reminding us the context.
SEBEK: I told him once that he's not good playing Tracer at OW so now every time he plays her and wins he yells at me from his room and says I WON AGAIN USING TRACER!!!!
SILVER: Every time one of our cats meows he replicates the noise. We all do. We don't even notice we're doing it at this point.
LILIA: Constantly playing at a JJBA Roblox Roleplay server and when he loses I can hear him yelling at his 12yo teammates.
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aldbooks · 8 months
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A fun one shot inspired by this hilarious TikTok that immediately made me think of the frat pack - this is exactly how I picture Ruhn recounting this story to his friends after it happened
AO3 1842 words
Ruhn had no idea how long he’d been sitting on this couch. Long enough, at least, for the daylight to have faded into night. All he knew was that whatever he had smoked was far stronger than his usual blend and he was quite sure he hadn’t so much as blinked for several hours judging by how dry his eyes felt.
It took a phenomenal effort to force his lids to close and open enough times for them to stop feeling like sandpaper. Unfortunately, it did nothing for the cotton in his mouth. Finally managing to swallow, he also became aware of how hungry he was. When had he last eaten?
The fact that he was becoming aware of his surroundings and general state of being was indication that the high was finally starting to ebb, and yet, he didn’t think he’d be able to properly move his body for a while yet. What to do?...
He was currently home alone as Dec was spending the day with his boyfriend and heaven only knew where Flynn had disappeared to. Probably off chasing the dragon. Lidia was still out of town so, with nothing else to do, Ruhn had pulled out the mirthroot he’d picked up a few days ago that his dealer had called ‘Devil’s Night’, put some trash TV on and lit up.
Bryce. He remembered then that his sister had told him that morning she and Athalar would be coming by for movie night. Which, now that it was dark, had to be soon. He’d ask her to pick something up on her way… if he could find his phone.
He ended up staring blankly at the TV for another ten minutes before remembering his phone was on the coffee table in front of him. The thought of leaning forward to grab it, however, and then hold it to his ear, made a pitiful whimper escape his lips before his girlfriend’s mocking voice echoed in his mind. “Are you, or are you not a mindspeaker?”
“Oh,” Ruhn said, chuckling to himself. “Right.”
Closing his eyes, he made himself focus, reaching out mentally for that starlit bridge that connected him to his sister. “Bryce? Bryyyyyyyyce.”
“Good gods, you're annoying. Why the hell aren’t you using your phone? You scared the shit out of me. I didn’t know your range was that wide.”
For some reason, Ruhn found this hilarious and began snickering.
“Ruhn.” Bryce’s sharp voice made his entire body jolt. He’d forgotten he was talking to her. Fucking Hel, he was throwing out that mirthroot as soon as he could move again. Shit was dangerous.
“Right, sorry. When are you coming over? Can you bring food? Pizza- no, tacos. Oooh, or maybe those spicy noodles, from that one place?”
“... are you high?”
Ruhn snorted. “What do you think?”
His sister’s sigh was a physical thing. “Fine. We’ll be there in about an hour. You good till then?”
That taken care of, Ruhn opened his eyes again, breaking the connection and refocused on the TV. The Fangs and Bangs reruns he’d been watching earlier were apparently finished for the day and had been replaced by one of those hyper-realistic horror films about a haunted house, and while Ruhn was not particularly a fan of horror, he was too high to change the channel so left it on.
Which turned out to be a terrible decision.
It didn’t take long before he was sucked into the story, his anxiety and paranoia rising with every creak and groan the old house he was currently sitting in made. On screen, the female lead was creeping through the house, phone pressed to her ear as she talked to her girlfriend who was attempting to get help while she tried to hide from the demon terrorizing her house. The temperature in the house dropped suddenly, her breath fogging in front of her face and goosebumps rising on her arms….
Ruhn, who had managed to gain enough control of his body to move his arms was currently gripping the couch tightly, his shadows hovering closely over his shoulders as though they too were watching and were just as anxious as he was.
“I’m so scared,” the girl whispered into the phone-
Whoomp. A pulse of magic swept through the city, disrupting the power and plunging the house, and likely the entire street into darkness.
Ruhn’s paranoia skyrocketed, a cold sweat breaking out across the back of his neck as his eyes darted around the pitch dark room. Even with his fae sight, it was dark which meant there was no moon tonight as very little light filtered in through the windows. His breathing became erratic when he heard a thump upstairs, his gaze flying to the ceiling. The floors creaked, the sound moving slowly across the second story until he caught a soft scuffing on the stairs… moving downward.
Relax man. You’re just high. No one else is home, it’s just you. That stupid movie’s got you keyed up, you’re imagining things. Just sit tight, Bryce will be here soon-
His thoughts came to an abrupt halt as a large, dark figure came into view, rounding the corner from the staircase. The figure seemed to notice him in the same instant, freezing in the archway.
Absolute silence reigned for a few heartbeats, Ruhn not even daring to breathe in case he somehow made this insane hallucination real. His first and only thought was that the creature standing before him was the demon from the movie. His mind barely had time to register this madness before-
“Who’s there?” called a gruff voice from where the shadow stood.
Later, Ruhn couldn’t explain the sound that came out of his mouth in that moment. It was loud and inhuman, definitely very non-fae. It was so unexpected it scared both himself and the figure in the door, who stumbled back with a startled roar, feet pounding back up the stairs as Ruhn’s body suddenly regained function and he launched to his feet.
Unfortunately, he underestimated just how close to the coffee table he was sitting, his shins banging into it hard, sending it skittering a few feet in front of him as he tumbled over it, banging up more of his body when he collided with the floor, screaming the whole time.
Get the fuck out of this house! His senses yelled at him as he scrambled onto his elbows and began crawling rapidly towards the door, his legs, incapable of moving once more, flailed wildly behind him as he made it into the hall.
Several things happened at once. There was a crash above stairs, followed by a loud curse and several rapid thumps moving back down the stairs, the massive figure landing a couple feet from Ruhn’s face with a pained groan- just as the door was kicked open, a large winged figured outlined in the frame.
Ruhn screamed. The figure on the floor beside him screamed. Two more screams came from the doorway, one deep and masculine, the other lighter and feminine. The room suddenly flooded with brilliant light, blinding Ruhn as they continued to scream at each other until the light was suddenly muffled to a more reasonable level.
“Stars, Quinlan. Control your shit,” growled a familiar voice. Ruhn’s entire body slumped in relief even as his eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden changes in light.
Lidia was here. Home early. Thank gods. “Hey babe,” Ruhn panted, rolling onto his back and blinking up at his girlfriend who stood with one hand over Bryce’s chest, smothering the starlight that had erupted from her when she started screaming. Behind her, Athalar had his arm wrapped tightly around her waist, lightning crackling around his free hand.
Lidia scowled down at him. “Ruhn, why the fuck are you screaming on the floor?”
“There’s a demon upstairs,” he replied automatically, suddenly realizing how utterly ridiculous that sounded.
The demon in question groaned beside him, pushing itself into a seated position. “What the fuck are you talking about, man?”
Ruhn glanced over at the wolf pup in mild surprise. “Ithan? What are you doing here?”
Ithan looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “I live here.”
“Oh, right… I forgot.”
Shaking his head in disgust, Ithan climbed to his feet and limped towards the living room. “Asshole,” he grumbled as he passed.
“Why is everyone standing in the doorway?” came Dec’s voice from somewhere behind them all.
Lidia gave an exasperated sigh, hands planting on her generous hips. “Get up.”
Ruhn winced, the pain from his tumble over the coffee table making itself known. “I’m not sure I can.”
“Why not?”
“Because he’s high,” Bryce said, stepping over him to join Ithan. Athalar chuckled, following behind her, his arms now full of the boxes of pizza Bryce has been holding.
Tilting his head back towards the doorway, Dec moved into Ruhn’s vision, granted he appeared upside down, Flynn suddenly appearing beside him. “Dude,” he asked, his face scrunching in confusion as he pushed past Dec into the house. “What the fuck?”
A moment later, Ruhn was alone, Lidia still staring glaring down at him. He looked up at her, putting on his most pitiful expression. “Help.”
Rolling her eyes, she bent down to haul him to his feet. “Idiot,” she mumbled, wrapping an arm around his waist and throwing his arm over her shoulder. Her tone was equal parts annoyance and amusement as she kicked the now broken door shut and dragged him into the living room with the others.
“I swear, my soul left my body- Didn’t even close the door behind it,” Ruhn said later as they sat around the living room, drinks and pizza in hand. Flynn had laughed himself hoarse at Ruhn’s description of the events that had led to them finding him sprawled on the floor in the foyer.
Bryce and Athalar wore matching grins while Ithan scowled down at his beer bottle, not finding the story nearly as amusing as the rest of them. Probably because it had resulted in a minor heart attack and a nasty trip down the stairs for him.
“How much did you smoke?” Dec asked in wonder.
Ruhn shrugged. “The usual amount. Which was clearly a mistake. I don’t know why I let Nate talk me into buying that shit. Nothing called ‘Devil’s Night’ could possibly lead to a good time.”
“What’d you do with the rest of it?”
He waved towards the living room. “I dunno, it's in there somewhere. Probably fell off the coffee table when I ran into it.”
Dec left the table momentarily, returning with the half smoked joint and handed it to Lidia who shook her head.
“Are you kidding? If I burn that, we’ll all be high off our asses. Throw it out.”
“Oh, come on,” Flynn chortled. “I want to see the demon too. Many the pup will loosen up a little Devil’s magic.”
The room erupted in laughter while Ithan glared at them all. “I hate you guys.”
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evansbby · 1 month
ahhh my shift was WRETCHED, so i came home and crashed, but okay so;
the dilf came in like times before, its like a diner type situation, so people come alone a lot, and he actually got sat in my section this time, and he was like lowks flirting with me the entire time, im talkin some:
me: “so did you decide on what you wanted to order”
him: “any chance youre on the menu?”
me: *giggling like a school girl cause hes so hot*
like its corny stuff but its SOOO yummy, so he was doing that and i was supposed to clock out like within the hour, and he asked about my shift and stuff, and we were just talking, and i told him when i was off, and i hoped my managers wouldnt keep me longer, and he took his TIME eating his food, like he asked for the check, and then ate so slowlu, he fs timed it so hed finish when i got off, and i told him my replacements taking over, yadda yadda yadda, and he was like “great:)” and i get off, and hes gone😞 BUT two days later, he comes in again, while im working, he ASKED for my section and i was like 😟😟😟.
so the entire time, flirting again 😼 im like actually ab to suck his dick the entire time hes there, cause holey fuckin moley, but he asks what time im off, and im like “oh like 7:45 tonight, hopefully, not any later” it was a semi busy day, and my managers must hate me, cause they always keep me WAY longer then im scheduled, so then hes like “well, i was wondering if i could take you to go eat after your off” and i STUMBLED SO BAD GUYS, i COULDNT SPEAK, i was BEING A FOOL. but i said yes! and so i ended up staying later than my shift, he came at 7:45 and i felt bad for making him wait, cause he sat on the little bench thats where the hostess stand is waiting for me, and ugh lemme tell ya. im a suxker for a man in boots. he had on a TIGHT ass black shirt, JEANS, AND BOOTS, i was salivating.
and then like i get off, i applogize for making him wait. and CHAT HE CALLED ME BABY, “its okay baby, i know you gotta work, it did get busy when i showed up” i was in complete distress, panties were wet, mouth was drooling, eyes saying fuck me at this man basically, anywho, so we go to this 24hr taco joint thats not too far from where i work, we go in his car, and he drives the NICEST chevelle 67 supersport. LEMME TELL YOU, i creamed my pants when i saw this car. but okay, so we ddint even make it inside, the parking lots dead, he parked to the side so we wernt out of view, but you really didnt bother looking over in the direction we were in.
so he MAKES A MOVE, and i am NOT denying, he like grabbed my hand cause i got this ring that really looks like an engagemnet ringa nd it fits on my ring finger but guys i swear its just a ring i found at my okd job and kept because no one claimed it. and he asked about the ring, so i tell him the story, and he startd playing with the ring, (he has big ass hands. hes like 6’.) then he like kisses my hand and im like DYING. this man is SO FINE. and he like starts kissing up my arm. and guys, im a goth girly, so my inner morticia adams is SCREAMING, and he just like grabs my head and we start making out, and it got INTENSE. we kept making out, his hand wanders, next thing ya know im riding his dick and its not like “oh hes 8 inches so girthy insane dick” nah he had the NICEST dick tho, like 6 is inches, girthy, but not insane, and it was mmmmm. but anywho theres so much more to spill so if you want moreee lmk:P
GIRL WHAT IS WITH YALL AND RUSHING OVER THE SPICY PARTS?!? 🥲🥲🥲😭😭😭 like you really edged me with this girly you did the build up so nice and detailed and then the spicy part comes and goes in like two sentences at the end 😭😭😭 EVERY SINGLE TIME BAHAHAHAH (it’s ok if you don’t wanna elaborate on that part loool im just kidding hehe)
BUT ANYWAYS BESTIE I love this for you and I love how you wrote it like you’re so funny girl the sense of humour is humouring fr!!! I LOVE THAT HE SHOT HIS SHOT RIGHT THEN AND THEREE like he came back for you and then asked you out AHHH okay miss y/n!!! Also him calling you baby is CRAZY like I would’ve also melted on the SPOT!
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sexykatsuki17 · 1 year
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Bakugo was getting checked out by recovery girl in his dorm room. He was eating some chicken soup. He had been battling a stomach bug for a while and he couldn’t hold anything down but this time he’s got this.
How are you feeling, young man? Recovery girl asked I feel bloated, Bakugo said laying down with his shirt up. Okay recovery girl said she took a listen to Bakugo’s abdomen Bakugo belched loudly. Are you feeling okay? Recovery girl asked Bakugo shook his head. Yeah, I think so, okay your stomach still sounds upset so you will be missing another week of school. Recovery girl said Bakugo nodded, going back to sleep.
Recovery girl made her way back to UA where she informed Aizawa of Bakugo’s current situation. How is he? Aizawa asked his stomach is still upset and he still has quite the fever recovery girl said. Okay I’ll bring him his school work and some medicine later on today Aizawa said okay recovery girl said before she left.
At lunch, 
Kirishima and Kaminari were looking at these new tacos that were extra spicy. Maybe we should try kaminari Said are you Kidding me? Let's have someone else do it, Kirishima said, like who? Kaminari asked. Definitely Bakugo once his stomach is feeling better and how about Todoroki kirishima said there’s no way Todoroki is going to do it kaminari said.
Well then let’s make it into a contest. Kirishima said I’ll talk to Bakugo about it and you talk to Todoroki about it. Kirishima said okay, Kaminari said. After lunch was over Class 1A had 3 more classes.
With Bakugo.
After his 4th time going to the bathroom to vomit he felt exhausted. Soon there was a knock on the door. Who the hell is it? Bakugo asked, laying down his belly gurgling harshly at the movement. Aizawa unlocked the door walking in. I know that you ain’t feeling good Aizawa said but I brought you some medicine and your school work Aizawa said. Bakugo nodded just as his stomach growled loudly, making him run to the bathroom to have explosive diarrhea.
Aizawa felt bad for his student but he knows that he will get better in no time.
With class 1A,
They did just as planned. Kirishima went to Bakugo’s room and Kaminari went to Todoroki’s room. 
Bakugo was doing his homework when he heard a random knock on his door. Bakugo took a sip of his water. Who the hell is it? Bakugo asked Hey dude it's me Kirishima, Kirishima said I can tell by that stupid voice  what the hell do you want? Bakugo asked can you open the door so that I can tell you? Kirishima asked No Get lost Bakugo said. Kirishima frowned okay I’ll come back later Kirishima said Ugh, For fuck sake Bakugo said getting up he unlocked the door make it quick Bakugo said Kirishima walked in closing the door. Kaminari went to Todoroki’s Room. He knocked No Answer. Oh Hey Kaminari are you looking for Todoroki? Midoriya asked oh Hey Midoriya yeah have you seen him? Kaminari asked yeah he left with Yaoyorozu to the movies Midoriya said oh okay thanks Kaminari said no problem Midoriya said.
Kaminari walked away to find Kirishima. Hey man, any luck with Bakugo? Kaminari asked well, I managed to get into his room but when I told him of the plan he threw up on shoes Kirishima said how about you? Kirishima asked, ``Just my luck he’s not even here. He went to see a movie with Yaoyorozu, Kaminari said. I’m not done yet I have one more trick up my sleeve Kirishima said oh yeah how? Kirishima said the thing that gets under Bakugo’s skin Kirishima said and what would that be? Kaminari asked simple tell him he can do something Kirishima said Kaminari smiled, yeah you’re right Bakugo would get pissed if you told him that he couldn’t do it Kaminari said.
About a week later, Bakugo and Todoroki were in the common room watching a movie when Kirishima and Kaminari walked past saying somethings that pissed bakugo off. Hey Kirishima, have you heard of the boy who was too chicken to do something? Kaminari asked yeah I have Kirishima said Yeah, that guy is such a loser. He doesn't even want to do a simple challenge Kaminari said yeah It kinda reminds of a guy that we know Kirishima said. Bakugo was beginning to get upset he wished that Kaminari and Kirishima would shut up so that he could hear the movie but he is going to keep quiet he wasn't in the mood for yelling, Until he heard something that really pissed him off, Yeah Bakugo can't do a simple task like a eating challenge Kaminari said that was it.
Bakugo got up and approached them. HEY BASTARDS!!!!! Bakugo yelled Yes Bakubro? Kaminari asked WERE YOU BASTARD TALKING ABOUT ME WHEN YOU SAID THAT I CAN'T DO A SIMPLE TASK?!!!!! Bakugo yelled, Kirishima and Kaminari nodded but I’ve been trying to get todoroki to do the same thing as you but he was never around for me to ask him Kaminari  said. WHAT THE FUCK DOES ICY HOT GOTTA DO WITH THIS?!!!!!! Bakugo yelled yeah what do I have to do with this? Todoroki asked well, Kirishima said well what? Bakugo asked Kamiari wanted to challenge You to an eating contest with Todoroki. Kirishima said What? Todoroki said Yeah I’m with Icy Hot I can easily roast him in a eating contest Bakugo said Todoroki rolled her eyes Let’s do it Todoroki said sweet The contest is for Saturday Kaminari said okay Todoroki said Bakugo rolled his eyes before he went to his room.
When Saturday rolled around Bakugo and Todoroki was sitting on the floor of the common room awaiting their Tacos, Bakugo was starving himself so that he could eat all of his tacos, Todoroki was a little nervous about this but he just did it. Okay Bakugo are you ready? Kirishima asked yeah Dumbass I’m Ready Bakugo said alright Todoroki are you ready? Kirishima asked yes Todoroki said alright so Kaminari gave Bakugo 50 Spicy Tacos and 50 Normal Tacos Todoroki was giving the same amount. Whenever you guys are ready Kaminari said so Bakugo and Todoroki started eating while they was eating Kaminari went to go talk to sero about them locking the bathroom doors and Kaminari went to go buckets, when he got back to the common room he could already hear Bakugo’s stomach growling and he only just 10 tacos someones stomach sounds Upset Kaminari said Shut up My stomach is fine Bakugo said even though he wasn’t 100% sure that his stomach was fine, the reason he was starving himself was because his stomach did feel upset and he was feeling his stomach bubbling due to the spicy tacos. Todoroki was doing fine. He ate 11 tacos so far Kirishima heard Bakugo moaning as he continued to eat his tacos Todoroki was still doing fine eating his tacos. 
A Couple hours later Bakugo had a huge Gas bubble in his stomach and it made his stomach hurt to the point to where he couldn’t continuing eating. Oh shit Bakugo moaned I can’t continue Bakugo said as he went to the bathroom to find out that the bathroom door was locked. What the hell? Bakugo asked sorry Bakugo all of the bathrooms are closed due to plumbing Kaminari said ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!? Bakugo yelled just as his stomach loudly growled. Kaminari gave Bakugo a bucket and he went to have explosive Diarrhea. Bakugo loudly moaned as it started to come out. Todoroki smiled just as finished his 50th taco before his stomach began to hurt and growl. I need to, Todoroki moaned. Kaminari gave Todoroki the Bucket and he too had Diarrhea. Kaminari laughed. I knew bakugo couldn’t do it well dude Bakugo is sick with the Stomach flu so you can’t fault him Kirishima said. Really? Kaminari said yeah Kirishima said he went to check up on his friend. When they finished Bakugo had a really full bucket and a half full one Todoroki had a full bucket. Currently Bakugo was laying down in bed while Todoroki was watching a movie.
Kirishima was with Bakugo while Kaminari was cleaning out the buckets. He passed out 2 times next time knows not to lock the Bathrooms especially when bakugo is sick with the stomach flu and when Todoroki has too much spicy foods. But hey in the end he brought it all on himself.
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marvelmaniac715 · 11 months
Recently, I’ve been scrolling and rescrolling through my mutual @silvershewolf247’s incredible Not Out of the Woods Chucky Season 2 au here on Tumblr, and it really inspired me. I loved it so much when I first read it, and from the very first time I scrolled through the tag an idea for a fanfiction based on it rattled around in my brain until I could ignore it no longer. I asked @silvershewolf247 if it was alright for me to write a fic based on their work and, very kindly, they agreed, so here’s a fic set the morning after Glen is kidnapped in the au. If you haven’t read through the Not Out of the Woods au, this fic will not make much sense, so I implore you to go to the tag and scroll through it, even for just ten minutes, because it’s amazing and I love it so much.
Glen’s head was throbbing. They tried to squint their eyes open, but the light was too bright, and it made their headache much worse. With a soft hiss, they realised that the pain they felt very much resembled the fierce throbbing that accompanied a morning hangover following the rare occasions that Glenda had coaxed Glen to get drunk with them. But they hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in months, so Glen couldn’t figure out why they felt this way. But then, memories of the day before hit them like a train.
They’d finally met Glenda’s getaway driver… or so they thought. It seemed like such a normal meeting, lunch at a diner, eating tuna tacos and spicy chilli curly fries. The man, who’d introduced himself as Andy Barclay, had seemed so nice and kind. Every time he praised Glen and said that he was proud of them, they glowed with pride and happiness. Glen was so in awe of the man that, in just two hours, had showed them more kindness than their own father (who had met them once in eighteen years and called them ‘Shitface’) ever had, that when they were offered to come and stay with him in his cabin, they agreed immediately despite their mother’s protests.
They even agreed to leave their stuff behind because it could be easily traced, seeing absolutely nothing wrong with Andy. Their blind devotion even prevented them from noticing the countless red flags such as the child locks on the car doors that would be immediately turned on whenever they stopped at a gas station or to use the bathroom. It didn’t even seem strange that Andy kept calling them things like ‘kiddo’ and ‘champ’, despite meeting them for the first time - Glen just assumed that he was really friendly and didn’t have many boundaries due to his unconventional upbringing (which would have also explained Andy constantly ruffling Glen’s hair or wrapping his arm around their shoulder tightly - too tightly).
But when the two reached Andy’s cabin, Glen realised that the man had lied to them. He had said that Glenda and Nica were there, and they were nowhere to be seen. Also, the second they set foot inside the cabin, the doors and windows were locked and Andy’s accent and mannerisms changed drastically. That was the moment when ‘Andy’ revealed that he was actually Chucky - Glen’s father. This was clearly intended to be a joyous moment of father and child reuniting, because he revealed it in a grandiose speech complete with dramatic hand gestures. 
But instead of running to their father with tears in their eyes for a hug as Chucky probably hoped and assumed would happen, Glen rushed towards the only window that wasn’t as locked up as the others. But before they could try and climb out, they were tackled to the ground and injected with what could only be explained as a sedative by their father, who briefly apologised for using excessive force before ensuring that they passed out. So that was why Glen had woken up with a pounding headache tucked in tightly with blankets, almost as if Chucky was trying to prevent them from leaving the confines of the bedsheets.
When the worst of the headache had faded, Glen took a moment to look around their new bedroom, noting that all four walls were covered with heavy sheets. There wasn’t much furniture either, just a bed, a wardrobe and a small desk next to the door, with a little stool tucked into it. There were no windows, no way to view the outside world, or maybe there were and Glen just wasn’t able to see them due to the covered walls. 
The teen was pulled from their musings by the realisation that they could smell bacon sizzling in a pan. Yes, with a second, deeper inhale, Glen realised that toast, eggs and bacon were being cooked, so it must be morning by now. Summoning their strength, they wrestled themself out of the bedsheets and, with a great deal of trepidation, made their way towards the food smells, confident that they would reach the kitchen if they followed their nose.
Sure enough, in no time flat they were entering a modest but cluttered kitchen, the air filled with the tantalising scents of cooking and the wailing guitars of rock/metal music - music that Glen quite enjoyed, all things considered. Chucky was stood at the kitchen counter, a cigarette dangling from his mouth and a frying pan clutched in his left hand as he prepared two fried eggs. 
Glen was lost for a moment, then they noticed the empty chair at the kitchen table that had been helpfully pulled out for them, as well as the plate, cutlery and glass of orange juice waiting for them. The teen tried to get their father’s attention, but he couldn’t hear them over the music so, bravely, Glen tugged on the bottom of Chucky’s shirt, causing the man to turn his head in acknowledgement. When they had his attention, Glen pointed at the radio blaring music and mouthed:
“Can you turn it off please?”
They weren’t sure how much of their request was heard, but after a brief moment where their father tilted his head to the side in confusion, the radio was turned off as the man asked:
“Sorry champ, could you repeat that for me?”
Suddenly feeling incredibly self-conscious, Glen looked down at their plate and softly mumbled:
“Uh, I was just asking if you could please turn the radio off, but you already did that so… don’t worry about it.”
Chucky nodded understandingly and went back to his cooking. There was an extended period of awkward silence between them before Chucky suddenly asked:
“Do you like bacon?”
Glen didn’t respond for a moment, too lost in their own thoughts. They were so angry, not just at their father, but at themself as well. How could they have been so blind and not realised that they were being kidnapped? There were so many red flags, how could Glen have failed to spot none of them? They were beating themself up quite a bit over their stupidity, because if they hadn’t given in to a few compliments that were (clearly, looking back) designed to butter them up, they wouldn’t be in this cabin right now. Of course, they were also mad at their father, because what kind of parent kidnaps their own child and lies to them? 
A few minutes passed as Glen went through their memories of the day before, desperately trying to think of any way that things could have turned out differently. They hadn’t even realised that time had passed or that their father had spoken at all until they felt his hands on their shoulders, shaking them lightly as he said again:
“Hey kiddo, you deaf or something? I asked you if you like bacon, because that’s what I’ve cooked for breakfast today.”
Glen blinked before responding politely:
“Well, I’m a pescatarian, so no, sorry.”
Chucky screwed up his nose in confusion and raised an eyebrow, asking:
“The hell’s that supposed to mean? Is that a made up word or something, because I’ve never heard it before.”
Glen gulped nervously before nervously explaining:
“You know how vegetarians don’t eat meat and how vegans don’t eat meat or anything that comes from an animal - like milk or eggs? Well, I’m like a vegetarian, except I eat fish, which is why I ordered the tuna tacos yesterday.”
Letting out an understanding ‘ah’, Chucky turned to the kitchen counter before asking Glen over his shoulder:
“So should I throw this bacon out then, sport?”
Now; from a young age, Glen was always determined to please others, so when they were asked a question like this, they went to their default answer, which was:
“Not if it’ll be inconvenient, you don’t have to.”
But when Glen said this to their father, steely determination filled his eyes as he shook his head and insisted:
“No, no, this is your home too, I may not agree with your choices - and I will try and change your mind about meat in the future - but I respect your diet. So how about I whip up a salad for you instead, huh, champ?”
A small part of Glen was strangely touched by this, because when Glen had made their food preferences clear to their mother, Tiffany had never offered to cook a substitute meal for them, instead making the teen resort to making their own salads, or just eating a banana in the morning, so an offer to have a salad made for them was just too hard to pass up. 
“Yeah, if you don’t mind, I’d love a salad.”
With that, Chucky set to work making a salad for Glen, occasionally interrupting the comfortable silence that ensued to ask Glen various questions such as whether or not they wanted tomatoes in their salad (they did). After ten minutes had passed, Glen was presented with an earnestly made salad, complete with a liberal amount of salad dressing. When Glen politely thanked their father for making them a salad, Chucky rubbed the back of his neck and admitted:
“This is like, the second or third time in my life that I’ve ever made a salad, I hope it tastes alright.”
Glen said nothing to their father as they quietly ate their salad, skilfully dodging all attempts on his part to make conversation by pretending that they had a mouthful of food. Finally, Glen was finished, and they stood up to leave the table. But before they could leave the room, their father grabbed their arm and said:
“Look, I know I messed up.”
Glen had watched enough documentaries and read enough crime novels to know that arguing with your captor was never a bright idea, but this casual reference to their kidnapping made their temper flare as the teen sarcastically snapped:
“Yeah, you kidnapped and drugged me, not to mention lied to me, so I’d definitely say that you ‘messed up’ big time.”
Chucky simply stared at them for a moment before saying:
“I sedated you because you were freaking out, and I only lied about a few things to make you come with me. Besides, I don’t like that term, ‘kidnapping’, it makes what I did sound, well, wrong. You can’t kidnap your own child, anyway.”
Unable to stop themself, Glen asked just as sarcastically as before:
“Oh? What term do you prefer then?”
Silence. Then, a completely delusional:
“Surprise custody arrangement. Also, that’s not what I’m apologising for.”
Glen was incredibly confused by this, so they asked:
“What are you apologising for then?”
Chucky put his other hand on Glen’s shoulder and stepped slightly closer. It would have been a hug if Glen hadn’t leant back slightly and crossed their arms in front of their chest. Sincerely, and just as delusional, their father explained:
“I’m apologising for not taking on a human body at the same time that you and Glenda did. That’s what destroyed our family, I understand that now. I was too stubborn, I was too focused on the negatives to realise that my refusal meant that you and your twin were left all alone with your insane mother. I’ve regretted the fact that you two grew up without me every day since then, and I couldn’t be more sorry for the way I treated you both. I should have been there.”
For the briefest moment, Glen thought they could almost cry, because that was such a clearly heartfelt apology. But just as the sentiment of that apology washed over them, Chucky continued:
“My current human body is just one year older than I was the first time I died, so it’s practically like fate. Don’t you see, sport? We get to start over again like nothing happened, me, you and Glenda - one happy family. Isn’t that great?”
And… Chucky the lunatic was back. Uncertain of their father’s general sanity, Glen plastered an enthusiastic smile to their face and nodded, backing away slowly.
“Sounds great, dad. Can I go to my room?”
They didn’t even wait for a response, they just went to their room. For a while they just sat down on their bed and processed the events of the previous day as well as that morning. They had a father that loved them, or at least thought he did, and he was a complete maniac. For a while Glen just sat and processed this revelation, but then they got curious. They had to know what was on the walls. So, taking in a nervous breath of air, they tugged the sheets off of all four walls, revealing a vast assortment of paintings.
The paintings were unusual to say the least, but very well made. There were some (presumably) religious symbols covering two of the four walls, declaring their father’s complete devotion to some unknown deity called ‘Damballa’. Another wall caused Glen to scream in panic, because the paintings depicted graphic murders, such as a woman having her throat slit in front of a terrified depiction of the person their father was inhabiting, as well as a man having a knife cutting into his… Glen swiftly moved on to the last wall, which made their heart stop for a moment.
All of the paintings were well made, with the time and effort put into them very clear, but the paintings on the last wall had a tangible amount of love and devotion poured into them. There were three sets of paintings on that wall, and they were all of Glen and Glenda. One set as babies, one as children (both carrying a small doll in a purple shirt - one doll had wild red hair and the other had blonde hair and sloppily applied makeup) and the final set as teenagers. This last set of paintings was clearly the newest; there was still a few areas of wet paint dripping from them. These paintings solidified in Glen’s mind the fact that their father truly loved them, and these beautiful paintings nearly made them cry. Before they could, they felt a hand rubbing their back, and they swiftly realised that, hearing them scream, their father had rushed into the room in quite a panic.
“I heard you screaming, are you alright kiddo?”
Then, Chucky’s eyes landed on the paintings of the twins, and the tension in his body faded away as he smiled.
“I painted all of these, did you know that? I like to paint the things and people that make me happy, like murder and… well, my kids, as you can see. Painting’s one of my main hobbies apart from… well, I’m sure you probably already know.”
Glen did know, but they didn’t want to acknowledge it. A few moments passed, during which Chucky realised that he wasn’t going to get any conversation out of Glen, so he tried something else, remembering some of the advice from the parenting book ‘Parenting for Dummies’ that he’d bought and read a few days ago:
“Do you have any hobbies?”
Glen actually loved painting, they’d done it since they were a child, and they’d never known why they loved it so. Their mother and twin had never shared their love of art, and their mother actually discouraged painting in the house due to mess. The realisation that they’d acquired this particular hobby from their father was slightly upsetting, because Glen didn’t want to compare themself to a murderer if they could avoid it. So instead, taking pity on their father’s awkward attempts to get a conversation between them going, Glen mumbled in response:
“I like restoring old dolls…”
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