#had to dress like a moon goddess i cant help it
witchwitchy · 23 days
FINALLY GOT TO GO BACK TO RAMSHACKLE but i heard of the solar eclipse happening and wanted to dress for the occasion ★~(◠ω◕✿)
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no that isnt a monster energy drink in the corner what are you talking about ALSO IGNORE HOW DIRTY MY MIRROR IS, i still need to clean it ╥﹏╥
///OOC AHHHHHH I HAD TO DRESS FOR IT, HOPE YALL LIKE MY OUTFIT !!!! anyways forever grateful that i unintentionally look like my oc to post this
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Persephone & Hades AU...
For your consideration, and bearing in mind that the original myth is not really all that toxic at all and is not a show of Stockholm syndrome...
The “””Kidnapping””” of Persephone:
Logan as Hades-
Bespectacled Ruler of the Underworld
Takes his job very seriously (wears a black and blue necktie with his long silky black robes)
Cold pale skin and intelligent grey eyes with slicked back black hair. Looks scarier and meaner than he actually is. (although he can have a bit of a temper if pushed and will have loud sharp outbursts of “FALSEHOOD!”)
Very logical and methodical in how he rules the underworld and keeps the souls passing through organized. Like he’s got the judgement thing down to a T! But despite his cold demeanor he’s actually very generous and kind at heart. He just recognizes the importance of his work and in remaining just yet impartial
Sucker for dogs, hence why he has a three headed one. He just wishes he had more time to play with Cerberus, but alas ruling the dead alone takes up a lot of ones time.
Has a sweet tooth and often indulges in jams made from the pomegranates that grow in his realm.
Is on decent enough relations with his brothers (Emile as Poseidon and Deceit as Zeus), although he STILL thinks that Deceit cheated in their straw draws, but let it go because he’s actually best suited as the more organized brother for ruling the dead.
Is secretly very lonely. Once in a blue moon he’ll sneak up to the surface for fresh air and sunlight. One day he spots a certain someone in a flower field who takes his breath away. (can you blame him, i mean that smile! )
Patton as Persephone-
Supreme flower child! (flowy sky blue clothes, grass green eyes, sun-kissed freckly skin and wheat colored curls, barefoot, flower crown)
Loves gardening, animals, and helping his father Demeter (Roman) with the changing seasons. Loves Roman to bits....He just wishes he wasn’t so overprotective. Like come ON dad, i’m a grown god, i can look after myself. I don’t run off on my own THAT much!
Is protective and loving towards most all forms of life and tries to see the good in each and every soul, both mortal and god/goddess #momfriendtothemax
Unless given reason to feel otherwise. Then...weeeell at the least he’ll give you a stern talking to but at worst...lets just say you DONT want to get on the bad side of someone who can grow massive and sharp thorn bushes and effect earthquakes when pushed too far. XO
Sometimes gets bored with the same old routine with Roman and wishes to get away and see something new from time to time. Maybe have some quiet time to make his own floral crafts and garden peacefully for fun and not work.
Often sneaks off when Roman is busy and goes wandering along dirt paths, sit under or climb a tree, or frolic in the flowers.
Roman as Demeter -
God of the Harvest, but like, EXTRA in all ways shape or form. (”we can top last years crop no problem, MORE WHEAT STALKS!” “No dad, we can’t, then there’ll be too much in this region and not enough for the next.” “LONGER SUMMER!!” “No! Bad idea dad! That’ll throw the seasons off”)
Often dresses in flowing gold threaded and sunset colored robes, but will change ensemble to match the seasons.
Enjoys watching the goings ons of the mortals, they’re just so entertaining! Especially is fond of traveling thespians and will bless the harvest of wherever they perform in.
Loves his son more than anything and has him help in godly duties because it keeps him close so he can keep an eye on Patton MUST KEEP PRECIOUS BAB SAFE!!!
Stubborn (but will never own up to it)
Virgil as Charon-
In charge of Ferrying souls across the River Styx
Doesn’t mind his job all that much but is #done with soooo many of these complaining, noisy and often rude or entitled souls. (like, NO dude, i don’t care who you were ruler of in the living world. Its two coins for passage like everyone else buddy!)
Really just wants a nap (often tries to hit up Remy a.k.a. Morpheus but he shows up late ALL the time)
Is actually very compassionate and gentle. He tries to ease the fears of souls who he sees are younger or were genuinely good in life or died in unfair ways.
Lives for the dark skull & bones aesthetic
Master of snark
Plays chess with Logan when either of them have some rare down time
    Click the cut for full story
One day Roman and Patton are off doing their nature godly duties, and Roman is nagging his son about the proper way to harvest corn. (”Yes father, i know how to do it. you’ve only told me like a hundred times” “well i just want to make sure to remind you and that you don’t cut yourself on the sickle”)
Patton sneaks off one day to pick flowers since it’ll probably be the last bloom before autumn sets. Suddenly he sees a curious crack in the ground and ambles over to it to take a look. (”what sort of creature could’ve made this deep thing?”) He leans in too far however and pulls an Alice in Wonderland.
Turns out that crack was made by Logan. Apparently he’d become so deeply smitten by Patton that he went to his older brother Deceit/Zeus for advice. (Yes he was a dick and a little shit at times-although took his duties seriously when need be-and tricked many of his lovers into bed, but Emile didn’t have nearly as much love experience as their elder brother & Logan was desperate)
Deceit had actually been pleased when his too serious brother told him that he’d fallen for the spring god. His advice to Logan had been to simply kidnap Patton and either bed him then woo him or woo him and then bed him. Logan, of course, didn’t listen because that was the stupidest idea ever! (”what under earth was i thinking? This is the guy who turned himself into a cygnini in order to copulate with a woman behind his wife’s back.”) Besides, he was too painfully shy and socially awkward to try wooing. (He worked with the dead for crying out loud, not the best circumstances for practicing social skills)
He did however create a crack in the ground so he could sneak peeks at Patton from below the earth and admire him from afar. However, he’d been called back on an emergency and forgot to close one particular crack up before leaving again.
So sufficed to say, he was fairly shocked when he suddenly heard screaming above him one day. He looked up to find one Patton falling towards him and just caught him in his arms in time. (BLUSH CITY ON BOTH PARTS)
Patton thanks Logan but is admittedly miffed at him when he learns Logan was the one who’d made that crack in the ground. “What were you thinking leaving a big hole in the earth like that? Some poor oblivious mortal or animal could’ve fallen into it and gotten hurt!” “Apologies I-it was a foolish oversight on my part. i-I certainly hope you are uninjured?”
After a while Patton forgives him when he sees how truly sorry this (admittedly) scary and stern looking god is. (lest we forget he’s one of the big three) And Logan is honestly just trying not to show how flustered he is. i mean Patton is there in his realm! They both realize the crack is far too high up for Patton to get back out through right away. So Logan offers to have Patton stay in his palace until he can fetch his assistant Virgil/Charon to help Patton back up the next day. IN HIS OWN QUARTERS, OF COURSE! Logan says blushing, trying to be a gentleman. Patton agrees, promising upon Logan’s request to only follow one rule: “You must NOT eat anything”. Strange, but okay. Besides, it’ll be nice getting a break from his father. And it’s just for one night, right? (WRONG!)
Patton ends up having to wait longer than he realized because both Logan and Virgil are super busy with ferrying and judging souls. So he wanders around the Underworld. (of course he is marked with untouchable safety from almost everything as a guest of Logan) 
One night however Patton finds himself stumbling upon a sparse garden. He’s surprised that anything is capable of growing down there in the realm of the dead, but even more shocked by the poor state of it. “Really, just look at the se rose bushes. They’re so brittle!” (it’s not Logan’s fault. He’s a busy boi. plus the god of the dead doesn’t exactly have a green thumb) Really the only thing flourishing down there is a single Pomegranate tree. The fruits on it look so red and shiny and juicy and...well...whats the worst that could happen if he eats just a few seeds?
Of course if you know the myth, it means now Patton cant leave. Because, well, greek god realm rules. Sufficed to say, Patton is pretty miffed that Logan hadn’t thought to tell him why he shouldn’t eat the darn fruit in the first place. Logan is greatly frustrated at Patton because a) he didn’t listen, and b) he actually has a point there and he does NOT like being wrong. Still, nothing to be done about it now.
Over time they cool off and apologize to each other. Patton’s still kind of mad though because now he can’t go home at all if he wanted too, but he recognizes that Logan wasn’t forcing him to stay on purpose. So he get’s over it and tries to make the best out of the situation. At least he can finally get away from Roman’s nagging for a while. 
* Meanwhile in the living world, a frantic and angry Roman raises hell. “WHERE IS MY BOOOOYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?” (Thebes did not have a good crop that year)
While in the Underworld Patton starts talking to some souls, listening to their stories and offering kind and comforting words. Which as it turns out makes them more at ease and willing to go for judgement as they pass on. Logan’s fondness for Patton grows as he witnesses these acts of compassion and kindness. He also comes to respect Patton when he sees just how fierce he can be in the face of those who’d been cruel or unjust in life. ”I’m sorry, you did what to how many people!? and NOW you’ve got the nerve to demand entrance into Elysium young man!? Logan, hold my flower.” “Fret not Patton. I have your bougainvillea.”     (art link for this scene)
Meanwhile Patton cant help but notice that, although he’s stern and serious on the outside, Logan is actually a very gentle god deep down. (he picks up on this from the soft tone of Logan’s voice as he speaks to souls being judged who’d suffered in life, or the way he reassures the more anxious ones with facts and logic about the afterlife that set them at eases “it’s not all punishment and Tartarus you know. Statistically few souls on the grand scale are malign enough to enter there. The Asphodel Meadows are quite pleasant, I assure you.”)
Logan works so hard and tirelessly at his often depressing job, but never acts mean or harsh unless a soul is nasty or rude or was truly evil, and Patton gains an admiration of him for that. (besides, he is actually quite handsome and beautiful in a cold distant way, like the stars and moonlight on a midsummers night) Patton also sees what a softie Logan can be when he’s playing with Cerberus. (”Who’s my excellent tri-headed canine? Who is a good demon dog?”) Patton gushes and of course Cerberus and Patton LOVE each other. Watching Patton play with the big dog becomes Logan’s newest favorite thing. (”By the gods Virgil, it is too precious to process!”) 
Sometimes Patton will keep Logan company when there’s a lull in souls. He’ll tell Logan about all the different places he’s seen and what mortals are like when still alive. Logan meanwhile will often go into rants about the fascinating bits of knowledge he’s accumulated over the years from souls who’ve lived full lives. Logan enjoys having someone who enjoys listening to him (not that Virgil isn’t a respectful listener, but Logan sometimes wonders if he only does is because he’s his boss) And Patton really likes being able to share his own opinions and ideas without condescendingly albeit gently being told, (“no, no, my silly sweet boy. This is the right way to do it. Now eat your cereal, you need the fiber sweet pea”) Having picked up some of the mortal’s sense of humor, Patton is very much a fan of word play and LOVES making puns. Logan is...less than amused by them. However, the first time he makes Patton laugh with a clever quip (about Virgil or one of the more disgruntled souls) he swore the whole Underworld actually lit up. He treasures every time he can make that precious god laugh and smile.
Heck, even Virgil warms up to Patton and actually becomes VERY protective of the spring god. Patton sees through to his anxious softie center and enjoys talking to Virgil who is a very good listener. Meanwhile Virgil finds Patton’s sunny disposition refreshing and his warm presence calming. Patton will often keep Virgil company, but can’t always bring himself to follow when he has to ride across the River Styx. The memories and voices coming off the water just make him too sad.
Virgil ends up playing wingman for Logan. He tells Logan how Patton’s been a bit down in the dumps and recommends Logan cheer him up with a present. “That is an excellent idea Virgil, but what? What could possibly be good enough for that sweet honeysuckle?” “Well you’ve spied on him enough times- and don’t try to deny it boss- what does he like?” 
Sufficed to say, Patton LOVES his surprise underworld garden that Logan had worker rigorously on creating for him. He knows it couldn’t have been easy. Of course, being the god of the dead, Logan cannot maintain the garden and Patton is more than happy to have free creative reign over it. He giddily catches Logan in a big hug, and is pleased when a blushing Logan returns the heartfelt embrace, pressing a tender kiss to Patton’s forehead. Then he takes a blushing Patton’s hands in his.
”Patton, my honeysuckle, sunshine of my heart...I cannot contain it any longer. For so long you’ve been the object of my affection, but over the course of our time together down here, although the circumstances had been less than idea, my love for you has only deepened. Would you perhaps...although I am not worthy of you...would you consider marrying me, and ruling the Underworld by my side?” By now Patton is blushing like crazy and in tears because, although he’d been mad at Logan for getting him stuck down there at first, he realizes that he’s come to deeply love the dark god too. Logan worries that he’s crossed a line but then Patton beams and looks up at him with tears in his eyes. “Oh Lo-lo, my brilliant beautiful lobelia blossom, I-” BAM!
Cue a properly pissed off Roman crashing down to the Underworld. He’s also got Deceit/Zeus with him by the ear. “AHA! So THIS is where you’ve been keeping my precious boy!” “Deceit, you told him!?” “He got it out of me. Sorry, not Sorry. I may be the ruler of the gods, but Roman is quite -ow- convincing when angry.”
Roman rushes over to Patton and they embrace, because although it was nice having time to himself Patton did miss his beloved father. After Roman fusses over Patton-“Are you alright? Are you hurt? have you been eating properly?” “yes, yes, i’m fine father. I promise!”- Roman unleashes verbal hell on, well, the god of hell. He reprimands Logan for kidnapping his son, but Patton quickly comes to Logan’s defense saying that it wasn’t his fault and the whole thing had been an accident, not a kidnapping. When he hears the whole story Roman does calm down a bit, and is admittedly happy to see Patton so happily in love as well. (he may be a helicopter parent, but the god of the harvest is quite the romantic at heart and loves seeing Patton so happy. Even if he doesn’t think the doom and gloom Logan is good enough for his precious little sunflower) 
But upon finding out about the pomegranate sees he practically begs Logan to release him so that Patton can come back to the land of the living with him. (besides, he does still need him to help with the seasons and crops) Logan apologizes, saying it’s impossible and there’s nothing he can do. He just doesn’t have that kind of power. Then all three hear Deceit clear his throat.
“Ahem. God of gods speaking, and if you’re all done blubbering, i may have a solution.” So he tells them that there may be a loophole he can work around. He’ll give Logan his blessing to marry Patton, who will also be allowed to go back upworld with Roman, but on the condition that Patton spends part of the year co-ruling the Underworld. He tells them that for the number of pomegranate seeds that Patton ate, he’ll be obligated to spend a month with Logan. “Well darling, how many seeds did you eat?” They all look at Patton expectantly. Technically Patton only at 3 seeds, but heckitty heck, he really wants more time with Logan than three months. And frankly, he enjoyed the idea of getting some time away from Roman too, bless him but he cannot face so much nagging again! 
He lies and says six. Only six seeds. Because it’s not like anyone was there to see him or could know. Weeeell maybe the all seeing god of gods, but Deceit just winks and smirks at Patton, pressing a finger in secrecy to his lips behind Logan and Roman’s backs. So it’s agreed that Patton will spend the summer and spring half of the year in the Living world with Roman and the fall and winter half ruling the Underworld with Logan.
Before he goes back up with Roman though, Patton and Logan are wed. It’s Logan’s first and only time back to Olympus (he forgot how bright and noisy it was up there!) and all the greek gods and goddesses bear witness to their union. Even Virgil is granted a short vacation to be the witness of honor for his two favorite immortals. As it turns out the months apart end up being good for Roman as well as Patton. He gets a lot more work done now that he isn’t constantly fretting (actively anyways) over Patton or keeping him out of trouble or from wandering. 
When they consummate their marriage for the first time, hoooboi! Logan’s so bashful but respectful (never having been with any other being before, mortal or immortal) and Patton thinks its adorably sweet. Having been topside, well, lets just say Patton snuck off every now and then when he could to “frolic” with a few naiads and mortals he found sweet or lovely. So he ends up being a thorough teacher to Logan. Turns out they’re quite compatible in more ways than one ;)
Patton ends up being a fantastic co-king of the underworld. Heck, he’s even incorporated the new job into his aesthetic (he always wears a crown of flowers and bird skulls in the Underworld) and, as it turns out, can be even scarier than Logan! Only when some foolish soul makes him mad or gets on his bad side. So none do. And with the souls being more behaved it takes the pressure off of Virgil and Logan a LOT. But for the most part Patton remains a sweet, kind and benevolent co-ruler to the dead souls, and balances out Logan’s stricter judgements quite well. Logan now has a bit more breather time to read and play with Cerberus since he’s not the only one in charge of the whole Underworld anymore. And he and Patton LOVE spending time together in Patton’s dark yet flourishing underworld garden! 
Patton is always so happy to go back to the Living world with Roman when winter’s over. Of course he hates leaving Logan and misses him. Logan doesn’t do a very good job of hiding his sadness and tears, but understands. He does get a bit clingy their last nights though. (he becomes a kissy snuggly fiend)  Virgil always promises Patton that he’ll take care of Logan while he’s gone. But Patton is a child of the earth and he does tend to miss the sunshine and his father. So he get’s back to work with a newfound exuberance, making the flowers grow, spending time with Roman and frolicking about the world. He always does his best to bring back a new scroll or star map for Logan, who treasures every gift and is slowly building a library for himself.
Sufficed to say, the decades pass by, Logan and Patton attentively fulfill their godly duties, and remain happily and devotedly in love with one another.
Tag List: @altruistic-skittles @thekeytohappiness-is-you @canadian-crofters@icecoldparadise @the-pastel-peach @justisaisfine @bluebloodstains@purpleshipper @patchworkofstars @axyzel @hissesssss @beautifully-terribly@pink-and-purple-flowers @jynxlovesluck @thatsanswitch @6tick6tock6@hanramz-the-fander @azlinne @helplesscreator @thestoryofme13 @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @accidental-sanders @moonstone-fox @smokeyrutilequartz@phlying-squirrel @madly-handsome @puns-and-patton @notveryglittery@eequalsmcscared @safesandersides @lizziepopanime @anxiously-unsatisfied-world @ab-artist @unikornavenger  @queer-human-being  @grey-lysander @asofterfan  @fangirltothefullest @tinkslittlebelle @allsortsofgeekery @fuck-my-life-i-want-food @ironwoman359
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languageofdreams · 5 years
30 Questions on Silas Naïlo
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(Art by @artbychromo, who is wonderful)
Name: Silas Naïlo
Race/Class: Half-elf Druid
His “look”: Surly forest boy... brown skin and freckles, dark brown/black curly hair, green eyes. Short and slim but tends to look like he's ready to start a fight. Dresses like you'd expect a city boy turned druid to dress
Age: He's twenty!!
Personality: Stubborn and grumpy and just a touch cynical on the outside but loyal and loving and mischievous on the inside. 
Clothing: Layers! Comfy shawls and sweaters!! Scarves and patches and pockets! A satchel with herbs and plants and books and pens!
Friendships: He grew up with a bunch of other kids around his age, and he probably considered a few friends. There weren't any druids close to him in age but he had a few mentors there. Beyond that, the party are all his best friends.
Goals: Silas is looking for his father, but more than that, he's looking for a place where he feels like he belongs. Nowadays he's also pretty focused on keeping Riley alive and safe and happy.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Why adventure? He's been looking for his father, but by now the group is also. Sort of his family. He wouldn't just leave them.
Worst fear: Losing the people closest to him and not being able to do anything to stop it.
Hobbies: Silas reads a lot. He also practices the drums with Riley and cuddles enough with her for it to be considered a hobby
Party role: He ends up being one of the healers a lot of the time. Keeping the others safe is the number one priority, always.
Talents: He's good at getting into trouble. He's also perceptive as shit and it's hard to get things past him. I imagine he's also got quite a good green thumb.
Home town: Silas grew up in a small City called Ilragorn in the province of Byram
Parents: Silas’ father Aedan was a human druid that left the family to help his Grove shortly before Silas was born and was never able to return. He was sweet, curious, and a bit naïve. His mother Thia was an Elven rogue who raised him with love and affection and care for as long as she could, but was killed on a job when Silas was young. She was earnest, loving, and just a little bit cynical.
Siblings: Silas doesn't have any blood siblings, but the boy that took him into his home when he was just recently orphaned, Pip, grew to be like a brother to Silas. 
Childhood: Between the death of his mother and winding up on the streets, Silas’ childhood was hard. But there were good moments, too: his mother's love while she could still be there, Pip's companionship, all that he learned with the druids...
Love life: Silas fell hard and fast for Riley after he met her and tried to hide his feelings for a very long time, afraid. After she kissed him, all of that fear and uncertainty fell away. Now he can kiss her whenever he wants (which is often)
Any other family? His mother's best friend Elaric raised him for a year before he too passed away. Silas also considers the party his family at this point.
Thoughts about gold: Silas grew up in an environment where he had to learn to make very little gold stretch a very long way. It's hard for him to leave that mode, even to this day, and he's never quite sure what to do with his extra money besides giving it to someone who needs it more than him. Large sums of money aren't an interest to him, aside from thinking how many kids could eat for the next year with it.
His faith: Silas prays to Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of the moon that his mother was a patron of. He doesn't consider himself particularly devoted, but sometimes it helps to talk to his mother's deity and hope she'll listen.
Enemies: He had a bad run-in with a general at a tavern that may come back to haunt him. Besides that and the evil cult... just anyone who tries to hurt the party, really
Role models: Some of the druid elders maybe….I also think he looks up to Riley for just. General life advice. He really admires her outlook on things.
Fondest memory: Some fuzzy memory with his mom, he and Riley's dances, his first kiss…..
Biggest flaw: Too hot-headed, too impulsive, too quick to jump in and defend someone when he could get hurt instead. And I only think that's his biggest flaw because it's the one most likely to get him killed.
Their beliefs: He believes in standing up for yourself and for others, he believes in protecting those you love, no matter what, he believes in his friends, he believes in Riley
Known languages: Common, Elvish, Druidic, Thieves Cant
Greatest regret: He knows his mother's death and Elaric's death weren't his fault, but I think a part of him will always wonder if he could have done anything….if he'd been older…..if his mom didn't have to take jobs to pay for stuff for him….
Any secrets? Not now that he's confessed to Riley :’)))
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lemonine · 6 years
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got tagged by @rhotano! 10 of nenela’s ic outfits
Savior of Ala Mhigo
Eorzean Travels
Ishgardian Travels
Gyr Abanian Travels
Uldahn Chic
Gridanian Casual
Hingan clothes
Dark disguise
more info for these silly names under the cut
the first one is pretty obvious, this is the outfit nenela wore while helping liberate ala mhigo. her left arm is covered because she got some nasty burns during that one fight with zenos in yanxia. the cane is deae gratia, which according to my google translate skills means something like ‘mercy of the goddess’? i mean considering nenela’s rly faithful it seemed fitting. the outfit in general is inspired by both lyse and minfilia, lyse bc hey its a pretty dress for liberation and minfilia bc she couldnt be there to see her homeland freed and nenela’s doing it for her too
second outfit is the eorzean/2.0 traveling outfit! its comfy, got a cute skirt, its a swooshy robe and a crystal cane, what else could you want for a healer? the friendship circlet is from lahen ‘@aethercurrent’ al’nebar, when they fought leviathan together and nenela helped him get over his fear of water, for a little bit at least. she wears it into battle to remind herself to be brave even if things are scary.
third one is the heavensward traveling outfit! warm tights. warm boots. warm coat. belts. lil pouches/crystal thingies. have you noticed my style preferences for nen yet. shes gotta have plenty of places to store ethers
number four is the stormblood outfit which is not only gyr abanian but nenela also wore it in the far east (she also wore the hingan clothes but not into battle) its sturdy but breathable and as always comfy. it probably isnt supposed to be a dress but she can get away with it. i wish i could turn the skirt into a skort bc its very short but all the shorts are even shorter. when will i get a good skort square enix. when. (also i forgot to show but the cane that goes along with this is the canopus anima)
five is when she tries to blend in with the ul’dahn higher class, such as dealing with the sultana or the syndicate. she still feels kinda uncomfortable wearing fancy clothing like this bc to her it still represents the bad people of ul’dah but hey sometimes you gotta play your part.... her black mage outfit is the same but with the skirt traded in for pants. once upon a time she had a pretty dress she wore for such occasions but then she wore it to the bloody banquet and now its torn and dirty from running through the sewers and it has so many bad memories attached to it she threw it somewhere in a corner of the armoire.
the sixth one is pretty casual, can be worn almost anywhere, but is strongly attached to the times she stayed in gridania. whether you visit the gold saucer or help people with minor issues. its always good. no fighting major battles in this one tho, it doesnt have enough pouches for that
number seven is her nightgown! what else can i say about it. it’s probably a bit simpler actually but this is the closest i can get to it ingame. i like to think while she lived at fortemps manor she got gifted a crescent moon nightgown but its so warm you really cant wear it to bed anywhere other than ishgard. then again nanamo owns one too... maybe nenela’s got the Special Extra Warm version
8 aka incognito. why incognito? well. you dont always want to be recognized as a warrior of light. so nenela just dresses as she did before she became an adventurer, aka as a lil streetrat. its not the same clothes as she wore back then though, but she did sew them herself
9! post 3.0 nenela lived with her aunt kikiko in kugane for a while. though there probably arent that many people there that would recognize her, she still didnt want to draw too much attention to herself so she bought herself this outfit. its also part of getting to terms with the fact that she didnt know her mother was hingan so she’s kinda trying out what feels right. she also wears it while living at her house in shirogane
and finally, 10, the one with the silliest name. why ‘dark disguise’? well. post 3.0 and 3.1 nen has a lot of issues, mainly why she’s still doing all these dangerous wol things when it also makes her rly sad a lot of times. so she figures, ‘hey, last time i felt bad i picked up a sword and made a ton of mistakes but i did learn something about myself i guess? lets do that again but without the mistakes this time’. so she travels back to ishgard to finally take sidurgu up on his offer to become a proper dark knight. (she left him standing there for like a year and he made her go through a very tough training montage) thing is, she’s pretty ashamed of the whole dark knight business at first. bc, yknow. its kinda the opposite of a white mage. so she doesnt really wanna be recognized while training. so she gets an outfit based on swordsmen in stories shes heard of (cough) squall (cough) lightning (cough) aka kinda edgy and also black bc thats what dark knights are right? also she lets her hair down. fool proof disguise. this actually makes the drk quests 10x funnier bc everyone, even people who have only seen her once in their lives, recognizes her immediately. there arent that many blue-eyed purplehaired lalafell up north. the sword she carries is belah’dian which is the only thing that kinda alludes to her heritage. oh, and notice that she isnt wearing the friendship circlet. she doesnt want it to get tainted with ~darkness~
(edit:) please also imagine she’s wearing tights under that lightning skirt/skort. i wouldnt let her run around in coerthas with bare legs but. there’s no tights and skirt item yet as far as im aware
anyway if youve read all of this, twelve bless 
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18silverwolf · 4 years
Theo Raeken Imagines: Imagine 32: Part 2 to when you have been taken by Tracy into the woods
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A/N: Hey Guys this imagine is going to be short
Three weeks after Tracy kidnapping you, you and Theo did some digging to try and figure out if your really a true Luna or if what Tracy had said the night that she had kidnapped me and took me to that abandoned chocolate factory.
However since Tracy failed to do what Deucalion wanted therefore he wasn't going to give up so easily. So Scott and Theo have been on the look out for Deucalion and his pack. Which means Scott has put a strategy in to ensure that one I am never left alone Two Deucalion doesn't have a chance to attack me Three wherever I go some one from the pack will go for example - Monday's I have soccer practice and I volunteered at the hospital, during soccer practice Liam, Scott and Stiles are watching me from the lacrosse feild Durning my volunteering Theo watching and following me - Tuesdays I have maths with Lydia so she's my designated baby sitter for that whole day. - Wednesdays I have English with Theo and Hayden which means babysitters for the whole day. -thursdays Malia and Stiles for history class -fridays scott and Kira who I have chemistry with.
Saturday and Sunday Theo and Scott both come and sleep over at mine. They also train me to protect myself during the day and sometimes Derek will come and help.
So I never get time to myself, and it's really starting to frustrate me. I needed time to myself.
And today is Saturday and honestly it's just another day of being babysat.
I'm not as useless as everyone thinks. I was sitting on my bed and the boys were down stairs I decided to get some air.
I grabbed my phone and earphones mad climbed out my window. I climbed up to the roof and closed my window. I placed my earphones in my ears and started to listen to "medicine" by Anth and Conor Maynard. And looked up to the stars when suddenly someone stuck their head out of my window.
When i realised that it was Theo i sighed and tapped his head which caused him to look up at me and started to climb up and sat down beside me. He heard me sigh "what's wrong?" He asked "if I be honest please don't get angry or annoyed ..." I said hesitantly.
He just nodded in response. "Having everyone care is really great and all but I hate having people following me around all day every day 24/7 but honestly I need my own space, I know that you and Scott have your hearts in the right place but a girl can only take so much of people looking over her shoulder every 2 seconds, it's annoying I get that you and Scott just want to make sure I'm safe but I need space Theo" I said all in one breath.
He looked over at the other side of the house and back at me " I get it, its just we don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose you either" he said as he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Ok then we need to work something out because as much as I love everyone I really feel suffocated being watched all the time" I said as I leaned my head onto his shoulder only for him to kiss my head.
" We'll talk about this in the morning but can we go back inside cause it's late and we have school?" Theo mumbled into my hair.
I just nodded and we both started to climb down and go back into my window where Scott was sitting on my bed.
"Oh thank god you found her where the hell were you y/n?" He asked as he picked me up and pretty much Squeezed the air out of my lungs.
"Scott I can't breathe" I said he quickly let me down. " Where have U been?" He asked again "I was sitting on the roof I just needed some space" I replied.
He nodded "ok well I heard the rest of your conversation and I think that maybe weekends you can have to your self as long as you tell me or Theo where you are going if you go out, also at school Theo and I will be the only ones that will keep and eye on you, does this seem fair?" Scott asked.
I nodded they both said goodnight and left my bedroom. I decided to go to bed myself.
Later that night it her dreams:
I was walking in the woods of beacons hills reserve when I see a girl with silver hair with her back turned towards me.
I walked closer and closer towards this girl when I noticed her arm had a silver bracelet similar to mine. I taped her on the shoulder and she turned around.
I looked at the girl in shock as I realise that she is me...
 With silver hair and bright purple eyes.
she was saying something but i couldn't hear her, she looked like she was trying to warn me, suddenly i was awakened by someone saying my name but it looked as if it was coming from the girls mouth until I realised whose voice it was Scott's.
I opened my eyes and woke up to see Scott who was shaking me awake. "What?" I groaned after I rolled over so my face was buried in my pillows. "get up sleepy head we have school" I groaned "Great" i mumbled as i rolled out of bed and started to get dressed, and get ready for school.
I started with my outfit which includes black jeans with rips in them and a white crop top with a red plaid shirt wrapped around your waist then you put your white Doc Martens on.  You grabbed your wallet and shoved it into your school bag. Before you left your room you grabbed your sunnies. (pic below of outfit... I do not own the pictures).
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Once you were down stairs, Scott and Stiles were sitting on the couch waiting for you to come down stairs the stood up and we walked out side towards Stiles car. We were 5 minutes away from the school when suddenly Stiles drove down a different street that leads to a different direction then what the school is in.
Scott and I looked at each other, "UM stiles your going the wrong way" I said he looked at Scott and I "Yea i know but it's not me, i cant turn the car off or anything" Scott and I looked at each other and we started to try and unlock the doors but nothing would work.  
Suddenly we were in the middle of the woods like in my dreams and there stood the girl from my dreams. What is happening why is my dream coming true all of a sudden, as I got closer to the girl she turned and faced me just like in the dream it was me. I decided to do something that I didn't do in my dreams.
I reached out and touched the girl. Suddenly as my hand made contact with her hand I saw a blinding silver light. And the girl spoke up.
"I am you in the future what ever decisions you make now will impact your future but as the true and only luna left of the moon goddess you will be known as the silver luna or silver wolf, there is a darkness that's seeks your power protect the ones you love, the darkness is coming, you must learn to believe in yourself and protect yourself and understand and learn to use your powers and abilities, your the last hope for Beacon Hills" she said as the light and herself started to disappear.
Suddenly I awoke laying on a couch in Scott's house with the pack and Melissa, Sheriff Stilinski and Deacon .
I felt more powerful as I stood up and opened my eyes everyone in my room was wide eyed.
"Wow y/n your eyes and hair have changed colour." Theo said as he grabbed your hand. You stood up and walked to the mirror.
You could barely recognise the girl you were but maybe this is who you are all along. You saw your bright purple eyes and silver hair.
You turned and looked at Deacon who said "she's the true luna the silver luna the last line of the moon goddess Deucalion was right she is the prophecy"
You looked at everyone. Before explaining the dream of the girl that was you and about the darkness that was to come. And her warning of the fact that I was the last hope for Beacon hills.
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thegeminisage · 7 years
all right i got about ~3 hours to get my shield and beat zelda lets fucking do this
the temple of time music is breaking my heart
this is one place where i'm mostly ok with them not using a classic tune for it tbh
like this music has so much grief and tranquility
i used to think the plateau was SO huge and really it's almost miniscule
i know it's a bit of a waste of time but i'm making the final trek on foot, no fast travel, temple of time to the castle
So Many Guardians
i can fight them now but only if theyre in the right place too close or far away and i cant do it
on a side note: yesterday (?) i found a beautiful pink spring i took many pictures of
today i saw that glowing spot on the map and realized i'd never figured out what it was!
dropped a pin bc i was curious, and it's the pink spring
temptation to warp over, check it out, and warp back: astronomical
but i'm on both a mission and a time limit, so it'll have to wait
ok. ok. im Here. its Time. lets go. shield first. that is My Shield, and the stalnox Cannot have it
there's a door i can't figure out how to open :/
ah, i see the stalnox
but i want that door!
google isn't helping me so i guess i have to leave it??
ok, all abilities fully charged, 3 fairies, plenty of food. i can do this. i almost killed one by accident once. that is MY SHIELD.
oh my god its got SWORDS stuck all in it jesus FUCK
my first shot did a lot of damage! but im wearing the atk+ armor which i can't keep on, it's a glass cannon
oh my god that was so EASY?
i kicked its ASS LMAO
holy shit when my swoprd strikes something in here it sounds like cannon fire! steady glowing too
i don't think there's one right way to go here so i'm gonna try to explore as much as i can
i've been spoiled by the fact that zelda has a diary laying out somehwere so i wanna find it for myself
ohhh the remains of the red carpet in here
i'm actually next to the tower i climed before, apparently i was just shy of exploring all there was to see up there...i'll see if i can have another look
lol i decide that and it IMMEDIATELY begins with the lightning storm
i found it!!! oh god was this her bedroom ;_;
he's quiet and persostent and can't resist a good meal
and it talks about why he never speaks ;_;
omg she even talks about her mother ;_;
the goddess hylia or was it fi?? oh my god.......
found the guard chambers ;_; this all hurts my heart, so much was just Lost
oh my god no THE BLOOD MOON...
huh. no cutscene here
honestly fighting my way thru moblins in hyrule castle...haha man
ohhhh the library ): i bet zelda loved it here
oh my god they even had docks under the castle!!!
oh NO i found the king's journal
he hated being cruel to her and was gonna be kind when she got back but instead the last time they really saw each other they were fighting!!!
still doesn't give him an excuse tbh but i can find a SLIVER of sympathy now
okay so........now i've explored all the insides. i go out?? i.......fight ?????
oooohh god im scared again ))):
oh shit oh Shit i found it oh god
im looking up a walkthru to read after the fight starts i dont need any more surprises
ooh he has guardian weapons
ok yes walkthru
GOD LMAO if you dont free the divine beasts you have to fight the minibosses here
oh god this is gonna be tough
haha "guardian weapons will break your shield" NOT MY SHIELD
i mean yes it can break but its Highly durable and replacements can be made if it does
i mean i know. they had us fight a manlike thing in ss AND tp but. i miss him
oooh down to 25%
im ready for phase 2 baby
there's gotta be one right there ALWAYS is
YES here we go
oh no i dont have epona though just a different horse im sad i should have left her out
I DID IT!!!!
oh my g o d
"may i ask, do you really remember me"
oh my god...oh my god
ohhh the credits showed a bit of everybody and despite myself when they played the trailer song and showed the old man/the plateau i welled up we've come so far
awww that was the last song of the trailer
ohh my god 
jesus christ, old man disappeared last too, my HEART
theyre gonna restore hyrule!! they're gonna travel together again!!
okay i GOTTA load my file and see what's what
awww it's the one i saved right before the battle i thought there was post-game content...?
it does have a little star next to it tho
ah well
that was.......incredible
and i cried
so there's that
man!!!!! im so, so glad
what a good game
honest crit: no, it wasn't PERFECT
i could have stood more classic tunes to punch me in the feels more often and give us more of that old #aesthetic since they changed SO much about everything else - at times it didn't even quite feel like a zelda game, though the reminders that it WAS were always heartbreaking and wonderful
also maybe this was just my playstyle but i feel like there could have been more than just the four dungeons since they were so short...i know the dungeon-y puzzle stuff was spread all around with koroks and shrines, but is One big dungeon too much to ask? even hyrule castle had 1000 ways you could have gotten through
could have stood a little more acknowledgement of who you were and what you were doing as the divine beasts started waking up? like from npcs and shit, not even for Glory or whatever but just because the story felt reeeeeeally spread out, even with the memories scattered everywhere
and again a little bias here but some of the battles once you began getting Up There were a little TOO fake-difficult...i saw white bokoblins in old old places so i know it has to do with You, not your location, and i could have lived w/o it tbh
would have loved some form of new game + or postgame content, but maybe i'm just sad bc i misunderstood a spoiler or w/e it was that happened
things i loved:
the music
the cinematics, holy shit
the voice acting
when they DID use classic tunes it was to INCREDIBLE effect, same with the castle style, the ruins, even the nostalgic armor
obviously the open world gameplay was delightful and addicting, i literally couldn't get enough
the final boss battle wasn't too hard but VERY climactic and wonderful, just difficult Enough - could have maybe been a BIT harder but then i did start with him at half health!!
the dungeons, while there weren't enough of them, were EXTREMELY cool, i felt DWARFED by those beasts, after i saw the first one i never called them jaegers again
actually kind of liked the weapon durability thing bc then i could just pick them up during combat when i was running low and steal them or fight with them, throw them, etc
did not like the BOW durability, all my bows broke VERY quickly, that and running out of arrows always was totally urgh...even with my weapons inventory upgraded i STILL couldn't hold all the cool ones the game threw at me, it needed to be like that for players that favored the bow - more of them that were OP, more arrows, etc
anyway i could go on and on but
i gotta sleep, and
i'm so happy zelda is free
it would have been so cool to have her as a companion in post-game, Somehow
or at least see her reunion with all those who missed her
or see link get his memories back
it ended a bit too soon but it was beautiful and i loved it
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hbreotl · 7 years
               To you, though you'll never read this:            
I just… I can’t stop thinking about you. I have so many questions. I have so many assumptions I would much rather be wrong. But I have one certainty, which is that our time as each others official lovers is over. Thanks to you. Was I not good enough to even try for? Why did you just go quiet? And why, when you came back after so long, would you lead me on? Call me beautiful that glorious third time. Call me babe again. Tell me you still love me. Was it all pity? I mean, at the end. And WHEN did it end for you? WHY did you deny it? WHY did you make me feel crazy for knowing what you really thought? I don’t understand. You said we weren’t intimate enough… but it had been fine up until you disappeared! You never brought it up to me before that. You never tried to work it out. You never wanted me to help you. I know you better than anyone else in the world, and I still can’t for the life of me figure out why you ended it like this…. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. I know you were trying to do the right thing. I know you still care, but you really suck at showing it. It fucking sucks. I feel like I can’t live without you. When I told you you were my world, I wasn’t lying. When I told you you were the Moon to my Sun, my favorite person in the world, the one I’ll love forever and always, my soulmate… I wasn’t lying. It hurts so badly. So, so, so badly. I can’t look through my phone because you’re all over it. Old conversations from 4 am when we were both sleepy but loved each others company too much to pass out, and I would ask you questions to make you think and you pretended you hated it. Or when we would get risky, and do things we weren’t supposed to do. Or all the times we were vulnerable with each other. When we told each other things no one else knew. When we would tell each other for HOURS about how much we lived each other, and how our life together would be, what we would be like married, when you helped me pick out my dress… When you told me you thought about me all the time and I was your everything and you loved me more than anything in the whole multiverse… I can’t bring myself to delete them. They mean too much to me. You mean too much to me. And I can’t bear it. Knowing you aren’t mine, and probably never will be again. Knowing that in the end it was all a lie. Or atleast, most of it. Knowing I still slip up and call you my boyfriend on accident when I talk to myself in the mirror about you. Feeling my heart turn to dust over and over again. Feeling its beat like a clenched fist was trying to strangle it. My eyes boiling with hot tears every other hour. The lonely nights where I realize how sad and pathetic I really was before you. How much I really hated myself. The lonely nights where I wish you were still the moon to my sun. Where I think for hours and hours about how I’m going to stay true to my word. I’m always yours. I promised you I would wait til the end of time if I had to. And how it seems like I will. Today, I renounced sweets. You know, I haven’t really been eating much at all lately, because all of it makes me nauseous, but I walked into a bakery with all my favorite desserts, and I gagged and puked and got dizzy and my breath quickened. Everyone who knows me knows that sweets are one of my favorite things in the world. Hell, I was basically a binge eater for YEARS. But the amount of emotional distress I’m in has literally killed me and changed me so much.. I can barely eat half a plate of food without getting sick to my stomach. I’ve tried every trick in the book to make myself feel better. I’ve even tried your advice. I’ve done countless hours of research trying to fix myself but I can’t. I’m forever fucked. It’s hurting my relationships with my family and friends. It’s killing me every day. How could you just leave like that?! You said you’d never leave. That you’d always be there for me. But you weren’t even there for the last month of us being together! And I tried! I tried so hard! I brought it up time and time again. “I’m sorry. I love you!!” Fuck you. And how dare you say you still love me. Do you know how much harder this makes everything?! How much worse I feel?! Hell, even the love of my life can’t stay for me, and he loves me! I’m a fucking disaster. I’m broken. I’ve been broken for most of my life. I cant remember a time that I wasn’t. But you made things better for me! You were the one thing in my life that was ALWAYS good. That I could ALWAYS rely on. But… you left me. And god I wish you’d read our old texts. I wish you’d think about me constantly. I wish it was killing you too. It’s not fair. Why do I have to hurt, while I STILL shelter you!?! STILL. Why do I still love you just as much as I always did?! Why has nothing changed?! Why do you have my heart, mind, body and soul still?! You don’t even want them anymore! Why would I do anything you ask of me?! WHY WHY WHY?! WHY DO I STAY UP UNTIL 7 AM THINKING ABOUT YOU?! Why did you have to do this!?!? We had a PLAN. We had a COMMITMENT. We had a BOND. You’re so fucking stupid but I love you so fucking much. I love you. I love you, so so much. So much more than you could imagine. Yes, I still say that. And no, you really can’t. Not now. Although, I would love for you to be able to again. I would love to hear you say my name one more time. Call me babe, princess, baby, love, darlin’, Sun, goddess, call me every thing all the time! Spam our thread with emojis to show your love! Write spontaneous poetry with me at 3 am! Write me my goodnight texts! Write me the good morning texts! Tell me how you’ll make me scream with pleasure! Tell me your top 10 reasons you love me this month! Tell me how cute my voice is so I don’t grow to hate it again! Tell me how pretty my blonde hair is! Tell me you like my way with words! Stay up with me until the birds are chirping just talking about nerdy shit, or having a deep 18 hour conversation! Tell me all your secrets! Play with your kitties on cam! Tease me about my height! Show me those gorgeous eyes! Love me again. Please. You say you do now, but I’ve seen your love and this isn’t it. Please. Please, babe, I beg you. I know I’m pathetic. I know I hurt you. I’m so sorry. I don’t want to be aquatinted! I asked you to be my best friend, and you said you’d want to keep in touch. Those are two wildly different things, even though you put an inside joke in with it. So I know we won’t get to stay friends like we were before, huh? I would love to, though. It would hurt me, but atleast you aren’t gone completely, right? Not again? If you can’t be with me, then be my best friend. You know more about me than anyone else. You’re my favorite person. I would do ANYTHING for you. If you don’t want to give into my pleading (which, so far, you haven’t), then I’ll have to just settle for second best, right? You’ll let me have atleast that, right? I’m going to try. I’m going to stand by you. I’m going to endure the worst emotional pain of my life to try to keep you in it. I’m going to fight tooth and nail, like I said. I have downloaded iFunny, and I have followed all your favorite meme pages, I’m finishing Dragon Ball Super, I’m keeping up with some of your friends. I’m doing everything I can possibly think to do to keep you with me even a little. I remember our patterns, do you? We become close friends, and we always fall in love again. We are meant to be, we just met too early, right?! We will see. But I will make everything we said and promised true one day, if I can. So, let’s toast! To a broken hearted,destroyed, pathetic girl And The most punishing angel in the world ❤️ May their friendship last forever! And let her wish come true. Be her one and only, one day. Far, far from now…
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