#had this sitting in drafts for a minute
oumoumimi · 22 days
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(cr. namuspromised)
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exhausted-archivist · 26 days
SDCC Goodies
So, my friends were great and ran around collecting things and talking to the devs they met about my food project and asking John Epler about Bellara's favorite food.
But, the signed cookbook arrived, and I got the hard-earned buttons my friends collected for me, the mini poster, the signatures, and the wonderful artwork of Bull they made for me (definitely can't tell my favorite character), and wanted to share! (Ignore the Solas box, I'm temporarily holding the buttons in there).
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Hey Mashblr, look what I found! At a sand sculpture exhibition of all places! :’)
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simplynims · 10 days
A Quick Meeting
Wanted to brush up on my writing skills by writing an interaction between Dennys sister Wrinley and Ashley. "Dennys" doesn't technically have any siblings in canon (As far as I'm aware) so I mixed in a little bit of Dylans canon lore in here for fun.
A buzz of the front door rang out through the apartment as Ashley stands there waiting outside on the welcome mat. It had been a fun month or so of hanging out consistently with Dennys and the others. They were originally going to meet up at one of the bars and grills in town for drinks that night but Dennys car gave out as soon as she arrived back home from work. With no car and the grill being too far to walk to, Ashley offered to pick her up at her place and go from there. But as he stands infront of her apartment door, he realizes this is technically the first time he's actually visited her apartment? Yeah, Denny has visited his apartment before a handful of times but has only stayed for a couple of minutes at best. The most time spent there was probably during his Mitski break down- Ashley stops himself for a second, scrunching his face at the sour memory.
Luckily for Ashley, he doesn't need to dwell on it for too long as the door opens up. Instead of the red head he was expecting, a shorter woman with brown curly hair and a curious look on her face greets him.
"Hello. Can I help you?" She says, peaking out through the cracks of the opened door way. "Uh, yes actually, Dennys lives here right?" Ashleys met with a puzzled look as he explains further. "Red hair, tattoos on her arms, face piercings?" It clicks for the girl as she realizes who he's talking about. "Ohhhh! You mean Dylan? Yeah, she lives here. You must be Ashley right?" She exclaims, opening up the door for him and ushering him inside. "Yeah, that's me. You must be her roommate?" The woman nods as she closes the door.
"Uh-huh! I'm Wrinley by the way, Dylans my sister." Wrinley continues as they lead Ashley into the living room. "She told me to let you in if you knock, she's still getting ready but I'll let her know you're here. Just hang out here, I'll go get her in a sec." With that being said, she quickly walks off deeper into the apartment. Ashley stands there awkwardly for a moment before sitting down on the couch. Dennys never mentioned she had a sister? Then again, she seemed pretty quiet about her personal life and he never bothered to ask about her family. Looking around the living room, it's a bit surprising how..Pink everything is? It wasn't in your face but a lot of the decorations were more on the pastel side of the spectrum. He assumed it was Wrinley who probably decorated everything.
"Dylans almost ready, she says they'll be out in about 5 minutes. Hope that's okay?" Wrinley appears as she plops down on the other side of the couch, a brownish cat hot on her tail before making itself comfy in her lap. "Oh, no that's fine, I can wait don't worry!" An awkward silence brews for a few moments before Ashley spoke up again.
"So, you're her sister? Never knew she had any siblings." He asked, trying to break the awkwardness between them.
"Yep! It's just me and Dylan so far here in the area, but she's been a good roomie. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you guys meet? She's mentioned she's made some new friends but she wasn't very specific, plus I'm kinda nosey and wanna know what she's up to." Wrinley admits, giving the small cat in her lap a few scratches as she listens.
"Oh, uh- We actually met at her work place a month or so ago, she was our waitress for the night." He explained, being vauge about the whole break up situation with Lexi on purpose. Wrinley might be Dennys sister, but he's not about to explain that whole situation with her just yet.
"Oh cool! I'm glad she's having fun. She's been much happier since meeting you guys I've noticed." She comments before continuing. "I know Dylan can take care of herself especially when she's out drinking, but make sure she gets home safe 'kay?" Wrinley points at him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she comes back safe and sound." Ashley reassures her as Wrinley squints her eyes at him. She's quick to smiling again though as she responds. "Good! I'd hate there to be a missing persons report on the news with your name on it."
"Wait what-"
"Sorry about the wait, I had to look for my jacket. Are you ready to go?" Not a moment too soon Dylan makes her way over to the two. "Dennys, hey! Uh, yeah- Yes, lets get going." Ashley stammers out, still a bit irked by what Wrinley said. Dylan raises an eyebrow at the uncomfortable tension, giving her sister a look that Wrinley brushes off. "You two have fun! Text me when you're heading home 'Dennys', hehe." She teases, earning herself a playful roll of the eyes by Dylan. "I'll text you later Wrin. C'mon Ash, I need a good drink after todays bullshit." She groans, eager to down whatever alcoholic beverage awaits her at the Bar & Grill. After saying their good-byes, Ashley follows Dylan out to his car before heading off to meet up with the others.
"..Did Wrinley say anything weird to you while I was getting ready?" Dylan prodded during the car ride. Ashley hesitates for a moment. "...No, why?"
"Because I know how Wrinley is like and you get awfully sweaty when nervous." She points out.
"Okay first of all, I do not get that sweaty when nervous-"
"You do." Dylan teases with a smirk.
"SECOND OF ALL-" Ashley laughs. "Kind of? If threatening to put me on the news as a missing persons report counts as 'weird'-" Dylan snickers a little at that. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, she's a good person just protective is all. She wouldn't actually hurt anyone unless provoked."
"Good to know I'll live another day at least."
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victarin · 1 year
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I.. wanted to feel different from everyone drawing Sun. So, I hope you like my wacky silly Moon, I tried to make him opposite to Sun in some ways. Just so you know, I usually draw traditionally and this is like my second time drawing digitally.. but I'm honestly really proud of it, because I've never done lineless before but I think it really rocks actually! I hope you love him, I wanted to put visual effects on it but I totally forgot lol
WAAAAGHH OMG !!! this DOES really rock!!! THE COLORS ARE LOVELY & I LOVE THE REVERSE CRESCENT (!!!) this take on moon is so so awesome thank you so much for drawing this?? you got the shadowed bits down so well aaaghhawkjhwa
i hope ur enjoying digital art that is so awesome !!! this looks amazing <3333
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sweetjegus · 6 months
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(or: STEVE unlocks a Shenanigans Steve state and gets the TOH adults to dab)
Last day of Anime Los Angeles was truly “I want to be comfy and silly and not wear a wig” and who better to enable that but STEEEEEVE. 
Photos by David Harris; rambling under the cut.
$5 for the yellow “Dog Mama” t-shirt (”Dog Mama” got appliquéd over with red vinyl, which was apparently the only suitable red fabric I had on hand for colour-matching the STEVE logo)
$10 for the black pleather jacket (added cuffs, elbow pads, painted pocket details, and reused the STEVE stencil I made ...for painting another STEVE on the back)
Made (in the span of a very focused week and entirely from stash fabric, s o m e h o w): 
Appliqué for the yellow shirt, with cutouts in the red vinyl to have inset white STEVE letters.
White hood dickie. 
Edits to the black pleather jacket.
Black velvet jester pants with grey sateen insets + the peeking-out tunic. 
Horn prosthetic. 
Synergy in the Emperor’s Coven — grabbed a soupy romance novel from the Little Free Library (that I have previously made deposits to) and gave it a ~ new life ~ 
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coquelicoq · 5 months
if i were in charge of memes, i'd put a moratorium on two nickels until people learn how to tell when it's actually weird for something to happen twice and when it's pretty normal and unsurprising.
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tracingpapier · 1 year
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despemania · 1 year
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Fic: It always ends the same
Pairing: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi
Tags: Modern!AU, Angst, Incest, Secret Relationship, Cheating, background Gong Shangjue x Shangguan Qian
He can't remember the face of the man he kissed in the club, but he does remember how it felt to be pressed up against the wall and held like he meant something. Yuanzhi thinks the man might have left a hickey. That would be inconvenient.
The happy high that had carried him through the better part of the night has long since simmered down to a dull buzz in the back of his head. Pushing his hair out of his eyes, he blows out a lungful of air as he keys in the passcode to the front door of his flat.
Yuanzhi's going to forego a shower and head straight to bed. Maybe get a glass of water and some painkillers for the hangover in the morning. It's a sound plan and one that has worked before and would have worked now if it weren't for the single table lamp in his living room illuminating the figure sitting on his sofa.
Yuanzhi jolts a little at the sight of his big brother. Affecting a calm he does not feel, he locks the door behind him. Carefully setting his shoes next to his gege's.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, shuffling to the kitchen for his glass of water. Really, he's too tired for this. Shangjue gege isn't supposed to even visit for another week and if he is remembering the dates right, he's supposed to be in Tokyo.
"Where were you?"
Annoyance prickles in his throat. Seriously, where does he get the balls to ask him these questions? Yuanzhi is not in the mood tonight. He downs a glass of water before mustering enough nonchalance to say, "Why do you even care?"
Shangjue gege doesn't reply and Yuanzhi doesn't give a damn enough to wait around for one.
Filling his glass back up, he makes for his bedroom. He makes it halfway there before he finds himself grabbed and pinned up against the dining table with his glass shattering on the floor where it falls.
"Who did this to you?" Shangjue gege seethes, hand on the base of his throat holding him in place. Yuanzhi panics a little because he knows that's where the man from the club has kissed a mark on his skin. He tries to break away, and push back, but it's quickly quelled by Shangjue pressing down hard enough so that he's pinned.
Like one of those butterflies pinned to a silken display case that they used to marvel over in the family home.
Yuanzhi pushes again and Shangjue lets go, stepping back far enough for Yuanzhi to right himself. Just when he thinks he can shake him off, Shangjue grips him hard by the hip.
"Why?" He growls out.
Properly ticked off at this point, Yuanzhi roars back, "Why not!"
This startles Shangjue enough to let him go. Punching him on the shoulder, Yuanzhi shoulders past him.
"Look around you, Ge! Look at where we are! This is your house, your clothes! I go to a school of your choosing and I study what you tell me to. I'm in a fucking dollhouse and I'm your fucking sex doll. You pick me up when you need a willing hole to fuck so that you don't break your pretty wife and you leave me here like an unwanted puppy when you don't need me."
"I can't have any friends because how do I even begin to tell them how fucked up my life is. I can't get close to anyone because I'll be risking you and your perfect cookie-cutter life." Yuanzhi furiously wipes at the tears that bleed down his face. Shaking his head, he gulps wetly. "My whole life, ever since we were kids, has been shaped by you. Why not? You have the audacity to ask me that?"
There's barely a trace of an emotion on Shangjue's face. When he reaches out to touch Yuanzhi, he slaps his hand away, but this doesn't deter him. He takes hold of his sweater sleeve, tugging once, twice, before Yuanzhi relents and falls into his arms with a sob.
Careful caresses card through the hair at the base of his skull and the warmth of his gege's hug feels a lot like how he would be comforted after a skinned knee, but the gentle kiss to the corner of his eyes is anything but innocent, childhood comfort.
The slow tilt of his face and the slide of gege's mouth against his is the furthest thing from familial.
"It wasn't supposed to get this far," Shangjue whispers. "I wasn't supposed to let it get this far."
Yuanzhi swallows down the rest of the bile that threatens to escape from the tip of his tongue. He's tired. He is drained and there's nothing left in him tonight for sharp edges and hurt. Yuanzhi just doesn't want to think anymore.
With a soft push against his gege's chest, he sniffles, pulling away.
Without a word, he walks to his bedroom door, opening it and stepping through. He leaves it open behind him, stripping out of his clothes until he's down to his underwear.
He hears the shuffling of socked feet on the floor. Then the snick of the door closing.
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madeimpact · 9 months
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Happy holidays and merry Christmas to mutuals who celebrate. I'll try and do some fun IC antics either tomorrow or belated ones in the days after ( shhh we'll pretend it's still Christmas then ). Tonight I'm gonna be pretty busy doing Santa Things™️ in preparation for tomorrow so I probably won't be around, but just know I love you guys, I miss being around here, and time and mental health permitting I want to try and be back here soon. Mwwwah
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joespinell · 1 month
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 year
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was skimming through a muted Graces LP that I THOUGHT had no commentary in order to fact check some dialogue but instead I found this, I WISH Asbel had said this it would have cleared some things up sooner 😂
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paper--moons · 6 months
so excited asks are open!!! idk if you remember but i sent an ask a while ago about overwatch, and was wondering if you could do regressor hanzo hcs, maybe with cg cassidy or even genji?? i can’t find any overwatch agere content and it’s so sad :( tysm i love your writing!!!!
I do indeed recall your original ask, yes!
This was definitely something of a special one for me to do, as the game holds some nostalgia for me—when the original Overwatch came out I was fresh out of high school and had a lot to figure out (I still do!) about what I wanted out of life. During this period I was able to make some friends through the game, and I think having a silly little competitive something to do was good for me as I've never been a very competitive person. So to have something relatively low stakes but engaging while I was figuring out some big things was nice, though I do understand some issues have arisen with the franchise in later years.
Having said that, you've given me one of my mains! If I wasn't playing D.Va then I was playing as Hanzo, and I like to think I did fairly well haha. So yes, big comfort character! While I wish there was more lore to the series and by extension its characters, there's enough there to work with imo (as things like character design, voice lines, and mechanics themselves provide a glimpse into said character). This one had me dusting off some old headcanons and putting a fresh spin on them, since I was already into agere even at that time! You're absolutely correct that there is very little agere fanworks for these characters because I was starving for it back then.
Anyhow! The headcanons can be read over here. Hope you enjoy them, and thanks so much for the request! 🌙
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reading my drafts like damn this is so good i should really finish it and post it as i am actively closing the window
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from-etihad · 1 year
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Samira was exhausted by the time they made it to the woods by the place called Wexford. They had traveled for hours during the day, only sleeping a few hours at night. But, she understood why they had to move quickly; Edward’s grandfather had already caught up with them before, so they had no time to spare. They passed a small creek and eventually, they made it to Katy’s childhood home, a quaint house with two floors. The inside was empty, with the only furniture being a dining table with chairs, and a divan placed in front of an unlit fireplace. Katy told her that this was her childhood home, and before that, it was built by her late, adoptive grandfather and grandmother many decades ago. Her family moved away when she was a younger girl, and it had been vacant ever since. The four of them got themselves situated, putting down blankets where they would sleep. They ate some dinner and settled down or the night.
But Samira couldn’t sleep. She felt homesick, missing her father and the rest of her family, the deserts of Lynari, and the Sisters of Light, who had been like a second family to her. She missed Michael terribly, wanting to reunite with him so badly. Throughout her journey, she had wondered how he was doing, if he was missing her as well, and if her letter reached him. She wondered how it would be if and when she saw him again. She figured she’d probably throw herself at him, sob like a child, or both. At that point, she didn’t care -- she just wanted to see him again. Lastly, She missed and worried over her step-sister Luisa, who was probably fully on the side of her cousin Ulises, a man who had proven to be manipulative, powerful, and cunning. That thought made her feel uneasy, so she stepped outside, into the cool, starlit evening, for some fresh air.
The woods were silent, save for a nearby owl and nighttime crickets that chirped constantly. The fire they had made to cook dinner hours before was still somewhat lit, which provided some light. Now, Samira had practiced her ability here and there while she traveled with Edward and David, so she decided to practice there and then, to get her mind off things and to tire herself out. Spotting a nearby large log, she positioned herself several feet away from it, and then, something caught her eye on the tree closest to her. There were old carvings in the tree bark; three lines at different heights. Next to the lines were three different names:
 -- Levon
-- Fay
-- Katy
She wondered for a moment if those were the names of Katy’s parents and made a mental note to ask her later. She turned to focus on the log, which looked heavy and outstretched her hands. Then, she raised her hands and was surprised that she telekinetically lifted the log so easily. She pulled her arms back and then pushed, sending the log flying with velocity into the woods somewhere. Samira felt exhilarated; the ritual her teacher Hecate really did give her a powerful boost to her magic. She spotted two rocks, one medium-sized and the other large resting side by side. She then had a thought. She extended one hand towards one rock, and her other towards the second. Then, she attempted to lift them both at the same time. She struggled, feeling the different heavyweights individually. She lifted them just around two feet off the ground, but eventually dropped the large one. She was only holding the other when she suddenly heard a woman’s voice.
“Fancy trick you’ve got there.”
Surprised, Samira let out a small yell and without thinking twice, she instinctively stretched out her hand toward the direction of the voice, completely forgetting about the rock at that moment. The rock was flung towards the person and just as Samira was turning around to see who it was, she saw an arm swing to one side suddenly and then there was a powerful gust of wind, and it was strong that Samira fell backward, hitting the ground. As she fell, she saw the rock fly in the direction of the wind, landing somewhere nearby with a heavy thump. She groaned, her back aching, and she saw the person approach her. It was Katy, who looked angry.
“Are you fuckin’ mad?!” She exclaimed, her eyes widened with fury.
“I’m so so sorry! You scared me and I didn’t realize ... I didn’t mean to throw that at you!” Samira answered sincerely, feeling embarrassed. 
“You could’ve hurt someone!” Katy scolded her, her anger seemingly subsiding, so now she looked just irritated.
“I know, I know. I just didn’t expect anyone else to be awake, I’m sorry again.” Then, Samira remembered the wind. “The wind, was that you?”
Katy let out a sigh and extended a hand. Samira took it and Katy helped her up again.
“You’re not the only one with fancy tricks,” Katy told her with raised brows.
Eventually, the two women were sitting by the fire. Samira had apologized again, but Katy, now looking calmer, shrugged.
“It’s fine... I understand you have reasons to be jumpy like that. Just be more careful next time.” answered Katy flatly.
Samira nodded profusely, feeling terrible that she chucked a pretty well-sized rock at the woman who was helping them. Feeling awkward now and wanting to change the subject, she pointed at the tree with the carvings.
“I saw carvings with three names. Levon and Fay... are those the names of your parents?” She asked.
Katy looked towards the tree. She stood up and walked to it, and then, she ran her fingers over the carvings. Then, there was a rather soft smile.
“Wow, I completely forget about this...” She said gently, “Yes, they are my parents. I was but a child when we did this. It was a good night. We had lots of laughs and fun.”
Samira couldn’t help but smile along. “This place must mean a lot to you,” She commented.
Katy turned her eyes upon the home behind them. “It does a great deal. My grandparents Maxim and Deirdre built this place from the ground up. This is where they began their family. Eventually, they moved on and my mother remained. She brought me here when she adopted me.”
“Oh! You were adopted?” Samira asked, surprised.
“M’hm. And before that, my grandparents adopted her. This place was the first place we truly called home. My father came eventually to co-parent with her, as he tried to adopt me before but he couldn’t at one point so my mother took me in... it’s here I watched them fall in love. It’s here where our family began too,” Katy replied, smiling warmly. Samira could see why a young Edward fell for her when they were younger -- Katy, already a beauty, looked more lovely when she smiled like that. “We had to leave one day, not by choice and settled where we live now. But this place is still important to my family. When my grandmother passed, Ben, although he didn’t get the chance to live here, felt inspired to fix it up after it had become run down. It’s more of a shrine than home now, but perhaps that’ll change one day.”
Katy let out a soft sigh and made her way back to her spot by the fire. “You are far from your own home, from what I understand. How are you holding up?”
Samira frowned sadly, looking at the fire. “I haven’t been away from my family this long before. I can’t write to them because it’s too risky to. It’s been really hard, I’ll admit.” Samira looked at Katy, her brows furrowing. “I have to ask: do you truly think Hana will help us?”
Katy pressed her lips together, looking away. “As I explained to Edward, she’s been through a lot here, as she did over in the South. She’s finally settled, living her life peacefully and without the heavy weight of a crown. If it wasn’t for the fact that Edward was once a dear friend to me, I don’t think I would’ve agreed to take him to her, to be honest with you.” A conflicted look crossed the woman’s face. “But, I think she’d at least like to know what’s going on. Convincing her to act, however, may take quite some time. So, you might have the stay in these parts for a while, I’m afraid.”
Samira pursed her lips to the side, understanding that Edward was facing a difficult task ahead of him, which meant she spent more time away from home. But, there was a silver lining.
“Are there docks or ships by Wexford?” Samira asked her, causing Katy to look up.
“Yes, why?”
“If we are to be here for some time, I’d like to make a small trip,” Samira revealed.
“Oh? Where, if you don’t mind me asking?” Katy asked as she tilted her head.
“Snow Mystic,” Samira answered, which caused Katy to look perplexed right away.
“Uh... why would you want to go there?” asked Katy, looking as if Samira had requested something odd or strange.
“The man I love, my husband to be, live there. I want to reunite with him. I miss him a lot and he must be so worried about me,” Samira fretted, feeling wistful and anxious once again. Her chest felt tight for a moment, and she let out a deep exhale to relieve it a bit. “If it’s safe enough, I want to travel to see him for a bit, and then I’ll come back. I’m not leaving Edward behind.”
Katy somberly nodded, but a curious expression was etched on her face. “Who is this man, if you don’t mind me asking? I know a few people from there.’
‘You do? Well, his name is Michael Blackwood.”
Katy fell silent, her eyes widening in surprise. “Michael Blackwood?”
Samira nodded, now feeling curious herself. There was recognition in Katy’s voice. “Do you know him?”
“I know of him, maybe ran into him before, I don’t recall, but I definitely know who he is. He’s best mates with King Caspian Maxson,” Katy revealed, now looking a tad uncomfortable when she mentioned Caspian’s name. “I used to be close to Caspian before...” Katy hesitated, but then she turned her head towards her, giving her a rueful, resigned smile. “...Before the fucker broke my heart.”
Samira frowned at that. Katy seemed to be a very strong woman with strong resolve, so it boggled her mind that someone like Caspian Maxson would do such a thing.
“I already don’t like King Caspian. I met him before and... I believe he takes full advantage of Michael.” Samira said woefully.
Katy snorted. “I guess some things haven’t changed over there.”
Samira scrunched her face, her brows knitting, feeling great sympathy for Katy. “Now I think I like him less.”
Katy chuckled lowly, shaking her head. “Listen, that’s all in the past. It happened so long ago, I was angry about it for a long time, and I’m just...finally letting myself be sad about it, I suppose. I’m sure he’s not as insufferable as he used to be, or at least I hope...”
“I just want Michael to realize his worth. It’s fine if they’re still close friends but I don’t him to...to...” Samira stammered, trying to think of how to translate the word in her head.
“Grovel?” Guessed Katy with raised brows. 
Samira grimaced, trying to think of a better-sounding word, but she eventually sighed. “I guess...? He just tries too hard to please him.”
“You seem like a nice woman with a good head on her shoulder. Maybe you can be the one to convince him to grow some balls,” Katy suggested dryly. 
Samira was unable to stop herself from letting out a chuckle. “Oh, come on -- he has balls! Maybe...maybe they do need to grow more.”
Katy smirked but then, she gave her an incredulous look. “Fuck...I can’t believe you’re engaged to Michael Blackwood. Small world...  In Wexford, there’s actually a family member of his that lives there.”
Samira blinked, her mouth dropping open slightly. “Really? Wow!” She exclaimed. She had only met Luca, his cousin. So it was surprising to hear that another family member of his was close by. This excited her for sure. “What a coincidence!”
A wry smile curled Katy’s lips. “I can introduce you if you’d like.”
“I’d like that very much,” Samira replied with a grin.
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